Comment 'N Recomment
Comment 'N Recomment
Comment 'N Recomment
Regarding to the soil investigation plan of Sarulla well pad that is proposed by Dyfco, here our
comments and recommendations:
1. Based on your information, Dyfco proposed two points of CPT and one point of hand bor at each
location. In general, CPT and hand bor has penetration limitation especially hand bor. Maximum
CPT penetration depth is about 20.0 m and the test will be stopped if the manometer reading
reached 250.0 kg/cm2. We are unable to obtain information whether the end of the penetration
of the stiff lens, boulder, or the bearing layer. CPT test should be done to obtain the quality of
fill construction.
2. Since the limitation of CPT and hand bor, it is highly recommended to conduct technical drilling
combined with standard penetration test (SPT) and undisturbed sampling (UDS). The drilling
should be conduct through the existing surface and reach the bearing layer. SPT should be
conducted with 1.5 m interval at each boreholes. From technical drilling the soil stratification
and consistency of the project site will be obtain.
3. To determined the type and quantity of field testing, additional data are needed as follows:
Existing and final topographic maps (cross section included)
Layout plan of well pad (include location of the drilling rig, mud pond, etc)
The existing geotechnical investigation data before fill construction conducted
Laboratory test of fill material (index properties, compaction, and CBR test)
To analysis and provide recommendation, additional data are needed as follows:
Fill construction method of well pad area
Quality control report during fill construction
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question regarding Sarulla soil investigation.