The Insider Text and First

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The Insider

(a voice series in 6 episodes)

Enter the mind of a retired customs officer who is being haunted by the memories of those
that were passing by in front of him while he was on duty.
A trip that will take you from the vault of popular cultures, to the disintegration of
languages, and into the precious details of personal stories. Inner borders are dissolved,
and fragility becomes our new precision.
ensitive and voracious, !"he Insider# intervenes into the cultural $%A of our times and
presents us with a nomadic identity faithful to the multiple pulse of our daily human being.
Episode I: Dance of the Unreadable
'nly two years after retiring, the Insider is affected by difficulties in reading and listening.
'ther languages, sounds, and feelings are appearing in his books, in his memories, and in
his daily life. In an attempt to fight this identity loss, he decides to take up physical activity
in the form of dance training. "here he will find that also his moves have been snatched by
unknown gestures and foreign bodies.

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