This document lists over 130 lots of fine French wines that will be auctioned on Thursday 14th August 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand. The wines are from prestigious vineyards and regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Rhone and date from the 1970s to the 2010s. They will be available for viewing on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th August prior to the auction.
This document lists over 130 lots of fine French wines that will be auctioned on Thursday 14th August 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand. The wines are from prestigious vineyards and regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Rhone and date from the 1970s to the 2010s. They will be available for viewing on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th August prior to the auction.
This document lists over 130 lots of fine French wines that will be auctioned on Thursday 14th August 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand. The wines are from prestigious vineyards and regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Rhone and date from the 1970s to the 2010s. They will be available for viewing on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th August prior to the auction.
This document lists over 130 lots of fine French wines that will be auctioned on Thursday 14th August 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand. The wines are from prestigious vineyards and regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Rhone and date from the 1970s to the 2010s. They will be available for viewing on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th August prior to the auction.
Thursday 14th August 2014 at 4pm 7 Maginnity Street, Wellington On view Wednesday 13th August 9am - 5pm Thursday 14th August 9am - 4pm Buyers Commission 15% plus GST Note: all bids should be on a per bottle basis French Red Bordeaux
1 2 bottles Ch La Rose-Pourret St Emilion 1970 (damage to labels, slight ullage to one) 2 2 bottles Ch dAngludet Margaux Sichel 1 x 1979, 1 x 1983 (slight ullage to one) 3 1 bottle Ch Fourcas Hosten Listrac Medoc 1981 4 1 bottle Ch De Sales Pomerol 1982 (small tear to label) 5 1 bottle Ch Palmer Margaux Medoc Sichel 1975 (damage to label) 6 1 bottle Ch Palmer Margaux Medoc Sichel 1983 (slight damage to label) 6a 2 bottles Ch Palmer 2003 6b 2 bottles Ch Palmer 2003 6c 2 bottles Ch Palmer 2003 7 1 bottle Ch Les Hauts-Conseillants Lalande de Pomerol 1983 (slight stain to label) 8 1 bottle Domaine De Bigarnon St- Julien Ch Leoville Las Cases 1983 9 1 bottle Ch Leoville Barton St-Julien 1983 (slight staining to label) 10 1 bottle Ch Leoville Barton St-Julien 1985 11 1 bottle Ch Chasse-Spleen Moulis en Medoc 1982 12 2 bottles Ch Chasse-Spleen Moulis en Medoc 1983 (small mark to each label) 13 3 bottles Ch Perron Lalande-de- Pomerol 1983 14 1 bottle Ch Belgrave Haut-Medoc 1985 15 1 bottle Ch Siran Grand Cru Exceptionnel Margaux 1985 (stain to label) 16 1 bottle Ch Siran Grand Cru Exceptionnel Margaux 1985 (stain to label) 17 1 bottle Ch Siran Grand Cru Exceptionnel Margaux 1985 (stain to label) 18 3 bottles Ch Mazeris Canon Fronsac 1985 19 2 bottles Ch Camensac Haut-Medoc 1986 20 1 bottle Ch Potensac Medoc Delon- Liuard 1986 21 1 bottle Ch Grangey St Emilion Grand Cru 1989 22 1 bottle Carruades de Lafite Pauillac Ch Lafite Rothschild 1990 23 1 bottle Carruades de Lafite Pauillac Ch Lafite Rothschild 1990 24 1 bottle Carruades de Lafite Pauillac Ch Lafite Rothschild 1990 25 2 bottles Ch La Fleur-Petrus Pomerol 1995 (labels detached) 26 2 bottles Ch La Fleur-Petrus Pomerol 1995 (labels detached) 27 2 bottles Ch La Fleur-Petrus Pomerol 1995 (labels detached) 28 2 bottles Ch Latour a Pomerol 1995 (stain to labels, one detached) 29 2 bottles Ch Latour a Pomerol 1995 (damage to labels, both detached) 30 2 bottles Ch Latour a Pomerol 1995 (badly damaged labels) 31 1 bottle Ch Canon St Emilion Andre Fournier 1958 32 NO LOT 33 1 bottle Petrus Pomerol Grand Vin 1981 (some damage to label) 34 1 bottle Petrus Pomerol Grand Vin 1993 35 1 bottle Ch Margaux Grand Vin Premier Grand Cru Classe 1995 36 1 bottle Ch Margaux Grand Vin Premier Grand Cru Classe 1995 37 1 bottle Ch Margaux Grand Vin Premier Grand Cru Classe 1995 37a 3 bottles Ch Giscours Margaux Grand Cru 2006 38 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 39 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 40 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 41 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 42 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 43 1 bottle Ch Haut-Brion Cru Classe Des Graves Pessac-Leognan 1995 43a 3 bottles Ch Bahans Haut Brion 2005 44 1 bottle Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 1979 45 2 bottles Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 1995 46 1 bottle Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 1995 47 4 bottles Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 2002 48 4 bottles Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 2002 49 4 bottles Ch Cos dEstournel St Estephe 2002 50 1 bottle Ch Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1995 51 1 bottle Ch Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1995 52 1 bottle Ch Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1995 53 1 bottle Grand Vin de Ch Latour Pauillac 1981 54 1 bottle Les Forts De Latour Pauillac 1990 55 1 bottle Grand Vin de Ch Latour Pauillac 1995 56 1 bottle Grand Vin de Ch Latour Pauillac 1995 57 1 bottle Grand Vin de Ch Latour Pauillac 1995 58 2 bottles Ch Smith Haut Lafite Pessac-Leognan 1996 59 2 bottles Ch Smith Haut Lafite Pessac-Leognan 1996 60 3 bottles Ch Phelan Segur St Estephe 1995 61 3 bottles Ch Phelan Segur St Estephe 1995 62 1 bottle Ch Calon-Segur St Estephe Recolte 1982 63 3 bottles Ch Calon-Segur Grand Cru Classe St Estephe Recolte 1996 64 3 bottles Ch Calon-Segur Grand Cru Classe St Estephe Recolte 1996 64a 2 bottles Clos Fourtet St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2001 64b 2 bottles Clos Fourtet St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2001 65 3 bottles Ch Calon-Segur Grand Cru Classe St Estephe Recolte 2002 66 3 bottles Ch Calon-Segur Grand Cru Classe St Estephe Recolte 2002 66a 2 bottles Ch Baron de Pichon Longueville de Lalande 2001 66b 2 bottles Ch Baron de Pichon Longueville de Lalande 2001 66c 2 bottles Ch Baron de Pichon Longueville de Lalande 2001 67 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 1999 68 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 1999 69 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2002 70 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2002 71 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2002 72 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 73 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 74 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 75 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 76 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 77 2 bottles Ch Lynch Bages Grand Cru Classe Pauillac 2003 77a 3 bottles Ch Pontet Canet Pauillac Grand Cru Classe 2003 (staining to two labels) 77b 2 bottles Ch de Pichon Longueville 2003 77c 3 bottles Ch de Pichon Longueville 2003 77d 3 bottles Ch La Croix St Georges Pomerol 2003 77e 3 bottles Ch La Croix St Georges Pomerol 2003 (slight staining to two labels)
78 1 bottle Ch LEglise-Clinet - Pomerol 2005 78a 1 bottle Vieux Ch Certan Grand Vin Pomerol 2002 (staining to label) 79 1 bottle Vieux Ch Certan - Grand Vin Pomerol 2005 80 1 bottle Vieux Ch Certan - Grand Vin Pomerol 2005 81 1 bottle Ch Trotanoy - Pomerol 2005 82 1 bottle Ch Trotanoy - Pomerol 2005 83 1 bottle Ch Trotanoy - Pomerol 2005 84 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2005 85 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2005 86 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2005 87 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2006 88 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2006 89 1 bottle Ch Leoville Las Cases Grand Vin de Leoville - St Julien 2006 90 2 bottles Ch Picque Caillou Pessac - Leognan Grand Vin de Graves 2005 (stain to labels) 91 2 bottles Ch Paveil De Luze Margaux 2005 91a 2 bottles Ch Magdelaine St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 91b 2 bottles Ch Magdelaine St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 91c 2 bottles Ch Magdelaine St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 91d 3 bottles Ch La Serre St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 91e 3 bottles Ch La Serre St Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 92 3 bottles Ch dArmailhac Pauillac Rothschild 2005 92a 3 bottles Ch Haut Condissas Prestige Medoc 2005 92b 3 bottles Ch Haut Condissas Prestige Medoc 2005 93 3 bottles Ch Clerc Milon Pauillac Rothschild 2005 94 2 bottles Ch Clerc Milon Pauillac Rothschild 2006 95 2 bottles Ch Clerc Milon Pauillac Rothschild 2006 95a 1 bottle Ch Grand Puy Lacoste Pauillac Grand Cru Classe 2005 95b 1 bottle Ch Grand Puy Lacoste Pauillac Grand Cru Classe 2005 95c 1 bottle Ch Grand Puy Lacoste Pauillac Grand Cru Classe 2005 96 2 bottles Ch Lagrange St Julien 2006 97 2 bottles Ch Lagrange St Julien 2006 98 2 bottles Ch Larcis Ducasse St Emilion Grand Cru 2006 99 2 bottles Close de LOratoire Grand Cru Classe 2006 100 2 bottles Ch La Tour Carnet Haut- Medoc 2006 101 2 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2005 102 2 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2005 103 2 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2005 104 2 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2006 105 2 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2006 106 3 bottles Ch Duhart-Milon Domaines Barons De Rothschild (Lafite) 2008 107 1 bottle Ch Rauzan-Segla - Margaux 2009 108 1 bottle Domaine de Chevalier Rouge Grand Cru Classe - Pessac- Leognan 2009 109 1 bottle Domaine de Chevalier Rouge Grand Cru Classe - Pessac- Leognan 2009 110 1 bottle Domaine de Chevalier Rouge Grand Cru Classe - Pessac- Leognan 2009 111 1 bottle Domaine de Chevalier Rouge Grand Cru Classe - Pessac- Leognan 2009 Burgundy 112 1 bottle Beaune Clos Des Marconnets Chanson Pere & Fils 1976 113 1 bottle Le Bourgogne Bichot Pinot Noir 1983 114 1 bottle Gevrey-Chambertin Clos St Jacques Domaine Armand Rousseau Pere & Fils 1988 115 1 bottle Pommard Les Pezerolles Recolte Hubert de Montille 1988 116 1 bottle Le Monthelie de Ropiteau 1988 117 2 bottles Mercurey 1er Cru Clos Des Myglands Faiveley 1990 118 2 bottles Mercurey 1er Cru Clos Des Myglands Faiveley 1990 119 2 bottles Mercurey 1er Cru Clos Des Myglands Faiveley 1990 120 1 bottle Echezeaux Grand Cru, Domaine Rene Engel 1992 (label damaged) 121 1 bottle Philippe Gavignet Nuits-St- Georges 1er Cru Les Chaboeufs 2010 122 1 bottle Philippe Gavignet Nuits-St- Georges 1er Cru Les Pruliers 2010 Rhone 123 1 bottle CNDP Les Cedres 1979 (damage to cork and ullage) 124 1 bottle Hermitage La Chapelle Paul Jaboulet Aine 1985 (damage to label) 125 1 bottle La Vieille Ferme Cotes du Ventoux Recolte 1989 126 1 bottle Le Greal Hermitage M. Sorrel 1990 127 1 bottle Saint Joseph Delas Freres 1990 128 1 bottle Bandol Domaine Tempier, La Migoua 1995 (rip to label) 129 1 bottle of Pierre Usseglio Cuvee de Mon Aieul CNDP 1998
130 1 bottle E. Guigal EX-VOTO Hermitage 2003 131 1 bottle M. Chapoutier LErmite Hermitage 2003 132 1 bottle M. Chapoutier LErmite Hermitage 2003 133 1 bottle M. Chapoutier Le Pavillon Hermitage 2003 134 1 bottle M. Chapoutier Le Pavillon Hermitage 2003 134a 1 bottle Vieux Telegraphe La Crau CNDP Telegraph 2003 (staining to label) 134b 1 bottle Vieux Telegraphe La Crau CNDP Telegraph 2003 (staining to label) 134c 1 bottle Vieux Telegraphe La Crau CNDP Telegraph 2003 (staining to label) 135 1 bottle M. Chapoutier LErmite Hermitage 2004 136 2 bottles Le Vieux Donjon CNDP Michel Lucien 2004 137 3 bottles Le Vieux Donjon CNDP Michel Lucien 2004 138 1 bottle Lucien & Andre Brunel Les Cailloux Cuvee Centenaire Chateauneuf 2007 139 1 bottle Lucien & Andre Brunel Les Cailloux Cuvee Centenaire Chateauneuf 2007 140 1 bottle Clos des Papes CNDP 2010 141 2 bottles Ch La Nerthe CNDP 2010 142 1 bottle Domaine de la Mordoree Cuvee La Reine des Bois CNDP 2010 143 1 bottle Domaine de la Mordoree Cuvee La Reine des Bois CNDP 2010 144 2 bottles Domaine de la Janasse CNDP 2005 145 2 bottles Domaine de la Janasse CNDP 2005 146 1 bottle Domaine de la Janasse Cuvee Chaupin CNDP 2010 147 1 bottle Domaine de la Janasse Cuvee Vieilles Vignes (old vines) Chateauneuf 2010 148 1 bottle Domaine de la Janasse Cuvee Vieilles Vignes (old vines) Chateauneuf 2010 149 1 bottle Alain Jaume Domaine Grand Veneur Special Cuvee Les Origines 2010 150 1 bottle Chateau de Beaucastel CNDP 2010 French White 151 1 bottle (Alsace) Dirler Pinot Gris Grains de Soleil Selections des Grains Noble 2009 152 1 bottle Philippe Gavignet Nuits-St- Georges 1er Cru Les Argillats 2009 153 1 bottle Philippe Gavignet Nuits-St- Georges 1er Cru Les Argillats 2010 154 1 bottle (Loire) Ch de Fesles AC Bonnezeaux VIN RARE Selections des Grains Noble Chenin Blanc 2010 Sauternes 750ml 155 1 bottle Ch Dasiy Daene Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 156 1 bottle Ch Dasiy Daene Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 157 1 bottle Ch Dasiy Daene Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 158 1 bottle Ch Dasiy Daene Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 159 1 bottle Ch Suduiraut Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 160 1 bottle Ch Suduiraut Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 161 1 bottle Ch Suduiraut Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 162 1 bottle Ch Suduiraut Sauternes 1996 (sediment) 163 1 bottle Ch Climens 1er Cru Barsac - Grand Vin de Sauternes 2009 164 1 bottle Ch Climens 1er Cru Barsac - Grand Vin de Sauternes 2009 165 1 bottle Ch Climens 1er Cru Barsac - Grand Vin de Sauternes 2009 Champagne 166 2 bottles (boxed) 1 x Bollinger Extra Ay-France 1976, 1 x Bollinger Extra Tradition R. D. Ay-Marne 1973 to celebrate the marriage of H.R.H the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer 167 3 bottles Duval-Leroy 1996 168 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Krug Vintage 1995 169 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Louis Roederer Cristal Vintage 1996 170 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Louis Roederer Cristal Vintage 1996 171 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Louis Roederer Cristal Vintage 2002 172 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Louis Roederer Cristal Vintage 2002 173 1 bottle Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve Vintage 2002 174 1 bottle Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve Vintage 2002 175 1 bottle Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve Vintage 2002 176 1 bottle Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve Vintage 2002 177 1 bottle Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve Vintage 2002 178 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve ROSE 2004 179 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Pol Roger Extra Cuvee de Reserve ROSE 2004 180 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Bollinger La Grande Annee 2002 181 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Bollinger La Grande Annee 2002 182 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Bollinger La Grande Annee ROSE 2002 183 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Bollinger La Grande Annee ROSE 2002 184 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Moet Dom Perignon Vintage 2002 185 1 bottle (in sealed presentation) Moet Dom Perignon Limited Release David Lynch Edition box Vintage 2003 186 1 bottle (in sealed presentation) Moet Dom Perignon Limited Release David Lynch Edition box Vintage 2003 187 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Moet Dom Perignon Vintage 2004 188 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Moet Dom Perignon Vintage 2004 189 1 bottle Cedric Bouchard Roses de Jeanne Les Ursules Blanc de Noirs Vintage 2008 190 1 bottle Eric Rodez Ambonnay Special Cuvee des Grands Vintages Champagne N/V Italian 191 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2004 192 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2004 193 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2004 194 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2006 195 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2006 196 1 bottle Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri 2006 197 1 bottle Conti Costanti Brunello di Montalcino Vendemmia 2006 198 1 bottle Fuligni Brunello di Montalcino 2006 199 1 bottle Tenuta dell Ornellaia ORNELLAIA 2006 200 1 bottle Tommaso Bussola TB Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2006 201 1 bottle G.D. Vajra BAROLO Bricco delle Viole 2009 Other Countries 202 1 bottle (Portuguese) Henriques and Henriques (H&H) Madeira 10 year old SERCIAL 203 1 bottle (Spanish) Torres Vina Sol 1996 204 1 bottle (German) Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Mosel Spatlese 2011
South African 205 6 bottles Stellenryck Cab Sav 1980 206 5 bottles Stellenryck Cab Sav 1980 207 6 bottles Stellenryck Cab Sav 1980 208 6 bottles Meerlust, Rubicon 1982 209 6 bottles Meerlust, Rubicon 1982 210 6 bottles Alto Rouge, Pieter du Toit 1984 211 5 bottles 4 x Alto Rouge, Pieter du Toit 1984 & 1 bottle Alto Superior Cab Sav 1979 212 5 bottles Fleur du Cap Superior Cab Sav 1982 213 2 magnums Fleur du Cap Superior Cab Sav 1978 (damage to labels) 214 1 magnum Zonnebloem Shiraz 1981 (damage to label) 215 2 magnums St. Augustine Superior 1981 (damage to labels) 216 2 magnums Nederburg Superior Edelrood 1982 (damage to labels) Australian Red 217 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Hermitage Bin 95 1982 218 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Hermitage Bin 95 1989 (very small tear to label) 219 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1990 220 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1990 221 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1992 222 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1992 223 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1998 224 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1998 225 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1998 226 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 1998 227 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 2002 228 1 bottle Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Vintage 2002 229 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 230 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 231 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 232 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 233 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 234 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 235 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 236 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 237 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 238 1 bottle Penfolds Grange Bin 95 2005 239 1 bottle Henschke, Hill of Grace 1991 240 1 bottle Henschke, Hill of Grace 1991 241 1 bottle Jim Barry The Armagh Shiraz 1991 242 1 bottle Jim Barry The Armagh Shiraz 1991 (slight damage to label) 243 1 bottle Rockford Basket Press Shiraz 1992 New Zealand Red 244 1 bottle Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1982 245 1 bottle Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1984 246 2 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1985 247 2 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1985 (staining to labels) 248 1 bottle Te Mata Coleraine Cab Sav Merlot Cab Franc 1986 249 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab Sav Merlot Cab Franc 1987 250 2 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab Sav Merlot Cab Franc 1987 251 2 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab Sav Merlot Cab Franc 1987 252 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1991 253 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1991 254 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1991 255 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1991 256 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1998 257 2 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 1998 258 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 2001 259 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 2002 (very slight marks to labels) 260 3 bottles Te Mata Coleraine Cab/ Merlot 2002 (very slight damage to one label) 261 2 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cab/ Merlot 1985 262 2 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cab Sav/ Merlot 1986 263 3 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cab Sav/ Merlot 1987 264 4 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cab Sav/ Merlot 1987 265 1 bottle Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 1988 266 4 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 1989 267 1 bottle Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 1992 268 4 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 1995 269 3 bottles Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 1998 270 1 bottle Te Mata Awatea Cabernet Merlot 2002 271 4 bottles Ata Rangi Celebre 1988 272 2 bottles Ata Rangi Celebre 1990 273 1 bottle Stonyridge Larose Waiheke Island Cabernet 1986 (label showing age) 274 1 bottle Trinity Hill HOMAGE Hawkes Bay Syrah 2010 275 1 bottle Trinity Hill HOMAGE Hawkes Bay Syrah 2010 276 1 bottle Trinity Hill HOMAGE Hawkes Bay Syrah 2010 277 1 bottle Trinity Hill HOMAGE Hawkes Bay Syrah 2010 278 1 bottle (presentation boxed) Mission Estate HUCHET Gimblett Gravels Syrah 2010 279 1 bottle (presentation boxed) Mission Estate HUCHET Gimblett Gravels Syrah 2010 Pinot Noir 280 1 bottle Ata Rangi Martinborough 1993 281 3 bottles Terra Sancta Jacksons Block Bannockburn 2010 282 3 bottles Terra Sancta Jacksons Block Bannockburn 2010 283 3 bottles Terra Sancta Slapjack Block Bannockburn 2009 284 2 bottles Terra Sancta Slapjack Block Bannockburn 2010 285 2 bottles Terra Sancta Slapjack Block Bannockburn 2010 286 2 bottles Terra Sancta Slapjack Block Bannockburn 2010 287 3 bottles Terra Sancta Slapjack Block Bannockburn 2011 288 1 bottle Kusuda Martinborough 2011 New Zealand White 289 1 bottle Framingham F- Series Marlborough Riesling TROCKENBEERENAUSLESE (375ml) bottle 287/355 2013 Rare Spirits & Ports 290 1 bottle Crofts Commemoration Port 1977 (label marked) 291 1 bottle Taylors Vintage Port 1977 (staining to label & capsule) 292 1 bottle Dows Vintage Port 1977 (staining to label & capsule) 293 1 bottle Warres Vintage Port 1975 (showing age to capsule) 294 1 bottle Warres Vintage Port 1985 295 1 bottle Warres Vintage Port 1985 296 1 bottle Dows Vintage Port 2011 297 1 bottle W&J Grahams Vintage Port 2011 298 1 presentation box Whyte & Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky to celebrate the marriage of The Prince of Wales & Lady Diana Spencer Wed 29th July 1981 299 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Chivas Brothers ROYAL SALUTE 21 year old Scotch Whisky (green bottle) 300 1 bottle (in sealed presentation box) Chivas Brothers ROYAL SALUTE 21 year old Scotch Whisky (the rare Ruby Flagon bottle) 301 1 bottle (special box with key) Johnnie Walker RARE KING GEORGE V Edition BLUE LABEL Scotch Whisky in special decanter with stand (750ml) (includes the special certificate) 302 1 bottle (in special wooden case) Delamain RESERVE de la FAMILLE Tres Vieille (very old) GRANDE CHAMPAGNE de COGNAC - Distilled 1940s after WWII Reserved for Family members bottle 32866 (700ml) 303 1 bottle (in special wooden case) Goslings Family Reserve OLD RUM Bermuda Reserved for Family members bottle 8684-10 (750ml)