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The Spy in Canaan: My Secret Life as a Covert Agent in the

Middle East New Paperback Also available in Large Print or!at"

on #$N%LE and other electronic !edia &&
By 'oward '( Schack (Author)
Review below:

$17.44 New fro $17.44

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)u!t publi!he" by A!a)on*+reate ,pace: *'E SP+ $N CANAAN i! a Revi!e" a#"
-p"ate" Re"u. of /owar" /. ,chack0! Natio#al Awar" 1i##i#2 paperback book a#" i!
al!o available for "ow#loa" o# $i#"le a#" other electro#ic e"ia.
,eview: 3.4 out of 3 !tar! 5414
6/7 ,P8 9N +ANAAN Review: 9# the early 1&74! /owar" /. ,chack: a covert i#telli2e#ce operative
a!!i2#e" to the ;i""le 7a!t take! a "etour throu2h hi!tory i# hi! eoir 6he ,py i# +a#aa#. 1ith a
!pri#kle of a2ic a#" a whole lot of hua# i#tere!t: he ake! !e#!e of what coul" po!!ibly lie ahea" i#
that chaotic a#" oftie! viole#t part of the worl".
6he ;i""le 7a!t: o#ce the cra"le of civili<atio# wa! fa!t becoi#2 the epic ce#ter of i#!tability a#"
co#tra!t. Not that the ol" or"er wa! all that or"erly. 6he pace for hua# i#telli2e#ce ha" becoe fra#tic:
Nee" wa! a !tea"y !trea of !pecial i!!ue! that the 1e!t woul" !oo# have to co#fro#t.
6he i#2re"ie#t! chur#i#2 throu2hout the area were =u!t ri2ht while /owar" wa! !ervi#2 there: Alawite!:
,u##i!: ,hiite!: Arab! a#" $ur"!>the lar2e!t eth#ic 2roup i# the worl" co#ti#ue" fi2hti#2 for "oi#a#ce
a#" territory>a reflectio# of their culture: a! other =iha"i!t 2roup! !uppre!! oppo!itio# a""i#2 fuel to the
6ri22eri#2 eotio#!: the ol" or"er of !tro#2e# 2ive way to the !wor". 6hrou2hout the re2io# re2ie!
be2i# to fall: war! ra2e: #atio#! fracture: =iha"i!t o"erate! vie for 9!la0! future.
A coalitio# of 'ulf autocracie! provi"e political cover: ilitary a#" eco#oic a!!i!ta#ce to #ei2hbori#2
Arab !tate! with the i#te#t of coor"i#ati#2 a !urpri!e attack a2ai#!t 9!rael i# the 1&75 8o $ippur 1ar.
Ao#2 the few !all ;i""le 7a!t !tate! co#!i"ere" !oewhat rea!o#able for /owar" to traver!e: there
were a#y other! that were cla!!ifie" i# the very hi2h *hi2h war#i#2 cate2ory of fa!t becoi#2 a faile"
!tate or i# ii#e#t "a#2er of becoi#2 o#e.
(ro a# Aerica# per!pective: /owar" wit#e!!e!: a#aly<e! a#" report! o# coup! a#" cou#ter coup! i#
9ra#: ?ibya: ,au"i Arabia: 6urkey a#" ,yria@ civil war i# 8ee# a#" ?eba#o#@ !everal ArabA9!raeli war!@ a
"eca"e lo#2 war betwee# 9raB a#" 9ra#@ a#" ?eba#o# "e!ce#"i#2 i#to a#archy.
/e i! pre!e#t at the a!!i2#atio# of 72ypt0! pre!i"e#t A#war ,a"at@ !uici"e bobi#2!@ the eer2e#ce of
alACai"a@ political viole#ce a#" the overthrow of the ,hah of 9ra#.
6o!!e" fro cri!i! to cri!i!: uch of the ;i""le 7a!t teeter! betwee# political paraly!i!: eco#oic
collap!e: artial law@ lowA2ra"e !ectaria# co#flict!@ full blow# civil war a#" a "e!tabili<i#2 cycle of reA
Cuiet a#" u#a!!ui#2: /owar" ,chack i!#0t =u!t a character i# a book. /e i! you. 1a! he !care"D 8e!:
he wa!. 8e!: he k#ew the co#!eBue#ce if "i!covere". 9#"ee": he coul" have bee# a#y Aerica# i# the
"ay we were a pu!h butto# away fro #uclear war. But u#like a#y other!: he "i" !oethi#2 about it.
,eview: 3.4 out of 3 !tar! 5414
6/7 ,P8 9N +ANAAN Review:
An accomplished and thoughtful human interest memoir. The accuracy of Howard
Schacks work is acknowledged in The Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence, by
Ephraim Kahana.
There were waes of transformation throughout the !iddle East in countries Howard
Schack traeled, as countries went from monarch to military "oup, than from
socialism to oligarchy, then from dictatorship to reformation again. #espite the
enormous threat that the world was about to face in coping with radical terrorism
that Howard witnessed $rsthand, there had been little e%ort to put an infrastructure
in place to confront it.
This book is a larger picture of people, places and things that goes on in that
turbulent part of the world&the !iddle East.
Order your copy now from AMAZON, Barnes & Noble or wherever
books are sold. You may also download on Kndle.
Pro"uct Eetail!
N!" #aperback$ 496 pages
#rce$ $17.44
Kndle %ownload #rce$ $3.99
#ublsher$ AMAZON / Create Space
&an'ua'e$ English
()BN*+,$ 149367266
()BN*+-$ 97!"149367266#
#roduc. %mensons$ 9 $ 6 $ 1 inches
)hppn' "e'h.$ + &b. +o/.
Avera'e 0us.omer 1evew$ .# %&t %' stars See re(ie)s
An Ama/on Bes. )eller$ *%%+s , -arge .rint Bo'raphes & Memors

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