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Presented By:

Aarjav Desai Aditya Narayan Sankalp Pradhan

Introduction 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Harshit Bharadwaj Dhruv Patel Kanha Bhawani

Brands are in stores, in advertisements, television commercials and with
the internet, they are everywhere we look, while browsing through the vast
networks of our interests. Brands are extremely fascinating.

oFor example, when we say boAt, it that fascinates each & every music
lovers when their product arises. This fascination in ourselves when we
hear a company’s name tells us about how good the company is.
Defination of a Brand:
o According to Philip Kotler- “A brand is defined as a
name, term, sign, symbol (or a combination of these) that identifies the maker
or seller of the product”.

o According to Ann Handley- “Brand is the image people have of your

company or product. It’s who people think you are. “

oBut we know that brand means more than the identity of the manufacturer of a product. In this
social, connected, high-tech world, branding has come to mean so much more.
Brands in Practical Life:
(1) Brands are something that distinguishes the OG product from the duplicate one
(2) These added emotions and trust help create a relationship between brands and
consumers .

(3) Brands create aspirational lifestyles based on these consumer relationships.

What is Branding?
oBranding is the process of researching, developing, and applying a
distinctive feature or set of features to your organization so that
consumers can begin to associate your brand with your products or
oIt is endowing products & services with the power of brand.
What is Branding
Branding is a combined effort of the company which is projected to the consumer.
Types of Branding
The 8 types of branding : oCultural and geographic branding.
o Personal branding.
o Corporate branding.
o Product branding.
o Online branding.
oService branding.
oRetail branding. o Offline branding
Importance of
People identify and recognize your
products and organization
Makes your company different
from competition
Helps connect with customers
Makes products easier to choose

Splendid strategy to attract talent

Create trust within the marketplace

Makes organizational goals and
strategies clear
Helps in growth
of business
Improves pride
and satisfaction
of employees
Scope of branding:
A brand is a perceptual entity that is rooted in reality
but reflects the perceptionsand perhaps even the
idiosyncrasies of consumers.
Ultimately a brand is something that resides in the
minds of consumers.
To successfully brand a product it is necessary to teach
1. Who the product is.
2. What the product does.
3. Why consumers should choose that particular brand.
The concept of branding can be applied to:
• idea
• persons
• Stores
• Physical & mental goods
• Place
• Organization
• Services
Brand Methodology:
• branding partner is your guide through the
transformational process.
• An effective agency needs a proven branding
methodology in order to ensure that
• your new (or re-vamped) brand will feel fresh, while
still reflecting the authentic story of your company,
your products and your services.
• Good brands make it look effortless. Good agencies
know that it’s not easy.
Every brand methodology must include three core

1.Introspective analysis
What do you do? Why do you do it?
What’s there? What’s missing?
A guided dive through the core of your company
determines the internal aspects of your business that define
your outward voice.
2.External analysis
Market research makes it clear where your brand fits in
relation to your consumers, competitors, and industry
landscape. Branding is all about finding your position. In a
world saturated with choices, differentiation is crucial.
3.Harmony between design and strategy
Strategy is invaluable – a solid plan is key to success. But
execution is just as important. Your brand is defined by the
gut feeling people get when they encounter it.
Intention isn’t enough – clearly communicating that intention
to elicit an emotional response is what matters.
Effective collaboration between strategic and creative thinkers
will take your brand to the next level.
Developing a visual language that is true to the brand strategy
and cohesive across all platforms is essential to brand success.
What is Data Collection In Branding

1) Branding data collection is simply the collection of data from all your Branding efforts
2) It is based on Primary and secondary data
3) Ultimately, however, it’s an attempt to unify all your data in a single place
What are the Types of Data?

1) Primary Data: Data which is collected first hand specially for the purpose of
study.primary data is original data collected by researchers first hand.
2) Secondary Data: Data that have been already collected by and readily available from
other sources.Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary
What are the methods of collecting Data?

1) Qualitative Research:- It uses an inductive method, that is, data relevant to some topics are collected
and grouped into appropriate meaningful categories.

There are two main methods for collecting Qualitative data:

a) Direct Collection Method- When the data is collected directly, it makes use of a disguised method.
Purpose of data collection is not known.
b) Indirect Collection Method- For example Projective techniques.

2) Quantitative Research:- Quantitative Research quantifies the data and generalizes the results from
the sample to the population.
Strengths of branding

•Control on marketing:

A manufacturer can maintain effective control on the marketing of branded goods. This is possible as quality, price, etc., are
fixed by the manufacturer.
•Stability to sale:

Branded goods provide stable sale over a long period. Consumers always give support to branded goods.

•Introduction of new products:

A manufacturer of a popular brand article can bring supplementary or even a new product in the market easily, quickly and
with confidence.
Weakness of branding


If you wish to create and maintain a strong brand presence, it can involve a lot of design and marketing costs.
•Fixed Image:

Every brand has a certain image to potential customers, and part of that image is about what products or services you sell.

The process of creating a brand will usually take a long period of time.


One of the main problems with many branded businesses is that they lose their personal image. The ability to deal on a
personal basis with customers is generally seen missing in big brand’s case.
Trends And Future of Branding
Three Keys to understand the Branding Trends

1. Flexibility:

As brands must respond, react and adapt to the culture, they are becoming more and more flexible. Their
visual identity and communication must respond to the feedback of their audience,

2. Community:

People themselves have built groups around their favorite brands, Now brands must develop interactions
with their audiences, and have a constant listening to their feedback as a way of having people at the heart
of every decision and direction.

3. Content:

People don't want to receive ads 24/7, 7 days a week. If brands want presence and recognition daily, they
must develop content that audiences want to consume.
Branding Trends

● Holding Brands to Higher Standards

Consumers are now looking at brands to take strong stands on social issues and back them up
with stronger actions. Brands that are socially conscious and responsible are likely to gain the
trust of the consumer faster and consequently see a rise in their brand value.

● The growth of e-commerce brands

With physical stores closing and consumers trying to avoid crowded stores, ecommerce saw
significant growth.
Branding Trends

● Focus on Sustainability

Since the pandemic, consumers have become more aware of the products they use and their
impact on individuals and the environment.

● Focus on Building Communities

Brands that focus on supporting and nurturing communities in times of crisis will not only stand
out from their competitors but also gain customer loyalty and trust.
Branding Trends

● Focus on Content

Through their content, brands can take clear stands on social issues, and can inform consumers
about what protocols they are taking to keep the employees and the consumers safe during these
turbulent times.

● Innovation is Key

Museums and art galleries are now booking 360 virtual reality tours of their displays and shows.

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