ME 709 Project Design
ME 709 Project Design
ME 709 Project Design
1. The project selected should be related to the curriculum. It can be two types: Projects based on
implementation of any application oriented problem, which will be more or less experimental in nature, and
the others will be based on some innovative/ theoretical work.
2. Maximum number of students in a group is limited to five
3. Each project group should submit a project proposal comprising the following information on or before 31-
List of students
Project title
Problem Statement
4. Each project group will be allocated a faculty member as internal guide. The guide will monitor, support
and direct the students work and progress.
5. Each group should keep a project diary which will be a record of progress in the work. The guide may give
instructions regarding the work in the diary itself. Students should obtain the signature of the guide in the
diary every week during project period. The project diary will be evaluated at the time of final presentation.
6. At the end of the semester, each student shall submit a project synopsis comprising of the following.
Application and feasibility of the project
Complete and detailed design specifications.
Block level design documentation
Detailed design documentation including block/line diagrams and algorithms
Project implementation action plan using standard presentation tools
CE Adoor
08/07/2014 Project Coordinator