Pins Dec 2009 Jan 2010
Pins Dec 2009 Jan 2010
Pins Dec 2009 Jan 2010
Parish of Newcastle and
with Calary
December 2009/January 2010
Sunday 27th:
Calary 9.30 am Morning Prayer
Newcastle 12 noon United Service Morning Prayer
Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, with prayer for the
sick, at 10.30 am in St Matthew’s followed by a cup of tea and chat
in the McLean Room. All welcome!
Services in January
Sunday 10th:
S.S. & Crèche Calary 9.30am Morning Prayer Isaiah 60:
St. Matthew’s 10.45am Holy Communion 1-6
S.S. & Crèche Newcastle 12noon Morning Prayer Ephesians 3:
Newcastle 5.00pm Youth Service 1 - 12
Sunday School
This year we decided to use our weekly collections to purchase animals and sponsor a
child through the Fields of Life Charity. We are pleased to advise that we were able to
send 10 hens, 2 pigs and 2 turkeys to deserving families in Uganda. We also hope that
Harriet, the girl we are sponsoring, will benefit from the letters and photos we will be
Sunday School Christmas Party - Saturday 12th from 2pm to 4pm. All
welcome for crafts and games.
Rehearsals are now under way for the Nativity Play on the 20th
December. Can all children participating in the play make every effort to
attend Sunday School for these rehearsals.
Sunday School will recommence on the 10th January after the Christmas break.
Youth Service
While everyone who wishes to come is welcome to the Youth Service on Sunday 10th
January, it is intended for those young people who play sports on Sunday mornings and
are unable to come to the morning service. Supper will be served in the cottage after the
The Stedfast Band
The St. Francis’ N.S. Parents’ Association is delighted to host a Christmas Concert by
this great 20 piece brass band. The concert will be in Newcastle Church on Sunday 6th
December from 4pm. Tickets are €10 each or €25 for a family and are available from any
member of the P.A. Bring your friends - it will be terrific!
Baptism; On Sunday 15th November in Newcastle Parish Church, James Alan Greene,
son of Paul and Julie, 11 Racefield, Newcastle.
Congratulations to Paul and Julie. We welcome James Alan to our congregation and hope
he will bring lots of joy to his home and honour the promises made for him at baptism.
Tuesday Club
We had Dara from HOMELINK to speak to us about their services at our November
meeting. This service has only been established during the past year but already the
membership is growing fast which is hardly to be wondered at as it seems to be a most
practical and sympathetic service for senior or housebound people especially.
Membership is FREE and practical help is available in the way of community, electrical,
home repair and gardening services. If desired, Homelink staff will undertake to call
members on a regular basis to check that all is well or even just for a friendly chat.
We have some leaflets with the telephone numbers available and will leave some at the
back of all three churches and in the Rectory Cottage if anyone should be interested or
know someone who might appreciate having the information to hand.
Our Christmas Party will be held on 8th December, commencing at 2.30pm in the
McLean Room at St. Matthew’s Church. As usual, please bring a present for ‘Santa’s
Sack’, value not to exceed €5.
We hope to see all our ‘regulars’ and maybe even some new friends.
A rota for cleaning Newcastle Church in 2010 will be put up in the porch if any
volunteers would like to put their name down. Thank you to all those who have kept the
church clean during the past year. It is much appreciated.
(Presuming that assembly will be held in church on Friday 29th January, tea and coffee will
be available in the Rectory Cottage from 8.30 am for anyone waiting to attend the service).
Fields of Life
Fields of Life are now starting to drill water wells with their own drilling rig thus
reducing the cost of each well. Where they have drilled wells Fields of Life have noticed
that the children miss less school because they are now so much healthier. Enclosed with
your pins is a Gift of Life leaflet and we hope you will do some Christmas shopping with
us. Last year we were able to help over 500 families with various gifts as seen in the
leaflet. This has proved life transforming to those who received the gifts. Many thanks for
all your support throughout the year. June Roe (Calary)
Fields of Life
Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Fields of Life Sponsorship in
Newtownmountkennedy. We received letters from all the children sponsored and some of
them are now in College and hope to qualify in their chosen careers, in the next couple of
years. If any other person would like to commit themselves to sponsorship, no matter how
much or how little, we would be delighted to hear from them. It costs €18 per month to
sponsor a child for his or her education, uniform, etc. but any amount, great or small, is
very helpful, as any amount soon adds up. Tony Noonan (St. Matthew’s)
Thank you to all our readers in Newtownmountkennedy. If there are any
other people willing to read on Sundays or Wednesdays please let us
know. Their welcome is assured! J.N.
Christmas Charity Envelopes:
An envelope is enclosed for your donation to a charity of your choice. We know
things are very tight for some this Christmas with the economic situation but
this means things are even tighter for those whom we support through the
envelopes. Please remember those not so fortunate at home and abroad this
Christmas. It would be appreciated if the envelopes would be returned by
Sunday 13 so that the money can be distributed to the various charities before Christmas.
Sustentation - Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy
Many thanks to all who have already given to the sustentation fund, particularly those who
have maintained or even increased the level of their contributions in spite of the hard
economic times. Year to date the fund is running over 30% behind last year - a stark
reflection of the difficulties many of you are facing. With this level of reduction it would
be appreciated if the Sustentation envelopes which went out with PINS last month could
be returned as soon as possible. Any further contributions however small will be most
gratefully received. M.P.
PINS 2010
To avoid the waste of printing unwanted copies of PINS, if it does not suit
you to collect your copy from church would you please choose one of the
¾ To have it posted to you; please forward €5.00 (to cover postage) to;
Clodagh Jennings, 66 Seacourt, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow
¾ Nominate someone, who attends church regularly, who would be
willing to collect it on your behalf.
¾ If you no longer wish to receive PINS just drop me a short note to
cancel it.
¾ PINS is now available to view online every month at