Itsalreadyhere Ernestoestrella Press Final Version
Itsalreadyhere Ernestoestrella Press Final Version
Itsalreadyhere Ernestoestrella Press Final Version
[May 25
May 26
Curated by Ernesto Estrella
The questions have changed. And so have the aterials and the o!!er. "t#s already here$ %es& agreed.
A systeatic disantling o! our cultural ya'n is needed. (o& !or the occasion& 'e have cra!ted three
actions. To interru)t your day. And your night. That is* a t'o-day constellation that 'ill tic+le your
routine& bring a rub and a rush to your habits& and leave lasting traces in the 'eather o! your senses.
A constellation o! the collective and the une,)ected* that is our goal. (o 'e o!!er you three angles
-and a cre' o! ./ talented angels0& !or the s)ring days o! May 25
and May 26
* a0 An itinerant !air
!or tactile )oetry1 b0 An occultist gathering to suon ancient 2ree+ )oet (a))ho !or an author
tal+1 c0 A usical-)oetic intervention that )laces the audience& eotionally and )hysically& at the
center o! the act o! reading.
(ounds& oves& te,tures& and 'ords that have gone u) to no' un)erceived. 3e have set the u)&
shar)ened the. 4ut they 'ere already here. And so 'ere you.
5o'& 'hat are the aterials !or this event6 7oes 8 9ands& ouths& ears 8 a bas+et !illed 'ith
ob:ects 8 a ;ui:a-board 8 an i)rovisational enseble. That#s it6 %es$ ;<& can you no' give e the
o!!icial descri)tion6
This t'o-day event +ic+s o!! on May 25
-day o! the Euro)ean elections0 'ith an itinerant& tactile
)oetry !air*
Touch me! I am Spain. (unday May 25
8 Te)elho!er =eld 8 .2-/).
[Tea* Aida >al?a& Enrique @odrAgueB 7artearroyo& 4or:a Tru:illo 8 Corge >ocane& Tio 4erger&
"Bas+un 2racia Duintana]
Cruising around 4erlin#s ETe)elho!er =eldF 'ith a obile station& 'e 'ill invite you to create
)oes on the s)ot using a set o! )reviously selected ob:ects. The ob:ects are already charged 'ith
)oetry. They actually coe !ro )oes. "ndeed& they EareF )oes that a s)ecial tea o! translators
has trans!ored into ob:ects and )ut into di!!erent canisters& each holding a )oe.
The )oe is in your hands. %ou decide its direction. %our hands& the 'eather o! your senses& 'ill
decide. And 'hen you are done& stay. 3e 'ill give you the original o! the )oe& and )robably
soething else. (o e,)ect to be touched beyond language$
3e are already here. And the !uture use o! 4erlin#s ETe)elho!er =eldF is actually sub:ect to a vote
on this very sae day. (o 'hat better than a sudden eergence o! )oets and )oes to unleash the
!eel o! this election day6 And to create an une,)ected we. ;ne not calculated aong the given
o)tions o! this (unday. 5oadic& and )resent across the !ield. 3ith you.
()ain is the thee o! this action& )oetry is the tool !or entering the !lesh and bone o! our cultural
stereoty)es. As the a!ternoon )rogresses& our obile )oetry !air 'ill !ind you.
3hen (unday is gone& 'e 'ill go rest.
;n Monday night& our event oves into ore !ragile and une,)ected terrain* a ;ui:a-board
invocation o! the ancient 2ree+ )oet (a))ho& and a concert that brings the audience into the creative
core o! sound& 'ord& and !eeling. "n addition& at the closing rece)tion o! this night& the i)rovised
)oets o! our Touch me! I am Spain !air 'ill be invited to read their 'or+.
As said& the questions have changed. And this is the one that 'e )ro)ose !or Monday night*
Do you believe in poems? Monday May 26
8 <unst!rabri+ =lutgraben 8 G)-..).
[Tea* Tooi Adachi& Hiola (chitBer& Anna 7etBer& >isa Eberle 8 Ernesto Estrella& Theo 5abicht&
Mia+o <lein& Mar+us 7esonen& (ione <orna))el]
A Night with Sappho -a ;ui:a-board invocation and tal+ 'ith the author0
7oetry readings and discussions& DIAs 'ith 'riters& intervie's& !eatured )rogras& etc.. underline
ore the 'riter#s )ersona than the intricacies o! their 'or+. These rituals o!ten leave us in the sae
s)ot 'e 'ere in be!ore 'e le!t hoe. (o 'e decided instead to o!!er a di!!erent e,)erience. ;ur
solution !or this !ailed counication and e,)erience has been to invite a dead author. And 'ho
better than (a))ho o! >esbos& one o! the !ounders and ore intense creators o! 'hat 'e today +no'
as lyric )oetry. As !ar as 'e +no'& this 'ill be the !irst tie such an e,)erient has been
underta+en& so !or the occasion& a tea o! edius and ancient 2ree+ s)ecialists has been gathered.
As !or the content o! the tal+& our ain ob:ective is to acquire contact 'ith (a))ho& )roceed to as+
her soe revelatory questions& and !inally inquire her to 'rite a ne' )oe !or us. The notion o!
)oetry reading& including the custoary idea o! conversation 'ith the author 'ill here be
disantled into its essential eleents* the letters& the voice& the oveent o! the hands& bac+ground
noises& silence& and audience reactions. They 'ere already here. And so 'as (a))ho. 4ut 'e need
to loo+ closer& and ore cally& and 'ith the ears.
As 'e say goodbye to (a))ho& the second act o! the night 'ill !ade in*
A Cast of Words -voyage to the core o! the )oe0
5o'& 'hat i! the )oe suddenly eerged aong us or disa))eared as 'e realiBe it is con!ronting
us6 9o' )rivate can this )erce)tion be 'hen 'e are gathered at a collective act o! listening6 3hile
'e stand unsure and hungry !or the ne,t sound& 'ord& or )ause6
"n order to bring bac+ this sense o! danger& decision& sensitivity& and uncertainty to the reading
situation& an original co)osition titled A Cast of Words 'ill be )er!ored. An e,quisite enseble
co)rised o! the ost active ebers o! 4erlin#s i)rovised and conte)orary usic scene 'ill
guide this voyage. Hoice& contrabass-clarinet& violin& and electric guitar 'ill situate the audience at
the unstable center o! the )oe. The )oe eerges be!ore 'e realiBe that it already started. All
throughout the )iece& the ulti)le& !luid EbeginningsF and Ea))earancesF blur the notion o! closure.
5ot only is the )oe already here. "t has becoe an inci)ient )ossibility& !orever )oised to start
again& even a!ter the )iece is co)leted.