Chilren in Crisis

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Todays children are in a crisis! In this two part series we will discuss several
problems gaining momentum with our children that, when we are educated,
can have a great infuence to change.
There are more industries targeting children now, than anytime in our history.
Through the media they are targeted by the toy and game industries, the dairy
industry, the fast food industry and even the alcohol and cigarette industries.
These companies know that if they can hook the children, they have them for
life. And theyre right. ut the industry that is targeting children that sickens
me the most is the pharmaceutical companies. In two particular areas!
antidepressants and attitude control.
There are " particular areas they are targeting! #ia psychiatrists $depression,
suicide, A%&%, an'iety( and via )edical %octors $diabetes, obesity(. The
pharmaceutical industry wants *" million children on psychotropic drugs within
the ne't few years. They are heavily campaigning to that end. +ith drug
companies targeting kids now, these kids are in trouble! ut not in the way you
would e'pect.
In order to fuel antidepressant and other psychotropic drug sales, children are
being diagnosed with ,chemical imbalances- despite the fact that no test
e'ists to support such a claim and there is no real conception of what a correct
chemical balance looks like. These conditions are simply theories. It turns out
that A%&% and many other such disorders were simply voted into e'istence by
American .sychiatric Association members into their Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders. +ithin a year of that, *//,/// children in America
alone were diagnosed with it. Today01 million schoolchildren worldwide have
now been diagnosed with so2called mental disorders and prescribed cocaine2
like stimulants and powerful antidepressants as treatment.
If you know of a child who seems unruly, you may ask ,3o, whats wrong with
kids being placed on these drugs4- Id answer ,A lot-. A%&% is not like a
medical condition such as diabetes, and 5italin is not like insulin. %iabetes is a
real medical condition that can be ob6ectively diagnosed. A%&% is an invented
label with no ob6ective valid means of diagnosis, according to )ary Ann lock,
author of ,7o )ore A%&%-. Teachers, with no medical training are ,diagnosing-
these kids and suggesting parents put their child on 5italin or other
psychotropic drugs. The problem is in some states, if the parent refuses to put
their kids on drugs they are charged with medical neglect 8 child abuse.
3chools are forced to not admit the child unless they submit to being
drugged when told to do so by person of school ,authority-. 9ortunately, the
3tate of 9lorida 6ust made that illegal, but other states are not overturning
that ruling. Teachers, who have long had their hands tied with regards to
discipline, love this because it is :nally a means of control. ut it is ;uickly
getting out of control!
+hat more wrong can happen4 )ost states are now adopting a mandatory
psychological screening that applies to any child entering a public school
system. The ;uestions on that screening are upsetting. &ere are some of the
;uestions being used to decide whether or not a child should be on
psychotropic drugs! ,%uring the past month, how much of a problem have
you had with feeling unhappy or sad4- ,In the past month, how much of a
problem have you had with losing your temper, being in a bad mood, or little
things making you mad or upset4- ,&as there been a time when you had
less energy than you usually do4- ,&as there been a time when nothing was
fun for you and you 6ust werent interested in anything4- ,&as there been a
time when you felt you couldnt do anything well or that you werent as
good2looking or as smart as other people4- These ;uestions, if answered
,yes- means your child could be put on psychotropic drugs. %ont these
;uestions comprise at least <*= of society4 To be fair, there are other
;uestions regarding cigarette, alcohol or mari6uana use as well as suicidal
tendencies, but the ma6ority of the ;uestions are like the ones ;uoted above.
This program is funded by Advo>are and ?li @illy as well as a few other
.harmaceutical giants and is marketed to state oAcials and funded as
,educational grants-. 3ounds like a confict of interest to me! 9or the rest of
this survey see
+hat burns me about all of this is that there are so many alternatives! )ost
of these kids are never properly diagnosed. According to medical e'perts,
hyperactive and other ,asocial- behaviors have many sources ranging from,
but not limited to, allergies, food additives $dyes, preservatives(
environmental to'ins, mineral de:ciencies, de:ciencies in essential fatty
acids, de:ciencies in certain amino acids, improper sleep, sensory overload,
sensory integration issues, visual de:cits, hearing de:citsB.the list goes on.
+hy are these not being e'plored and handling the 5?A3C7 +&D the
condition e'ists, rather than 6ust drugging our children4 These also apply to
depression, an'iety, obsessive compulsive disorders and others. If a child is
not learning or cannot concentrate, a competent tutor may be all thats
needed. )any children who are highly intelligent or very creative, struggle
because they are in need of greater stimulation. >hildren who are simply
,smart- are bored to tears.
According to %r. 3ydney +alker, author of The Hyperactivity Hoax , and %r.
unni Tobias, author of ADHD Look-Alikes, children who are bored will fit,
:dget, s;uirm, scratch, stretch and $especially if they are boys( start looking
for ways to get into trouble. This is normal behavior! 7ot reason to put
dangerous drugs into our children.
There are multiple problems with the direction we are going. The ne't article
will cover the haEards of drugging our children, what 5italin does to the
brain, the ne't topics that are putting our children in crisis F obesity and

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