Individual Assignment
Individual Assignment
Individual Assignment
0 Introduction
AirAsia, Berhad is principally engaged in providing air transportation services. Air
Asia was originally founded by the Malaysian government in 2001 and was later
bought by ony !ernandes, Air Asia was established in the year 1""#. According to
$AirAsia Bhd %AI&A' (uala )umpur*+ by Bloomberg Businesswee, %201-*, AirAsia has
covered over eighty %.0* destinations via 1/0 routes crisscrossing 1. countries. he
company0s ancillary services include in12ight meals, chec,1in baggage, counter
chec,1in, 3ic,1a14eat, 5ot 4eat selection, !ly1thru, &ed 6arpet and various
merchandise %on1board, as well as in its online Megastore* and cargo service.
According to $6orporate 3ro7le+ by f %201-*, their mission is to8
i. o be the best company to wor, for whereby employees are treated as part of
a big family
ii. 6reate a globally recogni9ed A4:A; brand
iii. o attain the lowest cost so that everyone can 2y with AirAsia
iv. Maintain the highest <uality product, embracing technology to reduce cost
and enhance service levels
AirAsia has refocused their route planning and management resource on routes
where they have signi7cant commercial presence and on a concentrated number of
high potential route. he company has terminated a number of underperforming
routes and o=ered signi7cant fare discounts to boost their load factors.
2.0 6ompany Analysis
2.1 Air Asia0s current mar,et position
2.2 Air Asia0s 6ompetitive advantage
#.0 Analysis of 6ustomer &elationship Mar,eting
#.1 Air Asia0s >alue proposition
-.0 6onclusion
?.0 &ecommendation