Concrete Mushrooms
Concrete Mushrooms
Concrete Mushrooms
Concrete Mushrooms
Today, bunkers in Albania are a legacy of the
paranoid past, permanent reminders of where this
country comes from and the challenges that lie
~ Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti
Stefanos Blueberries Concrete Mushrooms 084/388
2009/on-going, Albania
Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti,
Concrete Mushrooms Projects
Concrete Mushrooms is a project initiated as an
idea for research by two Albanian graduate
students at Politecnico di Milano, and the purpose
was to emphasize the appreciable assets of
Albania such as bunkers which are vast in number
and across all the rich and beautiful landscape of
Albania. Apart all the studies done about the
history of Albania, the reason of building the
bunkers all over the country, how the people of
Albania nowadays coexists with them, how and
why do they use them, it is also thought of how
the remaining bunkers can last their lives without
being totally disappeared and can become the icon
of a paranoid past transformed to the symbol of a
bright future of the landscape of Albania. Bunkers
seem to be happy of being born and living in
Albania, and above all proud to be Albanians. But
in fact their happiness masks an enormous sorrow
of the past which would be recovered by their
contribution to Albania.
Stefanos Blueberries Concrete Mushrooms 084/388
2009/on-going, Albania
Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti,
Concrete Mushrooms Projects
Stefanos Blueberries Concrete Mushrooms 084/388
2009/on-going, Albania
Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti,
Concrete Mushrooms Projects
Stefanos Blueberries Concrete Mushrooms 084/388
2009/on-going, Albania
Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti,
Concrete Mushrooms Projects
Here the link to the interesting research blog
made by Elian Stefa and Gyler Mydyti on the
Albanian "Concrete Mushrooms": http://blog.