Chapter 4 and 5 Questions

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Chapter 4 Creating a Customer Focus Questions

1. What must an organization do to maintain a customer focus?

2. Describe the difference between satisfaction and perceived value.

3. Describe the principle parts of a quality function deployment matri.
Chapter 5 Organizational Leadership Questions
4. Why is it important to translate the vision and mission into day-to-day activities?
5. . Your start time at work is 7:10 a.m. owever! the "oss doesn#t come in until 7:$0! even
thou%h he! too! has a start time o& 7:10 a.m. 't has come to his attention that people are not
arrivin% at 7:10. e wants to see this chan%e in the &uture. Will you make the chan%e? Why?
Why not? What would you do as an e&&ective leader to make the chan%e possi"le?
(. Which o& )r. )emin%#s &ourteen points deal with leadership? *ive an e+ample o& where you
have seen these points applied ,or where they need to "e applied-.
7. What does it mean to mana%e "y &act and with a knowled%e o& variation?

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