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Free Study Guide for The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey
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The Canterbury Tales consists of the stories related by the 29
pilgrims on their way to Saint Thomas Beckets shrine in
Canterbury. Harry Bailey, the Host, had proposed a scheme in
the General Prologue whereby each pilgrim was to narrate two
tales on the way to Canterbury and two more while returning. In
the course of the journey the Canon and his Yeoman join the
pilgrims. However The Canterbury Tales are incomplete. There
should have been a hundred and twenty tales in all according to
the original plan but Chaucer only completed twenty-three
tales. Out of these, the Cooks and the Squires tales are
unfinished. Two tales are imperfectly attributed to the teller: the
Sea captains tale begins as though a woman were telling it and
was actually earlier meant for the Wife of Bath, while the
Second Nun refers to herself as an "unworthy son of Eve". The
Knight tells the first tale.
The Knights Tale describes how two kinsmen Arcite and
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Palamon fall in love with the same woman named Emily whom
they first see out of their prison window. Emily is the niece of
King Theseus. Arcite gains his freedom but is banished from
Athens. He comes back in a disguise since he cannot bear to
live away from Emily. In the meanwhile Palamon breaks out of
prison and coincidentally meets Arcite in a forest grove. Here
Theseus discovers them fighting a bloody duel. Theseus puts an
end to their fight and organizes a contest to resolve their quarrel
about Emily. Before the contest Arcite prays to Mars for victory
while Palamon prays to Venus for the sole possession of Emily.
This creates uproar in heaven and finally both the wishes are
granted. Arcite emerges victorious in the joust but falls from his
horse and dies and eventually Palamon marries Emily.
The Millers Tale relates how Old John, an Oxford carpenter,
was deceived by a clerk named Nicholas. That is, he had an
affair with the carpenters wife. Nicholas deceives the carpenter
into believing that Noahs flood is about to recur and makes
him hang three tubs from the ceiling to escape the deluge. The
carpenter sleeps fitfully in one tub while his wife Alison spends
the night with Nicholas. The young parish clerk Absolon who is
also trying to woo Alison arrives beneath her bedroom window
only to be humiliated. When Absolon desperately begs Alison
for a kiss she thrusts her posterior out of the window. He is
angry and returns to take revenge. But now Nicholas extends
his backside out of the window and Absolon brands him with a
red-hot iron. Nicholass screams wakes the carpenter who cuts
the cord and plunges down breaking his arm.
The Reeves Tale continues in the bawdy vein and repays the
Miller for his sarcastic depiction of a carpenter. It describes
how two clerks named John and Alan, whose flour had been
stolen, cheat a flour miller. While Alan sleeps with the millers
daughter, John moves the babys cot near his bed so that the
millers wife gets into it mistaking it for her husbands. At
dawn Alan goes to the millers bed and thinking that John is in
it boasts about how he has had theter that night. The miller is
furious to hear this and starts cursing. The millers wife,
thinking that she is in bed with her husband strikes the miller
mistaking him for one of the clerks. The clerks then escape with
their flour that has been baked into a cake.
The Cooks Tale is an unfinished fragment and deals with the
story of an apprentice cook named Perkin who loses his job
because of his loose habits. The dismissal however has no
effect on Perkin and he moves in with a like-minded friend
whose wife is a prostitute.
The Sergeant at Laws Tale relates the tragic story of
Constance who gets married to a Syrian Sultan after he converts
to Christianity. However the Sultans evil mother is outraged at
his renunciation of the Muslim faith and plots to kill all the
Christians in Syria along with the Sultan. She then sets the
widowed Constance adrift in a boat. Constance finally lands in
Northumberland and starts living with the governor and his
wife. She converts her heathen hosts to Christianity and
miraculously cures a blind man. Satan makes a young Knight
fall in love with her but she rejects him. Seething with the
desire to take revenge the Knight murders the governors wife
and hides the blood stained knife in Constances bed to
implicate her. Constance is produced in court before King Alla
and a mysterious voice condemns the Knight when he falsely
testifies against Constance. The Knight is killed and Constance
marries the king. She gives birth to a baby boy while the king is
away on a Scottish expedition. However Donegild, the Kings
malicious mother interferes with the messages with the result
that Constance is once again set adrift along with her newly
born son. When the king returns and realizes the truth he kills
his mother. Constance eventually arrives with her son in Rome
and lives with a senator and his wife. She is finally reunited
with King Alla when the latter comes on a pilgrimage to Rome.
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The Wife of Baths Tale is preceded by a Prologue in which
she gives an account of her colorful life with five husbands. Her
tale continues the theme of womens desire for mastery over
men. A young Knight rapes a country maiden while returning
home. As a punishment for his heinous act he has to discover
within a year what women most desire. The Knight
unsuccessfully wanders in the entire country in search of the
answer. Eventually he promises to grant a wish to an ugly old
hag in return for the right answer. When he has given the
answer in court and secured his liberty, the old croon jumps up
and demands that he marry her. The Knight begs her to
reconsider and wish for something else but the old hag
stubbornly refuses. The Knight marries her secretly. At night as
they lie in bed, the Knight keeps on tossing and turning
restlessly. The old hag asks him if he would prefer her ugly and
faithful or beautiful and faithless. The Knight allows her to
decide. The old woman is delighted to have won maistrie over
her husband and rewards him by becoming faithful and
beautiful all the time.
The who enters into a partnership with a fiend disguised as a
bailiff and agrees to work with him even Friars Tale is targeted
against the Summoner. It relates the story of a corrupt
Summoner after learning his true identity. They see a farmer
whose cart is stuck in the mud cursing that the devil takes his
horses along with the cart. However the fiend refuses to take
them because the curse is insincere. The Summoner then tries to
cheat an old woman by levying false charges against her. The
poor woman then sincerely wishes that the Summoner is
damned and the fiend carts him off to hell.
The Summoners Tale repays the Friar for his tale about the
corrupt Summoner. The Summoner relates a story about a
corrupt mendicant Friar. One day the Friar asks a dissatisfied
and angry parishioner for more donations. The Friar then
preaches against anger. The parishioner then slyly agrees to
donate something if the Friar promised to divide it equally
among all the twelve members of his chapter and tricks him
into accepting a fart. The angry Friar wends his way to a
landlords house and describes his predicament. The lords
Squire, Jankin, explains that the fart nay indeed be divided
among the members of the chapter by seating the twelve Friars
around a cartwheel with their noses at the end of a spoke and
letting off the fart from the center. Everybody except the Friar
applauds the solution and Jankin is rewarded with a new coat.
The Clerks Tale is a rendition of the patient and long-
suffering Griselda folk - tale. Griseldas husband inhumanly
subjects her to various cruelties simply to test the extent of her
patience and love. These cruelties include the pretended murder
of her children and his intended divorce and remarriage.
Griselda silently bears one ordeal after another till her husband
can bear the deception no longer and reveals everything. Her
children are finally united with her and her husband once again
her is wife.
The Merchants Tale recounts how old January marries a
young maiden named May and is deceived by Damian. January
suddenly loses his vision and becomes intensely jealous and
possessive of his young wife. He is unaware of his wifes affair
with Damian. One day January and May go for a walk in the
garden and May asks him to help her up into a pear tree to pick
pears to satisfy her intense craving. Damian is hiding in the tree
and they make love. Pluto who disapproves of womens
fickleness restores at this point Januarys sight. However
Prosperina, Plutos wife, gives May the ability to convince
January that she was only struggling with Damian and had done
so only because she had been led to believe that it would restore
Januarys sight.
The Squires Tale is an unfinished fragment. King
Cambyuskan receives a magic horse, sword, mirror and ring as
gifts from the king of Araby and India. The horse has the ability
to transport a man anywhere he wants to go in a flash. The
sword could magically cut through the thickest armor and even
heal wounds. The mirror can reveal future misfortunes and
tragedies and the ring imparts to its wearer the power to
understand the speech of birds. The kings daughter wears the
ring and hears a falcon miserably lamenting her betrayal by her
fickle lover. She takes the poor falcon to court and nurses its
self-inflicted wounds.
The Franklins Tale recounts the story of Dorigen who is
courted by Aurelius during her husband, Arveragus, absence.
She rejects his love and kiddingly says that he can have her if
he can make all the rocks from the coastline vanish and thus
make her husbands return safe. In the meanwhile Arveragus
returns from his trip and Dorigen is happily reunited with her
husband. But Aurelius who still pines for her enlists the help of
a magician and makes the rocks disappear. Dorigen is
distraught when her condition has been met. Her husband
insists that she must honor her promise. Arveraguss nobility
and Dorigens commitment to her husband move Aurelius. He
releases Dorigen from her promise. Aurelius discovers that he
does not have money to pay the magician and requests for more
time. Upon learning the entire story the magician foregoes his
fees and the tale ends with the Franklins appeal to the pilgrims
to judge who is the most generous character.
The Physicians Tale describes a tragic tale of a beautiful and
chaste maiden named Virginia. A corrupt judge named Apius
lusts after her and invents a charge of kidnapping to force her
father to relinquish the young girl to the scoundrel Claudius
who is in league with the judge. However the father beheads
Virginia in order to protect her honor and virginity and gives
the head to Apius. In the meanwhile the town folk discover the
fraudulent charge and throw Apius into prison where he kills
himself. The rascal Claudius is exiled.
The Pardoners Tale relates how three drunken men set out in
search of death after their friend has been killed by the plague.
On their way they encounter an extremely old man who directs
them to an oak tree at the end of the lane and tells them that he
had last seen death there. The men hurry to the spot and instead
find eight bushels of gold. They decide to keep the treasure for
themselves. However they grow greedy and kill themselves
through trickery.
The Sea captains Tale recounts how a Monk deceived a
Merchant. The Merchants wife borrows a hundred francs from
the Monk and agrees to sleep with him in exchange of his favor.
The Monk in turn has borrowed the money from the Merchant.
When the Merchant returns from his trip the Monk tells him
that he had returned the money to his wife while he was away.
The Merchant asks his wife about the money who informs him
that she spent it on clothes.
The Prioresss Tale is a dedication to the Virgin and describes
how the Jews murdered a Christian boy. The Virgin gives the
dead boy the power of speech. He is thus able to reveal his
whereabouts and avenge his death.
Sir Topas Tale is the 1st story related by Chaucer. It tells of a
young Knight named Sir Topas who rides in search of an elf
queen. On reaching fairyland he encounters a giant. He
promises to engage in a duel and returns to his land. Chaucer
then describes the preparation for the duel in great detail. The
Host however interrupts the tale and tells Chaucer to narrate
some sensible story.
Chaucer then relates the Tale of Melibee. Melibees enemies
attack his house and his daughter is injured. But his wife, Dame
Prudence persuades him to banish all thoughts of revenge and
to forgive his enemies.
The Monks Tale comprises of a series of tragedies. The
Knight who can no longer bear the tediously dismal stories
interrupts the Monk.
The Nun's Priests Tale is a merry beast fable. It concerns the
misfortune that befalls a cock named Chaunticleer when he
chooses to ignore the import of his dream to please his lovely
wife Pertelote. A fox called Daun Russel catches him off guard
by praising his melodious voice. Chaunticleers abduction
raises a great hue and cry and all the villagers chase the fox.
Chaunticleer urges the fox to shout abuses at the villagers. As
soon as the fox opens his mouth Chaunticleer flew safely to a
tree top. The fox again praised Chaunticleer but the cock
refused to fall in the same trap twice.
The Second Nuns Tale invokes the Virgin Mary. It relates
how a virgin maiden named Cecilia converted her husband and
his brother to Christianity. They were soon prosecuted for this
act but they refused to worship the pagan gods. In the
meanwhile Cecilia managed to convert even some of their
prosecutors. She was eventually murdered.
The Canon's Yeomans Tale deals with his own experiences
during the practice of alchemy. The tale recounts how a Canon
duped a priest into believing that he could transform mercury
into silver and sold him the fake formula for forty pounds.
The Manciples Tale recounts the story of Phoebus who had a
white crow that could sing and talk. While Phoebus is away on
a trip his wife sleeps with her secret lover. The crow betrays the
secret. Phoebus kills his wife. He is then overcome with sorrow
and angrily spurns the crow. He plucks out its feathers and
replaces it with black ones and curses that all its descendants
shall have a coarse voice.
The Parsons Tale is the concluding tale. It is a very long
prose sermon on the seven deadly sins.
The Canterbury Tales ends with Chaucers Retracciouns where
he renounces all his secular works including those tales of
Canterbury that are immoral.
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