Gmdss Examination: Section-A

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1. Shipboard transmitter using F3E emission (FM Voice) may not exceed the carrier pwer ?
A) 500Watts B) 250 Watts C) 100Watts D) 25 watts

2. Small passenger vessel that sail 20-150 nauticals miles from the nearest land must have what
additional equipment
A) INMARSAT-B Terminal
B) INMARSAT-C Terminal
C) Aircraft Transreceiver with 121.5MHz
D) MF/HF SSB- Transreceiver

1. (A ) Your ship MT Archimedes/SYRE is in sea are A1. You have received a DSC Distress on VHF
CH.70 from a vessel also in sea area A1. You are fully loaded tanker . State the correct
procedure to be followed.
B) What is the INMARSAT-B alerting procedure by Telephony
2. a) What does DSC Distress alert indicate?
b) What does DSC Urgency alert indicate?
c) What does DSC Safety alert indicate?
d) On which MF frequency will you send the above mentioned DSC aletrs?
e) On which VHF frequency will you send the safety message?
f) On which VHF frequency will you send the distress message?
3. Distress alert is to be send to an MRCC through Inmarsat-B CES. State the following:
a) Initial procedure to be followed in order to establish a telex Link
b) Format of the message with example to be sent when link is made.
4. Write one puspose of the followings:
c) Survival craft VHF Transreceiver.
d) Navtex receiver
e) EGC Receiver
f) 121.5 MHz beacon
5. If inmarsat- F-77 is set to Ocean region AOR-E and CES southbury. State the operational
procedure you would adopt to ask for medical advise by telephone via Goonhilly CES.

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