1. The document outlines the recipe, costs, and business plan to produce and sell stik bawang balado (shallot sticks) for a firm called Haqim Tri Kartika Jaya.
2. It details the ingredients and costs for a small batch recipe and scaled-up version to produce 200 portions. Total variable costs per unit are estimated at Rp1,653.
3. Break-even calculations show that selling each portion for Rp4,000 would require producing 11,514 portions per month to reach the monthly profit target of Rp20 million.
1. The document outlines the recipe, costs, and business plan to produce and sell stik bawang balado (shallot sticks) for a firm called Haqim Tri Kartika Jaya.
2. It details the ingredients and costs for a small batch recipe and scaled-up version to produce 200 portions. Total variable costs per unit are estimated at Rp1,653.
3. Break-even calculations show that selling each portion for Rp4,000 would require producing 11,514 portions per month to reach the monthly profit target of Rp20 million.
1. The document outlines the recipe, costs, and business plan to produce and sell stik bawang balado (shallot sticks) for a firm called Haqim Tri Kartika Jaya.
2. It details the ingredients and costs for a small batch recipe and scaled-up version to produce 200 portions. Total variable costs per unit are estimated at Rp1,653.
3. Break-even calculations show that selling each portion for Rp4,000 would require producing 11,514 portions per month to reach the monthly profit target of Rp20 million.
1. The document outlines the recipe, costs, and business plan to produce and sell stik bawang balado (shallot sticks) for a firm called Haqim Tri Kartika Jaya.
2. It details the ingredients and costs for a small batch recipe and scaled-up version to produce 200 portions. Total variable costs per unit are estimated at Rp1,653.
3. Break-even calculations show that selling each portion for Rp4,000 would require producing 11,514 portions per month to reach the monthly profit target of Rp20 million.
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Nama Badan Usaha : FIRMA
Nama Toko : Haqim Tri Kartika Jaya Nama Anggota : 1. Endang Sulistya Wati 2. Rio Vikyan Cahya
BAB II I. Resep dalam jumlah kecil: 1 kg tepung kanji kg tepung terigu 15 gr seledri 50 gr b.merah 100 gr b.putih 21 gr kaldu ayam bubuk 45 gr margarine 15 gr garam halus 700 ml air 3 butir telur ayam 1 liter minyak goreng 100 gr bubuk balado
II. Menghitung BEP dalam resep besar (modifikasi) dan target:
Yang digunakan untuk 1 resep dalam jumlah besar: 10 kg tepung kanji 5 kg tepung terigu 150 gr seledri 500 gr b.merah 1 kg b.putih 105 gr bungkus kaldu ayam bubuk 450 gr margarine 150 gr garam halus 7 liter air 30 butir telur ayam 10 liter minyak goreng 1 kg bubuk balado
Bahan yang dibeli selama 1 bulan: 250 kg tepung kanji Rp.2.000.000 125 kg tepung terigu Rp.875.000 3.750 gr seledri Rp.125.000 12.500 gr b.merah Rp.112.500 25 kg b.putih Rp.162.500 2.625 gr bungkus kaldu ayam bubuk Rp.131.250 11.250 gr margarine Rp.285.500 3.750 gr garam halus Rp.2000 175 liter air Rp.525.000 750 butir telur ayam Rp.750.000 250 liter minyak goreng Rp.2.500.000 25 kg bubuk balado Rp.750.000 Jumlah Rp.8.236.750
Harga bahan 1 resep:
10 kg tepung kanji Rp.80.000 5 kg tepung terigu Rp.35.000 150 gr seledri Rp.5000 500 gr b.merah Rp.4.500 1 kg b.putih Rp.6.500 105 gr bungkus kaldu ayam bubuk Rp.5.250 450 gr margarine Rp.11.500 150 gr garam halus Rp.800 7 liter air Rp.21.000 30 butir telur ayam Rp.30.000 10 liter minyak goreng Rp.100.000 1 kg bubuk balado Rp.30.000 Jumlah Rp.299.550
Biaya Variabel : Bahan+BBM+TK 299.550+1500+29.687=330.737 Biaya Variabel/Unit : 330.737:200=1.653 Harga Jual : Rp.4000 ALAT-ALAT Kompor Jos M ixing Dough Alat pres Spiner Tabung gas Deep friying JUMLAH JUMLAH 2 1 1 2 2 2
MODAL 365.000 6.000.000 1.000.000 1.500.00 400.000 580.000 BULAN 48 bulan 60 bulan 48 bulan 48 bulan 1 bulan 48 bulan PENYUSUTAN 7.604 100.000 20.833 31.250 400.000 12.083 571.770 Total Keseluruhan: Biaya Alat : 571.770 Sewa Gedung : 5.000.000/bln Listrik+Air : 300.000/2 bln Total : 7.021.770 BEP/Unit = FC = Biaya Tetap P-VC Harga Jual-Variabel = 7.021.770 = 7.021.770 =2.991 unit/bulan : 25 hari 4000-1.653 2347 =119,64 =120/hari Keuntungan yang diiginkan = 20.000.000/bulan Target : FC+Untung = 7.021.770+20.000.000 Harga/unit-VC 2347 = 27.021.770 = 11.513,323 = 11.514 unit/bln 2347 =11.514:25=460/hari
III. Hasil berapa porsi? 1 resep 200 porsi IV. Cara Pembuatan 1.mempersiapkan alat dan bahan secara lengkap. 2.mengadonan hingga semua bahan menyatu sehingga membentuk mie pendek-pendek,apa bila digoreng akan menjadi kaku,stik bawang balado. 3.setelah adonan siap, goreng hingga kaku sampai menyerupai stik bawang, lalu setelah matang tiriskan dan masukkan kedalam bubuk balado. 4.kemas dalam plastik,pres dan siap untuk dijual. Ukuran Waktu untuk 1 resep: Prepare Alat = 30 menit Bahan = 15 menit Adonan = 30 menit Mengoreng = 60 menit Mengemas = 150 menit Jumlah = 285 menit = 4 jam 75 menit.