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PGP Brochure 2010 12

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Year 2010-12

Lodhi Road Campus

3 Lodhi Institutional Area,
New Delhi- 110003
Tel : 011-30934336 / 30934456
Gurgaon Campus
DLF Golf Course Road,
Gurgaon 122003
Tel: 0124- 3354456 / 3354350
Email : pgp@iilm.edu
Website: www.iilm.edu

Toll Free No: 1800-180-4456

IILM …….. a seat of holistic learning.

In Persian, IILM, or "ilm" means Knowledge. IILM communicates a

place for seeking and attaining education and wisdom.

Our logo depicts the rising Sun, which, in the words of Swami
Vivekananda, is symbolic of Jnana, within the universal symbol of the
temple of learning.

The three elements in the IILM logo combine a book, a swan and a

The book symbolizes learning.

Swami Vivekananda has written that the Swan stands for the
Paramatman (Supreme Self).

Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in His Deepavali Day Discourse on 5th
Nov 1991, explained that the flame of a lamp has two qualities. One is
to banish darkness. The other is a continuous upward movement. Even
when a lamp is kept in a pit, the flame moves upwards. The sages have
therefore adored the lamp of wisdom as the flame that leads men to
higher states.

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uk'k;kfe , vkReÒkoLFk% , Kkunhisu , ÒkLorkAA

In the Gita, Lord Krishna says: LEARNING FACILITIES 10

"I, residing in the intellect of my devotees, destroy the
darkness of ignorance by the resplendent light of knowledge"


IILM Institute for Higher Education, Gurgaon is recognized by the joint committee of UGC AICTE & DEC. IILM Institute for
Higher Education is a partner institute under the IGNOU Convergence Scheme. On successful completion of the programme
requirement students are eligible for the IGNOU-MBA award. ADMISSIONS 28

IILM Institute for Higher Education warmly welcomes all students who wish to pursue Chairman Emeritus Mr Rakesh Bharti Mittal
a management career. Dr Kulwant Rai Vice Chairman & Managing Director
Bharti Teletech Ltd
What began as an idea is now an acknowledged institution for quality learning. This is Chairman of the Board of Governors
Dr S Narayan Prof K R S Murthy
an outcome of the various facets that gives the institute its characteristic value the Former Finance & Petroleum Secy, GOI Former Director IIM, Bangalore
faculty, enterprising students, and academic affiliations, cross cultural environment, Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister Mr Harbinder Narula
facilities and industry partnerships. We spare no effort to make our curriculum world Director India & Middle East
Board of Governors Aryty India Pvt Ltd
class and deliver it in the most effective manner. We constantly scan the developments
Prof B Bhattacharyya
in business and in society and try adopting a proactive approach to meet the challenges Vice Chairman Prof V Rajasekharan Pillai
of the ever changing business environment. Over the years the institute has excelled IILM Institute for Higher Education Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open
Former Dean, IIFT University
from every viewpoint number and type of programs, the growing class size to the
increasing number of faculty, student experience every indicator illustrates a glorious Mr Sanjiv Bhikchandani Mr Anil Rai
future for the institute. Chief Executive Officer Advisor, IILM
Info Edge (India) Pvt Ltd
Selecting a business school that matches your choice criteria requires a lot of hard Ms Malvika Rai
Mr Dilip Chenoy Chairperson, IILM
work. It is important for you to assess the elements of the program that will assure your Director General
success as a professional and as an individual. Our web site along with this brochure has Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers Mr K V Rajan
Former Ambassador of India to Nepal &
been developed for you, as a prospective student for you to be able to get answers to Dr Ajay Dua Former Secretary, Min. of External Affairs
your questions on the program, eligibility, structure, placements, degree, calendar, Former Advisor to Govt of India
Deptt of Indl Policy & Promotion Mr P Dwarkanath Reddy
events and many more queries that come to your mind.
Ministry of Commerce & Industry Director (Group Human Capital)
Max India Limited
I wish you the very best in your search for the B-School of your choice and welcome Prof Arthur Francis
you to visit our campus. Dean, School of Management Prof Jahar Saha
University of Bradford, UK Former Director IIM, Ahmedabad
Sapna Popli
Director & Executive Dean - (PGP) Mr Ashutosh Garg Prof Dinesh Singh
Chief Executive Officer Director, South Delhi Campus
Associate Professor - Marketing Delhi University
Guardian Life Care Pvt Ltd

Mr M C Gupta, IAS (Retd) Mr Satwant Singh

Former Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chairman & Managing Director
DSS Enterprises Private Ltd
Mr Muralidhara Kadaba
President & Chief Executive Officer Mr Vikrampati Singhania
Retail Finance Deputy Managing Director
Reliance Retail Ltd J K Industries

Mr Krishna Kalra Mr Rajiv Talwar

Secretary General, Group Executive Director
PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry DLF Limited

Mr. Navaid Khan Mr B B Tandon

Executive Director Former Chief Election Commissioner of India
Frost and Sullivan
Mr Sandeep Tyagi
Ms Bhawana Mishra Inductis India Pvt Ltd
Business Director New Delhi
SHL (India) Ltd
Mr Phiroz Vandrevala
Mr Alop K Mittal Executive Vice President
Advisor, FICCI Tata Consultancy Service

04 05

The Post Graduate Programme (PGP) at IILM Institute LIFE-SKILLS: The forum focuses on the following areas for Case writing helps in generating and promoting
for Higher Education, caters to the demand of interaction: knowledge and developing new and innovative ideas in
management professionals and prepares its graduating IILM acknowledges that these are as essential for success academics. IILM Institute has earmarked substantial
– Entrepreneurial Management
students for challenging careers through an intensive and and survival, as domain skills. This cluster of personality funds to take up research and case studies on live issues
– Management Communication
rigorous curriculum. IILM Institute believes in holistic traits, or the lack of them, could make the difference in varied areas like CRM, risk management, training
between success and failure. The IILM programme goes – Project Development
development of the students and their participation in needs analysis, branding, education, e-commerce,
the education programme, instills into them far beyond developing communication skills or creating a international business issues, change management,
visual impression. It seeks to make dramatic changes to
professionalism, critical thinking, ability to work hard, financial management and leadership.
the student's sense of self-worth, while nurturing him as DEVELOPMENT
and take decisions. The Institute also exposes the
students to all aspects of management and its various a social being. This vigorous programme is sustained LEARNING WITH INTERNATIONAL
To generate and promote knowledge, develop new and
through five terms and includes :
facets like environment protection, human values, social innovative ideas in academics and to respond to the PROFESSORS
responsibility, information and communication systems – Managing and empowering self. changing business scenario in the country, the Institute
and so forth. IILM is a centre of excellence in value As a part of integrated learning, IILM welcomes a steady
– Enhancing self Image has undertaken the task of developing comprehensive
based education, training, research and consultancy. stream of distinguished professors from well known
– Interpersonal Skills case studies in functional and general management areas.
IILM's mission is to develop tomorrow's business universities worldwide like University of Newcastle,
– Selling skills and summer internship workshops The faculty at IILM Institute is actively involved in University of Bath, University of Windsor, University of
leaders through integrated learning and industry-
– Leadership and Influencing skills various consultancy assignments for business and social Texas and many others. This initiative has helped IILM
academic partnerships.
organizations across management functions and in to upgrade its course content and make it comparable
IILM Institute has a core faculty strength of more than IILM ACADEMIA - INDUSTRY INTERFACE bringing these experiences into the classrooms to with reputed universities abroad. It enhances students'
80, who bring with them varied and extensive industry enhance the student's ability to relate concepts to real life ability to relate to global markets by drawing a
As a business school, IILM Institute has strong, mutually
and research experience, ensuring the right academia - situations. comparison between developed and the fast developing
beneficial and synergetic relationships with various
industry interface that IILM Institute is proud of. All economies.
corporate entities and their associations. Such
faculty members play an important role in administering
relationships help IILM Institute weave real life business
the diverse academic and non-academic activities of the
issues and perspectives in the academic curriculum and
impart business education in a real time frame. The
Institute regularly conducts corporate seminars, MDPs,
case writing initiatives and similar activities to foster this
IILM Institute's pedagogical approach to management academia-industry relationship.
education expects the students to take initiative in search
of knowledge, challenging them to think about issues IILM LEADERSHIP FORUM
outside the textbooks and encouraging them to
The Forum includes extensive team projects and
construct their own bridges to tackle various real life
Leadership Speaker Series, which provides a strong
problems. Classroom learning is highly participative and
foundation for general management, inculcates the spirit
interactive involving case studies, simulations and
of entrepreneurship in students and provides them an
exercises, individual / group presentations, role-plays,
opportunity to express their creativity. A select group of
live projects, lectures along with seminars and inputs
industry and academic leaders participate in this forum
from distinguished speakers from academia and industry.
through the Leadership Speaker Series; innovators from
Students with different backgrounds, qualifications and
major sectors of the economy discuss community issues
learning styles are encouraged to use their experiences
currently affecting the marketplace
and perspectives as a key learning tool. In both
individual and team-based work, students constantly
challenge themselves and are inspired to give their best in
an academically rigorous yet open-minded environment.

06 07
In today's super efficient global markets, where
competing firms have equal access to capital goods and
information, development and growth is threatened if
managerial efficiency is not improved. In such a
scenario, it is imperative that practicing managers must
develop skills for shareholder value creation and to build
their own global knowledge. To facilitate this process,
IILM Institute regularly organizes management
development programmes for corporate managers and
senior officials.

IILM invites eminent professors from the world's well

known universities to conduct MDPs on campus. They
offer a wide range of latest management ideas relevant
to the industry and also help us to build relationship with
wider industry.


Research is an essential ingredient of any academic
system. The faculty at IILM Institute takes up research
(both fundamental and applied) and case studies in
business corporations, both individually and in
association with national and international organizations.

The Institute takes up consulting assignments for

corporate bodies with the objective of improving
contemporary management practices. Consultancy work
also involves preparation of project proposals,
monitoring mechanisms, baseline and end line surveys,
project evaluations, impact assignment documentation
for project formulation and policy issues.

08 09

IILM Institute for Higher Education offers the PGP LIBRARY electronic network of more than 100 major libraries of AUDITORIUM
programme at two campuses, in Gurgaon and at Delhi. The vast reading room of the library provides an
Lodhi Road, New Delhi IILM Institute has a well stocked library, which provides environment conducive to complete concentration. The IILM state-of-the-art auditorium with a seating
the latest and up-to-date reference material, reports, capacity of 275 people, is equipped with the latest audio-
LODHI ROAD CAMPUS books, thesauri, academic journals and audio-visual COMPUTER CENTRES visual equipment in a centrally air-conditioned
material for its users. The total library collection stands environment. The auditorium is used round the year for
The Institute is located in the heart of New Delhi and is at 20,000 books. IILM Institute has a state-of-the-art computing facility hosting intra and inter college events like seminars,
in the vicinity of Research organisations, corporate on its campus. IILM is a Wi - Fi enabled educational conferences, debates, and cultural activities. It is also
houses and government offices. The campus has the Both Lodhi Road and Gurgaon campus have acquired campus providing students access to high speed internet utilized by industry associations for conferences and
right balance between concrete structure and natural several on-line databases to meet the information round-the-clock. High speed Internet connectivity seminars.
ambience, in line with our mandate of holistic requirement for both Faculty Members and students. through a dedicated link with backups ensures an
development. The Institute has the requisite facilities These databases are EBSCO Business Source Premire, uninterrupted access to the information superhighway. TRAINING CENTRE
that form an integral part of any of International B- Prowess, Business Beacon, India Trades and Capital line Both the campuses have a sophisticated web based
School. intranet system that offers continuous interaction IILM has a dedicated 'Executive Training Centre' with
REFERENCE MATERIAL between the faculty and students. Apart from providing lounge and classrooms, equipped with all the necessary
GURGAON CAMPUS a life-long web-based email account, the intranet also has infrastructure to enhance learning and experience
The IILM Institute library has a strong reference section
facilities for online testing, discussion boards and sharing during training and MDP sessions.
The Gurgaon campus provides the perfect ambience for consisting of the latest editions of Indian and
International journals covering all areas in Management courseware exchange.
advanced learning. Surrounded by offices of big SYNDICATE ROOMS
corporate houses, the campus is spread over 7 acres of besides business magazines, annual reports of
government departments, encyclopaedia, trade and
LECTURE THEATRES All management programmes have a lot of learning
land. The Institute has state-of-the-art computing
facilities and spacious lecture theatres supported by an business directories, dictionaries, yearbooks etc. IILM Institute has an excellent infrastructure and accruing from student self-directed team work. IILM has
extensive library, residency facilities and a student modern facilities, which assist in conducting the various separate syndicate rooms with computing facilities to
The IILM Institute library is an institutional member of
recreational centre. academic programmes. Classrooms are air-conditioned help student discussions and group tasks.
the American Centre Library, British Council Library and
and provided with modern audiovisual systems. The
MDI, New Delhi. Both faculty members and students of
classroom setup makes them conductive to both round
the IILM Institute avail the services of these two
table group discussions as well as conventional lecture
libraries. IILM Institute library is also connected with
Developing Libraries Network (DELNET), which is an

10 11

The Career Management Centre is a unique initiative of 2. Assessment Centre: It also aims to promote and commercialize viable – Mentoring Programme
IILM Institute for Higher Education. It aims is to The CMC recognizes that students' knowledge, skills ventures, encourage research, and dissemination of – Small groups of students are assigned to a faculty
provide a comprehensive array of services and support and attitude play a vital role in their career choices. research. mentor to guide and counsel them for personal &
to its students and alumni who will assist them in their Key missions of the Centre are: professional development.
CMC's Assessment Centre conduct the 16 PF and
life-long career development.
DBDA test psychometric tests to measure the – Creating a platform for experiential learning – Training the students on interview and presentation
IILM Institute's Career Management Center strives to students' career- related competencies, further develop through idea generation, exploration and skills, developing effective resumes and other
provide for life-long career support. The objective of the them to the fullest by providing guidance to students experimentation. interpersonal and behavioral skills.
center is to act as hub for all activities around by counseling. In order to conduct the psychometric – Providing business services like market research,
professional development of current students and profiling of the students Assessment Centre financial analysis, strategy consulting etc. to the PLACEMENT PROCESS
alumni. The CMC has following departments working undertakes the following steps for the purpose: aspiring entrepreneurs.
IILM Institute for Higher Education, as a departure
towards its main objective: Test Administration: The psychometric tests 16 PF – To foster entrepreneurship among the student from the conventional practice of placement through
and DBDA are administered for all the students as per community.
1. Corporate Relations: Placement Brochure, has introduced a more elaborate
the test calendar.
and corporate friendly system to achieve the best result
It also focuses on promoting innovation and
Guest Lectures: IILM Institute of Higher Education Scoring: Students' individual test answer sheets are for both the employers and the employee. This system
entrepreneurship in the alumni. This is one of the first
gives utmost importance to practical exposure and scored. developed after detailed discussions with HR consultants
initiatives in the country where the institute is opening
interaction of its management students with top Data Analysis: The data collected is analysed and senior executives of the organizations who are
the doors to its alumni to come back and benefit once
executives from industries. Eminent speakers from the according to the respective test parameters. traditional campus recruiters works as follows:
again from its alma mater.
corporate, including American Express, Apollo
Generation and Report Sharing: The psychometric – IILM institute's brochure, detailing the programme
Pharmacy, CII Indian American Council: The Human
test reports are generated and shared. PLACEMENT SERVICES structure and other attributes is dispatched to a large
Potential Project, Colour Factory, Colt Technology
Student Counseling: In the counseling session number of business corporations to help these
Services, Ernst and Young, FCM Travel Solutions, Placement Committee at the Institute comprises
students' queries pertaining to the understanding of prospective employers develop a proper understanding
HDFC Standard Life Insurance, HT Media, Hotel Students' Committee on Placements represented by the
their psychometric test reports and their applicability of the institute, its programmes and demographics of
Radisson, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, The Matrix faculty and dedicated Placement Managers. The
in the real world situation are handled. the students.
,Mc Kinsey and Company, Mudra Communications, Placement Office headed by the Director & Executive
– These organizations are subsequently contacted to
NIIT Technologies, Carrier Air Conditioning and 3. Alumni Affairs: Dean acts as central hub for all placements related
find out their campus recruitment plan for the year.
Refrigeration Ltd, Usha International , Velocis activities and is a repository of all information and
Software Ltd, were invited to enlighten the students in Alumni management at IILM Institute for Higher – On getting an affirmative response from prospective
areas of Human Resource, Marketing, Finance and Education is dedicated to bringing together the employers, the placement office makes a detailed study
alumni community on a common platform to build of their management trainee requirements, the job
an effective channel of personal and professional profiles, trainee profile, compensation package and
Industrial Visits: Industrial visit are the step towards
mutual network. Build strong industry interface and enhance industry organization profile etc.
practical learning, seeing with one own eyes makes
interactions: – On the basis of the above study, students from the
learning more easily. Visits to industries are an integral The following initiatives have been undertaken in the
part of management studies. It enables the students to – The inputs from corporate are not only used to design graduating batch who have a best-fit, both attitudinally
mentioned alumni activities:
get a glimpse of the industry so as to get a practical and structure the curriculum and the course content as well as skill-wise with the needs of the organization,
– Alumni student interaction sessions but also in admission and placement process in the
exposure in real time. The management operations can are identified and their detailed resumes are forwarded
– Networking through social networking sites institute. to the companies for further processing either on the
also be understood to a great extent. In this light, the
students of IILM Institute for Higher Education are – Alumni News Letters and Magazines – The faculty and the Placement Committee regularly campus, or at company premises.
given a wide exposure in various sectors. The visits – Corporate workshops for Alumni organize guest lectures, panel discussions, conferences
have been conducted in esteemed corporate including and workshops with adequate industry representation SUMMER INTERNSHIPS
– Lateral placements
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Parle Products, Radisson giving the students an opportunity to meet and
The summer placement process commences from
Hotel, Hero Honda Motors Ltd, and Honda Siel Cars. 4. Centre of Incubation for Entrepreneurs: interact with corporate executives besides their
November onwards. Companies can invite applications
HR Network: CMC participates in HR summits and summer training and live projects.
Center of Incubation for Entrepreneurs has been for summer projects either on organization's own
networks with CII, FICCI etc. Few of the important established to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship and – Total Personality Development of the students by application form or through the curriculum vitae of the
summits are CII World Economic Forum India, TIE promote innovation in our environment, through imparting the necessary life skills and inculcating social students. Internship duration is between 8 to 10 weeks in
Conference, SIAM 4th Annual Convention, and CII research, incubation and expertise development. and spiritual sensitivity. the months of April-June.
HR Summit.

12 13
Some of the companies (sector-wise) where IILM students have been placed,
either as interns or on permanent placements:

Advertising & Media Mafoi Consultancy NR Switch-N-Radio Services

Oxford University Press Ernst & Young Bharti Learning Systems
Sakshi Advertising-Dubai Hero Corporate Services Tulip Telecom
Outlook Group Matrix Cellular
FMCG & Consumer Durables
TV Network 18 Vodafone
Al-Wazzan General Trading-Kuwait
Sahara India TV Network Reliance Communications
Nestle India
TBWA India HCL Technologies
Reckitt Benckiser
Bharti Telemedia Bharti Airtel
Videocon Industries
Bennett Coleman & Co. HCIL
UB Group
Grey World wide PETA Systems
ITC Ltd.
Prognosys e Services
Automobile & Manufacturing Britannia Industries
Inter Globe Technologies
Maruti Suzuki Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Tata Teleservices Ltd.
Bosch-Mico Dabur
Nokia Siemens
Honda Motors Phillips Electronics
Tata Motors SAB Miller Real Estate
RICO Auto Pepsico India Holdings AMR Group of Companies
Escorts Tractors Moserbaer Ashiana Housing
JK Tyres Samsung India Vigneshwara Developers
Bajaj Auto Vipul Facility Management
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Kamdhenu Steel Omaxe
Moolchand Healthcare
Sona Koyo Steering EMAAR MGF
Ranbaxy Laboratories
Punjlloyd Sahara Prime City
Fortis Escorts
Jindal Steel
Max Healthcare Retail
Banking, Financial Services & Apollo Pharmacy The SPA Group
Insurance (BFSI) Venus Remedies ITC Lifestyle
ABN Bank The Colour Factory
HSBC Bank Reliance Retail
The Leela Group
Barclays Bank Future Group
Intercontinental (The Lalit)
Deutsche Bank Bharti Retail
Taj Group of Hotels
HDFC Bank Mahindra Retail
ITC Maurya
Axis BankIndiabulls Securities
Heritage Village Research
Karvy Stock Broking
Oberoi Hotels Ameriprise Enterprise
SMC Global
Copal Partners
Unicon Investment Export House & Logistics
Capital IQ
Religare Securities Freight Systems Ltd.
Grail Research
Sharekhan Securities Kuehne+Nagel
TNS India
Edelweiss Securities Unitex Logistics India
HDFC Standard Life Insurance WTE Energy
Metlife Insurance CEVA Freight Educational Services
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Associated Container Terminals Ltd. Institute of Computer Accountants (ICA)
Reliance Life Insurance Adani Group MIE Education Services
Tata International PT Education
Time Education
Carte Blanche IT, ITeS & Telecom
Manya Education
Kelly Services Agilent Technologies
Hewitt Associates Keane India

14 15

COUNSELLING To encourage the students in becoming true global – Deakin University ,Australia ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORT
citizens, we have partnered with the following – London School of Economics, UK
Students can avail of counselling facilities from universities: – University of California, Berkeley ,USA IILM Institute provides its own managed hostel facilities
professionally qualified counsellors and Faculty. – Royal Holloway University of London, UK (Business) separately for boys and girls with transport to all
Counselling is provided to assist students – Grenoble Graduate School of Business, France students. The hostel, within one kilometer range of the
– Leeds University Business School, UK (Business)
– in adjustment with self and the environment. – Burgundy School of Business, France campus, is fully furnished with modern infrastructure
– Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland (Journalism)
– explore career options and choice of courses while at – Shanghai University, China having recreational facilities and a homely environment.
– Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland (Business)
the Institute. – University of Applied Sciences, Lueneburg, Germany
– Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
– Jonkoping International Business school, Sweden
– Coppead Graduate School of Business, Brazil
STUDENT AFFAIRS CENTRE – Plekhanov Graduate School of Business, Russia
IILM Institute helps those students, who are unable to
– University of Monaco Students can seek exchange to the above universities for
The Student Affairs Centre provides support in all non- secure a loan from banks, by providing financial
– ESC Montpellier, France a term. They also have the facility to pursue credit
academic and co-curricular activities. The centre assistance and loan facility from IILM Students Financial
– Stockholm University Business School, Sweden transfer in the second/third term contingent on the
provides inputs towards the following: Services. It has tied up with Indian Bank, AXIS Bank,
– ESF, Syracuse, USA norms stated by our international partner.
– Self Managed Learning Teams (SMLT) Citizen Cooperative Bank, Punjab National Bank, HDFC
– University of Morocco
Personality Development STUDENT SOCIETIES Bank & others. Students can also avail of study loans
– Queensland university of Technology ,Australia
from the IILM Foundation.
– ESLSCA, Graduate School Of Business, Paris
STUDY ABROAD OPPORTUNITIES Extra Curricular Activities are an elixir of the education
– Ajou University ,Korea
The Postgraduate program has a strong international process. To promote such activities, the Institute SCHOLARSHIPS
– MCI ,Innsbruck, Austria
orientation and is designed to attract students with an provides a platform to the students to pursue their
– St. Mary's University, Halifax ,Canada IILM Institute offers Merit cum means scholarship to
interest in European and World Affairs. In recognition interests. The Institute has several societies, which the
– Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria students based on their academic performance and
of the increasing importance of international students can join
– ISM Dakar ,Senegal financial needs. Students with an annual family income
experience, IILM has teamed up with selected European, – Debating Society
– Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru of less than Rs. 3 lacs for 100% and Rs 6 lacs for 50%
North American, Australian and Far Eastern business – Dramatics Society
– Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria scholarship will be eligible. Decision of the management
and management schools which regularly host student – Sports, Marketing, Finance, HR Clubs,
– Texas A&M University, USA with regards to grant of scholarship will be final.
exchanges. All decisions regarding student exchanges are Environment Club, IT Club
– Northumbria university ,UK
made in consultation with the course tutors and the – Editorial Board of the College Magazine Eligibility for 100% scholarship: *
partner institutes. – Above 80% in class Xth and XIIth
– A first class Graduation degree (above 70%)
– MAT (composite score) of 700 or a CAT percentile of
85 or above.
– Students with an annual family income of less than Rs.
3 lacs.

Eligibility of 50% scholarship: *

– Above 75% in class Xth & XII th.
– A first class degree (above 65%)
– MAT (composite score) of 675 or a CAT percentile of
75 or above.
– Students with an annual family income of less than Rs.
6 lacs
*The scholarship will be offered for the first year of the Post Graduate Programme. The
continuation of the scholarship in the second year will be subject to obtaining minimum
CGPA criteria as announced by the academic council at the time of award of scholarship.

Decision of management in this regard would be final.

16 17

Term I Term II Term II Term III TermTerm

III IV The Postgraduate Programme aims at helping students GRADING AND EVALUATION SYSTEM
evolve into individuals who know who they are and how
Sales & Distribution Marketing of Services Assessment in all courses is continuous and
Marketing Management Marketing Research Management they fit into a transforming world. The curriculum is a
Indian Capital market (.5) comprehensive. IILM Institute of Higher Education
Financial Accounting Management Accounting result of not only benchmarking with world class institutes
Corporate Finance
Talent Management ( .5 credit) but also of conscious and continuous innovation. It follows the Grade Point System of evaluation on a scale
Organization Behavior Organizational Dynamics & Human Resource Management
Group Processes Production and Operations imparts a strong sense of purpose; at the same time equips of 4. Students are expected to go through the academic
Managerial Economics Economic Environment and Management
Operations Research rigors where evaluation is based on continuous activities
Policy students to deal with issues and organizational problems in
Quantitative Techniques for Cross cultural management
Business Communication a realistic environment. It imparts learning that transcends and course work. A minimum CGPA of 2.0 on a scale
Business Strategic Management (1
Excel in business (8 sessions) Elective boundaries of time, function, industry and culture. of 4.0 is required in order to have good academic
IT in Business credit)
Project Appraisal & Financing standing, which makes a student eligible to receive the
Management Information
To get the best out of the curriculum, a student, besides Diploma.
Systems Elective Consumer Behaviour
Elective Excel in business (8 having an open mind needs to be regular and present in
Excel in business (8 sessions)
sessions) the sessions not only physically but also mentally. Prior SUMMER INTERNSHIP
preparation and active participation is a prerequisite for all
After the completion of the first year of the
Managing and empowering Enhancing Self Image Interpersonal skills Selling skills and summer
Programme, students in the months of April and June
Self internship preparatory AWARD shall undertake a two- month summer internship in their
IT Skills Conversation Support
workshops preferred area of specialization in any corporate
English Support
Extended Essay (.5 credit) IILM offers its students twin full time Post Graduate organization. The objective of summer training is to
Advanced Business English Diplomas in Business and Management: help students relate the concepts learned in class with
a) Post Graduate Diploma in Management to be awarded practice in real-life situations. This makes them aware of
Summer Training business practices and also instills a sense of discipline
after the completion of first year i.e. 11 months
As a part of the ongoing curriculum review and development process at the institute the above list is subject to revision in the students, which is essential for success in the
b) Post Graduate Diploma in the area of specialization
corporate world. It is mandatory training for all students
after the successful completion of second year
and will be equivalent to one full course on successful
specializing in one of the functional areas of Finance,
completion of the training.
Marketing, Human Resources, Information Technology,
Healthcare, Retail, Banking or Design.
IILM Institute for Higher Education, Gurgaon is
The Institute offers students the option of learning one
recognized by the joint committee of UGC AICTE &
foreign language from amongst German, French and
DEC. IILM Institute for Higher Education is a partner
institute under the IGNOU Convergence Scheme. On
successful completion of the programme requirement
students are eligible for the IGNOU-MBA award.

18 19

IILM Institute offers one of the widest choices to students in terms of major and minor electives. However, an elective will NEW SPECIALIZATIONS: LIVE & NGO PROJECTS
only be offered by the Institute if a minimum standard percentage of students opt for the same.
To keep pace with the demands of the industry, the As a part of the integrated learning process, the students
institute, in addition to the previously mentioned areas, take up live projects with corporates and community in
Electives in Marketing Electives in Finance Term II Electives in HR Term III in IT
also intends to offer specialization in contemporary and and around Delhi. This enables them to obtain an
Talent & Development Networks &
Supply Chain Management Investment Analysis and upcoming areas like Design Management, Telecom, understanding of the overall functions of the
Portfolio Management Compensation Management Management Insurance, Banking, Automotive Management & Finance organization, exposure to actual work situations and an
Retail management
Risk & Insurance Services. appreciation of society and societal issues. Appropriate
Strategic Performance Enterprise Resource Planning
Product & Brand Management Management credits are awarded to the students for these projects and
Merger and Acquisitions &
Business Strategy DISSERTATION / COMPREHENSIVE experiences as decided by the program committee.
Leadership Development
Advertising & Sales Financial Restructuring Database Management PROJECT
Promotion Management Human Resource Assessment System
International Finance &
Students do a comprehensive project in their preferred
Rural Marketing Treasury Management Mentoring Coaching & Business Intelligence & Data
area of specialization. This project is equivalent to two
Customer Relationship Management of Banks & full credit courses. A panel of faculty and industry will
Management Financial Institutions IR & Labor Law IT Project management evaluate each student for the same. This constitutes a
Business to Business Management & Control Creativity & Innovation major component of the learning process in the
Marketing Systems & Cost Management Management programme.
Financial Derivatives &
Financial Engineering
Corporate Taxation

Electives in Supply Chain Electives in

Electives in Retail Electives in IB Term II Term Management
Management Design

Retail store operations International Marketing Supply chain management Creative thinking in Business

Buying & Merchandising Global Business Environment Procurement, Process Strategic Design Process in
Supplier Certification Brand development
Global Retail trends & Issues Global Business Strategy Outsourcing
Models of Innovation
Global Logistics network

Core Courses - IInd year

Marketing Planning & Corporate Social Business Law

Strategy responsibility

Applied Strategic

As a part of the ongoing curriculum review and development process at the institute the above list is subject to revision

20 21

In any academic institution, the most important place is Meena Bhatia Mamta Sinhmar Sufia Ashar Khan
the classroom and the most important activity is the Dean, Academics UBS Lecturer Assistant Professor
teaching-learning process. The teaching fraternity is a Associate Professor MCom, MPhil - Kurukshetra University M.Sc, MBA - Aligarh Muslim University
key to this process who, through their expertise, converts Sandeep Kapoor Sujata Khandai
knowledge into wisdom, thereby making it applicable Neeti Sanan Lecturer Associate Dean - Student Affairs
beyond the boundaries of time and space. IILM has a Associate Dean Academics CA - ICAI, Delhi Assistant Professor
Associate Professor PGDM - XIM, Bhubaneshwar
diverse pool of intellectual capital drawn from various Sweta Gupta
MBA IIM Ahmedabad
fields, endowed with rich research and teaching Assistant Professor Dipti Srivastava
experience. The efforts of core faculty members are Dr Priti Pandey MBA, MIBM - Lucknow Univerrsity Lecturer
supplemented by visiting faculty from leading Associate Professor MBA - Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management,
M.Com, C.A. Intermediate, PhD - Kurukshetra MARKETING Delhi
institutions and organizations. IILM Gurgaon has been
rated as an A++ Business school by Business India in its Dr Anjali Malik Kavita Shukla
9th Annual Survey of B-schools. Sanjeev Sharma Dean and Lecturer
Associate Professor Associate Professor MBA -, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
BE, PGDST, MBA Columbia Business School, PGDBM, PhD -University of Punjab
New York
Jones Mathew Lecturer
The Faculty of the IILM Institute for Higher Education Vipul Goyal Associate Professor PGPCM - Mudra Institute of Communications,
is reputed for quality teaching and research. One of the Associate Professor MBA Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi Ahmedabad
unique characteristics of the faculty is its diverse set of MBA NUS, Singapore
Sujit Sengupta Priyanka Anand
interests and professional background. The diversity of Akash Goel Lecturer
Associate Professor
interests ensures that the students are exposed to the Assistant Professor PGDM, MTech - IIT Bombay PGDIT, PGDBM - Symbiosis, Pune
wide range of views about the environment in which PGDM IIM Kolkata
BTech (Civil) IIT Roorkee Dr Surabhi Goyal Shubra Bahal
they will live and work after completing their educational
Associate Dean and Lecturer
experience. Girish Kumar Ahuja Controller of Examinations PGDBM - Asia Pacific Institute, Delhi
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
MA, MBA, PhD - University of Allahabad
Prof B Bhattacharyya Leena Kinger Anil Vashist MBA - Benaras Hindu University
Vice Chairman Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Distinguished Professor PGDBM IIM Bangalore MBA MDU, Rohtak OB/HR
Former Dean, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi
Navneet Saxena Dr Deepa Kumari Dr Kailash Tuli
Sapna Popli Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor
Director Masters of Finance & Control- University of Delhi MBA, PhD Sardar Patel University, Gujarat MA, PhD University of Delhi
Executive Dean - PGP
Pooja Talwar Dr Deepti Wadera Dr Padmakali Mishra
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Dean IILM & Head - CMC
BSc (H) Maths, MBA - Jammu University
MCom, AICWA - ICWA PGDBM, MPhil Annamalai University Professor
MA, M.Phil Psychology, PhD University of Delhi
FINANCE Vandana Mehrotra Monica Mor
Associate Dean Assistant Professor Dr Tripti Desai
Deepak Tandon UG Gurgaon MIB University of Delhi Professor
Professor Assistant Professor MA, MPhil, PhD University of Delhi
MSc, LLB, CAIIB, MBA FMS, University of Delhi MCom, ICWA, CAIIB - IBA Pratiksha Rai
Assistant Professor Dr Anuradha Parasar
Dr P Malarvizhi Gunjan Mehta MBA University of Indore Associate Professor
Professor Lecturer MSc, M.A, Ph.D - University of Jodhpur
MBA, M.Com, M.Phil, PhD - MJPR University MCom, MPhil - University of Delhi Priyanka Dhingra
Assistant Professor
MBA - University of Rajasthan

22 23
Dr Shuchi Agarwal Sumer S. Yadav Sumit Rastogi LIFE SKILLS & COMMUNICATION
Associate Dean Professor Lecturer
International Program Coordinator PGDBM - IMT MSc, M.Phil CCS University
Associate Professor and
MA, PhD MJPR University STRATEGY, ECONOMICS & Meena Srinivasan
Associate Professor
Dr Sujata Sahi MSc, PGDBM- MDI, Gurgaon INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Life Skills and English Communication
MBA The Times School Of Marketing
Associate Professor Dr K M Mital
MA, PGDMC, PhD - University of Bihar Abdul Majid Khan Ekta Dhawan
Assistant Professor Lecturer Life Skills
ME, PhD Indl Engg IIT, Delhi
Abhay Anand Tiwari PGDBM NDIM, New Delhi PGDBM MDI, Gurgaon
Assistant Professor Dr N Chandra Mohan
MA, MPhil - University of Delhi Dr Bhawna Agarwal Saumya Shirina
Assistant Professor Lecturer-Life Skills and Business Communication
MA, MPhil, PhD JNU, New Delhi
Himani Avasthi MSc, PhD University of Gujarat PGDBM-Symbiosis, Pune
Assistant Professor Rakesh Chaudhary
MBA University of Lucknow Daminni Grover Pallavi Ghosh
Assistant Professor Lecturer - Life Skills and Business communication
ME , MBA-Wharton School, UPENN
Kakoli Sen MPhil Madurai Kamaraj University M.A (English) - Calcutta
Assistant Professor Abhijit Mukhopadhyay Certificate Course on Instructional Designing
PGDTD, MHRM - Annamalai University Habiba Abbasi
Assistant Professor Symbiosis, Pune
Assistant Professor
MSc, MPhil - Jawahar Lal Nehru University Diploma - Training & development ISTD, New Delhi
Merlin Mythili S. MTech, PGDBA Symbiosis, Pune
Assistant Professor Rahul Mishra Ruby Thukral
MA, MBA, MHR - Pondicherry University Jasdeep Chadha
Assistant Professor Lecturer Life Skills
Associate Dean PGP
MIB University of Delhi Sr. Trainer Life Skills
Dr Sanyukta Jolly Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor PGDBM IPM, Meerut Rakhi Singh Sharlet Flavin Mendonca
MA, MPhil, PhD IIT, Delhi Assistant Professor Lecturer Life Skills
Ritu Khanna
MA - University of Lucknow MA in English Bangalore University
Shivani Khurana Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor MCA University of Himachal Pradesh Dr Sangeeta Yadav
MA, MPhil, BEd, MEd Kurukshetra University Assistant Professor
Tanuja Kaushik
MA Economics, PhD MDSU, Ajmer Cleta Valles
Dr Shruti Singh Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor PGDBM IILM, Delhi Assistant Professor -English Communications
Vijesh Jain
MA, MPhil, PhD JNU M.A. B.ED. CELTA -University of Cambridge.
Assistant Professor
Vandana Srivastava
MIB IIFT Rohini Rode
Radhika Madan Associate Dean
Lecturer Assistant Professor Lecturer -English Communications
Abha Sadana
BBA , MA Bradford University MSc , M.Tech IIT, Delhi PG Diploma in PR and Advertising
Operations & Information Management Life Skills & Communication
MA, MCom, BEd - Annamalai University
Yavar Ehsan
Assistant Professor Lecturer
MANAGEMENT MBA Temple University, Philadelphia Dr Sahana Dey
MA in Economics CESP, JNU, New Delhi
BTech Mech Engg IIT Kharagpur Assistant Professor
Dr KDS Pathania Nalin Chandra Jha BSc, Bed, MEd, PhD Banaras Hindu University
Professor Lecturer Deepti Sharma
ME, MPhil, PhD- Rochville University MCA - DOEACC Lecturer
Shyamanuja Das MA - Delhi School of Economics
Priyanka Kapoor
Professor Lecturer Rachna Madaan
BTech, MTech, PGDBM XIMT, Bhubaneshwar BIS - Indraprastha University Lecturer
MA, PGDBA - EMPI Business School, Delhi

24 25

INSURANCE Mr. Dilip Chenoy

Director General
Mahesh Kalra Society of Indian Automobiles Manufacturers
Program Director PGPMI Insurance)
Associate Professor Prof. Dinesh Singh
LLb, MSc University of Delhi Director South Campus
Delhi University
Moitrayee Bhadra
Lecturer Mr. P. Dwarkanath Reddy
PGDBM (Marketing) EMPI Business School Director Group Human Capital
Max India Ltd
Mr. Sandeep Tyagi
Shweta Khanna
Chairman and Managing Director
Assistant Professor
Estee Advisors Pvt. Ltd.
MBA University of Allahabad

Chetna Khaneja Dr. Sujit K Basu

Senior Lecturer Director General & Distinguished Professor
BA (Hotel Management) IHM Pusa, New Delhi IILM Graduate of Management
Former Director MDI, Gurgaon
Former Vice Chancellor, Vishva Bharti University

Prof. B Bhattacharyya
Vice Chairman
IILM Institute for Higher Education
Former Dean, IIFT
Senior UN Advisor

Ms. Sapna Popli

Director & Executive Dean
IILM Institute for Higher Education

26 27

For every academic session IILM Institute inducts more Stage 3 IILM Institute offers a range of Post Graduate and IILM School of Design:
than 600 students to its two year PGP programme. Under Graduate programmes Graduate Programme in:
The dates for the personal interview will be intimated to
– Communication Design (Graphic & Animation)
short listed candidates through e-mail and letter. For out Post Graduate
ELIGIBILITY – Industrial Design (Product Design, Interior &
station candidates PI will be conducted at various – Post Graduate Programme in Management &
Students who have completed their graduation in any locations PAN India. Please check the website for Furniture Design & Exhibition Design)
Insurance in collaboration with ICICI Prudential
stream or appearing in the final year of their graduation updates on Interview centers. – Textile Design
– Post Graduate Programme in Hospital Administration
from universities and institutions recognized by in collaboration with Max Healthcare Post Graduate Programme in
Stage 4
AICTE/UGC/AIU can apply. – Product Design
– Post Graduate Programme in Facilities & Real Estate
The admission will be considered final only after the Management in collaboration with DLF Group – Animation Design
Stage 1
payment of stated fee along with the security deposit (as
– Post Graduate Programme in Management for – Retail Design
Students appearing in CAT / MAT / XAT / ATMA / mentioned in the admission offer letter). The fee once
Professionals with experience – Textile & Apparel Design
JMET/GMAT can apply. Detailed information on these paid is not refundable.
tests can be obtained from the advertisements released in – Modular Post Graduate Programme
The first term at IILM Begins on 14th of June, 2010.
various national dailies or from the respective institution Undergraduate
An online foundation program will be opened and
/ organizations.
administered before course commencement. – Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business & Management
Tentative dates for these examinations are: Studies in collaboration with the School of
CAT November, 2009 Management, Bradford University
MAT September / December 2009 / – Twinning Programmes:
February / May 2010 Royal Holloway University of London, UK
XAT January, 2010 Leeds University Business School, UK
ATMA February, 2010
– B.A (International Hospitality Administration) in
JMET December, 2009
collaboration with IGNOU and American Hotel and
GMAT Visit: www.gmac.com
Lodging Educational Institute (AH&LEI).
Stage 2
Every student seeking admission to IILM Institute must
fill-up the prescribed online application form, attach
requisite documents and submit the same on the day of
personal interview along with the Demand Draft of
Rs. 1200/- in favour of IILM Institute for Higher
Education, payable at New Delhi / Gurgaon as an
application fee.

Toll Free No: 1800-180-4456

28 29


Lodhi Road Campus

3 Lodhi Institutional Area,
New Delhi- 110003
Tel : 011-30934336 / 30934456

Gurgaon Campus
DLF Golf Course Road,
Gurgaon 122003
Tel: 0124- 3354456 / 3354350
Email : pgp@iilm.edu
Website: www.iilm.edu

Toll Free No: 1800-180-4456


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