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Bronte Kremerskothen Murdoch University 32233991
Lesson Plan- Whole Class Lesson Year: 5 Date/Time: Friday 22.8.14
Learning Area/ACARA Focus: Grammar Lesson Focus: Grammar/Directions 12:20pm-12:50pm Background Information: Students have done lessons on nouns, pro nouns and grammar. They have limited knowledge of abbreviations and may need some assistance. They have done plenty of work on following directions. Teaching/Learning Purpose(s): To enable learners to be able to follow directions To enable learners to have an understanding of noun/noun types such as possessive nouns Preparation/Resources/Equipment: Get me there worksheet x 28 Pens/pencils for students to fill out worksheet Worksheet with completed answers to ensure its correct
Learning Experiences: 1. How will I engage the learners? Speak about what we are covering, summary of the lesson ahead Discuss what the students already know about pronouns and abbreviations Talk through work sheet Ask questions of the students to get them thinking about activity Stop and mark after 10-15mins of work to reconcentrate students 2. Students tasks and activities 1. Discussion of abbreviations, pronouns, possessive nouns- ask questions to check understanding before commencing lesson 2. Go through worksheet with students talking through instructions and adding my own instructions (only complete first side) 3. Students begin and complete the first side of the worksheet only (10-15mins) 4. Go through 1 st side of worksheet and mark with students. Discuss any uncertainties 5. Students complete 2 nd side of the worksheet (10-15mins) 6. Stop students and go through final part of the worksheet while marking answers 7. Round up the lesson by discussing the answers Conclusion: Observe the students working, listen to the answers they provide Pose questions- Can you think of any other abbreviations? Where did you see them? Observe overall understanding of the task and the students understanding throughout the activity Evaluation: How do you know the students have achieved the learning purpose(s)? Students verbally sharing their answers and discussing what and why they got the Bronte Kremerskothen Murdoch University 32233991
answer Evaluate the answers offered by the students How was my performance as a teacher? What could be improved for next time? This lesson was the one I was most nervous about as it was the first time I had delivered a whole class lesson. I believe under the circumstances (controlling nerves and being new to teaching) I handled the lesson well. There were no mishaps throughout the lesson and any minor disruptions were dealt with to the best of my ability. I mentioned the childs name in a few different circumstances to refocus them and make them aware that I could see what they were doing. Next time I would utilise the proximity rule a bit more and walk around the class a bit more. Reflecting on my lesson I realised that my voice was very monotone, something which was recommended by my mentor teacher to reflect on. I believe with time and practice I will use more light and shade in my voice when speaking with and to the students.
Bronte Kremerskothen Murdoch University 32233991
Lesson Plan- Micro Lesson Year: 5 Date/Time: Thursday 21.8.14 Learning Area/ACARA: Literacy/Comprehension/Oral Skills Lesson Focus: Comprehension 20 minutes Background Information: This week is book week, every morning students will be reading in pairs to a small group of Year 2 students. Once they have read the book the students are asking relevant questions of their peers. The students have done a lot of comprehension activities. Teaching/Learning Purpose(s): To enable learners to have an understanding of the text (comprehend text) To enable learners to develop/practice their oral/verbal skills Preparation/Resources/Equipment: Appropriate book to read Questions to ask students about book Sheet for student to complete activity on (enough for group) Pens, pencils, textas, crayons for writing and drawing Learning Experiences: 1. How will I engage the learners? Discussion of the book cover- What do you think this book is about? Why? While reading the book I will use varying tone, speed and volume to keep the students interested Prompt students when necessary and encourage them to develop answers/responses 2. Student tasks and activities 1. Ask questions about the book (see below) 2. I read the story to the students, ask each student to read a page 3. Ask each student the chosen questions to generate their thinking about a possible ending and ensure understanding of the book 4. Students to come up with their own resolution (who stole the gnome and why)- written ending. When they have completed their ending they can draw a picture of whats happening in their text 5. Students share/talk about what they have done/written NOTES: What do you think this book is about? Why? Do you have a gnome in your garden? What is your favourite part so far? Who do you think stole the gnome? Why do you think they stole it? Who is your favourite character? Conclusion: Have each child hold up their drawing and text and read to the group their resolution/ending to the story Have them explain why theyve chosen that particular scenario- pose questions to prompt students if necessary Seek verbal confirmation of understanding through asking relevant questions Bronte Kremerskothen Murdoch University 32233991
Evaluation: How do you know the students have achieved the learning purpose(s)? Students standing up and telling everyone about their picture and resolution Evaluate what is written/drawn on the sheet Evaluate own performance- did the children seem to enjoy the activity? How did I respond to both correct and incorrect answers? How was my performance as a teacher? What could be improved for next time? I thoroughly enjoyed my micro lesson as I was able to listen to each student in my group individually. As it was my first real near one on one interaction with the students they all began to open up to me and most wanted to engage in a conversation which was irrelevant to the task. I had to be weary of this and refocus the students a few times and remind them what needed to be done. I did this in a friendly manner and let the students know I was interested in them and what they had to say but there was a time and a place and that wasnt it. This is something I reflected on after my lesson and I realised I did the right thing by not letting the students get off tangent too much of a tangent although I know at some stages I did let them get off track a bit too much. Next time I would ensure all students remain on task and engage in relevant conversation, other than that I felt as though the lesson ran very smoothly and all students completed their resolution and the picture of what was happening in their scenario.