Please Ignore Whichever Is Not Applicable

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The following documents are required for obtaining PF Code No

1. Form No.5-A
2. Pro forma for Coerage
!. Particulars of em"lo#ees for coerage month i.e. Name of the
em"lo#ee$ Father Name$ %ate of &oining$ 'alar# ( )ages *+asic ,
.. Pa# /rder for coerage month towards Contribution of 0m"lo#ees
and 0m"lo#er share
5. Proof of ownershi" i.e. Pro"rietor ( Partnershi" ( Pt. 1td. ( 1td.$
2. 3emorandum and Articles of Association
4. 1ist of %irectors and their addresses i.e. Name$ Age$ 'tatus$ Father
Name$ 5esidential Address and %ate of a""ointment
6. Partnershi" %eed
7. 1ist of Partners and their addresses i.e. Name$ Age$ 'tatus$ Father
Name$ 5esidential Address and %ate of a""ointment
18.+an9 A(c No.$ Name of the +an9 and Address
11. PAN Allotment letter
12.:'T and C'T 5egistration
1!.PT 5egistration
1..'ho" Act 1icense ( Factor# Act 1icense
15.First 'ale ;noice ( +ill
12.First and subsequent +alance 'heet
14.1ease ( 5ental Agreement or 'ale deed of the business "remises
16.1ist of Contractors and their details such as Name and address$ No. of
em"lo#ees and PF Code No.$ Nature of wor9
17.''; 5egistration
28.3onth wise em"lo#ees strength from the date of setu".
21.Attendance and 'alar# register from the date of setu" of the
22.An# other documents ( 5egistrations
Please ignore whichever is not applicable.

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