Brand Awareness of Airtel

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses brand awareness, types of brands, objectives of a study on brand awareness, and provides findings and suggestions related to a case study on AirTel mobile network.

The main topics covered in the document include introduction to brand awareness, types of brands, objectives of a study, industrial background, company profile, services offered, growth of the company, survey reports, findings, suggestions and conclusion.

Some of the suggestions provided for AirTel include making their plans more economical, focusing on different age groups and genders, bringing out new offers and schemes, and focusing more on creating a strong brand identity.

Table of contents

1. Introduction to Brand awareness 3

2. Types of brands 7

3. Need for study 10

4. statement of the problem 11

5. Objectives of the Study 12

6. Plan of analysis 17

7. Industrial Background of the study 18

8. Company profile 20

9. Origin of the Organization 24

10. Services offered by the Company 31

11. Growth of the company 38

12. Survey Reports 39

13. Findings 81

14. Suggestions 84

15. Conclusion 85

16. Bibliography 86

NSB, Bangalore 1

Today the world economy has undergone a radical transformation in the last two
decades. The companies are emerging at the faster level. The technology and advances have
permitted companies to widen substantially both the Markets and suppliers sources. Now as
companies are emerging with their new products, marketing has become exuberant activity in
expanding the market globally.

Marketing starts with human need and wants. It is a human activity directed at
satisfying needs and wants through exchange process.

Marketing management deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. It
is basically a meeting needs profitability.

In other words we can say that “It is the process of planning and executing conception,
pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organizational goals”. The aim of marketing is to know and understand
the customer so well, that the product or service fits him and sells itself.

It acts as an instrument to lift up the standard and life style of the economy with the
help of marketing; we are able to get the products at our doorstep at our choice and needs. The
whole economy would be sluggish if marketing did not exist. Marketing is of critical
importance because it maintains stability in the economic condition.

Marketing is an existing, dynamic and contemporary field. It is recognized as the most

significant activity in the society.

NSB, Bangalore 2
Marketing has a widest connection which includes in its fold selling, buying,
Transportation, warehousing, pricing and packaging. All these activities geared up together to
reach strong preferences for particulars “BRAND AWARENESS”

As such today’s companies are facing the toughest competition everywhere marketing
is playing a very important role.

NSB, Bangalore 3

With the opening of the market or the post liberalization period has resulted in many
companies entering the markets with offerings of their goods and services.

In the earlier stages of economic revolution consumer had to accept what the
manufacturer has produced. But today’s consumers are much more educated, demanding,
expect lot more to suit their ever changing life styles. There by their quality expectations have
been elevated from time to time in order to rebuild it-self around its customer.
The manufacturer should be able to satisfy, with the type of product and services to match the
ever-changing customer requirements.

In developing a marketing strategy for products, the sellers have to confront the
branding decision. Brand is a major issue in product. Customers have strong preference for
particular versions and brands of basic goods and services. The manufactures eventually learn
that market power lies with the brand name companies. Consumers buying decisions are
influenced by the brand.

In this competitive world, the “Brand plays an important role and a brand is very
prominent asset owned by an organization. Brand is endowed with awareness, perceived
quality, associations and brand loyalty. Brand is presented as creative idea.

A brand is a promise of the seller to deliver a specific set of benefits or attributes or

services to the buyer. Brand represents a level of quality.

A Brand is symbol, a mark, a name that acts as a means of communications which
brings about an identity of a given product.

NSB, Bangalore 4
A Brand in short is an identifier of the seller or the maker. A brand name consists of
words, letter or numbers that can be vocalized. Brand mark is the visual representation of the
brand like a symbol, design, distinctive coloring or lettering. Brand creates a bond between
the customer and a product.

According to American marketing association “A Brand is defined as a name, item, sign,
symbol or special design or some combination of these elements that is intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers. A brand differentiates these products
from those of competitors.

In the word of Philip kotler

“A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or combination of them. Intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of

Role of Branding
In today’s world brand names come to create identify to distinguish one product from another.
The following points to pin down its precise role.

• Brand is a massive asset: Brand is an intangible asset, because it is impossible to

duplicate brand name.

• Brand is promotional tool: The product differentiation is done by a brand through sales

• Brand is a weapon to protect Market: A consumer has tried and liked a product, the
brand enables him to identify the product and repeat the purchase.

NSB, Bangalore 5
• Brand is antidote for middle men’s survival: The class of middle man always tends to
go for a successful brand.

• Brand is a means of identifications of customers: Brand is the easiest way of

identifying product or service by customers.

A brand can convey the consumers through six levels as shown below:

Brand Conveying
the Consumer







Attributes: a brand first brings to mind certain attributes for a particular product.
Benefits: consumers are buying benefits of the product with brand.
Values: the brand tells about values which says same thing about the product values.
Culture: the brand represents a different culture.
Personality: a brand project a personality which can be person, animal or object.
User: the brand suggests its own target audience to use the product.

NSB, Bangalore 6


Manufacturer National Private Single Multiple Family

Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand

Brand Awareness of the Product

Aware of brand, when its presence is registered in the mind of consumers. The level of
awareness can range from mere recognition to recall to top of mind to dominant. The
company is spending money to keep brand in consumer’s memory.

A strong brand awareness means easy acceptance of new products. Brand with strong
awareness can brought and sold to create brand name with enduring strength.

An organization can put its customer awareness, identify and develop it further to
build strong brand. It is enhanced by creating a brand loyalty and establishing brand identity
of a product.

Brand awareness is asset which brand managers create and enhance to build brand
equity. It is related to the nature and features of product. It leads to brand strength which is
constituted by measuring the variable like leadership, stability, Market, geographic, trend,
support and protection etc…

Creating brand awareness with the use of advertising, promotion event management
etc… a different brand has different kind of awareness which retains recognition.

NSB, Bangalore 7
Brand awareness satisfies a need of the consumer. A consumer as aims, ambitions,
motivation drives and desire. Consumer feels more powerful when he uses the brand.
Satisfactions or preference for a brand shows how loyal the consumer is likely to be brand.
Now a day’s consumers are experience with brand awareness for different product, where the
consumers expectations levels are increased towards brand, product etc…

NSB, Bangalore 8

People communicate with each other for various reasons. As the ability to gather
process and communicate information the demand for the user more sophisticated technology
has come into picture. Mobile technology has come into revolutionized the
telecommunication industry. It has allowed communicating from a mobile location which has
forever changed the way people communicate. Today, where a large proportion of the
population own and use mobile connection, the companies have to cater to this needs.

Bharti enterprises provide a different range of services like postpaid, Prepaid, SMS, S
T D facility, national and international roaming, national and international S M S. which are
being serviced to the customers under the brand name “AIRTEL”

Today, we have a large number of brands of telecommunication available in the

market. Since it is a very popular brand used, it is an industry by itself having a large number
of competitors, each varying from one another to grab higher market share.

This study is designed to understand the “BRAND AWARENESS TOWARDS

AIRTEL MOBILE CONNECTION” with competing other leading brands.

NSB, Bangalore 9

Today costumers are facing a growing range of choice in the different brands of
products and services. They are making their choice on the basis of their perceptions of brand,
quality service and value.

Companies need to understand the rapid growth of global market place. Where, the companies
should choose brand names with an eye to their global reach.
This study is not concerned only with brand awareness but deals also with other facts. It
includes a wide preview of

• From where did they come to know about the product?

• Did they feel that the brand is important to purchase?
• If given, would they like to purchase same brand product again?
• Did they feel that the branded product matches their expectations?
• How the brands influence the market?
• How relevant the brand towards trend?
• Do brand suggestive to the products?
• Are they satisfied with the brand, price, quality etc…?

These questions will help in understanding better, what factor influence the people about
brand awareness?
The marketers have realized that they have to take technical decisions concerning the
brand to cater to the needs of the consumers to develop brand identify and brand position.

The company must understand how their consumers perceive brand, quality and how
much they expect.

NSB, Bangalore 10
Therefore, it becomes very necessary to understand, analyze and evaluate the brand
awareness in a systematic manner and act accordingly for existence.


In the emerging knowledge based economy it has become necessary to know how
much market power lies with the brand name. The study of brand awareness is essential in
marketing planning. Customer needs and preferences keep changing where brands ultimately
command customer’s loyalty.

The realistic side of the problem is to know the acceptance level of the brand
awareness towards the product. This study will help us to understand the brand awareness and
what problems are being faced by the consumers, to which appropriate measures to be taken
to solve the problems.

This project has mainly been taken up to understand the brand awareness, buying
motives to ensure the “Brand awareness towards AirTel Mobile connection” apart from this, it
is to understand the new opportunities in the market for the improvement of brand awareness
and sales towards the products

NSB, Bangalore 11

• To identify the consumer needs.

• To know the brand image AirTel.

• To measure the brand image towards AirTel.

• To know the consumer attitude and demand towards the brand AirTel.

• To find opinion about brand and service provided by AirTel.

• To find the effectiveness of advertisement in developing the brand AirTel.

• To know the consumers reaction towards brand AirTel in respect of price,

offers-schemes etc…

NSB, Bangalore 12

The study plays a very important role in market research. It also helps to understand and
identify the human action towards brand.

The information thus gathered by conducting a systematic market research would help to
finding out the brand awareness of the consumers.

This study was mainly focused towards people of Bangalore who belong to different age
group and reside in different localities, in order to find out their preference given to particular


Data is the information collected from various sources. It is concerned with gather
accurate and proper knowledge about the problem that is in hand. Formally there are 2 types
of gathering information namely primary data and secondary data.

Data collection mode: Two methods have been used to collect the relevant data, which are
essential for the study, they are:

Primary Data: data is collected to obtain desired information through structured


Secondary Data: it is compiled through books, magazines, newspapers and internet etc…

NSB, Bangalore 13
Sampling plan:
A small selection of the large group which is taken for interviewing is called sampling.
A sample is taken representative and adequate which gives proper information.

In order to study “brand awareness towards AirTel mobile connection” the following
sampling plan was adopted.

Sample size:
A sample size of hundred was taken in order to carry the study.

Sampling unit:
For this survey the target population consisted of people residing in various localities
of Bangalore between the age group 20-70 who are the users of AirTel. Instrument of data
collection is questionnaire.

Sampling technique:
A simple random technique was adopted to select the representative sample from the
sampling unit.

Tools for data collection

Data for this study is collected from both primary and secondary data.
The primary data is collected through a structured questionnaire which was prepared to
interview the respondents.
The secondary data was collected through discussion with officials of the company to
get general information, data was also collected from newspapers, books, magazines,
company records and internet etc…

NSB, Bangalore 14

 Roaming:
Roaming is defined ad the type of service where exactly it can be used every where. It is a
service which is accessible out side the state and country.

 Short message service:

It referred to type of service where in messages can be typed in and sent from one mobile
to another.

 Activation:
The team activation refers to put the services into an action. It is nothing but actually
giving life to a sim card or mobile.

 Attitude:
Attitude may be defined as an enduring organization of motivational, emotional,
perceptual and cognitive process with respect to some aspect of the individual world.

 Perception:
Perception can be defined as the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and
interpret stimuli into meaningful coherent picture of the world.

 Brand Image:
Brand image is the set of impressions and idea that consumers form about the brand.

 Consumer awareness:

NSB, Bangalore 15
Consumer awareness is the knowledge of the product existence in the market.

 Brand preference:
It is the selection preference that a consumer according to a particular brand of product
comparative evaluation with brands.

 Price:
Price can be broadly classified as the amount of money the consumers have to pay for a

 Quality:
Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear its
ability to satisfy or implied needs.

NSB, Bangalore 16

The data is collected from both primary and secondary sources and also been tabulated
in the form of tables and drawn in to graphs depicting the various finding significantly. The
data collected through questionnaire are analyzed in detail and divided in to various categories
of preferences and conclusion are drawn on the possible changes are causes for brand
preference and market share is given based on the research study.


• The study is restricted to some areas of Bangalore city.

• The findings of the study are based on the assumption that the respondents divulged
correct information.

• The study is relevant only to present situation and not to future.

• Bias and unwillingness of certain respondents to answering some questions may

hinder the study.

• The study is time bound, due to rapid changes in the market, expectation level of
consumer’s, introduction of new products.

• The study may not be applicable over a period of time

NSB, Bangalore 17

For the past few years, the technology has advanced with gathering processing and
distribution of information. It has lead to enrichment of world wide telecommunications,
radio, television and launching of communications satellites.

The economy is growing due to rapid technological process where the need for
communicating each other has been necessary. Organizations with hundred of offices spread
over wide geographical area routinely expect to gather information at their remote out put at
the push of the button. This realization resulted in a sophisticated way of communication
which has leads to development of mobile and telecommunication industry.

In the earlier days the telecommunication sector was operated by government. But as
the economy had its growth with more population and companies coming in the need for
communicating mobile, gathered importance. This leads to liberation and privatization of
economy where new companies emerged in the mobile industry. In this whole process
companies like AirTel, Spice, Hutch and Reliance have taken birth.

These companies have entered in to the market providing different types of services.
In order to give good and accurate communication network companies had to work with the
help of satellite networks. At present these are two types of satellite network namely.
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) Technologies which are marketing communication networking more easier.

NSB, Bangalore 18
Global System for Mobile Communication [GSM]

It is one of the satellite networks which have been designed as a fully digital system. It
is currently use in over 50 countries inside and outside of Europe Global System for mobile
communication work with the help of frequency above 1800MHz. A GSM system has up to
maximum of 200 full duplex channels per cell. Each channel consists of downlink frequency
from base station to the Mobile station and uplink frequency from the mobile station. The
mobile station is located at particular distance with communication to base station which
makes the signal reachability more easier. The base station is used to announce incoming calls
each mobile station monitors its base station continuously to watch for calls it should answer.
At present Global System for Mobile Communication Technology is used by companies like
AirTel, Hutch and Spice etc

Code Division Multiple Access [CDMA]

It is yet another method for allocating a wireless channel. It is one of the satellite
networks which is used for communication purpose. It is completely different from all other
allocation techniques. Code Division Multiple Access is based on dividing the channel into
frequency bands and optical fibers. It is typically used for wireless systems with a fixed base
station and many mobile stations depend on how for away the transmitters are CDMA Allows
each station to transmit over the entire frequency spectrum all over the time.

The base station gives commands to the Mobile stations to increase or decrease their
transmission power.

Companies like Tata Indicom, Reliance are using the CDMA Technology.

NSB, Bangalore 19

BHARTI ENTIREPRISES has been at the forefront of technology and has

revolutionized telecommunications with its world class products and services established in
1976. Bharti has been a pioneering force with the telecom sector with many firsts and
innovations to its credit. Bharti provided a range of telecom services which includes cellular,
basic and internet recently, National and international and long distance. Bharti also
manufactures and exports telephones terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the
largest manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it also the first company to export its
products to USA. Bharti has many joint ventures with world-class leader like SingTel
(Singapore Telecom) Warburg, Pincus, USA, and Telia. Sweden, Asia infrastructure
Mauritius, International finance USA and New York life international USA. No doubt, that
Bharti enterprise is the leading brand of telecommunications representing India all over the

The Bharti tele ventures has developed the following strategies to achieve its objectives.

• Focus on maximizing revenue and margins

• Capture maximizing telecommunications revenue potential with minimum
geographical coverage
• Focus of satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high level customer
• Emphasis on human resource development to achieve operational efficiencies.

NSB, Bangalore 20
Bharti tele-ventures current business includes

• Mobile service
• Fixed line
• National and international long distance service
• VSAT, Internet service and network solutions

Bharti tele-venture is India’s leading private sector provides of telecommunication service

based on its strong customer base consisting 8.28 million mobile. The company providing
services to its customers by seeking out the best technologies in the world.

NSB, Bangalore 21
Board of Directors of AirTel Company

















NSB, Bangalore 22
Company organizational Structure

NSB, Bangalore 23
AirTel Corporate Structure

NSB, Bangalore 24

AirTel comes from Bharti enterprises Ltd, a part of the biggest private integrated
telecom conglomerate Bharti enterprises. AirTel was established due to the demand created in
the mobile industry.

AirTel welcomes consumer to vibrant world of unlimited opportunities not just

through words but ideas, emotions and feelings. To give consumers to unlimited freedom to
reach out in special way.

AirTel provides a range of services, which includes postpaid and prepaid.

It is a leading cellular service provide with a footprint of services in 15 states covering all 4
metros. It has 4.5 million satisfied customers.


For a brand to be successful, it must build enduring relationship with different audiences.
Integral to this relationship is the visual image of the brand the consumer carries in his/her

The AirTel brand image is created through consistent application of a carefully developed
visual identity, which helps AirTel distinguish it self in a cluttered market. AirTel visual
identity helps to create instant brand recall and strengthens the relationship that it audience
have with it.

The AirTel visual identity has different elements that work together to create a strong and
consistent for the brand.

NSB, Bangalore 25
The most important of these are As Follows:

• The AirTel logo:

The AirTel logo is a strong contemporary and confident symbol for a brand that is
always ahead of the rest. It is a specially drawn word mark.

• The AirTel Image style:

It corporate two solid, red rectangular forms whose counter form creates an open door

• The AirTel typographical style:

The title lettering with its capital “A” is deliberately chosen to reinforce the brand’s
leadership position. The red dot on the letter form “I” cues AirTel’s focus on
The words “Express Yourself” are very much part of the Brand identity.

• The AirTel color palette:

The lettering is gray so the pure black of the AirTel is visually unharmed.


“To make mobile communications a way of life to be the customers first choice”.

NSB, Bangalore 26

The company will meets the mobile communication needs of their customer through

• Brand identity
• Error free service delivery
• Cost efficiency
• Unified messaging solutions
• Innovative products and services


• Innoventuring
To generate and implement enterprunial and innovate ideas which continuously
creates new growth engines.

• Customers first
To provide delivery service beyond the expectations of the customer. The quality of
the customer responsiveness clearly differentiates them from others.

• Performance culture
The benchmark their process and performances against world class standards. To
distinguish between performers by valuing achievements at the individual as well as
team level.

• Valuing partnership

NSB, Bangalore 27
Get committed to building exemplary relationship with partners who stand on the
principles of mutual growth and trust.

• Valuing people
To mature as environment where people are respected and their uniqueness is valued.
They believe that people are their key differentiator.

• Responsible Corporate Citizenship

To get committed for making a positive and pro-active contribution to the community.
They will contribute to and abide by environmental and legal norms.

• Ethical Practices
They will uphold the highest ethical standard in all internal and external relationship.

NSB, Bangalore 28

At present, AirTel has been operating with a footprint in 15 states covering all 4
metros providing with a choice of postpaid, prepaid, short messaging service and Multi media
Following are the states where AirTel has been working:
Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Punjab, Hariyana, Himachal Pradesh,
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, and Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal.
Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai (4 Metro Cities).

NSB, Bangalore 29

AirTel provides a host of value added services. These services are divided in to six
headings as per customer needs:

 Fun Unlimited
• Voice unlimited.
• Ring tones and downloads.
• AirTel messengers.

 Mobile Plus
• Dial a service.
• Short Message Service (SMS).
• Information Service.
• Send and receive E-Mail.
• Mobile Banking.

 Anytime anywhere
• Reach me.
• Roaming.

 Business on the Move

• AirTel Tango WAP Services
• Multimedia Service (MMS)
• FAX & Data Services

NSB, Bangalore 30
 Call Management
• Call line identification (CLIP).
• Call line identification Restriction (CLIR).
• Call Waiting.
• Call Divert.

 Others
• STD / ISD Facility.
• Safe Custody.
• Itemized Billing.


1. AirTel Prepaid

Bharti Enterprises, India's leading integrated telecom service provider gives AirTel
Prepaid Ready Cellular Card and Recharge Cards are available, all over the city at our retail
outlets including 24 hour outlets. AirTel gives maximum benefits as it has no rental, no bills,
and no deposits. It gives crystal clear communication all over the cities in Karnataka.

• Total Cost Control

Enjoy the liberty of total cost control with your AirTel Pre-paid! Re-charge as much as
you feel the need to! Now that's what we call complete freedom!

NSB, Bangalore 31
• No Rentals and No deposits
Buy an AirTel prepaid card without having to pay any rentals!. Your AirTel prepaid
card comes without you having to pay hefty deposits!

• STD /ISD facility till the last rupee

Now experience complete freedom like never before with AirTel! Our STD / ISD
facility allows you to make long distance calls in India and Overseas from your
cellular phone!

• Instant Balance Inquiry

Check your talk-time instantly by calling our toll-free number!

• 60 second pulse
AirTel provides you with a 60-second pulse rate! Freedom for you to experience like
never before!

• Instant Recharge
Avail of instant recharge on your AirTel prepaid card with just a few simple steps!

• 24-hour recharge facility

with our round-the-clock recharge facility, recharge you AirTel prepaid card anytime,

• Caller Line Identification

Call Line Identification gives you the power to know the phone number of the calling
party even before you answer the call, thus giving you the choice to either reject or
take the call. It provides the added advantage of saving the incoming number directly
in the Handset Phone Book. So that the next time you want to call the same person,
you don't need to retype his number, simply use your phone book.

NSB, Bangalore 32
• Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait
Avail of special services like call waiting, call hold and call divert – all with your
AirTel prepaid card!

• Short Messaging Service (SMS)

With AirTel’s Short Messaging Service (SMS), send messages and jokes to your
friends and colleagues, anytime anywhere!

• SMS based Information Services

With AirTel’s SMS based information services; you can get up to-the-minute cricket
scores, order flowers as well as send couriers or check your daily horoscope!

• Voice Mail service

Voice Mail lets you receive messages even when your handset is switched off or when
you are outside the coverage area. You can listen to your messages whenever you feel
like, from anywhere in the world. Voice Mail can store up to 75 messages.

• Widest availability
AirTel prepaid ready cellular card are available all over the city at over 7000 retail
outlets including 24 hours outlets.

NSB, Bangalore 33

• Easy Talk Plan

Pulse Rate 60 seconds

Incoming Calls (Rs.) Free


To GSM Mobile/WLL (Rs.) 1/min

To Landline (Rs.) 1/min
To AirTel (Rs.) 1/min
STD (To GSM and WLL-M)
All India(Rs.) Rs. 1.50/min
To AirTel (Rs.) Rs. 1.50/min
STD (To Landline)
All India(Rs.) Rs. 1.50/min
America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Rs. 6.40 /min
Canada (Rs.)
Gulf countries & Africa Rs. 9.20 /min
& SAARC countries(Rs.)
Other countries(Rs.) Rs.9.20 /min

SMS Local(Rs.) Re.1/msg ,
SMS National(Rs.) Rs. 1.50/message

NSB, Bangalore 34
SMS International(Rs.) Rs. 5/message
Value Added Services(Rs.) Rs. 3/message

SMS to local CDMA at Rs.1/msg. In case the customer would like to cancel the daily rental,
customer to send "AirTel One Cancel" as SMS to 222 and will be migrated to the "AirTel
Easy Talk" tariff
plan without daily rentals.

2. AirTel Postpaid
AirTel postpaid connection offers enhanced full rate with distortion free high clarity
voice. It provides seamless, crystal clear noncongested, easy accessible, network and finest 24
Hours customer service facility.

Experience complete freedom

AirTel welcomes you to a vibrant world of unlimited opportunities. More exciting,

innovative yet simple new ways to communicate, just when you want to, not just through
words but ideas, emotions and feelings. To give the unlimited freedom to reach out to special
people in special way.

As an AirTel Post-paid customer you can enjoy the following facilities -

• Easy Billing
Now enjoy the luxury of viewing details of your last 3 billing cycles and the

NSB, Bangalore 35
convenience of paying your AirTel bill online! Experience complete freedom with

• Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait

Avail of special services like call waiting, call hold and call divert – all with your
AirTel postpaid connection!

• Short Messaging Service (SMS)

With AirTel’s Short Messaging Service (SMS), send unlimited messages and jokes to
your friends and colleagues, anytime anywhere!

• Caller Identification
Call Identification gives you the power to know the phone number of the calling party
even before you answer the call, thus giving you the choice to either reject or take the
call. It provides the added advantage of saving the incoming number directly in the
Handset Phone Book. So that the next time you want to call the same person, you don't
need to retype his number, simply use your phone book.

• Voice Mail
Voice Mail lets you receive messages even when your handset is switched off or when
you are outside the coverage area. You can listen to your messages whenever you feel
like, from anywhere in the world. Voice Mail can store up to 75 messages, with each
message of two-minute duration.

• STD/ISD Facility
now experience complete freedom like never before with AirTel! Our STD/ISD
facility allows you to make long distance calls in India and Overseas from your
cellular phone!

NSB, Bangalore 36
• Roaming (National and International)
AirTel’s Roaming service allows you to use your mobile phone to make or receive
calls from almost anywhere in India and abroad! Enjoy roaming within the country as
well as across international destinations!


• AirTel One 250 SUK

Pulse Rate 60 sec

Incoming Calls(Rs.) 1/min
Making Calls(Rs.) 1.50/min
STD (To GSM and WLL-M)
All India (Rs.) Rs.1.50 /min
To AirTel (Rs.) Rs. 1.50 /min
STD (To landline)
All India (Rs.) Rs.1.50/min
America, Europe, Asia, Oceania & Canada (Rs.) Rs.16.99
Other countries, & SAARC countries (Rs.) Rs.40.00
SMS Local(Rs.) 50 ps
SMS National(Rs.) Rs.1.50ps
SMS International(Rs.) Rs.5
Value Added Services(Rs.) Rs.3

SMS to local CDMA(Reliance, Tata Indicom) at Rs.1msg.

In case the customer would like to cancel the daily rental, customer to send "AirTel One

NSB, Bangalore 37
Cancel" as SMS to 222 and will be migrated to the "AirTel Easy Talk" tariff plan without
daily rentals

NSB, Bangalore 38

AirTel has an aggregate of 4.5 million customers during the period of 2003-2004. The
market share of the company is 26 %. In June 2003 the company made gross investment of
over 10,650 crore (US$ 2.3 billion) in building telecom in India during the year ended June 30
2003 mobile services represented approximately 63% of their total revenue.

According to the survey conducted by economic times “Most Trusted Brands” 2003. AirTel
stands in the third position among all the telecom.

Consequently for 4 years 1997 to 2000, AirTel has been noted as the best Cellular service in
the country and won the Techies award. The Asia pacific award for the most innovative
human resources practices in 2000. The Golden Peacock National Training Award for
excellence in training practices in 2000. The Golden Peacock National Quality Award in

Survey Report

Table -1
Classification of respondents of the basis of their age group

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Age Group No of Respondents Percentage

1 20 – 30 50 50 %
2 30 – 40 25 25 %
3 40 – 50 20 20 %
4 50 & Above 05 05 %

NSB, Bangalore 39
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 50% of the respondents belong to the age group of 20 -
30 years. 25% of the respondents belong to the age group of 30 – 40 years. 20 % of the
respondents belong to the age group of 40 – 50 years and the remaining 5 % belong to the age
group 50 and above.

Majority of respondents are between the age group of 20-40 yrs.

Graph - 1

Classification of the respondents on the basis of their age group



20 – 30
30 – 40
40 – 50
50 & Above


NSB, Bangalore 40
Table -2

Classification of respondents on the basis of their sex

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Sex No of Respondents Percentage

1 Male 67 67 %
2 Female 33 33 %

Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that the male respondents form 67 % and the female respondents
are form 33 %.

Male respondents form the opinion group being comparatively more than the female

NSB, Bangalore 41
Graph -2

Classification of respondents on basis of their sex




Table - 3

Classification of the respondents on the basis of their Occupation

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Occupation No of Respondents Percentage

1 Working 70 70 %
2 Non Working 30 30 %
Total 100 100 %

NSB, Bangalore 42

The above table interprets that the working class constitutes 70 % and the non working class
30 % of the respondents.

Majority of the respondents are form working class who use AirTel connection, apart this
interesting to note that even non working class also use AirTel connection significantly.

Graph - 3

Classification of the respondents on basis of their Occupation


Non Working


NSB, Bangalore 43
Table - 4

Classification of respondents on the basis of their monthly income

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Income No of Respondents Percentage

1 <5000 10 10 %
2 5000 – 10000 40 40 %
3 10000 - 15000 23 23 %
4 15000 and above 27 27 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that

10 % of respondents belong to the income group of less than 5000, 40 % of respondents
belong to the income group of 5000 – 10000, 23 % of respondents belong to the income group
of 10000 – 15000 and the remaining
27 % of respondents belong to the income group of 15000 and above.

The above data indicates that most of the respondents belong to the middle and upper income
group which play an important role in purchase of AirTel.

NSB, Bangalore 44
Graph - 4

Classification of respondents on the basis of their monthly income



5000 – 10000
10000 - 15000
40% 15000 and above


Table - 5

Classification of respondents on the basis of owning a mobile

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Own a Mobile No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 93 93 %
2 No 07 07 %
Total 100 100 %

NSB, Bangalore 45

The above table interprets that

93 % of respondents own a Mobile and 7 % of the respondents do not own a mobile.

At present majority of the respondents own Mobile.

Graph - 5

Classification of respondents on the basis of owning a mobile




NSB, Bangalore 46
Table - 6

Classification of respondents on the basis of their awareness towards different mobile


Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Mobile Connection No of Respondents Percentage

1 AirTel 34 34 %
2 BSNL 18 18 %
3 Vodafone 23 23 %
4 Reliance 22 22 %
5 Spice 03 03 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 34 % of the respondents are aware of the brand AirTel, 18 %
of the respondents are aware of the brand BSNL, 23 % of the respondents are aware of the
brand Vodafone, 23 % of the respondents are aware of the brand reliance and 3 % of the
respondents are aware of the brand Spice mobile.
Majority of the respondents are awards of AirTel.

NSB, Bangalore 47
Graph - 6

Classification of respondents on the basis of their awareness towards different mobile



34% AirTel

NSB, Bangalore 48
Table - 7

Classification of respondents on the basis of their usage of other network other than AirTel

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Other Mobile Network No of Respondents Percentage

1 AirTel 51 51 %
2 BSNL 15 15 %
3 Vodafone 20 20 %
4 Reliance 12 12 %
5 Spice 02 02 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 51 % of the respondents are using AirTel Network, 15 % of the
respondents are using BSNL Network, 20 % of the respondents are using Hutch, 12 % of the
respondents are using Reliance and 2 % of the respondents are using Spice mobile network.

Majority of the respondents are using AirTel Mobile Connection only.

NSB, Bangalore 49
Graph - 7

Classification of respondents on the basis of their usage of other network other than AirTel


51% Hutch


NSB, Bangalore 50
Table – 8

Classification of respondents on the basis of their influence to purchase through

different media

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Media No of Respondents Percentage

1 T V Ads 25 25 %
2 Print Media 27 27 %
3 Radio (FM) 08 08 %
4 Hoardings 12 12 %
5 Word of mouth 28 28 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 25 % of the respondents are influenced to purchase by TV Ads,
27 % of the respondents are influenced to purchase by Print Media, 08 % of the respondents
are influenced to purchase by Radio (FM), 12 % of the respondents are influenced to purchase
by Hoardings, 28 % of the respondents are influenced to purchase by Word of mouth.

Majority of the respondents are influenced to purchase by TV Ads, Print Media and Word of

NSB, Bangalore 51
Graph - 8

Classification of respondents on the basis of their influence to purchase through different



T V Ads
Print Media
Radio (FM)
Word of mouth

NSB, Bangalore 52
Table - 9

Classification of respondents on the basis of their reference to purchase

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Reference No of Respondents Percentage

1 Family 15 15 %
2 Dealers 21 21 %
3 Friends 33 33 %
4 Self 29 29 %
5 Others 02 02 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 15 % of the respondents are influenced by Family to purchase,
21 % of the respondents are influenced by Dealers to purchase, 33 % of the respondents are
influenced by Friends to purchase, 29 % of the respondents are influenced by Self and
remaining, 02 % of the respondents are influenced by Others reference.

Majority of the respondents are influenced by the Friends to purchase Mobile.

NSB, Bangalore 53
Graph - 9

Classification of respondents on the basis of their reference to purchase


21% Friends


NSB, Bangalore 54
Table - 10

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards promoting a brand through
different Medias.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Media No of Respondents Percentage

1 T V Ads 47 47 %
2 Radio 21 21 %
3 Print 18 18 %
4 Hoardings 14 14 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 47 % of the respondents are given opinion to promote Brand
by TV, 21 % of the respondents are given opinion to promote Brand by Radio, 18 % of the
respondents are given opinion to promote Brand by Print remaining 14 % of the respondents
are given opinion to promote Brand by Hoardings.

Majority of respondents are given their opinion towards promoting a brand by TV Media

NSB, Bangalore 55
Graph - 10

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Promoting a Brand through
different media.


T V Ads
18% 47% Radio


NSB, Bangalore 56
Table - 11

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Brand is important to make
a purchase.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 53 53 %
2 No 47 47 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that 53 % of respondents are given opinion towards Brand is
important to make purchase.
47 % of respondents are given opinion towards Brand is not important to make purchase.

Majority of respondents are given importance to brand.

NSB, Bangalore 57
Graph - 11

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Brand is important to make
a purchase.

47% Yes
53% No

NSB, Bangalore 58
Table - 12

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Brand AirTel is influenced
their purchase.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 53 53 %
2 No 47 47 %
Total 100 100


The above table interprets that the 53 % of respondents are given their opinion that Brand
AirTel influence their purchase.
Remaining 47 % of the respondents are not influenced by the Brand AirTel.

Majority of the respondents are influenced by the “Brand AirTel”.

NSB, Bangalore 59
Graph - 12

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Brand AirTel is influenced
their purchase.

47% Yes
53% No

NSB, Bangalore 60
Table - 13

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion as they hear the Brand name
Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Reasons No of Respondents Percentage

1 Music 25 25 %
2 Punchline 27 27 %
3 Brand Ambassador 13 13 %
4 Theme of Advertising 35 35 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that the 25 % of respondents are given their opinion that as they
hear Brand AirTel they like Music, 27 % of respondents are given their opinion that as they
hear Brand AirTel they like Punchline, 13 % of respondents are given their opinion that as
they hear Brand AirTel they like Brand Ambassador and 35 % of respondents are given their
opinion that as they hear Brand AirTel they like Theme of Advertising.

Majority of the respondents are given their opinion that they like theme of advertising as they
hear brand name “AirTel”.

NSB, Bangalore 61
Graph - 13

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion as they hear the Brand name


Brand Ambassador
Theme of Advertising


NSB, Bangalore 62
Table – 14

Classification of respondents on the basis of their preference towards the AirTel Connection
Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Reasons No of Respondents Percentage

1 AirTel as a Popular Brand 25 25 %
2 Service 32 32 %
3 Price 13 13 %
4 Offers and schemes 13 13 %
5 Easy to purchase 12 12 %
6 Others 05 05 %
Total 100 100 %

The above table interprets that the when respondents were asked their usage preference
towards AirTel Connection. 25 % of the respondents said, they like the AirTel as a popular
Brand. 32 % of the respondent said they like the service provided by the AirTel. 13 % of the
respondents said they were motivated by price, 13 % of respondents said they like the offers
and schemes and 12 % of the respondents said that is easy to purchase and 5 % of the
respondents said they used AirTel connection due to other reasons.

Majority of the respondent usage preference towards AirTel Connection, because of Service
and Brand.

NSB, Bangalore 63
Graph - 14

Classification of respondents on the basis of their preference towards the AirTel Connection

5% AirTel as a Popular
12% Brand

Offers and schemes

Easy to purchase
32% Others

NSB, Bangalore 64
Table - 15

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand Ambassador to
promote a product

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 45 45 %
2 No 55 55 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 45 % of the respondent said that Brand Ambassador is
necessary to promote a product. 55 % of the respondent said that Brand Ambassador is not
necessary to promote a product.

Majority of the respondents are given their opinion that brand ambassador is not necessary to
promote a product.

NSB, Bangalore 65
Graph - 15

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand Ambassador to
promote a product.

45% Yes

55% No

NSB, Bangalore 66
Table - 16

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand “AirTel”

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Brand AirTel No of Respondents Percentage

1 Suggestive 35 35 %
2 Appropriate 29 29 %
3 Easy to remember 36 36 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 35 % of the respondents given importance that AirTel brand is
suggestive. 29 % of the respondents given importance that AirTel brand is Appropriate and 36
% of the respondents given importance that AirTel brand is Easy to remember

Majority of the respondent’s given their opinion that AirTel brand is Suggestive & Easy to

NSB, Bangalore 67
Graph - 16

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand “AirTel”

36% 35%

Easy to remember


NSB, Bangalore 68
Table - 17

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand “AirTel” is not
the name of the product but image created for the service.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Agree 63 63 %
2 Disagree 37 37 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 63 % of the respondents agreed that AirTel brand is not the
name of the product but image created for the service. And 37 % of the respondents are
disagreeing that AirTel brand is not the name of the product but image created for the service.

Majority of the respondents are agreed that “AirTel brand” is not the name of the product but
image created for the service.

NSB, Bangalore 69
Graph - 17

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand “AirTel” is not
the name of the product but image created for the service.




NSB, Bangalore 70
Table - 18

Classification of respondents on the basis of their identification of the Brand AirTel through
Punchline “Express Yourself”.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 49 49 %
2 No 51 51 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 49 % of the respondent identify the brand AirTel through
Punchline ‘Express Yourself” and 51 % of the respondents are not able to identify the brand
AirTel through Punchline ‘Express Yourself”.

Majority of the respondents are not identifying the brand AirTel through Punchline “Express

NSB, Bangalore 71
Graph - 18

Classification of respondents on the basis of their identification of the Brand AirTel through
Punchline “Express Yourself”.

51% 49%

NSB, Bangalore 72
Table - 19

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the AirTel retail outlet in
creating the brand image.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 58 58 %
2 No 42 42 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 58 % of the respondent agreed that AirTel retail outlet creates
the brand Image and 42% of the respondent agreed that AirTel retail outlet not creates the
brand Image.

Majority of the respondents are agreed that AirTel retail outlet creates the brand Image.

NSB, Bangalore 73
Graph - 19

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the AirTel retail outlet in
creating the brand image.


NSB, Bangalore 74
Table - 20

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards Brand AirTel establish a
relationship based on love to collect loyal consumers.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 73 73 %
2 No 27 27 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 73 % of the respondents are given positive opinion towards
Brand AirTel about relationship to collect loyal consumers, and remaining 27 % respondents
are given Negative opinion towards brand AirTel about relationship to collect loyal

Majority of the respondents are given the importance towards relationship to collect loyal
consumers by brand AirTel.

NSB, Bangalore 75
Graph - 20

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards the Brand AirTel establish
a relationship based on love to collect loyal consumers.




NSB, Bangalore 76
Table - 21

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards advertisement plays a vital
role in developing the brand.

Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 80 80 %
2 No 20 20 %
Total 100 100 %


The above table interprets that 80 % of the respondents are given positive opinion towards
advertisement plays a vital role in developing the brand, and 20 % of the respondents are
given negative opinion towards advertisement plays a vital role in developing the brand.

Majority of the respondents are given the importance advertisement plays a vital role in
developing the brand.

NSB, Bangalore 77
a. If Yes, Which Media.

Sl. No. Media No of Respondents Percentage

1 TV 42 42 %
2 Hoarding 12 12 %
3 Print 29 29 %
4 Radio 17 17 %
Total 100 100 %

Majority of the respondents are given the importance television advertisement plays a vital
role in developing the brand

NSB, Bangalore 78
Graph - 21

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion towards advertisement plays a vital
role in developing the brand.




a. If Yes, Which Media


42% TV


NSB, Bangalore 79

After general survey and introduction with the AirTel telecom users it was found.

 That most of the respondents own mobile.

 That most of the respondents were between the age group of 20 to 40 years.
 That the male users were more in number compared to the female users.
 That most of the respondents were from middle and upper middle class.
 That most of the respondents are from working class.
 That majority of the respondents are aware of AirTel mobile.
 That the majority of the respondents are using AirTel mobile connection only.
 That the majority of the respondents are influenced to purchase by TV Ads.
 That most of the respondents are never too switched over to other brand.
 That majority of the respondents have given opinion to promote a brand through TV.
 That the majority of the respondents give importance to brand for any purchase.
 That the majority of the respondents influenced their purchase by brand AirTel.

Table - 22

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion about Brand with service provided
by AirTel
Total respondents 100:

Sl. No. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage

1 Very good 29 29 %
2 Good 43 43 %
3 Satisfactory 18 18 %
4 Poor 10 10 %
Total 100 100 %

NSB, Bangalore 80

When the respondents asked about their opinion towards brand with service provided by
AirTel, 29 % of the respondents said that it was very good, 43 % of the respondents said that
it was good, 18% of the respondents said that it was satisfied and 10% of the respondents said
that it was poor.

Majority of the respondents said that the brand with service provided by AirTel is good.

Graph - 22

Classification of respondents on the basis of their opinion about Brand with service provided
by AirTel



Very good


NSB, Bangalore 81
 That the majority of the respondents liked advertisement as they hear “Brand AirTel”.

 That the majority of the respondents bought AirTel mobile connection because of
popularity in brand and service.

 That the majority of the respondents are in favour of that brand ambassador is not
necessary to promote a brand.

 That the majority of the respondents express that AirTel brand is easy remember.

 That the majority of the respondents struck to AirTel mobile connection as not a name
but because of its brand image.

 That the majority of the respondents couldn’t identify brand “AirTel” through the
Punchline “Express Yourself”.

 That the majority of the respondents are agreed to that AirTel retail outlet creates
brand image.

 That the majority of the respondents are expressed advertising is important for a

 That the majority of the respondents are in the favour of brand with service given by
AirTel is good.

NSB, Bangalore 82

AirTel conduction survey, collection and always of gathers data and interaction with
users, it is suggested.

 That AirTel should make their plans more economical for all classes.
 That AirTel should focus on the age group of 50 and above.
 That AirTel should chalk out new plans to attract more female users.
 That AirTel should make new and lucrative strategies and schemes separately for
students and pensioners to make them brand loyal.
 That AirTel should keep on bringing out new time attractive offers and schemes to
increase brand value.
 That AirTel should bring advertisement in print media and audio to attract more
consumers towards brand.
 That AirTel should focus more on music, theme of advertising than the brand
 That no doubt AirTel has more visual identity, but it should work to create strong
brand identity.
 That no doubt AirTel has a colorful advertisement where it should focus more on the
words “Express Yourself” which is a part of the brand identity.
 That no doubt AirTel is a popular brand s it should creates brand identity extends to
rural and remote areas too.

NSB, Bangalore 83

It is concluded that the over all field of AirTel is appreciable, in the prevailing cut
threat competition among the powerful telecom industry it appeared that AirTel has not only
entered play but to win and indeed it has one. If AirTel continues its brand identify,
awareness, image and service as it is doing now it would not be exaggerating AirTel may
force other brands vanish from the market. It appears that the brand AirTel has no doubt made
these mobile handsets available in the hands of people of all walks, but with an eye on
monetary gain.

It is a privilege to flash or own a brand AirTel mobile connections, it has become an identity
of pride and fashion. The growth of AirTel was graphically ascending but steadily spreading
its wings all over the market with uniformity. The AirTel brand enables customer to identify
so well that he is tempted to levy it again. There by setting him to be among the upper and
privilege class.

Brand awareness of the AirTel mobile connection it as such providing ideas, feelings to a
common man to enjoy the service. AirTel connection is boom bridging the long distance
eliminating the feeling of separation.

AirTel of Bharti Enterprises is enjoying a virtual monopoly as it has made a very good place
for itself in the competitive market.

“AirTel has swept the market in a true sense”

NSB, Bangalore 84

NSB, Bangalore 85

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