Comparison of Under-Balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques
Comparison of Under-Balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques
Comparison of Under-Balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 AADE National Technical Conference and Exhibition held at the Wyndam Greenspoint Hotel, Houston, Texas, April 10-12, 2007. This conference
was sponsored by the American Association of Drilling Engineers. The information presented in this paper does not reflect any position, claim or endorsement made or implied by the American
Association of Drilling Engineers, their officers or members. Questions concerning the content of this paper should be directed to the individuals listed as author(s) of this work.
Difficulties often experienced in drilling wells using
conventional overbalanced drilling methods have encouraged
operators to look for alternative techniques. This paper will
discuss two technologies that offer several advantages over
conventional overbalanced methods if applied in the proper
conditions. These concepts are under-balanced drilling (UBD)
and managed-pressure drilling (MPD).
Under-balanced drilling was initially adopted for resolving
drilling problems, but it soon became evident that this
technique could also minimize reservoir damage. In spite of
its many benefits, UBD has not been embraced by the industry
as readily as would have been expected. This reluctance has
been due to high equipment rental costs and limitations on
application of the technique offshore, either due to regulations
limiting hydrocarbon flaring or formation instability. As an
intermediary mitigation, MPD was developed.
This paper focuses on defining each technique, where each
should be used, and what benefits can be expected.
Differences between the two techniques concerning equipment
requirements and reservoir characterization potential also will
be analyzed. Results from UBD and MPD case histories will
be used to qualify the results from these operations
Each of the above-mentioned techniques has its place, and
which solution is applicable depends on the problems
anticipated. MPD cannot match UBD in terms of minimizing
formation damage, allowing characterization of the reservoir,
or identifying productive zones that were not evident when
drilled overbalanced, yet when the objective is simply to
mitigate drilling problems, MPD can often be as effective and
more economically feasible. MPD is also preferable where
wellbore instability is a concern, when there are safety
concerns due to high H
S release rates, or when there are
regulations prohibiting flaring or production while drilling.
The IADC has defined managed pressure drilling as an
adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular
profile throughout the wellbore. The objectives are to ascertain
the downhole pressure environment limits and to manage the
annular pressure profile accordingly.
The definition for a UBD operation is when the
hydrostatic head of a drilling fluid is intentionally designed to
be lower than the pressure in the formations being drilled, the
operation is considered underbalanced drilling.
There is some debate in the industry as to what constitutes
MPD and UBD and whether one is a subset of the other.
While all drilling can be considered a form of managed
pressure drilling (since the pressure must be controlled or
managed for safe drilling), for the purposes of this paper,
the differentiation is made based on whether the target bottom
hole circulating pressure is maintained below the pore
pressure throughout the open hole section (UBD), or equal to
or marginally above pore pressure (MPD). Additionally, the
objective in MPD is to preclude influx from the formation
during the drilling operation, while the opposite is the case
with UBD.
Comparison of UBD and MPD
Even though MPD and UBD offer management of
wellbore downhole pressures during drilling, the two methods
differ technically in how this is accomplished. Whereas MPD
is designed to maintain bottomhole pressure slightly above or
equal to the reservoir pore pressure (i.e. overbalanced or at
balanced drilling), UBD is designed to ensure that bottomhole
pressure (BHP) is always below the reservoir pore pressure
(i.e. underbalanced drilling), and thus, induces formation fluid
influx into the wellbore, and subsequently, to the surface.
A comparison of the two methods can be performed by
considering the objectives for the project, the equipment
requirements and potential benefits/risks of each method.
It has been established that MPD is used primarily to
resolve drilling-related problems, although some reservoir
benefits also may be achieved. This is not surprising as any
effort to decrease the degree of overbalance, and thus, the
impact of drilling fluid on virgin formations usually will
initiate some positive reservoir benefits. UBD, on the other
hand, has long been employed to provide solutions to both
drilling-related and reservoir-related problems.
Thus, one
can deduce that the critical difference between UBD and MPD
lies in the degree of resolution attainable with each method for
both the drilling-related and reservoir/production-related
MPD is often seen as easier to apply compared with full
UBD operations. Often in non-reservoir sections, MPD
design requirements may determine that a simpler equipment
package will satisfy safety considerations for the well, and
therefore, the day rate would be reduced compared to using
full underbalance. As has been described, equipment
requirements for both operations vary considerably, depending
Comparison of Under-balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques
Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
2 Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn AADE-07-NTCE-39
on the design parameters of the project. In many instances, the
same equipment setup is necessary for UBD as well as MPD
methods. The distinguishing difference concerns the fact that
smaller-sized separation equipment can be used for the MPD
setup, as large fluid influx is not expected during drilling.
Additionally, due to the fact that wellhead pressure changes
are used to control MPD operations, some level of automation
of the surface systems is needed for quick, uninterrupted
reaction to changes in downhole conditions. This type of
automation could be required to enhance UBD operations as
Comparison of the benefits of the two methods can be
described separately in terms of the drilling-related and
reservoir/production-related benefits.
The major reason for companies to explore alternative
drilling techniques such as UBD and MPD has been the
incapability to drill the well using conventional overbalanced
drilling (OBD) methods. Drilling problems that have driven
the adoption of UBD or MPD in the past include:
the need to eliminate or minimize formation damage
small formation pressure/fracture gradient window
desire to minimize well cost by:
1. minimize fluid losses
2. eliminate differential sticking
increasing rate of penetration
extending bit life, etc.
Increase safety in drilling operations.
It is important to mention here that while UBD has the
potential to eliminate formation damage, MPD can be
designed only to reduce it compared to conventional
overbalanced drilling. Nonetheless, residual damage in the
near-wellbore area after drilling is still likely. Residual
formation damage of a MPD well can be as high as that of a
conventionally-drilled overbalanced well.
Additionally, both UBD and MPD have the potential to
reduce drilling-fluid costs significantly through the use of
cheaper, lighter fluid systems, and elimination or significant
reduction of mud losses.
Two of the primary reasons cited for selecting MPD over
UBD are 1) wellbore instability concerns during UBD, and 2)
desire to reduce equipment requirements to improve cost
efficiency. However, basing the decision only on these
criteria ignores the possibility that significant reservoir
benefits also could be realized with UBD and that equipment
requirements really depend on the reservoir to be drilled, since
MPD may require an almost equivalent setup as UBD.
The reservoir-related or production-related benefits of
UBD (and to a much lesser extent MPD) are significant when
compared with conventional OBD. Primarily, these benefits
are seen through higher productivity of UBD wells.
In fact, reduction in damage to the reservoir compared
with conventional OBD in some MPD wells has been
recognized in the industry only recently. UBD, on the other
hand, has had a much longer track record for maximizing well
productivity, thereby ensuring higher sustained production
rates compared to conventional wells. Historically, many
wells that have been classified as UBD have in fact actually
been MPD wells where some portion of the drilling was
underbalanced; however, overbalanced conditions occurred
often or were used for completing a well drilled
underbalanced. This had the effect of reducing or even
eliminating any productivity gains from UBD, and therefore,
in many instances, it appeared that UBD had little or no
impact on reduction of formation damage and improved
High productivity wells in a reservoir means that a
minimum amount of pressure drawdown is required to meet
field production targets.
This helps maximize hydrocarbon
recovery from the reservoir by lowering the abandonment
pressure. Even with extended periods of exploitation of the
reservoir, the undamaged well outperforms the damaged wells
in terms of recoverable reserves.
The incremental benefit of UBD wells as a function of
wellbore skin factor has shown in the short term that there is
not a significant difference in the cumulative production from
wells with much lower skin factors because of constraints with
surface handling facilities, etc. These differences increase in
the intermediate term, and then, begin to decline subsequently.
Thus, an MPD well that is designed to reduce reservoir
damage to some residual value (other than full cleanup to zero
skin) will ultimately underperform a UBD well with skin
factor of zero.
One additional reservoir benefit of UBD compared to
MPD is its capability to conduct comprehensive evaluations
during drilling. Due to deliberate suppression of reservoir
influx during MPD identification of productive intervals as
well as some petrophysical properties, these productive zones
cannot be evaluated directly. We note that the use of logging-
while-drilling (LWD) and measurement-while-drilling
(MWD) tools provide the means for determining some
reservoir properties directly. However, it is only a properly
executed UBD job that has been designed for reservoir fluid
inflow that provides a platform for full evaluation of reservoir
parameters, including the presence of possible nearby
boundaries during drilling.
To be able to perform this evaluation, an adequate data
acquisition system is essential.
A system for reservoir characterization in UBD or
automated control for MPD, would require capability to
monitor all pressure, temperature, level, and flow-rate
information normally associated with the surface separation
package. Additionally, wellbore hydraulics and reservoir
behavior simulation would be required for a complete process.
It would also need capability to accept, manage, store and
display bottomhole, mud-logging and rig-site data and
integrate the data for ease of analysis and interpretation.
UBD or MPD Candidate?
Proper candidate selection is critical to the success of both
UBD and MPD projects. It is essential that the main project
objectives are identified at the beginning of the project, not
only to ensure that they can be achieved, but also to determine
which technique UBD or MPD is most appropriate for
the candidate well or reservoir.
AADE-07-NTCE-39 Comparison of Under-balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques 3
The candidate selection process consists of analyzing
geomechanical and petrophysical information to determine
whether or not a particular well and/or reservoir is a potential
candidate by evaluating some of the main reservoir and
wellbore characteristics. These include the type of formation
damage and the possible effect UBD would have on its
mitigation, wellbore stability, potential for stuck pipe, hard
rock drilling and possible rate of penetration (ROP)
improvement, lost circulation problems, presence of sour gas,
and operational feasibility. Preliminary wellbore-hydraulics
modeling must be performed to determine the operational
feasibility; i.e., if underbalanced (UB) conditions are possible
and can be maintained throughout the entire hole section while
maintaining adequate hole cleaning and satisfying the
downhole motor limits. If there are multiple candidates,
characteristics of each of these would be compared, and an
initial ranking would be performed according to the key
variables that would have the highest potential for success and
the least chance of risk.
Once it has been concluded that a particular prospect is a
candidate or is ranked high among a group of prospects, then
the optimal UB technique would be selected. Next, an
evaluation of the potential production improvement will be
investigated. Reservoir properties play the most important role
in the success of UBD, since reservoir modeling will
determine how much formation production might be expected
while drilling UB. Different scenarios are them modeled, the
results of which are used in both the detailed wellbore-
hydraulics flow modeling and the economics evaluation.
If there are multiple candidates that have been evaluated in
detail, a final comparison is performed, and the potential
impact of benefits and limitations of applying UBD are
compared so that the best candidate can be selected.
UBD does not solve all problems, and the key to project
success is a correct determination of the wells where the
technology is most applicable. The importance of this
evaluation will be seen if the well objectives primarily focus
on providing drilling solutions since MPD might prove to be a
more economical solution.
The final qualification for an underbalanced candidate
depends on the economical evaluation, which establishes the
possible cost difference between UBD, MPD and conventional
OB drilling, and it is here that the quantified productivity
improvement becomes an important factor. It is at this time
that other technologies such as stimulation are compared with
the possible results from underbalanced drilling. In Fig. 1, an
example is shown comparing the economics for a well where
UBD and MPD are considered as alternatives to conventional
drilling. This example is based on actual data from a field
where MPD was performed as well as conventional drilling,
and UBD was being evaluated to see if the production gain
would outweigh the added cost of achieving full
underbalanced conditions, which would be maintained
throughout the drilling and completion phase, so that
formation damage would be eliminated. The costs used are
based on the actual well cost for the MPD and offset
conventional well with similar geometries and depths. The
actual well cost for the UBD well will be estimated based on
typical costs for UBD services in this area.
The drilling report for each well was used to determine the
nonproductive time due to drilling problems as well as to
estimated mud losses, number of bit runs required, and ROP.
These were taken into account in formulating the economics
case for each scenario. For the UBD well, the improved
productivity was based on the reservoir properties and logs
showing productive formation, the number of bits, ROP, NPT
time for the UBD well was taken to be the same as the MPD
well. The production with UBD was more than 4 times that
from OBD, which had skin damage; also, production starts
when the reservoir section is being drilled, since it is assumed
that production is sent to facilities. For MPD the production
improvement was twice that from conventional drilling. This
meant that the UBD case became the best option as shown in
Fig. 1 when the improved productivity was taken into
consideration. For the UBD scenario, the net revenue was
21% higher than the one for OBD, and break even is
reached much earlier than in the MPD or OBD scenarios as a
result of the additional benefit of early and higher production.
The net revenue for MPD is about 5% higher than the one
from conventional. If little or no improvement in production
occurred with UBD to balance its additional cost, and only its
drilling benefits were considered, then MPD was the best
option from an economics standpoint. This would be the
scenario where the primary objective is to address drilling
problems and reduce NPT and the costs associated with mud
losses, where the section drilled is not productive or the
reservoir is of marginal quality with low productivity
capability, or damage has been found not to be an issue.
MPD can be applied at the surface or in intermediate
and/or reservoir well sections, and in all well types as is the
case for UBD; however, adequate consideration of the
application as well as the equipment requirements are critical,
as in some cases, MPD may not be capable of solving the
drilling problems encountered. An example of this situation
might be when the fracture pressure is too close to the pore
pressure or when there are variations in pore and fracture
pressures in different intervals within the same open hole.
These cases may require the design to consider underbalance
in some sections while overbalance in others in order to drill
the well economically and successfully.
In some cases, when UBD cannot be applied because it is
not technically and/or economically feasible (such as when the
wellbore may not be stable or the risk of high release rates of
sour gas on surface is possible), MPD could be the best
Surface Equipment Requirements
Several equipment setups can be derived from a
combination of several key equipment components from
simple to the most complex. Many equipment setups are
possible, and best practices should always drive the design of
the system to appropriately handle the wells potential safely.
This is one key point that has been ignored in some instances
to the detriment of the safety of the operation. Key
4 Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn AADE-07-NTCE-39
components of a surface equipment package for
underbalanced drilling could include:
A wellhead rotating control device (RCD)
A downstream choke-manifold system
Open or closed fluid-handling systems including
downstream fluid-separation package, 3-phase or 4-phase
separation systems
Upstream gas generation and fluid compression/ injection
A geologic sampler.
Note that these equipment systems typically come with
auxiliary flow lines, emergency shutdown (ESD) system,
pumps, metering devices, data-acquisition systems, holding
tanks, mud pits, flare stacks, etc.
A typical UBD setup for addressing drilling problems
would include a rotating control device (RCD) plus a choke
and open or closed surface separation system. If the reservoir
is very depleted, then an upstream gas generation and/or
compression system would be required. If the objective of the
UBD operation is reservoir focused, typically additional
metering, a geologic sampler for continuous reservoir
description, and a 3-phase or 4-phase fluid-separation system
would be used with an adequate data acquisition system to
capture all the surface, rig and bottomhole data.
Surface equipment used in the industry for what is now
termed managed pressure drilling can also vary widely. They
can vary from a simple wellhead rotating control device tied to
rig flow lines to comprehensive UBD-type equipment. Note
that as reservoir fluids are not intended at the surface, some
MPD operations do not use separation units. However, it is
important to remember that in MPD operations as with any
overbalanced operation you may need to control influx if
you go underbalanced, and therefore, you will need to have
contingency and well control plans in place.
This is especially true when there are different pressure
regimes that may be encountered, and the area is unknown. At
times, a separation package is required to safely handle influx
or to minimize time spent on conventional well control during
an MPD operation. When designing the system, safety and
drilling efficiency must be addressed adequately.
For the most basic MPD operation, the equipment will
include a rotating control device, which is tied into the flow
lines of the drilling rig. Any influx from the reservoir is
treated as a kick (as in conventional drilling), and well control
operations are initiated.
Where downhole pressure control is desired, both a
rotating control device and a dedicated manual or automated
choke system is required. As previously mentioned, any
reservoir fluid influx is treated as a kick, and conventional
well control operations are initiated with the kick being
circulated out. Often, rig well control equipment is used as
with conventional overbalanced drilling operations.
When the margins between the pore pressure and fracture
gradient are narrow, the system can benefit from an automated
control system. In this case, the equipment required (in
addition to the RCD and an automated choke system) would
be metering of the fluids in and out, bottomhole and surface
pressures, and a control system, which may have different
levels of complexity. Full automation of the choke manifold
system means that bottomhole pressures (BHP) can be strictly
controlled so that losses and kicks are minimized during
drilling. Any reservoir-fluid influx is treated as a kick, and
well-control operations are used to circulate the kick out
through the rig well control equipment. With an automated
choke and control system where very careful monitoring of
flow into and out of the reservoir is performed, any kick can
be detected very early, and often, may be circulated out
without initiating full kick-control procedures, since the
volume may be on the scale of trip gas, depending on the
sensitivity of the system; however, this degree of automation
has yet to be fully implemented. As experience grows and the
optimum equipment, metering, detection and control system
are put in place and tested, further reliance may be placed on
automation. However, these systems will need redundancy
and personnel supervision with safety contingencies in place
to ensure safe drilling operations.
If there is a high possibility of formation influx, it may be
more efficient to add a surface separation package. The need
for a downstream fluid-separation system assumes that there is
the potential for fluid influx from the reservoir during drilling
due to several reasons; i.e., very narrow or inverse pore
pressure/fracture gradients, intervals with different pore
pressures or an extremely high permeability reservoir, all with
the potential for high production that could overwhelm a rigs
well control equipment system. In this case, an adequate
separation system is utilized to optimize the drilling of these
formations, since it will be possible to circulate kicks with the
separation package with added safety procedures and fluids
handling systems. The reservoir influx will, therefore, be
processed and handled safely by this pressurized separation
package. However, the well will be kept in an overbalanced
condition if possible, and influx will be treated as a risk that
can be neutralized with the pre-planned presence of a surface
separation package for handling of any effluents.
If the formations are depleted, then upstream gas-
generation and fluid-compression/injection systems may be
needed to obtain the lower degree of overbalance needed to
stay within the pore and fracture pressures through the
depleted reservoir sections. The need for the gas generation
and/or compression system is always dictated by the reservoir
pressure and the available drilling-mud system.
Thus, the surface equipment chosen for an MPD project
will depend on several objectives as well as subjective factors,
understanding of reservoir potential
current reservoir pressure
average permeability of the reservoir layers
when lower ECD is required (i.e. with upstream injection
of lighter fluid gas)
presence of H
S and other sour gases in the reservoir fluid
exploratory well environment
potential to go underbalanced during the drilling process
when hydrostatic alone will not serve as barrier to reservoir
AADE-07-NTCE-39 Comparison of Under-balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques 5
quality of rig equipment
insufficient history for high level of confidence in system
automation, etc.
Besides the key MPD equipment outlined above,
additional auxiliary components are also used for MPD and
can include emergency shutdown (ESD) systems, rig-injection
pumps, back-pressure or make-up pumps, data-acquisition-
and-display systems, flow-metering devices, pressure valves,
Use of the dynamic pressure control or automated choke
control method with MPD allows influxes to be controlled
more quickly and safely and with less surface pressure than an
MPD operation without the automated system.
MPD Case History Offshore
To address the severe lost circulation problems faced by
the operators in this offshore North Sea field, underbalanced
drilling had been implemented.
This technique appeared to
offer one possible solution for meeting the challenges of
drilling through the highly fractured caprock to get to the
reservoir. The operators of this field had experienced severe
pressure control and lost circulation problems, which had
resulted in the suspension of several wells during attempts to
access the reservoir targets. Drilling these wells with
conventional means was not possible because of the small
margin between pore pressure and fracture gradient. The
primary issues to be addressed for this project were the
drilling problems.
In the first well, a clear Potassium (K)-Formate brine was
used with a sufficiently high density in order to minimize
surface pressure and the risk of hole collapse. While drilling
the well under-balanced, it was found that the produced fluid
was primarily water. This was a problem since continuing to
drill underbalanced with a controlled influx would add more
water to the active water based drilling fluid system
effectively decreasing the K-Formate concentration and mud
weight. It was decided to drill the remainder of the well at
balance minimizing formation influx which would eliminate
produced water and keep the drilling fluid properties. This
changed the project plan while drilling the first well from full
UBD mode to managed pressure drilling (MPD) mode in order
to avoid thinning out the mud system, and thereby, increasing
surface backpressure requirements. By balancing the
formation pressure throughout the last part of the well, further
thinning of the rather expensive K-Formate brine was avoided.
The liner was run and cemented successfully at balance,
allowing access to drilling the reservoir overbalanced.
Based on the lessons learned from the first well, it was
planned to drill the cap rock in the second well at balanced
pressure. The work scope was expanded, however, to include
drilling the reservoir section at balanced pressure as well to
test the feasibility of this technology. The reservoir is very
productive with high permeability, and near wellbore damage
was not thought to be a significant consideration.
Additionally, it was expected that there would be the potential
for depleted reservoir zones in conjunction with prolific
reservoir sections, therefore, MPD appeared to offer a better
solution than UBD.
This well also became a test case, since if MPD proved
viable, then this would pave the way for drilling more
challenging reservoirs in the field using this technology in the
future. The first section through the caprock was drilled
successfully in two runs with the K-Formate drilling fluid and
a targeted bottomhole pressure. The open hole was then
sealed off with a 7-in. liner and cemented at balance similar to
the first well.
When drilling the 6-in. hole with the K-Formate brine, it
became apparent that the formation was becoming
increasingly unstable with time. This created problems
cleaning the hole properly in view of the limited flow rate
available, hole conditions deteriorating with time, and pack-
off situations that had occurred. Ultimately, it was decided to
plug and abandon the first section, and drill a new sidetrack.
It was suspected that the mud might be creating the problems,
and it was decided to use a proven oil-based mud (OBM)
system. The openhole sidetrack with a motor assembly was
used to enable higher-angle doglegs, and the hole condition
seemed stable during this time. Drilling at balanced conditions
proceeded. At this time, no further problems were
experienced, and the remainder of the reservoir section was
drilled uneventfully at balanced pressure.
The pressure envelope for the reservoir drilling was fairly
large in this case; therefore, auto choke control was not
critical. The bottomhole ECD varied in moments up to 0.05
sg (10 bar) with manual operation (Fig. 2) of the hydraulically
actuated, remote-controlled chokes. It was determined that for
tighter margins an automated choke-control system would be
The implementation of MPD technology allowed the
operator to drill previously abandoned wells, which could not
be drilled with conventional means. It was found that full
UBD was not needed to address the drilling problems, and at
balanced or slightly overbalanced pressure was the best option
for overcoming the drilling problems encountered in reaching
the target depths both through the caprock as well as the
reservoir section. The success of the drilling of these wells
has enabled the following best practices to be established:
In this project, since the initial plan was for underbalanced
drilling, a pressurized separation vessel was part of the
equipment setup (Fig 2). This added flexibility to decision
making, especially at this stage where there were many
unknowns. The use of this equipment was invaluable for
starting up these MPD operations in an area where all
reservoir parameters were not known. This allowed the
determination of many design requirements that can now be
optimized in future MPD units on the same field.
MPD Case History Onshore
In the previous field case, it was seen that MPD was
adopted after it was found that it would satisfy the
requirements and objectives of the project better than the UBD
that had originally been implemented. In contrast for this case
history, one of the main conclusions that will be seen is that
even though MPD resulted in successfully overcoming the
6 Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn AADE-07-NTCE-39
drilling problems, UBD should be attempted in several future
wells to evaluate the productivity gains that could be made by
avoiding formation damage.
MPD was applied in this multi-well project in Southern
Mexico to drill a deep, depleted, fractured, and
compartmentalized reservoir with widely variable pore
pressures that were creating significant challenges during the
drilling process. The case history described here used an
equipment Setup for MPD with a manual choke system rather
than an automated choke seen in Fig. 3.
The main objectives for this project were to design a
flexible drilling system to cover the wide range of pressures
(pressure gradients from 2 to 8.34 ppg), to minimize the
amount of overbalance because of the low margin between the
pore and fracture pressures, and to reduce or eliminate
problems such as differential sticking and lost circulation.
Moreover, MPD was implemented to precisely manage the
bottomhole pressure, reduce fluid and solids invasion to the
formation, and prevent hydrocarbon and H
S production to
Some of the challenges included designing a stable drilling
fluid for the expected depths and high temperatures,
implementation of H
S monitoring and control, reservoir-
pressure uncertainty and hole instability, which were due to
mechanical stresses and not chemical sensitivity.
Complete reservoir sections were drilled using MPD
techniques in wells with known reservoir pressures. If
reservoir pressure was unknown, the wells were drilled with
an 8.34-ppg drilling fluid until fractures were encountered;
consequently, fluid loss was detected, and reservoir pressure
was estimated from the static fluid level. Then, MPD
operations were designed and implemented using this
calculated reservoir pressure.
Two fluid systems were designed to cover the entire range
of pressures a recyclable high-temperature foam system for
the 2.0 to 5.0 ppg range and a nitrified-fluid system for the 4.0
to 8.34 ppg range. Both fluid systems were interchangeable
since the same polymers at different concentrations were used
and could be easily controlled to mix the base fluid and the
chemical injection to generate and break the foam.
Control of the BHP was based on precise selection of
critical operation parameters such as injection flow rates, fluid
properties, and chemical injection control. During MPD
operations, important variables were measured, recorded, and
displayed at the rigsite and/or transmitted to other locations
allowing engineers to monitor the ongoing operations. This
enabled adjustments to the main operational parameters to be
made in order to satisfy the target BHP; since it was necessary
to closely and accurately control the BHP since the degree of
overbalance or underbalance would be determined by precise
measurement of net losses and gains of both liquid and gas.
The successful implementation of MPD in this project
included improvement of the process from:
1) lessons learned while drilling very challenging hole
sections with changing hole conditions
2) increased ROP (although this was controlled to avoid
hole cleaning problems);
3) drilling times were approximately 50% less for sections
where MPD was implemented when compared with other
OBD wells in the area.
When the wells were brought on for production, the clean-
up times for these wells were also reduced by about 15%.
MPD proved to be an effective solution for the drilling
problems the operator was facing, and at the same time, it
showed some of the potential benefits of UBD resulting from
the improvements in production. Because of these successes,
this technique is being evaluated for future implementation in
a fully underbalanced mode.
UBD Case History
In this offshore implementation of UBD, the objective was
to compare the reservoir performance of underbalanced
drilling with conventional overbalanced offset wells. If UBD
improved productivity sufficiently to prove economic
feasibility, then UBD would be considered in the further
exploitation of this reservoir.
The well was highly deviated and was to traverse two
sandstone reservoirs that were normally pressured with little
depletion. Based on the offset data, the depths and
characteristics of these sandstones were reasonably known.
When drilling underbalanced through these formations, it
became apparent that the first zone was not present in this area
of the field. The second reservoir was penetrated, and gas
production commenced, increasing as drilling progressed.
Reservoir characterization was performed, and it was found
that the upper section had better permeability compared to the
lower section. Before reaching TD, the well intersected an
additional sandstone layer unexpectedly. This zone was
higher up than had been expected from the offset well and was
not part of the original objective for this well; however, it
proved productive, although analysis showed that is was not as
prolific as the first section.
With UBD, it was found that the improvement in
productivity was 2.5 times that of the offset well, however, as
can be seen in Fig 4, after the well reached TD, there was a
short period of overbalance. After this period of overbalance,
it was found that the formation damage decreased the
productivity of the zones. After producing for a period of
time, the formation did clean up to some extent; however, the
overall productivity was reduced by 25%. It is clear that once
the underbalanced drilling begins, if an overbalanced event is
allowed to occur, the reservoir productivity is damaged and
does not recover.
In many conventional underbalanced operations without
this reservoir focus, a pay interval is drilled mostly
underbalanced, but often some overbalance drilling occurs.
The result of this temporary overbalance is often overlooked
and never quantified. Using the reservoir analysis process
with its detailed data acquisition and analysis capability, it is
possible to quantify the effect of these periods of overbalance.
As pay is intersected in an underbalanced environment, the
measured bottomhole pressure is used to predict the
production rates. These production rates are compared with
measured surface production rates that have been
AADE-07-NTCE-39 Comparison of Under-balanced and Managed-Pressure Drilling Techniques 7
synchronized and lagged to bottomhole sandface conditions.
The calculated rates are predicted by adjusting the
permeability, height, and reservoir pressure to match the
measured rates. Skin damage is assumed to be non existent if
underbalanced conditions are maintained when drilling the
formation. Transients in the reservoir are taken into
consideration so that as the well penetrates a formation the
initial flush production behavior is modeled as well as later
production as the zone is penetrated further, and eventually,
fully penetrated. Different transients are calculated for each
zone traversed, and the reservoir model parameters are varied
to obtain the best match. Consideration to different reservoir
scenarios is given, and interpretation is made of the best model
that describes the reservoir behavior seen.
In this example as sometimes happens, an unplanned
pressure event throws the system into overbalance, even
though it is only for a relatively short period of time. After
underbalanced conditions are returned, the damage to the
reservoir can be determined by adjusting the skin factor to a
non-zero value. Typically, the formation will clean up and so
the model allows for an initial skin to model the period right
after the damage and a residual skin after the clean-up period.
Throughout the drilling of the underbalanced well, the rate
and pressure data were analyzed, and the formation properties
determined. In the plot in Fig. 4, an excerpt from the data that
have been normalized is shown. The bottomhole pressure,
actual measured rate, and calculated predicted rate with zero
skin (assuming no damage) and with damage are plotted. Due
to continuous analysis, it was seen that after a period of
overbalance, some reservoir impairment was sustained,
although with continued production, some of this damage was
cleaned up.
When determining whether UBD or MPD should be
applied as a solution, the benefits and limitations of each
should be both qualitatively and quantitatively considered, and
a decision should be reached depending on the merits of each
MPD and UBD both address drilling problems, reducing
NPT by minimizing losses, and differential sticking and the
time associated with well control events typically associated
with conventional overbalanced drilling. Where the primary
drivers are reservoir related, UBD has been found to be the
best option. Reservoirs benefiting most from UBD are those
formations prone to damage. Additionally, if reservoir
characterization while drilling is of importance then
underbalanced drilling is the option that should be selected.
However, when the drivers are primarily related to solving
drilling problems, MPD may prove to be more economical
than and just as efficient as UBD in mitigating the problems.
UBD can be more costly than MPD due to additional
equipment that may be required to achieve and maintain
underbalanced conditions. Additionally, in some regions
regulatory limitations offshore, and unstable formations
preclude the use of UBD. Additionally, MPD allows a high
level of drilling optimization.
The field cases selected for this paper have shown
scenarios where the project was initially planned to be
underbalanced but were switched to MPD based on the project
drivers and the well conditions. The cases have also shown
situations where MPD was implemented, but reservoir
performance encouraged the consideration of UBD. It is
important to implement lessons learned and be flexible in the
project plan to best address the situation faced. A tendency
that should be avoided is to preclude one method over the
other solely based on subjective considerations. UBD is often
viewed as complex and more costly by the industry, and
rejected in favor of MPD. MPD cannot match UBD in terms
of minimizing formation damage/improved productivity and
allowing characterization of the reservoir; and this aspect
needs to be considered in the technical and economic
comparison of the methods before a final decision is made.
The authors wish to thank the management of Halliburton
Energy Services, Inc. for their support in the preparation and
presentation of this paper and Carolyn Williams and Nancy
Woods for comprehensive editing and review.
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2. Schmeigel, K.:UBD Techniques Optimize Performance, Harts
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Wells to Exploit a Low Pressure Reservoir in Indonesia, paper
SPE 87171 presented at the 2004 SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference, Dallas, TX, Mar. 2-4.
4. Ansah, J., Shayegi, S., and Ibrahim, E.: Maximizing Reservoir
Potential using Enhanced Analytical Techniques with
Underbalanced Drilling, paper SPE 90196 presented at the
2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, Sept. 26-29
5. Finley, D., Shayegi, S., Ansah, J., and Gil, I.: Reservoir
Knowledge and Drilling Benefits Comparison for
Underbalanced and Managed Pressure Drilling Operations,
paper SPE/IADC 104465 presented at the 2006 SPE/IADC
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6. Tonnessen, T., Larsen, B., and Ronneberg, A.,: Underbalanced
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SI Metric Conversion Factors
F (F - 32)/1.8 =C
ft x 3.048* E - 01 = m
in x 2.54* E + 00 = cm
psi x 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa
gal x 3.785 412 E - 03 = m3
ft x 3.048* E - 01 = m
bbl x 1.589 873 E - 01 = m3
*Conversion factor is exact.
is a trademark of the Halliburton Company
8 Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn AADE-07-NTCE-39
Fig. 1 - Net Revenue before vs. time comparing UBD and MPD with OBD where revenue generated from production is considered.
Fig. 2 - Equipment rigged up for MPD offshore field case.
Figure 3 Equipment rigged up at location for MPD onshore field case.
10 Kent Ostroot, Sara Shayegi, Derrick Lewis, Randy Lovorn AADE-07-NTCE-39
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Elapsed Time
Measured Rate MMScf/d Calculated Rate - If No Skin Damage MMScf/d
Calculated Rate Considering Skin Damage MMScf/d BHP psia
Reservoir Pressure
Bottom Hole Pressure
Measured Rate
Calculated Rate if No Skin Damage
Calculated Rate Considering Skin Damage
Fig. 4 UBD RTRE Analysis showing predicted and measured rate along with measured bottom hole pressure.