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12” Deep High Efficiency ASHRAE Box Style Air Filter

The Camfil Aeropac® is unaffected by varying airflows

or repeated start-ups and shut-downs. The media is
resistant to extended periods of high humidity making
the Aeropac an excellent choice for humid climates or
moisture-laden conditions. The Aeropac:
• Is available in three efficiencies, MERV 11/11A,
MERV 13/13A and MERV 14/14A when tested in
accordance with ASHRAE 52.2 with Appendix J.
• Incorporates microfine glass fibers formed into
a wet-laid continuous media sheet. Although any
air filter should not be continuously operated in
saturated conditions, glass mat media offers
a higher degree of performance in saturated
conditions than high-lofted media products.
• Includes safe-edge aluminum media separators to
ensure a rigid and durable filter pack. The separators
also assure uniform airflow throughout the media
pack for full media utilization (longer filter life).
• Includes a media pack sealed into the enclosing
frame eliminating air bypass. The media is bonded
to the enclosing frame on the sides, and sealed
with high-efficiency media on the top and bottom. A
rubber based adhesive seal assures a durable and
stable filter pack.
High efficiency particle capture • Includes an enclosing frame manufactured from
a unique blend of galvanized steel with a pre-
performance with glass mat media processed aluminized finish. This combination
for high humidity or intermittent provides a 50% increase in corrosion resistance
when compared to standard galvanized metals.
water laden applications.
• Is available with a single header or a double header
dependent upon installation requirements. Each
header includes a gasket strip to ensure a leak free
seal between the filters, or between the filters and
the filter housing.
• Has an ECI1 value of four stars.
Available in a variety of sizes, the Aeropac offers high
efficiency particulate filtration unaffected by varying
airflows or adverse moisture conditions. Typical
applications include medical facilities, commercial
facilities, and food processing plants.
Values are Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERVs)
when evaluated per ASHRAE Standard 52.2. 1
The Energy Cost Index (ECI) is a system that rates a filter’s energy usage and its ability to
maintain published efficiency over its lifetime. ECI is useful when comparing filters of similar
construction and published efficiency. ECI ratings range from a high of 5 stars (low life cycle
cost and high overall value) to a low of 1 star (high life cycle cost and low overall value). Details
on ECI ratings for Camfil and competitor’s products are available from your Camfil sales outlet
and on the web at mf m
12” Deep High Efficiency ASHRAE Box Style Air Filter

Nominal Size Actual Dimensions Airflow Initial
Media Area
Efficiency1 (inches) Model Number Part Number (inches) Capacity Resistance
(sq. ft.)
(H X W X D) (H X W X D) (cfm) (inches w.g.)
24 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-242412 402298-021 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 2000 105
24 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-242012 402298-022 23.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1600 86
24 x 12 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-241212 402298-023 23.31 x 11.31 x 11.31 1000 48

MERV 25 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-252012 402298-024 24.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1420 90

14 25 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-251612 402298-025 24.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1400 70

20 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-202012 402298-027 19.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1400 0.65" 70

MERV 20 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-201612 402298-028 19.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1100 55

14- A 12 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-122412 402298-029 11.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1000 46

20 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV14-202412 402298-030 19.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1600 86
12 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8M14-122412 402311-023 23.31 x 11.31 x 11.25 1000 47
24 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8M14-242412 402311-021 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.25 2000 105
24 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-242412 402298-011 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 2000 105
24 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-242012 402298-012 23.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1600 86
24 x 12 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-241212 402298-013 23.31 x 11.31 x 11.31 1000 48

MERV 25 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-252012 402298-014 24.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1420 90

13 25 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-251612 402298-015 24.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1400 70

20 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-202012 402298-017 19.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1400 0.60" 70

MERV 20 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-201612 402298-018 19.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1100 55

13-A 12 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-122412 402298-019 11.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1000 48

20 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV13-202412 402298-020 19.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1600 86
12 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8M13-122412 402311-013 11.31 x 23.31 x 11.25 1000 47
24 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8M13-242412 402311-021 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.25 2000 105
24 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-242412 402298-001 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 2000 105
24 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-242012 402298-002 23.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1600 86
24 x 12 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-241212 402298-003 23.31 x 11.31 x 11.31 1000 48

MERV 25 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-252012 402298-004 24.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1420 90

11 25 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-251612 402298-005 24.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1400 70

20 x 20 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-202012 402298-007 19.31 x 19.31 x 11.31 1400 0.45" 70

MERV 20 x 16 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-201612 402298-008 19.31 x 15.31 x 11.31 1100 55

11-A 12 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-122412 402298-009 11.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1000 48

20 x 24 x 12 3HCP8-MV11-202412 402298-010 19.31 x 23.31 x 11.31 1600 86
12 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8MV11-122412 402298-011 11.31 x 23.31 x 11.25 1000 47
24 x 24 x 12 (double header) 3DHCP8MV11-242412 402298-012 23.31 x 23.31 x 11.25 2000 105
All header withs are 7/8". For custom filter needs that deviate from the standard sizes above, contact your local Camfil sales office.
Maximum operating temperature 200° F (90°C). Consult factory for medium and high-temperature models.
Recommended final pressure drop is 1.5" w.g. System design may dictate a lower change-out point.
Although some systems may be subject to intermittent water -aden air, every effort should be made to eliminate water from HVAC applications. Contact your local Camfil sales office for assistance.

1.0 General 3.0 Performance
1.1 - Air filters shall be high-efficiency ASHRAE supported media box-style filters 3.1 - The filter shall have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value of MERV (11, 13,
consisting of wet-laid micro-fine glass mat media, safe-edge aluminum separators, 14) when evaluated under the guidelines of ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2012. It shall

© Copyright Camfil 1023

frame-to-media pack adhesive bonding, and an aluminized steel enclosure. also have a MERV-A rating of (11, 13, 14) when evaluated under ASHRAE Standard
1.2 - Sizes shall be noted on drawings or other supporting materials. 52.2, Appendix J. It shall have an efficiency of (ePM10-70, ePM1-65, ePM1-70) when
2.0 Construction evaluated per ISO filter testing standard 16890.
2.1 - Filter media shall be one continuous sheet of micro-fine wet-laid glass mat media. 3.2 - Initial resistance to airflow shall not exceed (0.45”, 0.60”, 0.65”)* w.g. at an
The media shall be capable of withstanding a relative humidity level of 99%. airflow of 500 fpm.
2.2 - Media separators of aluminum construction shall provide media separation and 3.3 - The filter shall be classified by Underwriters Laboratories as UL Class 900.
promote uniform airflow across the media surface. The edges of the separators shall 3.4 - Manufacturer shall provide evidence of facility certification to ISO 9001:2015.
incorporate a safe-edge on the air-entering and air-existing sides so the separators will Supporting Data - Provide product test reports for each listed efficiency including all
not puncture the media. details as prescribed in ASHRAE Standards 52.2 and ISO Standard 16890.
2.3 - An enclosing frame of galvanized steel, with an aluminized finish, shall provide a Filters shall be Camfil Aeropac.
rugged and durable filter pack. A peripheral header (s) shall be included for side access
or built-up bank frame installation. * Items in parentheses ( ) require selection.

For detailed specifications, please consult your local Camfil distributor, representative
or Aeropac. Camfil has a policy of uninterrupted research, development and product
improvement. We reserve the right to change designs and specifications without notice.

Camfil | 1 North Corporate Drive, Riverdale, NJ 07457 | Tel: (973) 616-7300 mf m

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