Cal Dietz Advance Methods in Triphasic Training Final

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Advance Methods in Triphasic

Cal Dietz
University of Minnesota
Olympic Sport Strength Coach
30 BIG TEN Titles
10 National Champions
Over 400 All Americans
Advance Methods in Triphasic Training
A Brief Review
Newest Methods
High Velocity Potentiation Clusters
Biochemical Adaptation

Organizing Peaking Training
Periodization vs. Undulating Model

Organizing Weekly Training
Classic Undulating Model
Shifted Day 1 goes to 3
Classic Undulating Model
High Force at Low Velocity
High Force at High Velocity
Undulated Versus/ Traditional Block
Method 1
6 Straight workouts over 2 weeks at 85% Load

Method 2

Monday Wednesday Friday
Week 1 85% load 92% Load 80 % load
Week 2 85% load 92% Load 80 % load
Undulating Periodization
Undulating periodization involves the acute variation of
volume and intensity on a weekly (microcycle) or daily basis.
Triphasic Action
Eccentric Phase
Throwing Sample

Isometric Phase
Concentric Phase
Tri-Phasic Undulating Block Method
Squat Example
Technique : Ecc , Iso , Con Throwing Sample
Tri phasic Undulating Block Method -
Most Advanced Method
Supra-maximal Loading
120 to 100 % + Loading During
Most Effective Results in Speed and
Compressed Training Effect

Supramaximal Loading
Example of the Methods
Safety Bar Single Leg Squat Ecc Iso
Concentric Movement is 80 to 92% Load Blk3
Spotter Used on Both Sides and Back
Safety Pins are Positioned so only 5 or 6 inches
Drop if lift is Missed.
Examples Females 136 pounds Single leg 305
Examples Male 190 pounds Single leg 585
500/10 sec

Weekly Block Loading Model
Block Focus Monday Wednesday Friday
Block 1-2 Weeks
Loading Day 1 Loading Day 2 Loading Day 3
Eccentric 120-110% 90-92% 110-105%
Block 2-2 Weeks De-load week De-load week De-load week
Isometric 120-110% 90-92% 110-105%
Block 3-2 Weeks
De-load week

De-load week

De-load week

Con- Strength
85% 90-92% 85%
Con- Speed
65% 80% 55%
Various Aspects of Supramaximal
Strength for powerlifting
Strength for sportEnzyme
Maximal Muscle
Maximal Fast Twitch
Taxing on CNS
Hyperplasia of myofibrils in
muscle fibers

Increase in free creatine in
muscle fibers
Increase concentration of
hydrogen ions if duration
enough and or rest reduced
Hyperplasia of myofibrils in
fast muscle fibers
Joints and safety , tissue

Male 3 day Model French Contrast
My Sample Program
Video Split Squat
Safety Bar

Accelerated Band
Reading My Sheets
Potentiation Clusters
French Contrast Model
Exercise Selection
Acceleration/ Top End Speed
Bio Chemical Aspect of Method
Various Samples

Potentiation Clusters
Simple Contrast Model for high school - Acceleration
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% +Box Jump / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Top end Speed Running
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep15-
20 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep15-
20 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep15-
20 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Peaking Focus for Team Sports, Basic Approach
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump /1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep +Drop box Jump / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 1 to 3 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Peaking Focus for Team Sports, Advanced Athletes
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep +Drop box Jump/1 rep
+Acc. Band Jump/1 rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep + Drop box Jump/1 rep
+Acc. Band Jump/1 rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep + Drop box Jump/1 rep
+ Accelerated Band Jump/1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Theories based on Advance Biochemical
Intensity and Duration should be the focal
point of the program for that day.

Specificity of exercise program is critical to

Maxim Sokolov Moscow 2003 - VN Seluyanov 1996 - Vladimir Platonov Issurin - Yessis in Conversation

Theories based on Advance Biochemical

Train in a method so all Systems, Organs, Plastic Structures of
the metabolism, Grouping of Cells and Cells Adapt to same
Stress- Results are going to be deep adaptions with less negative
stress response because of less stress on the functional reserves
of adaption energy.

Pull the organism in multiple directions is not optimal for the
highest result. Ex-Triathlon and Powerlifting

Biochemical Programming/High Speed
Training at high-speed, intensive loads is accompanied by
the largest changes in the nervous system apparatus of
muscle CNS, myelination sarcoplasmic reticulum (site
of calcium release, facilitates muscular contraction, and
the myoglobin and creatine phosphate contents How?
High Speed Methods

Work is Key to All Adaptions for Sport.
Dynamic System Theory

Biochemical parameters of fitness of the organism - Russian

Theories Based on Advance
Biochemical Programming
Biochemical Control of your programming
through - Intensity and Duration should be
the focal point of the program for that day
Your use of Block Methods or Conjugate
you can controlled by the Biochemical
aspects of training.

Theories Based on Advance
Biochemical Programming
Since biochemical adaptive changes do not
develop simultaneously, blocks of oxidative,
lactic, and alactic work is needed. This can be
done in the offseason - Protasenko B - N.N Yakovlev -

Key Reason For Biochemical
Regular physical exercise leads to the expression and
multidirectional biochemical and morphological
changes in the human organism. All of these changes
are specific, and they are closely related to the nature,
intensity and duration of exercise.
The specificity of the adaptive changes in the body,
developing under the influence of training is clearly
evident in terms of both immediate and cumulative
training effect, and can be traced at all levels - from the
molecular to the organismic
New Tissue Consideration
You should never lose sight of the ultimate goal, to add new tissue. This
requires balancing the hyperplastic effect of the training against the strong
tendency of the body toward catabolism. Cortisol is the body's bio-
chemical agent for catabolism. Training, particularly heavy training, raises
Cortisol levels. When Cortisol levels rise, new tissue is favored over old
tissue. This raises the potential for a net loss of muscle tissue. This is
clearly counterproductive. Wesley James
Triphasic tissue remodeling the consideration to keep cortisol down
should play a role in programing
Triphasic first to blocks with eccentric and isometric with maximal tissue
adaption with 20 and 25 second sets.
After those sets possible sets rest periods are extended and sets are
reduced to under 10 seconds. Cluster Training concept. Or all blocks 10s
Biochemical Adaption Considerations
Gleeson 2005
Group 1
Aerobic training with carbs provide greater
performance results in 3 weeks
Group 2
Aerobic training low carbs provide greater
adaption results in 3 weeks.

Benefits Of Time Training
Increased Density Per Set
Competitiveness/Competition of athletes
AFSM Dynamic Correspondence
Relaxing Enzyme Control -
Regulation of Specificity of sport in Regard to
duration and energy systems
Regulation of the Biochemistry of Training

Speed and Skill Optimization
A Proposal for a New Practice Paradigm

Speed and Skill Optimization
A Proposal for a New Practice Paradigm

Duration of the
Rest Period Repetition
3 seconds 50 to 75 seconds 8 -12
5 seconds 75 to 90 seconds 6 - 8
7 or 8 seconds 90 to 120 seconds 4 - 6
Table 1. Guidelines for Duration, Rest Intervals, and Repetitions

Enzyme Considerations
Genetic Marker for Mitochondria Density
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Biological Principles in the Body's Adaptation to Training Loads OGOLTSOV

Physical exercises as a cybernetic system Nosko NM, Vlasenko, S., B. Sinigovets
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Kuznetsov VV, Novikov AA The main thrust of the theoretical and experimental studies of the
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