Reading Response Rubric
Reading Response Rubric
Reading Response Rubric
DIRECTIONS: After reading for at least 20 minutes, choose one question to answer. Your
response should be elaborate enough for me to keep up with the storyeven if haven!t
read the book. "n the ne#t night, choose a question from a different section and answer it.
$hoose another question from a third category on the third night of the week and a question
from the last section on the fourth night. At the end of the week, you will have answered
one question from Making Personal Connections, Reactions/Feelings aout t!e Stor",
Noticing t!e Cra#t o# $ut!ors!ip, and Identi#"ing I%portant Ele%ents. %emember to
use good writing skills in your responses. %esponses will be graded according to the rubric
on the back of this paper.
Making Personal Connections
&hat did the story remind you of'
(ell me about one connection that you can make personally with the characters or story.
)o you have some shared interest, feeling, or e#perience' Are you alike or different from
one of the characters'
&hat kind of reader would like this book'
s there a character in this story who would make a good friend' &hy'
s any character like you' *ow'
$ompare at least two of the characters to yourself, your family, or friends.
Reactions/Feelings aout t!e Stor"
*ow did the story make you feel'
&hy do you think other students might or might not en+oy reading this story,book'
&ould you recommend this book to someone' &hy or why not'
&ould you like to read another story by this author' &hy' &hy not'
&hat was going through your mind as you read'
&hat was your favorite part of the story' &hy was it your favorite'
&hich character did you like the least' &hy'
&hat character did you like the best' &hy'
)id your feelings change as you read' *ow'
Noticing t!e Cra#t o# $ut!ors!ip
f the author of this story,book were in the room, what would you ask or say to him,her'
f you could change this book, how would you'
s anything in this book strange' &hy do you think the author included it'
)id the author write this book in a special way -many visual images or told in the first
person.' )id it make the story better'
&hy do you think the author wrote this story'
Identi#"ing I%portant Ele%ents
&hat are one or two of the most important ideas from the story'
&hat was the author trying to tell you about life with this story'
&hat do you think was the most interesting or most important part'
&ho do you think was the most important character' &hy was the character important'
)escribe the main character physically. *ow do you think he,she feels, and what does
he,she do'
$hoose a character in the book who isn!t a main character. &hat makes this character
important to the story'
&hat surprised you in the story' &hy was it a surprise' &hat did you e#pect instead'
)oes the title fit the story' &hy or why not'
3eeds mprovement
%esponse %esponses and ideas
are fully supported
with e#planations
and evidence from
the te#t.
%esponses and ideas
are supported with
some details from the
4ew ideas are
developed. 3o
support from the te#t
is evident.
&riting *andwriting is
legible and neat,
most words are
spelled correctly, and
correct grammar and
punctuation are used.
*andwriting is
legible. 1pelling is
acceptable. 1ome
grammatical and
punctuation errors
may be present.
*andwriting needs
1pelling is
unacceptable. 5roper
nouns are not
capitali6ed and
ending punctuation is
not used.
0ntries 7 entries / entries 2 or 2 entries
(his rubric will be used each week to assess %eading %esponse 8ournals. 8ournals will be
checked each day to see that students are working. &ritten feedback will be given most
weeks, so make sure you go back and reflect on what have said. do not e#pect to see the
same errors repeated by the same students over and over. %esponses should continue to get
better as the school year progresses.