Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A: Ffof'5
Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A: Ffof'5
Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A: Ffof'5
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Wor dswor t h Gr aphi c Or gani zer A
Directions: Provide a summary of each stanza, locate phrases that Wordsworth uses to describe
nature, and discuss the way his words show his relationship with nature.
Graphic Organizer
What does Wordsworth
accomplish in the stanza?
Stanza 1
Wordsworth describes
the way his mood
shifts from lonely to .
hopeful in the
company of the
Stanza 2
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Select phrases
Wordsworth uses to
describe nature in the
He describes floating
Likea lonely cloud.
Then, he sees and is
uplifted by the
"golden daffodils:
"fluttering and
dancing in the
breeze. "
How do his words show his relationship
with natu re?
This stanza shows that Wordsworth
appreciates the beauty in nature
because he details the beautiful
daffodils that helped bring him out of
his somber mood.
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