The following advisors were in attendance: Jean Benoit, District Administrator Charlie Papa Ford, District Office Executive Director Sharon Mama Ford, International Tour Director
II. Key Club Pledge Daytona Gaudet, Lt. Gov. Div. 3
III. Pledge of Allegiance Landon Pederson, Lt. Gov. Div. 12
IV. Invocation Ryan Hadnot, Lt. Gov. Div. 11
1. K E Y C L U B
V. Appointments Governor Tabitha Kearns asks the new lieutenant governor candidate and new webmaster candidate to leave the room. She along with Papa and Mama Ford explains to the board the proper procedures that must be followed to appoint new members to the district board.
A. Governor Tabitha Kearns opens the floor for discussion for the appointment of Lieutenant Governor of Division 6. She states the candidates name is Corey Moss.
B. Governor Tabitha Kearns closes the floor for discussion and entertains a motion to appoint Corey Moss as Lieutenant Governor of Division 6.
Motion: To appoint Corey Moss to the position of Lt. Governor of Division 6. Motion by: Richard OConnell, Lt. Gov. Div. 13 Seconded by: Vaval Victor, Lt. Gov. Div. 4C Ay: 16 Nay: 0 The motion passes unanimously.
C. Governor Tabitha Kearns opens the floor for discussion for the appointment of the Webmaster position. She states the candidates name is Erik Gudiel.
D. Governor Tabitha Kearns closes the floor for discussion and entertains a motion to appoint Erik Gudiel as Webmaster.
Motion: To appoint Corey Moss to the position of Lt. Governor of Division 6. Motion by: Richard OConnell, Lt. Gov. Div. 13 Seconded by: Ashlyn Tullis, Lt. Gov. Div. 9 Ay: 16 Nay: 0 The motion passes unanimously.
E. Governor Tabitha Kearns congratulates the new Lieutenant Governor of Division 6, Corey Moss and the new Webmaster, Erik Gudiel. Tabitha Kearns then pins Corey Moss and Erik Gudiel into their new positions on LaMissTenn Board.
VI. Secretary-Treasurers Report Hunter Burkhardt Hunter Burkhardt informs the board of which divisions have decided to pair up for their Fall Division Rallies. He also informs the board of the dates, themes, and locations of the divisions who have already paired and decided. He lists the date, theme and location for the fall division rallies. He also states the new titles for each of the board members monthly newsletters. This weekend the board also discussed the theme for LaMissTenn District Convention 2015. The theme they picked was Krewe of Service- Mardi Gras.
Division(s) Location Theme Date 11, 9 & 6 Natchitoches Service Olympics undetermined 7B E.D. White Cajun November 1, 2014 7A & 12 undetermined Candy land undetermined 4A,4B & 4C Chalmette Hunger Games September 20, 2014 14 DIberville Celebrity Red Carpet November 8, 2014 13 Covington High School Service in Space undetermined 3 & 15 Oakgrove Minions of Service October 18, 2014 8A McKinley Velvet Key undetermined
Lieutenant Governor Newsletter title Daytona Gaudet Day-ly News Mallory Sontag Key for a Better Tomorrow Ariana Budde Arianas Articles Vaval Victor Travel with Vaval Corey Moss Undetermined Paige Guillory Turning Paiges Emma Bourgeois Bourgeois Bulletin Kelvin Wells Kelvins Key Notes Ashlyn Tullis undetermined Ryan Hadnot Ryans Report Landon Pederson Landons Letters Richard OConnell Readings From Richard Tommy Duong Tommys Fortune CooKEYS Asia Harris Undetermined Tabitha Kearns Keeping Tabbs Hunter Burkhardt Undetermined
Key Club District District Convention 2015 Theme LaMissTenn Krewe of Service- Mardi Gras
A. Governor Tabitha Kearns opens the floor for discussion for the Secretary Treasurers Report.
B. Governor Tabitha Kearns closes the floor for discussion and entertains a motion to accept the Secretary Treasurers Report
Motion: To accept the Secretary-Treasurers Report Motion by: Richard OConnell, Lt. Gov. Div. 13 Seconded by: Tommy Duong , Lt. Gov. Div.14 Ay: 16 Nay: 0 The motion passes unanimously.
2 3.
VII. Committee Reports
A. Eliminate Project Committee- Chairwoman Emma Bourgeois informs the board of what the members of the committee did for Project Eliminate Week. She also elaborates on a future plan for a Project Eliminate Day in which the community would attend a carnival-like setup provided by the Eliminate Committee. Miss Bourgeois also states that they have discussed a divisional service project in which each school in a division would donate money to the eliminate fund and whichever school at the end of the year had donated the most money, would win. B. Membership Committee- Chairwoman Ariana Budde elaborates on posters discussed by their committee that would inform more key clubbers of District Convention and would help increase attendance thereof. Ariana also describes making posters, banners and possibly a slideshow presentation to send to schools within the district to help advertise a future District-wide Project Eliminate Day. C. Technology & Procedures Committee- Chairman Tommy Duong elaborates on possibly creating a calendar for the district website of monthly events. Tommy also describes creating a Twitter account for the district and also having a live twitter feed box so that we can see tweets about LaMissTenn. He informs the board of also possibly creating a contact box on the website so that you would be able to type someones name in and you could send them a question or concern. Another idea presented was creating a countdown on the website for District Convention and possibly rallies. Making the website more organized and user friendly what is in mind for the next year with the Technology & Procedures Committee. D. Kiwanis Family Relations Committee- Chairwoman Asia Harris informs the board that herself and the committee have discussed creating a district directory of the Kiwanis members in the district along with creating inner club meetings as well. K-Family Relations Committee has also discussed having social gatherings so that everyone would know each other better. E. MEP & Service Partners Committee- Chairman Vaval Victor informs the board that he and the committee have discussed which side they were leaning towards either MEP or service partners. He states that they will gather more information about their committee before deciding. They discussed the different Service Partners the most because the committee was most knowledgeable of the different service partners that key club is involved with. F. Policy & Procedures Committee- Chairwoman Ashlyn Tullis informs the board that she and the committee had discussed policies in the divisional rally booklet however, they did not have the booklet at the time, so they plan to review it in the near future.
VIII. Other Business
A. Tabitha Kearns thanks Hunter Burkhardt, Secretary-Treasurer, for helping discuss ideas at New Board Training. She also elaborates on the theme of District Convention being that the logo will appear with Krewe of Service on top and Beads and Good Deeds below it. Tabitha also states that the color of the girls dresses for District Convention is still being decided upon. Also Miss Kearns informs the board that the District Convention theme will be released to the public earlier so that clubs and schools who need to fundraise, will be able to in the time allotted. 4.
VIII. Executive Directors Report Charles Papa Ford Papa Ford discusses reimbursements and talks about how the budget allows for reimbursements and that money comes from the clubs paying dues. So we as board members should be respectful when using money because it comes from the members dues. He then explains a sheet he creates for the whole board to sign for reimbursements for gas mileage. Papa Ford then collects the mileage from the Board members. Papa Ford hands out the financial report from the end of April to mid-May Papa Ford explains how the budget works and that it is a fiscal budget. He informs the board that if they have any vouchers for reimbursement to send them to the District Secretary- Treasurer Hunter Burkhardt. Papa Ford then elaborates on how we still have clubs that have not paid their dues and where we stand with the budget. He then asks the board to accept the budget for the year and then asks if there are any questions. There are none. Governor Tabitha Kearns entertains a motion to accept the budget.
Motion: To accept the budget for the LaMissTenn District board Motion by: Richard OConnell, Lt. Gov. Div. 13 Seconded by: Tommy Duong, Lt. Gov. Div. 14 Ay: 16 Nay: 0 The motion passes unanimously.
IX. Administrators Weekend Remarks Mrs. Jean Benoit District Administrator Mrs. Jean Benoit reflects on New Board training. She hopes they all had an educational weekend and he is looking forward to working with them this year. She said that Tabitha and Hunter worked really hard as a team to make New Board Training successful. She discusses with the board that everyone who has not gotten their dates, themes or locations for rally need to start working to achieve those goals. Establish communication with all your clubs and Kiwanis, Lieutenant Governors and local Kiwanis clubs. She also reminds them to start working over the summer to get the contact information and to start scheduling PCMs with their divisions and to not wait for school to start. She tells the board that the executive board and administrators are here for any and all questions. Mrs. Jean discusses with the board that we are looking to find a new webmaster early so when next year rolls around we will not have to search high and low for one. Mrs. Jean overall elaborates on how to have a fun and successful year with the board.
X. Closing remarks Kelvin Wells elaborates on possibly having a Webmaster Search Committee and elaborate on how it would possibly benefit the board. Mrs. Jean states that may not work out because there is already a Kiwanis member in the community that handles the changing of Webmaster with interviewing and the exchange of passwords and software for the position.
X. Governors Weekend Remarks Governor Tabitha Kearns speaks to the district board about great the past weekend has been. She expresses that the group had a dedicated and respectful atmosphere the entire weekend. She discusses that overall the weekend was a huge success due to everything that was accomplished, especially with the choosing of the District Convention theme in early in advanced. Tabitha explains that the she will create a Google Drive for this weekend that will contain all of the information and handouts discussed this weekend.
XI. Adjournment A. Governor Kearns entertains a motion to adjourn the May board meeting.
Motion: To adjourn the May board meeting. Motion by: Emma Bourgeois, Lt. Gov. Div. 7B Seconded: Landon Pederson, Lt. Gov. Div. 12 Ay: 16 Ne: 0 The motion passes unanimously.
B. Governor Tabitha Kearns adjourns the meeting at 8:43 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hunter Burkhardt, Secretary-Treasurer LaMissTenn District Key Club