Secretaria de Educación Subsecretaria de Educación Básica Dircción de Educación Secundaria Depatamento Técnico de Esucación Secundaria

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1. What color sho l! I s" to #$ll o t th" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(ort) Black pen. *. What sho l! I !o $# o'" o# %+ st !"'ts $s 'ot $' th" s+st"%) Theres a specific period (see work chronogram Captura 1er bimestre, Captura 2do bimestre) for the teacher to notify the Language Department about any changes regarding enrolments and withdrawals. ,. -o. .o l! I r"(ort "'rol%"'ts a'! .$th!ra.als o# %+ st !"'ts) Through the document called !"#" $LT$% & B$'$%( attached to the )egistro de incidencias( e*file. nce filled+ send the both official documents to the %econdary Direction Department from %ecretar,a de -ducaci.n. !ollow the chronogram. /. -o. % ch t$%" !o I ha&" to (loa! th" st !"'ts0 1ra!"s) Two weeks (%ee work chronogram which will be a/ailable in the -*files folder). 2. What ha(("'s $# I !o'0t (loa! %+ 1ra!"s o' t$%") The platform gi/es us e0actly two weeks to do so+ after that the system will be closed and nobody not e/en the Language Department will ha/e access to it. "ts mandatory to upload the grades on time. 3. Who0s 1o$'1 to ha&" a4sol t" co'trol a'! 5""($'1 o# th" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(ort) The principal is responsible for the control and keeping of the classroom e/aluation report. 6. Is th" (r$'c$(al or th" classroo% t"ach"r $' char1" o# #$ll$'1 o t th" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(ort) 1o+ the only person in charge of filling the classroom e/aluation report is the -nglish instructor.

7. What ha(("'s $# I los" %+ (ass.or!) !or starters+ theres no reason for you to lose it+ but if you do+ please contact the %econdary Direction Department from %ecretar,a de -ducaci.n. 8. What ha(("'s $# I %$s(lac" o'" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(ort) &ou must be /ery careful when you ha/e them in your possession because they are official documents which are not replaceable+ that is+ there will o'l+ 4" o'" report per student. 19. -o. a'! .h"' .$ll I !"l$&"r th" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(orts to th" (ar"'ts) 2ake an agreement with the schools principal and follow his3her instructions regarding the deli/ery of the reports. 11. What !o I ha&" to co's$!"r #or th" 4$%"st"r a&"ra1") The product The bimester standardi4ed e0am %tudents performance (e/aluation records) 1*. Wh"' .$ll I a((l+ :"&"l R ;r"< $"r" a(o+o= to %+ st !"'ts) Teaching a second language re5uires constant support+ it wouldnt be fair to assign a fall short score+ for that reason we mustnt gi/e a'+ :"&"l R (re5uire apoyo). 1,. -o. .o l! I "&al at" s("c$al '""! st !"'ts) $sk for support from the special education teacher to create and apply special acti/ities+ the programme is standardi4ed+ remember all students are in need to be assisted specially them+ so keep in mind you % st'0t 1$&" a'+ :"&"l R (re5uire apoyo). 1/. Who .$ll 1$&" %" th" classroo% "&al at$o' r"(orts) 6rincipals will be in charge of deli/ering classroom e/aluation reports to -nglish instructors.

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