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Alviar, Darryil Guian Lo V. June 26, 2013 CE - 3/2010105520 Engr. Flordeliza Villasenor Homework

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Alviar, Darryil Guian Lo V.

CE 3/2010105520 Homework

June 26, 2013 Engr. Flordeliza Villasenor


What are the purposes of soils investigation?

The investigation of the soil is needed to assess the layers of the in-situ soil. This is really important since the soil will support the whole structure whether it might be airplane, highway pavement or construction of structures. The data obtained in soil investigation is the profile of the soil deposits in the site. Physical and chemical attributes of the soil is being evaluated like its shear strength, bearing capacity and particle size distribution. Soil investigation will provide the following: Background for the need to investigate contaminants in soil Different approaches to achieve compliance with the soil investigation requirements in the Technical Rule Recommendations for sampling frequencies to properly delineate soil contamination Assistance in the evaluation and use of soil sampling at Site Remediation Program sites 2. How do you plan and execute a soils investigation? The soils investigation procedure can be divided into the following steps: I. Reconnaissance a. Collection of data for the project b. Geologic study of the site c. Site inspection II. Preliminary Exploration a. Depth, extent, and composition of critical soil strata, b. Ground water level and its fluctuations c. Depth of bedrock, if necessary d. Estimate of engineering properties of soil e. Initial selection of foundation possibilities III. Detailed Exploration: a. Additional test borings b. Undisturbed sampling if compressible soils are encountered at critical depth c. Laboratory/Field tests if data on soil strength and

deformation characteristics are needed. IV. Analysis of results of exploration: a. Evaluation of settlement characteristics of various soil layers b. Evaluation of bearing capacity of various soil layers V. Economic Studies Tentative cost estimates of various possible foundations 3. Enumerate and discuss the different exploratory boring methods use in the field.

(a) Auger boring: The examination of the sub-soil conditions for simple buildings to be erected in clayey or sandy soil can be best performed by a post hole auger. The auger is held vertically and is driven into the ground by rotating its handle by applying leverage. The auger is pressed down during the process of rotation. At every 30 cm of depth penetrated, the auger is taken out and the samples of the soils are collected separately for examination. This method can be conveniently used for soil penetration up to 15 m depth. The type of augers commonly used are shown below. For deeper holes or in grounds where gravel, boulders or comp act material is present, this method is not adopted.

(b) Shell and auger boring: In this method different type of tools have to be adopted for boring. In case of soft to stiff clay, cylindrical auger consisting of a hollow tube of 75 to 200mm in diameter with a cutting edge at

its bottom is used. In case of various stiff and hard clay, shells with cutting edge or teeth at lower end are to be adopted while in case of sandy soil, shells or sand, pumps are used for boring. By this method it is possible to make vertical boring up to 200 mm in diameter and 25 m in depth by use of a hand rig. By use of mechanical rig it is possible to extend the depth of the bore hole up to 50 m. The samples of the soil are recovered at regular intervals (or whenever there is a change in strata) for conducting tests in laboratory for identification of soils and establishing properties of the sub-soil strata at various depths. (c) Wash boring: For test boring over 3 meter in depth, this method can be conveniently used. In this method a hollow steel pipe known as casing pipe or drive pipe is driven into the ground for a certain depth. Then a pipe usually known as water jet pipe or wash pipe, which is shorter in diameter, is lowered into the casing pipe. At its upper end, the wash pipe is connected to water supply system while the lower end of the pipe is contracted so as to produce jet action. Water under considerable pressure is forced down the wash pipe. The hydraulic pressure displaces the material immediately below the pipe and the slurry thus formed is forced up through the annular space between the two pipes. The slurry is collected and samples of material encountered are obtained by settlement. In this process the particles of finer material like clay, loam etc. do not settle easily and the larger and heavy particles of the soil may not be brought up at all. Moreover, the exact position of a material in the formation cannot be easily be located. However the change of stratification can be guessed from the rate of progress of driving the casing pipe as well as the color of slurry flowing out. Yet the results obtained by wash boring process give fairly good information about the nature of the sub-soil strata. This method can be adopted in soft to stiff cohesive soils and fine sand.

Wash Boring Installation

(d) Percussion boring: This method consists of breaking up of the sub-strata by repeated blows from a bit or chisel. The material thus pulverized is converted into slurry by pouring water in the bore. At intervals the slurry is bailed out of the hole and dried for examination. This method can be adopted in rocks and soils having boulders. However this method is not recommended for loose sand or clayey soils. (e) Rotary drilling: When rocks or hard pans are to be penetrated for examination, core drilling is done to get undisturbed samples of the formation. In this process a hole is made by rotating a hollow steel tube having a cutting bit at its base. The cutting bit makes an annular cut in the strata and leaves a cylindrical core of the material in the hollow tube. Two types of cutting bits are generally used, namely, diamond bit and shot bit. Diamond bit consists of industrial diamonds set in the face of the bit and in shot bit, chilled shot is used as an abrasive to cut the hard pan. When core samples of small diameter are needed, diamond bit is preferred.
4. How do you interpret the information form a soil investigation? Results of the soil investigation are interpreted based on the general standards for consideration of the information gathered.

The soil design parameters to be obtained from the laboratory tests can be divided into two(2) major categories: A. Strength parameters for stability and bearing capacity analyses of foundation. a. Total Stress Total stress strength parameters of undrained shear strength for cohesive soils can be obtained directly or indirectly form laboratory testing. The laboratory testing that can indicate the shear strength directly are: - Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) - Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test (UU) - Laboratory Vane Shear Test If not enough undisturbed soil samples are collected, preliminary estimation of undrained shear strength can also be obtained indicatively by correlating to results of Atterberg Limit Tests. B. Stiffness and deformation parameters for prediction and evaluation of settlement, heave, lateral deformation, volume change, etc. Effective Stress Effective stress strength parameters for cohesive soils can be interpreted from the Mohrs Circle plot either from CIU,CID or shear box tests. However there are advantages of obtaining the effective stress strength parameters through interpretation of stress paths. This stress paths method enables the field stress changes to be presented more realistically indicating the characteristic of subsoils and are generally plotted in total stress (Total Stress Path, TSP) and effective stress (Effective Stress Path, ESP).


There are two types of plot, namely MIT stress path plot and Cambridge stress path plot.

B. Stiffness and Deformation Parameters. The most commonly used deformation parameters for soft clay are obtained from consolidation test (Oedometer Test). The parameters are used to predict deformation(vertical) of the ground due to load, unload, water level changes, etc. and also the rate(time) required to achieve equilibrium (completion of settlement). There is also indirect estimation of the consolidation parameters from atterberg limit test as follows. However the parameters for detailed design should be obtained directly from consolidation tests. 5. How do you report the results? In doing a report, you must prepare a description of site conditionstopographic features, hydraulic conditions, existing structures, etc. supplemented by plans/drawings. You must also prepare a description of nature, type and importance of proposed construction and a description of field and laboratory tests carried out. Analysis and discussions of data collected, preparation of charts, tables, graphs, etc., calculations performed, and recommendations were also included in the report. 6. What should be included in the soils report? A clear, concise and accurate of the site investigation must be prepared. The report should contain at a minimum the following: a. b. c. d. e. Documentary of the soil investigation Summary of the progress or the work done Scope of work Site Description Details of the types of investigation conducted, soil and groundwater information including lab and field test results, assumptions and limitation of the investigation and possible construction difficulties. f. Soil boring logs are normally used to summarize the soil data. A log of each boring should be performed by the geotechnical field personnel. Typically, the boring log should contain the following: Name of the project and location, including street name Location of boringstation and offset Date boring was performed Surface elevation Depth and thickness of each stratum, with fill pattern to quickly identify different soil types. A legend of the fill pattern must be included in the soils report. Depths at which samples or in situ test were conducted, with sample or test numbers Soil classification of each stratum Depth to water (if encountered)

g. Analysis and interpretation of the data collected h. Recommendations for design and construction, with discussion of any special provision 7. Submit sample of soil investigation report of one project. http://www.sefindia.org/forum/files/soil_investigation_jda_13_194 .pdf

8. Enumerate and discuss the different methods/ techniques/ treatment for improving soils. The main goal of most soil improvement techniques used for reducing liquefaction hazards is to avoid large increases in pore water pressure during earthquake shaking. This can be achieved by densification of the soil and/or improvement of its drainage capacity.
a.) Dynamic Compaction

Densifiction by dynamic compaction is performed by dropping a heavy weight of steel or concrete in a grid pattern from heights of 30 to 100 ft. It provides an economical way of improving soil for mitigation of liquefaction hazards. Local liquefaction can be initiated beneath the drop point making it easier for the sand grains to densify. When the excess porewater pressure from the dynamic loading dissipates, additional densification occurs. As illustrated in the photograph, however, the process is somewhat invasive; the surface of the soil may require shallow compaction with possible addition of granular fill following dynamic compaction.
b.) Stone Columns

As described above, stone columns are columns of gravel constructed in the ground. Stone columns can be constructed by the vibroflotation method. They can also be installed in other ways, for example, with help of a steel casing and a drop hammer as in the Franki Method. In this approach the steel casing is driven in to the soil and gravel is filled in from the top and tamped with a drop hammer as the steel casing is successively withdrawn.

c.) Vibroflotation

Vibroflotation involves the use of a vibrating probe that can penetrate granular soil to depths of over 100 feet. The vibrations of the probe cause the grain structure to collapse thereby densifying the soil surrounding the probe. To treat an area of potentially liquefiable soil, the vibroflot is raised and lowered in a grid pattern. Vibro Replacement (right, HB) is a combination of vibroflotation with a gravel backfill resulting in stone columns, which not only increases the amount of densificton, but provides a degree of reinforcement and a potentially effective means of drainage.

d.) Compaction Piles

Installing compaction piles is a very effective way of improving soil. Compaction piles are usually made of prestressed concrete or timber. Installation of compaction piles both densifies and reinforces the soil. The piles are generally installed in a grid pattern and are generally driven to depth of up to 60 ft.
e.) Compaction Grouting

Compaction grouting is a technique whereby a slow-flowing water/sand/cement mix is injected under pressure into a granular soil. The grout forms a bulb that displaces and hence densifies, the surrounding soil (right, HB). Compaction grouting is a good option if the foundation of an existing building requires improvement, since it is possible to inject the grout from the side or at an inclined angle to reach beneath the


a.) Verification of Improvement

A number of methods can be used to verify the effectiveness of soil improvement. In-situ techniques are popular because of the limitations of many laboratory techniques. Usually, in-situ test are performed to evaluate the liquefaction potential of a soil deposit before the improvement was attempted. With the knowledge of the existing ground characteristics, one can then specify a necessary level of improvement in terms of insitu test parameters. Performing in-situ tests after improvement has been completed allows one to decide if the degree of improvement was satisfactory. In some cases, the extent of the improvement is not reflected in in-situ test results until sometime after the improvement has been completed.
b.) Drainage Techniques

Liquefaction hazards can be reduced by increasing the drainage ability of the soil. If the porewater within the soil can drain freely, the build-up of excess pore water pressure will be reduced. Drainage techniques include installation of drains of gravel, sand or synthetic materials. Synthetic wick drains can be installed at various angles, in contrast to gravel or sand drains that are usually installed vertically. Drainage techniques are often used in combination with other types of soil improvement techniques for more effective liquefaction hazard reduction.

Sample of Soil Investigation Report

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