Monetary Policy in Kenya - Evolution and Current Framework (2000)
Monetary Policy in Kenya - Evolution and Current Framework (2000)
Monetary Policy in Kenya - Evolution and Current Framework (2000)
Curriculum Vitae
Joseph K. Kinyua
Joseph K. Kinyua began his career as an assistant lecturer at Nairobi University. He joined the Cen-
tral Bank of Kenya in 1980 and worked his way through the ranks, from an economist to director
of Research. Mr Kinyua also worked as an economist on a fixed term appointment with the Inter-
national Monetary Fund during 1985-1990, after which he returned back to the Central Bank.
He was appointed Financial Secretary to the Treasury in June 1995, a position he held until July
1999 when he rejoined the Central Bank of Kenya as Director of Financial Markets. Since October
2000 he has been the Chief Economist of the Central Bank of Kenya.
Mr Kinyua has also served as a director on several Boards of State Corporations. He is currently a
member of the Advisory Committee of the African Economic Research Consortium.
I am thankful to members of the Economic Affairs Division of the Reserve Bank of Malawi for their
wonderful comments and suggestion. In particular, I would like to thank Mr. P W Mamba, Mr. C
Msosa, Mr. M Khomba and Mr. R Wiyo. However, the views expressed in this paper are mine and
do not necessarily reflect those of the Reserve Bank of Malawi or the people mentioned herein. Any
errors and shortfalls, therefore, are my responsibility.
Joseph K. Kinyua1
Prior to economy-wide reforms in early 1993, monetary policy evolved under a highly regulated
economic and financial set-up with uncoordinated approaches, strategies, and instruments. It was
therefore difficult to find any thread of coherent monetary policy that attempted to control events,
especially under a fixed exchange rate regime. Significant changes in the institutional framework,
operating procedures and instruments have taken place since 1993, culminating in a more elabo-
rate conduct of monetary policy. This has helped contain inflation and establish a viable external
payments position in Kenya. Considerations for further refinement in operating procedures in the
face of changing financial and economic environment are currently in progress.
Key words: Monetary policy; domestic credit control; balance of payments; inflation;
exchange rate; monetary aggregates.
1 The author is Chief Economist and Director of Research at the Central Bank of Kenya. The views expressed in this paper
are those of the author and do not in any way represent the official position of the Central Bank of Kenya. I wish to thank
my staff in the Research Department for the assistance in the preparation of this paper. The paper was written for pre-
sentation at the conference on Monetary Policy Frameworks in Africa, 17-19 September 2001, Pretoria, South Africa.
The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), like most other central banks around the world, is entrusted with
the responsibility of formulating and implementing monetary policy directed at achieving and main-
taining low inflation as one of its two principal objectives; the other being to maintain a sound mar-
ket-based financial system2. Since its establishment in 1966, the CBK has essentially used a mon-
etary-targeting framework to pursue the inflation objective. The use of this monetary policy strate-
gy has been and continues to be based on the presumption that money matters, that the behav-
iour of monetary aggregates has a major bearing on the performance of the economy, particularly
on inflation. Econometric studies done to investigate the link between inflation and monetary expan-
sion have established and lent credence to the strong link between inflation and money supply in
Kenya (Mwega, 1990; Durevall & Ndungu, 1999).
Although the monetary policy framework has essentially remained the same over the past 35 years,
the CBK has been continuously refining its monetary policy operations and procedures in order to
enhance efficiency and effectiveness in delivering its objectives in a changing financial and eco-
nomic environment. Thus, following the persistent failure of monetary policy to deliver on its infla-
tion objective in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the CBK effected significant changes to mon-
etary policy implementation procedures, including the introduction of new instruments. The radical
changes effected included the shift towards using indirect instruments of monetary control by intro-
ducing open market operations (OMO) and by liberalising interest rates and the shilling exchange
rate.3 Thus, the monetary policy framework has become more specific with respect to the infla-
tion objective being pursued and the instruments used to achieve it. Before then, monetary policy
in Kenya was sparingly used as a tool of economic management because of the pervasive controls
covering almost all economic activities, including the banking sector. Monetary policy, under the
regime of direct controls, was more preoccupied with reacting rather driving monetary develop-
ments. This was of course not unique to Kenya; control was then the fashionable approach to eco-
nomic policy management in most developing countries.
To analyse how the conduct of monetary policy has evolved in Kenya, it has been classified into two
distinct periods, that is, the period between 1966 and 1992 when Kenya was pursuing a somewhat
fixed exchange rate; and the period after 1993 to date when the country adopted a floating
exchange rate.4
This paper traces the evolution and nature of the CBK monetary policy framework as follows. The
next section describes how monetary policy was managed between 1966 and 1992. Section Three
discusses aspects of the current monetary policy framework following the adoption of a more for-
mal approach since 1993, including operational procedures, institutional arrangements, and the
instruments available to the Bank. Section Four outlines the challenges that the CBK faces in man-
aging monetary policy within the present framework, and Section Five concludes the paper.
In this section we review how monetary policy evolved under the fixed exchange rate regime pur-
sued during 1966 – 1992. To get a better perspective of the role monetary policy played in the
process of Kenya’s development during this period, the discussion is broken into the formative
years of central banking, and the period 1970 to 1992.
2 Central Bank of Kenya Amendment Act, 1997
3 CBK (Amendment) Bill, 2000 approved by Parliament on July 26, 2001 has, however, reintroduced control on interest
4 For a summary of the evolution of monetary policy in Kenya, see Appendix 1.
2.1. Monetary policy in the formative years of central banking 1966 – 1970
The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) was established in 1966 under the Central Bank Act (CAP 481),
1966. The Act assigned to the CBK the statutory objectives “to assist in the development and
maintenance of a sound monetary and credit, and banking system in Kenya, conducive to the
orderly and balanced economic development of the country and the external stability of the cur-
rency”.5 The Bank was also required to maintain a desirable level of foreign exchange computed
as equal to at least four months of imports cover averaged over the last three years.
With such broadly defined objectives referring only obliquely to price stability, the CBK tended to
underpin its monetary policy strategy with controls on interest rates and the volume of credit expan-
sion by banking institutions as its operational targets, and money supply growth as its intermediate
target. The operational targets were communicated to banks through guidelines issued from time
to time. There were, however, no explicit penalties for non- compliance.
Thus during 1966 – 1970, the CBK pursued a rather passive monetary policy partly because the
Bank had not then acquired sufficient experience in the management of monetary policy. What was
more important, the Kenyan economy had no serious macroeconomic problems to contend with
during this period. The economy grew at rates around 8 per cent annually while inflation remained
below 2 per cent. Apart from 1967 and 1969, both the country’s balance of payments and the bud-
get recorded substantial surpluses during this period.
It should be noted that the CBK focused its efforts during the formative years largely on laying down
the necessary infrastructure for the effective management of monetary policy. The Bank consoli-
dated its role as the major holder of foreign exchange following the centralization of the custody of
foreign exchange with the Bank in 1967. In the same year, the Bank introduced a liquidity ratio,
requiring commercial banks to maintain initially 12,5 per cent of their deposit liabilities in a liquid
form. This requirement was not as much an instrument of credit control as an instrument intended
to create a captive market for government Treasury bills in order to support government fiscal oper-
ations. Even then, most of the Treasury bills were held by the CBK, which, in effect, amounted to
printing money.
The first challenge to the CBK came in 1967 when the pound sterling, to which the shilling was
pegged, was devalued by 14,3 per cent, occasioning the first balance of payments crisis since
independence in 1963. At the time, the Bank did not consider it an exchange rate problem. It
viewed it as essentially a temporary problem that did not require any devaluation. Indeed, there was
an improvement in 1968 and the balance of payments reverted to a surplus. As a result of this
improvement and the increase in domestic credit by 27 per cent in the year, growth in the money
supply accelerated from 8 per cent in 1968 to about 19 per cent in 1969.
Thus, Kenya passed through its first decade of independence with virtually no active monetary pol-
icy intervention, first under the East African Currency Board and then the fledgling CBK. During the
early years the CBK relied mainly on moral suasion. It enlisted the support of banking institutions
through regular meetings with the chief executives of banks to explain the thrust of monetary poli-
cy initiatives. Being the regulator of commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions, the CBK
had some influence in this regard. However, without a clear focus on inflation and appropriate sanc-
tions on the one hand, and lacking both a relevant and supportive fiscal policy on the other, this
framework could not ensure that inflation was contained at consistently low levels.
5 Before 1966, matters relating to monetary management were handled by the East African Currency Board which also
served Uganda and Tanzania.
2.2 Monetary policy during 1970 – 1980
Kenya entered her second decade of independence with major difficulties that threatened her abil-
ity to sustain the commendable 6-8 per cent annual economic growth she had enjoyed in the
1960s. The country had to confront emerging and severe constraints on the balance of payments,
particularly following the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1971,
and the oil crises of 1973. Economic growth slowed down in 1971-1975, and the balance of pay-
ments and domestic prices came under increasing pressure. After consecutive surpluses over the
previous three years to 1970, the overall balance of payments moved into a deficit of 362 million
shillings in 1971 and inflation climbed to 7,0 per cent from 2,6 per cent in 1966. These adverse
developments were largely attributed to a sharp expansion in domestic credit that had occurred in
the previous two years and resulted in much higher imports in 1970/71. The reduction in net cap-
ital inflows also contributed to the weakening of the balance of payments in 1971.
The Bank took a number of measures aimed at containing credit expansion and at helping to curb
imports. These measures included the imposition of a minimum cash ratio of 5 per cent on com-
mercial banks in 1971, in addition to the liquidity ratio requirement of 12,5 per cent put in place in
1969. The cash ratio was, however, removed and the liquidity ratio was raised to 15,0 per cent in
February 1972. Commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) were also instructed
by the CBK to reduce their lending for financing imported consumer durables by specified amounts
between July and October 1971. The shilling exchange rate was also devalued following the deval-
uation of the US dollar.
As a result, domestic credit growth rate declined to 12,2 per cent per year during 1971/72 from
30,2 per cent in 1970. The balance of payments in turn improved over the two years to register
surpluses of 196 million shillings in 1972 and 199 million shillings in 1973, while inflation declined to
average 4,0 per cent per year from 7,0 per cent in the previous year. This was despite the onset of
the oil crisis in 1973. There were, however, fears that economic growth was likely to slow down in
the coming year as credit to the private sector had risen by only 5 per cent in 1971 compared with
an increase of 36,5 per cent in 1970. In order to maintain the growth momentum, the Bank in 1972
instructed commercial banks to increase their lending to the private sector by no more than 12 per
cent for the whole year and directed that priority be given to requests for loans to the agricultural
sector, small African enterprises and exporters.
In anticipation of balance of payments difficulties and pressure on domestic prices following the
1973 oil crisis, the Bank in October 1973 restricted commercial bank lending to foreign-controlled
companies to no more than 60 per cent of such company’s capital, if at least 50 per cent of the
equity in the company was owned by Kenyan nationals. The limit was even lower for the wholly for-
eign-owned companies. This restriction was relaxed in 1974 to allow such lending to be made avail-
able to foreign-controlled companies engaged in agriculture, manufacturing, export trade and
tourism. The requirement that commercial banks lend 12 per cent to the private sector still
remained in force from 1973 to 1975. In addition, the 15 per cent minimum liquidity requirement
was extended to cover NBFIs in 1974. Measures were also taken to substantially reduce govern-
ment borrowing from the banking system in fiscal years 1973 and 1974,6 and the minimum deposit
rate and prime borrowing rate were raised in 1974 for the first time since independence to 5 per
cent and 8 per cent respectively from 3 per cent and 7 per cent. Similarly, the Treasury bill rate was
raised to over 6 per cent from under 1 per cent.
Although growth in both domestic credit and money supply slowed down considerably between
1973 and 1975, partly as a result of these efforts, the balance of payments reverted to deficits in
1974 and 1975 and inflation accelerated to average 15,5 per cent per annum from 4 per cent in
1974. At the same time, economic growth slowed down to 2,5 per cent annually. This deteriora-
tion in the macroeconomic environment was symptomatic of the measures being insufficient to off-
set the adverse effects of the external factors.
6 Fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
In an effort to arrest the deterioration in the balance of payments, contain pressures on domestic
prices and stimulate economic activity, the Bank took a number of additional measures in 1975.
These included the re-alignment of the Kenya shilling from the US dollar to the Special Drawing
Rights (SDR) and devaluing it by 10,8 per cent. The shift of the currency peg was intended to sta-
bilise the value of the shilling from undesirable fluctuation in a world of floating exchange rates. The
SDR happened to be the most stable of the internationally accepted currencies at the time.7 While
a tight credit stance was to be maintained, it was considered necessary to channel more credit to
agriculture in view of its significant contribution to the overall national economy. In this context,
commercial banks were in 1975 instructed to increase their outstanding credit to agriculture to 17
per cent of their deposit liabilities by June 1976. By the end of 1975, this ratio was 14 per cent
compared with 10 per cent in 1974.
During the period 1976/77, Kenya’s terms of trade improved by over 60 per cent, primarily follow-
ing substantial increases in world prices of coffee and tea. At the same time, the capital account
remained fairly strong. As a result of these developments, the overall balance of payments
improved to record substantially large surpluses. The foreign exchange reserves held by the Bank
rose sharply from US$ 172 million in 1975 to US$ 529 million in 1977.
All the gains from the higher coffee and tea prices were passed on to producers, thereby substan-
tially raising their incomes and correspondingly government revenue. In recognition of the poten-
tial impact on monetary and credit expansion and the threat posed to domestic prices, efforts were
made to limit the monetary impact of higher incomes from coffee. The minimum liquidity ratio of
banks and NBFIs was raised in July 1976 from 15 to 18 per cent; the maximum lending rate was
raised to 10 per cent; and growth in total domestic credit was to be limited to 21 per cent in
1976/77. Limits were also set on government borrowing from the banking system during the peri-
od, including the restriction on local borrowing by foreign-controlled companies imposed in 1973.8
These measures had little effect on domestic credit and monetary expansion. For instance, banks
increased their domestic credit extension by 29,0 and 44,3 per cent in 1976 and 1977, respectively,
compared with 15 per cent in 1975. This was largely due to the continued large borrowing by the
government to finance its large budget deficit as its expenditure outstripped the pace of revenue
increases. Consequently, the increase in money supply accelerated from 17,1 per cent in 1975 to
24,1 and 46,8 per cent in 1976 and 1977, respectively. Despite this substantial monetary expan-
sion, inflation eased over the two years to an average of 12 per cent per year from 15 per cent in
1975. Moreover, the economy recovered on account of higher incomes from coffee and tea, to
grow at 5,6 and 8,6 per cent in 1976 and 1977, respectively.
The CBK, conscious of the lagged effects of monetary expansion on inflation, was concerned about
the excessive monetary expansion in 1976/77 and the likelihood of the trend continuing into 1978
as banks and NBFIs remained awash with liquidity. In this regard, the Bank increased the liquidity
ratio raising it from 18 to 20 per cent in January 1978 and the cash ratio was re-imposed on com-
mercial banks at 4 per cent in May of the same year. In addition, the discounting rate was raised
from 6,0 to 7,5 per cent. Following these measures, commercial banks’ liquidity position became
tight necessitating a lowering of the liquidity ratio back to 18 per cent and the cash ratio to 3 per
cent six months later. However, banks were instructed to limit their credit extension to the private
sector to 18 per cent per annum and government borrowing was to be reduced substantially.
These measures were reinforced in December 1978 by non-interest-bearing special deposits
imposed on imports. The measure was accompanied by additional exchange control restrictions.
As the banks’ liquidity position remained tight, the Bank had to further reduce the minimum liquid
assets ratio requirement to 16 per cent by mid-1979.
7 The SDR comprised 16 currencies of countries contributing over 1% of the total world exports. The weights assigned
to each currency in the basket depended on the country’s share in total exports modified in the light of the currency
weight in the world economy.
8 This restriction was removed in 1997 as part of actions the government was taking then to encourage industrialization.
The impact of these measures was hardly felt in 1978. The balance of payments reverted to a
deficit in the year, reflecting mainly the sharp drop in world prices of coffee and tea as well as a sub-
stantial increase in imports. Inflation remained high at around 12 per cent. A significant improve-
ment was, however, realised in 1979 in the balance of payments when a 1,414 million shillings sur-
plus was realised on account of reduced imports accompanied by increased net capital inflows.
Inflation also eased to around 8 per cent. Despite attempts in 1980/81 to liberalize imports, deval-
ue the shilling exchange rate and raise interest rates, these improvements were short-lived. In the
three years to 1982, the balance of payments worsened to large deficits and inflation accelerated
to double digits with growth in real domestic product averaging 3,2 per cent per annum. This fol-
lowed the second oil shock and a highly expansionary stance in fiscal policy, owing mainly to a
sharp increase in government expenditures. Throughout the fiscal years 1979 – 1982, the budget
deficit averaged 8 per cent of GDP per annum and was principally financed by borrowing from the
banking system. These large budget deficits and the inevitable large borrowing from the banking
system marked the beginning of a rough course for the Bank’s management of monetary policy.
While the use of monetary policy before 1979 had yielded reasonable results, it thereafter proved
less effective largely because of the non-supportive fiscal policy.
In an attempt to redress the rising domestic and external imbalances and restore stability, the gov-
ernment tightened fiscal policy in the fiscal years 1983 and 1984, significantly reducing the bor-
rowing from the banking system. The increase in credit to the private sector also slowed down to
around 8 per cent. Consequently, total domestic credit and money supply also increased less
rapidly rising on average at 10,5 and 8,0 per cent per annum, respectively, over this period. Part-
ly as a result of these developments, the overall balance of payments turned into surpluses in
1983/84 and inflation declined to 14,6 and 9,1 per cent in 1983 and 1984, respectively, from 22,1
per cent in 1982.
The improvement in the economy during 1983/84 was short-lived. In 1985, the balance of pay-
ments reverted to a deficit and inflationary pressures intensified, partly due to the rapid expansion
in credit, especially to the government, following a weakened budgetary position. Thanks to anoth-
er coffee boom, the situation improved in 1986 when the overall balance of payments turned into
another large surplus. But because the budget was not tightened in the fiscal year 1986, govern-
ment borrowing continued to increase. As a result, total domestic credit and money supply rose
rapidly by 35,1 and 32,5 per cent, respectively. Inflation, however, declined to about 6,0 per cent in
the year.
By 1985 it had become clear to the Kenya government that the economic difficulties the country
faced were more structural in nature and, as such, in addition to the stabilization measures, it called
for far-reaching structural reforms in the economy. As part of a comprehensive economic and finan-
cial programme, a number of reform measures intended to enhance the effectiveness of monetary
policy were put in place from 1986.9 New government debt instruments, that is, Treasury bonds
of one-, two-, and five-year maturities, intended mainly for monetary policy purposes,10 were intro-
duced in 1986 and the cash ratio for commercial banks was reintroduced at 6 per cent in Decem-
ber 1986. A more flexible management of the exchange rate was adopted and significant liberali-
sation of other areas of exchange and trade systems was undertaken. Perhaps a more significant
reform was the liberalisation and complete decontrol of interest rates in July 1991 and the intro-
duction of open market operations in the same month.
Despite the increase in the number of monetary policy instruments available to the CBK, the fluc-
tuations in the growth of domestic credit and the money supply persisted. Domestic credit and
money supply expanded much faster than expected in most years between 1987 and 1991. This
partly reflected the effect of the expansionary fiscal policy, which made it necessary for the govern-
ment to resort to more borrowing from the banking system to finance its burgeoning budget
deficits. This made the Bank’s task of managing monetary policy even more difficult.
9 See Sessional Paper No1 of 1986 on Economic Management for Renewed Growth.
10 Funds raised using these instruments, contrary to the original intention, were used to finance government operations
In summary, it is clear from this analysis that the monetary policy framework from the 1970s to the
1980s, though targeting the monetary aggregates, had its scope constrained by the fixed exchange
rate policy Kenya pursued then. The CBK could not pursue an independent monetary policy as the
overly expansionary fiscal policy that it accommodated, conflicted with the fixed exchange rate
regime of the 1970s and 1980s. Consequently, the credit targets pursued were rarely met. It is
also important to emphasize that domestic credit guidelines, as a way of containing monetary
expansion, suffered severe drawbacks, such as the following:
• The guidelines applied to commercial banks only and not to other deposit-taking financial
institutions. Thus, to evade the stringent limitation, non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs),
some of which were owned by commercial banks, proliferated in the late 1970s and early
1980s at the expense of effective monetary control. Attempts were made but with limited
success to bring NBFIs into the ambit of CBK monetary control.
• Commercial banks misreported their credit extension operations, particularly credit relating
to the agricultural requirement.
• Credit guidelines were hardly observed partly because there were no sanctions to enhance
• The approach requiring banks to expand credit by some specified rate per month/year was
inequitable as it forced both the efficient and inefficient banks to expand their balance sheets
at the same rate irrespective of their capabilities, initiative, and business acumen and
Monetary policy cannot therefore be considered to have been effective in the 1970s and 1980s.
Brough and Curtin (1981) in their study on fiscal and monetary policy in Kenya argue that “they did
not find any thread of coherent monetary policy attempts to control events rather than be controlled
by them”.11 In fact, in areas where positive monetary policy could have been helpful, particularly
in controlling the balance of payments, the Government tended to substitute non-monetary policy
prescriptions. Thus, rather than allowing the money supply to contract during the periods of bal-
ance of payments deficits, policy efforts were directed mainly towards controlling imports directly
by means of administrative controls under the Exchange Control Act.
In 1993, the Government adopted a comprehensive economic reform programme initially under an
IMF monitored arrangement that does involve provision of financial support and then later support-
ed by an IMF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility. Under this economic programme, the Gov-
ernment initiated a wide-ranging effort to reform its role in the economy, tackling at the same time
fiscal, monetary, structural and external issues. There was a general sense of crisis about Kenya’s
economic policy at the time, based on concerns that the country’s economic performance had per-
sistently deteriorated.
The high inflation and near-collapse of the shilling in 1990 – 1993 largely reflected a collapse of fis-
cal and monetary policy in the face of the first multiparty elections in 1992 after Kenya regained her
multiparty democracy (Chart 1). Money supply growth reached 34 per cent in 1991 compared with
the 9 per cent target, buoyed by the CBK’s excessive accommodation of distressed banks. Fiscal
policy did not help either. The government budgets were in large deficits of 10 – 11 per cent of
GDP in the 1991/92 and 1992/93 fiscal years, largely financed with CBK monies. It is noteworthy
that anomalies in the Central Bank Act allowed the Minister for Finance to override the decisions of
the CBK’s Board of Directors, including those on monetary policy without restriction. In effect, the
Bank had only limited authority on monetary policy management.
11 Brough and Curtin (1981), Growth and Stability: An Account of Fiscal and Monetary Policy, in Killick .T. (Ed.) Papers on
the Kenyan Economy, Page 40.
Chart 1: Growth in money supply and inflation
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Inflation M3X M3
As far as monetary performance went, for the first time Kenya experienced inflation close to 70 per
cent and growth hit a low of 0,2 per cent in 1993. The country lost its forex, being left with a bare
minimum of a week’s imports cover in early 1993. The shilling weakened so much that people were
reluctant to use it as a medium of exchange, preferring to use foreign currencies such as the US
dollar to transact business. As noted in Section 2, monetary policy before 1996 had multiple and
varied objectives, which were seldom clearly specified, and only rarely consistent with the achieve-
ment of low inflation.
Against this background, it was therefore necessary to give the CBK authority to manage monetary
policy, if the country expected to manage to bring inflation back to single-digit levels. The Central
Bank Act was amended substantially in 1996, narrowing the mandate of the CBK to that of main-
taining price stability and fostering liquidity, solvency and the proper functioning of a stable market-
based financial system. The operational autonomy also necessitated clear provision for account-
ability and transparency. The Act in this regard requires the CBK to submit to the Minister for
Finance, within every six months, a monetary policy statement which: (i) specifies the policies and
instruments to apply to achieve policy targets in the next twelve months; (ii) states the rationale for
the policies and instruments mix; (iii) contains an assessment of progress with the implementation
of monetary policy in the immediate twelve months to which the previous statement relates. The
Minister, in turn, is required to table the monetary policy statement to the parliamentary committee
that deals with economic matters. Moreover, the central bank is required to disseminate key finan-
cial data and information on monetary policy to the public.
The salient features of the new framework now include a more precise definition of the CBK’s mis-
sion as the maintenance of price stability and the fostering of liquidity, solvency and proper func-
tioning of a stable market-based financial system. Perhaps the most important feature of the cur-
rent framework is the tenure of office for the Governor. This was important if the Governor was to
firmly pursue the price stability objective. Section 14 of the 1996 Act sets out the procedure which
is required to be followed to remove the Governor from office, making it difficult for the appointing
authority to move in that direction without very persuasive reasons and reasons that can stand up
in a court of law.
Another important development that requires to be mentioned is the shift from the use of M3 to
broader aggregates M3X and M3XT. Until 1998, the conduct of monetary policy had focused on
the behaviour of the broad monetary aggregate, M3. This aggregate includes currency in circula-
tion and term and non-term domestic deposits held with banks and NBFIs. The stability of the rela-
tion between M3 and nominal GDP came into question, as the banks and non-banking institutions
engaged in large-scale portfolio shifts between deposits, government paper, and foreign-currency-
denominated deposits (Chart 2). The shifts appeared as a response to either actual or perceived
changes in the relative rates of return of these financial assets, as well as to other factors related to
the sophistication of the local market participants, the openness of the capital account, the per-
ception of Kenya in the eyes of international financial investors and the perceived liquidity of gov-
ernment paper. In the process of these shifts, the velocity of M3 changed, thereby reducing the
usefulness of this aggregate as a guide for monetary policy.
As a result, the CBK changed to focus on the much broader monetary aggregate, M3X and M3XT.
M3X is defined as M3 plus foreign currency deposits (FCDs) held by residents, whereas M3XT is
M3X plus holdings of government paper by the non-bank public. The inclusion of FCDs in the def-
inition of money follows the relative expansion in the holding of FCDs by residents after liberalisa-
tion and their domestic currency value after the recent large depreciation of the shilling against the
US dollar. For instance, at the end of December 1997 immediately after the weakening of the
shilling in the third quarter of 1997, the growth of M3 was 9,8 per cent and that of M3X, which
include FCDs held by residents, reached 11,9 per cent. Since the Bank had targeted M3 at the
time, the growth of liquidity was understated, resulting in looser-than-warranted monetary condi-
tions, with increased pressure on inflation and balance of payments performance (Chart 3).
1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
Chart 3: Money supply aggregates, 1972-2000
1972 1974 1976 19781980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 19921994 1996 1998 2000
M2 M3 M3X M3XT
The monitoring of a much broader monetary aggregate, M3XT, arose from the fact that the short-
dated 91-day Treasury bills had characteristics close to those of term deposits with commercial
banks both in terms of the maturity structure and liquidity, the latter supported by the availability of
a ready rediscounting facility at the CBK for banks and the non-banking public. A measure of liq-
uidity in the economy that did not include government paper could then understate the liquidity held
by the non-banking public, and thus lead to the setting up of monetary targets that were inconsis-
tent with the inflation objective.
Under the current framework, the CBK sets both the inflation target and the instruments to ensure
the realization of its objectives. In formulating the monetary programme to implement for a specific
period the Bank starts by estimating the demand for money consistent with the target rate of infla-
tion and GDP growth. This forms the basis for setting the desired path for monetary growth to
which the actual money supply had to conform during the policy implementation stage.
With the long delays in getting the information needed for the effective control of broad monetary
aggregates, the CBK formulates its monetary policy implementation strategy on the basis of the
reserve money or base money, which is more readily available as it is a liability of the CBK. The
CBK, therefore, designs a reserve money programme consistent with the desired money supply
expansion. Thus, the CBK closely monitors developments in the reserve money, taking appropri-
ate monetary policy actions whenever undue deviations are observed.
The formulation of monetary policy in Kenya is delegated to a Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of
the CBK whose members comprise senior staff of the Bank who are responsible for monetary pol-
icy analysis and monetary policy operations. The MPC meets once in a month to review and deter-
mine the reserve money programme for the next three months. This monthly meeting allows the
CBK to take into account the latest information on the economy and to reflect on whether it is nec-
essary to change the stance of monetary policy currently in force. It should be noted that the delib-
erations of the MPC are not published.
The decisions of the MPC are effected by a Monetary Policy Operations Committee (MPOC) which
meets every day at 08:45 for 30 minutes. The MPOC considers the forecasted daily liquidity posi-
tion against the target reserve money, on the basis of which it recommends the necessary action,
either to mop up or inject liquidity. The forecast involves estimating movements in the government
accounts at the CBK, the bank’s forex transactions and transactions related to CBK operations as
a lender of last resort. It should be noted that the MPOC does not make the final decision. It only
recommends to the Governor what it considers the appropriate actions for the day given its assess-
ment of the liquidity situation. The Governor makes the final decision on the matter.
3.4 Instruments
The CBK manages monetary conditions in the economy using the following instruments:
(i) Open Market Operations (OMO). The CBK engages in repurchase (repo) and reverse
repurchase agreements under OMO with a view to mopping up liquidity and injecting liquid-
ity into the banking system, respectively. Decisions to offer repos are, as already indicated,
made on a daily basis on account of the perception of the tightness of monetary conditions
and deviation from targets. The OMO desk electronically requests bids, and investing banks
state the amount and the price or interest desired. The CBK uses the marginal pricing
approach to adjudicate on any repo issue. OMO operations are conducted as repurchase
agreements with commercial banks. The tenures traded under Repos range between one
week and two months. Care is taken not to trade in long-dated repos to avoid direct com-
petition with the primary auction for the 91-day Treasury bills, which is held weekly to raise
funds for government use. OMO operations are restricted to commercial banks as the par-
ticipating institutions and transactions are two-way.
(ii) The cash ratio requirement. The cash ratio requirement has been used on occasion by the
CBK to tighten or loosen monetary conditions. The last time the ratio was changed was on
October 1, 2000, when it was lowered from 12 per cent to 10 per cent. Banks have to ful-
fil the ratio twice a month: in the middle and at the end of every month. The ratio is deter-
mined as the average amount of deposits and liabilities of a bank (or a non-bank financial
institution) with the CBK over a 15-day period ending in the middle and at the end of every
month to the amount of domestic currency deposits held with the bank by residents and
non-residents on the last working day of the penultimate month through the middle of each
month, and on the last day of the previous month thereafter.
(iii) Rediscount facilities. Banks can approach the CBK and rediscount their holdings of gov-
ernment paper without limit at a price determined by the Bank on a daily basis. The redis-
count rate in recent times has been maintained at 3 percentage points above the last Trea-
sury bill auction rate. There were two main rediscounting windows, until their merger into
one in late 2000 in order to harmonize the cost of accommodation to banks. The windows
available to borrowers were the Lombard window and the lender-of-last-resort window. The
Lombard window permitted a bank to borrow from the CBK up to 5 per cent of its paid-up
capital at a cost equal to the interest rate in the last Treasury bill auction plus 3 percentage
points. Collateral had to be in the form of government paper maturing within 91 days or
paper quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The lender-of-last resort window allowed a
bank to borrow funds from the CBK in excess of the 5 per cent of its paid-up capital avail-
able under the Lombard facility but at a higher cost – at 5 percentage points above the last
Treasury bill auction rate. The required collateral was the same as for the Lombard facility.
Although the monetary-targeting framework has worked well for Kenya with inflation maintained at
satisfactory levels, developments in the economy and the financial system during the recent past
have tended to weaken the thrust of using monetary aggregates as policy targets, especially when
instability in money velocities blurs the relationship between monetary aggregates and GDP. In
Kenya, the weak relationship has been manifested in excessive fluctuations in short-term interest
The challenge of forecasting liquidity within a short time period continues to be a major constraint
to the effective implementation of open market operations in the current monetary policy frame-
work. CBK monetary policy operations are based on an analysis of the daily forecast of the sources
of reserve money, some of which have proven elusive and tricky to forecast. The most notorious
ones are transactions affecting government accounts in the CBK. Though transactions relating to
debt payments are fairly accurate and readily available, the same is not the case with transactions
relating to payment for goods and services consumed by the Government. The reasons for this are
because Treasury on its part has not been able to put in place effective cash management and
expenditure control systems. Therefore, efforts to improve forecasting of government transactions
will require co-operation from Treasury.
The most important challenge the CBK has faced and continues to face is political rather than eco-
nomic. The Bank’s success in reducing inflation, and then maintaining it within the single-digit level
in the past seven years, has been associated by some critics with a high cost in terms of unem-
ployment and poverty. To quote the Governor of the CBK, the Bank has been accused of “pursu-
ing price stability rather dogmatically while it ought to be focusing more on enhancing economic
growth, especially given the current level of poverty in the country”. Though it is true the country is
going through these problems, there is no empirical evidence to suggest that unemployment and
poverty reached the current levels entirely because of monetary policy or that they would have been
entirely avoided if monetary policy had been different. Indeed, the critics of the CBK’s focus on infla-
tion argue further that because of what they perceive as the excessive tightness of monetary poli-
cy, interest rates have remained high, making it even more difficult for investment to take place and
therefore to create the much-needed jobs. With this wrong perception, Kenya has reversed the lib-
eralisation of interest rates achieved in 1991. If the President assents to the Bill that was approved
by Parliament on 26 July 2001, the CBK will be required to regulate both the deposit and lending
rates. So the issue of how to educate the public and even the local academics on the relative
importance of low inflation is and will remain a major challenge to the CBK for the foreseeable future.
It was not until the early 1990s that the conduct of monetary policy in Kenya changed significantly
in terms of the institutional framework, operating procedures and instruments. The changes were
precipitated by the economy-wide reforms undertaken by the Government, which necessitated the
adoption of indirect measures in the operation of monetary policy. Prior to these reforms, mone-
tary policy had evolved under a highly regulated economic and financial set-up with uncoordinated
strategies, approaches and instruments.
Although the challenges facing the current framework have remained substantial, refinements,
especially in terms of monetary policy instruments, were undertaken to cope with the changing eco-
nomic and financial environment. Consideration of the further refinement of the current framework
is still necessary.
The success of the current monetary policy framework will continue to depend on a supportive fis-
cal policy. While the build-up of government deposits over time has assisted in the sterilization
effort, the CBK must continue broadening its policy instruments to ensure an adequate mop-up
without fiscal support.
The CBK should also embark on a path of confidence building among the citizenry in its record of
price stability. This has proved an important asset among the more successful central banks
towards reshaping the inflationary expectations of the business community and the banking frater-
nity at large.
Brough, A.T and Curtin T.R.C. 1981. Growth and stability: an account of fiscal and monetary poli-
cy, In: Killick. T. (ed.). 1981. Papers on the Kenyan Economy performance, problems and policies,
Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, Nairobi.
Central Bank of Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya: its evolution, responsibilities and organisation. 1986.
Central Bank of Kenya.
IMF: Financial Policy Workshops: the case of Kenya. 1981. IMF Institute
IMF: Kenya: Recent Economic Developments, IMF background information to the staff report on the
1999 Article IV Consultation Discussions with Kenya, Various Issues 1975-1999.
World Bank: Kenya: re-investing in stabilization and growth through public sector adjustment. 1990.
World Bank Publication.
IMF: Kenya: selected issues and statistical appendix, IMF Staff Report No. 98/66, International
Monetary Fund, Washington D.C
World Bank: Kenya: stabilization and growth: toward accelerated growth. 1990. World Bank Pub-
Killick. T. (ed.). 1981. Papers on the Kenyan economy, performance, problems and policies, Heine-
mann Educational Books Ltd, Nairobi.
Kinyua, J.K 1992. The conduct of monetary policy: Kenya’s experience, Discussion paper delivered
at the Seminar on the Conduct of Monetary Policy. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Mwega, F.M. 1990. An Econometric Estimation of Selected Monetary Issues in Kenya. Overseas
Development Institute (ODI) Series Papers
Ndungu, N. and Durevall D. 1997. A Dynamic Inflation Model for Kenya, IMF Working Paper.
Republic of Kenya. 1988. Economic Management for Renewed Growth, Sessional Paper No. 1 of
1986. Government Printers, Nairobi
Bank Negara Malaysia. 1999. The central bank and the financial system in Malaysia.
Period Macroeconomic Monetary Policy Intermediate Monetary Policy
environment Framework targets Instruments
1978-84 - Spill over of liquidity arising Domestic credit Domestic credit - Initially, to stem
from commodity boom of control under a fixed excess liquidity,
1976/77 threatens a balance exchange rate minimum liquidity
of payments deficit and regime ratio was adjusted
inflationary pressures to 20% and required
- GDP growth started to slow reserve ratio
down towards the end of re-imposed at 4%.
this period - Discount rate
- Government budget deficit increased to 7.5%
reached 8% of GDP from 6.0%
- Later, towards the
end of the period
when liquidity
eased, iquidity and
required ratio
were reduced to
16% and 3%,
1985-92 - Continued weak budgetary Domestic credit Domestic credit - Open Market -
position puts pressure on control under a and money supply Operation through
balance of payments and flexible exchange rate (M2) Treasury bond of
inflation regime one, two and five
year maturities
- Required reserve
ratio was raised to
6% Current level at 10%
- Interest rate
deregulated in 1991