8 Modulation
8 Modulation
8 Modulation
= = modulation index
i.e., for the figure shown this equals: = = =
5 . 0
2 6
2 6
7. Increase and decrease the signal level of the audio generator to observe changes in the
modulation index. As before, this may require a manual adjustment of the volts/div and
sec/div to obtain a suitable waveform.
8. Adjust the carrier and audio signals for a modulation index of 0.3. Save the waveform
to your compact flash card.
9. Now we will observe the demodulation of an AM signal with the circuit shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7: Demodulation Circuit Using Envelope Detection Method
10. Varify the proper operation of your demodulator by using the Tektronix AFG 310 to
provide an AM modulated signal with a carrier frequency of 500KHz, a modulating
frequency of 500Hz, and a modulation index of 0.3.
11. Now provide the demodulator input with the AM modulator constructed in this lab.
12. With the oscilloscope observe the modulated waveform (input to the demodulator)
and the demodulated waveform (output of the demodulator). You should observe the 500
KHz modulated waveform at the input and the 500 Hz modulating signal at the output.
Save the demodulator output to your compact flash card. The demodulator output should
be a replica of the modulationg signal; however, it is likely that the trace will be blured
and wider than desired. Explain. Does this represent a weakness of the demodulator
13. While observing the demodulated waveform, vary the frequency of the modulating
signal in both directions until significant distortion is observed. Record the upper and
lower frequencies. The difference is an estimate of the bandwidth. What is the percentage
bandwidth (i.e., 100f
Figure 8: Demodulation of AM Signal
Lab Session Modulation (Data Sheet)
Post Lab - Modulation
1. What effect did the variation of the modulating signal amplitude have on the
modulation index in the circuit of Figure 5?
2. For the circuit in Figure 7, how did the time constant of the RC network
compare with the period of the audio and carrier waveforms, 500 Hz and 500
KHz, respectively? Does the relationship meet the criteria set forth in the
Prelab section?
3. Assume that you have been selected to design the demodulator circuit for an
AM radio receiver. The carrier frequency (at IF) will be 455 KHz and the
maximum modulating frequency will be 15 KHz. You have determined
experimentally that a simple diode detector with a time constant sufficiently
small to follow the modulation will pass excessive RF ripple. Additionally,
you have observed a DC component in the modulator output that must be
removed before audio amplification. Provide the circuit diagram for a
practical diode detector that will defeat these problems, and give a brief
explanation of how it works.