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Hamiota Collegiate, 2014-2015
Grade 12 English Language Arts, Course Outline
Teacher: Ms. B. Hammond Contact Information: Class Website:
Period 5/6 Semester One (September 2014 - January 2015) Room 13
Course Overview: Welcome to Grade 12 English (comprehensive focus)! This course is designed to build upon the language arts abilities youve obtained in your previous 12 years (good for you!) as an English student. Over the next 5 months you will explore, develop, and enhance skills within each of the 6 strands of language arts: writing, reading, speaking, representing, viewing, and listening. To do this, you will be studying texts from a variety of forms and genres, and working with both pragmatic (50%) and aesthetic (50%) versions.
General ELA Outcomes: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to 1. Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences 2. Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts 3. Manage ideas and information 4. Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication 5. Celebrate and build community *For more information visit:
General Assessment Guidelines: There are 2 major purposes for assessment in this course: 1. Assessment for learning (formative assessment): This helps me gain insight into what you understand so that I may plan and guide instruction based on your educational needs, and give you the practice and feedback necessary to excel at summative assessments. Formative assessments are not worth marks. 2. Assessment of learning (summative assessment): This informs me, you and your parents of your progress at achieving the ELA outcomes once we have finished a segment of study. Summative assessments are worth marks.
MY Assessment Guidelines: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the predetermined due date o If this is a problem, students are expected to discuss this with me ahead of time Late assignments will result in a phone call home, then the loss of late marks, and, finally, a zero Plagiarized assignments will automatically receive a zero If you are willing to put in the effort, I am willing to help you succeed. If you bomb an assignment, you are welcome to re-do, then re-submit it.
Classroom Rules & Expectations: All members of the classroom will 1. Commit to making the classroom a safe space. Therefore: a. All members of the classroom will be respectful of the opinions, ideas, culture, and overall person of other members of the classroom, whether they agree with them or not 2. Respect their classmates right to learn & work within a school environment. Therefore: a. There will be no talking while the teacher is giving instruction to ensure that students receive complete and uncompromised instruction AND there will be no distracting behaviour to ensure that students have a work-conducive environment to work on their assignments 3. Will put forth their best effort to hand in their best work by the end of the unit in order to learn responsibility, stay organized, and avoid worrying the parents 4. Will remain quiet during Oh Canada out of respect for the wonderful country they live in, and during announcements out of respect for the wonderful school that they go to 5. All members of the classroom must use technology in a relevant and respectful manner. a. Cell phones can be an asset to the classroom when used academically for research, voice recording, note-taking, or video recording, and so, for these reasons ONLY will they be permitted in class Hamiota Collegiate, 2014-2015 Unit Descriptions Looking Back, Then Looking Ahead (~Sept. 3-Sept. 26) 10% of Course Grade In this introductory unit, students will write creatively to become re-acquainted with the writing variables, especially audience which they will encounter on their provincial exam. Assignments may include: Life List Poster 20% Toast to Classmate 20% Personal Essay 10% Advice Column Blog 20% Creative Non-Fiction Piece 30%
The Rhetorical Question (~Sept. 29-Oct. 23) 15% of Course Grade The second unit of the term will focus on rhetoric that is designed to convince or persuade. Students will explore the language of persecution/defense, advertising, and change. Assignments may include: Defensive Statement 10% Rhetorical Essay 20% Visual Advertisement 30% PSA or Parody 40%
Moral & Ethical Issues (~Oct. 28-Nov. 28) 15% of Course Grade Students will explore moral and ethical issues in both past and present times, and in both Canada and the larger world through a novel study of Elie Wiesels Night, and through research. Assignments may include: Moral & Ethical Research Analogy 20% Thematic Essay (Night) 30% Newspaper Page 30% Defining a Good Person Reflection 10%
Independent Novel (Dec. 1-Dec. 5, Ongoing) 10% of Course Grade Over the course of the semester students must read a min. of 3 texts individually, each one representing a different genre. They will then complete a genre study on 1 of their 3 selections. Assignments may include: Book Review Blog 30% Group Genre Study 70%
Thematic Zine & Exam Prep (~Dec. 8-Dec. 19) 10% of Course Grade Students will spend the 2-week duration prior to the Provincial Exam preparing for both the Responding to Texts, and the Writing Piece portion. Assignments may include: Responding to Text Portfolio 30% Thematic Zine 60% Literary Devices Booklet 10%
Grade 12 Provincial ELA Exam (~Jan. 6-Jan. 9) 30% of Course Grade Immediately following Christmas break, students will spend 3 days writing the Grade 12 Provincial ELA Exam. All reading and writing on the exam is based around a central theme. Assignments include: Provincial Standards Exam 100%
Life After High School (~Jan. 12-Jan. 23) 5% of Course Grade During the last 2 weeks of class, students will practice pragmatic writing as they complete a career portfolio based upon their future career goals. Assignments may include: Career Portfolio 100%
*Note: Students will also be completing a goal-setting and written response journal throughout the year. This will make up the remaining 5% of their course grade.
Hamiota Collegiate, 2014-2015 Final Note for Students: I look forward to getting to know you, and to teaching you one of my favorite subjects on the planet! I hope that you enjoy your last year of first-credit English as much as I did, back in the day. I want you to know that I am dedicated to helping you succeed in this class, and will do my very best to make myself available during noon hours and after school, should you need any assistance outside of class. If you are a social savant, extra-curricular extraordinaire, or plain ol workaholic, and you dont have time to meet, DO NOT be afraid to shoot me an email or shoot up your hand in class. Best wishes heading into Grade 12 ELA heres to a fantastic semester!
Final Note for Parents: I look forward to working with your teen, and helping to explore his/her identity, dreams, and goals. Just as I welcome your son or daughter to be a part of the classroom community, I welcome you as well! I encourage you to call, email, or stop by the classroom as much as you like. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns however large or small please, do not hesitate to contact me.
After BOTH you AND your parents have read through this course outline: 1. Throw down your signatures! 2. Rip this sheet off the course outline! 3. Hand it in to me for a chance to win the first SWEET PRIZE of the school year! 4. KEEP the rest of the course outline in your binder! Seriously. I mean it.
I have read the Grade 12 ELA course outline and am familiar with its contents. I have reviewed the classroom rules and expectations and am prepared to participate in a positive way according to these rules and expectations. I understand that this is a classroom contract and will try my best uphold it.
Date Read: ____________________________________________
Students name: ________________________________________________________ Students signature: _____________________________________________________
Any initial comments or concerns: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________