Asl 1a Syllabus-Revised

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ASL Interpreting 1

Mt. View High School

!"#!"$#!1"" e%t !1&1 (code) = y3ehs9
CREDITS: A'erican Sign Language Interpreting 1
& credits( 1 )*+, 1 -oreign Language
Materials .or this course are sourced .ro' the .ollowing te%ts(
Vista( Signing /aturally Level 1, &, S'ith, Lent0 1 Mi2os 314556
Master ASL Level 1 7in0a 3&""!6
Help!l "e#s$%es('''
Re&!$'ed 'e(d$)*s/+$e,$)*s will be chosen .ro' a preapproved list.
A'erican Sign Language Interpreting 1 is a uni8ue interactive course that
.ocuses on le(')$)* ()d'$e)c$)* %he !)d(me)%(ls ()d l$)*!$s%$cs o
/me'$c() S$*) 0()*!(*e (/S0)1 De( C!l%!'e 2 H$s%o'y1 ()d I)%e'p'e%$)*. In this
course, you will i'prove your understanding o. the 9ea. world. :ou will gain an
understanding o. the principles o. interpreting .or the 9ea. and Hard o. Hearing, so you
can wor2 with the 9ea. co''unity e..ectively in today;s world.
In this course, you will also gain e%perience in leadership, tea'wor2,
presentation s2ills, career path, co'passion and 'uch 'ore. /c%$+e p('%$c$p(%$o) $s
'e&!$'ed .or this type o. language#learning process. Active participation includes(
reading, writing, <listening with your eyes,= signing>spea2ing activities, cooperative
ga'es, attending ASL>9ea. events, role playing and class discussions. *his hands#on
course will e%pose you to the 9ea. world and co''unity as well as teach you s2ills to
last a li.eti'e??
Cl(ss'oom E.pec%(%$o)s 2 3!$del$)es:
4o$ces o in class. ASL is a NON54OC/0 l()*!(*e with its own gra''atical
structure, 'a2ing it $mposs$#le to co''unicate in signed ASL and spo2en
+nglish at the sa'e ti'e.
@e ready to le('). )o'e to class prepared.
-('%$c$p(%e? :our success depends on how 'uch you participate in class. It is
critical in order to learn a new language.
"'$%$)* (ss$*)me)%s 'ust have your na'e, date and class period on the upper
right hand o. the paper.
/S0/De( C!l%!'e -'o6ec%(
o :ou are re8uired to co'plete $ hours o. a cultural proAect per se'ester
and write a report 3see )ulture BroAect handout6
7eh(+$o'(l E.pec%(%$o):
o Respec% yo!'sel1 o%he's ()d %he school
o Respec% %he cl(ss: no hats, hoods or sunglasses worn during class
o No ood1 *!m ()d d'$)8s ('e (llo,ed e.cep% d!'$)* /S0 Cl!#
o 9ollo, %he S%!de)% H()d#oo8 -ol$cy
o Elec%'o)$c de+$ces are not to be used during class ti'e unless directed
to do so by the teacher.
No%e: :ou 'ay be photographed or videotaped .or learning purposes such as
group assign'ents, e%a's, etc.
3'(d$)* C'$%e'$(:
Crades will be based on these categories(
Assess'ents D 1"E
Assign'ents D 1"E
)lass wor2 D !"E
Midter'>-inal D &"E
Top$cs/U)$%s %o #e co+e'ed $'s% semes%e'
S$*)s 0$)*!$s%$cs C!l%!'e
#School 3Blaces 1 Beople6
#Sports 1 Activities
*han2sgiving, Winter brea2
#*i'e>9ay>Wee2 etc
#Beople descriptors
#Bhysical descriptors
#Fuestion Words, Wh#8, 8
# )onstructed Action(
Gole Shi.t>Blaying>Cestures
# )onstructed 9ialogue(
Height>Spea2ing>+ye Ca0e
# /MS(-acial +%pressions
Mouth Morphe'es#3pey, .ish,
# Bara'eters
#Sign Space
#Hse o. Space
#9o'inant Hand
#Bassive Hand
#ASL order
#Spatial Ge.erencing
Introductory )lassi.iers(
@asic )lassi.iers
Introductory Clossing
9ea. +vents#Why I'portantI
Attention Cetting
Story telling
9ea. @lind#Activity
9(mo!s De( Rese('ch
Helen Jeller#Miracle Wor2er
De( H$s%o'y
#-a'ous 9ea. Berson *i'eline
#Callaudet Hniversity and
)lerc> Callaudet>)ogswell
#History o. ASL

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