EE540 (Fall 2014) : Review Project Report Guidelines (5% of Grade Point)

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EE540 (Fall 2014): Review Project Report Guidelines (5% of Grade Point)

(Toda!s date: Sept 10, 2014)

"ou need to do: Come up with your group names (3 persons per group)#
Report $u%&ission: !t 1", 2014 (#n hard!opy)
Topic is Review o' P(ase $(i'ters:
1$ %efine what is a phase shifter, how it wor&s (theory and e'uations), parameters whi!h determine
phase shifter response, what are the different types of phase shifters
2$ Spe!ia( fo!us shou(d )e on ana(og and digita( phase shifters, mi!rostrip de(ay (ine phase shifters,
*+ ,-,S )ased phase shifters, and ferrite )ased phase shifters
"$ #n!(ude some of the reported designs and their phase shift performan!e resu(ts in your paper
4$ Some app(i!ations where phase shifters are used$
)ow to 'ind t(e &aterial:
(i) .e/t and referen!e )oo&s
(ii) #--- .ransa!tions on ,i!rowa0e .heory and .e!hni'ues, and #--- ,..1So!iety2s
#nternationa( ,i!rowa0e Symposium (#,S) Pro!eedings, et!$ (S%S3 (i)rary has a!!ess to
#--- -/p(orer where you !an a!!ess resear!h papers)
(iii) ,i!rowa0e ,aga4ine (a0ai(a)(e on(ine5 www$mw6ourna($!om)
General *ontent o' t(e Report: *eport shou(d !onsist of around 10 pages in!(uding figures of
reasona)(e si4e$ 3se sing(e spa!ing and font si4e 12$
a$ .it(e, .eam ,em)ers
)$ 7)stra!t (around 100 words)
!$ #ntrodu!tion (ne Page)
d$ 8iterature *e0iew (ne to .wo pages)
e$ .heory and %esign ,ethodo(ogy (ne to two pages)
f$ %esign -/amp(es (signifi!ant reported resu(ts) (four1fi0e pages)
g$ *e!ommendation and Con!(usion (ne page)
h$ 7!&now(edgements9*eferen!es

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