Bosch Catalog - Edition 2014

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Bosch Motorsport

Equipment for High Performance Vehicles

Edition 2014
Bosch Engineering GmbH
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Bosch Engineering K.K.
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Warning: It is strictly forbidden to use Bosch Motorsport
products on public roads. They are only developed for use
in racing on private closed courses!

Engine Control Units

Injection and Ignition

Alternators and Starters


Brake Control


Data Logging Systems





Engine Control Units 9
Gasoline Engine Control Units 10

Engine Control Units Sport Line 11
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport 14
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport GT3 Cup 16
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport 18
Engine Control Units Performance Line 21
Engine Control Unit MS 5.0 24
Engine Control Unit MS 5.1 26
Engine Control Unit MS 5.5 28
Engine Control Unit MS 5.2 30

Diesel Engine Control Units 32

Engine Control Unit MS 15.1 33
Engine Control Unit MS 15.2 35
Engine Control Unit MS 12 37

Injection and Ignition 39
Diesel System Components 40

Diesel System Components 40

Electronic Throttle Body 43

Electronic Throttle Body 43

Fuel Pressure Regulators 46

Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini/Mini M 46
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini A 49
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 38 51
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 5 54
FPR Adaptor 57
HP Control Valve DSV 59

Fuel Pumps 61

Fuel Pump FP 100 61
Fuel Pump FP 165 63
Fuel Pump FP 200 65
Fuel Pump FP 300 67
Fuel Pump FP 300L 69
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FCV/-FCV HP 71
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FD 73
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-LW 74

HP Injection Power Stages 75

HPI 1.1 75
HPI 5 76
HPI 5-M 4C 77
HPI 5-M 8C 79

Ignition Coils 81

Single Fire Coil PS 81
Single Fire Coil PS-T 84
Single Fire Coil P35 87
Single Fire Coil P35-T 90
Single Fire Coil P35-E8 93
Single Fire Coil P35-E10 96
Single Fire Coil P35-TE8 98
Single Fire Coil P35-TE10 101
Single Fire Coil P50/P50-M 104
Single Fire Coil P65 107
Single Fire Coil P65-T 110
Single Fire Coil P65-E8 113
Single Fire Coil P65-E10 116
Single Fire Coil P65-TE8 119
Single Fire Coil P65-TE10 122
Twin Single Fire Coil 2x1 125
Double Fire Coil 2x2 128
Double Fire Coil 3x2 131
Single Fire Coil S19 134
Single Fire Coil S22/S22-T 137
Single Fire Coil C90i-pro 140
Single Fire Coil C90i-E8 143
Single Fire Coil C90i-E10 146

Ignition Modules 149

Ignition Module IM 3.1 149
Ignition Module IM 3.2 151
Ignition Module IM 4 153

Injection Valves 155

Injection Valve EV 6 155
Injection Valve EV 12 159
Injection Valve EV 14 164
Injection Valve EV 14i 169
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2 172
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2 LC 174

Alternators and Starters 177
Alternators 178

Alternator 90 A 178
Alternator B3 180
Alternator B3 LIN 183
Alternator GCM1 186

Starters 190

Starter 1.4 kW 190
Starter 1.7 kW 192
Starter 2.0 kW 194

Sensors 197
Absolute Position Sensor 198

Absolute Position Sensor APS-C 198

Table of contents | 5

Current Sensor 200

Current Sensor CS 240 200

Dynamic Vehicle Sensors 202

Acceleration Sensor AM 600-2 202
Acceleration Sensor AM 600-3 204
Acceleration Sensor MM5.10 206
Lean Angle Sensor LAS-1 209
Yaw Rate Sensor YRS 3 212

Gear Shift Sensor 215

Gear Shift Sensor GSS-2 215

Knock Sensors 217

Knock Sensor KS-P 217
Knock Sensor KS-R 219

Lambda Sensors 221

Lambda Sensor LSU 4.2 221
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9 224
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9D 227
Lambda Sensor Mini-LSU 4.9 230

Linear Potentiometers 233

Linear Potentiometer LP 10 233
Linear Potentiometer LP 25 235
Linear Potentiometer LP 25 twin 237
Linear Potentiometer LP 50 239
Linear Potentiometer LP 50 twin 241
Linear Potentiometer LP 75 243
Linear Potentiometer LP 75F 245
Linear Potentiometer LP 100 247
Linear Potentiometer LP 100F 249
Linear Potentiometer LP 150 251

Pressure Sensors Air 253

Pressure Sensor Air PSA-B 253
Pressure Sensor Air PSA-C 256
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-2 259
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-4 262
Pressure Sensor Air PSP 264
Pressure Sensor Air PST 266

Pressure Sensors Fluid 269

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-10 269
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-260 271
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM 273
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM-S 275
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10 277
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10R 279
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-100R 281
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-250R 283
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-260 285
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 287
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 2 290

Rotary Potentiometers 293

Rotary Potentiometer Mini-RP 100-M 293
Rotary Potentiometer RP 50-M/130-M/350-M 295
Rotary Potentiometer RP 55 297
Rotary Potentiometer RP 86 299
Rotary Potentiometer RP 100/130/308 301
Rotary Potentiometer RP 100 twin 303
Rotary Potentiometer RP 345-M 305
Rotary Potentiometer RP 360-H 307

Speed Sensors 309

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P 309
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P2 311
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-HA-P 313
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-HA-P sealed 317
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-M 319
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-D 90 321
Inductive Speed Sensor IA-C 323
Inductive Speed Sensor IA 325
Inductive Speed Sensor IS 327
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-C 329
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-T 331

Temperature Sensors 333

Temperature Sensor NTC M5-HS 333
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-H 335
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-HS 337
Temperature Sensor NTC M8-HS 339
Temperature Sensor NTC M12 341
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-H 343
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-L 345
Temperature Sensor PT 200E 347
Temperature Sensors Infrared TI-16-r/-s 349
Temperature Sensors Infrared TI-100-s/-c 351

Thermocouple Probes 353

Thermocouple Probe TCP K 353
Thermocouple Probe TCP KA 355
Thermocouple Probe TCP KN 2 358

6 | Table of contents

Wire Potentiometers 360

Wire Potentiometer WP 35 360
Wire Potentiometer WP 50 362
Wire Potentiometer WP 75 364
Wire Potentiometer WP 100 366
Wire Potentiometer WP 120 368
Wire Potentiometer WP 125 370

Brake Control 373
ABS 374

ABS M4 Kit 374

Displays 377
Displays 378

Display DDU 7 378
Display DDU 8 380

Data Logging Systems 383
Data Loggers 384

Data Logger C 50 384
Data Logger C 60 386
Upgrade USB 388

Lap Trigger Systems 390

Lap Trigger HF 58 Receiver 390
Lap Trigger HF 58 Transmitter 392
Lap Trigger IR-02 Receiver 393
Lap Trigger IR-02 Transmitter 394

Sensor Interfaces 395

CAN Module 395
Extended Module EM-LIN 397
Lambdatronic LT4 399
Modular Sensor Interface M 60 402
Wheel Speed Signal Splitter 404

Telemetry 407

Online Telemetry System Overview 407
Telemetry Unit FM 40 409
Pit Receiver Box 410
Pit Receiver Package 411
Burst Telemetry System Overview 412
Burst Telemetry Pit Module BR 60F 414
Burst Telemetry Car Module BT 60F 415

Telemetry Accessories 416

FM 40 Tester 416
Telemetry Antenna Dummy Load 417
Telemetry Car Antenna Single Band 418
Antenna Cable Kit 419

Software 421
Calibration 422

Modas Sport 422
RaceCon 423

Simulation 424

LapSim 424

Analysis 426

WinDarab V7 426

Software Upgrades 428

CAN Bypass 428
MSD Partitioning 429

Accessories 431
Communication Interface 432

MSA-Box II 432

Connector Opening Tool 433

Connector Opening Tool for AS series 433

PowerBox 434

PowerBox PBX 180 434

Relay 438

Relay 25 A 438

Switches 440

Switches 440

Wiper Motor 441

Wiper Direct Actuator WDA 441

Wiring Harnesses 444

Wiring Harnesses 444

Appendix 445
General Information 446

General Information 446

Vibration Profiles 447

Vibration Profile 1 447
Vibration Profile 2 448
Vibration Profile 3 449

Table of contents | 7

8 | Table of contents

Engine Control Units 1

Gasoline Engine Control Units 10

Diesel Engine Control Units 32

Gasoline Engine Control Units
Sport Line ECUs
Type Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport
GT3 Cup
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport

Max. Cyl./bank 6/2 6/2 8[GDI 6]/2
Control strategy Alpha/n Alpha/n Alpha/n
Lambda ctrl Dual Dual Dual
Turbo boost ctrl - - Opt.
Knock ctrl Opt. + Opt.
El. Throttle ctrl Opt. + Opt.
Traction ctrl Opt. + Opt.
GDI support - - Opt.
Proposed logger C 50 C 50 C 50
Proposed display DDU 7 DDU 7 DDU 7
Performance Line ECUs
Type Engine Control Unit
MS 5.0
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.1
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.5
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.2

Max. Cyl./bank 8/2 8/2 8/2 12/2
Control strategy Torque-structure based Torque structure based Torque structure based Torque structure based
Lambda ctrl Dual Dual Dual Dual
Turbo boost ctrl + + + +
Knock ctrl + + + +
El. Throttle ctrl + + + +
Traction ctrl + + + +
GDI support + + + +
Proposed logger C 60 C 60 Integrated 2 GB logger C 60
Proposed display DDU 8 DDU 8 DDU 8 DDU 8
10 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Engine Control Units Sport
The Sport Line introduces a simple and competitive
start in the world of engine control units from Bosch
Motorsport. In comparison with the Performance Line
ECUs from Bosch Motorsport, the Sport Line devices
have an optimized function range that make the initial
start-up process much simpler.
The Sport Line has three different hardware platforms
that vary in their amount of inputs/outputs and function-
ality that provide the optimal ECU to be selected for a
given projects requirements. Additionally, each ECU in
the Sport Line can be tailored to support certain project
needs through various software options. To complete
the entire entry level system, Bosch Motorsport offers
the display unit DDU 7 and the external data logger
C 50.
Example for a typical Sport Line system
Depicted below is an example system layout for the
ECUs of the Sport Line. The ECU is calibrated with the
Modas Sport software. The communication interface
MSA-Box II connects to the PC over USB and to the ECU
via a CAN/K-Line link. The display DDU 7 is configured
over Ethernet with the software RaceCon. The ECU
sends the desired measured variables to the display/
logger via CAN interface or Ethernet. These variables
can be displayed for the driver or logged for analysis.
Downloading and analyzing the data is also accomplish-
ed over Ethernet with the WinDarab software.
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 11

12 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Sport Line ECUs
Type Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport
GT3 Cup
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport

Max. Cyl./bank 6/2 6/2 8[GDI 6]/2
Control strategy Alpha/n Alpha/n Alpha/n
Lambda ctrl Dual Dual Dual
Turbo boost ctrl - - Opt.
Knock ctrl Opt. + Opt.
El. Throttle ctrl Opt. + Opt.
Traction ctrl Opt. + Opt.
GDI support - - Opt.
Proposed logger C 50 C 50 C 50
Proposed display DDU 7 DDU 7 DDU 7
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 13

Engine Control Unit MS 3
u Full hybrid technology
u 6 injection output stages
u 6 ignition output stages
u 34 data inputs
The MS 3 Sport is the first Bosch engine management
system to be manufactured with full hybrid technology.
Therefore it is very small, lightly and robust against vi-
brations. The MS 3 Sport is suitable for engines with up
to 6 cylinders and has internal ignition output stages.
Two sensor inputs are available for vibration knock de-
tection and knock control. Various engine parameters
can be measured with different input channels and
transferred via CAN interface to an optional data logger
or dash display.
Engine layout Max. 6 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Alpha/n
Lambda control Dual
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing
Asymmetric ignition timing
Knock control Optional
Electronic throttle control Optional
Traction control Optional
Interface to Bosch Motorsport ABS M4 kit
Support of 60-2 and 36-2 ignition trigger wheels
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 3 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Extremely small and flat aluminum pressure casting housing
4 mounting points on housing
2 connectors with high pin density
Extremely shock and vibration proof hybrid technology
Size 120 x 90 x 40 mm
Weight 250 g
Temperature range -40 to 125C
Electrical Data
Max. power consumption 10 W at 14 V
Power supply
Full operation 9 to 16 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for Hall-effect wheel speed sensors
1 input for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
2 knock sensor inputs
6 injection power stages
6 ignition power stages (7.5 to 8.0 A)
8 power stages (2 A/1 A; low side; PWM)
2 power stages for lambda heater
1 H-bridge (5 A)
2 sensor supplies 5 V/100 mA
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Optional Functionality
Knock Control SW upgrade F 01T A20 053-01
Electronic Throttle Control SW
F 01T A20 051-01
14 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Traction Control SW upgrade F 01T A20 052-01
Variable Valve Timing VVT SW
F 02U V00 395-01
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 50 F 02U V01 164-01
Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I D 261 205 139-01
Mating connector II D 261 205 140-01
1 K-line serial interface
1 CAN interface
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport
Please ask for more information before ordering.
Order number F 01T A20 067-01
Software Options
SW Upgrade Traction Control
Order number F 01T A20 052-01
SW Upgrade Knock Control
Order number F 01T A20 053-01
SW Upgrade El. Throttle Control
Order number F 01T A20 051-01

Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 15

Engine Control Unit MS 3
Sport GT3 Cup
u Free and full access to the ECU
u No wiring changes necessary
u Support for 3rd party displays via CAN
u Plug and play with base safe calibration
u Pre-configured workbases for free Bosch Motor-
sport calibration tools
The MS 3 Sport GT3 Cup Motorsports ECU enables you
to optimize the software of Ex-Porsche GT3 Cup cars by
getting full access to the ECU, allowing you to adapt it
to any engine hardware changes. The software offers ad-
ditional features and comes with a base calibration.
Engine layout Max. 6 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Alpha/n
Lambda control Dual
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing
Asymmetric ignition timing
Knock control Inclusive
Electronic throttle control Inclusive
Traction control Inclusive
Interface to Bosch Motorsport ABS M4 kit
Support of 60-2 and 36-2 ignition trigger wheels
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 3 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Extremely small and flat aluminum pressure casting housing
4 mounting points on housing
2 connectors with high pin density
Extremely shock and vibration proof hybrid technology
Size 120 x 90 x 40 mm
Weight 250 g
Temperature range -40 to 125C
Electrical Data
Max. power consumption 10 W at 14 V
Power supply
Full operation 9 to 16 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for Hall-effect wheel speed sensors
1 input for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
2 knock sensor inputs
6 injection power stages
6 ignition power stages (7.5 to 8.0 A)
8 power stages (2 A/1 A; low side; PWM)
2 power stages for lambda heater
1 H-bridge (5 A)
2 sensor supplies 5 V/100 mA
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 50 F 02U V01 164-01
Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
16 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I D 261 205 139-01
Mating connector II D 261 205 140-01
1 K-line serial interface
1 CAN interface
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport GT3 Cup
Delivery with Porsche GT3 specific base calibration.
Order number F 02UV0U 082-01

Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 17

Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport
u 8 injection output stages
u 8 ignition drivers
u 35 data inputs
The MS 4 Sport is an engine management system for
high performance engines up to 8 cylinders. The system
contains 8 ignition drivers for external power stages and
8 independent injection power stages. Two independent
wide range lambda circuits allow lambda closed loop
engine control. There are also versions for Turbo and
GDI engines as well as for Turbo GDI engines available.
Various engine parameters can be measured with differ-
ent input channels and transferred via CAN interface to
an optional data logger.
Control strategy Alpha/n
Lambda control Dual
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Turbo boost control
Asymmetric injection timing
Asymmetric ignition timing
Ignition trigger wheels Support of 60-2 and 36-2
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 3 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Sheet-metal housing
Each connector pin individually filtered
Vibration damped circuit boards
Size 180 x 162 x 46 mm
Weight 430 g
Temperature range -40 to 75C
Electrical Data
Max. power consumption 30 W at 14 V
Power supply
Full operation 10 to 18 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for Hall-effect wheel speed sensors
1 input for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
25 universal inputs 0 to 5 V
2 knock sensor inputs
8 injection power stages
8 ignition drivers
10 power stages (2,7 A/0,6 A; low side; PWM)
2 power stages for lambda heater
1 H-bridge (5 A)
2 sensor supplies 5 V/100 mA
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Optional Functionality
Advanced Turbo boost control F 02U V00 781-01
Knock control SW upgrade F 01T A20 053-01
Electronic throttle control SW
F 01T A20 051-01
Electronic throttle control incl.
shift down (Blipper) SW up-
grade, also compatible to MEGA-
Line gear box control
F 02U V00 780-01
Traction control SW upgrade F 01T A20 052-01
Variable Valve Timing VVT SW
F 02U V00 395-01
18 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 50 F 02U V01 164-01
Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
Injection power stage unit HPI 5 F 02U V00 929-01
HP fuel pump HDP 5 Diff. variations available
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I D 261 205 344-01
Mating connector II D 261 205 345-01
Installation Notes
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
1 K-line serial interface
2 CAN interfaces for external communication
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport
Order number F 01T A20 049-02
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport GDI
Only in combination with HPI 5
Order number F 02U V01 138-01
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport Turbo
Order number F 01T A20 060-01
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport Turbo GDI
Only in combination with HPI 5
Order number F 02U V01 000-01
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport Motorcycle
Order number F 02U V00 024-01
Software Options
SW Upgrade Traction Control
Order number F 01T A20 052-01
SW Upgrade Knock Control
Order number F 01T A20 053-01
SW Upgrade El. Throttle Control
Order number F 01T A20 051-01
SW Upgrade Advanced Turbo Control
Order number F 02U V00 781-01
SW Upgrade Variable Valve Timing
Order number F 02U V00 395-01
SW Upgrade ETC & Blipper
Order number F 02U V00 780-01
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 19

MS 4 Sport Variations
Type Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport
Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport GDI
Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport Turbo
Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport Turbo
Engine Control Unit
MS 4 Sport Motorcy-

Max. Cyl./bank 8/2 6/2 8/2 6/2 4/2
GDI support - + - + -
ABS M4 interface + + + + -
Turbo boost ctrl - - + + -
Advanced turbo
boost ctrl
- - - Opt. Opt.
Knock ctrl Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. -
El. Throttle ctrl Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. -
El. Throttle ctrl incl.
shift down (Blipper)
Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. -
Traction ctrl Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. -
Var. valve timing Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. -
20 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Engine Control Units
Performance Line
The ECUs of the Performance Line offers individual solu-
tions for various motorsport applications. All MS 5 ECUs
utilize a new software development process based on
MATLAB & Simulink to significantly speed algorithm
development. They also feature a high-end FPGA (Field
Programmable Gate Array) for fast signal processing and
flexible signal control. A PowerPC enables highly sophis-
ticated control algorithms. Consistent software struc-
ture guarantees easy recognition of all software labels
and functions across the complete ECU Performance
Line. It is completed by use of the DDU 8 display and
the C 60 external data logger.
The ECUs in the Performance Line use torque as the
central variable for coordinating all requests (i.e. en-
gine/vehicle speed limiter, traction control, etc.). The
actual engine torque value is determined from the cor-
recting variables (air charge, ignition angle, and/or cylin-
der reduction via fuel cut) by means of a torque model.
This is then compared to the desired engine torque val-
ue to determine if any modification of the engine torque
is needed. This results in a precise and adaptable con-
trol of the engine.
Example for a typical Performance Line system
Depicted below you see an example system layout for
the Performance Line. The ECU is calibrated with the
software Modas Sport. The communication interface
MSA-Box II connects to the PC over USB and to the ECU
via a CAN/Ethernet link. DDU 8 display and C 60 data
logger are configured over Ethernet with the software
RaceCon. The logger and the ECU communicate over
Ethernet. Downloading and analyzing the data is accom-
plished with the data analysis software WinDarab. The
data can be also transmitted over burst or online tele-
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 21

22 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Performance Line ECUs
Type Engine Control Unit
MS 5.0
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.1
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.5
Engine Control Unit
MS 5.2

Max. Cyl./bank 8/2 8/2 8/2 12/2
Control strategy Torque-structure based Torque structure based Torque structure based Torque structure based
Lambda ctrl Dual Dual Dual Dual
Turbo boost ctrl + + + +
Knock ctrl + + + +
El. Throttle ctrl + + + +
Traction ctrl + + + +
GDI support + + + +
Proposed logger C 60 C 60 Integrated 2 GB logger C 60
Proposed display DDU 8 DDU 8 DDU 8 DDU 8
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 23

Engine Control Unit MS 5.0
u 8 injection output stages
u 8 ignition output stages
u 51 data inputs
The MS 5.0 engine control unit manages gasoline en-
gines up to 8 cylinders. As a member of our MS 5 family,
it features a powerful digital processing core with float-
ing point arithmetic and a high-end FPGA for ultimate
performance and flexibility. The MS 5 family utilizes a
new software development process based on MATLAB/
Simulink, which significantly speeds algorithm develop-
ment by using automatic code and documentation gen-
eration. Custom functions can be quickly and easily gen-
erated. The flexible hardware design allows the MS 5.0
to support complex or unusual engine or chassis config-
Engine layout Max. 8 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Torque-structure based
Lambda control With adaptation function
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Turbo boost control
Knock control
Electronic throttle control
Traction control
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing
Asymmetric ignition timing
Calibration interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ethernet
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. Vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
2 high pin density motorsport connectors
132 pins, each pin individually filtered
Vibration damped circuit boards
Size 140 x 109 x 40.5 mm
Weight 650 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Temp. range (at internal sen-
-20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Approx. power cons. (w/o loads) 9 W at 14 V
Power supply
Full operation 6.5 to 18 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
Absolute maximum 6 to 24 V
2 thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces (LSU 4.9)
1 crankshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
1 camshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
4 wheel speed sensors (inductive or Hall-effect)
32 universal analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 12 Bit
4 analog inputs (angle synchronous or time synchronous triggering up
to 250 ksps, 12 Bit)
2 inputs for vibration knock sensors
1 lap trigger input
8 injection power stages
8 ignition power stages (up to 10 A)
12 power stages (2 A; low side; PWM)
2 power stages (4 A; low side; PWM)
1 H-bridge (5 A)
2 sensor supplies 5 V/400 mA
1 time based synch-in/out
24 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-02
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector blue
AS 6-18-35 SB
F 02U 000 474-01
Mating connector red
AS 6-18-35 SN
F 02U 000 472-01
Installation Notes
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
2 x 100 Mbps Ethernet interfaces
2 x 1 Mbps CAN interfaces
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 5.0
Order number F 02U V00 326-03
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 25

Engine Control Unit MS 5.1
u 8 injection output stages
u 8 ignition output stages
u 59 data inputs
The MS 5.1 engine control unit manages gasoline en-
gines up to 8 cylinders. As a member of our MS 5 family,
it features a powerful digital processing core with float-
ing point arithmetic and a high-end FPGA for ultimate
performance and flexibility. The MS 5 family utilizes a
new software development process based on MATLAB/
Simulink, which significantly speeds algorithm develop-
ment by using automatic code and documentation gen-
eration. Custom functions can be quickly and easily gen-
erated. The flexible hardware design allows the MS 5.1
to support complex or unusual engine or chassis config-
Engine layout Max. 8 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Torque-structure based
Lambda control With adaptation function
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Turbo boost control
Knock control
Electronic throttle control
Traction control
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing Optional
Asymmetric ignition timing Optional
Calibration interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ethernet
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. Vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
3 high pin density motorsport connectors
165 pins, each pin individually filtered
Vibration suppression via multipoint fixed circuit boards
Size 180 x 155 x 40 mm
Weight 1,060 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Temp. range (at internal sen-
-20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power cons. (w/o loads) Approx. 9 W at 14 V
Power supply
Operating range 6.5 to 18 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
Absolute maximum 6 to 24 V
2 thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces (LSU 4.9)
1 crankshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
1 camshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
2 turbo speed sensors (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
4 wheel speed sensors (inductive or Hall-effect)
38 universal analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 12 Bit
4 analog inputs (angle synchronous or time synchronous triggering up
to 250 ksps, 12 Bit)
4 inputs for vibration knock sensors
1 lap trigger input
8 injection power stages (peak & hold)
8 ignition power stages (up to 20 A)
20 power stages (2 A; low side; PWM)
4 power stages (4 A; low side; PWM)
2 H-bridges (5 A)
3 sensor supplies 5 V/400 mA
1 sensor supply 10 V/100 mA
26 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

1 protected Ubat output 1 A
6 diagnostic outputs with selectable internal signals
1 time base reference synch-in/out
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-02
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector yellow
AS 6-16-35 SA
F 02U 000 467-01
Mating connector blue
AS 6-16-35 SB
F 02U 000 468-01
Mating connector red
AS 6-16-35 SN
F 02U 000 466-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
2 x 100 Mbps Ethernet interfaces
1 x RS232 serial interface
3 x 1 Mbps CAN interfaces
1 x LIN interface
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 5.1
Order number F 02U V00 995-01
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 27

Engine Control Unit MS 5.5
u Internal 2 GB datalogger
u 8 injection output stages
u 8 ignition output stages
u 59 data inputs
The MS 5.5 engine control unit manages gasoline en-
gines up to 8 cylinders. As a member of our MS 5 family,
it features a powerful digital processing core with float-
ing point arithmetic and a high-end FPGA for ultimate
performance and flexibility. The MS 5 family utilizes a
new software development process based on MATLAB/
Simulink, which significantly speeds algorithm develop-
ment by using automatic code and documentation gen-
eration. Custom functions can be quickly and easily gen-
erated. The flexible hardware design allows the MS 5.5
to support complex or unusual engine or chassis config-
The MS 5.5 has an internal 2 GB logger, presenting a
cost efficient and weight optimized all-in-one solution.
Engine layout Max. 8 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Torque-structure based
Lambda control With adaptation function
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Turbo boost control
Knock control
Electronic throttle control
Traction control
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing Optional
Asymmetric ignition timing Optional
Calibration interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ethernet
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Internal logger 2 GB
Max. Vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
3 high pin density motorsport connectors
165 pins, each pin individually filtered
Vibration suppression via multipoint fixed circuit boards
Size 180 x 155 x 40 mm
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Weight (approx.) 1,270 g
Temp. range (at internal sen-
-20 to 65C
Electrical Data
Approx. power cons. (w/o loads) 13 W at 14 V
Power Supply
Full operation 6.5 to 18 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
Absolute maximum 6 to 24 V
2 thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces (LSU 4.9)
1 crankshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
1 camshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
2 turbo speed sensors (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
4 wheel speed sensors (Inductive or Hall-effect)
38 universal analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 12 Bit
4 analog inputs (Angle synchronous or time synchronous triggering up
to 250 ksps, 12 Bit)
4 inputs for vibration knock sensors
1 lap trigger input
8 injection power stages
8 ignition power stages (up to 20 A)
20 power stages (2 A; low side; PWM)
4 power stages (4 A; low side; PWM)
28 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

2 H-bridges (5 A)
3 sensor supplies 5 V/400 mA and 1 x 10 V/100 mA
1 protected Ubat output 1 A
6 diagnostic outputs with selectable internal signals
1 time based synch-in/out
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-02
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector yellow
AS 6-16-35 SA
F 02U 000 467-01
Mating connector blue
AS 6-16-35 SB
F 02U 000 468-01
Mating connector red
AS 6-16-35 SN
F 02U 000 466-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
2 x 100 Mbps Ethernet interfaces
1 x RS232 serial interface
3 x 1 Mbps CAN interfaces
1 x LIN interface
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 5.5
Order number F 02U V00 285-04
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 29

Engine Control Unit MS 5.2
u 12 injection output stages
u 12 ignition output stages
u 78 data inputs
The MS 5.2 engine control unit manages gasoline en-
gines up to 12 cylinders. As a member of our MS 5 fami-
ly, it features a powerful digital processing core with
floating point arithmetic and a high-end FPGA for ulti-
mate performance and flexibility. The MS 5 family uti-
lizes a new software development process based on
MATLAB/Simulink, which significantly speeds algorithm
development by using automatic code and documenta-
tion generation. Custom functions can be quickly and
easily generated. The flexible hardware design allows
the MS 5.2 to support complex or unusual engine or
chassis configurations.
Engine layout Max. 12 cyl., 2 bank
Control strategy Torque-structure based
Lambda control With adaptation function
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gear box
Map switch, 3 positions, each corresponds to different target lambda
and spark maps.
Fuel cut off
Turbo boost control
Knock control
Electronic throttle control
Traction control
Sequential fuel injection
Asymmetric injection timing Optional
Asymmetric ignition timing Optional
Calibration interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ethernet
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. Vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
4 high pin density motorsport connectors
220 pins, each pin individually filtered
Vibration resistant circuit board mounting
Size 200 x 170 x 36.5 mm
Weight (approx.) 1,260 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Temp. range (at internal sen-
-20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power cons. (w/o loads) Approx. 10 W at 14 V
Power supply
Operating range 6.5 to 18 V
Recommended 11 to 14 V
Absolute maximum 6 to24 V
2 thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces (LSU 4.9)
1 crankshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
1 camshaft sensor (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
2 turbo speed sensors (2-wire, inductive or Hall-effect)
4 wheel speed sensors (Inductive or Hall-effect)
2 gearbox speed sensor (Inductive or Hall-effect)
45 universal analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 12 Bit
14 analog inputs (Angle synchronous or time synchronous triggering
up to 250 ksps, 12 Bit)
4 inputs for vibration knock sensors
1 lap trigger input
12 injection power stages (Peak & hold)
12 ignition power stages (Up to 20 A)
16 power stages (2 A; low side; PWM)
4 power stages (4 A; low side; PWM)
4 H-bridge valve drivers ( 100 mA)
2 H-bridges (5 A)
30 | Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units

4 sensor supplies 3 x 5 V/400 mA and 1 x 10 V/100 mA
6 diagnostic outputs with selectable internal signals
12 outputs with configurable function (FPGA)
1 time base reference synch-in/out
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-02
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-02
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector yellow
AS 6-16-35 SA
F 02U 000 467-01
Mating connector blue
AS 6-16-35 SB
F 02U 000 468-01
Mating connector orange
AS 6-16-35 SC
F 02U 000 469-01
Mating connector red
AS 6-16-35 SN
F 02U 000 466-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
2 x 100 Mbps Ethernet interfaces
1 x RS232 serial interface
4 x 1 Mbps CAN interfaces
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 5.2
Order number F 01T A20 069-01
Engine Control Units | Gasoline Engine Control Units | 31

Diesel ECUs
Type Engine Control Unit MS 15.1 Engine Control Unit MS 15.2 Engine Control Unit MS 12

Max. Cyl. 8 6 12
Injector types Solenoid injectors Piezo injectors Piezo injectors
Control strategy Quantity based Quantity based Quantity based
Injections Max. 5 Max. 4 Max. 4
Inputs/Outputs 60/32 60/30 75/52
Turbo boost control system Single or twin turbo Single or twin turbo Single or twin turbo
Lambda measurement + + +
Traction control system Optional Optional +
Weight 1,780 g 1,780 g 2,500 g
32 | Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units

Engine Control Unit MS 15.1
u 8 injection output stages
u For solenoid injectors
u 60 data inputs
The MS 15.1 is an ECU for Diesel engines with up to 8
cylinders. It is developed for use with Bosch solenoid in-
Engines with the following num-
bers of cylinders are supported:
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, < 3 on request
Injector type Solenoid injectors
Control strategy Quantity based
Injection timing 2 pilot injections
2 main injections
1 post injection
Turbo boost control Single or Bi-Turbo
Lambda measurement
Traction control Optional
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gearbox
Speed limiter
Optional function packages available
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
4 connectors in motorsport technology with high pin density,
187 pins
Vibration damped circuit boards
8 housing fixation points
Size 210 x 199 x 36 mm
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Weight 1,780 g
Temperature range -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power consumption w/o inj. Approx. 5 W at 14 V
Power consumption Approx. 140 W at 14 V
2 inputs for thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for wheel speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
4 inputs for turbo speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
1 input for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
3 system inputs 0 to 5 V
13 universal inputs 0 to 5 V, fixed pull-up
27 universal inputs 0 to 5 V, switchable pull-up
3 digital inputs
8 injection power stages
12 power stages (low side)
2 power stages for lambda heater
2 H-bridges
2 sensor supplies 5 V/system use
3 sensor supplies 5 V/300 mA
3 sensor supplies 10 V/100 mA
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Optional Functionality
Traction control SW upgrade F 02U V00 778-01
Chassis SW upgrade F 02U V00 779-01
Two bank hydraulic control SW
F 02U V00 949-01
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-01
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-01
Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units | 33

Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I
AS 6-16-35 SN
F 02U 000 466-01
Mating connector II
AS 6-16-35 SB
F 02U 000 468-01
Mating connector III
AS 6-16-35 SC
F 02U 000 469-01
Mating connector IV
AS 6-12-35 SD
F 02U 000 445-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
3 CAN interfaces (dash, application, customer use)
2 FireWire interfaces for external communication
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 15.1
Order number F 01T A20 022-01
Software Options
SW Upgrade Traction Control
Order number F 02U V00 778-01
SW Upgrade Chassis
Order number F 02U V00 779-01
SW Upgrade Two Bank Hydraulic Control
Order number F 02U V00 949-01
34 | Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units

Engine Control Unit MS 15.2
u 6 injection output stages
u For Piezo injectors
u 60 data inputs
The MS 15.2 is an ECU for Diesel engines with up to 6
cylinders. It is developed for use with Bosch Piezo injec-
Engines with the following num-
bers of cylinders are supported:
3, 4, 5 ,6, < 3 on request
Injector type Piezo injectors
Control strategy Quantity based
Injection timing 2 pilot injections
1 main injection
1 post injection
Turbo boost control Single or Bi-Turbo
Lambda measurement
Traction control Optional
Speed limiter
Gear cut for sequential gearbox
Speed limiter
Optional function packages available
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
4 connectors in motorsport technology with high pin density,
187 pins
Vibration damped circuit boards
8 housing fixation points
Size 210 x 199 x 36 mm
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Weight 1,780 g
Temperature range -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power consumption w/o inj. Approx. 5 W at 14 V
Power consumption Approx. 140 W at 14 V
2 inputs for thermocouple exhaust gas temperature sensors
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for wheel speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
4 inputs for turbo speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
1 input for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
3 system inputs 0 to 5 V
13 universal inputs 0 to 5 V, fixed pull-up
27 universal inputs 0 to 5 V, switchable pull-up
3 digital inputs
6 injection power stages
12 power stages (low side)
2 power stages for lambda heater
2 H-bridges
2 sensor supplies 5 V/system use
3 sensor supplies 5 V/300 mA
3 sensor supplies 10 V/100 mA
Modas Sport Calibration Soft-
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Optional Functionality
Traction control SW upgrade F 02U V00 778-01
Chassis SW upgrade F 02U V00 779-01
Two bank hydraulic control SW
F 02U V00 949-01
Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-01
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-01
Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units | 35

Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I
AS 6-16-35 SA
F 02U 000 467-01
Mating connector II
AS 6-16-35 SB
F 02U 000 468-01
Mating connector III
AS 6-16-35 SC
F 02U 000 469-01
Mating connector IV
AS 6-12-35 SD
F 02U 000 445-01
Piezo Specific Functions
Voltage Control
Rail pressure dependent precontrol of the voltage difference between
cut off voltage and stationary actuator voltage.
Closed-loop voltage control, injector individual.
Voltage precontrol to improve dynamic behavior.
Discharging Time Control
Voltage dependent precontrol of discharging current.
Closed-loop discharging time control, injector individual.
Discharging time precontrol to improve dynamic behavior.
IVA Injector Voltage Adjustment
Determination of injector voltage demand at reference rail pressure
during injector inspection in plant before IQA-measurement.
Injector assignment of voltage setpoint curves within the ECU accord-
ing to injectors IVA class.
Temperature Compensation
Determination of the temperature dependent changes of voltage de-
Definition of a temperature dependent correction factor.
Multiplicative correction of the voltage setpoint.
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
3 CAN interfaces (dash, application, customer use)
2 FireWire interfaces for external communication
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 15.2
Order number F 01T A20 023-03
Software Options
SW Upgrade Traction Control
Order number F 02U V00 778-01
SW Upgrade Chassis
Order number F 02U V00 779-01
SW Upgrade Two Bank Hydraulic Control
Order number F 02U V00 949-01
36 | Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units

Engine Control Unit MS 12
u 12 injection output stages
u For piezo injectors
u 78 data inputs
The MS 12 is the high-end ECU for Diesel engines. This
ECU offers 12 Piezo injection power stages for use in up
to a 12 cylinder engine. Various engine and chassis pa-
rameters can be measured with a high number of input
channels. All measured data can be transferred via Fire-
Wire interface to an optional flash card data logger.
Gear box control strategies are optional.
Engine layout Max. 12 cyl.
Injector type Piezo injectors
Control strategy Quantity based
Injection timing 2 pilot injections
1 main injection
1 post injection
Turbo boost control (incl. VTG) Single or Twin-Turbo
Lambda measurement
Traction control
Launch control
Gear cut for sequential gearbox
Gearbox control
Speed limiter
Optional function packages available
Interface to Bosch Data Logging System
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
5 connectors in motorsport technology with high pin density, 242
Each connector individually filtered.
Vibration damped circuit boards
8 housing fixation points
Size 240 x 200 x 57 mm
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Weight 2,500 g
Temperature range -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power consumption w/o inj. Approx. 5 W at 14 V
Power consumption at 6,500
Max. 160 W at 14 V
6 inputs for thermocouple sensors (e.g. exhaust gas temperature)
2 lambda interfaces LSU
4 inputs for wheel speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
2 gear box speeds
4 inputs for turbo speed sensors; basic design for inductive sensors
2 inputs for inductive crankshaft sensor
1 input for Hall-effect camshaft sensor
3 system inputs 0 to 5 V
16 PT1000
32 universal inputs 0 to 5 V, switchable pull-up
3 digital inputs
2 LVDT sensor interfaces
1 SSI interface
12 injection power stages
24 power stages low side
2 power stages for lambda heater
6 H-bridges
2 sensor supplies 5 V/system use
3 sensor supplies 5 V/300 mA
3 sensor supplies 5 V/300 mA or 10 V/100 mA
WinDarab Analysis Software On request
Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units | 37

Environment (not included)
Programming interface MSA-
Box II
F 02U V00 327-01
Data logger C 60 F 02U V00 875-01
Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
Display DDU 8 F 02U V00 873-05
Mating connectors (not included)
Mating connector I
AS 6-18-35 SA
F 02U 000 473-01
Mating connector II
AS 6-18-35 SB
F 02U 000 474-01
Mating connector III
AS 6-18-35 SC
F 02U 000 475-01
Mating connector IV
AS 6-18-35 SN
F 02U 000 472-01
Mating connector V
AS 6-12-35 SD
F 02U 000 445-01
Piezo Specific Functions
Voltage Control
Rail pressure dependent precontrol of the voltage difference between
cut off voltage and stationary actuator voltage.
Closed-loop voltage control, injector individual.
Voltage precontrol to improve dynamic behavior.
Discharging Time Control
Voltage dependent precontrol of discharging current.
Closed-loop discharging time control, injector individual.
Discharging time precontrol to improve dynamic behavior.
IVA Injector Voltage Adjustment
Determination of injector voltage demand at reference rail pressure
during injector inspection in plant before IQA-measurement.
Injector assignment of voltage setpoint curves within the ECU accord-
ing to injectors IVA class.
Temperature Compensation
Determination of the temperature dependent changes of voltage de-
Definition of a temperature dependent correction factor.
Multiplicative correction of the voltage set point.
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
Depending on your experiences with calibration of ECUs we recom-
mend calibration support from Bosch Motorsport.
Please remember that the mating connectors and the programming in-
terface MSA-Box II are not included and must be ordered separately.
2 K-line serial interfaces
5 CAN interfaces (dash, application, customer use, switchable CAN
load resistor)
2 FireWire interfaces for external communication
Ordering Information
Engine Control Unit MS 12
Order number on request

38 | Engine Control Units | Diesel Engine Control Units

Injection and Ignition 2

Diesel System Components 40

Electronic Throttle Body 43

Fuel Pressure Regulators 46

Fuel Pumps 61

HP Injection Power Stages 75

Ignition Coils 81

Ignition Modules 149

Injection Valves 155

Diesel System Components
u Modification of Common Rail systems
u Different modification levels available
u All hydraulic parts available
The geometry and characteristics of Diesel engine com-
ponents are more dependent upon the application than
those for gasoline engines. A single injector design will
not fit all Diesel engines due to varying mechanical and
nozzle geometry requirements. In addition, the injection
system can vary from year to year even within the same
make of car.
Bosch Motorsport uses the same Common Rail technol-
ogy for racing that was developed for production vehicle
applications. This includes both solenoid (magnetic)
technology and the latest cutting-edge piezo technology.
Bosch Motorsport can offer a wide variety of modifica-
tions to fit the system to your specifications. These
modifications include:
Definition of suitable base components from other
(or larger) engine applications.
Adaptation of components for mating, fit and orien-
tation to suit the selected application.
Flow enhancement of injectors and rails.
Injector nozzle adaptation (flow rate, number of
holes, spray cone angle etc.).
Our goal is to offer the best balance of cost and per-
formance for your application. This is why we offer dif-
ferent levels of modifications to choose from. Below is
an example of the different levels for a 4-cylinder engine
with 4 injectors, 1 high pressure pump and a single fuel
Installation Notes
When contacting us for more information on our Diesel
components, please have the following information
ready so that we may best determine components re-
quired for your application:
The base engine / the car where this engine original-
ly is installed
Model year and type of car / engine
The base output level and the desired output level
for the engine
If it is originally equipped with Bosch components:
the part numbers of the Bosch components
Alternatively the car / engine manufacturer part
number of the original injection system.
If your engine is originally equipped with Bosch
components, modifications will be easier than
replacing third party components.
We reserve the right to assess a fee for applica-
tions where the component specification re-
quires an extraordinary amount of time.
40 | Injection and Ignition | Diesel System Components

Common Rail
CP1H, CP3, CP4
Rails Max. 6 cyl./bank
Pressure Sensors RDS Max. 2,400 bar
Injectors CRI 2 (Solenoid),
CRI 3 (Piezo)

Pressure Control
DRV Max. 2,400 bar
Injection and Ignition | Diesel System Components | 41

Technical Specifications
1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level

Description Series components with minor
modifications (e.g. series compo-
nents from a bigger engine plus
series injector with sample nozzle)
Series components with modifica-
tions (e.g. modified injector body
with sample nozzle)
Components manufactured com-
pletely to your specification (e.g.
heavily modified series compo-
nents or new products)
Functioning Solenoid Piezo Piezo or Solenoid
Injectors 4 x 650.00 4 x 2,100.00 On request (Prices will be finalized
in your personal offer once part
numbers are defined)
High pressure pump 1,250.00 3,000.00
Fuel rail Approx. 500.00 Approx. 1,000.00
System price 4,350.00 12,400.00
Bosch Motorsport does not manufacture high pressure fuel lines, but we can assist you in finding a company that can build high pressure lines for your
42 | Injection and Ignition | Diesel System Components

Electronic Throttle Body
u Many bore diameters available
u Throttle position sensor is redundant
u For flex-fuel, CNG, LPG
u Idle default position
The throttle body is designed to control the fresh air of
spark ignition engines in combination with an electronic
throttle control system. ETB applications with flex-fuel,
CNG and LPG are permissible if injected in the air flow
after the throttle body.
A typical ETC system includes the following compo-
nents: electronic throttle body, accelerator pedal mod-
ule and electronic control unit.
You will find the available bore diameters in the varia-
tions table.
Temperature range -40 to 140C
Max. vibration 50 to 250 m/s
at 50 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Available bore diameters 32 mm
40 mm
46 mm
50 mm
52 mm
54 mm
60 mm
68 mm
82 mm
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 6 to 16 V
Supply voltage sensor 5 0.2 V
Max. allowed generator current <10.0 A
Output signal I 0 to 5 V for 0 to 90
Output signal II 5 to 0 V for 0 to 90
Connectors and Wires
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
For correct mounting please respect the hints on the next page
Mounting position.
The ETB can be connected directly to control units with ETC function-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Two redundant sensors control the up to date throttle position.
All ETBs have an idle air position.
Ordering Information
Electronic Throttle Body 32 mm
Order number 0 280 750 148
Electronic Throttle Body 40 mm
Order number 0 280 750 149
Electronic Throttle Body 46 mm
Order number F 02U V01 171-01
Electronic Throttle Body 50 mm
Order number 0 280 Y05 107-10
Electronic Throttle Body 52 mm
Order number F 02U V01 184-01
Electronic Throttle Body 54 mm
Order number 0 280 750 150
Electronic Throttle Body 60 mm
Order number 0 280 750 151
Electronic Throttle Body 68 mm
Order number 0 280 750 003
Electronic Throttle Body 82 mm
Order number 0 280 750 101
Injection and Ignition | Electronic Throttle Body | 43

Mounting position

44 | Injection and Ignition | Electronic Throttle Body

Order number 0 280 750 148 0 280 750 149 F 02U V01 171-01 0 280 Y05 107-10 F 02U V01 184-01

Bore diameter (mm) 32 40 46 50 52
Connector D 261 205 358-01 D 261 205 358-01 D 261 205 356-01 D 261 205 356-01 D 261 205 356-01
Pin 1 A Motor - Motor - Poti 1 Poti 1 Poti 1
Pin 2 B Poti - Poti - Poti - Poti - Poti -
Pin 3 C Poti + Poti + Motor - Motor - Motor -
Pin 4 D Motor + Motor + Poti 2 Poti 2 Poti 2
Pin 5 E Poti 2 Poti 2 Motor + Motor + Motor +
Pin 6 F Poti 1 Poti 1 Poti + Poti + Poti +
Flange diameter
40 50 58 58 58
Weight (kg) 0,9 0,9 0,95 0,95 0,95
Max. air flow rate* 394 kg/h at 85 angle 695 kg/h at 85 angle 978 kg/h at 85 angle Not specified Not specified
Opening direction ** counterclockwise counterclockwise clockwise counterclockwise clockwise
Order number 0 280 750 150 0 280 750 151 0 280 750 003 0 280 750 101

Bore diameter (mm) 54 60 68 82
Connector D 261 205 358-01 D 261 205 358-01 D 261 205 356-01 D 261 205 358-01
Pin 1 A Motor - Motor - Poti 1 Motor -
Pin 2 B Poti - Poti - Poti + Poti -
Pin 3 C Poti + Poti + Motor + Poti +
Pin 4 D Motor + Motor + Poti 2 Motor +
Pin 5 E Poti 2 Poti 2 Motor - Poti 2
Pin 6 F Poti 1 Poti 1 Poti - Poti 1
Flange diameter
70 68,5 75 90
Weight (kg) 0,95 0,95 1,1 1,1
Max. air flow rate* Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Opening direction ** counterclockwise counterclockwise counterclockwise counterclockwise
* ambient conditions: Air pressure p=1000 mbar, Differential pressure p=600 mbar 25 mbar, rel. humidity rF=40 %, Air
temperature T=24C
** Opening direction is related to view A. See drawings on bottom of chapter Dimensions.
Injection and Ignition | Electronic Throttle Body | 45

Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini/
Mini M
u 5 to 10 bar
u Methanol version available from 6 to 10 bar
u 30 to 400 l/h reflow
u Adjusted at 105 l/h
u Aluminum housing
Fuel pressure regulators are used to maintain constant
fuel pressure at the injection valves.
We offer this regulator for gasoline as well as for metha-
nol applications.
The main benefit of this regulator includes a higher
pressure range and a higher return flow rate in compari-
son to the production type regulators.
Pressure range See ordering information
Reflow quantity 30 to 400 l/h
Fuel compatibility Mini Gasoline, E85, M22
Fuel compatibility Mini M Gasoline, E85, M100
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 100C
Max. vibration <600 m/s at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Please see Ordering Information
Mechanical Data
Diameter 37.9 mm
Weight 60 g
Mounting Fastening with a clip
Connectors and Wires
Connector supply Diam. 25 mm, O-ring
Connector reflow Diam. 9.15 mm, O-ring
Installation Notes
Never run the regulator without the integrated filter.
Please oil O-rings lightly with clean and silicone free engine oil before
you install the regulator.
Please make a leak test after you have installed the regulator.
When the pressure regulator is removed and will be reused, the O-
rings must be tested for fractures.
Operation of the pressure regulator with a medium other than gasoline
is not allowed.
Using the FPR Adaptor F 02U V00 735-01 you can rebuild the regula-
tor an inline type.
Ordering Information
Standard version 5 bar
Order number B 261 208 105-02
Standard version 6 bar
Order number B 261 208 106-01
Standard version 7 bar
Order number B 261 208 107-01
Standard version 8 bar
Order number B 261 208 108-01
Standard version 10 bar
Order number B 261 208 109-01
Methanol version 6 bar
Order number B 261 208 121-01
Methanol version 8 bar
Order number B 261 208 122-01
Methanol version 10 bar
Order number B 261 208 123-01
FPR Adaptor
Order number F 02U V00 735-01
46 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 47

Installation Recommendation
48 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini A
u 2.2 to 3.5 bar/3.5 to 5 bar
u Pressure adjustable
u 15 to 220 l/h reflow
u Sheet steel housing
Fuel pressure regulators are used to maintain constant
fuel pressure at the injection valves.
This regulator based on a production type regulator was
specially designed for motorsport applications.
The main benefit of this regulator is the adjustability of
the fuel pressure.
Pressure range 2.2 to 3.5 bar
3.5 to 5.0 bar
Reflow quantity 15 to 220 l/h
Reference pressure connector Diam. 5 mm, tube connector
Fuel compatibility Gasoline, E85, M15
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 100C
Max. vibration <400 m/s at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 34.9 mm
Weight 58 g
Mounting Fastening with a clip
Connectors and Wires
Connector supply Diam. 25 mm, O-ring
Connector reflow Diam. 9.15 mm, O-ring
Installation Notes
The tube connector at the housing can be used to supply reference
pressure to the regulator. This can be atmospheric pressure, air box
pressure or manifold pressure.
Never run the regulator without the integrated filter.
Please oil O-rings lightly with clean and silicone free engine oil before
you install the regulator.
Please make a leak test after you have installed the regulator.
When the pressure regulator is removed and will be reused, the O-
rings must be tested for fractures.
Operation of the pressure regulator with a medium other than gasoline
is not allowed.
Ordering Information
2.2 to 3.5 bar
Order number B 280 550 340-03
3.5 to 5 bar
Order number B 280 550 341-03
FPR Adaptor
Order number F 02U V00 735-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 49

Installation Recommendation
50 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini
u 3.8 bar
u 15 to 220 l/h reflow
u Adjusted at 105 l/h
u Sheet steel housing
Fuel pressure regulators are used to maintain constant
fuel pressure at the injection valves.
This production type fuel pressure regulator is designed
for the integration into the full rail.
The main benefits of this regulator include the competi-
tively priced high quality and a high return flow rate.
Pressure range 3.8 bar
Reflow quantity 15 to 220 l/h
Reference pressure connector Diam. 5 mm, tube connector
Fuel compatibility Gasoline, E10
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 100C
Max. vibration <600 m/s at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 34.9 mm
Weight 48 g
Mounting Fastening with a clip
Set pressure accuracy 2 % at 105 l/h
Connectors and Wires
Connector supply Diam. 25 mm, O-ring
Connector reflow Diam. 9.15 mm, O-ring
Installation Notes
The tube connector at the housing can be used to supply reference
pressure to the regulator. This can be atmospheric pressure, air box
pressure or manifold pressure.
Never run the regulator without the integrated filter.
Please oil O-rings lightly with clean and silicone free engine oil before
you install the regulator.
Please make a leak test after you have installed the regulator.
When the pressure regulator is removed and will be reused, the O-
rings must be tested for fractures.
Operation of the pressure regulator with a medium other than gasoline
is not allowed.
Ordering Information
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 38
Order number 0 280 160 616
FPR Adaptor
Order number F 02U V00 735-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 51

52 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Installation Recommendation
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 53

Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 5
u 5 bar
u 15 to 220 l/h reflow
u Adjusted at 105 l/h
u Sheet steel housing
Fuel pressure regulators are used to maintain constant
fuel pressure at the injection valves.
We modified this production type based regulator espe-
cially for motorsport use and increased the pressure lev-
The main benefit of this regulator include the competi-
tively priced high quality and the high return flow rate.
Pressure range 5 bar
Reflow quantity 15 to 220 l/h
Reference pressure connector Diam. 5 mm, tube connector
Fuel compatibility Gasoline, E85, M15
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 100C
Max. vibration <600 m/s at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 34.9 mm
Weight 48.5 g
Mounting Fastening with a clip
Set pressure accuracy 2 % at 105 l/h
Connectors and Wires
Connector supply Diam. 25 mm, O-ring
Connector reflow Diam. 9.15 mm, O-ring
Installation Notes
The tube connector at the housing can be used to supply reference
pressure to the regulator. This can be atmospheric pressure, air box
pressure or manifold pressure.
Never run the regulator without the integrated filter.
Please oil O-rings lightly with clean and silicone free engine oil before
you install the regulator.
Please make a leak test after you have installed the regulator.
When the pressure regulator is removed and will be reused, the O-
rings must be tested for fractures.
Operation of the pressure regulator with a medium other than gasoline
is not allowed.
Ordering Information
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 5
Order number 0 280 B02 722-02
FPR Adaptor
Order number F 02U V00 735-01
54 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 55

Installation Recommendation
56 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

FPR Adaptor
u Aluminum housing
u Fits to production type regulators and Motorsport
regulators (FPR Mini, Mini 38, Mini 5, Mini A)
This adaptor offers the opportunity to convert a rail
pressure regulator into an inline pressure regulator. The
adaptor is able to hold a production type regulator as
well as a motorsport regulator. Delivery without regula-
Fuel compatibility Gasoline, E85/M100
Operating temperature range -40 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration <600 m/s
at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 50 mm
Length 100 mm
Weight 170 g
Mounting Screw fastening with M6 screws
Connectors and Wires
Connector supply 2 x M14 x 1.5
Connector reflow M14 x 1.5
Ordering Information
FPR Adaptor
Order number F 02U V00 735-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 57

58 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

HP Control Valve DSV
u Working range 10 to 200 bar
u Aluminum housing
The DSV is specially designed for regulation of pressure
in the common rail of high pressure injection systems.
Pressure range 10 to 200 bar
Flow quantity Max. 220 l/h
Operating temperature range -20 to 130C
Max. temperature of location 140C (max. 5 min)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 135 g
Size 32 x 54 x 56 mm
Housing Aluminum
Electrical Data
Operating voltage 6.5 to 18 V
Operation current I
= 2.2 A
Connectors and Wires
Connector Please see Ordering Information
Ordering Information
HP Control Valve DSV
Connector ASL 1-06-05SB-HE
Order number B 261 209 805-02
HP Control Valve DSV
Without connector
Order number B 261 209 806-02
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators | 59

60 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pressure Regulators

Fuel Pump FP 100
u >100 l/h
u 725 g
u Max. 5 bar
u Fuel line screwed
The FP 100 is an inline roller cell pump for the installa-
tion outside the fuel tank.
It is capable of providing 100 l/h at 5 bar. Bio-fuel can
be delivered up to E85 (shortens lifetime).
The main benefit of the FP 100 over a production type
pump is the high delivery rate.
Fuel pressure 5 bar
Delivery rate at 5 bar and 22C 118 3 l/h at 14 V
Pressure limiting valve 7 to 12.5 bar rel.
Fuel compatibility E85
Operating temperature range -20 to 90C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 3 mm at 10 to 18 Hz
40 m/s
at 18 to 60 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 54 mm
Length 185 mm
Weight 725 g
Mounting Clamping
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 6 to 16.5 V
Operating voltage 13.8 V
Load current at 5 bar and 22C 6.0 0.5 A
Surface coating None
Color Silver
Non-return valve External
Fuel filtering External, on pressure side
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector +M4/-M5
Electrical matting connector With ring wire M4 and M5
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
With E26/E85 or Diesel fuel run-time max. 500 h.
For technical reasons the values may vary.
Please use within the specified limit values only.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Fuel Pump FP 100
Order number Y 580 701 456-03
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 61

62 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

Fuel Pump FP 165
u >165 l/h
u 980 g
u Max. 5 bar
u Fuel lines screwed
The FP 165 is an inline roller cell pump for the installa-
tion outside the fuel tank.
It is capable of providing 165 l/h at 5 bar. Bio-fuel can
be delivered up to E85 (shortens lifetime!).
The FP 165 is a production type fuel pump, combining
good quality at a low price.
Fuel pressure 5 bar
Delivery rate at 5 bar and 22C 205 5 l/h at 14 V
Pressure limiting valve 7 to 12.5 bar rel.
Fuel compatibility E85
Operating temperature range -20 to 90C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 3 mm at 10 to 18 Hz
40 m/s
at 18 to 60 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 60 mm
Length 168 mm
Weight 980 g
Mounting Clamping
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 6 to 16.5 V
Operating voltage 13.8 V
Load current at 5 bar and 22C 11.0 2 A
Surface coating None
Color Silver
Non-return valve Internal
Fuel filtering External, on pressure side
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector +M4/-M5
Electrical matting connector with ring wire M4 and M5
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
With E26/E85 or Diesel fuel run-time max. 500 h.
For technical reasons the values may vary.
Please use within the specified limit values only.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Fuel Pump FP 165
Order number 0 580 254 979
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 63

64 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

Fuel Pump FP 200
u >200 l/h
u 1,030 g
u Max. 5 bar/8 bar
u Fuel lines screwed
The FP 200 is an inline roller cell pump for the installa-
tion outside or inside the fuel tank.
It is capable of providing 200 l/h at 5 bar (8 bar). Bio-
fuel can be delivered up to E85 (shortens lifetime!).
The FP 200 is one of the most popular aftermarket fuel
pumps and has an excellent price.
Fuel pressure 5 bar or 8 bar
Delivery rate at 5 bar and 22C 260 5 l/h at 14 V
Delivery rate at 8 bar and 22C 220 5 l/h at 14 V
Pressure limiting valve 10 to 12.5 bar rel.
Fuel compatibility E85
Operating temperature range -20 to 90C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 3 mm at 10 to 18 Hz
40 m/s
at 18 to 60 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 60 mm
Length 196 mm
Weight 1,030 g
Mounting Clamping
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 6 to 16.5 V
Operating voltage 13.8 V
Load current at 5 bar and 22C 14 1 A
Load current at 8 bar and 22C 15 1 A
Surface coating None
Color Silver
Non-return valve External
Fuel filtering External, on pressure side
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 65

Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector +M6/-M5
Electrical matting connector With ring wire M6 and M5
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
With E26/E85 or Diesel fuel run-time max. 500 h.
For technical reasons the values may vary.
Please use within the specified limit values only.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Fuel Pump FP 200, 5 bar
Order number 0 580 254 044
Fuel Pump FP 200, 8 bar
Order number B 261 205 413-01
66 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

Fuel Pump FP 300
u >300 l/h
u 714 g
u Max. 8 bar
u Fuel lines screwed
The FP 300 represents the next generation of low-pres-
sure inline fuel pumps. The internals in the pump are de-
signed specifically for motorsport applications.
Higher fuel deliveries from modified rotor design, as
well as an improved power-to-weight ratio are two of
the advantages of this pump.
The pump can be used for gasoline, Diesel and Bio-fuels.
Fuel pressure 8 bar
Delivery rate at 8 bar and 22C 340 5 l/h at 14 V
Pressure limiting valve 8.5 bar rel.
Fuel compatibility Gasoline E85/M100
Operating temperature range -20 to 90C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 3 mm at 10 to 18 Hz
40 m/s
at 18 to 60 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 50 mm
Length 174 mm
Weight FP 300 714 g
Mounting Clamping
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 10 to 16.5 V
Operating voltage 13.8 V
Load current at 5 bar and 22C 17.3 1 A
Surface coating Anodized
Color Red
Non-return valve Internal
Fuel filtering Internal
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector +M6/-M5
Electrical matting connector with ring wire M6 and M5
Mech. connector intake side M18x1.5
Mech. connector pressure side M12x1.5
Installation Notes
Integrated pre-filter allows cleaning of filter by user.
With E26/E85 or M100 fuel run-time max. 500 h.
For technical reasons the values may vary.
Please use within the specified limit values only.
Please flush the pump with gasoline after use with Methanol fuel.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Fuel Pump FP 300
Order number B 261 205 366-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 67

68 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

Fuel Pump FP 300L
u >300 l/h
u 670 g
u Max. 8 bar
u Fuel lines screwed
The FP 300L represents the next generation of low-pres-
sure inline fuel pumps. The internals of the pump are
designed specifically for motorsport applications.
Higher fuel delivery from modified rotor design, as well
as an improved power-to-weight ratio are two of the ad-
vantages of this pump.
The pump can be used for gasoline, Diesel and Bio-fuels.
The FP 300L has further weight reduction measures.
Fuel pressure 8 bar
Delivery rate at 8 bar and 22C 340 5 l/h at 14 V
Pressure limiting valve 8.5 bar rel.
Fuel compatibility Gasoline E85/M100
Operating temperature range -20 to 90C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 3 mm at 10 to 18 Hz
40 m/s
at 18 to 60 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 50 mm
Length 174 mm
Weight 670 g
Mounting Clamping
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 6 to 16.5 V
Operating voltage 13.8 V
Load current at 5 bar and 22C 17.3 1 A
Surface coating Anodized
Color Red
Non-return valve Internal
Fuel filtering Internal
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector +M6/-M5
Electrical matting connector with ring wire M6 and M5
Mech. connector intake side M18x1.5
Mech. connector pressure side M12x1.5
Installation Notes
Integrated pre-filter allows cleaning of filter by user.
With E26/E85 or M100 fuel run-time max. 500 h.
For technical reasons the values may vary.
Please use within the specified limit values only.
Please flush the pump with gasoline after use with methanol fuel.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Fuel Pump FP 300L
Order number F 02U V00 636-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 69

70 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FCV/-
u 200 bar or more
u Max. 1.1 cm
u Integrated control valve
u 780 g
The HDP 5 FCV is a compact high pressure single piston
pump. The design allows achieving a big delivery volume
as well as high efficiency, as needed in motorsport ap-
plications. Modifications in the number of cam lobes
and cam lifts allow different flow requirements to be ad-
We offer two variations of the HDP 5 FCV: one is equip-
ped with an internal pressure relief valve to limit the
maximum fuel pressure (HDP 5-FCV). This variation does
not require a fuel return line into the fuel tank.
The other variation (HDP 5-FCV HP) is not equipped
with an internal pressure relief valve and therefore re-
quires a pressure regulation valve in the common rail to
avoid overload pressure.
Both variations have an integrated demand control for
metering the amount of fuel supplied into the high pres-
sure fuel system. Both variations can be ordered with a
compact connector or a motorsport connector.
Depending on the requirements of your engine (e.g. fuel
consumption over rotation ratio) we recommend differ-
ent types of tappets, piston springs and cam profiles.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft
speed depend on cam profile and type of tappet.
For high pressure manifold injection or gasoline direct injection
Technical Specifications
Model Max. pressure Connector
HDP 5-FCV 200 bar Compact
HDP 5-FCV 200 bar Motorsports
HDP 5-FCV HP Over 200 bar Compact
HDP 5-FCV HP Over 200 bar Motorsports
Mechanical Data
Theoretical fuel delivery 0.5 to 1.1 cm/rot
Nominal pressure Please see variations
Weight Approx. 780 g
Max. speed at pump driveshaft Depends on cam profile and type
of tappet
Supply pressure 4 to 7 bar
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 70C
Compatible fuels Unleaded fuels, E22, E85, M15
Fuel temperature 80C, short term 130C
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector compact D 261 205 359-01
Electrical connector motorsports F 02U 000 426-01
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
Mounting on cylinder head or adapter flag.
Available cam profiles on request.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft speed depends
on cam profile and type of tappet.
Ordering Information
Compact connector, max. 200 bar
Order number F 02U V00 912-01
Motorsports connector, max. 200 bar
Order number F 02U V01 114-01
Compact connector, over 200 bar
Order number F 02U V01 128-01
Motorsports connector, over 200 bar
Order number F 02U V01 115-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 71

Flat tappet (26 mm)
Order number F 02U V01 156-01
Roller tappet (26 mm)
Order number F 02U V01 163-01
72 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FD
u Max. 200 bar
u Max. 1.1 cm
u 780 g
The HDP 5-FD is a compact high pressure single piston
pump. The design allows achieving a big delivery. Varia-
tions in the number of cam lobes and cam lifts allow dif-
ferent flow requirements to be addressed.
This type of high pressure fuel pump is not equipped
with an internal pressure relief valve and therefore rec-
ommends a pressure regulation valve in the common rail
to control the rail pressure and to avoid overload pres-
Depending on the requirements of your engine (e.g. fuel
consumption over rotation ratio) we recommend differ-
ent types of tappets, piston springs and cam profiles.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft
speed depend on cam profile and type of tappet.
For high pressure manifold injection or gasoline direct injection
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Theoretical fuel delivery 0.5 to 1.1 cm/rot
Nominal pressure Max. 200 bar
Weight Approx. 780 g
Max. speed at pump driveshaft Depends on cam profile and type
of tappet
Supply pressure 4 to 7 bar
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 70C
Compatible fuels Unleaded fuels, E22, E85, M15
Fuel temperature 80C, short term 130C
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Connectors and Wires
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
Mounting on cylinder head or adapter flag.
Available cam profiles on request.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft speed depends
on cam profile and type of tappet.
Ordering Information
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FD
Order number 0 261 B11 223-03
Flat tappet (26 mm)
Order number F 02U V01 156-01
Roller tappet (26 mm)
Order number F 02U V01 163-01
Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps | 73

HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-LW
u Max. 500 bar
u Max. 1.1 cm
u Integrated control valve
u 585 g
u Internal Pressure Relief Valve PRV
The HDP 5-LW is a compact high pressure single piston
pump with a light weight housing. The design allows
achieving a big delivery volume as well as high efficien-
cy, as needed in motorsport applications. Modifications
in the number of cam lobes and cam lifts allow different
flow requirements to be addressed.
The HDP 5-LW is equipped with an internal pressure re-
lief valve to limit the maximum fuel pressure. This pump
does not require a fuel return line into the fuel tank.
The pump has an integrated demand control for meter-
ing the amount of fuel supplied into the high pressure
fuel system. It can be ordered with a compact connector
or a motorsports connector.
Depending on the requirements of your engine (e.g. fuel
consumption over rotation ratio) we recommend differ-
ent types of tappets, piston springs and cam profiles.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft
speed depend on cam profile and type of tappet.
For high pressure manifold injection or gasoline direct injection
Technical Specifications
Model PRV Connector
HDP 5-LW 600 bar Compact
HDP 5-LW 600 bar Motorsports
HDP 5-LW Customer specific Compact
HDP 5-LW Customer specific Motorsports
Mechanical Data
Theoretical fuel delivery 0.5 to 1.1 cm/rot
Nominal pressure Max. 500 bar
PRV Please see Variations
Weight 585 g without wire
Max. speed at pump driveshaft Depends on cam profile and type
of tappet
Supply pressure 4 to 7 bar
Operating temperature -40 to 120C
Storage temperature -40 to 70C
Compatible fuels Unleaded fuels, E22, E85, M15
Fuel temperature 80C, short term 130C
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Connectors and Wires
Electrical connector compact D 261 205 359-01
Electrical connector motorsports F 02U 000 426-01
Mechanical connector intake
Mechanical connector pressure
Installation Notes
Mounting on cylinder head or adapter flag.
Available cam profiles on request.
Please notice: Fuel delivery and maximum driveshaft speed depends
on cam profile and type of tappet.
Ordering Information
Compact connector, max 500 bar, PRV 600 bar
Order number 0 261 B19 274-02
Motorsports connector, max. 500 bar, PRV 600 bar
Order number on request
Compact connector, PRV customer specific
Order number on request
Motorsports connector, PRV customer specific
Order number on request
74 | Injection and Ignition | Fuel Pumps

HPI 1.1
u Max. 6 cylinders
u Max. 9,000 rpm (4 cyl. operation)
u 430 g
The injector power stage HPI 1.1 is a device for driving
injectors for gasoline direct injection. Combined with a
suitable ECU up to 6 injectors can be driven. The injec-
tors are gathered in 3 groups of 2 injectors each. Within
a group only one injector can be switched on at the
same time. The 3 groups are totally independent, so
that overlapping injection of injectors of different
groups is possible. Communication between main ECU
and the HPI 1.1 is realized via CAN interface.
Max. number of cylinders 6
Max. rpm (4 cyl. operation) 9,000
Max. rpm (6 cyl. operation) 6,000
Optimized for Bosch high pressure injection valves HDEV 1 and
Max. vibration Vibration profile 2 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
HPI 1.1 Active low HPI 1.1 Active high
Injection con-
trol inputs
Inverting (Low = ON)
for operation with
standard lowside pow-
er stages of automotive
Non-inverting (High
= ON)
Mechanical Data
Sheet-metal housing
Each connector pin individually filtered
Vibration damped circuit boards
Housing temperature -25 to 85C
Size 180 x 162 x 46 mm
Weight 430 g
Electrical Data
Power supply 14 V
Operating voltage (normal oper-
11 to 16 V
Operating voltage (engine start) 6 to 18 V
Nominal voltage 14 V
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector D 261 205 373-01
1 CAN (500 kBaud)
1 K-Line
Ordering Information
HPI 1.1 Active low for HDEV 5
Order number F 02U V00 030-01
HPI 1.1 Active high for HDEV 5
Order number F 02U V00 036-01
Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages | 75

u Max. 8 cylinders
u Max. 14,000 rpm (4 cyl. operation)
u 550 g
The injector power stage HPI 5 is a device for driving in-
jectors and high pressure pumps for gasoline direct in-
jection. Combined with a suitable ECU up to 8 injectors
can be driven. The injectors are gathered in 4 groups of
2 injectors each. Within a group only one injector can be
switched on at the same time. The 4 groups are totally
independent, so that overlapping injection of injectors
of different groups is possible. The HPI 5 is mainly de-
signed to drive the Bosch high pressure pump HDP 5,
but there are also variations for Hitachi HDP available.
Communication between main ECU and the HPI 5 is re-
alized via CAN interface.
Max. number of cylinders 8
Max. rpm (8 cyl. operation) 7,000
Max. rpm (4 cyl. operation) 14,000
Optimized for Bosch high pressure injection valve HDEV 5 and Bosch
high pressure pump HDP 5
Hitachi HDP Gen 1 and Gen 3 variations available
Further HDEV and HDP on request
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
Each connector pin individually filtered
Housing temperature -25 to 85C
Size (incl. connectors) 190 x 123 x 36 mm
Weight 550 g
Electrical Data
Voltage supply 14 V
Operating voltage 10 to 16 V
Operation voltage (engine start) 6.5 to 16 V
Nominal voltage 14 V
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector D 261 205 353-01
1 CAN (1 MBaud)
Ordering Information
Optimized for Bosch HDP 5
Order number F 02U V00 929-02
Optimized for Hitachi HDP Gen 1
Order number F 02U V01 055-02
Optimized for Hitachi HDP Gen 3
Order number F 02U V00 906-02
76 | Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages

HPI 5-M 4C
u Max. 4 cylinders
u Max. 15,000 rpm (4 cyl. operation)
u 400 g
The injector power stage HPI 5-M 4C is a device for driv-
ing injectors and high pressure pumps for gasoline di-
rect injection. Combined with a suitable ECU up to $ in-
jectors can be driven. Overlapping injection of injectors
is possible. The HPI 5 is mainly designed to drive the
Bosch high pressure pump HDP 5. Communication be-
tween main ECU and the HPI 5 is realized via CAN inter-
Max. number of cylinders 4
Max. rpm (4 cyl. operation) 15,000
Optimized for Bosch high pressure injection valve HDEV 5 and Bosch
high pressure pump HDP 5
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
Each connector pin individually filtered
Housing temperature -25 to 100C
Size (incl. connectors) 167 x 97 x 39 mm
Weight 400 g
Electrical Data
Voltage supply 14 V
Operating voltage 12 to 16 V
Operation voltage (engine start) 6.5 to 16 V
Nominal voltage 14 V
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector AS 616-26SN
1 CAN (1 MBaud)
Ordering Information
HPI 5-M 4C
Order number F 02U V01 629-01
Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages | 77

78 | Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages

HPI 5-M 8C
u Max. 8 cylinders
u Max. 8,000 rpm (8 cyl. operation)
u 440 g
The injector power stage HPI 5-M 8C is a device for driv-
ing injectors and high pressure pumps for gasoline di-
rect injection. Combined with a suitable ECU up to 8 in-
jectors can be driven. The injectors are gathered in 4
groups of 2 injectors each. Within a group only one in-
jector can be switched on at the same time. The 4
groups are totally independent, so that overlapping in-
jection of injectors of different groups is possible. The
HPI 5 is mainly designed to drive the Bosch high pres-
sure pump HDP 5. Communication between main ECU
and the HPI 5 is realized via CAN interface.
Max. number of cylinders 8
Max. rpm (8 cyl. operation) 8,000
Max. rpm (6 cyl. operation) 9,500
Optimized for Bosch high pressure injection valve HDEV 5 and Bosch
high pressure pump HDP 5
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Aluminum housing
Each connector pin individually filtered
Housing temperature -25 to 100C
Size (incl. connectors) 167 x 97 x 39 mm
Weight 440 g
Electrical Data
Voltage supply 14 V
Operating voltage 12 to 16 V
Operation voltage (engine start) 6.5 to 16 V
Nominal voltage 14 V
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector AS 616-26SN
AS 614-19SN
1 CAN (1 MBaud)
Ordering Information
HPI 5-M 8C
Order number F 02U V01 630-01
Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages | 79

80 | Injection and Ignition | HP Injection Power Stages

Single Fire Coil PS
u Max. 30 kV
u Max. 42 mJ
u Max. 1.5 kV/s
u Max. 10,000 1/min
This pencil coil is a basic low cost concept designed for
cylinder head installation.
The coil PS has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil is only designed for spark plug shaft mounting.
It is a basic concept for ignition applications.
Spark energy 42 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 22 mm
Weight 189 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 570 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.5 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
30 kV
Spark current 80 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.1 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
respectively BIP372
Connectors and Wires
Connector AMP C-O-28 44 25
Mating connector D 261 205 350-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition power stage
Pin 2 Engine GND
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 N.a.
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 2.90 4.20 6.30 14.4 - -
8 V 1.83 2.45 3.17 4.10 5.10 6.20
10 V 1.33 1.74 2.18 2.68 3.16 3.49
12 V 1.05 1.35 1.68 2.02 2.33 2.53
14 V 0.86 1.11 1.35 1.62 1.85 1.99
16 V 0.73 0.93 1.14 1.35 1.54 1.65
20 V 0.56 0.71 0.86 1.02 1.15 1.23
22 V 0.50 0.64 0.77 0.91 1.02 1.09
24 V 0.46 0.58 0.70 0.82 0.92 0.98
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 81

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -currant Hi voltage
4 A 15.0 mJ 0.650 ms 46 mA 15.6 kV
5 A 22.8 mJ 0.793 ms 62 mA 19.3 kV
6 A 30.2 mJ 0.904 ms 73 mA 22.7 kV
7 A 38.2 mJ 1.010 ms 84 mA 26.0 kV
8 A 47.9 mJ 1.101 ms 96 mA 28.8 kV
9 A 52.9 mJ 1.130 ms 100 mA 30.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil PS requires an ECU with integrated ignition power stage, e.g.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil PS
Order number 0 221 504 460
82 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 83

Single Fire Coil PS-T
u Max. 27 kV
u Max. 42 mJ
u Max. 1.5 kV/s
u Max. 10,000 1/min
This pencil coil is a basic low cost concept designed for
cylinder head installation.
The coil PS-T has an integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition drivers.
The coil is only designed for spark plug shaft mounting.
It is a basic concept for ignition applications.
Spark energy 42 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 22 mm
Weight 202 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.5 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
27 kV
Spark current 80 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.1 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Power stage Integrated
Measured with power stage BIP 355
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
4-pole Compact
D 261 205 336-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 Engine GND
Pin 4 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 2.90 4.20 6.30 14.4 - -
8 V 1.83 2.45 3.17 4.10 5.10 6.20
10 V 1.33 1.74 2.18 2.68 3.16 3.49
12 V 1.05 1.35 1.68 2.02 2.33 2.53
14 V 0.86 1.11 1.35 1.62 1.85 1.99
16 V 0.73 0.93 1.14 1.35 1.54 1.65
20 V 0.56 0.71 0.86 1.02 1.15 1.23
22 V 0.50 0.64 0.77 0.91 1.02 1.09
24 V 0.46 0.58 0.70 0.82 0.92 0.98
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
84 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -currant Hi voltage
4 A 15.0 mJ 0.650 ms 46 mA 15.6 kV
5 A 22.8 mJ 0.793 ms 62 mA 19.3 kV
6 A 30.2 mJ 0.904 ms 73 mA 22.7 kV
7 A 38.2 mJ 1.010 ms 84 mA 26.0 kV
8 A 47.9 mJ 1.101 ms 96 mA 28.8 kV
9 A 52.9 mJ 1.130 ms 100 mA 30.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil PS-T has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers, e.g. MS 4.x or MS 4.x Sport.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil PS-T
Order number 0 221 604 103
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 85

86 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P35
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Max. 10,000 1/min
This single fire coil is a low cost concept designed for
direct mounting to the cylinder head.
The coil P35 has no integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
bustness and low cost.
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 140.5 mm
Weight 194 to 205 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 760 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition power stage
Pin 2 Engine GND
Pin 3 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Spark plug connector 140.5 mm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 7.80
8 V 3.90 5.20 6.90 7.90
10 V 2.65 3.36 4.03 4.35 4.70 5.60
12 V 2.04 2.51 2.92 3.10 3.30 3.66
14 V 1.63 2.00 2.30 2.43 2.55 2.79
16 V 1.37 1.67 1.91 2.00 2.10 2.27
18 V 1.19 1.43 1.63 1.70 1.78 1.91
20 V 1.04 1.25 1.42 1.49 1.55 1.66
22 V 0.93 1.11 1.26 1.33 1.37 1.46
24 V 0.84 1.00 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.31
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 87

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 25.6 mJ 0.894 ms 68 mA 26.4 kV
6 A 33.3 mJ 1 ms 78 mA 30.7 kV
7 A 40 mJ 1.07 ms 86 mA 34 kV
7.5 A 42.7 mJ 1.097 ms 89.5 mA 35.7 kV
8 A 44.9 mJ 1.12 ms 93 mA 37 kV
9 A 48.8 mJ 1.15 ms 102 mA 39.6 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P35 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with in-
ternal ignition power stages.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35
Order number 0 221 504 030
88 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 89

Single Fire Coil P35-T
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Max. 8,000 1/min
This single fire coil is a low cost concept designed for
direct mounting to the cylinder head.
The coil P35-T has an integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition drivers with 10 mA to 20
mA current output.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
bustness and low cost.
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 140.5 mm
Weight 194 to 205 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Power stage Integrated
Measured with power stage BIP 373
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 2 ECU

Pin 3 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Spark plug connector 140.5 mm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 11.40
8 V 4.40 6.00 8.0 10.0
10 V 2.90 3.70 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0
12 V 2.14 2.68 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.4
14 V 1.73 2.11 2.3 2.5 2.9 2.5
16 V 1.44 1.75 1.9 2.9 2.0 2.8
18 V 1.24 1.50 1.9 1.8 1.5 2.0
20 V 1.09 1.30 1.7 1.3 1.0 1.2
22 V 0.97 1.6 1.0 1.7 1.2 1.1
24 V 0.87 1.4 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.5
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
90 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 25.4 mJ 0.91 ms 62 mA 26.5 kV
6 A 33.4 mJ 1 ms 74 mA 30.3 kV
7 A 38.8 mJ 1.07 ms 83 mA 33 kV
7.5 A 41 mJ 1.093 ms 87 mA 33.8 kV
8 A 43.3 mJ 1.11 ms 91 mA 34.5 kV
9 A 47 mJ 1.15 ms 100 mA 36.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P35-T has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers with 10 to 20 mA current output.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35-T
Order number 0 221 604 014
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 91

92 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P35-E8
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Connector length on customer requirement
u Max. 10,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
This coil has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
d=8 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 85 to 225 mm
Weight 194 to 250 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 760 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition power stage
Pin 2 Engine GND
Pin 3 U
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 5.9 11.4
8 V 3.1 4.4 6.0 8.6
10 V 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.2 6.6
12 V 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9
14 V 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
16 V 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
18 V 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
20 V 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7
22 V 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
24 V 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 93

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
4 A 18 mJ 0.77 ms 50 mA 22 kV
5 A 25.4 mJ 0.91 ms 62 mA 26.5 kV
6 A 33.4 mJ 1 ms 74 mA 30.3 kV
7 A 38.8 mJ 1.07 ms 83 mA 33 kV
8 A 43.3 mJ 1.11 ms 91 mA 34.5 kV
9 A 47 mJ 1.15 ms 100 mA 36.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
Please pay attention to your spark plug, if it has a ceramic diameter of
8 or 10 mm.
The coil P35-E has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition power stages.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35-E8
Please specify the required wire and spark plug connec-
tor length with your order.
Order number F 02U V00 235-01
94 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 95

Single Fire Coil P35-E10
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Connector length on customer requirement
u Max. 10,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
This coil has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
d=10 mm.
The single fire coil benefits from series production en-
suring robustness.
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 110 to 225 mm
Weight 194 to 250 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 760 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition power stage
Pin 2 Engine GND
Pin 3 U
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 5.9 11.4
8 V 3.1 4.4 6.0 8.6
10 V 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.2 6.6
12 V 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9
14 V 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
16 V 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
18 V 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
20 V 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7
22 V 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
24 V 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
4 A 18 mJ 0.77 ms 50 mA 22 kV
5 A 25.4 mJ 0.91 ms 62 mA 26.5 kV
6 A 33.4 mJ 1 ms 74 mA 30.3 kV
7 A 38.8 mJ 1.07 ms 83 mA 33 kV
96 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

8 A 43.3 mJ 1.11 ms 91 mA 34.5 kV
9 A 47 mJ 1.15 ms 100 mA 36.2 kV
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
Please pay attention to your spark plug, if it has a ceramic diameter of
8 or 10 mm.
The coil P35-E has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition power stages.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35-E10
Please specify the required wire and spark plug connec-
tor length with your order.
Order number F 02U V00 440-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 97

Single Fire Coil P35-TE8
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Connector length on customer requirement
u Max. 8,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The coil P35-TE has an integrated transistor and re-
quires an ECU with internal ignition drivers with 10 mA
to 20 mA current output.
This coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
d=8 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 85 to 225 mm
Weight 194 to 250 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Power stage Integrated
Measured with internal power
BIP 373
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 5.9 11.4
8 V 3.1 4.4 6.0 8.6
10 V 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.2 6.6
12 V 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9
14 V 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
16 V 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
18 V 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
20 V 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7
22 V 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
24 V 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
98 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
4 A 18 mJ 0.77 ms 50 mA 22 kV
5 A 25.4 mJ 0.91 ms 62 mA 26.5 kV
6 A 33.4 mJ 1 ms 74 mA 30.3 kV
7 A 38.8 mJ 1.07 ms 83 mA 33 kV
8 A 43.3 mJ 1.11 ms 91 mA 34.5 kV
9 A 47 mJ 1.15 ms 100 mA 36.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
Please pay attention to your spark plug, if it has a ceramic diameter of
8 or 10 mm.
The coil P35-TE has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers with 10 mA to 20 mA current output.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35-TE8
Please specify the required wire and spark plug connec-
tor length with your order.
Order number F 02U V00 234-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 99

100 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P35-TE10
u Max. 34 kV
u Max. 38 mJ
u Max. 2.0 kV/s
u Connector length on customer requirement
u Max. 8,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The coil P35-TE has an integrated transistor and re-
quires an ECU with internal ignition drivers with 10 mA
to 20 mA current output.
This coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
d=10 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 38 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 110 to 225 mm
Weight 194 to 250 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
34 kV
Spark current 90 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.13 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Power stage Integrated
Measured with internal power
BIP 373
Connectors and Wires
Connector Sumitomo
Mating connector
3-pole Sumitomo
D 261 205 367-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A
6 V 5.9 11.4
8 V 3.1 4.4 6.0 8.6
10 V 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.2 6.6
12 V 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9
14 V 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
16 V 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
18 V 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
20 V 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7
22 V 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
24 V 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 101

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
4 A 18 mJ 0.77 ms 50 mA 22 kV
5 A 25.4 mJ 0.91 ms 62 mA 26.5 kV
6 A 33.4 mJ 1 ms 74 mA 30.3 kV
7 A 38.8 mJ 1.07 ms 83 mA 33 kV
8 A 43.3 mJ 1.11 ms 91 mA 34.5 kV
9 A 47 mJ 1.15 ms 100 mA 36.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
Please pay attention to your spark plug, if it has a ceramic diameter of
8 or 10 mm.
The coil P35-TE has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers with 10 mA to 20 mA current output.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P35-TE10
Please specify the required wire and spark plug connec-
tor length with your order.
Order number F 02U V00 439-01
102 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 103

Single Fire Coil P50/P50-M
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 50 mJ
u Max. 3.0 kV/s
u High voltage contacting via high voltage wire and
spark plug connector possible
u Max. 10,000 1/min
The single fire coil P50 is a low cost concept designed
for direct mounting to the cylinder head. A high voltage
ignition wire can optionally be connected to the secon-
dary output terminal.
The coil P50 requires an ECU with internal ignition pow-
er stages for each single fire coil.
The coil P50-M is specifically for motorsport applica-
tions. This coil is operable in higher vibration environ-
Spark energy 50 mJ
Primary current 8.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration Please see Variations
Technical Specifications
P50 P50-M
Max. vibration 400 m/s
5 to 2,000 Hz
800 m/s
5 to 2,000 Hz
Weight 223 g 265 g
Spark plug connector - +
Mechanical Data
Weight Please see Variations
Mounting Pluggable
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 370 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 3.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
35 kV
Spark current 92 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.15 ms
Noise suppression With spark plug connector
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 335-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition power stage
Pin 2 Engine GND
Pin 3 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
For spark plugs Ceramic diameter d=10 mm
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A 10 A
6 V 3.84 4.93 6.2 7.7 9.5 11.2
8 V 2.54 3.14 3.81 4.51 5.17 5.61
10 V 1.9 2.33 2.76 3.21 3.62 3.87
12 V 1.51 1.84 2.17 2.51 2.8 2.97
14 V 1.26 1.52 1.79 2.06 2.29 2.42
16 V 1.07 1.3 1.53 1.74 1.93 2.04
18 V 0.94 1.13 1.32 1.51 1.67 1.77
24 V 0.68 0.81 0.95 1.08 1.19 1.26
30 V 0.53 0.63 0.74 0.84 0.93 0.98
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
104 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 22 mJ 0.82 ms 60 mA 26.8 kV
6 A 29.7 mJ 0.93 ms 68.5 mA 31.6 kV
7 A 37.5 mJ 1.03 ms 77 mA 36.4 kV
8 A 46.3 mJ 1.12 ms 87.5 mA 40.9 kV
9 A 53 mJ 1.17 ms 97 mA 44.4 kV
10 A 58.4 mJ 1.21 ms 105 mA 46.3 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P50 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with in-
ternal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Coil P50
Order number 0 221 504 001
Coil P50-M
Motorsport version
Order number F 02U V00 869-01
Accessory spark plug connector
Order number 1 354 489 085
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 105

106 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P65
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min
This single fire coil is a low cost concept designed for
direct mounting to the cylinder-head.
The coil P65 has no integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition power stages.
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 250 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 180 mm
Weight w/o wire < 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 570 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.9 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
35 kV
Spark current 74 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 2.0 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco AMP
Mating connector D 261 205 350-01
Pin 1 Engine GND
Pin 2 U
Pin 3 ECU ignition power stage
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
Dwell time
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A 8.5 A
6 V 8.74 18.5
8 V 4.5 6.4 9 10.8 13.9
10 V 3.1 4.2 5.4 6 6.6 7.2
12 V 2.36 3.1 3.88 4.25 4.63 4.92
14 V 1.9 2.48 3.05 3.32 3.57 3.77
16 V 1.61 2.06 2.53 2.73 2.93 3.08
18 V 1.55 2 2.43 2.62 2.81 2.95
20 V 1.39 1.77 2.16 2.33 2.48 2.6
22 V 1.22 1.54 1.88 2.02 2.15 2.26
24 V 0.97 1.23 1.49 1.6 1.71 1.78
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 107

Spark energy and provided high voltage
Spark energy
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 37.8 mJ 1.46 ms 49 mA 24.3 kV
6 A 54.5 mJ 1,74 ms 59 mA 28.9 kV
7 A 69.8 mJ 1.97 ms 69 mA 33.2 kV
7.5 A 77.6 mJ 2.04 ms 74 mA 35.8 kV
8 A 83.0 mJ 2.11 ms 77 mA 37.7 kV
8.5 A 88.0 mJ 2.16 ms 81 mA 39.0 kV
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with in-
ternal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65
Order number 0 221 504 024
108 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 109

Single Fire Coil P65-T
u Max. 33 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min (with reduced dwell time)
This single fire coil is a low cost concept designed for
direct mounting on the cylinder head.
The coil P65-T has an integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition drivers.
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.0 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-40 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 140C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 143 mm
Weight 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.4 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
33 kV
Spark current 70 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.85 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Integrated suppression diode /

Integrated power stage
Measured with power stage BIP 385
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco 0-1488991-1
Mating connector F 02U B00 555-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 U
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 5.5 A 6.0 A 6.5 A 7.0 A 7.5 A
10 9 8 7 6 5
6 V 10.7 11.6
8 V 4.7 5.4 6.8 8.3 10.2
10 V 3.1 3.55 4.25 4.87 5.6 6.3
12 V 2.32 2.66 3.12 3.51 3.94 4.36
14 V 1.86 2.1 2.45 2.75 3.07 3.36
16 V 1.55 1.77 2.03 2.26 2.51 2.73
16.5 V 1.49 1.7 1.95 2.17 2.40 2.61
18 V 1.34 1.51 1.73 1.92 2.13 2.31
20 V 1.16 1.33 1.51 1.67 1.85 2.0
24 V 0.93 1.05 1.19 1.32 1.45 1.57
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Dwell time
110 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 33.7 mJ 1.37 ms 50 mA 24.4 kV
5.5 A 42 mJ 1.54 ms 54 mA 27.0 kV
6 A 48.9 mJ 1.62 ms 59 mA 29.1 kV
6.5 A 55.9 mJ 1.74 ms 63 mA 31.2 kV
7 A 63.6 mJ 1.85 ms 68 mA 33.2V
7.5 A 71.9 mJ 1.92 ms 73 mA 34.7 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65-T has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers with 10 to 20 mA current output.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65-T
Order number 0 221 604 024
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 111

112 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P65-E8
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
This coil has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter
d=8 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 250 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 180 mm
Weight w/o wire < 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 570 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.9 kV/s
Max. high voltage at 1 M || 10
35 kV
Spark current 74 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 2.0 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco AMP
Mating connector D 261 205 350-01
Pin 1 Engine GND
Pin 2 U
Pin 3 ECU ignition power stage
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
Dwell time
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A 8.5 A
6 V 8.74 18.5
8 V 4.5 6.4 9 10.8 13.9
10 V 3.1 4.2 5.4 6 6.6 7.2
12 V 2.36 3.1 3.88 4.25 4.63 4.92
14 V 1.9 2.48 3.05 3.32 3.57 3.77
16 V 1.61 2.06 2.53 2.73 2.93 3.08
18 V 1.55 2 2.43 2.62 2.81 2.95
20 V 1.39 1.77 2.16 2.33 2.48 2.6
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 113

22 V 1.22 1.54 1.88 2.02 2.15 2.26
24 V 0.97 1.23 1.49 1.6 1.71 1.78
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Spark energy and provided high voltage
Spark energy
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 37.8 mJ 1.46 ms 49 mA 24.3 kV
6 A 54.5 mJ 1,74 ms 59 mA 28.9 kV
7 A 69.8 mJ 1.97 ms 69 mA 33.2 kV
7.5 A 77.6 mJ 2.04 ms 74 mA 35.8 kV
8 A 83.0 mJ 2.11 ms 77 mA 37.7 kV
8.5 A 88.0 mJ 2.16 ms 81 mA 39.0 kV
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65-E8 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65-E8
Order number F 02U V01 702-01
114 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 115

Single Fire Coil P65-E10
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
This coil has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter
d=10 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.5 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 250 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 180 mm
Weight w/o wire < 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 570 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.9 kV/s
Max. high voltage at 1 M || 10
35 kV
Spark current 74 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 2.0 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco AMP
Mating connector D 261 205 350-01
Pin 1 Engine GND
Pin 2 U
Pin 3 ECU ignition power stage
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
Dwell time
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A 8.5 A
6 V 8.74 18.5
8 V 4.5 6.4 9 10.8 13.9
10 V 3.1 4.2 5.4 6 6.6 7.2
12 V 2.36 3.1 3.88 4.25 4.63 4.92
14 V 1.9 2.48 3.05 3.32 3.57 3.77
16 V 1.61 2.06 2.53 2.73 2.93 3.08
18 V 1.55 2 2.43 2.62 2.81 2.95
20 V 1.39 1.77 2.16 2.33 2.48 2.6
116 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

22 V 1.22 1.54 1.88 2.02 2.15 2.26
24 V 0.97 1.23 1.49 1.6 1.71 1.78
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Spark energy and provided high voltage
Spark energy
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 37.8 mJ 1.46 ms 49 mA 24.3 kV
6 A 54.5 mJ 1,74 ms 59 mA 28.9 kV
7 A 69.8 mJ 1.97 ms 69 mA 33.2 kV
7.5 A 77.6 mJ 2.04 ms 74 mA 35.8 kV
8 A 83.0 mJ 2.11 ms 77 mA 37.7 kV
8.5 A 88.0 mJ 2.16 ms 81 mA 39.0 kV
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65-E10 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU
with internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65-E10
Order number F 02U V01 703-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 117

118 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil P65-TE8
u Max. 33 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min (with reduced dwell time)
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The coil P65-TE8 has an integrated transistor and re-
quires an ECU with internal ignition drivers with 10 mA
to 20 mA current output.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
8 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.0 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-40 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 140C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 143 mm
Weight 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.4 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
33 kV
Spark current 70 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.85 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Integrated suppression diode /

Integrated power stage
Measured with internal power
BIP 385
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco 0-1488991-1
Mating connector F 02U B00 555-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 U
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 5.5 A 6.0 A 6.5 A 7.0 A 7.5 A
10 9 8 7 6 5
6 V 10.7 11.6
8 V 4.7 5.4 6.8 8.3 10.2
10 V 3.1 3.55 4.25 4.87 5.6 6.3
12 V 2.32 2.66 3.12 3.51 3.94 4.36
14 V 1.86 2.1 2.45 2.75 3.07 3.36
16 V 1.55 1.77 2.03 2.26 2.51 2.73
16.5 V 1.49 1.7 1.95 2.17 2.40 2.61
18 V 1.34 1.51 1.73 1.92 2.13 2.31
20 V 1.16 1.33 1.51 1.67 1.85 2.0
24 V 0.93 1.05 1.19 1.32 1.45 1.57
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 119

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 33.7 mJ 1.37 ms 50 mA 24.4 kV
5.5 A 42 mJ 1.54 ms 54 mA 27.0 kV
6 A 48.9 mJ 1.62 ms 59 mA 29.1 kV
6.5 A 55.9 mJ 1.74 ms 63 mA 31.2 kV
7 A 63.6 mJ 1.85 ms 68 mA 33.2V
7.5 A 71.9 mJ 1.92 ms 73 mA 34.7 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65-TE8 has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU
with internal ignition drivers.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65-TE8
Order number F 02U V01 705-01
120 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 121

Single Fire Coil P65-TE10
u Max. 33 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Developed for GDI engines
u Max. 10,000 1/min (with reduced dwell time)
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The P65-TE10 has an integrated transistor and requires
an ECU with internal ignition drivers with 10 mA to 20
mA current output.
The coil is for spark plugs with ceramic diameter of
10 mm.
The coil benefits from series production ensuring ro-
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 7.0 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-40 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 140C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 143 mm
Weight 222 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Incapable of measurement
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 1.4 kV/s
Max. high voltage at 1 M || 10
33 kV
Spark current 70 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.85 ms
Noise suppression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Integrated suppression diode /

Integrated power stage
Measured with internal power
BIP 385
Connectors and Wires
Connector Tyco 0-1488991-1
Mating connector F 02U B00 555-01
Pin 1 ECU ignition signal
Pin 3 U
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 5.5 A 6.0 A 6.5 A 7.0 A 7.5 A
10 9 8 7 6 5
6 V 10.7 11.6
8 V 4.7 5.4 6.8 8.3 10.2
10 V 3.1 3.55 4.25 4.87 5.6 6.3
12 V 2.32 2.66 3.12 3.51 3.94 4.36
14 V 1.86 2.1 2.45 2.75 3.07 3.36
16 V 1.55 1.77 2.03 2.26 2.51 2.73
16.5 V 1.49 1.7 1.95 2.17 2.40 2.61
18 V 1.34 1.51 1.73 1.92 2.13 2.31
20 V 1.16 1.33 1.51 1.67 1.85 2.0
24 V 0.93 1.05 1.19 1.32 1.45 1.57
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
122 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 33.7 mJ 1.37 ms 50 mA 24.4 kV
5.5 A 42 mJ 1.54 ms 54 mA 27.0 kV
6 A 48.9 mJ 1.62 ms 59 mA 29.1 kV
6.5 A 55.9 mJ 1.74 ms 63 mA 31.2 kV
7 A 63.6 mJ 1.85 ms 68 mA 33.2V
7.5 A 71.9 mJ 1.92 ms 73 mA 34.7 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil P65-TE10 has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU
with internal ignition drivers.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil P65-TE10
Order number F 02U V01 706-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 123

124 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Twin Single Fire Coil 2x1
u Max. 35 kV
u 2 x 50 mJ
u Max. 2.1 kV/s
u Developed for twin spark engines
u 2 independent coils in 1 housing
This ignition coil is specifically developed for engines
with twin sparks.
The advantage of this coil is that are two separated coils
in one housing. So the ignition can be parallel or serial-
offset with some angular degrees.
The Twin Single Fire Coil requires an ECU with separa-
ted ignition power stages for every coil (2 per Twin Sin-
gle Fire Coil 2x1).
This coil is a series coil, produced in great quantities.
The advantages of coils from run production are low
costs and high robustness.
Spark energy 2 x 50 mJ
Primary current 2 x 7.5 A
Operating temperature range
outer core
-20 to 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 110C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 496 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 420 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 2.1 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
35 kV
Spark current 95 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.14 ms
Suppression diode / EFU
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 335-01
Pin 1 Coil 2 (b) ECU Ignition Power
Pin 2 U
Pin 3 Coil 1 (a) ECU Ignition Power
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.5 A 8.0 A
6 V 4.6 6.5 9.2 13.6
8 V 2.9 3.9 4.8 5.7 6.1 6.5
10 V 2.1 2.74 3.36 3.9 4.0 4.2
12 V 1.65 2.11 2.55 2.92 3.04 3.18
14 V 1.36 1.74 2.07 2.35 2.45 2.55
16 V 1.16 1.47 1.75 1.98 2.05 2.14
18 V 1.02 1.28 1.51 1.7 1.77 1.84
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 125

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
4 A 20 mJ 0.784 ms 55 mA 22.5 kV
5 A 29.9 mJ 0.931 ms 70 mA 27.5 kV
6 A 38 mJ 1.04 ms 85 mA 31.5 kV
7 A 46.2 mJ 1.11 ms 90 mA 35.4 kV
7.5 A 49.5 mJ 1.14 ms 95 mA 36.7 kV
8 A 52.4 mJ 1.16 ms 105 mA 37.7 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
The coil can be mounted directly on the engine.
Ignition wires are needed to connect the coil with the spark plug.
The Twin Single Fire Coil 2x1 has no integrated transistors and re-
quires an ECU with internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Twin Single Fire Coil 2x1
Order number 0 221 503 035
126 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 127

Double Fire Coil 2x2
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 70 mJ
u Max. 1.9 kV/s
u For 4 cyl. engines
This dual spark ignition coil is designed for low-cost ap-
plications in 4-cylinder engines.
The Double Fire Coil 2x2 has no integrated transistor
and requires an ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The advantage of this coil is that the ECU needs only
two internal ignition power stages for supplying a 4-cyl-
inder engine.
The Double Fire Coil 2x2 benefits from series produc-
tion ensuring robustness and low cost.
Spark energy 70 mJ
Primary current 8.0 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 916 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 500 m
Secondary resistance 13.3 k
High voltage rise time 1.9 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
35 kV
Spark current 70 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 2.2 ms
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (Uce=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Jetronic
Mating connector
3-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 289-01
Pin 1 Coil 2 ECU Ignition Power Stage
Pin 2 U
Pin 3 Coil 1 ECU Ignition Power Stage
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A 10 A
6 V 6.9 9.3 13.1 22.2
8 V 4.2 5.3 6.7 8.1 9.8 12.0
10 V 3.0 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.2 7.0
12 V 2.4 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.1
14 V 1.9 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.6 4.0
16 V 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3
20 V 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5
22 V 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
24 V 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Dwell time
128 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 34.5 mJ 1.6 ms 40 mA 24.9 kV
6 A 46.5 mJ 1.83 ms 51 mA 30 kV
7 A 58.0 mJ 2.03 ms 61 mA 34.5 kV
8 A 69.6 mJ 2.2 ms 70 mA 38.6 kV
9 A 79.9 mJ 2.31 ms 77 mA 42.2 kV
10 A 89.9 mJ 2.4 ms 88 mA 45 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
The coil can be mounted directly on the engine.
Ignition wires are needed to connect the coil with the spark plug,
please pay attention that the spark plugs are connected in the correct
ignition firing order. Numbers in the offer drawing or on the ignition
coil are not the firing order but the cylinders order.
The Double Fire Coil 2x2 has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with two internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Double Fire Coil 2x2
Order number 0 221 503 407
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 129

130 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Double Fire Coil 3x2
u Max. 35 kV
u Max. 65 mJ
u Max. 1.9 kV/s
u For 6 cyl. engines
This dual spark ignition coil is designed for low-cost ap-
plications in 6-cylinder engines.
The Double Fire Coil 3x2 has no integrated transistor
and requires an ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The advantage of this coil is that the ECU needs only
three internal ignition power stages for supplying a 6-
cylinder engine.
The Double Fire Coil 3x2 benefits from series produc-
tion ensuring robustness and low cost.
Spark energy 65 mJ
Primary current 8.0 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
-20 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 1,490 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 500 m
Secondary resistance 12 k
High voltage rise time 1.9 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
35 kV
Spark current 80 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.9 ms
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
= 600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Jetronic
Mating connector
3-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 351-01
Pin 1 Coil 3 ECU Ignition Power Stage
Pin 2 Coil 2 ECU Ignition Power Stage
Pin 3 Coil 1 ECU Ignition Power Stage
Pin 4 U
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A 10 A
6 V 7.2 9.5 13.5
8 V 4.3 5.4 6.6 7.9 9.5
10 V 3.1 3.8 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.7
12 V 2.4 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.4 4.9
14 V 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.5 3.9
16 V 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.7 2.9 3.2
18 V 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.7
20 V 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
22 V 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1
24 V 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Dwell time
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 131

Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
5 A 34.4 mJ 1.44 ms 48 mA 25.4 kV
6 A 45 mJ 1.63 ms 60 mA 29.9 kV
7 A 56.5 mJ 1.78 ms 70 mA 34 kV
8 A 67.6 mJ 1.9 ms 80 mA 39.3 kV
9 A 77.7 mJ 1.98 ms 88.8 mA 43 kV
10 A 86.2 mJ 2.07 ms 100 mA 45 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
The coil can be mounted directly on the engine.
Ignition wires are needed to connect the coil with the spark plug,
please pay attention that the spark plugs are connected in the correct
ignition firing order. Numbers in the offer drawing or on the ignition
coil are not the firing order but the cylinders order.
The Double Fire Coil 3x2 has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with three internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Double Fire Coil 3x2
Order number 0 221 503 002
132 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 133

Single Fire Coil S19
u Max. 30 kV
u Max. 34 mJ
u Max. 7.5 kV/s
u Max. 20,000 1/min
This single fire coil was developed for the use in Formu-
la 1 high performance engines. It is designed to mount
directly on the spark plug.
This coil optionally provides an ionic current measure-
The coil has no integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition power stages.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
robustness in hard racing applications and high efficien-
Spark energy 34 mJ
Primary current 25 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
0 to 160C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Diameter 18.5 mm
Weight 100 g
Mounting Pluggable / pressed
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire 200 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 7.5 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
30 kV
Spark current 320 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 0.27 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Ionic current signal Optional
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (U
= 600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector Open end
Mating connector -
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 ECU power stage white (blue
with optional ionic current meas-
Pin 3 Engine GND black
Pin 4 Optional ionic current signal
screen wire white
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Wire size AWG 20/22
Wire length L Max. 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
12 A 16.0 A 20.0 A 22.0 A 25.0 A
6 V 0.7 1.4
8 V 0.390 0.613 0.980 1.300
10 V 0.278 0.411 0.586 0.695 0.910
12 V 0.216 0.310 0.426 0.491 0.606
14 V 0.176 0.250 0.335 0.382 0.460
16 V 0.148 0.208 0.276 0.313 0.371
24 V 0.084 0.119 0.157 0.175 0.208
27 V 0.077 0.107 0.139 0.155 0.180
30 V 0.068 0.094 0.122 0.136 0.157
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
134 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
12 A 9 mJ 120 s 150 mA 17.5 kV
16 A 15.2 mJ 154 s 200 mA 22.8 kV
20 A 22.8 mJ 186 s 250 mA 27.8 kV
22 A 27.2 mJ 200 s 275 mA 30 kV
25 A 34.2 mJ 221 s 320 mA 33.4 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil S19 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with in-
ternal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Please find further application hints at our homepage.
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil S19
Order number 0 221 B00 113-02
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 135

136 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil S22/S22-T
u Max. 25 kV
u Max. 60 mJ
u Max. 5.0 kV/s
u Max. 10,000 1/min (higher with reduced dwell
This single fire coil was developed for the use in high
performance engines. It is designed to mount directly on
the spark plug and
This coil optionally provides an ionic current measure-
ment. The coil S22 has no integrated transistor and re-
quires an ECU with internal ignition power stages. The
coil S22-T has an integrated transistor and requires an
ECU with internal ignition drivers.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
robustness in hard racing applications and high energy
Spark energy 60 mJ
Primary current 16 A
Operating temperature range at
outer core
Please see Variations
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
S22 S22-T
Primary resistance with wire 330 m Incapable of
Integrated power stage - +
Pin 1 U
red U
Pin 2 ECU ignition
power stage
ECU ignition
signal yellow
Pin 3 Engine GND
Pin 4 Ion current
signal screen
wire white
Engine GND
Pin 5 N.a. Optional ion
current signal
screen wire
Measured with power stage IGBT
= 600 V)
= 400 V)
Operating temperature range at
outer core
0 to 160C 0 to 150C
Mechanical Data
Diameter 22 mm
Weight 150 g
Mounting Pluggable / pressed
Electrical Data
Primary resistance with wire Please see Variations
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 5.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
25 kV
Spark current 300 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 0.43 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Integrated
Integrated power stage Please see Variations
Ionic current signal Optional
Measured with power stage Please see Variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector Open end
Mating connector -
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Please see Variations
Pin 3 Please see Variations
Pin 4 Please see Variations
Pin 5 Please see Variations
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 137

Wire size AWG 20/22
Wire length L Max. 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
8 A 10 A 12 A 14 A 15 A 16 A
6 V 1.76 2.61 4.61
8 V 1.10 1.49 1.99 2.70 3.12 3.74
10 V 0.80 1.08 1.37 1.71 1.91 2.12
12 V 0.62 0.83 1.04 1.27 1.40 1.52
14 V 0.51 0.68 0.84 1.01 1.10 1.19
16 V 0.44 0.53 0.70 0.84 0.91 0.99
20 V 0.34 0.44 0.53 0.63 0.68 0.73
24 V 0.27 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.54 0.58
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
8 A 18.1 mJ 251 s 150 mA 21.1 kV
10 A 28.3 mJ 305 s 185 mA 22.7 kV
12 A 39 mJ 353 s 225 mA 23.6 kV
14 A 50.8 mJ 394 s 260 mA 24.6 kV
15 A 58 mJ 415 s 280 mA 24.9 kV
16 A 64 mJ 430 s 300 mA 25.2 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
The coil S22 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with in-
ternal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S.
The coil S22-T has an integrated transistor and requires an ECU with
internal ignition drivers.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values.
Operation with limit values of 16 A can reduce the life time of the igni-
tion coil. In case of permanent operation please use 12 A. This will
bring spark energy of 40 mJ.
Please find further application hints at our homepage.
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Coil S22
Order number 0 221 B00 115-02
Coil S22-T
Integrated transistor
Order number 0 221 B00 116-02
138 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 139

Single Fire Coil C90i-pro
u Max. 40 kV
u Max. 90 mJ
u Max. 5.0 kV/s
u Especially developed for Turbo-GDI engines
u Max. 15,000 1/min
This single fire coil was developed for the use e.g. in
GDI (turbocharged) high performance engines. It is de-
signed for direct cylinder head mounting. The C90i-pro
provides the possibility of ionic current measurement.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
high energy capability and a very good provided high
Spark energy 90 mJ
Primary current 16 A
Operating temperature range
outer core
0 to 160C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 480 m/s
at 50 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 168 mm
Weight w/o wire < 230 g
Mounting screw fastening
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 185 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 5.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at 1 M || 10
40 kV
Spark current 160 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.1 ms
Noise suppression Inductive
Suppression diode / EFU Internal
Ionic current measurement +
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (Uce=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector On request
Mating connector On request
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 ECU ignition power stage blue
Pin 3 Engine GND black
Pin 4 Ionic current signal white
Wire length 100 cm
Wire size AWG 20/22
For spark plugs Ceramic diameter d = 10 mm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length and the length of the spark
plug connector with your order
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
10.0 A 12.0
6 V 3.2 4.5 7.6 9.8
8 V 1.88 2.49 3.47 3.79 4.10
10 V 1.35 1.76 2.34 2.51 2.67 3.05
12 V 1.06 1.35 1.77 1.89 2.00 2.24
14 V 0.87 1.11 1.43 1.52 1.60 1.79
16 V 0.74 0.93 1.20 1.28 1.34 1.49
0.71 0.90 1.15 1.23 1.29 1.43
18 V 0.64 0.81 1.03 1.10 1.15 1.27
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
140 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
10 A 41.4 mJ 0.74 ms 100 mA 31.6 kV
12 A 59.5 mJ 0.882 ms 122 mA 37.4 kV
15 A 84.4 mJ 1.034 ms 148 mA 45.7 kV
16 A 92.6 mJ 1.07 ms 158 mA 46 kV
17 A 100 mJ 1.09 ms 165 mA 46 kV
20 A 115 mJ 1.16 ms 190 mA 46 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
This coil is only for use with engine control units having an integrated
ignition power stage, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values (see Electrical Data).
Usage above Iprim = 16 A may reduce the lifetime.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil C90i-pro
Order number 0 221 B00 256-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 141

142 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Single Fire Coil C90i-E8
u Max. 40 kV
u Max. 90 mJ
u Max. 5.0 kV/s
u Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8
u Max. 15,000 1/min
This single fire coil was developed for the use e.g. in
GDI (turbocharged) high performance engines. It is de-
signed for direct cylinder head mounting. The C90i-E8
provides the possibility of ionic current measurement.
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
high energy capability and a very good provided high
Spark energy 90 mJ
Primary current 16 A
Operating temperature range
outer core
0 to 160C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 480 m/s
at 50 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 168 mm
Weight w/o wire < 230 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 8 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 185 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 5.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
40 kV
Spark current 160 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.1 ms
Noise supression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Suppression diode / EFU Internal
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (Uce=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector On request
Mating connector On request
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 ECU ignition power stage blue
Pin 3 Engine GND black
Pin 4 Ionic current signal white
Wire length 100 cm
Wire size AWG 20/22
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length and the length of the spark
plug connector with your order
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
10 A 12 A 15 A 16 A 17 A 20 A
6 V 3.2 4.5 7.6 9.8
8 V 1.88 2.49 3.47 3.79 4.10
10 V 1.35 1.76 2.34 2.51 2.67 3.05
12 V 1.06 1.35 1.77 1.89 2.00 2.24
14 V 0.87 1.11 1.43 1.52 1.60 1.79
16 V 0.74 0.93 1.20 1.28 1.34 1.49
16.5 V 0.71 0.90 1.15 1.23 1.29 1.43
18 V 0.64 0.81 1.03 1.10 1.15 1.27
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 143

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
10 A 41.4 mJ 0.74 ms 100 mA 31.6 kV
12 A 59.5 mJ 0.882 ms 122 mA 37.4 kV
15 A 84.4 mJ 1.034 ms 148 mA 45.7 kV
16 A 92.6 mJ 1.07 ms 158 mA 46 kV
17 A 100 mJ 1.09 ms 165 mA 46 kV
20 A 115 mJ 1.16 ms 190 mA 46 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
This coil is only for use with engine control units having an integrated
ignition power stage, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values (see Electrical Data).
Usage above Iprim = 16 A may reduce the lifetime.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil C90i-E8
Order number F 02U V01 368-01
144 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 145

Single Fire Coil C90i-E10
u Max. 40 kV
u Max. 90 mJ
u Max. 5.0 kV/s
u Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10
u Max. 15,000 1/min
This single fire coil was developed for the use e.g. in
GDI (turbocharged) high performance engines. It is de-
signed for direct cylinder head mounting. The C90i-E10
provides the possibility of ionic current measurement.
For this single fire coil the customer can define the
length of the spark plug connector.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
high energy capability and a very good provided high
Spark energy 90 mJ
Primary current 16 A
Operating temperature range
outer core
0 to 160C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 480 m/s
at 50 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Length 168 mm
Weight w/o wire < 230 g
Mounting Screw fastening
Fits to spark plugs with a ceramic diameter of 10 mm
Electrical Data
Primary resistance 185 m
Secondary resistance Incapable of measurement
High voltage rise time 5.0 kV/s
Max. high voltage at
1 M || 10 pF
40 kV
Spark current 160 mA
Spark duration at 1 kV || 1 M 1.1 ms
Noise supression Inductive and 1 k resistance
Suppression diode / EFU Internal
Measured with power stage IGBT IRG4BC40S (Uce=600 V)
Connectors and Wires
Connector On request
Mating connector On request
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 ECU ignition power stage blue
Pin 3 Engine GND black
Pin 4 Ionic current signal white
Wire length 100 cm
Wire size AWG 20/22
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length and the length of the spark
plug connector with your order
Characteristic dwell times [ms]
I primary
10 A 12 A 15 A 16 A 17 A 20 A
6 V 3.2 4.5 7.6 9.8
8 V 1.88 2.49 3.47 3.79 4.10
10 V 1.35 1.76 2.34 2.51 2.67 3.05
12 V 1.06 1.35 1.77 1.89 2.00 2.24
14 V 0.87 1.11 1.43 1.52 1.60 1.79
16 V 0.74 0.93 1.20 1.28 1.34 1.49
16.5 V 0.71 0.90 1.15 1.23 1.29 1.43
18 V 0.64 0.81 1.03 1.10 1.15 1.27
Measured values are without loom resistance. Loom resistance must
be less than the primary resistance. The needed dwell time is to be
verified through current measurement
146 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Dwell time
Spark energy and provided high voltage
I prim. Spark energy -duration -current Hi voltage
10 A 41.4 mJ 0.74 ms 100 mA 31.6 kV
12 A 59.5 mJ 0.882 ms 122 mA 37.4 kV
15 A 84.4 mJ 1.034 ms 148 mA 45.7 kV
16 A 92.6 mJ 1.07 ms 158 mA 46 kV
17 A 100 mJ 1.09 ms 165 mA 46 kV
20 A 115 mJ 1.16 ms 190 mA 46 kV
Spark energy
Installation Notes
During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamp-
ing and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between
coil and spark plug.
This coil is only for use with engine control units having an integrated
ignition power stage, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
Please regard the specified limit values (see Electrical Data).
Usage above Iprim = 16 A may reduce the lifetime.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor
Ordering Information
Single Fire Coil C90i-E10
Order number F 02U V01 369-01
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils | 147

148 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Coils

Ignition Module IM 3.1
u Max. 3 cylinders
u 47 g
u Fits to all MS 4 ECUs
u Especially adapted for Coils PS, P35, P50(-M),
P65, 2x1, 2x2 and 3x2
This module is an external ignition power stage capable
of supplying up to three non-transistorized ignition coils.
The IM input signal should be supplied by an ECU with
ignition signal outputs in the range of 10 to 20 mA, e.g.
MS 4 Sport.
The IM unit combines the robustness of a high quality
production part with good electrical performance to
provide an ideal solution for adapting non-transistorized
coils to an ECU without internal ignition driver stages.
Primary current 8.5 A
Clamp voltage 380 30 V
Operating temperature range at
measuring point
-40 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 70.5 x 68 x 20 mm
Weight w/o wire 47 g
Mounting 2 x M4 screws with spring wash-
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Electrical Data
typical 13.5 V
Voltage supply 6 to 16.5 V
high active on min. 10 mA
low off 0 mA
10 to 22 mA
typical 8.5 A
max. at T
< 120C < 10 A
satt at I
= 5 A < 3 V
satt at I
max < 9 V
Characteristic dwell time See characteristic dwell time
from the ignition coil used
Internal transistor Triple Darlington
Connectors and Wires
Connector (Coil T1) Bosch Jetronic 3-pole
Mating connector 3-pole Jetron-
D 261 205 289-01
Pin 1 Collector transistor 1
Pin 2 Collector transistor 2
Pin 3 Collector transistor 3
Connector (ECU) Bosch Jetronic 4-pole
Mating connector 4-pole Jetron-
D 261 205 351-01
Pin 1 Basis transistor 3
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Basis transistor 2
Pin 4 Basis transistor 1
Installation Notes
This ignition module can be used with Coils PS, P35, P50(-M), P65,
2x1, 2x2, 3x2 or comparable coils.
Please ensure that the connectors are safe from water.
The IM has to be mounted onto a cooling body. The mounting surface
needs a planarity of 0.2 mm.
A heat conductive paste has to be used.
This ignition module is designed for use with engine control units
which have no integrated ignition transistor.
Please observe the specified limit values.
Please do not activate more than one ignition output stage parallel
within a module.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules | 149

Ordering Information
Ignition Module IM 3.1
Order number 0 227 100 209
150 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules

Ignition Module IM 3.2
u Max. 3 cylinders
u 47 g
u Fits to all MS 4 ECUs
u Especially adapted for Coils PS, P35, P50(-M),
P65, 2x1, 2x2 and 3x2
This module is an external ignition power stage capable
of supplying up to three non-transistorized ignition coils.
The IM input signal should be supplied by an ECU with
ignition signal outputs in the range of 10 to 20 mA, e.g.
MS 4 Sport.
The IM unit combines the robustness of a high quality
production part with good electrical performance to
provide an ideal solution for adapting non-transistorized
coils to an ECU without internal ignition driver stages.
Primary current 8.5 A
Clamp voltage 380 30 V
Operating temperature range at
measuring point
-40 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 71 x 48 x 21 mm
Weight w/o wire 47 g
Mounting 2 x M4 screws with spring wash-
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Electrical Data
typical 13.5 V
Voltage supply 6 to 16.5 V
high active on min. 10 mA
low off 0 mA
10 to 22 mA
typical 8.5 A
max. at T
< 120C < 10 A
satt at I
= 5 A < 3 V
satt at I
max < 9 V
Characteristic dwell time See characteristic dwell time
from the ignition coil used
Internal transistor Triple Darlington
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Jetronic 7-pole
Mating connector
7-pole Jetronic
F 02U B00 252-01
Pin 1 Collector transistor 1
Pin 2 Basis transistor 1
Pin 3 Collector transistor 2
Pin 4 Gnd
Pin 5 Basis transistor 2
Pin 6 Collector transistor 3
Pin 7 Basis transistor 3
Installation Notes
This ignition module can be used with Coils PS, P35, P50(-M), P65,
2x1, 2x2, 3x2 or comparable coils.
Please ensure that the connectors are safe from water.
The IM has to be mounted onto a cooling body. The mounting surface
needs a planarity of 0.2 mm.
A heat conductive paste has to be used.
This ignition module is designed for use with engine control units
which have no integrated ignition transistor.
Please observe the specified limit values.
Please do not activate more than one ignition output stage parallel
within a module.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Ignition Module IM 3.2
Order number 0 227 100 203
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules | 151

152 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules

Ignition Module IM 4
u Max. 4 cylinders
u 54 g
u Fits to all MS 4 ECUs
u Especially adapted for Coils PS, P35, P50(-M),
P65, 2x1, 2x2 and 3x2
This module is an external ignition power stage capable
of supplying up to four non-transistorized ignition coils.
The IM input signal should be supplied by an ECU with
ignition signal outputs in the range of 10 to 20 mA, e.g.
MS 4 Sport.
The IM unit combines the robustness of a high quality
production part with good electrical performance to
provide an ideal solution for adapting non-transistorized
coils to an ECU without internal ignition driver stages.
Primary current 8.5 A
Clamp voltage 380 30 V
Operating temperature range at
measuring point
-40 to 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 5 to 2,500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 70.5 x 68 x 20 mm
Weight w/o wire 54 g
Mounting 2 x M4 screws with spring wash-
Electrical Data
typical 13.5 V
Voltage supply 6 to 16.5 V
high active on min. 10 mA
low off 0 mA
10 to 22 mA
typical < 8.5 A
max. at T
< 120C < 10 A
satt at I
= 5 A < 3 V
satt at I
max < 9 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector (Coil T1) Bosch Jetronic 4-pole
Mating connector
Jetronic 4-pole
D 261 205 351-01
Pin 1 Collector transistor 4
Pin 2 Collector transistor 3
Pin 3 Collector transistor 2
Pin 4 Collector transistor 1
Connector (ECU) Bosch Jetronic 5-pole
Mating connector
Jetronic 5-pole
D 261 205 352-01
Pin 1 Basis transistor 1
Pin 2 Basis transistor 2
Pin 3 Gnd
Pin 4 Basis transistor 3
Pin 5 Basis transistor 4
Installation Notes
This ignition module can be used with Coils PS, P35, P50(-M), P65,
2x1, 2x2, 3x2 or comparable coils.
Please ensure that the connectors are safe from water.
The IM has to be mounted onto a cooling body. The mounting surface
needs a planarity of 0.2 mm.
A heat conductive paste has to be used.
This ignition module is designed for use with engine control units
which have no integrated ignition transistor.
Please observe the specified limit values.
Ordering Information
Ignition Module IM 4
Order number 0 227 100 211
Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules | 153

154 | Injection and Ignition | Ignition Modules

Injection Valve EV 6
u Single beam or twin beam
u Flow rate at 3 bar: up to 962 cm
u Spray angle 15 to 70
EV 6 injection valves are designed to inject the fuel as
efficiently as possible into the intake manifold runner to
achieve a homogeneous distribution of fuel in air flow.
EV 6 injection valves feature high corrosion resistance
and excellent engine start characteristics. The hydraulic
connections of the Bosch injection valves EV 6, EV 12
and EV 14 are compatible.
Fuel Filter Requirements
Particle size 5 m
Max. particle size 35 m
Separation rate 82 %
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
System pressure Max. 8 bar
Weight 55 g
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Climate-proof corresponding to saline fog test DIN 50 021
Housing design Standard (S), Long (L)
Spray type C (Conical Spray) or E (2-Spray)
Flow rate at 3 bar (n-heptane) 134 to 962 cm/min
92 to 658 g/min
Spray angle 15 to 70
Bent angle 0 to 20
Coil resistance 1.2 to 16
Fuel compatibility E85 / M100
(after Methanol-operating, the
valves must be flushed with nor-
mal gasoline-fuel)
Electrical Data
Power supply 6 to 16.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connectors Jetronic, Sumitomo, Motorsport
Installation Notes
Please ask for more information before ordering.
Injectors with low resistance are only supplied with a peak and hold
power stage.
Ordering Information
EV 6, 116 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 156 194
EV 6, 261 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 155 868
EV 6, 261 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 155 830
EV 6, 269 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 156 063
EV 6, 310 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 156 012
EV 6, 658 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 434 499-02
Clip for locking bush of plastic
Order number 2 431 314 004
Clip for locking bush of steel
Order number 2 431 314 011
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 155

Spray Illustrations
EV6 Standard
156 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

EV6 Long
Mounting Instructions

Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 157

EV 6 Variations
Variations of production type valves
Part Nr. 0 280 156 194 0 280 155 868 0 280 155 830 0 280 156 063 0 280 156 012

Flow rate/min 116 g/170 cm
261 g/382 cm
261 g/382 cm
269 g/393 cm
310 g/453 cm
Type C C E E C
Housing S L L L S
80 15 15 20 15 20
0 0 0 10 5
- - 90 270 90
Resistance 14.5 12 12 12 12
Further variations are available on request
Variation of Motorsport valves
Part Nr. B 280 434 499-02

Flow rate/min 658 g/962 cm
Type C
Housing S
80 25
Resistance 12
Further variations are available on request.
158 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Injection Valve EV 12
u Single beam or twin beam
u Flow rate at 3 bar: up to 1,023 cm
u Spray angle 5 to 60
u With extension
EV 12 injection valves are designed to inject the fuel as
efficiently as possible into the intake manifold runner to
achieve a homogeneous distribution of fuel in air flow.
There is only one injector body size for the EV 12. Vari-
ous delivery rates and spray-angles are available. The in-
jection valves EV 6, EV 12 and EV 14 are compatible.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
System pressure Max. 8 bar
Weight 40 g
Installation length 48 mm (total 81 mm)
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Climate-proof corresponding to saline fog test DIN 50 021
Housing design Standard with extension
Spray type C (Conical Spray) or E (2-Spray)
Flow rate at 3 bar (n-heptane) 146 to 1,023 cm/min
59 to 670 g/min
Spray angle 5 to 60
Bent angle 0 to 17
Coil resistance 11 to 16
Fuel compatibility E85 / M100
(after Methanol-operating, the
valves must be flushed with nor-
mal gasoline-fuel)
Electrical Data
Power supply 6 to 16.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connectors Jetronic, Sumitomo, Motorsport
Installation Notes
Please ask for more information before ordering.
Ordering Information
EV 12, 120 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 157 002
EV 12, 193 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 157 012
EV 12, 217 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 155 897
EV 12, 269 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 155 892
EV 12, 310 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 157 000
Clip for locking bush of plastic
Order number 2 431 314 004
Clip for locking bush of steel
Order number 2 431 314 011
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 159

Housing Variations
Spray Illustrations
160 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 161

Mounting Instructions

162 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

EV 12 Variations
Variations of production type valves
Part Nr. 0 280 157 002 0 280 157 012 0 280 155 897 0 280 155 892 0 280 157 000

Flow rate/min 120 g/175 cm
193 g/282 cm
217 g/317 cm
269 g/393 cm
310 g/453 cm
Type E E E E E
Housing S S S S S
15 15 15 15 15
10 10 10 10 10
270 270 270 270 270
Resistance 12 12 12 12 12
Further variations are available on request.
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 163

Injection Valve EV 14
u Conical spray or 2-spray
u Flow rate at 3 bar: up to 1,023 cm
u Spray angle 15 to 85
u With or without extension
EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6
injection valve technology. EV 14 xT are the latest revi-
sion of the EV 12.
EV 14 is designed for a wide range of flow rates and
spray patterns. Compact size and three standard ver-
sions simplify mounting in a variety of applications.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
System pressure Max. 8 bar
Weight 30 g
Installation lengths 33.6, 48.65 or 60.65 mm
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Climate-proof corresponding to saline fog test DIN 50 021
Housing design Compact (C), Standard (S),
Long (L)
Spray type C (Conical Spray) or E (2-Spray)
Flow rate at 3 bar (n-heptane) 146 to 1,023 cm/min
100 to 700 g/min
Spray angle 15 to 85
Bent angle 0 to 15
Coil resistance 12
Fuel compatibility E85 / M100
(after Methanol-operating, the
valves must be flushed with nor-
mal gasoline-fuel)
Electrical Data
Power supply 6 to 16.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connectors Jetronic, Sumitomo, Motorsport
Installation Notes
Please ask for more information before ordering.
Ordering Information
EV 14, 116 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 110
EV 14, 116 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 200
EV 14, 150 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 107
EV 14, 150 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 013
EV 14, 503 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 038-07
EV 14, 503 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 038-08
EV 14, 387 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 038-09
EV 14, 387 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 038-10
EV 14, 237 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 038
EV 14, 237 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 116
EV 14, 429 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 123
EV 14, 670 g/min n-heptane
Order number 0 280 158 040
EV 14, 697 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 469-01
Clip for locking bush of plastic
Order number 2 431 314 021
Clip for locking bush of steel
Order number 2 431 314 018
164 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Spray Illustrations
Housing Variations
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 165

166 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Mounting Instructions

Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 167

EV 14 Variations
Variations of production type valves
Part Nr. 0 280 158 110 0 280 158 200 0 280 158 107 0 280 158 013 0 280 158 038

Flow rate/min 116 g/170 cm
116 g/170 cm
150 g/219 cm
150 g/219 cm
237 g/347 cm
Type C E C E C
Housing L S L S KxT
15 15 20 19 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 90 0 90 0
Resistance 12 12 12 12 12
Part Nr. 0 280 158 116 0 280 158 123 0 280 158 040

Flow rate/min 237 g/347 cm
429 g/627 cm
670 g/980 cm
Type E E C
Housing L SxT KxT
22 25 30
5 0 0
90 90 0
Resistance 12 12 12
Further variations are available on request
Variations of Motorsport valves
Part Nr. B 280 436 038-07 B 280 436 038-08 B 280 436 038-09 B 280 436 038-10 B 280 436 469-01

Flow rate/min 503 g/736 cm
503 g/736 cm
387 g/566 cm
387 g/566 cm
697 g/1,019 cm
Type C C C C E
Housing S S S S S
70 25 70 25 20
0 0 0 0 0
- - - - 90
Resistance 12 12 12 12 12
Further variations are available on request.
168 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Injection Valve EV 14i
u Flow rate at 3 bar: up to 1,023 cm
u Spray angle 15 to 85
u Extremely small housing
u Very low weight
u Special development for motorsports
EV 14i injection valves are the smallest Bosch low pres-
sure injection valves and especially developed for mo-
torsports applications.
The valve is designed for a wide range of flow rates and
spray patterns. Very compact size simplifies mounting in
a variety of applications.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
System pressure Max. 8 bar
Weight 20 g
Installation lengths 26.9 mm
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Operating temperature -40 to 110C
Permissible fuel temperatures 70C
Climate-proof corresponding to saline fog test DIN 50 021
Housing design Very compact
Spray type C (Conical Spray) or E (2-Spray)
Flow rate at 3 bar (n-heptane) Max. 1,023 cm/min
Max. 700 g/min
Spray angle 15 to 85
Bent angle 0 to 15
Coil resistance 12
Fuel compatibility E85 / M100
(after Methanol-operating, the
valves must be flushed with nor-
mal gasoline-fuel)
Electrical Data
Power supply 6 to 16.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connectors Div. motorsports connectors
Installation Notes
Injection Valves EV 14i are manufactured on order only and are not on
stock. The minimum purchase quantity is 25 pieces per variation.
Please ask for more information before ordering.
Injectors with low resistance are only supplied with a peak and hold
power stage.
Ordering Information
EV 14i, 213 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 323-03
EV 14i, 263 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 270-03
EV 14i, 261 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 548-01
EV 14i, 310 g/min n-heptane
Order number B 280 436 470-01
Extended tip
Order number on request
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 169

Spray Illustrations
170 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

EV 14i Variations
Variations of production type valves
Part Nr. B 280 436 323-03 B 280 436 270-03 B 280 436 548-01 B 280 436 470-01

Flow rate/min 213 g/311 cm
263 g/385 cm
261 g/382 cm
310 g/453 cm
Type C C E C
Housing i i ixT i
85 25 20 50
0 0 15 0
0 0 90 0
Resistance 12 12 12 12
Further variations are available on request.
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 171

HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2
u Max. 200 bar
u Multi hole
u Flow rate at 100 bar: up to 1,500 cm
/min (n-hep-
u Spray angle 8 to 20
The HDEV 5.2 is a high pressure injector, which is devel-
oped to be used as a port or a direct injector.
The function of the HDEV 5.2 is both to meter out the
fuel and to obtain a well-defined mixture of fuel and air.
It is an inward opening solenoid injector which is opti-
mized regarding very short opening and closing times
which ensures a very stable linearity at short injection
The benefit of this injector is a high spray variability con-
cerning spray angle and spray shape. Also the flow rate
can be defined in a big range. Bosch offers the spray
targeting design according to the individual customer re-
quirements. If your application conditions will not match
the listed performance data, please ask for consultancy
at Bosch Motorsport. In addition to the specific de-
signed sample, Bosch offers cost effective production
HDEV 5.2 on request.
Application 308 to 1,026 g/min at 100 bar
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Fuel Gasoline
Operating pressure 200 bar
Operating temperature range -31 to 130C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 68 g
Diameter 20.7 mm
Length 87 mm
Flow rate at 100 bar (n-heptane) up to 1,500 cm
Number of holes 4 to 7 holes (typical)
Spray type Multi hole
Spray angle overall 110 (typical)
Spray angle single beam 8 to 20
Static flow tolerance 5 %
Dynamic flow tolerance 6 % at ti = 1.5 ms
Leakage 2.5 mm/min at 23C
Electrical Data
Booster supply 65 to 90 V
Booster current 13.2 A
Booster time 500 s
Power supply 12 V
Pick up current 9.6 A
Pick up time 800 s
Hold power supply 12 V
Hold current 3.0 A hysteresis 0.8 A
Coil resistance 1,500 m (ambient temp.)
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector Compact D 261 205 359-01
Connector Jetronic (wire) D 261 205 288-01
Connector motorsports (wire) On request
Pin 1 Pos
Pin 2 Gnd
Installation Notes
The injector has to be supplied by a Bosch Motorsport Power Stage
Unit (e.g. HPI 5 or HPI 1.16).
Listed electrical values may vary according to the application.
The injector can be cleaned (mechanically or chemically), if the tip will
not be damaged.
Do not use supersonic cleaning.
Ordering Information
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2
Order number on request
172 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Spray variations, further variations on request
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 173

HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2
u Max. 200 bar
u Multi hole
u Flow rate at 100 bar: up to 1,500 cm
/min (n-hep-
u Spray angle 8 to 20
The HDEV 5.2 LC is a high pressure injector, which is
developed to be used as a port or a direct injector.
The function of the HDEV 5.2 LC is both to meter out
the fuel and to obtain a well-defined mixture of fuel and
air. It is an inward opening solenoid injector which is
optimized regarding very short opening and closing
times which ensures a very stable linearity at short in-
jection times.
The benefit of this injector is a high spray variability con-
cerning spray angle and spray shape. Also the flow rate
can be defined in a big range. Bosch offers the spray
targeting design according to the individual customer re-
quirements. If your application conditions will not match
the listed performance data, please ask for consultancy
at Bosch Motorsport. In addition to the specific de-
signed sample, Bosch offers cost effective production
HDEV 5.2 LC on request.
Application 308 to 1,026 g/min at 100 bar
Fuel input Top-feed injector
Fuel Gasoline
Operating pressure 200 bar
Operating temperature range -31 to 130C
Storage temperature range -40 to 70C
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 221.5 g
Diameter 20.7 mm
Length 185 mm
Flow rate at 100 bar (n-heptane) Up to 1,500 cm
Number of holes 4 to 7 holes (typical)
Spray type Multi hole
Spray angle overall 110 (typical)
Spray angle single beam 8 to 20
Static flow tolerance 5 %
Dynamic flow tolerance 6 % at ti = 1.5 ms
Leakage 2.5 mm/min at 23C
Electrical Data
Booster supply 65 to 90 V
Booster current 13.2 A
Booster time 500 s
Power supply 12 V
Pick up current 9.6 A
Pick up time 800 s
Hold power supply 12 V
Hold current 3.0 A hysteresis 0.8 A
Coil resistance 1,500 m (ambient temp.)
Connectors and Wires
Mating connector Compact On request
Connector Jetronic (wire) D 261 205 288-01
Connector motorsports (wire) On request
Pin 1 Pos
Pin 2 Gnd
Installation Notes
The injector has to be supplied by a Bosch Motorsport Power Stage
Unit (e.g. HPI 5 or HPI 1.16).
Listed electrical values may vary according to the application.
The injector can be cleaned (mechanically or chemically), if the tip will
not be damaged.
Do not use supersonic cleaning.
Ordering Information
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2 LC
Order number on request
174 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Spray variations, further variations on request
Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves | 175

176 | Injection and Ignition | Injection Valves

Alternators and Starters 3

Alternators 178

Starters 190

Alternator 90 A
u 5,400 g
u 90 A
u Clockwise rotation
u Special light weight aluminum pulley available
This alternator is modified for motorsport demand. It is
a clockwise rotation type and is series part in the Por-
sche Cup cars. We deliver the alternator inclusive fan
and pulley. Modifications are available on request.
Temperature range -10 to 90C
Vibration protection high
Installation without rubber mounting.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Case material aluminum
Weight 5,400 g
Current regulator unit integrated
Rotation Clockwise
Max. rotations 18,000 x 1/min
Diameter 108 mm
Length without shaft stub 128 mm
Distance between mounting
154 mm
Electrical Data
Rated current 90 A
Output voltage 14 V
Cut-in speed 1,300 x 1/min
Coupling screws
Characteristic 110 A
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 25C
1,000 0
1,300 15.5
1,500 32.5
1,700 44.8
2,000 58.5
3,000 76.0
4,000 85.0
5,000 88.5
6,000 90.0
7,000 90.3
8,000 90.5
9,000 90.5
10,000 90.5
15,000 90.5
20,000 90.5
Ordering Information
Alternator 90 A
Order number 0 124 B00 160
178 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators

Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 179

Alternator B3
u With multifunctional regulator
u 4,800 g
u 210 A *
u Clockwise rotation
The B3 is a powerful 12 V motorsport alternator. It has
an optimized hand wound stator winding (3 phase trian-
gle), high current diodes (special Zener diode chips
from Bosch production to retain load-dumps) and an ex-
tra fine balanced rotor with double impregnated wind-
The multifunctional regulator (special Bosch developed
ASIC) controls the alternator output voltage at B + con-
nection. The main benefit of this alternator is the high
power output in a small low weight package. Further-
more it is optimized concerning vibration endurance.
Application 210 A * at 10,000 rpm/90C
Max. ambient temperature 105C, high current only with
supported cooling air
Max. ambient temperature
120C, high current only with
supported cooling air
Rotating direction Clockwise
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Body material Cast aluminum
Weight w/o pulley 4.8 kg
Max. rotations 18,000 x 1/min
Moment of inertia 22 kg*cm
Outer diameter w/o screw 136 mm
Length w/o pulley 117 mm
Battery B+ connection M8x1.25
Tightening torque at B+ 22 Nm
Electrical Data
Regulating voltage 14.2 V
Temperature compensation -10 mV/K
High temperature cut off derat-
-250 mV/K
Excitation resistor (L) Internal (external on request)
Cut-in-speed 3,000 x 1/min
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 90C
3,000 40
3,500 93
4,000 125
5,000 162
6,000 182
7,000 193
8,000 201
9,000 206
10,000 210
11,000 213
12,000 215
14,000 217
16,000 219
18,000 222
Please note: Measured with U=13.1 V and t=20 min
Installation Notes
Ground connection for power and regulator is through the case. En-
sure that the case has a high current, low electrical resistance connec-
tion to vehicle ground.
Operating the alternator is only permitted with the installed regulator
and a connected 12 V battery (Lithium battery not proved).
180 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators

The excitation current can also be realized by an external lamp (on re-
Please find further application hints at our homepage.
Rectifier diodes are designed and proved for B+ continuous output
current of 210 A. The alternator is able to support more current, but
this must be restricted for short time to prevent the destroying of rec-
tifier diodes.
Ordering Information
Alternator B3
Order number F 02U V00 646-01
Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 181

182 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators

Alternator B3 LIN
u Electrically and mechanically identical with B3
u Motorsports optimized LIN2.1 regulator with latest
ASIC technology
u 4,800 g
u 210 A *
u Clockwise rotation
The B3 LIN is a powerful 12 V motorsport alternator. It
has an optimized hand wound stator winding (3 phase
triangle), high current diodes (special Zener diode chips
from Bosch production to retain load-dumps) and an ex-
tra fine balanced rotor with double impregnated wind-
The LIN regulator (special Bosch developed ASIC) con-
trols the alternator output voltage at B + connection.
The main benefit of this alternator is the high power
output in a small low weight package. Furthermore it is
optimized concerning vibration endurance.
Application 210 A * at 10,000 rpm/90C
Max. ambient temperature 105C, high current only with
supported cooling air
Max. ambient temperature
120C, high current only with
supported cooling air
Rotating direction Clockwise
Fixed frequency regulation with pulse width modulation
Switching-on via LIN interface
High side output stage with defined ramp steepness and FET as free-
wheeling diode
Emergency start and default mode
Adjustable set values via LIN interface
Outputs of status information via LIN interface
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Body material Cast aluminum
Weight w/o pulley 4.8 kg
Max. rotations 18,000 x 1/min
Moment of inertia 22 kg*cm
Outer diameter w/o screw 136 mm
Length w/o pulley 117 mm
Battery B+ connection M8x1.25
Tightening torque at B+ 22 Nm
Electrical Data
Regulating voltage 14.2 V
Temperature compensation -10 mV/K
High temperature cut off derat-
-250 mV/K
Excitation resistor (L) Internal (external on request)
Cut-in-speed 3,000 x 1/min
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 90C
3,000 40
3,500 93
4,000 125
5,000 162
6,000 182
7,000 193
8,000 201
9,000 206
10,000 210
11,000 213
12,000 215
14,000 217
16,000 219
18,000 222
Please note: Measured with U=13.1 V and t=20 min
Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 183

Installation Notes
Ground connection for power and regulator is through the case. En-
sure that the case has a high current, low electrical resistance connec-
tion to vehicle ground.
Operating the alternator is only permitted with the installed regulator
and a connected 12 V battery (Lithium battery not proved).
The excitation current can also be realized by an external lamp (on re-
Please find further application hints at our homepage.
Rectifier diodes are designed and proved for B+ continuous output
current of 210 A. The alternator is able to support more current, but
this must be restricted for short time to prevent the destroying of rec-
tifier diodes.
Ordering Information
Alternator B3 LIN
Order number F 02U V01 188-04
184 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators


Housing Generator Electrical

KL 15



EMC -circuit

Regulator -IC


Schematic Diagram
Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 185

Alternator GCM1
u 3,400 g
u 110 to 140 A
u Clockwise or anticlockwise rotation
u Special light weight aluminum pulley available
This alternator is modified for motorsport demand and
splash protected. The stator windings are handmade
and optimized for higher current output; the rotor is ex-
tra fine balanced and double impregnated. The alterna-
tors are e.g. used in Nascar series. Clockwise and anti-
clockwise versions are possible, modifications are avail-
able on request.
Ambient temperature range -30 to 90C
Vibration protection high
Installation without rubber mounting.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Case material aluminum
Weight 3,400 g
Current regulator unit integrated
Max. rotations 18,000 x 1/min
Diameter 108 mm
Length without shaft stub 128 mm
Distance between mounting
154 mm
Electrical Data
Rated current 110/130/140 A
Output voltage 13.5 V
Cut-in speed 3,000 x 1/min
Coupling screws
Battery B+ M6
Tightening torque at B+ 14 Nm
Control lamp D+ flat-pin connector, see drawing
Internal D+ resistor only GCM1 140 A Nascar
Characteristic 110 A
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 90C
2,000 0
2,500 13
3,000 37
3,500 54
4,000 65
5,000 78
6,000 88
7,000 96
8,000 102
9,000 105
10,000 108
12,000 113
15,000 117
18,000 120
Characteristic 130 A
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 90C
2,000 0
2,500 6
3,000 32
186 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators

3,500 51
4,000 63
5,000 80
6,000 90
7,000 98
8,000 105
9,000 111
10,000 116
12,000 121
15,000 127
18,000 131
Characteristic 140 A / Nascar
Rpm [1/min] I
[A] at 90C
2,000 0
2,500 0
3,000 1
3,500 25
4,000 49
5,000 83
6,000 101
7,000 113
8,000 122
9,000 129
10,000 135
12,000 144
15,000 151
18,000 156
Installation Notes
An external cooling can contribute to increase the per-
formance. It will only be effective if the incoming air is
30Kelvin cooler than the ambient air. Otherwise, the re-
striction of air flow will negate any cooling benefits. If
these conditions are met, the cooling air should be dis-
tributed over the center axis at the rear of the alternator
for optimal cooling. The alternator fans are not able to
generate negative pressure. It is possible to use external
blower to support the alternator. Debris at alternator
cooling area can reduce cooling effect. This could also
shorten the alternator service life. Installation without
rubber mounting.
Ordering Information
110 A anticlockwise rotation
Order number B 261 208 606-02
110 A clockwise rotation
Order number B 261 208 607-03
130 A anticlockwise rotation
Order number B 261 208 604-02
130 A clockwise rotation
Order number B 261 208 605-02
140 A anticlockwise rotation
Order number F 01E B01 857-02
140 A clockwise rotation
Order number B 261 208 603-02
140 A Nascar clockwise rotation
Order number F 02U V00 004-05
Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 187

Design 110/ 130 /140 A
188 | Alternators and Starters | Alternators

Design 140 A Nascar
Alternators and Starters | Alternators | 189

Starter 1.4 kW
u 1.4 kW
u 3,600 x 1/min
This starter is specially constructed for motorsport de-
mand. It is a pre-engaged drive starter; we offer it in
clockwise and counter-clockwise version.
Further special versions on request.
Max. temperature 150C
Vibration High protection
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 3,200 g
Revolutions 3,600 x 1/min
Modul 2,11
Electrical Data
Performance 1.4 kW
Ordering Information
Starter 1.4 kW
Order number on request
190 | Alternators and Starters | Starters

Alternators and Starters | Starters | 191

Starter 1.7 kW
u 1.7 kW
u 3,600 x 1/min
This starter is specially constructed for motorsport de-
mand. It is a pre-engaged drive starter; we offer it in
clockwise and counter-clockwise version.
Further special versions on request.
Max. temperature 150 C
Vibration High protection
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 3,700 g
Revolutions 3,600 x 1/min
Module 2,11
Electrical Data
Performance 1.7 kW
Ordering Information
Starter 1.7 kW
Order number on request
192 | Alternators and Starters | Starters

Alternators and Starters | Starters | 193

Starter 2.0 kW
u 2.0 kW
u 4,700 x 1/min
This starter is specially constructed for motorsport de-
mand. It is a pre-engaged drive starter; we offer it in
clockwise and counter-clockwise version.
Further special versions on request.
Max. temperature 150 C
Vibration High protection
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 4,050 g
Revolutions 4,700 x 1/min
Module 2,11
Electrical Data
Performance 2.0 kW
Ordering Information
Starter 2.0 kW
Order number on request
194 | Alternators and Starters | Starters

Alternators and Starters | Starters | 195

196 | Alternators and Starters | Starters

Sensors 4

Absolute Position Sensor 198

Current Sensor 200

Dynamic Vehicle Sensors 202

Gear Shift Sensor 215

Knock Sensors 217

Lambda Sensors 221

Linear Potentiometers 233

Pressure Sensors Air 253

Pressure Sensors Fluid 269

Rotary Potentiometers 293

Speed Sensors 309

Temperature Sensors 333

Thermocouple Probes 353

Wire Potentiometers 360

Absolute Position Sensor APS-
u Contactless technology
u CAN output
u Signal resolution: 0.7
u Wide operating temperature range
This sensor is designed to measure the absolute angular
position of a still standing or rotating shaft.
The device uses Hall sensor technology to detect the
magnetic flux density distribution of a magnet which is
mounted frontal on the shaft. The absolute angle posi-
tion value from the sensor is transmitted over CAN. The
sensor can be calibrated and configured with hard- and
software tools.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a contactless measuring principal, a wide tem-
perature range and a motorsport connector.
Measuring range 0 to 360
Measuring principle Hall-effect
Angle reference type Absolute
Signal revolution 0.703152
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Fixation 3 x M5
Sealing O-ring
Weight w/o wire 39 g
Size w/o wire See Dimensions
Storage temperature range -40 to 120 C
Operating temperature range -40 to 120 C
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Power supply (6.5) 10 to 17 V
Current 70 mA
Magnet for APS-C F 02U 002 465-01
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-03-05PB-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-03-05SB-HE
F 02U 000 207-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 CAN+
Pin 4 CAN-
Pin 5 Calibration pin
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The sensor is designed to measure the absolute angle of the camshaft
e.g. quick start application.
The unit can be connected to any CAN system (1 MBaud).
The unit is secure from miss-pinning.
Before the first operation, the sensor has to be calibrated. Please con-
nect the calibration pin to 12 V.
To meet the specifications and to avoid errors, the distance between
sensor and the magnet has to be less than 2 mm.
To avoid measurement errors, the eccentricity between sensor and
magnet has to be as small as possible (< 0.3 mm).
To change the CAN-ID of the sensor, it can be programmed by the ex-
ternal CAN module EM-C.
The angle position value can be set to zero via the external CAN mod-
ule EM-C or by using the calibration pin.
Please note that for a correct functionality of the sensor a magnet with
a material remanence of 1.03 Tesla is needed (not included, available
on request).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Communication link CAN
Application tool EM-C or RaceCon
Signal output CAN
198 | Sensors | Absolute Position Sensor

CAN Baud rate 1 Mbaud
CAN refresh rate 700 Hz
Ordering Information
Absolute Position Sensor APS-C
Order number F 02U V00 086-01
Sensors | Absolute Position Sensor | 199

Current Sensor CS 240
u Current measurement up to 240 A
u Single supply voltage
u Very good linearity
u No additional resistance inside the loom
u Low thermal offset and gain drift
This sensor is developed for DC and pulsed currents
measurements. The advantage is the single power sup-
ply and no additional resistance.
Application Current 0 to 240 A [I
Max. frequency DC to 80 Hz at -3 db
Operating temperature range -40 to 125C
Storage temperature range -40 to 125C
Load resistance >10 k
Output type Analog
Max. vibration 68 m/s
at 5 to 200 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 25 g
Bore diameter 19 mm / 15.5 mm
Installation length 37.5 mm
Mounting Direct on the wire
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max. power supply 8.5 V (14 V; 1 min at 25C)
Max. continuous output current 10 mA
Typical output current 7.5 mA at 5 V
Sensitivity [G] 16.67 mV/A
Output drift vs. power supply 0.5 %
Power up time 25 to 110 ms
Resolution 2.5 mV at U
=5 V
Output voltage V
/5 x (0.5 + G x I
); at U
Connectors and Wires
Pin A/1 (red) DC supply voltage
Pin B/2 (blue) Ground
Pin C/3 (green) Output signal
Mating connector kit
Series type
LEM current sensor 3pol
F 02U B00 641-01
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
Application Notes
Please regard the specified limit values (see Electrical Data).
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
200 | Sensors | Current Sensor

Ordering Information
Current Sensor CS 240
Series type connector (no wire)
Order number F 02U V01 311-01
Current Sensor CS 240
With Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Order number F 02U V01 312-01
Current Sensor CS 240
Open end (flying wires)
Order number F 02U V01 312-90
Sensors | Current Sensor | 201

Acceleration Sensor AM 600-2
u 2 -axis
u Measurement range: 4.5 g
u 5 Hz low-pass filtered
This sensor is designed to measure the physical effects
of lateral acceleration in two axes (e.g. for analysis of
acceleration and deceleration behavior of race cars).
In order to achieve this, the sensor features two measur-
ing elements for acceleration, in two integrated circuits.
The sensing element consists of a micro machined sen-
sor chip and an evaluation ASIC allowing for high pre-
cision measurement applications.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
robustness in hard racing applications and high energy
Measuring range x, y 4.5 g
Max. vibration 5,000 m/s
in operation
Storage temperature range -55 to 105C
Operating temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 30 g
Size 24 x 27 x 13.5 mm
Mounting 2 x M3
Tightening torque 2 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 6 V
Full scale output 2.5 = 0 g; 440 mV/g
Supply current 7 mA
Supply current max. 12 mA
Sensitivity 440 mV/g
Offset 2,500 mV at 0 g
Tolerance of sensitivity 3 %
Non-linearity of sensitivity 2 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Sig
Pin 5 Scr
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The AM 600-2 can be connected directly to most control units and da-
ta logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated fixed hole.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Acceleration Sensor AM 600-2
Order number B 261 209 311-04
202 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 203

Acceleration Sensor AM 600-3
u 3 -axis
u Measurement range: 4,5 g
u 5 Hz low-pass filtered
This sensor is designed to measure the physical effects
of lateral acceleration in three axes (e.g. for analysis of
acceleration and deceleration behavior of race cars).
In order to achieve this, the sensor features three meas-
uring elements for acceleration, in three integrated cir-
cuits. The sensing element consists of a micro machined
sensor chip and an evaluation ASIC allowing for high
precision measurement applications.
The main benefits of this high performance coil are its
robustness in hard racing applications and high energy
Measuring range x, y, z 4.5 g
Max. vibration 5,000 m/s
in operation
Storage temperature range -55 to 105C
Operating temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 50 g
Size 24 x 27 x 29.8 mm
Mounting 2 x M3
Tightening torque 2 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 6 V
Full scale output 2.5 = 0 g; 440 mV/g
Supply current 7 mA
Supply current max. 12 mA
Sensitivity 440 mV/g
Offset 2,500 mV at 0 g
Tolerance of sensitivity 3 %
Non-linearity of sensitivity 2 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Mating connector
ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Sig
Pin 5 Sig
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The AM 600-3 can be connected directly to most control units and da-
ta logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated fixed hole.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Acceleration Sensor AM 600-3
Order number B 261 209 313-02
204 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 205

Acceleration Sensor MM5.10
u 2-axis rotation rate (yaw-rate, roll-rate)
u 3-axis accelerometer (X, Y, Z)
u 1 Mbaud or 500 kbaud CAN-output
u 15 Hz low-pass filtered
u Measurement ranges: 4.2 g; 163/s
The MM5.10 was designed to measure the physical ef-
fects of rotational and lineal acceleration. In order to
achieve this, the sensor includes MEMS measuring ele-
ments connected to an appropriate integrated circuit.
A rotational acceleration around the integrated sensing
elements generates a Coriolis force which changes the
internal capacity of the micromachined sensing parts.
Furthermore, a pure surface micromachined element is
used to measure the vehicle lineal acceleration in all 3
axis. This combination of rotational and lineal accelera-
tion sensors enables a precise measurement of the vehi-
cle dynamics.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of 3 lineal and 2 rotational accelerometers and its
high speed 1 Mbaud/s CAN-signal output.
Application I 163/s (roll rate/yaw rate)
Application II 4.2 g (X, Y and Z acceleration)
Operating temperature range -20 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 35 g
Size 80 x 56 x 21 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 7 to 18 V
Max input current 90 mA
CAN speed 1 Mbaud/s or 500 kbaud/s
CAN Message
CAN ID 01 0x174
Byte Value
0 Yaw rate
2 Reserved
4 Acc Y-axis
6 Reserved
7 Unused
CAN ID 02 0x178
Byte Value
0 Roll rate
2 Reserved
4 Acc X-axis
6 Reserved
7 Unused
CAN ID 02 0x17C
Byte Value
0 Reserved
2 Reserved
4 Acc Z-axis
6 Reserved
7 Unused
Characteristic Application I
Measuring range 160/s
Over range limit 1,000/s
Absolute resolution 0.1/s
206 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz; 30 Hz; 60 Hz
Characteristic Application II
Measuring range 4.2 g
Over range limit 10 g
Absolute resolution 0.01 g
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz; 30 Hz; 60 Hz
Connectors and Wires
Connector (1) AMP 114-18063-076
Mating connector (1) F 02U B00 435-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 CANL
Pin 3 CANH
Pin 4 UBat
Connector (3) ASL-6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector (3) ASL-0-06-05SC-HE
Pin 1 UBat
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 CANH
Pin 4 CANL
Pin 5 Not connected
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
CAN Parameters
Byte order LSB (Intel)
CAN speed 1 Mbaud/s or 500 kbaud/s
Bit mask unsigned
Offset (all signals) 0x8000 hex
Quantization Yaw Rate 0.005 [/s/digit]
Quantization Roll Rate 0.005 [/s/digit]
Quantization Acc X-axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Quantization Acc Y-axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Quantization Acc Z-ais 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Installation Notes
The MM5.10 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated fixing holes.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
page and calibration sheet.
Please deliver the calibration sheet with your order placement.
Ordering Information
Acceleration Sensor MM5.10 (1)
Without wire
Order number F 02U V01 511-02
Acceleration Sensor MM5.10 (2)
Wire with open end
Order number F 02U V01 511-91
Acceleration Sensor MM5.10 (3)
Wire with motorsports connector
Order number F 02U V01 512-02
Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 207

Axis Scheme
208 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Lean Angle Sensor LAS-1
u Yaw-rate, roll-rate and acceleration measurements
u 2-axis accelerometer
u CAN-output
u 15 Hz low-pass filtered
u Measurement ranges: 4.1 g; 160/s
This sensor is designed to measure the acceleration and
the rate of turn in two axis (yaw rate
, roll rate
, lat-
eral acceleration a
and longitudinal acceleration a
An internal diagnosis indicates too high vibrations or
turning rates. In combination with a MS 5 ECU and its
algorithm a very precise lean angle of motorcycles can
be calculated.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is its wide
measuring range, the standardized 1 Mbaud CAN- signal
output and the combination of high quality production
part and robust design.
Application I 160/s (roll rate/yaw rate)
Application II 4.1 g (X and Y acceleration)
Operating temperature range -20 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 96 g
Size 33 x 98 x 91 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 7 to 18 V
Max input current 200 mA
Power up time < 150 ms
CAN Message
CAN ID 01 0x174
Byte Value
0 Yaw Rate
2 Yaw STAT
3 Reserved
4 Acc Y
6 Acc Y STAT
7 Unused
CAN ID 02 0x178
Byte Value
0 Roll Rate
2 Roll STAT
3 Reserved
4 Acc X
7 Unused
Characteristic Application I
Measuring range 160/s
Over range limit 1,000/s
Absolute resolution 0.1/s
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz
Characteristic Application II
Measuring range 4.1 g
Over range limit 10 g
Absolute resolution 0.01 g
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz
Connectors and Wires
Connector AMP 114-18063-076
Mating connector F 02U B00 240-01
Pin 1 GND
Pin 2 CANL
Pin 3 CANH
Pin 4 UBAT
Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 209

CAN Parameters
Byte order Little endian, high-byte/low-
byte, Intel
CAN speed 1 MBaud
CAN refresh rate 10 ms
Identifier length 11 bit
Bit mask signed
Offset (all signals) 0x8000 hex
Quantization Yaw Rate 0.005 [/s/digit]
Quantization Roll Rate 0.005 [/s/digit]
Quantization Acc X-Axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Quantization Acc Y-Axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Conversion formula
Yaw rate [/s] = (Hex-value 8000 h) * 0.005 [/s/digit]
Roll rate [/s] = (Hex-value 8000 h) * 0.005 [/s/digit]
Bit combination of sensor status
Xx00 xxxx = signal in specification
Xx01 xxxx = sensor not available
Xx10 xxxx = signal failure
Xx11 xxxx = reserved
X1xx xxxx = initialization is running
X0xx xxxx = initialization is ready
1xxx xxxx = reserved
0xxx xxxx = reserved
Installation Notes
Important: In order not to exceed the maximum vibration level, the
mount should be damped and not resonate.
For measuring the yaw and roll rate the LAS-1 can be connected di-
rectly to most control units and data logging systems.
The lean angle of motorcycles can be calculated in a MS 5 with motor-
cycle functionality.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated fixing holes.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Lean Angle Sensor LAS-1
Order number F 02U V00 657-01
210 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 211

Yaw Rate Sensor YRS 3
u Yaw rate and acceleration measurement
u CAN output
u 15 Hz low-pass filtered
u Measurement ranges: 4.1 g; 160/s
This sensor is designed to measure the physical effects
of yawing, lateral and longitudinal acceleration. In order
to achieve this, the sensor features both a measuring el-
ement for yaw rate and two for acceleration, with one
appropriate integrated circuit.
A rotation around the third orthogonal axis, a yaw rate,
creates a Coriolis force on the accelerometers, which is
detected by the element. Apart from the measuring ele-
ment for yaw rate, a pure surface micro machined meas-
uring element for acceleration is utilized to measure the
vehicles lateral and longitudinal acceleration. This ena-
bles a very precise application.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is its wide
measuring range, the standardized 1 Mbaud/s CAN-sig-
nal output and the combination of high quality produc-
tion part and robust design.
Application I 160/s
Application II 4.1 g
Operating temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 65 g
Size 34 x 80 x 84 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 7 to 18 V
Max input current 130 mA
CAN speed 1 Mbaud/s
CAN Message
CAN_ID_01 0x70
Byte Value
0 Yaw Rate 1
2 Reserved
4 Acc Y-axis
6 Reserved
7 Unused
CAN_ID_02 0x80
Byte Value
0 Yaw Angular Acceleration
2 Reserved
4 Acc X-axis
6 Reserved
7 Unused
Characteristic Application I
Measuring range 160 /s
Over range limit 1,000 /s
Absolute resolution 0.1 /s
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz
Characteristic Application I I
Measuring range 4.1 g
Over range limit 10 g
Absolute resolution 0.01 g
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) 15 Hz
212 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Connectors and Wires
Connector AMP 114-18063-076
Mating connector
4-pole DRS
F 02U B00 435-01 (connector
F 02U 002 460-01 (connector
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 CANL
Pin 3 CANH
Pin 4 UBat
CAN Parameters
Byte order LSB (Intel)
CAN speed 1 MBaud/s
Bit mask signed
Offset (all signals) 0x8000 hex
Quantization Yaw Rate 1 0.005 [/s/digit]
Quantization Yaw Ang. Acc 0.125 [/s
Quantization Acc X-axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Quantization Acc Y-axis 0.0001274 [g/digit]
Installation Notes
The YRS 3 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
The sensor is protected against reverse polarity and short-circuits.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated fixing holes.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Yaw Rate Sensor YRS 3
Order number 0 265 005 838
Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors | 213

214 | Sensors | Dynamic Vehicle Sensors

Gear Shift Sensor GSS-2
u Strain gauge technology
u Measurement range: -450 to 450 N
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure force relative to gear
shifting in order to control the engine operation allow-
ing the driver to maintain no-lift-shift/full throttle during
shifting (up and down).
A circuit of precise resistors and an integrated amplifier
supply a force dependent output voltage signal. As soon
as this signal exceeds a certain threshold value in the
ECU, the ignition and injection can be adjusted automat-
ically according to the individual ECU application.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of high quality production part and robust design
with metal housing and motorsport spec connection.
Furthermore this sensor has a dual way functionality.
Measuring range -450 to 450 N
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 Hz to 2 kHz
Operating temperature range 0 to 80C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 90 g
Size 65 x 16 x 16 mm
Mounting 2 x M10 x 1
Tightening torque 22 Nm
Mech. range programmable up
450 N
800 N
Mech. load limit 1800 N
Max. cycles at 300 N 300,000 cycles
Electrical Data
Power supply 12 V
Signal Output 0,5 to 4,5 V
Zero Output 2,5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensor voltage
Force (N) Voltage (V)
450 4.673
360 4.225
270 3.797
180 3.397
90 2.941
0 2.538
-90 2.141
-180 1.672
-270 1.255
-360 0.820
-450 0.402
Sensors | Gear Shift Sensor | 215

Installation Notes
The GSS-2 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated thread.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Gear Shift Sensor GSS-2
Order number B 261 209 227-01
216 | Sensors | Gear Shift Sensor

Knock Sensor KS-P
u Engine vibration measurements
u Measurement range 1 to 20 kHz
u Robust design
u Integrated series connector
This sensor is used for detecting structural born vibra-
tions in spark ignition engines due to uncontrolled com-
bustion. This sensor is suitable for operation in extreme
Due to the inertia of the seismic mass, the sensor moves
in correlation to the engine block vibration; this motion
results in a compressive force which is converted into a
voltage signal via a piezoceramic sensor element. As a
result, upper and lower voltage thresholds can be de-
fined directly correlating to an acceleration magnitude.
The main benefits of this sensor are its robust mechani-
cal design, compact housing and precise determination
of structure-related noise. The small packaging is ac-
complished by integrating the connector directly to the
Application 1 to 20 kHz
Operating temperature range -40 to 130C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread (for cast) M8x25
Male thread (for AI) M8x30
Installation torque 205 Nm
Weight w/o wire 48 g
Protection IP 54
Electrical Data
Range of frequency 1 to 20 kHz
Sensitivity at 5 kHz 26 8 mV/g
Max. sensitivity changing (life-
-17 %
Linearity between 5 to 15 kHz
(from 5 kHz value)
-10 to 20 %
Linearity between 15 to 20 kHz
(linear increasing with freq)
20 to 50 %
Main resonance frequency > 25 kHz
Impedance > 1 M
Temperature dependence of
0,06 mV/gC
Capacity field 800 to 1400 pF
Connectors and Wires
Connector Y 280 A62 566A
Connector loom
2-pole Compact
D 261 205 337-01
Pin 1 Sig+
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Scr
Installation Notes
The KS-P can be connected to all Bosch Motorsport ECUs featuring
knock control
The sensor must rest directly on the brass compression sleeve during
To ensure low-resonance coupling of the sensor to the measurement
location, the contact surface must be clean and properly machined to
provide a secure flush mounting.
The sensor wire is to be routed such that no resonance vibration can
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Knock Sensor KS-P
Order number 0 261 231 120
Sensors | Knock Sensors | 217

218 | Sensors | Knock Sensors

Knock Sensor KS-R
u Engine vibration measurements
u Measurement range 1 to 20 kHz
u Robust design
This sensor is used for detecting structural born vibra-
tions in spark ignition engines due to uncontrolled com-
bustion. This sensor is suitable for operation in extreme
Due to the inertia of the seismic mass, the sensor moves
in correlation to the engine block vibration; this motion
results in a compressive force which is converted into a
voltage signal via a piezoceramic sensor element. As a
result, upper and lower voltage thresholds can be de-
fined directly correlating to an acceleration magnitude.
The main benefits of this sensor are its robust mechani-
cal design, compact housing and precise determination
of structure-related noise. Connection to this sensor can
be tailored to customer requirements through specified
wire lengths and various connector options.
Application 1 to 20 kHz
Operating temperature range -40 to 130C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread (for cast) M8x25
Male thread (for AI) M8x30
Installation torque 20 5 Nm
Weight w/o wire 82 g
Protection IP 54
Electrical Data
Range of frequency 1 to 20 kHz
Sensitivity at 5 kHz 26 8 mV/g
Max. sensitivity changing (life-
-17 %
Linearity between 5 to 15 kHz
(from 5 kHz value)
-10 to 20 %
Linearity between 15 to 20 kHz
(linear increasing with freq)
20 to 50 %
Main resonance frequency > 25 kHz
Impedance > 1 M
Temperature dependence of
0,06 mV/gC
Capacity field 800 to 1400 pF
Connectors and Wires
Connector A 261 230 076
Mating connector
3-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 289-01
Pin 1 Sig +
Pin 2 Sig -
Pin 3 Scr
Sleeve Elastomer
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 50 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors on request.
Installation Notes
The KS-P can be connected to all Bosch Motorsport ECUs featuring
knock control
The sensor must rest directly on the brass compression sleeve during
To ensure low-resonance coupling of the sensor to the measurement
location, the contact surface must be clean and properly machined to
provide a secure flush mounting.
The sensor wire is to be routed such that no resonance vibration can
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Knock Sensor KS-R
Order number 0 261 231 047
Sensors | Knock Sensors | 219

220 | Sensors | Knock Sensors

Lambda Sensor LSU 4.2
u Application: lambda 0.65 to
u Wide-band
u Exhaust gas temperature range (max.) for short
time <1,030C
u Max. Hexagon temperature 570C
This sensor is designed to measure the proportion of
oxygen in exhaust gases of automotive gasoline engines.
The wide band lambda sensor LSU 4.2 is a planar ZrO
dual cell limiting current sensor with integrated heater.
Its monotonic output signal in the range of lambda 0.65
to air makes the LSU capable of being used as a univer-
sal sensor for lambda 1 measurement as well as for oth-
er lambda ranges. The connector module contains a
trimming resistor, which defines the characteristic of
the sensor.
The main benefit of the LSU is the very robust design
combined with the high Bosch production quality stand-
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a
special LSU-IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs
and lambda control units like LT4. Youll find this unit
and more on our homepage at Accessories/Expansion
Application lambda 0.65 to
Fuel compatibility Gasoline
Exhaust gas temperature range
Exhaust gas temperature range
(max.) for short time
< 1,030C
Hexagon temperature < 570C
Cable and protective sleeve tem-
< 250C
Connector temperature < 120C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration (stochastic peak
300 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 120 g
Length 84 mm
Thread M18x1.5
Wrench size 22 mm
Tightening torque 40 to 60 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply H+ nominal 9 V
Heater power steady state 10 W
Heater control frequency >2 Hz
Nominal resistance of Nernst cell 80
Max. current load for Nernst cell 10(DC)/250(AC) A
Signal output I
Accuracy at lambda 0.8 0.80 0.01
Accuracy at lambda 1 1.016 0.007
Accuracy at lambda 1.7 1.70 0.05
[mA] lambda U
[V], v=17
-1.85 0.70 -
-1.08 0.80 0.364
-0.76 0.85 0.700
-0.47 0.90 1.005
0.00 1.009 1.500
0.34 1.18 1.858
0.68 1.43 2.216
0.95 1.70 2.500
1.40 2.42 2.973
2.55 Air 4.183
Please note: U
is not an output signal of the lambda sensor, but the
output of the evaluation circuit. Only I
correlates with the oxygen con-
tent of the exhaust gas.
Heater Strategy
[C] -40 -10 20 50
H, eff, max
(t=0) [V] 8,5 9,5 10,5 10,5
Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 221

Connectors and Wires
Connector Y 928 K00 050
Mating connector D 261 205 138-01
Pin 1 IP/APE
Pin 2 UN/RE
Pin 3 VM/IPN
Pin 4 Uh-/H-
Pin 5 Uh+/H
Pin 6 IA/RT
Wire length L 60.0 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Installation Notes
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a special LSU-
IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs and lambda control units like
LT4. Youll find this unit and more on our homepage at Accessories/
Expansion Modules.
The lambda sensor should be installed at point which permits the
measurement of a representative exhaust -gas mixture, which does
not exceed the maximum permissible temperature.
Install at a point where the gas is as hot as possible.
Observe the maximum permissible temperature.
As far as possible install the sensor vertically (wire upwards).
The sensor is not to be fitted near to the exhaust pipe outlet, so that
the influence of the outside air can be ruled out.
The exhaust-gas passage opposite the sensor must be free of leaks in
order to avoid the effects of leak -air.
Protect the sensor against condensation water.
The sensor is not to be painted, nor is wax to be applied or any other
forms of treatment. Use only the recommended grease for lubricating
the thread.
Please find further installation notes in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.2
Order number 0 258 006 065
222 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 223

Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9
u Application: lambda 0.65 to
u Wide band
u Exhaust gas temperature range (max.) for short
time < 1,030C
u Max. Hexagon temperature 600C
This sensor is designed to measure the proportion of
oxygen in exhaust gases of automotive engines (gasoline
or Diesel).
The wide band lambda sensor LSU 4.9 is a planar ZrO
dual cell limiting current sensor with integrated heater.
Its monotonic output signal in the range of lambda 0.65
to air makes the LSU 4.9 capable of being used as a uni-
versal sensor for lambda 1 measurement as well as for
other lambda ranges. The connector module contains a
trimming resistor, which defines the characteristic of
the sensor.
The main benefit of the LSU 4.9 is the robust design
combined with the high Bosch production quality stand-
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a
special LSU-IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs
and lambda control units like LT4. Youll find this unit
and more on our homepage at Accessories/Expansion
Application lambda 0.65 to
Fuel compatibility gasoline/Diesel/E85
Exhaust gas pressure < 4 bar
Exhaust gas temperature range
< 930C
Exhaust gas temperature range
(max.) for short time
< 1,030C
Hexagon temperature < 600C
Wire and protective sleeve tem-
< 250C
Connector temperature < 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration (stochastic peak
300 m/s
Technical Specifications
LSU 4.9 with automotive connector
Connector 1 928 404 682
Mating connector D 261 205 356-01
Pin 1 IP / APE
Pin 2 VM / IPN
Pin 3 Uh- / H-
Pin 4 Uh+ / H
Pin 5 IA / RT
Pin 6 UN / RE
Wire length L 95.0 cm
LSU 4.9 with motorsports connector
Connector AS 6-07-35PN
Mating connector AS 0-07-35SN
Pin 1 Uh+ / H
Pin 2 Uh- / H-
Pin 3 IP / APE
Pin 4 VM / IPN
Pin 5 UN / RE
Pin 6 IA / RT
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 120 g
Length 84 mm
Thread M18x1.5
Wrench size 22 mm
Tightening torque 40 to 60 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply H+ nominal 7.5 V
System supply voltage 10.8 V to 16.5 V
Heater power steady state 7.5 W
Heater control frequency 100 Hz
Nominal resistance of Nernst cell 300
Max current load for Nernst cell 250 A
224 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

Signal output I
Accuracy at lambda 0.8 0.80 0.01
Accuracy at lambda 1 1.016 0.007
Accuracy at lambda 1.7 1.70 0.05
[mA] lambda U
[V], v=17 U
[V], v=8
-2.000 0.650 - 0.510
-1.602 0.700 - 0.707
-1.243 0.750 0.192 0.884
-0.927 0.800 0.525 1.041
-0.800 0.822 0.658 1.104
-0.652 0.850 0.814 1.177
-0.405 0.900 1.074 1.299
-0.183 0.950 1.307 1.409
-0.106 0.970 1.388 1.448
-0.040 0.990 1.458 1.480
0 1.003 1.500 1.500
0.015 1.010 1.515 1.507
0.097 1.050 1.602 1.548
0.193 1.100 1.703 1.596
0.250 1.132 1.763 1.624
0.329 1.179 1.846 1.663
0.671 1.429 2.206 1.832
0.938 1.701 2.487 1.964
1.150 1.990 2.710 2.069
1.385 2.434 2.958 2.186
1.700 3.413 3.289 2.342
2.000 5.391 3.605 2.490
2.150 7.506 3.762 2.565
2.250 10.119 3.868 2.614
Please note: U
is not an output signal of the lambda sensor, but the
output of the evaluation circuit. Only I
correlates with the oxygen con-
tent of the exhaust gas. Amplification factor v=17 is typically used for
lean applications (lambda>1), amplification factor v=8 is typically
used for rich applications (lambda<1).
Heater Strategy
13 V
1.5 V
8.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector Please see variations
Mating connector Please see variations
Sleeve fiber glass / silicone coated
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length Please see variations
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Installation Notes
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a special LSU-
IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs and lambda control units like
LT4. Youll find this unit and more on our homepage at Accessories/
Expansion Modules.
The lambda sensor should be installed at point which permits the
measurement of a representative exhaust-gas mixture, which does not
exceed the maximum permissible temperature.
Install at a point where the gas is as hot as possible.
Observe the maximum permissible temperature.
As far as possible install the sensor vertically (wire upwards).
The sensor is not to be fitted near to the exhaust pipe outlet, so that
the influence of the outside air can be ruled out.
The exhaust-gas passage opposite the sensor must be free of leaks in
order to avoid the effects of leak-air.
Protect the sensor against condensation water.
The sensor is not to be painted, nor is wax to be applied or any other
forms of treatment. Use only the recommended grease for lubricating
the thread.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9
With automotive connector, wire length 95 cm
Order number 0 258 017 025
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9
With motorsports connector. Please specify the re-
quired wire length with your order.
Order number B 261 209 356-05
Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 225

226 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9D
u Lambda control for Diesel engines
u Wide band
u Exhaust gas temperature range (max.) for short
time < 1,030C
u Max. Hexagon temperature 600C
This sensor is designed to measure the proportion of
oxygen in exhaust gases of automotive engines. Due to
its protective tube the LSU 4.9D is especially designed
for Diesel applications.
The wide band lambda sensor LSU 4.9D is a planar ZrO
dual cell limiting current sensor with integrated heater.
Its monotonic output signal in the range of lambda =
0.65 to air makes the LSU capable of being used as a
universal sensor for lambda = 1 measurement as well as
for other lambda ranges. The connector module con-
tains a trimming resistor, which defines the characteris-
tic of the sensor.
The main benefit of the LSU is the robust design com-
bined with the high Bosch production quality standard.
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a
special LSU-IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs
and lambda control units like LT4. Youll find this unit
and more on our homepage at Accessories/Expansion
Application lambda 0.65 to
Fuel compatibility Diesel
Exhaust gas pressure < 4 bar
Exhaust gas temperature range
< 930C
Exhaust gas temperature range
(max.) for short time
< 1,030C
Hexagon temperature < 600C
Wire and protective sleeve tem-
< 250C
Connector temperature < 140C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration (stochastic peak
300 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 120 g
Length 84 mm
Thread M18x1.5
Wrench size 22 mm
Tightening torque 40 to 60 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply H+ nominal 7.5 V
System supply voltage 10.8 V to 16.5 V
Heater power steady state 7.5 W
Heater control frequency 100 Hz
Nominal resistance of Nernst cell 300
Max current load for Nernst cell 250 A
Signal output I
Accuracy at lambda = 0.8 0.80 0.01
Accuracy at lambda = 1 1.016 0.007
Accuracy at lambda = 1.7 1.70 0.05
[mA] lambda U
[V], v=17 U
[V], v=8
-2.000 0.650 - 0.510
-1.602 0.700 - 0.707
-1.243 0.750 0.192 0.884
-0.927 0.800 0.525 1.041
-0.800 0.822 0.658 1.104
-0.652 0.850 0.814 1.177
-0.405 0.900 1.074 1.299
-0.183 0.950 1.307 1.409
-0.106 0.970 1.388 1.448
-0.040 0.990 1.458 1.480
0 1.003 1.500 1.500
0.015 1.010 1.515 1.507
0.097 1.050 1.602 1.548
0.193 1.100 1.703 1.596
0.250 1.132 1.763 1.624
Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 227

0.329 1.179 1.846 1.663
0.671 1.429 2.206 1.832
0.938 1.701 2.487 1.964
1.150 1.990 2.710 2.069
1.385 2.434 2.958 2.186
1.700 3.413 3.289 2.342
2.000 5.391 3.605 2.490
2.150 7.506 3.762 2.565
2.250 10.119 3.868 2.614
Please note: U
is not an output signal of the lambda sensor, but the
output of the evaluation circuit. Only I
correlates with the oxygen con-
tent of the exhaust gas. Amplification factor v=17 is typically used for
lean applications (lambda>1), amplification factor v=8 is typically
used for rich applications (lambda<1).
Heater Strategy
[C] -40 -10 20 50
H, eff, max
(t=0) [V] 8,5 9,5 10,5 10,5
13 V
1.5 V
8.5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector 1 928 404 687
Mating connector on request
Pin 1 IP / APE
Pin 2 VM / IPN
Pin 3 Uh- / H-
Pin 4 Uh+ / H
Pin 5 IA / RT
Pin 6 UN / RE
Sleeve fiber glas / silicone coated
Wire length L 30 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a special LSU-
IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs and lambda control units like
LT4. Youll find this unit and more on our homepage at Accessories/
Expansion Modules.
The lambda sensor should be installed at a point which permits the
measurement of a representative exhaust-gas mixture, which does not
exceed the maximum permissible temperature.
Install at a point where the gas is as hot as possible.
Observe the maximum permissible temperature.
As far as possible install the sensor vertically (wire upwards).
The sensor is not to be fitted near to the exhaust pipe outlet, so that
the influence of the outside air can be ruled out.
The exhaust-gas passage opposite the sensor must be free of leaks in
order to avoid the effects of leak-air.
Protect the sensor against condensation water.
The sensor is not to be painted, nor is wax to be applied or any other
forms of treatment. Use only the recommended grease for lubricating
the thread.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9D
Order number 0 281 004 135
228 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 229

Lambda Sensor Mini-LSU 4.9
u Application: lambda 0.65 to
u Wide band
u Inconel sensor housing
u Exhaust gas temperature range (max.) for short
time < 1,030C
u Max. Hexagon temperature 700C
This sensor is designed to measure the proportion of
oxygen in exhaust gases of automotive engines (gasoline
or Diesel).
The wide band lambda sensor Mini-LSU 4.9 is a planar
dual cell limiting current sensor with integrated
heater. Its monotonic output signal in the range of lamb-
da = 0.65 to air makes the LSU capable of being used as
a universal sensor for lambda = 1 measurement as well
as for lean and rich ranges.
The connector housing contains a trimming resistor,
which defines the characteristic of the sensor. The main
benefit of the Mini-LSU 4.9 is its very compact design in
combination with the high Bosch production quality
standard. The Mini-LSU is produced and tested in a
handmade process.
The complete light weight housing is made of Inconel
which makes it resistant against high temperatures. The
sensor element is more than 50 % smaller than it is in
the production lambda sensor. It is connected over sil-
ver coated steel cables to make it more reliable against
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a
special LSU-IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs
and lambda control units like LT4. Youll find this unit
and more on our homepage at Accessories/Expansion
Application lambda 0.65 to
Fuel compatibility gasoline/Diesel/E85
Exhaust gas pressure < 4 bar
Exhaust gas temperature range
< 930C
Exhaust gas temperature range
(max.) for short time
< 1,030C
Hexagon temperature 700C
Wire and protective sleeve tem-
< 250C
Connector temperature < 150C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration (stochastic peak
300 m/s
(see Installation
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 28 g
Length 60 mm
Thread M16x1.5
Wrench size 17 mm
Tightening torque 60 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply H+ nominal 7.5 V
System supply voltage H+ (min) 10.8 V
Heater power steady state 7.5 W
Heater control frequency 100 Hz
Nominal resistance of Nernst cell 300
Max. current load for Nernst cell 250 A
Signal output I
Accuracy at lambda 0.8 0.80 0.01
Accuracy at lambda 1 1.016 0.007
Accuracy at lambda 1.7 1.70 0.05
[mA] lambda U
[V], v=17 U
[V], v=8
-2.000 0.650 - 0.510
-1.602 0.700 - 0.707
-1.243 0.750 0.192 0.884
-0.927 0.800 0.525 1.041
-0.800 0.822 0.658 1.104
-0.652 0.850 0.814 1.177
-0.405 0.900 1.074 1.299
-0.183 0.950 1.307 1.409
-0.106 0.970 1.388 1.448
-0.040 0.990 1.458 1.480
0 1.003 1.500 1.500
0.015 1.010 1.515 1.507
230 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

0.097 1.050 1.602 1.548
0.193 1.100 1.703 1.596
0.250 1.132 1.763 1.624
0.329 1.179 1.846 1.663
0.671 1.429 2.206 1.832
0.938 1.701 2.487 1.964
1.150 1.990 2.710 2.069
1.385 2.434 2.958 2.186
1.700 3.413 3.289 2.342
2.000 5.391 3.605 2.490
2.150 7.506 3.762 2.565
2.250 10.119 3.868 2.614
Please note: U
is not an output signal of the lambda sensor, but the
output of the evaluation circuit. Only I
correlates with the oxygen con-
tent of the exhaust gas. Amplification factor v=17 is typically used for
lean applications (lambda>1), amplification factor v=8 is typically
used for rich applications (lambda<1).
Heater Strategy
11.62 V
13 V
1.5 V
=0.15 V/s
7.53 V
Resistance/LSU Temperature
R (Ohm) Temp (C)
80 1030
150 888
200 840
250 806
300 780
350 761
400 744
450 729
550 703
650 686
800 665
1000 642
1200 628
2500 567
Connectors and Wires
Connector 1 928 404 682
Connector loom on request
Pin 1 IP/APE
Pin 2 VM/IPN
Pin 3 Uh-/M-
Pin 4 Uh+/M+
Pin 5 IA/RT
Pin 6 UN/RE
Sleeve fiber glass / silicone coated
Wire size AWG 22
Wire length L 30 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
This lambda sensor operates only in combination with a special LSU-
IC, used in most Bosch Motorsport ECUs and lambda control units like
LT4. Youll find this unit and more on our homepage at Accessories/
Expansion Modules.
The lambda sensor should be installed at point which permits the
measurement of a representative exhaust-gas mixture and which does
not exceed the maximum permissible temperature.
Install at a point where the gas is as hot as possible.
Observe the maximum permissible temperature.
Sensors should be installed as close to vertical as possible (wire up-
The sensor is not to be fitted near to the exhaust pipe outlet, so that
the influence of the outside air can be ruled out.
The exhaust system up stand and surrounding the sensor must be
sealed in order to avoid the effects of leakage air.
Protect the sensor against condensation water. The sensor is not to be
painted, nor is wax to be applied or any other forms of treatment. Use
only the recommended grease for lubricating the thread.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
A higher maximum vibration profile is possible and should be deter-
mined by the customers individual application.
Ordering Information
Lambda Sensor Mini-LSU 4.9
Order number B 258 490 103-26
Sensors | Lambda Sensors | 231

232 | Sensors | Lambda Sensors

Linear Potentiometer LP 10
u Measurement range 0 to 10 mm
u Low power consumption
u Compact design
The LP 10 is a short length linear potentiometer which
is designed to measure the relative position of two
points, e.g. the stabilizer movement.
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with a hard metal housing and low power consump-
Application 0 to 10 mm
Temperature range -20 to 85C
Storage temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 70 g
Min. length 50 mm
Mounting 2 x M3
Tightening torque 2 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Nominal resistance 1 k
Resistance tolerance 20 %
Non-linearity 1 %
Max. current 1 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector KPSE 6E8-33P-DN
Connector loom
F 02U 000 115-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 10 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Optional mounting modifications are available.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Comes with a spring return shaft.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 10
Order number B 261 209 535-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 233

234 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 25
u Measurement range 0 to 25 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 25 is a linear potentiometer which is designed to
measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing and
low power consumption.
Application 0 to 25 mm
Temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 68 g
Min. length 147 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP65
Max. shaft velocity 1 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 22 V
Nominal resistance 1 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.25 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05SA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05PA-HE
F 02U 000 232-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 20 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 25 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Optional mounting modifications are available.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Comes with a spring return shaft.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 25
Order number B 261 209 547-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 235

236 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer
LP 25 twin
u Measurement range 0 to 25 mm
u Double output
u Aluminum housing
The LP 25 twin is a linear potentiometer which is de-
signed to measure the relative position of two points,
e.g. the gear position, throttle position or suspension
movement and for use in electronic throttle control sys-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving ends to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing, low
power consumption and infinite resolution.
Application 0 to 25 mm
Temperature range -30 to 100C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 60 g
Min. length 95 mm
Mounting 3 mm
Protection IP66
Max. shaft velocity < 10 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 22 V
Nominal resistance 1 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.25 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector AS 6-07-35PN
Connector loom
AS 0-07-35SN
F 02U 000 238-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd 1
Pin 3 Sig 1
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 Gnd 2
Pin 6 Sig 2
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 25 twin can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Application where redundant signals are necessary to ensure system
runs failsafe.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 25 twin
Order number B 261 209 858-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 237

238 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 50
u Measurement range: 0 to 50 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 50 is a linear potentiometer which is designed to
measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
The operating mode of this sensor is based on the linear
tape potentiometer principle where the distance travel-
led between the moving end to the wiper is proportional
to the resistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing, low
power consumption and infinite resolution.
Application 0 to 50 mm
Temperature range -40 to 105C
Storage temperature range -55 to 125C
Max. vibration 100 m/s
at 10 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 27 g
Min. length 172 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP64
Max. shaft velocity 1.5 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 42 V
Nominal resistance 4.7 k
Resistance tolerance 20 %
Non-linearity 0.25 %
Max. current 1 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector KPSE 6E8-33P-DN
Mating connector
F 02U 000 115-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 50 can be connected directly to the most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Ball joints at shaft end and case.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 50
Order number B 261 209 133-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 239

240 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer
LP 50 twin
u Measurement range: 0 to 50 mm
u Double output
u Aluminum housing
The LP 50 twin is a linear potentiometer which is de-
signed to measure the relative position of two points,
e.g. the gear position, throttle position or suspension
movement and for use in electronic throttle control sys-
It works base on the linear tape potentiometer principle
where the distance traveled between the moving end to
the wiper is proportional to the resistance between
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing, low
power consumption and infinite resolution.
Application 0 to 50 mm
Temperature range -30 to 100C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 66 g
Min. length 120 mm
Mounting 3 mm
Protection IP66
Max. shaft velocity < 10 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. < 45 V
Nominal resistance 2 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.25 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector AS 6-07-35PN
Connector loom
AS 0-07-35SN
F 02U 000 238-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd 1
Pin 3 Sig 1
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 Gnd 2
Pin 6 Sig 2
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 50 twin can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Application where redundant signals are necessary to ensure system
runs failsafe.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 50 twin
Order number B 261 209 859-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 241

242 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 75
u Measurement range: 0 to 75 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 75 is a linear potentiometer which is designed to
measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with hard metal housing and low power consump-
Application 0 to 75 mm
Temperature range 40 to 85C
Max. vibration 126 m/s
at 10 to 12 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 78 g
Min. length 223.6 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP66
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 67 V
Nominal resistance 3 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.15 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 75 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Ball joints at shaft end and case.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 75
Order number B 261 209 856-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 243

244 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 75F
u Measurement range: 0 to 75 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 75F is a linear potentiometer which is designed
to measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
The operating mode of this sensor is based on the linear
tape potentiometer principle where the distance travel-
led between the moving end to the wiper is proportional
to the resistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its compact and lightweight
design together with its wider operating temperature
Application 0 to 75 mm
Temperature range -30 to 100C
Max. vibration 126 m/s
at 10 to 12 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 78 g
Min. length 223.6 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP66
Max. shaft velocity 10 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 67 V
Nominal resistance 3 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.15 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector KPSE 6E8-33P-DN-A34
Mating connector
F 02U 000 115-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 75F can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 75F
Order number B 261 209 852-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 245

246 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 100
u Measurement range: 0 to 100 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 100 is a linear potentiometer which is designed
to measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing, low
power consumption and infinite resolution.
Application 0 to 100 mm
Temperature range -40 to 85C
Max. vibration 126 m/s
at 10 to 12kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 98 g
Min. length [L1] 227 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP66
Max. shaft velocity 10 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 74 V
Nominal resistance 4 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.15 %
Power supply 5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 100 can be connected directly with most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Ball joints at shaft end and case.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 100
Order number B 261 209 857-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 247

248 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 100F
u Measurement range: 0 to 100 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 100F is a linear potentiometer which is designed
to measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its compact and lightweight
design together with its wider operating temperature
Application 0 to 100 mm
Temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 126 m/s
at 10 to 12 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 85 g
Min. length [L1] 220 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP65
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 74 V
Nominal resistance 4 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.15 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector KPSE 6E8-33P-DN-A34
Connector loom
F 02U 000 115-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 100F can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
The LP 100F can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 100F
Order number B 261 209 853-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 249

250 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Linear Potentiometer LP 150
u Measurement range: 0 to 150 mm
u Aluminum housing
u Low power consumption
The LP 150 is a linear potentiometer which is designed
to measure the relative position of two points, e.g. the
gear position, throttle position or suspension move-
Its operating mode is based on the linear tape potenti-
ometer principle where the distance travelled between
the moving end to the wiper is proportional to the re-
sistance between them.
The advantage of this LP is its precise and compact de-
sign with an anodized aluminum cylindrical housing, low
power consumption and infinite resolution
Application 0 to 150 mm
Temperature range -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 118 g
Min. length 282 mm
Mounting 2 x M5
Tightening torque 10 Nm
Protection IP65
Max. shaft velocity 1 m/sec
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 130 V
Nominal resistance 6 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.15 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 25 cm
Various motorsports and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The LP 150 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Ball joints at shaft end and case.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Linear Potentiometer LP 150
Order number B 261 209 534-01
Sensors | Linear Potentiometers | 251

252 | Sensors | Linear Potentiometers

Pressure Sensor Air PSA-B
u Absolute air pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.1 to 1.15 bar or 0.2 to 2.5
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure absolute air pres-
sure, especially the air box pressure of gasoline or Die-
sel engines.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element and electronic systems for signal-amplification
and temperature-compensation. The output of the sen-
sor is an analog, ratio metric signal.
Two different pressure ranges are available (0.1 to 1.15
bar or 0.2 to 2.5 bar).
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of both high quality production part and motor-
sport connector.
Application Please see variations
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 5 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C
Media temp. range -40 to 130C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 280 m/s
at 200 Hz, 125 m/s
440 Hz, sine
Technical Specifications
PSA-B (0.1 to 1.15
PSA-B (0.2 to 2.50
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V
0.016 bar 0.034 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.4 % 1.36 %
Sensitivity 4,048 mV/bar 1,848 mV/bar
Offset -4.8 mV 30.4 mV
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 12.05 mm
Weight w/o wire 17 g
Sealing O-ring 7.59 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max. power supply 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Response time T10/90 1 ms
Compensated range 10 to 85C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V Please see variations
Tolerance (FS) Please see variations
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Tolerance 0.1 to 1.15 bar
Tolerance 0.2 to 2.5 bar
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 253

Expansion of Tolerance
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSA-B is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22
and Diesel.
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-low pass filter (tau = 2
ms) is recommended.
Use engine oil (5W40) as O-Ring grease (no silicone based grease).
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
0.1 to 1.15 bar
Order number B 261 209 702-01
0.2 to 2.5 bar
Order number B 261 209 710-01
Adapter for PSA-B
Order number B 261 209 725-01
254 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air


711. 85
53. 4

ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 255

Pressure Sensor Air PSA-C
u Absolute air pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.2 to 1.05 bar or 0.2 to 2.5
u Analog output
u External tube connector
This sensor is designed to measure absolute air pres-
sure, especially the air box pressure of gasoline or Die-
sel engines.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element and electronics for signal-amplification and
temperature-compensation. Air pressure is supplied to
the sensor via a tube connector. The output of the sen-
sor is an analog, ratio metric signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of the high quality of the production part and a
low price.
Application Please see Ordering information
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 5 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 20 m/s
at 10 to 1,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSA-C (0.2 to 1.05
PSA-C (0.2 to 2.50
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V
0.014 bar 0.034 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.33 % 1.36 %
Sensitivity 5,000 mV/bar 1,848 mV/bar
Offset -600 mV 30 mV
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 6 mm
Weight w/o wire 40 g
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max. 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Response time T10/90 10 ms
Compensated range 10 to 85C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V Please see variations
Tolerance (FS) Please see variations
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Tolerance 0.2 to 1.05 bar
Tolerance 0.2 to 2.50 bar
256 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

Expansion of Tolerance
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Jetronic
Mating connector
3-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 289-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Installation Notes
The PSA-C is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22
and Diesel.
Avoid liquid entering the measuring cell.
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-low pass filter (tau = 2
ms) is recommended.
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
0.2 to 1.05 bar
Order number 0 261 230 037
0.2 to 2.50 bar
Order number 0 281 002 389
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 257

258 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

Pressure Sensor Air PSB-2
u Absolute air pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.1 to 2.0 bar
u Analog output
This sensor is designed for precise measurements of ab-
solute air pressure, especially the air box and boost
pressure of gasoline or Diesel engines.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element and electronics for signal-amplification and
temperature-compensation. The output of the sensor is
an analog, ratio metric signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of the high quality of the production part and an
individual calibration. Each sensor is delivered with a
calibration sheet to enable very small measurement tol-
Application 0.1 to 2.0 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 5 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C
Media temp. range -40 to 130C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 280 m/s
at 200 Hz, 125 m/s
440 Hz, sine
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 12,05 mm
Weight w/o wire 17 g
Sealing O-ring 7.59 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max. 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Response time T10/90 1 ms
Compensated range 10 to 85C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.028 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.4 %
Sensitivity 2,236 mV/bar
(an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Offset 176 mV
(an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Expansion of Tolerance
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 259

Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire Size AWG 24
Wire Length L 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSB-2 is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22
and Diesel.
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-lowpass filter (tau = 2
ms) is recommended.
Use engine oil (5W40) as O-Ring grease (no silicone based grease).
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
To optimise the accuracy of this sensor, an individual calibration data
sheet is delivered with each sensor.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-2
Order number B 261 209 337-01
260 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

711. 85
7. 4
53. 4
ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 261

Pressure Sensor Air PSB-4
u Absolute air pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.5 to 4.0 bar
u Analog output
u Very short response time
This sensor is designed to measure absolute air pres-
sure, especially the air box and boost pressure of gaso-
line or Diesel engines over a wide range.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element, electronics for signal-amplification and temper-
ature-compensation. The output of the sensor is an ana-
log, ratio metric signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of the high quality of the production part and an
individual calibration. Each sensor is delivered with a
calibration sheet to enable very small measurement tol-
erances. Furthermore the sensor has a very short re-
sponse time.
Application 0.5 to 4 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 6 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C
Media temp. range -40 to 130C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 20 m/s
at 10 to 1,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 12.05 mm
Weight w/o wire 20 g
Sealing O-ring 7.59 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.5 to 5.5 V
Max power supply U
max. 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Response time T10/90 0.2 ms
Compensated range 0 to 80C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.056 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.4 %
Sensitivity 1,143 mV/bar
(an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Offset -71 mV
(an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Expansion of Tolerance
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
262 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSB-4 is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22
and Diesel.
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
Use engine oil (5W40) as O-Ring grease (no silicone based grease).
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
Please note that the 6mm tube connector has no function.
To optimize the accuracy of this sensor, an individual calibration sheet
is delivered with each sensor.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing.
Free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch
Data Logging System
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-4
Order number B 261 209 348-01
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 263

Pressure Sensor Air PSP
u Absolute air pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.2 to 3.0 bar
u Analog output
u Very short response time
This sensor is designed to measure absolute air-pres-
sure, especially the air box pressure of gasoline or Die-
sel engines.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element and an electronic for signal-amplification and
temperature compensation. The output of the sensor is
an analog, ratio metric signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of both high quality production part and motor-
sport connector.
Application 0.2 to 3 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 5 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 0.19 mm at 100 to 200 Hz
250 m/s
at 200 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 12.05 mm
Weight w/o wire 17 g
Sealing O-ring 7.59 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.5 to 5.5 V
Max power supply U
max 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Response time T10/90 0.2 ms
Compensated range 10 to 85C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.042 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.4 %
Sensitivity 1,518 mV/bar
Offset 96 mV
Expansion of Tolerance
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Gnd
264 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSP is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22 and
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-low pass filter (tau = 2
ms) is recommended.
Use engine oil (5W40) as O-Ring grease (no silicone based grease).
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Air PSP
Order number B 261 209 690-01
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 265

Pressure Sensor Air PST
u Absolute air pressure and temperature measure-
u Measurement range 0.1 to 1.15 bar
u Analog output
u Very short response time
This sensor is designed to measure absolute air pres-
sure and air temperature, especially the air box pressure
of gasoline or Diesel engines.
An integrated circuit combines a piezo-resistive sensor
element, electronics for signal-amplification and temper-
ature-compensation. The output of the sensor is an ana-
log, ratio metric signal. An NTC resistance is used for
temperature measurements.
The main feature of this sensor is the integration of two
functions (air pressure and air temperature) in one
housing. A further benefit of the PST is the high quality
of the series part at a low price.
Application 1 0.1 to 1.15 bar (a)
Application 2 -40 to 125C
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 5 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 0.19 mm at 100 to 200 Hz
250 m/s
at 200 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Mounting M6
Fitting 18 mm
Weight w/o wire 30 g
Sealing O-ring 13.95 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.5 to 5.5 V
Max power supply U
max. 16 V
Full scale output U
at 5 V 0.3 to 4.8 V
Current I
9 mA
Characteristic Application 1
Response time T10/90 0.2 ms
Compensated range 10 to 85C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.016 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1.39 %
Sensitivity 4,047 mV/bar
Offset -4.76 mV
Expansion of Tolerance
Characteristic Application 2
T [C] R [Ohm]
-40 45,313
-30 26,114
-20 15,462
-10 9,397
266 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

0 5,896
10 3,792
20 2,500
25 2,057
30 1,707
40 1,175
50 834
60 596
70 436
80 323
90 243
100 187
110 144
120 113
130 89
Resistance at 20C 2.5 kOhm
Tolerance 5 %
Response time tau
45 s at air ; v = 6 m/s
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
4-pole Compact
D 261 205 336-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 NTC
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 Pressure Sig
Pin 5 -
Installation Notes
The PST is designed for engines using ROZ95, ROZ98, M15, E22 and
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-low pass filter (tau = 2
ms) is recommended.
For the temperature measurement, a 1 kOhm pull-up at 5 V is recom-
Use engine oil (5W40) as O-Ring grease (no silicone based grease).
Avoid miss-pinning (max. 5 minutes at I = 0.3 A).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Air PST
Order number 0 261 230 022
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air | 267

268 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Air

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-10
u Absolute fluid pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0 to 10 bar
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure of
various kinds of media e.g. Diesel, gasoline, water, en-
gine oil, transmission oil or air. The sensor is available
for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor uses stainless steel measuring cells with pie-
zo-resistive measuring bridges in thin layer technique,
which are hermetically welded together with stainless
steel pressure ports. This guarantees a complete media
The main benefit of this sensor is the high quality of a
production part at a low price.
Application 0 to 10 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 20 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 100 m/s
rms at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSC-10 (5 V) PSC-10 (12 V)
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V 9 to 30 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90 % U
0.5 to 4.5 V non-ra-
Response time
1.5 ms 1.0 ms
Sensitivity 400 mV/bar at U
5 V
400 mV/bar
Offset 100 mV at U
= 5 V 100 mV
Pin 1 - U
Pin 2 Gnd Gnd
Pin 3 Sig Sig
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 - -
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 45 g
Sealing O-ring 8.1 x 1.6 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
Please see variations
Max power supply U
max 30 V
Full scale output U
Please see variations
Current I
8 mA
Response time T10/90 Please see variations
Compensated range 0 to 90C
Tolerance (FS) at US = 5 V 0.1 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 13 to 95 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 269

Installation Notes
The PSC-10 can be connected directly to most control units.
The sensor has a protection for over voltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
4.75 to 5.25 V
Order number F 02U V01 268-01
9 to 30 V
Order number F 02U V01 295-01
9.5 11
12 12
270 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-260
u Absolute fluid pressure measurement
u 0 to 260 bar
u For gasoline, Diesel, oil or brake fluid
u Robust and compact design
u High robustness against vibrations
The PSC-260 is specially designed to measure absolute
pressure in gasoline direct injection applications. This
sensor is also compatible with other kind of fluids e.g.
Diesel, engine oil, transmission oil or brake fluid.
The sensor uses a thin layer technique to achieve high
accuracy pressure measurements. The stainless steel
measuring cells with piezoresistive bridges are hermeti-
cally welded with stainless steel pressure ports. The in-
ternal reference ensures ambient pressure independent
The main benefits of this sensor are its high accuracy,
its wide measurement range and its robust and compact
Application 0 to 260 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 320 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Media temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Storage temp. range -30 to 60C
Max. vibration 560 m/s
at 800 to 900 Hz
350 m/s
at 1.000 to 2.500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10 x 1
Wrench size 27 mm
Installation torque 22 Nm in steel
32.5 Nm in aluminum
Weight w/o wire 35,2 g
Sealing sealed cone
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max 16 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90 % U
ratio metric
Current I
12 mA
Load capacity 10 nF
Output resistance 10
Tolerance (FS) + 1 % (0 to 100C)
+ 1.5 % (-40 to 0C and 100 to
Sensitivity 15 mV/bar at U
= 5 V
Offset 500 mV at U
= 5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 13 to 95 cm
Installation Notes
The PSC-260 can be connected directly to most control units. Please
consider the TCI for the electrical connection of the sensor.
The sensor has a protection for overvoltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please consider using the adapter F 02U 002 711-01.
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 271

The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-260
Order number F 02U V00 990-02
Order number F 02U 002 711-01
272 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM
u Absolute fluid pressure measurements
u Pressure measurement range 0 to 12 bar or 0 to
250 bar
u High robustness against vibrations
u Compact design
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure of
various kinds of media e.g. Diesel, gasoline, water, en-
gine oil, transmission oil or air. The sensor is available
for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor utilises a flush metal diaphragm as a force
collector. The force is transferred to a solid state piezo-
resistive sensing element via a thin intervening film of
noncompressible silicone oil. The housing is welded her-
An individual calibration sheet will be delivered with
each sensor.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is a good
protection against vibrations.
Application Please see Variations
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure Please see Variations
Operating temp. range -20 to 120C
Media temp. range -20 to 120C
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 1,000 m/s
max at 5 to 5,000
Hz (sine)
Technical Specifications
0 to 12 0 to 250
Measuring range 0 to 12 bar 0 to 250 bar
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.12 bar 2.5 bar
Max. pressure 24 bar 500 bar
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 16 mm
Installation torque 10 Nm
Weight w/o wire 24.5 g
Sealing O-ring 7.65 x 1.63 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
8 to 16 V
Full scale output U
4.9 V 1.5 %
Current I
25 mA
Compensated range 0 to 120C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V Please see Variations
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity/Offset (an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Scr
Sleeve Viton
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSM can be connected directly to most control units.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 273

Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
100 % relative humidity is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
0 to 12 bar
Order number B 261 209 331-01
0 to 250 bar
Order number B 261 209 332-01
274 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM-S
u Absolute fluid pressure measurements
u Pressure measurement range 0 to 12 bar or 0 to
70 bar
u High robustness against vibrations
u Compact design
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure of
various kinds of media e.g. Diesel, gasoline, water, en-
gine oil, transmission oil or air. The sensor is available
for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor utilizes a flush metal diaphragm as a force
collector. The force is transferred to a solid state piezo-
resistive sensing element via a thin intervening film of
noncompressible silicone oil. The housing is welded her-
An individual calibration sheet will be delivered with
each sensor.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is a good
protection against vibrations.
Application 0 to 12 bar or 0 to 70 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure Please see variations
Operating temp. range -55 to 140C
Media temp. range -55 to 140C
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E85/M100
Max. vibration 1,000 m/s
max at 5 to 10,000
Hz (sine)
Technical Specifications
PSM-S (12
PSM-S (70
Measuring range 0 to 12 bar 0 to 70 bar
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.24 bar 0.7 bar
Tolerance (FS) 2 % 1 %
Max. pressure 36 bar 210 bar
Mechanical Data
Male thread M8x1
Wrench size 13 mm
Installation torque 6 Nm
Weight w/o wire 20 g
Sealing O-ring 6.07 x 1.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
8 to 16 V
Full scale output U
4.7 V 1.5 %
Compensated range 0 to 125 C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V Please see variations
Tolerance (FS) Please see variations
Sensitivity/Offset (an individual calibration sheet
will be delivered)
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Scr
Sleeve Viton
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The PSM-S can be connected directly to most control units.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 275

Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
100 % relative humidity is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
0 to 12 bar, 36 bar, 0.24 bar, 2%
Order number F 01T A21 315-01
0 to 70 bar, 210 bar, 0.7 bar, 1%
Order number F 01T A21 316-01
276 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10
u Absolute fluid pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0.5 to 11.0 bar
u Analog output
u Integrated series connector
This sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure of
various kinds of media e.g. Diesel, gasoline, water, en-
gine oil, transmission oil or air.
The sensor uses stainless steel measuring cells with pie-
zo-resistive measuring bridges in thin layer technique.
These are hermetically welded together with stainless
steel pressure ports. This guarantees a complete media
The main benefit of this sensor is the high quality of a
production part at a low price. The sensor is available
for two different supply voltage ranges.
Application 0.5 to 11 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 20 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 125C (140C)
Media temp. range -40 to 125C (140C)
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 100 m/s
rms at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSS-10 (5 V) PSS-10 (12 V)
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V 8 to 30 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90% U
0.5 to 4.5 V non-ra-
Response time
1.5 ms 1.0 ms
Sensitivity 400 mV/bar at U
400 mV/bar
Offset 100 mV at U
=5 V 100 mV
Mating connector 3-pole Compact
D 261 205 339-1
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 334-01
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 45 g
Sealing O-ring 7.65 x 1.63 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
Please see variations
Max power supply U
max 30 V
Full scale output U
Please see variations
Current I
8 mA
Response time T10/90 Please see variations
Compensated range 0 to 90C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.1 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity Please variations
Offset Please variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector Please see variations
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Installation Notes
The PSS-10 can be connected directly to most control units.
The sensor has a protection for over voltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 277

The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
4.75 to 5.25 V
Order number B 261 209 341-01
8 to 30 V
Order number B 261 209 064-01
278 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10R
u Relative fluid pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0 to 10 bar
u Analog output
u Integrated series connector
This sensor is designed to measure the pressure of me-
dia in relation to the ambient pressure (e.g. Diesel, gas-
oline, water, engine oil, transmission oil, air). The sensor
is available for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor uses stainless steel measuring cells with pie-
zo-resistive measuring bridges in thin layer technique,
which are hermetically welded together with stainless
steel pressure ports. This guarantees a complete media
The main benefit of this sensor is the high quality of a
production part at a low price.
Application 0 to 10 bar (r)
Pressure reference type relative
Max. pressure 20 bar
Operating temp. range Please see variations
Media temp. range Please see variations
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 100 m/s
rms at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSS-10 (5 V) PSS-10 (12 V)
Operating temp.
-40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V 8 to 30 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90% U
0.5 to 4.5 V non-ra-
Response time
1.5 ms 1.0 ms
Sensitivity 400 mV/bar at U
400 mV/bar
Offset 500 mV at U
=5 V 500 mV
Mating connector 3-pole Compact
D 261 205 339-01
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 334-01
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 45 g
Sealing O-ring 7.65 x 1.63 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
Please see variations
Max power supply U
max 30 V
Full scale output U
Please see variations
Current I
8 mA
Response time T10/90 Please see variations
Compensated range 0 to 90 C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 0.1 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector Please see variations
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 279

Installation Notes
The PSS-10R can be connected directly to most control units.
The sensor has a protection for over voltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
4.75 to 5.25 V
Order number F 01T A21 312-01
8 to 30 V
Order number F 01T A21 307-01
280 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid
u Relative fluid pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0 to 100 bar
u Analog output
u Integrated series connector
This sensor is designed to measure the pressure of me-
dia in relation to the ambient pressure (e.g. Diesel, gas-
oline, water, engine oil, transmission oil or air). The sen-
sor is available for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor uses stainless steel measuring cells with pie-
zo-resistive measuring bridges in thin layer technique,
which are hermetically welded together with stainless
steel pressure ports. This guarantees a complete media
The main feature of this sensor is the high quality of a
production part at a low price.
Application 0 to 100 bar (r)
Pressure reference type relative
Max. pressure 200 bar
Operating temp. range Please see variations
Media temp. range Please see variations
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 100 m/s
rms at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSS-100R (5 V) PSS-100R (12 V)
Operating temp.
-40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V 8 to 30 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90 % U
0.5 to 4.5 V non-ra-
Response time
1.5 ms 1.0 ms
Sensitivity 40 mV/bar at U
= 5
40 mV/bar
Offset 500 mV at U
= 5 V 500 mV
Mating connector 3-pole Compact
D 261 205 339-01
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 339-01
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 45 g
Sealing O-ring 7.65 x 1.63 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
Please see variations
Max power supply 30 V
Full scale output U
Please see variations
Current I
8 mA
Response time T10/90 Please see variations
Compensated range 0 to 90C
Tolerance (FS) at U
= 5 V 1 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector Please see variations
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 281

Installation Notes
The PSS-100R can be connected directly to most control units.
The sensor has a protection for over voltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
4.75 to 5.25 V
Order number B 261 209 347-01
8 to 30 V
Order number F 01T A21 310-01
282 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid
u Relative fluid pressure measurements
u Measurement range 0 to 250 bar
u Analog output
u Integrated series connector
This sensor is designed to measure the pressure of me-
dia in relation to the ambient pressure (e.g. Diesel, gas-
oline, water, engine oil, transmission oil or air). The sen-
sor is available for two different supply voltage ranges.
The sensor uses stainless steel measuring cells with pie-
zo-resistive measuring bridges in thin layer technique,
which are hermetically welded together with stainless
steel pressure ports. This guarantees a complete media
The main benefit of this sensor is the high quality of a
production part at a low price
Application 0 to 250 bar (r)
Pressure reference type relative
Max. pressure 500 bar
Operating temp. range Please see variations
Media temp. range Please see variations
Storage temp. range -20 to 50C
Bio fuel compatibility E 85 / M 100
Max. vibration 100 m/s
rms at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
PSS-250R (5 V) PSS-250R (12 V)
Operating temp.
-40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Media temp. range -40 to 125C
-40 to 125C
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V 8 to 30 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90 % U
0.5 to 4.5 V non-ra-
Response time
1.5 ms 1.0 ms
Sensitivity 16 mV/bar at U
= 5
16 mV/bar
Offset 500 mV at U
= 5 V 500 mV
Mating connector 3-pole Compact
D 261 205 339-01
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 334-01
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 45 g
Sealing O-ring 7.65 x 1.63 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
Please see variations
Max power supply U
max 30 V
Full scale output U
Please see variations
Current I
8 mA
Response time T10/90 Please see variations
Compensated range 0 to 90C
Tolerance (FS) 2.5 bar
Tolerance (FS) 1 %
Sensitivity Please see variations
Offset Please see variations
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector Please see variations
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 283

Installation Notes
The PSS-250R can be connected directly to most control units.
The sensor has a protection for over voltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
4.75 to 5.25 V
Order number B 261 209 965-01
8 to 30 V
Order number B 261 209 067-01
284 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-260
u Absolute fluid pressure measurement
u 0 to 260 bar
u For gasoline, Diesel, oil or brake fluid
u Robust and compact design
The PSS-260 is specially designed to measure absolute
pressure in gasoline direct injection applications. This
sensor is also compatible with other kind of fluids e.g.
Diesel, engine oil, transmission oil or brake fluid.
The sensor uses a thin layer technique to achieve high
accuracy pressure measurements. The stainless steel
measuring cells with piezoresistive bridges are hermeti-
cally welded with stainless steel pressure ports. The in-
ternal reference ensures ambient pressure independent
The main benefits of this sensor are its high accuracy,
its wide measurement range and its robust and compact
Application 0 to 260 bar (a)
Pressure reference type absolute
Max. pressure 320 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Media temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Storage temp. range -30 to 60C
Max. vibration 127 m/s
RMS at 800 to 2,500
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10 x 1
Wrench size 27 mm
Installation torque 22 Nm in steel
32.5 Nm in aluminum
Weight w/o wire 35.2 g
Sealing sealed cone
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max 16 V
Full scale output U
10 to 90 % U
Current I
12 mA
Load capacity 10 nF
Output resistance 10
Tolerance (FS) + 1 % (0 to 100C)
+ 1.5 % (-40 to 0C and 100 to
Sensitivity 15 mV/bar at U
= 5 V
Offset 500 mV at U
= 5 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector 3-pole Compact
D 261 205 366-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Installation Notes
The PSS-260 can be connected directly to most control units. Please
consider the TCI for the electrical connection of the sensor.
The sensor has a protection for overvoltage, reverse polarity and
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Please consider using the adapter F 02U 002 711-01.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-260
Order number 0 261 545 030
Order number F 02U 002 711-01
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 285

286 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F
u Absolute fluid pressure and temperature measure-
u Pressure measurement range 0.5 to 6.0 bar
u Temperature measurement range -40 to 125C
u Analog output
This sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure
and temperature of various kinds of fluids e.g. Diesel,
gasoline, oil or transmission oil.
The PST-F is equipped with a piezo-resistive pressure
sensor element integrated in a silicon chip together with
signal processing electronics. The active surface of this
chip is exposed to a reference vacuum. The temperature
sensor element is an NTC-resistor.
The main feature of this sensor is the integration of two
functions (fluid pressure and fluid temperature) in one
Application 1 0.5 to 6 bar (a)
Application 2 -40 to 125C
Reference absolute
Max. pressure 20 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 125C
Storage temp. range -40 to 130C
Biofuel compatibility E22, M15
Max. vibration 40 m/s
at 1 to 250 Hz
60 m/s
at 250 to 2,600 Hz
40 m/s
at 2,600 to 3,200 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M6
Weight without wire 30 g
Wrench size 10 mm
Installation torque 11.5 Nm
Sealing O-ring 13.95 x 2.62 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max 16 V
Full scale output U
0.5 to 4.5 V
Current I
9 mA
Characteristic 1
Response time T10/90 1 ms
Output load 10 k
Sensitivity 727 mV/bar
Offset 136 mV
Characteristic 2
T [C] R []
-40 45,303
-30 26,108
-20 15,458
-10 9,395
0 5,671
10 3,791
20 2,499
30 1,706
40 1,174
50 834
60 595
70 436
80 322
90 243
100 187
110 144
120 113
125 100
Response Time tau 63 45 s in air; v = 6 m/s
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 287

Expansion of Tolerance
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
4-pole Compact
D 261 205 336-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 NTC
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 Pressure Sig
Installation Notes
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
Please do not fix the sensor directly to the engine block to avoid unde-
sired strong vibrations.
To avoid noise, an ECU-input circuit with a RC-low pass filter is recom-
(R = 21 k, C = 100 nF)
For the temperature measurement, a 1 k pull-up at 5 V is recommen-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F
Order number 0 261 230 147
288 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 289

Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 2
u Absolute fluid pressure and temperature measure-
u Pressure measurement range 0 to 280 bar
u Temperature measurement range -40 to 140C
This sensor is designed to measure absolute gasoline
pressure and gasoline temperature in direct injection
The pressure measurement is based on the expansion of
a steel diaphragm, where strain gauges are placed to a
Wheatstone bridge. The measured signal is proportional
to the pressure and is processed in an application spe-
cific integrated circuit.
The temperature measurement is conducted by an NTC
thermistor. The main feature of this sensor is its com-
pact design and the integration of two functions (tem-
perature and pressure measurements) in a common
Application 1 0 to 280 bar (a)
Application 2 -40 to 140C
Reference Absolute
Max. pressure 340 bar
Operating temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Media temp. range -40 to 130C (140C)
Storage temp. range -40 to 60C
Biofuel compatibility E26
Max. vibration 210 m/s
at 147 to 1,350 Hz
175 m/s
at 1,350 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M10x1
Weight without wire 36 g
Wrench size 27 mm
Installation torque 40 Nm
Sealing Sealed cone
Electrical Data
Power supply U
4.75 to 5.25 V
Max power supply U
max 16 V
Full scale output U
0.5 to 4.5 V U
Current I
12 mA
Characteristic 1
Response time T10/90 Pressure: 0.2 to 0.8 ms
Temperature: 9 s (response time
of temperature signal in oil dip
bath 20 to 100C)
Compensated range -40 to 130C
Tolerance (FS) at U
+/- 1 % at 0 to 100C
+/- 1.5 % at -40 to 0C and 100
to 130C
Sensitivity 14.3 mV/bar at U
= 5 V
Offset 500 mV at U
= 5 V
Characteristic 2
T [C] R []
-40 243,241
-30 135,753
-20 78,716
-10 47,258
0 29,287
10 18,684
20 12,240
30 8,218
40 5,642
50 3,955
60 2,826
70 2,055
80 1,519
90 1,141
100 868.4
110 669.9
120 523.2
130 413.3
140 330.0
290 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector F 02U B00 596-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 NTC
Pin 4 U
Installation Notes
The sensor can be connected directly to most control units.
For temperature measurement please use a pull-up resistor with an
optimal value of 4.6 kOhm.
Please note that using the adapter F 02U 002 956-01 in connection
with the PST-F 2 the ambient conditions could be changed (e.g. medi-
um temperature dissipation or undesired vibrations).
The sensor has a protection for overvoltage, reverse polarity and
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 2
Order number 0 261 B21 023-00
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 2 Adapter
Order number F02U 002 956-01
Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid | 291

292 | Sensors | Pressure Sensors Fluid

Rotary Potentiometer Mini-
RP 100-M
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 100
u Compact design
u Robust housing
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle or spring travel.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housing and the bearings are made of high temperature
resistant plastic. The mounting plate is protected with a
metal cover to ensure a good fixation. The sensor is fit-
ted in a shrink down boot for additional protection.
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of
high accuracy, motorsports spec connection and a very
small and robust aluminum housing.
Application 0 to 100
Operating temperature range -55 to 125C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 32 g
Protection class IP65
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 50 x 10
Housing Aluminum alloy
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Max. power supply <15 V
Total resistance 1.5 k 20%
Current Is 1 A
Max. allowable contact current 1 mA
Max. rotation speed 120 min-1
Temp. coefficient 5 ppm/K
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request.
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer Mini-RP 100-M
Order number B 261 209 587-01
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 293

294 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer RP 50-
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 50, 0 to 130 or 0 to
u Robust aluminum housing
u Wide operating temperature range
These sensors are designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle, spring travel, gearbox position
or steering angle.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housings and the bearings are made of high tempera-
ture resistant plastic. The mounting plate is protected
with a metal cover to ensure a good fixation. The sen-
sors are fitted in a shrink down boot for additional pro-
The main benefit of these sensors is the combination of
high accuracy, very robust aluminum housing and motor-
sport spec connection.
Measuring range Please see Variations
Operating temperature range -55 to 125C
Technical Specifications
RP 50-M RP 130-M RP 350-M
0 to 50 0 to 130 0 to 350
Total resist-
3 k 4 k 8 k
Max. allowable
contact current
1 mA 10 mA 1 mA
Connector ASL
Mating connec-
F 02U 000
F 02U 000
F 02U 000
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 38 g
Protection class IP66
Mounting 2 x M4
Housing Aluminum alloy
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Maximal power supply 42 V
Total resistance Please see Variations
Current IS 1 A
Max. allowable contact current Please see Variations
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request.
Connectors and Wires
Connector Please see Variations
Mating connector Please see Variations
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 295

Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 50-M
Order number B 261 209 571-01
Rotary Potentiometer RP 130-M
Order number B 261 209 576-01
Rotary Potentiometer RP 350-M
Order number B 261 209 573-01
296 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer RP 55
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range 0 to 55
u Quill shaft mounting
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. spring travel.
A rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a resistive
element which is supplied with voltage. Thus a voltage
proportional to the angle can be measured. The housing
is made of shock resistant aluminum. The internals are
made of high temperature resistant synthetic material.
The main benefit of this sensor is the special way of
mounting with a quill shaft.
Application 0 to 55
Operating temperature range -25 to 75C
Storage temperature range -25 to 105C
Max. vibration 100 m/s
at 30 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 59 g
Protection class IP63
Mounting di 6 mm
Lifetime 5 x 10
Housing Aluminum alloy
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Total resistance 5 k
Current Is 1 A
Max. allowable contact current 10 mA
Temp. coefficient 50 ppm/K
Direction of rotation Anti-Clockwise
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 55
Order number B 261 209 578-01
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 297

298 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer RP 86
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 86
u Compact design
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle or spring travel.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housing and the bearings are made of high temperature
resistant plastic.
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and extremely short dimen-
Application 0 to 86
Angle between internal mechani-
cal stops
Operating temperature range -40 to 130C
Max. vibration 700 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 26 g
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 2 x 10
Housing Synthetic material
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Max. power supply 42 V
Total resistance 2 k 20 %
Current Is 18 A
Max. rotation speed 120 min
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request.
Redundancy No
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 334-01
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has an internal mechanical stop and a 14.65x2 sealing.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 86
Order number 0 280 122 016
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 299

300 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer
RP 100/130/308
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 100, 0 to 130 or 0 to
u Wide operating temperature range
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle, spring travel, gearbox position
or steering angle.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housing and the bearings are made of high temperature
resistant plastic. The mounting plate is protected with a
metal cover to ensure a good fixation. The sensor is fit-
ted in a shrink down boot for additional protection.
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of
both high accuracy and motorsports spec connection.
Application Please see variations
Operating temperature range -40 to 150C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
RP 100 RP 130 RP 308
Measuring range 0 to 100 0 to 130 0 to 308
Total resistance 3 k 20 % 3 k 20 % 5 k 20 %
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 32 g
Protection class IP65
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 50 x 10
Housing Synthetic material
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Max. power supply 42 V
Total resistance Please see variations
Current Is 1 A
Max. allowable contact current 10 mA
Max. rotation speed 120 min
Temp. coefficient 5 ppm/K
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing.
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch
Data Logging System at our homepage.
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 301

Ordering Information
RP 100
Order number B 261 209 127-01
RP 130
Order number B 261 209 128-02
RP 308
Order number B 261 209 570-01
302 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer
RP 100 twin
u Rotational movement measurement
u Dual output
u Measurement range: 0 to 100
u Wide operating temperature range
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. gearbox position or throttle angle.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housing and the bearings are made of high temperature
resistant plastic. The mounting plate is protected with a
metal cover to ensure a good fixation. The sensor is fit-
ted in a shrink down boot for additional protection.
The main benefit of this sensor is the extremely high re-
liability through the redundant sensor design.
Application 0 to 100
Operating temperature range -40 to 150C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 32 g
Protection class IP65
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 50 x 10
Housing Synthetic material
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Max. power supply 42 V
Total resistance 3 k 20 %
Current IS 1 A
Max. allowable contact current 10 mA
Max. rotation speed 120 min-1
Temp. coefficient 5 ppm/K
Direction of rotation Clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request
Connectors and Wires
Connector AS 6-07-35PN
Mating connector
AS 0-07-35SN
F 02U 000 238-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig1
Pin 4 U
Pin 5 Gnd
Pin 6 Sig2
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors on request.
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 303

The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing (
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch
Data Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 100 twin
Order number B 261 209 591-02
304 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer RP 345-
u Rotational movement measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 345
u Robust aluminum housing
u Wide operating temperature range
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle, spring travel, gearbox position
or steering angle.
A throttle rotation moves an internal slider (wiper) on a
resistive element which is supplied with voltage. Thus
voltage proportional to the angle can be measured. The
housing is made of shock resistant aluminum. The inter-
nal is made of high temperature resistant synthetic ma-
terial. The mounting plate is protected with a metal cov-
er to ensure a good fixation. The sensor is fitted in a
shrink down boot for additional protection.
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of
both high accuracy and very tough aluminum housing.
Application 0 to 345
Operating temperature range -40 to 150C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 32 g
Protection class IP65
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 50 x 10
Housing Aluminum alloy
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V
Maximal power supply 42 V
Total resistance 5 k 20 %
Current Is 1 A
Max. allowable contact current 10 mA
Max. rotation speed 120 min
Temp. coefficient 5 ppm/K
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request.
Redundancy No
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 16 to 30 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor has no internal mechanical stops.
Each mounting orientation is possible.
The sensor meets all EMV, EMC and ESD automotive standards.
Both rotation directions and other rotation angles available on re-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 345-M
Order number F 01T A21 400-01
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 305

306 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Rotary Potentiometer RP 360-
u Rotational movement measurement
u Hall effect technology
u Measurement range: 0 to 360
u Analogue output 0.5 to 4.5 V
This sensor is designed to measure rotational move-
ment, e.g. throttle angle, spring travel, gearbox position
or steering angle.
The electronic is designed with a magnetic rotary sensor
with Hall elements and digital signal processing. The an-
gular position is provided by a two pole magnet integra-
ted in the sensor shaft. A Hall effect sensor is disposed
between two magnets in association with a movable
specially formed ferromagnetic part. This is used to con-
trol flux in the sensor in order to produce a linearly vary-
ing output voltage dependent on the position.
The main benefit of this sensor is its contactless Hall ef-
fect technology and its robust design for motorsport ap-
plications. Other measurement ranges are available on
Application 0 to 360
Operating temperature range -40 to 140C (5 V supply)
Storage temperature range -55 to 140C
Max. vibration 200 m/s
at 5 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire < 35 g
Protection class IP68
Mounting 2 x M4
Lifetime 20 x 10
operations of 75
Housing Synthetic material
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 V regulated
9 V to 30 V unregulated
Max. power supply 30 V
Total resistance 10 k
Current Is < 12.5 mA
Resolution 0.025 % of measurement range
Output voltage range 0.5 to 4.5 V
Output load 10 k
Max. rotation speed 600 min
Temp. coefficient < 30 ppm/K in 5 V supply mode
< 90 ppm/K in 9 V to 30 V sup-
ply mode
< 90 ppm/K in 9 V to 30 V sup-
ply mode
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise
Both rotation directions are available on request.
Redundancy No
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 (A) U
Pin 2 (B) Gnd
Pin 3 (C) Sig
Pin 4 (D) -
Pin 5 (E) -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 22
Wire length L 16 cm
Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers | 307

Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The products of the RP series can be connected directly to most con-
trol units.
The sensor is designed with contactless Hall effect technology.
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Sensor is at mid point of electrical angle when shaft and wire exit are
aligned as shown in the offer drawing.
Operating temperature range for unregulated supply: -40 to 137C (9
V supply). Derate upper temperature limit by 0.57C for every 1 V in-
crease in supply, e.g. -40 to 125C at 30 V.
Both rotation directions and other measurement ranges are available
on request.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Rotary Potentiometer RP 360-H
Order number F 02U V00 641-01
308 | Sensors | Rotary Potentiometers

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P
u Camshaft or Wheel speed
u 24.0 mm depth
u Robust design
u Active low
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft or wheel speed).
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the HA-P, the magnetic field is modulated at the
place of the Hall probe. A Hall-effect sensor element
with integrated signal conditioning circuit detects this
change and generates a digital output signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a high quality production part and robust de-
sign with metal housing.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap 0.5 to 1.4 mm
Temperature range -40 to 150C
Output type Active low
Output circuit Open collector for 1 k
Max. vibration 1,000 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 70 g
Mounting With screw 1 x M6
Bore diameter 18 mm
Installation depth L2 24 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 4.5 to 24 V
Current IS 10 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the fall-
ing edge of tooth
< 1.5 % (6 kHz)
< 2 % (10 kHz)
Signal output 0.4 V to < US
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector 1 928 404 227
Mating connector
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 335-01
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 U
Installation Notes
The HA-P can be connected directly to most control units and data log-
ging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P
Order number 0 232 103 037
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 309

310 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-
u Wheel/camshaft/crankshaft speed
u 15 mm depth
u Very small housing
u Very light weight
u Active low
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft, crankshaft or wheel-
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the HA-P2, the magnetic field is modulated at
the place of the Hall probe. A Hall-effect sensor element
with integrated signal conditioning circuit detects this
change and generates a digital output signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a high quality production part, robust design,
very small housing and low weight.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap 0.5 to 2.5 mm
Temperature range -40 to 160C
Output circuit Open collector for 1 k
Output type Active low
External magnetic fields < 0.1 mT
Max. vibration 400 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 12 g
Bore diameter 15 mm
Installation depth L2 15 mm
Mounting With screw 1 x M6
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply US 4.75 to 18 V
Current Is 10 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the falling edge of tooth
up to 1.5 mm
up to 2.5 mm
< 4 % ( 10 kHz)
< 8 % ( 10 kHz)
Signal output 0.4 V to < U
Connectors and Wires
Connector Hirschmann 872-658-501
Mating connector F 02U B00 520-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Sig
Pin 3 Gnd
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Installation Notes
Application Notes
The HA-P2 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 311

Ordering Information
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P2
Order number 0 232 103 111
312 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-
u Camshaft or Wheel speed
u Max. frequency 10 kHz
u High vibration resistance
u Low weight
u Small housing
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft or wheel speed).
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the Mini-HA-P, the magnetic field is modulated
at the place of the Hall probe. A Hall-effect sensor ele-
ment with integrated signal conditioning circuit detects
this change and generates a digital output signal.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a high quality production part and robust de-
sign with a very small housing.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap 0.2 to 1.5 mm
Temperature range -40 to 150C
Output circuit Open collector for 1 k
Output type Active low
External magnetic fields 0.3 mT
Max. vibration 1,200 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE 1 234 482 092
Mating connector ASL 0-06-05SC-HE F 02U B00 555-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd Sig
Pin 3 Sig Gnd
Pin 4 Nc -
Pin 5 Nc -
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 19.2 g
Mounting With screw 1 x M6
Bore diameter 11.5 mm
Installation depth L2 9 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 to 18 V
Current IS 10 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the fall-
ing edge of tooth
< 3 % ( 6 kHz)
< 5 % ( 10 kHz)
Signal output 0.4 V to < U
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector Please see Variations
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Sleeve HT wire 5.2 mm
Wire size AWG 20
Wire length L < 27 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The Mini-HA-P can be connected directly to most control units and da-
ta logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 313

Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Order number F 02U V00 564-02
1 234 482 092
Order number F 02U V00 566-02
314 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Sensors | Speed Sensors | 315

316 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-
HA-P sealed
u Wheel/camshaft/crankshaft speed
u Max. frequency 10 kHz
u High vibration resistance
u Very small housing
u O-ring sealing
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft, crankshaft and wheel-
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the Mini-HA-P sealed, the magnetic field is
modulated at the place of the Hall probe. A Hall-effect
sensor element with integrated signal conditioning cir-
cuit detects this change and generates a digital output
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a high quality production part and a robust de-
sign with a very small housing.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap 0.2 to 1.5 mm
Temperature range -40 to 150C
Output circuit Open collector for 1 k
Output type Active low
External magnetic fields 0.3 mT
Max. vibration 1,200 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE Without connector
Mating connector ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd Sig (green)
Pin 3 Sig Gnd (black)
Pin 4 Nc -
Pin 5 Nc -
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 19.2 g
Mounting With screw 1 x M6
Bore diameter 16 mm
Installation depth L2 12 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 to 18 V
Current IS 10 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the fall-
ing edge of tooth
< 3 % (6 kHz)
< 5 % (10 kHz)
Signal output 0.4 V to < U
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector Please see Variations
Sleeve HT wire 5.2 mm
Wire size AWG 20
Wire length L < 27 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 317

Installation Notes
The Mini-HA-P sealed can be connected directly to most control units
and data logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Mini-HA-P sealed
ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Order number F 02U V00 500-01
Mini-HA-P sealed
without connector
Order number F 02U V00 570-01
318 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-M
u Camshaft/crankshaft/wheel speed
u Max. frequency 10 kHz
u Self-learning
u Active high/low programmable
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft, crankshaft or wheel
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the HA-M, the magnetic field is modulated at the
place of the Hall probe. A Hall-effect sensor element
with integrated signal conditioning circuit detects this
change and generates a digital output signal. We offer
this sensor with two different types of output: Active
high and Active low.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of a high quality production part and robust de-
sign with metal housing and motorsport connectors.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap 0.5 to 1.5 mm
Temperature range - 40 to 160C
Output circuit Open collector for 1 kOhm
Output type Please see Ordering Information
External magnetic fields < 1 mT
Max. vibration 1,200 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Active low with connector / active high with connector
Connector ASU 6-03-03PN-HE
Mating connector
ASU 0-03-03SN-HE
F 02U 000 199-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Active high, without connector
Red U
Black Gnd
Green Sig
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 12 g
Mounting 1 x M6
Bore diameter 11.8 mm
Installation depth L2 30 mm
Tightening torque 6 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 to 18 V
Current I
5.6 to 18 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the fall-
ing edge of tooth
< 4 % ( 6 kHz)
< 8 % ( 10 kHz)
Signal output 0.52 V to < Us
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Pin layout Please see Variations
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 10 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The HA-M can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 319

Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Active low
Order number B 261 209 283-01
Active high
Order number B 261 209 295-01
Active high, without connector
Order number F 02U V00 627-01
320 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-
D 90
u Wheel/camshaft*/crankshaft speed
u Also available with 0, 180 and 270 mounting po-
u Very high precision measurement
u Self-learning
u Measuring of differences with 2 Hall sensors
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. camshaft*, crankshaft or wheel
speed), but it is not a true power-on sensor.
Due to the rotation of a ferromagnetic target wheel in
front of the HA-D 90, the magnetic field is modulated at
the place of the Hall probe.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is a very
good detection of the falling edge, due to a differential
measuring method. This sensor is a combination of a
high quality production part and robust design with a
small housing.
*: see Installation Notes
Application Speed
Max. frequency 10 kHz
Target wheel air gap AG 0.4 to 1.0 mm
Temperature range -40 to 150C
Output circuit Open collector for 1 k
Output type Active high
External magnetic fields 50 mT
Max. vibration 1,200 m/s
at 10 Hz to 2 kHz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 12 g
Mounting Screw 1 x M6
Bore diameter 11.8 mm
Installation depth L2 30 mm
Tightening torque 6 Nm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 to 18 V
Current IS 20 mA
Accuracy repeatability of the fall-
ing edge of tooth
< 1.0 % ( 6 kHz)
< 1.5 % ( 10 kHz)
Signal output 0.52 V to < U
Target wheel diameter D 162.34 mm
Thickness t 12.5 mm
Width of teeth b1 3.8 mm
Width of gap b2 4.7 mm
Width of sync. gap b3 20.79 mm
Depth of teeth h 3.4 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PC-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SC-HE
F 02U 000 228-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Nc
Pin 5 Nc
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The HA-D 90 is no true-power-on sensor. It needs the falling edge of
two teeth for correct working. After a time of 0.68 s without rotation
of the detected wheel it needs again the falling edge of two teeth.
The HA-D 90 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems
Please specify the angle between the mounting and the target wheel.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated plug.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 321

Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-D 90
Order number F 02U V00 334-01
322 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Inductive Speed Sensor IA-C
u Crankshaft/wheel speed
u 24.0 mm, 315 depth/lead
u Bore diameter 18 mm
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. crankshaft or wheelspeed).
The inductive sensor consists of a bar magnet with a
soft magnetic pole pin supporting an induction coil with
two connections. Every time a ferromagnetic ring gear
turns past this sensor, it generates a voltage in the coil
which is directly proportional to the periodic variation in
the magnetic flux. The rotational speed is reflected on a
periodic interval between the voltages zero transition
It is available in a DR-25 sleeve with various connector
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and robust, compact de-
Application Speed
Max. frequency 15 kHz
Target wheel air gap AG 0.8 0.3 mm
Operating temp. range (sensing
-40 to 130C
Storage temperature range -40 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
max. 80 h
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Magnetic pole Round
Bore diameter 18 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 40 g
Installation depth L2 23.7 mm
Electrical Data
Coil resistance 860 10 %
Inductance max. 370 mH 15 %
Output voltage max. 200 VP-P
Target wheel diameter D 160.43 mm
Thickness t > 5 mm
Width of teeth b1 4.1 mm
Width of gap b2 4.3 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.5 mm
Depth of teeth h2 1.75 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector 1 928 404 227
Mating connector
3-pole Compact
D 261 205 335-01
Pin 1 Sig+
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The inductive speed sensor IA-C is developed for wheels made of fer-
romagnetic material.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Please contact our technical consultancy for more information.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 323

Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
The inductive speed sensor IA-C is developed for wheels made of fer-
romagnetic material.
Ordering Information
Inductive Speed Sensor IA-C
Order number 0 261 210 136
324 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Inductive Speed Sensor IA
u Crankshaft/wheel speed
u 32.2 mm depth/lead
u Bore diameter 12.5 mm
u Max. operating temperature 230C
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. crankshaft or wheel speed).
The inductive sensor consists of a bar magnet with a
soft magnetic pole pin supporting an induction coil with
two connections. Every time a ferromagnetic ring gear
turns past this sensor, it generates a voltage in the coil
which is directly proportional to the periodic variation in
the magnetic flux. The rotational speed is reflected on a
periodic interval between the voltages zero transition
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and robust, high tempera-
ture resistance. Additionally the installation depth can
be changed according to the customer request.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 15 kHz
Target wheel air gap AG 0.8 0.3 mm
Operating temp. range (sensing
-40 to 230C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
max. 80 h
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Magnetic pole Round
Bore diameter 12.5 mm
Weight w/o wire 30 g
Installation depth L2 32.2 mm
Electrical Data
Coil resistance 1,200
Inductance max. 400 mH
Output voltage max. 190 V
Target wheel diameter D 160.43 mm
Thickness t > 5 mm
Width of teeth b1 4.1 mm
Width of gap b2 4.3 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.5 mm
Depth of teeth h2 1.75 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05SN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05PN-HE
F 02U 000 237-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 10 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 325

Installation Notes
The inductive speed sensor IA is developed for wheels made of ferro-
magnetic material.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
The installation depth L2 can be changed individually according to
customer request.
Please contact our technical consultancy for more information.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Inductive Speed Sensor IA
Order number B 261 209 519-01
326 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Inductive Speed Sensor IS
u Crankshaft/wheel speed
u 32.2 mm depth/lead
u Bore diameter 12.5 mm
u Max. operating temperature 230C
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. crankshaft or wheel speed).
The inductive sensor consists of a bar magnet with a
soft magnetic pole pin supporting an induction coil with
two connections. Every time a ferromagnetic ring gear
turns past this sensor, it generates a voltage in the coil
which is directly proportional to the periodic variation in
the magnetic flux. The rotational speed is reflected on a
periodic interval between the voltages zero transition
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and robust, high tempera-
ture resistance. Additionally the installation depth can
be changed according to the customer request.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 15 kHz
Target wheel air gap AG 0.8 0.3 mm
Operating temp. range (sensing
-40 to 230C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
max. 80 h
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Magnetic pole Round
Bore diameter 12.5 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 30 g
Installation depth L2 32.2 mm
Electrical Data
Coil resistance 1,200
Inductance max. 400 mH
Output voltage max. 190 V P-P
Target wheel diameter D 160.43 mm
Thickness t > 5 mm
Width of teeth b1 4.1 mm
Width of gap b2 4.3 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.5 mm
Depth of teeth h2 1.75 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05SN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05PN-HE
F 02U 000 237-01
Pin 1 Nc
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 Nc
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request.
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 10 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 327

Installation Notes
The inductive speed sensor IS is developed for wheels made of ferro-
magnetic material.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
The installation depth L2 can be changed individually according to
customer request.
Please contact our technical consultancy for more information.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Inductive Speed Sensor IS
Order number B 261 209 517-01
328 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Inductive Speed Sensor IS-C
u Crankshaft or Wheel speed
u 3/8-24 UNF-2A THD
u Bore diameter 12.9 mm
u Metal housing
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed (e.g. crankshaft or wheel speed).
The inductive sensor consists of a bar magnet with a
soft magnetic pole pin supporting an induction coil with
two connections. Every time a ferromagnetic ring gear
turns past this sensor, it generates a voltage in the coil
which is directly proportional to the periodic variation in
the magnetic flux. The rotational speed is reflected on a
periodic interval between the voltages zero transition
The main benefit of this sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part with very compact design,
and high temperature resistance.
Application Speed
Max. frequency 15 kHz
Target wheel air gap AG 0.8 0.3 mm
Operating temp. range (sensing
-40 to 230C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
max. 80 h
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Magnetic pole Round
Bore diameter 12.9 mm
Tightening torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 25 g
Installation depth L2 24.1 mm
Electrical Data
Coil resistance 340
Inductance max. 64 mH
Target wheel diameter D 160.43 mm
Thickness t > 5 mm
Width of teeth b1 4.1 mm
Width of gap b2 4.3 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.5 mm
Depth of teeth h2 1.75 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05SN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05PN-HE
F 02U 000 237-01
Pin 1 Nc
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 Nc
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L Max. 50 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 329

Installation Notes
The inductive speed sensor IS-C is developed for wheels made of fer-
romagnetic material.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
This sensor is also available with a M10x1 male thread.
Please contact our technical consultancy for more information.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-C
Order number B 261 209 609-01
330 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Inductive Speed Sensor IS-T
u Turbocharger speed
u Max. 15 mm depth/lead
u Bore diameter 6.3 mm
u Metal housing
This sensor is designed for incremental measurement of
rotational speed of a turbo charger.
The inductive sensor consists of a bar magnet with a
soft magnetic pole pin supporting an induction coil with
two connections. Every time a ferromagnetic ring gear
turns past this sensor, it generates a voltage in the coil
which is directly proportional to the periodic variation in
the magnetic flux. The rotational speed is reflected on a
periodic interval between the voltages zero transition
The main benefit of this sensor is robustness, a very
compact design and high temperature resistance.
Application Speed
Target wheel air gap AG 0.5 0.1 mm
Operating temp. range (sensing
-40 to 230C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
max. 80 h
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Magnetic pole Round
Bore diameter 6.3 mm
Tightening torque 1.4 Nm
Weight w/o wire 14 g
Installation depth L2 20 mm
Electrical Data
Coil resistance 30
Inductance max. 2.6 mH
Target wheel diameter D 160.43 mm
Thickness t > 5 mm
Width of teeth b1 4.1 mm
Width of gap b2 4.3 mm
Depth of teeth h1 3.5 mm
Depth of teeth h2 1.75 mm
Number of teeth 60-2
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05SN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05PN-HE
F 02U 000 237-01
Pin 1 Nc
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Nc
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 10 to 100 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
This inductive speed sensor IS-T is developed for wheels made of fer-
romagnetic material by turbo charger.
If a wheel with different dimensions is used (see Environment), the
technical function has to be tested individually.
Please contact our technical consultancy for more information.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Sensors | Speed Sensors | 331

Ordering Information
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-T
Order number B 261 209 662-01
332 | Sensors | Speed Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M5-
u Wide measurement range: -55 to 300C
u Very short response time
u Strong protection against ambient temperature
u Compact and robust design
This sensor is designed to measure temperatures up to
300C of oil, water, fuel or air. This signal is used as a
control value for engine control units or as a measure-
ment value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC-sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises and the resistance decreases.
To improve a good protection against the ambient tem-
perature, the housing is made of stainless steel and
partly filled with an isolation-paste.
The main benefit of the sensor is a very compact design
and its very short response time.
Application -55 to 300C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Bio fuel compatibility -
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M5x1
Wrench size 8 mm
Installation torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 6 g
Sealing O-Ring 4 x 1 mm
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance 10 k
Accuracy at 25C (homogeneous
Accuracy at 100C (homogene-
ous cond.)
Rel. resistance tolerance at 25C 1 %
Response time tau in still water
< 4 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-55 519,910
-35 158,090
-20 71,668
-10 44,087
0 27,936
10 18,187
20 12,136
25 10,000
30 8,284
40 5,774
50 4,103
60 2,967
70 2,182
80 1,629
90 1,234
100 946.6
120 578.1
140 368.8
160 244.4
180 167.6
200 118.5
220 86.08
240 64.08
260 48.76
280 37.86
300 29.94
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 333

Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-

Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 50 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.

Installation Notes
The NTC M5-HS can be connected directly to most control units using
a pull-up resistance (typically 1 or 3 k) .
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch
Data Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M5-HS
Order number F 02U V00 510-01
334 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M6-H
u Wide measurement range: -25 to 300C
This sensor is designed to measure fluid temperatures
e.g. oil, water or fuel. This signal may be used as a con-
trol value for engine control units or as a measurement
value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises and the resistance decreases.
The sensing element is a lacquer-coated thermistor disk
which is connected via a copper-clad Fe wire to a AWG
24 wire. To improve the response time, the element is
molded into a high performance heat paste.
The main benefit of the sensor is the combination of
both high quality production part and a robust, compact
design. It is especially designed to measure high tem-
peratures (up to 300C).
Application -25 to 300C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Bio fuel compatibility -
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M6x1
Wrench size 10 mm
Installation torque 3 Nm
Weight w/o wire 8.5 g
Sealing O-Ring 4.47 x 1.78 mm
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Max. power at 25C 200 mW
Nominal resistance at 25C 49.12 k
Accuracy at 25C 1.84C
Accuracy at 100C 1.5C
Rel. resistance tolerance at 25C 8 %
Response time tau 63 in still wa-
< 7 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-25 657,350
-15 365,040
0 162,210
10 98,322
25 49,120
40 26,065
60 12,140
80 6,119
100 3,300
120 1,885
140 1,132
160 710
180 463
200 312
220 217
240 155
260 113
280 85
300 64
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 335

Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 50 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The NTC M6-H can be connected directly to most control units using a
pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-H
Order number B 261 209 989-01
336 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M6-
u Wide measurement range: -55 to 300C
u Very short response time
u Strong protection against ambient temperature
u Robust design
This sensor is designed to measure temperatures up to
300 C of oil, water, fuel or air. This signal is used as a
control value for engine control units or as a measure-
ment value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC-sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises and the resistance decreases.
To improve a good protection against the ambient tem-
perature, the housing is made of stainless steel and
partly filled with an isolation-paste.
The main benefit of the sensor is a very robust and com-
pact design and its very short response time.
Application -55 to 300 C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100 C
Bio fuel compatibility -
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M6x1
Wrench size 10 mm
Installation torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 6.5 g
Sealing O-Ring 4.47 x 1.78 mm
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance at 25 C 10 k
Accuracy at 25 C (homogene-
ous cond.)
0.3 C
Accuracy at 100 C (homogene-
ous cond.)
1.3 C
Rel. resistance tolerance at 25C 1 %
Response time tau 63 in still wa-
< 4 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-55 519,910
-35 158,090
-20 71,668
-10 44,087
0 27,936
10 18,187
20 12,136
25 10,000
30 8,284
40 5,774
50 4,103
60 2,967
70 2,182
80 1,629
90 1,234
100 946.6
110 735.5
120 578.1
130 459.4
140 368.8
150 298.9
160 244.4
170 201.6
180 167.6
190 140.4
200 118.5
210 100.7
220 86.08
230 74.05
240 64.08
250 55.75
260 48.76
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 337

270 42.87
280 37.86
290 33.59
300 29.94
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 50 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The NTC M6-HS can be connected directly to most control units using
a pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-HS
Order number F 02U V00 486-01
338 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M8-
u Wide measurement range: -55 to 300C
u Very short response time
u Strong protection against ambient temperature
u Robust design
This sensor is designed to measure temperatures up to
300C of oil, water, fuel or air. This signal is used as a
control value for engine control units or as a measure-
ment value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC-sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises and the resistance decreases.
To improve a good protection against the ambient tem-
perature, the housing is made of stainless steel and
partly filled with an isolation-paste.
The main benefit of the sensor is a very robust design
and its very short response time.
Application -55 to 300C
Storage temperature range 0 to 100C
Bio fuel compatibility -
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M8x1
Wrench size 12 mm
Installation torque 8 Nm
Weight w/o wire 8 g
Sealing O-Ring 6.35 x 1.78 mm
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance 10 k
Accuracy at 25C (homogeneous
Accuracy at 100C (homogene-
ous cond.)
Rel. resistance tolerance at 25C 1 %
Response time tau in still water
< 4 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-55 519,910
-35 158,090
-20 71,668
-10 44,087
0 27,936
10 18,187
20 12,136
25 10,000
30 8,284
40 5,774
50 4,103
60 2,967
70 2,182
80 1,629
90 1,234
100 946.6
110 735.5
120 578.1
130 459.4
140 368.8
150 298.9
160 244.4
170 201.6
180 167.6
190 140.4
200 118.5
210 100.7
220 86.08
230 74.05
240 64.08
250 55.75
260 48.76
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 339

270 42.87
280 37.86
290 33.59
300 29.94
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 50 cm
Please specify the required wire length with your order.

Installation Notes
The NTC M8-HS can be connected directly to most control units using
a pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M8-HS
Order number F 02U V00 509-01
340 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M12
u Measurement range: -40 to 130C
u Robust design
This sensor is designed to measure fluid temperatures
e.g. oil, water or fuel. This signal may be used as a con-
trol value for engine control units or as a measurement
value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises. The sensing element of the
temperature sensor is made of semiconducting heavy
metal oxide and oxidized mixed crystals, which are
equipped with a protective housing.
The main benefit of the sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and a robust compact de-
Application -40 to 130C
Storage temp. range 0 to 100C
Bio fuel compatibility E85/M22
Max. vibration 600 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1.5
Wrench size 19 mm
Installation torque 25 Nm
Weight w/o wire 29 g
Sealing Not included
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance at 20C 2.5 k 5 %
Accuracy at 25C 1.4C
Accuracy at 100C 3.4C
Response time tau 63 in still wa-
< 15 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-40 45,313
-30 26,114
-20 15,462
-10 9,397
0 5,896
10 3,792
20 2,500
30 1,707
40 1,175
50 834
60 596
70 436
80 323
90 243
100 187
110 144
120 113
130 89
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Jetronic
Mating connector
2-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 288-01
Pin 1 SIG+
Pin 2 SIG-
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 341

Installation Notes
The NTC M12 can be connected directly to most control units using a
pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing.
Free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch
Data Logging at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M12
Order number 0 280 130 026
342 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M12-
u Measurement range: -40 to 150C
u Robust design
This sensor is designed to measure fluid temperatures
e.g. oil, water or fuel. This signal may be used as a con-
trol value for engine control units or as a measurement
value which is logged in a data acquisition system.
The NTC sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises. The sensing element of the
temperature sensor is made of semiconducting heavy
metal oxide and oxidized mixed crystals, which are
equipped with a protective housing.
The main benefit of the sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and a robust compact de-
Application -40 to 150C
Storage temperature range -30 to 60C
Bio fuel compatibility E85/M22
Max. vibration 300 m/s
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1.5
Wrench size 19 mm
Installation torque 18 Nm
Weight w/o wire 28.3 g
Sealing Al-washer
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance at 20C 2.5 k 20C
Accuracy at 25C 1.4C
Accuracy at 100C 0.8C
Response time tau 63 in still wa-
< 15 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-40 45,313
-30 26,114
-20 15,462
-10 9,397
0 5,896
10 3,792
20 2,500
30 1,707
40 1,175
50 834
60 596
70 436
80 323
90 243
100 187
110 144
120 113
130 89
140 71
150 57
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
2-pole Compact
D 261 205 337-01
Pin 1 SIG+
Pin 2 SIG-
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 343

Installation Notes
The NTC M12-H can be connected directly to most control units using
a pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-H
Order number 0 281 002 170
344 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor NTC M12-
u Measurement range: -40 to 140C
u Air temperature measurement
u Robust design
This sensor is designed to measure air temperature e.g.
in the air box or ambient temperature. The signal may
be used as a control value for engine control units or as
a measurement value which is logged in a data acquisi-
tion system.
The NTC sensing element has a negative temperature
coefficient. This means, that with increasing tempera-
ture the conductivity rises. The sensing element of the
temperature sensor is made of semiconducting heavy
metal oxide and oxidized mixed crystals, which are
equipped with a protective housing.
The main benefit of the sensor is the combination of a
high quality production part and a robust and compact
Application -40 to 140C
Storage temp. range -30 to 60C
Bio fuel compatibility E85/M22
Max. vibration 300 m/s
at 50 to 250 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1.5
Wrench size 19 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight w/o wire 24.6 g
Sealing Not included
Electrical Data
Characteristic NTC
Nominal resistance 5% 2.5 k at 20C
Accuracy at 25C 1.4C
Accuracy at 100C 3.4C
Response Time tau 63 in still wa-
< 10 s
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-40 45,313
-30 26,114
-20 15,462
-10 9,397
0 5,896
10 3,792
20 2,500
30 1,707
40 1,175
50 834
60 596
70 436
80 323
90 243
100 187
110 144
120 113
130 89
140 71
Connectors and Wires
Connector Bosch Compact
Mating connector
2-pole Jetronic
D 261 205 288-01
Pin 1 SIG+
Pin 2 SIG-
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 345

Installation Notes
The NTC M12-L can be connected directly to most control units using
a pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-L
Order number 0 280 130 039
346 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensor PT 200E
u Exhaust gas temperature measurements
u Wide measurement range: -40 to 1,000C
u Short response time
The PT 200E is designed to measure exhaust gas tem-
peratures up to 1,000C.
The sensor element has a positive temperature coeffi-
cient. This means, that with increasing ambient temper-
ature the conductivity decreases and the resistance
rises. The opened housing exposes the sensor directly
into the gas flow in order to improve its performance.
The main benefit of the sensor is a very robust and com-
pact design and its wide measurement range.
Application -40 to 1,000C
Storage temp. range 0 to 100C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M14x1.5
Wrench size 19 mm
Weight w/o wire 55 g
Electrical Data
Characteristic PTC
Accuracy at -40 to 200C 3C
Relative resistance tolerance at
> 200C
1.5 %
Characteristic Application
T [C] R []
-40 170
-25 181
0 201
25 220
50 239
75 257
100 276
150 313
200 349
250 385
300 420
350 454
400 488
450 521
500 554
550 586
600 618
650 649
700 679
750 709
800 738
850 767
900 795
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PD-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SD-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 n.c.
Pin 2 SIG+
Pin 3 SIG-
Pin 4 n.c.
Pin 5 n.c.
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length 15 to 100 cm
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 347

Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Various motorsports and automotive connectors are available on re-
Installation Notes
The PT 200E can be connected directly to most control units using a
pull-up resistor (typically 1 or 3 k).
Please check the offer drawing for a correct mounting orientation.
Please use the mounting part for a correct fixation of the sensor (not
included, available on request).
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Temperature Sensor PT 200E
Order number F 02U V00 811-01
Temperature Sensor PT 200E Adapter
Order number F 02U 000 847-01
348 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensors Infrared
u Non-contact temperature measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 160C
u Analog output (0 to 5 V)
u Compact size and robust housing
This infrared temperature sensor is designed for non-
contact surface temperature measurement of various
parts (e.g. tires or cylinder heads) based on IR radia-
Using ruggedized silicon-coated optics with internal
electronics and cabling packaged inside stainless steel
housing, this sensor measures the emitted infrared radi-
ation of an object and calculates its temperature. The
output signal has a linear characteristic (temperature vs.
output voltage).
The main features of this sensor are its compact size,
robust design, and high signal quality at a low cost. In
addition, it offers the ability to change the temperature
range, the output voltage and emissivity by request.
Application 0 to 160C
Operating temp. range (sensing
-20 to 120C
Operating temp. range (electron-
-20 to 70C
Storage temperature range -40 to 85C
Relative humidity 10 to 95 %
Max. vibration any axis 30 m/s
at 11 to 200 Hz
500 m/s
, 11 ms shock
Technical Specifications
TI-16-r TI-16-s
Optimized for
measuring of
Rubber Steel
Emissivity (prede-
0.95 0.80
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1 mm
Wrench size 14 mm
Length housing 28 mm
Weight with wire 1 m 70 g
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 to 28 V
Max power supply U
28 V
Full scale output UA 0 to 5 V
Current IS 9 mA
Emissivity (predefined) Please see Variations
Optical resolution 10 : 1
Spectral range 8 to 14 m
Compensated range -20 to 120C
Temperature resolution at T
System accuracy at 23C t
max. value
1.5C or 1.5 %
Repeatability at 23C t
max. value
0.75C or 0.75 %
Sensitivity 31.25 mV/C
Offset 0 mV
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01

Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Prg
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve Viton
Wire size AWG 26
Wire length L 70 to 100 cm
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 349

Installation Notes
The TI-16 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
The temperature measurement range can be changed anywhere in the
range of -20C to160C per request.
The emissivity can be changed by request.
The predefined emissivity can differ from the real emissivity.
To determine the emissivity, please contact Bosch Motorsport for as-
The sensor is protected against reverse polarity and short-circuits.
Sensor can be mounted in any orientation.
Do not disconnect the electronics housing from the sensor.
The sensor meets the EMV qualification 89/336/EWG.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated thread.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
To clean the lens, use only a soft, wet (water or water based glass
cleaner) cloth -> NO DISSOLVER cleaner!
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Order number F 01T A21 207-01
Order number F 01T A21 209-01
350 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensors Infrared
u Non-contact temperature measurement
u Measurement range: 0 to 1,000C
u Analog output (0 to 5 V)
u Compact size and robust housing
This infrared temperature sensor is designed for non-
contact surface temperature measurement of various
parts (e.g. tires or cylinder heads) based on IR radia-
Using ruggedized silicon-coated optics with internal
electronics and cabling packaged inside stainless steel
housing, this sensor measures the emitted infrared radi-
ation of an object and calculates its temperature. The
output signal has a linear characteristic (temperature vs.
output voltage).
The main features of this sensor are its compact size,
robust design, and high signal quality at a low cost. In
addition, it offers the ability to change the temperature
range, the output voltage and emissivity by request.
Application 0 to 1,000C
Operating temp. range (sensing
-20 to 120C
Operating temp. range (electron-
-20 to 70C
Storage temperature range -40 to 85C
Relative humidity 10 to 95 %
Max. vibration any axis 30 m/s
at 11 to 200 Hz
500 m/s
, 11 ms shock
Technical Specifications
TI-100-s TI-100-C
Optimized for
measuring of
Steel Carbon
Emissivity (prede-
0.80 0.75
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1 mm
Wrench size 14 mm
Length housing 28 mm
Weight with wire 1 m 70 g
Electrical Data
Power supply U
5 to 28 V
Max power supply U
28 V
Full scale output UA 0 to 5 V
Current IS 9 mA
Emissivity (predefined) Please see Variations
Optical resolution 10 : 1
Spectral range 8 to 14 m
Compensated range -20 to 120C
Temperature resolution at T
System accuracy at 23C t
max. value
1.5C or 1.5 %
Repeatability at 23C t
or max.
0.75C or 0.75 %
Sensitivity 31.25 mV/C
Offset 0 mV
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 231-01

Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 Prg
Pin 5 Scr
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Sleeve Viton
Wire size AWG 26
Wire length L 70 to 100 cm
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Sensors | Temperature Sensors | 351

Installation Notes
The TI-100 can be connected directly to most control units and data
logging systems.
The temperature measurement range can be changed anywhere in the
range of -20C to 1,000C per request.
The emissivity can be changed by request.
The predefined emissivity can differ from the real emissivity.
To determine the emissivity, please contact Bosch Motorsport for as-
The sensor is protected against reverse polarity and short-circuits.
Sensor can be mounted in any orientation.
Do not disconnect the electronics housing from the sensor.
The sensor meets the EMV qualification 89/336/EWG.
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes.
For mounting please use only the integrated thread.
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
sensor specifications.
To clean the lens, use only a soft, wet (water or water based glass
cleaner) cloth -> NO DISSOLVER cleaner!
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Order number F 01T A21 210-01
Order number F 01T A21 211-01
352 | Sensors | Temperature Sensors

Thermocouple Probe TCP K
u Thermocouple Type K
u Thermo material: NiCr-Ni
u Measurement range: -200 to 1,000C (1,300C)
u Flexible mounting depth
u Analog output (Thermo voltage)
This sensor is designed to measure exhaust gas temper-
atures up to 1,300C.
Thermocouples are temperature sensors, which gener-
ates a small temperature corresponding voltage, due to
their thermo electrical behaviour, without any additional
external energy. The mantle thermocouple has a metal
mantle which includes two inner wires made of thermo
material (NiCr-Ni). The wires are isolated.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is a very
quick response time, the combination of high quality
production part and robust design with metal housing
and motorsport connector.
Application -200 to 1,000C (1,300)C
Max. vibration 800 m/s
at 5 to 500 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread See adapter
Wrench size See adapter
Installation torque See adapter
Weight with wire 47 g
Sensor tip bend radius R 20
Electrical Data
Voltage supply NiCr/Ni Typ K
Full scale output DIN IEC 584-1
Characteristic Application
Accuracy (max. value) 1.5 C or 0.004 * t
T [C]
U [mV]
-100 -3.554
0 0.000
100 4.096
200 8.138
300 12.209
400 16.397
500 20.644
600 24.905
700 29.129
800 33.275
900 37.326
1,000 41.276
1,100 45.119
1,200 48.838
1,300 52.410
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PD-HE
Mating connector
ASL 0-06-05SD-HE
F 02U 000 229-01
Pin 1 -
Pin 2 Sig-
Pin 3 Sig+
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Src
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 75 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the required wire length with your order.
Sensors | Thermocouple Probes | 353

Installation Notes
The TCP K can be connected to Bosch Motorsport ECUs with thermo-
couple inputs (w/o pull-up resistant) or to external devices, which am-
plify the sensor voltage.
Recommended max. continuous utilization temperature 1,000C,
short-term utilization temperature 1,300C.
The sensor can be mounted individually according to the customer re-
The sensor tip is flexible/ bendable and can be fixed by a special
adapter (B 261 209 159-01).
The length of the sensor tip can be modified on request.
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for the Bosch Da-
ta Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Thermocouple Probe TCP K
Order number B 261 209 385-01
Thermocouple Probe TCP K Adapter
Order number B 261 209 159-01
354 | Sensors | Thermocouple Probes

Thermocouple Probe TCP KA
u Thermocouple Type K
u Thermo material: NiCr-Ni
u Measurement range: 0 to 1,250C
u Analog output (0 to 5 V)
This sensor is designed to measure exhaust gas temper-
atures up to 1,250C.
Thermocouples are temperature sensors, which supply a
temperature corresponding voltage, due to its thermo-
electric behavior, without any additional external energy
source. The mantle thermocouple has a metal mantle
which includes two inner wires made of thermo material
(Ni CrSi - NiSi). The wires are isolated. The voltage is
amplified by an electronic circuit, which is powered by
12 V and supplies an output signal from 0 to 5 V. Please
note that the operating temperature of the external
electronics is from 0 to 120C.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of high quality production part, robust design
and its integrated amplifier.
Application 0 to 1,250C
Operating temp. range (ext.
0 to 120C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M12x1
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight with wire 85 g
Length 250 mm
Electrical Data
Voltage supply 12 V
Full scale output 0 to 5 V
Characteristic Application
Measuring range 0 to 1,250C
T [C] U [mV]
0 0
50 197
100 399
200 793
300 1,190
400 1,598
500 2,012
600 2,427
700 2,839
800 3,243
900 3,638
1,000 4,022
1,100 4,396
1,200 4,759
1,250 5,000
Connectors and Wires
Connector F 02U B00 292-01
Mating connector D 261 205 357-01
Pin 1 Sig
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 U
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 75 cm
Sensors | Thermocouple Probes | 355

Installation Notes
The TCP KA can be connected to Bosch Motorsport ECUs with a 0 to 5
V analog signal input (w/o pull-up resistor) or to external data logging
The sensor can be mounted individually according to the customers
Please note that the operating temperature range of the external elec-
tronics is from 0 to 120C.
Recommended bending radius of the wire of the sensor element is
minimum 20 mm to ensure the sensor works properly and for a longer
lifespan of the sensor.
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and
free download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for Bosch Data
Logging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Thermocouple Probe TCP KA
Order number F 02U V01 664-01
Thermocouple Probe TCP KA Adapter
Order number F 02U V01 185-01
356 | Sensors | Thermocouple Probes

Sensors | Thermocouple Probes | 357

Thermocouple Probe TCP KN 2
u Thermocouple Type K
u Thermo material: NiCr-Ni
u Measurement range: 0 to 1,250C
u Analog output (0 to 5 V)
This sensor is designed to measure exhaust gas temper-
atures up to 1,250C.
Thermocouples are temperature sensors, which supply a
temperature corresponding voltage without any addi-
tional external energy source. The mantle thermocouple
has a metal mantle which includes two isolated wires
made of thermomaterial NiCr-Ni Type K. The voltage is
amplified by an electronic circuit, which is powered by
12 V and supplies an output signal from 0 to 5 V. The
sensing element is protected with a double housing
made of Nimonic 75 to make possible its application be-
fore turbo chargers. Please note that the operating tem-
perature of the external electronics is from 0 to 125C.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combi-
nation of high quality production part, robust design
and its integrated amplifier.
Application 0 to 1,250C
Operating temp. range (ext.
0 to 125C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Male thread M14x1.5
Wrench size 17 mm
Installation torque 15 Nm
Weight with wire 85 g
Length 81 mm
Electrical Data
Voltage supply 5 to 16 V
Full scale output 0 to 5 V
Characteristic Application
Measuring range 0 to 1,250C
T [C] U [mV]
0 0
50 197
100 399
200 793
300 1,190
400 1,598
500 2,012
600 2,427
700 2,839
800 3,243
900 3,638
1,000 4,022
1,100 4,396
1,200 4,759
1,250 5,000
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASU 6-03-03PB-HE
Mating connector ASU 3-03-03SB-HE
Pin 1 Power Supply
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Signal
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 75 cm
358 | Sensors | Thermocouple Probes

Installation Notes
The TCP KN2 can be connected to Bosch Motorsport ECUs with a 0 to
5 V analog signal input (w/o pull-up resistor) or to external data log-
ging devices.
The sensor can be mounted individually according to the customers
Please note that the operating temperature range of the external elec-
tronics is from 0 to 125C.
Recommended bending radius of the wire of the sensor element is
minimum 20 mm to ensure the sensor works properly and for a longer
lifespan of the sensor.
Any mounting orientation is possible.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing and free
download of the sensor configuration file (*.sdf) for Bosch Data Log-
ging System at our homepage.
Ordering Information
Order number F 02U V01 469-01
Sensors | Thermocouple Probes | 359

Wire Potentiometer WP 35
u Measurement range 0 to 38 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 35 is a wire potentiometer which is designed to
measure position, direction, or rate of motion of moving
mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 38 mm
Temperature range -65 to 125C
Max. wire acceleration 290 m/s
Max. wire tension 1.7 N
Shock 1,000 m/s
for 6 ms
Vibration 150 m/s
at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 15 g
Possible mechanical range 38.1 mm
Mounting 2 x 2-56 UNC
Tightening torque 2.5 Nm
Life expectancy 5 x 10
Protection IP54
Dimensions 19.1 x 19.1 x 9.7 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 35 V
Nominal resistance 5 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 1 %
Max. current 12 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 35 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 35
Order number B 261 209 541-01
360 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 361

Wire Potentiometer WP 50
u Measurement range: 0 to 50 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 50 is a wire potentiometer which is designed to
measure position, direction, or rate of motion of moving
mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 50 mm
Temperature range -65 to 125C
Max. wire acceleration 400 m/s
Max. wire tension 3.3 N
Shock 1,000 m/s
for 6 ms
Vibration 150 m/s
at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 15 g
Possible mechanical range 50.8 mm
Mounting 2 x 2-56 UNC
Tightening torque 2.5 Nm
Life expectancy 100 x 10
Protection IP54
Dimensions 24.4 x 11.4 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 35 V
Nominal resistance 5 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.5 %
Max. current 12 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 50 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 50
Order number B 261 209 542-01
362 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 363

Wire Potentiometer WP 75
u Measurement range: 0 to 75 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 75 is a wire potentiometer which is designed to
measure position, direction, or rate of motion of moving
mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 75 mm
Temperature range -65 to 125C
Max. wire acceleration 170 m/s
Max. wire tension 2.8 N
Shock 1,000 m/s
for 6 ms
Vibration 150 m/s
at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 28 g
Possible mechanical range 76.2 mm
Mounting 2 x 2-56 UNC
Tightening torque 2.5 Nm
Life expectancy 100 x 10
Protection IP54
Dimensions 24.4 x 11.4 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 35 V
Nominal resistance 5 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.5 %
Max. current 12 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 75 can be connected directly to most electronic control units
and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 75
Order number B 261 209 543-01
364 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 365

Wire Potentiometer WP 100
u Measurement range: 0 to 100 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 100 is a wire potentiometer which is designed
to measure position, direction, or rate of motion of mov-
ing mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 100 mm
Temperature range -65 to 125C
Max. wire acceleration 90 m/s
Max. wire tension 3.3 N
Shock 1,000 m/s
for 6 ms
Vibration 150 m/s
at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 57 g
Possible mechanical range 101.6 mm
Mounting 2 x 2-56 UNC
Tightening torque 2.5 Nm
Life expectancy 100 x 10
Protection IP54
Dimensions 43.3 x 12.5 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 35 V
Nominal resistance 5 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.5 %
Max. current 12 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 100 can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 100
Order number B 261 209 544-01
366 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 367

Wire Potentiometer WP 120
u Measurement range: 0 to 120 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 120 is a wire potentiometer which is designed
to measure position, direction or rate of motion of mov-
ing mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 120 mm
Temperature range -15 to 60C
Max. wire tension 2.2 N
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 85 g
Possible mechanical range 120 mm
Mounting 2 x 4 & 4.8
Life expectancy 1 x 10
Dimensions 45.7 x 44.5 x 59.7 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 25 V
Nominal resistance 1 k
Resistance tolerance 0.15 %
Non-linearity 1 %
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 120 can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 120
Order number F 01T A21 250
368 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 369

Wire Potentiometer WP 125
u Measurement range: 0 to 125 mm
u Compact design
u Analog output: 0 to 5 V
The WP 125 is a wire potentiometer which is designed
to measure position, direction, or rate of motion of mov-
ing mechanical components.
This sensor converts mechanical movement into electri-
cal signal using a stainless steel cable wounded on a
threaded drum that is coupled to a precision rotary sen-
sor. Hence the electrical output is proportional to the
distance travelled.
The advantage of this WP is its compact style which al-
lows for flexible and easy installation. Due to its small
size, precise measurement is possible even in difficult
Application 0 to 125 mm
Temperature range -65 to 125C
Max. wire acceleration 80 m/s
Max. wire tension 2.8 N
Shock 1,000 m/s
for 6 ms
Vibration 150 m/s
at 10 to 2,000 Hz
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire 85 g
Possible mechanical range 127.5 mm
Mounting 2 x 2-56 UNC
Tightening torque 2.5 Nm
Life expectancy 100 x 10
Protection IP54
Dimensions 50.5 x 13.2 mm
Electrical Data
Power supply 5 V
Power supply max. 35 V
Nominal resistance 5 k
Resistance tolerance 10 %
Non-linearity 0.5 %
Max. current 12 mA
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 6-06-05PA-HE
Connector loom
ASL 0-06-05SA-HE
F 02U 000 226-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 3 Sig
Pin 4 -
Sleeve DR-25
Wire size AWG 24
Wire length L 15 to 45 cm
Various motorsport and automotive connectors are available on re-
Please specify the requested wire length with your order.
Installation Notes
The WP 125 can be connected directly to most electronic control
units and data logging systems.
Holder for specific mounting orientation is available on request.
The angle of the displacement wire should be in the range of 5 to 10
from normal direction to avoid damaging the housing.
Do not allow the wire to snap back (freely retract). This will cause
damage and void the warranty. Tension must be maintained on the
wire at all times.
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Wire Potentiometer WP 125
Order number B 261 209 545-01
370 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Sensors | Wire Potentiometers | 371

372 | Sensors | Wire Potentiometers

Brake Control 5

ABS 374

ABS M4 Kit
u Suitable for front-wheel, rear-wheel and four-
wheel drive vehicles
The ABS M4 kit is developed for the operation in front-,
rear- or 4-wheel drive vehicles. A vehicle specific wire
harness is included in the kit. The ABS M4 is specifically
adapted for motorsports use. Individual car parameters
can be calibrated with software free of charge.
Technical Specifications
ABS M4 Kit 1 ABS M4 Kit 2
Customer specific wire harness
with motorsport connectors,
wheel speed sensors with pro-
duction-type connectors
Customer specific wire harness
with motorsport connectors,
wheel speed sensors with mo-
torsport connectors
Mechanical Data
Hydraulic unit with attached ECU
Vibration damped circuit board
38 pin connector
2 hydraulic valves per wheel
2 brake circuits (front and rear)
2 hydraulic high pressure pumps
2 hydraulic accumulators 3 cm
Standard fittings 2 x master cylinders M12 x 1
4 x brake cylinders M10 x 1
Size 125 x 80.3 x 129.6 mm
Weight 1,850 g
Operating temperature -30 to 130C
Max. shock 50 g less than 6 ms
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 16 V, max. 26 V for 5 min
Max. peak voltage 35 V for 200 ms
Power consumption 8 W stand-by, 230 W in opera-
4 active wheel speed DF11
Brake pressure (front brake circuit)
Longitudinal acceleration
Lateral acceleration
Yaw rate
Brake light switch
12 position function switch: 9 switch positions pre-
2 switch positions pro-
1 switch position for ABS
function OFF
ABS warning light (MIL)
Control of internal ABS valves
Control of pump motor
Optional Accessories
Additional package ASR (Trac-
tion control), includes software,
map switch and CAN module
on request
Additional package EBD (Elec-
tronic Brake force Distribution)
on request
Communication interface
F 02U V00 327-01
Wheel speed signal splitters:
Single, without connec-
F 02U V00 225-01
Single, motorsport con-
F 02U V00 209-01
Quad, 2 motorsport con-
F 02U V00 203-03
Quad, 1 motorsport con-
F 02U V00 335-03
Data logger C 50 F 02U V01 164-01
Display DDU 7 F 02U V01 130-01
CAN interface
Content of Kit
Hydraulic unit with attached ECU
Pressure sensor
374 | Brake Control | ABS

Yaw/acceleration sensor
12 position function switch
4 wheel speed sensors DF11 standard
ABS warning light
Vehicle specific wire harness
Vibrations damping boards
Ordering Information
ABS M4 Kit 1
Order number F 02U V00 289-01
ABS M4 Kit 2
Order number F 02U V00 290-01
Wheel Speed Sensor
Brake Control | ABS | 375

376 | Brake Control | ABS

Displays 6

Displays 378

Display DDU 7
u Freely programmable dash logger
u Large trans-reflective multi colour display
u Light weight synthetic material housing
u Recording on USB flash drive (opt.)
The display DDU 7 integrates a programmable colour
dash board display with a data logging system for mo-
torsport applications. This allows for synchronized ac-
quisition and visualization of engine data from the ECU
and chassis data from 6 analogue and 4 digital input
channels. Additional input devices can be connected via
Ethernet and CAN buses. Recorded data from the inter-
nal 2 GB flash memory can be downloaded via high
speed Ethernet.
Display 5,7 graphic colour dis-
12 user configurable
display pages
10 multicolor freely
configurable (RGB)
Resolution 640 x 480 pixel
Supported image file formats Bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif
Converters 8 kHz AD converters with digital
low pass filter
Configurable math channels
User configurable CAN in/out messages
Sampling rate Max. 1,000 Hz for all channels
Online data compression
Logging rate Max. 100 kB/s
Recording channels Up to 720 per connected de-
Logged data download speed Max. 1,000 kB/s
Internal storage capacity 2 GB
FM 40 long range telemetry support, GSM telemetry support
RS232 GPS input
CCP-Master, data acquisition from ECU that support CAN calibration
protocol (optional)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 148 x 126 x 32 mm
Weight 440 g
Protection Classification IP54 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Operating temperature internal -20 to 85C
Operating temperature Display -20 to 70C
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption (w/o
14 W at 14 V
Page/brightness selection 2
Analog channels 6
Wheel speed inputs (Hall-effect) 4
Input range 0 to 5 V
Resolution 12 bit
Switchable pull up resistor 3 kOhm
DF 11 inputs On request

Sensor supply 5 V 1 % (350
Sensor supply 10 V 1 % (350
External switch for page selec-
tion, 12 steps
B 261 209 658-01
External switch for brightness ad-
justment or page selection, 6
B 261 209 659-01
USB flash drive and connector are available on request
Software Upgrade 1
378 | Displays | Displays

USB-Port unlocked (Rugged USB
flash drive 2 GB Bosch File Sys-
tem (BFS) format included, works
with Bosch File System (BFS)
preformatted USB Flash drive on-
F 02U V01 133-02
Software Upgrade 2
CCP-Master (ASAP2 file from
ECU manufacturer required)
F 02U V01 134-01
Adapter cable to USB-Port inclu-
F 02U V01 343-01
Adapter for wiring harness inclu-
F 02U 002 996-01
Connectors and Wires
Motorsport connector
AS 2-14-35PN at DDU7
37 pins
Mating connector
AS 6-14-35SN
F 02U 000 453-01
Installation Notes
The required software (.pst file) for this device is available in the
download area of our homepage
CAN interfaces 2
Ethernet 100BaseT 1
Laptrigger input 1
RS232 Telemetry, GPS
Configuration via RaceCon Over Ethernet or MSA-Box II
Ordering Information
Display DDU 7
Order number F 02U V01 130-04
Software Options
SW Upgrade 1
Order number F 02U V01 133-02
SW Upgrade 2
Order number F 02U V01 134-01
Displays | Displays | 379

Display DDU 8
u Full programmable multi colour display
u 2 GB dash logger (opt.)
u Recording on USB flash drive (opt.)
u Multi colour (RGB) gearshift lights
The display DDU 8 integrates a programmable full colour
dash board display with a data logging system for mo-
torsports applications. This allows for synchronized ac-
quisition and visualization of engine data from the ECU
and chassis data from up to 24 analogue and 4 digital in-
put channels. Additional input devices can be connected
via the ethernet and CAN buses. Recorded data from the
internal 2 GB logger (opt.) can be downloaded via high-
speed ethernet or via wireless connection with the
BT 60 burst telemetry system.
As a base system the DDU 8 is sold as display only. Soft-
ware upgrades for the DDU 8 (field upgradable by enter-
ing a key) activate data logger functionality, additional
recording on USB flash drive, CCP-master and additional
input channels.
Display 5 graphic colour display
Multiple user configura-
ble display pages
10 multi colour (RGB)
gearshift lights
Resolution 800 x 480 high resolution pixel
Supported image file formats Bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif
Converters 8 kHz AD converters with digital
low pass filter
Configurable math channels
User configurable CAN in/out messages
Sampling rate Max. 1,000 Hz for all channels
Online data compression
Logging rate Max. 300 kB/s
Recording channels Up to 720 per connected device
Logged data download speed Max. 1,000 kB/s
3-port network switch
CCP-Master, data acquisition from ECU that support CAN calibration
protocol (optional)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 161 x 111 x 31 (49) mm
Weight 675 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Operating temperature internal -20 to 60C
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption (w/o
14 W at 14 V
Page/brightness selection 2
Analog channels 4
Input range 0 to 5 V
Resolution 12 bit
Switchable pull up resistor 3 k
PWM outputs (Low side switch 2
A each)
Sensor supply 5 V 1 % (350
Configuration via RaceCon over Ethernet or MSA-Box II
External switch for page selec-
tion, 12 steps
B 261 209 658-01
External switch for brightness
adjustment or page selection, 6
B 261 209 659-01
USB flash drive and connector are available on request.
Adapter cable to USB-Port inclu-
F 02U V01 343-01
Adapter for wiring harness inclu-
F 02U 002 996-01
Software Upgrade 1 F 02U V00 701-01
380 | Displays | Displays

Activation of internal data logger 2 GB
Telemetry support BT 60
Long range telemetry support FM 40
Interface for telemetry (on yel-
low connector)
Software Upgrade 2 F 02U V00 702-01
Yellow connector unlocked
GPS input
Additional analog channels 20
Additional rotational channels
(Input Hall/inductive)
Additional sensor supplies 5 V
1 % (350 mA each)
Additional sensor supply 10 V
1 % (350 mA)
Additional sensor supply 12 V (1
A) non regulated
Interface for GPS RS232
Software Upgrade 3 F 02U V00 796-01
CCP-Master (ASAP2 file from
ECU manufacturer required)

Software Upgrade 4 F 02U V00 871-02
USB-Port unlocked (Rugged USB
flash drive 2 GB Bosch File Sys-
tem (BFS) format included,
works with Bosch File System
(BFS) preformatted USB Flash
drive only)

Connectors and Wires
Motorsport connectors, double
2 x 41 pins
Mating connector (red)
AS DD 6-12-41SN
F 02U 002 216-01
Mating connector (yellow)
AS DD 6-12-41SA
F 02U 004 180-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included
Required service interval: 12 months (replacement of internal bat-
The required software (.pst file) for this device is available in the
download area of our homepage
CAN interfaces 2
Ethernet 100BaseT 3
Lap trigger input (on yellow con-
nector, always open)
Ordering Information
Display DDU 8
Order number F 02U V00 873-05
Software Options
SW Upgrade 1
Order number F 02U V00 701-01
SW Upgrade 2
Order number F 02U V00 702-01
SW Upgrade 3
Order number F 02U V00 796-01
SW Upgrade 4
Order number F 02U V00 871-02
Displays | Displays | 381

382 | Displays | Displays

Data Logging Systems 7

Data Loggers 384

Lap Trigger Systems 390

Sensor Interfaces 395

Telemetry 407

Telemetry Accessories 416

Data Logger C 50
u Freely programmable dash logger
u Light weight synthetic material housing
u Recording on USB flash drive (opt.)
u One motorsports connector
The data logger C 50 is a data logging system for motor-
sport applications. It allows for synchronized acquisition
of engine data from the ECU and chassis data from 6 an-
alog and 4 digital wheel speed input channels. Addition-
al input devices can be connected via Ethernet and CAN
buses. Recorded data from the internal 2 GB flash mem-
ory can be downloaded via high speed Ethernet.
Converters 8 kHz AD converters with digital
low pass filter
Configurable math channels
User configurable CAN in/out messages
Sampling rate Max. 1,000 Hz for all channels
Online data compression
Logging rate Max. 100 kB/s
Recording channels Up to 720 per connected device
Logged data download speed Max. 1,000 kB/s
Internal storage capacity 2 GB
FM 40 long range telemetry support, GSM telemetry support
RS232 GPS input
CCP-Master, data acquisition from ECU that support CAN calibration
protocol (optional)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 148 x 126 x 16 mm
Weight 300 g
Protection Classification IP54 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Operating temperature (inter-
-20 to 60C
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption (w/o
14 W at 14 V
Analog channels 8
Wheel speed input (Hall-effect) 4
Input range 0 to 5 V
Resolution 12 bit
Switchable pull up resistor 3 k
DF11 inputs On request

Sensor supply 5 V 1 % (350
Sensor supply 10 V 1 % (350
USB flash drive and connector are available on request
Software Upgrade 1
USB-Port unlocked (Rugged USB
flash drive 2 GB Bosch File Sys-
tem (BFS) format included,
works with Bosch File System
(BFS) preformatted USB Flash
drive only)
F 02U V01 133-02
Software Upgrade 2
CCP-Master (ASAP2 file from
ECU manufacturer required)
F 02U V01 134-01
Adapter cable to USB-Port inclu-
F 02U V01 343-01
Adapter for wiring harness inclu-
F 02U 002 996-01
384 | Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers

Connectors and Wires
Motorsport connector
AS 2-14-35PN at C 50
37 pins
Mating connector
AS 6-14-35SN
F02U 000 453-01
Installation Notes
The required software (.pst file) for this device is available in the
download area of our homepage
CAN interfaces 2
Ethernet 100BaseT 1
Lap trigger input 1
RS232 Telemetry, GPS
Configuration via RaceCon Over Ethernet or MSA-Box II
Ordering Information
Data Logger C 50
Order number F 02U V01 164-04
Software Options
SW Upgrade 1
Order number F 02U V01 133-02
SW Upgrade 2
Order number F 02U V01 134-01
Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers | 385

Data Logger C 60
u Compact and light weight data logger
u Aluminum housing
u Recording on USB flash drive (opt.)
u Two motorsports connectors
The data logger C 60 is a compact and light weight data
logging system for motorsport applications. This allows
for synchronized acquisition of engine data from the
ECU and chassis data from up to 26 analog and 4 digital
input channels. Additional input devices can be connec-
ted via Ethernet and CAN buses. Recorded data from
the internal 2 GB flash memory can be downloaded via
high speed Ethernet or via wireless connection with the
BT 60 burst telemetry system.
As a base system the C 60 is sold as data logger only.
The software upgrades for the C 60 (field upgradable by
entering a key) activate additional recording on USB
Flash drive, CCP-Master and additional input channels.
Converters 8 kHz AD converters with digital
low pass filter
Configurable math channels
User configurable CAN in/out messages
Sampling rate Max. 1,000 Hz for all channels
Online data compression
Logging rate Max. 300 kB/s
Recording channels Up to 720 per connected device
Logged data download speed Max. 1,000 kB/s
Internal storage capacity 2 GB
3-port network switch
BT 60 WLAN burst telemetry support
FM 40 long range telemetry support, GSM telemetry support
RS232 GPS input
CCP-Master, data acquisition from ECU that support CAN calibration
protocol (optional)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 105 x 34.5 x 137.5 mm
Weight 495 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Operating temperature (inter-
-20 to 65C
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption (w/o
10 W at 14 V
Analog channels 6
Input range 0 to 5 V
Resolution 12 bit
Switchable pull up resistor 3 k
PWM outputs (low side switch 2
A each)
Sensor supply 5 V 1 % (250
USB Flash drive and connector are available on request
Software Upgrade 1
GPS input
Additional analog channels 20
Rotational channels (input Hall/
Additional sensor supply 5 V
(250 mA each)
Sensor supply 10 V (250 mA) 1
Sensor supply 12 V (1 A), non
F 02U V00 703-01
Software Upgrade 2
CCP-Master (ASAP 2 file from
ECU manufacturer required)
F 02U V00 797-01
386 | Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers

Software Upgrade 3
USB-Port unlocked (Rugged USB
flash drive 2 GB Bosch File Sys-
tem (BFS) format included,
works with Bosch File System
(BFS) preformatted USB Flash
drive only)
F 02U V00 872-02
Adapter cable to USB-Port inclu-
F 02U V01 343-01
Adapter for wiring harness inclu-
F 02U 002 996-01
Connectors and Wires
Motorsports connectors double
2 x 41 pins
Mating connector I
AS-DD 6-12-41SN
F 02U 002 216-01
Mating connector II
AS-DD 6-12-41SA
F 02U 004 180-01
Installation Notes
Internal battery for data preservation included.
Required service interval 12 months (internal battery is replaced).
The required software (.pst file) for this device is available in the
download area of our homepage
Configuration via RaceCon over Ethernet or MSA-Box II
CAN interfaces 2
Ethernet 100BaseT 3
RS232 Telemetry
Lap trigger input 1
Ordering Information
Data Logger C 60
Order number F 02U V00 875-03
Software Options
SW Upgrade 1
Order number F 02U V00 703-01
SW Upgrade 2
Order number F 02U V00 797-01
SW Upgrade 3
Order number F 02U V00 872-02
Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers | 387

Upgrade USB
u Capacity 2 GB
u Robust brass housing
u High performance push-pull connector
The Bosch Motorsport rugged USB flash drive is secure-
ly mounted within a rugged brass housing designed to
provide full protection against extreme environmental
conditions. The USB flash drive is IP68 protected and is
resistant to extreme operating temperatures (-30 to
85C). The USB flash drive is equipped with a rugged
protection cap.
The upgrade USB also contains an adapter cable to
USB-port and a connection socket to your wiring har-
Operating temperature range -30 to 85C
Protection class IP68
Tightening torque of Backnut for
connection socket
1.5 to 2.0 Nm
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 3 (see Appen-
dix or
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Housing material Brass
Weight 42 g
Length 72 mm
Bore diameter 15.5 mm
Electrical Data
Capacity 2 GB
Specification USB 1.1/2.0
Data rate USB 2.0 up to 480 MBit/s
Connectors and Wires
Pin layout for connection to vehicle loom (see also Dimensions)
Pin 1 Data -
Pin 2 + 5 V
Pin 3 GND
Pin 4 Data +

388 | Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers

Installation Notes
The USB flash drive should be fixed on a soft surface to reduce the
stress on the USB flash drive.
Required Software upgrades:
SW upgrade 1 for DDU 7 F 02U V01 133-02
SW upgrade 4 for DDU 8 F 02U V00 871-02
SW upgrade 2 for C 50 F 02U V01 134-01
SW upgrade 3 for C 60 F 02U V00 872-02
Ordering Information
Rugged USB flash drive
Order number F 02U V01 342-01
Adapter cable to USB port
Order number F 02U V01 343-01
Connection socket to wiring harness
Order number F 02U 002 996-01
Data Logging Systems | Data Loggers | 389

Lap Trigger HF 58 Receiver
u High reliability, even in bad weather conditions
u 16 independent channels
u Main and sub trigger
This lap trigger system HF 58 consists of a high frequen-
cy transmitter station and a receiver which is installed in
the car.
The system allows an exact lap time measurement. Sec-
tion time measurement for comparison of different car
setups is also available if several transmitters are used.
Antenna gain 6 dBi
Angle azimuth 40
Angle elevation 90
Sensitivity -60 dBm
Packet size 32 Bit
Packet repetition frequency 0,5 ms
Working frequency band 5,795 to 5,815 GHz
Frequency channels 16
Output driver (switching to
10 mA
Output signal main trigger (Puls) 20 ms active low
Output signal sub trigger (Puls) 40 ms active low
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 1
The transmitter sends coded signals across the race
track via the directional antenna. The receiver at the
race car permanently checks the team code and the sig-
nal parameters. If the trigger condition is detected, the
receiver generates the appropriate output signal
(main/sub trigger).
The trigger point is located at broadside of the transmit-
ter antenna. After detecting the trigger point and releas-
ing the trigger signal the receiver is passive for a period
of 0.5 seconds avoiding a multiple trigger signal. When a
trigger is detected the output pin goes low for a certain
-20 msec low at main trigger
-40 msec low at sub trigger
Standard output configuration: Low side switch with in-
ternal pull-up (R = 2.5 kOhm to +5 VDC). External pull-
up to VBat allowed
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 86 x 20 x 69 mm
Weight 127 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Ambient temperature -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power consumption 1.3 W
Supply voltage 6 to 18 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASX0-02-03PN
Pin 1 Power supply +
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Trigger out
Installation Notes
The white antenna radome must be turned to the transmitter side (see
Dimensions) and must not be mounted behind metallic covers or car-
bon fiber filled elements.
Positioning of the receiver inside the car: The connector side has to be
positioned in direction to the front or back of the car as shown in
drawing No. 2 (see Dimensions). It must not be positioned with the
connector pointing up- or downwards.
Green or blue indicator flashes when it detects a trigger condition.
Ordering Information
Lap Trigger HF 58 Receiver
Order number F 02U V00 946-03
390 | Data Logging Systems | Lap Trigger Systems

Data Logging Systems | Lap Trigger Systems | 391

Lap Trigger HF 58 Transmitter
u High reliability, even in bad weather conditions
u 16 independent channels
u Main and sub trigger
u Internal Li-ion battery optional
u External supply possible
This lap trigger system HF 58 consists of a high frequen-
cy transmitter station and a receiver which is installed in
the car.
The system allows an exact lap time measurement. Sec-
tion time measurement for comparison of different car
setups is also available if several transmitters are used.
Working frequency band 5,795 to 5,815 GHz
Frequency channels 16
Angle azimuth 11
Angle elevation 90
Transmission power +10 dBm
Antenna gain 15 dBi
Side lobe suppression >30 dB
The transmitter sends coded signals across the race
track via the directional antenna. The receiver at the
race car permanently checks the signal parameters. If
the trigger condition is detected, the receiver generates
the appropriate beacon signal (main/sub trigger). The
trigger point is located at broadside of the transmitter
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 70 x 340 x 100 mm
Weight 1,020 g
Protection Classification IP54 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Ambient temperature -20 to 60C
Option: internal accumulator
Additional weight 350 g
Charging time < 4 h
Running time Approx. 30 h
Electrical Data
Power consumption 1.5 W
Supply voltage 6 to 18 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector ASL 0-06-05PD-HE
Pin 1 Power supply +
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Charge input +
Pin 4 n.c.
Pin 5 n.c.
Installation Notes
The white antenna radome points to the car as shown in the drawing
(see Dimensions) and must not be mounted behind metallic covers or
carbon fiber filled elements.
Red LED shows low battery condition.
Charge control shows: blue when charging
green when battery full
red on power or battery
Ordering Information
Lap Trigger HF 58 Transmitter
Order number F 02U V00 945-02
Lap Trigger HF 58 Transmitter with internal battery
and charger
Order number F 02U V01 042-02
392 | Data Logging Systems | Lap Trigger Systems

Lap Trigger IR-02 Receiver
u Infrared
u 39 g
u 15 m working range
u Different connectors available
This lap trigger system consists of an infrared transmit-
ter station and a receiver installed in the car. The sys-
tem allows an exact lap time measurement.
Section time measurement for comparison of different
car setups is also available if several transmitters are
The receiver output signal pin is switched to ground for
20 ms when the car passes the main transmitter.
Notice: our old lap trigger IR is not compatible with
IR-02. If both lap triggers are used at the same time, the
transmitters have to be positioned with a minimum dis-
tance of 5 m.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 42 x 20 x 10 mm
Weight 39 g
Aluminum housing
Electrical Data
Frequency codes 16
Supply voltage 8 to 16 V
Output voltage 5 V
Working range 15 m
Working temperature -25 to 70C
Connectors and Wires
Pin 1/A V+ (Battery voltage)
Pin 2/B GND
Pin 3/C Trigger signal
Installation Notes
Same height between receiver and transmitter
Visibility connection between receiver and transmitter
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight
Ordering Information
IR-02 Receiver KPSE 6E8 3AP DN A34
Order number B 261 206 884-03
IR-02 Receiver ASL-6-06-05PD-HE
Order number B 261-206 887-01
IR-02 Receiver KPTA 6E6-4P-C-DN
Order number B 261 206 888-01
Data Logging Systems | Lap Trigger Systems | 393

Lap Trigger IR-02 Transmitter
u Infrared
u 124 g
u 15 m working range
This lap trigger system consists of an infrared transmit-
ter station and a receiver installed in the car. The sys-
tem allows an exact lap time measurement.
Section time measurement for comparison of different
car setups is also available if several transmitters are
The receiver output signal pin is switched to ground for
20 ms when the car passes the main transmitter.
Notice: our old lap trigger IR is not compatible with
IR-02. If both lap triggers are used at the same time, the
transmitters have to be positioned with a minimum dis-
tance of 5 m.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size with diode 90 x 40 x 28 mm
Weight 124 g
Aluminum housing
Electrical Data
Frequency codes 16 plus 16 offset codes for sec-
tion times
Supply voltage 8 to 16 V
Working range 15 m
Working temperature -25 to 70C
Installation Notes
Same height between receiver and transmitter
Visibility connection between receiver and transmitter
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight
Ordering Information
Lap Trigger IR-02 Transmitter
Order number B 261 206 890-01
394 | Data Logging Systems | Lap Trigger Systems

CAN Module
u 8 high speed analogue channels 12 bit, voltage
range 0 to 5 V
u CAN identifiers configurable
u Sampling rate of 1100 Hz
u 120 Ohm CAN bus terminating resistor selectable
The CAN Modules are designed to expand the number of
the channels available on a logger. The linearization of
the channels can be made directly from the acquisition
system so no additional software is necessary. You can
install up to 32 of these modules on the vehicle using
different CAN IDs.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 52 x 56 x 21 mm
Weight 70 g
CAN parameters
Continuous transmission of CAN identifiers with rates configurable 1
Hz to 1 KHz at 1 Mb/s or at 500 Kb/s.
BUS data:
0xADD4 Temperature, Vext /2, DIAG
Diag1 = Vref (1/2 of the Vout value, used to supply external devices)
Diag2 = board temperature
Temperature value T = ((Temp*5000/4096)-500)/10 [C]
Software Filtering: Analogue inputs have IIR LP 1 order filter selecta-
ble in 1 to 100 Hz range.
Transmission parameters (address and transmission frequency) on
CAN bus are software switchable.
A PC software program is available to set configuration parameters
and directly set-up Smart Capture Devices on field.
Data structure
All acquired data are available on CAN with the following IDs (ADD1,
ADD2, ADD3, ADD4 with DLC=8)
Data bus details
Analog inputs
Analog inputs are in counts on 12 bit (0 -> 0 mV, 0x1FFF -> 5000 mV)
1 bit is 1.22 mV
All analog inputs have a low pass hardware filter at 100 Hz and an IIR
pole software configurable in range 1 to 100 Hz.
PC Software
Modules are pre-configured by Bosch Motorsport.
Pin configuration
Connector on Module AS12-35PN
Pin Function
1 Power Supply 12 V
4 Power Supply Ground
5 Close CAN (Bridge with Pin2)
6 12 V out Sensors (protected)
7 Reference Voltage 5 V/50 mA
8 Reference Voltage 5 V/50 mA
9 Analogue channel 1
10 Analogue channel 2
11 Analogue channel 3
12 Analogue channel 4
13 Analogue channel 5
14 Analogue channel 6
15 Analogue channel 7
16 Analogue channel 8
17 Analogue ground
18 Analogue ground
19 Not used
Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 395

20 Not used
21 Not used
22 Not used
Ordering Information
CAN Module
Order number on request
396 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

Extended Module EM-LIN
u LIN Master
u 53 g
The extended module EM-LIN is a LIN-Master designed
to allow an on-line adjustment of the alternator regula-
tor parameters e.g. alternator voltage, load response
time, cut-off speed and current limitation.
The EM-LIN is designed with a microcontroller in combi-
nation with a LIN and a CAN transceiver. The electronics
power supply is managed by a voltage regulator. In addi-
tion, an analog input is accessible on one connector. Its
robust aluminum housing provides an effective protec-
tion for the electronics.
Further functions (e.g. CAN function) and application
specific software development is available on request.
Application LIN Master
Compatible regulator type Bosch LIN-regulator CR652
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 85 x 32 x 17.3 mm
Weight 53 g
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Operating temperature -20 to 85C
Storage temperature -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Power Supply 12 V
Max. power supply (1 min) 25 V
Connectors and Wires
Connector 1 (red) ASU 0-03-05PN-HE
Mating connector
ASU 6-03-05SN-HE
F 02U 000 407-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 -
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Config
Connector 2 (green) ASU 0-03-05SD-HE
Mating connector
ASU 6-03-05PD-HE
F 02U 000 399-01
Pin 1 U
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 LIN
Please note: the EM-LIN must be powered by one connector only.
Installation Notes
Please ask for compatibility of this CAN Module with your ECU.
Ordering Information
Extended Module EM-LIN
Order number F 02U V00 609-02
Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 397

398 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

Lambdatronic LT4
u Supply of 4 Bosch lambda sensors, type LSU ADV
The Lambdatronic LT4 provides controlled pumping cur-
rent to supply up to 4 Bosch lambda sensors, type
LSU 4.2, LSU 4.9 or Mini-LSU 4.9. The lambda value, the
sensor temperature and diagnostics are available via
CAN and analog signal.
The LSU contains a Nernst and a pump cell. The lambda
in the Nernst cell is controlled to lambda = 1.013 inde-
pendent of the oxygen contents on the emission side,
through a current through the pump cell. The current
proportional output voltage of the IC is a measure of the
lambda value.
The main feature and benefit of this unit is the combina-
tion of the Bosch well known lambda IC and a very com-
pact box size with motorsports specification. Further-
more the analog signal output can be configured freely.
Application Lambda 0.75 to 10.12
Compatible Bosch sensor type LSU 4.2, LSU 4.9, Mini-LSU 4.9
Channels 4
Heater Internal
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight with wire 98 g
Sealing 100 % humidity
Mounting Velcro
Size w/o wire (w*l*h) 54 x 59 x 13 mm
Operating temp. range (housing) -20 to 85C
Storage temp. range -20 to 85C
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Power supply U
(6.5) 10 to 14 V
Max power supply (1 min) U
Max. 26 V
Thermal dissipation loss 3 W at 14 V
Current Is 5 A
Current Is (Heating up) 26 A
Configuration with Modas Included
Signal output 1 CAN
Signal output 2 4 x 0 to 5 V analog
CAN- baud rate 500 kbaud or 1 Mbaud
Signal resolution 2,5 * 10-4 lambda
Signal sampling rate 100 Hz
CAN refresh rate 100 Hz
Connectors and Wires
Connector AS 6-14-35PN
Connector loom
AS 1-14-35SN
F 02U 000 355-01
Sleeve Viton
Wire size 26
Wire length L 20 cm
Pin Assignment
Pin Function
1 + 12 V (Battery +)
2 + 12 V (Battery +)
3 Ground (Battery -)
4 Ground (Battery -)
5 K-Line diagnostic connection
6 CAN1 + (high)
7 CAN1 (low)
8 Analog out 1
9 Analog out 2
10 Analog out 3
11 Analog out 4
12 Reference GND for analog out
13 Shield
14 Pump current LSU 1 IP1
15 Virtual GND LSU 1 VM1
16 Heater PWM LSU 1 Uh-1
Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 399

17 Heater (Batt +) LSU 1 Uh+1
18 Setup current LSU 1 IA1
19 Nernst voltage LSU 1 UN1
20 Pump current LSU 2 IP2
21 Virtual GND LSU 2 VM2
22 Heater PWM LSU 2 Uh-2
23 Heater (Batt. +) LSU 2 Uh+2
24 Setup current LSU 2 IA2
25 Nernst voltage LSU 2 UN2
26 Pump current LSU 3 IP3
27 Virtual GND LSU 3 VM3
28 Heater PWM LSU 3 Uh-3
29 Heater (Batt +) LSU 3 Uh+3
30 Setup current LSU 3 IA3
31 Nernst voltage LSU 3 UN3
32 Pump current LSU 4 IP4
33 Virtual GND LSU 4 VM4
34 Heater PWM LSU 4 Uh-4
35 Heater (Batt. +) LSU 4 Uh+4
36 Setup current LSU 4 IA4
37 Nernst voltage LSU 4 UN4
Installation Notes
The LT4 is designed to supply 4 Bosch lambda sensors, type LSU 4.2,
LSU 4.9 or Mini-LSU 4.9
The unit can be connected to any CAN system (500 kbaud or 1
Mbaud) and analog measuring device.
To avoid signal errors, a cable length of maximum 1.5 m between sen-
sor and box is recommended.
The unit is secure from miss-pinning.
The reference ground (GND_REF) has to be connected either to the
measuring device or to the system ground.
A ground offset of 2 V (max.) between GND and GND_REF has not to
be exceeded.
See the LT4 function sheet for software documentation (e.g. CAN pro-
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Communication link K-Line / CAN
Ordering Information
Lambdatronic LT4
Order number F 01T A20 070-07
400 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 401

Modular Sensor Interface M 60
u Compact sensor interface
u 30 input channels
u Each channel individually configurable
The M 60 is a compact and light weight sensor interface
unit for analog and digital sensors. Up to eight M 60 can
be used to expand the number of input channels of the
data logger C 60 as well as the display DDU 8. The M 60
are linked via high-speed Ethernet interface. This allows
for synchronized acquisition of data from the different
units and the ECU.
The M 60 offers 26 analog inputs, four rotational inputs,
four pwm outputs and two independent CAN buses.
Each analog input channel features an analog pre-filter,
8 x oversampling and highly linear digital filtering. The
cut-off frequency of the digital filter is automatically ad-
justed to match the acquisition rate. The latency of the
digital filters is corrected during recording, yielding zero
filter delay in the recorded data.
The evaluation of each M 60 measurement channel is in-
dividually configurable with the PC configuration tool
8 kHz AD converters with digital low pass filter
Configurable math channels
User configurable CAN in/out messages
Max. 1,000 Hz acquisition rate for all channels
3-port network switch
RS232 GPS input
CCP-Master, data acquisition from ECU that support CAN calibration
protocol (optional)
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 105 x 34.5 x 137.5 mm
Weight 495 g
Operating temperature -20 to 65C
Max. vibration Vibration Profile 1 (See Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Supply voltage 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption (w/o
10 W at 14 V
Analog channels 26
Input range 0 to 5 V
Resolution 12 bit
Switchable pull up resistor 3 k
Rotational channels (default
Hall, Inductive as option)
PWM outputs (low side switch 2
A each)
Sensor supply 5 V (350 mA
Sensor supply 10 V (350 mA
Sensor supply 12 V (1 A, non
Software Upgrade 1
CCP-Master (ASAP 2 file from
ECU manufacturer required)
F 02U V01 012-01
Connectors and Wires
Motorsports connectors double
2 x 41 pins
Mating connector I
AS-DD 6-12-41SN
F 02U 002 216-01
Mating connector II
AS-DD 6-12-41SA
F 02U 004 180-01
Installation Notes
The required software (.pst file) for this device is available in the
download area of our homepage
Configuration via RaceCon over Ethernet or MSA-Box II
CAN interfaces 2
Ethernet 100BaseT 3
402 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

Ordering Information
Modular Sensor Interface M 60
Order number F 02U V00 882-02
Software Options
SW Upgrade 1
Order number F 02U V01 012-01
Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 403

Wheel Speed Signal Splitter
u ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Interface
u Lightweight Aluminum Housing
Bosch Motorsport has developed a wheel speed module
that converts the Bosch DF11 (differential dual hall sen-
sors) signals to a signal that can be processed by pe-
ripheral engine controlling devices and data recording
systems. The adapter can be plugged into any Bosch
ABS M4 loom.
The operation principle is that it forwards the sensor in-
formation to the ABS. In addition it converts the speed
info into a digital signal. The type of output is open col-
lector. The connected device needs to contain an inter-
nal pull up resistor of 2.15 k to 12 V like the MS 4-
The interface is available in two different housings sup-
porting one connector or two connectors (see photo).
The single connector type is used if the signal is fed
back into an especially pre-defined ABS loom which con-
nects e.g. to the original chassis loom. The double con-
nector type is used if the speed signal is broadcast to
the peripheral device via a separate loom.
Application ABS wheel speed sensor inter-
Compatible sensor type Bosch DF 11
Operating temperature range -20 to 85C
Storage temperature range -20 to 85C
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 53 g
Size (Single connector type) 101.8 x 63.5 x 30.3 mm
Size (Double connector type) 112.1 x 63.5 x 30.3 mm
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1 (see Appen-
dix or
Electrical Data
Power supply 12 V
Max. power supply (1 min) 25 V
Connector for Single Connector Type
Connector 1 (wide) AS-012-35-PN
Mating connector AS-612-35-SN
Connectors for Double Connector Type
Connector 1 (wide) AS-012-35-PN
Mating connector AS-612-35-SN
Connector 2 (small) AS-008-35-PN
Mating connector AS-608-35-SN
Pinout Connector 1 (wide)
Pin Description for one connec-
Description for two connec-
1 Supply to DF11 (RR) Supply to DF11 (RR)
2 Signal from DF11 (RR) Signal from DF11 (RR)
3 Supply to DF11 (RL) Supply to DF11 (RL)
4 Signal from DF11 (RL) Signal from DF11 (RL)
5 Supply to DF11 (FR) Supply to DF11 (FR)
6 Signal from DF11 (FR) Signal from DF11 (FR)
7 Supply to DF11 (FL) Supply to DF11 (FL)
8 Signal from DF11 (FL) Signal from DF11 (FL)
9 Signal to ABS (FL) Signal to ABS (FL)
10 DF11 supply from ABS (FL) DF11 supply from ABS (FL)
11 Signal to ABS (FR) Signal to ABS (FR)
12 DF11 supply from ABS (FR) DF11 supply from ABS (FR)
13 Signal to ABS (RL) Signal to ABS (RL)
14 DF11 supply from ABS (RL) DF11 supply from ABS (RL)
15 Signal to ABS (RR) Signal to ABS (RR)
16 DF11 supply from ABS (RR) DF11 supply from ABS (RR)
17 Open collector Signal to ECU
Not used
18 Open collector Signal to ECU
Not used
19 UBat 12V UBat 12V
20 Open collector Signal to ECU
Not used
404 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

21 Open collector Signal to ECU
Not used
22 ECU Ground Not used
Pinout Connector 2 (small)
Pin Description for one connec-
Description for two connec-
1 n.a. Open collector Signal to
2 n.a. Open collector Signal to
3 n.a. Open collector Signal to
4 n.a. Open collector Signal to
5 n.a. Not used
6 n.a. ECU Ground
Ordering Information
Single Connector Type
Order number F 02U V00 335-03
Double Connector Type
Order number F 02U V00 203-03
Single Connector Type Housing
Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces | 405

Double Connector Type Housing
Connection Scheme
406 | Data Logging Systems | Sensor Interfaces

Online Telemetry System

The Bosch Motorsport Online Telemetry System enables
the transmission of online measurement data from a car
on a racetrack. The vehicle part of the system consists
of a data and the FM 40 telemetry transmitter. From the
data logger data is sent via a RS232 connection to the
FM 40. The FM 40 adds framing and error correction in-
formation to the data stream and modulates its RF out-
put which is fed via an antenna wire to the TX antenna.
In the pits, the RF signal is picked up by an RX antenna
connected to the pit receiver box. Inside the receiver
box, the signal is filtered and amplified by a low noise
filter amplifier. It is then sent to a UHF modem. The mo-
dem demodulates the data stream and performs error
correction, if necessary. The output stream passes the
data converter and is transferred via a connection wire
to the server PC in the garage. This PC decodes the
cars telemetry stream and distributes the information
over the pit network.
Due to the high transmission power of 1 to 10 W of the
Bosch FM 40 telemetry transmitter, near 100 % cover-
age is achieved on most tracks, even under race condi-
tions with high RF interference.
Transmission of online measurement data
Telemetry transmitter FM 40
Data logger, e.g. C 60
Pit receiver box
Good data quality even under race conditions with high RF interfer-
Technical Specifications
High transmission power of 1 to 10 W
Near 100 % coverage on most tracks
Framing and error correction
Car antenna
Pit antenna
Server PC
Ethernet pit network
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry | 407


Car Antenna Pit Antenna
Data Logger
Client PCs
Server PC
Pit Receiver Box
on pit roof
Ethernet Pit Network
RS 232
408 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry

Telemetry Unit FM 40
u 750 g
u 1 to 10 W transmission power
The FM 40 is a half-duplex radio modem suitable for re-
al-time telemetry transmission from a car on the race-
The unit is offered in different hardware versions for
several frequency bands in the 430 to 470 MHz range.
Within the selected band, the transmission frequency is
software programmable in a 1 MHz range. The high RF
output power of up to 10 W gives excellent range and
good track coverage.
From the data acquisition system transmit data is fed in-
to the FM 40 via a RS232 interface. Typically the FM 40
is operated as an unidirectional telemetry transmitter.
For other applications, half duplex bidirectional opera-
tion is also possible.
International standard I-ETS 300 220, ETS 300 113,
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 151 x 138 x 28 mm
Weight 720 g
Housing with LED indicators
Car antenna compatible to existing Bosch telemetry systems.
Max. vibration 60 m/s
at 20 Hz to 2 kHz
Electrical Data
Half duplex radio modem (bidirectional)
Internal data buffer and protocol management
Frequency range 430 to 470 MHz (hardware ad-
F(center) 1 MHz (software
Transmission power 1 to 10 W
Receiver sensitivity -116 dBm error detection and
forward error correction (FEC)
RF channel bandwidth 12,5 kHz at 9.6 kbps
25 kHz at 19.2 kbps
Data interface RS232
Data rate 9.6 / 19.2 kbps
Required power supply 10 to 18 V
Max. power consumption 25 W at 14 V
Max. current < 2,5 A
Operation temperature range 0 to 60C
Connectors and Wires
RF BNC female
Power / data CGK SOT 8N35 PN
Ordering Information
Telemetry Unit FM 40
Order number B 261 208 898-01
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry | 409

Pit Receiver Box
The Pit Receiver Box integrates all electronic compo-
nents necessary to receive telemetry data from a car
equipped with a FM 40 transmitter in one weatherproof
package. Typically the receiver box is mounted on the
pit roof as close as possible to the RX antenna, thus
minimizing cable loss. The connection wire to the receiv-
ing PC in the garage, which can be up to 50 m long, also
supplies power to the Pit Receiver Box.
The Pit Receiver Box contains 1 to 4 UHF receivers fed
by a single RX antenna and low noise filter amplifier
(LNA). This enables parallel telemetry data reception
from up to 4 cars, provided transmitters need to oper-
ate in the same 2 MHz frequency band.
The Box is equipped with dual Ethernet port for redun-
dant Ethernet wire to the pit or for connection to a di-
rectional link (relay station).
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight 4.2 kg
Size 330 x 280 x 180 mm
Max. distance receiver box to PC
(with F 020 V01 440-01
50 m
Working temperature range -20 to 50C
Electrical Data
Frequency range 400 to 470 MHz
Working frequency band fc 1 MHz
Channel spacing 12.5/25 kHz
Sensitivity -116 dBm at BER 10-3
Serial interface RS232 (19.2 kBit/s, no parity, 8
data bit, 1 stop bit, no flow con-
Radio data rate 19.2 kbps (25 kHz channel)
9.6 kbps (12.5 kHz channel)
Operating voltage 20 to 50 V
Communication 2 x 10 / 100 Mbit ethernet
Power consumption 10 W
Connectors and Wires
Data and power connector Motorsports type
Antenna connector BNC (Jack) 50
Package Parts
48 V power supply
Ordering Information
Pit Receiver Box
Order number F 02U V01 460-01
Splitter LNA
UHF Modem 1
UHF Modem 2
UHF Modem 3
UHF Modem 4
Power Supply
Connector to
Connector to
Directional Link
Ethernet #1
Connector to
Telemetry Server
Power Supply
Ethernet #2
Scheme Pit Receiver Box
410 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry

Pit Receiver Package
+ -
The Pit Receiver Package contains everything that is re-
quired to start operation.
Technical Specifications
Package Parts
Pit Receiver Box (2 channels) F 02U V01 460-01
HF antenna wire (8 m) B 261 209 493-01
Rod antenna pit 7 dbi (2 m) B 261 208 867-01
Ethernet and power wire (50 m) F 020 V01 440-01
Ethernet and power injection
wire (1.5 m)
B 261 209 744-01
Telescopic aerial mast (7.7 m) B 261 208 873-01
Ordering Information
Pit Receiver Package
Order number on request
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry | 411

Burst Telemetry System

The Bosch Motorsport Burst Telemetry System ideally
complements the FM 40 long range telemetry. High-res-
olution measurement data, as stored in the data logger
of the data acquisition system, is transferred automati-
cally to the pit server PC when the car passes the pits
or the car is in the garage. This gives two advantages:
high resolution measurement data is already available in
the pit network while the car is still out on track, ena-
bling instant analysis and saving valuable track time.
While the car is in the garage, the burst telemetry sys-
tem gives a significant handling advantage: measure-
ment data is transferred automatically to the pit server
PC, e.g. after engine test runs. The RF system operates
in the license-free 5.1 to 5.8 GHz ISM band. The 32 se-
lectable non-overlapping channels allow great flexibility
in channel selection. The robust OFDM transmission
scheme in combination with the high-quality band filter
yield excellent performance even in environments with
high RF noise. Typically good data reception can be ach-
ieved in a radius of approx. 300 m around the pit sta-
tion, depending on antenna location and track topology.
If necessary, reception range can be extended by an op-
tional remote receiver station. During the running lap,
the data acquisition system stores engine and chassis
data in non-volatile memory. When a laptrigger is re-
ceived, the current file is closed and data is prepared
for burst transmission. As soon as the car reaches the
reception range of the pit receiver, data transmission
starts automatically. An intelligent algorithm chooses
the lapfile to transmit and resumes transmission if the
link has been interrupted. Typically 6 Mbytes of meas-
urement data can be transferred per lap during a race.
The bi-directional transmission scheme ensures error-
free reception. Privacy of measurement data is ensured
by 128-bit WEP encryption.
6 MB measurement per lap
Bidirectional transmission scheme
Privacy ensured by 128-bit WEP encryption
Technical Specifications
32 selectable non-overlapping channels
Operates in license-free 5.1 to 5.8 MHz band
Best reception 300 m around pit
412 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry


Car Antenna
Ethernet Cable, up to 75 m
Burst Telemetry
Data Logger
Client PCs
Server PC
Burst Telemetry Receiver
on pit roof
Ethernet Pit Network
RS 232
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry | 413

Burst Telemetry Pit Module BR
u 1250 g
u +26 dBm transmission power
u Max. 3.5 W
The BR 60F pit module is the stationary component of
the Bosch Motorsport Burst Telemetry System. The high
gain omnidirectional antenna is mounted directly at the
receiver, minimizing wire loss. The weatherproof hous-
ing allows outdoor mounting of the unit, e.g. on the pit
roof. 12 V DC power and 100 MBit Ethernet connection
to the pit server PC is supplied via the connecting wire,
which can be up to 75m long. The system operates in
the 5.1 to 5.8 GHz ISM band and offers 32 non-overlap-
ping channels. The high quality band filter eliminates
out-of-band RF noise. This enables fully encrypted high
speed data transmission at 12 MBit under race condi-
tions. A directional antenna is available as an option.
Radio air interface IEEE 802.11a
Wireless approvals FCC Part 15.247, IC RS210, CE
Encryptions WEP/WPA
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size (overall incl. antenna) 705 x 145 x 47 mm
Weight 1,250 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Max. vibration Vibration profile 1
Temperature range -20 to +85 C
Electrical Data
Radio modem Full duplex (bidirectional)
Transmission power +26 dBm
Receiver sensitivity -91 dBm at 12 Mbps
Frequency range 5.1 to 5.8 GHz ISM Band
Air data rate Typ. 12 (max. 54) Mbps
Data interface Ethernet TP10/100
Antenna Gain = 10 dBi; Omni directional
Power supply 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Rated current 0.25 A at 12 VDC
Connectors and Wires
Interface connector AS008-35PA (Deutsch)
Mating connector AS608-35SA (Deutsch)
Legal Notes
This product contains open source software. For detailed information
see product documentation.
Ordering Information
Burst Telemetry Pit Module BR 60F
Order number F 02U V00 047-02
Radio modem (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 048-01
Antenna (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 131-01
Antenna filter (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 132-01
Fitting system (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 133-01
Interface cable to the pit PC (inclusive)
Order number B 261 209 744-01
414 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry

Burst Telemetry Car Module
BT 60F
u 370 g
u +26 dBm transmission power
u Max. 3.5 W
The BT 60F car module is the vehicle component of the
Bosch Motorsport Burst Telemetry System. The com-
pact and lightweight unit receives measurement data via
a 100 MBit Ethernet connection from the data acquisi-
tion system and communicates with the pit module over
the RF antenna. The system operates in the 5.1 to 5.8
GHz ISM band and offers 32 non-overlapping channels.
An internal high quality band filter eliminates out-of-
band RF noise, which enables fully encrypted high
speed data transmission at 12 MBit under race condi-
tions. Online diagnosis and performance monitoring is
possible via the data acquisition system.
Radio air interface IEEE 802.11a
Wireless approvals FCC Part 15.247, IC RS210, CE
Encryption WEP/WPA
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 139 x 96 x 22 mm
Weight 370 g
Protection Classification IP67 to DIN 40050, Section 9,
Issue 2008
Max. Vibration Vibration profile 1
Temperature range -20 to 85C
Electrical Data
Radio modem Full duplex (bidirectional)
Transmission power +26 dBm
Receiver sensitivity -91 dBm at 12 Mbps
Frequency range 5.1 to 5.8 GHz ISM Band
Air data rate Typ. 12 (max. 54) Mbps
Data interface Ethernet TP10/100
Antenna Gain = 3 dBi; Omni directional
Power supply 8 to 18 V
Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Rated current 0.25 A at 12 VDC
Connectors and Wires
Antenna connector SMA(f)
Interface connector AS008-35PA (Deutsch)
Mating connector AS608-35SA (Deutsch)
Legal Notes
This product contains open source software. For detailed information
see product documentation.
Ordering Information
Burst Telemetry Car Module BT 60F
Order number F 02U V00 038-02
Radio modem (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 039-02
Antenna 5 dBi (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 442-01
Antenna socket (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 041-01
Antenna cable (inclusive)
Order number F 02U V00 042-01
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry | 415

FM 40 Tester
The FM 40 Tester is used to check the performance of
telemetry components installed in the car which in-
cludes the FM 40 in conjunction with the RF wire and
the antenna. The FM 40 tester indicates RF output pow-
er as well as defective RF wires or car antennas ena-
bling quick detection of faulty components.
Technical Specifications
Electrical Data
Transmission power 1 to 15 (60) W
VSWR 1 to 6
Frequency band VHF / UHF
Connectors and Wires
RF BNC male / female
Ordering Information
FM 40 Tester
Order number B 261 208 894-01
416 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry Accessories

Telemetry Antenna Dummy
The telemetry antenna dummy load replaces the teleme-
try car antenna when running the FM 40 transmitter in
the workshop or the garage. It reduces high power RF
Technical Specifications
Electrical Data
RF power 15 W
VSWR 1.1
Frequency band VHF / UHF
Connectors and Wires
RF BNC male / female
Ordering Information
Telemetry Antenna Dummy Load
Order number B 261 208 900-01
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry Accessories | 417

Telemetry Car Antenna Single
Rugged telemetry antenna for car mounting.
Technical Specifications
Frequency band UHF
Pattern (hor.) omni
Length 150 mm
Connectors and Wires
RF BNC male
Ordering Information
Telemetry Car Antenna Single Band
Order number B 261 208 888-01
418 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry Accessories

Antenna Cable Kit
RF wire for the installation of telemetry antennas in the
car. Intended for single hole mounting.
Technical Specifications
Length Max. 2m (tbd.)
Drill hole diameter 12,5 mm
Attenuation Max. 0.7 dB at 2 m, 450 MHz
Connectors and Wires
RF BNC male / female
Ordering Information
Antenna Cable Kit
Order number B 261 209 490-01
Data Logging Systems | Telemetry Accessories | 419

420 | Data Logging Systems | Telemetry Accessories

Software 8

Calibration 422

Simulation 424

Analysis 426

Software Upgrades 428

Modas Sport
u Calibration software tool for Bosch ECUs
Modas Sport is the calibration tool for Bosch Motor-
sport ECUs. It integrates a lot of meaningful features to
manage our engine control units at the dyno and the
Calibration tool for MS 3, MS 4.x, MS 5.x, MS 15, MS 3 Sport, MS 4
Sport, MS 15 Sport
Visualization, processing and management of calibration, measure-
ment and documentation data
Measuring system
Numeric data visualization
Bitwise, decimal, hexadecimal data visualization
Recording of measurement data (needs WinDarab to analyze)
Oscilloscope (graphic data visualization)
Calibration system
Visualization and manipulation of parameters (calibration data)
Parameter file manager
Data file manager (copy & compare)
Macro manager
Potiboard support integrated
Work base management
Integrated K-Line flashing tool
Intuitive design, easy to use, based on latest technology
Technical Specifications
Function requirements
IBM PC compatible, min. 1.6 GHz
Approx. 512 MB RAM
Approx. 100 MB free hard disc space
VGA monitor (min. 1,024 x 768)
Operating systems
Windows XP 32 Bit, Vista 32/64 Bit, Windows 7 32/64 Bit
Optional Accessories
MSA-Box II F 02U V00 327-02
WinDarab Free data analysis
On request
CAN (CCP), K-Line (KWP2000)
Ordering Information
Modas Sport
Order number Free download at our homepage
422 | Software | Calibration

u An all integrated software tool for configuration
and calibration
RaceCon is an all integrated software tool for configura-
tion and calibration of Bosch Motorsport hardware
products, such as ECUs, displays, loggers. The commu-
nication is based on Bosch Motorsport MSA-Box inter-
Calibration of ECU maps and curves
ECU data file up- and download
Parameter file up- and download
Diagnostic functionality for Bosch Motorsport ECUs
Data file / Work base management
Integrated flash functionality
Integrated Bosch sensor database
Configuration of Bosch Motorsport displays
Configuration of Bosch Motorsport data loggers
Configuration of Bosch Motorsport DLS system
Configuration of Bosch Motorsport CAN modules
Communication via K-Line/CAN/Ethernet (KWP/CCP/XCP)
CAN communication log functionality (Baud rate changeable)
Quick data access over Race Mode
Intuitive design, easy to use
Technical Specifications
IBM PC Pentium/AMD Athlon compatible, min. 1.6 GHz
Min. 2 GB RAM
Min. 1 GB free hard disc space
VGA/WGA monitor (min. 1,024 x 768)
Windows XP 32 Bit, Vista 32/64 Bit, Windows 7 32/64 Bit
Optional Accessories
MSA-Box II F 02U V00 327-02
Ordering Information
Order number Free download at our homepage
Software | Calibration | 423

u Professional Simulation Tool
u Basic / Chassis / Engine Versions available
LapSim Chassis
is both an analysis tool as well as a vehicle simulation
program. By further processing the on-car recorded da-
ta, using parts of the simulation models, a much more
profound analysis of the vehicle behavior can be gained.
Due to the direct link with the simulation model, vehicle
parameters can be validated like aerodynamics, tire be-
havior, engine power, as well as driver performance. The
visualization of the vehicle behavior creates a much eas-
ier and better understanding of the influence of several
vehicle parameters on the performance independent of
the technical background of the user.
LapSim Engine
supplies an easy to use engine simulation package capa-
ble of generating a torque/power and a corresponding
ignition curves out of the main parameters of an engine.
The model is able to simulate any 4-stroke spark ignition
(SI) race engine currently seen on the market, with or
without air restrictor(s). To summarize, the engine soft-
ware is aiming for 95% accuracy but 5% the effort of
complex engine software packages. The engine software
avoids a vast number of variables in order to define ev-
ery engine detail, in order to improve usability as well as
computational performance. The engine package is inte-
grated in the lap simulation.
Data Analysis
Post processing of the on-car recorded data with simulation models.
Calculating vehicle handling state, aerodynamics, differential func-
tion, etc.
Determination of tire parameters out of on-car recorded data. Possi-
bility to analyze tire performance over the laps.
Direct comparison between several outings and/or simulation model.
3D Animation of vehicle behavior for a better and more thorough un-
By comparing recorded data with simulation data a validation possibil-
ity of vehicle parameters and vehicle functioning is made.
LapSim software adds all vehicle parameters to WinDarab Files and
creates automatic database.
Chassis Simulation model
Practical Pacejka like tire model. Tire parameters can easily be deter-
mined out of on-car recorded data. No tire data required.
Full vehicle model including limited slip (or visco-) differential
3D aero maps
Ride height dependent suspension kinematics
Calculation time 3-4 times faster than real car
(PVI - 3 GHz)
Automatic set-up optimization
Engine Simulation model
Engine model generates torque/power curve as well as ignition angle
Normally aspirated engines, with or without restrictor
2,3,4 and 5 valve cylinder heads
2-zone burn model in order to cope with all possible compression ra-
tios and chamber geometries
Ignition point is determined by adjustable maximum pressure in cylin-
Fully adjustable camshaft profile
Engine model generates pressure curve over 720 crankshaft, which
is integrated to calculate engine torque/power
10 seconds calculation time for 0 to 10,000 rpm range
Ordering Information
LapSim Chassis Basic Version
Order number Free download at our homepage
LapSim Chassis License
Order number B 261 206 432-01
LapSim Engine License
Order number F 01T A20 056-01
LapSim Chassis and Engine License
Order number F 01T A20 057-01
Upgrade LapSim Engine License
Order number F 01T A20 058-01
Upgrade LapSim Chassis License
Order number F 01T A20 059-01
Update LapSim Chassis or Engine
Order number F 02U V00 287-01
Update LapSim Chassis and Engine
Order number F 02U V00 288-01
424 | Software | Simulation

A few Screenshots
Software | Simulation | 425

WinDarab V7
u State of the art user interface
u Versatile diagrams
u Numerous analysis functions
u Customizable mathematical channels and filters
u Software based license without dongle
WinDarab V7 is an evaluation tool for monitoring and an-
alyzing of logged data and is specially designed for mo-
torsports use. Monitor vehicle data using online teleme-
try and compare logged data by reading out your data
logger. WinDarab V7 features a state of the art user in-
terface and reads out both engine and chassis data.
The follower of WinDarab V6 offers simplified and ergo-
nomic handling as well as new features and a revised li-
cense system to work without a dongle.
Choose between the Free and the Expert version de-
pending on your purpose.
The enormous bandwidth of features makes WinDarab
V7 a perfect evaluation tool for motorsports engineers.
X-/Y-plot to create scatterbands
Overlay of different laps
Time or distance based analysis
Absolute and relative values
One-touch channel statistics (min./max., avg., etc.)
Regression lines, user defined lines
Lap reports and lap based comparisons
Replay offline data in realtime
Advanced Analysis
User defined math channels
User defined conditions to filter data
FFT analysis
Racetrack creation based on v/acc or GPS data
Racetrack segmentation
Replay online data in realtime
Gauges for realtime visualization
User Interface
Flexible display setup and arrangement
Storable display setup and arrangement
Lap browser
Data Transmission
Direct data input without intermediate hardware
Protection/encryption of logged data files
ASCII import and export
License System
Dongle-free working in all WinDarab V7 variations
Activation/update via internet
Annual maintenance for up-to-date versions
IBM PC Pentium/AMD Athlon compatible, min. 1.6 GHz
Min. 1 GB RAM
Min. 1 GB free HD space
VGA / WGA monitor (min. 1,024 x 768)
Operating systems
Windows XP 32 Bit, Vista 32/64 Bit, Windows 7 32/64 Bit
Technical Specifications
Free Expert
Max. open files 4 unlimited
Max. measuring data windows 2 unlimited
Max. areas in measuring data
4 unlimited
Histogram + +
x/y-plot + +
Distribution + +
min/max-tables + +
Fourier-transformation + +
426 | Software | Analysis

Outing report + +
Lap analysis - +
Flowcharts - +
Instrument panel + +
User defined physical units + +
Racetrack generation via
speed/lateral G or GPS
+ +
ASCII export + +
Available operators for math
+, -, *, /, ^,
sqr (x), sqrt (x)
Extras settings/comments - +
Desktop load/save + +
Telemetry + +
Programming interface (API) - Opt.
Ordering Information
WinDarab Free
Order number Free download at our homepage
WinDarab Expert
Order number F 02U V01 308-01
Software Options
Software licence API for WinDarab Expert
Order number F 02U V01 682-01
Software | Analysis | 427

CAN Bypass
u Calculation in external Bosch CAN bypass ECU
u Connection to Non-Bosch ECU possible
u Interface binding via CAN (max. 1 Mbaud/s)
u Interface bandwidth depending on CAN
Develop your own software on a Bosch Motorsport ECU
for bypassing or support a host ECU via CAN or as
standalone ECU. CAN Bypass is a software development
environment based on Matlab/Simulink. It allows a sig-
nificantly speed algorithm development with option for
all MS 5.x ECUs, data loggers C 50 and C 60 and the MS
5.5 internal data logger. We deliver it with a full environ-
ment for Matlab/Simulink, an empty model with Bosch
Motorsport real time operating system library and a
package of Matlab/Simulink interfaces to all ECU I/Os.
Using a bypass ECU with software breakouts on host
ECU to calculate parts of host ECU functions on bypass
ECU or as standalone ECU e.g. for hybrid or transmis-
sion control.
Technical Specifications
General Functions
Support for generating executables that include algorithm, device-
driver and real-time operating system
Multitasking scheduling using time synchronous (and asynchronous)
tasks, task pre-emption, and temporary task overruns
Environment for Matlab/Simulink
Full I/O access with Bosch-Motorsport device drivers
Support for CAN bypass of MS 5.x ECUs. Break out signals with CAN
standard DBC file.
Bypass interaction between host ECU and bypass ECU via CAN (500
kBaud/s or 1 MBaud/s)
Calibration and measurement interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ether-
Interface to Bosch data logging systems
SW-Download via Bosch Motorsport calibration tool RaceCon
Software option for all MS 5.1 ECU, dataloggers C 50 and C 60 and
MS 5.5 internal data logger available. For other MS 5.x ECUs on re-
Required and not included Software
MathWorks Requirements
Real-Time Workshop
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder
Fixed-Point Toolbox
Simulink Fixed-Point
Stateflow Coder
Freescale CodeWarrior Professional MobileGT
Operating Systems
Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 (64 Bit)
Development Hints
Depending on your experiences with SW-Development of Bosch Mo-
torsport ECUs we recommend SW-Development support from Bosch
Ordering Information
CAN Bypass for ECU MS 5.0
Order number F 02U V00 991-01
CAN Bypass for Datalogger C 50
Order number F 02U V00 670-01
CAN Bypass for Datalogger C 60
Order number F 02U V00 671-01
CAN Bypass for ECU MS 5.5 internal Datalogger
Order number F 02U V00 002-01
Service Contract
The service contract extension is necessary at the begin-
ning of the second year of use. It has a runtime of one
Order number F 02U V01 672-01
428 | Software | Software Upgrades

MSD Partitioning
u Calculation directly in Bosch main ECU
u Communication binding via Software free cuts
u Fast connection to Bosch Software, solution for
time-critical calculations
u Unlimited bandwidth interfaces
u One Box Design (compact solution, no extra
Develop your own Software on a Bosch Motorsport
MS 5.x ECU. MSD Partitioning Single TGT is a software
option for all MS 5.x ECUs such as the MS 5.0, MS 5.1,
MS 5.2, MS 5.5. We deliver it with a full environment for
Matlab/Simulink, a compiled Bosch Motorsport model
as library, an empty model and real-time operating sys-
tem library and a package of Matlab/Simulink interfaces
to all ECU I/Os.
Technical Specifications
General Functions
Support for generating executables that include algorithm, device-
driver and real-time operating system
Multitasking scheduling using time synchronous (and asynchronous)
tasks, task pre-emption and temporary task overruns
Environment for Matlab/Simulink
Full I/O access with Bosch-Motorsport device drivers
Full read access to all Bosch signals
Development environment with reduced Bosch unit_blockset
Real time calibration
Calibration and measurement interface CCP via CAN or XCP via Ether-
SW-Download via Bosch Motorsport calibration tool RaceCon
Software option for all MS 5.x ECUs
Required and not included Software
MathWorks Requirements
Real-Time Workshop
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder
Fixed-Point Toolbox
Simulink Fixed-Point
Stateflow Coder
Freescale CodeWarrior Professional MobileGT
Operating Systems
Windows 7, 64 Bit SP1
Development Hints
Depending on your experiences with SW-Development of Bosch Mo-
torsport ECUs we recommend SW-Development support from Bosch
Ordering Information
MSD Partitioning
Order number F 02U V01 350-01
Service Contract
Order number F 02U V01 755-01
Software | Software Upgrades | 429

430 | Software | Software Upgrades

Accessories 9

Communication Interface 432

Connector Opening Tool 433

PowerBox 434

Relay 438

Switches 440

Wiper Motor 441

Wiring Harnesses 444

u Communication interface for PC-supported cali-
bration on K-line, CAN or Ethernet interface
The MSA-Box II is the low cost unit for PC-supported
calibration and configuration on Ethernet, K-Line or CAN
interface of an ECU.
The MSA-Box II is coupled to the PC via the USB inter-
face. This ensures a powerful and universal link to all
common PCs. The coupling to the ECU is effected via
Ethernet, K-Line or CAN-interface of the diagnosis inter-
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 84 x 38 x 25 mm
Temperature range 0 to 70C
Compact design
Fully suitable for motor vehicle use
All inputs and outputs to the PC with galvanic separation
Electrical Data
Input voltage (vehicle side) 8 to 32 V
Power supply through the connection to the ECU from board mains
with galvanic separation
Power consumption (powered
by USB)
Typ. 0.5 W
USB USB 2.0, high speed (480 MBit/
Ethernet 100 MBit/sec
K-Line 300 Bd up to 320 kBd
CAN 10 kBit/s up to 1 MBit/s
Operating Systems Windows XP 32 Bit, Vista 32 Bit
Connectors and Wires
AS 6-12-35PN
F 02U 000 441-01
Mating connector
AS 0-12-35SN
F 02U 000 258-01
Pin 1 Terminal 30 (permanent pos)
Pin 2 Terminal 15 (switch pos)
Pin 3 GND
Pin 4 CAN_High
Pin 10 K-Line
Pin 8 RxD+
Pin 9 RxD-
Pin 11 TxD+
Pin 12 TxD-
Pin 16 CAN_Low
Pin 22 SCR
Diagnosis wire length 2 m
USB wire length 0.5 m
Ordering Information
Order number F 02U V00 327-02
432 | Accessories | Communication Interface

Connector Opening Tool for
AS series
u Quick and easy opening of ECU connectors
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Material Stainless steel
Ordering Information
Opening tool for shellsize 16
Order number F 02U V01 393-01
Opening tool for shellsize 18
Order number F 02U V01 394-01
Accessories | Connector Opening Tool | 433

PowerBox PBX 180
u Advanced user interface
u CAN communication
u Reverse polarity protection
u Lightweight aluminum casing
u Current measurement on all channels
We designed the PowerBox for intelligent control and
distribution of the electric grid in a modern racing car. It
is capable to replace all conventional relays, fuses and
circuit breakers, simplifies wiring harnesses and pro-
vides diagnostic capabilities.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Size 191 x 176 x 36 mm
Weight 1,250 g
Temp. range (at internal sen-
-10 to 85C
Electrical Data
Supply voltage range 6 to 20 V
Power supply current 180 A
16 analogue inputs (12 bit resolution)
14 digital inputs
2 very high power channels (up to 180 A inrush current, 20 A continu-
12 high power channels (up to 80 A inrush current, 20 A continuous)
2 high power PWM channels (20 A continuous)
26 low power channels (8 A continuous)
4 low power PWM channels (8 A continuous)
2 wiper channels (8 A continous)
4 tri-state digital channels
3 sensor supplies 5 V with individual ground pins
Warning light
Real time clock
Connector 1: Battery power sup-
Deutsch ASHD0 14-1 PN
Connector 2: High power outputs Deutsch AS2 20-16 SN
Connector 3: Low power outputs Deutsch AS2 20-39 SA
Connector 4: Signal and Inputs Deutsch AS2 16-35 SN
Pin configuration
Connector 1 Battery Power Supply
Mating connector Deutsch ASHD6 14-1 SN C35
Order number connector housing F 02U 002 905-01
Notice: Depending on the cable used for power supply, one of the fol-
lowing pins is needed according to the diameter of the cable.
Order number pin for cable 16
F 02U 002 906-01
Order number pin for cable 25
F 02U 002 907-01
Order number pin for cable 35
F 02U 002 908-01
Connector 2 High Power Outputs
Mating connector Deutsch AS6 20-16 PN
Order number connector F 02U 000 480-01
Pin Used for Max Rating / Peak (A) *)
A Channel 10 High Power 20 / 80
B Channel 2 Very High Power 20 / 180
C Channel 1 Very High Power 20 / 180
D Channel 9 High Power 20 / 80
E Channel 1 High Power 20 / 80
F Channel 5 High Power 20 / 80
G Channel 1 High Power PWM 20 / 80 (0 to 100% DC)
H Channel 2 High Power PWM 20 / 80 (0 to 100% DC)
J Channel 12 High Power 20 / 80
K Channel 4 High Power 20 / 80
L Channel 11 High Power 20 / 80
M Channel 3 High Power 20 / 80
434 | Accessories | PowerBox

N Channel 6 High Power 20 / 80
P Channel 2 High Power 20 / 80
R Channel 7 High Power 20 / 80
S Channel 8 High Power 20 / 80
*) Please note that the current draw per channel is limited by the con-
nector, not by the driver stages.
Connector 3 Low Power Outputs
Mating connector Deutsch AS6 20-39 PA
Order number connector F 02U 002 859-01
Pin Used for Max Rating / Peak (A) *)
A Channel Wiper 2 8 / 40
B Tri-State Output 2 Trigger 0 / 2.5 / 5 V
C Tri-State Output 4 Trigger 0 / 2.5 / 5 V
D Channel 25 8 / 40
E Channel 26 8 / 40
F Channel 23 8 / 40
G Channel 21 8 / 40
H Channel 22 8 / 40
J Channel 20 8 / 40
K Channel 14 8 / 40
L Channel 16 8 / 40
M Channel 18 8 / 40
N Channel 2 8 / 40
P Channel 4 8 / 40
R Channel 6 8 / 40
S Channel 8 8 / 40
T Channel 10 8 / 40
U Channel 12 8 / 40
V Channel 2 PWM 20 / 60 (0 to 100% DC)
W Channel 4 PWM 20 / 60 (0 to 100% DC)
X Channel Wiper 1 8 / 40
Y Tri-State Output 1 Trigger 0 / 2.5 / 5 V
Z Tri-State Output 3 Trigger 0 / 2.5 / 5 V
a Reserved -
b Channel 24 8 / 40
c Channel 19 8 / 40
d Channel 13 8 / 40
e Channel 1 8 / 40
f Channel 3 8 / 40
g Channel 7 8 / 40
h Channel 9 8 / 40
i Channel 11 8 / 40
j Channel 3 PWM 20 / 60 (0 to 100% DC)
k Channel 1 PWM 20 / 60 (0 to 100% DC)
m Power Ground
n Channel 15 8 / 40
p Channel 17 8 / 40
q Channel 5 8 / 40
r Power Ground
*) Please note that the current draw per channel is limited by the con-
nector not by the driver stages.
Connector 4 Signal and Inputs
Mating connector Deutsch AS6 16-35 PN
Order number connector F 02U 000 466-01
Pin Used for Comments
1 Digital Input 7 Trig high / low
2 Digital Input 5 Trig high / low
3 Digital Input 3 Trig high / low
4 Digital Input 11 Trig high / low
5 Digital Input 9 Trig high / low
6 Digital Input 6 Trig high / low
7 Digital Input 2 Trig high / low
8 Digital Input 1 Trig high / low
9 Reserved
10 Digital Input 13 Trig high / low
11 Digital Input 12 Trig high / low
12 Digital Input 8 Trig high / low
13 Digital Input 4 Trig high / low
14 Reserved
15 CAN 2L
16 CAN 2H
17 Reserved
18 Reserved
19 Digital Input 14 Trig high / low
20 Digital Input 10 Trig high / low
21 Reserved
22 Reserved
23 CAN 1L
24 CAN 1H
25 Reserved
26 Reserved
27 Reserved -
Accessories | PowerBox | 435

28 Reserved
29 Reserved
30 Reserved
31 Analogue Input 16; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
32 Sensor Supply VREF2 5.0 V
33 Analogue ground
34 Analogue ground
35 Analogue ground
36 Analogue ground
37 Analogue Input 12; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
38 Analogue Input 14; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
39 Analogue Input 15; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
40 Sensor Supply VREF2 5.0 V
41 Analogue ground
42 Warning Light at 5V, max. 0.5 A 5.0 V
43 Analogue Input 4; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
44 Analogue Input 8; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
45 Analogue Input 10; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
46 Analogue Input 13; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
47 Sensor Supply VREF3 5.0 V
48 Analogue Input 1; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
49 Analogue Input 2; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
50 Analogue Input 6; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
51 Analogue Input 9; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
52 Analogue Input 11; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
53 Analogue Input 3; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
54 Analogue Input 5; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
55 Analogue Input 7; 12 bit Pull-up 0 / 3.16 k / 47 k
2 CAN lines (64 input channels)
Ordering Information
PowerBox PBX 180
Order number F 02U V01 555-01
436 | Accessories | PowerBox


Accessories | PowerBox | 437

Relay 25 A
u 25 A max. current
The relay 25 A is a miniature DC-contactor for electrical
power control. The rated current is 25 A for secondary
power distribution with high inrush current like hydraul-
ic- and fuel motor loads. The base part allows a quick
change of the relay.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Drill hole 3.1 mm
Weight 61 g
Vibration 30 g/70 Hz to 3 kHz
Shock 100 g (11 ms)
Operating temperature -45 to 125C
Electrical Data
Power Supply 12 to 14.5 V
Min. switches 50,000
Coil resistance at 25C 80
Max. current 25 A
Current vs. Time characteristic
(the relay shall be compatible with a 25 A circuit break-
I (A) t(s)
30 3,600 (1 h)
50 5
100 1.2
250 0.2
350 0.1
Ordering Information
Relay 25 A
Order number Y 261 A20 597-01
Order number Y 261 A20 598-01
438 | Accessories | Relay

Accessories | Relay | 439

We offer a wide range of switches for the special de-
mands of motorsport.
You can combine all types with every design and every
connector wire equivalent to your individual require-
For MAP function
For display toggle function
3 steps for MAP function
4 steps
4 steps for MAP function
6 steps for display switch-over
12 steps
Technical Specifications
Angled 90
With integrated resistor network
Variable number of steps
Variable form of rotary waver switch
Without end stop
Connectors and Wires
Please specify the required cable length with your order.

Ordering Information
For MAP function
Straight, ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Order number B 261 209 644-01
6 steps for display switch-over
Straight, ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Order number B 261 209 659-01
12 steps angled 90
Angled 90, KPTA 6E6-4P-C-DN
Order number B 261 209 658-01
12 steps straight
Straight, ASL 6-06-05PN-HE
Order number B 261 209 643-01
440 | Accessories | Switches

Wiper Direct Actuator WDA
u LIN and Analog versions available
The WDA is a wiper motor designed to execute reversing
movements instead of rotating 360 like a conventional
Its function and many operating modes are managed by
integrated control electronics. The user is able to con-
trol the desired operating mode via LIN [Version LIN] or
simply by switching its analog inputs to ground [Version
Analog]. The gear, the motor and the electronics are all
installed in the same housing.
The main benefit of this wiper motor is its direct rota-
tion movement which replaces external gears and the
possibility of programming the operating speed and end
positions of all its function modes, upon request.
Application -40 to 85C
Technical Specifications
WDA Analog
Operating modes:
Speed 1
Speed 2
LIN speed 19,200 Baud
LIN Version 2.0
LIN description file On request
Operating modes:
Speed 1
Speed 2
Single stroke
Service position
Mechanical Data
Max. Vibration 30 % of Vibration Profile 1
or 100 % of Vibration Profile 1 in
combination with silentblocks
(see Accessories)
Size 104.7 x 174.7 x 117.1 mm
Max. wipe cycles/min Depending on wipe angle
Max. wipe angle 160
Max. torque 35 Nm
Weight 1,270 g
Electrical Data
Power supply 9 to 16 V
Supply current at 40 cycles/min. Typ. 3.4 A
Supply current at 60 cycles/min. Typ. 6.3 A
Connectors and Wires
Connector CEP2M-AMP-4
Mating connector F 02U B00 542-01
Various motorsport and automotive connectors available on request
Installation Notes
The WDA LIN can be operated by all ECUs with LIN 2.X Master func-
tion. Further information about the LIN-Frame available upon request.
The WDA Analog can be operated by switching the analog inputs be-
tween ground and voltage supply.
Please contact us to define the desired angle of all the operating
The acceleration values can be exceeded by using silentblocks
(F02U 003 027-01).
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our home-
Ordering Information
Order number F 02U V00 838-03
WDA Analog
Order number F 02U V00 938-03
Order number F 02U 003 027-01
Accessories | Wiper Motor | 441

442 | Accessories | Wiper Motor

Pin configurations
Accessories | Wiper Motor | 443

Wiring Harnesses
We offer special wiring harnesses for motorsport appli-
cations. Our portfolio contents layout, design and pro-
duction of harnesses, sensors and actuators for motor-
sport requirements.
Moreover we offer consultancy of loom design and sen-
sor definition. Design and production of prototypes up
to mass production is also possible. We do 2D Layout
documentation in exchangeable *.dxf, *.dwg file format.
Naturally we use motorsport connectors (sev. MIL
specs) and switches and fuses from aviation and aero-
space technology. Full shielded wires for maximum EMC
protection are available. All looms are built with cables
and wires in aviation & aerospace quality. All looms are
tested on a high voltage test bench. Tests under defined
vibration profiles are also possible. We also offer several
connectors on request.
Ordering Information
Wiring Harnesses
Order number on request
444 | Accessories | Wiring Harnesses

Appendix 10

General Information 446

Vibration Profiles 447

General Information

ESD, Handling and Transport
Please be mindful of the specifications concerning ESD.
Never grab into the connectors. Please follow the regu-
lations when transporting devices (e.g. ESD packaging
To ensure full functionality every time, Bosch Motor-
sport recommends annual functional testing of all equip-
Some of the devices use Lithium-Ion batteries. Please
use extra caution to be certain that the correct removal
procedure is followed. Abide by the maintenance cycle
schedule to ensure correct operation. Bosch Motorsport
recommends maintenance once a year.
The correct installation extends reliability and durability.
Please follow the specifications regarding temperature,
humidity, vibration and liquid compatibility.
446 | Appendix | General Information

Vibration Profile 1

Broadband noise: 8h/direction
Frequency (Hz) Acceleration density (m/s
20 50.4
55 26.0
180 1.0
300 1.0
360 0.56
1,000 0.6
2,000 0.6
Effective value a
55.4 m/s
Sinus: 8h/direction
Frequency (Hz) Acceleration peak (m/s
100 50
180 200
250 200
350 60
2,000 60
Appendix | Vibration Profiles | 447

Vibration Profile 2

Broadband noise: 8h/direction
Frequency (Hz) Acceleration density (m/s
10 10
50 10
66.7 1
100 1
1,000 0.1
Effective value a
26.9 m/s
448 | Appendix | Vibration Profiles

Vibration Profile 3

Broadband noise
Frequency (Hz) Acceleration density (m/s
10 14.0
50 7.0
60 3.5
300 0.51
500 45.6
1,500 15.26
Effective value a
168 m/s
Alteration rate of frequency: 1 oct./min
Frequency (Hz) Amplitude of accel-
eration (m/s
Amplitude of oscilla-
tion lane (m)
20 50
85 50
85 175
200 175
200 280
220 280
300 125
440 125
Appendix | Vibration Profiles | 449

450 | Appendix | Vibration Profiles

ABS M4 Kit ..................................................................374
Absolute Position Sensor APS-C .................................198
Acceleration Sensor AM 600-2 ....................................202
Acceleration Sensor AM 600-3 ....................................204
Acceleration Sensor MM5.10.......................................206
Alternator 90 A ............................................................178
Alternator B3 ...............................................................180
Alternator B3 LIN ........................................................183
Alternator GCM1 .........................................................186
Antenna Cable Kit .......................................................419
Burst Telemetry Car Module BT 60F ............................415
Burst Telemetry Pit Module BR 60F ............................414
Burst Telemetry System Overview...............................412
CAN Bypass .................................................................428
CAN Module ...............................................................395
Connector Opening Tool for AS series ........................433
Current Sensor CS 240 ...............................................200
Data Logger C 50 ........................................................384
Data Logger C 60 ........................................................386
Diesel System Components ..........................................40
Display DDU 7 .............................................................378
Display DDU 8 .............................................................380
Double Fire Coil 2x2 ....................................................128
Double Fire Coil 3x2 ....................................................131
Electronic Throttle Body ...............................................43
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport ....................................14
Engine Control Unit MS 3 Sport GT3 Cup .....................16
Engine Control Unit MS 12 ............................................37
Engine Control Unit MS 15.1 .........................................33
Engine Control Unit MS 15.2 .........................................35
Engine Control Unit MS 4 Sport ....................................18
Engine Control Unit MS 5.0 ...........................................24
Engine Control Unit MS 5.1 ...........................................26
Engine Control Unit MS 5.2 ...........................................30
Engine Control Unit MS 5.5 ...........................................28
Engine Control Units Performance Line ........................21
Engine Control Units Sport Line ....................................11
Extended Module EM-LIN ............................................397
FM 40 Tester ...............................................................416
FPR Adaptor ..................................................................57
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 38....................................51
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini 5......................................54
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini A .....................................49
Fuel Pressure Regulator Mini/Mini M.............................46
Fuel Pump FP 100 .........................................................61
Fuel Pump FP 165 .........................................................63
Fuel Pump FP 200 .........................................................65
Fuel Pump FP 300 .........................................................67
Fuel Pump FP 300L .......................................................69
Gear Shift Sensor GSS-2 .............................................215
General Information ....................................................446
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-D 90 ...............................321
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-M ...................................319
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P ....................................309
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor HA-P2 ..................................311
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-HA-P ............................313
Hall-Effect Speed Sensor Mini-HA-P sealed .................317
HP Control Valve DSV ....................................................59
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FCV/-FCV HP ...............................71
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-FD ...............................................73
HP Fuel Pump HDP 5-LW...............................................74
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2 LC ..................................174
HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.2 ........................................172
HPI 1.1 ..........................................................................75
HPI 5 .............................................................................76
HPI 5-M 4C ....................................................................77
HPI 5-M 8C ....................................................................79
Ignition Module IM 3.1 ................................................149
Ignition Module IM 3.2 ................................................151
Ignition Module IM 4 ...................................................153
Inductive Speed Sensor IA ..........................................325
Inductive Speed Sensor IA-C .......................................323
Inductive Speed Sensor IS ..........................................327
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-C .......................................329
Inductive Speed Sensor IS-T .......................................331
Injection Valve EV 12 ...................................................159
Injection Valve EV 14 ...................................................164
Injection Valve EV 14i ..................................................169
Injection Valve EV 6 .....................................................155
Knock Sensor KS-P ......................................................217
Knock Sensor KS-R......................................................219
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9D ...........................................227
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.2 ..............................................221
Lambda Sensor LSU 4.9 ..............................................224
Lambda Sensor Mini-LSU 4.9 ......................................230
Lambdatronic LT4 .......................................................399
Lap Trigger HF 58 Receiver .........................................390
Lap Trigger HF 58 Transmitter ....................................392
Lap Trigger IR-02 Receiver ..........................................393
Lap Trigger IR-02 Transmitter ......................................394
Lean Angle Sensor LAS-1 ............................................209
Linear Potentiometer LP 10 ........................................233
Linear Potentiometer LP 100 ......................................247
Linear Potentiometer LP 100F ....................................249
Linear Potentiometer LP 150 ......................................251
Linear Potentiometer LP 25 ........................................235
Linear Potentiometer LP 25 twin ................................237
Linear Potentiometer LP 50 ........................................239
Linear Potentiometer LP 50 twin ................................241
Linear Potentiometer LP 75 ........................................243
Linear Potentiometer LP 75F ......................................245
Modas Sport ...............................................................422
Modular Sensor Interface M 60 ...................................402
MSA-Box II ...................................................................432
MSD Partitioning .........................................................429
Index | 451

Online Telemetry System Overview .............................407
Pit Receiver Box ..........................................................410
Pit Receiver Package ...................................................411
PowerBox PBX 180 .....................................................434
Pressure Sensor Air PSA-B ..........................................253
Pressure Sensor Air PSA-C ..........................................256
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-2 ..........................................259
Pressure Sensor Air PSB-4 ..........................................262
Pressure Sensor Air PSP .............................................264
Pressure Sensor Air PST .............................................266
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-10 .....................................269
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSC-260 ...................................271
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM .........................................273
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSM-S ......................................275
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10 .....................................277
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-100R .................................281
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-10R...................................279
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-250R .................................283
Pressure Sensor Fluid PSS-260 ...................................285
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F .......................................287
Pressure Sensor Fluid PST-F 2 ....................................290
RaceCon ......................................................................423
Relay 25 A ...................................................................438
Rotary Potentiometer Mini-RP 100-M ..........................293
Rotary Potentiometer RP 100 twin ..............................303
Rotary Potentiometer RP 100/130/308 .......................301
Rotary Potentiometer RP 345-M..................................305
Rotary Potentiometer RP 360-H ..................................307
Rotary Potentiometer RP 50-M/130-M/350-M .............295
Rotary Potentiometer RP 55 ........................................297
Rotary Potentiometer RP 86 ........................................299
Single Fire Coil C90i-E10 .............................................146
Single Fire Coil C90i-E8 ...............................................143
Single Fire Coil C90i-pro .............................................140
Single Fire Coil P35 ......................................................87
Single Fire Coil P35-E10 ................................................96
Single Fire Coil P35-E8 ..................................................93
Single Fire Coil P35-T ....................................................90
Single Fire Coil P35-TE10 ............................................101
Single Fire Coil P35-TE8 ................................................98
Single Fire Coil P50/P50-M .........................................104
Single Fire Coil P65 .....................................................107
Single Fire Coil P65-E10 ..............................................116
Single Fire Coil P65-E8 ................................................113
Single Fire Coil P65-T ..................................................110
Single Fire Coil P65-TE10 ............................................122
Single Fire Coil P65-TE8 ..............................................119
Single Fire Coil PS ........................................................81
Single Fire Coil PS-T ......................................................84
Single Fire Coil S19 .....................................................134
Single Fire Coil S22/S22-T ..........................................137
Starter 1.4 kW.............................................................190
Starter 1.7 kW.............................................................192
Starter 2.0 kW.............................................................194
Switches .....................................................................440
Telemetry Antenna Dummy Load .................................417
Telemetry Car Antenna Single Band ............................418
Telemetry Unit FM 40 ..................................................409
Temperature Sensor NTC M12 ....................................341
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-H .................................343
Temperature Sensor NTC M12-L .................................345
Temperature Sensor NTC M5-HS.................................333
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-H ...................................335
Temperature Sensor NTC M6-HS.................................337
Temperature Sensor NTC M8-HS.................................339
Temperature Sensor PT 200E ......................................347
Temperature Sensors Infrared TI-100-s/-c ...................351
Temperature Sensors Infrared TI-16-r/-s .....................349
Thermocouple Probe TCP K ........................................353
Thermocouple Probe TCP KA ......................................355
Thermocouple Probe TCP KN 2 ...................................358
Twin Single Fire Coil 2x1 .............................................125
Upgrade USB...............................................................388
Vibration Profile 1 .......................................................447
Vibration Profile 2 .......................................................448
Vibration Profile 3 .......................................................449
Wheel Speed Signal Splitter ........................................404
WinDarab V7 ...............................................................426
Wiper Direct Actuator WDA .........................................441
Wire Potentiometer WP 100 ........................................366
Wire Potentiometer WP 120 ........................................368
Wire Potentiometer WP 125 ........................................370
Wire Potentiometer WP 35 ..........................................360
Wire Potentiometer WP 50 ..........................................362
Wire Potentiometer WP 75 ..........................................364
Wiring Harnesses ........................................................444
Yaw Rate Sensor YRS 3 ...............................................212
452 | Index

Bosch Engineering GmbH
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Bosch Engineering GmbH, 2013
Modifcations reserved.





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