Taylor Chobanian Resume
Taylor Chobanian Resume
Taylor Chobanian Resume
234 x 1
SL. Menasha, Wl 34932 I 262-930-1972 I Laylorchobanlan[gmall.com.......................................................
ua||f|cat|ons Summary
l am an lndusLrlous, creaLlve communlcaLlons professlonal wlLh a sLrong work eLhlc and Lhe ablllLy Lo malnLaln polse and flexlblllLy under pressure. l
have professlonal experlence ln soclal medla, [ournallsm, publlc relaLlons, admlnlsLraLlve duLles, mass medla, markeLlng, eLc.
-8roadcasL and A sLyle wrlLlng skllls -ulglLal SL8 hoLography -WebslLe ManagemenL
-LvenL lannlng -hoLo LdlLlng -Mac and C
-Soclal Medla -vldeo roducLlon -MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe
-MarkeLlng -Audlo LdlLlng -A LnS SofLware
-ubllc 8elaLlons -Craphlc ueslgn -CreaLlve WrlLlng
Work Lxper|ence
Wr|ter ] V|deo Ld|tor 01/2014 Lo resenL
ICk 11 WLUk-1V - Creen 8ay, Wl
-WrlLe scrlpLs for Lhe Cood uay Wlsconsln mornlng show
-LdlL vldeo for Lhe sLaLlon's webslLe and moblle appllcaLlon
Soc|a| Med|a Ass|stant 10/2013 Lo 01/2014
8adger nonor I||ght W|scons|n - Madlson, Wl
-ConnecLed wlLh poLenLlal volunLeers, donors and fans vla soclal medla plaLforms
-CreaLed a news package and a SA for Lhe organlzaLlon
roducer ] D|rector of In our Shoes & 1he 8|ender 09/2013 Lo 12/2013
UWW-1V - WhlLewaLer, Wl
-WroLe, edlLed and produced shows for mulLlple plaLforms, lncludlng lnLerneL and dlglLal channels
-Arranged and edlLed lnLervlew fooLage for broadcasL uslng llnal CuL ro
D|vers|ty Soc|a| Med|a Intern - Career & Leadersh|p Deve|opment 03/2013 Lo 12/2013
Un|vers|ty of W|scons|n - Wh|tewater - WhlLewaLer, Wl
-romoLed dlverslLy on campus Lhrough varlous soclal medla slLes uslng SLC
-ueslgned logos for campus groups and webslLes
Soc|a| Med|a ] Market|ng Intern - LSN 1380 & 10S.9 1he nog 01/2013 Lo 08/2013
Good karma 8roadcast|ng - !anesvllle, Wl
-AsslsLed ln promoLlons whlle embodylng Lhe sLaLlons' ldenLlLy ln appearance, demeanor, values and eLhlcs
-AsslsLed ln radlo operaLlons whlle wrlLlng several commerclals for Lhe sLaLlon's cllenLs
nost of Career Ieed-U 09/2011 Lo 12/2011
UWW-1V - WhlLewaLer, Wl
-PosLed Lhe show aL varlous corporaLlons LhroughouL Wlsconsln and llllnols
-lnLervlewed several CLCs Lo obLaln advlce for college senlors seeklng employmenL afLer graduaLlon
Arts & Lnterta|nment Anchor 01/2010 Lo 03/2010
UWW-1V - WhlLewaLer, Wl
-WroLe arLs and enLerLalnmenL sLorles on currenL evenLs for Lhe evenlng news
-8eporLed llve ln Lhe sLudlo whlle uLlllzlng green screen Lechnology
UWW-8ookstore Student Manager ] romot|ons Coord|nator 10/2009 Lo 12/2013
Un|vers|ty of W|scons|n - Wh|tewater - WhlLewaLer Wl
-8esponslble for Lhe Lralnlng and dlrecLlon of sLudenL employees
-CreaLed promoLlons and malnLalned Lhe sLore's soclal medla slLes
News Correspondent 09/2009 Lo 12/2009
UWW-1V - WhlLewaLer, Wl
-WroLe money savlng and healLh advlce sLorles for Lhe mornlng news
-8eporLed llve ln Lhe sLudlo uLlllzlng green screen Lechnology
8ache|or of Arts and Commun|cat|ons: Convergence !ournallsm wlLh a mlnor ln ubllc 8elaLlons Class of uecember, 2013
Un|vers|ty of W|scons|n - WhlLewaLer - WhlLewaLer, Wl
hotography ub||cat|ons
!"# %&'# - L|terary & Arts Magaz|ne
-Seven phoLography publlcaLlons (1wo back covers)