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Democrat Tim Kaine, the current governor of Virginia, campaigned on a platform

that included universal pre-K education. In Hartford, Connecticut, Mayor Eddie Perez established
an Office for Young Children within his cabinet. At the federal level, perhaps the most prominent early-
childhood initiative that has come from the Bush administration is "Early Reading First," a national
effort to deliver effective reading instruction to young children. Providing early learning experiences
to children has found a place on political agendas nationwide. Why? Increasingly, early childhood
education is viewed as a point of leverage for addressing lowlevels of, and gaps in, K-12 achievement.
What do we know about the quality of existing early-childhood programs? What does the
research tell us about designing public policies to improve outcomes for children? Two recent
large-scale studies of the early education system provide a contemporary perspective: the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Develop-
ment (NICHD SECCYD) and the National Center for Early Development and Learning (NCEDL)
Multi-State Pre-K study.
What We Know
1. Prior to entering kindergarten, American children spend time in a wide assortment of settings. Enroll-
ment of 3- and 4-year-olds in early education programs now approaches 70 percent of that popu-
lation and is growing annually. The disparities in educational opportunity before kindergarten are
dramatic and easily explain many of the achievement gaps seen later on.
2. Despite extensive participation, too few of the students who are in the greatest need of high-quality
early education experiences receive them, and the few who do are unlikely to receive them consis-
tently once they enter the K-12 system.
3. Demand for early childhood education has grown far faster than the system's capacityto staff expand-
ing programs. Universal pre-K programs for 4-year-olds will require at least 200,000 teachers, with esti-
mates of 50,000 additional teachers needed by 2020. If high-quality services are to be provided, many
more early-childhood educators need to be attracted into the profession and trained appropriately.
early is
The Research
The National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development Study of
Early Child Care and Youth Develop-
ment (NICHD SECCYD) collected
detailed information on achievement,
social development, family experi-
ences, child-care quality, and school-
ing for roughly 1,300 children at regu-
lar intervals from birth on, yielding
data that have resulted in numerous
influential papers on child care and
family background effects on early
achievement and social adjustment.
The National Center for Early Devel-
opment and Learning (NCEDL) work
involved assessments of 750 pre-K
classrooms and 2,500 children in 11
different states, with a focus on chil-
dren's achievement and social compe-
tence in pre-K with follow-ups to 1st
grade. (The NCEDL sample represents
80 percent of pre-K programs serving
4-year-olds in the United States.)
Both studies relied on direct, live
observations in child care, preschool,
and the early grades using standard-
ized, objective measurements that
provide a window on classroom set-
tings and teachers in more than half
the 50 states. The statistical meth-
ods employed to analyze these data
are among the more sophisticated
quasi-experimental approaches to
isolating cause and effect in nonex-
perimental data.
The Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K),
a study of a nationally representative
sample of children in the United
States, also provides insight into vari-
ations in achievement among children
as they go through school.
The findings described here are
drawn from published, peer-reviewed
empirical papers.
4. Rapid enrollment growth is intensifying the need for
evidence-based training and ongoing support of early
childhood educators. The approach that appears most
promising provides teachers with extensive background
in child development and focused, regular, individualized
feedback about their classroom interactions with children.
5. Nearly every single piece of legislation, policy, or program
design requirement involving early education and child
care states that such programs must be of high quality. But
the measures of quality are often limited to program
components; they are seldom direct assessments of chil-
dren's instructional and social experiences in classrooms.
Estimates of "quality" that rely on these proxies may not
correspond to the experiences that produce social and aca-
demic skill development.
How Can We Best Measure
Quality in the Early Education Classroom?
The evidence is quite dear that it is the teacher's implenien-
tation of a curriculum, through both social and instructional
interactions with children, that produces effects on student
learning. Classroom observations thus provide the most valid
information on the educational experiences of young children.
Structural indicators, such as the curriculum being used,
teacher credentials, and other program factors, are only prox-
ies for the instructional and social interactions children have
with teachers in dassrooms.Yet many states and localities mea-
sure program "quality" only in terms of proxies-the creden-
tials of teachers, the size and spaciousness of the facilities, the
amount of learning material available, and the length of the
preschool day. Except for the last characteristic, these "qual-
ity indicators" do not measure what programs offer young
children that is educationally important. Still, these indica-
tors often drive program design and policy.
Even the value of experimental studies of program quality
can be limited, especially when going to "scale"' For example,
experimental work can identify effective approaches to teach-
ing literacy for the relatively small group of teachers who par-
ticipate in such studies. Yet when these approaches are dissem-
inated to large groups of preschool teachers through districtwide
training or college courses, such approaches typically have a
much-reduced effect on outcomes, often because the quality of
implementation is low. In short, teachers' implementation of
instruction through their interactions with children is a criti-
cal and typically underemphasized aspect of early childhood pro-
gram quality. Judging accurately the quality of implementation
requires observing what is happening in classrooms.
What Does a High-Quality
Early-ChildhooT Education Classroom Look Like?
The best early childhood teachers are opportunists-they
know child development and exploit children's interests and
their interactions with them to promote developmental
change-some of which may involve structured lessons and
much of which may not. To be effective, teachers of young chil-
dren must strategically weave instruction into activities that
give children choices to explore and play. Several aspects of
teachers' interactive behaviors appear to uniquely predict
gains in young children's achievement:
"* explicit instruction in certain key skills
"* sensitive and emotionally warm interactions
"* responsive feedback
"* verbal engagement/stimulation
" a classroom environment that is not overly structured
or regimented.
My colleagues andI examined whether children at risk oflow
achievement in the early grades would benefit from being
exposed to high levels of observed instructional and emotional
support from teachers. We studied the effects on two groups of
at-risk children: those whose mothers had less than a four-year
college degree and those who had displayed significant behav-
ioral, social, and/or academic problems. Both groups were, on
average, behind their peers at age 4 and further behind by 1st
grade.When the children at risk were placed inhigh-quality class-
rooms, these gaps were eliminated: chil-
dren from low-education households
achieved at the same level as those whose '
mothers had a college degree, and chil-
dren displaying prior problem behavior
showed achievement and adjustment
levels identical to children who had no
history of problems. At-risk children
who did not receive these supports did
not show these gains.
The results are consistent with other
studies that show a substantial
(up to 50 percent
of a standard
tion on standardized achievement tests) only about
to achievement from observed class-
room quality, with greater effects often of classro
accruing to children with higher levels of
risk and disadvantage. (The size of the 4-year-oldi
well-known racial gap in test-score per-
formance is between one-half and one studeats W
standard deviation.) Experimental stud-
ies, although few and involving small levels of e
numbers of children, show similar
effects. In fact, findings are almost uni- instructic
form in demonstrating significant and
meaningful benefits for enrollment in that are reiE
early education settings in which teacher-
child interactions are supportive, instruc-
tive, and stimulating. These "effects" studies, however, do not
provide information on the prevalence and distribution of
supportive, "gap closing" classrooms within the system of early
education and care, or how to produce gap-dosing settings.
How Good Is the System We Have?
Most children in pre-K, kindergarten, and grade 1 classrooms
are exposed to quite lowlevels of instructional support and only
moderate levels of social and emotional supports-levels that
are not as high as those in the gap-dosing, effective class-
rooms described above. The quality of instructional interac-
tions, particularly the dimensions that appear to matter most
for children's achievement, is particularly poor (see Figure 1).
In nearly every study that includes a large number of class-
rooms, there is also wide variability in the opportunities that
contribute to improved achievement. Observations of child-
care settings and pre-K, kindergarten, and 1st-grade classrooms
show that some children spend most of their time engaged in
productive instructional activities with caring and responsive
) 1i
adults who consistently provide feedback, challenges to think,
and social supports. Other children, even in the same program
orgrade spend most of their time passively sitting around, hav-
ing few if any interactions with an adult, watching the teacher
deal with behavior problems, exposed
to only boring and rote instructional
activities. While children in some
classrooms are exposed to few, if any,
literacy-focused activities, youngsters
P in other classrooms receive more than
an hour of exposure to literacy-related
activities, including narrative story-
telling, practice with letters, rhyming
4games, and listening. In some cases,
* * even in classrooms right next to one
another that share the same materi-
als and curriculum, the exposure of
children to high-quality learning and
5percent social supports is so dramatically dif-
Sservini ferent that one might conclude the
difference was planned.
Among the state-funded pre-K
classrooms in the NCEDL study, we
-h the found that only about 25 percent of
9h classrooms serving 4-year-olds pro-
vided students with the high levels of
emotional and instructional sup-
a. support
port that are needed. No less trou-
bling is the equally strong evidence
ded. that preschoolers lucky enough to
have such support in pre-K are not
likely to be enrolled in similarly
high-quality classrooms in kindergarten or 1st grade. In
those grades as well, only about one-quarter of classrooms
are providing the instructional and emotional nurturing
that young children require. Unfortunately, exposure to gap-
closing classroom quality, although highly desirable from
nearly every perspective imaginable, is not a regular feature
of early schooling and even less likely for children in poverty.
In other words, the odds are stacked against children getting
the kind of early education experiences that close gaps. This
is not to say that early education does not work-evaluations
of universal pre-K in Oklahoma, for example, show that
enrollment produced gains for children's achievement. The
challenge is determining how to strengthen and improve the
early childhood education system as it expands.
Training the Teachers
The uneven distribution of high-quality early education
classrooms in the United States reflects several factors. First,
teaching young children is often difficult and uniquely chal-
lenging. Second, teaching in early education programs that
target children who live below the poverty line can be even
more challenging, especially if the class includes manyyoung-
sters who need extra support. Teachers in these programs may
require even more assistance than is generally assumed.
Third, the system of early education operates on a shoe-
string of support: it is for the most part less well funded
than K-12, with classrooms housed in trailers, basements, or
makeshift locations with fewer resources. Finally, early child-
hood teachers describe themselves as alienated from and
lacking the supports available in K-12. This is a fragile and
vulnerable system that is increasingly being asked to amelio-
rate social, economic, and educational disparities.
Given the early education system in place, what can be done
to make sure those children who most need high-quality
experiences will have them? An obvious place to look for
leverage is in the preparation teachers receive. Unlike the
K-12 system, in which the supply chain for teachers is regu-
lated by a single state entity, training of the early education and
child-care workforce is widely distributed and loosely regu-
lated. Ninety-five percent of the workforce in formal preschool
and early education programs come from four-year and two-
year early childhood training programs or are certified teach-
ers from the K-12 system. Much less is known about the
training and skills of adults who staff family-based child care
and informal care. In short, there is no easily identifiable and
easily regulated pipeline for training the early education work-
force, a clear challenge for policymakers.
Further, as with program quality, the standard measures
of teacher quality (degrees, experience) are not reliable prox-
ies for what teachers do in the classroom. So policies that man-
date the accumulation of course credits, advancing in terms
of degree status (e.g., from A.A. to B.A.), or attending work-
shops, by themselves are not likely to produce teachers with
high-quality classroom skills or necessarily contribute to chil-
dren's achievement. In fact, the NCEDL 11-state pre-K study
demonstrated that even in state-sponsored pre-K programs
with credentialed teachers with bachelor's degrees (many of
which are located in school buildings), variation in observed
curriculum implementation and quality of teaching was con-
siderable. Similar conditions prevail in K-12. Even if the
entire early education workforce had four-year degrees, class-
room quality would remain uneven.
What we do know is that pre-K teachers' training in
child development, experience in working with young chil-
dren, and support systems focused on their instructional
behaviors and classroom management do matter-for the
quality of both of teachers' social interactions with children
and their implementation of curricula. Knowledge of child
development and application of that knowledge in preschool
settings are emphasized as much in two-year training pro-
grams as in four-year programs, if not more. Thus, when
teacher training focuses on knowledge and skills involved
Behind the Pre-K Veil (Figure 1)
A six-state study ofstate-fiinded pre-kindergarten
programs conducted between 2001 and 2003 found
that many children spent very little time on the
activities known to have the most value-hearing
stories and developing early reading skills.
Time Spent on Activities
Free Play/
(e.g., cleaning,
waiting in line)
Whole Group
Time Spent on Subjects
7% Motor Skills
Social Studies
None of These
SOURCE: National Center for Early Development and Laerning, NCEDL Pre-inder-
garten Study," Early Developments (Spring 2005)
in interacting with young children, it will likely have more
beneficial consequences than simply requiring teachers to
add a course here or there.
Regardless of how they get into the classroom, or whether
they meet state certification, teachers in early education pro-
grams will continue to require training and support if these
programs are to live up to their promise. Thoughtful and
effective policies for developing a professional workforce will
have to include a mix of incentives for pre-K teachers that may
be different from those designed for teachers in K-12; provide
training that is focused on dassroom practices and the spe-
cific challenges of teaching young children; and improve the
alignment of early childhood education with K-12.
The Challenges Ahead
Findings about the nature and quality of ,.o'
children's experiences in early education
settings should spark an interest in raising
the quality of classroom supports broadly
available to young children, particularly in
settings funded with public dollars. One
option is to focus on structural features of
schools and classrooms, such as teacher :
education and certification, class size, and ,.&.
curriculum, and enact policies to ensure
that these proxies for quality are uniformly
in place. The available data do not provide
compelling support for this strategy,
although it should not necessarily be dis- 'r
carded altogether. Some core components
of the infrastructure may be essential to a
system of educational programming that is
both accountable and linked to K-12.
Another option is to focus on what AnLy #V
teachers do in classrooms and find direct
ways to measure and improve the instruc- O-o ly aieE
tional and social interactions teachers have
with children.A first step in that direction hourZ1s tc
would be to standardize descriptions of
teacher-student interactions. A second step Oi) pract
would be to design more-effective profes-
sional development and training systems
for teachers, a project that could also benefit K-12. Such sys-
tems, if organized around direct assessments of teacher and
classroom quality, based on strong and valid metrics and tied
to new or existing incentive systems, could be a cost-effective
means of producing real change for teachers and children.
Recent work suggests that direct training methods, such
as mentoring and coaching and constructive feedback based
on observation of teachers, can improve early education
practice and children's performance. My colleagues and I are
developing technologies for conducting classroom obser-
vation at scale-in many hundreds of classrooms. This
research involves measurement of settings to provide data
that can support decisionmaking. For example, we find
that repeated observations of the same teacher are highly
consistent from day to day and hour to hour. Thus we sus-
pect any given classroom and teacher may only need to be
observed for a few hours to achieve a reliable description of
practice that could serve as the basis for a professional
development plan. We are also experimenting with alterna-
tives, such as remote observation, that may keep costs down
while ensuring a high degree of reliability in measurement.
It may soon be feasible to observe teachers and classrooms
on an annual basis using an instrument that assesses the
dimensions of classroom experience that contribute to
Sclassroom aad teacher may
d to be observed for a few
achieve a reliable description
child achievement. Because these measurements are pre-
dictive, we can create video-based models of "high-quality
practices.' These can serve as the basis for courses, coaching,
and mentorship of teachers within systems of professional
development designed specifically to improve teachers' inter-
actions with children.
Along with observing classrooms and measuring social and
instructional interactions, it is essential to design and test mod-
els for improving teachers' provisions of opportunities to
learn. My colleagues and I plan to conduct a program of
experimental research through the new National Center for
Research on Early Childhood Education. Although limited
at present, such efforts can systematically build knowledge of
the factors that contribute to teachers' skills in providing
strong instructional and emotional support in the class-
room. Daunting challenges remain, but the science of early
education holds considerable promise for further develop-
ment and scaling up of effective approaches for training and
supporting the teachers of our youngest, and often most
vulnerable, citizens.
Robert C. Pianta is professor of education at the Curry School
of Education and director of the Center forAdvanced Study of
Teaching and Learning, the University of Virginia.
TITLE: Preschool Is School, Sometimes
SOURCE: Educ Next 7 no1 Wint 2007
WN: 0734909254011
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