"Veterans of Foreign Wars of The United States, Post 10216, Songtan, Korea" Colonel Lewis L. Millett - Hill 180 Memorial Post 10216

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2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-13 & 2013-14, 2015 - 2016

These are the minutes from Post 10216 meeting held on Monday, 12 December 2016. There were 33 Post
members in attendance.
Opening Ceremonies: The meeting opened at 1830. Chaplain Billy Q led us in our opening prayer and
Commander Cynthia led the Post in our Pledge of Allegiance.
Distinguished Guests and Past Post 10216 Commanders:
*Past Department Surgeon, Chaplain, Past District Commander, Chaplain, and 3-time Past Post Commander
Billy Quintero
*5-time Department Surgeon, Past District and Post Commander, current District 3 SVC Doc Higgins
*Current (and past) District 3 Commander, Past Post Commander, Past Department Surgeon, and current
Department Councilman Ron Davis
*2-time Past Post Commander Ernie Lee
*Past Post Commander Dan Delaney
*Current Department Chaplain, current District 3 JVC, and Past Post Commander Warren Maxson
Congressional Charter: Members recited Section 230102 of the Congressional Charter Incorporating the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.

The purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic,

historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and strengthen
comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to
perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their
widows and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government
of the United States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and
laws; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the
institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the
United States from all her enemies."

Roll Call of Officers:

Commander Cynthia Schmitz: Present

SVC Max: Present
JVC Leon Ellison: Present
Quartermaster Ron Davis: Present
Surgeon Owen Powell: Excused
Chaplain Billy Q: Present
Advocate Jim Yarbrough: Present
Adjutants Ernie / Dan: Present
Service Officer Doc Higgins: Present
Trustee 1-Year Dan Delaney: Present
Trustee 2-Year Mark Narkon: Excused
Trustee 3-Year Terrance Smith: Present
HRC Chairman H. Mao Van Hazel: Present
Officer-of-the-Day / Guard Terrance Smith: Present
Community Activities Chairman / Public Relations / MAP Ernie Lee: Present
Youth Activities Doc Higgins: Present
Cub Scout Council Representative Seth Curtis: Absent
Boy Scout Representative Joel Bickle: Present
Voice of Democracy / Patriots Pen Doc Higgins: Present
POW/MIA Shannon Sutton (Kombae): Excused
Hill 180 Committee Chairman Ernie: Present
Loyalty Day Parade Chairman Ron Davis: Present
Buddy Poppy Chairman Ron Davis: Present
Americanism Chairman Billy Q: Present
Women in the Military: Vacant
First Responders Special Projects Doc Higgins: Present
VFW Motorcycle Riders Chairman: H. Mao Van Hazel: Present
Safety Chairman Jason Schmitz: Present
USO Representative Sergio: Present

Reading of New Members and Induction Ceremony:

Ron read a list of our 4 newest members and SVC Max made a motion to accept into the VFW, subject to
review of the investigating committee; 2nd by Doc. Motion carried. The four members inducted were Lionel
Lopez, Leslie Weidner, Ryan Meyer, and Blake Reichelt. They were inducted by Commander Cynthia and
presented their Cross of Malta and VFW coins.

Post Meeting Minutes: November meeting minutes were disseminated via email, at www.vfw10216.com and
posted to our Facebook page by JVC Leon. Ernie made a motion to accept the minutes subject to correction;
2nd by Doc. Motion carried. They have been posted to our Post website at www.vfw10216.com and Facebook
at: https://www.facebook.com/VFW10216/
Bills: None
Quartermaster Ron Davis: Ron presented the audit endorsed by Trustees Dan, Mark, and Terrance. Our
bottom line at NFCU reported in the minutes was $24,961 in checking and $811 in savings. There is still $770
to deposit from the Thanksgiving raffle and 50/50 drawing. The audit is posted at the Post on the bulletin board
above the PC.
Reading of incoming communications: None.
Report of Service Officer/Doc Higgins: Nothing currently in work.
Comrade(s) in Distress: Chaplain Billy Q asks all to keep in your thoughts and prayers pioneer astronaut
John Glenn, JVC Leon, Rikki Rice, Ernie Lee and his wife, Larry Lyons, Ronnie Colwell, Jacqueline Johnson,
and Scotty Morgan.
Senior Vice Commander Report on Membership Statistics (MemStats) by SVC Max:

November - MemStats

December - MemStats (weve added 16 members since our last meeting; need 131 more for All American)
SVC Max and Doc discussed membership statistics for our previous VFW year - We received ALL STATE
Junior Vice Commander Report on Community Service Reports (CSR):

November CSR Summary - Send all CSR activities to JVC Leon Ellison at: emanosan@gmail.com

Advocate Report / Jim Yarborough: Nothing to report

Surgeons Report / Owen Powell: Excused
Buddy Poppy Report / Ron Davis: Buddy Poppy drive held concurrently with Korean American Friendship
Festival raised $240.
Public Relations Officer & Community Affairs / Ernie Lee:


1130 until food
runs out

6 - 8 VFW (w/ hat)
Volunteers needed


22 December

USO Christmas


USO Events

25 December

Christmas Meal

Open 10ish, meal

at 1400ish

Our next big event

Post Home/Canteen

6 February



Get your squares

Post Home/Canteen



Social Media: Check out our sites:

- World Wide Web - http://vfw10216.com/ (Meeting Minutes posted here)
- Facebook Post Page - https://www.facebook.com/#!/VFW10216?fref=ts
Americanism / Billy Q: Billy Q held a candle-lighting ceremony and said a prayer in honor of the fallen at
Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec, 1941.
Hill 180 Ceremony Chairman Ernie: 2017 date identified as 3 Feb @ 1400. Doc & Commander Cynthia
will be speaking.

Military Assistance Program (MAP) and Adopt-A-Unit / Ernie Lee: Three in work for 303IS, 51CES, and
51 MUNS.
Youth Activities, Voice of Democracy / Teachers Award / Patriots Pen Doc Higgins: Topics this year were
(My Responsibility to America) and (America I Believe In). Doc received 33 Patriots Pen inputs. Our VOD
and Patriots Pen winners were Seth Green, Carson Nugent, Jose Charming, Asher Woods, Easton Clark, and
Sofia Bradshaw. Teachers Award inputs are due before 1 January 2017.
First Responder Special Programs (EMT/Law Enforcement/Fire Fighter Doc): Need 2016 inputs by
30 November 2016 for review prior to forwarding to District, Department and National for selection. Doc has
received an input for EMTs and an input for firefighter (Chris Haenelt).
Cub Scout Pack 86 Representatives Seth Curtis: Absent
Boy Scouts Representatives / Joel Bickle: Thanks for funding for Scout volunteers.
POW/MIA / Shannon Sutton: Excused

House Rules Committee Chairman / Van: Nothing to report (NTR)

Canteen Report / Van: See budget report at Post home bulletin board above computer. Canteen broke even
for the month.
Safety Chairman Jason Schmitz: Jason addressed cheap holiday decorations (fire hazards) and ensuring
smoke detectors are tested and functioning properly.
Women in the Military / Vacant:
History / Vacant:
VFW Motorcycle Riders by Chairman Van Hazel: NTR
Remembering of our National Home: Chaplain Billy Q offered remembrance and prayer for our National
Home in accordance with VFW tradition and ceremony.
- Continue to recruit 3 or more members each month for a chance of your name in the hat and a monthly
drawing prize of (50000)
- SVC Max drew fellow Doc for (50000)
- Bryan Robinson won the opportunity for a trip to the CofA or $500 (open action item - unresolved)
- Christmas at the Post, the Post will open early for food preparation with the meal starting at 1400. We
welcome food and labor donations. Please sign up at the Post so we know where our shortfalls lie. As part of
the holiday, well have raffles for trinkets, wine, and prizes throughout the day and also a 50/50 drawing.
Donations of items for those events are also welcome.
- We conducted a quick review of All State and All American requirements and are on track for both.
- Commander Cynthia received recognition at the Conference of Administration (CofA) for Post members
recruiting efforts (Ernie, JVC Leon, Dan, Joe Perkins, and QM Ron) thanking her for motivating members to
- SVC Max working submissions to the Department of the Pacific Areas publication Typhoon. Send SVC Max
any photos of events VFW members are involved at.
See past issues of Typhoon here:
- Ernie made a motion for funds (not to exceed $600) to purchase wreaths for the Hill 180 ceremony; 2nd by
Dan. Motion carried.

Military Order of the Cootie (MOC): The next Cootie scratch is 17 December @ 1330ish at the Post
For those who have questions about the Cooties, the Military Order of the Cootie or MOC is considered the
Honored Degree of the VFW. Membership is open to members in good standing in the VFW who have
displayed their willingness to work for the parent organization. If you are active in supporting the Post, you
may be approached to join this prestigious organization.

Chaplain Billy Q gave the
closing prayer.

- Our next General Membership meeting is 9 January at 1830.

//record copy maintained online at www.vfw10216.com//
Dan / Ernie
Post Adjutants

Cynthia Schmitz

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