Unit Title: Personal and Consumer Health (4 weeks)
Essential Question(s): What are the consequences of our choices in terms of wellness? How can you determine the validity of health information? Essential Understanding(s): Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors. Accessing valid health information, products, and services improves the ability to make health- enhancing choices. Standards/Benchmarks 1.1.P Discuss the value of actively managing personal health behaviors 5.5.P Analyze the possible consequences of risky hygienic and health behaviors. 3.1.P Access valid information about personal health products and services available in the community. ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Identifying Evaluating Analyzing
Syllabus or Topics: Understanding health and wellness Health risks and behavior Being a health- literate consumer Media influence Skills: Recognize and investigate reliable and valid sources of health information, product, and services Identify risk factors and behaviors that contribute to the development of illness Evaluate how factors (culture, media, and peers) influence health information, perceptions, behaviors, product and service selection. Resources: Glencoe Health http://smysp.stan ford.edu/educatio n/phac/document ation/lesson1.pdf http://smysp.stan ford.edu/educatio n/phac/document ation/lesson2.pdf
Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Pick up a health product, check for exaggerated or misleading claims, determine whether the product is safe (some toothpaste whiteners, contain abrasives that may cause gum irritation), conduct online search, list at least 3 possible sources of similar information, and evaluate the sources to determine reliability, judge the appropriateness of the sources (FDA and consumer protection association sites are recommended), create slide presentation. Suggested Learning Activities: Examine Health Case Scenarios that describe individuals whose physical and mental health differ and state whether the person is healthy or unhealthy Upstream Causes Story and Flow Chart: recognize pathway of upstream causes that affect behavior choices that affect risk factors that affect health outcomes. Unnatural Causes documentary Diabetes Detectives: A Case Study of Upstream Causes of Health Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip Test and quizzes
Sarina Promthong
Unit Title: Nutrition (5 weeks) Essential Question(s): How to maintain a healthy weight? Why is maintain a healthy weight important? Why is body image important? Essential Understanding(s): Balance calories with physical activity are essential to manage weight. Maintaining a healthy weight helps you protect your health and prevent diseases. Poor body image may lead to unhealthful eating behaviors and eating disorders. Standards/Benchmarks 1.10.N Evaluate various approaches to maintaining a healthy weight. 1.3.N Explain the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption. 1.5.N Describe the relationship between poor eating habits and chronic diseases 1.11.N Identify the causes, symptoms, and harmful effects of eating disorders. ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Directive Evaluating Expressive
Syllabus or Topics: Healthy eating habit, physical fitness, and weight management Overeating and Obesity Body image and eating Disorders Skills: Assess personal habits and set health- enhancing goal Evaluate weight management program Describe the connection between body image and eating disorders Resources: Comprehensive School Health Education, 8 th Ed. (CSHE) Glencoe Health https://www.extension.purdue.e du/extmedia/cfs/cfs-737-w.pdf http://www.cteonline.org/portal /default/Curriculum/Viewer/Cur riculum?action=2&view=viewer& cmobjid=202958 Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Assess your eating habits and check your health risks, list the factors associated weight management issue and make health-enhancing decision about it by first setting realistic health goal and create personal nutrition and physical activity plan to achieve it. Choose one eating disorder, conduct online research, write a script that express concern and support, that tells an adult about the problem, and that make sure the friend receive help. Create a short video on it. Suggested Learning Activities: Calculating BMI, calorie needs, evaluate, compare and contrast common weight loss strategies/programs Sweet Success (CSHE, P.669, Diabetes) Eat this not that activity Class discussion on the media influences on body image, watch a documentary on body image and eating disorders (CTechonline), then write a page reflection and discussion. Suggested Uses of Assessment: Constructed- response test Rubric assessment Exit slip
Sarina Promthong Unit Title: Sexual Health (4 weeks) Essential Question(s): What are STDs? What is HIV/AIDS? What are the strategies that help you avoid negative health outcomes that are associated with sexual risk behaviors? Essential Understanding(s): STDs are highly communicable infections that are contracted through sexual contact. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS and lead to fatal consequences. Using appropriate decision making strategies can help avoid negative health outcomes associated with sexual risk behaviors Standards/Benchmarks 1.7.G Describe the short- and long-term effects of HIV, AIDS, and other STDs. 5.4.G Evaluate the risks and consequences associated with sexual activities, including HIV and other STDs 1.12.G Evaluate the safety and effectiveness (including success and failure rates) of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Describe Identify Evaluate Making decision Syllabus or Topics: Birth control methods STDs HIV/AIDS (transmission, symptoms, testing, and prevention) Skills: Describe STDs and HIV infection, transmission, testing and prevention Identify and evaluate various contraceptive methods Resources: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/arcshs/downloads/arc shs-research- publications/TSH_full_teacher_resource.pdf http://www.popcouncil.org/uploads/pdfs/2011P GY_ItsAllOneActivities_en.pdf http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health /personal/famplan/educators/~/media/health/pu blichealth/documents/flash/HS12bHIVDisparities. ashx http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/perso nal/famplan/educators/~/media/health/publichealth/d ocuments/flash/HS12cHIVTesting.ashx http://teenwisemn.org/mserrp-curricula-review/ Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Create campaign to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention Role-play a visit to a sexual health clinic, one person thinks that she/he has STD; another person is the health counselor. The counselor discusses the chosen STD, treatment, and implications if not treated. Patients should be able to answer about how did they get it, will they to tell anyone, will they still be able to have sex, and will they have to change the way they live? Suggested Learning Activities: Sexual health questionnaire (Latrobe, P.69, P.77) Compare and contrast prevention methods including rates of effectiveness Put the STDs and HIV/AIDS reference sheets into poster picture, then report the key information/concepts shown (Pop Council, P.149) Assign which contraceptive method works best for the character from different scenario Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip Test and quizzes
Sarina Promthong Unit Title: Disease Prevention and Control (5 weeks) Essential Question(s): What are communicable diseases? How do you reduce the risk of catching a communicable disease? Essential Understanding(s): Communicable disease is a disease that is spread from one living organism to another or through the environment. Learning about the causes, the symptoms, how these diseases spread, and prevention strategies can lower your chance of catching a communicable disease. Standards/Benchmarks 1.4.P Identify types of pathogens that cause disease. 1.5.P Investigate the causes and symptoms of communicable diseases. 3.2.P Access valid information about preventing common communicable diseases. ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Explain Describe Report Evaluate Syllabus or Topics: Communicable diseases and the chain of infection The spread of pathogen Immune system and immunity Common cold, influenza, H1N1 influenza virus, pneumonia, strep throat, tuberculosis Skills: Identify and describe different microorganisms that cause infectious diseases, the parts of the chain of infection, and way they spread Identify bodily defenses against infectious pathogens, explain and illustrate how they work Resources: Glencoe Health http://www.connec tedcalifornia.org/d ownloads/curriculu m/CatchtheFever_C A.pdf http://www.teacher stryscience.org/lp/ communicating- about- communicable- diseases Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Write a column for an airline magazine that explains emerging disease to travelers (e.g. 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak). Think about what air travelers in particular need to know about the tips for avoiding the disease (Glencoe, P.649) Suggested Learning Activities: Simulation of what healthcare worker do daily in hospital, role-play the symptoms and diagnosis of common diseases while learning about and practicing common health-care procedures (Connected California, P.53) Draw a storyboard and provide simple descriptions of how the immune system and vaccination work Research and create graphic organizer about the outbreak of a communicable disease including its signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention, the access to health information, and its impact on society. Create a 3D model of the pathogen involved and explain its chain of infection. Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip Test and quizzes
Sarina Promthong Unit Title: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use (4 weeks) Essential Question(s): How to resist pressure to use drugs? Essential Understanding(s): Understanding risk factors that make teenagers vulnerable to drug and protective factors that promote resilience can help teen resist the temptation to use drug and behave in other harmful ways. Being assertive and developing resistance skills that help a person say no to an action or leave a situation is crucial in facing peer pressure. Standards/Benchmarks 2.1.A Evaluate strategies for managing the impact of internal and external influences on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. 4.1.A Demonstrate assertive communication skills to resist pressure to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 7.1.A Use effective coping strategies when faced with various social situations involving the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Evaluate Persuad e Make decision Express personal opinion Syllabus or Topics: Addiction prevention Risk factors and protective factors of using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco Resisting pressure and influences Being assertive Media awareness Skills: Recognize and describe the risk factors and protective factors of using drugs Analyze the intended motivation of advertising on the sale and purchase of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs Identify pressure and demonstrate strategies for refusing alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs Resources: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/re direct/?oid=com.arsdigita.c ms.contenttypes.FileStorageIt em-id- 1829181&stream_asset=true http://www.oxygen.org.au/d ownloads/resources_for_sch ools/QLD_Curriculum_Teachi ng_and_Learning_Book_1.pdf http://smysp.stanford.edu/e ducation/phac/documentatio n/fullCurriculum.pdf http://headsup.scholastic.co m/teachers/collections/lesso n-plans-and-printables Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Create a school newsletter about how saying no to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is an attractive and practical option for teens (dialogue, images, and comic stripe could be used to help demonstrate), and then present it. Students advocate for anti-drug use and abuse (campaign, posters, speech, etc.) Suggested Learning Activities: Analyze influences and identify persuasion techniques represented in the collection of tobacco and alcohol advertisements with further class discussion (Becoming Media Savvy, Tobacco Companies Uncovered, L4) Select a scenario and identify the type of behaviors and pressure the characters are in, discuss ways to respond to the pressure, and then role-play the 3 possible refusal strategies or assertive endings to their scenario. (DET, P.40) Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip Test and quizzes Sarina Promthong T
Unit Title: Sexual Violence Prevention (5 weeks) Essential Question(s): What is sexual violence? How to protect yourself from sexual violence? Essential Understanding(s): Sexual violence is any form of unwelcome sexual contact directed at an individual including sexual abuse, assault, harassment, and rape. To protect yourself from sexual violence, you have to be alert to possible problems and warning signs. Alcohol moderation and drug-free lifestyle are key factors in reducing your risks. Standards/Benchmarks 5.1.S Apply a decision-making process to avoid potentially dangerous situations. 4.2.S Use effective communication skills for preventing and reporting sexual assault and molestation. 9.A Explain the impact of alcohol and other drug use on violence and risky sexual behavior. ESLOs: Strategic learners Articulate communicators Leader of the future Language Functions: Make decision Express personal opinion Describe Syllabus or Topics: Range of sexually violent behaviors Alcohol and drug- facilitated sexual violence and risk reduction strategies Consequences of sexual violence Consent VS. Coercion http://www.acha.org/sexua lviolence/docs/acha_psv_to olkit.pdf Skills: Describe different types of sexually violent behaviors and recognize influences Define consent and coercion, and recognize cases where sex is voluntary but not wanted Recognize the warning signs and apply decision-making and problem-solving steps to hypothetical situations to reduce risks of sexual violence Resources: http://www.mysati.com/Do wnloads/Curriculum.pdf http://www.vtnetwork.org/w p-content/uploads/VT- Consent-Campaign- Guidebook-and- Appendicies-2nd- edition.pdf http://www.kingcounty.gov/ healthservices/health/perso nal/famplan/educators/~/m edia/health/publichealth/do cuments/flash/HS6SexualVio lencePrevention.ashx http://www.popcouncil.org/ uploads/pdfs/2011PGY_ItsAl lOneActivities_en.pdf Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Write a script and create a short video (4-5 minutes video) for the public service announcement (PSA) describing the warning signs of sexual violence. Suggested Learning Activities: Define sexual violence and make a sexual violence continuum, contain range of behaviors from non touch to touch, then share their idea with the class After some understanding on sexual violence and consent, students place case studies on the continuum between forced sex and voluntary and desired sex, discuss the right to say no, and develop a plan to support the individual in the scenario (Popcouncil P.72) Read different scenarios; look for the red flags or warning signs for sexual violence. (Mysati P.37, P.50) (Vtnetwork P.15) (King County, L.6, P.13) Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip Constructed- response test Sarina Promthong Unit Title: Mental and Emotion Health (9 weeks) Essential Question(s): Why is it important to understand stress? How can you manage stress? Why is it important to understand mental health disorders? How to prevent suicide? Essential Understanding(s): Stress affects all aspects (physical, mental, and psychological) of a healthy life. You can manage stress by learning skills to reduce the amount of impact of stress in your life. Gaining understanding of mental health disorders build insight and empathy. Professional intervention and support from family and friends can often help prevent suicide. Standards/Benchmarks 5.1.M Monitor personal stressors and assess techniques for managing them. 1.7.M Analyze signs of depression, potential suicide, and other self- destructive behaviors. 1.6.M Describe the importance of recognizing signs of common mental health conditions. ESLOs: Strategic learners Altruistic global citizens Articulate communicators Language Functions: Describe Identify Evaluate Express
Syllabus or Topics: Express emotion in a healthy ways Stress Management Suicide Mental disorders Building Resiliency Skills: Reflect on their own mood and its influences Recognize stress and stressors, warning signs of depression, suicide, and mental disorder Propose techniques to avoid and manage them Resources: http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/ HeadStrongcurriculumresource.pdf http://au.professionals.reachout.com/ ~/media/pdf/professionals/teachers/b uilding%20resiliency%20in%20young%2 0people%20resource%202013.ashx http://www.nlm.nih.gov/theliteratureo fprescription/education/c2HighSchool Health.html#outcomes http://www.mindmatters.edu.au/docs /default-source/resources- archive/enhancing-resilience-ii Culminating Writing and Speaking Assessment: Create a fictional peer group of four characters, create backstory for each, identify characters mood and influences on how they are feeling, research and propose strategies to support your peer group, discuss and evaluate strategies, then decide which one work best for you, demonstrate them to the class, and rate it. Suggested Learning Activities: Student Mood Tracker Journal, confidential reflections on daily events, records events and feeling, write 3 possible response and what response did you choose and why (Black Dog Institute, P.20) Create a pamphlet of common mental disorders and effective treatment methods Research and dispel myths related to mental health problems (stress, depression, suicide, mental disorders) Suggested Uses of Assessment: Observation Rubric assessment Exit slip