Novel Guide Yellow

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Part 1: Vocabulary 15 Marks

As you read your novel, make a list of words that you come across that are difficult. You must
complete the bolded question and then choose another. In total you should have two activities
1. Vocabulary Log: Choose at least 15 words from your novel you dont know the
mean!ng of. "ecord the d!ct!onary def!n!t!on for each word #wr!te down the $age
number from the book for each word used%.
&. Create a word pyramid for each of the 15 words.
'. Create a ord !earch" !elect at least 15 words from your novel. #his should be presented on 1cm square
$raph paper.
Category ($$roach!ng )*$ectat!ons Meet!ng )*$ectat!ons (bove )*$ectat!ons
,core 1 % & ' 5
!electin$ common words or
less than 15
!elect interestin$ or
advanced words.
Interestin$ or comple( words.
Vocabulary -sage
)any words are incorrectly
used. Incorrect spellin$ or
ords are used correctly.
)ore words than required are
used correctly includin$
those with multiple
)ffort and
#he assi$nment is attempted
by is not completed correctly,
or is difficult to read or
interpret, or doesn*t include
headin$s and dates.
#he assi$nment is completed
accordin$ the directions and
is neatly presented.
#he assi$nment is completed
accordin$ to the directions, is
neatly presented and has
completed more than
minimum requirements.
Part &: "ead!ng /ournal #Connect and 0uest!on% &1 Marks
#he answers are to be written in para$raphs. You must do the activity in bold
and choose three +&, others. In total you should have six activities complete,
one from response 1, % and &.
-esponse 1 .uidin$ /uestions 0 +for the early chapters of the book,
1. hat is the time and place of the book1 hat sentence or picture tells you this.

&. 2ame and descr!be the ma!n character !n the book. 3escr!be them $hys!cally
and descr!be the!r $ersonal!ty and h!story. +hen g!ve your !m$ress!on and
o$!n!on of them.
'. 2escribe the relationship between two characters. Are they family, friends, team mates1 3ow does their
relationship make the book better1

4. 2escribe one important event in the book and e(plain why it is important +to the plot, the characters, the
ideas of the book,.

5. hat is the cultural back$round of the characters1

5. hat are your feelin$s and thou$hts about the novel1

6. 4(plain the connection you made with the story +te(t5to5self, te(t5to5te(t6media, or te(t5to5world,
-esponse % .uidin$ /uestions 0 for the middle chapters of the book
1. If the time or place chan$es durin$ the book, e(plain how and $ive e(amples.

&. Compare two characters in a venn dia$ram. #o do this, consider their behaviour and personality.

'. .ive an e(ample of a conflict or conflicts between" a, two people b, a person and an animal or nature

4. 7ho !s the narrator of the story8 (re thy !ns!de or outs!de the story8 7hat !s the!r relat!onsh!$ to
the story8
:ow does the story be!ng told !n f!rst $erson $o!nt of v!ew effect the readers res$onse to the te*t8
5. hat is your reaction to a relationship, event, behaviour or messa$e6theme of the book1 7e clear about
what you are reactin$ to and e(actly what makes you respond as you do.

5. Choose a sentence or phrase that is interestin$. 4(plain why you chose it, its value in the book and its
value to you.
-esponse & .uidin$ /uestions 0 for the final chapters of the book
1. If there is any special lan$ua$e used +dialects, forei$n words, slan$, etc, $ive e(amples and e(plain its use
and purpose. hat is its effect1

&. 2oes the author use humour or metaphors1 .ive e(amples and e(plain the effect.

'. hat is the problem or clima( of the novel1 hat ma8or conflicts lead up to it and what is the resolution

4. 7hat !s the theme or themes !n the novel8 :ow does the author show th!s !dea8 ;!ve ev!dence.
Comment on how th!s theme f!ts !n the novel and how !t a$$l!es to l!fe outs!de the book. 7hat does
th!s theme mean to you8
5. hat did you learn from this novel1

Category ($$roach!ng )*$ectat!ons Meet!ng )*$ectat!ons (bove )*$ectat!ons
,core 1 % & ' 5
4ntries show some reflection
about readin$s. #he
connections do little to help
understand the te(t. Answers
are rushed, literal and often
no answerin$ the question
4ntries include reflection
about readin$. #he
connections show a basic
understandin$ of the te(t.
Connections often recount
events. /uestions relate to
4ntries are insi$htful and
reflective. #he connections
show an in5depth
understandin$ of the te(t.
Connections relate to the
story are often tied to an
emotional response.
/uestions are relevant to the
te(t and help to learn more
about the meanin$.
)v!dence >rom
!ome details is included in
e(amples from the novel to
4(amples from the novel are
provided with connection to
)eanin$ful e(amples and
references from the novel are
show the reader what part of
the novel is bein$ discussed.
the question. provided in detail with pa$e
numbers and quotes as
Answers are messy,
disor$anised or confusin$.
Answers are mostly easy to
read and understand.
Answers are always easy to
read and understand.
0uant!ty and
)any 8ournal entries are not
the required len$th.
9resentation is not clear.
9roper format has been
attempted only.
:ne of two 8ournals are not
quite lon$ enou$h.
9resentation is adequate.
;ournals are neatly presented.
#itles and numbers are
All 8ournal entries are of
adequate len$th. 9resentation
is very clear. ;ournals are
neatly written. A $reat deal of
pride of shown in work.
Part 4: ,tory )lements (ct!v!t!es #V!sual!se. ,yno$s!s. +heme% &5 Marks
Your task is to complete an activity for each story
element, character, settin$, plot. Include titles and
any necessary headin$s. #he activities in bold are
compulsory, and you also need to choose one
activity from each section. In total you should have
six +<, activities complete.
!ection :ne 0 Character" After readin$ your novel, identify the anta$onist6s +villian, and prota$onist6s +hero,
within the story. -emember, prota$onists and anta$onists are not necessarily people.
1. Create a *wanted poster* for a main character in the novel.

&. 4(plain why you would like to have one of the characters as a friend.

'. hat problems did the ma8or character+s, have and how did they solve them1

4. 7r!te an !nterv!ew and $red!cted res$onses w!th one of the ma?or characters.

5. rite a diary entries made by one of the ma8or characters.

5. )ake a chapter bo(. In a shoebo( include 1= ob8ects that would be meanin$ful to the main character. :n a
separate piece of paper, in a para$raph, e(plain why you have chosen each ob8ect.

!ection #wo 0 !ettin$" 4(amine the settin$ of the novel. !elect a particular scene to represent.
1. ,ketch a scene !n the book show!ng a $art of the $lot. <nclude lots of deta!ls. )*$la!n your
!llustrat!on and why you chose to draw th!s scene.

%. 2raw a colour map of where the story takes place. >abel it.

&. Create a colla$e of a ma8or theme of your novel or one that illustrates certain parts of your novel.

'. )ake a &2 model of a ma8or scene from the novel.

!ection #hree 0 9lot" Consider the *shape* of the story as it moves from an introduction, throu$h a series of related
incidents buildin$ to a clima(, and comin$ to a conclusion.
1. ?ind a son$ that seems to relate to your novel. rite out the lyrics.

&. Create a 9ower9oint6keynote presentation of the book.

'. Create a story ma$ that shows the ma?or events of the story.

Category ($$roach!ng )*$ectat!ons Meet!ng )*$ectat!ons (bove )*$ectat!ons
,core 1 % & ' 5
Ideas are presented but more
information is needed. Able
to record or describe ima$es
but do little to help with the
meanin$ of the story.
)inimal understandin$ of the
novel is evident.
Ideas are clear but
information is $eneral and
predictable. !ounds, words,
or feelin$s are included in
interpretations of ima$es. A
$ood understandin$ of the
novel is evident.
Ideas are clear, ori$inal and
focused. #here is an
awareness of how personal
e(periences are supported by
visualisin$. An e(cellent
understandin$ of the novel is
:r$anisation is not clear.
ork is unfinished.
:r$anisation is adequate.
9roper format has been
displayed and completed on
:r$anisation is very clear.
9roper format for type of
pro8ect chosen has been used.
)ore than the requirement of
tasks has been completed.
>luency and
7ord Cho!ce
>an$ua$e is basic and
ine(pressive. riter users
familiar words only.
!entences are sometimes
repetitive or incorrect.
.ood word choice. @erb
usa$e and descriptive words
are used well. ritin$ has
flow and rhythm.
Ima$ery and verbs are stron$.
!pecific and accurate words
are used to convey meanin$.
ritin$ has flow and rhythm.
!entences add interest to te(t.
Convent!ons !ome usa$e, $rammar, or
para$raphin$ problems e(ist.
!pellin$ and end5of5sentence
punctuation are almost
.rammar and usa$e are
correct. 9ara$raphin$ is
evident. )ost spellin$ and
punctuation is correct.
.rammar and usa$e are
correct and contribute to
clarity. 9unctuation is correct
and para$raphin$ adds to
always correct. 9unctuation is
sometimes incorrect or
or$anisational structure.
!ome effort is displayed but
it seems rushed or thrown
#he pro8ect displays effort
and creativity.
#he pro8ect displays
considerable effort and
9art 5" -eader -eflection Assi$nment +Infer A #ransform, 0 %5 )arks
hen we *read between the lines* or look for deeper meanin$ we
are inferrin$. #he activities in bold are compulsory, and you also
need to choose one activity. In total you should have two activities
complete. #hese answers need to be very detailed.
1. ;!ve your o$!n!on of the authors wr!t!ng style8 7hat !mages
ca$tured your !nterest8 :ow d!d the author create sus$ense8

&. Convince someone else to read the novel.

'. Create a brochure to promote the book. Include a review of the novel where you try to $et someone else to
read it, what the book is about and a picture.
Category ($$roach!ng )*$ectat!ons Meet!ng )*$ectat!ons (bove )*$ectat!ons
,core 1 % & ' 5
Ideas are present but more
information is needed.
Inferences are evident only as
simple predictions. #here is
no evidence of new thinkin$.
Ideas are clear and linked to
the story.
Ideas are clear, ori$inal and
focused. Attempts at deeper
thinkin$ with relevant
reactions and opinions are
evident. Bew thou$hts are
connected to the story and
often answer the question,
Chy do I think the author
wrote this book1D
)v!dence >rom
Bot enou$h detail is included
in e(amples from the novel to
support opinions.
4(amples and references
from the novel are provided
but more detail is sometimes
4(amples and references
from the novel are provided
in detail to support thou$hts
and opinions.
>luency and
7ord Cho!ce
>an$ua$e is basic. :nly used
familiar words. !ome
sentences are repetitive or
.ood word choice. @erb
usa$e and descriptive words
are used well. ritin$ has
flow and rhythm.
Ima$ery and verbs are stron$.
!pecific and accurate words
are used to convey meanin$.
ritin$ has flow and rhythm.
!entences add interest to te(t.
0uant!ty and
#hou$hts and opinions are
brief and are not detailed
#hou$hts and opinions are
well e(plained.
#hou$hts and opinions are
well e(plained, include a lot
of detail and written in
Convent!ons !ome usa$e, $rammar, or
para$raphin$ problems e(ist.
!pellin$ and end5of5sentence
punctuation are sometimes
.rammar and usa$e are
correct. 9ara$raphin$ and
most spellin$ is correct.
.rammar and usa$e are
correct and contribute to
clarity. 9unctuation is correct
and para$raphin$ adds to
correct. or$anisational structure.
Part 5: @ook Presentat!on 15 Marks
A book presentation is an opportunity to share a book you have read with others. Activities 155
have prepared you for your book talk by helpin$ you understand your novel in detail. Your task is
to create a presentation. Your book talk can be live or use di$ital representation. +9ower9oint,
imovie etc,
You must address all of the followin$ in your presentation.
1. Introduce the book in a creative way. Bot C3i my name is E. and I am $oin$ to talk about ...D 7e sure to
state the title, author, and the $enre of the novel.
%. 7riefly summarise the book without $ivin$ away the endin$. 9rovide information that will make them
want to read it tooF -ead aloud an interestin$ selection.
&. 2escribe the main characters from the book. ho are the prota$onists6anta$onists1 hat was their role
within the story.
'. 2escribe the settin$ of the book. #ell us when and where the story took place.
5. #ell about some way+s, in which you connected with the novel.
<. #ell about an underlyin$ messa$e6theme you thou$ht your novel was tryin$ to communicate.
Category ($$roach!ng )*$ectat!ons Meet!ng )*$ectat!ons (bove )*$ectat!ons
,core 1 % & ' 5
<ntroduct!on and
,tory )lements
Bovel briefly introduced.
>ittle to no summary,
character description or
settin$ description, no
favourite passa$e selection
Introduced novel but left out
details. Included all
information required.
.ood introduction, included
summary, character
description, and settin$
description well presented,
without $ivin$ away the
story. -ead passa$e with
clarity, e(pression and
Connect!on A
!ome connections to the
novelG unable to identify any
underlyin$ messa$es6themes.
!hows connection with the
novel and identifies some of
the messa$es6themes.
.ood connections to the
storyG clear identification of
underlyin$ messa$es6themes.
:r$anised a presentation but
was lackin$ in creativity,
len$th or was at times
:r$anised a presentation with
evidence of preparation,
creativity and spoke in a clear
ell or$anised and prepared
with lots of creative elements
to *spark up* the presentation.
!poke clearly and in an
en$a$in$ manner.

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