This article discusses alternative narratives for understanding the history of the 20th century beyond the traditional Cold War framework. It suggests considering additional themes like decolonization, social and economic development, and globalization. Recognizing these perspectives could help historians move past overly simplistic East/West binaries to gain deeper insights into the modern era. The article argues for consigning rigid Cold War views of the last century to history to allow for more nuanced interpretations of this complex period.
This article discusses alternative narratives for understanding the history of the 20th century beyond the traditional Cold War framework. It suggests considering additional themes like decolonization, social and economic development, and globalization. Recognizing these perspectives could help historians move past overly simplistic East/West binaries to gain deeper insights into the modern era. The article argues for consigning rigid Cold War views of the last century to history to allow for more nuanced interpretations of this complex period.
This article discusses alternative narratives for understanding the history of the 20th century beyond the traditional Cold War framework. It suggests considering additional themes like decolonization, social and economic development, and globalization. Recognizing these perspectives could help historians move past overly simplistic East/West binaries to gain deeper insights into the modern era. The article argues for consigning rigid Cold War views of the last century to history to allow for more nuanced interpretations of this complex period.
This article discusses alternative narratives for understanding the history of the 20th century beyond the traditional Cold War framework. It suggests considering additional themes like decolonization, social and economic development, and globalization. Recognizing these perspectives could help historians move past overly simplistic East/West binaries to gain deeper insights into the modern era. The article argues for consigning rigid Cold War views of the last century to history to allow for more nuanced interpretations of this complex period.
(Article begins on next page) The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Maier, Charles S. 2000. Consigning the Twentieth Century to history: Alternative narratives for the modern era. American Historical Review 105(3): 807- 831. Published Version doi:10.2307/2651811 Accessed May 8, 2014 2:17:13 PM EDT Citable Link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University's DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at 3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of-use#LAA