Toolbox Business Coaching Kit

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Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Getting Started
Welcome to the Business Coaching component of your program.
This ser ice is designed to offer you indi idual !usiness support as you de elop your !usiness plan and esta!lish your !usiness.

During the training program" you #ill meet #ith your !usiness coach one$on$one to
help you as you de elop your !usiness plan. These are referred to as your Business Planning Coaching Sessions.

Upon completion of the training program" you #ill continue to meet #ith your
!usiness coach #hile you start and gro# your !usiness. These are referred to as your Business Start-up Coaching Sessions.

During Training - Business Planning

%o# often& %o# long& %o#& In 'erson Telephone ($mail

After Training Business Start-up

%o# often& %o# long& %o#& In 'erson Telephone ($mail

Meet Your Business Coach

)ame: Telephone:

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit



Best of luck and en o!"

#n This $it
This kit is designed to gi e you some tools to help make your !usiness coaching e2perience rele ant and practical. #ncluded are% .uggested Coaching .ession ,genda 'reparing 1or Your 1irst Coaching .ession Business Courtesies ,greement Conflict +esolution 'rocess 3orksheets for Business 'lanning Coaching .essions 3orksheets for Business .tart$up Coaching .essions

Please make sure that !ou ha&e this kit 'ith !ou each time !ou meet 'ith !our coach( 'hether it is in person or )! telephone*

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Suggested Coaching Session Agenda

#nitial Session
(sta!lish session o!4ecti es and topic5s6 +e ie# 7'reparing for Your 1irst Coaching .ession8 #orksheet +e ie# and sign 7Business Courtesies ,greement8 *iscuss session topic Complete action plan 'lan ne2t meeting

+egular Sessions

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

(sta!lish session o!4ecti es and topic5s6 +e ie# progress9updates9monthly !usiness report *iscuss session topic Complete action plan 'lan ne2t meeting

Preparing for Your ,st Coaching Session

Please complete this 'orksheet on !our o'n ahead of time and discuss 'ith !our )usiness coach at !our first meeting* 3hat do I #ant my !usiness coach to kno# a!out me&

3hat do I #ant to kno# a!out my !usiness coach&

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

3hat are my !usiness goals for the ne2t : months&

3hat are my personal goals for the ne2t : months&

Business Courtesies Agreement

1or a !usiness coaching relationship to !e successful" it is important that !oth the !usiness o#ner and the !usiness coach agree to and respect certain !usiness courtesies. If there are any other courtesies that !oth you and your !usiness coach #ould like to add" please list them in the space pro ided !elo#. The !usiness o#ner and the !usiness coach agree to the follo#ing: ;. Maintain professional conduct.
*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

/. <. =. 5. :.

+espect confidentiality. Be on time for all appointments. Be prepared for all sessions. ,sk for #hat you need. Be open and honest. *o not allo# interruptions during the session. 1or e2ample" during telecoaching sessions" arrange for incoming phone calls to !e accepted !y another person or !y oice mail9ans#ering ser ice. >. *o not cancel appointments in order to do something else. This is a legitimate !usiness appointment and is 4ust as important as meeting #ith a client9customer. ?. Business o#ner #ill !ring completed monthly !usiness reports to the monthly in$ person sessions. @. If a conflict arises !et#een the !usiness o#ner and the !usiness coach" !oth parties #ill #ork together to resol e the issue. If further mediation is reAuired" !oth parties should feel comforta!le approaching the appropriate deli ery agency representati e and !e confident that this deli ery agency representati e #ill act in a fair and o!4ecti e manner. ;0. Other agreements:

3e ha e read and agree to the a!o e !usiness courtesies. 5Business o#nerBs signature6 5*ate6 5Business coachBs signature6 5*ate6

Conflict +esolution
.hould any conflicts arise !et#een the !usiness o#ner and !usiness coach" either party can initiate the follo#ing process: ,* Ackno'ledge the conflict Identify specifically #hat the conflict is a!out. -et it clear in your o#n mind !y #riting it do#n.

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

,pproach the other person a!out it. ,gree to discuss the conflict" and #hen to discuss it. .chedule a meeting. -* Discuss the conflict .tate that you are interested in a solution. *iscuss #hat you ha e o!ser ed the other person saying or doing" or the situation that you ha e o!ser ed" and the impact this is ha ing upon you. In ite the other person to respond" and acti ely listen to #hat they ha e to say. ,sk Auestions to clarify and repeat !ack #hat you ha e understood. Make sure you are !oth clear a!out the situation !efore you continue. .* Agree on a solution /* *iscuss alternati e solutions. *ecide on a mutually accepta!le solution. *ecide on ne2t steps. Thank the other person for their commitment. If it is a large conflict" start #ith small successes and !uild on this. ,gree to use a mediator if necessary.

Business Planning Coaching Sessions 1During Training2

0ollo' up 1ollo# up to ensure the conflict has !een resol ed. *e elop a ne# action plan" if necessary.

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

3ournal of Successes 4 Challenges

0or the period of%
Cse this 4ournal to keep track of key things that ha e happened to you and your !usiness. It is for your eyes
*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

only. It may !e helpful for you to refer to this 4ournal #hen preparing for your !usiness coaching session. Make copies of this page to use for each 4ournal period.

5hat successes ha&e # e6perienced7

5hat challenges ha&e # e6perienced7

5hat help do # need7

Action Plan
0or the period of%

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Complete this action plan #ith your !usiness coach at the end of your coaching session. Make e2tra copies of this page for use at each session. Action Deadline

After the Training Program

Business Start-up Coaching Sessions 1After Training2

TodayBs *ate: )e2t .ession:

Time In:

Time Out:

.pecial Comments: Cse this 4ournal to keep track of key things that ha e happened to you and your !usiness. This 4ournal is for your eyes only. It may !e helpful for you to refer to it #hen preparing for your second !usiness coaching session. 5hat successes ha&e # e6perienced7 Business O#nerBs .ignature

Journal of Successes & Challenges: Weeks 4 - 6

Business CoachBs .ignature

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

3ournal of Successes 4 Challenges

0or the period of%
*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Cse this 4ournal to keep track of key things that ha e happened to you and your !usiness. It is for your eyes only. It may !e helpful for you to refer to this 4ournal #hen preparing for your coaching session. Make copies of this page to use for each 4ournal period.

5hat successes ha&e # e6perienced7

5hat challenges ha&e # e6perienced7

5hat help do # need7

Business +eport
*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Complete this report ahead of time and !ring it to your meeting #ith your !usiness coach. 8ame% Cash 0lo' .ales $ (2penses D Total 8ote% .ales figures are !ased on re enue and do not include social assistance" allo#ances or loans. Business e2penses do not include your o#n personal dra#. %a e your recei ed a !usiness loan& Yes )o If yes" please complete: .ource: *ate secured: ,mount: Terms: This Month9s Actuals 0or the period of% Year to Date Actuals This Month9s Targets from Business Plan Year to Date Targets from Business Plan

3hat promotional acti ities ha e you completed this month&

3hat contracts9sales ha e you made& 'lease descri!e.

3hat other successes ha e you had&

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

3hat challenges ha e you e2perienced&

Breakdo#n of time de oted to your !usiness this month 5in hours6: Billa!le hours9filling sales order Making sales calls 'romotional acti ities 'lanning Bookkeeping -eneral administration Other 5please descri!e6

Total hours:

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

Action Plan
0or the period of%
Complete this action plan #ith your !usiness coach at the end of your coaching session. Make e2tra copies of this page for use at each session. Action Deadline

TodayBs *ate: )e2t .ession:

Time In:

Time Out:

Journal of Successes & Challenges: Weeks 4 - 6

.pecial Comments: Cse this 4ournal to keep track of key things that ha e happened to you and your !usiness. This 4ournal is for your eyes only. It may !e helpful for you to refer to it #hen preparing for your second !usiness coaching session. 5hat successes ha&e # e6perienced7 Business O#nerBs .ignature Business CoachBs .ignature
*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

You ha e successfully completed your program. 3e hope this e2perience has !een alua!le to you and your !usiness. 'lease keep in touch #ith us and let us kno# ho# you are doing. 3e #ill keep you on our mailing list to include you in upcoming !usiness e ents and net#orking sessions. Best of luck 'ith !our continued success"

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

Building Organizational Capacity

Module 5: In Your Toolkit

*e eloped !y O+C, Consulting -roup for .elf (mployment *e elopment Initiati es /000

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