Wood Library
Wood Library
Wood Library
1. A., E. News indeed: Winchester taken. Together with . . . the great victory . . . at Alsford. London: f. L.
Blaiklock, 1644. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 612(13).
Wood 377(2). Wing N1031.
2. A., E. News indeed: Winchester taken. Together with . . . the great victory . . . at Alsford. London: f. L.
Blaiklock, 1644. 4
. Some cropping at top and bottom. Pp. 8.
AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 377(2).
Wood 612(13). Wing N1031.
3. A., E., and S. E. A letter from his majesties quarters at Newcastle, containing the substance of the
kings answer to the Scots commissioners. London: E. G., 1646. 4
. Pp. 8 (i.e., [1-2], 3-5, 4-6).
Tp, modern notes.
Wood 501(28). Wing A4.
4. A., N. A true and perfect account of the discovery of a . . . plot . . . by the Jesuites in Ireland, for the
destroying of the duke of Ormond. London: f. R. T., 1679. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 510(33). Wing A20.
5. A., T. Religio clerici. London: f. H. Brome, 1681. 12
. No frontisp. in this issue. Pp. [12], 96. Pasteboard
(blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Backing, fragments of a sheet with titles written by AW (Art of simpling, at Wood 729(3) (missing), is
visible). Flyleaf, upper, 3rd, AW wrote There is a book extant called Religio Laici. pend by John Driden
the poet Laureat. But that book I have not as yet. (there is a copy at Wood 320(1), item 2320).
Wood 773(1). Wing A32.
6. [Abbot], George. Canterbury, abp. of. A briefe description of the whole worlde. London: T. H[arper]
sold W. Sheares, 1636. 12
. Pp. [2], 350, [5] (wanting engr. tp). Calf with 2 llets, blind-stamped A W on
Cover, upper, inside, AWs book-plate, mostly torn out (see Index, Wood, A., bookplate). Flyleaf, upper,
signature of Edward Wood, Robert W[ood] and other notes, washed out. Pp. 3-87, 141-150, 217, some
underscoring and frequent lines in margins; 187, correction, prob. none by AW. Flyleaf, lower, 2nd
, scrib-
bles, not by AW.
Wood 150. STC 32.
7. Abbot, George. Canterbury, abp. of. Cheap-side crosse censured and condemned by a letter sent from
the vicechancellour and other learned men of . . . Oxford . . . As also some . . . arguments . . . by . . . John
Archer. London: A. N. f. I. R., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 514(6). Wing A64. Not Madan 979.
8. Abercromby, David. Ars artium: or, the art of divine converse. A new-years-gift. London: f. the
author, sold S. Smith, 1683. 12
. Pp. [12], 55.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 792(4). Wing A79 (rare).
9. Aberdeen, University. Augustissimo, illustrissimo, et serenissimo monarchae, Carolo secundo . . . Col-
legii regii universitatis Aberdonensis patrono. [Aberdeen]: [J. Brown], [1660]. S.sh. obl.
LT 1.351.
Wood 276a(411a). Wing A90 (rare). Aldis 1624.
2 The Library of Anthony Wood
10. Aberdeen, University. Dimidium plus toto. Theses logicae . . . praeside Patricio Sandilandio [12
July]. [Aberdeen]: J. Brunus, [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(411b). Wing S655 (rare). Aldis 1677.
11. Aberdeen, University. Marischal College. Wee under-subscribers masters and professors in the
colledge of New-Aberdeen, are constrained by pressing necessity to give this candid declaration. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
, 1660, in pencil. LT 1.351.
Wood 423(35). Wing A92A (rare). Madan 2515.
12. Abergavenny. The popes down-fall, at Abergaveny, or a true and perfect relation of his being carried
through the fair in a solemn procession. London: f. T. C. a. N. L., 1679. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood B. 40(15). Wing P2931.
13. Academy of Pleasure. Academy of pleasure. London: f. J. Staord & W. Gilbertson, 1656. 12
Pp. [8], 128, [12].
Missing in 1837. Academy of Pleasure Lond. 1656 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 63(1). Wing A159 (two). O(two), Harv.
14. Adam Bell.* Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle. London: E. Cotes, f. F. Grove,
1661. 4
. A-C
(C4 blank).
Wood 321(6). Wing A472A (rare).
15. Adams, Richard. Oixia . . . The {earthly and heavenly} building, opened in a sermon . . . at the
funeral of . . . Henry Hurst. London: f. J. Weld, [1690] MDCIC. 4
. Pp. [4], 29, [1] (1 p. books printed for
Tp, authors name underscored in red ink. Pp. 22-25, vertical lines in margin, at details of Hursts and
others lives, in red ink and pencil. AO 4.273-5.
Wood 634(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A490.
16. [Addison, Lancelot]. A modest plea for the clergy. London: f. W. Crook, 1677. 8
. Pp. [8], 164, [11]
(11 pp. books printed f. Crook). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. Last lower yleaf, marbled paper;
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
Pasteboard, upper, note covered by blue paper. Tp, bsm.
Wood 885(1). Wing A524.
17. [Addison, Lancelot]. The Moores baed: being a discourse concerning Tanger. London: f. W. Crooke,
1681. 4
. Pp. [5], 27, [5] (5 pp. of books sold by W. Crooke).
Tp, Tanger altered to Tangier.
Wood 386(15). Wing A525.
18. Adelardus. Bathoniensis. (Questiones naturales). [Louvain]: [J. de Westfalia], [1475/83]. 4
. a-d
(e12 blank).
a1, AW wrote the title and a cross ref. his own book, De isto Adelardo, vide in Histor. et Antiq. Universit.
Oxon, Edit 1674 Lib. 1. p. 56. col. 1. p. 157. col. 2.
Wood 498(12). GW 218.
19. Advertisements. Advertisements. I shall go the round of publishing. 1. Physiciansm . . . [London]:
(J. Whitlock, J. Hindmarsh, R. Clavel, A. Churchil, W. Rogers, D. Brown), [1694]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(44) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in N & S (see 49.087.). Not in ESTCR.
20. Advice to a Painter. Manuscript. Advice to a Painter: upon the defeat of the rebells in the west,
and the execution of the late duke of Monmouth Pictoribus atque poetis quidlibet. . ?: ?, 1685. Pp. 4.
Not in AWs hand. See Savile, Wood 417(11), item 5770; and New Advice, Wood 417(21b), item 4636.
Wood 417(141).
21. Ady, Thomas. A candle in the dark: shewing the divine cause of the distractions of the whole nation
of England, and of the Christian world. London: f. R. Ibbitson, 1655. 4
. Pp. [6], 172.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, In 1661 was another title printed for this book, called a perfect discovery of
Witches shewing &c But no additions or cor[r]ections (Wing A676). Tp, bsm. P. 165 (a cancel), minor
[MS.] Wood B. 16(2). Wing A673(3).
The Library of Anthony Wood 3
22. Aelfric Grammaticus. Eynsham, abbott of [Parker, M. and J. Josseline, eds.]. [A testimonie of
antiquitie]. [London]: [J. Day], [1566?]. 8
. C3-8,D-K
,L1-6 (wanting leaves at beginning and at end) (.
19(Ciii)-75(Kii), 75
blank). f. 62, i.e., H5: Here followeth the wordes of Aelfrike; K5 Lords Prayer; L5-6
Loose leaf, before the text: Note that this sermon following I have seen under this title A Testimonie of
Antiquity shewing the auncient fayth in the church of England touching the sacrament of the body & blood
&c. [/] printed at Lond. by John Day 8
[/] Before which book is a long preface containing about 16 or
17 leaves, pend by some learned Antiquary & one that belonged to the church of Canterb. or Archbishop
therof, for he speaketh much of that ch. & those Bishops (perhaps by J. Josselin. q[uaere]; followed by
a fragment, on which is Ant: Woode: Merton Coll: Ox on: 1658. C3, notes by earlier owners, crossed out,
and, not in AWs hand, published (as I take it) & rst found out by Jo: Josselin. Since by W
Lisle. Lond:
1638 (possibly by Langbaine). Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247.
Wood 134(3). STC 159.5.
23. Aelianus, Claudius, and Heraclides Ponticus. Vulteius, Justus, ed. De varia historia libri xi-
iii. . . . Item, de politiis, sive, rerumpublicarum descriptiones, ex Heraclide. Lugduni: ap. J. Tornaesium,
1577. 16
. Pp. 279, [22]. Calf with 2 llets and stamp centrepiece; spine, 4 bands.
Flyleaf, upper, signatures, 2, of Fayrfax and note, not in AWs hand; 2nd,
, Latin tag, not by AW. P. 249,
Wood 197. Adams.
24. Aesop. Aesopi Phrygis fabulae elegantissimis iconibus . . . Gabriae Graeci fabellae xxxxiiii. Batra-
chomyomaxia. Galeomyomachia [Gr. and Lat]. Parisiis: ap. H. de Marnef & vid. G. Cavellat, 1585 ([1]585).
. Pp. 448, [8]. Calf with 3 llets.
Pp. 143, 146, 149, 312, notes; 273, 357, 369, scribbles, and some names (John Mason; 302, Caister (?),
448, Edmund), none by AW. Lent to J. Curten, 1664, LT 2.8.
Wood 703. Not in BL, Adams, VD.
25. Aesop. Barret, William, trans. The fables of Aesop. With his whole life. London: R. Oulton f. F.
Egleseld, 1639. 8
. A1-5,B-Q
. Parchment.
Cover, upper, outside, H. oulis; inside, Hen oulis Boke August :1: day 1651, price, and given by
Tho. Jacson [/] for . . . David Pary, and scribbles. Q8
and pastedown, lower, scribbles and 2 rough
drawings. LT 2.179, 191. AW gave a copy, 8 Mar. 1673, to Tom Wood, his nephew, LT 2.258.
Wood 98. STC 189 (3).
26. Agard, [Arthur]. [Powell, Thomas, ed.]. The repertorie of records: remaining in { the 4. treasuries
on the receipt side at Westminster. London: B. Alsop a. T. Fawcet f. B. Fisher, 1631. 4
. Pp. [6], 217. Calf
with 3 llets.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 3
and in pencil, nou:5:60. LT 1.337.
Wood 489. STC 194.1.
27. Agas, Ralph. Ryther, Aug., deliniavit. Celeberrimae Oxoniensis academiae aularum et collegiorum
. . . descriptio R. Agaso autore 1578. [London]: n.pub., [1588?]. S.sh.
Missing. Purchased 7 June 1658 from Davies, see LT 1.254. Lent to D. Loggan, 14 Oct. 1665, LT 2.49.
This map eventually went to Charlett, according to Hearne, 4.261: the Map he [Charlett] hath of Oxford,
printed and published in Q. Elizabeths Time, formerly belongd to Anthony `a Wood. See also 2.11, 13.
But see Madan who stated that AWs copy was prob. the one which was in the Ashmolean Museum about
1730. Madan also stated that Charletts copy went to Dr. Brathwaite, warden of Winchester.
Hearne 1. STC 194.3 (one). Madan 96.
28. Age of Wonders. The age of wonders, or miracles are not ceased. Being a true relation of a child
born at Burslem, who prophesied strange things. London: f. N. Chamberlain, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1659: March:, below, he wrote, To be put among miracles, in pencil.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(23). Wing A759 (two).
29. Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius. Sandford, James, trans. Of the vanitie and uncertaintie of artes and
sciences, Englished by Ja. San[ford] gent. London: H. Bynneman, 1575. 4
. Ff. [7], 187, [1]. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, This book did once belong to M
Joh. Day of Oriel Coll. Oxon, for those notes
in the margin are of his hand writing; he added later, in a dierent ink, Corn. Agrippa a K
, D
of the
lawe, judge of the prerog. court & counsellour to the emperour & a man of deep learning, an. 1530 (see
LT 2.102). Tp, bsm. Text, passim, lines in margins, some underscoring, prob. none by AW; a few notes,
apparently in Days hand; pastedown, lower, a 33-line didactic poem in Latin with an equal no. of lines on
4 The Library of Anthony Wood
the pasted down side, in an unknown hand, and 3 annotations apparently in Days hand.
[MS.] Wood B. 26. STC 205.
30. Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius. F., J., trans. Three books of occult philosophy. London: R. W. f. G.
Moule, 1651. 4
. Pp. [26], 583, [13]. Calf with 3 llets. Flyleaves, upper and lower, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, Dono Noveieae [?] meae Amantissimae Jun. 18 [/] 75 [?]. Tp, bsm.
[MS.] Wood B. 22. Wing A789.
31. Agust
in, Antonio. Tarragona, abp. of. De Romanorum gentibus et familiis . . . Antonius Augustinus
et Fulvius Ursinus. Lugdunensis: ap. F. Fabrum, 1592. 4
. Pp. [8], 156. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration
inside corners (owers), and roll decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding); 1 loose board.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, titles of 7 printed works in this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian. Tp, bsm.
Wood 644(1). Not in BL.
32. Airay, Henry. P[otter], C., ed. The just and necessary apologie of Henrie Airay . . . touching his suite
in law for the rectorie of Charleton. London: [W. Jones], 1621. 8
. Pp. [6], 44. Calf with 3 llets and stamp
decoration (dragons) in corners (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, 2nd, list of 8 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Tp, Anth: Woode: Merton Coll:
, 24-line note to the reader in Latin, signed Bale. P. 5, AW identied one Andrews & one Temple,
Richard Andrews Nich. Temple. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247-8.
Wood 112(1). STC 244.
33. Albertus Magnus, Saint. Ratisbon, bp. of. De secretis mulierum libellus. Lugduni: n.pub., 1615.
. Pp. 166.
Former owner, Richard Phillips, see Wood 688(1), the next item.
Wood 688(2). BL.
34. Albertus Magnus, Saint. Ratisbon, bp. of. Speculum astronomiae:. . . Praemittuntur autem ejusdem
authoris libelli, de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam. Item de mirabilibus mundi.
Lugduni: n.pub., 1615. 12
. Pp. 166. Calf with 3 llets; 1st and last yleaves, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, Anthony Wood his book 1649, lined out, under name of a former owner, Richard
Phillips his book, lined out.
Wood 688(1). BL.
35. Albertus Magnus, Saint. Ratisbon, bp. of. Digby, Kenelm, trans. A treatise of adhering to God;
. . . Also a conference with a lady about choyce of religion. London: f. H. Herringman, 1654. 12
. Pp. [18],
139, [2]. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Pasteboard, upper Birchingham (Barthingham?).
Wood 822. Wing A876.
36. Albizzi, Bartholomaeus. S., D., trans. The alcoran of the Franciscans, or a sink of lyes and blas-
phemies. Collected out of . . . the book of the conformites [sic]. London: f. L. Curtice, 1679. 12
. Pp. [24],
156 (wanting the frontispiece). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves,
marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
Wood 874(1). Wing A881.
37. Alciati, Andrea. Emblematum libri duo. [Geneva]: ap. J. Tornaesium, 1614. 16
. Pp. [16], 257, [14]
(misnumbering). Calf with 2 llets, new backing.
Tp, signature or words lined out.
Wood 72. BL.
38. Aldeburgh, and Merlin. A signe from heaven: or, a fearefull . . . noise heard . . . at Alborow
. . . Whereunto is annexed, a prophesie of Merlins, concerning Hull. London: T. Fawcet, 1642, 12 Aug. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(8). Wing S3776.
39. Aleman, Matheo. The rogue: or, the life of Guzman de Alfarache. London: J. C. f. P. Chetwind, sold
T. Johnson; 2nd-3rd tpp, H. Hills, 1656; 2nd-3rd tpp, 1655. 8
. 5th ed. Pp. [4], 1-142, 1-99, [2], 1-216 (3
tpp). Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, scribbles, 2 lines of verse, not in AWs hand; 2nd, Rob Hungerford his booke. Flyleaf,
lower, scribble, not in AWs hand. LT 1.182. Possibly lent to O. Sedgwick, March 1660, LT 1.306.
The Library of Anthony Wood 5
Wood 305. Wing A904aA (rare).
40. [Aleyn, Charles]. The historie of that wise prince, Henrie the seventh. [London]: [T. Cotes f. W.
Cooke], [1638]. 8
. Pp. 152 (wanting A
and leaves at end).
, AW wrote, Ch. Aleyne the (cropped at bottom). Other pencil notes, not in AWs hand. Text, some
marks in margins and underscoring, in pencil.
Wood 90(8). STC 353.
41. Algood. Major. A sermon preached, at the funeral of . . . Georg Ritschel, late minister of Hexham
. . . with an elegie [by I. H.]. London: f. J. Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1684. 4
. Pp. 24.
Passim, corrections, not in AWs hand.
Wood 634(7). Wing A925.
42. Ali Abencuan, pseud. [i.e., Miguel de Luna]. Ashley, Robert, trans. Almansor the learned and
victorious king that conquered Spaine. London: [W. Stansby] f. J. Parker, 1627. 4
. Pp. [16], 79.
Tp, AW underscored the authors name in red chalk. Sig. A1-A2, vertical lines in margins at Ashleys
reference to a library of Arabian books, and to the translator and author.
Wood 345(10). STC 354.
43. [Alleine, Richard]. A murderer punished, and pardoned [Thomas Savage]. London: n.pub., 1671. 8
13th ed. Pp. 72.
Tp, AW wrote, This rst edit. came out 1668 Oct (The binder had cropped most of AWs earlier note,
so he rewrote it). Bsm.
Wood 173(3). Wing A997 (two).
44. [Allen, William]. Anon. A true sincere and modest defence of English Catholiques that suer . . . against
a . . . libel [by W. Cecil] intituled; The execution of justice. [Rouen]: [Fr. Persons Press], [1584]. 8
. Pp. [8],
219, [1]. Calf with 3 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 11 lines of bibliographical notes on this book and on the answer to it by Thomas Bilson
(STC 3071), not by AW. AW marked the 3 notes with vertical lines and wrote vide pag 4. 5. in marg.,
in red ink, over his earlier v p. 4, 5,, in pencil. P. [3], signature of Nicolas Clie (cropped at top). Text,
passim, some marks in margin and corrections from the ms. errata, not in AWs manner; but see pencil
marks on pp. 2, 5, 11, 14. Flyleaf, lower, a ms. errata of 13 items, not by AW. AW owned the work to
which this responds, W. Cecil, Wood 586(4) (item 1663); and refers to it in [MS.] D. 21(1) (item 3244) as
his book with a black cover, see Plate II.
Wood 878. STC 373. ARCR 2.14.
45. [Allestree, Richard]. The whole duty of man. . . . With private devotions. London: f. M. Garthwait,
1671. 12
. Pp. [27], 474, [6]. Calf with 2 llets and a 2nd rectangle with 2 llets and stamp decoration at
Wood 851. Wing A1176A (rare).
46. Alleyn, E. A catalogue of the noblemen and peers of the kingdom of England . . . in the reign of
Charles the second. London: f. the author, 1662. S.sh.
AW wrote the price, 4
Wood 276a(92). Wing A1199 (rare).
ALMANACS (items 47-218)
47. Andrews, William. De rebus caelestibus, or an ephemeris, for . . . 1663. London: T. Ratclie f. Co. of
Stationers, 1663. 8
. A-B
(sic) (pp. unopened).
One of two almanacs acquired 16 Dec. 1662, LT 1.464.
Wood Alm. E(4). Wing A1259.
48. Atkinson, Charles. Panterpe; id est omne delectare: or, a pleasant almanack . . . 1671. London:
f. Co. of Stationers, 1671. 8
. A
(ms. nos. . 1-40). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper
This is the 15th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A3 to after A15, with
a blank leaf and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper,
upper, 1671 4
Dec. 21. 70 [/] Jacob sold it at the Angell before Jobson came, he sells it now in old s.
hampton buildings [/] Cirquis Jobson, a Jew borne about Mount Libanus, a Jacobit[.] The rst that sold
6 The Library of Anthony Wood
Coey in Oxon over against Q[ueens] Coll. circa 1655. 56 afterwards sold a[t] Tilliard; notes continue from
f. 5 to wrapper, lower
, f. 39, and to an added blank leaf, f. 40, on which 2 slips are pasted. There are also
notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.212-238.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 15. Wing A1306. SC 27737.
49. B[everidge], W[illiam]. Kalendarium Julianum. London: E. Cotes, venales prostant ap. S. Thompson,
[1666]. 8
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 59, Kalendarium Julianum 1667 - lat. Will Beveridge. Acquired 29 Mar.
1667, 6
, LT 1.104.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 59. Wing A1309A (3).
50. [Blount, Thomas]. Calendarium catholicum: or an universall almanack, 1661. N.p.: N.pub., 1661.
. A-B
. Parchment over earlier marbled paper.
B7, line in margin, at Thomas Morgan and Mr. Pyms Son. See note at item 1109f.
Wood 4. Wing A1321.
51. [Blount, Thomas]. A new almanack, after the old fashion; for 1663. London: N.pub., 1663. 12
. Parchment, outer; marbled paper, inner.
, a correction entered. C12
, at citation of Edmund Church, Note that the authour of this Alm. Th.
Blount married Edm. Church his daughter. LT 1.317.
Wood 6. Wing A1324 (rare).
52. Booker, John. M.D.C.XLIII. Almanack et prognosticon . . . 1643. London: F. K. f. Co. of Stationers,
[1643]. 8
. A-B
A5, A6, 4 numbers and the fast-, Darrell and Tuesday turn, prob. not by AW.
Wood Alm. A(7). Wing A1330.
53. Booker, John. Mercurius Coelicus, sive almanack et prognosticon . . . 1646. London: F. K. f. Co. of
Stationers, [1646]. 8
. A-B
Wood Alm. A(8). Wing A1336.
54. Booker, John. Telescopium uranicum: or in plain English, an almanack . . . M. CC. LXI. London:
f. Co. of Stationers, 1661. 8
. 31 ed. A-B
(ms. nos. . 1-44 (misnumbering)). Modern binding, half-calf,
maroon; inside, brown paper wrapper.
This is the 5th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B8, Dec.,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves and some slips. On the brown paper wrapper, upper, AW wrote, Booker 1661,
and 1661, in orange crayon. On the 1st blank leaf, f. 1, he wrote entries for Jan. Feb. April, June, Sept.,
Oct., and,
, notes on quacks, prompted by the printed item inserted after A2, now f. 5, an advertisement
by James Themut, see Wood Diaries 5b (LT 1.377). The last blank leaf, after B8, ends with entries for
Jan. 1662, and
, a brief essay on why learning hath decayed in these later times (because of the imitation
of the French; neglect of Fathers; discussions in coee houses and alehouses which before were in scholars
chambers, etc. LT 1.422f.). There are also marks and notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 1.371-427.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 5. Wing A1347. SC 27727.
55. [Bretnor, Thomas]. [A new almanack . . . 1617] [C2 begins:] Certaine physicall directions. [London]:
[f. Co. of Stationers], [1617]. 8
. C2
, only (cropped at top).
Wood Alm. A(11). STC 420.10.
56. [Bretnor, Thomas]. [A new almanack . . . 1618] [C1 begins:] Certaine physicall observations. [Lon-
don]: [f. Co. of Stationers], [1618]. C1-3, only (followed by an unidentied a leaf (1617) with former stitching
marks on outer edge).
On an unidentied leaf of letterpress, notes by a former owner, illeg.
Wood Alm. A(12-13). STC 420.11.
57. Calendarium Catholicum. Kalendarium catholicum for the year 1686. N.p.: n.pub, 1686. 8
. A-
. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration (dragons) inside corners (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, the titles of 8 printed works in this vol. Tp, AW wrote 6
and Such an Alm. as
this, was published 1661. 62. 63 and if I am not mistaken Th. Blount of the Inner Temple had a hand in
it After it had laid dormant 20 yeares, it was againe published, when all people expected popery to be
introduced. For these early almanacs, see Wood 4 and Wood 6 (items 50f.). LT 1.13; 3.131, 176.
Wood 843(1). Wing A1854.
58. Calendarium Perpetuum. Calendarium perpetuum. Oxon: n.pub., 1637. Pp?
The Library of Anthony Wood 7
Missing in 1837. T added, inserted on the facing page, in the Whiteside cat. Not identied. Prob. an
Wood 748b. See STC 431.3. Madan 842; or, STC 419.6. Madan 848; or STC 532.111, Madan 969.
59. Coelson, Lancelot. Speculum perspicuum Uranicum: or, an almanack for . . . 1680. London: J.
Grover f. Co. of Stationers, [1680]. 8
. A-C
(2 tpp) (pp. unopened).
Wood Alm. E(9). Wing A1427.
60. Coley, Henry. Nuncius coelestis:. . . a brief description . . . 1679. London: J. Grover f. Co. of
Stationers, [1679]. 8
. A-C
(C5-8 unopened) (ms. nos. 1-73). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside,
blue paper wrapper.
This is the 23rd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B7, and again after C8, with 1 or several blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or
memoranda. AWs notes, wrapper, upper, Coley 1679 [/] Spelman v[ide] June; and 1679, in red chalk;
notes continue from f. 2 to yleaves, lower. Flyleaf, lower, f. 71, Done by me in M
Sheldons Library . . . ;
f. 72
, 3 Dec. sent to S
Will. Dugd. 3. stichings [sic] or bundells containing corrections on his baronagium
The 1. stitching contains 5 papers. the 2
7. papers the 3
. 11. papers with the Epitaph of Edw.
[Talbot] E[arl] of Shrewsbury in the Abbey Ch. of Westm. who died 1617., etc. There are also notes on
some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, bill, 29 May 1679, with note of payment from AW, 1 July 1679, from
chemist Nathaniell Wheatly. F. 22 is a printed item, an advertisement Wonder of Nature; see separate
entry at Wood Diaries 23b, item 6682. LT 2.430-475.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 23. Wing A1456. SC 27745.
61. Comptoir. Comptoir almanach, oft journael, op het jaer . . . duysent ses hondert neghen-en-twintich.
Amsterdam: Broer Jansz voor C. Lodowiicksz, 1629. 4
. A-D
(C1 mutilated).
A diary of Grin Higgs of Merton who was travelling to Rhenen, the court of Elizabeth, Winter Queen
of Bohemia. It begins on the almanac p. for January: Jan: 7: s.v. being Wednesday the Prince of Bohem.
[Henry Frederick] drowned in a journey to Amsterdam (and 7 more lines, mainly on purchase of mourning
clothes). Entries follow for February (9 lines), beginning Feb: i2. s.v. I bought 2 shirts: one of 4 dutch
ells:. . . and ending, Feb. i4. s.v. written to William Adkins. [/] Feb: 23. s.v. being Mondaye my man hath
bin with me full 6 month: He came Aug. 23. Saturd. s.v. on Bartholomew Eve.; and for March (14 lines,
all recorded): Marc: 2
. old stile. receaved a packett from M
. Jacob. Thomas Dodd with his Accounts. M
Jackson, and M
Cra[w]ford. [/] March 3
old style sent by M
Dudley [over M
. Rob. Carrs company:,
lined out] to Cambs [Lambs?] to Stoke: Caver: [?] don: [2 words] and to M
Jacob: to M
. Cr- [cropped]
Jackson, and T: Dodde. [/] March. 4. s.v. Delivered a letter to M
Dudley, and a watch for D
. Mauric[e]
Williams in the presence of M
. Yelverton: M
Crofts: M
. Cper: [?] w. [a.?] the Countess of A[?]bistein.
[/] March. 6. s.v. S
. Rob. Carr and his Companie: and M
Crofts went from the Hage [/] March. 6. s.v.
Barb: [/] March. 9. s.v. our Journey began towards Rhenen. AW obtained other Higgs diaries, most likely
from Merton College library, see Wood Alm A(1) and (3), items 118, 105, recorded by Morrish, pp. 131-201,
esp. [137] 1, [185] 49 n. 8, [143] 7; see also note at Wood 276a(517), item 4082, and LT 1.12.
Wood 498(14). Not in BL.
62. Crawford, Henry. Vox Uraniae, or, astrological observations . . . for . . . 1676. London: J. D. f. Co. of
Stationers, 1676. 8
. A-C
(C5-6 unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-61). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside,
paper wrapper.
This is the 20th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A2 to after B8, and
also before and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Crawford [/] 1676 [/] Jan. 3 Monday of Magd Coll died
(AW wrote the name, John Heather, at Jan., f. 5), etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are
also notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, epitaph of John Good, Balliol, at which AW wrote,
vid Fasti 1661 (f. 8); and 2 addresses on an envelope (f. 32
). LT 2.333-364.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 20. Wing A1497 (two). SC 27742.
63. [Daniel, Humphrey]. [Daniel, 1651. For London . . . an almanack for . . . 1651]. [London]: [G.
Dawson for Co. of Stationers], [1651]. 8
. B4-8,C
, only.
Wood Alm. A(16). Wing A1580 (rare, 2 at O).
64. Digges, Leonard. Digges, Thomas, ed. A prognostication . . . of right good eect. London: T. Orwing,
1592. 4
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 26. AO 1.415, corrected and augmented by his said son Thomas . . . Lond.
1592, qu[arto].
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 26. STC 435.55 (3). O (severely cropped).
8 The Library of Anthony Wood
65. Dove, Jonathan. Dove. Speculum anni . . . Or an almanack for . . . 1666. [Cambridge]: J. Field,
1666. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-47). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 10th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B7,
Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper
wrapper, upper, lent M
Shippen Notitia Oxon Nov. 27 [/] Dove 1666. (Wood 513(3), item 3110), 1666 in
red chalk, and other notes, and end on the wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac
pages. LT 2.69-97.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 10. Wing A1612 4 at O. SC 27732.
66. Dove, Jonathan. Dove. Speculum anni . . . Or an almanack for . . . 1668. [Cambridge]: J. Field,
1668. 8
. A-C
(quire C unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-39). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper
This is the 12th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the paper wrapper
to after B5, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on
the paper wrapper, upper, 1668 [/] March 10. 67[1668] lent M
Okes 5
which my sister hath promised
to pay if shee doth not, and other notes, and end on the wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some
printed almanac pp. LT 2.126-148.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 12. Wing A1614. SC 27734.
67. [Dove, Jonathan]. Speculum anni or an almanack for . . . 1682. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1682. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-73). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 26th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after C2, with
1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries, memoranda, and a letter to M
Fulman not sent
(. 63-4). AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Nov. 23. an. 1681. 4
ob [/] Dove 1682, etc., and
notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also a very few brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not
by AW, 4 12
leaves and a slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in the vol. at appropriate months
(. 16, 21 (i.e., after 22 and before 23), 25, 29 (on which AW wrote, This note belongs to M
A. Allum),
48 (a slip)). LT 3.1-34.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 26. Wing A1627 (two). SC 27748.
68. [Dove, Jonathan]. Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for . . . 1684. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1684. 8
(C unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-67 (misnumbering)). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper
This is the 28th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B7, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda. AWs notes begin
on the paper wrapper, upper, Dove 1684. 4
[/], 1684 in red chalk, Will. Stane sometimes of Merton
Coll. died at the beg. of the yeare 1684 . . . etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower. There are also brief
notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, 1 slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in among
July events (f. 32). LT 3.84-122.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 28. Wing A1629. SC 27750.
69. Dutch Almanac. A Dutch almanack. Amsterdam: ?, 1634. Pp?
Missing in 1837. See Wood Alm. A(3), item 105, for a 1632 Dutch Almanack.
Wood 1. Not in Bod. Not in BL.
70. Erra Pater. A prognostication for ever, made by Erra Pater. London: R. Bishop, [1649 or later]. 8
,C1-7 (wanting C8).
-C3, undercoring in section on Fayres of England.
Wood 9(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing E3243 (two).
71. Evelyn, John. Kalendarium hortense: or, the gardners almanac. London: J. Martyn, 1676. 8
. 6th
ed. Pp. 127, [9]. Calf with 2 llets with a vertical line, 2 llets; rebacked.
Wood 573(1). Wing E2496.
72. Evesdropper, Adam, pseud. Platoes cap. Cast at this yeare 1604, being leape-yeere. London: [T.
Purfoot] f. J. Chorlton, 1604. 4
. A-D
(A1-2, D3-4 blank).
Tp, no. 2 in a former bundle. D1, scribble in margin, not in AWs manner.
Wood 616(2). STC 19975.
73. Faithful and True Prognostication. Coverdale, Miles, trans. A faythfull and true pronosticati o up o
the yere M.CCCCC.xlviii. and parpetually after to the worldes ende. (London): [J. Hereford f.] (R. Kele),
[1547?]. 8
. A2-8,B
(wanting the title leaf and sheet C).
The Library of Anthony Wood 9
E4, date added, 1548.
Wood 736(4). STC 20423 (two).
74. [Fine, Oronce]. Baker, Humfrey, trans. The rules and ryghte ample documentes touchinge the use
. . . of . . . almanackes . . . named ephemerides. (London): (T. Marshe), [1558?]. A-G
Underscoring and notes on astrological matters, made before binding (some are cropped), not by AW.
Wood 9(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 10878.5 (rare).
75. F[lorio], J[ohn]. [?]. Perpetuall and natural prognostications of the change of weather . . . translated
out of the Italian into English, by J. F. London: [A. Islip] f. E. White, 1598. 8
. A-C
Wood 9(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 403.9.
76. Franco, Jean. Kalendrier ou journal, pour lan de nostre seigneur Jesus Christ 1629. Pariis: A.
Anvers. Chez Guylliaume, 1629. 16
. A-B
. Parchment.
Cover, upper
Anthony Wood.
Wood 2(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC.
77. Franco, Jean. Prognostication pour lan de nostre seigneur Jesus Christ 1629. Pariis: A. Anvers. Chez
Guylliaume, 1629. 16
. A-B
Wood 2(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC.
78. Franco, Jean. Kalendrier ou journal, pour lan de nostre seigneur Jesus Christi 1631. Paris: A.
Anvers. Chez Guillaume, 1631. 16
. A-B
. Parchment.
Cover, lower, outer, AW wrote, French almanack 1631.
Wood 3(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC.
79. Franco, Jean. Prognostication pour lan de nostre seigneur Jesu Christ, 1631. Paris: A. Anvers. Chez
Guillaume, 1631. 16
. A-B
Wood 3(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC.
80. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1660. London: J. C. f. Co. of Stationers, [1660].
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-41). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, brown paper wrapper.
This is the 4th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4) with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B6, Dec.,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves. On the brown paper wrapper, upper, AW wrote, Gadbury [/] 1660, and 1660 in
orange crayon. Tp, Anthony Woode. On the 1st blank leaves, after A1 and A2, he wrote various entries,
some for March, April, Oct. and Dec.; on the last, after B5 and B6, he wrote entres for Nov., Dec., and
January 1661. There are also a few marks and notes on some printed almanac pp. Acquired 2 Jan. 1660
for 3
, LT 1.301-371.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 4. Wing A1739 (two). SC 27726.
81. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1661. London: J. Cottrell f. Co. of Stationers,
1661. 8
. A-C
(1 p. books sold). Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel.
Spine and pastedown, upper, D: VV; yleaf, upper, 1st, author and year of 8 Gadbury Almanacks, in
Whitesides hand. AW wrote large Arabic nos. on each tp, in pencil.
Wood Alm. D(1). Wing A1740.
82. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1668. London: J. Cottrell f. Co. of Stationers,
[1668]. 8
. A-E
Acquired 3 Dec. 1667, [7.5
, with [MS.] D. 28(16), item 3070, which was also 7.5
], LT 2.122.
Wood Alm. D(2). Wing A1747.
83. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1669. London: f. Co. of Stationers, [1669]. 8
Wood Alm. D(3). Wing A1748.
84. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1670. London: (J. C.) f. Co. of Stationers, 1670.
. A2-8,B
(1 p. books sold) (2 tpp).
Acquired 11 Jan. 1670, LT 2.184.
Wood Alm. D(4). Wing A1749.
85. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1673. London: f. Co. of Stationers, [1673]. 8
(A7-8 unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-64). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 17th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, to
after C5, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs
10 The Library of Anthony Wood
notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1673. 6
[/] 27 Mar. 2. sheets to M
Peers. 16 peices of
papers pasted therin. / 5/7 peices of paper to those 2 last sheets (for the translation of his Historia); and
1673 [in red chalk], . . . Nativity { L
Bacon [/] J. Selden [/] S
K. Digby { calculated v[ide] ad nem,
and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. 2nd C3
, C4
, C6
, lines, a q[uaere] letter at astrological matters,
mainly concerning John Selden, and a correction of a date in Seldens horoscope. There are also notes on
some printed almanac pp. LT 2.256-278.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 17. Wing A1752. SC 27739.
86. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1678. London: J. D. f. Co. of Stationers, 1678. 8
(ms. nos. . 1-48). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 22nd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B6, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. Pastedown,
upper, 2 notes 1677 is missing 1883 (a similar note in Diary 1676) and Now found. 1890. AWs notes
begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1678 [/] Memorandum that the Lib. at Lantarnam was onlie
a few old writings & a an [sic] old bible (see LT 2.381), etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There
are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.399-430.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 22. Wing A1757. SC 27744.
87. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1687. London: J. D. f. Co. of Stationers, 1687. 8
(C unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-66). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 31st of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B8, Dec., and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries, and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1687 5
1687, 1687 in red chalk, etc., and notes
continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, copy of
part of a letter, 24 June 1687, from [Thomas] Lane concerning the papist/protestant struggle at Magdalen
College (f. 31); and a note of a book purchase by the Bishop of Oxford (f. 42
). LT 3.204-51.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 31. Wing A1766. SC 27753.
88. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1688. London: J. D. f. Co. of Stationers, 1688. 8
(C2-4 unopened) (ms. nos. 1-77). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 32nd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B8, Dec., and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1688, and 1688 in orange crayon; notes continue
from f. 1
to wrapper, lower
. There are also brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, a letter,
24 Jan. 1687, from John Dugdale, concerning John Davenport (f. 6). LT 3.251-294.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 32. Wing A1767. SC 27754.
89. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1691. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1691.
. Pp. A-C
(ms. nos. 1-92). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 35th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B8, Dec., and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1691 1691 in orange crayon, owing to M
Jan 30. 90[1] Tooth brush - half an ounce of tob[acco] Thread, and continue from f. 2 to wrapper, lower
There are also a few brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, a note on collection for Scotch
Episcopal clergy (f. 24); ms. waste, citation from a book (f. 60
). LT 3.349-379.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 35. Wing A1770. SC 27757.
90. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1692. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1692.
. A-C
(ms. nos. 1-92). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper, upper only.
This is the 36th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B8, Dec., with 1 or more 4
blank leaves and some 8
leaves and slips containing diary entries and
memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Gadbury 1692 [/] Correct. 628 Ward, i.e.,
p. 628 of proof copy of AO, the 1st of corrections of the proof sheet which continue to f. 4; notes continue
from f. 2 to C8
. There are also a few brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, a bill, 29 March
1692, from Edward Reade, a draper, below which AW wrote, making 2
-6 and paid 20 May 1692 (f. 21);
a note from M
[James] Harrington, 2-line epitaph of Thomas Shadwell (f. 65); and a letter, 20 Apr. 1693
(out of place, LT 3.420-1) from James Eckersal, an 8-line epitaph of Thomas Shadwell by Thomas Browne
(f. 66). LT 3.379-413. Dupl. at Wood Alm. D(5).
[MS.] Wood Diaries 36. Wing A1771. SC 27758.
91. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1692. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1692.
. A-C
The Library of Anthony Wood 11
Tp, Jo: Aubrey R[egiae] S[ocietatis] S[ocius] dedit author. Dupl. at Wood Diaries 36. LT 1.14.
Wood Alm. D(5). Wing A1771.
92. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1693. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1693.
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-79). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, upper, brown paper wrapper and
lower, paper wrapper.
This is the 37th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B8, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda. AWs
notes begin on the brown paper wrapper, upper, 1693 in red chalk; and on the yleaf, upper, 1693 In the
month of June were nished the shelves - the public Library - over the Div[inity] & law books set up to
containe D
Barlowes books & others that the univ[er]sitie had procured before that time; and continue to
wrapper, lower. There are also a few brief notes on some printed almanac pages. Not by AW, a receipt for
legal services, 22 July 1693, from Richard Dodwell (f. 25); note of burial of Charles Conquest on 20 Sept.
1693, above which AW wrote, S. Peter & S. Pauls ch. in Bath (f. 51) (and see note at Wood 429(52),
item 3342); a letter, 4 Oct. 1693, from Arthur Charlett concerning the Earl of Clarendon (. 69
-70). LT
3.413-439. Dupl. at Wood Alm. D(6).
[MS.] Wood Diaries 37. Wing A1772. SC 27759.
93. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1693. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1693.
. A-C
(with interleaved blank leaves).
Tp, signature of Ed. Shirburne. [i.e., Sherburne]. Dupl. at Wood Diaries 37. LT 1.14. Sherburne gave AW
3 Wharton almanacs as well, but they are unsigned, LT 2.400.
Wood Alm. D(6). Wing A1772.
94. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1694. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1694.
. A-C
Wood Alm. D(7). Wing A1773.
95. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1695. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1695.
. A-C
Tp, W. i. (?).
Wood Alm. D(8). Wing A1774.
96. Gallen, T[homas]. Gallen. 1642. An almanack and prognostication. London: R. Young f. Co. of
Stationers, [1642]. 8
. A
Frequent one-word entries, e.g., Islip. 24 Feb. Jovis 24
apud Reading.
Wood Alm. B(7). Wing A1786 (rare).
97. Gallen, Tho[mas]. Gallen. 1683. A compleat pocket almanack. London: M. F. f. Co. of Stationers,
1683. 12
. A
(gold fore-edges).
On 2 inserted blank leaves, at March and at May, Allam wrote accounts, which begin On the 24
I paid
West on my own account 0
after which I stood indeptd [sic] to him in all 1
Wood Alm. B(6). Wing A1788 (two). ESTCR 229907 (4 in O).
98. Godfridus, and Melampus. The knowledge of things unknown: shewing the eects of the planets
. . . With the husdand [sic] mans practice, . . . added, The shepheards prognostication for the weather.
London: T. B. for J. Staord, 1649 (1652). 8
. Pp. [7], 181, [1] (2nd tp at G5; 3rd tp at I1) (misnumbering).
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 4 items in this vol. (in his early hand), including, as separate items,
2 sections of 8(1). After the last, AW wrote, Dupl. P. 159, at wheel of fortune: Stultorum plena sunt
Wood 8(1). Wing G928 (two).
99. Gusman, pseud. Gusmans ephemeris: or, the merry rogues calendar. . . . 1662. London: sold at the
Royal Exchange, Westminster, and in Fleet-street, [1662]. 8
. A
Tp, AW wrote the price, 2
Wood 15(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A1801[A] (rare) (Wing CD). Not in ESTCR.
100. Halley, Edmond. Ephemeris ad annum a nativitate Domini 1688. London: typ. J. Heptinstall, imp.
G. Cooper, 1688. 4
in 8s. C
(C8 blank).
Tp, Jo: Aubrey, Ex dono Edmundi Halleii Autoris.
Wood 498(15). Wing A1807 (two).
12 The Library of Anthony Wood
101. J[essey], [H]enry. 1648. A scripture almanack. London: M. B. f. Co. of Stationers, [1648]. 8
. 4th
ed. A-B
Tp, AW wrote, H. Jessey published a scripture Almanack 1657 (not recorded in Wing).
Wood Alm. A(10). Wing A1834.
102. Lilly, William. Merlini Anglici ephemeris, or astrologicall judgments for . . . 1673. London: J.
Macock f. the Co. of Stationers, 1673. 8
. A-F
(1 p. book advertisements).
Missing in 1837. LT 1.13.
Wood 748a. Wing A1906. Folg.
103. N., H. 1678. A yea and nay almanack for the . . . Quakers. London: f. Co. of Stationers, 1678. 8
Wood Alm. E(11). Wing A1947A.
104. N., H. 1679. A yea and nay almanack for the . . . Quakers. London: (M. White) f. Co. of Stationers,
1679. 8
. A-C
(pp. unopened).
Wood Alm. E(12). Wing A1947B.
105. Origanus, David. Groote schriif almanach . . . 1632. tAmstelredam: voor Cornelius van der Plasse,
[1632]. 8
. A-C
, interleaved with blanks leaves (2nd tp at C1).
This served as Grin Higgs diary; on the interleaved leaves, at Jan., he began Jan. i4. S. N[ovo]. Wednesday
night betweene 9. and i0 of clocke the Queene was delivered of a young Prince: and the next day M
. Hone
sent to the K[in]g of England with the Newes. and continued each month until 28 June. At October he
began again and continued until Novemb: 29. S. V [i.e., N]. the Queene of Bohemia receaved Newes of the
Kings Death at Mentz: being Thursday: upon which Day ever since she never dineth. See Morrish, [137]
1, and note 8, and notes at Wood 498(14), item 61. LT 1.12.
Wood Alm. A(3). Not in BL.
106. Parker, George. Mercurius Anglicanus, or the English Mercury:. . . for . . . 1691. London: J. M.
f. Co. of Stationers, 1691. 8
. A2-4,B-F
Spine and yleaf, upper
, F: VV; 2nd, author and year of 12 Almanacks, in Whitesides hand. Most
items retain AWs large arabic numbers, in pencil (cropping at side).
Wood Alm. F(1). Wing A2006.
107. Partridge, Dorothy. The womans almanack, for . . . 1694. London: f. J. S., 1694. 12
. A
Wood Alm. F(8). Wing A2016A (rare).
108. Partridge, John. Mr. John Partriges [sic], new prophesie of this present year 1684. (London): (G.
Groom), (1683). 4
. Pp. 8 (unopened).
Wood 646(17). Wing P623.
109. Partridge, John. Annus mirabilis or strange and wonderful predictions and observations gathered
out of mr. J[ohn] Partridges almanack 1688. London: printed, sold R. Taylor, 1689. 4
. Pp. [2], 32.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. 14 Jan. 1688[9] 6
. LT 3.296.
Wood 643(7b). Wing A2018.
110. Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for . . . 1692. London: R. R. for the Co. of
Stationers, [1692]. 8
. A-C
Wood Alm. F(7). Wing A2034.
111. Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for . . . 1694. London: R. Roberts f. Co. of
Stationers, [1694]. 8
. A-C
(C unopened) (ms. nos. 1-70). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, brown
paper wrappers.
This is the 38th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B8, Dec., and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, 1694 in red chalk; yleaf, upper, Jan 2 to M
Long or
Lang of Trin[ity] a Note to D
[Dudley] Loftus, etc., and continue to yleaf, lower
. There are also a few
brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, an apothecarys bill, 11 June 1694, from Henry Reekes
(f. 32). LT 3.439-476.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 38. Wing A2036. SC 27760.
112. [Phillips, John]. Montelion, 1660. Or, the prophetical almanack. London: (sold H. Marsh), 1660.
Tp, AW identied pseudonym as Joh. Philipps [sic] nephew by the mother to John Milton was author of
The Library of Anthony Wood 13
this Montelion, and not of the rest that follow. See in his Mercurius Verax. &c (see Wood 15(9), item 115).
LT 1.13. See G. Ungerer, Recovering Unrecorded Quixotic Allusions, BLR, 17 (April 2000): 68.
Wood 15(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2109 (Wing, date of pub. [1659]).
113. [Phillips, John]. Montelion, 1661. Or, the prophetical almanack. London: sold H. Marsh, [1661]. 8
(wanting B4).
Wood 15(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2110.
114. [Phillips, John]. Montelion, 1662. Or, the prophetical almanack. London: sold H. Marsh, [1662].
. A
Each 16
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Acquired 24 Feb. 1662, 8
, LT 1.431.
Wood 15(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2111 (rare).
115. [Phillips, John]. Mercurius Verax or the prisoners prognostications 1675. London: f. R. Cutler, 1675.
. Pp. [4], 54.
Tp, AW identied the author, J. Philipps, and wrote, 4
Wood 15(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing P2093.
116. Pigot, Francis. Pigot. 1662. An almanack for . . . 1662. London: f. Co. of Stationers, 1662. 8
Acquired 14 Dec. 1661, LT 1.420.
Wood Alm. E(3). Wing A2115 (rare).
117. Pond, Ben[jamin]. A new almanack for . . . 1689. Oxford: at the theatre for T. Guy, 1689. 8
Wood Alm. E(10). Wing A2126 (rare).
118. Pond, Edward. Pond 1630. A new almanack for . . . MDCXXX. [Cambridge]: printers to the Uni-
versitie of Cambridge, [1630]. 8
. A-C
. Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel.
On the spine A and below VV. Flyleaf, 1st
, A: VV:; 2nd, list of 13 Almanacks. (compressing several
fragments, at (11-15), into a single entry, Physical Directions), in Whitesides hand. There are two inde-
pendent lists of Wood Almanacs: in the Whiteside cat., p. vi (also in Whitesides hand); and in a C. J.
Hindle ms. catalogue (dated Apr. 1933), at Duke Humfreys Library, Selden End R. 6. 224. 1st item, tp,
top, AW wrote D
Higgs. Higgs diary entries began in May, May 29. The Prince of Eng. borne [/] 30.
The blazing starr seene at the sermon-tyme at Pauls Crosse [/] 31 The eclypse of the Sun., and continue
through June (9 lines), July (25 lines), August (26 lines), etc. to December (32 lines on 2 pp.), B1-8. See
Morrish, [137] 1, and note 8, and notes at Wood 498(14), item 61.
Wood Alm. A(1) (11-16 are not in Bodl. CD cat.); (9) is not an almanac). STC 501.20 (two).
119. Pond, Ed[ward]. Ponds almanack for . . . 1641. [Cambridge]: R. Daniel, 1641. 8. A-B
,C1-7 (wanting
the nal leaf). Stitch marks show that this item was bound in an earlier vol.
Tp and C5
, scribbles.
Wood Alm. A(2). Wing A2127.
120. Pond, Edward. Pond an almanack for . . . 1662. Cambridge: J. Field, 1662. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. .
1-43). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 6th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B6, Dec.,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves and a slip, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the
paper wrapper, upper, Pond: 1662, and 1662 in red chalk, and Marmora Seldeniana set up a little before
the Act time A. 1660 (LT 1.351), followed by entries for 23 Jan, 22 March, 5 Aug., 11 Oct. and,
, general
notes for 1661-3. The formal diary begins after A2
, f. 5. Wrapper, lower
, f. 43, notes added later, on
the decline of serious study, dated 1679, and a chronology of mayors, 1659-1665;
, brief notes on moral
philosophers, and on an archeological nd in Nov. 1662. There are also notes on some printed almanac
pp. Acquired 1 Jan. 1662, 3
, LT 1.427-466.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 6. Wing A2143. SC 27728.
121. Pond, Edward. Pond. An almanack for . . . 1664. Cambridge: J. Field, 1664. 8
. A-C
unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-46). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 8th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B8 with
1 or 2 blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper
wrapper, upper, Pond 1664 [/] My mother & Brother Mounser oweth me 15
apeice for a grace night for
the Bachelors Feb. 13 and other notes, and end on the wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some
printed almanac pp. Acquired 2 Jan. 1664, 2
ob. LT 2.1-26.
14 The Library of Anthony Wood
[MS.] Wood Diaries 8. Wing A2145. SC 27730.
122. Pond, Edward. Pond. An almanack for . . . 1669. Cambridge: J. Field, 1669. 8
. A-C
unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-45). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 13th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A2 to after B8,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the
paper wrapper, upper, Pond. 1669. 4
[/] [John] Web[b] author of Stoneheng died as tis reported 1666. or
thereabouts (Wood 413(1 and 3), items 3904, 6488);
, M u [Memorandum] in Oxo this year 1669.; notes
continue from f. 4 to wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac pages. Not in AWs
hand, a recording of an inscription on a Roman stone brought from London to Oxford (f. 16), followed by
details in AWs hand. LT 2.148-182.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 13. Wing A2149. SC 27735.
123. Pond, Edward. Pond an almanack for . . . 1670. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1670. 8
. A-C
. (B7-8, with
blank interleaf inserted, and C unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-43). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside,
paper wrapper.
This is the 14th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B5, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes
begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Pond 1670 { in some of my Almanacks I have put down the death
of [John] Caines the Jesuit He was borne at Compton Painsford in Com. Somers. twas W. Tillyard told
me he took him to be a Jesuit; notes continue from f. 2 to wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some
printed almanac pp. LT 2.182-212. Acquired 20 Dec. 1669, LT 2.177.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 14. Wing A2150. SC 27736.
124. [Pond, Edward]. Pond an almanack for . . . 1677. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1677. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos.
. 1-54). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 21st of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B6, and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves or slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs
notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Pond. 1677. [/] [Henry] Oldenburg authour of the philosophical
transac[.] died 1677. So D
[Robert] Plot, etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower. Not by AW, slip with
note of death, 4 Oct. 1677, of Bishop [William] Lucy (ink over pencil), after which AW wrote, His sons
hand, and
, from M
Lucy of Qu[eens] Coll (f. 31b) There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. F.
25 is a printed item, an advertisement, The Rarity and Wonder of the World; see separate entry at Wood
Diaries 21b, item 5529. LT 2.364-399.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 21a. Wing A2157 (two). SC 27743.
125. [Pond, Edward]. Pond an almanack for . . . 1680. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1680. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos.
. 1-59). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 24th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B6, and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Pound [sic] 1680. [/] M
Elmy at the blew bull in the little
minories by the Tower cures deafness, etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower. There are also notes on
some printed almanac pp. F. 27, not by AW, a letter, 12 Nov. 1677, from William Fulman (LT 2.392). LT
[MS.] Wood Diaries 24. Wing A2160. SC 27746.
126. [Pond, Edward]. Pond an almanack for . . . 1681. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1681. 8
. A-C
(C2-3, 5-8
unopened) (ms. nos. 1-54, but there is gross misnumbering and rearrangement: 1, 2, 36, 3-9, 9*, 10-28,
31-35, 37-9, 42-43, 45, 26-30, 29-39, 1 unnumbered leaf, 40-41, 41-42, 1 unnumbered slip, 43-54). Modern
binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 25th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B8, and after C4 and C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries or memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Pond 1681 [/] 1691. 4
, 1681, in red chalk, etc., and
notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, after A7
to after B5, 10 12
leaves from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in the vol. at appropriate months; and
after B5, a formal note, 21 Dec. 1681, from Raphe Sheldon, concerning the death of James Earle; to which
AW added, fasti 1642 (mention of John Earle, AOF 2.52). Between B4-5 is inserted a printed item, an
advertisement Money Well Bestowed; see separate entry Wood Diaries 25b, item 4530. LT 2.509-565.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 25. Wing A2161. SC 27747.
127. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1663. An almanack after a new fashion. London:
T. Johnson, 1663. 8
. A-C
. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
The Library of Anthony Wood 15
Tp, note, AW wrote, Rob. Pory was a verie rich dignitary, later lined out (this pamphlet was issued with
the imprimatur of Pory).
Wood 12(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2182[D] (rare) (Wing CD). Not in ESTCR.
128. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1664. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1664]. 8
. A-C
Wood 12(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2183.
129. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1665. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1665]. 8
. A-C
Wood 12(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2184 (two).
130. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robins as-tronomical [sic] predictions and observations
for the year 1665. London: f. the Authour, 1665. 8
. Pp. 48.
Prob. acquired 20 Dec. 1664, LT 1.24.
Wood 12(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2184[A] (rare) (Wing CD). Not in ESTCR.
131. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1666. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1666]. 8
. A-C
Wood 12(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2185.
132. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1667. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1667]. 8
. A-C
Wood 12(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2186.
133. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1668. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1668]. 8
. A-C
Acquired 18 Nov. 1667, 3
, LT 2.120.
Wood 12(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2187.
134. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1669. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1669]. 8
. A-C
Wood 12(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2188.
135. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1670. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
[1670]. 8
. A-C
Acquired 11 Jan. 1670, LT 2.184.
Wood 12(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2189.
136. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1671. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1671. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
, authors name entered, William Winstanly.
Wood 13(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2190 (two).
137. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1672 An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1672. 8
. A-B
(2nd tp at 2nd B1).
Wood 13(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2191.
138. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1673. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1673. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2192 (two).
139. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1674. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1674. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2193.
140. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1675. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1675. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2194.
141. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1676. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1676. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2195.
142. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1677. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
16 The Library of Anthony Wood
1677. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2196.
143. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1678. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1678. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2197.
144. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1679. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1679. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1) (A7-8, unopened).
Wood 13(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2198.
145. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1680. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1680. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 13(10) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2199.
146. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1681. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1681. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Wood 14(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2200.
147. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1682. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1682. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2201.
148. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin 1683. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1683. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2202.
149. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1684. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1684. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2203.
150. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1685. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1685. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2204.
151. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1686, an almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1686. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2205.
152. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1687. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1687. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1) (A6-7,C1-4, unopened).
Wood 14(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2206.
153. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1688. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1688. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1) (A1-8-B1-6, etc., unopened).
Wood 14(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2207.
154. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1689. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1689. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1).
Wood 14(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2208.
155. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1690. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1690. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C1) (C6-8, unopened).
Wood 14(10) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2209.
156. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin. 1691. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1691. 8
. 29th ed. A-C
(2 tpp) (pp. unopened).
Tp, W. [i] (cropped at side).
Wood Alm. F(2). Wing A2210.
157. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1692. An almanack. London: f. Co. of Stationers,
1692. 8
. 30th ed. A-C
(2 tpp).
Wood Alm. F(3). Wing A2211.
158. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1693. An almanack. London: (J. R.) f. Co. of
Stationers, 1693. 8
. 31st ed. A-C
(2 tpp).
The Library of Anthony Wood 17
Wood Alm. F(4). Wing A2212.
159. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1694. An almanack. London: (J. R.) f. Co. of
Stationers, 1694. 8
. 32nd ed. A-C
(2 tpp).
Wood Alm. F(5). Wing A2213.
160. Poor Robin [Winstanley, William]. Poor Robin, 1695. An almanack. London: (J. R.) f. Co. of
Stationers, 1695. 8
. 33rd ed. Pp. A-C
(2 tpp).
Wood Alm. F(6). Wing A2214.
161. Protestant Almanac. The Protestant almanack for . . . 1668. . . . by Philoprotest. London: f. Co. of
Stationers, 1668. 8
. A-D
(2 tpp).
Acquired 11 Jan. 1668, 6
, LT 2.126.
Wood Alm. E(6). Wing A2222.
162. Protestant Almanac. The Protestant almanack for . . . 1680. . . . By Philoprotest. London: f. Co. of
Stationers, 1680. 8
. A-C
(2 tpp).
Wood Alm. E(8). Wing A2224.
163. Riders, Cardanus. Riders (1682.) British Merlin:. . . Fitting the longitude and latitude . . . of Great
Britains monarchy. London.: T. Newcomb f. Co. of Stationers, 1682. 12
. A
, blank sheets inserted
in B quire and at end. Calf, blind and roll-stamped, two clasps. Marbled pastedowns and yleaves.
At end, 18 blank leaves were torn out, some have traces of ms. notes which may be in A. Allams hand,
see LT 3.167 and 2.509.
Wood 5. Wing A2256 (two).
164. Saunders, Richard. 1657. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. London: f. Co. of Stationers, 1657.
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-50). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon.
This is the 1st of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4) with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B7, Dec.,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves. AW recorded daily events, some at the time of occurrence and others at a later
time, and memoranda of various kinds. On the 1st blank leaf, f. 1, AW wrote (a good example of his early
hand), Anno: 1656[7]: Monseur Will [Will, lined out] Jeame [James] in January [in January, lined out]
taught me to lay on the violin, beginning in January and soe on till 7 months end: [/], July: 22 1656:
[blank, i.e., Joseph] Procter departed this life in the parish of Holywell Ox o: and layeth buried in the
middle of the aforesaid church: He was a rare musicion, especiall for the Lyra violl and also for the division
violl, bred up to M [to M lined out] under M
. J[ohn]: Jenkins the mirror of this our age / he was very good
for the treble violl and also for the violin and all these comprehended in a man of three or 24 yeares of Age:
[/] March: 1656: I put out my Brother Edw booke of sermons collecting of it from his owne notes all with
mine owne pen: and dedicated them to Jonathan] [sic;
] Jonathan Godard. M.D. and warden of Merton:
Coll:, etc. On the lower wrapper
, AW wrote general notes concerning the year. For the almanacs which
also served as Woods Diaries, this cat. gives only brief descriptions of what AW wrote; for full records,
see LT 1.211-3.496, where A. Clark inserted records from numerous other mss. sources, mainly from the
1st version of AWs autobiography (BL MS. Harl. 5409, 1632 to March 1660) and his revised version titled
Secretum Antonii (Bodleian MS. Tanner 102, pt. 1, 1632 to June 1672).
[MS.] Wood Diaries 1. Wing A2327 (rare). SC 27723.
165. Saunders, Richard. 1659. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo:. . . 1659. London: E. Cotes f. Co. of
Stationers, 1659. 8
. A-C
(C6-7 unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-39). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon, inside,
paper wrappers.
This is the 3rd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4) with extensive interleaving from after upper wrapper to after
B7, Dec., with single blank leaves. Wrapper, upper, entries for 11 March, 4 and 14 May, and an incomplete
coat of arms: a shield with a talbots head. On the 2nd interleaved leaf, after A4 (f. 7), he wrote, Ant:
Woode: 1659 and the. 1. or this Almanack: 3
0; and he ended the last, after B7, 31 [Dec.] for the Kings
triall 9
- 0 [/] the same to mounsir for new bridle: given } - 1
- 0. Wrapper, lower
, 3 entries for Nov.
and Dec. There are also a few notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 1.266-289.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 3. Wing A2329 (two). SC 27725.
166. Saunders, Richard. 1663. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. London: E. Cotes f. Co. of Sta-
tioners, 1663. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-44). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 7th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after paper wrapper to after
B8, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin
on the paper wrapper, upper, AWoode 1663 [/] Saunders: Saunders, 1663 in orange crayon, and notes,
18 The Library of Anthony Wood
lling this, the
, and the following inserted blank leaf, f. 2, not all for 1663; notes end on the wrapper,
. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 1.466-511. One of two almanacs acquired 16
Dec. 1662, LT 1.464 (a 3rd, Wharton, acquired 9 Jan. 1663).
[MS.] Wood Diaries 7. Wing A2333. SC 27729.
167. Saunders, Richard. 1670. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. London: E. C. & A. C. f. Co. of
Stationers, 1670. 8
. A-B
(pp. unopened).
Acquired 20 Dec. 1669, LT 2.177.
Wood Alm. F(9). Wing A2340.
168. Saunders, Richard. 1671. Apollo Anglicanus, the English Apollo. London: A. C. f. Co. of Stationers,
1671. 8
. A-B
Tp, AW wrote let the chronologie here be taken out. 2nd A7
, A8, AW marked 2 events with pairs of
vertical lines, in red ink (9 July 1669, the U. of Oxford and the New Theater; 30 Sept. 1669, death of Henry
King); A8
, AW corrected 1667 to 1669.
Wood Alm. F(10). Wing A2341.
169. Saunders, Richard. 1672. Apollo Anglicanus, the English Apollo. London: A. Clark f. Co. of Sta-
tioners, 1672. 8
. Pp. A-B
(pp. unopened).
Wood Alm. F(11). Wing A2342.
170. Saunders, Richard. 1673. Apollo Anglicanus, the English Apollo. London: A. Clark f. Co. of Sta-
tioners, 1673. 8
. A-B
(pp. unopened).
Final leaf, A8
, AW marked 3 items with a vertical line, 14, 28 June, 28 Sept. 1671 (W. Blandford, bishop
of Oxford, translated to Worcester; conrmation of Dr. N. Crew; and knighting of Dr. T. Brown).
Wood Alm. F(12). Wing A2343.
171. Saunders, Richard. 1685. Apollo Anglicanus, the English Apollo. London: M. Clark f. Co. of Sta-
tioners, 1685. 8
. A-B
(ms. nos. . 1-78). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 29th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B7, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda. AWs
notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Saunders [twice] 1685 4
., 1685 in orange crayon, Arms of
Jo. Budden on his picture in W. Colliers hands are quarterly s[able] & or, a lyon pass[ant] arg[ent]
in the 1st quart, etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also brief notes on some printed
almanac pp. Not by AW, 1 slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in the vol. among Feb. events (f.
15); a ms. copy of a prayer on Charles 2s recovery (f. 17); a slip on Agaphius of Cephalonia (f. 48); Latin
verse, 9 lines, Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique (f. 59
); a letter from Richard Old (f. 65); and
a ms. waste paper, 10 lines (f. 68
). Between . 39-40 is inserted a printed item, an advertisement, In
Bartholomew Fair; see separate entry at Wood Diaries 29b, item 885. LT 3.122-173.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 29. Wing A2355. SC 27751.
172. Saunders, Richard. 1690. Apollo Anglicanus . . . by Richard Saunder. London: M. Clark f. Co. of
Stationers, 1690. 8
. A-B
(2nd A5-8 unopened) (ms. nos. 1-68). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon;
inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 34th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B8, Dec., and after 2nd A8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and
memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Sanders Alm. 1690 [/] 6
to my sister 8
Feb. . . . , etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also a very few brief notes on some
printed almanac pages. Not by AW, note on presentation of William Jane by George Walker (f. 17
). LT
[MS.] Wood Diaries 34. Wing A2360. SC 27756.
173. [Sheppard, Samuel]. Merlinus anonymus. An almanack . . . 1654. London: F. Neile, 1654. 8
. A-C
Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 9 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink, and a note after a hand pointer, part of a cat. of play-books is in Montel. Alm. 1663 after the month
of Dec/ (see Wood15(8)). A4
, identication of a reference: Nich. Culpeper the Almanack-maker.
Wood 15(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2381C (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
174. [Sheppard, Samuel]. Merlinus anonymus. An almanack . . . 1655. London: F. Neile, 1655. 8
. A-C
(2nd tp at C2).
Wood 15(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2381D (one). O not recorded in Wing).
The Library of Anthony Wood 19
175. Shinkin ap Shone, pseud. Shinkin ap Shone her prognostication for the ensuing yeer, 1654. [London]:
f. the author, sold at his shop at the sign of the Cows Bobby, [1653]. 4
. Pp. [2], 8 (i.e., 6).
P. 8 (i.e., 6), scribbled name, Willi: Orth (?).
Wood 646(10). Wing A2385 (two).
176. Smith, John. Smith, 1652. A new almanack. London: f. Company of Stationers, 1652. A-C
Tp, W. i. (?); and in margin, Feb: 9: / 1652 [/] h, may be in Allams hand. Some pp. with line in margin,
e.g., at 9 Feb., at K. Charles buryed at Windsor. 1648; short horizontal lines at all days of March; some
pp. with q[uaere] in margin, e.g., at 6 May, Doct. [I.] Dorislaus slain in Holland. 1649; at July Aug. and
Dec., q[uaere] notes, in pencil. 3 Sept. and 4-12 Nov. (at the latter, 3 notes, in 2 hands, and at which
AW wrote qu[aere]), longer notes, not by Allam(?) or by AW; e.g., 3 Sept., at Scots routed by L. Gen.
Cromwell. 1650, at Dunbar in Scotland. The same day 1651 K: Charle[s] beaten at Worcester. and the
same day and same yeare Dundee stormed.
Wood Alm. A(17). Wing A2394 (two).
177. Swallow, John. [Swallow. An almanack for . . . 1643]. [London]: [A. Norton f. Co. of Stationers],
[1643]. A2-A4, only (followed by an unidentied a leaf, A2).
Wood Alm. A(14-15). Wing A2411 (two).
178. Swan, John. An ephemeris or, almanack for . . . 1667. [Cambridge]: J. Field, 1667. 8
. A-C
nos. . 1-41). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 11th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the paper wrapper
to after B7, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin
on the paper wrapper, upper, 10
for D
Willis his fee, 1667 in red crayon, and other notes, and end on
the wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.97-126.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 11. Wing A2475. SC 27733.
179. [Swan, John]. Swan. A new almanack for . . . 1683. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1683. 8
. A-C
unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-70). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 27th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, to
after B7, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda. AWs notes begin
on the paper wrapper, upper, [Swa]n 1683 4
. [/] Wildgoos rent paid July 1678 [/] Alder - v[ide] Alm 1681.
82, etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower. There are also brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not
by AW, 2 12
leaves and a slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in the vol. at appropriate months
(. 17, 37 (a slip), 42), and a few notes not by unknown persons (at . 14, 24, 42 (some by Allam), 50).
LT 3.35-84.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 27. Wing A2490A (two). SC 27749.
180. T., J. Endymion, 1663. Or the man-in-the-moon his northern weather-glass. Selenopolis (ali` as Beth-
lehem) [London]: f. Co. of Stationers, [1663] MDCLIII (sic). 8
. A-B
Wood 15(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2492A (3).
181. Tanner, John. Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris . . . for . . . 1661. London: T. Mabb f. Co. of
Stationers, 1661. 8
. A-C
. Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel.
Spine and pastedown, upper, E: VV; yleaf, upper, 1st, author and year of 12 Almanacks, in Whitesides
hand (the numbering is modern). Some items in this vol. retain AWs large Arabic numbers, in pencil
(cropping at side).
Wood Alm. E(1). Wing A2498 (two) (3 at O).
182. Tanner, John. Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for . . . 1672. London: T. Rad[c]lie a. M. Daniel
f. Co. of Stationers, 1672. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-43). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper
This is the 16th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, and
after A4 to after B7, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing memoranda and diary
entries. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, 1672, Edw. Derring Coll. Christi Cant. ob[it]
June 26. 1576, D
[Thomas] Barlow put out in those things of S
Hen. Saville which I have pamphlet in
Oxoniensia, etc.; notes continue from f. 2 to wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac
pp. A note not by AW dated 10 Dec. 1678 (out of place), is a military communication from G. Savage at
Washam about French army movements over Grange Heath in Purbeck. At this note AW wrote X false,
and above, v[ide] Gazet. nu. 1364; on the
, AW wrote an unrelated note, D
Fell busie in converting
Lord Brudenell (f. 9; LT 2.426-7); and an unsigned report, 11 Oct. to 22 Nov. 1672, of 6 deaths of a
malignant Feaver at Wadham College, at which AW wrote, The 6 are more somtimes then the Coll buries
20 The Library of Anthony Wood
in 5 year[s] (f. 33
). F. 8, a printed advertisement, 12
, of 8 lines, The Tall Indian; see Wood Diaries 16b,
item 3754. LT 2.239-255.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 16. Wing A2509. SC 27738.
183. Tanner, John. Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for . . . 1695. London: W. Horton f. Co. of
Stationers, 1695. 8
. 39th impr. A-C
(ms. nos. 1-61). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, brown
paper wrapper, upper.
This is the 39th and last of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper
wrapper to after B6, Nov., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the brown paper wrapper, upper, 1695, in red chalk, over the same in pencil, inside
the folded wrapper (misbound, not enclosing the whole diary), Merry Drollery 1 part (its former use was
to enclose items of drollery, see Wood 326(2)-(3), items 4453f.), and continue from f. 1 to f. 48. F. 15,
on a fragment of a letter addressed to Raphe Sheldon, AW stamped his wax seal, a talbots head erased
issuing out of a crown (LT 3.480). F. 48, nal entry, Let[ter] dat. Nov. 12 D
[Nathaniel] Wilson Bishop
of Limbrick is dead - so another letter [/] dat Nov. 14. There are also a few brief notes on some printed
almanac pp. Not by AW, a brief note concerning the spelling of David Gwynne (f. 18b
); and, after AWs
nal entry, Nov. 29
. ob[it] ipse Antonius. LT 3.476-496.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 39. Wing A2532. SC 27761.
184. Treasurer. The treasurers almanacke. London: f. M. Sparke, 1636. 8
. A-B
Wood 21(3). STC 24214.5 (rare).
185. Trigge, Thomas. Calendarium astrologicum: or an almanack for . . . 1662. London: D. Maxwell
f. Co. of Stationers, 1662. 8
. A-B
Acquired 14 Dec. 1661, LT 1.420.
Wood Alm. E(2). Wing A2545 (rare, 2 at O).
186. Verus Pater. [By G. Markham]. Verus pater, or, a bundell of truths. Containing a prognostication.
London: [N. Okes] f. T. L[angley], 1622. 8
. A-C
Tp, astrological signs and A8
, note, prob. not by AW.
Wood 9(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 24693.
187. [W., W. ]. An episcopal almanack for . . . 1674. London: J. Macock f. Co. of Stationers, 1674. 8
(ms. nos. . 1-50). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 18th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, to
after B7, Dec., and also before lower wrapper, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary
entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, 1674 Dec. 28 / 4
[/] 1674 [/] Lord
make me to know mine end & the measure of my dayes &c. etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
with records of sheets given to M
Peers (for translation of the Historia). There are also notes on some
printed almanac pages. LT 2.278-304.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 18. Wing A2633. SC 27440.
188. [W., W. ]. An episcopal almanack for . . . 1675. London: J. Macock f. Co. of Stationers, 1675. 8
(C unopened) (ms. nos. . 1-49). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 19th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, to
after B7, Dec., and also before lower wrapper, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary
entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, 1675. 3
[/] Rushworths collect
v[ide] last leaf 2
edit 1675 (i.e., f. 49, the last leaf, with more information on the reprint), Mathematicians
borne in Ox. Hen. Coley . . . , etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some
printed almanac pp. Not by AW, 10 Nov. 1675, portion of a note, opening with titles of Ralph Bathurst,
below which AW wrote, This is the date of the Barbours Corporation Charter (f. 34). LT 2.304-333.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 19. Wing A2634. SC 27741.
189. [Wharton, George]. Naworth. 1642 a new almanack. London: J. Dawson f. Co. of Stationers, 1642.
. A-B
(last 2 leaves, unopened) (2 tpp).
Tp, AW wrote G. W. rst Alm. came out in 1637. C4
, numbers and 69 weeks.
Wood Alm. A(4). Wing A2671.
190. [Wharton, George]. Naworth. 1644. A new almanack. Oxford: H. Hall, 1644. 8
. A-C
pp. unopened).
Wood Alm. A(5). Wing A2673. Madan 2060.
191. [Wharton, George]. Naworth. 1645. A new almanack. Oxford: H. Hall, [1645]. 8
. A-D
The Library of Anthony Wood 21
C7, C8
, D1, underscoring at description of comet of 1618 and eclipses of 1652 and 1654.
Wood Alm. A(6). Wing A2673A (rare). Madan 2060.
192. Wharton, George. No Merline, nor Mercurie; but a new almanack . . . for . . . 1647. [York?]:
n.pub., 1647. 8
. A
. Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, B: VV:; 2nd, author and year of 7 Almanacks., in Whitesides hand. AW wrote large
Arabic nos. on each tp.
Wood Alm. B(1). Wing A2674 (two).
193. Wharton, George. No Merline, nor Mercurie: but a new almanack . . . for . . . 1648. [London?]:
f. the author, 1648. 12
. A
,C1-5 (imperf).
Tp, H I (Jackson?). Passim, underscoring and some scribbles, e.g., B3
, George Richard. C3
, signature,
Henry Jackson. LT 1.459-60 (see also 1.331).
Wood Alm. B(2). Wing A2675.
194. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion, or a new almanack . . . for . . . 1649. [London?]: f. the author,
1649. 12
. A
Wood Alm. B(3). Wing A2664 (two).
195. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion: the loyall almanack, for . . . 1650. Londini: ex o. delissima,
1650. 12
. A-C
(leaf D1 misplaced).
Wood Alm. B(4). Wing A2665 (two).
196. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion: a meteorologicall diary . . . 1651. [London]: [J. G[rismond]
f. Co. of Stationers], [1651]. 12
. A-E
(tp mutilated).
Dupl. at Wood 10(1).
Wood Alm. B(5). Wing A2666 (two).
197. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion: a meteorologicall diary . . . 1651. London: J. G[rismond]
f. Co. of Stationers, 1651. 12
. A-E
. Parchment over pasteboard (probably bound before AW acquired this
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, Ant: `a Woode: Jan: 21: A.D. 1659[60]: // pret: 5
: (` a added later); 3rd
, details,
Capt. Georg Wharton borne at Kirkby-Kendall 4 Apr. 1617 Treasurer of his majesties ordinance in the
tower, post restaur. Car. 2. Made a Baronet for his former service to K. Ch. 1. in Januar. (10) 1677., and
in red ink, The 1. Almanack that G. W. published was in 1637. So M
Elias Ashmole [/] In 1640[1] - so S
Edw. Sherburne (earliest record in Wing is A2670, 1641). C1, AW underscored and entered // q[uaere]
in margin at printed 30 Archy dyed 1650. LT 1.22, 302. Dupl. at Wood Alm. B(5).
Wood 10(1). Wing A2666 (two).
198. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion anni intercalaris 1652. London: J. Grismond f. Co. of Stationers,
1652. 8
. A-G
(at end, 1 p. Bookes worth Buying).
Wood 10(2). Wing A2667.
199. Wharton, George. Hemeroscopeion anni aerae christianae 1653. London: J. Grismond f. Co. of
Stationers, 1653. 8
. A-F
(1 p. Books worth buying).
, some marks, prob. not by AW. F8
, AW marked 2 books in list Books worth buying.
Wood 10(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A2668.
200. [Wharton, George]. [Hemeroscopeion anni oerae christianae 1654]. [London]: [J. G[rismond] f. James
Crumpe], [1654]. 8
. [A]1-3,B-F
(tp torn out).
Wood 10(4). Wing A2669.
201. Wharton, George. Ephemeris: or, a diary . . . 1655. London: f. T. Vere and N. Brook, 1655. 8
(2nd tp at G4) (at end, 2 pp. Books worth buying).
Wood 10(5). Wing A2661.
202. Wharton, G[eorge]. Hemerologium: or, a register . . . 1656. London: J. Grismond, 1656. 8
. 1,A-K
(2nd tp at F4) (at end, 1 p. Books worth buying).
, line in margin at book on cures in list, Books worth buying.
Wood 10(6). Wing A2663.
203. Wharton, George. Calendarium ecclesiasticum: or, a new almanack after the old fashion . . . 1657.
London: J. Grismond, 1657. 8
. A
(2nd tp at D4) (at end, 2 pp. Books worth buying).
Some brief notes, e.g., at D8
, at printed entry, anno 1617, G.W Nascitur, AW wrote Wharton, and
22 The Library of Anthony Wood
marked with 2 lines in margin entry concerning Haidock the sleeping Preacher; brief marks: F2
, F4
(q[uaere] and 1648 in margins), G2
, G3
Wood 10(7). Wing A2657A.
204. Wharton, George. Calendarium ecclesiasticum: or, a new almanack after the old fashion . . . 1658.
London: J. Grismond, 1658. 8
. A
(2nd tp at D6) (at end, 3 pp. Books worth buying).
AW acquired a copy, 19 Nov. 1657 for 6
, LT 1.230, but he may have bought this collection of 10 Wharton
almanacs, bound together (1651-1660), on 21 Jan. 1660; see Wood 10(1), item 197. F8, one book marked
in list of Books worth buying.
Wood 10(8). Wing A2658.
205. Wharton, George. Calendarium ecclesiasticum: or, a new almanack after the old fashion . . . 1659.
London: J. Grismond, 1659. 8
. A
(2nd tp at E1) (at end, 3 pp. Books worth buying).
Wood 10(9). Wing A2659 (two).
206. Wharton, George. Calendarium ecclesiasticum: or, a new almanack after the old fashion . . . 1660.
London: J. Grismond, 1660. 8
. A
(2nd tp at E1) (at end, 3 pp. book advertisements).
Wood 10(10). Wing A2660.
207. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1661. [With] Gesta
Britannorum. London: J. G. (J. Grismond) f. Co. of Stationers, 1661. 8
. 1-3,B-F
(3 pp. books sold) (2
tpp). Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel.
Spine and yleaf, upper, 1st
, C: VV; 2nd, author and year of 6 Wharton Almanacks, in Whitesides
Wood Alm. C(1). Wing A2652.
208. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1662. [With] Gesta
Britannorum. London: J. G. f. Co. of Stationers, 1662. 8
. A2-4,B-F
(4 pp. books sold) (2 tpp).
Acquired 14 Dec. 1661, LT 1.420.
Wood Alm. C(2). Wing A2653.
209. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1663. [With] Gesta
Britannorum. London: J. G. f. Co. of Stationers, 1663. 8
. A
(4 pp. books sold) (2 tpp).
Acquired 9 Jan. 1663, 6
, LT 1.467.
Wood Alm. C(3). Wing A2654.
210. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1664. London: J.
Grismond, 1664. 8
. A2-7,C-F
(sic; pp. unopened) (2 pp. books sold).
Wood Alm. C(4). Wing A2655.
211. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1665. London: J.
Grismond, 1665. 8
. A-E
(2 pp. books sold).
Acquired 20 Dec. 1664, 6
, LT 2.24.
Wood Alm. C(5). Wing A2656.
212. Wharton, George. Calendarium Carolinum: or, a new almanack . . . for . . . 1666. London: J.
Grismond, 1666. 8
. A-E
(pp. unopened).
Wood Alm. C(6). Wing A2657.
213. Wing, John. Olmpia dmata or an almanack for . . . 1686. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1686. 8
. A-C
(C unopened) (ms. nos. 1-78). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 30th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper
to after B8, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda. AWs
notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Wing. 1686. 4
[/] Lady day letter to M
[John] Goad {Tho
Willis[,] Will Laurence[,] Will How[,] G. A, etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lower
. There are also
brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW: a note on where John Durham is lodging in London
(f.15); on a sheet of waste ms.,
, a Latin tag, and
, Latin disputation topic (f. 29); 4 lines of verse, On
all Religions Present & on Past . . . Rayld against all Women, & then married a Whore, after which AW
wrote, made [by] one John Driden poet Laureat, who turnd papist in May or June 1686., and some time
later, Returnd to his old opinion when the Prince of Orange came to be King (f. 40). Between . 60-62 is
inserted a printed item, a notice of a fund-raising Oxfordshire feast for the poor; see separate entry, Wood
Diaries 30b, item 5100. LT 3.174-203.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 30. Wing A2777. SC 27752.
The Library of Anthony Wood 23
214. Wing, John. Olmpia dmata or an almanack for . . . 1689. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1689. 8
. A-C
(ms. . unnumbered [1-65]). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 33rd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to
after B7, Dec., and after C8, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips containing diary entries and memoranda.
AWs notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, Wing 1689 and 4 (price?), and 1689 in red chalk; notes
continue from f. 1
to wrapper, lower
. There are also brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by
AW, a letter about Matthew Slade, which, AW wrote, was from M
[Edward] Hannes of chch. 6 Feb. 1689
(after B7). LT 3.294-319.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 33. Wing A2780. SC 27755.
215. Wing, Vincent. Olmpia dmata or an almanack and prognostication . . . 1658. London: R. &
W. Leybourn f. Co. of Stationers, 1658. 8
. A-C
(ms. nos. . 1-37). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon.
This is the 2nd of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4) with extensive interleaving from after A4 to after B7, Dec.,
with single blank leaves. Acquired 1 Jan. 1658 for 4
, LT 1.235. Tp, AW wrote 1658, in red chalk. On
the 1st interleaved leaf, f. 5, he wrote, The 1
day: for this Almanacke - 0 - 4
- 0 (1 Jan). On the last
interleaved leaf, f. 28
, he wrote 31 [Dec.] - spent at Jeanes - 5
- 0 [/] for mending my shoes - 6
- 0,
and 2 undated notes, of Bishop Juxons death and of a man who, 45 years ago, was set in stocks with the
brass that he had stolen from St. Marys Church, hanging around his neck. There are also a few notes and
marks on some printed almanac pp. LT 1.235-266.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 2. Wing A2807. SC 27724.
216. Wing, Vincent. Olmpia domata [sic]. Or, an almanack . . . 1665. London: W. Leybourn f. Co. of
Stationers, 1665. 8
. A-C
(C2-3, C5-8 unopened) (ms. nos. .1-43). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon;
inside, paper wrapper.
This is the 9th of AWs diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B8, Dec.,
with 1 or 2 blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AWs notes begin on the
paper wrapper, upper, Wing 1665 [/] Qu[aere] my pamphlet when Latiduninarians [sic] came up and other
notes, and end on the wrapper, lower
. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. Acquired 20 Dec.
1664, LT 2.24, and see 2.27-68.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 9. Wing A2814. SC 27731.
217. Wing, Vincent. Olmpia dmata, or, an almanack . . . 1667. London: B. Wood (E. T.) f. Co. of
Stationers, [1667]. 8
. A-C
(2 tpp).
Acquired 23 Feb. 1667, 6
, LT 2.99.
Wood Alm. E(5). Wing A2816.
218. [Winstanley, William]. The new Protestant almanack for . . . 1677. . . . By Philo-Protest. London:
J. Darby f. Co. of Stationers, 1677. 8
. Pp. 64.
Wood Alm. E(7). Wing A1986.
End of ALMANACS (items 47-218)
219. Almanzor. The following maxims were found amongst the papers of the great Almanzor. [London]:
n.pub., (1693). S.sh. (r-v).
, AW added to the date, Sept.
Wood 276a(19). Wing A2896.
220. Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Artium liberalium ac facultatum omnium systema mnemonicum. Franco-
furto: in oc. Paltheniana, 1610 (2nd tp). 8
. Pp. 1-32, [1-40], 1-136 and 49-830 (A-C
(F8 blank) (2nd tp at )(1). Calf with llets and cloth clasps; spine, 4 bands.
Tp, 4 (bsm.?) and g.g 2 voll., prob. not by AW. To 1st p. 135, underscoring and lines in margin.
Pastedown, lower, AW wrote names of authors on the same subject: Henricus Bullingerus. [/] Mattheus
Dresserus de mo
[modo?] discendi. [/] Bartho: Kek: [Keckerman].
Wood 44. NUC.
221. Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Lexicon theologicum. N.p.: ap. A. Hummium, 1612. Pp. [16], 436. Parch-
Spine, traces of earlier shelf-marks. Cover, upper, inside, pretium 8
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 176. Not in BL, NUC, BN.
222. Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Thesaurus chronologiae. Herbornae Nassoviorum: n.pub., 1628. 8
. 2nd
24 The Library of Anthony Wood
ed. Pp. 592, [31]. Calf with 3 llets and edge hatching; spine, 4 bands and hatching (Oxford binding).
Tp, Z (?).
Wood 146. NUC.
223. Alured, Matthew. The case of colonel Matthew Alured; or, a short account of his suerings . . . sub-
mitted, to the consideration of the parliament and army. London: f. L. Chapman, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 18 (at
end, misnumbering: 16, 14, 11).
Tp, no. 18, in pencil, in a former bundle.
Wood 613(5a). Wing A2939A.
224. Ambrose, Saint. Becher, Henry, trans. Twoo bookes . . . entytuled: Of the vocation and callyng of
all nations. (London): (R. Watkins), 1561. 8
. S
. Parchment with 2 leather clasps.
Tp, Liber Henrici Jacksoni, Oxon. Collegii Corporis Christi. Anno MDC. Maii. xxi
. fortiter occupa por-
tum. Text, notes, marks in margin, underscoring and p. nos. to 53, prob. all in the hand of Jackson. LT
1.459 (see also 1.331).
Wood 283. STC 549 (STC, [1561]).
225. [Ames, Richard]. An elegy on the death of dr. Thomas Saold [12 May 1691]. London: f. A. Turner,
1691. S.sh.
, AW wrote, Tho. Saold, and Tho. Saold 1691. LT 3.275.
Wood 429(48). Wing A2976B.
226. Ames, William. Medulla ss. theologiae . . . ab authore recogn. et aucta. Amstelodami: ap. J. Jansso-
nium, 1634. 12
. Ed. novissima. Pp. [18], 407. Calf with 3 llets; yleaf, lower, printers waste paper (Acts
of the Apostles in Greek).
Flyleaf, upper, Greek, 4 words, signature of Edward Wood, lined out. Tp, bsm.
Wood 768. Not in BL.
227. Anabaptists. A short history of the Anabaptists of high and low Germany. London: T. Badger f. S.
Brown, 1642. 4
. Pp. [4], 56.
Tp, AW wrote 6
. Acquired 1 July 1660, 5
, LT 1.404.
Wood 647(10). Wing S3597.
228. Anabaptists. A warning for England especially for London in the famous history of the frantick
Anabaptists their wild preachings & practises in Germany. [London]: n.pub., 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 25.
Wood 647(11). Wing W919.
229. Anabaptists. Arr[aignment,] tryall, [conviction, and] confession of Francis [Deane] and of John
Faulkner . . . for the murther of one mr. Daniel a soliciter, . . . Also . . . an Anabaptists sermon. London:
f. R. Harper, 1643. 4
. A
(tp, mutilated).
Tp, AW wrote the no. 9 on a slip used to repair the tp; Solicitor in t. corrected to Haberdasher, not
by AW.
Wood 365(9). Wing A3766.
230. Anabaptists. A declaration of several of the people called Anabaptists. London: H. Hills, 1659, 12
Dec. S.sh.
Wood 276a(230). Wing D619A (O not recorded in Wing).
231. Anabaptists. The arraignment of the Anabaptists good old cause. London: J. Morgan, 1660. 4
Pp. 16.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1659 March.
Wood 613(28). Wing A3752.
232. Anabaptists. The humble apology of some commonly called Anabaptists . . . Together with an apology
formerly presented to the kings . . . majesty. London: H. Hills, sold F. Smith, 1660. 4
(pp. 1-2 torn out).
Pp. 3-20.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 3
Wood 608(31). Wing H3404.
233. Anabaptists. Forgery detected, and innocency vindicated. Being a faithful account of the . . . slander
raised on the Anabaptists of New-England in [by B. Baxter] mr. Baxter baptizd in blood. London: J. D.
f. Fr. Smith, 1673. 4
. Pp. 15, [1] (1 p. booksellers advertisement).
Wood 619(3). Wing F1558.
The Library of Anthony Wood 25
234. Anacreon. B., S., trans. Anacreon done into English. Oxford: L. Licheld f. A. Stephens, 1683. 8
Pp. [20], 114.
Pp. 4, 54, 59, 65, 81, 86, 89, T.W. in margins (?; most cropped).
Wood 112(7). Wing A3046.
235. Anderson, Lionel.* The tryals and condemnation of Lionel Anderson, alias Munson [et al.] . . . as
Romish priests. London: f. T. Collins, a. J. Starkey, 1680. Fol. Pp. [2], 53.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1.6, in pencil ; p. 8, at an attack by Anderson on the rogue Thomas Dangereld,
Dangereld memoires printed after he was imprisond for swearing falsely in divers matters relating to the
plot, do shew him to be the exactest rogue & knave in nature, i.e., Wood 372(16), item 2155. LT 3.153.
Wood 425(26). Wing T2243.
236. Anderton, William. A true copy of the paper delivered to the sheris of London and Middlesex
. . . at the place of execution, which he designed there to have spoken [15 June]. [London]: n.pub., [1693].
LT 3.425.
Wood 657(30). Wing A3113.
237. Andreas, Valerius. Fasti academici studii generalis Lovaniensis. Lovanii: ap. H. Nempaeum, 1650.
. Ed. iterata. Pp. [12], 407, [1]. Calf with 2 llets, rebacked.
See ref. to p. 130, vita of Lombard, at Wood 593, item 4213.
Wood 589. BL.
238. Andrewes, Lancelot. Winchester, bp. of. Of the right of tithes. A divinity determination in the
publike divinity schools . . . of the university of Cambridg. London: f. A. Hebb, 1647. 4
. Pp. 27.
Wood 370(2). Wing A3144.
239. Andrewes, Lancelot. Winchester, bp. of. The form of consecration of a church or chappel. And of
the place of Christian buriall. London: sold T. Garthwait, 1659. 24
. Pp. [27], 120.
Wood 733(4). Wing A3126.
240. Andrewes, Lanc[elot]. Winchester, bp. of. Preces privatae Graec`e & Latin`e. Oxonii: e theatro
Sheldoniano, 1675. 12
. Pp. [5], 359, [1].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60, Joh. Lamphire published Bishop Andrews private prayers 1675. AOF
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60. Wing A3149. Madan 3049. O, Hunt, Folg, Yale.
241. Angelos, Christopher.* The bearer hereof [19 May 1610 to 20 March 1617] [3 testimonials of good
behaviour]. [Oxford]: [J. Licheld a. J. Short], [1618]. S.sh.
Wood 516(3). STC 642. Madan 462.
242. Angelos, Christopher. 'Egxeiridion . . . (Enchiridion de institutis Graecorum). [London]: ex o.
C. Legge, acad. Cantab. typog. [i.e., W. Stansby], 1619. 4
. Pp. [8], 59, [1], [6], 53, [1] (2 tpp).
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16. STC 636. Folg, Hunt.
243. Angelus a Sancto Francisco. [Mason, Richard]. Apologia pro Scoto Anglo. Duaci: typ. B. Belleri,
1656. 8
. Pp. [16], 133, [17]. Calf, with 2 llets and with a vertical 2 llets.
1st yleaves, printers waste paper. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote, 1294. Hoc anno nolens volens ex
humanis abijt Jo. Dunsius nationi Scotus, ap minorum familia, Alexandri Alensis Britanni quondam in
Gymnasio Lutetiae Auditor &c sed qui &c. [/] Abraham Bzov[ius]. An. 1294, artic. I [/] Vide in Lib. cui
t ot. De Scotorum fortitudine &c. per David Camerarium. Edit. Par. 1631. p 186 [/] Though Jo. Pitseus
wrot almost 70 yeares after Jo. Bale, yet this authour chooses rather to defend him, because Bale in his
book de scriptorib. major. Britan. doth write bitterlie against popery & papists- [/] Joh. Colganus Hibernij
hath written Tractatus de vita, patria et script. Jo. Scoti Duns subtilis Antw. 1655 - 8
- qu[aere] in this
authour whether Colganus be mentiond. Tp, bsm. P. 9, lines in margin at mention of Pitseus and Bale.
I7, at Georgius Lyburnus, nunc episcopus Atremetum 1685. It was not George Leyburn but his nephew
John who was appointed in 1685 bp. of Adrumetum, a vague location in partibus indelium, here meaning
Wood 59(1). BL.
244. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Gibson, Edmund, ed. Chronicon Saxonicum. Ex mss codicibus . . . Latinum
fecit. Oxonii: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1692. 4
. Pp. [14], 244, [36], 64 (2 tpp). Calf with 3 llets; 2nd rectangle
26 The Library of Anthony Wood
with 3 llets and stamp decoration and stamp ornaments at corners.
Wood 384. Wing A3185.
245. Anne. Queen. The princess Anne of Denmarks letter to the queen. [London]: n.pub., [1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote, written when she left her house 26 Nov. 1688. LT 3.285.
Wood 529(8). Wing A3224.
246. [Annesley, Arthur]. Anglesey, earl of. Englands confusion: or a true and impartial relation of the
late traverses of state in England . . . with a description of the present power ruling . . . under the mask
of the good old cause. London: n.pub., 1659 (Printed in the Year of our Lord, 1659). 4
. Pp. 24.
Tp, AW wrote Bund 1., in pencil. P. 11, at Protector, Richard in margin. Dupl. at Wood 613(16).
Wood 620(19). Wing A3167A.
247. [Annesley, Arthur]. Anglesey, earl of. Englands confusion: or a true and impartial relation of the
late traverses of state in England . . . with a description of the present power ruling . . . under the mask
of the good old cause. London: n.pub., 1659 (Printed in the Year of our Lord, 1659). 4
. Pp. 24.
Tp, AW wrote the no. in a former bundle, 10 (or 19) and Du[pl], in pencil (both cropped). Dupl. at
Wood 620(19).
Wood 613(16). Wing A3167A.
248. [Annesley, Arthur]. Anglesey, earl of. A letter . . . to the earl of Castlehaven . . . concerning the
wars of Ireland. London: f. N. Ponder, 1681. 8
. Pp. [2], 75, [1].
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, This letter following was written by Arthur Earl of Anglesey. After it was
published, James Duke of Ormonde (who was mentiond therein) wrot a letter to Anglesey to vindicate
himself, dated at Dublin 12 Nov. 1681 Replyed upon in another letter by Anglesey Both published in
two sheets in fol. in Mar. or Apr. 1682[.] See Athenae et Fasti Oxon vol. 2. p 598 [AOF 2.316-7]. [/] Anglesie
spearks [sic] of himselfe and Relations in p. 4. 5. &c of the said Letter. Tp, This booke came out in Oct.
1680. 6
. P. [76], AW commented on the printed date of the letter, August 1680: Tis said before that
this letter was wrot in Aug. 1680. But in the neue account of the proceedings between the D. of Ormond
& Arthur E. of Anglesy & printed in fol. 1682. p 6. tis said to be wrot 8 July .
Wood 202(2). Wing A3170.
249. Anonymous. Sig. A1, This is the day which the lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psal. 118.24; D3, line 12: To conclude, as her excellent Maiestie with the Pro-; D3
, last lines: and glory
both now and ever. Amen. [/] FINIS.. [Oxford?]: on A1, device of [T. Creede] f. J. Chorlton (as at Wood
635(6)), n.d. 4
. A-D
(D4 blank) (wanting t leaf).
Some underscoring and marks in margin, e.g., A3-4, C1, C3
, not in AWs manner. Not Wing L1021, T.
Leigh, The keeping of holy days recommended in a sermon [on Psalm 118.24] (1684).
Wood 634(11) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
250. Anonymous. An appendix to the article concerning the popes supremacy. Pag. 90. After I nished
this treatise, a learned friend sent me . . . testimony, taken out of Sir Hen. Spelman, de concil. p. 108 [Wing
S4920, (1664)?; to which this anonymous author responded in these pp. 401-414]. N.p.: n.pub., [1674?]. 8
Pp. 401-414 (i.e., 2D1-7).
P. 401, AW wrote Given to me by Tho. Blount esq. 25 May 1674 (Blount also gave AW Wood 833, item
306, on this date, see LT 2.286).
Wood 876(5). Not identied.
251. Anonymous, Eugenius, pseud. A strange and true relation of the prodigious multitude of mice
. . . between Rotterdam and Schedam. As also, an account how Dengy-hundred in Essex hath been formerly
infested. [London?]: n.pub., 1670. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(27). Wing S5841.
252. Apology. An apology for purchases of lands late of bishops deans and chapters. [London]: n.pub.,
[1660]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote (Corn. Burgess - qu[aere]), i.e., Cornelius Burges. In AO 3.685, he wrote whether it was
all pend by Burges, tho no doubt but he had a hand in it, I know not.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(22). Wing A3547.
253. Apostrophe. An apostrophe from the loyal party. (London): (n.pub.), (1681). Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 4, AW added to the year, Decemb.
Wood 276a(271). Wing A3562.
The Library of Anthony Wood 27
254. Apprentices. The apprentices hue-and-cry after their petition. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Decemb:1659:.
Wood 416(18). Wing A3585 (two).
255. A[p-robert], J[ohn]. The younger brother his apologie, or a fathers free power disputed for the
disposition of his lands . . . to his sonne. Oxford: H. Hall f. E. Forrest a. T. Gilbert, 1671. 4
. Pp. [6], 37,
Wood 617(3). Wing A3593. Madan 2879.
256. Apuleius, Lucius. Adlington, W., trans. The eleven bookes of the golden asse. London: V. Symmes,
1596. 4
. Pp. 208 (wanting title and dedication).
AW supplied, in ms. (. 1-6), the title and dedication, and on his ms. tp added, The rst edit came out in
1566. - A third edit in 1639. qu[arto].
[MS.] Wood B. 20(5). STC 720.
257. [Arderne, James]. A letter to mr. Henry Stubs concerning his censure upon . . . the history of the
Royal Society [by T. Sprat]. London: f. O. Pullen, 1670. 4
. Pp. [2], 19.
LT 1.354.
Wood 640(3). Wing L1713B.
258. [Aristeas]. Done, John, trans. [The auncient history of the Septuagint]. [London]: [N. Okes], [1633].
. Pp. 219 (wanting A
The author and title of this work written on the spine suggest that the 2 items were in this vol. when AW
acquired it. With Wood 232(1), item 4481, formerly owned by H. Foulis.
Wood 232(2). STC 750.
259. Aristotle. In libros ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nichomachum, aliquot Conimbricensis cursus disputa-
tiones. Coloniae: imp. haer. L. Zetzneri, 1621. 4
. 4th ed. Pp. [5] and cols. 94, [4].
Tp, scribbles and 2 signatures, Richardus Charte and ?. Col. 80, mark in margin, not by AW. Last p. [4],
signature of John Vincent.
Wood 644(2). Not in BL.
260. [Armstrong, Archibald]. Archys dream, sometimes jester to his majestie, but exiled the court [sic]
by Canterburies malice. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote, qu[aere] a pamphlet called Lambeth Faire (Wood 483(20), item 4017, a satire).
Wood 366(31). Wing A3708.
261. [Armstrong, Archibald]. A choice banquet of witty jests &c. London: T. J[ohnson], sold P. Dring,
1660. 8
Missing in 1837. Witty jests &c London 1660 in Whiteside cat. See Madan 652.
Wood 51. Wing A3706 (possibly). BL, Hunt.
262. Armstrong, Thomas.* An impartial account of all the material circumstances relating to sir Thomas
Armestrong, [sic] . . . executed . . . 20th of June. London: f. A. Banks, 1684. 4
. Pp. 8.
LT 3.97.
Wood 428(30). Wing I58.
263. Armstrong, Thomas.* The proceedings against sir Thomas Armstrong . . . upon an outlawry for
high-treason . . . his execution. (London): (f. R. Horn, J. Baker, a. J. Redmayne), (1684). Fol. Pp. 4.
Dupl. at Wood 657(62). LT 3.97.
Wood 428(29) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing P3546.
264. Armstrong, Thomas.* The proceedings against sir Thomas Armstrong . . . upon an outlawry for
high-treason . . . his execution. (London): (f. R. Horn, J. Baker, a. J. Redmayne), (1684). Fol. Pp. 4.
Dupl. at Wood 428(29). LT 3.97.
Wood 657(62). Wing P3546.
265. Art of Courtship. The art of courtship. [London]: (J. Millet]) f. J. Back, 1688. 8
. A
Wood 69(2). Wing A3789B. ESTCR 175477 (rare).
266. Arwaker, Edm[und]. The younger. An elegy on his excellency lieutenant-general Tolmach. London:
f. F. Saunders, sold R. Taylor, 1694. Fol. Pp. 8.
LT 3.381, 455, 459.
Wood 429(53). Wing A3906.
28 The Library of Anthony Wood
267. Ascham, Ant[hony]. A discourse: wherein is examined, what is particularly lawfull during the
confusions and revolutions of government . . . Three parts. London: n.pub., 1648. 8
. Pp. [24], 143. Calf
with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, note by former owner A. Allam, Pret: 1
We[st]: Bibliop: Sept die 4
[16]76., and 1
6, lined out. LT 3.167.
Wood 567. Wing A3920.
268. Ascham, Anthony. The bounds & bonds of publique obedience. Or, a vindication of our lawfull
submission to the present government. London: f. J. Wright, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 66. Pasteboard (blue) with
parchment spine; rebacked. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 4th, AW wrote the titles of 19 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with
red chalk (really 20, see the note at Wood 626(20), item 4112). Tp, AW wrote, below, Common wealth
qu[aere], in pencil. Pp. 3, 9-10, 12-3, 15, etc. to 33, some pointers, underscoring of marginalia, and of
printed text, not in AWs usual style.
Wood 626(1). Wing A3198A.
269. Ascham, Roger. A report and discourse . . . of the aaires and state of Germany. London: J. Daye,
[1570?]. 4
. Ff. [3], 33 (tp mutilated). Parchment.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 4
. F. [3], under John Asteley, AW wrote, master of Jewell house/.
Wood 360. STC 830.
270. Ascham, Roger. Toxophilus, the schole, of partitions of shootinge conteyned in ij. bookes. London:
T. Marshe, 1571. 4
in 8s. Ff. [4], 63. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower
yleaves, marbled paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, initials of former owner, H. A. Text, some notes and on blank leaf at end, an index, not in AWs
[MS.] Wood C. 36(1). STC 838.
271. Ascham, Roger. Grant, Edward, ed. Disertissimi viri Rogeri Aschami . . . familiarium epistolarum
libri tres . . . Addita est . . . oratio, de vita & obitu R. Aschami. London: [H. Middleton] imp. F. Coldocki,
[1576]. 8
. Ff. [12], 160, [38]. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, religious tags, lined out, prob. written by AW. Tp, Ant Woode Oxon: MDCLxj, and,
at top, G [?] Moningtoni liber ex dono domini episcopi sarisbur:. Intro. pp. underscoring and a few marks
in margins, not in AWs manner.
Wood 714. STC 826.
272. Ascham, Roger. The schoolemaster. London: A. Jees, 1589. 4
. Ff. [6], 60, [1]. Pasteboard (grey)
with parchment spine. Traces of 1st and last yleaves in marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, he wrote, In two bookes and An edit. of this came out in an. 1570. at Lond. 4
. In another
hand, a shelf-mark, G.4.4. (see also Wood 255(1), item 1168); tp
, AW wrote, Of Joh. Whitney see p. 30
(printed text at p. 30
: Aschams bedfellow in Cheston). Flyleaf waste paper, lower, 1st
, a reference to
an item to which this leaf was formerly attached: this came out in Aug. begin: 1659.
Wood 309(1). STC 839 (Wood copy wants by consent of H. Marsh).
273. Ashburnham, John. A letter written by . . . from Carisbrook castle . . . to William Lenthall [26
Nov.]. London: f. R. Royston, 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 632(60). Wing A3935.
274. Ashburnham, John. The true copie of a letter from . . . to a friend, concerning his deportment
towards the king. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Pp. 4, 5, q[uaere], and a brief note, cropped.
Wood 632(24). Wing A3936.
275. Ashhurst, William. Reasons against agreement with a late printed paper, intituled, foundations of
freedome [by R. Overton]. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [4], 14.
Wood 609(16). Wing A3976.
276. [Ashley, Thomas]. Prosperous proceedings in Ireland: being a remonstrance . . . of . . . Galloway,
Arrowmoore, and Baltimoore, when . . . capt. Thomas Ashley . . . rst arrived. London: f. J. Hancocke,
1642, 19 Oct. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, former no., 28, lined out.
The Library of Anthony Wood 29
Wood 508(34). Wing A3980.
277. Ashmole, Elias. The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble order of the garter collected
and digested into one body. London: J. Macock f. Nathanael Brooke, 1672. Fol. Pp. [12], 719 [i.e. 703], [105]
p. (p. [808] blank), [47] leaves of plates.
Missing since 1695. Gift from E. Ashmole, 6 July 1672, LT 2.248.
LT 2.248. Wing A3983.
278. Ashton, John. A copy of mr. Ashtons paper, delivered to the sheri at the place of execution,
January 28. 1690/1. [London]: n.pub., [1691]. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote, This speech was printed by stealth & about the Middle of March 1690/1 twas scatterd
in the night time about London streets I saw it at Oxon. in a private hand 16. Mar. 1690/1; 2 words
underscored. LT 3.357.
Wood 367(22). Wing A3991.
279. Ashton, John.* A true account of all passages at the execution of John Ashton. (London): n.pub.,
(1690/1). S.sh. (r-v).
P. 1, at January 28th., AW added the year, an. 1690[1]. LT 3.353.
Wood 367(21). Wing T2335 (3).
280. Ashton, Thomas. Chaplain in New Jersey. Satan in Samuels mantle, or the cruelty of Germany
acted in Jersey. Containing the . . . proceedings of John Mason . . . against several ocers. London: T.
R., 1659. 4
. Pp. 32.
Tp, name of T. Ashton underscored. Pp. 14-5, 21, 23, 26, 28-9, correction; 25, at Fiat, AW wrote Peter,
and in margin, D
Fiat lately of Exceter Coll.
Wood 613(2). Wing A3992B.
281. Assembly of Divines. A fraction in the assembly: or the synod in armes. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
Pp. 16 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote, Presbyterians, in pencil.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(46). Wing F2050.
282. Assembly of Divines. The assembly of moderate divines. N.p.: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW identied 11 abbreviated references, from D
Tho. Barlow, groaning board, to Rog. Lestrange;
another writer identied 9 references.
Wood 417(76). Wing A4018 (two).
283. Assheton, William, ed. Evangelium armatum, a specimen; or short collection of several doctrines
. . . destructive to our government . . . by . . . mr. Calamy. mr. Jenkins. London: f. W. Garret, 1663. 4
Pp. [10], 59.
Pp. 1, 3, 26-7, 29, 31, lines at speakers names, mainly in pencil. On a slip now in MS. Rawl. D. 912, f. 564
AW wrote Jos[eph] Caryl [/] a pretender to be of a more intimate acquaintance with God than others &
to be plenipotentiary commissioner & embassador from almighty God . . . [
] Another diabolical preacher
[against, lined out] up of the Covenant . . . Evangelium armatum p. 26. 27 &c a preacher up of rebellion
[and added later] I have this book bound in a vol. entit. Presbyterians (AO 3.979.).
[MS.] Wood D. 26(4). Wing A4033.
284. Assheton, William. A discourse against drunkenness. Published . . . to suppress debauchery and
prophaneness. London: f. R. Wilde, 1692. 24
. Pp. 44 (i.e., 48).
Each 24
leaf is pasted on a 4
[MS.] Wood D. 30(11). Wing A4031A (one) (O not recorded in Wing) (Wing, [Assheton]).
285. Assize. The assize of bread. London: W. Stausby [sic], 1630. 4
. A-G
(A1 blank). Parchment with 2
clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, a shelf-mark, H.2.22.
Wood 361. STC 881.
286. Astley, John. The art of riding, set foorth in a breefe treatise. London: H. Denham, 1584. 4
. Pp. [8],
79. Parchment, pastedowns and yleaves, upper and lower, printers waste paper (about communion).
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, AWoode 1662. P. [7], at reference to the author, line in margin, in pencil.
[MS.] Wood C. 19(1). STC 884.
287. [Aston, Thomas]. A collection of sundry petitions presented to the kings . . . majestie. As also to
. . . parliament. . . . in behalfe of episcopacie, liturgie. [London]: f. W. Sheares, 1642. 4
. Pp. [5], 43, [1].
30 The Library of Anthony Wood
1st leaf
, AW wrote, Another edit. of this came out in 1660 (AW owned a copy, [MS.] Wood B. 39(7)).
[MS.] Wood D. 31(17). Wing A4072.
288. Aston, Thomas. April 2. Newes from the west of Ireland: relating what hapned to captain Weldon
and captain Aston after their passage from Bristol. London: f. F. C. a. W. W., 1642. 4
. Pp. 8.
Below, 32, may not be by AW.
Wood 507(43). Wing A4080AB (two).
289. [Aston, Thomas]. A collection of sundry petitions presented to the kings . . . majesty. . . . As also,
to . . . parliament. . . . in behalfe of episcopacie, liturgie. London: T. Mabb f. W. Sheares, 1660. 4
. Pp. [4],
43, [1].
Tp, at t, AW wrote ch[arles]: i:; below, July: 20: 1660:, and in dierent ink, The rst edit. came out in
1642 (AW owned a copy, [MS.] Wood D. 31(17)). Bsm. .e (?). P. 4, printed Oxford underscored in red
ink (a petition of). LT 1.321.
[MS.] Wood B. 39(7). Wing A4075A.
290. Athanasius. Hoeschelius, David, ed. Vita s. Antonii eremitae a d. Athanasio Graece scripta. Augus-
tae Vindelicorum: D. Franck, 1611. 4
. Pp. [9], 163. Pasteboard with 2 clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, v[ide] vitam S Antonii scriptam per Alfons: Villegas Hispanium et in angl:
linguam translatam (Wood 351, item 6325); tp, Sept: xiv MDclx and 20
, in pencil; and bsm.
Wood 342. BL.
291. Atkins, Thomas. A seasonable speech, made by alderman Atkins in the rump-parliament. [London]:
n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, no. 50 in an earlier bundle. AW wrote Aprill. P. 6, blotting of a note, illeg.
Wood 608(4). Wing S2244.
292. Atkyns, Richard. The original and growth of printing. London: J. Streater f. the author, 1664. 4
Pp. [11], 24.
, AW.1670. Frontispiece (Charles 2 and Scriptura, by D. Loggan), Ashmolean Museum, not
in AWs hand.
Wood 642(2). Wing A4135.
293. [Atterbury, Francis]. Rochester, bp. of. An answer to some considerations [in Two discourses, by
A. Woodhead] on the spirit of Martin Luther and the original of the reformation. Oxford: at the theatre,
1687. 4
. Pp. [4], 68.
LT 3.209 (see also 3.220-1).
Wood 644(5). Wing A4146.
294. [Atwood, William]. A true account of the unreasonableness of mr. Fittons pretences against the
earl of Maccleseld. [London]: n.pub., [1685]. Fol. Pp. 8.
Wood 276b(109). Wing A4183A (rare). O not recorded in Wing).
295. A[twood], W[illiam]. The lord chief justice Herberts account examind. By W. A. . . . in sir Edward
Hales his case. London: f. J. Robinson a. M. Wotton, 1689. 4
. Pp. [2], 72, [1] (1 p. books published by
AW wrote the authors name after initials, W. Atwood, and below, 1
Jan. 10. 1688[89]. L 3.190. AO
Wood 629(8). Wing A4176.
296. Audiguier, V. d. D., W., trans. A tragi-comicall history of our times, under the borrowed names
of Lisander and Calista. London: ?, 1627-1652. Pp.?
Missing. 19 Oct. 1657, I exchanged these following bookes in sheets with Mr. Forrest, for . . . [sic]:. . . The
History of Lysander and Calista which cost me 1
of Mr. Blagrave in June, A.D. 1656 All amounting
to a crowne, LT 1.230. Ed. not identied.
LT 1.230. STC 905f. Wing A4194.
297. Audley, Mervin. Castlehaven, earl of (1585-1631). See also at Touchet, item 6224. The arraignment
and conviction of Mervin lord Audley, earle of Castlehaven . . . April 25. 1631. . . . As also the beheading.
London: f. T. Thomas, 1642[3]. 4
. Pp. [2], 12.
Wood 368(2). Wing A3743.
298. August, Mr. A treacherous plot of a confederacie in Ireland, with the rebels at Calway [sic] with
. . . ammunition from France. London: f. J. Salmon, 1641. 4
. A
The Library of Anthony Wood 31
Tp, AW wrote after the year, 30 Nov.
Wood 507(9). Wing T2069 (O not recorded in Wing).
299. Augustine, Saint. Whitford, Richard, trans. The rule of saynt Augustyne. London: (Wynkyn de
Worde), (1525, 28 Nov.). 4
. Ff. [1], 88 and A-B
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 7, R. Whitford - St Austins rule translated 1525.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 7. STC 922.3. O, BL.
300. Augustine, Saint. [Certaine select prayers, gathered out of st. Augustines meditations] [and] S.
Augustines manuell. [London]: [J. Daye], [1577]. 8
. Wanting 1st tp. A2-8,B-Q
, R1-7 (2nd tp at O4).
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; rebound.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, 4
to pay (charge for binding?). Flyleaf, upper, a later librarian wrote bibliog. details.
O4, signature of Jacomyn Steamyn (or Stermyn).
Wood 291. STC 926.
301. Augustine, Saint. The life of s. Augustine. The rst part [Confessions, 1-10]. London: J. C. f. J.
Crook, 1660. 8
. Pp. [16], [2]08 (unopened quires).
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
; bsm.
Wood 435(3). Wing A4211.
302. [Aulnoy, Marie Catherine La Mothe]. H[ickman], S[pencer], trans. The novels of Elizabeth
. . . containing the history of queen Ann of Bullen . . . rendered into English by S. H. London: f. M.
Pardoe, 1680. 12
. Pp. [1], 135, [5] (5. of books sold at the Popes Head).
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, 1. Jul. 1680 10
; and tp, 10
. At end of books sold, lines in margin at some
theological entries and at some plays.
Wood 258(4). Wing A4221.
303. Aungervyle, Richard. James, Thomas, ed. Philobiblon Richardi Dunelmensis sive de amore libro-
rum, et institutione bibliothecae. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1599. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. [8], 62, [10] (leaf H4 blank)
, 8 pp. of Oxford mss.).
Dupl. at Wood 477(3).
[MS.] Wood C. 26(15). STC 959. Madan 193.
304. Aungervyle, Richard. James, Thomas, ed. Philobiblon Richardi Dunelmensis sive de amore libro-
rum, et institutione bibliothecae. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1599. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. [8], 62, [8].
Tp, Liber Henrici Jacksoni Oxoniensis, Collegii Corporis Christi. MDCX. Maii. xxi. Qui apponit Scientia,
apponit dolorem. To p. 23, notes, not by AW. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood C. 26(15). LT 1.459 (and 1.331).
Wood 477(3). STC 959. Madan 193.
305. Austen, Ralph. A treatise of fruit-trees . . . The spirituall use of an orchard. Oxford: H. Hall f. T.
Robinson, 1657. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. [26], 140.
Missing. 19 Oct. 1657, I exchanged these following bookes in sheets with Mr. Forrest, for . . . [sic]: Austen
of planting with his spirituall use . . . All amounting to a crowne, LT 1.230.
LT 1.230. Wing A4239. Madan 2327.
306. [Austin, John]. S[ergeant], J[ohn], ed. Devotions. First part. Roan [i.e., England]: n.pub., 1672. 8
2nd ed. Pp. [28], 450. Calf with 2 llets and stamp decoration in corners; marbled edges.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Anthony ` a Wood Oxon. Given to me by Thom. Blount of Orleton in Herefordsh. Esq.
being then at Islip neare Oxon, in his passage from Lond. to Worcester, 25 May 1674. LT 2.286.
Wood 833. Wing A4249.
307. [Austin, Samuel]. The character of a Quaker in his true and proper colours; or, the clownish
hypocrite anatomized. London: f. T. Eggleseld, 1671. 4
. Pp. [4], 17.
Wood 645(20). Wing A4256.
308. Awakening Word. An awakening word in season, to the grand-jury-men of the nation [occasioned
by D. Whitbys The protestant reconciler]. London: f. Arthor [sic] Jones, 1684. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. 16.
Tp, in imprint, Arthor underscored. LT 3.64.
Wood 608(63). Wing A4277.
309. A[ylett], R[obert]. A briefe chronologie of the holie scriptures. London: J. Harison f. T. Man, 1600.
. Pp. [8], 76, [1] (wanting the t leaf).
P. 36, brief note, may not be by AW.
Wood 843(2). STC 14.
32 The Library of Anthony Wood
310. B., A. A letter from a gentleman in Kent, giving satisfaction to a friend in London, of . . . the late
great action [15 June]. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, 15. Jun.
Wood 502(26). Wing B13.
311. B., A. A letter of advice concerning marriage. London: f. W. Miller, 1676. 4
. Pp. [2], 29, [1] (2
pp. books printed f. Miller).
Wood 654a(29). Wing B15.
312. B., A. A letter from a minister to a person of quality, shewing some reasons for his non-conformity.
Madam, You were pleased. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(12). Wing B14.
313. B., B. The young gentlemans way to honour. London: f. T. Parkhurst, 1678. 8
. Pp. [8], 109, [1].
Tp, AW wrote 1
, in pencil. Bsm.
Wood 754(3). Wing B39.
314. B., C. A letter sent from aboard his highnesse the prince of Wales to the royalists in Kent; . . . Also,
a letter from . . . the house of peers, to his highnesse the prince of Wales. London: f. R. W., 1648. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Aug. 24.
Wood 502(60). Wing B42.
315. B., Ed. A true relation of the manner of taking of the earl of Northampton . . . by colonell Hampden,
and colonell Goodwin. London: f. F. Coules, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 13, and wrote the month, Aug. P. 6, at details concerning a retreat to
Oxford, 28 Aug. and at printed some of them who went to Abingdon for safety, he wrote Alderm. Joh.
Nixon was one[,] Hen. Curtaine a bookseller another[,] [Edward?] Colledg[,] Walter a Joyner. LT 1.56.
Wood 375(5). Wing T2999.
316. [B., H.], clericus. A brief account of the nullity of king Jamess title, and of the obligation of the
present oaths of allegiance. London: f. R. Chiswell, 1689. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, Lib: Steph: Hurman ex Dono Authoris., and below, Mar 20 [or 90] this given to me by Steph
(severely cropped at bottom). LT 3.439.
Wood 608(66). Wing B4512.
317. B., I. A letter sent by I. B. . . . unto . . . Maystet [sic] R.C. esquire, . . . a large discourse of the
peopling & inhabiting the cuntrie called the Ardes. . . . and taken in hand by sir Thomas Smith . . . and
Thomas Smith . . . his sonne. London: (H. Binneman f. Anthonh-son) [sic], [1572]. 8
. A-H
(wanting the
map; H4 blank). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
Beneath pastedown, upper, on back of board, 6
for binding to Chamb[ers] 8. Nov. 1692 (for other notes
on binding, see Index, Wood, A., binding. Tp, AW wrote after Smith, his natural son. and an. 1572.
Text, short lines in margins, in pencil.
Wood 504(1). STC 1048.
318. B., I. The last will and testament of superstition. London: J. Hammond, 1642. 4
. A
Tp, bsm.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(39). Wing B83B.
319. B., J., poet. Clarissimo nobilissimoque viro. d. Rudolpho Sheldon, me coenati suo in primis colendo.
N.p.: n.pub, n.d. S.sh. (engr. with 8 sacred scenes around a ms. poem by J. B.).
On each side 3 medallions containing engravings of sacred scenes, and above and below, a sacred scene
with a leaf frame. LT 3.104.
Wood 276a(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
320. B., J. A dialogue betweene a vertuous gentleman and a popish priest. London: R. Waldegrave, 1581.
. A-K
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10. STC 1039. O, Folg (two), Union.
321. B., J. Some reections upon the earl of Danby [Thomas Osborne] in relation to the murther of sir
Edmondbury Godfrey. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Pasteboard, upper
, brief note, in AWs hand, mostly covered by blue paper cover. Flyleaf, upper, 4th
The Library of Anthony Wood 33
above, AW wrote Second Volume of tryals, narratives, dying speeches, depositions &c concerning the
popish plot.; and the titles of 30 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink; and
below, All which are bound up togeather according to the time when they were published. In this
vol., AW added nos., in brackets, at each new printed item. P. 4, Memorandum that in the latter
end of March 1679 M
Ralph Sheldon of Beolie shewed me this letter in manuscript, which ended at
may cry for judgment against the land as on the other side of this leafe. That which follows viz.
Now if you observe, the authour of this etc to the end here above, was added to it when twas printed,
which was in June 1679, for on the 12 of July following this printed paper was given to me as a new thing
by M
Ralph Sheldon of Steple Barton in Com. Oxon. ABosco and Tho. Dangereld in his narrative num.
27. pag. 17. saith that one Nevil a prisoner in the Kings bench, was authour of the Danby reections/ (i.e.,
Wood 425(25), item 2150, p. 17, where AW made a mark in the margin). On the appearance of several of
the pamphlets in this vol. in July 1679, LT 2.445, 457; on Dangereld, LT 2.465-6.
Wood 425(1). Wing B127.
322. B., J., and Christopher Kirkby. A compleat and true narrative of the manner of the discovery of
the popish plot . . . with a full answer to . . . reections upon the earl of Danby. London: H. Million, 1679.
Fol. Pp. [4], 4.
AW wrote the price, 2
, and Latter end of July. Purchased from Vade in July or August 1679, see his
record of purchase at MS. Wood F. 50, f. 11. LT 2.457.
Wood 425(13). Wing B98.
323. B., O. F. Tamisis triumphans, sive, panegyris Jacobo II . . . Magnae Britanniae . . . regi . . . ipso
inaugurationis die [Latin verse, 23 April]. Londini: n.pub., 1685. Fol. Pp. [2], 18.
Wood 660c(34). Wing B148.
324. B., R. Adagia Scotica or a collection of Scotch proverbs. London: f. N. Brooke, 1668. 12
. Pp. [2], 58.
Calf with 2 llets.
Tp, Dupl in pencil by AW. Dupl. at Wood 60(1).
Wood 48. Wing B155 (two).
325. B., R. Adagia Scotica or a collection of Scotch proverbs. London: f. N. Brooke, 1668. 12
. Pp. [2], 58.
Some leaves unopened. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 8
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, 4
. Dupl. at Wood 48. Acquired 13 Jan. 1669, 4
, LT 2.149.
Wood 60(1). Wing B155 (two).
326. B., R. A caveat for sinners, or, a warning for swearers, blasphemers, and adulterers. London: f. J.
Deacon, 1683. S.sh.
Wood 417(127). Wing B161 (rare).
327. B., T. Observations upon prince Ruperts white dog, called Boy. [London]: n.pub., 1642[3]. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote, In this & other impressions are set the letters of T. B. but in the end in all, are the Letters
T. P. subscribed, and 1642 Another edit of this pamphlet was printed also the same yeare, & another
in 1643, but neither of them hath the picture of Boy in the title as this has. A3
, AW identied Church
Minstrel with the long lock, as Edw Low. Di. ed. at 614(58).
Wood 377(27). Wing B194A.
328. B., T. Observations upon prince Ruperts white dogge, called Boye. [London]: n.pub., 1642[3]. 4
Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Di. ed. at Wood 377(27).
Wood 614(58). Wing B194 (O not recorded in Wing).
329. B., T. Logoi apologhtikoi. Foure apologicall tracts exhibited to the . . . authority, now erected in,
. . . England. [London]: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. [4], 31.
Wood 364(23). Wing B186.
330. B., T. The president of presidents: or, an elegie, on the death of John Bradshaw. [London]: n.pub.,
[1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, novemb: M DC:Lix;
, No. 1659.
Wood 416(17). Wing B198 (two) (Wing, presidents; elegie on).
331. B., T. The muses congratulatory address to his excellency the lord general Monck. [London]: n.pub.,
[1660]. S.sh.
34 The Library of Anthony Wood
AW wrote, March: 1660;
, Mar. 1660, and 72 replaced a former no. 58 in pencil.
Wood 416(72). Wing B191.
332. B., W. Cupids court of salutations. [London]: f. J. Deacon, sold R. Kell, 1687. 8
. A
Wood 69(7). Wing B207 (rare).
333. Bache, Humphrey. A few words in true love written to the old long sitting parliament, who are yet
left alive and do sit there now. (London): (f. M. W.), (1659). 4
. Pp. 11.
Tp, AW wrote, Not belonging to Parliment (cropped at side), in pencil.
Wood 610(6). Wing B253.
334. Backhouse, Robert. A true relation of a wicked plot . . . against . . . Glocester. London: f. E.
Husbands, 1644, 7 May. 4
. Pp. 31.
Wood 377(9). Wing B265.
335. Bacon, Francis. St. Albans, visct. Essaies. Religious meditations. Places of perswasion and disswa-
sion. London: (J. Windet) f. H. Hooper, 1598. 12
. Ff. [3], 49. Parchment.
Pastedown, upper
(pasted down side), Latin clause and signature of a former owner, John Stobbert. Fly-
leaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
Acquired 28 Apr. 1662, 6
, LT 1.436.
Wood 769(1). STC 1138.
336. [Bacon, Francis]. St. Albans, visct. A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and commit-
ted by Robert late earle of Essex and his complices, . . . together with the confessions. London: R. Barker,
1601. 4
. A-Q
(A1 blank).
G3, K2, lines in margin; N1, extensive notes, not in AWs hand. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines
study, LT 1.247.
Wood 586(10a). STC 1133.
337. Bacon, Francis. St. Albans, visct. Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning
the late earle of Essex. London: [R. Field] f. F. Norton, 1604. 8
. Pp. 72. Calf with 3 llets and stamp
decoration (dragon) in corners (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, list of 16 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. This vol. is made up of formerly
unbound printed items (unnumbered by AW but having Ashm. Roman numerals). Some items, badly
cropped. Tp, bsm.
Wood 84(1). STC 1112.
338. Bacon, Francis. St. Albans, visct. The charge of sir Francis Bacon . . . touching duells, upon an
information in the star-chamber against Priest and Wright. London: [G. Eld] f. R. Wilson, [sold R. Wilson
a. G. Potter?], 1614. 4
. Pp. 61 (1-2 blank).
Tp, q, twice (AWs quaere or a bsm).
Wood 616(9). STC 1125.
339. Bacon, Francis. St. Albans, visct. The historie of the raigne of king Henry the seventh. London:
W. Stansby f. M. Lownes, a. W. Barret, 1622. Fol. Pp. [5], 248. Calf, rough, with 2 llets, spine, 6 bands.
Parchment backing, ms., English and Latin.
Tp, signature of the former owner, Ja: Hales. P. 108, a brief query about Richard Thomas (was he Ric.
ap), may not be in AWs hand.
Wood 409. STC 1159.
340. Bacon, Francis. St. Albans, visct. Considerations touching a warre with Spaine. [London]: n.pub.,
1629. 4
. Pp. [2], 46.
P. 1, correction, prob. not by AW.
Wood 511(16). STC 1126.
341. Bacon, John. A true relation of severall overthrows given to the rebells, by colonell Crayford . . . in
two letters. London: f. J. Hunscot, 1642, 26 Sept. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, former no., 20, lined out.
Wood 508(35). Wing B347.
342. Bacon, Nathaniel. A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, in . . . 1548. London: J. B.,
sold A. Kemb, 1657. 12
. Pp. [14], 79. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower
yleaves, marbled paper and blue paper; rebacked.
AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, AW wrote
The Library of Anthony Wood 35
Wood 879(1). Wing B358A.
343. B[acon], N[athaniel], collected by. The history of the life & actions of s
. Athanasius, together with
. . . the Arian heresie. London: f. D. Maxwell, f. C. Eccleston, 1664. 8
. Pp. [9], 227, [5].
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1.8. Acquired 2 Jan. 1664, 1
, LT 2.2.
Wood 435(4). Wing B366C.
344. [Bacon, Roger]*. The famous history of fryar Bacon. London: T. C[otes], 1640. 8
Missing in 1837. The History of Friar Bacon 1640 in Whiteside cat. The t is entered at the front of the
vol., see 84(1). At least 8 leaves, crudely torn out (traces of letters are present on stubs).
Wood 84(14). STC 1184.5 (rare) (Folg, from Britwell, 14.6.20, EFL A5.6[Bri]).
345. Bacon, Roger. M., T., trans. Frier Bacon his discovery of the miracles of art, nature, and magick.
London: f. S. Miller, 1659. 12
. Pp. [12], 51, [7] (7 pp. books sold by Miller). Pasteboard (blue) with
parchment spine. Upper yleaf, a remnant of marble paper; lower, slips of marbled paper pasted on a dark
leaf; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 5th
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. At the 3rd item, The man-mouse (item 6301), AW cites the refutation, which he also owned (More,
Observations, Wood 859(3), item 4548). Tp, Septemb: A. MDCLix: AWood. Pp. [8-10] and p. 1, brief
notes and corrections, e.g., De Rogero Bacono vide in commentariis Jo: Twini Bolingdunensis de rebus
albionicis p: 130: (i.e., Wood 182, item 6269).
Wood 726(1). Wing B373.
346. Bacon, Roger*. The history of fryer Bacon: the second part: being most true and exact relation of
the . . . exploits of . . . Miles Wagner. London: f. J. Blare at the Loking glass on London Bridge (cropped
at bottom), [c.1680]. 8
. A
, AW wrote This book is also published under this title. [/] A most true & exact relation of the most
famous & merry exploits of that worthy gent. of renowne & deep professor of Astrologye, & most expert
in magick Art [/] Miles Wagner [/] Being once a servant to the famous conjurer Frier Bacon &c. in 8
one sheet [/] It hath the picture, or y
[?] the very same cut in the title, as this hath.
Wood 707(3). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR. Should be at H2120aA.
347. Bacon, Roger*. The three famous conjurers, fryer Bacon, Bongey and Vandermast. [London]: f. J.
Clark, senior, [1680]. 8
. A2-8,B
(last leaf blank).
Wood 707(2). Wing T1088A (rare).
348. Bacon, Roger*. The history of frier Bacon. London: f. M. W., sold [D.] Newman a. B. Alsop
(cropped), 1683. 8
. A
. Parchment over boards; rebound.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 10 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. At the 1st item, each small 8
leaf is pasted on an 8
Wood 707(1). Wing H2120A (two).
349. Baddeley, Richard. The boy of Bilson: or, a true discovery of the late notorious impostures of
certaine Romish priests in their . . . exorcisme, . . . of . . . William Perry. London: F.K[ingston] f. W.
Barret, 1622. 4
. Pp. [6], 75.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(3). STC 1185.
350. Baes, Mart[in]. Series summorum ponticum ordinis sancti Benedicti . . . Mart. Baes fecit. N.p.:
n.pub., n.d. S.sh. (engr.).
Possibly, acquired 30 July 1659, 1
, LT 1.279. See also Wood 276b(15), item 941.
Wood 276a(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
351. [Bagshaw, Edward] (elder). A short censure of the book of W. P[rynne] entituled, the university of
Oxfords plea, refuted. [London]: [f. R. Royston], 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 12.
Tp, Edw. Bagshaw Esquire. the Author. AO 3.620, 863.
Wood 514(36). Wing B398 (Wing, by R. Royston). Madan 1962.
352. Bagshaw, Edward (younger). A true and perfect narrative of the dierences between m
Busby and
Bagshawe. London: A. M., 1659. 4
. Pp. [4], 32. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration (ower with 2
leaves) inside corners, and roll decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, list of 10 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian; many in this vol. are
imperfect and may have been a bundle of rejected pamphlets left by AW. Tp, top right-hand corner, L y
36 The Library of Anthony Wood
19 (?).
Wood 499(1). Wing B426.
353. Bagshaw, Edward (elder). The rights of the crown of England, as it is established by law. London:
A. M. f. S. Miller, 1660. 8
. Pp. [14], 304 (unopened). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Tp, authors name, underscored in red ink, and price, 1
. Acquired 18 Nov. 1661, LT 1.418.
Wood 571. Wing B397.
354. Bailey, Walter. A briefe treatise touching the preservation of the eye sight. Oxford: H. Hall f. R.
Davis, 1654. 8
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 22.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 22. Wing B450 (two) and B451. Madan 2253 and 2966.
355. Bainbridge, John; John Greaves, and Vlug Beigus. Cl. v. Johannis Bainbrigii . . . Canicularia.
Un`a cum demonstratione ortus Sirii heliaci, . . . auctore Johanne Gravio. Quibus accesserunt insigniorum
aliquot stellarum longitudines & latitudines ex astronomicis observationibus Vlug Beigi [with the Pers. text
of the last.]. Oxoniae: excud. H. Hall, impen. T. Robinson, 1648. 8
. Pp. [6], 119, [1] (misnumbering).
Tp, bsm.
Wood 704(7). Wing B472. Madan 2002.
356. [Baker, John]. [Begin.] Advertisement to booksellers. Whereas the four Oxford cullies . . . lately
. . . pirated . . . [Advertisement of J. Blumerels Elegantiae poeticae, here alleged to have been pirated].
[London]: [at the Sheldonian, Oxford?], [1680]. S.sh. 4
AW wrote at Four Oxford Cullies who were thought to have pirated a book, Farmours [sic] of the press in
the Theater., and below, Brought downe to Oxford by a London bookseller, & dispersed there in stationers
shops about 10. March 1679/80. LT 2.483.
Wood 516(10b). Wing B497A (rare). Madan 3252.
357. Baker, Richard. Theatrum triumphans or a discourse of plays. London: S. G. and B. G. f. F.
Egleseld, 1670. 8
. Pp. [8], 141. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, A. Allam wrote, Pret: o
- 10
Ox[lad]: S
. Bibliop: Sextalis vicesima 1
76, i.e., Aug
21, see LT 3.167; and an entry by a later reader, Sum e libris Musaei Ashmoleani 1711. Lines in margin,
pp. 29, 35, 40-2, 68-9.
Wood 95. Wing B514.
358. [Balbani, Niccol` o]. C[rashaw], W[illiam], trans. The Italian convert, newes from Italy of a second
Moses or the life of Galeacius Caracciolus. London: A. G[rin] f. M. S[parke], 1635. 4
. Pp. [8], 61.
Tp, AW wrote, I have this in 8
, among my lives in 8
. printed at London 1655. adorned with pictures.
Di. ed. at Wood 286.
Wood 345(7). STC 1235.6.
359. [Balbani, Niccol` o]. B`eze, Theodore de, trans. C[rashaw], W[illiam], ed. The Italian convert, newes
from Italy, of a second Moses: or, the life of Galeacius Caracciolus. London: f. E. Archer, 1655. 8
. Pp. [17],
131. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote, I have this booke in 4
printed at London an. 1635. but there be no pictures
in it ABosco. Tp, bsm. Di. ed. at Wood 345(7).
Wood 286. Wing B543.
360. Baldwin, George, et al. The onely right rule for regulating the lawes and liberties of the people of
England. . . . By divers aectionate persons. [London]: f. the subscribers, sold W. Larnar, 1652. 4
. Pp. [2],
Wood 630(8). Wing O349aA (two) (Wing, Larner).
361. [Baldwin, William], et al. A myrroure for magistrates. London: in aed. T. Marshe, 1559. 4
. Ff. [6],
85 (col. p., torn out). Calf with 3 llets, 2nd rectangle with 3 llets and stamp decoration in corners and
in centre; 2 clasp holes; rebacked; parchment ms. backing, music notation and Latin hymn.
Flyleaves, upper, from an almanac (1560), with signatures of Elizabeth Jobson, John Brokett, and Edmund
Wernon. 3, signatures of John Brokett; 3
, signatures of Winifrid Scourfeild; 4,blank leaf, notes, in an
early hand. Text, notes in various hands, some by AW, see e.g., f. 4
, written by Ca; f. 7, a correction;
f. 12, Tho. Churchyard author of this; f. 19
, By Thomas Phaer.; . 28
, 30
, 40; and 44, Will Baldwin.
Prob. acquired 2 July 1662, LT 1.444.
Wood 328. STC 1247.
The Library of Anthony Wood 37
362. Bale, John. Ossory, bp. of. A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of
Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted. Geneva [i.e., Antwerp]: M. Woode [i.e., A. Goinus],
1545. 8
. Ff. [4], 88. Parchment.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote among D
Barl[ows] books. Tp, A. W. and ABosco. Text, . 10, AW
made a correction; 20
, line in margin. F. 7, note by an earlier owner. In his catalogue, MS. Wood E.
2(70), p. 5, AW wrote, see in Bales mysterie of iniquity that I have fol. 42 to distinguish him [Nicolls] from
another Nycolls (a correct ref.). Lent to H. Foules, 17 Oct. 1668, LT 2.145.
Wood 779. STC 1303.
363. Bale, John. Ossory, bp. of. A brefe chronycle concerninge the examination and death of . . . sir John
Oldecastell the lorde Cobham. London: (A. Scoloker a. W. Seres), [1548?]. 8
. A-G
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote These things of S
J. Oldcastle are mostly cemilted [sic, ?] into Foxes book of
martyres. Passim, notes and marks, many cropped, in ink and pencil, in more than one hand, none by
AW. Former owner, Henry Jackson. LT 1.459-60 (see also 1.331).
Wood 789(2). STC 1278.
364. Bale, John. Ossory, bp. of. The rst two partes of the actes . . . of the English votaryes. (London):
[S. Mierdman f.] (A. Vele); tp, pt. 2: (f. J. Bale), (1551). 8
. Ff. [8], 78, [2],120 (*
; A-P
) (Q
misplaced) (2 pts.). Pasteboard (marbled paper) with calf spine (rebound).
Tp, 1552 I B; and below, 1551, in pencil, none by AW. *4
, E.K (?). 1st K7
, AW wrote, the 1. edit:
of this 1. part came out: 1548 (STC 1271 (and 1546, STC 1270)). F. 120
, scribbles and names, Richard,
George, Edmunde, none by AW.
Wood 846. STC 1273.5.
365. Bale, John. Ossory, bp. of. A declaration of Edmonde Bonners articles. London: (J. Tysdall f. F.
Coldocke), (1561). 8
. Ff. [12], 1-113, 41-70, [1] (misnumbering).
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9. STC 1289. O (two), Folg, Union.
366. Bale, John. Studley, John, trans. The pageant of popes, contayninge the lyves of all the bishops of
Rome, . . . to . . . 1555. London: (T. Marshe), 1574. 4
. Ff. [20], 198, [2] (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote, Ant: Woode: Coll: Merto 1656:; scribbles. Text, *e1
, signature of William Royse; passim,
underscoring and notes in at least three hands, many are cropped in binding. Many uncropped notes are
prob. in AWs hand, e.g., . 73 (last note), 76 (last), 77
, 79
(2nd note, in contrast to the other notes on
f. 79
); the cropped notes are not AWs, since the volume was bound, and the notes cropped, ca. 1645
(see f. 68, Bells crist[/]ned, a note to which AW seems to have added the cropped ned; AW referred to
this printed item in a ms., LT 1.184, note 6). LT 1.211.
[MS.] Wood C. 44(3). STC 1304.
BALLADS (items 367-843)
367. A., T. Perfumer to his late highnesse. Rump rampant, or the sweet old cause in sippits. [London]:
n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Januar: 1659[60];
, Jan. 59, and 25 replaced a former no. 10 in pencil.
Wood 416(25). Wing A34 (3).
368. Alidor. Alidor and Calista. Being an excellent new song, much in request at court. [London]: f. J.
Deacan [sic], 1684. S.sh.
Wood 417(133). Wing A926.
369. [Allibond, John]. Rustica academiae Oxoniensis nuper reformatae descriptio [in verse]. [London?]:
n.pub., [1648]. S.sh. (3 columns, 51 stanzas).
Some 20 identications of persons or customs alluded to in this verse satire, not by AW. Also, in a later
hand, Catalogued AH under Allibond. Dupl. at Wood 423(28), and a 4
ed. at Wood 514(53). For a ms.
version of the poem, see Wood 16. LT 1.144.
Wood 276a(520). Wing A1203 (3). Madan 1994.
370. [Allibond, John]. Rustica academiae Oxoniensis nuper reformatae descriptio. [London?]: n.pub.,
[1648]. S.sh.
19 identications of persons or customs alluded to in this verse satire, and 2 corrections, in AWs early
, Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 276a(520), with similar notes not by AW, and a 4
edition at
38 The Library of Anthony Wood
514(53), with similar notes by AW (with a few additions, q.v.). Ms. version at Wood 16. See LT 1.144 and
Madan 1994.
Wood 423(28). Wing A1203 (3). Madan 1994.
371. [Allibond, John]. Rustica academiae Oxoniensis nuper reformatae descriptio. [London?]: n.pub.,
[1648]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, For my hon
friend M
Anthony Woode from his obedt servant, Jo. Awbrey. AW copied the 18-9
similar annotations, but not the corrections, from both s.sh. printed versions (di. ed. at Wood 276a(520),
18 annotations; and Wood 423(28), 19 annotations and several corrections), or from a ms. version at Wood
16 (with some 23 annotations). He added one new note and a few words at 4 others: e.g., at stanza 32, where
the earlier annotators identied Daniel Greenwood, AW wrote, Dan. Greenwood with squint eyes.; at
the marginalia to stanza 33, AW added added the new note, Will. Collier now one of the Yeomen-Bedells;
at stanza 39, he added to previous notes the name of a college. See LT 1.144 and Madan 1994.
Wood 514(53). Wing A1202. Madan 1993.
372. Amintor. Amintors answer to Perthenias [sic] complaint: or, the wronged shepherds vindication.
[London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1675?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(136). Wing A3014 (Wing, Amintors and Parthenias).
373. Anabaptist. The leacherous Anabaptist: or, the dipper dipt. A new protestant ballad. London: f. B.
Harris, 1681. S.sh.
AW wrote, in the beg. of Apr.
Wood 417(56). Wing L808.
374. Ballads. Ballads. ?: ?, ? Pp.?
Missing in 1837. In 1837 William Kirtland rst noticed (Library Records d. 1071, p. viii) that this book
of ballads, Wood 400, was missing. Some time after 1837, another librarian wrote in the same vol., f. 32
opposite Wood 400-401 ? Have Nos. 400-401 been bound together, to form one vol., 401. See Plate IX.
That is not the case, since the early foliation in Wood 401 indicates that there were 204 fol. pages in
this volume in AWs time. Wood 400, along with Wood 399, was stolen and became part of the Harleian
Collection, and later part of the Roxburghe Collection in the BL and of the Euing Collection at Glasgow
University Library. See The Location of Two Lost Volumes of Ballads, Wood 399 and Wood 400, BLR,
15 (April 1996): 260-291.
Wood 400. Missing.
375. Barnwel, George*. An excellent ballad of George Barnwel an apprentice of London. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 77-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(40). Wing E3788E (two).
376. Barton, Andrew*. A true relation of the life and death of sir Andrew Barton, a pirate and rover
on the seas. London: f. E. W[right], [1630 ca.]. S.sh. (2 shs.). 2 pts. Pp. 36-7 in this vol.
Another Copy 401.55, in a later hand. Di. ed. at 401(28). Some scribbles, not in AWs hand. P. 35,
extensive annotation, verse (?), illeg., and p. 38, some scribbles, both pp. pasted over with blank leaves.
Wood 402(10). STC 1539.5 (rare) (STC, sea).
377. Barton, Andrew*. A true relation of the life and death of sir Andrew Barton, a pyrate and rover
on the seas. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 55-6 in this vol.
Another Copy 402.37, in a later hand. Some scribbles, not in AWs hand. Di. ed. at Wood 402(10).
F. 55
, AW wrote 25 lines, Hen. 8. The Kings authority over the narrow seas (studiously conserved ever by
his ancestors) was about this time an. 1511. somwhat lessned by the piracies of Andrew Breton (whom our
Chroncles call Barton) a Scottish man. This Breton, in revenge of his fathers death, as also other injuries,
having in vaine sought redress in Flanders for a ship taken from his said father by some Portugals, obtained
letters of Merc [i.e., marque] from James 4. K. of Scotl. upon condition yet, he should not exercise pyracie.
Notwithstanding which he seized on divers of our lesser Barques (upon pretence of carrying Portugals
goods) and pillaged them. For remedy of which inconvenience, the two sons of Tho. Howard Earl of Surrey
(Lord Treasurer, & Earl Marshall of Engl) were employed. The yonger called Edward, being Lord Admirall,
commanding in one ship, & Thomas the Elder brother in another. Thereupon, in severall places (though
at one time) they invested Bretons two ships; which though the Scotish writers make to be farr less than
ours, maintained a cruel ght. The obstinat pirat (though so greviouslie hurt that he died on the place)
Encourging his men with his whistle even to his last breath see the rest in the Lord Herbert of Cherbury
his History of Hen. 8. printed 1672. p. 15. & 16. and in severall chronicles [Wing H1505Af.].
Wood 401(28). Wing T2994B (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 39
378. Bath, Wife of. The wanton wife of Bath. London: f. F. Coles, [1641-81?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pt.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(93). Wing W719B (two).
379. Beginning. The beginning, progress, and end of man. [1st line] Here Adam rst leads up the van.
[London]: f. J. Deacon, [1688-9 ca.]. S.sh. (r-v). Obl. (foldout with illustrations).
, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon in Feb. 1688-9. LT 3.299.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(10). Wing B1701B (rare).
380. Bertie, Peregrine. Willoughby, lord. Lord Willoughby; or, a true relation of a famous and bloody
battel. London: f. F. Coles, [1650 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 67-8 in this vol.
, AW wrote, The story of the Lord Willoughby following, is to be understood as done by Peregrine Bertie
Lord Willoughby of Eresby, about 29 Reg. Elizab.
Wood 401(35). Wing L3059 (two) (Wing, Willoughby. Or; n.d.).
381. Betty*. The young-mans tryal: or, Bettys denial. London: f. J. Andrews, 1655. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(49). Wing Y125 (rare) (Wing, young mans and 1656).
382. [Birkenhead, John]. The four-leggd elder. Or, a horrible relation of a dog and an elders maid.
N.p.: n.pub., [1647]. 8
. Pp. [4].
Wood 899(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B2965A (O not recorded in Wing).
383. [Birkenhead, John]. The four-leggd Quaker, to the tune of the dog and elders maid, or, the ladys
fall. N.p.: n.pub., [1664]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Joh. Birkenhead the Author S
Joh. Denham hath such another Ballad in his Poems &
Translations, printed at Lond. 1668 (p. 109., News from Colchester. Or, A Proper new Ballad of certain
Carnal passages betwixt a Quaker and a Colt, Wing D1005);
, Joh. Birkenhead. AW stayed with the
identication of the author as Birkenhead in AO 3.1205.
Wood 416(70). Wing F1661 (two).
384. [Birkenhead, John]. A new ballad of a famous German prince and a renowned English duke, who
on St. Jamess day one thousand 666 fought with a beast with seven heads. [London]: n.pub., 1666. S.sh.
AW identied the German prince, and English duke, Prince Rupert, George Duke of Albemarl, and, in
the ballad, at His Chaplain fell to his wonted work, Cryd Now for the King, wrote, Sam. Speed M.A. of
ch. ch. in Oxon, son of D
Jo. Speed a physician, son of Joh. Speed the Chronologer This Samuel Speed
became afterwards vicar of Godalming in Surrey, & taking to wife a certaine person of no great fortune.
did overtopp him, & lived not in good content with her [sic]. He was after that Canon of ch. ch. in Oxon;
below, made by S
Joh: Birkenhead.
, 1666. / S
Joh. Birkenhead The second part followes, and also
on the
, AW gave an item no., 112, to a response to Birkenheads ballad, which he recorded: Answer
. . . made by one [blank] Porter: Oh Berkenhead how has thou troubled thy muse [/] with a Burden that
noe body else would chuse [/] Of a Thump [i.e. a parody of the refrain With a thump] [/] Sure Pegasus
she is growne a Jade [/] Her spurrs were forgot when a knight thou was made [/] And that which is worse
thy wits are decayd [/] Which hath put all thy freinds in their dump de dum dumpe and 5 more stanzas
(LT 2.285; and AO 3.1203 for Birkenhead).
Wood 416(111-2). Wing B2967AB (two).
385. [Birkenhead, John]. The second part of the new ballad of the late and terrible ght on St. Jamess
day one thousand 666. To the tune of the rst part . . . printed at London. N.p.: n.pub., 1666. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 416(113).
Wood 276a(531) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S2310A (rare, 2 at O).
386. [Birkenhead, John]. The second part of the new ballad of the late and terrible ght on St. Jamess
day one thousand 666. To the tune of the rst part . . . printed at London. N.p.: n.pub., 1666. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1666. Dupl. at Wood 276a(531).
Wood 416(113). Wing S2310A (rare).
387. Blanket-Fair. Blanket-fair, or the history of Temple street. [London]: f. C. Corbet, 1684. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1684.
Wood 417(137). Wing B3167.
388. [Blount, Charles]. The sale of Esaus birth-right; or the new Buckingham ballad. [London]: n.pub.,
[1679]. S.sh.
AW made some 10 notes on this ballad, supplying name at blanks and writing identications in margins.
At top, made in August an. 1679; at Parliament, that is to meet Oct. 7; at Our prating Knight . . . and
40 The Library of Anthony Wood
his Lady, S
Rich. Temple and Mary Knapp. Blanks lled in with names of Lord Latimer, Temple,
Danbie, Peter Tir [mutilated at margin]. A note is illeg. at bottom, S
R. T. . LT 2.461.
Wood 417(5). Wing B3315 (Wing, or,).
389. Bodnam, Clerk of. A very godly song, intituled, the earnest petitioh [sic] of a faithfull Christian,
being a clerk of Bodnam. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1676]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 65-6 in this
Wood 401(34). Wing V276 (rare) (Wing, 1676).
390. Bradshaw, John*. The arraignement of the divel, for stealing away president Bradshaw. [London]:
n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Novemb. M DC LIX;
, No[v]. 1659, and nu. 13 over former no. 4 in pencil.
Wood 416(13). Wing A3753 (3).
391. [Brome, Richard]. The beggars chorus in the jovial crew. [London]: f. J. Clark, [1683]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1683.
Wood 417(117). Wing B4863 (rare).
392. Brown, Tom*, pseud. Tom Browns delight. Or, the good fellows frolick. [London]: f. F. Cole [sic],
T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(66). Wing T1781 (rare) (Wing, London).
393. [Butler, Samuel]. The Geneva ballad. To the tune of 48. London: f. H. Brome, 1674. S.sh.
AW added, at Jack , Presbitere; at year of publ., Octob.; and below, reprinted in 1678 ;
, 1674. In
AO 4.725: said to be written by one . . . Grin. Di. ed. at Wood 276b(105) (1678). LT 2.430.
Wood 416(125). Wing B6291C (3) (O not recorded in Wing).
394. [Butler, Samuel]. The Geneva ballad. To the tune of 48. London: f. H. Brome, 1678. S.sh.
AW wrote, dup. Di. ed. at Wood 416(125) (1674). LT 2.430.
Wood 276b(105). Wing B6292 (Wing, [London]).
395. Cavaliers Complaint. The cavaleers complaint. London: f. R. Crofts, 1661. S.sh.
AW altered 1661 to 1660;
, 1660, and 76 over a former no. 65 in pencil.
Wood 416(76). Wing C1571.
396. Cavaliers Genius. The cavaliers genius: being a proper new ballad. [London]: n.pub., [1663?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Tempore Ol. Cromwell protect in red ink, lined it out in dark ink;
, 1660.
Wood 416(78). Wing C1573 (two).
397. Cavaliers Litany. The cavaliers litany. London: f. C. Brome, 1682. S.sh.
Wood 417(108). Wing C1577.
398. Cawthorn, Lawrence*. Misery to bee lamented: or, a doleful relation . . . which befell Lawrence
Cawthorn. London: f. F. G[rove], [1661]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 185-6 in this vol.
AW wrote 1661; Cawthorn underscored in t.
Wood 401(94). Wing M2247 (rare).
399. Celia, pseud. The happy lovers, or, Caelia won by Amintas loyalty. [London]: f. C. Dennisson [sic],
1688. S.sh.
Wood 417(161). Wing H670 (rare) (Wing, Dennison).
400. Charles 1*. The manner of the kings trial at Westminster hall . . . the twentieth day of January,
1648. [London]: f. F. Coles, [1648-80]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 145-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(74). Wing M475bA (rare) (Wing, tryal).
401. Charles 2*. An exit to the exit tyrannus. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, March; 1659[60];
, Mar 59, and 61 over a former no. 42 in pencil.
Wood 416(61). Wing E3870.
402. Charles 2*. The wonderfull and miraculous escape of our gracious king, from . . . Worster. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1660]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 173-4 in this vol.
AW wrote the year, 1660.
Wood 401(88). Wing W3361 (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 41
403. Chelmsford. Bloody news from Chelmsford: or, a proper new ballad. Oxford: n.pub., 1663. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1663. A later librarian wrote, see fol. 94, i.e., ballad on the same topic at Wood 416(94).
Wood 416(103). Wing B3263. Madan 2636.
404. Chelmsford, Curate. The careless curate and the bloudy butcher . . . from Chelmsford. [London]:
f. W. Gilbertson, [1662]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 187-8 in this vol.
AW wrote mense Feb: 1662[3]; Chelmsford underscored in t. Prob. acquired 17 Feb., LT 1.468.
Wood 401(95). Wing C540 (rare).
405. Chevy Chase. A memoriable song on the unhappy hunting in Chevy Chase between earle Piercy
of England and earle Dowglas of Scotland. [London]: Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W[.] Gilbertson
[mutilated], [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 30-1 in this vol.
Another Copy 401.47, in a later hand. Uncorrected variant issue at Wood 401(24).
Wood 402(8). Wing M1677C (two) (Wing, does not record 2 issues at O).
406. Chevy Chase. A memoriable song on the unhappy hunting in Chevy Chase between earle Piercy of
England and earle Dowglas of Scoland [sic]. [London]: Printed for F. Coles. T. Vere. and W. Oilbertson.,
[1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 47-8 in this vol.
Another Copy 402.30, in a later hand. Corrected variant issue at Wood 402(8). On sheet opposite, f. 47
, a
slip pasted in,
of slip, AW wrote, The battle of Chevy Chase temp. H. 4. so M
Fulm. [sic]. q[uaere];
slip, Cheviot Chase See my Engl. Camden p. 803 [missing, see item 1370]. v. Greys descrip. of New Castle
p. 33 [Chorographia (Newcastle, 1649), missing, see item 3285 below]. No mention of it in Baronii [Wood
432, item 882] in vol. 1. Fuller Worthies in Northumb p. 306; and p. 47
, S
Philip Sydney, in his defence of
poesie saith thus of the battle of Chevy-Chase. Certainly I must confess my owne barbarousness, I never
heard the old song of Percy & Douglas, that I found not mine heart moved more than with a trumpet,
& yet it is sung but by some blind crowder, with no rougher voice then rude style, which being so evill
apparelld in the dust & cobweb of that uncivil age, what would it work trimmed in the gorgeous eloquence
of Pindar?.
Wood 401(24). Wing M1677C (two) (Wing, does not record 2 variant issues at O).
407. Chichester. A most sweet song of an English merchant born in Chichester. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, and W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 107-8 in this vol.
AW added after a rich merchant man in line 1, there was.
Wood 401(55). Wing M2923C (two).
408. Chips. Chipps of the old block; or, Hercules cleansing the Augaean stable. The Hague: f. S. Browne,
1659[60]. S.sh.
AW wrote, January:;
, Jan. 59[60], and 36 replaced a former no. 20 in pencil.
Wood 416(36). Wing C3898.
409. Christian, and Tartar. Christians and a monster Tartar. Part 2, only, 1st line, The Turks and
eke the Tartars,. London: T. Mabb, for Charls Tyus on London Bridge, and Joshua Conyers in the Long-
Walke, n.d. S.sh. Obs. 2nd pt. only. F. 202 in this vol. (wanting f. 201).
On surviving portion, Deest [f.] 201 W[illiam] K[irtland] 1832.
Wood 401(102) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
410. Clippers. The clippers execution: or, treason justly rewarded [13 April 1678]. [London]: f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1678]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(105). Wing C4716 (rare).
411. Cloak. The ballad of the cloak: or, the cloaks knavery. [London]: n.pub., [1681-2]. S.sh. Revised.
AW wrote, in ink, over an earlier pencil note, June an. 1679.
Wood 417(4) ( [1660?] in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B604.
412. Cock-crowing. The cock-crowing at the approach of a free-parliament. Or good newes in a ballat.
[London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, eb. 1659[60];
, Feb. 59, and 49 replaced a former no. 31 in pencil.
Wood 416(49). Wing C4795 (rare).
413. College, Stephen. A ra-ree show. London: f. B. T. (or, f. A. B.), 1681. S.sh. (r-v).
Missing in 1922. See note at Wood 417(1), item 781. Aaron Smith claimed to have written this ballad, see
Wood 421(4), p. 31 (item 5940).
Wood 417(45). Wing C5226A. O, Hunt, Harv.
42 The Library of Anthony Wood
414. Comber. The combers whistle or, the sport of the spring. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright,
a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(133). Wing C5498.
415. Compleat. The compleat swearing-master: a rare new Salamanca ballad. London: f. A. Banks, 1682.
Wood 276a(545). Wing C5659.
416. Conceited Lover. The conceited lover, or the enamoured young man. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1690?].
S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(46). Wing C5695 (rare).
417. Congratulation. A congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot. [London]:
n.pub., [1682]. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Wood 417(91).
Wood 417(121). Wing C5815A.
418. Congratulation. A congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot. London: N.
Thompson, 1682. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Wood 417(121).
Wood 417(91). Wing C5815 (rare).
419. Conspiracy. The conspiracy: or, the discovery of the fanatick plot. [London]: n.pub., 1683. S.sh.
Wood 276a(546). Wing C5934 (3).
420. Coridon. Faithful Coridon; or, coy Phillis conquerd. [London]: J. Deacon, [1675]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, (1684), in pencil.
Wood 417(135). Wing F268B (rare).
421. Country Cousin. The countrey cozen, or: the crafty city dame. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1685?].
S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(151). Wing C6527 (two) (Wing, country).
422. Country Maid. The country-maids delight; or; the husbandmans honour made known. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(18). Wing C6543 (rare) (Wing, or the).
423. Crafty Maid. The crafty maids approbation, wherein she showes either black or brown. [London]:
f. J. Williamson, [1675 ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(70). Wing C6778A (rare).
424. Crafty Young Man. The crafty young-man. He kist a girle, but toucht not her maiden-head. London:
f. J. Clarke, [1680 ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(41). Wing C6781 (rare).
425. Crosse, Robert. Two gospel knights / Both learned wights. ?: ?, [1667 ca.]. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 63, among Mr. Foulis papers a Ballad of Jos. Glanvill & Rob. Cross. AW
quoted 6 lines in AO 4.124. May be a ms.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 63. Not identied.
426. Cuckolds Dream. The cuckolds dream. Or, the comical vision. London: f. F. Cole, T. Vere, J.
Wright, a. J. Clark, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(82). Wing C7454 (rare).
427. Cunningham, Jasper*. A wonderfull example of Gods justice shewed upon Jasper Conningham, a
gentleman born in Scotland. [London]: f. F. Cole, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1655-8]. S.sh. Obl.
2 pts. Pp. 55-6 in this vol.
Another Copy 401.97, in a later hand. Dupl. at 401(50).
Wood 402(16). Wing W3365B (rare, 2 at O).
428. Cunningham, Jasper*. A wonderfull example of Gods justice shewed upon Jasper Conningham, a
gentleman born in Scotland. [London]: f. F. Cole, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1655-8]. S.sh. Obl.
2pts. Ff. 97-8 in this vol.
Another Copy 402.55, in a later hand. Dupl. at Wood 402(16).
Wood 401(50). Wing W3365B (rare, 2 at O).
The Library of Anthony Wood 43
429. Cupid. Cupids golden dart, or, a dainty sonnet here is to be sold. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J.
Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(121). Wing C7603.
430. Cupid. Cupids victory over the virgins heart or, love in its colours. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1685-88].
AW wrote the year, 87.
Wood 417(152). Wing C7615 (Wing, hearts).
431. Cynthia, pseud. Fair Cynthias sorrowful sighs. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, Januar, and 1688[9].
Wood 417(174). Wing F95 (rare) (Wing, no publ).
432. D., N. An antidote against melancholy: made up in pills. Compounded of witty ballads, jovial songs,
and merry catches. [London]: printed by Mer. Melancholicus, sold in London a. Westminster, 1661. 4
Pp. [4], 76.
Tp, bsm. Pp. 11, 52, 59, three notes by a later writer, e.g. Ms. Ashm 36, act. 196.
Wood 382(3). Wing D66A.
433. Dainty New Ditty. A dainty new ditty of a saylor and his love, how one the others constancy did
prove. London: f. J. Wright, [1690?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(8). Wing D122 (rare).
434. Damon and Celia. Damon and Celia, or, the languishing lover comforted. [London]: f. J. H., sold
F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-79]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(152). Wing D158B (rare).
435. Dead Mans Song. The dead mans song, whose dwelling was neer Basing-hall in London. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 83-4 in this vol.
Earlier f. nos., cropped.
Wood 401(43). Wing D488B (two) (Wing, mans).
436. [Dean, John]. The wine-coopers delight. London: f. H. L., 1681. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Rox. 3 (244-245) (formerly in the AW collection). Dupl. at Wood 417(61).
Wood 276a(533) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D496.
437. [Dean, John]. The wine-coopers delight. London: f. H. L., 1681. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Rox. 3 (244-245) (formerly in the AW collection). Dupl. at Wood 276a(533).
Wood 417(61) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D496.
438. [Dean, John]. The Dutch-miller, and new invented wind-miller, or, an exact description of a rare
artist newly come into England. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(53) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D492aA (rare).
439. [Deloney, Thomas]. A mournful ditty of the lady Rosamond, king Henry the seconds concubine.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 7-8 in this vol.
LT 1.343.
Wood 401(4). Wing M2986 (rare).
440. [Deloney, Thomas]. A new ballad shewing how a prince of England loved the kings daughter of
France, and how the prince was disastrously slain. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658
to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 26-7 in this vol.
Di. ed. at Wood 401(61), item 443; and Wood 276b(102), item 644.
Wood 402(7). Wing N572 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
441. [Deloney, Thomas]. The Spanish ladies love, to a pleasant new tune. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
and W.ilbertson [Gilbertson], [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(11). Wing D967A (two).
442. [Deloney, Thomas]. The most rare and excellent history, of the duchesse of Suolks calamity.
[London]: f. F. C., J. W., T. V., W. G., [1663 to 1665]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 57-8 in this vol.
F. 57
, AW wrote, The Duchess of Suolk mentind [sic] in the following Ballad, was Catherine the sole
daugh. & heire to William the last Lord Willoughby of Eresby, who was the fourth wife of Charles Brandon
44 The Library of Anthony Wood
Duke of Suolke which Charles dying without issue by her, shee was married to Rich Bertie Esq. father
to Peregrine Bertie Lord Willoughby, ancestor to the Earls of Lindsey & Abendon [Abingdon].
Wood 401(29). Wing D958A (rare).
443. [Deloney, Thomas]. A new ballad, shewing how a prince of England loved the kings daughter of
France. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff.119-120 in this vol.
Another copy 402.26 in a later hand. Di. ed. at Wood 402(7), item 440; and at item 644.
Wood 401(61). Wing N572A (rare).
444. Devereux. Robert*. Essex, earl of. A lamentable ditty, composed upon the death of Robert lord
Devereux. London: for W. Gllberson, [1649-64?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 75-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(39). Not in Wing (should be at L268A). ESTCR 234890.
445. Diseased Maiden Lover. The diseased maiden lover. [And] The faithless lover. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1655-80]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(122). Wing D1668.
446. [Dobson, John]. Dr. Pierce his preaching confuted by his practice. Sent in a letter by N. G. to a
friend in London. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. 4
. Pp. 4.
P. 2, AWs note at Joseph Brookes, a most couragious and comical, Terrae lius: but his speech was not
of his owne making, it was composed by a club of pretended wits.; p. 4, identication of R. Busby, in his
later hand, master of Westmister [sic] Schoole. and, at end, in his early hand, Came out at Oxon Aug:
28. 1663: the Authour of it Joh: Dobson A: m. & fellow of Magdalen Coll: was expelled the University by
the Vice Cancellors Bannimus x Sept: followyng: & Edm: Thorne also Bookseller, discommuned for ever
for selling the said pamphlet. See Wood 423(40), item 5250; AO 4.2, 3, 304; LT 1.473, 487-9; 2.563. Dupl.
at Wood 515(28b) and Wood 633(7).
Wood 515(27). Wing D1753. Madan 2624.
447. [Dobson, John]. Dr. Pierce his preaching confuted by his practice. Sent in a letter by N. G. to a
friend in London. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. 4
. Pp. 4.
Inserted after p. [4] and before p. 1 in Wood 515(28a), item 3123. P. 1, note by a recent librarian, Inserted
28* [/] For (28) see 2 leaves further on. Dupl. at Wood 515(27) and Wood 633(7).
Wood 515(28b). Wing D1753. Madan 2624.
448. [Dobson, John]. Dr. Pierce his preaching confuted by his practice, sent in a letter by N. G. to a
friend in London. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. 4
(wanting pp. 3-4). Pp. 2.
Dupl. at Wood 515(27) and Wood 515(28b).
Wood 633(7). Madan 2624. Wing D1753.
449. Doctor. The doctors medicines and counsel which he gave to a maiden, or, a cloak for a gross widdow.
[London]: f. J. Clark, [1680]. S.sh. Obl.
, notes on repair slip 16 and one quarter [/] 13 and a half, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(43). Wing D1769 (rare).
450. Dolly and Molly. Dolly and Molly: or, the two countrey damosels fortunes at London. [London]:
f. P. B. a. E. O., [1690-5]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(140) ([MS.] Wood E. 29(140) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D1840A (rare, 2 at O) (Wing,
451. [Duett, Thomas]. Amintors lamentation for Celias unkindness. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1676].
S.sh. Obl. Pasteboard, with more recent cloth spine; recently repaired.
The 153 ballads in this volume date from 1641-1695. They are black letter (some have the refrain in Roman)
and printed oblong on single sheets (chain lines are horizontal; the folio sheets are smaller than those in
Wood 401-402). Most are extremely rare; 7 are not recorded in Wing; 6 of these are not recorded in the
ESTCR; 103 others survive only in the Bodleian Library, according to Wing and the ESTCR; 23 survive
in 2 locations; and 5 in 3 locations. Many are repaired, and there is some cropping of printed material
(and perhaps of AWs notes), though in general their condition is good. The Arabic numbers, 1-153, on the
items in this vol. are not by AW, in contrast to other vols. of ballads (e.g. 400 (q.v.), 401, and 402). These
153 ballads were prob. delivered to the Ashm. unbound and the ballads were then bound after 1695 and
before Whitesides death in 1729. The Whiteside cat. has the entry after Wood E. 24, 25 [and Whiteside
himself added later:] Ballads. Some of the spreads for years of publication in Wing are desparate, based as
they are on the dates of activity of the printers. AW annotated, usually only with a date, only 16 ballads
in this vol. (10, 58, 60-1, 83, 94, 109-118).
The Library of Anthony Wood 45
[MS.] Wood E. 25(1). Wing D2442.
452. Dunsmore, Isabel of*. The fair maid of Dunsores [sic] lamentation. Occasioned by lord Wigmore.
[London]: f. E. Oliver, [1680 ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(71). Wing F100A (rare) (Wing, [1700?]).
453. [DUrfey, Thomas]. Pretty Kate of Edenborough. Being a new Scotch song. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1672 to 1685]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, (1682), in ink and pencil.
Wood 417(113). Wing D2763.
454. [DUrfey, Thomas]. The gowlin: or, a pleasant fancy for the spring. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(134). Wing D2730A (rare).
455. [DUrfey, Thomas]. Advice to the city, or, the Whiggs loyalty explained. London: f. C. Tebroc [i.e.,
Corbet], 1682. S.sh.
Wood 417(94). Not in Wing (Wing, A651, 1994 ed. entry cancelled; see the unnumbered entry after A651,
Engraved. The Wood item has no engraving). Not in ESTCR (not ESTCR 374 (rare) (Hunt)).
456. [DUrfey, Thomas]. Advice to the city: sung to the king at Windsor, to a theorbo. [London]: f. J.
Hindmarsh, 1682. S.sh.
Wood 276a(530). Wing D2697.
457. [DUrfey, Thomas]. Jenneys lamentation for the loss of Jocky or, a new song in the play called the
royalist. London: f. A. Banks, [1682]. S.sh.
AW wrote twice, in ink and pencil, Mar. 1681/2.
Wood 417(86). Wing J676 (rare) (Wing, 168-?).
458. [DUrfey, Thomas]. State & ambition a new song at the Dukes theatre. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1684]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, (85), in pencil.
Wood 417(147). Wing D2786A (two).
459. Dutch Fleet. The royal victory, obtained (with the providence of almighty God) against the Dutch-
eet, June the 2d. and 3d. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, R. Gilbertson, a. J. Wright, [1665]. S.sh. Obl. 2
pts. Pp. 95-6 in this vol.
Wood 402(24). Wing R2155A (two).
460. Dutch Miller. The happy return of the old Dutch miller. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
No. 90 in a former bundle. Dupl. at Wood 417(84).
Wood 276a(549). Wing H673.
461. Dutch Miller. The happy return of the old Dutch miller. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote publ. in March - 1681/2. Dupl. at Wood 276a(549).
Wood 417(84). Wing H673.
462. Dying Lovers. The dying lovers reprieve. Or, the reward of true love. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(20). Wing D2953.
463. Dying Man. The dying mans good counsel to his chidren [sic] and friends. London: f. F. Coles, T.
Veres [sic], J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(142). Wing D2955 (rare).
464. Edward 4*. A pleasant new ballad of king Edward the fourth, and a tanner of Tamworth. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Ob. 2 pts. Ff. 43-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(22). Wing P2553A (3) (Wing, between King Edward).
465. Emmerson, Christopher; George Dixon, and Richard Higgins. A warning-peice for ingroosers
of corne; being true relation how the divell met with one Goodman Inglebred of Bowton. London: f. W.
Gilbertson, [1643]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 161-2 in this vol.
Boughton, prob. not in AWs hand; and Norfolk, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(82). Wing W926 (two).
46 The Library of Anthony Wood
466. England. A description of old England: or, a true declaration of the times. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(72). Wing D1149.
467. England, Parliament. A proper new ballad on the old parliament. Or, the second part of knave out
of doores. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, octob: M DC Lix;
, Oct 59, and 16 over a former no. 6 in pencil.
Wood 416(16). Wing P3671.
468. England, Parliament. The re-resurrection of the rump: or, rebellion and tyranny revived. [London]:
n.pub., [1659]. 3rd ed. S.sh.
AW wrote, Decemb 1659;
, Dec. 59, and 19 over a former no., 7 in pencil.
Wood 416(19). Wing R1124.
469. England, Parliament. [Arsy] versy: or, the second martyrdom of the rump. [London]: n.pub., [1660].
S.sh. (mutilated at edges).
, Rump, not in AWs hand.
Wood 416(20) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A3782.
470. England, Parliament. Fortunate rising, or the rump upward. London: f. H. James, [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Jan: 1659[60];
, Jan. 59, and 35 replaced a former no. 19 in pencil.
Wood 416(35). Wing F1618 (two).
471. England, Parliament. A free-parliament-letany. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, March: 1659[60];
, Mar. 59, and 60 over a former no. 41 in pencil.
Wood 416(60). Wing F2117.
472. England, Parliament. The history of the second death of the rump. To the tune of, The parliament
sate as snugg as a cat. I. Come buy my ne dity [/] of news from the city,. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, March: 1659[60];
, Ma Feb 59, and replaced a former no. 38 with 57.
Wood 416(57). Wing H2179.
473. England, Parliament. A new-years-gift for the rump. [Oxford?]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Decemb: 1659;
, Dec. 59, and 21 replaced a former no. 8 in pencil.
Wood 416(21). Wing N809. See Madan 2511.
474. England, Parliament. The parliament-complement, or the re-admission of the secluded-members.
London: f. J. Nidale, 1660. S.sh.
AW altered 1660 to 1659: feb;
, Feb. 59, and 47 replaced a former no. 29 in pencil (this is Nidales
single publication).
Wood 416(47). Wing P500 (3).
475. England, Parliament. A proper new ballad of thf [sic] divels arse a peake, . . . or, in plain terms
of the posteriors and fag-end of a long parliament. London: f. T. James, [1660]. S.sh.
, AW replaced 22 with nu. 38, in pencil.
Wood 416(38). Wing P3670.
476. England, Parliament. The rump roughly, yet righteously handled. In a new ballad. [London]: n.pub.,
[1660]. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 59[1660], and 37 replaced a former no. 21 in pencil.
Wood 416(37). Wing R2276.
477. England, Parliament. The rump servd in with a grand sallet, or a new ballad. London: n.pub.,
1660. S.sh.
AW altered the date to 1659: eb.
, Dupl. Dupl. at Wood 416(51).
Wood 276a(526). Wing R2277.
478. England, Parliament. The rump servd in with a grand sallet. Or, a new ballad. London: n.pub.,
1660. S.sh.
AW wrote, eb 1659;
Feb. 59, and 51 replaced a former no. 33 in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 276a(526).
Wood 416(51). Wing R2277.
479. England, Parliament. The rump ululant, or penitence per force; . . . to the tune of Gerrards
mistresse. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 47
Dupl. at Wood 416(45).
Wood 276b(106). Wing R2278.
480. England, Parliament. The rump ululant, or penitence per force; . . . to the tune of Gerrards
mistresse. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1659[60]: eb:;
, Feb. 59, and 45 replaced a former no. 27 in pencil. Dupl. at 276b(106).
Wood 416(45). Wing R2278.
481. England, Parliament. The tune to the Devonshire cant: or, an answer to the parliament dissolved
at Oxford. London: f. T. Rawe, 1681. S.sh.
3 corrections, prob. not by AW. LT 2.533.
Wood 417(48). Wing T3251.
482. England, Parliament. A new touch of the times; or, the nations consent, for a free parliament.
[London]: f. C. D[ennison?], [1689?]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the date, Jan. 1688[9].
[MS.] Wood E. 25(111). Wing N786 (rare) (Wing, var., wants publ. and 1690?).
483. Englands New Bell-man. England [sic] new bell-man: ringing . . . judgements . . . prognosticated
by the great eclipse of the sun. March 29. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh.
Obl. Ff. 159-60 in this vol. (out of order).
Eclipse, not in AWs hand. Di. ed. at Wood [MS.] E. 25(128).
Wood 401(81). Wing E3001A (rare).
484. Englands New Bellman. Englands new bellman. Ringing into all peoples ears, Gods dreadful
judgement . . . prognosticated by the . . . eclipse [29 March 1652]. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J.
Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Wood 401(81).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(128). Wing E3001B (rare).
485. Englands Object. Englands object: or, . . . newes . . . for the taking . . . of . . . Hugh Peters.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1660]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 175-6 in this vol.
AW wrote the date, Septemb. 1660; Peters underscored in the t. LT 1.331.
Wood 401(89). Wing E3005 (rare) (Wing, Englands).
486. Englands Royal Conquest. Englands royall conquest. Truely manifested in a happy victory ob-
tained against the Dutch eet [25-6 July 1666]. [With,
] A pleasant new song, in praise of the leather
bottell [by John Wade]. London: R. Burton, [1666]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. The 2nd ballad on
[MS.] Wood E. 25(55). Wing E3041A (two).
487. Englands Warning Piece. Englands warning-piece; or, a caviet [sic] for wicked sinners to remember
their latter end. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1641 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(127). Wing E3071A (rare) (Wing, caviat).
488. English Laws. Ignoramus-justice: or, the English-laws turnd into a gin. London: f. A. Banks, 1682.
Wood 417(90). Wing I45.
489. Etna, Mount. Mount tnas ames. Or, the Sicilian wonder. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J.
Wright, [1669]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 199-200 in this vol.
tna, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(101). Wing M2969 (rare).
490. Excellent New Hymn. An excellent new hymne to the mobile, exhorting them to loyalty. London:
N. Thompson, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote Jan 1681[2].
Wood 417(82). Wing E3807.
491. Excellent New Song. An excellent new song of the unfortunate Whigs. [London]: f. S. Maurel,
1682. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1682 beneath the publication date which had been altered to 1688.
Wood 417(109). Wing E3831 (two).
492. Explanation. The explanation. To the tune of, Hey boys up go we. Our priests in holy pilgrimage.
48 The Library of Anthony Wood
[London?]: n.pub., [1685]. S.sh.
AW wrote, published about S. Thom. day the Apost. 1688 (21 Dec.). LT 3.293.
Wood 417(164). Wing E3886B (Wing, of Hey and up we go).
493. Famous Flower. The famous ower of serving-men; or the lady turnd serving-man. [London]: f. J.
Hose, [1680?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(75). Wing F370 (rare).
494. Fanatics Barber. The fanaticks barber or, a new cut for non-conformists. Being a true relation of
the parson that was lately gelt at Chelmsford. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh.
AW wrote, came out in the Beginning of Februar: 1662[3].;
, 1662.
Wood 416(94). Wing F401 (two) (Wing, 1655?).
495. Faustus, John*. The judgment of God shewed upon John Faustus doctor in divinity. [London]: for
F. Coles, T. Vere W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Ob. 2 pts. Ff. 53-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(27). Wing J1177A (two).
496. Fickle Northern Lass. The ckle northern lass, or, the wronged shepherds resolution. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. [J.] Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(62). Wing F846.
497. Frenchman. The French man gulld of his gold or a warning for whore-hunters. [London]: f. J. Clarke,
[1680?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(40). Wing F2187 (rare) (Wing, London).
498. Frenchmen. The Frenchmens wonder, or, the battle of the birds [26 Feb.]. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Date entered at t, 1676, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(64). Wing F2189 (rare) (Wing, London).
499. Friar. The fryer well-tted. [sic] Or, a pretty jest that once befell [sic]. [London]: [cropped at bottom],
[1660-95]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(86). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR (var. of Wing F2207A).
500. Gayton, Ed[mund]. Epulae Oxonienses. Or a jocular relation of a banquet presented to the best of
kings, . . . 1636, . . . at St. John Baptists colledge. The song. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1661?]. Fol. With musical
score. Pp. 3.
Dupl. at 416(4) and 423(17). LT 1.46, AO 3.756.
Wood 398(2). Wing G411 (rare, 3 at O). Madan 2544.
501. Gayton, Ed[mund]. Epulae Oxonienses. Or a jocular relation of a banquet presented to the best of
kings, . . . 1636, . . . at St. John Baptists colledge. The song. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1661?]. Fol. With musical
score. Pp. 3.
Note in blue crayon, by a later librarian. Dupl. at Wood 398(2), Wood 416(4). LT 1.46, AO 3.756.
Wood 423(17). Wing G411 (rare, 3 at O). Madan 2544.
502. Gayton, Ed[mund]. Epulae Oxonienses. Or a jocular relation of a banquet presented to the best of
kings, . . . 1636, . . . St. John Baptists colledge. The song. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1661?]. Fol. With musical
score. Pp. 3.
Dupl. at Wood 398(2), Wood 423(17). LT 1.46, AO 3.756.
Wood 416(4). Wing G411 (rare, 3 at O). Madan 2544.
503. [Gayton, Edmund]. A ballad on the gyants in the physick garden in Oxford, who have been breeding
feet as long as Garagantua was [sic] teeth. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1662]. S.sh. (mutilated at bottom).
AW wrote the year, 1662, and below, lines that were mutilated, written in, may not be by AW. Dupl. at
Wood 416(92). LT 2.164-5, AO 3.757-8.
Wood 423(38). Wing G406A (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2579.
504. [Gayton, Edmund]. A ballad on the gyants in the physick garden in Oxford, who have been breeding
feet as long as Garagantua was [sic] teeth. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1662]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1662;
, Dupl, in pencil, and 1662. Dupl. at Wood 423(38). LT 2.164, AO 3.757-8.
Wood 416(92). Wing G406A (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2579.
505. [Gayton, Edmund]. Upon mr Bobards yew-men of the guards to the physick garden. [Oxford]:
The Library of Anthony Wood 49
n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
AW wrote, July: 1662 and made 7 corrections; below, perhaps not by AW, By G. E. (IE) Edm. Geyton
Esq. Bedle of Arts. Oxon. Dupl. at Wood 416(93). LT 2.164-5, AO 3.757-8.
Wood 423(39). Wing G419 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2580.
506. [Gayton, Edmund]. Upon mr Bobards yew-men of the guards to the physick garden. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Edm. Gayton 1662;
, the same. Dupl. at Wood 423(39). LT 2.164, AO 3.757-8.
Wood 416(93). Wing G419 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2580.
507. General Sale. A general sale of rebellious houshold-stu. London: f. Allen Banks, 1685. S.sh.
1685 altered to 1688, and below, AW wrote, 1687.
Wood 417(154). Wing G510A (two).
508. George, Saint. A most excellent ballad of s. George for England, and the kings daughter of gypt.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 115-6 in this vol.
AW added, at f. 116, The second part. Di. ed. at Wood 402(6).
Wood 401(59). Wing M2880A (two).
509. George, Saint. Saint George, and the dragon, Anglice, Mercurius poeticus. London: f. T. Scott, sold
W. Leadsome, [1660]. S.sh.
Tp, AW wrote, Feb 1659[60]. Di. ed. at Wood 416(43).
Wood 276b(100). Wing S309B (3) (Wing, dragon.).
510. George, Saint. Saint George, and the dragon, Anglice, Mercurius Poeticus. [London]: n.pub., [1660].
AW wrote, eb: 1659[60];
, Feb. 59, and Dupl. 9, lined out. Di. ed. at 276b(100).
Wood 416(43). Wing S309A (3).
511. George, Saint. The second part of saint George for England. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, March: .1659[60].;
, Ma Feb. 59, and 54 replaced a former no. 37 in pencil.
Wood 416(54). Wing S2298 (two).
512. George, Saint. A most excellent ballad of st. George for England, and the kings daughter of Egypt.
[London]: f. J. C., W. T., a. T. Passinger [sic], [1684-86]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Pp. 22-3 in this vol.
See another Copy 401. p. 115, in a later hand. Di. ed. at Wood 401(59).
Wood 402(6). Wing M2881 (rare).
513. Gernutus a Jew*. A new song: shewing the crueltie of Gernutus a Jew, who lending to a merchant.
London: E. P[urslowe] f. J. Wright, [1640 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 101-2 in this vol.
1. Judaiii 2. Shakespeare Merch of V, in pencil, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(52). STC 11796.7 (rare) (Wing N772, [1680?], incorrect) .
514. Goddesss Glory. The goddesses glory: or, the loyal lover wounded. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1685-8?].
AW wrote (1688), in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 417(145, and 176).
Wood 417(114). Wing G922A (rare, 3 at O) (Wing, [1655]).
515. Goddesss Glory. The goddesses glory: or, the loyal lover wounded. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1685-8?].
AW wrote 1685, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 417(114, and 176).
Wood 417(145). Wing G922A (rare, 3 at O) (Wing, [1655]).
516. Goddesss Glory. The goddesses glory: or, the loyal lover wounded. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1685-8?].
AW wrote bought at Oxon. in Feb. 1688[9], in ink. Dupl. at Wood 417(114, and 145).
Wood 417(176). Wing G922A (rare, 3 at O) (Wing, [1655]).
517. Good-Fellows. The good-fellows counsel: or, the bad husbands recantation. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1680-5]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(19). Wing G1048.
518. Gray, William*. A noble dewel, or, an unmatchable combate betwixt sir William [Grey] and the earl
of Southast. London: f. J. Andrews, [1660]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 99-100 in this vol. Mutilated at top.
50 The Library of Anthony Wood
Correction in t, to Earl of Southesk.
Wood 401(51). Wing N1204 (rare).
519. Great Britain. Great Bittains [sic] joy, and good news for the Netherlands. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, and J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(101) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing G1667aA (rare).
520. Great Messenger. The great messenger of mortality: or, a dialogue betwixt death and a beautiful
lady. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1690 ca.]. S.sh. And a printed list of 8 new broadsides (only 1, Wing E3800
(1684), can be identied in Wing).
Wood 417(129). Not in Wing (should be at G1711A). Not in ESTCR.
521. Green Sickness. The green sickness cured: or, how dee now: To the tune of, four-pence-half-penny-
farthing. [London]: f. R. Kell, [1685 ca.]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Bought at Oxon for a new ballet 14. Feb. 1688[9]. LT 3.299.
Wood 417(177). Not in Wing (should be at G1814C). Not in ESTCR.
522. [Greene, George a*]. The jolly pinder of Wakeeld. [London]: for F. Coles, T: Vere. a. W. Glberson
[sic], [1658-64]. S.sh. P. 42 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 401.61, in a later hand. Di. ed. at Wood 401(32).
Wood 402(12) (in Bodl. CD cat.: followed by Wing D959B, incorrect). Wing J895A (rare).
523. [Greene, George a*, and Thomas Deloney]. The jolly pinder of Wakeeld: with Robin Hood,
Scarlet and John. [Followed by] The noble acts newly found, of Arthur of the table round. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 ballads issued together (chain lines vertical).
Ff. 61-2 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 402.42, in a later hand. Di. ed. of The jolly pinder at Wood 402(12).
Wood 401(32). Wing J896A (rare) and D959B (rare).
524. Grismond, William*. The downfall of William Grismond, or, a lamentable murder by him. [Lon-
don]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 155-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(79). Wing D2094A (rare).
525. Guy of Warwick. A pleasant song of the valiant deeds of chivalry, atchieved by the noble knight sir
Guy of Warwick. London: f. J. Wright, [1640 ca.]. S.sh. obl. 2 pts. Pp. 6-7 in this vol.
Di. ed. at Wood 401(2).
Wood 402(2). STC 12542.5 (rare).
526. Guy of Warwick. A pleasant song of the valiant deeds of chivalry, atchieved by noble knight, sir
Guy of Warwick. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 3-4.
F3, AW wrote, Dupl. Di. ed. at Wood 402(2).
Wood 401(2). Wing P2560C (rare).
527. H[ammond], C[harles]. The divils cruelty to mankind. Being a true relation of . . . George Gibbs.
Lonpuo [sic]: f. W. Gilbertson, [1663]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 195-6 in this vol.
AW made a correction in t and below, wrote Mense Mar: 1662[3]. in the beg: of the said mounth. [sic].
LT 2.11.
Wood 401(99). Wing H491C (rare).
528. Harris, Benjamin*. The protestant cuckold: a new ballad. . . . how B. H. the protestant-newsforger,
caught his beloved wife Ruth in ill circumstances. London: f. F. Smith, 1681. S.sh.
AW wrote Ben. Harris, twice, at the initials of B. H.: and below, In the beginning of Apr. 1681.
Wood 417(58). Wing P3829.
529. Harrison, William*. Truth brought to light. Or, wonderful . . . news from Gloucester shire, con-
cerning one mr. William Harrison. London: f. C. Tyus, [1662]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 191-2 in this vol.
AW wrote A:D: 1662.
Wood 401(97). Wing T3153A (rare).
530. Have You Any Work. Have you any work for a cooper? Or, a comparison betwixt a coopers, and
a joyners trade. London: f. R. H., 1681. S.sh. (r-v).
The next item, Wood 276a(555), recorded in the 1717 list (see note at item 5241), was moved to Wood
417(184) (item 664) where the Ashm. Roman numeral CCCCCLV is still visible.
Wood 276a(553-4). Wing H1161.
The Library of Anthony Wood 51
531. Hen Peckt Frigate. A general summons for those belonging to the hen-peckt-frigat [18 Oct.]. [Lon-
don]: f. J. Deacon, [1679]. S.sh.
Below, AW wrote, 78-79, in pencil; and
, Hen peckt . . . . Dupl. or similar ed. at Wood 61(5), missing.
Wood 417(12). Wing G511 (Wing, peckt frigat and 1688-95).
532. Hen Peckt Frigate. A general summons for those belonging to the hen-peckt frigate, to appear at
Cuckolds-Point [18 Oct.]. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1688-95]. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. The Hen Peckt Frigat Lond in Whiteside cat. Dupl. or di ed. at Wood 417(12) (dated
by AW, 1678-9).
Wood 61(5). Wing G511 (3). O, BL, HH (Crawford, Rylands).
533. Hertfordshire. The Hartford-shires murder. Or, bloody news from St. Albans. [London]: f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(103). Wing H1602D (rare) (Wing, Hertford-shires).
534. Hewson, John*. A hymne to the gentle-craft, or Hewsons lamentation. London: f. C. Gustavus,
[1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Januar: 1659[60]:;
, Jan. 59, and 29 over a former no. 13 in pencil.
Wood 416(29). Wing H3884A. Wing [1661].
535. Higgs, Mary*. A looking-glass for wanton women by the example . . . of Mary Higgs, . . . executed
. . . for committing the odious sin of buggery, with her dog [18 July 1677]. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1677
ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(145). Wing L3035 (rare) (Wing, London, [1680?]).
536. [Hill, Thomas]. The dolefull dance and song of death; intituled, dance after my pipe. To a pleasant
new tune. [London]: f. F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1655-8]. S.sh. F. 60 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 402.48 (twice). Di. ed. at Wood 402(14).
, AW wrote, This solemn Assise men-
tioned in the foregoing paper was kept in the court-house in the castle-yard at Oxon 4. Jul. 1577. The
judges who were infected & dyed with the Dampe, were S
. Rob. Bell Baron of the Exchecquer & S
Barham Serjeant at Law. see Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lb. 1. sub an. 1577. AW quotes from this ballad
in his discussion of the event in his Hist. & Antiq. 2.188-9 and LT 2.104.
Wood 401(31). Wing H2013A (rare).
537. [Hill, Thomas]. The dolefull dance and song of death; intituled, dance after my pipe. To a pleasant
new tune. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. P. 48 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 401.60. Di. ed. at Wood 401(31).
Wood 402(14). Wing H2013B (rare).
538. Honour of an Apprentice. The honour of an apprentice of London. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 63-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(33). Wing H2593A (rare).
539. Hood, Robin. Robin Hood his rescuing Will Stutly from the sheri and his men. London: for F.
Grove, on Snow-hill., [1640 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 35-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(18). Not in Wing (should be at R1631B). ESTCR 234834.
540. Hood, Robin. A new song to drive away cold winter, between Robin Hood and the jovial tinker.
London: f. F. Grove, [1641 to 1660]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 17-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(9). Wing N773A.
541. Hood, Robin. The noble sher-man: or, Robin Hoods preferment. London: f. F. Coles, [1650?]. S.sh.
Obl. 2 pts. Pp. 18-19 in this vol.
P. 17, AW wrote Dupl. Di. ed. at Wood 401(13).
Wood 402(5). Wing N1205A (rare).
542. Hood, Robin. Robin Hood and the bishop. Shewing. How Robin Hood went to an old womans house.
London: f. F. Grove, [1650?]. S.sh. Obl. 2pts. Ff. 11-12 in this vol.
Wood 401(6). Wing R1628 (rare).
543. Hood, Robin. Robin Hoods delight. Or, a merry combat. London: f. J. Andrews, [1655?]. S.sh. Obl.
2 pts. Ff. 41-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(21). Wing R1635A (rare) (Wing, Hoods; [London]).
52 The Library of Anthony Wood
544. Hood, Robin. Renowned Robin Hood: or, his famous archery truly related. London: f. F. Grove,
[1656?]. S.sh. obl. 2 pts. Pp. 10-11 in this vol.
Wood 402(3). Wing R1039C (3).
545. Hood, Robin. Robin Hoods progresse to Nottingham, where hee met with fteene forresters. London:
f. F. Grove, [1656]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Pp. 14-5 in this vol.
Di. ed. at Wood 401(19).
Wood 402(4). Wing R1641A (rare) (Wing, Hoods).
546. Hood, Robin. Little John and the four beggers, a new merry song of Robin Hood. [London]: f. W.
Gilber[t]son, [1657]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 33-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(17). Wing L2551A (rare) (Wing, 1657).
547. Hood, Robin. Robin Hood and the tanner; or, Robin Hood met with his match. [London]: f. W.
Gilbertson, [1657]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 9-10 in this vol. Conjoint with blank forms of the Excise Oce printed
on the both sides of the verso, i.e., of f. 9
and f. 10
. There are 2 forms on each verso side, 4 in all.
To have a space to annotate, AW pasted a blank sheet over the printed document, Excise Oce, London
} REceived the day and year above written, from [blank] Sub-Commissioners for Excise in the County of
[blank] the sum of [blank], on the
of f. 9 of this ballad. The blank was unpasted in 1881. On the blank AW
wrote 17 lines on Robin Hood: There be some that prate [/] Of Robin Hood & of his bow . . . Which never
shot therin I trow. [/] Robin Hood had his chief abode in Nottinghamshire in the time of K. Rich. I. who
began to raigne in the yeare 1189. [/] Joh. Major a Scotch historian [Historia, (Paris, 1521)], who lived in
the time of K. Hen. 8. saith of him that he was indeed an arch-robberbut the gentellest thief that ever was
[/] Mich. Drayton the poet in his Poly-Albion in the 26. song, saith of him thus [/] From wealthy Abbots
chests & churles abundant store, [/] What often times he took, he shard amongst the poore. [/] No Lordly
Bishop came in lusty Robins way, [/] To him before he went, but for his pass must pay. [/] The widow in
distress he gratiously releivd [/] And remedied the wrongs of many a virgin greivd .
Wood 401(5). Wing R1630D (two).
548. Hood, Robin. The famous battle between Robin Hood and the curtall fryer. [London]: Printed for
F. Coles, T. Vere. W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 15-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(8). Not in Wing (should be F363A or R1629B). ESTCR 235008.
549. Hood, Robin. The noble sher-man. Or, Robin Hoods preferment. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a.
W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 25-6 in this vol.
Di. ed. at Wood 402(5).
Wood 401(13). Wing N1205B (rare).
550. Hood, Robin. Renowned Robin Hood: or, his famous archery truely related. London: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 31-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(16). Wing R1039D (two).
551. Hood, Robin. Robin Hoods progresse to Nottingham, where hee met with fteen forresters. London:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 37-8 in this vol.
Di. ed. at Wood 402(4).
Wood 401(19). Wing R1642 (two).
552. Hood, Robin. Robin Hood and the shepheard: shewing, how Robin Hood, Little John. London: f. J.
Andrews, [1685]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 13-14 in this vol.
Wood 401(7). Wing R1630B (rare).
553. Hood, Robin, and O. G. Robin Hood newly revivd. [Conjoint with (on
)] Englands joyfull holiday,
or St. Georges-day . . . by me O. G. (London): f. R. Burton (in Smitheld), [1661]. S.sh (r-v). Obl. Both,
2pts. Ff. 27-8 in this vol.
This page and fol. 28b were covered with thick paper till 1881. Apparently AW covered the leaf or had it
done by his binder. A small part of the thick paper remains. See note at Wood 401(1), item 752.
Wood 401(14). Wing R1633 (two) (Wing, [1673?]) and G49 (rare, [1661]).
554. Houlbrook, William. Marleborough, of. The loyal black-smith and no Jesuite; being a true relation
how I . . . was betrayd. London: f. the author, 1677. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [6], 72.
Wood 704(6). Wing H2940.
555. Hue and Song. The hue-and-song after patience [sir P. Ward]. [London]: n.pub., 1683, Printed in
the year of the Saints Tribulation. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 53
Wood 276a(556) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing H3297.
556. Hunting. The hunting of the hare; with her last will and testament. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a.
J. Wright, [1675]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 79-80 in this vol.
In 1949 W. O. Hassall noted the omission of pp. 82-89 in the sequence of nos. Two, and possibly four,
ballads were removed. See note at Wood 402(1), item 786.
Wood 402(22) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing H3770A (rare).
557. Hutton, Luke. Luke Huttons lamentation, which he wrote the day before his death. London: f. F. C.,
J. W., T. V., W. G., [1655-8]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 85-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(44). Wing H3840A (rare).
558. Ignoramus. Ignoramus: an excellent new song. London: f. A. Banks, 1681. S.sh.
AW wrote Dec.
Wood 417(80). Wing I42A.
559. Irish Lasses Letter, pseud. Irish lasses letter: or, her earnest request to Teague. [London]: f. P.
Brooksby, [1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Decemb. 1688. 2
Wood 417(166). Wing I1039 (rare) (Wing, no publ).
560. Isabella, Lady*. The lady Isabellas tragedy, or, the step mothers cruelty. [London]: f. E. A[ndrews],
sold F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1664?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(54). Not in Wing. ESTCR 235050.
561. J., T. The merry mans resolution or, a London frollick. London: f. R. Burton, [1655]. S.sh. Obl. 2
[MS.] Wood E. 25(38). Wing J40B (rare) (Wing, [London]).
562. Jack Presbyter, pseud. Manuscript. Jack Presbiter, & a sonn of the pope [/] Had of late, a dispute
of aright to the rope [and
] The duke of Monmouths letter to the king [1st line:] Disgracd undon; forlorne,
made fortuns sporte [/] Bannishd the kingdome rst & then y
court. N.p.: n.pub., [1690?]. S.sh. (r-v) (14
stanzas; and 27 lines).
Not in AWs hand. The rst t is possibly related to the printed Wing J61 (s.sh., at BL, unique).
Wood 417(24).
563. James 2*. The Brimigham ballad on their royal highnesses [duke and duchess of York] return from
Scotland [27 May]. London: f. N. Thompson, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote May, and, at Hall, { Hallifax.
Wood 417(87). Wing B4694.
564. James 2*. Englands royal renown, in the coronation of . . . king James the 2d. and . . . queen Mary,
. . . the twenty third of April. [London]: f. J. Deacon, 1685. S.sh.
Wood 417(143). Wing E3042 (two) (Wing, [1685]).
565. James 2*. Englands joyful welcome to the king, upon his return to White-hall, . . . Or, the loyal
subjects delight [16 Dec.1688]. [London]: f. C. Dennisson, [1688]. S.sh. Obl.
James 2 ed shortly after this ballad was published by Dennison.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(107). Wing E2990A (two).
566. Jereys, George Jerey*. The lord chancellors villanies discovered. London: n.pub., 1689. S.sh.
AW wrote the name of the lord chancellor, S
Georg Jeryes, Feb. 1688[9], and identied P as Pen.
Wood 417(179). Wing L3043.
567. Jemmy. Old Jemmy: an excellent new ballad. London: N. Thompson, 1681. S.sh.
No. in a former bundle, 77 over 78. Dupl. at Wood 417(57).
Wood 276a(557). Wing O204.
568. Jemmy. Old Jemmy: an excellent new ballad. London: N. Thompson, 1681. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(557).
Wood 417(57). Wing O204.
569. Jerman of Clifton*. A godly warning for all maidens by the example of Gods judgements shewed
upon one Jermans wife of Clifton. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1670?]. S.sh. Obl. Ff.
105-6 in this vol.
54 The Library of Anthony Wood
Clifton, Notts, in ink, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(54). Wing G938A (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, used the imperf. Douce copy).
570. Jesuits. The Jesuits exaltation, or, a preparation for a turn at Tyburn. [London]: f. J. Back, 1688.
AW wrote the date, January 1688/9.
Wood 417(173). Wing J714 (rare) (Wing, no pub).
571. Jew, Saint Pauls Cathedral. The Jewes high commondation [sic] of the metrapolitant [sic] cathe-
drall church of St. Paul. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1680]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 125-6 in this
Dupl. at Wood 401(56), item 661, where it is conjoint with The Norfolk gentleman.
Wood 401(64). Wing J741 (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, commendation).
572. Jew, Wandering. The wandring Jew; or, the shoomaker of Jerusam [sic]. [London]: f. E. Wright,
[1640, post]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 123-4 in this vol.
Below publ., AW wrote An. 1620.
Wood 401(63). Wing W696C (rare) (see STC 25015).
573. Job. A job for a joyner or a good workman well imployd. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright,
[1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(34). Wing J754 (rare) (Wing, London).
574. John and Betty. The happy greeting of John and Betty, or, nothing better then true love. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(138) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing H668A (rare).
575. John and Betty. The merry discourse between two lovers: or the joyful meeting betwixt John and
Betty. [London]: f. J. Clark, [1680 to 1689]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(77). Wing M1859 (rare) (Wing, London).
576. John and his Mistress. An amorous dialogue between John and his mistris. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1672 to 1695]. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. John & his Mistriss in Whiteside cat. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(26). BL copy is
cropped on all sides.
Wood 66(8). Wing A3020. O, BL.
577. John and his Mistress. An amorous dialogue between John and his mistris. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1672 to 1695]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Dupl. at Wood 66(8) (missing).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(26). Wing A3020.
578. Johnny and Jenny. The new corant. Or the merry wooing of Jonney and Jenny. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clark, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(14). Wing N601 (rare) (Wing, London).
579. Jones, Henry. The royal patient traveller. Or, the wonderful escapes of . . . king Charles. [London]:
f. the authour, [1660]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 171-2 in this vol.
AW wrote the date, 1660, and Made by Hen. Jones an old Ballad-singer of Oxon (LT 1.352).
Wood 401(87). Wing J945 (two).
580. J[ordan], T[homas]. An honest mans delight: or knavery made known. London: f. R. Burton, [1641
to 1674]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(50). Wing J37A (rare) (Wing, under J., T.).
581. Jovial Tinker. The jovial tinker; or, the willing couple. London: f. E. Andrews, [168-?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(45). Wing J1118 (rare).
582. K., W. Newes from Hereford. Or, a wonderful and terrible earthquake. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
a. W. Gilbertson, [1661]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 179-80 in this vol.
At publisher, AW wrote 1661. Above, classications, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(91). Wing K26A (rare).
583. Lambert, John*. The gang or the nine worthies and champions, Lambert, &c. London: f. C. Gus-
tavus, [1660]. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 55
AW wrote, Januar: 1659[60];
, Jan. 59, and 34 replaced a former no. 18 in pencil.
Wood 416(34). Wing G198 (3).
584. Lambert, John*. Roome for cuckolds: or my lord Lamberts entrance into Sodome and Gomorrah.
London: f. L. M., [1660]. S.sh.
, 27 over a former no. in pencil.
Wood 416(27). Wing R1924 (3).
585. Lambeth. Five merry wives of Lambeth or, the carpenter cornuted. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1680?].
S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(95). Wing F1113 (rare) (Wing, var., London and wants pub.).
586. Lamentable Ballad. A lamentable ballad of the tragical end of a gallant lord, . . . performed by
a heathenish blackamore. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff.
113-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(58). Wing L262A (one). Glasgow Univ. (O not recorded in Wing).
587. Lamentable List. A lamentable list, of certaine hidious, frightfull, and prodigious signes. London:
[J. Okes?] f. T. Lambert, [1638]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Pp. 67-8 in this vol.
P. 69, scribbles, pasted over with blank leaf.
Wood 402(19). STC 15706.5 (rare).
588. Lancashire Gentleman. An excellent ballad intituled, the unfortunate love of a Lancashire gen-
tleman, and the hard fortune of a faire young bride. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson,
[1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(32). Wing E3784A (two) (Wing, [London]).
589. L[anere], T[homas]. The wonder of wonders, or, the strange birth in Hampshire. [London]: f. J.
Hose, a. E. Oliver, [1675?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(104). Wing L362B (rare).
590. Law Lies. Law lies a bleeding. London: n.pub., 1659. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 167-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(85). Wing L633 (rare).
591. Leeds. Inhumane, & cruel bloody news from Leeds in York-shire. Being a true relation of a young
man which intict an other mans wife. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh.
Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(102). Wing I188B (rare) (Wing, Inhuman).
592. Leicestershire Frolic. A Leicester-shire frolick; or, the valiant cook-maid. [London]: f. R. Burton,
[1641-74]. S.sh. Obl. (cropped at top).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(28). Wing L971A (rare).
593. Litany from Geneva. A litany from Geneva, in answer to that from St. Omers. London: f. the use
of all true blue Brimighams, 1682. S.sh. obl.
AW wrote the month, May.
Wood 417(89). Wing L2535.
594. [Llewellyn, Martin]. Wickham wakened, or, the Quakers madrigall in rime dogrell. [Oxford]: [W.
Hall], 1672. 4
. Pp. [2], 8.
Flyleaf, upper
, scribble, Elizabeth, not by AW. Tp, Ridicula, by AW, in pencil. P. 8, AW wrote, written
by Martin Lluellin. Med. D
maior of Great *Wycomb [in margin, *com. Bucks.] or Wickham, Feb. 1671.
against a phisitian there that is a Quaker, & takes much from Lluellins practice. [/] I have heard since that
he was not the Author. AO 4.44.
Wood 645(21). Wing L2629. Madan 2952.
595. Londons Lamentation. Londons lamentation: or, an excellent new song on the loss of Londons
charter. [London]: N. T., [1683]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(544). Wing L2935.
596. Looking-Glass. A looking-glass for drunkards: or the good-fellows folly. London: f. R. Burton, [1641-
74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(52). Wing L3016C (rare).
597. Looking-Glass for Traitors. A looking-glass for traytors, or, high treason rewarded. . . . the exam-
56 The Library of Anthony Wood
ination of . . . Edward Coleman. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1678]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(33). Wing L3034A (rare).
598. Lorn, Lord of. A pretty ballad of the lord of Lorn. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson,
[1658-64]. S.sh. Ob. 2 pts. Ff. 95-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(49). Wing P3320B (rare).
599. Lovers Mad Fits. The lovers mad ts and fancies. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson, a.
J. Wright, [1663-5]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(39). Wing L3254E (rare) (Wing, lovers).
600. Lovers Pastime. The lovers pastime, or an amorous encounter. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1680?].
[MS.] Wood E. 25(90). Wing L3256 (rare) (Wing, London).
601. Loves Downfall. Loves downfall. Being a sad and true relation of a young lady. London: f. W.
Thackeray, T. Passenger, a. W. Whitwood, [1678]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
AW wrote the year, (1678).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(61). Wing L3264cA (rare) (Wing, [London] and Passinger).
602. Loves Fancy. Loves fancy, or, the young-mans dream. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright,
[1675?]. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(88). Wing L3266 (rare).
603. Loves Master Piece. Loves master-piece: or, the coy lady over-come at last. [London]: f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(87). Wing L3271 (rare) (Wing, London).
604. Loves Mistress. Loves mistress: or, natures rarity. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J.
Clarke, [1675]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(79). Wing L3272 (rare) (Wing, London).
605. Loves Wound. Loves wound, and loves cure. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663 to
1674]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(137). Wing L3291 (rare, 3 at O) (Wing, London).
606. Love-Sick Shepherd. The love-sick shepheard, or, the dying lovers reprieve. [London]: f. R. Burton,
[1641-74]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(74).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(12). Wing L3219 (rare, 3 at O).
607. Love-Sick Shepherd. The love-sick shepheard, or, the dying lovers reprieve. [London]: f. R. Burton,
[1641-74]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(12).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(74). Wing L3219 (rare, 3 at O).
608. Loyal Health. The loyal health. A court song. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 417(79) and Wood 417(111).
Wood 276a(559). Wing L3347.
609. Loyal Health. The loyal health. A court song. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(559) and Wood 417(79).
Wood 417(111). Wing L3347.
610. Loyal Health. The loyal health. A court song. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, published in Decemb. 1681. Dupl. at Wood 276a(559) and Wood 417(111).
Wood 417(79). Wing L3347.
611. Loyal Litany. The loyal letany. [London]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote, at beginning and at end, Ap. 1681.
Wood 417(50). Wing L3348.
612. Loyal Protestants. The loyal protestants new litany. London: f. T. Davis, 1680. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1680.
Wood 417(36). Wing L3359.
The Library of Anthony Wood 57
613. Loyal Sheris of London. The loyal sherifs of London and Middlesex. Upon their election. London:
f. M. Thompson, 1682. S.sh.
Wood 417(110). Wing L3368.
614. Loyal Subject. The loyal subjects littany. London: n.pub., 1680. S.sh.
Wood 417(34) (349 in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L3373.
615. Loyal Subject. The second part of the loyal subjects litany. London: f. B. Tooke, 1680. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1680.
Wood 417(35). Wing S2309.
616. M., J. Murther unparaleld:. . . of Thomas Thin, . . . on Sunday the 12th. of February 1682. London:
for the author, J. M., 1682. S.sh.
LT 3.4.
Wood 276a(543). Wing M41 (two).
617. Mad-mens Hospital. The mad-mens hospital: or, a present remedy to cure the Presbyterian itch.
A poem. London: N. T., 1681. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote below, Sept.
Wood 417(64). Wing M241.
618. Maidens Lamentation. The maidens lamentation. Or, an answer to the seamen and souldiers.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1680?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(139). Wing M270 (rare) (Wing, no publ.).
619. Maids Complaint. The maids complaint against the batchelors. Or, the young mens unkindness
made known. [London]: f. J. Coniers, [sic] at the Raven in Duck-Lane, [1675 ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(9). Not in Wing. ESTCR 233336 (two) (lists Rawlinson and Douce copies only).
620. Man in Favour. A man in favour, or, the way to preferment. [London]: f. J. H., 1688. S.sh.
AW wrote the month, Jan.
Wood 417(171). Wing M370.
621. Manseld, Miller of. A pleasant new ballad of the miller of Manseld in Sherwood, and k. Henry
the second. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2pts. Ff. 5-6 in this vol.
Wood 401(3). Wing P2554dA (rare).
622. Married Wife. The married wives complaint of her unkind husband; or, a caution for maids to
beware how they marry. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1680?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(148). Wing M713 (rare) (Wing, London).
623. Mattley, Dorothy*. A most wonderful and sad judgement of God upon one Dorothy Mattley late
of Ashover. [London]: f. W. Gilbertson, [1662]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 177-8 in this vol.
AW wrote, In the beg. of March 1661[2].
Wood 401(90). Wing M2933 (rare). (Wing, [1661]).
624. Merchants Daughter. The merchants daughter of Bristow [sic]. [London]: n.pub., [1635 ca.]. S.sh.
Obl. Pp. 51-2 in this vol. Mutilated at top.
Maudlin added before t, in a later hand.
Wood 402(15). STC 3797.5 (rare).
625. Merlin. Merlin revivd: or, an old prophecy lately found in a manuscript in Pontefract-castle. [Lon-
don]: n.pub., [1682]. S.sh.
Tp, AW wrote the year, (1682). Listed as a ballad in Bodl. Library CD Catalogue of Ballads.
Wood 646(16) (Wood 656(16) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M1830.
626. Merry Country Maid. The merry countrey maids answer to the countrey lovers conquest. London:
f. R. Burton, [168-?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(124). Wing M1855 (two) (Wing, country maids).
627. Merry New Dialogue. A merry new dialogue, between a courteous young knight, and a gallant
milk-maid. [London]: f. W. Thackeray, [1688-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(36). Wing M1871 (rare) (Wing, Thackery and London).
628. Miles, Abraham. A sad and true relation of a great re or two. London: f. E. Andrews, [1662]. S.sh.
58 The Library of Anthony Wood
Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 189-90 in this vol.
AW wrote 1662, twice; above, Londinum, not in AWs hand, lined out.
Wood 401(96). Wing M2044 (rare).
629. Miles, Abraham. A wonder of wonders; being a true relation of the . . . invisible beating of a drum,
at the house of John Mompesson, . . . at Tidcomb. [London]: f. W. Gilbertson, [1662]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 193-4
in this vol.
AW wrote at Tidcomb, Tidworth (later corrected to Tedworth) and below, mense Februar: 1662[3].
Some notes in later hands, e.g., Tarlton the Jester is meant by this . . . wood-cut. AW cites this ballad in
Wood 467(2), item 1232. Prob. acquired 17 Feb., LT 1.468.
Wood 401(98). Wing M2045 (rare).
630. Modish London Life. The modish London life: or, the merry meeting. [London]: f. J. Conyers,
[1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Bought at Oxon for a new Ballad 14. Feb. 1688[9]. LT 3.299.
Wood 417(178). Wing M2380 (rare) (Wing, no publ).
631. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. Englands triumph. Or the rump routed by . . . generall George
Monck. London: f. J. Johnson, [1660?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, eb: 1659[60];
, Feb. 59, and 48 replaced a former no. 30 in pencil.
Wood 416(48). Wing E3064 (3).
632. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. The glory of the west or, the tenth renowned worthy, . . . gen-
eral Moncks coming towards . . . London. London: f. C. Gustavus, [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Jan: 1659[60];
, Jan. 59, and replaced a former no. 23 with 39, in pencil.
Wood 416(39). Wing G881 (3).
633. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. The noble English worthies. London: T. Milbourn, [16]59.
, AW wrote G. Monk 1659, and Decemb: 1659.
Wood 416(24). Wing N1205 (3).
634. Moorelds. News from Moreelds: or, the wanton wag: or, Jone go tot. [London]: f. J. Hose, [1690?].
S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(25). Wing N981 (rare) (Wing, London).
635. Much Ado. Much a-do, about nothing: a song made of nothing. London: f. T. Vere, [1660]. S.sh.
Obl. Ff. 169-70 in this vol.
AW wrote the date, 1660; later, round brackets added, in pencil.
Wood 401(86). Wing M3031 (rare).
636. Musgrave, Jack a*. The lamentable ditty of the little Mousgrove, and the lady Barnet. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 91-2 in this vol.
, AW wrote, Jack a Musgrave & Tho. Dacres of the north, living in an. 1543. (35. Hen. 8).
Wood 401(47). Wing L270 (rare).
637. Musgrave, John*. The lamentation of John Musgrave. Who was executed at Kendall. London: f. F.
Coles, J. W., T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson, [1660 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 89-90 in this vol.
Wood 401(46). Not in Wing (should be before M3151). ESTCR 234986.
638. My Wife. My wife will be my master. Or, the married-mans complaint against his unruly wife.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(68). Wing M3171B (rare).
639. Netherlands, News. News form [sic] the Netherlands: being a full and true relation of a . . . battel
fought betwixt the prince of Orange, and the French army [14 Aug. 1678]. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J.
Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1678-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(106) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N1009A (rare).
640. New Ballad. A new ballade, to an old tune. Tom of Bedlam. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, January: 1659[60];
, Ja. 59, and 30 over a former no. 15 in pencil.
Wood 416(31). Wing N574 (3).
641. New Ballad. A new ballad, to the tune of, Ill tell thee, Dick. [London]: n.pub., [1684]. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 59
Wood 276a(547). Wing N577.
642. New Ballad, London. A new ballad, of Londons loyalty. London: f. R. Sanders, 1681. S.sh.
Wood 417(60). Wing N566.
643. New Ballad, Protestant. A new ballad, called, the protestants prophesie. London: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1676]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the date, Jan. or Feb. 1688[9].
[MS.] Wood E. 25(117). Wing N556A (two) (Wing, called the).
644. New Ballad, Shewing. A new ballad, shewing that a prince of England loved the kings daughter of
France, and the prince was slaine, and she after married to a forrester. [London]: [f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a.
J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. (mutilated). 2 pts.
, verses, about Robin Hood, not legible, not in AWs hand. See similar ballads at Wood 401(61) and Wood
402(7), items 443, 440.
Wood 276b(102) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N572A (rare).
645. New Ballad, Trap. A new balled [sic], called, trap, or, the young lass. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
a. J. Wright, [1675]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(30). Wing N557 (rare) (Wing, ballad and London and no publ.).
646. New Ballad, Warning. A new ballad, intituled, a warning to youth, shewing he [sic] lewd life of a
merchants son of London. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff.
103-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(53). Wing N560 (two) (Wing, omits publ.; [1690?]).
647. New Courtier. The new courtier: the tune is, Cloris, since thou art ed away. London: P. L. f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(89). Wing N601B (rare).
648. New Game. A new game at cards. Or, the three nimble shuing cheaters. N.p.: n.pub, [1680 ca.].
S.sh. Obl. 12 stanzas. Ff. 147-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(75). Wing N642 (rare) (Wing, f. F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson; incorrect).
649. New Medley. The new medley: or, a song composed of the rairest tunes. London: f. F. Grove, [1652?].
S.sh. Obl. Ff. 153-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(78). Wing N668 (rare) (Wing, [1680?]).
650. New Royal March. The new royal march. [London]: f. J. Deacon a. J. Blare, [1686?]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, (1686), in pencil.
Wood 417(149). Wing N747 (rare) (Wing, no pub).
651. New Thing. A new-thing, of nothing: or, a song made of nothing. London: f. T. Vere, 1664. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1664.
Wood 416(106). Wing N785.
652. News from Hyde Park. Newes from Hide-parke. Or a very merry passage. London: E. Crowch,
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(92). Wing N971A (rare) (Wing, var., Crouch and wants F. Coles etc.).
653. News from the Coast. News from the coast of Spain; or a true relation of brisk . . . encounter,
. . . betwixt the Tyger frigot, captain Harman commander; and the Schaherleas of Holland [13 Feb.].
[London]: f. J. Clark at the Harp and Bible (? cropped at bottom), [1673-86]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(100) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR (not Wing N1005A or ESTCR
654. News from the Navy. News from the navy or a brife [sic] account of a most terrible, . . . sea ght.
[London]: f. J. Clarke, [1672]. S.sh. obl.
Wood 276a(548). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
655. News from the Stage. News from the stage: or, a very new ballad, quite new, and not old [1st line:]
Ladies who ne as pence are, [/] You men with bright rose noble hair. London: n.pub., 1668. S.sh.
, 1668, and, not in AWs hand, or M
Henry Foulis at Lincolne Colledge in Oxon. LT 2.180. Repaired
with 2 slips; on pasted down side of one, ms. notes, not by AW.
Wood 416(117). Not in Wing. (ghost, N1021, in 1948 ed. of Wing). Not in ESTCR.
60 The Library of Anthony Wood
656. Noble Gallant. The noble gallant. Or, an answer to long days of absence. [London]: f. J. Hose, [1675
ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(80). Wing N1209A (rare).
657. Noble Riddle. A noble riddle wisely expounded: or, the maids answer to the knights three questions.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(15). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR (not Wing N1215 or N1215A, di. pub., di. illus.;
not ESTCR 188690).
658. Noman, Dr., pseud. A new miracle or dr. Nomans safe return from the grand Turks court at
Constantinople. London: f. J. Dean, [1684]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1684. Dupl. at 417(136).
Wood 276b(104). Wing N673 (Wing, Normans).
659. Noman, Dr., pseud. and Langley Curtis*. A new miracle or dr. Nomans safe return from the
grand Turks court at Constantinople. [conjoint with, printed inversely on
:] Lgley Cs [Langley Curtis]
his lamentation in New gate. London: f. J. Dean, [1684]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. of the 1st ballad at Wood 276b(104).
Wood 417(136). Wing N673 (3) (Wing, Normans).
660. Norfolk Gentleman. The Norfolke gentleman his last will and testament. [London]: Printed [f. J.
Wright], [1635 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Pp. 63-4 in this vol. Mutilated at sides and bottom.
See 2
. ed. in 401.f.110, in a later hand. Di. ed. at 401(56), which is conjoint with Wing J741.
Wood 402(18). STC 18644.5 (rare).
661. Norfolk Gentleman, and Jew. The Norfolk gentleman his last will and testament. [Conjoint with
)] The Jewes high commondation [sic] of the metrapolitant [sic] cathedrall church of St. Paul. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64] and [1680]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 109-110 in this vol.
original edition is in N
. 402. f. 64, in a later hand. Di. ed. of The Norfolk Gentleman at Wood 402(18).
Dupl. of Jewes high commondation at Wood 401(64), item 571.
, former no., 109, visible above later 109
and a portion of the earlier 109 is beneath a trace of glue, which indicates that the number precedes the
protective blank sheet which was pasted over the ballad; and, uncovered 1881.
Wood 401(56). Wing N1236A (two), inner; Wing J741 [1680]) (rare, 2 at O), outer (Wing, the conjoint
ballads are entered as single publications).
662. Northampton. Strange and wonderful news from Northampton-shire, or, the discontented spirit.
[London]: f. R. Burton, sold W. Whitwood, [1675]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 203-4 in this vol.
AW wrote the year, 1674.
Wood 401(103). Wing S5867 (rare).
663. Norwich Litany. The Norwich loyal litany. London: f. A. Banks, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote May.
Wood 417(88) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N1341.
664. Oates, Titus*. Oates well thresht. Being a dialogue of country-make betwixt a farmer, and his man.
(London): (f. R. H.), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
This item was moved here from Wood 276a(555) (it still has the Ashm. no. CCCCCLV, at the top). An
Ashm. librarian entered the brief t in that vol., though not in this one, which only lists items 1-183, see
Wood 417(1), item 781.
Wood 417(184). Wing O64.
665. Oates, Titus*. Titus Tell-troth: or, the plot-founder [Titus Oates] confounded. London: f. A. Banks,
1682. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, March 1681/2.
Wood 417(85). Wing T1316.
666. Oh. Oh! How I sigh, when I think on the man, &c. Or, the amorous virgin. London: E. C. f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(31). Wing O188B (rare).
667. Okey, John*. Colonel John Okies lamentation, or a rumper cashiered. London: n.pub., 1660. S.sh.
AW wrote, March: 1659[60]:;
, Mar. 59, and 63 replaced a former no. 45 in pencil.
Wood 416(63). Wing C5409A.
The Library of Anthony Wood 61
668. Ostend. News from Ostend. Or the souldiers loving letter to his sweet-heart in London. London: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clark, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(132). Wing N987B (rare).
669. Oxford. Oxford in mourning, for the loss of the parliament. Or, Londons loud laughter. [London]:
f. J. Jordan, [1681]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(96). Wing O856.
670. P., I. A lecture for all sects and schismaticks to read. London: Printed for F. Grove no Snow-hill,
[1680?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 163-4 in this vol. (out of order).
Wood 401(83). Wing L834 (rare).
671. Pack of Hell-hounds. A pack of hell-hounds, to hunt the devill: set forth in a new ballad. [London]:
n.pub., [1659?]. S.sh.
Wood 416(22). Wing P154 (rare) (Wing, devil and c. 1685).
672. P[arker], M[artin]. The king and a poor northern-man. London: for Francis Grove on Snow-hill,
[1635 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 45-6 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 401.49, in a later hand. Di. ed. at Wood 401(25).
Wood 402(13). STC 19249.5 (rare).
673. [Parker], [Martin]. The king and a poor northern-man. London: for Grove on Snow=hill, [1635
ca.]. S.sh. No init. (M. P.). Obl. Ff. 49-50 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 402.45, in a later hand. Di. ed. at Wood 402(13), (i.e., STC 19249.5).
Wood 401(25). Not in STC (should be at 19248.5). Not in ESTCR.
674. P[arker], M[artin]. A description of a strange (and miraculous) sh, cast upon the sands . . . in
Worwell. London: f. T. Lambert, [1635?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 127-8.
Wood 401(65). STC 19226 (STC, no () in t).
675. P[arker], M[artin]. Britaines honour. In the two valiant Welchmen. London: E. G[rin], sold [T.
Lambert], [1640]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 131-2.
AW pasted blank sheets on both verso sides. While the blank sheets are missing, the verso sides of the
ballad that each had covered have the modern notes, [This page was uncovered 1881.]. The blank sheets
had covered AWs schoolboy notes: f. 131
, Anthony, twice and a few scribbles, and, perhaps in AWs very
early hand, though there seem to be 2 hands: To the tune of the nyghtinggall Come my lady away, lets
make it holliday [/] Under neth this tree where none may see [/] Come sitt thee downe sweet heart by mee
[/] and when I have gaind the fort [/] Ill show thee gallant sport [/] and soe they did agree [/] ha ha ha ha,
and, Come my lad away lets make it [/] holliday under neth this tree [/] where none may see come sett
set [sic] thee downe; and a still shorter version, to the tune of the nightinggall [/] Come my lad away lets
make it holliday under neth this (for another transcription, see J. W. Ebsworth, ed., The Bagford Ballads,
1 (Hertford: The Ballad Society, 1876): 517). F. 132
, AW wrote his name, twice: Anthony Wood, and,
prob. in his very early hand, I woult thoue god And lend me here [/] I hope thoud wout not do so my
deereest deere, and scribbles, and 3 very roughly drawn heads (see also note at Wood 401(70), item 703;
and LT 1.48, Plate 1).
Wood 401(67). STC 19223 (rare).
676. P[arker], M[artin]. An exact description of the manner how his majestie and his nobles went to the
parliament, . . . the thirteenth day of Aprill. London: sold [T. Lambert], [1640]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 139-40 in
this vol.
Wood 401(71). STC 19230 (rare).
677. P[arker], M[artin]. Good newes from the north, truly relating how about a hundred of the Scottish
rebels, . . . September, 1640. London: E. G[rin], sold [T. Lambert], 1640. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 133-4 in
this vol.
A very formal Anthony.
, scribbles by former owner and AW, pasted over by blank sheets.
Wood 401(68). STC 19238 (rare).
678. P[arker], M[artin]. A true subjects wish. For the happy successe of our royall army. London: E.
G[rin], sold [T. Lambert], [1640]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 141-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(72). STC 19274 (rare).
679. P[arker], M[artin]. The wandring Jews chronicle: or, the old historian . . . Finis. M. P. London:
f. F. Grove, [1655 to 1670]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 121-2 in this vol.
62 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 401(62). Wing P447B (rare) (see S.T.C. 19279) (Wing, chronicle;).
680. Passing Bell. [1st line, above emblem] A passing bell towling to call us to mind . . . to the tune of
triumph and joy [1st line below emblem] Hark man what I thy God shal speak. [London]: n.pub., [1625?].
S.sh. 2 pts. (mutilated, both at top and bottom).
H. E. Rollins, Pepysian Garland (1922), p. 185 (no. 2043).
Wood 276b(103) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 19460 (rare).
681. Pattern. A pattern of true love, to you I will recite, between a fair young lady, and a courteous
knight. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(35). Wing P872C (rare).
682. Pensive Maid. The pensive maid, or, the virgins lamentation for the loss of her lover. [London]:
f. P. Brooksby, [1672-80]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(3). Wing P1434.
683. Petre, Edward*. A new song of lulla by, or, father Peterss policy discovered. [London]: n.pub.,
1688. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the month, Jan.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(110) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N765B (two) (Wing, Peters).
684. Petre, Edward*. Popery routed: or, father Petress farewel to London. London: n.pub., 1689. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, Janu. 1688[9].
Wood 417(170). Wing P2925 (two) (Wing, Petres).
685. P[hillips], J[ohn]. Jockeys farewell to Jenny or the Scottish loath to depart. London: f. R. Burton,
[1670?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(91). Wing P2089 (two).
686. Pleasant Song. A pleasant song made by a souldier, whose bringing up had been dainty: and partly
by those aections of his unbridled youth. [London]: f. F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson,
[1655-8]. S.sh. F. 59 in this vol.
Wood 401(30). Wing P2559A (rare).
687. Plow-Man. The plow-mans prophesie. Or, the country-mans calculation. [London]: f.J. Hose, [1680?].
S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(81). Wing P2616 (rare) (Wing, London).
688. Poor Man. The poor man, the merchant, and the king. London: f. C. Tyus, [1660 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2
pts. Ff. 51-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(26). Wing P2864 (rare).
689. Poor Robin. Poor Robin and Betty or, sport upon sport. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1670?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(59). Wing P2874 (rare).
690. Pope. The popes great year of jubilee. Or, the Catholicks encouragement for . . . popery. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1678;
, 1678.
Wood 416(128). Wing P2932A (rare) (Wing, Popes).
691. P[ope], W[alter]. The musical shepeherdess [sic], or, Dorindas lamentation for the loss of Amintas.
[London]: f. J. Hose, [1660 to 1675]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing P2913A (rare) (Wing, shepherdess).
692. [Pope, Walter]. The Catholick ballad: or an invitation to popery. London: f. H. Brome, 1674. S.sh.
AW wrote, Said to be written by D
Walt. Pope M. D
Fellow of the royall Societie. (see LT 2.185; AO
, 1674 and Dupl. Dupl. now in the Euing Collection, no. 24. On that ballad, AW wrote, By
Walter Pope A. m. of the royal society somtimes Fellow of Wadham Coll.
Wood 416(126). Wing P2906.
693. [Pope, Walter]. Room for a ballad, or, a ballad for Rome. Being a continuation of the Catholick
ballad. [London]: f. B. Harris, [1674?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
AW wrote the year, 1674, in pencil. A continuation of Wood 416(126).
Wood 416(127). Wing P2915.
The Library of Anthony Wood 63
694. P[ope], W[alter]. The forcd marriage. Or, unfortunate Celia. [London]: f. E. Oliver, [1676 to 1685].
S.sh. Obl.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(143).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(24). Wing P2910.
695. P[ope], W[alter]. The forcd marriage. Or, unfortunate Celia. [London]: f. E. Oliver, [1676 to 1685].
S.sh. Obl.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(24).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(143). Wing P2910.
696. Pope, [Walter]*. Doctor Popes wish. London: f. T. Horne, 1693. Fol. Pp. [2], 2.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought of M
West 13 Oct. 1693. LT 3.432.
Wood 417(183). Wing P2916 (3) (Wing, Popes).
697. Pot Companions. The pot companions: or, drinking and smoaking preferrd before caballing and
plotting. [London]: f. R. Crumbdy, 1682. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1682 (the original date was overwritten by 1688).
Wood 417(93). Wing P3026 (rare).
698. Powel*. Here is a true and perfect relation from the Faulcon at the Bank-side; . . . of one mr. Powel.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1661]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 183-4 in this vol.
AW wrote 1661; Powel underscored in t.
Wood 401(93). Wing H1548 (rare).
699. Power. The power and pleasure of love, is here describd an antidote of joy. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(144). Wing P3102.
700. Praise. The praise of brewers: or, the brewers bravery. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright,
[1663-74]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(63). Wing P3167 (rare).
701. Present State of England. The present state of England: a pleasant new true ballad. London [1st
printed in Edinburgh]: n.pub., 1681. S.sh. (mutilated at bottom).
Wood 417(59). Wing P3261.
702. P[rice], L[aurence]. A monstrous shape. Or a shapelesse monster. [London]: M. F[lesher] f. T.
Lambert, [1639]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 135-6 in this vol.
AW added the year, 1640, a drawing of the monstrous head, and a scribble.
, covered by a pasted over
leaf, scribbles.
Wood 401(69). STC 20317 (rare).
703. P[rice], L[aurence]. A new Spanish tragedy. Or, more strange newes . . . September the 6, . . . 11
of October last. London: f. S. Rand, [1639]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 137-8 in this vol.
AW wrote the year, 1640 - or 41 and Anthony. Hispania, in a later hand. F. 137
, a ballad, cropped,
possibly in AWs hand: Good morro go- gossipe Joanne, and where have you been walking [/] I have for
you at home abuch [?] full of talking, gossepe Joanne [/] Your brinded cow and mine did goe to bull
together I do[ubt?] [/] it will not hold it was shuch blustering wheather [/] gossope Joanne my d [?] did
eat asnale the gutes did bust asu[nd] [/] er the hornes hung out at tale and was not that a won[der] [/]
gosspe Joanne, and scribbles; f. 138
, Anthony Wood amen 16 Anthony, scribbles, and a religious poem,
2 and 16 lines, similar to but more complete than that found at Wood 401(67), item 675, apparently in
AWs schoolboy hand, not completely legible and with numerous misspellings and fragmented lines: I wolt
thou god And me lend here, and I wolt thou god Ande lend me here I doe not so my deere of deere thy
poore folk part the cloud of skie but . . . .
Wood 401(70). STC 20318 (rare) (Wing, remove N777) .
704. P[rice], L[aurence]. Floras farewell: or, the shepherds love-passion song. London: f. F. G[rove] on
Snow-hill, [1641 to 1661]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(48). Wing P3364C (two).
705. P[rice], L[aurence]. Joy after sorrow, being the sea-mans return from Jamaica: or, the lovely lasses
late lamentation. [London]: f. T. Vere, [1648]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the year, 1648.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(60). Wing P3369 (rare).
64 The Library of Anthony Wood
706. P[rice], L[aurence]. The Quakers fear. Or, wonderfull . . . news from . . . Colchester . . . how one
James Parnel. [London]: f. F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1655 to 1658]. S.sh. Obl. Ff.
165-6 in this vol. (out of order).
See Joseph Smith, Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana (1873): 10, gives the date of publ., 1656.
Wood 401(84). Wing P3380A (rare).
707. [Price, Laurence]. A new merry dialogue between John and Bessee the wo [sic] lusty brave lovers of
the countrey. [London]: f. W. Gilbertson, [1656]. S.sh. Obl. (cropped at bottom).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(85). Wing P3379 (two) (Wing, London).
708. [Price, Laurence]. Win at rst, lose at last; or, a new game at cards. London: f. F. Grove, [1660?].
S.sh. (2 shs.). 2 pts. with heading at 2nd pt. Pp. 71-2 in this vol.
See Another Copy Wood 401.149, in a later hand. Di. ed., without a heading at pt. 2, at Wood 401(76).
Wood 402(20). Wing P3389A (rare).
709. [Price, Laurence]. Win at rst, lose at last; or, a new game at cards. London: f. F. Grove, [1660?].
S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. without heading at 2nd pt. Ff. 149-50 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 402.71, in a later hand. Di. ed., with heading at 2nd pt., at 402(20).
Wood 401(76). Wing P3389A (rare, 2 at O).
710. Price, Laurence, and No Fool. Robin Hoods golden prize . . . L. P. [Conjoint with (on
)] No fool
to the old fool: or, a cuckold in Querpo. London: f. F. Grove [and] f. F. G., [1650?]. S.sh. (r-v). Obl.
, 2
pts. Ff. 39-40 in this vol.
F. 39, uncovered 1881. Apparently AW covered f. 39 himself or had it done by his binder. No part of the
thick paper remains. See note at Wood 401(1), item 752.
Wood 401(20). Wing P3382A (rare) (Wing, [London]). The verso ballad is not entered separately in Wing;
see L1279A. ESTCR 182074 and 234836.
711. Private. Private occurrences; or, the transactions of the four last years. [London]: n.pub., [1688].
AW wrote, In the beginning of Dec.1688; underscored and identied 4 allusions in this ballad: Fath Edm.
Peters a Jesuit, one of the privie councell, James E. of Monmouth, Cuckold Lord Ford Grey of Werk,
and S
Joh. Shorter (and he simply repeated the printed Pres. Bob); lled in name at initials Prince of
Wales (James); and wrote qu[aere] at an obscure reference to The Bricklayer.
Wood 417(167). Wing P3531.
712. Psalm Sung. A psalme sung by the people, before the bone-res, made in . . . London. [London]:
n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1659[60];
, 59, and 40 replaced a former no. 25 in pencil.
Wood 416(40). Wing P4148 (two).
713. Quakers Farewell. The Quakers farewel to England, or their voyage to New Jersey. London: f. F.
G[rove], 1675. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1675, in pencil.
Wood 416(129). Wing Q23 (two).
714. R., J., and H. C. The taming of a shrew: or, the onely way to make a bad wife good [signed J. R.
and at end, H[enry] C[rouch?]]. [London?]: f. F. Coles, in Wine [sic] street neer Hatten=Garden, [1670?].
S.sh. obl. In 3 leaves, no p. nos. or sigs. 23 stanzas and a conclusion.
, AW wrote Before the marr[iages].
Wood 654a(4). Wing R32A (two) .
715. R., T. John Arm-strongs last good night. Declaring how John Arm-strong and his eightscore men.
London: f. F. Grove, [1658?]. S.sh. (2). 2 pts. Pp. 59-60 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 401.93, in a later hand. Dupl. at Wood 401(48).
Wood 402(17). Wing R84C (rare, 2 at O).
716. R., T. John Arm-strongs last good night. Declaring how John Arm-strong and his eightscore men.
London: f. F. Grove, [1658?]. S.sh. (2). 2 pts. Ff. 93-4 in this vol.
Another Copy Wood 402.59, in a later hand. Dupl. at Wood 402(17). F. 93
, AW wrote, D
Spotswood Archb. of S. Andrews in Scotland in the History of the Church of Scotland [Spottiswood,
Wing S5022] - Lib. VI sub an. 1596 saith [/] That Will. Armstrong commonly called Will of Kinmouth
was a notorious theif among the Scotch borders, an. 1596, (38. of Eliz) in the beginning of which yeare, he
The Library of Anthony Wood 65
was taken prisoner by the English & committed prisoner to Carlile [sic] castle, concerning whose escape
thence he hath a larg storie worth the reading. [/] Will. Sanderson Esquire in his Life & Death of Jam.
V[I]. King of Scots takes from him the said story, p. 190. 191 without any acknowledgments, & curtailes &
spoyles it (i.e., Wood 660e(2), item 5741).
Wood 401(48). Wing R84C (rare, 2 at O).
717. Reading. Reading ght. To the tune of Lylliburlero; or, o brother Teague, dost hear the decree?.
(London): n.pub., (1689). S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote the date, Januar. 1688[9].
Wood 417(169). Wing R454 (rare).
718. Reading Skirmish. The Reading skirmish: or, the bloody Irish routed by the victorious Dutch.
[London]: f. J. D[eacon], 1688. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the month, Decemb.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(113). Wing R455.
719. Rebellion. Rebellion given over house-keeping: or, a general sale of rebellious houshould [sic] stu.
[London]: f. J. W[right], J. C[lark], W. T[hackeray], T. P[assinger], a. M. C[oles], [1688]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(21). Wing R593 (two) (Wing, or a . . . househould).
720. Redemptio, Scotland. Redemptio ab aquilone, or some good out of Scotland. [London]: n.pub.,
[1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1659[60]: eb;
, Feb. 59, and 46 over a former no. 28 in pencil.
Wood 416(46). Wing R660aA (rare) (Wing, 1659).
721. Religion. Religion made a cloak for villany. Or, the loyal subjects delight, who is neither Whigg nor
Tory. [London]: f. J. W., J. C., W. T., a. T. P., [1681-4]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(78). Wing R901.
722. Rich and Flourishing Cuckold. The rich and ourishing cuckold well satised. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(123). Wing R1366 (rare) (Wing, London).
723. Robbery. Robbery rewarded, or, an account of ve notorious high-way-mens exploits [17 March last
past]. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1674]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(108). Wing R1570B (rare).
724. Robin and Doll. The controversie between Robin and Dolls house-keeping. [London]: f. R. B[urton],
[1690?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(135). Wing C5977 (rare) (Wing, Dolls).
725. R[obins], T[homas]. Robin Hood and the beggar. London: f. F. Grove, [1660 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Ff. 23-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(12). Wing R1657A (rare).
726. R[obins], T[homas]. Robin Hoods chase: or, a merry progresse between Robin Hood and king Henry.
N.p.: n.pub., [1680 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 29-30 in this vol.
Wood 401(15). Not in Wing (should be at R1657F-H). Not in ESTCR.
727. R[obins], T[homas]. Robin Hood and the butcher. London: f. F. Grove, [1660?]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 19-20
in this vol.
Wood 401(10). Wing R1657D (two).
728. Russell, William*. The lord Russels last farewel to the world. [London]: f. J. Dean, 1683. S.sh.
Wood 417(123). Wing L3055 (3) (Wing, Russels last farewell and London).
729. S., E. The lamenting ladies last farewel to the world. . . . Finis. ES. London: Printed for Tho Vere,
[1656?]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 75-6 in this vol.
Wood 402(21) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L295 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
730. S., S. St. George for England, and st. Dennis for France, O hony soite qui maly pance. [London]:
f. W. Gilbertson, [1650 to 1659]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 117-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(60). Wing S148C (rare).
731. S., S. Jockies lamentation, whose seditious work was the loss of his country. London: f. F. Grove,
66 The Library of Anthony Wood
[1657?]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 151-2 in this vol.
Scotia, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(77). Wing J759A (rare) (Wing, Jockies).
732. Sailors Departure. The saylors departure from his dearest love, wishing that still (to him) shed
constant prove. London: f. J. Wright, [1667]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(141). Wing S289D (rare).
733. Saint Turnd Curtezan. The saint turnd curtezan: or, a new plot discoverd by a precious zealot.
[London]: (f. the use of the Protestant-Cobler in Pell-Mell), [1681]. S.sh. 2 pts.
AW wrote the year, 1680 81, in pencil.
Wood 417(65). Wing S359.
734. Sanders, George. Save a thief from the gallows, . . . The confession and repentance of George
Sanders. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 143-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(73). Wing S772A (rare).
735. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. The duke of Monmouths triumph over all his misfortunes.
Who is now pardoned and entertained at court. [London]: f. J. Dean, 1683. S.sh.
Wood 660c(7). Wing D2512A (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
736. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. The glory of the west, or, the virgins of Taunton-dean. London:
f. J. Dean, 1685. S.sh.
Wood 417(144). Wing G882.
737. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. Monmouth degraded or James Scot, the little king in Lyme.
London: f. J. Dean, 1685. S.sh.
AW wrote, published in the latter end of June 1685;
, address, not in AWs hand, For M
Coleby [William
Colby] ellowe of Merton College in Oxford, and scribbles.
Wood 417(140). Wing M2431 (two).
738. Scott, James*. Monmouth worsted in the west: or, his care and grief for the death of his poor
souldiers. [London]: f. G. H., 1688. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote, reprinted, presumably after Wing M2432 was published.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(116 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M2433aA (two).
739. Sefautian, pseud. Sefautians farewel: or, fair Silvias matchless cruelty. [London]: f. J. Deacon, 1688.
Wood 417(159). Wing S2412A (two) (Wing, farewel;).
740. Sefautian, and Silvia, pseud. An answer to Sefautians farewell: or, fair Silvias dying complaint.
[London]: f. J. Deacon, 1688. S.sh.
Wood 417(160). Wing A3374 (Wing, Sefautians and [1685-88]).
741. [Sempill, Robert]. Songs, the kings Complaint, [i.e.,] The kingis complaint. [Edinburgh]: [R.
Lekpreuik], [1567]. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This vol. contained seven Scottish ballads, all printed in 1570. They exist together only
in the British Library Roxburghe Collection in III (1-7); see The Roxburghe Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell
(1871), 1.iii. John Bagford was familiar with this vol. while it was yet in the Ashmolean Museum, for he
wrote in his commonplace book (BL MS Harl. 5910 I f. 239
), Anto: a Woods Collection. 399: and the
titles of the ballads in this vol. in the order in which they appeared in 399. The vol. prob. disappeared
at the same time as Wood 400, and many ballads in that vol. also found their way into the Roxburghe
Collection now in the BL. See The Location of Two Lost Volumes of Ballads, Wood 399 and Wood 400,
BLR, 15 (April 1996): 260-291.
Wood 399(1). STC 22200 (rare, BL Rox. III.3; Rox. Ballads 8.371.).
742. [Sempill, Robert]. The admonitioun to the lords. Edinburgh: R. Lekpreuik, 1570. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(3). STC 22187 (rare, BL Rox. III.5; Rox. Ballads 8.379.).
743. [Sempill, Robert]. The cruikit liedis the blinde. Edinburgh: R. Lekpreuik, 1570. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(6). STC 22191 (2, BL Rox. III.4; Rox. Ballads 8.375.) & L11(PRO)).
The Library of Anthony Wood 67
744. [Sempill, Robert]. Maddeis lamentation. Edinburgh: R. Lekpreuik, 1570. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(7). STC 22201 (rare, BL Rox. III.6; Rox. Ballads 8.384.).
745. [Sempill, Robert]. Maddeis proclamatioun. [Edinburgh]: [R. Lekpreuik], [1570]. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(5). STC 22201.5 (rare, BL Rox. III.7; Rox. Ballads 8.388.) .
746. [Sempill, Robert]. The poysonit schot. Edinburgh: R. Lekpreuik, 1570. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(4). STC 22204 (2, BL Rox. III.1; Rox. Ballads 8.366. & L5).
747. [Sempill, Robert]. The regentis tragedie ending with ane exhortatioun. Edinburgh: R. Lekpreuit,
1570. S.sh.
Missing in 1837. This is now in the Rox. collection. see The Rox. Ballads, ed. Wm. Chappell (1871), 1.iii.
Wood 399(2). STC 22205 (2, BL Rox. III.2; Rox. Ballads 8.356. & L5).
748. [Shadwell, Thomas]. The delights of the bottle. Or, the town-galants declaration for women and
wine. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, a. R. Burton, [1675]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
AW wrote, made about 1650.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(58). Wing S2841A (two) (Wing, London).
749. She. She is bound but wont obey; or, the married mans complaint in choosing a wife. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1680]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(67). Wing S3053 (rare) (Wing, London).
750. [Shenton, Francis]. A true relation of a notorious cheater one Robert Bullock, lately done in Oxford.
[London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh. Obl. Pp. 91-2 in this vol.
Another Copy 401.198 in a later hand. Dupl. at Wood 401(100). AW made extensive notes in the margins,
identifying places and persons mentioned in the ballad, and giving dates to events, e.g., Bullock, he recorded,
was *from Reding; at I took of a rich widdow, he wrote, Mistris [blank] Robinson widdow of Thomas
Robinson Bookseller; at Bullocks stealing from a rich Sadler, Jo: Numan and at With Combes, Cumbes
the shomaker over aganst [sic] S. Maries church; at his stealing of brass, from Sherrard the Brasier, and
from Thurstons care, Thurton the upholsterer; other identications: Woodfeild the Joyner.; Jennings
a Buttonmaker, latly under Butler of New-coll: and his sister; Roger Frye, the Ale Brewer in S
parish who wa[s] to have served h[im] in with ale. Gardiner a [joy]ner in Cat street. (in printed text, AW
lined out the c in Gardiner the Scot; Edward Bartlet, The university ca[rrier]; and at end, at By one
of Oxford, viz: Francis Shenton Apothecary living in S
Peters in the Baillye: this buisness [sic] was acted,
& the Ballad came out, all in the mounth of November. A. D. 1663. See LT 1.504-6 for a transcript of the
ballad and AWs notes in both copies.
Wood 402(23). Wing S3101 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2627.
751. [Shenton, Francis]. A true relation of a notorious cheater one Robert Bullock, lately done in Oxford.
[London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 197-8 in this vol.
Another Copy 402.91, in a later hand. Dupl. at Wood 402(23), where AW wrote similar notes. AW
underscored in red ink persons mentioned or alluded to in this ballad and wrote notes of explanation;
e.g., Bullock, he recorded, was from Reading in Berks.; at I took of a rich widdow, he wrote, Mistris
. . . Robinson widdow of Thom. Robinson bookseller, at the west end of S. Maries church.; at Bullocks
stealing from a rich Sadler, Joh. Newman and at With Combes, . . . Combes a sho-maker living
against S. Maries church; at his theft of gloves from Thomas Bland, living againt S. Maries church, father
to . . . . wife of Rich Witt LL. Bac. and of brass, from . . . . Sherard the Brasier in S. Mich. parish.;
from Thurstons care, Edmund Thurton upholsterer, in Allsaints parish; identications: Wooeld living
in S. Mich. parish.; Jennyngs a Button maker lately the crop-eard under-Butler of New-coll.; at Roger
Frye, an Ale-Brewer in S. Ebbs parish who was to have served him with ale.; at Gardiner a sottish and
drunken joyner living in Cat street (and he lined out the c in the printed Scot, making Gardiner the
Sot; at Edward Bartlet, The carrier of Oxon. the same who was one of the Citie Ballives an. 1669; and
at the close, By one of Oxford, viz Francis Shenton a drunken and broken apothecary living in the parish
of S. Pet. in the Baylie .. this cheat was committed in Nov. 1663 & in the same month this ballad was
published. (sic). See LT 1.504-6 for a transcript of the ballad and AWs notes in both copies.
Wood 401(100). Wing S3101 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2627.
752. Shepherd and the King. The shepherd and the king, and of Gillian the shepherds wife. London:
68 The Library of Anthony Wood
f. F. Coles, [1650?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 1-2 in this vol. Quarter-calf, about 1881.
This vol. contains 103 black-letter ballads. Most are printed oblong on large fol. sheets (chain lines are
vertical). The folds are in the middle to form four-page quires. The ballads are numbered 1-103 in this
catalogue. Each printed side, the inner side of the quire, is regarded as the recto side; the outer side,
blank, is regarded as the verso side. Arabic nos., some by AW (see e.g., item 66, i.e., fol. no. 129), are on
the upper right hand corner(s) each sheet, 1-204, the 1st on the verso side (the blank p. 1 of the quire)
and the 2nd on the recto (the printed p. 3 of the quire). A few ballads are small fol. sheets, and a single
fol. no is then on the upper right hand corner of the printed side. The Bodl. CD cat. usually follows the
numbering on verso of the printed sheets. Hence most of the 103 items are numbered by increments of 2,
e.g., 1, 3, 5, instead of 1, 2, 3. The Bodl. CD cat. lists four ballads twice (56, 64, 67, 99; i.e., Bodl. fol. nos.,
109-110, 125, 131, 195); and omits 1 (a fragment, no. 102; i.e., Bodl. fol. nos., 201-2; the 1st part of this
ballad, f. 201, was recorded as missing in 1832). The fol. nos., corresponding to the Bodl. CD cat. nos., are
given after the format. Many ballads were backed with blank sheets either to give AW space for writing
notes or to cover irrelevant material. On 7 of these blank sheets AW wrote notes on the particular ballads
(see ballad nos. 5, 24, 31, 35, 37, 47, 66; i.e., fol. nos. 9 , 47, 60, 67, 71, 91, 129). Items 67, 68 and 69, i.e.,
fol. nos. 131,133 and 135, have his schoolboy notes and scribbles (uncovered in item 67 but not in items
68 and 69). For some reason, he had blank sheets pasted over conjoint printed ballads (i.e., the 2nd ballad
printed on the verso) at items 14, 20, and 56; i.e., . 27-8, 39-40, 109-110. These three were uncovered in
1881. Some of early Arabic numbers were lost when the pages were cropped when the vol. was bound in
its present form (see, e.g., items 43-4, 59, 65; i.e., . 83-86, 116, 128). For the entry in the Whiteside cat.,
see Plate IX. Ist item,
, AW wrote, vide Malmsburiens. de Reg. Anglorum. lib. 2. fol. 23 [i.e., at Alfred,
2.121-3]. See the 2
part of R. Parsons his conversions. Cap. 6. p 418. 419 (AW owned 3 copies, see Wood
223, 856, and 872). Text, AW corrected the 1st word, AN elder time there was of yore, to IN elder . . . .
Wood 401(1). Wing S3150B (rare).
753. S[heppard], S[amuel]. A famous battle between Robin Hood, and Maid Marian. N.p.: n.pub., [1653].
S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 21-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(11). Not in Wing (lost entry, see after S144A). Not in ESTCR.
754. Sherwood, Thomas*, and Elizabeth Evans*. Murder upon murder, committed by Thomas Sher-
wood . . . and Elizabeth Evans . . . the 2. of m. George Holt of Windzor. London: f. T. Langley, sold T.
Lambert, [1635]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 129-30.
On blank sheet pasted to support this item, pasted to support the ballad after AW wrote the no., 129,
AW wrote, Rowl. Holt Marchant of London ob. 1634 Tho. Holt serj. at Law Joh Holt recorder of Lond.
1686. At second part of ballad, A W.
Wood 401(66). STC 22431 (rare) (Wing M3089, incorrect).
755. Shoe-maker. An excellent song, called, the shooe-makers travell. London: E. P[urslowe?] f. E. Wright,
[1648 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2pts. Ff. 69-70 in this vol.
Wood 401(36). Wing E3836 (rare) (Wing, n.pub.; [1690?]).
756. Shore, Jane. The wofull lamentation of mistris Jane Shore, a goldsmiths wife. [London]: f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 45-6 in this vol. (cropped at top).
, AW wrote, beside woodcut, pasted on, This picture was taken out of another ballad of Jane Shore.
Wood 401(23). Wing W3244B (rare).
757. Shrewsbury. Shrowsbury for me. Being a song in praise of that most famous town. London: f. R.
Burton, [1663 to 1674]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(44). Not in Wing. ESTCR 234917.
758. Shrewsbury. A new wonder: or, a strange and true account from Shrewsbury of a dreadful storm [4
May 1681]. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, a. T. Passinger, 1681. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(97). Wing N797aA (rare) (Wing, Passenger).
759. Soldier. The soldiers delight, or the she voluntier. [London]: f. F. Cole [sic], T. Vers [sic], J. Wright,
a. J. Carlk [sic], [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(69). Wing S4420B (rare) (soldiers and Coles and Vere).
760. Song upon Information. A song upon information. London: f. M. R., 1681. S.sh.
Wood 417(74). Wing S4684.
761. Sorrowful Assembly. The sorrowful assembly: or, the maidens humble petition to the batchelors of
The Library of Anthony Wood 69
London. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1684-5]. S.sh.
Wood 417(134). Wing S4709B (rare).
762. Spinning Wheel. The spinning wheel or Innocence betrayed &c.. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. Pp.?
T from upper yleaf. Missing in 1922. See note at Wood 417(1). Possibly The country lass, who left her
spinning wheel (Wing C6540). Not identied.
Wood 417(126). Wing C6540 (possibly) (3). BL, CM, HH (Crawford, Rylands).
763. Staordshire. Strange news from Staord-shire; or, a dreadful example of divine justice. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clark, [1677]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(125) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S5905A (rare).
764. Steward, James*, and George Wharton*. A lamentable ballad, of a combate lately performed
neer London, betwixt sir James Steward, and sir George Wharton. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W.
Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 87-88 in this vol.
F. 87
, AW wrote, The much lamented S
James Stuart one of the Kings blood, & S
Georg Wharton, the
prime branch of that noble family, for little worthless punctilioes of honour (being intimate freinds) took
the feild, & fell together by each others hand. [/] S
George Wharton Eldest son of Philipp Lord Wharton
was slaine in a Duel by S
James Steward Kt, 8. Nov. 1609. whereupon the estate came to S
Tho. Wharton
father of Philip Lord Wharton the cowardlie Rebell.
Wood 401(45). Wing L254B (rare).
765. Strange Encounter. A strange encounter of two lovers. Or, the dying maid revivd. [London]: f. F.
Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1680]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(147). Wing S5883 (rare) (Wing, London).
766. Strephon*. Strephon and Cloris: or, the coy shepherd and kind shepherdess. [London]: f. J. Clarke,
[1678?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(22). Wing S5963.
767. Strephon*. Loves extasie: or, Strephon and Cloas [sic] corronation [sic]. [London]: f. J. Deacon,
[1687]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 87.
Wood 417(153). Wing L3265 (rare) (Wing, no pub.).
768. Strephons Comforts. Strephons comforts: or, Phillis revivd. [London]: f. J. Deacon, 1682. S.sh.
A correction.
Wood 417(112). Wing S5966 (rare) (Wing, wrong date, 1692).
769. Stukeley, Thomas*. The life and death of famous Thomas Stukelie. [London]: f. W. Gilbertson,
[1643 to 1663]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 71-2 in this vol. F. 71
, only, blank conjoint printed document, Be it known
unto all men by these presents, That I , concerning Oce of Excise, pasted over by a blank sheet on
which AW made notes on Stukeley.
F. 71
, on a blank Excise document pasted on the verso of the ballad (not unpasted, nor is the document
the same as that once pasted over at Wood 401(5), item 547), AW wrote 23 lines: Thomas Stukeley was
a yonger brother, of an ancient, wealthy & worshipfull familie nigh Ilfercombe in Devonsh. being one of
good parts, but valued the Less by others, because overprized by himself. [/] Stukeley with 800 men which
the Pope & the Spaniard allowed him towards the conquest of Ireland, did in his passage thereto Land at
Portugall, just when Sebastian K. thereof, with two Moorish Kings were undertaking a voyage into Africa
upon Sebastians sollicitations Stukely joynes with him, & landing with [sic] Africa, Stukely gave counsell,
that for two or 3. dayes they should refresh their land soldiers, whereof some were sick & some were weak,
by reason of their tempestuous passage This would not be heard so furious was Don Sebastian to engage,
as if he would pluck up the bayes of victorie out of the ground, before they were growne up, & so in the
battle of Alcasor in Africa their army was wholly defeated, an 1578, 20. Eliz. where Stukeley lost his life [/]
A fatal ght, where in one day were slaine three Kings that were, & one* that would be faine. *Stukeley.
In pencil, Fuller Worthies.
Wood 401(37). Not in Wing (should be at J804AB or L1992aB). ESTCR 234889.
770. Success of the Two English Travellers. The success of the two English travellers newly arrived
in London. [London]: f. A. Banks, [1685?]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1685, in pencil.
Wood 417(146). Wing S6112B (rare).
70 The Library of Anthony Wood
771. Suolk Miracle. The Suolk miracle. Or a relation of a young man who a month after his death
appeared to his sweetheart. London: f. W. Thackery a. T. Passenger, [1686-8]. S.sh. Obl.
AW, prob., wrote the year, 1689.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(83). Wing S6163 (rare).
772. [Taubman, Matthew]. The Oxford health, or, the jovial loyalist. [London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1681].
S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(27). Wing O855.
773. Taunton. The gossips meeting, or, the merry market-women of Taunton. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(120). Wing G1317 (rare) (Wing, London).
774. Teague and Sawney, pseud. Teague and Sawney: or, the unfortunate success of a dear-joys devotion
by St. Patricks cross. [London]: f. C. G., [1689]. S.sh.
, AW wrote the date, beg. of Mar. 1688[9].
Wood 417(181). Wing T604 (Wing, Sawney, or the and [1690]).
775. Thompson of Brentford*. Terrible news from Brainford: or, a perfect . . . relation of one Thomp-
son. [London]: f. F. Coles, M. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, 1661. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. Ff. 181-2 in this
Brentford, not in AWs hand.
Wood 401(92). Wing T766 (two).
776. Thynne, Thomas*. The matchless murder. Giving an account of the . . . murthering of . . . Thomas
Thin [12 Feb. 1682]. [London]: f. J. Conyers, [1682]. S.sh. Obl.
LT 3.5.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(98). Wing M1078 (two).
777. Ticwhit, G. General Monks welcome (from the citie) to Whitehall. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, eb: 1659[60];
, Feb. 59, and 52 over a former no. 34 in pencil.
Wood 416(52) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T1159A.
778. Titus Andronicus*. Titus Andronicus complaint. [London]: [f. the assigns o]f T. Symcocke, [1628-9].
S.sh. P. 33 in this vol. (mutilated).
dup, may be in AWs hand; below, lines lost in a mutilated portion written in, not in AWs hand. P. 34,
28 lines of verse, not in AWs hand and illeg., pasted over by blank sheet. The chain lines in the ballad are
vertical, and the no., 33, not in AWs hand, replaced a former no. There was prob. a 2nd ballad torn from
the left side of this sheet.
Wood 402(9). STC 24092.7 (rare).
779. Tobias*. A pleasant new ballad of Tobias. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. J. Wright, [1663-74]. S.sh.
Obl. Ff. 73-4 in this vol.
Wood 401(38). Wing P2555B (rare).
780. Tom of All Trades. Merry Tom of all trades. Or, a trick to get mony at every dead lift. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(47). Wing M1873B (rare).
781. Tom the Tory. An excellent new ballad between Tom the Tory, and Toney the Whigg. [London]:
[f. R. H.], [1678]. S.sh. (mutilated at bottom). Cloth; rebound in early 20th century.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, list of 2-4 works or topics, the latter about Stephen College (see Wood 427(27-28)),
in pencil, very faint: These Hyeroglyphick [- - illeg., Popery?] The Pope are the [ illeg.][,] Resignation of
Stephen College[,] The Protestant Oxford joyner;
, in modern hand, *No. 19 is in place of no. 14, which is
missing [/] 45 is missing [and in more recent hand] & 42, 126, 12 [12 is not missing]. Flyleaf, 3rd-6th, AW
wrote the titles of 183 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. At item 38, Deest
Mar. 1840. W[illiam] K[irtland]; at items 82-3, AW drew a hand pointer at an error that he apparently
made himself (he overwrote item no. 83, with 82); at items 100-1, AW wrote, Dupl. The nal item,
no. 184, Oates well thresht, is not on the list on the upper yleaves. It was added after 1695; removed
from Wood 276a(555), and still has the Roman numeral, CCCCCLV, marking its place in that vol. The
irregularities are, in sum: nos. 14b, 38, 42, 45, and 126 are missing (all 5 are identied and have entries);
no. 19 was moved to 14a, leaving a gap at no. 19; AW omitted item 21b in the list on the yleaves; there is
no item 83, either in AWs list or in the vol. itself; nos. 138-9, separately entered in AWs list, are a single
The Library of Anthony Wood 71
printed item; and no. 184, item 664, was moved here from Wood 276a(555). Item (1), above, Nu. 1.
Wood 417(1). Wing E3803.
782. Tom-son. Toms-son his repetition to his wife; . . . To the tune of, young Jemmy. [London]: f. J.
Deacon, [1679-80]. S.sh.
AW wrote a date in pencil, (87) and (87), in ink.
Wood 417(151). Wing T1871 (two).
783. Trapaner. The trappaner trappand or, a cunning gossip caught in a trap. [London?]: n.pub., [1685?].
S.sh. Obl. (cropped at bottom).
Cf. Douce Ballads 2(221), no publisher.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(51). Wing T2052 (rare, 2 at O).
784. Treason Rewarded. Treason rewarded at Tiburn: or, the traitors downfal [24 Jan. 1679]. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, & J. Clarke (cropped at bottom), [1679]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(99). Wing T2080 (rare) (Wing, and J. Clarke [1678]).
785. Treason Unmasqued. Treason unmasqued, or truth brought to light. London: f. F. Smith, 1681.
Wood 417(63). Wing T2081.
786. Troy. A proper new ballad, intituled the wandring prince of Troy. To the tune of Queene Dydo.
London: [A. Mathewes] f. J. Wright, [1635 ca.]. S.sh. obl. 2 pts. Pp. 2-3 in the vol. Parchment; rebacked
and repaired.
Most of the 24 black-letter ballads in the vol. are in 2 parts, printed oblong on large fol. leaves (chain
lines, vertical). AW folded each ballad sheet in the middle to form four pp. and wrote p. nos. on the upper
outside corners of each fol. leaf thus making a vol. of 96 pp. plus a nal sheet. The nal item, an unidentied
fragment, is not a ballad and has a trace of 98 on the recto side. Most of AWs nos. on the ballads survive,
though some were lost in the initial binding or in a later repairing. A few ballads are printed in the normal
fashion (chain lines horizontal), and such ballads form a single page set of 2 pp. instead of 4 pp. (e.g.,
Wood 402(12), i.e., pp. 42-43). Some 2-part ballads, printed on an oblong sheets, seem to have been torn
in half, and only 1 of the 2 survives (see Wood 402(9), 402(11)). AWs nos., on the printed pp. only, are
given in this cat. after the format. The Bodl. CD cat. includes 22 of the ballads, omitting nos. 21, 22, and
the unidentied item, no. 25. It lists each ballad by the no. or nos. on the printed pp. Hence ballad no. 24,
the last in the Bodl. CD cat., is given the shelf-mark Wood 402(95). Pastedown, upper (a former yleaf
now pasted down), AW wrote the date, Christmas 1684; also, Pp. 82-89 missing 13.IV.1949 W[illiam]
O H[assall] (i.e., 2 ballads between items 22 and 23). Since there exists no list of contents in the usual
places, on the upper yleaves, in the Whiteside cat., or in the Milford hand-list, the titles of these 2 ballads
are unknown. P. 1, AW wrote dup. This duplicate, a di. ed. of the same ballad, has migrated to the
Roxburghe collection, 3.1. (43-44), where it still contains page numbers in AWs hand and style, 2 and
3 and 1, 4, on the verso; it was the 1st ballad (i.e., pp. 1-4) in the stolen volume, Wood 400, the contents
of which AW numbered in the same way. P. 4, a note, in French, not in AWs hand, is visible, but illeg.
beneath a protective blank sheet pasted on the
side of the ballad.
Wood 402(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 24293.7 (rare).
787. True Lovers Knot. The true lovers knot untyed. Being the right path to advise princely virgins how
to behave themselves. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(16). Wing T2748C (rare) (Wing, untied).
788. True Lovers Victory. True lovers victory or the northern couple agreed. [London]: f. J. C[onyers],
[1671 ca.]. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(42). Wing T2755A (rare) (Wing, [1695?]).
789. True Loyalist. The true loyalist; or, the obedient subject. [London]: f. J. Back, [1683-86]. S.sh.
AW lined out the written, 1686, and wrote, 1683.
Wood 417(115). Wing T2755E (two) (Wing, 1682-1700).
790. True Protestants. The true protestants litany. [London]: n.pub., 1680. S.sh.
Wood 417(37). Wing T2867.
791. Two Unfortunate Lovers. Two unfortunate lovers, or, a true relation of the lamentable end of
John True. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(84). Wing T3542A (rare).
72 The Library of Anthony Wood
792. Unconstant Phillis. Unconstant Phillis. Or, the infortunate shepherds lamentation. [London]: f. P.
Brooksby, [1672-95]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(13). Wing U36 (two).
793. Unhappy Marriage. The unhappy marriage, or, a warning to covetous parents. [London]: f. J.
Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackeray, a. T. Passinger, [1680?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(76). Wing U70 (rare) (Wing, London).
794. Valiant Sea-Man. The valiant sea-mans happy return to his love, after a long seven years absence.
[London]: f. P. B. a. E. O., [1689-95]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(153). Wing V39 (rare) (Wing, 1689-96).
795. Vane, Henry*. Vanity of vanities or sir Harry Vanes picture. London: printed f. C. Gustavus,
[1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1661/2 made while S
Hen. Vane was prisoner in the Tower, or in the isle of Scilley rather;
1661/2. Some accounts, addition of 4 unnamed items, 19 total, may not be in AWs hand. Dupl. at Wood
Wood 416(91). Wing V96 (two) (Wing vanities: or).
796. Vane, Henry*. Vanity of vanities or sir Harry Vanes picture. London: printed f. C. Gustavus,
[1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, January 1659[60]:;
, Jan. 59, and 32 over a former no. 16 in pencil. Dupl. at 416(91).
Wood 416(32). Wing V96 (two) (Wing vanities: or).
797. V[icars], J[ohn]. A letter for a Christian family. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke,
[1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(149). Wing V314A (rare) (Wing, [London] and F. Cole,).
798. View of the Religion. A view of the religion of the town, or, a Sunday-mornings ramble. [London]:
n.pub., [1687]. S.sh.
AW wrote, published about the middle of Dec. 1688.
Wood 417(163). Wing V368.
799. Villiers, George*. Buckingham, duke of. A ballad. I sing the praise of a worthy wight. [London]:
n.pub., [1674?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, at t, On Georg Duke of Buckingham Father & son, and 2 identications, at B and F, Buck-
ingham and Felton. Below, he lined out his earlier ms. dates, 1680 and 1679, and wrote, published in
Jan. or Feb. 1673[4].
Wood 417(25). Wing B599 (Wing, c. 1679).
800. Villiers, George*. Buckingham, duke of. The litany. Of the d. of B. [London]: n.pub., [1679 to
1680]. S.sh.
AW altered the B in the t: Bucks; wrote the year, (1680) and 1679, and
Wood 417(39). Wing L2536.
801. Vive le Roy. Vive le roy: or Londons joy. A new song on the instalment of the present lord mayor
of London. London: f. Allen Banks, [1681]. S.sh. obl.
AW identied the mayor, S
Joh. More and Sir Pa and Sh. Be, S
Patience Ward and Sherri Bethell,
and wrote the date, Oct. 1681.
Wood 417(73). Wing V665 (Wing, or,).
802. W., L. The ill fortune of a younger brother, [/] And I wish no mans fall by such another. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(4). Wing I47 (rare) (Wing, no pub., no date).
803. W., L. The maidens sad complaint for want of a husband. [London]]: f. F. Cole, T. Vere, J. Wright,
a. J. Clark, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(57). Wing W79aA (rare).
804. W., L. Gods great and wonderful work in Somerset-shire, the charitable farmer miraculously re-
warded. London: f. F. Coles, T. Veres, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1676]. S.sh. (obl.) (mutilated). 2 pts.
AW wrote, 1676.
Wood 276b(101). Wing W79 (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 73
805. W., L. All things be dear but poor mens labour; or, the sad complaint of poor people. [London]: f. J.
Clark, [1680]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(119) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing W77A (rare) (Wing, deare and but poor mens).
806. Wade, John. A good wife is a portion every day. Or, a dialogue discoverng a good wife from a bad.
[London]: f. R. Burton, [1670 ca.]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(131). Wing W164B (rare).
807. Wade, John. A pleasant new song, in praise of the leather bottell. Shewing how glasses and pots are
laid aside [signed, John Wade]. [With,
] Englands royall conquest. London: f. R. Burton, [1641 to 1674].
S.sh. Obl. 2 pts. The 2nd ballad on
[MS.] Wood E. 25(56). Wing W168C (rare).
808. Wade, J[ohn]. The kind young mans answer to the faithful maid. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Veres
[sic], J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(129).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(5). Wing W168 (rare, 2 at O).
809. Wade, J[ohn]. The kind young mans answer to the faithful maid. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Veres
[sic], J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(5).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(129). Wing W168 (rare, 2 at O).
810. Wade, J[ohn]. Tis money makes a man or, the good fellows folly. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J.
Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674 to 1679]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(150). Wing W173 (Wing, [London]).
811. Wade, John. A serious discourse between two lovers. London: f. R. Hardy, [1677?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(146).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(2). Wing W170AB (rare, 2 at O).
812. Wade, John. A serious discourse between two lovers. London: f. R. Hardy, [1677?]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 25(2).
[MS.] Wood E. 25(146). Wing W170AB (rare, 2 at O).
813. Wade, John. The citizns [sic] joy, and the bone-lace-weavers happines [cropped], being a rare pattern
for all lovers. [London]: f. R. Burton, [1680]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(73). Wing W163 (rare, 2 at O) (var.).
814. Wade, John. The west cuntrey crafty maid, or, the lusty brave miller nely trappand. [London]:
f. W. Thackeray, [1688-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(29). Wing W175B (rare) (Wing, Thackery).
815. Waller, William*, and Elizabeth Cellier*. The Newgate salutation: or, a dialogue between sir
W[illiam] W[aller] and mrs. Cellier. London: f. the use of the students in Whittingtons Colledge, [1681?].
AW wrote Waller in the t.
Wood 426(16). Wing N918A.
816. Wapping. The merry wives of Wapping. Or, the seamans wives clubb. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere,
J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9?]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(126). Wing M1876 (rare).
817. Ward, John*, and Simon de Danser*. The sea-mans song of captain Ward, the famous pyrate
of the world. [Followed by] The sea-mans song of Dansekar the Dutch-man, his robberies done at sea.
[London]: Printed for F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1660 ca.]. S.sh. (2 shs.). 2 ballads
issued together. Pp. 39-40 in this vol.
P. 39, Another copy Wood 401.79, in pencil; p. 40 Another copy Wood 401.80, in pencil; and (Part II
of preceding ballad, f. 39), all in later hands. Di. ed. at 401(41). 2nd part has woodcut with a ship, only.
Last line: and God will give them soon an overthrow. See also item 6440.
Wood 402(11). Not in Wing, but cp. S2197 (Wing, 2nd half, only; sea-mans; William Gilbertson). Not in
818. Ward, John*, and Simon de Danser*. The seammans [sic] song of captain Ward, the famous
74 The Library of Anthony Wood
pyrate of the world. [Followed by] The seamans song of Dansekar the Dutch man, and his robberies done
at sea. [London]: Printed for F. Coles. T. Vere. and W. Gilbertson, [1658 to 1664]. S.sh. Obl. 2 ballads
issued together (chain lines vertical). Ff. 79-80 in this vol.
Another copy Wood 402.39, Another copy Wood 402.40, both in a later hand. Di. ed., Wood 402(11).
2nd part has woodcut, lion over a ship; last line: and God will give them soon an overthrow.
Wood 401(41). Wing S2196 (Wing, for 1st part: seamans; William Gilbertson).
819. Warning or Lanthorn to London. Warning or lanthorn to London, by the doleful destruction of
faire Jerusalem. [Followed by] Of the horrible and woful destruction of Jerusalem. London: f. F. Coles, J.
Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1658]. S.sh. Obl. 2 ballads, 1 publ.; prob. issued together. Ff. 81-2 in
this vol.
Wood 401(42). Wing W925A (rare).
820. Washington, pseud. Away witht quoth Washington, or, the phanatick general vindicated over the
left shoulder. London: f. J. Phanatick, 1660. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1660.
Wood 416(77). Wing A4278 (two).
821. Waterton, Justice*, pseud. Roome for a justice. Or, the life and death of justice Waterton. London:
f. C. Gustavus, [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote Jan: 1659;
, Jan. 59, and 41 replaced a former no. 24 in pencil.
Wood 416(41). Wing R1923 (3).
822. West-Country Cheat. The west-countrey [sic] cheat upon cheat; or, no jest like a true jest. [London]:
f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(130). Wing W1395 (two) (Wing, West-country).
823. Westminster Wedding. A Westminster wedding, or, like unto like, quoth the devil to the collier.
[London]: f. R. Burton, [1662 ca.]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the year, about 1662.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(94). Not in Wing (should be at W1472aA). ESTCR 234964.
824. [Wharton, Thomas]. A new song. Ho brother Teague. [London?]: n.pub., [1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, Decemb. 1688.
Wood 417(168). Wing W1577A (Wing, Ho, and [1689?].
825. [Wharton, Thomas]. The second part of Lillli burlero bullen a-la. [London]: n.pub., 1688. S.sh.
AW wrote the month, Jan.
Wood 417(172). Wing S2294B (rare) (Wing, Lilli).
826. Whigs. The Whiggs lamentation, for the tap of sedition [i.e., anti-Shaftesbury]. N.p.: f. J. C. jun.,
1683. S.sh.
Wood 417(118). Wing W1660aA (two).
827. [Wild, Robert]. The recantation of a penitent Proteus, or the changling. [London]: n.pub., [1663].
S.sh. Responded to by Wood 416(100), item 6592.
AW wrote, This Ballad was made on Rich: Lee. D. D. Chapleyne to Georg D: of Albermarle & Rector of
Kings hatfeild com: Hartf:;
, 1663[4]. Possibly acquired 12 March 1664, 2
, LT 2.6.
Wood 416(99) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing W2148.
828. William 3*. The prince of Orange welcome to London. [London]: f. G. J., 1688. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the month, Dec.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(118). Wing P3485A (3).
829. William 3*. The prince of Oranges triumph, or, the downfall of the distressed Jesuits. [London]:
f. J. Back, [1688]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the date, Dec. 1688.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(112). Wing P3485C (two).
830. William 3*. The civil Orange: or, the united hearts of England. [London]: J. Back, 1689. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, in the beg. of Feb. 1688[9].
Wood 417(180). Wing C4365 (two).
831. William 3*. A full description of these times, or the prince of Oranges march from Exeter to London.
The Library of Anthony Wood 75
[London]: f. A. B., [1689]. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, Jan. 1688[9].
[MS.] Wood E. 25(115). Wing F2344A (two). Wing, 1688.
832. William 3*. A new song of an orange. [London]: f. A. B., 1689. S.sh.
AW wrote, 2
Dec. 17. an. 1688.
Wood 417(162). Wing N765AB (rare).
833. William 3*. The protestants triumph: or, the prince of Orange joyfully entertained. [London]: f. J.
Wolrah, [1689]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the date, Jan. 1688[9].
[MS.] Wood E. 25(109). Wing P3854B (two) (Wing, 1688).
834. William* and Mary*. The subjects satisfaction, being a new song of the proclaiming king William
and queen Mary [13 Feb.]. [London]: f. J. Deacon, [1689]. S.sh. Obl.
AW wrote the year, 1688[9]. LT 3.299.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(114). Wing S6106.
835. Willie and Nancy. The loving young couple. Or, the amourous wooing between Willie and Nancie.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clark, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(65). Wing L3296 (rare) (Wing, London).
836. Willow Green. The willow green turned into white; or, the young mans joy and the maids delight.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(7). Wing W2863A (two).
837. Woman. The young-womans complaint, or, a caveat to all maids to have care how they be married
to old-men. London: f. W. Gilbertson, [1655-65]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(37). Wing Y134 (two).
838. Women. A description of wanton women. Wherein I briey shall declare. [London]: f. F. Coles, T.
Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke, [1674-9]. S.sh. Obl.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(17). Wing D1173 (rare) (Wing, [1690?]).
839. Women. Prides fall, or a warning for all English women. [London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W.
Gilbertson, [1658-64]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 157-8 in this vol.
Wood 401(80). Wing P3446A (rare) (Wing, Prides).
840. Woodstock. The Woodstock scue: or most dreadfull aparition that were lately seene in the mannor
house of Woodstock. [London]: n.pub., 1649[50]. 4
Missing in 1839; see note by W. Kirtland at [MS.] Wood B. 18(1), item 1148.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(10). Wing W3476 (rare, BL Thomason).
841. Worthy Example. A worthy example of a vertuous wife, who fed her father with her own milk.
[London]: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, [1663-74]. S.sh. Obl. Ff. 111-2 in this vol.
Wood 401(57). Wing W3629D (two).
842. W[ortley], F[rancis]. 1st bart. A loyall song of the royall feast, kept by the prisoners in the Towre
in August last, . . . By sir F. W. [London]: n.pub., [1647]. S.sh.
AW wrote, S
Franc. Wortley, published about 1647 (below 1647 and lined out, the latter end of 1647),
and identied 2 prisoners.
Wood 500(2). Wing W3639.
843. Young Man. The young-mans ramble. Or the horse can trot, and the mare can amble. London: f. T.
Vere, [1680]. S.sh. Obl. 2 pts.
[MS.] Wood E. 25(23). Wing Y123 (rare) (Wing, young mans).
End of BALLADS (items 367-843)
844. Banbury Castle. A letter: being a full relation of the siege of Banbury castle. London: f. J. Wright,
1644, 4 Sept. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote Sept (cropped).
Wood 377(31). Wing L1347.
76 The Library of Anthony Wood
845. Banbury, Proceedings. The proceedings at Banbury. [London]: f. R. Harford, [1642]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 18.
Wood 374(34). Wing P3556 (Wing, omits publ.).
846. Bancroft, John. Oxford, bp. of. Articles to be enquired of within the dioces of Oxford, in the triennial
visitation. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1638. 4
. A
Tp, a shelf-mark C: 2: B: 4 17. (?) and In the name of God, Amen 1643, not in AWs hand.
Wood 516(9). STC 10313 (rare). Madan 880.
847. [Banks, Jonathan]. The life of the right reverend . . . Edw. Rainbow [bishop of Carlisle]. London:
S. Roycroft, f. R. Clavell, 1688. 12
. Pp. [2], 29, 112.
Tp, bsm. In 2nd part, a few lines in margins, e.g., pp. 3, 9, 23, 84. LT 1.379.
Wood 307(7). Wing B669.
848. Bard, W. (spoken by). A speech to the lord general Monck at Skinners-hall [4 Apr.]. London: f. J.
Towers, 1660. S.sh.
, AW wrote the date, 4. Ap. 1660, and a former no., 59, in pencil.
Wood 398(6). Wing B745 (two).
849. Barebone, Praise-God*. That wicked and blasphemous petition of Praise-God Barbone, . . . pre-
sented to that so called, the parliament . . . Feb. 9. 1659 . . . anatomized. [London]: f. Philo-Monarchaeus,
[1660]. 4
. Pp. [2], 17.
Tp, AW wrote 9 Feb, in pencil.
Wood 610(46). Wing T842.
850. Barebone, Praise-God*. To the right honorable, the high court of parliament, . . . the . . . petition
of Praise-God Barbone. London: H. Mason, 1660. S.sh.
AW altered the date to 1659 Feb; scribbles A, Mh in margin.
Wood 276a(197). Wing T1621A (O not recorded in Wing).
851. Barefoot, Jon. Dr. Jo
Barefoots picture. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh. (engr.).
Missing in 1939 (a delete sign before the entry in the 1717 list).
Wood 276a(5). See Engraved Portraits, 1.118 (T.Q.L., to r. standing, holding hat and letter; 12 lines below.
W. Crowne and M. Burghers) (may be this engraving) .
852. Bargishai, Eleazar. A brief compendium of the vain hopes of the Jews messias. The ignorant fables
of their rabbies, and the confuting of the Jewish religion. London: n.pub., 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 21.
Wood 637(2). Wing E332A.
853. Barker, Thomas. Barkers delight: or, the art of angling. London: f. H. Moseley, 1659. 8
. 2nd ed.
Pp. [12], 52.
Flyleaf, upper
, some additions in a later hand and Barkers. Tp, AW wrote 4
Wood 728(2). Wing B786.
854. B[arksdale], C[lement]. Nympha libethris: or the Cotswold muse. London: f. F. A. at Worcester,
1651. 8
. Pp. [13], 96. Calf with 2 llets and with a vertical 2 llet line.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Clem. Barksdale the author, gave it to me 18. May 1681/; tp, Cic. pro Arch.
poeta.; p. 23, Idest nunc D. Tho Jamesius Custos Coll. O. A. (i.e., Jeames, All Souls, AOF 2.291). Some
corrections and underscoring, e.g., pp. 57, 65, 66 (AW corrects Dr. Dee to Billingslie), 79. LT 2.541.
Wood 78. Wing B804.
855. B[arksdale], C[lement]. The disputation at Winchcombe Nov. 9. MDCLIII. Oxford: L. L., sold E.
Thorne, [1653]. 8
. Pp. [6], 39, [3]. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration (dragon) inside corners, and roll
decoration on spine (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 6 printed works (really 7) in this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian (same
hand in Wood 276a). Tp, AW wrote 18 May 1681. Donum Clem. Barksdale/ (see LT 2.541). Pp. 1, AW
wrote Licensed by D
Langbain pro vice chanc.; 23, 28, mark in margin, in pencil; 25, a correction. AO
Wood 835(1). Wing B793 (two). Madan 2225.
856. Barksdale, Cl[ement]. Memorials of worthy persons: two decads. London: I. R., 1661. 12
. Pp. [14],
204. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st and last yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink; another writer added the short title of the 5th work, number 4 in the volume, which AW had missed.
The Library of Anthony Wood 77
*5, correction. P. 201, after memorial of T. Jackson, AW wrote, From his Life by Edw. Vaughan. Acquired
10 May 1662, 9
, LT 1.439.
Wood 293(1). Wing B800.
857. Barksdale, Cl[ement]. Memorials of worthy persons. The third decad. Oxford: A. & L. Liecheld
[sic], f. the editor, 1662. 8
. Pp. [8], 104.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, In these memorials following are contained the 3
& 4
Decad - the fourth
begins in p. 404 [i.e., 104?] - There are also two indexes. (i.e., lists of persons memorialized). Acquired,
with fourth decade, 18 Nov. 1663, 9
, LT 1.503.
Wood 293(2). Wing B801. Madan 2585.
858. Barksdale, Cl[ement]. Memorials of worthy persons. . . . The fourth decad. Oxford: A. a. L.
Licheld, 1663. 8
. Pp. [8], 135.
P. [6], AW wrote, Gone to Bartlet the Bookbinder thense to West (a bookseller) - thence to M
. Crittendum
(a note to tell where he has gone). P. 133, at A. Wheelock, AW added of Salop. N.B., stitch holes show
that items 2-5 in this vol. were at one time sewn together, before 1-5 were bound together. Acquired, with
third decade, 18 Nov. 1663, 9
(and for sewing of bookes, 5
), LT 1.503.
Wood 293(3). Wing B802. Madan 2631.
859. B[arksdale], C[lement]. A remembrancer of excellent men 1. Dr. John Reynolds [et al]. London:
f. J. Martyn, 1670. 8
. Pp. [4], 164.
Tp, AW added, The 5
Decad. Bsm. P. 105, correction; p. 145-162, at memorial to Jeremy Taylor AW
added some vertical lines in margins, underscorings, and notes (some cropped).
Wood 293(4). Wing B806.
860. B[arksdale], C[lement]. A letter touching a colledge of maids, or, a virgin-society. Written Aug.
12. 1675. [London]: n.pub., [1675]. 8
. A
A1, Clem. Barksdale the author. A2, A4, corrections entered in text.
Wood 130(3). Wing C14 (two) (Wing does not give the author, but see A.O., 4.224).
861. [Barksdale, Clement]. Memorials of alderman Whitmore [et al.]. London: J. Redmayne f. J. Barks-
dale, in Cirencester, 1681. 8
. Pp. [6], 42.
Wood 293(5). Wing B798 (3).
862. B[arksdale], C[lement]. The old gentlemans wish, or the reformed old gentleman [and] Authors
and books. N.p.: f. J. Barksdale, in Cirencester, 1685. Fol. Pp. [4] (pp. [1], [4], blank).
P. [1], AW wrote dupl. Dupl. at Wood 417(138-9). After each item, [by Clement Barksdale?], in blue
crayon, in a modern hand.
Wood 276a(551-2) (Wood 276(551,2) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B804aA (two).
863. B[arksdale], C[lement]. The old gentlemans wish, or the reformed old gentleman [and] Authors
and books. N.p.: f. J. Barksdale, in Cirencester, 1685. Fol. Pp. [4] (pp. [1], [4], blank).
Pp. [1], AW wrote Mar. 1684/5; [2], Clem. Barksdale, and published in the middle of March 1684[5].;
[3], published in the middle of March 1684/5; [4], Merton Wood with his antiquitie [/] Will live to all
eternitie {Left out of this printed copie, with other matters relating to D
[Ralph] Bathurst & D
Levinz, LT 3.135. Dupl. at Wood 276a(551-2).
Wood 417(138-9). Wing B804aA (two) (2 at O) (Wing, wish or).
864. B[arksdale], C[lement]. A grateful mention of deceased bishops. N.p.: n.pub., [1686?]. S.sh.
AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 417(150). Note, [by Clement Barksdale?] in blue crayon, in a
modern hand.
Wood 276a(541). Wing B794B (rare) (2 at O).
865. B[arksdale], C[lement]. A grateful mention of deceased bishops. N.p.: n.pub., [1686?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Clem. Barksdale the author 1686. At top, note by a later librarian. Dupl. at 276a(541).
Wood 417(150). Wing B794B (rare, 2 at O).
866. Barkstead, John*. A true narrative of the . . . late skirmish, between . . . colonell Barksteads
regiment, and the petitioners of Surrey . . . at Westminster, May the 16. London: J. Clowes, 1648. 4
Pp. 8.
Wood 502(9). Wing T2794.
867. Barkstead, John*. The rst and second parts of invisible John made visible: or a grand pimp of
tyranny portrayed, in Barksteads arraignment at the barre. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
78 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 368(14). Wing B812.
868. Barkstead, John*. The new lords winding-sheet; or, an arrow shot at randome, to the Tower of
London, . . . And the voting of col. Barkestead. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, no. 50, in pencil, in a former vol.
Wood 613(10). Wing B815.
869. Barkstead, John; John Okey, and Miles Corbet. A letter from colonel Barkestead, Colonel
Okey, and Miles Corbet. London: n.pub., 1662. 4
. Pp. 7, [1].
Slip bound into this vol. has a note by AW: bound wit . . . [mutilated] Triall of the Kings judges & speeches
[Wood 369(5)] Also cleane paper betw. them, for the entrie [Wood 369(8)?] of what [James] Heaths Cron.
[Wood 145] saith of them Newsbook for that time Characters of Cromwellians [Wood 369(9)] (items
3443, 869, 3490, 6113). Tp, This was faignd and written by some Royallist.
Wood 369(8). Wing B814.
870. Barkstead, John; John Okey, and Miles Corbet. The speeches and prayers of John Barkstead,
John Okey, and Miles Corbet. London: f. N. Brook, a. E. Thomas, 1662. 4
. Pp. [4], 22, [8], 8 (some
Wood 369(7). Wing B816.
871. Barlandus, Hadrianus Cornelius. Paynell, Thomas, trans. Brief chronicle of all the earls of
Holland. London: ?, 1557. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 21. See AO 1.339.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 21. Not in STC. Not in ESTCR.
872. [Barlow, Thomas, and Thomas Pierce]. Pegasus, or, the ying horse from Oxford [2 letters,
one by T. Barlow, the other signed Basilius Phllomusus (sic)]. Mongomery, heretofore called Oxford [really
London]: n.pub., [1648]. 4
. [4], 1-6, 1-12 ([1] blank).
Tp, AW wrote the year, 1648. Pp. 1-2, 4-6, 2nd 2-3, 8, 10, AW wrote brief identications, cross-refs., and
dates, e.g., p. 6, at the end, after printed Thine &c., the author, Tho: Barlow, and 2nd p. 10, at printed
Greenwood that well lookt Gentleman, squint eyed.
Wood 514(49). Wing B838. Madan 1988.
873. [Barlow, William]. Chichester, bp.of (died in 1568). Fry, Francis, ed. A proper dyaloge, betwene a
gentillman and an husband m a, eche complaynenge to other theyr myserable calamyte, through the ambicion
of the clergye. [Antwerp]: [J. Hoochstraten], [1529?]. 8
. A-C
Tp, signature of Hum: Dyson. Text, some scribbles, not by AW.
Wood 774(4). STC 1462.3 (rare).
874. Barlow, William. Chichester, bp. of (died in 1568). A dialogue describing the originall of the
Lutheran factions &c.. London: (J. Cawood), [1553]. 8
Missing. In Godwin, [MS.] Wood D. 21(1), item 3244, p. 443, habeo.
Not located. STC 1462.
875. Barlow, William. Lincoln, bp. of (died in 1613). Vita et obitus . . . Richardi Cosin per Guilielmum
Barlowum . . . edita [and] Carmina funebria, in ejusdem venerandi doctoris triste fatum. Londini: deputati
C. Barker, 1598. 4
. Pp. 80 (2nd tp at p. [49]).
Tp, note by former owner, A. Allam, Pret: 4
. . . 1678 Stev:. LT 3.167.
Wood 345(5-6). STC 1460.
876. [Barnard, John]. Censura cleri, or a plea against scandalous ministers, not t to be restored. London:
f. G. Calvert, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 21.
Tp, AW wrote, Joh. Barnard lately of Linc. Coll. was the author of this -.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(47). Wing B852.
877. Barnard, John. Theologo-historicus, or the true life of . . . Peter Heylyn . . . an answer to mr.
Baxters false accusations. London: f. J. S., sold E. Eckelston, 1683. 8
. Pp. [15], 301 (2 tpp).
1st blank p., 1.9. AW underscored or made marks in margins and brief notes at pp. 81, 107, 127, 152
(in pencil), 163, 176, 237, 262; and at 297-300, added 4 p. reference nos. in the Catalogue of such books
. . . written by the Learned Doctor.
Wood 433(4). Wing B854.
878. Barnes, Joshua. An elegy on the death of the reverend doctor John Goad [28 Oct. 1689]. London:
n.pub., 1689. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 79
, AW wrote, Jo. Goad and Jo. Goad 1689. LT 1.151.
Wood 429(44). Wing B869 (two).
879. Barnes, Robert. The supplicatyon made . . . unto Henrye the eyght. [Antwerp] (London): [S. Cock]
(J. Byddell), [1531?] or (1534) or [1548]. 8
. 3 eds.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9, supplication of D
Barnes. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9. STC 1470 and 1471 and 1472. Folg, Union.
880. Barnet. The married mens feast. Or, the banquet at Barnet. London: P. Lillicrap f. J. Clark, 1671.
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 654a(26). Wing M712 (two).
881. [Baronius, Caesar]. B., A., i. e., Lassels, Richard, trans. The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of s.
Thomas archbishope of Canterbury [Trans. by A. B. of Annales eccl. by Caesar Baronius]. Colloniae [really
Paris]: [widow of J. Blageart], 1639. 8
. Pp. [6], 50, 396. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, haec historia ad verbum ex Caes. Baronii Annalium Tomo XII.
surrepta., not in AWs
hand, and, AW wrote, ABosco Oxon. Tp, AW wrote, The life of Tho: Becket and Becket.
Wood 432. STC 1019. ARCR 2.488.
882. Barrow, Isaac. Tillotson, John, ed. The works of the learned Isaac Barrow. London: M. Flesher f. B.
Aylmer, 1687. Fol. 2nd. ed. Incomplete. Biographical introduction by A. H., a-d
, only.
Wood 657(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B926.
883. Bartholinus, Caspar. Anatomicae institutiones corporis humani. Oxonii: G. Turner, 1633. 12
Pp. [24], 417, [47]. Calf with 2 llets; clasp hole.
Flyleaf, upper, signature, lined out, Ade erb . . . 1655. Tp, rth 2 A (shelf-mark?). Text, passim,
underscoring and notes, e.g., pp. 3. 73., etc. to 289-386, none in AWs hand or manner.
Wood 697(1). STC 1535. Madan 738.
884. Bartholinus, Caspar. Enchiridion ethicum: seu epitome philosophiae moralis. Oxonii: G. Turner,
1633. 12
. A-C
Pastedown, lower, list of books on anatomy, not by AW.
Wood 697(2). STC 1535.5. Madan 739.
885. Bartholomew Fair. In Bartholomew Fair, at the corner of Hosier-lane, and near Mr. Parkers
Booth; . . . a prodigious monster. [London]: n.pub., [1685]. S.sh. 4
(10 lines).
Inserted, Wood Diaries 29 (item 171), f. 39*. AW wrote, 1685.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 29b. Wing I109CA (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
886. Bartholomew Fair. The High German artist: or, powder pimp a lim-pimp. This is to give notice.
[London]: n.pub., [1688]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Barthelm. Faire 1688. LT 3.275.
[MS.] Wood F. 50, f. 38. Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
887. Bartoli, Daniello. Salusbury, Thomas, trans. The learned man defended and reformd . . . in two
parts. London: R. a. W. Leybourn, sold T. Dring, 1660. 8
. Pp. [24], 402, [4].
Acquired 24 Sept. 1664, LT 2.20.
Wood 130(5). Wing B988.
888. [Barwick, John]. Querela Cantabrigiensis: or, a remonstrance . . . for the banished members . . . of
the university of Cambridge. [London]: n.pub., 1647[8]. 8
. Pp. [12], 28, [8].
Pp. 4-5, [30-1,32-3, 35], mainly vertical lines, in pencil, most at names of persons; p. 11, AW wrote, q[uaere]
at printed Lord Gray of Warke. P. nos. 30-1 entered at [30-1].
Wood 207(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B1010.
889. Basill, William. A letter from the atturney of Ireland concerning the taking of . . . Wexford [includes
a letter dated 20 Oct.]. London: f. R. Ibbitson, 1649, 4 Oct. [sic]. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW wrote, If Dupl. then to come in among battles (no dupl. in AWs collection). P. 4, date of a letter
altered to 20 October.
Wood 510(10). Wing B1026.
890. Basing Castle. A description of the seige [sic] of Basing castle. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1644[5]. 4
Pp. [2], 21.
P. 16, vertical line in margin, in pencil.
80 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 377(35). Wing D1170. Madan 1705.
891. Basire, Isaac. The dead mans real speech. A funeral sermon . . . together with a brief of the life,
. . . of . . . the . . . bishop of Durham [John Cosin]. London: E. T. a. R. H. f. J. Collins, 1673. 8
. Pp. [8],
128 (2nd tp at p. 29).
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, 1
. Pp. [2], AW wrote, Sepult. apud Aukland p. 90; 36, 7 Death. p. 37; 48, line
in margin; 90, at a reference to the two heralds, M
Will. Dugdale, Norroy [king of arms] & [blank], at
Auckland, a line in the margin; 111, at will of Cosin, This will concerninge his religion was purposely
written by him to free him from the censure of being a papist in his Exile - as [Thomas] Fuller -.
Wood 307(6). Wing B1031.
892. Basire, Isaac, and John Barnes. Watson, Richard, trans. The ancient liberty of the Britannick
church, and the legitimate exemption thereof from the Roman patriarchate . . . by Isaac Basier . . . Three
chapters concerning the priviledges of the Britannick church, . . . by f. I. Barnes. London: f. John Mileson,
sold E. Wallis, 1661. 8
. Pp. [24], 55, [19], 48, [12] (3 tpp.). Calf, speckled, with 2 llets.
In the 1st intro., AW wrote p. nos. on rectos; A3v, 8 words of text lined out, may not be by AW; a2
, line
in margin.
Wood 786. Wing B1029.
893. Basset, Ro[bert], trans. Curiosities: or the cabinet of nature. London: N. a. J. Okes, 1637. 12
Pp. [23], 287. Parchment; upper and lower pastedowns and yleaves, printers waste paper.
Flyleaves and pastedowns, heavily annotated, not by AW. P. [1]
, Sept 25 1645 6
, not by AW. Tp, AW
wrote after the initial, Basset.
Wood 695. STC 1557.
894. [Bate, George]. A compendious narrative of the late troubles in England. [London]: n.pub., 1652.
. Pp. [10], 300. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Trace of upper yleaf, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 5th
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. In the 1st item each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Tp, AW wrote, W: July: 9: 1660. Bsm. LT
Wood 213(1). Wing B1077.
895. Bate, George. The lives, actions, and execution of the prime actors, . . . of that horrid murder
. . . of king Charles the rst. London: f. T. Vere, 1661. 12
. Pp. [9], 1-96, 49-72, 121-144 (out or order,
Each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Flyleaf, upper
, 23 names and p. references to text. Fragment
of a note on binding, on blank leaf pasted behind frontispiece for support, With this allowing ev . . . [/]
Foot out of the snare [/] bound up[.] . . . New [/] the old snare (Gee, Wood 648(1-2), item 3182f.). Pp.
12-3, 25, 37, 79, 51, various sorts of minor marks and annotations. Pp. 82, 89, 58, longer notes on the
Scrope family, Francis Hacker, and Thomas and Robert Hammond. LT 2.507. See note at item 5993.
Wood 304(2). Wing B1084.
896. Bate, George. Elenchi motuum nuperorum in Anglia. Londini: J. Flesher, venalis ap. R. Royston,
1663. 8
. [11], 239, [20]. Calf, speckled, with 2 llets, 2 vertical llets, stamp decoration in corners, and roll
decoration on edges of boards; spine, 4 bands and hatching. Flyleaves, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, Ex libris Andreae Allam ex Aula Sti Edmundi Oxon: 1675 Pret: 4
Oxl[ad] S
Bibli and extensive notes by Allam on George Bate and this book. LT 3.167.
Wood 205. Wing B1081.
897. Bate, Henry. Prince Charles sailing from Callice, towards the north of England . . . with prince
Rupert. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote, Jul. 11.
Wood 502(37). Wing B1091.
898. Bateman, Charles*. An account of the tryal of Charles Bateman, chirurgeon, for high-treason [and]
of John Holland and William Davis . . . and Agnes Wearing [9-11 Dec. 1685]. London: f. D. Mallet, 1685.
Fol. Pp. [2], 18.
Wood 421(7). Wing A415.
899. Bateman, Stephen. The doome warning all men to the judgemente:. . . in maner of a generall
chronicle, gathered . . . by St. Batman. London: R. Nubery, assigned by H. Bynneman, 1581. 4
. Pp. [20],
437. Calf with 3 llets, stamp roll decoration and 3 llets, centrepiece; illuminated ms. backing.
Tp, 4 letters, lined out. A few hand pointers, not in AWs manner; 45, note, not by AW.
The Library of Anthony Wood 81
Wood 649. STC 1582.
900. Bateman, Thomas. Sir Thomas Batemans case upon an appeal by him . . . from a decree pronounced
in chancery. [London?]: n.pub., [1685?]. S.sh.
Wood 276b(79). Wing S3891B (rare).
901. Batten, Wil[liam]. A declaration of . . . concerning his departure from London, to . . . the prince
of Wales. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 502(50). Wing B1152.
902. B[axter], J. A toile for two-legged foxes: wherein their noisome properties; . . . is livelie discovered,
. . . against all popish practises. London: F. Kyngston f. T. Man, 1600. 8
. Pp. [20], 220. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper
, Libri in hoc volumine and the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., followed by Liber
Antonij Wood, `e Muso Johannis Spedi M. D. C: S Johannis Oxon, emptus: A.D. 1661. (24 Sept., LT
1.416). Tp, bsm.
Wood 794(1). STC 1596.
903. Baxter, Richard. A holy commonwealth, or political aphorisms, opening the true principles of
government. London: f. T. Underhill a. F. Tyton, 1659. 8
. A
; and p. nos. begin at sig. B: 517,
[11] (9 pp. books printed for Underhill and Tyton). Calf with 2 llets, and a vertical 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, signature of Edw: Poole.
Wood 459. Wing B1281.
904. Baxter, Rich[ard]. A breviate of the life of Margaret, the daughter of Francis Charlton esq; and
wife of Richard Baxter. London: f. B. Simmons, 1681. 4
. Pp. [10], 107.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Given to me by Mr Moses Pit stationer Oct. 18 an. 1681. LT 2.556.
Wood 532(15). Wing B1194.
905. Baxter, Richard. A sermon preached at the funeral of . . . John Corbet. London: f. T. Parkhurst,
[1681]. 4
. Pp. [2], 36, [1] (1 page bibliog. of writings of Corbet).
Tp, note of purchase (to M
West for this sermon ?) at bottom, all cropped except 6
. Pp. 27, at Godfrey
Goodman a Papist Bishop of the Protestant Church, AW wrote, Goodman onlie died a papist, he was not
one in his life-time.; 28, Corbets nal illness and the operation, of the stone; 31, at a nameless Writer
who attacked Corbets Interest of England, *M
Sam Th[o-]mas of ch.[ch.] Ox. (cropped at side); 2nd
p. [1], at entry of The Interest of England, see p. 31 (i.e., where he had identied Thomas). AO 3.1266
(AW altered a nameless Writer in Baxters sermon (p. 31) to a shameless writer). LT 1.453, 2.515.
Wood 634(3). Wing B1416.
906. Baxter, Richard. Compassionate counsel to all young-men. London: H. Clark f. G. Conyers, 1691.
. 2nd ed. Pp. [20], 180 (16 pp. books by Baxter). Calf, speckled, with 2 llets and a vertical line of 2
Sig. (*4), line in margin at a book by Baxter.
Wood 815. Wing B1230.
907. Bayly, Lewis. Bangor, bp. of. The practice of piety. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 16
. The last edition.
Pp. [10], 411, [4]. Calf with 3 llets; upper and lower yleaves, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper
, minor scribbling, some by AW. Flyleaf, lower, last, the same, not by AW, and a note on
the waste paper by F. Madan in 1918, Bodl. has 2 copies.
Wood 759. Wing B1478 (rare, 2 at O).
908. Bayly, Tho[mas]. The life & death of . . . John Fisher bishop of Rochester . . . by Tho: Baily.
London: n.pub., 1655. 8
. Pp. [6], 261.
P. 2, AW made a correction.
Wood 307(3). Wing B1513.
909. Bayly, Tho[mas]. The golden apophthegms of . . . Charles 1. and Henry marq. of Worcester. London:
J. Clowes, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, Bayly underlined, in red ink.
Wood 631(20). Wing G1012 (O not recorded in Wing).
910. Baynes, Paul. A counterbane against earthly carefulness. London: H. L[ownes] f. N. Newbery, 1618.
. Pp. 25, [2] (wanting all before B1, i.e., before p. 1).
Pp. passim, underscoring and minor notes, not by AW.
Wood 634(12) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 1638.
82 The Library of Anthony Wood
911. Be Merry. Be merry and wise, or, a seasonable word to the nation. London: n.pub., 1660, 13 March.
(cropped). Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW altered date to 1659: March.
Wood 610(44). Wing B1555.
912. B[eale], J[ohn]. Hereford shire orchards, a pattern for all England. Written . . . to Samuel Hartlib.
London: R. Daniel, 1657. 8
. Pp. [2], 62.
Each small 8
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Tp, AW wrote Sept: 11. A. 1660.
Wood 730(2). Wing B1558.
913. Beale, Thomas. A true discovery of bloody plott intended to have been put in practice. London: f. the
author, sold H. Walker, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
AW wrote, ridiculous, in pencil, and 18. Nov., in ink.
Wood 373(7). Wing B1559A.
914. Beane, Richard. A discourse concerning popish perjurers in an addresse to the . . . commons . . . at
Oxford. London: f. H. Brome, 1681. 4
. Pp. [4], 9, [2] (p. [1] blank).
Wood 608(54). Wing B1561.
915. Bea[u]mont, Francis, and John Fletcher. A king, and no king. London: A. M[athewes] f. R.
Hawkins, 1631. 4
. 3rd printing. Pp. [2], 91.
Tp, signature, Mary Wood.
Wood 330(8). STC 1672.
916. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. A king and no king, as it is now acted at the Theatre
Royal. London: A. Clark, f. W. a. J. Leake, 1676. 4
. Pp. [4], 76.
Tp, Royal, not in AWs hand.
Wood 320(8). Wing B1591.
917. Beccadelli, Lodovico. Dudith, Andreas, trans. Vita Reginaldi Poli. Venetiis: D. Guerrei, & J.
Baptistae fratrum, 1563. Ff. 48.
Tp, AW recorded information from the text: This life was written by Ludov. Becatellus Ragusionorum
[sic] Archiep. in the Italian tongue, translated into Lat. as here it is, by Andr. Duditius Sbordellatus [sic]
&c. Tp
, Andr Duditius was Bishop of Quinqu ecclesia [sic] in Hungrary [sic] and 10 lines of further
details about Duditius, concluding with De authore p. 11.b 15.b. 18.a. Text, passim, some vertical lines
in margins, a few corrections, and cross-references.
Wood 345(4). BL.
918. Beck, Margaret. The reward of oppression, tyranny and injustice, committed by the late kings . . . by
the unlawful entry, . . . of the dutchie lands of Lancaster. London: n.pub., 1656. 4
. Pp. [6], 9.
Pp. 1, 2, 5, 7, a longer note, This is a most damnable lye of both the Parl . . . . , and brief notes, not by
Wood 478(6). Wing B1649.
919. Becket, Saint Thomas*. Littleton, W., ed. The prophecie of Thomas Becket, . . . concerning the
wars betwixt England France, and Holland; . . . found by dr. Ailsworth. London: f. G. Freeman, 1666. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
Tp and p.1, AW corrected Ailsworth to Aylworth, and p. 2, at editor, W. Littleton, wrote Tinker alias
Littleton. See Wood 646(13), item 6240, and AO 3.1056.
Wood 646(12). Wing B1651. Madan 2725.
920. Becon, Thomas. The reliques of Rome, contayning all such matters of religion . . . brought . . . by
the pope and his adherentes. London: J. Day, 1563 (30 Sept.). 8
. Corrected. Ff. [28], 266. Calf with 3 llets,
bronze clasps and centrepiece and corner protectors.
Board, upper, stamped HM. Flyleaf, upper
, Ant Woode Oxon [lined out] of the gift of M
John Wilton
1665. LT 2.38. Tp, bsm. Lent to H. Foules, 17 Oct. 1668, LT 2.145.
Wood 839. STC 1755.
921. Bede the Venerable. Stapleton, Thomas, trans. The history of the church of Englande. Antwerp:
J. Laet, 1565. 4
. Ff. [14], 192, [4]. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration (dragons) inside corners, and roll
on spine ends (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 13 printed works in this vol., made by an Ashm. librarian (same hand in
Wood 276a). Tp, AW wrote, Censure of Stapletons translations of Bedes Hist. into Engl. see Seldens
The Library of Anthony Wood 83
Preface to the Decem scriptores printed at London 1652. p. 9. 10 (Wing H2094). Passim, some double
vertical lines in margin, a few other marks and minor underscoring, not in AWs manner.
[MS.] Wood D. 23(1). STC 1778. ARCR 2.733.
922. Bede the Venerable, and Egbertus. Ware, James, ed. Epistolae duae, necnon vitae abbatum
Wiremuthensium & Girwiensium. Accessit Egberti . . . Dialogus, de ecclesiastica institutione. Dublinii: J.
Crook, sumpt. S. Dancer & sociorum, 1664. 8
. Pp. [12], 135.
Tp, 1 [shilling]. Acquired 11 March 1665, 9
, LT 2.31.
Wood 183(4). Wing B1660.
923. [Bedford, Samuel]. A brief relation of the taking of Bridgewater by the parliaments forces under
. . . sir Tho: Fairfax; . . . together with a letter concerning . . . Pontefract castle. London: f. E. Husband,
1645, 25 July. 4
. Pp. 6, [1].
Tp, AW altered the former no., 12.
Wood 378(14). Wing B1666.
924. Bedford, and T. V. Good and true newes from Bedford:. . . Together with another letter from the
Lion. London: Printed for R. Astine. A. Coe [sic], 1643. 4
. A
Tp, AW altered a former no.
Wood 376(47). Wing G1036A (O not recorded in Wing) (Wing, & true).
925. Bedloe, William. Cap
. William Bedloe, discoverer of the late plott. [London]: n.pub., [1679 to 1681].
S.sh. (engr.).
Half length, facing to right; oval frame. Front. to the portrait in his Life (1681), engraver [R. White].
Wood 425(6), item 926, has a similar engraving (dierent impression). LT 2.452. There is no item at Wood
276a(7); there is a blank after VII in the list of contents at the beginning of Wood 276a.
Wood 276a(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Engraved Portraits, 1.158.
926. Bedloe, William. A narrative and impartial discovery of the horrid popish plot: carried on for the
burning . . . cities of London and Westminster. London: f. R. Boulter, J. Hancock, R. Smith, a. B. Harris,
1679. Fol. Pp. [13], blank leaf, 27.
Tp, AW wrote June 1679 beginning of July, in pencil. LT 3.452.
Wood 425(6). Wing B1677.
927. Bedloe, William*. Tears, tears, tears: or, Rome in ashes. . . . upon . . . the death of captain Bedlow.
London: f. the edication of study Roman Catholicks, 1680, 5 Nov. S.sh.
, AW wrote the date, 5 Nov 1680, and 1680, in pencil.
Wood 417(41). Wing T610.
928. Bedloe, William, and Miles Prance. A succinct narrative of the bloody murder of sir Edmondbury
Godfrey by the papists, Oct. 12. 1678. . . . depositions given . . . by captain William Bedloe, and mr. Miles
Prance. N.p.: (for the use of M. Prance), (1683). S.sh. (r-v).
LT 2.419.
Wood 424(11). Wing S6115B (two).
929. Bee, Cornelius. The case of Cornelius Bee and his partners [against M. Pooles proposed inclusion
of critici sacri in his synopsis criticorum aliorumque s. scripturae interpretum]. [London]: n.pub., [1666?].
Former no., 2.
Wood 658(784c). Wing C900 (two).
930. Bee, Cornelius. Mr. Bees answer to mr. Pooles second vindication of his design for printing a
synopsis of criticall and other commentators [10 June]. [London]: n.pub., (1668). Fol. Pp. [4].
P. 1, former no., 6.
Wood 658(784d). Wing B1679 (rare).
931. Bee, Cornelius. To the considerations already printed by Cornelius Bee [an addition to Bees case
against M. Pooles proposed inclusion of critici sacri in his synopsis criticorum aliorumque s. scripturae
interpretum]. [London]: n.pub., [1668?]. S.sh.
Former no., 3.
Wood 658(784a). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
932. [Beham, Hans Sebald]. Typi in apocalypsi Joannis depicti ut clarius Vaticinia Joannis intelligi
possint. Francoforti: cum caes. majestiati privilegio, (1539). 8
. A-C
, D1-3.
84 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 79(2) (now Arch. G. f. 2(2)). BL.
933. Behn, [Aphra]. Prologue to Romulus. (London): (N. Thompson), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 417(95). Wing B1760.
934. Belfast, Presbytery. A necessary examination of a dangerous design . . . by the presbytery at Belfast
. . . in their . . . libel, by them called, a necessary presentation. London: T. Brudenell, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2],
Wood 510(13). Wing N368 (O not recorded in Wing).
935. Bell, Adam, pseud. Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesle. London: W. Jaggard,
1610. 4
. A-B
Tp, 23
, and scribble, prob. not by AW.
Wood 483(14). STC 1810 (rare).
936. Bell, Thomas. The anatomie of popish tyrannie. London: J. Harison f. R. Bankworth, 1603. 4
Pp. [24], 184, [8]. Parchment.
Tp, bsm. Pp. 18, q[uaere] at printed Weston the Jesuite, and 20, vertical line at printed death of
. . . English priest, Cardinall Allen, both in red ink.
[MS.] Wood C. 38. STC 1814.
937. Bell, Thomas. The tryall of the new religion. London: W. Jaggard, 1608. 4
. A-G
(A1-2 blank).
Tp, 448 and And, not in AWs hand.
Wood 627(2). STC 1832.
938. Bellamie, John. A plea for the commonalty of London, or, a vindication of their rights . . . in the
choice of sundry city ocers . . . a speech [24 Feb. 1644]. London: G. Miller, 1645. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [8], 29.
Each 8
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. Tp, 6, twice (price?).
Wood 590(4). Wing B1817.
939. Bellarmino, Saint Roberto Francesco R. De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus. Cum . . . chron-
ologia ab orbe conditio usque ad . . . M.DC.XXXI. Coloniae Agrippinae: sumt. B. Gualteri, 1631. 8
. Pp. [16],
335, [1], 117. Calf with 3 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 2
, in pencil, not by AW. Tp, bsm. Pp. 34-41, some marks in margins and underscoring,
not in AWs manner. Flyleaf lower, last, notes in pencil, illeg.
Wood 857. BL.
940. Benedict, Saint. The eects and virtues of the crosse or medal of the great patriarch st. Benedict.
N.p.: n.pub., 1669. 12
. Pp. 11.
Wood 893(3). Wing E244AB (two).
941. Benedictine Order. Courbes, J[ean Baptiste] de, sculp. Arbor Benedictina ad ill
. cardinalem
Rupifucaldum ejusdem custodem ac defensorem studiosissimum. Parisiis: cum privilegio regis A. de la
Rivierre, 1625. S.sh. 426 x 572 mm (untrimmed) (engr.).
Several Benedictine items may have come to AW from Ralph Sheldon, via Dom Edward Sheldon OSB. Or,
acquired 30 July 1659, 1
, LT 1.279. See also Wood 276a(2), item 350.
Wood 276b(15). Not in BL. Not in BN.
942. Benedictine Order. English congregation. Constitutiones missionis Benedictinorum congregationis
Anglicanae. Editae authoritate capituli generalis anno 1661 celebrati. Duaci: L. [sic] Kellami, 1661. 24
Pp. 165.
Tp, signature lined out. Flyleaf, lower
, F. G. Mallett ad usum not in AWs hand.
Wood 756. BL.
943. [Benlowes, Edward]. Oxonii encomium. In orentissimam Oxonii academiam, scientiarum oci-
nam. (Oxonii): (H. Hall), (1672). Fol. 1,A-D
(p. nos. irregular).
D2, after the name of Benlowess college, AW wrote, Cantabr., and below, Antonii ` a Wood, Ex dono
authoris /. LT 2.361. AOF 2.358-9.
Wood 423(44). Wing B1875. Madan 2915.
944. [Benlowes, Edward]. Magia coelestis. Invocatio . . . aenigmata evangelica. Oxoniae: ex o. Lich-
eldiana, 1673. Fol. (2 sheets, obl.).
Sheet 1 on
, AW wrote, Benellowes his Magia Coelestis; sheet 2, below, an engraved anagram in an
ornament, Benevolvs and 1 2 3 8 6 5 4 7 9; below the engraving, in ms., Cantabrigiensis., not by AW;
The Library of Anthony Wood 85
and below that, AW wrote Edw. Benlows. LT 2.351. AOF 2.358-9.
Wood 276a(518-9). Wing B1873 (two). Madan 2967.
945. [Benlowes, Edward]. Oxonii elogia, academicis praecellentioribus. [Oxford]: [at the theatre], [1673].
Signed by author, Benevolus with his numbers, below, 1 2 3 8 6 5 4 7 9, and prob. in AWs hand, (An.
, Will ?? and 1673, not in AWs hand. AOF 2.358-9.
Wood 423(45). Wing B1874 (rare). Madan 2968 .
946. Benlowes, Edward, and Daniel King. Loggan, D[avid], fec[it]. On St. Pauls cathedrall represented
by m
Dan. King. . . . Threnodia dis Paulinae de seips a. [London]: D: King. delin. et excudit, 1658. S.Sh.
424 x 530 mm (untrimmed) (engr.).
Tp, AW wrote, 1
. This particular engraving is not in the Douce copy of Daniel King, The cathedrall and
conventuall churches of England (1656) (Bodl. Douce Prints c. 32). For Wood 276b(37-8), see note at Wood
276b(39), item 5914.
Wood 276b(36). Engraving.
947. Bennion, John. Mosess charge to Israels judges, opened in an assise sermon. Oxford: sold F. Dollif,
1681. 4
. Pp. [7], 20.
Tp, AW underscored Bennion and wrote, Edm. Hall.
Wood 633(12). Wing B1890.
948. Bense, Petrus. Analogo-diaphora, seu concordantia discrepans, . . . Gallicae, Italicae, & Hispanicae.
Oxoniae: G. Turner, 1637. 8
. Pp. [6], 72.
Pp. 1-4, some underscorings at grammatical matters.
Wood 42(4). STC 1885. Madan 847.
949. Berkly, Michael*. The most sad and lamentable narration of the death of Michaell Berkly. London:
f. T. Vere a. W. Gilbertson, 1658. 8
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 284(9). Wing M2918 (rare) (Wing, Michael and Gilbert).
950. Berkshire, Letter. To the right honorable Will: Lenthal speaker to the parliament. London: f. E.
Thomas, 1659[60]. S.sh.
AW added to the year, Jan:.
Wood 276a(254). Wing T1716.
951. Bernard, Edward. Edvardi Bernardi de mensuris et ponderibus antiquis libri tres. Ed. altera, purior
& locupletior. Oxoniae: e theatro Seldonio [sic], 1688. 8
. Ed. altera. Pp. [16], 261, [86]. Calf, mottled, with
llets and stamp decoration (tulips) in corners.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, Anton. ` a Wood [/] Ex dono Edw. Bernardi authoris Sav. profess. Astron. Oxon.
22. Jun. 1688. LT 3.270.
Wood 572. Wing B1987.
952. Bernard, Edward. Burghers, M[ichael], sculp. Orbis eruditi literaturam ` a charactere Samaritico.
Oxoniae: ap. Theatrum, [1689]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(24). Wing B1989.
953. Bernard, Nicholas. A true and perfect relation of all the severall skirmishes . . . and . . . victories
obtained . . . when they raised the siege of Tredagh. London: f. J. Wright, 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Tp, under the woodcut, AW wrote, Newcastle; in margin, In vol . . .
Wood 507(47). Wing B2019.
954. Bernard, Nicholas. The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda. London: A. N. f. W. Bladen,
1642. 4
. Pp. [23], 90.
Wood 507(48). Wing B2020.
955. Bernard, Nicholas. The life & death of . . . James Usher. London: E. Tyler, sold J. Crook, 1656.
. Pp. [14], 119, [3] (3 pp. books sold by Crook).
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Nicholas Bernard the author of this book (see Canterb. dome Nath ibid.[?]
[i.e., William Prynne, Canterburies doome (1646), Wood 540, item 5430]. Tp, surname of author under-
lined in red ink. A4
, A6, A8, brief note, underscoring, or marks in margin; A8, at Ushers family, AW
wrote a reference marker, , and daugh. wife of S. Tim. Tirrell of Shotover in Oxfordshire. Text, some
underscoring, lines in margins and brief notes, e.g., pp. 11, 13, 20-1 28, 34, 42-3, etc. to end. P. 108, at
printed [Usher] sitting up late in the Colledge Library of Dublyn, AW wrote, That is not allowed to be in
86 The Library of Anthony Wood
any library in Oxon. Pp. 119-[120], AW wrote a 31-line entry on the death and funeral of Usher, 21 March
1655/6 - 17 Apr., which he used almost verbatim for AO 4.799-800; e.g., AWs last ms. sentence, where,
after the said Dr. Bernard had preached over most of this book, he was there interred varies only slightly
from the entry in AO: Where after the said Dr. Bernard had preached before the large auditory a sermon,
it was interd. LT 1.203.
Wood 307(5). Wing B2012.
956. Bernard, Richard. A guide to grand jury men . . . in cases of witchcraft. London: F. Kingston f. E.
Blackmore, 1627. 12
. Pp. [18], 267. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, scribble, not by AW.
Wood 575. STC 1943.
957. Bernardiston, Samuel*. The tryal and conviction of s
Sam. Bernardiston, . . . for high-misdemeanor
[14 Feb.]. London: f. B. Tooke, 1684. Fol. Pp. [3], 34.
1st blank, AW wrote 1
Wood 428(27). Wing T2164.
958. Beroaldus, Philippus. Salter, Thomas, trans. A contention betwene three bretheren . . . the whore-
monger, the dronkarde, and the dice-player, to approve which of them three is the worste. London: f. T.
Gosson, 1581. 8
. Ff. 25-46 only (imperf.).
Wood 736(2a). STC 1968.5 (rare, 2 at O).
959. Berrow, Jo[hn], and Jo[hn] Wade, et. al. Certaine reasons (by way of reply to some objections
. . . to a paper styled the case of John Giord . . . why those iron-works in the forrest of Deane should be
. . . demolisht. [London?]: n.pub., [1650?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 609(27b).
[MS.] Wood D. 27(2). Wing C1749 (rare, 2 at O).
960. Berrow, Jo[hn], and Jo[hn] Wade, et al. Certaine reasons (by way of reply to some objections
. . . to a paper styled the case of John Giord . . . why those iron-works in the forrest of Deane should be
. . . demolisht. [London?]: n.pub., [1650?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood D. 27(2).
Wood 609(27b) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing C1749 (rare, 2 at O).
961. Bertius, P[etrus]. Breviarium totius orbis terrrarum. Francofurti: in o. Bryana. Typ. C. R otelii,
1627. 12
. Pp. [8], 72, [2]. Calf with 3 llets and stamp decoration in corners (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, name, Dr. Gos Lopich (? illeg.) (not in AWs hand); 2nd, titles of 5 printed works in
this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian (who included, as separate items, 2 sections of Wood 196(2)); and
some dates, 1608 and 1757.
Wood 196(1). BL.
962. Bertius, Petrus, and Etienne de Courcelles. K., J., trans. The life and death of James Arminius
and Simon Episcopius. London: T. Ratcli a. N. Thompson, f. F. Smith, 1672. 8
. Pp. [5], 34, [3], 28, [2]
(2 pp. books printed for Smith).
2nd p. 8, dropped line added, may not be in AWs hand.
Wood 289(2). Wing B2048.
963. Bertramus. D., S., trans. The book of Bertram the priest, concerning the body and blood . . . To
which is added, two short discourses against purgatory and invocation of saints. London: f. W. Taylor, 1686.
. Pp. [36], 130.
Tp, Ar Charlet, cropped, over an earlier name; lines in margin. Di. ed. at Wood 835(6).
Wood 835(5). Wing B2049A.
964. Bertramus. Lynde, Humphrey, ed. The book of Bertram the priest, concerning the body and blood of
Christ in the sacrament. London: B. Grin, sold S. Keble, 1687. 12
. Pp. [36], 96.
Di. ed. at Wood 835(5).
Wood 835(6). Wing B2050.
965. [Besnier, Pierre]. Rose, Henry, trans. A philosophicall essay for the reunion of the languages. Oxford:
H. Hall f. J. Good, 1675. 8
. Pp. [6], 79.
Tp, 6
. After year, AW wrote Oct.-74 written [translated, crossed out] as tis reported by Hen. Rose
A.M. somtimes Fellow of Lync. Coll. in Oxon. LT 3.349; AOF 2.332.
Wood 37(4). Wing B2051A. ESTCR 11378 and 229445. Madan 3075 (Rose, H.).
The Library of Anthony Wood 87
966. Besongne, N[icolas]. Lestat de la France novvellement corrige. Paris: la vefve Pierre David, 1661.
. Pp. [39], 739, [3]. Parchment over pasteboard.
Pastedown, upper, Hen. Foulis `e Coll. Linc. Oxon. Octob
. 24. i660. Tp, 1
- wx (bsm.?) and bsm. LT
Wood 579 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). BN.
967. [Bethel, Slingsby]. A true and impartial narrative of the . . . debates . . . in the late parliament.
Together with the rise and disolution [sic] of it. London: f. T. Brewster, 1659. 4
. Pp. 14.
Tp, AW wrote, This parl. began, by protector Richards call, 27. Jan. 1658[9] - Dissolved 26. Apr. 1659.
Wood 519(11). Wing B2077 (O not recorded in Wing).
968. [Bethel, Slingsby]. Ludlow no lyar, or a detection of dr. [Richard] Hollingworths disingenuity.
Amsterdam: n.pub., 1692. 4
. Pp. xx, 63, [1].
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
-0, in pencil.
Wood 363(10). Wing B2068. FFMadan 169.
969. Bevis of Hampton*. Sir Bevis of Hampton. London: R. Bishop, [1639?]. 4
. Newly corrected. A-
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote, In the rst time of the Normans an. 1066, Bogo or Beavose or Bevis the
English man, who fought against the Normans in the battle of Cardi in Wales, is reputed to have been
Earl. of Southampton, a man for warlike prowesse much renowned; whome, while the Monks Laboured to
set out with their fained fables, they have obscured his doughty Deeds in greater Darkness &c. - Camden
in Britan. in Hampshire (W. Camden, Britannia (London, 1594): 203, Hantshire).
Wood 321(4). STC 1996 (two).
970. Bible. The holy bible. Edinburgh: [R. Young], 1633. 8
, A-3M
Missing in 1837. Ed. not identied.
Wood 887a. STC 2311 and 2311a. Folg, Hunt.
971. Bible. The holy bible. London: Co. of Stationers, printed by the, 1650. 8
. A-2Z
(last leaf blank).
Calf with 2 llets; rebacked. Flyleaf, upper, printers waste paper.
Pastedown upper, gures and biblical references, not by AW. Backing, biblical references, not by AW,
and signature, Anthony Wood. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, scribbles and Rob. Parry, Edwad [sic] Lhwyd and
Edward, and Giliecholum Macmuluen [sic]. Last p.
, and pastedown, lower, scribbles, bibles references,
and 4 signatures by Giliecholum Macmulen (for this notorious helper at the Ashm., from 22 Oct. 1703
to 1 Jan. 1707, see R. Ovenell, Ashmolean Museum (1986): 102-3). Text, frequent marginalia in Genesis,
less and less later, none by AW. 2M7
, signature of Robert Wyeen (prob. Robert Wynn, another Ashm.
employee, 1697-1700).
Wood 873(1). Wing B2231.
972. Bible. Ailmer, John, trans. Musae sacrae: seu Jonas, Jeremiae threni, & Daniel Graeco redditi
carmine. Oxoniae: excud. L. Licheld, veneunt ap. J. Godwin & R. Davis, 1652. 8
. Pp. [32], 241, [6].
Tp, AW underscored the translators surname in red ink.
Wood 817(3). Wing B2739G. Madan 2190.
973. Bible, Apocalypse. Woodhead, Abraham, ed. The Apocalyps paraphrased [with] An extract of out
Bishop Mountagues appeal . . . concerning Mahomet. N.p.: n.pub., [1689]. 4
. No t leaf. Pp. 117, [7].
In AO 3.1163, AW stated that this work was not compleated, and it may never have had a t leaf.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(5-6). Not in Wing (but see after W3435A). Not in ESTCR.
974. Bible, Catechism. The doctrine of the bible: or, rules of discipline. London: T. Radclie f. J. Wright,
1666. 12
. Newly corrected. Ff. [1], 210, [1] (2 . books printed f. E. Brewster). Calf.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Ex libris Andr Allam Anno Domini. 1671; 2nd, 1669 Andrew Allam his booke
Amen. Flyleaf, upper, 1st traces of accounts. F. 1
, a few crosses in margin, in pencil, prob. not
by AW. Flyleaves, lower, accounts, mainly purchases of paper, and a date, March 5
1614, and some
scribbling by Allam. LT 3.167.
Wood 764. Wing D1773cA (rare).
975. Bible, New Testament. Hoole, Charles, ed. H kainh diayhke. Novum Testamentum. Huic edi-
tioni omnia diciliorum vocabularum themata, quae in Georgii Pasoris lexico grammatice resolvuntur, in
margine apposuit Carolus Hoole. London: Excud. R. Nortonus pro J. Kyrton, 1653, 1664, 1672. 12
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 56 (ed. not identied).
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 56. Wing B2731-4.
88 The Library of Anthony Wood
976. Bible, New Testament. Hyde, Thomas, ed. Jang ampat evangelia . . . That is, the four gospels
. . . and the Acts . . . translated into the Malayan tongue. [Intro.] For the English Reader, by Tho.
Marshall. Oxford: H. Hall, 1677. 4
. Pp. [4], 14 (t leaf and prelims. only).
Tp, AW wrote, ABosco, ex dono Tho. Marshall Coll. Lync. Rectoris 20 Dec. 1677 (cropped at top), and
below, by Th. Hyde. AO 4.172 and 524.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(2). Wing B2796. Madan 3164.
977. Bible, Psalms. English. The book of Psalms [extr. from a Bible]. N.p.: n.pub., [1670 ca.]. 4
in 8s.
[i.e., 2G8
. Parchment.
Wood 650. Wing B2501. (not identied).
978. Bible, Psalms. English. The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by T. Sternhold,
J. Hopkins [et al.]. London: J. Windet f. the assignes of R. Daye, 1598. 16
. A-Y
Flyleaf, lower
, AW wrote This was the Lady Grisil Pointz book given to her by her mother.
Wood 757(2). STC 2494a.5 (two).
979. Bible, Psalms. Sternhold, Thomas and John Hopkins, eds. The whole book of Psalms. London: W.
Bentley, 1649. 8
. Pp. [2], 77, [9].
P. [9], Giliecholum Macmulen and scribbles. See note at Wood 873(1), item 971.
Wood 873(2). Wing B2438.
980. Bible, Ten Commandments. Chertsey, Andrew, trans. Ihesus. The oure of the commaundmentes
of god with many examples and auctorytees. London: (W. de Worde), (1510, 14 Sept.). Fol. (wanting the t
leaf, A1). A2-6,B-D
and . 261. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, This booke made in the 2 yeare of Henry 8 1510, not in AWs hand, and R[ichard]
Reeve[s] Ex dono D
[Edward] Exton. M.D. Coll. Mag. Socii (LT 2.280; AO 4.386);
AW wrote the
complete t: The ower . . . Translated out of French. Text, minor scribbles and notes, to colophon, f. 261
some cropped, none in AWs hand. D6
, several religious platitudes or stories, e.g. Jesus sayde unto his
dysciples and Thomas one of the twelve which was callede didimus . . . , not in AWs hand.
Wood 641. STC 23876.
981. Bibliotheca. Bibliotheca militum: or the souldiers publick library. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2],
[MS.] Wood C. 26(17). Wing B2841.
982. Biddle, John. The apostolical and true opinion concerning the holy trinity. [With] The testimonies
of Irenaeus. London: n.pub., 1653. 8
. Pp. [18], 35, [19], 60, [2], 86 (3 tpp.). Calf with 2 llets and a vertical
line of 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, A. Allam wrote Pret: 1
W[est] Bibl: Sext: [August] die 18 1675. LT 3.167. Di. ed.
at Wood 647(21).
Wood 806. Wing B2868.
983. Biddle, John. The apostolical and true opinion concerning the holy trinity, revived and asserted:
partly by twelve arguments. [London]: n.pub., 1691. 4
. Rpt. Pp. 16, 16, [8], 24, 32 (4 pts.).
Tp, Bidle corrected to Biddle. Former no., 9, in pencil. Di. ed. at Wood 806.
Wood 647(21). Wing B2868B.
984. Biddulph, William. Lavender, Theophilus, intro. The travels of foure English men and a preacher
into Africa, Asia. London: F. Kyngston, f. W. Aspley, 1612. 4
. Pp. [16], 120.
Flyleaf, waste paper, a disputation topic, An sint quatuor genera oppositorum and 42., not by AW. Tp,
AW wrote Gul. Biddulph. and 1612. Text, pp. 52-119, some lines, hands, and wavy lines in margins, in
pencil, prob. not by AW.
Wood 387(3). STC 3052.
985. Bill of Sale. A bill of sale. In Westminster-hall, on the 22d. of January, will be sold by inch of
candle, these following goods. [London]: n.pub., [1689?]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 417(175). Wing B2896B (rare).
986. B[illing], E[dward]. A mite of aection manifested in 31. proposals. London: f. G. Calvert, 1659.
. Pp. [2], 12 (misnumbering).
Tp, no. 5-, in pencil, in a former bundle (cropped at side).
Wood 613(55). Wing B2902.
987. [Biondo, Giuseppe]. M[athews], T[obie], trans. The penitent bandito: or the history of the conversion
The Library of Anthony Wood 89
& death of . . . Troilo Savelli, a baron of Rome. N.p.: n.pub., 1663. 12
. 2nd ed. Pp. 144, [5]. Calf with 2
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, T.B. May 6; 2nd
, Antonii ` a Wood ex dono Tho. Blount interioris Templi. Maij 1670.
Tp, Wood identies T.M. as Tobie Mathews. LT 2.191.
Wood 188. Wing B2936B.
988. Bird, James. The speech of James Bird, gent. who was executed at Tyburn, . . . for the willful
murther of his wife [18 Sept. 1691]. London: f. W. Humphries, 1691. S.sh.
AW wrote after the author, somtimes of Queens coll. Oxon. LT 3.371-2.
Wood 422(13b). Wing B2951A (rare) (Wing, gent.,).
989. Bird, [William]. Doderidge, John, ed. The magazine of honour; or, a treatise of the severall degrees
of the nobility. [London]: f. L. Chapman, a. W. Sheares, 1642. 8
. Pp. [4], 158. Pasteboard (grey) with
parchment spine; 1st and last yleaves, marbled paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, authors 1st name written in, Will., prob. by AW. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines
study, LT 1.247.
Wood 444(1). Wing B2955A (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
990. [Bird, William]. A treatise of the nobilitie of the realme. London: A. N. f. M. Walbanke a. R. Best,
1642. 8
. Pp. [4], 157. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; 1st and last upper and lower yleaves,
marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, ABosco/, in red ink.
Wood 442(1). Wing B2956.
991. [Birkenhead, John]. An answer to a speech without doores: or, animadversions upon . . . mr.
Challener his speech. [London]: n.pub., [1646]. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote Ridic, in pencil; Challener, underscored in red ink; no. 62 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(23). Wing A3351A.
992. [Birkenhead, John]. Newes from Pembroke & Mongomery, or Oxford manchesterd by Michael
Oldsworth and his lord [11 Ap.]. Mongomery [i.e., Oxford, but really London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW wrote Dup, in pencil. Di. ed. at Wood 514(44).
Wood 614(5). Wing B2968. Madan 1982.
993. Birkenhead, John. Newes from Pembroke and Mongomery, or Oxford manchesterd by Michael
Oldsworth and his lord [11 Ap.]. Mongomery [i.e., Oxford, but really London]: n.pub., 1648 (2nd issue). 4
Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW wrote, By Joh. Birkenhead. (see Hist. and Antiq. (1796), 2.580); and corrected 11 April to 12
April. P. 3, line in margin and a correction. Di. ed. at Wood 614(5).
Wood 514(44). Wing B2968A. Madan 1983 .
994. Birkenhead, John. Cabala, or an impartial account of the non-conformists private designs, actings
and wayes [24 Aug. to 25 Dec. 1662]. London: n.pub., 1663. 4
. Pp. [2], 37.
Pp. 3, 7, 9, AW copied, in margins, names from the text, Jo. Brice, Th. Lye, Will. Greenhill, Hen.
Hibbert; 13, underscored Mr. Seamor; 22, wrote in margin, Edw. Bagshaw in Ireland Sept 1662.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(5). Wing B2964B.
995. Birkhead, Henry, and Henry Stubbe. Otium literatum. Sive miscellanea quaedam poemata ab
H. Birchead . . . et H. Stubbe . . . edita, nunc in unum volumen redacta; quibus accedunt deliciae poetarum
Anglicanorum in Graecum translatae. Oxoniae: H. Hall pro Ed. Forrest, [1658?]. 8
. Order of sections in this
copy is: Deliciae: A-B
; Horae subsecivae, (Londini: Du-Gardianis, 1651) (tp is present): 1,A1-3,B-
; and Poematia (tp, cut out; imprimatur leaf, precedes Deliciae): A3-8,B-K
(AO 3.1072 and 4.574).
Before the upper yleaf, a note by F. Madan on the order in a dierent copy. See Madan 2377 for discussion
of the order. This was originally bound in a separate vol. according to AWs note on the yleaf, upper
, In
this vol. following (Otium Literatum) are contained . . . and the headings of the 2 sections in this printed
work, within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, MDCLVI and 1
.3., prob. by AW. Poematia, p. 52, at I.
R., AW wrote in margin, quis?, in red ink; p. 59, he wrote, These verses were published in 1654 under
the name of Sam. Rowe the pupil of the Author of this book, in a book of verses made by persons of the
Univ. of Oxon on the peace betw. the Engl. and the Dutch the book is entit. Musarum Oxoniensium
EDDIOFORIA. &c. pr. at Oxon 1654 4
, i. e., Wood 484(4), item 4911 (and see item 3799).
90 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 39(2). Wing B2976. Madan 2377.
996. Bishop, George. A tender visitation of love, to both the universities Oxford and Cambridge, and to
the inns of court and chancery. London: f. R. Wilson, sold also by R. Moon in Bristol, 1660. 4
. Pp. 19.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW, on Barlows judgment: This tender visitation of Love following I once communicated
to D
Tho. Barlow, who, upon his perusal of it, told me by the quotations, & various readings therein, it
could not be written by a mechanical Quaker, but rather by a popish seducer, or a Jesuit. Tp, beneath
authors name, AW wrote, Quaker. Pp. 4-6, 10, 12, 14, 17-8, 9 minor corrections. LT 1.190.
Wood 515(23). Wing B3007. Madan 2469.
997. Bishope, George, capt. A modest check to part of a scandalous libell intituled the case of col. Kyrle
. . . concerning wood. N.p.: n.pub., [1650 ca.]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 533(10).
[MS.] Wood D. 27(4). Wing B3019A (rare, 2 at O).
998. Bishope, George, capt. A modest check to part of a scandalous libell intituled the case of col. Kyrle
. . . concerning wood. N.p.: n.pub., [1650 ca.]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at [MS.] Wood D. 27(4).
Wood 533(10). Wing B3019A (rare, 2 at O).
999. Bispham, Tho[mas]. Iter australe, a reginensibus Oxon. Anno 1658. Expeditum. [Oxford]: n.pub.,
[1660]. 4
. Pp. [6], 24.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd, AW wrote, qu[aere] Masters [/] Wild { It. bor. (Wood 465(5-6), items 4405, 6589),
and Tho. Bispham Gent. com; tp, Thomas Bispham a Gent: commoner of Queens Coll. is the authour
of this poem. - The Provost & Fellowes had him with them, when they went the college progress.
Wood 465(4). Wing B3034. Madan 2364 (Madan, London, 1658).
1000. Black Monday. Black Munday: or, a full . . . description of that . . . eclipse of the sun which will
happen on the 29. day of March 1652. London: f. W. Ley, 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(11). Wing B3044A.
1001. Bladen, William. Irelands true diurnall, or a continued relation of the cheife passages that have
happened there since the 11
of Jan. London: f. W. Bladen, sold R. Rayston [sic], 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 507(31). Wing B3106 (Wing, Royston).
1002. Bladen, William. A true and exact relation of the chiefe passages in Ireland, since the rst rising
of the rebels . . . with a discription of an overthrow given by sir Simon Harcot [sic] [11 Jan.]. London: T.
H. f. R. Royston, 1642. 4
. A
Wood 507(26). Wing B3107.
1003. [Blaise de Vigen`ere]. Stephens, Edward, trans. A discourse of re and salt, discovering many
secret mysteries. London: R. Cotes, 1649. 4
. Pp. [4], 162.
Pp. 74, 76, 84, line in margin.
Wood 316(3). Wing B3128.
1004. Blome, Richard, ed. The fanatick history: or an exact relation and account of the old Anabaptists,
and new Quakers. London: J. Sims, 1660. 8
. Pp. [9], 224.
Tp, AW wrote Ian: iv: MDcLx, and a price, 1.6. P. 1., bsm. Flyleaf, lower, 2nd
, brief note, lined out.
Wood 888(4). Wing B3212.
1005. Bloody Bead-roll. The bloody bed-roll: or, treason displayed. London: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh. Rpt. of
Oxford, L. Licheld edition.
AW wrote, 1660.;
, 1660, and 73 replaced a former no. 52 in pencil.
Wood 416(73). Wing B3229 (rare). Madan 2482.
1006. Bloody Plot. A bloody plot discovered to surprize the Tower, and the parliament. London: R.
Ibbitson, 1647. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the date, Dec. 13 1647.
Wood 501(38). Wing B3289.
1007. Blount, Charles. Anima mundi: or, an historical narration of the opinions of the ancients con-
cerning mans soul after this life. London: f. W. Cademan, 1679. 8
. Pp. [8], 109.
Tp, AW wrote 10
Wood 859(4). Wing B3298.
The Library of Anthony Wood 91
1008. Blount, Charles. A just vindication of learning: or, an humble address to . . . parliament in behalf
of the liberty of the press, by Philopatris. London: n.pub., 1679. 4
. Pp. [6], 18.
Tp, AW wrote, published in May 1679, and, in pencil, 3
Wood 642(4). Wing B3307.
1009. [Blount, Thomas]. A catalogue of the lords, knights and gentlemen (of the Catholick religion) that
were slain in the late warr, in defence of their king. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
At Col. Raph Pudsey at ; AW wrote Wiggan. Col. 2, correction. Dupl. at 503(35). Repr. in Blount,
Calendarium Cath. (1661), Wood 4, item 50. This or the dupl. was acquired 29 May 1660, LT 1.317.
Wood 276a(83). Wing C1383 (two).
1010. [Blount, Thomas]. A catalogue of the lords, knights and gentlemen (of the Catholick religion) that
were slain in the late warr, in defence of their king. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote May. 29, and later the year, 1660. Dupl. at Wood 276a(83). Repr. in Blount, Calendarium
Cath. (1661), see Wood 4, item 50. This or the dupl. was acquired 29 May 1660, LT 1.317.
Wood 503(35). Wing C1383 (two).
1011. Blount, Thomas. Nomo-lejikon: a law-dictionary. Interpreting such dicult and obscure works.
[London]: T. Newcomb f. J. Martin & H. Herringman, 1670. Fol. A
Missing. AW received this book from Blount 12 Nov. 1670. There is no record of it having been in the
Ashm. Museum. LT 2.203. See Wood 658(805), item 1016, for the tp of a later edition.
LT 2.203. Wing B3340. BL, Hunt, Folg.
1012. B[lount], T[homas]. Animadversions upon s
Richard Bakers chronicle. Oxon.: H. H. f. R. Davis,
1672. 8
. Pp. [8], 111.
Tp, AW wrote, First published at Oxon Nov. 27. 71. Text, AW made a few corrections, marks (pp. 6, 21,
25, 30 (hand pointer; see LT 2.236), 46, 80, 85-6, 88, 90, 98-9), and underscoring. LT 2.235-6 (a reference
in the Secretum Antonii to the ninth page of Blounts ms., that is, to pp. 101-2 of Blounts text, is
unmarked by AW); see also LT 2.241. AO 3.149.
Wood 225(3). Wing B3327. Madan 2920.
1013. Blount, Tho[mas]. A world of errors discovered in the new world of words, or general English
dictionary [by Edward Phillips]. [London] in the Savoy: T. N[ewcomb], f. A. Roper, J. Martin, a. H. Her-
ringman, 1673. Fol. A-E
,F1 (pp. [21]).
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 43.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 43. Wing B3345. O, Yale, Harv.
1014. Blount, Tho[mas]. Fragmenta antiquitatis. Antient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some
mannors. London: by assigns of R. a. E. Atkins f. A. Roper, T. Basset, a. C. Wilkinson, 1679. 8
. Pp. [7],
175, [16]. Calf with 2 llets and a 2nd vertical line of 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote 22. Feb. 1678[9] Received from the authour this booke, by me Anth. `a Wood.
P. 10, at Rowland le Sarcere, AW wrote, Baldwin le Pettour ie Farter v. Camdenum in Suolke in
Hemingston. In the index locorum, AW corrected Homingston to Hemingston. LT 2.441.
Wood 675. Wing B3333.
1015. [Blount, Thomas]. Boscobel: or the compleat history of his sacred majesties . . . preservation after
. . . Worcester. London: M. Clarke, sold H. Brome a. C. Harper, 1680 (2nd and 3rd tpp, 1681). 8
. 3rd ed.
Pp. [7], 81, [7], 42, [4], 45-90 (3 tpp).
Tp, AW wrote, 1.4
. Text, AW made marks in margins, corrections, identications, pp. 7, 13 (at William
Seldon [sic], Will. Sheldon natural son to - -), 29, 35-6, etc., mainly in dark ink, but also in pencil and
red ink (another ed. acquired 25 July 1660, 1
, LT 1.327). See also LT 2.226.
Wood 235(2). Wing B3331.
1016. Blount, Thomas. Nomo-lejikon: A law-dictionary. Interpreting such dicult and obscure works.
London: f. H. Herringman, T. Newcomb, R. Chiswell, a. R. Bentley, sold T. Salusbury, 1691. Fol. 2nd ed.
Tp only.
Name of author underscored. AW received a copy of the 1st ed. from Blount on 12 Nov. 1670, see item
1011. It was not among those bequeathed to the Ashm. LT 2.203.
Wood 658(805) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B3341.
1017. Blundell, Nicholas. Blundel the Jesuits letter of intelligence, to his friends the Jesuites at Cambray
. . . to madam Katharine Hall [23 June]. [London]: n.pub., 1679. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 424(23), q.v.
92 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 276a(259). Wing B3362.
1018. Blundell, Nicholas. Blundel the Jesuits letter of intelligence, to his friends the Jesuites at Cambray
. . . to madame Katharine Hall [23 June]. [London]: n.pub., 1679. S.sh.
AW wrote, This letter was written by Peter Caryll a Benedictine monke, to M
Katherine Hall of Cambray,
& was found in his pocket (being about to send it away) when he was taken (by information of a servant
maid of the house wherin he lay) at Lambeth. And being examined by a Justice of Peace Tit. Oates was
sent for to know whether he knew him, & he averring that it was Blundell the Jesuit, he was forthwith
committed to prison as Blundell. Dupl. at Wood 276a(259). He purchased a copy from Vade, 1
, see his
record of purchase at MS. Wood F. 50, f. 11. LT 2.453.
Wood 424(23). Wing B3362.
1019. Blundeville, [Thomas]. The arte of logick. London: W. Standsby, sold M. Lownes, 1617. 4
Pp. [16], 197.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 19. BL copy, p. [6], he lived in Nottinghamsh. See the postscript after the
epistle to the reader, may be by AW.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 19. STC 3143. BL, Folg, Yale.
1020. Boate, Arnold. A remonstrance of divers remarkable passages and proceedings of our army in
. . . Ireland, being an extract of a letter. London: R. Badger f. R. Lownds, 1642. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote May 11, in pencil; below, 64.
Wood 508(19). Wing B3371.
1021. Boccalini, Traiano. Florio, Giovanni, trans. The new-found politicke [selections from Ragguagli di
Parnaso and Pietra del paragone politico; pt. 1 tr. by G. Florio, pt. 2 by T. Scott, pt. 3 by W. Vaughan.].
[London]: [Eliots Court Press f. F. Williams], [1626]. 4
. Pp. 242 (wanting all before sig. B1). Calf with 3
llets, stamp decoration (ower) inside corners, and roll decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 7 printed works in this vol. written by an Ashm. librarian (same hand in
Wood 276a).
[MS.] Wood B. 39(1). STC 3185.
1022. Bode, W., and W. C. A declaration of the proceedings of the new moddeld army in the kingdome
of Scotland [2 letters, the rst signed: W. Bode, the second, W. C.]. London: n.pub., 1647. 4
. A
Wood 501(41). Wing B3389A.
1023. Bodley, Thomas*. Justa funebria Ptolemaei Oxoniensis Thomae Bodleii (Oratio funebris habita
ab oratore publico) [29 March]. Oxoniae: excud. Jos. Barnesius a. vaeneunt ap. Joh. Barnesium, London,
1613. 4
. Pp. [4], 134 (wanting at end, Oratio, pp. [14]).
Tp, A Woode: Mert: Coll: MDclx (LT 1.424). P. 30, corrections; 31, at Ed. Michelborne, aul. Glouc.;
40-1, at L. Petrucci, lines in margins, in pencil.
Wood 484(5). STC 3194. Madan 377.
1024. Bodley, Thomas. The life of s
Thomas Bodley, . . . written by himselfe. Oxford: H. Hall, 1647.
. Pp. [4], 16.
Tp, scribbles, written and Ox. Pp. 4-5, 16, 1576 in margin, and 2 corrections.
Wood 535(4). Wing B3392. Madan 1925.
1025. Boehm, Jacob*. The life of one Jacob Boehmen. London: L. N. f. R. Whitaker, 1644. 4
. A
Wood 532(4). Wing L2035B (O not recorded in Wing).
1026. Boemus, Joannes. Aston, Ed., trans. The manners, lawes, and customes of all nations. Collected
out of the best writers. London: G. Eld, 1611. 4
. Pp. [16], 589, [3].
Pp. 72, note, and 274. some marks in margin, none by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 28(a). STC 3198.
1027. Boethius, Anicius Manlius T. S. De consolatione philosophiae libri quinque, luculentissimis Jo-
hannis Murmellii (partim etiam Rodolphi Agricolae) commentariis illustrati. Coloniae: ex o. E. Cervicorni,
1535. Pp. [48], 399. Calf,with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle with 2 pairs of llets and stamp decoration; 2 clasp
holes; rebacked.
Tp, Liber Antoni Wood Oxon [all lined out and:] e muso Bartenii Holydaii S. T. D. amici sui, emptus,
. D
. 166j (AWs early hand; Holyday died in 1661). A3
, some underscoring and numbering, prob.
not by AW.
Jesus College L. 3. 2. BL.
The Library of Anthony Wood 93
1028. Boethius, Anicius Manlius T. S. Colvile, George, trans. De consolationae [sic] philosophiae.
(London): (J. Cawoode), 1556. 4
. A-2E
,2F1-3. Parchment.
A1, signature of Mynne Trelgon [Frelgon?]. Text, frequent underscoring and some marks in margins and
corrections. 2F3, liber M
Thomae Bellone [?] generosi. Acquired 21 Sept. 1668, LT 2.143.
Wood 331. STC 3201.
1029. [Bohun, Edmund]. A defence of sir Robert Filmer, against the mistakes . . . of Algernon Sidney,
esq; in a paper. London: f. W. Kettilby, 1684. Fol. Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
, and at a dierent time, Edm Bohun Esq. the author.
Wood 428(23). Wing B3450.
1030. B[ohun], E[dmund]. An apologie for the Church of England, against the clamours of the men of
no-conscience: or the duke of Buckinghams seconds. London: f. W. Kettilby, 1685. 4
. Pp. 12.
Wood 611(15). Wing B3447.
1031. [Bohun, Edmund]. The history of the desertion [of the throne by James 2], or, an account of all
the publick aairs in England [from Sept - 12 Feb.], . . . With an answer to a piece [by Jeremiah Collier]
calld the desertion discussed. London: f. R. Chiswell, 1689. 4
. Pp. [8], 168.
Pp. 3, correction; 23, AW wrote, at visit of James 2 to Oxford and his return to London, This is a mistake
for he was called up to sit among the Bishops concerning the birth of the Pr. of Wales.; 27, he altered
the year, 1689, to 1688; 33, at printed 400 Horses, The exact Diary &c saith not so and underscoring; 35,
London, prob. not by AW; 39, AW wrote, This agrees not with the Diary and at end, And afterwards
he deserted by taking the oathes (i.e., T. Lamplugh, the bishop of Exeter and then York); 43, short line
in margin. Flyleaf lower, last, AWs note on waste paper, These must all be restored to my booke B. (see
LT 4.218-9). LT 3.300.
Wood 530(3). Wing B3456.
1032. Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas. Soames, William, trans. The art of poetry. London: f. R. Bentley
a. S. Magnes, 1683. 8
. Pp. [2], 67.
Tp, By M
Somes, not in AWs hand, but by the same person who wrote the note in the following item,
Sheeld, Wood 320(5), item 5872.
Wood 320(4). Wing B3464.
1033. Bolron, Robert. The narrative of Robert Bolron, . . . concerning the late horrid popish plot.
London: f. T. Simmons, a. J. Sampson, 1680. Fol. Pp. [3], 36.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
Wood 425(29). Wing B3501.
1034. B[olton], E[dmund]. The elements of armories. London: G. Eld, 1610. 4
. Pp. [16], 201, [15].
Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Tp, AW wrote Edm. Bolton in red ink; bsm kp.
[i.e., p. [3]], AW underscored E. B. and wrote Bolton.
On 4 leaves pasted in between lower yleaves, AW drew some 30-40, mainly armorial, gures and wrote,
Burges or Berges buried at Wells at the Cath. son of Cornel[ius] Burges, The speare heads of M
Brodricks coat must be bloody., The crest of M
[Thomas] Oldfeilds coat is a wheasheaf [sic] or and on it
a white bird. q[uaere] buried in S. Georges ch. in Southwark, The crest to M
Saints [i.e., Saint Germans]
coat is an Elephants head (for Burgess, AO 3.681; for Oldeld, LT 1.236-7; for Brodrick, LT 2.49, where
Clark quotes a description from Wood MS. F. 4, 109 (AWs bloody = embrued gules); for an illustr.,
see J. Fairbairn, Fairbairns Crests (Edinburgh, 1860); the crest of the earl of Saint German (Eliot family)
includes an elephants head, couped, ar. (or collard gu.)).
Wood 357. STC 3220.
1035. [Bolton, Edmund]. The cities advocate, in this case or question of honor and armes; whether
apprentiship extinguisheth gentry?. London: [M. Flesher] f. W. Lee, [1629] (cropped). 4
. T, a cancel.
Pp. [18], 61, [1].
Tp, initials, R. S. and a price, 12
Wood 590(2). STC 3219.
1036. Bond, John. King Charles his welcome home, or a congratulation . . . for his . . . returne from
Scotland, 1641. London: F. L. f. T. Bates a. F. Coules, [1641]. 4
. Pp.[2], 6.
Wood 537(16). Wing B3579.
1037. Book of Pretty Conceits. The book of pretty conceits. Or, the green forrest of youthful delights.
London: f. P. Brooksby, 1685. 8
. A
94 The Library of Anthony Wood
Flyleaf, upper
, gures, an addition, not in AWs hand.
Wood 69(8). Wing B3714 (rare).
1038. Book of Witty Riddles. A book of witty riddles. N.p.: ?, n.d. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. A Book of witty Riddles in Whiteside cat. (prob. not STC 3322.5 (one) or STC 3323
Wood 64(10). Not identied.
1039. Booker, John. No Mercurius Aquaticus, but a cable-rope, double twisted for John Tayler. [London]:
f. G. B., 1644, 19 July. 4\spso. Pp. 8.
Missing in 1922. A note at the entry on the upper yleaf, torn out.
Wood 622(4). Wing B3729. Hunt, Harv.
1040. Booker, John, and [George Wharton]. Mercurius Coelicus: or, a caveat . . . 1644 [by John
Booker] [2nd p. [1]] Mercurio-Coelico Mastix. Or an anti-caveat to . . . Booker . . . by G. Naworth. London
[i.e., Oxford]: J. Raworth f. J. Partridge [i.e., H. Hall], [1644]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6, [2] 14 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote Here is also Whartons answer. (in the printed marginalia and after 2nd t).
Wood 622(2-3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B3728C. Madan 1540 (O not recorded in Wing).
1041. [Booth, George]. [Delamere, 1st baron]. The declaration of the lords, . . . of this once happy
kingdome of England. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 503(23).
Wood 276a(166). Wing D870. Steele 3124.
1042. Booth, George. Delamere, 1st baron. The declaration of the lords, . . . of this once happy kingdome
of England. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year 1659. Dupl. at Wood 276a(166).
Wood 503(23). Wing D870.
1043. Booth, George*. Delamere, 1st baron. An express from the knights and gentlemen now engaged
with sir George Booth; to the . . . citizens of London [9 Aug.]. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Wood 503(24a). Wing E3892.
1044. Booth, George. Delamere, 1st baron. A letter from . . . in defence of his countries liberties
. . . Chester Aug. 2. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 503(24).
Wood 276a(167). Wing D871.
1045. Booth, George. Delamere, 1st baron. A letter from . . . in defence of his countries liberties
. . . Chester Aug. 2. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(167).
Wood 503(24). Wing D871.
1046. Booth, George. Delamere, 1st baron. Sir George Booths letter . . . shewing the reasons of his
present engagement. Together with an answer [2 Aug.]. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 24.
Wood 503(25). Wing D872.
1047. Booth, Henry*. Warrington, earl of. The tryal of Henry baron Delamere for high-treason [14 Jan.
1685]. London: f. D. Newman, 1686. Fol. Pp. [3], 87.
Tp, AW wrote, 2
- 6. and 27. Mar 1686. LT 3.177.
Wood 421(8). Wing T2189.
1048. Booth, Henry. Warrington, earl of. The late lord Russels case, with observations upon it. London:
f. A. Churchill, 1689. Fol. Pp. [2], 15.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon 12. Mar. 1688[9]. - 6
-. LT 3.294.
Wood 421(12). Wing D878.
1049. Borde, Andrew. The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge. (London): (in Lothberry, W.
Copland), [1562?]. 4
. A-N
(wanting D4).
Tp., 1542, and signatures, Henricus Jackson (see LT 1.459 and 1.331), R. B., Sebastianus Cabotta
Venetus oriu[ndus] (cropped), and Ralighus[?]. Text, scribbles, marks in margins, traces of names, and
notes, most are cropped, none in AWs hand. C4
, name, cropped; E4 Fraunces brother God sone, H4,
Richard Windser and 16 of Jan: 1621; N4
, mainly scribbles, Christian names, and, Thomas Eainehill[?]
and Ananias Bellott.
The Library of Anthony Wood 95
Wood 336(2). STC 3385.
1050. B[orde], A[ndrew]. The merry tales of the mad-men of Gotam. London: n.pub., 1650. 8
. Pp. [2],
Missing in 1837. Merry Tales of the mad-men of Gotham Lond. 1650 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 66(1). Wing B3749 (rare). BL.
1051. Border, Daniel. A wicked plot against the person of sir William Waller. London: f. R. Wood, 1644,
11 Jan. 4
. A
Tp, AW altered a former no., 52.
Wood 376(58). Wing B3751 (1996). ESTCR 229595.
1052. Boreman, R[obert]. Paideia-yriambow. The triumph of learning over ignorance, and of truth over
falsehood. London: f. R. Royston, 1653. 4
. Pp. [8], 34, [1].
Tp, bsm.
[MS.] Wood B. 24(2). Wing B3760.
1053. Boreman, R[obert]. A mirrour of Christianity, . . . a . . . narrative of the life and death of
. . . Alice dutchess Duddeley. London: E. C. f. R. Royston a. J. Collins, 1669. 4
. Pp. [6], 48.
Tp, AW wrote, at the year of publ., the year, 1668, and price, 6
. P. 1, at 1669, 1668.
Wood 532(14) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B3758.
1054. [Borlase, Edmund]. Latham spaw in Lancashire. London: f. R. Clavel, 1670. 8
. Pp. [22], 72.
Tp, 9
, may be in AWs hand.
Wood 699(6). Wing B3769.
1055. Borlase, Ed[mund]. The reduction of Ireland to the crown of England. London: A. Clarke, f. R.
Clavel, 1675. 8
. Pp. [50], 284. Calf with 2 llets and stamp decoration in corners (plant with 3 pointed
Flyleaf, upper, 1
. Pp. 130-1, 137, 148, etc. marks in margins or underscoring. P. 149, also 2 notes:
AW wrote, Th. Fuller in his Ch. Hist. at Walter Travers and in what yeare qu[aere] at Henry Alvey
chosen provost Octob. 8; p. 177, so Camd. in his Annall. of Q. Eliz. Title on a slip extending from the
lower yleaf (not in Woods hand).
Wood 215. Wing B3771.
1056. B[orlase], E[dmund]. Brief reections on the earl of Castelhavens memoirs. London: G. West,
1682. 8
. Pp. [10], 67.
Tp, AW wrote, By Edm. Borlase 6
. A4, line in margin at a reference to the Short View of the late
Troubles (by W. Dugdale, Wing D2492).
Wood 202(3). Wing B3766.
1057. Bornitius, Jacobus. Jacobi Bornitii . . . de nummis in repub. percutiendis & conservandis libri
duo. Hanoviae: typ. Wechelianis, ap. C. Marnium & her. J. Aubrii, 1608. 4
. Pp. 102, [7]. Calf with 3 llets,
stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves and sunower sprouting eur-de-lis), and roll decoration at inner,
spine edge (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Flyleaves, upper, 1st and 2nd, the titles of 19 printed works in this vol., in Whitesides hand (correct order
and the one followed in this cat. (the Bodl. CD cat. nos. are irregular)); 3rd, again the titles, 1-17 (2 entries
at nos. I and VI), by an Ashm. librarian (same hand at Wood 276a). Each item was numbered by Keeper
Whiteside (in Arabic nos.; some cropped) and by the 2nd librarian (in Roman numerals).
Wood 533(1). BL.
1058. Bos, Lambert van den. The life and raigne of king Charles. London: f. S. Miller, 1659. 8
. Pp. 229-
464 and tp, only (wanting A1-Q2).
Tp, AW wrote, Lamb. Sylvius a Dutchman. Pp. 319-336, 419, a few brief notes, corrections, and q[uaere]
marks. Acquired 14 Sept. 1661, 1
, LT 1.410.
Wood 244(2). Wing B3777E.
1059. [Bostock, Robert]. The Scots constancy. Or, an answer to Clevelands Scots apostacy. [London]:
n.pub., [1647]. 4
. Pp. 4.
Pp. 2, 4, corrections, prob. not by AW.
Wood 483(18). Wing B3796.
1060. B[ostocke], R[obert] (probable author). The dierence betwene the auncient phisicke, . . . and
the latter phisicke. London: [G. Robinson] f. R. Walley, 1585. 8
. *
(last 2 leaves blank).
96 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 699(5). STC 1064.
1061. Boteler, William*. Botelers case. Being an impartial narrative of the tryal, . . . of master William
Boteler. Executed. [London]: f. J. Clarke, a. P. Brooksby, [1678]. 8
. A-E
Tp, AW wrote, an . . . . (he did not know the year of execution). B2, AW underscored Battle of Senie,
and wrote in margin, Seni in Alsatia, an. 1675.
Wood 173(4). Wing B3805 (3).
1062. Botero, Giovanni. Draudius, George, trans. Joannis Boteri . . . tractatus duo: prior: de illustrium
statu & politia, libris X. Posterior: de origine urbium, . . . libris III. Ursellis: ap. C. Sutorium, imp. L.
Zetzneri, 1602. 8
. Pp. [24], 946, [27]. Parchment, 2 clasp holes.
Cover, inside, name of Wood and 2-3 words, erased. Tp, bsms.
Wood 570. BL.
1063. Botero, Giovanni. H[awkins], T., trans. The cause of the greatnesse of cities. . . . With certaine
observations concerning the sea. London: E. P[urslowe] f. H. Seile, 1635. 12
. Pp. [2], 236 (wanting sig. A2)
(2 tpp). Parchment.
Pastedown, upper, Hen oulis Booke praetium 12d:; yleaf, upper, r-v, Foulis made an elaborate table.
LT 2.180.
Wood 691. STC 3396.
1064. [Bouhours, Dominique]. Sheldon, Edward, trans. Christian thoughts for every day in the month,
with a prayer [trans. of Pensees chretiennes pour tous les jours du mois]. N.p.: n.pub., 1680. 12
Missing in 1837. Listed in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 62, Edw. Shelden [sic] Christian thoughts for every day
in the month 1680.
Wood 758. Wing B3823.
1065. Bourchier, Jo[hn]. Die lunae 6 Junii, 1642. The copy of a letter sent from sir Jo: Bourchier, to
sir Thomas Barrington. London: f. J. Hunscott, 1642, 7 June. S. sh.
, former no., 65 in pencil; AW altered a former no., 18, to 17, both over earlier, 4. June, in pencil.
Wood 374(17). Wing B3838.
1066. Bourchier, Thomas. Historia ecclesiastica, de martyrio fratrum ordinis minorum divi Francisci,
de observantia, qui partim in Anglia . . . passi sunt. . . . d. Francisci de observantia. Ingolstadii: Wolfgani
Ederi, 1583. 12
. Ff. [10], 178, [2]. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, within guidelines made with red ink, A` aBosco (` a is beneath AB), and AW wrote,
An account of the English martyrs, from fol. 10 to fol. 46, With this book is bound Florentinus Leydanus
his Historia . . . (Wood 231(2), item 4149); f. 5, underscorings and, at Bonner, Thomas Boner. 1. rg [?].
Edmundum, may not be by AW; passim, some underscoring, lines and marks, in ink, not in AWs usual
manner; some pencil marks in margins are in his manner, e.g., . 27 (q[uaere]), 29
, 42
Wood 231(1). BL.
1067. Bourne, William, and Thomas Hood. A regiment for the sea:. . . Whereunto is added an
hydrographicall discourse, . . . by William Borne. Whereunto is added a new regiment, . . . by Thomas
Hood. London: W. J(ones) f. T. Weaver, 1631. 4
in 8s. Corrected. Ff. [9], 96 (2 tpp.) (pp. unopened).
Tp, AW wrote, 1
and Septemb. xxij MDCLX:. LT 1.332.
[MS.] Wood C. 13(3). STC 3431 (two).
1068. [Boutauld, Michel]. S[heldon], E[dward], trans. The counsels of wisdom or, a collection of the
maxims of Solomon . . . with reexions. London: J. Shadd f. M. Turner, 1680. 12
. Pp. [12], 276. Calf,
mottled, with 2 llets and marbled paper edges; rebound.
Flyleaf, 2nd
, AW wrote Anthony ` a Wood. Given to me by M
Francis [sic] Sheldon maid of honor to
Qu. Katherine, j
Jan. 1680[1]. Being a translation of her Father Edward Sheldon Esq. LT 2.510.
Wood 845. Wing B3860A.
1069. Bower, Edmund. Doctor Lamb revived, or, witchcraft condemnd in Anne Bodenham. London: T.
W. f. R. Best a. J. Place, 1653. 4
. Pp. [4], 44 (wanting pp. 19-22).
Tp, bsm.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(13). Wing B3869.
1070. Bowes, Jerome*. A true report of the horrible murther, . . . in the house of sir Jerome Bowes.
London: H. L[ownes] f. M. Lownes, 1607. 4
. A-F
Tp, AW wrote the no. 2 on a slip used to repair the tp. D2, scribble, for God is the way, not by AW.
The Library of Anthony Wood 97
Wood 365(2). STC 3434.
1071. B[owles], E[dward]. A letter from a minister in his excellence his army, to a brother of his in
London . . . before Reading. April 18. London: f. J. Rothwell, a. S. Gellibrand, 1643, 20 April. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW altered a former no.; and p. 3, corrected Blachgrave to Blagrave.
Wood 376(6). Wing B3872A.
1072. Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius. De typographicae artis inventione, & inventoribus, dissertatio. Lug-
duni Batavorum: ex o. H. de Vogel (typ. W. Christiani), 1640. 4
. Pp. 51, [1]. Pasteboard (blue) with
parchment spine; 1st upper and lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 6 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. P. 2, extensive notes, in Latin, on printing and books in the Bodleian Library, not in AWs hand. Text,
some underscoring and marks in margin in red crayon, not in AWs manner.
Wood 642(1). BL.
1073. Boyle, Richard*. Cork, earl of. The earle of Corkes victorie, and Tyrones overthrow. Also the
driving away of the rebels out of Armagh. . . . With the copy of the letter sent from the earle of Tyrone.
London: f. J. Greensmith, 1641. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote after the year, 13 Dec.
Wood 507(12). Wing E72.
1074. Boyle, Richard. Cork, earl of. A true relation of the miseralble [sic] estate that Ireland now standeth
in. Manifested by a letter sent from the lord Dungarvan. London: J. Hammond, 1642, 9 Feb. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote below, Jan 30 1641, and, 1641, in pencil.
Wood 507(30). Wing C6299 (O not recorded in Wing).
1075. Boyle, Richard. Cork, earl of. A letter . . . to the state at Dublin, . . . wherein is shewed the
barbarous cruelty the rebels have lately used. London: f. E. Blackmore, 1642, 9 May. 4
. Pp. 6.
Tp, former no., 13, overwritten; below, 57.
Wood 508(15). Wing C6298.
1076. Boyle, Robert*. On the death of . . . Robert Boyle. London: f. S. Smith, 1692. S.sh.
AW wrote, Bought at Oxon 25. Jan. 1691[2], in pencil;
, Rob. Boyle 1691[2]. LT 3.380; J. F. Fulton,
Bibliog. of R. Boyle (Oxford, 1961), item 305, g. 24.
Wood 429(50). Wing O310 (rare).
1077. Boyle, Roger. Orrery, 1st earl of. A declaration of the lord Broghil, and the ocers of the army of
Ireland in . . . Munster. London: J. Macock, 1659[60]. S.sh. Rpt. of Dublin: W. Bladen edition.
Dupl. at Wood 510(30).
Wood 276a(213). Wing O475.
1078. Boyle, Roger. Orrery, 1st earl of. A declaration of the lord Broghill, and the ocers of the army
of Ireland in . . . Munster. London: J. Macock, 1659[60]. S.sh. Rpt. of Dublin: W. Bladen edition.
AW wrote after the year, March:. Dupl. at Wood 276a(213).
Wood 510(30). Wing O475.
1079. Boyle, Roger. Orrery, 1st earl of (presumed author). The Irish colours displayed, in a reply of
an English protestant to a late letter of an Irish Roman Catholique [P. Walsh]. London: n.pub., 1662. 4
Pp. [2], 17.
Wood 510(32). Wing O485.
1080. Boys, William. The narrative of William Boys, . . . concerning the late horrid popish plot. London:
f. D. Newman, 1680. Fol. Pp. [2], 17.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 425(30). Wing B4067.
1081. Braddon, Lawrence*, and Hugh Speke*. The tryal of Laurence Braddon and Hugh Speke, gent.
upon an information of high-misdemeanor. London: f. B. Tooke, 1684. Fol. Pp. [3], 78.
Wood 428(25). Wing T2196 (Wing, Braddon, and).
1082. Bradshaw, John*. Reason against treason: or, a bone for [John] Bradshaw to picke. [London]:
n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 364(19). Wing R460.
98 The Library of Anthony Wood
1083. Bradshaw, John*. Bradshaws ghost: being a dialogue between the said ghost, and an apparition
of the late king Charles. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 12.
Tp, AW wrote dupl (perhaps a reference to the missing Wood 416(68), item 1086). See note at Wood
416(1), item 4435.
Wood 416(15). Wing B4164 (Wing, under William Bradshaw).
1084. Bradshaw, John*. The last will and testament of. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote dup. Dupl. at Wood 610(13).
Wood 416(14). Wing B4154B.
1085. Bradshaw, John*. The last will and testament of. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote, dupl. Dupl. at Wood 416(14).
Wood 610(13). Wing B4154B.
1086. Bradshaw, John*. Bradshaws ghost; a poem: a dialogue between John Bradshaw, ferry-man
Charon, Oliver Cromwel, . . . . [London]: n.pub., [1660]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Missing in 1840. On the
of item 69, No. 68 - was missing Oct
. 30. 1840 W[illiam] K[irtland]. See notes
at Wood 416(1), item 4435, and 416(15), item 1083 (this may be a di. ed.; ed. not identied).
Wood 416(68). Wing B4163-5.
1087. [Brady, Robert]. A true and exact history of the succession of the crown of England:. . . for
. . . such as have been deluded . . . by the . . . brief history of the succession [by John Somers, Wing S4638].
London: f. C. Pullen, 1681. Fol. Pp. [2], 46.
Tp, Brady, prob. not by AW.
Wood 660c(25). Wing B4195.
1088. [Bramhall, John] (supposed author). An answer to a letter of enquiry into the grounds and occa-
sions of the contempt of the clergy [by John Eachard] [signed W. S.]. London: f. N. Ranew a. J. Robinson,
1671. 8
. Pp. [16], 91, [3] (2 pp. books sold by Ranew a. Robinson).
Flyleaf, upper, 1
, lined out, prob. by AW. Tp, bsm., 10.
Wood 884(2). Wing B4211A.
1089. [Bramhall, John] (supposed author). Fair warning, or, the burnt child dreads the re [and] A
catalogue of . . . noblemen that after sequestration compounded for their estates. N.p.: n.pub., [1680?]. Fol.
Pp. 4.
John Bramhall died in 1663 and his list may have been printed earlier than [1680?]. AW acquired a
Cataloge of sequestred gent. on 12 Dec. 1657, LT 1.231.
Wood 276a(184-185). Wing B4221.
1090. Bramstone, J. Fifteen loyal queries for the kings most excellent majesty, . . . with a lash for . . . W.
L. London: f. G. Horton, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
P. 1, AW wrote after W. L., Will. Lenthall speake[r] (cropped at side).
Wood 608(34). Wing B4241.
1091. B[rancker], T[homas]. Doctrinae sphaericae adumbratio; un`a cum usu globorum articialium.
Oxoniae: H. Hall, impens. J. Adams, 1662. S.sh.
AW added the authors name after initials T. Branker Coll: Exon:; and underscored Branker, in red ink.
See AO 3.1086-7.
Wood 276a(37). Wing B4244 (rare). Madan 2587.
1092. Brasbridge, Thomas. Quaeestiones [sic] in ocia M. T. Ciceronis: compendiariam totius opusculi
epitomen continentes. Oxoniae: ex o. typog. J. Barnesii, 1615. 8
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 7. AO 1.526, gives the date 1615, Oct.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 7. Not in STC. See STC 3552.3 (1586) and 3552.5 (1592). Not in ESTCR. Madan
1093. Brasse, John*. In the county of Palatine in Durham, near Ferry-hill, Jan. 25th. 1682. was acted
the . . . murder . . . of John Brasse, Jane Brasse. London: f. T. M., sold R. Taylor, 1682. S.sh.
Wood 422(9). Wing I124 (Wing, omits pub. and seller).
1094. Brathwaight, James*. A strange and wonderful example of Gods judgmenents [sic], shewed upon
James Brathwaight. London: B. A., 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(16). Wing S5847.
The Library of Anthony Wood 99
1095. [Brathwait, Richard]. The good wife; or, a rare one amongst women. Whereto is annexed an
exquisite discourse of epitaphs. [By] Musophilus. London: f. R. Redmer (J. Beale), 1618. 8
. A2-4,B-K
3 (2nd tp at C2; t leaf mutilated).
Wood 583(2-3). STC 3568.5 (two).
1096. Brathwait, Richard. Natures embassie: or, the wilde-mans measures: danced naked by twelve
satyres. [London]: [R. Field] f. R. Whitaker, 1621. 8
. Pp. [8], 263, [1]; tpp at pp. 173, 215, 237. Calf with
2 llets.
The annotations are not in AWs manner: curly braces in margins, passim; some corrections, underscorings,
marginal brackets, = signs, and drawn hands; also some notes, e.g., p. 146, Papists and p. 211, comming
neare the house where thay were playing; some printed marginal notes encircled, pp. 82, 100, 130, 132.
Flyleaf, lower
, March: 2: 1653, may be in AWs hand.
Wood 103. STC 3571.
1097. [Brathwait, Richard]. Mercurius Britanicus, or the English intelligencer. A tragic-comedy at
Paris. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Repr. with additions. A-D
Not a newspaper, pace LT 1.14.
Wood 615(20). Wing B4270A.
1098. B[rathwait], R[ichard]. A comment upon the two tales of . . . Jeray Chaucer. London: W.
Godbid, sold by R. Crofts, 1665. 8
. Pp. [4], 199.
Wood 112(8). Wing B4260.
1099. Bratislava. A full and true account of the great battel fought betwixt the Turks, Hungarian rebels,
and Polish army, before . . . Presburg. With two Latin letters, . . . to the king of Poland. London: f. E.
Brewster, 1683. Fol. Pp. 16.
Tp, AWood, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 657(18).
Wood 559(18). Wing F2304.
1100. Bratislava. A full and true account of the great battel fought betwixt the Turks, Hungarian rebels,
and Polish army, before . . . Presburg. With two Latin letters, . . . to the king of Poland. London: f. E.
Brewster, 1683. Fol. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 559(18).
Wood 657(18) (Wood 659(18) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing F2304.
1101. Bravonius, Florentius. Howard, William, ed. Chronicon ex chronicis, ab initio mundi usque ad
annum Domini. 1118. deductum. Auctore Florentio Wigorniensi. Accessit etiam continuatio usq; ad annum
Christi 1141. Londini: T. Dausonus, pro R. Watkins, 1592. 4
in 8s. Pp. [8], 584. Parchment with 2 clasp
Pastedown, upper, Liber Antho-: Woode: Coll Merton Jan: 8: A. D. 1658/9, LT 1.266. Tp, Ant: Woode:;
name of the former owner Ed. Reynolds lined out (LT 5.67).
Wood 462. STC 3593.
1102. Bray, William. An English-mans fundamentall appeale [29 Sept.]. N.p.: n.pub., [1659]. Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 1, no. 74 in a former bundle, in pencil.
Wood 276a(177). Wing B4301A (rare). ESTCR 231103.
1103. Brereton, William. Shrewsbury taken. A copie of sir William Breretons letter to the parliament.
London: R. Austin, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW underscored the authors name, in red ink.
Wood 377(37). Wing B4371.
1104. Brereton, William. Sir William Breretons letter concerning . . . Chester. London: f. E. Husband,
1645[6], 6 Feb. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW underscored, Brereton, in red ink, wrote the price, 1
, partially overwrote that with the former
no., 44, which he later lined out.
Wood 378(47). Wing B4368.
1105. Brereton, William. Sir William Breretons letter sent to the hono
William Lenthal . . . concerning
. . . Chester. London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 5 Mar. 4
. Pp. 40.
Tp, AW underscored Brereton in red ink, and altered the former no., 52.
Wood 378(55). Wing B4369.
1106. Brerewood, Edward. Brerewood, R., ed. De ponderibus, et pretiis veterum nummorum. London:
100 The Library of Anthony Wood
[W. Stansby] ap. J. Billium, 1614. 4
. Pp. [8], 56.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 49.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 49. STC 3612. O, Folg, Hunt.
1107. Brerewood, Edward. Enquiries touching the diversity of languages, and religions. London: J.
Norton f. J. Norton a. R. Whitaker, 1635. 4
. Pp. [24], 203.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48. STC 3621. O, Folg, Hunt.
1108. Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicae. In gratiam studiosae juventutis in academi a Oxoniensi.
Oxford: exc. H. Hall per R. Davis, 1657. 8
Missing. 19 Oct. 1657, I exchanged these following bookes in sheets with Mr. Forrest, for . . . [sic]:. . . All
amounting to a crowne, 8 items, including Brerewood, LT 1.230.
LT 1.230. Wing B4375 Madan 2329 (other eds. also printed in Ox.).
1109. Breton, N[icholas]. The strange fortunes of two excellent princes. London: P. Short, f. N. Ling,
1600. 4
. Pp. [6], 61. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. Traces of upper and lower yleaves in marbled
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 6 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. A1, Guy of W (mutilated; Guy of Warwick, the 3rd item in this vol.). P. 31, cross in margin, in pencil,
by a later reader.
Wood 321(1). STC 3702 (rare).
1110. B[reton], N[icholas]. Fantasticks: serving for a perpetuall prognostication. London: [M. Flesher]
f. F. Williams, 1626. 4
. A2-4,B-E
Each small 4
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. C1
, F3
, scribble, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood C. 17(3). STC 3650.
1111. [Breton, Nicholas]. Crossing of proverbs &c. London: ?, 1641. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. Crossing of Proverbs &c Lond. 1641 in Whiteside cat. See STC 3643. and Wing
Wood 64(2). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1112. B[reton], N[icholas]. Englands selected characters, describing the good and bad worthies of this
age. London: f. T. S[later], 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Missing in 1837.
Wood 490(3). Wing B4384 and B4384A. Clark, Folg (has an erasure of a no.).
1113. [Breton, Nicholas]. Crossing of proverbs a merry book. London: ?, 1652. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. Crossing of Proverbs a merry Book Lond. 1652 in Whiteside cat. See STC 3644.5 (1632)
and Wing B4383B [1670Pp.?].
Wood 64(3). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1114. B[rett], A[rthur]. A demonstration how the Latine tongue may be learnt. London: f. J. S., 1669.
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 310(6). Wing B4395.
1115. Br[evint], D[aniel]. Caroli secundi, Magnae Britannis regis, epitaphium. [London]: excud. T. New-
combe, 1685. S.sh.
Missing in 1840. Epitaphium Car. regis 2
. On Wood 429(38), item 5760, s.sh.
, Mem
. No. 37. deest
Nov. 4 1840 W[illiam] K[irtland].
Wood 429(37). Wing B4085. Harv, Yale.
1116. Br[evint], D[aniel]. Reverendissimi in Christo patris, Johannis Eboracensium archiepiscopi, 3
Idus Aprilis 1686. Fato functi epitaphium. [London]: T. Newcombe, 1686. S.sh.
AW wrote, in t, Dolben, and below initials, D. B
Dan. Brevint q[uaere] Brevall;
, D
Joh. Dolben
1686, and Jo. Sterne Arch. of York 1686 (Dolbens predecessor at York, who died in 1680). AO 4.188f.
Wood 429(41). Wing B4086A (two) (Wing, entered under Br., D.).
1117. Brian, Thomas. The pisse-prophet. London: S. G. f. R. Thrale, 1655 and 1679. 12
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 22.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 22. Wing B4437. O.
1118. Bridgeman, Carolus. Carmen contra praecipua hujus saeculi vitia . . . Publice recitatum ipsis xiiij
The Library of Anthony Wood 101
calend. Octob. Harlemo, in urbe: typog. genetrice, ex o. V. Casteleynii, 1653. S.sh.
(pasted down side), scribbling. AO 2.261.
Wood 276a(522) (276a(384) in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL, NUC, BN.
1119. Bridges, Joan*. A strange and wonderfull relation of the burying alive of Joan Bridges of Rochester.
London: f. E. G., 1646. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Dupl. at Wood 612(38).
[MS.] Wood B. 35(17). Wing S5878.
1120. Bridges, Joan*. A strange and wonderfull relation of the burying alive of Joan Bridges of Rochester.
London: f. E. G., 1646. 4
. Corrected. Pp. [2], 6 (above the imprint a woodcut, apparently, was blocked
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood B. 35(17).
Wood 612(38). Wing S5878.
1121. Bridges, John. A perfect narrative of the grounds & reasons moving some ocers . . . to the
securing of the castle of Dublin for the parliament. London: T. Newcomb, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote after t, 13 Dec. 1659, altered the year to 1659: Jan:, and wrote below, sold in the beg. of
Jan. 1659[60]. LT 1.301.
Wood 510(25). Wing B4479.
1122. Bridges, W. The loyall convert, (according to the Oxford copy.) . . . or, some short annotations
on this book [of F. Quarles]. London: f. E. Husbands, 1644. 4
. Pp. 31.
Wood 631(16). Wing B4483B.
1123. Brief Narrative. A brief narrative of the late treacherous and horrid designe, . . . Together with a
true copie of the commission under the great seal. London: E. Husbands, 1643, 15 June. 4
. Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote the subject, Plots, in pencil.
Wood 366(14). Wing B4614.
1124. Brinckmair, L. The warnings of Germany. London: J. Norton, f. J. Rothwell (J. Okes, sold H.
Overton a. J. Rothwell), 1638. 8
. Pp. [32], 69. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Traces of upper
and lower yleaves, marbled paper. Usually issued with item 4004.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote, Many egregious lyes in this book entit The Warnings of Germany . 2nd
AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, bsm.
Wood 211(1). STC 3758.
1125. Brinsley, John (elder). Ludus literarius: or, the grammar schoole; shewing how to proceede. London:
[H. Lownes] f. T. Man, 1612. 4
. Pp. [28], 338, [1]. Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Pastedown, lower, signature of Isaacke Clarke.
Wood 312. STC 3768.
1126. Brinsley, John (elder). A consolation for our grammar schooles:. . . for Ireland, . . . Virginia,
. . . that all may speake one . . . language. London: R. Field f. T. Man, 1622. 4
. Pp. [14], 84, [2].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6. STC 3767. Folg, Hunt, NYPL.
1127. B[rinsley], J[ohn] (younger). Calendar-reformation. Or, an humble addresse to . . . parliament,
touching dayes and moneths. London: F. Neile, 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW wrote after authors initials, Joh. Brinsley; a brief note by a recent librarian, catalogued AH.
[MS.] Wood C. 17(5). Wing B4709.
1128. Bristol. A copie of the articles agreed upon at the surrender of the city of Bristol . . . 26. of July.
London: f. H. Overton, [1643]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW altered the former no.
Wood 376(24). Wing C6203.
1129. Bristol. The tragedy of the kings armies delity since their entring into Bristol. London: n.pub.,
1643. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 25.
Wood 376(27). Wing T2013.
1130. Bristol. The two state martyrs, or the murther of master Robert Yeomans, and . . . George Bowcher
. . . of Bristoll. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 34.
102 The Library of Anthony Wood
P. 2, correction; pp. 5, 8, 10-11, 13, lines in margin.
Wood 366(13). Wing T3535. Madan 1442.
1131. Bristol. A letter of the apprentices of the city of Bristoll, to the apprentices of . . . London. . . . with
their declaration for a free parliament. London: I. Pridmore, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1659[60]: feb:.
Wood 632(30). Wing L1577.
1132. Bristol. Wonderful news from Bristol. A true . . . relation how a hen . . . brought into the world a
kitling. London: f. B. Harris, 1676. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(29). Wing W3368.
1133. Bristol. The Bristol address. To . . . sir Richard Hart, kt. and Thomas Earle . . . in parliament.
London: f. H. Brome, 1681. S.sh. Pp. 2.
AW wrote, Given to me by S
Hen. S. George Clar[enceux] K[ing] of Arms. 19 Mar. 1680.
Wood 276a(174). Wing B4799.
1134. [Britaine, William de]. Humane prudence, or, the art by which a man may raise himself and
fortune to grandeur. By A. B. London: f. R. Harford, 1680. 12
. Pp. [12], 131. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets;
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, May 13: 1680, Th o Everard eius Liber, and W
. Itchener 1691. Flyleaf, lower
scribbles, not by AW.
Wood 698. Wing B4805.
1135. Britannia Triumphalis. Britania [sic] triumphalis; a brief history of the warres and other state-
aairs of Great Britain. London: S. Howes, 1654. 8
. Pp. [8], 207 (misnumbering). Calf, speckled, with 2
llets and 2 vertical and horizontal llets.
Cover, upper, inside, and yleaf, upper, 2 signatures, Hen: Foulis March d 22 1653./4. p. 1
.; and a scribble,
not by Foulis. LT 2.179. Text, notes in more than one hand, in 2 colours of ink, and underscoring in pencil.
AWs hand is on p. 82, at a recounting of the story of Anne Green servant at Ounstu, which he corrected
to Dunstew.
Wood 190. Wing B4817.
1136. Brome, Alex[ander]. A congratulatory poem, on the . . . return of . . . Charls the II. London:
f. H. Brome, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 18.
Tp, after the date, AW wrote, June: 1660.
Wood 319(9). Wing B4849.
1137. [Brome, Alexander]. A record in rithme, being an essay towards the reformation of the law.
[London]: n.pub., [1660?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
P. 8, AW wrote, Jan: 1659. Dupl. at Wood 630(22).
Wood 483(16). Wing B4850A.
1138. [Brome, Alexander]. A record in rithme, being an essay towards the reformation of the law.
[London]: n.pub., [1660?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
P. 8, AW wrote the date, Jan. 1659. Dupl. at Wood 483(16).
Wood 630(22). Wing B4850A.
1139. Brome, Alex[ander]. Songs and other poems. London: f. H. Brome, 1668. 8
. 3rd ed. Pp. [30], 349
(2 pp. books printed by H. Brome) (wanting A1, a4, D5, F1). Calf with 2 llets; vertical line, 2 llets.
Tp, pr. 2-6.
Wood 111. Wing B4854.
1140. B[romhall], T[homas]. A treatise of specters. Or, an history of apparitions, . . . collected out
of sundry authours and delivered into Engl. by T. B. London: J. Streater, 1658. Fol. Pp. [6], 367, [25].
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Tp, AW wrote after the initials, Tho. Bromhall. Bsm.
Wood 659. Wing B4886.
1141. Brommich, Andrew*, and William Atkins*. The trial, conviction and condemnation of Andrew
Brommich and William Atkins, for beiug [sic] Romish priests, before . . . Scroggs, . . . together with the
tryal of Charles Kern. London: f. R. Pawlett, 1679. Fol. Pp. 20.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 6
Wood 425(16). Wing T2176.
The Library of Anthony Wood 103
1142. Brommich, Andrew*, and William Atkins*. The tryal and condemnation of two popish priests,
Andrew Brommich and William Atkyns, . . . Stephen Dugdale, . . . being there present. London: f. J. Amery,
1679. Fol. Pp. 8.
AW wrote the price, 2
Wood 425(17). Wing T2157.
1143. Bromwich, I[saac]. The spoiles of the forrest of Deane asserted in answer to a . . . libell . . . to
blast the . . . proceedings of some commissioners of parliament. London: n.pub., 1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Dupl. at Wood 609(27a).
[MS.] Wood D. 27(3). Wing B4892.
1144. Bromwich, I[saac]. The spoiles of the forrest of Deane asserted in answer to a . . . libell . . . to
blast the . . . proceedings of some commissioners of parliament. London: n.pub., 1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Below, right, Dupl erased (?). Dupl. at [MS.] Wood D. 27(3).
Wood 609(27a). Wing B4892.
1145. B[rookes], C[hristopher]. A new quadrant. London: n.pub., 1649. 8
. Pp. [4], 18. Parchment over
marbled pastedowns.
Tp, price, cropped. P. 3, signature, Jo: Aubrey. -. Lent to N. Lloyd, 1671, LT 2.237.
Wood 124. Wing B4917A (two).
1146. [Brookes, Nathaniel]. Englands glory, or, an exact catalogue of the lords of his majesties . . . privy
councel. London: f. N. Brooke, a. H. Eversden, 1660. 8
. Pp. 87.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 8
. Pp. 18, 26, 65, line and correction; 72, at a list, AW wrote, A cat. of the
Knights of the Bath is in Merc. publ. 1661. nu. 16. p. 250. 251. (i.e., Wood 394, item 4706); 79-87, some
marks at names of prelates.
Wood 445(9). Wing B4918A.
1147. [Brooksbank, Joseph]. The organs funerall or the quiristers lamentation for the abolishment of
superstition . . . discourse between a quirister and an organist. London: f. G. Kirby, [1642]. 4
. Pp. A
[MS.] Wood D. 31(40). Wing B4975A (O not recorded in Wing).
1148. Brossier, Marthe*. Hartwell, Abraham, trans. A true discourse, upon the matter of Martha
Brossier . . . pretended to be possessed by a devill. London: [F. Kingston f.] J. Wolfe, 1599. 4
. Pp. [8],
39. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper; rebd. E.
C. W., 1944.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, a note by W. Kirtland and W. H. Black, No. 4 was not found in this volume, when
examined by us, 13 June 1839; also Nos. 9, 10, and 14.; 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 15 printed works in
this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk. Tp, AW underscored the name of Hartwell, in red ink.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(1). STC 3841.
1149. Broughton, Hugh*. An advertisement to the reader. This ensung catalogue . . . A schedule of the
workes of . . . as they were preparing for the presse. [London]: n.pub., [1650]. S.sh.
, or the Provost of Queens Coll., not by AW (prob. given to AW by Thomas Barlow).
Wood 658(797). Wing B4998 (two).
1150. Broughton, Richard. The ecclesiasticall historie of Great Britaine. . . . The rst tome. Doway:
widowe of M. Wyon, 1633. Fol. Pp. [32], 611, [43]. Parchment.
Cover, upper, outer, scribbles, letters of the alphabet, as on 2, and 4 (not in AWs hand). Flyleaf, upper,
AW apparently asked Godwin to write, I have received for this book - 0 - 7
- 0 and If it tis not perfect
I am to allowe soe much for it againe. [/] Jos[eph] Godwin. Pastedown, lower, Ego sum Guiliel: Alford
emptus Lond: de Rich: Cartwright . . . . AW acquired this item on 27 Apr. 1665, 7
, LT 2.33 (Clark read
Cliord for Alford).
Wood 539. STC 3894. ARCR 2.77.
1151. B[roughton], R[ichard]. Monastichon Britanicum: or, a historicall narration . . . of the antient
monasteries. London: H. Herringman, 1655. 8
. Pp. [10], 411, [5]. Calf with 3 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, 1668 vicar of Market Lavington by Ch.Ch. tarried there two years (Edmund
Beddingeld?) and Essay upon grammar qu[aere]; and some scribbles, b f and ringing;
, AW wrote,
See Ath. et Fasti Oxon vol. 1. p 854. Where besides this book youl nd A true memorial of the antient,
most holy & religious state of Great Britain qu[aere] whether the same with this book (AOF 1.428-9).
Wood 222. Wing B5000 (Wing, historical).
104 The Library of Anthony Wood
1152. [Brown, John]. An apologeticall relation, of the particular suerings of the faithfull . . . of the
church of Scotland, since August. 1660. [Edinburgh?]: n.pub., 1665. 8
. Pp. [32], 424, [7]. Calf, speckled,
with 3 llets and a vertical line of 3 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, signature of William Eyre, 1669, and in another hand, pret: 1
.Tp, p
: vi
, not by
Wood 838. Wing B5026.
1153. [Brown, Robert]. The subjects sorrow:. . . upon the death of Britaines Josiah, king Charles.
London: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. [3], 32.
Wood 364(35). Wing B5050.
1154. [Browne, James]. The tradesmans kalendar of accounts. Oxford: [H. Hall] f. J. B[rowne], 1647. 8
(last leaf blank).
Tp, AW wrote, James Browne.
[MS.] Wood C. 14(7). Wing T2009 (rare). Madan 1970.
1155. B[rowne], J[ohn]. The merchants avizo. London: E. G[rin] f. R. Whitaker, 1640. 4
. Pp. [8], 70.
[MS.] Wood C. 14(4). STC 3908.9.
1156. Brown[e], Richard, sergeant major general. The lord Digbies designe to betray Abingdon. London:
f. L. Blaiklock, 1644[5]. 4
. Pp. 40.
Wood 377(36). Wing B5145. Madan 1727.
1157. [Browne, Thomas]. Religio medici. [London]: f. A. Crooke, 1642. 8
. Pp. [2], 159. Pasteboard
(blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
1st item, each small 8
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Pp. 1-25, some lines in margin and underscoring,
in pencil, prob. not by AW.
Wood 870(1). Wing B5166. G. Keynes, Browne (1968), no. 2.
1158. Browne, Thomas. A true and full coppy of . . . Religio medici. [London]: [n.pub.], [1645]. 8
Pp. [12], 174 (wanting A1-2,A8). Pasteboard with calf spine, modern.
P. 174, scribbles. A 1642 ed. at Wood 870(1).
Wood 115. Wing B5171. G. Keynes, Browne (1968), no. 5.
1159. Browne, Thomas, St. Johns, Cambridge. Miracles works above and contrary to nature: or, an
answer to a late translation out of Spinozas Tractatus . . . entituled miracles no violation. London: f. S.
Smith, 1683. 4
. Pp. [2], 68.
Tp, after Miracles, AW wrote, written as tis said by Charles Blount.
Wood 643(12). Wing B5184B.
1160. Bruce, William. Ad principes populumque christianum, de bello, adversus Turcos gerendo. Lipsiae:
(imp. H. Grosii), 1595. 8
. Pp. 79, [1] (issued with Wood 139(1), item 1891).
Wood 139(2). BL.
1161. B[ruch], R[ichard]. Epigrammatum hecatontades duae. Londini: G. W[ood], impen. R. A[llott],
1627. 12
. A2-12,B-D
. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Lower spine support, traces of marbled
AWs customary table of contents was apparently removed with Owen, Epigrammatum, Wood 76(1), item
4854. In the Bruch item, each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Flyleaf, 1st
, AW wrote, Rich. Bruch
was Author of this book; and on inserted slip, In an auction cat. tis Bruce;
, Rich. Bruch The Life of
religion. or, directions how to beleive, live & pray aright Lond 1615. - 8
S. 136. Th [still the present
Bodl. shelf-mark]. Treatise on the Lords Supper, with prayers before and after, on 1 Cor. 11.28. Ibid. [/]
These are in the Univers. Cat. under the name of Rich. Bruce & not Bruch quod nota. (AW marked
both entries in his copy of the T. Hyde, Catalogus (1674)). Tp, bsm.
Wood 76(2). STC 3926.
1162. Brugis, T[homas]. The discovery of a projector. Shewing the beginning, progresse, and end of
the projector and his projects. London: B. H., sold L. Chapman a. W. Cooke, 1641. 4
. Pp. [6], 34, [2].
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 10 printed works in this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian. Tp, Ridiculae
qu[aere], in pencil, prob. by AW.
[MS.] Wood D. 27(1). Wing B5222.
The Library of Anthony Wood 105
1163. [Brydges, Grey]. Chandos, 5th baron. Horae subsecivae. Observations and discourses. London:
[Eliots Court Press] f. E. Blount, 1620. 8
. Pp. [8], 542. Parchment.
Parchment cover, inside, upper and lower, scribbles. Text, frequent double lines in margins, and a few
underscorings, not in AWs manner. Flyleaf, lower
, 2 brief notes, not in AWs hand.
Wood 569. STC 3957.
1164. Bucelinus, Gabriel, ed. Summorum urbis orbisque ponticum, necnon imperatorum Rom. s. r. i.
septemvirorum [and] Notitia s. r. i. principum, genealogica & stemmatographica. Ulmae: ap. J. Gorlinum,
1652. 12
. a-f
(f12 blank) (2nd tp at c2). Calf with 2 llets.
Some marks in margins and a note, a9
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 274. Not in BL, NUC, BN.
1165. Bucer, Martin. Poynet, John, trans. A treatise, how by the worde of God, Christian mens almose
ought to be distributed [extr. from De regno Christi Jesu]. [published abroad?]: n.pub., [1557?]. 8
. Pp. 29.
Tp, signature of Hum: Dyson, lined out.
Wood 774(7). STC 3965.
1166. Bucer, Martin*. Golding, Arthur, trans. [from C. Hubertus]. A briefe treatise concerning the
burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of quene Mary. London: T. Marshe, 1562. 8
. Parchment.
Tp, 6
., may not be by AW. 2, note, not in AWs hand. A1
, line in margin, in pencil.
Wood 290. STC 3966.
1167. Bucer, Martin. Milton, John, trans. The judgement of Martin Bucer, concerning divorce. Writtn
. . . in his second book of the kingdom of Christ. London: M. Simmons, 1644. 4
. Pp. [16], 24, [2].
Pp. 22 and 2nd p. [1], horizontal pencil lines, not in AWs manner.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(2). Wing B5270.
1168. B[uchanan], G[eorge]. [Wilson, Thomas, trans.]. Ane detectioun of the duinges of Marie quene of
Scottes, touchand the murder of hir husband. [London]: [J. Day], [1571]. 8
. A-Y
(Y4 blank). Pasteboard
(brown) with calf spine. 1st yleaf, upper, marbled paper; lower, trace, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, A. Wood, may not be by AW. Tp, AW wrote 2 corrections in the dialectal title;
after initials of author, George Beauchanon, 1567, and printed in qu[arto] 1688 (Wing B5282, publ. in
1689); signature or scribble of John Pinyt[?]. A2, G.1.29 (a shelf-mark; see item 272).
Wood 255(1). STC 3981. See J. Durkan, Bibliography of G. B. (Glasgow, 1994): 220.
1169. Buchanan, George. Rerum Scoticarum historia, libris xx. descripta, . . . Accessit de jure regni.
Francofurti: J. Wechelus, imp. S. Feyerabendii, 1584. 8
. Pp. [8], 723, [51]. Calf with 3 llets, stamp
centrepiece, and clasp holes; spine, 4 bands.
Flyleaf, upper, extat in folio Edenburg. 1583 [in Roman numerals], may not be in AWs hand. Tp, AW
wrote, Liber Ant: Wood: e Bibliotheca Bartenij Holydaij amici sui emptus. 1661; and price (7.2.) not in
AWs hand. Text, notes, underscoring and marks in margins, not in AWs hand. Acquired 8 Apr. 1662, LT
Wood 214. BL. See J. Durkan, Bibliography of G. B. (Glasgow, 1994): 236.
1170. Buchanan, George. A detection of the actions of Mary queen of Scots. [London?]: n.pub., 1651.
. Pp. [7], 133, [1]. Calf with 2 llets.
Pastedowns and yleaves, upper and lower, extensive notes, mainly in French (a few lines in English), by
a previous owner. Tp
and *7
, notes, in French, have blank leaves pasted over (by AW?).
Wood 273. Wing B5281. See J. Durkan, Bibliography of G. B. (Glasgow, 1994): 222.
1171. B[uck], G[eorge]. Dafniw polustefanow. An eclog treating of crownes, and of garlandes, by G. B.
London: G. Eld f. T.Adams, 1605. 4
. A-G
Tp, at G. B., AW wrote George Buc, in red ink.
Wood 605(2). STC 3996.
1172. Buck, George. The history of the life and reigne of Richard the third. London: W. Wilson, sold
W. L.[,] H. M. a. D. P., 1647. Fol. Pp. [5], 150, [8].
Tp, after authors name, AW wrote, Of the author & his Ancestors see. Lib 2. p. 67.68.69-; below, Georg
Buck a man both well descended & well learned so Camden in his Britannia, printed in Engl an. 1637. p
22 He was master of the Revells in the raigne of K. Jam. 1. P. 26, at printed Rotheram, Arch-Bishop of
Canterbury, AW wrote, York, so AW. so Godwin (T. Rotheram was Bishop of York, 1480-1500); below,
another correction. Acquired 24 Sept. 1664, LT 2.20.
106 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 660d(2). Wing B5307.
1173. Buckingham. To the kings most excellent majestie. The petition of the inhabitants of the county
of Buckingham, concerning mr. Hampden [et al.]. London: f. J. Thomas, 1641[2]. 4
. A
Wood 373(15). Wing T1554.
1174. Buckingham. To his excellency general Monk, the congratulation and address . . . of Bucks. [Lon-
don]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW added, Jan: 1659[60].
Wood 276a(244). Wing T1345.
1175. Budden, John. Gulielmi Patteni, cui Wayneti agnomen fuit . . . vita obitusq[ue]. Oxoniae: J.
Barnesius, 1602. 4
. Pp. [12], 84.
Each small 4
leaf is pasted on a large 4
template. AO 2.282.
Wood 528(2). STC 4012. Madan 212.
1176. Budden, John. Reverendissimi patris ac domini Johannis Mortoni . . . vita obitusque. Londini: R.
Field, 1607. 8
. Pp. 50.
Pp. 14-8, marks in margin, not in AWs usual style. P. 50, Wood added the burial place of Morton, Sepultus
apud Cant.
Wood 299(3). STC 4013.
1177. Bullinger, Heinrich. Series et digestio temporum et rerum descriptarum `a beato Luca in Actis
Apostolorum. Tiguri: ap. Froschoverum, 1548. 4
. Ff. 35.
Tp, Magistri Smithe, not in AWs hand; after which, Rich. Smythe Reg. Prof. Theol. Oxon, prob. by
AW. To f. 8, marks in margin and a note, not by AW. LT 1.459 (and 1.331). In a vol. formerly owned by
H. Jackson, see item 6290.
Wood 477(5). BL.
1178. Bullinger, Heinrich. De conciliis. Tiguri: C. Froschoverus, 1561. 8
. Ff. 183. Parchment.
Tp, note and price and signature of former owner, lined out. Former no. 57 over 55. Pasted to a sheet
at bottom edge, a slip identifying the author and work (see Index, Slip with title).
Wood 866. BL.
1179. B[ullokar], J[ohn]. An English expositor. London: J. Legatt, sold A. Crooke, 1641. 8
. 3rd. ed.
. Calf with 3 llets; rebacked. Flyleaves, printers waste paper.
Board, upper, traces of AWs name and June 2 printed on a mutilated book-plate (Theatre Press Keepsake,
ca. 10cm x 8.5 cm; decoration around centre blank space, 1.1 cm. wide; centre blank space, 5.7 x 6.5, with
2 lines; see Index, Wood, Anthony, bookplate). Waste paper, upper, 1st, Anthony Wood His booke amen
(LT 1.22); yleaf, upper, the same with 1656, lined out, and: Let us dance the friere of frigeing game / if
you doue not you shall be shent / Shall I Let ;
Mary Wood. Flyleaf, lower
, song, 23 lines, written
from bottom to top, Slaves to the world / must be tost in A Blancket / o is itt so. is it so. / hast any
money boy / a litle God be thanked. / then to the Taverne / lets goe / where we will spend / & drinke to
A frend / & cast away care / with A ho / with A Ho. So Ho / Hers to my mistris / the fayrest of twenty
/ o is itt so, is it so / come let us se / is it all empty / o is it so, is it so / Then drinke deepe / & so goe
to sleepe / & cast away care / with A ho / with A ho. So Ho, probably in AWs early hand (but see LT
2.102). Waste paper, lower
, signature of AW.
Wood 34. Wing B5429.
1180. B[ulwer], J[ohn]. Chirologia: or the naturall language of the hand. . . . whereunto is added chi-
ronomia: or, the art of manuall rhetoricke. London: T. Harper, sold R. Whitaker, 1644. 8
. Pp. [32], 187,
[23], 146, [1] (2nd tp at 2nd A1). Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Wood 71. Wing B5462A (issued with B5467).
1181. Bunny, Edm[und]. Of divorce for adulterie, and marrying againe: that there is no sucient warrant
so to do. Oxford: Jos. Barnes, 1610. 4
. Pp. [20], a table, 171, [9].
P. 1, mark in margin.
Wood 636(5). STC 4091. Madan 330.
1182. Burgersdijck, Franco. Idea oeconomicae et politicae doctrinae. Lugd. Batavorum: ap. H. de Vogel,
1644. 12
. Pp. [6], 129, [2]. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, A M, Ex dono Edvardi M (prob. not by AW);
, 4
and scribble, not by AW. Tp,
another price, 0-3.
The Library of Anthony Wood 107
Wood 894. Not in BL.
1183. [Burgess, Cornelius]. Some of the dierences and alterations in the present common-prayer-book,
from the book established by law. [London?]: n.pub., [1685 ca.]. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote, D
Cornel. Burges the author-.
[MS.] Wood B. 37(4). Wing B5686.
1184. Burghers, M[ichael], sculp. The orthography and ichnography of Trinity College chappel in Oxford,
1691. N.p.: n.pub., 1691. S.sh. (engr.).
AW added the date, 1691. See LT 3.449 and [MS.] Wood D. 23(6), item 6103.
Wood 276a(11) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
1185. Burgine, Darby, and Robert Rich. Warwick, earl of. Victorious newes from Ireland . . . sent in
letter . . . As also a letter . . . sent from . . . Robert earl of Warwick. London: f. M. Boat, [1642], 8 July.
. Pp. 8.
Tp, former no., 22, overwritten.
Wood 508(28). Wing B5733.
1186. Burley, John*. The relation of the unjust proceedings against captaine Burley at Winchester and
of his magnanimous and Christian suering. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 8
. Pp. [32], 23. Pasteboard (blue)
with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW wrote Capt. Joh. Burley was executed at Winchester 10 Feb. 1647[8]. Bsm. A4
, line in
margin, in ink, prob. by AW; A3-A5, cross marks and, passim, short vertical lines in pencil, not in AWs
Wood 670(1). Wing R884.
1187. Burley, Walter. Tractatus perbrevis de materia et forma:. . . Walteri Burlei. [Oxford]: (in celeber-
ima universitate Oxoniensi per me J. Scolar), (1518, 7 June). A-B
LT 3.344.
Jesus College 1. Arch. 2. 25(2). STC 4123. Madan 31.
1188. [Burnet, Gilbert]. Salisbury, bp. of. Romes glory; or, a collection of divers miracles wrought by
popish saints. London: printed, sold M. Pitt, 1673. 8
. Pp. [8], 136.
Wood 876(4). Wing B5868.
1189. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. The last words and sayings of the true-protestant elm-board,
which lately suerd martyrdom in Smitheld . . . with a true relation of a conference between dr. B [G.
Burnet], and the said board. (London): (f. F. Shepherd), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
8 identications of initialed persons in this document, not in AWs hand. LT 3.29. See item 1194.
Wood 417(97). Wing L534.
1190. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. The life and death of sir Matthew Hale. London: f. W. Shrows-
bery, 1682. 8
. Pp. [19], 218 (cancelled leaf between pp. 140 and 141 (between K6 and K7) was torn out).
P. [19], at the list of errata, AW wrote, These errata are entred, in red ink. Text, in addition to the 9
corrections from the errata, AW wrote some brief notes (some cropped) and lines in margins at pp. 1, 11,
33, 46, 116, 138. LT 2.359.
Wood 433(3). Wing B5828.
1191. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. More last words and sayings of the true protestant elm-board:
or, a full answer to a later pretended sober vindication of the dr. [G. Burnet] and the board. [London]: f. S.
Hadwel, 1682. S.sh.
5 identications, and two copies see next, not by AW. Dupl. at Wood 417(101), which has similar identi-
Wood 417(100). Wing M2706.
1192. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. More last words and sayings of the true protestant elm-board:
or, a full answer to a later pretended sober vindication of the dr. [G. Burnet] and the board. [London]: f. S.
Hadwel, 1682. S.sh.
5 identications, not by AW. Dupl. at Wood 417(100), which has similar identications. LT 3.29.
Wood 417(101). Wing M2706.
1193. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. A real vindication of dr. B [G. Burnet] from the base and
scandalous aronts. (London): (f. D. N.), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
108 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 417(99). Wing R459.
1194. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. A sober vindication of the reverend d
[Burnet] and the
harmless board lately glewd together in a profane pasquill. (London): (f. T Rimar), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
6 identications of initialed persons, not by AW. This item responds to Wood 417(97), item 1189.
Wood 417(98). Wing S4417 (Wing, dr. [Burgess]).
1195. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. A second letter to dr. Burnet [on S. Lowths of the subject of
church-power]. (London): (f. R. Taylor), (1684). 4
. Pp. 8.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(16). Wing S2287.
1196. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. An answer to a letter [by S. Lowth] to dr. Burnet, occasioned
by his letter to mr. Lowth [on S. Lowths of the subject of church-power]. (London): (f. R. Baldwin), (1685).
. Pp. 8.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(14). Wing B5758.
1197. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. A letter . . . to mr. Simon Lowth . . . occasioned, by his late
book of the subject of church-power. (London): (f. R. Baldwin), (1685). 4
. Pp. 8.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(15). Wing B5818.
1198. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. Some letters containing an account of what seemed most re-
markable in Switzerland, Italy, &c. n.p.: n.pub., 1687. 12
. Pp. 225. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW identied the printed to T.H.R.B., The honorable Rob. Boyle. Passim, AW added lines in
margin and some cross marks, in pencil, at the numerous passages that were quoted in a critique of this
work, A. Varillas, Reexions, at Wood 724(2), item 6295. Former no. 6 over 7, in pencil.
Wood 724(1). Wing B5917.
1199. Burnet, Gilbert*. Salisbury, bp. of. Animadversions on the reections upon dr. B[urnet]s travels.
[Amsterdam?]: n.pub., 1688. 12
. Pp. 57 (pp. 1-2 blank).
P. 1, former no. 4, in pencil.
Wood 724(3). Wing B5757.
1200. [Burnet, Gilbert]. Salisbury, bp. of. The expedition of . . . the prince of Orange for England. Giving
an account . . . thereof, from . . . his setting sail from Holland. In a letter [signed N. N.]. [London]: f. T.
W., 1688. 4
. Pp. 8. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works (there are really 3, with the 3rd containing
3 pts.) in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk. Pp. 4, identication of an initial, in pencil; 7,
underscoring and 3 identications; 8, 2 identications and 12. Dec. 3
1688. LT 4.292.
Wood 530(1). Wing B5790.
1201. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. Three letters concerning the present state of Italy, . . . Being
a supplement to dr. Burnets letters. [London?]: n.pub., 1688. 8
(with an augmented errata leaf). Pp. [16],
191, [1].
Tp, former no. 2, in pencil. Below, AW wrote published about X
mas 1687. P. 113, AW identied the
ambassador of England, Rog. E. of Castlemayne.
Wood 724(4). Wing B5931.
1202. [Burnet, Gilbert]. Salisbury, bp. of An enquiry into the present state of aairs: and in particular,
whether we owe allegiance to the king in these circumstances? London: f. J. Starkey a. R. Chiswell, 1689.
. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote, D
Gilb. Burnet and Jan. 22. - 1688[9] 3
. LT 4.297. Other notes, in pencil, by later
Wood 529(21). Wing B5811.
1203. [Burnet, Gilbert]. Salisbury, bp. of. Fourteen papers, viz. I. A letter from a gentleman in Ireland,
. . . II. A letter from a freeholder [S. Johnson]. London: printed, sold R. Baldwin, 1689. 4
. Pp. [3], 80.
Tp, AW wrote, usually sold in Oxon. in the beg. of Jan. 1688. p. 6 and at paper XI, Abby and other
Church-lands, p. 60; p. 60, in margin, By D
Joh. Willes. LT 3.293.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(18). Wing B5794.
1204. [Burnet, Gilbert]. Salisbury, bp. of. Reections on a paper, intituled, his majestys reasons for
The Library of Anthony Wood 109
withdrawing himself from Rochester. London: f. J. Starkey a. R. Chiswell, 1689. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, Oxon. Jan. 18. 1688[9] 2
. LT 3.290.
Wood 529(18). Wing B5850.
1205. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. Six papers, . . . To which is added, I. A apology . . . II. An
enquiry. London: n.pub., 1689. 4
. Pp. 52, 8, 8.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
- 18 18 Dec. 1668.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(19) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B5913.
1206. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. A sermon preached at the funeral of the honourable Robert
Boyle [7 Jan.; on Eccles. 2.26]. London: f. R. Chiswell a. J. Taylor, 1692. 4
. Pp. 40. Calf with 3 llets,
stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves and sunower sprouting eur-de-lis), and roll decoration at inner,
spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 15 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian (same hand in Wood
276a), all sermons, mainly funeral sermons. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, minor scribbling. P. 24, at Boyles weakness
of sight, vertical pencil line in margin. LT 3.380, AOF 2.286.
Wood 634(1). Wing B5899.
1207. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. A letter . . . to the lord bishop of Cov. and Litcheld [W. Lloyd],
concerning a book . . . A specimen of some errors and defects . . . by Anthony Harmer [Henry Wharton].
London: f. R. Chiswell, 1693. 4
. Pp. [4], 29, [3] (3 pp. books sold by Chiswell, including those written by
Burnet). Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves and sunower sprouting eur-de-lis),
and roll decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 19 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian (really 18, 2 entered
for item 16). Numbering of works on tpp is in Roman numerals. 1st item, p. [2], Donum Antonii a Woodii
Acad. Oxon. lined out. Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon on 11. Mar. 1692. 6
. LT 4.417; AO 4.331. AW
owned a copy of the Wharton book, Wood 206(4), item 6533, and see item 6695.
Wood 611(1). Wing B5824.
1208. Burnet, Gilbert. Salisbury, bp. of. A sermon preached at the funeral of . . . John . . . archbishop
of Canterbury [30 Nov.]. London: f. R. Chiswell, 1694. 4
. Pp. [4], 36, [2] (2 pp. books printed f. Chiswell).
[MS.] Wood D. 23(5). Wing B5902.
1209. Burnet, Gilbert, and Anthony Horneck. The last confession, prayers and meditations of lieuten.
John Stern, . . . before his execution, . . . with . . . George Borosky. London: f. R. Chiswell, 1682. Fol.
Pp. [2], 28.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote information about the murderers, Capt . . . Fratz a German capt. of a Foot-
company who had accompanied count Charles John Coningsmark in his Travels, & came with him into
England. [/] George Borosky a polander servant to Capt. Fratz [/] John Sterne a Sweed somtimes a
Lieutenant of Foot, in Flanders [/] Capt Fratz writes himself de Vrats alias de Vallichs see p. 24 [/] George
Borodzycz p 26; tp, Capt . . . [blank] Wratz [sic] then also suered elswhere in the Gazet he is called
Capt. Fratz, bsm.; passim, some cross-hatch marks, crosses, and lines in margin, in pencil. LT 3.5.
Wood 422(8). Wing B5814.
1210. [Burrough, Edward]. To the parliament of the common-wealth of England . . . councel and advice
unto you. [London]: n.pub., (1659). 4
. Pp. 8.
P. 8, note, not in AWs hand.
Wood 610(42). Wing B6039.
1211. Burrough, Jeremiah. Gospel-revelation in three treatises. London: f. N. Brook a. T. Parkhurst,
1660. 4
. Pp. [15], 662, [26] (16 pp. books sold by Parkhurst and Brook).
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 37.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 37. Wing B6083. Folg.
1212. Burroughs, John. The soveraignty of the British seas. London: f. H. Moseley, 1651. 12
. Pp. [10],
Each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
Wood 731(2). Wing B6129.
1213. Burt, William. Concio Oxoniae habita postridie comitiorum July 13. 1658, pro gradu doctoris.
Oxoniae: excud. H. Hall, impens. T. Robinson, 1659. 12
. Pp. [6], 75.
AW underscored the name of the author, in red ink. AOF 2.217.
Wood 893(5). Wing B6146. Madan 2436.
110 The Library of Anthony Wood
1214. [Burton, Henry]. A divine tragedie lately acted, or a collection of sundry memorable examples
of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers. [Amsterdam]: [J. F. Stam], 1636. 4
. Pp. [10], 46, [1] (A-
Tp, AW wrote, If I am not mistaken Will. Prynne had a considerable hand in this booke see p. 43 in
another char. (signatures end at p. 42 with G2 and begin at p. 43 with * with the text in another font
and size). Brief notes or identications, pp. 11, at example 31 of an Oxford butcher, AW wrote, Hawkes a
Butcher somtimes Baillive of the citie of Ox (Joh. Hawkes); 12, 2 corrections; 13, identication; 43, Noy
in margin; 45, Noy dead in margin (AO 2.583); 46, line in margin.
Wood 643(2b). STC 4140.7.
1215. [Burton, Henry]. The protestation protested: or, a short remonstrance, shewing what is principally
required. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. A-C
Wood 616(17). Wing B6171 (O not recorded in Wing).
1216. Burton, Henry*. A narration of the life of mr. Henry Burton. London: n.pub., 1643. 4
. Pp. [4],
Pp. 2-3, 8-9, 10, 12-15, 40, lines in margin, mainly in pencil, and pp. 7, 13, 2 corrections, of spelling of
Harsnet, and of year. P. 11, a mark with 234, in pencil (?).
Wood 532(3). Wing B6169.
1217. [Burton, Henry]. A full and satisfactorie answere to the arch-bishop of Canterburies speeh [sic].
London: J. Coe, 1645. 4
. Pp. 23.
Tp, AW wrote, Hen. Burton put out another scandalous answer also.
Wood 366(28). Wing B6162A.
1218. Burton, William. Graecae linguae historia:. . . [2nd tp] Veteris linguae Persicae. Londini, Augustae
Trinobantum: T. Roycroft, venalis ap. J. Martin a. J. Allestrye, 1657. 8
. Pp. [8], 104, [5] (2nd tp, p. 61).
Tp, AW wrote 9
Wood 39(3). Wing B6186.
1219. Burton, William. A commentary on Antoninus his itinerary through Britaine. London: T. Roy-
croft, sold H. Twyford, a. T. Twyford, 1658. Fol. Pp. [1], 266, [6] (wanting t leaf).
Acquired 5 Nov. 1661, 4
, LT 1.418; bound, 2 Dec. 1661, LT 1.420.
Wood 414(2). Wing B6185.
1220. Burton, William, and George Bathurst. In viri doctissimi . . . Thomae Alleni . . . ultimo
Septembris . . . demortui, exequiarum justis . . . orationes binae [the rst by W. Burton, the second by G.
Bathurst.]. London: G. Stanesbeius, 1632. 4
. Pp. [4], 16.
P. 2, correction, may not be by AW. P. 3, 2 erasures of notes. P. 5, lines in margin at printed marginalia,
referring to Clement Reynes, Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia (Duaci, 1616) ex Biblioth . . . Rob.
Cottoni. AW noted here that an English Benedictine had access to and is quoting from a ms. in the
Cottonian library (Reynes was prob. using transcripts made by a fellow Benedictine, Augustine Baker).
P. 10, AW wrote, Gul. Burtonus.
Wood 512(10). STC 4165. Madan 712.
1221. [Bury, Arthur]. The account examined: or, a vindication [by himself ] of dr. Arthur Bury, . . . from
the calumnies of a late pamphlet [by J. Harrington], entituled, an account of the proceedings. London:
printed a. sold R. Taylor, 1690. 4
. Pp. [4], 32.
Tp, AW wrote, published & sold at Oxon. 25 Oct. 1690. AWs copy of Harrington is at Wood 631(5),
item 3428. LT 3.340.
Wood 631(3). Wing A171.
1222. Bury, Arthur. To avoid the intolerable drudgery of giving full satisfaction by a several letter
[Reasons for the expulsion of J. Colmer from Exeter college, Oxford, by the rector, A. Bury]. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1690]. S.sh. (r-v).
Former no. 2.
, AW wrote, Feb. 1689 [/] Feb. 1689/90. LT 3.325, 328, 360-1.
Wood 657(51). Wing B6203A (rare).
1223. Bury, Arthur. The case of Exeter-colledge, in the university of Oxford. Related and vindicated.
London: printed, sold R. Taylor, 1691. 4
. Pp. [4], 74.
Tp, 2-word note in pencil, illeg. AW wrote, This came from London to Oxon. & was there publicly sold
27. Janu. 1690[1].; and, in pencil, no. in a former bundle, 6. LT 3.352. P. 1, a correction.
Wood 631(6). Wing B6190.
The Library of Anthony Wood 111
1224. Bury, John*, and William Brooks*. A true narrative of the late design of the papists to charge
their horrid plot upon the protestants. By endeavourng to corrupt captain Bury and alderman Brooks of
Dublin. London: f. D. Newman, 1679. Fol. Pp. [3], 16.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 6
Wood 424(12). Wing B6215.
1225. Bury, lieutenant col. A briefe relation of the siege at Newark, as it was delivered to the councel
of state at Derby-house. London: f. P. Cole, 1644, 26 March. 4
. Pp. 8. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
Flyleaf, 2nd-3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 43 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Before item 26 and 39, notes by Kirtland, e.g., Deest Novr. 28 1839 W[illiam] K[irtland].
Wood 377(1). Wing B6187A.
1226. Busbequius, Augerius Gislenius. Augerii Gislenii Busbequii d. legationis Turcicae epistolae
quatuor. Paris: ap. . Beys, 1589. 8
. Ff. 186. Calf with 2 llets and a vertical line with two llets, stamp
decoration in corners and gold-stamp centrepiece, a sheldrake.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd, In Posterum (Ralph Sheldons motto), lined out. LT 2.281; 3.104.
Wood 715. BL.
1227. Busby, George*. The tryal and condemnation of George Busby, for high treason. London: f. R.
Taylor, 1681. Fol. Pp. [2], 38.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
; bsm.
Wood 427(23). Wing T2142.
1228. [Busby, Richard], presumed author. A short institution of grammar. For the use of Westminster-
school. Cambridge: R. Daniel, 1647. 8
. Pp. [2], 92 (misnumbering).
Tp, in t, AW underscored School, in red ink. A trace of a letter, cropped. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16, Will
Busbie q[uaere] M[aste]r of Westm. Schoole formerlie of ch ch. institution of grammar. qu[aere] who the
author. See note at Wise, 8
A 153(1) Art., item 6648. See also AO 3.418.
A 153(4) Art. Wing B6229 (rare).
1229. Bushell, Thomas. The severall speeches and songs, at the presentment of m
Bushells rock to the
queenes most excellent majesty [23 Aug.]. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1636. 4
. A
Wood 537(13). STC 4187.5. Madan 821.
1230. Bushell, Thomas. A just and true remonstrance of his majesties mines-royall in . . . Wales.
London: E. G., 1642. 4
. A-D
Pp. 1-29, AW wrote p. nos. on alternate pp.; A2
, C1
, C2, C3
, cross-references; B3
, lines in margin
and note on the author of a printed letter, D
Joh. Thornborough t. 94. an. 1641.
Wood 478(4). Wing B6246.
1231. Bushell, Tho[mas]. A brief declaration of the severall passages in the treaty concerning the sur-
render of . . . Lundy. London: n.pub., 1647[8]. 4
. Pp. [2], 20.
Wood 501(31). Wing B6241.
1232. Butcher, Richard. The survey and antiquitie of the towne of Stamford. London: T. Forcet, 1646.
. Pp. [9], 47.
Tp, AW wrote, The said Richard Butcher died at Stanford [sic] 1661 or there abouts. Flyleaves, lower,
1-7, AW wrote out The Demon or Devill of Tidworth in Wilts, in the house there of Mr . . . . [blank]
Mompeston. Final lines, y
Faithfull kinsman & real servant Jo. Mompeston [/] Tidworth in Wilts - 6.
Dec. 1663, followed by a postscript, ending, I have a Ballad of this matter which came out in 1663 (Wood
401(98), item 629). Flyleaf, lower, 9th, AW wrote, Towne of Stanford, in pencil. LT 2.53, 69.
Wood 467(2). Wing B6261.
1233. Butler*, capt. The apprehending of captayne Butler at Portchmouth [sic] . . . with bullets and
ammunition for Ireland, . . . As also, a true relation of a terrible sea ght by the states of Holland. London:
f. F. C. a. T. B., 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 507(25). Wing A3583.
1234. Butler, Charles, ed. Rameae rhetoricae libri duo. ?: ?, 1597. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11. STC 4196.5-4200.5.
1235. Butler, James. Ormonde, 1st duke of. A letter sent out of Ireland . . . to . . . s
. Robert Poyntz,
112 The Library of Anthony Wood
shewing the true estate of . . . Ireland [21 June]. London: f. T. Whitaker, [1642]. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 10 Jun 1642.
Wood 508(23). Wing O450.
1236. Butler, James. Ormonde, 1st duke of. XXIX. articles of peace, concluded . . . by the marquesse of
Ormond, lord lieutenant of Ireland, . . . and . . . viscount Mountgarret, . . . commissioner for the Irish at
the treaty held at Dublin. London: I. C., 1646. 4
. A
Tp, price, 1
, lined out, may not be by AW.
Wood 509(8). Wing O463 (O not recorded in Wing).
1237. Butler, James. Ormonde, 1st duke of. The last articles of peace made [30 July] . . . between
. . . James . . . marques of Ormond, . . . and Donogh. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 7 Sept. 4
. Rpt. of
Dublin: W. Bladen edition. Pp. [6], 16 (i.e., 24, misnumbering).
Dupl. at Wood 612(35).
Wood 509(6). Wing L475.
1238. Butler, James. Ormonde, 1st duke of. The last articles of peace made [30 July] . . . between
. . . James . . . marques of Ormond, . . . and Donogh. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 7 Sept. 4
. Rpt. of
Dublin: W. Bladen edition. Pp. [6], 16 (i.e., 24, misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Bsm. Dupl. at Wood 509(6).
Wood 612(35). Wing L475.
1239. Butler, James. Ormonde, 1st duke of. The marquesse of Ormonds declaration, proclaiming Charles
the second, king of England . . . With his summons to colonell Jones for the surrender of Dublin. London:
f. F. Tyton a. J. Playford, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 24.
AW wrote in margin, Mar. 4.
Wood 509(35). Wing O444.
1240. Butler, James, and Richard Blake. The marquesse of Ormonds proclamation concerning the
peace concluded with the Irish rebells . . . at Kilkenney; with a speech . . . by sir Richard Blake. London:
f. F. Tyton a. J. Playford, 1649, 27 Feb. 4
. Pp. [2], 16.
Wood 509(33). Wing O458.
1241. Butler, Jo[hn], et al. A letter [signed by J. Butler, et al.] sent to . . . William Lenthal . . . concerning
the securing of Windsor castle [24, 28 Dec.]. London: J. Streater, 1659. 4
. Pp. 7 (6-7 unopened).
Wood 503(29). Wing B6267D (O not recorded in Wing).
1242. Butler, Nathaniel*. A full and the [truest] narra[tive] of the . . . murde[r] . . . of John Knight
. . . by the . . . bloody hand of Nathaniel Butler. London: T. Mabb f. J. Saywell, 1657. 4
. Pp. [4], 15, [4]
(tp, mutilated).
Possibly acquired 27 Sept. 1657, 6
, LT 1.226.
Wood 365(14). Wing F 2292 (3).
1243. [Butler, Samuel]. The acts and monuments of our late parliament:. . . By J. Canne. London:
n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 8, [1].
Tp, AW wrote Ridic and nos. in former bundles, 34 and 32 (?), in pencil.
Wood 613(33). Wood A454A.
1244. [Butler, Samuel]. A continuation of the acts and monuments of our late parliament [9 June-7
July]. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 9.
Tp, AW wrote Ridic and rogue and no. in a former bundle, 35, all in pencil.
Wood 613(34). Wing C5960aA.
1245. [Butler, Samuel]. Mola asinaria: or, the unreasonable and insupportable burthen now pressd upon
the shoulders of this groaning nation. . . . in a remonstrance, . . . by William Prynne [really by S. Butler].
London: n.pub, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote, at Prynnes name, He was not the author of it-, in red ink; below, at misprinted date,
MDCLVIX, 1659. No. 35 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(31). Wing B6325A.
1246. [Butler, Samuel]. By the author of Hudibras. To the memory of the most renowned Du-Vall: a
Pindarick ode. London: f. H. Brome, 1671. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW wrote after printed Author of Hudibras, I doubt it.
Wood 372(11). Wing B6336.
The Library of Anthony Wood 113
1247. [Butler, Samuel]. Two letters, one from John Audland . . . to William Prynne. The other, William
Prynnes answer, by the author of Hudibras. London: f. J. Edwin, 1672. Fol. Pp. 22 (misnumbering).
Dupl. at Wood 657(25).
Wood 416(122-3). Wing B6336A.
1248. [Butler, Samuel]. Two letters, one from John Audland . . . to William Prynne. The other, William
Prynnes answer, by the author of Hudibras. London: f. J. Edwin, 1672. Fol. Pp. 22 (misnumbering).
Dupl. at Wood 416(122-3).
Wood 657(25). Wing B6336A.
1249. Buts, Joan*. An account of the tryal . . . of Joan Buts, for being a common witch. (London): (f. S.
Gardener), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
, mark in margin, prob. not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(15). Wing A413.
1250. [Byam, William]. An exact relation of the most execrable attempts of John Allin . . . on . . . Francis
lord Willoughby. London: f. R. Lowndes, 1665. 4
. Pp. [2], 12, [2].
Wood 365(21). Wing B6376.
1251. Bythner, Victorinus. Tabula directoria. In qua totum to texnikon linguae sanctae, ad amussim
delineatur. Oxoniae: G. Turner, imp. authoris, 1637. S.sh. (2.5 fol. sheets., pasted together).
A few underscorings.
Wood 276a(23). STC 4261 (two). Madan 852.
1252. C., C. Sad and serious thoughts, or the sense and meaning of the late act concerning marriages [17
Sept. 1653]. [London]: n.pub., [1653]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, in t, to his Reverend Friend, Reverend inked out.
Wood 609(34) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing C17.
1253. C., D., and D. H. An essay towards the deciding of the . . . case of usury. . . . [by D. C.]. As also,
some animadversions upon the resolution of the case [by D. H.]. London: f. J. Rothwell, 1661. 4
. Pp. [14],
Prob. acquired 21 Dec. 1668, LT 2.146.
Wood 628(2). Wing C20.
1254. C., E. The Scots remonstrance or declaration; concerning, the restoring their declared king to his
just rights . . . Together, with the lord Hoptons letter. London: f. G. H., 1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 503(9). Wing C27.
1255. C., G. B. Plots, conspiracies and attempts of . . . enemies of the Romish religion, against the
princes, and kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland, beginning with the reformation unto . . . 1642,
collected by G. B. C. London: f. R. Rounthwait, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 29 (misnumbering).
Wood 586(15). Wing C34.
1256. C., H. An extract out of a letter [by H. C.] from a gentleman [and] The addresse of the county of
Northampton, to . . . Monck [25 Jan.]. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(248). Wing C40 (3).
1257. C., N. Diatelesma. Nu. 3. The moderne history of the world, expressing the principall passages of
the Christian countries in these last six moneths. London: T. Harper f. N. Butter a. N. Bourne, 1637. 4
Pp. [14], 136.
Tp, signature, Caesar Williamson (AOF 2.34). P. [3], at description of Apelles picture of history and
truth, line in margin, in pencil; p. 93, corrections.
Wood 485(3). STC 4293.3.
1258. C., P. The exaltation of Christmas pye . . . a preachment at Ely house. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
Pp. 11, [1].
Wood 613(13). Wing E3706aA.
1259. C., W. A letter from his excellencies quarters, of a discovery in sir Thomas Fairfax his army, the
enemies thereof. London: B. Alsop, 1646, 27 Aug. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(25). Wing C157.
114 The Library of Anthony Wood
1260. C., W. Decimarum & oblationum tabula. A tything table. London: J. T. f. A. Crook, 1658. 4
Pp. [8], 39.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
. See note at Wood 637(1), item 6190.
Wood 370(4). Wing C148B.
1261. C., W. A discourse for a king and parliament:. . . by a moderate and serious pen. London: f. G.
Bedell a. T. Collins, 1660. 4
. Pp. [4], 27.
Tp, AW wrote Aprill:, and 6
Wood 608(10). Wing C151.
1262. Cabal. The cabal. Now the reformer. [London]: n.pub., [1679/80]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1681 82; and
, 1680 81, and 1681.
Wood 417(43). Wing C179.
1263. Cabinet of Grief. A cabinet of grief: or, the French midwifes miserable mean for . . . murther
. . . of her husband. [London]: [blank]. [sic, i.e., J.] Blare, 1688. 8
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, AWs note, . . . mitted in 1687, cropped at bottom.
Wood 284(10). Wing C188 (rare).
1264. [Caesar, Charles]. Numerus infaustus. A short view of the unfortunate reigns. London: f. R.
Chiswell, 1689. 12
. Pp. [4], 89 (i.e., 125, misnumbering), [3] (3 pp. books printed for Chiswell). Pasteboard
(brown) with calf spine, traces of upper and lower yleaves of marbled paper; rebacked in 1950.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. 1st item, each 12
leaf is pasted on a extension to form an 8
leaf. Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Ox. in
the beginning of Sept. 1689.
Wood 242(1). Wing C203.
1265. [Caius, Joannes]. De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis academiae libri duo. Adjunximus assertionem
antiquitatis Oxoniensis academiae [by Thomas Key], ab Oxoniensi quodam annis . . . conscriptam. Londini:
per H. Bynneman, 1568, Augusto. 8
. Pp. 360, [24], [39] (2nd tp at 2nd A1). Calf with 2 llets and stamp
centrepiece; spine, 4 bands, repaired. Backing, parchment ms., Latin.
Flyleaf, upper, note by A. Allam, Pret. 2
-6d We[st]: Bib: April. decimo 8
1678 Step [?]:;
, Antonius
Weber Coloniensis meus est herus, Emptus Cantabrigiae in Regno Angliae n: sh 1-4
. Anno - 1573 (LT
3.167 gives 1673). Pp. 339, underscoring, 340, note, and 340b, mark in margin, not by AW. Di ed. at
Wood 480(1).
Wood 179(1). STC 4344.
1266. Caius, Joannes. De canibus Britannicis, liber unus. De rariorum animalium et stirpium historia,
liber unus. De libris propriis, liber unus. Londini: per G. Seresium, 1570. 8
. Ff. [1], 13, [2]; [1], 30, [1]; [1],
31, [4] (3 tpp).
3rd f. 4, minor underscoring. In contemporary binding with an Allam book, Wood 179(1), item 1265.
Wood 179(2). STC 4346.
1267. Caius, Joannes. De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis academiae libri duo. . . . Johanne Caio Anglo
authore. Adjunximus assertionem antiquitatis Oxoniensis academiae [by Thomas Key]. Londini: in aed. J.
Daii, 1574. 4
. Pp. 268, [18] (wanting errata leaf); [2], 27 (2 pts.) (order of the 2 pts. is reversed in this
vol., i.e, Assertio was inserted at the beginning). Calf with 3 llets, 2nd rectangle with 3 llets and stamp
decoration outside corners, silver-stamp centrepiece (similar to Ker, pl. XIV, no. 68), and edge hatching;
spine, 4 bands and hatching (Oxford binding).
Pastedown, upper, oct: 19. 1664, prob. in AWs hand. Flyleaf, upper, is a letter bound with this vol.,
dated 27 Aug. 1570 from John Grith to Thomas Key, Master of University College, and the author of
Assertio (see AO 1.397-9 for how the books by the two Caii, or Keys, one of Oxford and the other of
Cambridge, camed to be issued together; LT 1.427, 4.199). Texts of both parts contain marks in margins,
underscorings, some lined out words, cross-references (in Assertio to pp. in De antiquitate), and some notes
(see esp. p. 152 and yleaves and pastedown, lower, which AW refers to in Wood 602, item 6268, see Plate
IV), not in AWs hand (one brief note, in Assertio, p. 20, De Oxon. origine, is in AWs hand). Flyleaf,
after De antiquitate, an index, not in AWs hand. Tp of Assertio, Jo Day, which may refer to a former
owner but more probably to the publisher of all 3 items in this vol. In AWs diary, given to Mr. Wilton 4
[for] Cays Antiq., 13 Dec. 1664, 4
, LT 2.24 (the date on pastedown, above, may be when AW took the
book; he paid John Wilton later). Di. ed. at Wood 179(1).
Wood 480(1). STC 4345.
The Library of Anthony Wood 115
1268. Caius, Joannes. Historiae Cantebrigiensis academiae ab urbe condita, liber primus (secundus).
Londini: in aed. J. Daii, 1574. 4
. Pp. 135, [11].
Some underscoring, lined out portions, marks in margins, and notes, not in AWs hand.
Wood 480(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 4349.
1269. Caius, Joannes. Johannis Caij Angli, de pronunciatione Grcae & Latinae linguae . . . libellus.
Londini: in aed. J. Daii, 1574. 4
. Pp. 23.
Some underscoring and marks in margin, prob. not by AW. P. 23
, yleaves, lower (2), and pastedown,
lower, notes and indices to works bound in this vol., not in AWs hand.
Wood 480(3). STC 4348.
1270. Calabria. Dreadfull newes: or a true relation of the . . . earthquake . . . at Callabria [27 March.
Tr. from the Ital.]. London: J. Okes f. R. Mabb, 1638. 4
. Pp. [2], 17.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(6). STC 4349.5.
1271. Calne, Giles. The book of common prayer conrmed by sundry acts of parliament, . . . vindicated.
London: T. M. f. W. Potter, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, after the year, AW wrote, Aprill:.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(15). Wing C293.
1272. Calthrop, Henry. The liberties, usages, and customes of the city of London; . . . collected by sir
Henry Colthrop. London: B. Alsop f. N. Vavasour, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 25.
Wood 590(3). Wing C308.
1273. Cambridge. A draught of Cambridge. N.p.: ?, n.d. S.sh.
Missing in 1939.
Wood 276a(61). Not identied.
1274. Cambridge. Sigillum cancellarii. Area scholaris Cantebrigiensium. Sigillum academiae. N.p.: n.pub.,
n.d. S.sh.
Wood 423(3). Not identied.
1275. Cambridge. Exchange ware at the second hand, viz. Band, Rue, and Cue, . . . Or, a dialogue
. . . in the famous universitie of Cambridge. London: W. Stansby f. M. Partrich, 1615. 4
. 2nd ed. A2-
Wood 653(3). STC 1356.
1276. Cambridge. To the honourable the lords and commons . . . The humble petition of the university
of Cambridge. N.p.: n.pub., [1643]. S.sh.
AW wrote, This came forth about the beginning of June 1643.
Wood 423(21). Wing C358.
1277. Cambridge. An extract of certain papers of intelligence, from Cambridge, concerning his majestie
and the armie. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 612(46). Wing E3908.
1278. Cambridge. To our reverend and deare brethren the ministers of England and Wales. N.p.: n.pub.,
1649, 24 Oct. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 423(30). Wing T1382B (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
1279. Cambridge. Umbra comitiorum, [sic] or Cambridge commencement in types. (Oxford, reprinted f.
the U. of Cambridge): n.pub., [1650]. 4
. Pp. 7.
P. 7, (ie) 1650, may not be by AW. Di. ed. at Wood 614(18).
Wood 515(9). Wing U25 (O not recorded in Wing). Madan 2030.
1280. Cambridge. Umbra commitiorum. [sic] Or, Cambridge commencement in types. [London]: n.pub.,
[1650]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote Dup, in pencil. Di. ed., Oxford printing, at Wood 515(9).
Wood 614(18). Not in Wing. Not Wing U25. See Madan 2030. Not in ESTCR.
1281. Cambridge. University queries, in a gentle touch by the by. Cambridge: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2],
Tp, no. 42, in pencil, in a former bundle.
Wood 613(47). Wing U80. Madan 2430N.
116 The Library of Anthony Wood
1282. Cambridge. Selectae aliquot legum, atque ordinationum academicarum particulae . . . Novemb. 24.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(321). Wing C351 (rare).
1283. Cambridge. A poem attempting something upon the rarities of the . . . university of Cambridge.
London: f. R. Nicolson in Cambridge, [1673]. 4
. Pp. [2], 21 (cropped at bottom).
Tp, AW wrote, Dup. Bsm. Dupl. at Wood 513(5).
Wood 483(5). Wing P2669 (Wing, omits London).
1284. Cambridge. A poem attempting something upon the rarities of the . . . university of Cambridge.
London: f. R. Nicolson in Cambridge, 1673. 4
. Pp. [2], 21.
Tp, AW wrote the date of acquisition, 4
. May. 73. LT 2.262. Dupl. at Wood 483(5).
Wood 513(5). Wing P2669 (Wing, omits London).
1285. Cambridge. The fanatick rampant or an election at Cambridge. N.p.: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh.
AW wrote An. 1680, half in ink and half in pencil.
Wood 417(22). Wing F400.
1286. Cambridge. The Cambridge case, being an exact narrative of all the proceedings against the vice-
chancellour . . . for refusing to admit Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the degree of master of arts,
without taking the oaths. London: printed a. sold by R. Taylor, 1689. Fol. Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon in the beg. of Feb. 1688[9]. - 6
. Pp. 1, AW wrote the year; 8, identied
the Cambridge college of the lord-chancellor, In Trin. Coll. LT 3.221.
Wood 421(11). Wing C331.
1287. Cambridge. Musae Cantabrigienses, . . . Wilhelmo et Mariae . . . publicae salutis ac liberatis
vindicibus, haed ocii & pietatis ergo d. d. Cantabrigiae: J. Hayes, 1689. 4
. A-M
. Parchment,
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote In vigil S. Marci [24 April] 1689 Dedet mihi A. C. [Arthur Charlett] SS: T. b. e
Coll. Trin (LT 3.302); and Liber Musaei Ashmoleani Oxon, not in AWs hand.
Wood 327. Wing C344.
1288. Cambridge. 1691. Prior comb. [/] Jan. 17. M
Peirce. Emman. [college] [1st column; and 2nd
column:] 1691 Poster. Comb. [/] Jan. 17. M
Wigly Joh. [college] [bottom of p.:] Singuli suo ordine con-
cionabuntur . . . caeter asque exercitationes ipsi per se sua in person a praestabunt . . . Gabr. Quadring,
procan. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1691]. S.sh.
AW wrote above, Cambridge; at heading, Prior Comb., Combinatio (may not be in AWs hand); and
below, AW wrote Jan 27: 1691 dedit mihi J. B. (J. A. Bernard? Or, James Bisse, LT 3.381).
down side), Scotchman, opposite entry on
side of M
Moore Sid., may not be in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(516) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
CAMBRIDGE ACT VERSES (items 1289-1367)
1289. Allison, John. Resp. in philos. M.A. Col. Regal. soc. Existentia Dei probatur ex continuatione
existentiae nostrae . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
On the Cambridge theses, see LT 2.165.
Wood 276a(491). Wing A1215 (rare).
1290. Bagshaw, Edm[ond]. Resp. in Philos. M
in Art. Coll. Trin. soc. Datur conceptus positivus rei
immaterialis . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(484).
Wood 276a(480). Not in Wing (should be at B392A). Not in ESTCR.
1291. Bagshaw, Edm[ond]. Resp. in Philos. M
in Art. Coll. Trin. soc. Datur conceptus positivus rei
immaterialis . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(480).
Wood 276a(484). Not in Wing (should be at B392A). Not in ESTCR.
1292. Barrow, Isaac. Resp. pro gradu s. theol. doct. Coll. Trin. soc. Spiritus sanctus est persona distincta
. . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(493). Wing B960 (3).
The Library of Anthony Wood 117
1293. Barton, [Francis]. [M.A. 1638, Fellow 1637] Resp. Coll. Trin. Necessari` o ponuntur orbes eccentrici.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1639]. S.sh.
Above, Quaestiones Philosophicae comitiis habitae Cantabrigiensibus Julii. 2
. 1639. Names and colleges
of 4 participants are written in (including name of responder, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(445). STC 4474.80 (rare).
1294. Billers, J[ohn]. Resp. in philos. M.A. Coll. S. Joh. Evan. soc. Potentia irresistibilis nullum confert
jus . . . Jul. 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1675]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1675, in pencil.
Wood 276a(501). Wing B2898 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1295. Boteler, Tho[mas]. Resp. in philos. A.M. Coll. Trin. soc. Oneirokritai sunt futiles . . . Julii 4.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(492). Wing B3804A (rare).
1296. Briggs, Thoma[s]. Resp. Coll. D. Joan. soc. Primaeva communitas non tollit proprietatem rerum
. . . Julii 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(474). Wing B4666 (two).
1297. Bright, Georg[e]. Resp. pro gradu s. theol. doct. Coll. Eman. Ponticii non sunt ab omni cultu
idolatrico penitus excusandi . . . Julii 3. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(497)).
Wood 276a(498). Wing B4673A (rare).
1298. Brunning, Samuel. Resp. in Philos., M. spsr
in Art. Aul. S. Kath. socio. Non datur talis causarum
concatenatio quae sit causa suciens, & necessaria actionis . . . Julii 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(483).
Wood 276a(479). Wing B5232 (rare).
1299. Brunning, Samuel. Resp. in Philos., M. spsr
in Art. Aul. S. Kath. socio. Non datur talis causarum
concatenatio quae sit causa suciens, & necessaria actionis . . . Julii 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(479).
Wood 276a(483). Wing B5232 (rare).
1300. Burles, Tho[mas]. Resp. Aul. Trin. soc. L. Bac. Ratihabitio matrimonii per procuratorem contracti,
cujus mandatum eo ignorante revocatum fuit, est nullius momenti . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679?].
S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(508)).
Wood 276a(509). Wing B5740aA (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
1301. Burton, [Hezekiah]. Resp. Coll. Magd. soc. Scepticorum Oneirokritai non est rationi consentanea.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1655]. S.sh.
Names of 2 opponents and procurator, not in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(453). Wing B6177A (rare).
1302. Cambridge, Act Verses. Cambridge, act verses. [Cambridge]: n.pub., n.d. S.sh.
Missing in 1939. Information is from the 1717 list.
Wood 276a(490). STC 4474.1. Not identied.
1303. Cambridge, Act Verses. Dantur objectiva mentis humanae, etiam vera & realia, quae sunt plan`e
afantasa. [Cambridge]: n.pub., n.d. S.sh.
Wood 276a(438a). Not in STC or Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1304. Cambridge, Act Verses. Omnis sensatio t in cerebro. [Cambridge]: n.pub., n.d. S.sh.
Wood 276a(438b). Not in STC or Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1305. Clerk, Gabriel. Resp. Coll. Petrensis. Materia qualitercunque modicata non sucit explicandis
passionibus . . . Julii 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(487). Wing C4647A (rare).
1306. Coell, Francis. Resp. jur. civil. bac. Aul. Trin. soc. Fides hosti data est servanda. [Cambridge]:
n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(500), item 1360).
Wood 276a(499). Wing C4882 (rare).
1307. Coldwell, [William]. Resp. Coll. Regin. soc. Regulae morum ostensivae & obligativae sunt lumine
naturali cognoscibiles . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1651]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(452).
118 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 276a(449). Wing C5019 (two).
1308. Coldwell, [William]. Resp. Coll. Regin. soc. Regulae morum ostensivae & obligativae sunt lumine
naturali cognoscibiles . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1651]. S.sh.
, AW wrote 1651. Dupl. at Wood 276a(449).
Wood 276a(452). Wing C5019 (two).
1309. Cradock, [Samuel]. Resp. Coll Eman. soc. Renati non possunt totaliter, aut naliter excidere `e
gratia Dei . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1651]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(451). Wing C6755 (two).
1310. Crouch, William. Resp. Coll. D. Joan. socio. Status naturae non est status belli. [Cambridge]:
n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(486). Wing C7364 (rare).
1311. Cudworth, [Ralph]. Resp. Aul. Clar. praefect. Dantur rationes boni, & mali aeternae, & indis-
pensabiles . . . Jun. 30. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1651]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(450). Wing C7465 (two).
1312. Cumberland, [Richard]. [M.A. 1656; B.D. 1663]. Resp. Coll. Magd. soc. Habitus mentis acquisiti
sunt species perfectiores in memoria ordinat`e repositae . . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(472).
Wood 276a(466). Wing C7582aA (rare, 2 at O).
1313. Cumberland, [Richard]. [M.A. 1656; B.D. 1663]. Resp. Coll. Magd. soc. Habitus mentis acquisiti
sunt species perfectiores in memoria ordinat`e repositae . . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(466).
Wood 276a(472). Wing C7582aA (rare, 2 at O).
1314. Dillingham, Theoph[ilus]. Resp. pro gradu doct. in theol. Aul. Clar. praef. Status integritatis fuit
status immortalitatis . . . Julii 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1655]. S.sh.
Names of 6 opponents and procurator, not in AWs hand;
, name, again, of procurator, D
. Lightfoot.
Wood 276a(455). Wing D1481 (rare).
1315. Franck, [Mark]. [M.A. 1634, B. D. 1641]. Resp. Pembroke. Multitudo librorum est studiorum
impedimentum. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1637]. S.sh.
Above, 1637. [/] Quaestiones Philosophicae Comitiis habitae. Octob. 2. 1637. Names and colleges of 4
participants are written in (including name of defender, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(439a). STC 4474.75 (rare).
1316. Frost, John. Resp. Coll. Divi Joann. socio. Fides justicat sub ratione instrumenti . . . Julii 1.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1656]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(457). Wing F2245 (rare).
1317. Fuller, Sam[uel]. Resp. pro gradu S.T.D. Coll. Div. Joh. Ministerium ecclesiae Anglicanae ` a
reformatoribus nostris nec factum est nullum nec antichristianum . . . Jun. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679].
S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(505)).
Printed Jun. 1 altered to Jun. 30.
Wood 276a(504). Wing F2397 (3) (Wing, n.p.).
1318. Fuller, Thom[as]. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Christi socio. Non datur externus judex infallibilis controver-
siarum dei . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(471).
Wood 276a(469). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1319. Fuller, Thom[as]. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Christi socio. Non datur externus judex infallibilis controver-
siarum dei . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(469).
Wood 276a(471). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1320. Fullwood. [Gervase, Peter or William (3 possibilities in Venn)]. Resp. Aul. Cath. soc. Substantia
immaterialis est aequ`e demonstrabilis ac materialis . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(473).
Wood 276a(467). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
The Library of Anthony Wood 119
1321. Fullwood. [Gervase, Peter or William: 3 possibilities in Venn]. Resp. Aul. Cath. soc. Substantia
immaterialis est aequ`e demonstrabilis ac materialis . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(467).
Wood 276a(473). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1322. Gardiner, Sam[uel]. Resp. Coll. Corp. Christ. pro gradu doctorali in s. theologia. Supremus
magistratus habet summam potestatem circa sacra . . . Jul. 6. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1657]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(458). Wing G249 (rare).
1323. Gould, William. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. John. soc. Religio Christiana est infallibilis certitudinis . . . Julii
4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(498)).
Wood 276a(497). Wing G1442 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1324. Grove, Robert. Resp. pro gradu S.T.D. Coll. Div. Joh. Nullus est satisfactionum thesaurus, qui
sit fundamentum indulgentiarum . . . Jul. 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(510). Wing G2151 (3) (Wing, n.p.).
1325. Hartclie, John. Resp. in philos. A.M. Col. Regal. soc. In veritate rerum disquirenda errat Cartesii
scepticismus . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1678]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1678, in pencil.
Wood 276a(503). Wing H967 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1326. Hill, Joseph. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Magd. soc. Justitia qu a coram Deo consistimus est justitia Christi
mediatoris . . . Jul. 3. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(475). Wing H2001 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1327. Houl[d]sworth, [Richard]. [Holdsworth, D. D. 1637]. Resp. Dr. Eman. Lex moralis per gratiam,
quae est viatoris, non est implebilis. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1637]. S.sh.
Above, 1637 [/] Quaestiones pro doctoratu in Jure Civili, Comitiis habitae Octob. 2. 1637. Names and
colleges of 4 participants are written in (including name of defender, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(440). STC 4474.65 (rare).
1328. Hughes, Aud. Resp. Aul. Trin. Soc. pro gradu doctorali. Res ab hostibus captae & ab iisdem
recuperatae cedunt capientibus . . . Junii 30. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(488). Wing H3304 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1329. Ingelo, Nath[aniel]. Resp. Coll. Reginal. pro gradu doctorali in theolog. Omnia ad salutem nec-
essaria perspicu`e traduntur in sacra scriptura . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1658]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(463).
Wood 276a(462). Wing I183 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1330. Ingelo, Nath[aniel]. Resp. Coll. Reginal. pro gradu doctorali in theolog. Omnia ad salutem nec-
essaria perspicu`e traduntur in sacra scriptura . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1658]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(462).
Wood 276a(463). Wing I183 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1331. Lamplugh, [Josiah]. [B.D. 1657]. Resp. Coll. Corp. Christ. socio. Novae revelationes extra scrip-
turam sacram non sunt expectandae . . . Jul. 7. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1657]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(459). Not in Wing (should be at 304aA). Not in ESTCR.
1332. Lane, Erasmus. Resp. pro gradu s. theol. bac. C. C. C. soc. Divinitas Christi probatur ab ejus
cultu . . . Julii 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(494). Wing L336 (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
1333. Lee, Henr[y]. Resp. in philos. A.M. Coll. Eman. soc. Idea positiva substantiae immaterialis aequ`e
intelligibilis est ac materialis . . . Jul. 3. [Cambridge?]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
, Cantab. 1671, prob. not by AW. See similar t at Wood 276a(506).
Wood 276a(496). Wing L842A (O not recorded in Wing).
1334. Linfeild, Ja[mes]. Resp. in philos. A.M. Coll. Trin. soc. Idea positiva substantiae immaterialis aequ`e
intelligibilis est ac materialis . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(507)).
See similar t at Wood 276a(496).
Wood 276a(506). Wing L2335 (Wing, n.p.).
1335. Low, Sam[uel]. Resp. Magd. Col. soc. Pontifex Romanus non habet postestatem temporalem in
120 The Library of Anthony Wood
ordine ad spiritualia . . . Julii 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(485a). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1336. Mason, [Charles]. [D.D. 1660]. Resp. in theologia doct. Coll. Regl. Ecclesia potestatem habet
quaedam statuendi circa cultum divinum . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(481).
Wood 276a(477). Wing M907.
1337. Mason, [Charles]. [D.D. 1660]. Resp. in theologia doct. Coll. Regl. Ecclesia potestatem habet
quaedam statuendi circa cultum divinum . . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(477).
Wood 276a(481). Wing M907.
1338. Maulyverer, John. Resp. in philos. A.M. Coll. Magd. soc. Suppositis particularis striatis rect`e
solvuntur phaenomena magnetis . . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(495). Wing M1335 (rare) (Wing, n.p.).
1339. Mildmay, [Charles]. [M.A. 1648, Fellow 1647] Resp. Coll. Pet. soc. Lex naturae est indispensabilis
. . . Jul. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1650]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(446). Wing M2040 (rare).
1340. Natlie, [Edward]. [M.A. 1638, Fellow 1635-44] Resp. Reginalis. Absurdum est dari orbem habit-
abilem in luna. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1639]. S.sh.
Above, Quaestiones Philosophicae comitiis habitae Cantabrigiensibus. Julii. 1
. 1639. Names and colleges
of 4 participants are written in (including name of responder, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(444). STC 4474.2 (rare).
1341. Obligatio. Obligatio legum naturalium satis indicatur per poeneas annexas & praemia . . . Mart. 1.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1687/8]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(511). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1342. Outram, William. Resp. Christi Col. S.T.D. Juramentum vulg`o dictum solennis liga & foedus non
obligat foederatos . . . Junii 30. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(485b). Wing O602 (rare) (Wing, London).
1343. Owen, [Andrew]. [L.L.B. 1637]. Resp. Aul. Trinit. Capite damnati testamentum facere non possunt.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1637]. S.sh.
Above, 1637 [/] Quaestiones pro Baccalaureatu in Jure Civili comitiis habitae Octob. 3. 1637. Names
and colleges of 5 participants are written in (including name of responder, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(442b). STC 4474.16 (rare).
1344. Oxenden, George. Resp. pro gradu doctoratus in jure, Aul Trin soc. Causa jurejurando decisa
praetextu perjurii retractari non potest . . . ultimo die Junii. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh. (joined with
Wood 276a(509)).
Wood 276a(508). Wing O839 (Wing, n.p.).
1345. Peachell, John. Resp. in theol. bacc. Coll. Mag. soc. Licet viris ecclesiasticis administrare res
civiles . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(482).
Wood 276a(478). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1346. Peachell, John. Resp. in theol. bacc. Coll. Mag. soc. Licet viris ecclesiasticis administrare res
civiles . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(478).
Wood 276a(482). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1347. Pearson, John. Resp. Coll. Regal. pro gradu doctorali in s. theolog. Regimen monarchicum est s.
scripturae maxim`e conforme . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(476). Wing P1006 (rare) (Wing, O (not found)).
1348. Penning, William. Resp. in philos. Coll. Trin. soc. Atmosphaera causa est crepusculi . . . Jun. 30.
[Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(506)).
Wood 276a(507). Wing P1399.
1349. Pynfold, Tho[mas]. Resp. Aul. Trin. leg. bac. Qui Titium intercit, Maevium intercere volens,
The Library of Anthony Wood 121
tenetur lege Corneli a de sicariis . . . Julii. 1. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1662]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(489). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1350. Roane, [William]. [ LL.D.1637]. Resp. Dr. Aul. Trinitatis. Expensae studii causa factae non privant
lium legitim a. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1637]. S.sh.
Above, 1637 [/] Quaestiones Theologicae pro doctoratu, Comitiis habitae. Octob. 2. 1637. Names and
colleges of 9 participants are written in (including name of responder, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(441). STC 4474.36 (rare).
1351. Robotham, [Charles]. Resp. Coll. Trin. soc. Omnium futurorum contingentium certissima est in
Deo praescientia . . . Jun. 30. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1651]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(448). Wing R1729B (two).
1352. Rust, George. Resp. B.D. Coll. Christi socio. Resurrectionem `e mortuis scriptura docet, nec refra-
gatur ratio. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1658]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(464). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1353. Sedgwick. [Obediah? B.A. 1651-2; M.A. 1655; (probably not Thomas, Reg. Prof. Div.)]. Resp. Coll.
Trin. socio. Datur internum veritatis krithrion . . . Julii 5. 1658. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1658]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(465). Wing S2358 (rare) (Wing, London).
1354. Spering, James. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Reginal. Quintum Danielis imperium non restat expectandum
. . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
, name of participant, not in AWs hand. Dupl. at Wood 276a(470).
Wood 276a(468). Wing S4970 (rare) (Wing, London).
1355. Spering, James. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Reginal. Quintum Danielis imperium non restat expectandum
. . . Julii 4. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(468).
Wood 276a(470). Wing S4970 (rare) (Wing, London).
1356. Sprackling, [Robert]. Resp. Coll D. Petri socio. Probabile est phoenomena naturae salvari posse
absque occultis qualitatibus . . . Jul. 7. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1657]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(461). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1357. Stillingeete, [Edward]. Resp. sen. D. Joann. Col. socio. Homo natura est zvon politikon . . . Jul.
6. 1657. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1657]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(460). Wing S5595 (rare) (Wing, O (not found) and [London]).
1358. Templar. [Templer, John; M.A. 1648; D.D. 1666]. Resp. Coll. Trin. soc. Animae rationalis immor-
talitas est demonstrabilis lumine naturali . . . Jul. 2. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1650]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(447). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1359. Templer, John. Resp. Coll. Trin. soc. Dies dominicus est institutionis divinae . . . Julii 3. [Cam-
bridge]: n.pub., [1655]. S.sh.
Names of 3 opponents and the procurator, not in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(456). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1360. Thompson, Robert. Resp. pro gradu jur. civil. doct. Aul. Trin. commens. Mutatio pecuniae
cedit commodo & incommodo debitoris . . . Julii 3. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. (joined with Wood
276a(499), item 1306).
Wood 276a(500). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1361. Tudway, T[homas]. Pro gradu music. bacalaur. Coll. Regal. Psalm the XX . . . Jul. 5. [Cambridge]:
n.pub., [1681]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1679 in pencil.
Wood 276a(512). Wing T3221 (two) (Wing, London).
1362. Watson, Tho[mas]. Resp. pro gradu S.T.D. Coll. Joh. soc. Conrmatio episcopalis est admodum
ecax, & necessaria . . . Jul. 5. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1675]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(502). Wing W1118 (Wing, [London]).
1363. Watson, [William]. [M.A. 1636, Fellow 1636-44]. Resp. Caio-Gonvil. Phantasia matris dat foetui
signaturam. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1637]. S.sh.
Above, 1637. [/] Quaestiones Philosophicae Comitiis habitae. Octob. 2. 1637. Names and colleges of 4
122 The Library of Anthony Wood
participants are written in (including name of responder, above), not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(439b). STC 4474.99 (rare).
1364. Whincop, Tho[mas]. Resp. S.T.B. Coll. Corp. Christ. soc. Indulgentiae ponticiae nullum habent
in s. scriptur a fundamentum. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh. (joined with Wood 276a(504)).
Wood 276a(505). Wing W1664A (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
1365. Wigmore, [Gilbert]. [B.D. 1639]. Resp. Reginalis. Deus puniens personam conjunctam pro persona
peccante, jure suo utitur. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1639]. S.sh.
Above, Quaestiones Theologicae pro Baccalaureatu in eadem facultate comitiis habitae Cantabrigiensibus.
Jul. 1
. 1639. Names and colleges of 7 participants are written in (including name of defender, above), not
in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(443). STC 4474.28 (rare).
1366. Wolryche, [William]. [? M.A. 1654]. Resp. Coll. Christi soc. Materia quomodocunque modicata
non potest cogitare . . . Julii 3. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1655]. S.sh.
Names of opponent and procurator, not in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(454). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1367. Young, [Edward]. [D.D. 1639]. Resp. Dr. Aul. Johanensis. Justicatio per solam dem non est
impeditiva bonorum operum chec impeditiva. [Cambridge]: n.pub., [1639]. S.sh.
Above, Quaestiones Theologicae pro Doctoratu in eadem facultate comitiis habitae Cantabrigiensibus.
Julii. 1
. 1639. Names and colleges of 13 participants are written in (including name of responder, above),
not in hand of AW.
Wood 276a(442a). STC 4474.63 (rare).
End of CAMBRIDGE ACT VERSES (items 1289-1367)
1368. Camden, William. Britannia sive orentissimorum regnorum, Angliae, . . . . Londini: [Eliots
Court Press] per R. Newbery, 1587. 8
. Anr. ed. Pp. [16], 648, [22] (2 tpp).
Missing. Gore, f. 308. Also listed in MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44.
Gore 308. STC 4504. Folg, Hunt, Harv.
1369. [Camden, William]. Reges, reginae, nobiles, & alii in ecclesia collegiata b. Petri Westmonasterii
sepulti. Londini: E. Bollifantus, 1600. 4
. A-K
,L1. Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper, on the 1st fragment, signature of Godfrey Clarke. 2nd
, AW wrote, M
Will. Camden The
Wood 333. STC 4518.
1370. Camden, William. Holland, Philemon, trans. Britain, or, a chorographicall description of the most
ourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Londini: imp. G. Bishop & J. Norton, 1610. Fol. 2
pts. Pp. [16], 208, 207-287 [i.e. 299], 302-822, [2], 233, [55].
Missing. Gift, 30 July 1675, from R. Sheldon, LT 2.319. See notes at items 406 and 6451.
LT 2.319. STC 4509.
1371. [Camden, William]. Browne, Thomas, trans. Tomus alter, & idem: or the historie of the life . . . of
that famous princesse, Elizabeth. London: T. Harper, sold W. Web in Oxford, 1629. 4
. Pp. [34], 384, [104].
Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote, Mar. 31. 1659 (prob. bought from Ed. Forrest, see LT 1.271). 3
, reference
to Translator underscored in red ink. 3B3, in index, a correction. 3O4
and pastedown, lower, scribbles.
Wood 339. STC 4498.
1372. Camden, William. Philipot, John, ed. Remaines concerning Britaine. London: T. Harper f. J.
Waterson, 1637. 4
. 5th ed. Pp. [7], 420, [2]. Calf with 2 llets, rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, John Skengton and William , both surnames lined out; 2nd, John Skengton 1628.
1651, surname, lined out. P. 6, line in margin at presentation of order of the garter to Philipot. Pp. 146, 419
line in margin, in pencil. P. 420, drawing (apple?) in margin. Flyleaf, lower, 3rd
, scribbles by Skengton.
Acquired 24 June, 1
, bound 9 July 1657, 6
; see LT 1.220.
Wood 606 (506 in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 4526.
1373. Camden, William. Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum annales, regnante Elisabetha. Lugd. Bata-
vorum: Elseviriorum, 1639. 8
. Pp. [16], 856, [38]. Calf with 3 llets and edge hatching; spine, 4 bands and
The Library of Anthony Wood 123
hatching (Oxford binding).
Tp, price, illeg., not in AWs hand. A few marks in margins, e.g. 60, 73, 96. P. 200, AW wrote, Powell of
Sandford near to, & in the county of Oxon. one of the band of gent[tlemen] pensioners. Title on a slip
pasted to fore-edge (not in AWs hand). Lent to H. Foules, 17 Oct. 1668, LT 2.145.
Wood 212. BL.
1374. Camden, William*. [Barksdale, Clement, comp.]. V. cl. elogia Anglorum Cambdeniana. Londini:
T. Warren, pro E. Thorn, Oxoniensi, 1653. 8
. Pp. [2], 25. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st
and last yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW wrote, By Clem. Barksdale. P. 1, on waste paper backing of a quire, 1670 and at other
fragment end of backing, p. 12, Penns Tryall (Wood 645(18-19), items 5166, 6034). P. 19, correction.
Wood 299(1). Wing C360A (two).
1375. [Camden, William]. Institutio Graecae grammatices compendiaria, in usum regiae scholae West-
monasteriensis. Londini: R. Nortonus, 1676. 8
. A-M
. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, E Libris Ant
. `a Wood Aprilis 26
. 1677
. Pret. 1
, twice, not in AWs hand. A1
AW wrote, A. `a Wood 26. Aprilis 1677 1
- 6
, and on tp, Per Guliel. Camdenum ejusd. Scholae quondam
Rectorem. Dupl. listed in MS. Wood E. 2(70), 62.
Wood 32. Wing C370 (two).
1376. Camden, William. Smith, Thomas, ed. V. cl. Gulielmi Camdeni, et illustrium virorum ad G.
Camdenum epistolae. . . . Accesserunt annalium regni regis Jacobi I. . . . Praemittitur G. Camdeni vita.
Scriptore Thoma Smitho. London: impens. R. Chiswelli, 1691. 4
. Pp. [24], xcvi, 401, [3], 116. Calf, speckled,
with 2 llets and stamp decoration in corners (Ashm. binding?).
Pastedown, upper, 4 slips pasted with notes by AW referring to or quoting from letters in this vol. Slip 1:
Will. Sutton Bach. of Art of ch. ch. did upon his earnest desire made to Tho. Savile became acquainted
with Camden. Slip 2
: 5 brief notes, the 1st 3, dated July 23, AW copied from Thomas Shorts newsletter
(see LT 5.70), all lined out, the Deane and chapter of Lichf. having elected D
Lloyd late B. of S. Asaph
Bishop of that dioc. they this week made a return of the congedelere [/] Mr Hen. Cooling one of the gent.
ushers to the qu. died yesterday (son of Hen. Cooling Clerk of the counsell qu[aere] [/] Tis said Dr. Will.
Lancaster hath the living of S. Martins in the Fields [/] Rich Carew of Antony his epist to Will. Camden
(pp. 72-3 in text, marked with lines in pencil) [/] I heare that M
Sollicitor hath compiled a treatise of
our Cornish Dutchy & dedic to the prince - May 1606. qu[aere] an Davies; slip 2
has 3 notes: Matherne,
in com. Monm. called by Dr Fr. Godwin of Landa Marthern [/] In Camdens epist. nu. 80. is an epist.
of Georg Carlton to Camden beginning thus . . . without date (pp. 112. in text) [/] and Edward Bolton
Antiquarius to Camden - 1617. epist (p. 188 in text). Slip 3: a quote from Ushers letter to Camden on
the monument of Richard Armachanus at Dundalk (p. 86 in text, which has a line, in pencil, in margin);
slip 3
, notes on John and Edward Stradling and their epist. (pp. 54 and 51). Slip 4: Hen. Saviles Letter
to Camden saith thus- . . . 20 lines on deeds and wills closing with Camb. epist. nu. 252 (p. 314 in text,
marked by pencil); slip 4, 2nd fold: John Budden of Oxon intimate with Camden two Lat. epistles to
Camden (pp. 228, 239 in text, lines in margin, in pencil), and Ambrose & Mich. Dormer of Ascot neare
Milton made the epitaph on them in Milton church. 1618 (p. 228 in text). Flyleaf, upper, the titles of
the 2 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Text, some lines in margin, in pencil, see above and
e.g., at T. Savile, pp. 3-4, 8, 10-11,13, 15.; at Tho. Allen, 315, in pencil; to 2nd p. 29 (correction), 11, 35
(correction), 77 (query).
[MS.] Wood B. 38(1). Wing C361.
1377. Campanella, Tommaso. Chilmead, Edmund, trans. A discourse touching the Spanish monarchy.
London: f. P. Stephens, sold in Pauls Church-Yard, 1654. 4
. Pp. [8], 232 (pp. unopened).
Wood 511(17). Wing C401.
1378. Campania. Strange newes from Campania . . . a true relation of one who slept at noon-time of
day, how his spirit was transported . . . near unto the lake Avernus. Attalia [really London]: n.pub., 1647.
. A
[MS.] Wood B. 35(19). Wing S5889.
1379. Campbell, Archibald. Argyle, marq. of, et al. Letters from the marquesse of Argyle, the earle of
Lanerick, lord Warriston, and others . . . intercepted by sir R. Willys. Oxford: H. Hall, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2],
Tp, former no., 41.
Wood 632(15). Wing A3661. Madan 1767.
124 The Library of Anthony Wood
1380. Campbell, Archibald*. Argyle, marq. of. The charge of high treason, . . . exhibited to the parlia-
ment of Scotland against the marquess of Argyle [23 Jan. 1660]. London: f. R. Lowndes, 1661. 4
. Pp. [2],
Tp, AW wrote the price, 5
Wood 368(16). Wing C2056.
1381. Campbell, Archibald. Argyle, marq. of. The marquess of Argile his answer to his charge [28 Jan.].
[London]: n.pub., 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote the year, A. D. 1660[1].
Wood 368(17). Wing A3650.
1382. Campbell, Archibald. Argyle, marq. of. The speech of the late marquiss of Argyll upon the scaold
May 27. Edenburgh, repr. London: n.pub., 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 368(18). Wing A3669.
1383. Campbell, Archibald*. Argyle, earl of. A true copy of the indictment which is preferred against
Archibald earl of Argile. (Edenbrough): (f. J. Alexander), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 368(21). Wing T2643.
1384. Campbell, Archibald. Argyle, earl of. The speech of the earl of Argyle at his trial on the 12th. of
December 1681. (London): (R. Janeway), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 368(22). Wing A3678.
1385. Campion, Edmund*. A particular declaration or testimony, of the undutifull and traiterous aec-
tion borne against her majestie by Edmond Campion Jesuit. London: C. Barker, 1582. A-D
Item nos. 3 to 10a in this vol. were originally part of a separate vol. with ms. p. nos. 1-412 written on the
top margins (prob. not by AW). A1, 1582, in pencil, prob. by AW. Tp, signature of Rych. Wryght and
ourish. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247. See note at item 6057.
Wood 586(3). STC 4536.
1386. [Campion, Edmund]. Concertatio ecclesiae Anglicae Catholicae in Anglia adversus Calvinopapistas
et Puritanos. Augustae Trevirorum: ap. E. Hatotum, 1583. 8
. Ff. [6], 413, [12].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 4, see the contents in the beg . . . . besides his martyrdome names of
other martyrs qu[aere] whether writers. See also AO 1.475.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 4. BL.
1387. Campion, Edmund; Meredith Hanmer, and Edmund Spenser. Ware, James, ed. Two his-
tories of Ireland. (A view of the state of Ireland . . . by Edmund Spenser). Dublin: Soc. of Stationers
[a. London: T. Harper], 1633. Fol. Pp. [12], 138, [2], 223; [8], 127, [9]. Calf, gold-stamp decoration, and
gold-stamp centrepiece, a crown with 3 plumes above ICH DIEN and C and P on either side of crown,
i.e., Charles, Prince of Wales (see R. R. Holmes, Specimens of royal ne and historical bindings (London,
1893), pl. 32 (without the initials)).
Pastedown, upper, Ant. Woode 1661 and price 5
; and, not in AWs hand, Daneish Invashion of Ire-
land Anno 31024 and 24 (?). 1st p. 138, line in margin, in red ink. P. 218-9, AW made corrections, Cranly
and Cranley for abps. of Dublin, Thomas Crawly and Thomas Granly. 2nd p. [9], and pastedown, lower,
scribbles and copied lines from text, not in AWs hand. Signatures of Mary Applebee, Elizabeth Bland and
John Gregory (Gregory, AO 3.205f.). LT 1.425.
Wood 406. STC 25067.
1388. Campion, Thomas. A relation of the late royall entertainment given by . . . the lord Knowles,
. . . to . . . queene Anne, in her progresse toward Bath . . . by Thomas Campian. London: [W. Stansby]
f. J. Budge, 1613. 4
. A-D
Flyleaf, upper, 90. Tp, AW wrote, D
Tho. Campian vide Musick. and 90 (perhaps the no. in a bundle
of music items).
Wood 537(8). STC 4545.
1389. Camus, Jean Pierre. Diotrephe. Or, an historie of valentines. London: T. Harper, 1641. 12
Pp. [12], 192. Calf with 1 llet with decoration and also 1 vertical llet; rebacked.
Tp, date changed to 1643.
Wood 275. Wing C412.
1390. Canne, John. The golden rule, or, justice advanced. London: f. P. Cole, 1649. 4
. Pp. [4], 36 (1st
part ends, p. 36).
The Library of Anthony Wood 125
P. 36, AW wrote, where is the 2
. see the next.
Wood 364(21). Wing C440.
1391. Canterbury, Tales. The merry tales of the cobler of Canterbury. N.p.: ?, 1655. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. A Discourse of the merry Cobler of Canterbury Lon. 1655 in Whiteside cat. Several
times reprinted, see STC 4579-81.
Wood 64(9). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1392. Capel, Arthur. Essex, earl of. The earl of Essexs speech at the delivery of the petition to the king,
Jan. 25. (London): (f. F. Smith), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
Dupl. at Wood 276a(176).
Wood 276a(154). Wing E3305A (O not recorded in Wing).
1393. Capel, Arthur. Essex, earl of. The earl of Essexs speech at the delivery of the petition to the king,
Jan. 25. (London): (f. F. Smith), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
After t, AW wrote, being the day after the said Count was turned out of the Kings privie councill. Dupl.
at Wood 276a(154).
Wood 276a(176). Wing E3305A (O not recorded in Wing).
1394. Capel, Arthur*. Essex, earl of. An account how the earl of Essex killed himself in the Tower of
London, the 13th. of July. London: by the assigns of J. Bill deceasd: a. H. Hills, a. T. Newcomb, 1683. Fol.
Pp. 8. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 32 printed works in this vol., all on the Rye House Plot, within
guidelines made with red ink (actually 34 items, AW omitted 22b and 33). On most of the earlier items
(see 2-29) AW had entered preliminary nos. in pencil. When the book was in nal order, he overwrote
these old nos. in ink (not recorded in this cat.). See Wood 428(5), item 5614, for his note on the addition
of a pamphlet. The volumes following are later intrusions and not entered in this cat., i.e., Wood 428b and
428c (J. J. Hofmann, Lexicon, 2 vols., 1698), signed Edw. Llwyd; and Wood 429d and 429e (G. Hickes,
Antiquae literaturae septentrionales, 2 vols., 1705). Tp, AW wrote the price, 3
. LT 3.60.
Wood 428(1). Wing A175.
1395. Capel, Arthur*. Essex, earl of. An elegie on the earl of Essex. Who cut his own throat in the
Tower [13 July]. London: f. J. Smith, 1683. S.sh.
Wood 428(2). Wing E415.
1396. Capel, Arthur. Essex, earl of. Excellent contemplations, divine and moral, written by lord Capel.
Together with some account of his life and his letters to several persons. London: f. N. Crouch, 1683. 12
Pp. [2], 223, [9] (i.e., 203, misnumbering) (7 pp. books sold by Crouch) (2 tpp). Calf with 2 llets.
Tp, h 1/2 (?). P. 1, at the biography, AW wrote mostly taken out of Dav. Lloyds memoires. (Wing
Wood 805. Wing C469.
1397. Caradoc, Saint. Llwyd, Humphrey, trans. Collected by David Powel. The historie of Cambria, now
called Wales:. . . written in the Brytish language above two hundreth yeares past. (London): (R. Newberie
a. H. Denham), (1584). 4
in 8s. Pp. [16], 22, [2], 401, [13]. Parchment.
Cover, outside, some illeg. names, and scribbles. Tp, Humphrey, the remainder was lost in rebinding. 5,
AW made a correction; 8, line in margin, in red ink. Pp. 1-6, some notes, not in AWs hand. 2nd p. [2],
AW wrote, D
Dav. Powells additions in this work are marked with a cinqu[e]-Foyle (a printed mark, see
AO 3.729, 993). Pp. 136, 142, 146, notes by Gough, e.g., Roger Gough his booke witnes John Lewis and
Richard Jones. Pp. 271, wavy line in margin; 316, cross-hatch mark in margin. Flyleaf, lower
, This is M
Roger Gough his booke wittenes Robert Amble Anno Domine 1626, and, in an older hand, Per [or Pos.?]
me Johanem Lewis.
Wood 464. STC 4606.
1398. Care, George. A reply to the answer of the man of no name, to . . . the duke of Buckinghams
paper [entitled A short discourse]. London: J. Leake f. L. Meredith, 1685. 4
. Pp. [2], 36, [1] (1 p. books
printed for Meredith).
Tp, no. (6), in pencil, in a former bundle (cropped at top). Text, marks in margins, not in AWs usual
style (crosses, double lines). Responds to Wood 611(7), item 6333.
Wood 611(10). Wing C504.
1399. [Care, Henry]. Observations on a paper intituled, the declaration of the lord Petre upon his death,
. . . Being a full answer thereunto. (London): (G. Larkin), (1684). Fol. Pp. [4].
126 The Library of Anthony Wood
P. [4], AW wrote, written by Hen. Care authour of the pacquet of advice from Rome Jan. 1683[4]. LT
Wood 427(49). Wing C530.
1400. Care, Henry*. An elegy upon the most ingenious mr. Henry Care [8 Aug. 1688]. London: G.
Larkin, [1688]. S.sh.
, AW wrote, Hen. Care 1688.
Wood 429(42). Wing E483 (two).
1401. Care, Henry*, and Elizabeth Cellier*. The triall of Henry Carr [i.e., Care], gent, at the Guild-
hall . . . Also the tryal of Elizabeth Cellier. London: I. G. f. R. Taylor, 1681. Fol. Pp. [7], 26.
Tp, AW wrote Care after Carr. Cares trial was for publishing The weekly pacquet, see item 1399 and
LT 2.479.
Wood 427(13a). Wing T2190.
1402. Carier, Benjamin. Strange, N., ed. A missive to his majesty of Great Britain, king James . . . by
doctor Carier, conteining the motives of his conversion to Catholike religion. . . . re-printed . . . with some
marginall notes. Paris: n.pub., 1649. 12
. Rpt. of Liege edition. Pp. [2], 28, [10], 54. Pasteboard (grey) with
parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 6 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW wrote A Treatise written by M. Doctor Carier wherin he layeth downe sundrey learned &
pithy considerations by which he was moved, to forsake the protestant congregation & betake himselfe to
the church of Rome &c. printed at Liege 1614. and, in pencil, A copie of this I gave to D
[?] Jute [?]
(illeg.). At lists after p. 28, AW made 4 corrections and 2 underscorings.
Wood 869(1). Wing C572.
1403. Carion, Jean; Philip Melanchthon, and Caspar Peucer. Chronicon Carionis. Bernae: excud.
J. le Preux, 1601. 8
. Pp. [48], 957, [48] (2nd tp, p. 393). Calf with 3 llets. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, a (and
line over a). Tp, name and note, mutilated, Edv. Forest. Bsms.
Wood 141.
Not in BL.
1404. Carleton, George. Chichester, bp. of. Heroici characteres. Ad illustrissimum equitem, Henricum
Nevillum. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1603. 4
. Pp. [6], 48.
Wood 460(5). STC 4636. Madan 241.
1405. Carleton, George. Chichester, bp. of. Vita Bernardi Gilpini. Londini: G. Jones, 1628. 4
. Pp. [4],
Tp, 23.22-., 2.4, perhaps previous shelf-marks, not in AWs hand. Pp. 2-3, 12-3, 21-3, AW made vertical
lines in margin, in pencil. P. 10, correction, in ink, may not be in AWs hand.
Wood 345(3). STC 4646.
1406. Carleton, George. Chichester, bp. of. A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercie. London: A.
Math[ewes] f. R. Mylbourne a. H. Robinson, 1630. 4
. 4th ed. Pp. [8], 292. Parchment.
Pastedown, lower, a - 6 and kx (bsms?).
[MS.] Wood C. 43. STC 4643.
1407. Carleton, John. The replication, or certain vindicatory depositions, occasioned by way of answer,
. . . concerning the late acted cheat [of Mary Carleton]. [London]: by the authors appointment, 1663. 4
Pp. 8.
Wood 654a(25). Wing C585A.
1408. Carleton, Mary*. The lawyers clarke trappand by the crafty whore of Canterbury. Or, a true
relation . . . of Mary Mauders. London: f. J. Johnson, 1663. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 654a(23). Wing L739F.
1409. Carleton, Mary*. A true account of the tryal of m
Mary Carlton [4 June]. London: f. C. Moulton,
1663. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, after t, AW wrote, commonly called by the name of the German princess.
Wood 654a(24). Wing T2406A (two).
1410. Carliell, Robert. Britaines glorie: or an allegoricall dreame, with the exposition thereof. London:
G. Eld a. M. Flesher, 1619. 8
. Pp. [12], 43.
Each small 8
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Pp. [5]-1 brief notes on contents, by Smith. P. 43, perlegi
The Library of Anthony Wood 127
totum. 5. Martii. 1619. per me Tho: Smith.
Wood 876(2). STC 4651.
1411. Carlisle, Siege. A true copie of the articles whereupon Carlisle was deliverd June 8. Oxford: H.
Hall, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 4.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 3.
Wood 378(4). Wing T2638. Madan 1802.
1412. Carman. The car-mans poem: or, advice to a nest of scriblers. [London]: n.pub., [1680?]. S.sh.
, AW wrote the date, (1680), in pencil.
Wood 417(10). Wing C595.
1413. Carpenter, Nathanael. Geography delineated forth in two bookes. Oxford: J. Licheld a. W. Turner
f. H. Cripps, 1625. 4
. Pp. [14], 274, [14], 286, [2] (2 tpp). Calf with 3 llets and edge hatching; spine, 4
bands and hatching (Oxford binding).
Waste paper, upper, precium - 3
- ob., not in AWs hand. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote, Ex dono Pet.
Nicolls coll. Mert. soc. and signature of Nicolls, lined out. Pp. 8-9, 1k,, and 2
, in margin, not by AW.
2nd part, pp. 3-80, some marks in margins, in pencil, prob. not by AW; 261, at Raleigh, Frobisher, marks;
264, 266, at W. Browne and Roger Williams, mark in margin. LT 2.45.
Wood 470. STC 4676. Madan 554.
1414. Carr, Nicholas. Hatcher, Thomas, ed. De scriptorum britannicor u paucitate, et studiorum imped-
imentis, oratio. Londini: ex o. T. Marsh, 1576. 8
. Ff. [3], 22. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works (really 2) in this vol., within guidelines made
with red ink.
Wood 710(1). STC 4686.
1415. Carr, William. Remarks of the government of severall parts of Germanie, Denmark, . . . with some
few directions how to travell. Amsterdam, printed in: n.pub., 1688. 12
. Pp. [10], 210, [6]. Calf, speckled,
with 2 llets; rebacked.
Wood 169 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing C636.
1416. Carranza, Bartholome. Summa conciliorum et ponticum a Petro . . . Accesserunt etiam statuta
quaedam synodalia Parisiensis, & Senonensis ecclesiae. Lugduni: ap. H. Cardon, 1600. 8
. Ff. [24], 655, [1].
Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Wood 230. See IA, which cites a 1600 ed., excud. F. Helvidius / H. Cardon Lugduni.
1417. Carrol, James. A new discovery of the sham-Presbyterian plot. Or, the substance of the information
of James Carol. (London): (f. R. Janeway), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(272). Wing C645.
1418. C[arter], M[atthew]. A most true and exact relation of that as honourable as unfortunate expedition
of Kent, Essex, and Colchester. [London]: n.pub., 1650. 8
. Pp. [10], 214. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine; upper and lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. After the 1st, a hand pointer and One Matth. Carter seemes to be the authour of the said Book
see page 39. 43. 78. 115. Tp, note of former owner, Liber Ricard[i] Chambe[r]layne clerici Wardrop 1
August 1650. AW marked Carters name on pp. 39, 43, and 78; 40, added a cross-ref., v. pag. 51 (Major
Keme noted on p. 51); 68, underscored Hoteld; 81, at Lord Norwich, wrote Goring; 172, made a pencil
line in margin; 192, made a pencil line at mention of Sir Bernard Gasquoine [sic]. LT 3.31.
Wood 581(1). Wing C662.
1419. Carter, Matt[hew]. Honor redivivus or an analysis of honor and armory. London: f. H. Heringman
[sic], sould H. Herringman (both over earlier erased names), 1660. 8
. Pp. [11], 251.
Tp, bsm. Lent to Christopher Reynolds, 23 Oct. 1661, LT 1.417.
Wood 447(2). Wing C659.
1420. [Cartwright, William]. The royall slave. A tragi-comedy. . . . Presented . . . by the students of
Christ-church in Oxford. August 30, 1630. Oxford: W. Turner f. T. Robinson, 1640. 4
. 2nd ed. A-H
Text, a few scribbles.
Wood 330(10). STC 4718. Madan 939. AO 3.69.
1421. [Cartwright, William]. November. Thou sun that shedst the dayes [verse]. [London]: n.pub., [1647].
128 The Library of Anthony Wood
AW wrote Written by Will. Cartwright of ch. ch. and the year, 1671.
Wood 416(120). Wing C711.
1422. Cartwright, William. An o-spring of mercy, issuing out of the womb of cruelty. Or, a passion
sermon. London: A. M., sold J. Brown, 1652. 8
. Pp. [6], 31.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 56.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 56. Wing C713. Hunt.
1423. Cartwright, William. November: or, signal dayes . . . in relation to the crown and royal family.
[London] in the Savoy: T. N. f. H. Herringman, 1671. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW wrote, I have a pamphlet entit. Day-fatality, in my vol. entit. James Duke of York, nu. 16 (i.e.,
Wood 660c(16), item 3204, which has a cross-reference to this item).
[MS.] Wood C. 17(7). Wing C712.
1424. Carvalho, Valentino. Hay, John, trans. Japponiensis imperii admirabilis commutatio exposita
litteris. Antverpiae: sumpt. vid. & her. J. Belleri, 1604. 8
. Pp. 92.
Wood 893(2). BL.
1425. [Carve, Thomas]. Epitome rerum Germanicarum ab anno MDCXVII ad XLIII gestarum. N.p:
n.pub., 1644. 24
. Pp. 249.
Pastedown, upper, a former no., 355, erased. Tp, bsms.;
, David Parry ex dono D. Bagford. This book
migrated from the collection of Parry, the Keeper of the Ashm. Museum who died in 1714, to that of Wood
before 1717 (it is in the Whiteside cat.). Not a Wood book.
Wood 700a. BL (1643).
1426. Cary, Henry. Falkland, 1st visct. The history of . . . king Edward II. London: A. G[odbid] a. J.
P[layford], sold J. Playford, 1680. 8
. Pp. [9], 77, [3] (includes 3 pp. books sold by Playford).
Tp, AW wrote, 8
, and published about Christmas 1679. Bsm. A2, AW wrote, see Fullers Worthies; A2
a qualication of a story about a gregarious intellectual Henry Cary at Oxford, This by some is applied to
Lucius his son; A8
, a correction and judgement, Why doth not the sorry scribler of this preface subscribe
his name qu[aere] whether written by [in pencil, illeg.].
Wood 234(2). Wing F314.
1427. Cary, Lucius. Falkland, 2nd visct. A draught of a speech concerning episcopacy. Oxford: L. Licheld,
1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 9.
Tp, Browne and Johnson, not in AWs hand. P. 9
, signatures of John Johnson.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(5). Wing F319. Madan 1747.
1428. Cary, Lucius. Falkland, 2nd visct. Of the infallibilitie of the church of Rome. Oxford: H. Hall, 1645.
. Pp. [2], 18.
P. 10, underscoring, prob. not by AW.
[MS.] Wood C. 44(2). Wing F322. Madan 1844.
1429. [Caryll, John]. Naboths vinyard: or, the innocent traytor. London: f. C. R., 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 17.
Tp, AW wrote, written with relation had to the 5 Jesuits lately executed & others, for the plot., and
Antonii a Wood ex dono Radulphi Sheldon de Beoly Ar[miger] die S
. Simonis et Judae [28 Oct.]. 1679
published by stealth in the beginning of Oct. LT 2.464.
Wood 424(30). Wing C745A.
1430. [Caryll, Joseph]. Memorable dayes and workes of God, in the yeare past. 1645. London: f. J.
Bartlett, 1646. 4
. A
AW overwrote and lined out the former nos. 63 and 66. A2
, AW made a correction, June to July.
Wood 378(66). Wing C780A.
1431. C[aryll], J[oseph]. Peters pattern, or, the perfect path to worldly happiness. . . . a funeral sermon,
preached at the interment of mr. Hugh Peters. London: n.p., 1680. 4
. Pp. 15.
Tp, in pencil, Dupl. (twice; no dupl. among AWs books; but see items 2277 and 3572).
Wood 486(18). Wing C785.
1432. [Casaubon, Meric]. [A treatise of use and custome]. [London]: [J. L[egat]], [1638]. 4
. Pp. [2], 188,
[6] (wanting A1, i.e., pp. [1-2]).
Treatise of use & custom in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 49.
Wood 499(9). STC 4753 (STC, anon.).
The Library of Anthony Wood 129
1433. Casaubon, Meric. De verborum usu. London: typ. M. Flesher, sumpt. R. Mynne, 1647. 12
Pp. [12], 173.
Missing. de verborum usu in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 40.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 40. Wing C802. Harv, Yale.
1434. Casaubon, Meric. A letter . . . to Peter du Moulin . . . prebendarie of the same church:. . . con-
cerning natural experimental philosophie. Cambridge: f. W. Morden, 1669. 4
. Pp. [2], 36.
Tp, at same Church, AW wrote, of what.; below, 6
Wood 607(3). Wing C805.
1435. Case, John. Summa veterum interpretum in universam dialecticam Aristotelis. London: T. Vautrol-
lerius, 1584. 4
. Pp. [16], 293 [i.e., 295, misnumbering].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 19.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 19. STC 4762. BL, Harv (no tp).
1436. Case, John. Apologia musices tam vocalis quam instrumentalis et mixtae. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius,
1588. 8
. Pp. [8], 77. Parchment with 1 llet, gold stamped, and gold-stamp centrepiece.
Tp, price, 1
, prob. not by AW. Pastedown, lower, 3 lines in French, e.g., ie sers qui me plaist., not in
AWs hand. Acquired 19 Apr. 1662, LT 1.436.
Wood 22. STC 4755. Madan 97.
1437. Casmannus, Otho. Marinarum quaestionum tractatio philosophica bipartita. Francofurti: ex o.
M. Z. Palthenii, 1596. 8
. Pp. [10], 444 [i.e., 244]. Parchment.
Tp, bsm. Passim, some double vertical lines in margins, not in AWs manner.
Wood 684. BL.
CATALOGUES OF SALES AND AUCTIONS (items 1438-1636) (and item 5279)
1438. Abingdon. Town hall. At the town-hall in Abingdon on . . . May the twelfth . . . will be sold by
auction these following books. [Oxford?]: n.pub., [1693]. S.sh. 4
AW wrote 1692 after the date.
[MS.] Wood D. 22(16). Wing A4103 (rare).
1439. Annesley, Arthur. Anglesey, earl of. Bibliotheca Angleseiana, sive catalogus . . . librorum . . . quos
. . . sibi procuravit . . . Arthur comes dAnglesey, . . . Quorum auctio habebitur . . . Per Thomam Philippum
[25 Oct.]. [London]: distributed at 6 d. per Catal., Mr. Nott, et al., 1686. 4
. Pp. [4], 96, [2], 78.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 53, in red chalk; over former no., 52; at 6 d. per Catal., lined out. From pp. 7-8,
19, etc., AW marked a few entries with horizontal or vertical lines, mainly in pencil, and occasionally
underscored. These are more frequent from 2nd p. 1, among the English books and include 2 q[uaere]
letters and 1 cross reference. After p. 96, AW numbered consecutively to the end, 97-177.
[MS.] Wood E. 19(3). Wing A3166.
1440. Arthur, John. Catalogus librorum bibliothecae . . . Joannis Arthurii. . . . Quorum auctio habebitur
. . . per Edoardum Millingtonum [12 Feb.]. [London]: distributed gratis, Mortlock, Nott, et al., [1683]. 4
Pp. [2], 24, 20, 16, [2] (cropped).
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 24, and, Given to me by Henr. Cruttenden 18. Jan. 1682[3], LT 3.470. From p. 2,
AW marked some entries with horizontal or vertical lines, mainly in pencil; in the English section, from
2nd p. 1, more frequent marks, q[uaere] letters, and a few notes. After 2nd p. 1, he renumbered pp., 25
to 61.
[MS.] Wood E. 16(6). Wing A3802.
1441. Ateld, Ambrose. Catalogus variorum librorum . . . Amb. Ateld . . . nec non alterius cujusdam
theologi . . . Quorum auctio habenda est . . . Per Edvardum Millingtonum [25 May]. [London]: distributed,
Nott, W. Henshman, et al., [1685]. 4
. Pp. [4], 68.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 41, over former no. 40, in red chalk, and Dupl. From p. 20, AW marked a few
entries with horizontal or vertical lines, mainly in pencil. These are more frequent among the English
books, from p. 30, where he underscored, wrote some notes (p. 34, identied the publisher A. W. as M
Ann Windham) and q[uaere] letters. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E. 23(4b).
[MS.] Wood E. 18(3). Wing A4105.
1442. Ateld, Ambrose. Catalogus variorum librorum . . . Amb. Ateld . . . nec non alterius cujusdam
theologi . . . Quorum auctio habenda est . . . Per Edvardum Millingtonum [25 May]. [London]: distributed,
130 The Library of Anthony Wood
Nott, W. Henshman, et al., [1685]. 4
. Pp. [4], 68.
Tp, AW wrote, Dupl, in pencil, twice. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood E.18(3).
[MS.] Wood E. 23(4b). Wing A4105.
1443. Basset, Thomas. An exact catalogue of the common & statute law books of this realm. [London]:
collected by T. Basset, 1673. S.sh.
AW wrote, This cat. stands me in little steed because the Christian names of the writers of omitted; a
note E. Hyde at a work by Clarendon, lines at Fulbeck, and a q[uaere] mark at Hakewel. Di. ed. at
Wood 660b(15).
Wood 660b(7). Wing B1046.
1444. Basset, Thomas. A catalogue of the common and statute law-books of this realm. [London]: collected
by T. Basset, sold at his shop, 1682. 12
. Pp. [8], 143, [1].
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote The titles of many Law Books you may see in the Earl of Anglesies cat. nu.
53. p 69. 70 &c [AWs cat. no. 53 is [MS.] Wood E. 19(3)] [/] There is mention made of a book entit.
Declaration & pleadings in the court of the Kings Bench [Wing R436 (1684)] - in cat. 48. p. 69. 70 - which
book was collected by Jo. Read - qu[aere] [AWs cat. no. 48 is [MS.] Wood E. 18(10)] [/] See [William]
Londons Cat. which I have p. 122. [i.e., [MS.] Wood D. 22(6)] [/] See cat. of Books in Sion libr. 4
. C. 16.
Art. Seld. [present at this location in 2000] [/] See cat., of Hen. Parkers books of Greys inn. nu. 20. 28.
[AWs cat. no. 20 is [MS.] Wood E. 16(2) (1681)] [/] Joh. Statham an old Lawyer. cat. 28. p. 1 cat. 59. p. 46.
[AWs cat. no. 28 is [MS.] Wood E. 17(2) (1681); on p. 1 of this cat., Stathams, Abridgement of the Law,
titled Liber antiquissimus, . . . is marked by a line in pencil and AW wrote qu[aere] when printed; it is
the only one of 34 entries on p. 1 that includes no printed date of publ.] [/] . . . . [Thomas] Owen cat. 28.
p. 2. [i.e., Reports in the Com. Pleas, 1659; marked by a line in pencil on p. 2] [/] . . . . [Thomas] Fanshaw
ibid. p. 8. [i.e., Practice of the Exchequer-Court, 1658] [/] S
Georg Cary a Lawyer vid. cat. ix cat. [AWs
cat. no. 9 is [MS]. Wood E. 14(3)]. 1st item, tp, AW wrote after the year August , in pencil. In the lists,
pp. 2-143, AW, passim, made frequent lines in red ink, added information in red ink and in pencil (4, 7,
22-3), wrote q[uaere] (7, 17-8), made cross-references to this and other catalogues (16), comments (73,
false), longer notes (73-4, on John Goldsborough and Thomas Hetley), etc. to the end. After p. 143, AW
inserted 7 leaves and on the 1st 4, r-v, made a Cat. of law writers to Th. Bassets book, with over 200
main entries. Many index items are marked with lines, or underscorings, in red ink.
Wood 896(5). Wing B1044.
1445. Basset, Thomas. An exact catalogue of the common & statute law books of this realm. [London]:
collected by T. Basset, 1684. S.sh.
Di. ed. at Wood 660b(7).
Wood 660b(15). Wing B1047.
1446. Bear Auction House. At the Bear, the auction-house in Ave-Mary-lane, near Ludgate-street
. . . Libri Graeci & Graeco Latini [29 Nov. - 2 Dec. 1687]. [London]: n.pub., [1687]. S.sh. 8
[MS.] Wood E. 20(10a) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1447. Bibliotheca Medica. Bibliotheca medica, et mathematica Anglo-Latina. . . . Quorum auctio
habebitur [30 Aug.]. [London]: distributed, Wilkinson, W. Miller, et al., [1686]. 4
. Pp. [4], 24.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 61, in pencil, and 3
. From p. 4, AW marked a few entries with horizontal lines,
in pencil, and p. 7, wrote 1 qu[aere] letter.
[MS.] Wood E. 20(5). Wing B2840.
1448. Bibliotheca Novissima. Bibliotheca novissima. Or a catalogue of books on divers subjects. [Lon-
don]: f. the booksellers, sold R. Taylor, 1693, June. 8
. Pp. [2], 30.
Pp. 6, 9, AW marked 5 items with red chalk.
[MS.] Wood D. 22(18). Wing B2844 (rare).
1449. Bibliotheca Parliamenti. Bibliotheca parliamenti: libri theologici, politici, historici, . . . Classis
secunda. [London]: qui prostant venales . . . Little Britain, 1653. 8
. Pp. 12.
Wood 899(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing B2845C (O not recorded in Wing).
1450. Bibliotheca Selecta. Bibliotheca selecta: sive catalogus variorum librorum:. . . quorum auctio
habebitur [21 May]. [London]: distributed gratis, Nott, Bullord, et al, [1688]. 4
. Pp. [4], 32.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
[MS.] Wood E. 21(5). Wing B2852 (two).
1451. Billingsley, Benjamin. Books lately printed for Benjamin Billingsley . . . in Cornhil. [London]:
The Library of Anthony Wood 131
n.pub., [1685]. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote put into my hand by a Hawker when I was at London 7 Aug [Aug lined out] Sept. 1685. LT
Wood 896(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
1452. [Birkenhead, John]. Pauls church-yard. Libri theologici, politici, historici, nundinis Paulinis
. . . prostant venales [Centuria prima, secunda]. N.p.: n.pub., [1651 or 1652]. 4
. A-B
B1, AW wrote, By Joh. Birkenhead.
[MS.] Wood C. 26(16a-b). Wing B2970.
1453. [Blount, Thomas]. The lamps of the law and lights of the gospel. Or the titles of some late spiritual,
polemical, . . . new books . . . by Grass & Hay Wythers. London: n.pub., 1658. 8
. Pp. 1-24 (1-2 blank).
Tp, AW wrote Tho. [Blount, cropped at side] of the inner Temple, the a[uthor].
Wood 899(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Cross referenced to Blount at L307 (wanting the entry).
Not in ESTCR.
1454. [Blount, Thomas]. [The lamps of the law and lights of the gospel. Or the titles of some late spiritual,
polemical, . . . new books . . . by Grass & Hay Wythers]. [London]: n.pub., [1658]. 8
. Pp. 5-24 (wanting t
Wood 899(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Cross-referenced to Blount at L307 (wanting the entry).
Not in ESTCR.
1455. Bowman, Thomas. Catalogus librorum . . . in omni facultate insignium. Horum auctio . . . habebitur
. . . in aedibus Thomae Bowman [28 Feb.]. [Oxford]: distributed gratis, T. Bowman, [1687]. 4
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 54, in pencil, and former no., 56. From A2
, AW marked a few entries with
horizontal or vertical lines, mainly in pencil. These are more frequent from A*1 among the English books
which also includes 1 correction and 4 cross references. In this cat. without p. nos., AW numbered consec-
utively to the end, 1-140.
[MS.] Wood E. 19(4). Wing C1439 (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
1456. [Boyle, Robert]. A catalogue of the philosophical books and tracts, written by . . . Robert Boyle.
London: f. S. Smith, 1692. 12
. Pp. [2], 17 (I3-6,K
Wood 91(6). Wing B3989, part of.
1457. Bradford, John, and William Cooper. Catalogus . . . librorum ex bibliothecis . . . Johan.
Bradford . . . Gulielmi Cooperi . . . quorum auctio habenda est [14 June]. [London]: given, Wilkinson, et
al., [1686]. 4
. Pp. [4], 82.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 49, in red chalk. From p. 7, AW marked a few entries with horizontal or vertical
lines, mainly in pencil, and occasionally underscored name of authors. These are more frequent from p. 20,
among the English books; after p. 30, he wrote a few identications or q[uaere] letters. Flyleaf, lower,
AW observed, In this cat are the yeares of certaine books, when printed, omitted, especially if the title
cannot come within the compass of a line.
[MS.] Wood E. 18(11). Wing B4103.
1458. Broekhuizen, Benjamin van. Catalogus librorum . . . Benj. Broeckhuysen . . . & aliorum: quorum
auctio habenda est . . . Per Guilielmum Cooper [1 Dec.]. [London]: distributed gratis, 1684. 4
. Pp. [2], 67
(misnumbering), [1], 15.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 37, in red chalk; and published in the latter end of Oct. 1684. From p. 5, AW
marked a few entries with horizontal or vertical lines, mainly in pencil; underscored at p. 67 and 2nd p. 1,
and pp. 53, 61; 2nd p. 2, wrote H. Elsing v[ide] infra and below, underscored Elsings name. After p. 64,
he renumbered pp. consecutively, 66 to 89.
[MS.] Wood E. 17(11). Wing B4840.
1459. [Bruce, Robert]. Ailesbury, earl of. Bibliotheca illustris: sive catalogus . . . librorum . . . viri
cujusdam praenobilis [R. Bruce] . . . quorum auctio habebitur . . . per T. Bentley, & B. Walford [21 Nov.].
[London]: distributed at 6 d., Willis, Holford, et al., [1687]. 4
. Pp. [4], 94 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 64, nobilis defuncti, E. of Aylesbury, and 6
, in pencil; Rob. Bruce E. of
Ayslbury [sic], over the similar note in pencil; and A cat. of manuscripts at the end. From p. 2, AW
marked a few entries with horizontal and/or vertical lines, mainly in pencil, and wrote a few brief notes
(several at mss., pp. 85, 88-9); p. 18c (i.e., F*1
), at entry of his Historia, he wrote a longer note: v. pag.
17 and Here you see are two exemplars of the Hist. & Antiq. of Oxon - At which I wonder because that
132 The Library of Anthony Wood
in March 1680/1 when the parliament sate at Oxon, the E. of Aylsbury author of this library, told me in
his house neare to Magd Coll. that he never saw, the said Hist. & Antiq. - whereupon I oerd him a copie,
but he was gon [sic] upon the dissolution before I could give him one; p. 17, at a similar entry, he wrote
pag. 18.c., LT 3.166. AW corrected misnumbering and after p. 44 numbered consecutively, 45-100. See T.
A. Birrell, Books and Buyers, in R. Myers, ed., Under the Hammer (BL, 2001): 52.
[MS.] Wood E. 20(8). Wing A801A.
1460. Bullord, John. Bibliotheca selectissima seu catalogus . . . librorum, . . . Quos . . . sibi procuravit
quidam Angliae generosus nuper defunctus. Quorum auctio habebitur . . . per Joh. Bullord [8 May]. [Lon-
don]: distributed gratis, Hensman, Nott, et al., [1689]. 4
. Pp. [2], 40 (i.e., 42).
Tp, scribbles, by S. W. ?
[MS.] Wood E. 22(5). Wing B2856.
1461. Bullord, John. Bibliotheca generalis ex bibliothecis duorum doctissimorum theologorum, & eximii
cujusdam medici, . . . composita. Cujus auctio habebitur . . . per Jo. Bullord [8 Dec.]. [London]: distributed
gratis, Wills Coee-House, Nott, et al., [1690]. 4
. Pp. [2], 68.
[MS.] Wood E. 22(10). Wing B 2828.
1462. Button, Ralph; Thankfull Owen, and William Howell. Catalogus librorum bibliothecis . . . Ra-
dulphi Button . . . Thankfull Owen [and] Gulielmi Hoeli. Quorum auctio habebitur . . . per E. Millingtonum
[7 Nov.]. [London]: distributed gratis, Dunsmore a. Millington, 1681. 4
. Pp. [2], 24, 16, 7, [1].
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Catal { Rad. Button [/] Gratian. Owen { SS.T.Bac. { Cat. Lib. Gul. Howell.
and Ex dono Mos. Pitt. Bibliop. 20. Oct. 1681.;
, in a later hand, eccl. Christi Oxon. canonias. LT 1.286.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 17 in red chalk. From p. 2, some items are marked with underscoring or vertical
or horizontal lines, in pencil or ink; 2nd pp. 1, 12, identications; 2nd p. 2, at an entry which has by the
Author of the Duty of Man (Allestree, Wing A1178.), AW wrote, [h]ow doe you [k]noue yt? (cropped).
After the 1st section, he numbered pp. consecutively from 25 to 48.
[MS.] Wood E. 15(5). Wing B6341.
1463. Bysshe, Edward. Bibliotheca Bissaeana: sive, catalogus librorum in omni arte & lingu a . . . Horum
auctio habetitur . . . in aedibus J. Dunmore. [With] A catalogue of sir Edward Bishs books of heraldry [15
Nov.]. [London]: distributed gratis, Tooke, [1680]. 4
. Pp. [4], 70 (without the additional cat.).
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, 1680. Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 11, in orange crayon, and an.1680. P. 1, a
horizontal line in margin, in pencil. AW corrected the p. nos., from 2nd 18-19 to the end.
[MS.] Wood E. 14(5). Wing B6411.
1464. Castell, Edmund. Bibliotheca Castelliana, sive catalogus variorum librorum . . . Edm. Castelli,
. . . Quorum auctio habenda est . . . Per Edoardum Millingtonum [30 June]. [London]: given, place of sale,
Cambridg a. W. Miller, London, 1686. 4
. Pp. [2], 26. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; may have
been bound or rebound later (edges uncut).
Pastedown, upper, slip attached, on which AW wrote the titles of 7 catalogues of printed books in this
vol., numbered consecutively from 50 to 56 (following those bound in [MS.] Wood E. 13-18). Tp, AW wrote
cat. no. 50, in red chalk; and former no., 49. Pp. 9, 13, 15-6, 18, 24-6, AW marked a few entries with
horizontal and/or vertical lines, mainly in pencil.
[MS.] Wood E. 19(1). Wing C1223.
1465. Catalogue 1680. A catalogue of two . . . libraries of books, Latin and English, . . . exposed to sale
by way of auction [22 Nov.]. [London]: distributed gratis, Bridges, S. Crouch, a. C. Wilkinson, [1680]. 4
Pp. [4], 72 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 12, in red chalk. From p. 2, and more among books in English, AW marked some
items with vertical and horizontal lines, in pencil or ink and wrote 3 brief notes in margins, e.g., p. 65,
at Byeld, Principles (1665), Byeld Nich. or Rich. (the problem of Byelds Christian name came up
several times; here, it is Nicholas Byeld, Wing B6389; see also AWs notes at [MS.] Wood D. 31(29), [MS].
Wood E. 17(7) and [MS.] Wood E. 18(6)).
[MS.] Wood E. 14(6). Wing C1412.
1466. Catalogue 1688. A catalogue of Latin & English books, of divinity, history, . . . &c. Will be sold
by way of auction [9 Jan. 1688]. [London]: distributed gratis, Wellingtons Coee-House, et al, 1687/1688.
. Pp. [2], 48.
Tp, AW wrote cat. no. 66, in pencil. From p. 3, AW marked a few entries with horizontal lines, in pencil,
and wrote 4 brief notes (p. 32, at W. Cornwallyes Essays (1610), habeo (AW owned editions of 1600 and
1616, Wood 769(2) and 498(6), items 2014f.).
The Library of Anthony Wood 133
[MS.] Wood E. 20(10b). Wing C1346 (rare, 2 at O).
1467. Catalogue 1688. A catalogue of Latin, French, and English books: consisting of divinity, physick
. . . Which will be sold by auction [30 Apr.]. [London]: distributed gratis, Nott, Weld, et al., 1688. 4
Pp. [2], 40.
[MS.] Wood E. 21(4). Wing C1353.
1468. Catalogue 1688. A catalogue of choice English books:. . . which will be sold by auction [6 Aug.].
[London]: distributed gratis, Nott, Weld, et al., 1688. 4
. Pp. [2], 24, 16 (last section, 9-16 and 1-8).
2nd p. 9, The Sale of these will begin, on Wednesday Morning Aug: 1
: 1688, not by AW. Note, cropped
at top.
[MS.] Wood E. 21(7). Wing C1303 (two).
1469. Catalogue 1689. A catalogue of English & Latin books, . . . [which] will be sold by auction . . . the
22d of this instant January. [London]: destributed [sic] gratis, Manship, R. Wild, et al., 1689. 4
. Pp. 20.
Tp, 22d in title corrected to 21st, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood E. 22(2). Wing C1312 (two).
1470. Catalogue 1689. A catalogue of vendible and useful English and Latin books . . . will be sold by
auction [18 Mar. 1689]. [London]: distributed gratis, Nott, et al., 1688/9. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
[MS.] Wood E. 22(3). Wing C1423 (two).
1471. Catalogue Appendix. An appendix of some books omitted in transcribing the preceding catalogue
for the press, and some few others since come to hand. N.p.: n.pub., [1678] [includes 2 books for sale dated
1678]. 4
. Pp. 4.
Wood 658(819b) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A3571 (rare) (Wing, [1677]).
1472. Catalogus. Catalogus librorum in regionibus transmarinis nuper editorum. Numbs.1-3, 6 [8 May,
Trinity, Michaelmas, Michaelmas]. (Londini): (ap. M. Pitt), 1676-1677. Fol. Pp. 1-14, 23-26.
Dupl. at Wood 660b(12).
Wood 658(820). N & S 034.01-034.03 and 034.06 (two).
1473. Catalogus. Catalogus librorum in regionibus transmarinis nuper editorum. Numbs.1-10 [8 May
1676-Trinity 1679]. London: ap. M. Pitt, 1676-1679. Fol. Pp. 42 and 39-42 (misnumbering).
P. 1, notes by a later librarian, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 658(820).
Wood 660b(12). N & S 034.01-034.10 (two).
1474. Catalogus. Catalogus librorum domi for
MDC. and a letter or symbol, cropped at bottom (a star?). Light annotation (e.g., p. 12-3, 14-17, etc.)
not by AW, and lines in margin and underscoring. LT 1.459 (see also 1.331).
Wood 590(1). STC 16747.
4215. London. A plott against the citie of London discovered [8 Jan.]. London: J. Thomas, 1641. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote, Plots 13, in pencil; and A2, This is like the letter, that caused the discoverie of the
gunpowder treason.
Wood 373(13). Wing P2591.
4216. London. A relation of a strange apparition in an ale-house . . . in the Strand; where a company of
papists were at their exercises. London: f. R. Smethrust [sic], 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
P. 5
, scribbles, not by AW, covered by a slip.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(7). Wing R795.
4217. London. The propositions made by the city of London, for the raising of a million of mony, for the
quick subduing of the bloudy rebels in Ireland. London: f. J. Borroughs a. J. Franke, 1642. 4
. A
Wood 508(10). Wing P3790A (O not recorded in Wing) (Wing, Frank).
4218. London. Strange and horrible news which happened betwixt St. Johns Street, and Islington. London:
f. T. Smith, 1642. 4
. A
Wood 365(8). Wing S5818 (3) (Wing, Johns).
4219. London. A terrible plot against London and Westminster discovered. London: f. J. Greensmith,
1642. 4
. A
Tp, AW rubbed out a former no., -9; at t, wrote, written by an ignorant coxcomb to breed feares &
jelousies in the giddy multitude; at printed where Canterbury should have bin Sainted, and Wren made
Cardinall, AW underscored it and wrote, very ridiculous & silly; below, Col. S
Tho. Lunsford (a Rom.
Cath) was removed from the Lieutenancy of the Tower, in the Latter End of Dec. 1641, & S
Thom Byron
was put in his room. A4
, below a woodcut of Captaine Vaul the cruell Tyrant, AW wrote, see this
picture at the latter end of Nu. 36 [there showing a Mr. Holk] i.e., no. 36 in an earlier bundle, now Wood
373(52), item 3935.
Wood 373(44). Wing T774.
4220. London. A true relation of two merchants of London, who were taken prisoners by the cavaliers.
[London]: f. H. Watson, 1642. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote, after Edghill ght.
Wood 375(21). Wing T3075.
4221. London. The virgins complaint for the losse of their sweet-hearts, by these present wars, . . . pre-
sented . . . by sundry virgins of the city of London. London: f. H. Wilson, 1642[3], 31 Jan. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 654a(7). Wing V640 (Wing, wrong alpha order).
4222. London. The discovery of a great plot intended against the city of London, . . . Also, the victory
at Arundell castle, . . . Together with a full satisfaction . . . of the observing of holy dayes. London: f. A.
Coe, 1644, 8 Jan. 4
. A
Tp, AW altered a former no., 53; and wrote the date, Jan. 1643.
Wood 376(59). Wing D1634.
4223. London. A second powder-plot, discovered in . . . the lord generalls armie. London: M. Simmons,
1644, 5 Sept. 4
. Pp. 1-7.
Tp, AW wrote the date, Aug. 26, recorded in the text after the 1st letter.
Wood 377(29). Wing S2328.
4224. London. A paire of spectacles for the citie. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. 13 (really 15, misnum-
Tp, AW wrote, Smart characters of divers persons in this booke. P. 5, printed name, Gravener, under-
scored; p. 7, line in margin; 2nd p. 7, Manchester in margin.
The Library of Anthony Wood 393
Wood 609(15). Wing P196.
4225. London. Londons wonder. Being a most true . . . relation of the taking and killing of a great whale.
London: f. F. Grove, 1658. 8
. A
(A8 blank).
Wood 246(5). Wing L2957 (two).
4226. London. Certain considerations proposd by the city to the souldiery in and about London. [London]:
n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Decemb: 1659.
Wood 276a(115). Wing C1692 (two).
4227. London. A declaration of the maids of the city of London. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, below, M DC Lix.
Wood 654a(20). Wing D710.
4228. London. The Londoners last warning [urging the restoration of Charles 2 ]. [London]: n.pub., [1659].
. Pp. 8 (wanting the t leaf).
Tp, no. 68 in a former bundle. P. 8, AW wrote, printed Aug: 1659.
Wood 610(11). Wing L2913.
4229. London. Londons new wonder: or, the great sleeper:. . . whereunto is annexed, the worlds wonder;
. . . apparitions . . . at New-market-heath. London: f. G. Horton, 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
P. 8, AW wrote, This pamphlett came out about the middle of March 1658-9[1659].
[MS.] Wood B. 35(22). Wing L2945 (rare).
4230. London. The remonstrance and protestation of the . . . people of . . . London, Westminster and
other the cities . . . against those ocers . . . who put force upon, . . . the parliament [13 Oct.]. London:
n.pub., 1659. Fol. Pp. [2], 10 (with 2 dupl. leaves).
Tp, AW wrote Nov. 16 1659 in pencil; below, pencil mark, cropped.
Wood 657(46). Wing R972.
4231. London. A declaration of all the watermen . . . of London. Or, a hue and cry after col. Whitton.
[London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote Jan: 1659[60].
Wood 276a(210). Wing D604A (3) (O not recorded in Wing).
4232. London. A declaration of the nobility and gentry that adhered to the late king, now residing in
. . . London. London: R. Norton, 1660. S.sh.
AW added to the year, Aprill:, and lines after the name of a subscriber, Adrian Scrope.
Wood 276a(224). Wing D716 (O not recorded in Wing).
4233. London. The honest cryer of London. [London]: f. G. Thompson, 1660. S.sh.
In printed 1660 AW lined out 60 replaced it with 59.
Wood 416(44). Wing H2581.
4234. London. The cities loyalty displayd: or the four famous and renowned fabricks . . . exactly described.
London: n.pub., 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 537(18). Wing C4330.
4235. London. A letter from a gentleman at London, to his friend in the countrey. [London]: n.pub.,
[1676]. 4
. Pp. 18, [2].
P. 1, AW wrote, Printed in the summer time at London 1676: M
Will. Rogers who dispersed this pamphlet
told me twas about Easter.-. Pp. 2-14, AW wrote some brief notes (e.g., p. 2, 1675), underscoring, and
lines in margins; 5, at a passage on Jesuits, A proclamation from the K. & his counsell 10. Nov. 1675 for
the apprehension of S
Germaine, & 200
to be given to him that shall take him, for assasianating [sic]
Luzancy; 15, Breval prb[end] of Westm[inster] 1675/6 & his char[acter]; 18, When this pamphlet was
printed, Will. Rogers before mentioned dispersed it, for which & the dispersing of others, he was brought
before the K. & his councell in Aug. or Sept. 1676. LT 2.337.
Wood 632(52). Wing L1379.
4236. London. The London bully, or the prodigal son, displaying the principal cheats of our modern
debauchees. [Adapted from Het kind van weelde, of De Haagsche lichtmis]. London: H. Clark f. T. Malthus,
1683. 12
. Pp. [10], 131.
A1, 9
, may be by AW.
394 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 824(4). Wing L2890 (rare).
4237. London. The gentlewoman who lived in Red-lyon-court, is removed to Racquet-court, near Fleet-
bridge. [London]: n.pub., [1690?]. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood F. 50, f. 36. Wing G523aA (Wing, var., is now removed).
4238. London, Apprentices. To his excellency the lord general Monck . . . the apprentices . . . of London
[2 Feb.]. London: T. Ratclie, 1659[60]. S.sh.
, now pasted down, AW wrote feb: 2: 59[60]; and an illeg. note.
Wood 276a(237). Wing T1359.
4239. London, Army. A list of the eld-ocers chosen and appointed for the Irish expedition, by the
committee at Guild-hall London . . . under . . . Philip lord Wharton. London: f. E. Paxton, 1642, 13 June.
Wood 508(16). Wing L2442A (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4240. London, Blackfriars. Something written by occasion of that fatall . . . accident in the Blacke Friers
[26 Oct.]. [London]: n.pub., 1623. 4
. Pp. [2], 30.
Tp, AW wrote, Another pamphlet concerning this matter is extant, called The dolefull evensong I have
it. (Wood 643(1), item 3236).
Wood 643(2a). STC 3101.
4241. London, Cheapside. The resolution of the round-heads to pull down Cheap-side crosse. [London?]:
n.pub., 1642. 4
. A
[MS.] Wood D. 31(41). Wing R1157B (two).
4242. London, Cheapside. Cruel and barbarous news from Cheapside . . . of an horid fact, acted by an
unhuman mistress. [London]: f. W. P, 1676. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 365(24). Wing C7415 (two).
4243. London, Clergy. A serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell
within . . . London. . . . Jan. 18. 1648. London: M. B. f. S. Gellibrand a. R. Smith, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 14
Wood 364(5). Wing S2604 (in t, of the ministers).
4244. London, Clergy. To the reverend, learned, and grave divines, in . . . London. [London]: n.pub.,
[1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, January: 1659[60].
Wood 276a(171). Wing T1603 (3).
4245. London, Clergy. A renuntiation and declaration of the ministers of congregational churches . . . in
. . . London: against the late horrid insurrection. London: P. Cole a. E. Cole, 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 9.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1660, and wrote the price, 2
Wood 608(30). Wing R1042.
4246. London, Clergy. A list of the praebendaries of the cathedral church of St. Paul London, . . . to
preach . . . at St. Peters church in Cornhil. London: f. W. Kettilby, 1693. S.sh.
AW wrote Oxon. after Oxford persons, e.g. Drs. Isham, Williams, Scott, Godolphin, Turner, Lancaster,
and Sanders; and Mssr. Wigan and Masters.
, or M
Harms. This present from the Author.
Wood 276a(100). Wing L2489 (rare).
4247. London, Committee of Militia. A narrative of the proceedings of the committee of the militia of
London . . . concerning a letter, . . . to be sent to general Monck. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, novemb. M DC Lix.
Wood 276a(233). Wing N215.
4248. London, Common Council. The humble petition, and remonstrance of divese [sic] citizens of
London. [Oxford]: f. W. Webb, 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 29; wrote qu[aere] whether not [illeg.], in pencil, and several dates,
1643, 1642, and December 7 12 (dates he also wrote in the text, pp. 2, 3,), and made a correction in
the t.
Wood 375(26). Wing H3437. Madan 1209 (Wing, 1642[3]).
4249. London, Common Council. The humble desires of the loyall hearted, . . . free-men . . . of London
The Library of Anthony Wood 395
. . . for the peace. [London]: n.pub., [1648]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1646-47, in pencil.
Wood 276a(191). Wing H3415.
4250. London, Common Council. Aleyn mayor. At a common councel holden in the guildhall London
[20 Dec.]. London: J. Flesher, [1659]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(111). Wing L2852N.
4251. London, Common Council. The humble petition of the citizens of London, intended to be presented
to the . . . lord mayor, aldermen, and commons, in common-council. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Octob: MDcLix;
, Oct 1659.
Wood 657(47). Wing H3489A (O not recorded in Wing).
4252. London, Common Council. To the right honourable, our right worthy and grave senatours, the
lord mayor, . . . the most humble petition . . . of divers young men. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, printed decemb: 1659.
Wood 276a(107) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T1609.
4253. London, Common Council. A true copy of the letter sent from the lord mayor, . . . Directed to
. . . George Moncke [29 Dec. 1659]. London: n.pub., 1659[60]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(116). Wing T2647.
4254. London, Common Council. Two letters; the one, sent by the lord mayor, aldermen, and common
council of London, to . . . Monck . . . The other, his excellencies answer. London: J. Macock, 1659[60]. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 632(68). Wing T3481.
4255. London, Common Council. A common-councell holden the rst day of May 1660. [London]: J.
Flesher, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 13 (p. [1] blank).
Wood 608(13). Wing L2852Q.
4256. London, Common Council. A declaration and vindication of the lord mayor, aldermen and
commons of . . . London. [30 Apr.]. London: J. Flesher, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 26.
Wood 608(29). Wing D559.
4257. London, Common Council. A new declaration of the citizens of London to . . . Monck in Scotland.
With his excellencies answer, and further resolution. London: f. G. Horton, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW altered the year to, 1659 Janua- (cropped at side).
Wood 632(70). Wing N610A.
4258. London, Common Council. To the [rig]ht honourable the council of state, . . . The humble petition
of . . . citizens . . . of London . . . for the . . . securing of John Lambert. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(205). Wing T1618F (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
4259. London, Common Council. To the right honourable the lord mayor, . . . The humble petition of
the inhabitants in and about London. London: f. T. M., [1660]. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote, January 1659.
Wood 610(49). Wing T1655B (rare) (Wing, [1659]).
4260. London, Common Council. To the kings most excellent majesty. The humble petition . . . of
London [12 Nov.]. London: f. F. Smith, 1680. S.sh.
Wood 276a(175). Wing T1520 (O not recorded in Wing).
4261. London, Common Council. An act of common council for regulating the election of sheris, and
for repealing the treasonable . . . acts . . . in the time of the late rebellion [6 June]. London: S. Roycroft,
1683. Fol. Pp. [2], 18.
Tp, AW wrote at top, London, in pencil.
Wood 657(35). Wing L2858.
4262. London, Common Council. To his highness the prince of Orange. The humble address of the lord
mayor. London: n.pub., 1688. S.sh.
AW wrote the date, Dec. XI 88. LT 3.288.
Wood 529(13). Wing T1371.
4263. London, Court of Aldermen. Pack mayor. . . . Ordered, that such of the rules and by-laws made
396 The Library of Anthony Wood
. . . for regulation of hackney coachmen [Tuesday, 2 Jan. 1654]. (London): (J. Flesher), 1654[5]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 590(7). Wing L2864F (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
4264. London, Covent Garden. News from Covent Garden: Or, the town gallants vindication. London:
f. J. T., 1675. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 500(11). Wing N953 (O not recorded in Wing).
4265. London, Fire. The papists plot of ring discovered, in a perfect account of the late re in Fetter-
lane, London. London: f. A. B., 1679. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(25). Wing P318.
4266. London, Fire. A true narrative of a sad and lamentable re which happened . . . in Temple lane,
London [27 Jan., Elias Ashmole]. [London]: f. D. M., 1679. 4
. Pp. 8.
LT 2.435.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(26). Wing T2771 (rare).
4267. London, Guildhall. The proceedings at the guild-hall . . . July the 29th, 1680. [London]: n.pub.,
[1680]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 657(59). Wing P3559.
4268. London, Guildhall. A true narrative of the proceedings at guild-hall . . . in the unanimous election
of their four members to serve in parliament. (London): (f. F. Smith), (1681). S.sh. Pp. 2.
Wood 657(60). Wing T2809.
4269. London, Inner Temple. A vindication of the proceedings of the gentlemen of the Inner-Temple.
Cambridge: n.pub., 1662. 8
. Pp. [10], 27.
Wood 112(4). Wing V527 (O not recorded in Wing).
4270. London, Kings-Head Court. Gerbier, Balthazar possibly by. A brief account of the grammar-
lecture, in Kings-head court near the Theater Royal, . . . where children are . . . taught the Latine tongue.
(London): (T. M. f. the author), (1667). 4
. Pp. 8, [1] (may be wanting preliminary p. or pp. P. [1, last p.],
a appeal for support ends without the name of the solicitor).
Wood 310(8). Wing B4506aA. ESTCR 173269 (rare).
4271. London, Livery Companies. The armes crest supporters & mottowes of all y
several companies
& corporations . . . of London. London: P. Stent, n.d. Fol. Pp. [2] (engraving) (61 corporations plus 3
Wood 276a(65). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4272. London, Merchant Taylors Hall. An answer to the Whiggish poem on the loyal apprentices
feast. (London): (f. A. Banks), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote 1682, in pencil.
Wood 417(96). Wing A3453.
4273. London, Prison. A true relation of the cruell and unparalleld oppression which hath been illegally
imposed upon the gentlemen, prisoners in the Tower of London. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 20.
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote the titles of 12 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
AW assigned an Arabic number to each tp, and the Ashm. librarian entered the corresponding Roman
numeral, sometimes overwriting AWs nos.
Wood 500(1). Wing T2938.
4274. London, Prison. Multum in parvo: or, a summary narrative . . . on behalfe of prisoners captived
for debt. London: f. J. H., 1653. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 500(3). Wing M3062.
4275. London, Tyburn. The groanes and pangues of Tiburne. [London]: printed at the mayors banqueting
house near Tyburne, 1648. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, date mutilated; AW wrote 1648.
Wood 609(12) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing G 2054 (O not recorded in Wing).
4276. London, Tyburn. A true relation of the executions at Tyburn & Little-Brittain [22 Jan. 1678].
[London]: f. P. Brooksby, [1678]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 365(28). Not in Wing. Should be at Wing T2950aA. Not in ESTCR.
The Library of Anthony Wood 397
4277. London, Westminster. All the proceedings at the sessions of the peace holden at Westminster,
. . . against Thomas Tydford, Elizabeth Sorrell [et al., 20 June]. London: T. Harper, 1651. 4
. Pp. 14.
Wood 647(18). Wing A946 (O not recorded in Wing).
4278. London, Whitehall. An account of the proceedings at White-hall, Guild-hall, and at the tower;
together with its surrender upon . . . the kings . . . departure [11 Dec.]. [London]: n.pub., [1688]. S.sh.
Wood 529(12). Wing A365.
4279. [London, William]. The civil wars of France, during the bloody reign of Charls the ninth. London:
H. H. f. W. London, 1655. 12
. Pp. [20], 272 (unopened pp.).
Tp, AW, wrote, 1
-, bsms. Acquired 29 Mar. 1662, LT 1.435.
Wood 219(2). Wing L2851.
4280. Londons Account. Londons account: or, a calculation of the arbytrary [sic] and tyrannicall exac-
tions, taxations . . . during the foure yeers of this unnaturall warre. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 12.
Wood 526(4). Wing L2915 (Wing, Londons).
4281. Long, Thomas. Dr. [Anthony] Walkers . . . account of the author [J. Gauden] of Eikvn basilikh
. . . and demonstrated to be false. London: R. Talor, 1693. 4
. Pp. [2], ii, iv, 57 [really 63], [1] (1 p. cat. of
books written by Long).
Tp, Long, underscored in red chalk.
Wood 363(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L2965. FFMadan 171.
4282. Longeville, Charles. To the kings most excellent majesty, the humble petition of Charles Longeville
[26 May 1685]. [London]: n.pub., [1685]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276b(71) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L2995 (rare).
4283. Longinus. Langbaine, Gerard, ed. Dionusiou logginou . . . Dionysii Longini . . . liber de grandi
loquentia. Oxonii: G. T[urner,] imp. G. Webb, 1636 and 1638. 8
. 2 eds.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39, D
Langbaynes notes on Longinus. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39. STC 16788 and STC 16789. Folg.
4284. Look About You. Looke about you, or the fault-nder, and criticall observer. [London]: n.pub.,
[1647]. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 476(18) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L3009.
4285. Loredano, Giovanni Francesco. S., J., trans. The life of Adam. London: H. Moseley, 1659. 8
Pp. [8], 86. Calf with 3 llets and stamp decoration in corners (ower with point) (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 4th, list of 7 printed works in this vol., written by Ashm. librarian. AW grouped this
collection together and his Arabic nos. (1-5) are present on tpp (severe cropping may have eliminated nos.
in items 6 and 7); Ashm. Roman numerals were added after 1695. Tp, AW wrote, 6
. Bsm. Acquired 12
Feb. 1669, LT 2.151.
Wood 289(1). Wing L3067.
4286. Loritus Glareanus, Henricus. Glareani Dvdekaxordon. Basileae: (Per H. Petri), (1547, Sept.).
Fol. Pp. (20), 470, (6). Parchment (backing, upper cover, a Middle English ms., ca. 1400).
Flyleaf, lower
, drawing, apparently AWs full-length prole of himself, striding; head, in ink, and body, in
pencil. Tp, cuts (?).
Wood 396. BL.
4287. Lorraine, Henri de. Mayenne, duke of. The duke of Mayennes ghost speaking to the princes, . . . of
France. Hage [really London?]: H. Jacobson [B. Alsop?], [1622] MDCCXXII. 4
. Pp. [2], 20.
Tp, 4, over place of publication.
Wood 345(21). STC 17728.7 (one) (O not recorded in STC).
4288. Lotius, [Eleasar]. A speech of d
. Lotius, to king Charles, the second of that name. [2nd t] Allocution
d. d. Lotii. [London]: n.pub., 1649, 23 Feb. 4
(Engl. and Lat. versions) (A
Wood 364(24) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L3084.
4289. Louis IV. France, king of, pseud. A lively pourtraicture of the face of this common-wealth, . . . by
Lewis the fourth. [London?]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, a few scribbles in pencil, including a portion of a no. in a former bundle.
Wood 613(4). Wing L2594A.
398 The Library of Anthony Wood
4290. Louis XIV. France, king of. The treaty of peace between the crowns of France & Spain; concluded
. . . the seventh of November, 1659. Rendred into English. London: T. Newcomb, sold G. Bedell a. T.
Collins, 1660. 4
. Pp. 44.
Tp, AW wrote This came out in eb: 1659[60]: 8
. LT 1.302.
Wood 615(4). Wing L3139B.
4291. Louis XIV. France, king of. A narrative of the progress of his most Christian majesties armes
against the Dutch. . . . Likewise a letter from his said majesty. [London]: T. Newcomb, 1672. Fol. Pp. 11.
Tp, 2 verses, not in AWs hand.
Wood 559(19). Wing N 221.
4292. Love, Christopher. M
. Loves case . . . taken in short-hand by John Hinde. London: f. R. W. a.
P. Cole, 1651. 4
. Pp. [2], 67. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 22 (really 23, he omitted item 14) printed works in this vol.,
within guidelines made with red ink. After the last entry, Will Anderton (see the s.sh. concerning an
execution, Wood 657(30), item 236, that AW had intended to insert here). Item 19 (no. 18 in AWs list)
has been removed. The Bodl. CD cat. nos. are erratic after Wood 367(14). The Roman numerals, made by
the Ashm. cataloguer, are correct.
Wood 367(1). Wing L3143.
4293. Love, Christopher. A true and exact copie of m
Loves speech . . . at Tower-hill, Aug. 22. [London]:
n.pub., [1651]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 367(2). Wing L3181.
4294. Love, Christopher. Sum or substance of practical divinity; or, the grounds of religion in a cate-
chistical way. London: n.pub., 1654. 12
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39, The sum of Practicall Divinity. Details from AO 3.283.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39. Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4295. Love, Christopher, and John Gibbons. The true and perfect speech of mr. Christopher Love. . . on
Tower-hill:. . . together with mr. [John] Gibbons speech. London: J. Clowes, 1651. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 367(3). Wing L3182 (O not recorded in Wing).
4296. Lovekin, Thomas. A true relation of a dangerous plot against the well-aected party of the town
of Lynn, discovered by . . . Tho. Lovekin. London: f. J. C., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 502(6). Wing T2874.
4297. L[owe], E[dward]. A short direction for the performance of cathedrall service. Oxford: W. Hall f.
R. Davis, 1661. 8
. Pp. 64. Obl. Parchment.
Tp, AW wrote, Edw. Low professor of the musicall praxis in the university of Oxon.; and Jan: 1. 1660[1].
P. 4, mark in margin (at a reference to a source of a musical work). LT 1.420. For AWs sale of music mss.
in 1667 to Lowe, see M. Crum, Chelys, 4(1972): 3.
Wood 118 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L3305. Madan 2563 (O not recorded in Wing).
4298. Lowick, Thomas. The history of the life & martyrdom of st. George. London: J. Best f. W. Crook,
1664. 4
. Pp. [4], 56 (p. 56 books sold by W. Crook).
Acquired 8 Aug. 1664, 6
, LT 2.19.
Wood 536(4). Wing L3320.
4299. Lowth, Simon. A letter to dr. Burnet. Occasioned by his late letter to mr. Lowth [on S. Lowths
Of the subject of church-power]. (London): (f. R. Taylor), (1685). 4
. Pp. 7.
Flyleaf, upper
, Latin dissertation topic, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood D. 29(13). Wing L3327.
4300. Lucan. May, Thomas, trans. Lucans Pharsalia. ?: ?, ? Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 55, Translation of Lucan Tho. May. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 55. STC 16886-16889, and 17711-2.
4301. Lucian of Samosata. Hickes, Francis, trans.; Hickes, Thomas, ed. Certaine select dialogues of
Lucian:. . . Whereunto is added the life of Lucian . . . by T[homas] H[ickes]. Oxford: W. Turner, 1634. 4
Pp. [16], 196. Parchment.
Cover, lower, name of Evan Thomas Esquire C (Ch.Ch.?). Pastedown, upper, some gures and accounts,
not by AW. Flyleaf, upper, torn out, a trace of annotation remains. AO 2. 491, 584.
[MS.] Wood C. 27. STC 16893. Madan 784.
The Library of Anthony Wood 399
4302. Lucian of Samosata. Part of Lucians dialogues, (not) from the original Greek, done into rhyme.
London: f. C. Corbet, 1684. Fol. Pp. [2], 2 (t leaf and no. 1 (pp. 1-2) of pt. 1. N.B., this is a separate
imprint, p. [1
]: lay out a penny for the purchase, . . . a Sheet every Week by this Printer).
Wood 417(132). ESTCR 204313 (part of). See Wing L3432-3.
4303. Lucifer. Lucifers life-guard containing, a schedule list. London: n.pub., 1660. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1660, and 74 over a former no. 48 in pencil.
Wood 416(74). Wing L3440.
4304. Lucretius. Barksdale, Clement, trans. Noctes hibernae. Winter-nights exercises. London: T. Warren,
f. E. Thorn, at Oxford, 1653. 8
. Pp. 14.
Tp, AW wrote, Author Clem. Barksdale. and 2
Wood 84(5). Wing B803.
4305. Ludlow, [Edmund]. Probably not written by Ludlow. A letter from major General Ludlow to
sir E[dward] S[eymour] . . . upon the 30th of January, being the anniversary or general madding-day.
Amsterdam: n.pub., 1691. 4
. Pp. [2], 30. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; traces of upper and
lower marbled yleaves.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, AW wrote, Note that the pamphlets following which were put out under the name
of Maj. Gen. Ludlow, were commonly reported to be written by Joh. Philipps nephew, by the mother,
to John Milton the great Anti-monarchist. 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 16 printed works in this vol.,
within guidelines made with red ink. Item 1, tp, published at Lond. in the beginning of March 1690-1,
and, in pencil, Jo. Philipps. LT 3.357.
Wood 363(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L1489.
4306. Ludlow, Edmund. Probably not written by Ludlow. A letter from general Ludlow to dr. [Richard]
Hollingworth. Amsterdam: n.pub., 1692. 4
. Pp. viii, 72.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
. See note at Wood 363(3), item 3651. LT 3.377.
Wood 363(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L1469.
4307. Ludlow, Edmund. Probably not written by Ludlow. Truth brought to light: or, the gross forgeries
of dr. [Richard] Hollingworth. London: n.pub., 1693. 4
. Pp. 40.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. 2. Feb. 1692[3]. LT 3.415.
Wood 363(14). Wing T3153. FFMadan 173.
4308. Lunadoro, Girolamo, and Fioravante Martinelli. Cogan, Henry, trans. The court of Rome
[by G. Lunadoro]. . . . And a direction for such as shall travell to Rome [by F. Martinelli]. London: H.
Herringman, 1654. 8
. Pp. [8], 275. Calf with 2 llets; yleaves, upper and lower, printers waste paper.
Tp, Codex Johannis Lee olim Mertonensis apud Oxon, Aprilis 21
. A
. D
. MDCLV. and pretium. 1
. Acquired 23 Nov. 1663, 1
, LT 1.503; lent to R. Peyton, 29 Mar. 1664, LT 2.8.
Wood 563. Wing C6591.
4309. L[upton], D[onald]. Emblems of rarities: or choyce observations out of worthy histories. London:
N. Okes, 1636. 12
. Pp. [24], 478. Calf with 2 llets.
Pastedown and yleaf, upper, signatures of Henry Foulis and 1658 at Notingham Septemb. pr: 12
; 2nd,
Mary Foulis Book. LT 2.179. P. 3, cross in margin.
Wood 226. STC 16942.
4310. Luther, Martin. The last wil and last confession of Martyn Luthers faith. [Wesel]: [von der
Straten?], [1543]. 8
. A-D
(without a t leaf).
Tp, signature of Hum: Dyson.
Wood 774(6). STC 16984.
4311. Luther, Martin. The signs of Christs coming, and of the last day. Being the substance of a
. . . sermon [Tr ostliche Predigt von der Zukunft Christi] lately translated out of his Enarrations on the
Gospels. London: n.pub., 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 34.
Wood 643(5). Wing L3516.
4312. Lydiat, Thomas. Numerus aureus melioribus lapillis insignitus factusque Gemmeus; `e thesauro
anni magni. Londini: G. Jones, 1621. S.sh.
Wood 276a(39). STC 17042 (two).
4313. Lyford, Edward. [Hebrew: Sefer melitsat ha-shemot.] Or, the true interpretation and etymologie
of Christian names. London: T. W. f. George Sawbridge, 1655. 12
. Pp. [24], 237, [62]. Calf with 2 llets;
400 The Library of Anthony Wood
Flyleaf, upper 1st, printers waste paper; 2nd, John: Norman his booke 1655 and his price, 1
. Tp,
Wood 28. Wing L3543.
4314. Lyford, William. Principles of faith & good conscience, digested into a catecheticall forme. [Lon-
don]: T. Harper, sold P. Nevil, 1642. 8
. Pp. [16], 294. Calf with 3 llets and stamp A W; yleaf, upper
and lower, printers waste paper.
Pastedown, upper
(pasted down side), Edward Wood his Book by the gift of Mr. B Ho . . . of Trinity
Colledge. Flyleaves, upper and lower, scribbles, and shorthand, in more than one hand. Pastedown, lower,
signature, Thomas d, lined out.
Wood 807. Wing L3552.
4315. Lyme. An exact and true relation in relieving the resolute garrison of Lyme. [London]: f. M. Wal-
banke, 1644, 10 June. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 377(12). Wing E3611 (Wing, Walbancke).
4316. Lynche, Richard, trans. [really written by]. An historical treatise of the travels of Noah into Europe
[from G. Nanni]. London: A. Islip, 1601. 4
. A-O
Missing in 1837. See note at Wood 490(1). Listed in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48, Rich Lynch travells of
Noah into Europe (1606) q[uarto?] (only 1601 and 1602 editions are recorded in ESTCR).
Wood 490(4). See STC 17092. O (evidence erased), Folg, Hunt.
4317. Lynne, Walter. ?. ?: ?, ? 4
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48, his transl.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48. Not identied. See STC 17115. and STC 4626.
4318. M., A. Plain-dealing: or, a full and particular examination of a late treatise [by M. Cliord] entituled,
Humane reason. London: A. Clark f. H. Dickinson in Cambridge, 1675. 12
. Pp. 164, [1] (pp. 1-2 blank).
Tp, under initials, Marvell, in pencil, prob. not by AW. Wood 841(2-4) all respond to M. Cliord, Wood
841(1), item 1920.
Wood 841(3). Wing M4A.
4319. M., D. A letter to a noble lord concerning a late prophane pamphlet [by T. Ashenden] entituled, the
Presbyterians [sic] pater noster. [London]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote, In March. 1680/1 then published.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(16). Wing M13.
4320. M., E. An achrostickal epitaph on sir Edward Sprague [name in acrostic]. [London]: n.pub., [1673].
, AW wrote, S
Edw. Spragg.
Wood 429(25). Wing M14A (two).
4321. M., H. The armies dutie; or, faithfull advice to the souldiers: given in two letters written . . . [signed
H. M. and others] unto lord Fleetwood. London: printed, sold Popes-head Alley, etc., 1659. 4
. Pp. 29.
Tp, no. 26 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(9). Wing M28.
4322. M., H. A pair of spectacles for this purblinde nation with which they may see the army and parliament
. . . brethren in iniquity. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, no. 32 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(8). Wing M30.
4323. M., J. A letter from a friend in Shropshire to . . . mr. Richard Baxter . . . in London. (London):
(f. A. Banks), (1681). S.sh. Pp. 2.
Wood 276a(162). Wing M38.
4324. M., R. Newes of s
. Walter Rauleigh with the true description of Guiana. London: [G. Eld] f. H.
G[osson], sold J. Wright, 1618. 4
. Pp. [2], 45.
P. 45
, extensive notes on Raleighs eet, not in AWs hand.
Wood 386(5). STC 17148.3.
4325. M., R. Micrologia. Characters, or essayes, of persons, trades, and places. London: T. C[otes] f. M.
Sparke, 1629. 8
. A
. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves,
The Library of Anthony Wood 401
purple paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 6 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, signature of Rob: Warner.
Wood 868(1). STC 17146 (rare, 2 at O).
4326. M., S. The loyal garland. London: J. M. f. I. Deacon, 1685. 8
. Pp. 16.
Missing in 1837. Loyal Garland 1685 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 94(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M79C (two). O, CM.
4327. M., S. True tryal of understanding a book of riddles. London: ?, 1688. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. True Tryal of understanding a Book of riddles Lond. 1688 in Whiteside cat. See Wing
M79E (1687).
Wood 64(11). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4328. M., T. The true narration of the entertainment of his royall majestie, from the time of his departure
from Edenbrough; till his receiving at London. London: T. Creede f. T. Millington, 1603. 4
. A
Wood 537(3). STC 17153.
4329. M., T. Morrice, Thomas, attrib. to. Digesta scholastica, in gratiam puerorum edita. Oxoniae: J.
Licheld et G. Wrench, 1617. 8
. Pp. [4], 52, 127, [1].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16. AOF 1.272.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16. STC 17152 (rare). Madan 457. O.
4330. M., T. A particular list of divers of the commanders . . . taken prisoner . . . at Marston moore neer
York. London: f. R. Rounthwait, 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 377(20). Wing M84 (3).
4331. M., T. Sir Thomas Fairfaxes taking of Dennis castle, and Felford haven. [London]: f. M. Walbanke,
1646, 26 Mar. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW altered the former no., 60.
Wood 378(63). Wing M85.
4332. Maastrich. A narrative of the siege and surrender of Maestricht to the most Christian king [30
June]. [London]: T. Newcomb, 1673. Fol. Pp. 12.
Wood 559(8). Wing N225.
4333. [Mabbut, George]. Tables for renewing and purchasing of the leases. Cambridge: J. Hayes, 1686.
. Pp. [23], 39.
Wood 21(6). Wing M113.
4334. MacConnor, Dermond. The copy of a letter written from . . . one of the chiefetaines of the Irish
rebels, unto the king of Spaine, for aide . . . Also, . . . another letter written from Lisbon. London: f. R.
Harford, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, 24. Dec. 1641, and, in pencil Dec ult 1641. Dupl. at Wood 616(24).
Wood 507(19). Wing M117.
4335. MacConnor, Dermond. The copy of a letter written from . . . one of the chiefetaines of the Irish
rebels, unto the king of Spaine, for aide . . . Also, . . . another letter written from Lisbon. London: f. R.
Harford, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote Du[pl], cropped at side. Bsm. Dupl. at Wood 507(19).
Wood 616(24). Wing M117.
4336. MacDonnel, Alexander. The case of Alexander Mac Donnel esq; and the lady Elizabeth his wife.
[London]: n.pub., [1677]. Fol. Pp. 8.
AW wrote, 1676/7 { Febr.
Wood 276b(86). Wing C875 (two).
4337. MacDonnell, William. Anglia liberata, or, the rights of the people of England, maintained against
the pretences of the Scotish king. London: T. Newcomb f. R. Lowns, 1651. 4
. Pp. [4], 68 (3 tpp.).
Tp, at Mac-Donnel, Mac-dowel, in a modern hand. Bsms.
Wood 609(29). Wing A3178.
4338. [Machell, Thomas]. That the northern counties which abound in antiquities and ancient gentry,
may no longer be buryd in silence. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], [1677]. Fol. Pp. 4.
402 The Library of Anthony Wood
P. 1, scribbles, not by AW. P. 4, AW wrote, Thomas Machell of Cracanthorpe in Westmoreland. A.M. and
Fellow of Queens Coll in Oxon. 1. Jan. 1676-7. AO 4.532.
[MS.] Ashm. 1820a, . 226-7. Wing M127B (rare). Madan 3145 (AWs hand, not Machells).
4339. Machiavelli, Nicolai. Historiae Florentinae. Argentorati: L. Zetzneri, 1610. 8
. Pp. [2], 494, [26].
Calf, speckled, with 2 llets.
Tp, bsm. Pasted to a sheet at middle fore-edge, a slip identifying the author and work (for similar slips,
also by a former owner, see Index, Slip with title).
Wood 208. BL.
4340. MacKenzie, George. Religio stoici. Edinburgh: f. R. Broun, 1663. 8
. Pp. 23, [1], 159, [1] (sigs. L
2,3, mutilated).
Tp, AW wrote the price 9
. Bsm. Pp. 144-5, former slip with the title, by AW, used as backing. Acquired
27 Oct. 1663, LT 1.501.
Wood 870(3). Wing M197.
4341. [Mackenzie, George]. A vindication of his majesties government . . . in Scotland. Loudon [sic]:
N. Thompson, f. S. Forrester, 1683. 4
. Rpt. of Edinburgh edition. Pp. [2], 29.
Tp, AW wrote, By S
George Mackenzie, in pencil.
Wood 368(23). Wing M212 (O not recorded in Wing).
4342. Mackenzie, George. A defence of the antiquity of the royal-line of Scotland. London: f. R. C., sold
A. Swalle, 1685. 8
. [8], xiv, [2], 190 (misnumbering).
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, The book following was written by S
George Mackenzie in answer to the before
mentiond book entit. An historical account of church-government &c [W. Lloyd, Wood 200(1), item 4200]
[/] It was rst published in the latter end of June 1685 - But before it was published it was animadverted
upon by D
. Edw. Stillingeet (who had before seen the manuscript of it) in the preface to his book entit.
Origenes Britannicae &c published in fol. at Lond. about the beginning of June 1685 [Wing S5615]. See in
Athenae et Fasti Oxon vol. 2. p. ult. (AOF 2.411). Tp, AW underscored Mackenzies name, in red ink.
Wood 200(2). Wing M155.
4343. MacKenzie, George. Moral gallantry. [Followed by] A moral paradox [and] A consolation against
calumnies. London: f. H. Sawbrige, 1685. 12
. Pp. [24], 124, [4], 89, [1], 36 (2 tpp).
Wood 752(5). Wing M178.
4344. Mackenzie, George. The antiquity of the royal line of Scotland farther cleared and defended.
London: f. J. Hindmarsh, 1686. 8
. [14], 212, [8] (3 pp. books sold by Hindmarsh).
Tp, AW wrote, 1.6
Wood 200(3). Wing M150.
4345. Macquerella, Mrs., pseud. A dialogue between mistris Macquerella, a suburb bawd, m
a noted curtezan, and m
Pimpinello . . . bemoaning . . . the act . . . against adultery. London: f. E. Crowch,
1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 654a(14). Wing D1318.
4346. Magnus, Olaus. Upsala, abp. of. Historiae septentrionalium gentium breviarium. Lugduni Bata-
vorum: ap. A. Wyngaerd et F. Moiardum, 1645. 12
. Pp. [16], 589, [73]. Parchment over pasteboard.
Flyleaf, upper, A. Allam wrote pret: 2
We[st]: Bibl: Sept: die 18
1675. LT. 3.167.
Wood 693. BL.
4347. Maguire, Connor. Enniskillen, 2nd baron of. The last speeches and confession of the lord Maguire:
the Irish rebell. London: J. Coe, [1645]. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, AW wrote, bred in Magd. Coll. in Oxon see p. 1. Dupl. at Wood 614(17b).
Wood 368(4). Wing E3128A.
4348. [Maguire, Connor]. Enniskillen, 2nd baron of. [The last speeches and confession of the lord
Maguire: the Irish rebell]. [London]: [J. Coe], [1645]. 4
. Pp. 14 (wanting t leaf).
Dupl. at Wood 368(4).
Wood 614(17b). Wing E3128A.
4349. Maguire, Connor*. Enniskillen, 2nd baron of. The whole triall of Conner lord Macguire. London:
f. R. Austin, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 16, 32.
Wood 368(3). Wing W2063A.
The Library of Anthony Wood 403
4350. Maidens Faithful Counsellor. The maidens faithfull counsellour: or, the speediest way to get
good husbands. London: f. P. Brooksby, [1685-1688]. 8
. Pp. 24.
Wood 69(4). Wing M268[AB] (1996) (rare). Not in ESTCR.
4351. [Maidwell, Lewis]. Soteria regi, et ecclesiae Anglicanae, cujus primatum reverendissimo domino
Gulielmo Sandcrofto, &c. foeliciter commissum, . . . Ludovicus ` a Fonte Virgineo. N.p.: n.pub., [1678-91].
Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, after author Ludovicus in t, Maidwell q[uaere], in pencil, prob. by AW.
Wood 398(21). Wing M285C (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4352. Mainwaring, Thomas. A defence of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, earl of Chester. Wherein
it is proved, that sir Peter Leicester, . . . hath without any just grounds declared the said Amicia to be a
bastard. London: f. S. Lowndes, 1673. 8
. Pp. [10], 80, [3] (3 pp. books sold by Lowndes).
Tp, price, 8
. For more on the subject, see Wood 673(3 and 4), items 4147f. and LT 2.188 (see note at
Wood 723a, item 3702, for information about a similar copy at Wood 723b, which is not included because
it is an intrusion in the Wood collection).
Wood 673(2). Wing M300.
4353. Mall, pseud. Mall and her master: or, a dialogue between a Quaker and his maid. London: n.pub.,
[1675] (cropped at bottom). 4
. Pp. [2], 5. Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration inside corners, and roll
decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, the titles of 13 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Numbering of works
on tpp is in Roman numerals. 1st printed item, dupl. at Wood 645(22).
Wood 619(1). Wing M336.
4354. Mall, pseud. Mall and her master: or, a dialogue between a Quaker and his maid. London: n.pub.,
[1675]. 4
. Pp. [2], 5 (tp cropped at bottom).
Tp, AW wrote, 1675. May. and at top, in pencil, Ridicula. Dupl. at Wood 619(1).
Wood 645(22). Wing M336.
4355. Malpas, Cheshire. Letters from the lord generall his quarters, . . . Also a great victorie at Malpesse.
London: J. Coe, 1644. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote 26 Aug, in pencil.
Wood 377(30). Wing L1782A (3).
4356. Malvezzi, Virgilio. Carey, H., trans. Romulus and Tarquin. London: J. H[aviland] f. J. Benson,
1637. 12
. Pp. [12], 299. Calf with 2 llets.
Cover, upper, inside, names, erased. Flyleaf, upper, signature of Edward Southcote.
Wood 265. STC 17219.
4357. Malynes, Gerard. The maintenance of free trade, according to the three essentiall parts of traque;
. . . an answer to a treatise of free trade. London: J. L[egatt] f. W. Sheard, 1622. 8
. Pp. [12], 105.
Tp, AW wrote, 8
. Responds to Misselden, Wood 683(3), item 4496.
Wood 683(2). STC 17226.
4358. Manchester, Siege. A true & exact relation of the several passages at the siege of Manchester.
London: f. E. Blackmore, 1642, 12 Oct. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 19.
Wood 375(14). Wing T2462.
4359. Manilius, Marcus. Sherburne, Edward, ed. The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English poem;
with annotations and an astronomical appendix. London: f. Nathanael Brooke, 1675. Fol. Pp. [18], 68, [2],
221, [9].
Missing. On Jan. 13, AW recorded in his diary, sent a letter to Mr. Edward Sherburne to give him thanks
for his Manilius . . . . LT 2.477. Also listed in MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44.
LT 2.477. Wing M432.
4360. M[anley], T[homas]. A short view of the lives of those illustrious princes, Henry duke of Gloucester,
and Mary princess of Orange deceased. London: f. a Soc. of Stationers, 1661. 8
. Pp. [7], 114.
Tp, two prices, 6
, 8
(both prob. by AW); bsm.
Wood 245(2). Wing M446.
4361. Mansell, Roderick, collected by. An exact and true narrative of the late popish intrigue. London:
f. T. Cockerill a. B. Alsop, 1680. Fol. Pp. [11], 75.
404 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp, AW wrote the price, 2
, in red chalk; bsm. b1
and c1
, mark in margin and underscoring. LT
Wood 425(23). Wing M514.
4362. Manseld, Miller of. [The] pleasant history of the miller of Manseld. [London]: f. W. Gilbertson,
1651. 8
. A
,B1-3 (cropped).
Wood 84(15). Wing P2551A (rare).
4363. Manseld, Miller of. The pleasant history of the miller of Manseld. London: f. F. Coles, J.
Wright, T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, 1655. 8
. A
Wood 254(4). Wing P2551B (rare).
4364. Manzini, Giovanni Battista. Burbury, John, trans. The loving husband, and prudent wife; . . . st.
Eustachius and Theopista, martyrs. London: f. J. Martin a. J. Allestrye, 1657. 12
. Pp. [10], 203.
Backing, lower, remnant of a list of books, by AW.
Wood 818(3). Wing M556 (two).
4365. [Marbecke, Roger] (?). A defence of tabacco: with a friendly answer to the late printed booke [by
J. H.] called worke for chimny-sweepers. London: R. Field f. T. Man, 1602. 4
. Pp. 70.
Responds to J. H., [MS.] Wood D. 30(1), item 3356.
[MS.] Wood D. 30(2). STC 6468.
4366. Margery*. Margery Good-Cow, . . . Or, a short discourse, shewing that there is not a farthing due
. . . to old Oliver. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 5.
Tp, no. 39 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(60) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M590.
4367. Markham, Gervase. The art of archerie. London: B. A[lsop] a. T. F[awcett] f. B. Fisher, 1634. 8
Pp. [24], 172.
Missing in 1837.
Wood 729(1). STC 17333. O (Jesus), Hunt.
4368. Markham, Gervase. Country contentments: or, the husbandmans recreations. London: W. Wilson
f. J. Harison, 1649. 4
. 6th ed. Pp. [8], 118.
[MS.] Wood C. 25(2). Wing M620.
4369. Markham, Gervase. The English house-wife [issued as part of A way to get wealth, 1648]. London:
B. Alsop f. J. Harison, 1649. 4
. 5th ed. Pp. [10], 252.
[MS.] Wood C. 25(3). Wing M649.
4370. Markham, Gervase. The inrichment of the weald of Kent: or, a direction to the husbandman, for
the true ordering. London: E. Purslow f. J. Harison, 1649. 4
. Revised ed. Pp. [4], 24.
[MS.] Wood C. 25(4). Wing M637.
4371. Markham, Gervase. Markhams farewell to husbandry: or, the inriching of all sorts of barren and
sterile grounds [issued as part of A way to get wealth, 1648]. London: W. Wilson f. J. Harison, 1649. 4
4th ed. Pp. [12], 158.
[MS.] Wood C. 25(5). Wing M648.
4372. Markham, Gervase, and William Lawson. Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of
all beasts and fowles [1st tp; the general tp is bound before C1:] A way to get wealth: containing si e [sic,
i.e., altered from ve to six] principall vocations, . . . The rst ve bookes gathered by G. M. The last
by master W. L. London: B. Alsop f. J. Harrison (B. A. f. J. Harison), 1648. 4
. 7th ed. Pp. [28], 188. Calf
with 2 llets, a vertical line of 2 llets, and edge hatching; spine, hatching (Oxford binding). Flyleaves,
upper and lower, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works In hoc Volumine. 1st tp, bsm.
[MS.] Wood C. 25(1). Wing M 611 and M675.
4373. Marmion, Shackerley. The antiquary. A comedy . . . by Shackerly Mermion. London: F. K. f. I.
W. a. F. E., 1641. 4
. A1,B-K
Tp, AW wrote, publ. after the authours death.
Wood 330(9). Wing M703.
4374. Marmion, Shackerley. Cupid and Psiche. Or an epick poem of Cupid, and his mistress. London:
The Library of Anthony Wood 405
J. Okes, f. H. Sheppard, 1638. 4
. A1-3,B-L
,M1 (wanting letterpress tp).
Tp, bsm.
Wood 330(3). STC 17444a.
4375. [Marnix van Sant Aldegonde, Philips van]. Gilpin, George, trans. The bee hive of the Romish
church. A worke of all good Catholikes to be read. London: J. Dawson, 1623. Ff. [50], 364. Calf, with 3 llets
and stamp centrepiece; spine, 4 bands.
Tp, A: W and ABosco.
Jesus College G. 1. 22. STC 17448.
4376. Marprelate, Martin, pseud. [Oh read over d. John Bridges, for it is a worthy worke [A defence
of the government established in the Church of Englande]]. [Fawsley]: [Printed on the other hand of some
priests [R. Waldegrave]], [1588, Nov.]. 4
. Pp. 44 (wanting the t leaf and all after sig. F3).
Passim, some scribbling, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(53). STC 17454.
4377. Marriage. An antidote against carnal love &c a sermon delivered in an eminent meeting house
upon an unhappy marriage &c. [?]: [?], [?]. 4
Missing in 1922, according to the Milford hand-list; see note at Wood 654a(1), item 4758.
Wood 654a(34). Not in Wing (prob. not Wing A3497 or Wing P3102). Not in ESTCR.
4378. Marriage. An account of marriage or the interests of marriage considered and defended. London:
B. G. f. A. Bancks, 1672. 12
. Pp. [8], 82.
Tp, ABosco Oxon in red ink.
Wood 750(2). Wing A209.
4379. Marsh, A. The ten pleasures of marriage [and] A letter. London: n.pub., 1682. 12
. 2 pts. Pp. [4],
Missing in 1837.
Wood 749. Wing M727. O, Hunt.
4380. Marshall, Stephen*. The godly mans legacy . . . exhibited in the life of . . . Written by way of
letter. London: n.pub., 1680. 4
. Pp. [6], 30.
Tp, AW wrote, 17. Jun. 1680. 6
. AW; d.ot at bottom corner (?). Pp. 20-1, 25, 28, lines in margin, in
ink and pencil. LT 2.488.
Wood 532(9). Wing G937.
4381. Marshall, Thomas. The catechism set forth in the book of common-prayer. Oxford: at the theater,
1683. 8
in 4s. 5th ed. A
. Parchment over marbled paper.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote 7. Febr. 1682[3] Given to me to [sic] D
Thomas Marshall the authour. LT
3.36. A2, correction; O2
, brief note torn out.
Wood 823. Wing M802.
4382. Marshall, W[illiam], sculpsit. A table shewing the variety of places names in Palestine. [Cam-
bridge]: [R. Daniel f. T. Buck], [1636-50 ca.]. S.sh. Map, 355 x 300 mm. [printed border to printed border;
dierent state printed in T. Fuller, The historie of the holy warre (1639), 370 x 310 mm.].
See Fuller, STC 11464 and Wing F2438f.
Wood 276a(55) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 11464. Wing F2438f.
4383. [Marsin, M.]. The womens advocate: or, fteen real comforts of matrimony, being in requital of the
late fteen sham-comforts. With satyrical reections on whoring, . . . Written by a person of quality of the
female sex. London: f. B. Alsop a. T. Malthus, 1683. 12
. 2nd ed. Pp. [10], 131 (misnumbering).
Tp, bsm.
Wood 750(5). Wing M813EA.
4384. Marstrand*. A breefe conjecturall discourse, upon the hierographicall letters . . . found upon fower
shes, taken neere Marstrand. London: E. Allde, 1589. 4
. A-B
,C1. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
Flyleaves, upper, 2nd and 3rd, AW wrote the titles of 33 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made
with red ink. Tp, A2
, B2
, and C1
(slips pasted over scribbles), scribbles in 2 hands, neither in AWs.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(1). STC 17488.7 (rare, 2 at O).
4385. Marten, Henry*. Mr. Henry Martin his speech in the house of commons, before his departure
thence. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
406 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp, AW wrote, A piece of roguerie.
Wood 609(3). Wing M2267A.
4386. Martial. May, Thomas, trans. Selected epigrams of Martial. London: [H. Lownes] f. T. Walkley,
1629. 16
. A2-4,B-F
Wood 79(7) (now Arch. G. f. 2(7)). STC 17494.
4387. Martiall, John. A treatyse of the crosse gathred out of the scriptures. Antwerp: J. Latius, 1564. 8
Ff. [1], 169, [13].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 4.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 4. STC 17496. ARCR 2.513. O (two), Folg, Hunt, Yale.
4388. Martin, Robert, lieut. col. A relation of the great victories . . . of the garrison of Plymouth.
London: T. P., 1644, 4 June. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 377(10). Wing M836.
4389. Martin, Thomas. Historica descriptio complectens vitam, ac res gestas . . . Gulielmi Wicami.
Oxoniae: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1690. 4
. Pp. [8], 132 (wanting frontisp.). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine; upper and lower yleaves, traces of marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, AW listed the three vitae in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk: Vita {
Gulielmus Wykehami [/] Gul. Patteni [/] Henrici Chichlei { Fundatoris coll. { Novi [/] Magd. [/] Om. An
{ Oxon. AO 1.502-3.
Wood 528(1). Wing M852. See Madan 168.
4390. Martyn, William. Youths instruction. London: J. Beale f. R. Redmer, 1612. 4
. Pp. [6], 109, [2].
Tp, AW wrote, 10
. Text, p. 1, a note, and, to p. 14, marks in margins, not in AWs hand or manner.
Wood 309(2). STC 17530 (STC, wants f. R. Redmer).
4391. [Marvell, Andrew] (? at times attrib. to). A seasonable argument to persuade all the grand juries
. . . to petition for a new parliament. Or, a list of the principal labourers in the great design of popery.
Amsterdam: n.pub., 1677. 4
. Pp. 23.
Tp, AW wrote over Amsterdam, London, in red ink, and made frequent marks and lines in the margins
at the names, underscored (passim), and made corrections or additions (pp. 4-5, 7, 9, 15, 18 (at Baptist
May, a whore), 20) (most cropped at side) and query or cross-reference abbreviations (7, 9, 13, 15, 16),
in red and black ink and in pencil. LT 3.120.
Wood 608(50). Wing M885.
4392. M[arvel]l, A[ndrew] (? at times attrib. to). A collection of poems on aairs of state [by A. Ml].
London: n.pub., 1689. 4
. Pp. 36.
Tp, AW wrote, bought at Oxon 26 Feb. 1688[9] 6, in pencil. LT 3.293.
Wood 382(6). Wing C5176.
4393. Mary 1*. Memoirs of queen Marys days. Wherein the Church of England, and all the inhabitants
may plainly see . . . the sad eects which follow a popish successor. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Pp. 1 and 4, AW wrote 1680 in pencil.
Wood 660c(21). Wing M1669.
4394. Maryland. A relation of Maryland; . . . with a map . . . his majesties charter to the lord Baltemore.
[London]: to bee had, at W. Peasley Esq; his house, or at J. Morgans house, 1635, 8 Sept. 4
. Pp. [2], 56,
25 (with map).
Wood 386(6). STC 17571.
4395. Mason, John, and William Swan. Blood-thirsty Cyrus unsatised with blood. Or the boundless
cruelty of an Anabaptists tyranny . . . in a letter of . . . with . . . Swans . . . answer . . . published by
Thomas Ashton. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, former no. 75, in pencil; Thomas Ashton, underscored.
Wood 632(41) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M923B (rare).
4396. Mason, Margaret, pseud. The tickler tickled: or the observator [Francis Smith] upon the late tryals
of sir George Wakeman. London: f. A. Brewster, 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 8.
AW owned a copy of Smiths Observations, Wood 425(9a). LT 2.457. Purchased from Vade in July or
August 1679, 3
, see his record of purchase in MS. Wood F. 50, f. 11.
Wood 425(9b). Wing T1159.
The Library of Anthony Wood 407
4397. Massachusetts. A declaration . . . Concerning the execution of two Quakers [W. Robinson and M.
Stevenson, 18 Oct.]. London: n.pub., 1659. S.sh. Rpt. of New England edition.
Wood 645(11). Wing M1001.
4398. Massachusetts. The humble petition and address of the general court . . . unto . . . prince Charles
the second [11 Feb.]. [Boston]: n.pub., [1660]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 608(39). Wing H3426.
4399. Massey, Edward*. Eben-ezer. A . . . relation of the severall . . . proceedings of . . . colonell Massy
[7-25 May]. London: f. T. W., 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Dupl. at Wood 612(18).
Wood 377(11). Wing E126A.
4400. Massey, Edward*. Eben-ezer. A . . . relation of the severall . . . proceedings of . . . colonell Massy
[7-25 May]. London: f. T. W., 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 377(11).
Wood 612(18). Wing E126A.
4401. Massey, Edward*. A new hue and cry after major general Massey and some others, who . . . es-
caped from the Tower of London [30 Aug.]. London: n.pub., 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 609(31). Wing N647 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
4402. Massey, Edward*. A letter from an eminent person in Gloucester, . . . giving an account of the
late passages there, in reference to major Gen. Massey [2 Apr.]. London: J. Cottrel, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 632(44). Wing L1445 (two).
4403. Massinger, Philip; Thomas Middleton, and William Rowley. The excellent comedy, called
the old law: or a new way to please you . . . Together with an exact and perfect catalogue of all the playes.
London: f. E. Archer, 1656. 4
. Pp. [2], 76 (wanting the catalogue; tp damaged).
AW himself removed the cat. and placed it among his catalogues; it is now at [MS.] Wood E. 28(2).
Wood 607(5). Wing M1048.
4404. Master, Thomas (same as Masters, items 4408-9). Monarchia Britannica sub Elizabetha Jacobo:
in oratione. Oxonii: W. Hall, imp. J. Godwin, 1661. 4
. A-B
(pages are misnumbered).
Di. ed. at Wood 113(2), item 4406.
Wood 512(14). Wing M1056. Madan 2565.
4405. Master, Tho[mas] (same as Masters, items 4408-9). Iter Boreale. Ad ipsius patrem Gulielmum
Masterum. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], 1675. 4
. Pp. [2], 20.
Flyleaf, upper, qu[aere] other things q[uaere] other sheets, in pencil. Tp, AW wrote, Oxon, and a note,
published by George Ent, son of Georg E., lined out (AO 3.83-6).
Wood 465(6). Wing M1055. Madan 3065.
4406. Master, Thomas; Henry Savile, and Henry Wotton. Monarchia Britannica sub auspiciis
Elisabethae . . . Caroli I. Oxonii: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1681. 8
. Pp. [6], 54 (misnumbering; contains a
2nd F
; A1, H4, blank).
, 17. Junii 1681. Given to me by the publisher Dr. Joh. Lamphire. - AWood Monarchia Britannica
was rst published by Dr Lamphire, an. 1661. qu[arto] (i.e., Master, Wood 512(14), item 4404, and see
AO 3.85). P. 23, a 2nd tp, The rst edit. of this came out at Oxon. 1658 in qu[arto] by the care of D
Tho. Barlow (i.e., Savile, Oratio, Wood 512(4), item 5769). Pp. 38, The exact contrary was the truth:
For Charles was under the dominion of favourites from his very infancy, not by AW; and p. 41, The most
foolish action of his life, not by AW. See LT 2.544 and Madan 2369.
Wood 113(2). Wing M1057.
4407. [Master, William]. Logoi eukairoi, essays and observations theologicall & morall. . . . Together
with some meditations . . . By a student in theologie. [Followed by] Drops of myrrhe. London: R. W. f. R.
Davis in Oxon, 1653. 8
. Pp. [16], 107, [9], 27 (2 pts.).
In the list of contents on the upper yleaf of the vol. AW identied the author. Tp, AW underscored
Student in Theology. AO 4.148.
Wood 868(4-5). Wing M1060. Madan 2231 (Wing, lists Myrrhe separately at M1058A).
4408. Masters, Thomas (same as Master, items 4404-6). Mensa lubrica; Anglic`e shovel-board. Oxford:
n.pub., n.d. 4
. Pp. [4].
Missing in 1837. Shovel Board in Whiteside cat. Dupl. or di. ed. at Wood 416(5). See AO 3.84.
408 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 440(3). Wing M1070A (1690?) or less likely, the Latin version, M1071 (1651). Madan 2154 (and see
2369). Harv, and O.
4409. Masters, Thomas (same as Master, items 4404-6). Mensa lubrica; Anglic`e shovel-board. In gratiam
. . . Eduardi Herbert Baronis de Cherbury[.] Lusis Thomas Masters. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1690?] and printed
A. D. circiter 1636. 4
. Pp. [4].
Tp, AW wrote, published againe by D
R. Bathurst in the month of Dec. 1690. Later librarians added 2
notes. Dupl. or di. ed. at Wood 440(3) (missing). AO 3.84-5, LT 3.349.
Wood 416(5) (under Master in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M1070A (two). See Madan 2154.
4410. Mastix, Maligno, pseud. The current of justice against the torrent of tyranny cleared from the
muddy positions and bloody practices of king-quelling priests, and state-ring Jesuites. Presented to state-
patriots and church-presbyters. N.p.: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. 21 (A1-3,B
Pp. 4, 7, 20-1, some corrections, may not be by AW.
Wood 586(16). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4411. Mather, Cotton. Late memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions. London: f.
T. Parkhurst, 1691. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [22], 144 (3 pp. books printed for Parkhurst). Calf, speckled, with 2
llets and roll decoration at inner, spine edge.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote 17 Jan. 1690-1, recepi a Crescentio Mathero, and 2nd
, Cotton Mather,
the author of this book was son of Crescentius or Increase Mather. Removed to and later restored from
Mather 8
17. LT 1.6; 3.349.
Wood 706. Wing M1118.
4412. Mather, Increase. Diatriba de signo lii hominis, et de secundo messiae adventu. Amstelodami:
M. Browning juxta bursam, 1682. 8
. Pp. [8], 98, [6]. Calf, speckled, with 2 llets; rebacked.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote 17. Jan. 1690[1] recepi ab authore. Removed to and later restored from
Mather 8
143. LT 1.6.
Wood 809. BL.
4413. Mather, Increase. An essay for the recording of illustrious providences. Boston in New-England:
sold G. Calvert, 1684. 8
. With cancel t leaf. Pp. [24], 372, [9]. Calf, speckled, with 2 llets and roll stamp
decoration at inner edge.
Pasteboard, upper, AW wrote 17 [over 19] Jan. 1690[1] rec[epi] ab authore. Flyleaf, upper, Liber Musei
by an Ashm. librarian. LT 3.349; 1.6. Removed to and later restored from Mather 8
Wood 797. Wing M1208.
4414. Mather, Increase. De successu evangelij apud Indos in Nova-Anglia epistola. London: Typis J.
G., 1688. 8
. A
. Parchment with 2 llets over marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote Jan. 17, 1690[1] rec[epi] ab authore. Removed to and later restored from Mather
12. LT 1.6.
Wood 716. Wing M1197.
4415. Matheus, excud. S. Antonius. Abbas vixit sub Constantino magno anno 356. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh.
At top, xx-xxv not here [1881]. Old Ashm. no. XXII was renumbered, XXV, in 1881.
Wood 276b(25). Not identied.
4416. Maton, Robert. Israels redemption or the propheticall history of our Saviours kingdome on earth
. . . With a discourse of God and Magog. London: (R. Cotes) f. D. Frere, 1642. 8
. Pp. [15], 133, [2] (2 tpp).
Calf with 2 llets; rebacked. Flyleaves, upper and lower, printers waste paper (Apocrypha).
Pasted to a sheet at bottom edge, remnants of a slip identifying the author and work (for other slips, see
Index entry Slip with title). Tp, bsm.
Wood 882. Wing M1294.
4417. Matthias*. Germany, emperor of. Newes from Francfort, concerning the election of the most mighty
emperor Matthias . . . translated out of Dutch. London: [G. Eld] f. H. Holland, 1612. 4
. A-B
Tp, scribble, cropped at top.
Wood 615(9b). STC 17660.
4418. Matthieu, Pierre. Grimeston, Edward, trans.; Sylvester, Jos. trans. The heroyk life and deplorable
death of . . . Henry the fourth. . . . by P: Mathieu [and] The tropheis of the life . . . of . . . prince Henry.
London: G. Eld, 1612. 4
. Pp. [8], 190, 170, [29].
The Library of Anthony Wood 409
P. 140, note, not by AW. Probably acquired from the bookseller Robinson on 8 Jan. 1661, LT 1.380.
Wood 337(2). STC 17661.
4419. Maudit, John. A letter to . . . Monk containing the instrumental causes of the ruine of governments
and common-wealths. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. 4
. Pp. 7.
P. 7, AW wrote, eb:1659.
Wood 632(76). Wing M1329.
4420. [Maurice, Henry]. The antithelemite; or, an answer to certain quaeres of the d. of B. and to the
considerations of an unknown author concerning toleration. London: f. S. Smith, 1685. 4
. Pp. [2], 76.
Tp, above, no. 9 (?), in pencil, in a former bundle (cropped at top); below, AW wrote, The author D
Maurice of Jesus Coll. in Oxon.
Wood 611(13). Wing M1359.
4421. Maurice, Prince. Articles of agreement betweene his excellency prince Maurice, and the earle of
Stamford, upon delivery of . . . Excester [5 Sept.]. London: f. T. Walkley, 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 376(34). Wing M1357.
4422. May, Edward. A most certaine and true relation of a strange monster or serpent found in the
. . . heart of John Pennant. London: G. Miller, 1639. 4
. Pp. [10], 40 (pp. unopened).
Tp, AW wrote, December: iv. MDclx:; purchased for 6
, LT 1.349.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(5). STC 17709.
4423. May, Thomas. The reigne of king Henry the second. London: A. M[athewes a. J. Beale] f. B. Fisher,
1633. A
(wanting M8).
Tp, AW wrote, by Thom. May.
Wood 90(7). STC 17715.
4424. M[ay], T[homas]. Historiae parliamenti Angliae breviarium. Londini: typ. C. Snmptner [sic], ve-
nales o. T. Brusteri, [1650]. 8
. Pp. [4], 216. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Wood 195. Wing M1408.
4425. [Maynard, Thomas], et al. Londons liberties; or a learned argument of law & reason, . . . December
14. 1650 . . . at Guild hall, London, between Mr. Maynard, Mr. Hales, and Mr. Wilde on councell for the
companies of London . . . And . . . freemen. London: J. Cottrel f. G. Calvert, 1651. 4
. Pp. [8], 38.
Wood 590(6). Wing L2936A.
4426. [Mayne, Jasper]. The citye match. A comoedye. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1639. Fol. (imperf.). Pp. [6],
62 (ends at R2).
P. 1, :1694, may be in AWs hand.
Wood 657(2). STC 17750. Madan 924.
4427. Mayne, Jasper. A late printed sermon against false prophets, vindicated by letter, from the cause-
less aspersions of mr. Francis Cheynell. [London]: n.pub., [1647]. 4
. Pp. 60 (wanting the t leaf, sig. A2
Wood 617(6). Wing M1471.
4428. Mayne, Jasper. A sermon against schisme: or, the seperations of these times. London: f. R.
Royston, 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
Tp, AW supplied, at a blank in the t, the name of authors opponent, John Pendarves.
Wood 633(10). M1475.
4429. [Mayne, Zachary]. The snare broken, or, the natural and eternal deity of the son of God. N.p.:
n.pub., 1692. 8
. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote Zach Mayne.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(9) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M1488 (rare).
4430. Mazzarini, Giulio. H[owell], J[ames], trans. The last will and testament of the late renowned
cardinal Mazarini [2nd tp] Some historical remarques of the life of Cardinal Mazarini. London: P. Lillicrap
f. W. Gilbertson, 1663 (1664). 12
. Pp. [9], 154.
Missing in 1837. The last Will & Testament of Cardinal Mazarini &c Lond. 1663 [/] Some historical
Remarks of the Life of Card: Mazarini Lond. 1664 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 276. Wing H3084. O (two), Clark, Yale.
410 The Library of Anthony Wood
4431. Meara, Dermitius de. Ormonius: sive, illustrissimi herois ac domini, d. Thomae Butleri, . . . com-
memoratio. Londini: T. Snodhamus, 1615. 8
. Pp. [14], 144, [9].
Tp, Sum Barrelli pretium 4
. P. 123, correction, prob. not by AW. P. 144, AW wrote, Ep. ded. must
follow, see two leaves after (to Walter Butler), AO 2.275.
Wood 82(3). STC 17761.
4432. Meg of Westminster*. [The] life of [long Meg of Westminster]. [London]: [J. M. f. G. Conyers],
[1690?]. 12
. Pp. [12]. Imperf., fragment of tp and chapts. 7-14, only.
, Found to have 3 leaves torn out. 1882.
Wood 254(9). Wing L2033A (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4433. Meier, Georg. Luther, Martin, praef. Vitae patrum, in visum ministrorum verbi, quo ad ejus eri
potuit repurgatae. Witembergae: (per P. Seitz), 1544. Ff. [8], 323, [21]. Calf with 2 llets, 2nd rectangle
with 3 llets and stamp decoration in corners, stamp centrepiece, and 2 clasp holes.
Tp, bsm. F. [21]
, mark, prob. by AW.
Wood 294. BL.
4434. Memento. Memento Mori[.] It is appointed for all men once to die, Heb: 9.27. [London]: Sould by
T. Wright, [1636?]. S.sh.
Wood 416(2). STC 26038.2 (rare) (STC, not traced).
4435. Memorare. Memorare novissima. Dies irae, dies illa. Oxford: L. Licheld f. W. Smart, 1671. S.sh.
3rd ed. Parchment (green-blue) with new corners and backing.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd-4th, AW wrote the titles of 133 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with
red ink. At item 68, deest Oct. 1840 W[illiam] K[irtland] and, in a later hand, in pencil, Perhaps see
dupl. in no. 15 (see notes at Wood 416(15, 68), items 1083, 1086). Item (102) (see cat. item 1956), was
removed after 1840 and before 1922. AW numbered the items in this vol. in his usual fashion, with the
exception that a few have either numb. or nu. before the number (not recorded in this cat. after item
no. 1). There are some earlier item nos. on tpp, in pencil, reecting AWs earlier order. He overwrote or
replaced these with new nos. On the recto sides of most s.shs. in this vol. he wrote the month and the year
in his early formal manner. Most of these s.shs. also have dates on the verso sides, in his later hand 1st
, numb. 1.
Wood 416(1). Wing M1682 (rare). Madan 2888.
4436. [Mennes, John], and J. S. Wit restord in severall select poems not formerly publisht. London:
f. R. Pollard, N. Brooks, and T. Dring, 1658. 8
. Pp. [2], 1-138, [1-4], 139-189 (2nd tp, 2nd p. 1 (K6)).
Tp, bsm., h. P. 103, at Wadhams butler: The rst Butler of Wadham Coll. of kin to the founder.
Wood 90(3). Wing M1719.
4437. Menz, Balthasar. Syntagma epitaphiorum, quae in inclyta septemviratus Saxonici metropoli Wite-
berga, . . . conspiciuntur. Magdeburgi: A. Seidner, sumt. A. Kirchneri, 1604. 8
. Pp. 135, 117, 111, 140 (4
tpp.). Parchment over pasteboard.
Pastedown, upper, note Liber Antonij Wood Oxon: ex ocina Edv: Forest eiusdem Bibliopolae emptus A:
1659. Tp, signature, Ant: Woode:. Bsms., n 5.1 (shelf-mark?) and k. LT 1.271.
Wood 101. BL.
4438. [Merbecke, John]. The booke of common praier noted. [London]: (R. Grafton), 1550. 4
. A
. Calf with sets of 3 and 4 llets, stamp decoration between the sets of llets, and 2 clasp holes;
rebacked. Backing, Latin and music parchment ms.
Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, AW wrote, 1
and The book of common prayer noted: or musical notes set to the
book of Common Prayer by Rog. Merbeck; a note added later, not by AW: John consule caliem hujus
libri. Tp, ABosco and bsm. S2, at end, after name of author, Organist of Windsore: he is mentioned by
Joh. Fox in his book of martyrs, in Qu. Maries raigne. ABosco. LT 1.426, AOF 1.130.
Wood 314. STC 16441.
4439. Mercator, Gerard. Literarum latinarum, quas Italicas cursoriasque vocant, scribendarum ratio.
Antverpiae: J. Richard, 1556. 4
. A-F
,G1-3 (2 leaves cut out at end, traces of annotation in English).
Tp, ABosco, and some scribbles.
Wood 499(2). Not in BL, BN, NUC, Adams.
4440. Merchant Taylors School. III. Election at the Merchant-tailors school. Junii 11. [London]: n.pub.,
[1664]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(183). Wing M1744A (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 411
4441. Merchants. The merchants new-royall-exchaunge: framed at Roan, and brought over to . . . Eng-
land. Or, a law-booke for English merchants. London: T. C[reede] f. C. Burbey, 1604. 8
. Pp. A
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves have remnants of marbled pa-
per; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW wrote 9
. Bsm.
Wood 683(1). STC 16784.
4442. Mercurius Civicus. A letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus: or, Londons confession
. . . shewing, that . . . this . . . rebellion is principally to be ascribed to that rebellious city. [Oxford]: n.pub.,
1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 33.
Pp. 2-3, 8-9, 26, short vertical lines in margins, 2 in red ink, may be by AW.
Wood 632(10). Wing L1489A (olim B6323). Madan 1441.
4443. Mercurius Lepidus, pseud. News from the Lowe-countreys. Or, Podex his encomium. London: f.
W. N, 1652. 8
. Pp. [2], 10, [2].
Tp, N B: W
, not in AWs hand. Dupl. (?) at Wood 66(3).
Wood 84(9). Wing N1009 (two).
4444. Mercurius Lepidus, pseud. News from the Lowe-countreys. Or, Podex his encomium. London: f.
W. N, 1652. 8
Missing in 1837. News from the Low Countrys Lond. 1652 in Whiteside cat. Dupl. (?) at Wood 84(9).
Wood 66(3). Wing N1009 (two).
4445. Mercurius Politicus. The character of Mercurius Politicus. [London]: n.pub., [1650?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 622(17). Wing C2021 (O not recorded in Wing).
4446. Mercurius Propheticus. Mercurius propheticus. Or, a collection of some old predictions. [London]:
n.pub., 1643[4]. 4
. Pp. [4], 12.
Wood 646(6). Wing M1769.
4447. Meres, Francis. Witts academy a treasurie of goulden sentences. [2nd tp] Wits commonwealth.
The second part. London: W. Stansby, sold R. Royston, 1634. 12
. Pp. [18], 741, [8]. Calf with 2 llets and
blind-stamped A W.
Pastedown, upper, Robert Wood and 1647. Flyleaf, upper, Anthony Wood his booke 1645 and numerous
scribbled notes in several hands;
, Anthony Wood his booke Wittnesse John Cowdrey 1645 (Wood was 13
years old in 1645), LT 1.255. 2nd tp, 1 Edit. 1598 London., prob. in AWs hand. Passim, a few schoolboy
notes in margins, mainly in Latin, scribbling (p. 446, Wood is a foole), and some underscoring of persons
names. Last p.
, a few words in French (by Robert Wood?). Flyleaf, lower, scribbles.
Wood 54. STC 17835.
4448. Merke, Thomas. Carlisle, bp. of. The bishop of Carliles speech in parliament, concerning deposing
of princes [Oct. 1399]. London: n.pub., 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 5, [1].
Dupl. at Wood 660c(19).
Wood 560(2). Wing M1827.
4449. Merke, Thomas. Carlisle, bp. of. The bishop of Carliles speech in parliament, concerning deposing
of princes [Oct. 1399]. London: n.pub., 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 5, [1].
Dupl. at Wood 560(2).
Wood 660c(19). Wing M1827.
4450. Merlin; Bede, and Becket, et al. Sundry strange prophecies of Merline, Bede, Becket, and others.
London: f. M. Walbancke, sold J. Bell, 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 34.
Wood 646(9). Wing S6180A.
4451. Merrett, Christopher, ed. A collection of acts of parliament, charters, . . . concerning . . . grants
to the colledge of physicians . . . Commanded by sir Edward Alston. [London]: n.pub., 1660. 4
Pp. [4], 135.
Tp, AW underscored Alston in t, in red ink. Passim, esp. pp. 1-5 (underscoring in red ink and, p. 3, a cross
in margin at a reference to Oxford privileges), 6, 34, 80-125, some minor annotation, mainly corrections,
and underscoring (in red ink). Some of the minor corrections may not be by AW and, p. 84, correction,
and pp. 13 (cropped), and 128, notes, not by AW.
Wood 615(14). Wing M1836.
412 The Library of Anthony Wood
4452. Merry and Pleasant Dialogue. A merry and pleasant dialogue, betwixt a courtier, a citizen, &
a countryman, . . . for the . . . marriage, betwixt Charles II, . . . and queen Katharine . . . of Portugall.
N.p.: n.pub., 1662. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 486(10). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4453. Merry Drollery. N., W.; C. B., R. S., and J. G., collected by. Merry drollery, or a collection of
jovial poems. London: J. W. f. P. H., [1661?]. 8
. Pp. [4], 175.
AW wrote May 1661 and 1
. Bsm.
Wood 326(2). Wing M1860 (two).
4454. Merry Drollery. N., W.; C. B., R. S., and J. G., collected by. The second part of merry drollery,
or a collection of jovial poems. London: J. W. f. P. H., [1661?]. 8
. Pp. [4], 159.
AW wrote 1661 and 1
(acquired 23 Oct, 1
, LT 1.416).
Wood 326(3). Wing S2295 (two).
4455. Merry Jest of the Fryer. The merry jest of the fryer and the boy. London: ?, 1655. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. A merry Jest of the Fryer & the Boy Lond. 1655 in Whiteside cat. See STC 14522.,
Wing F2205., H1546C.
Wood 66(13). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4456. Mervyn, Audeley. An exact relation of all such occurrences . . . in the . . . counties of Donegall,
London-Derry, . . . since the beginning of this . . . rebellion . . . begun in October last [4 June]. London: f.
T. Downes a. W. Bladen, [1642]. 4
. Pp. 2, 14.
Tp, former no., 19 lined out.
Wood 508(22). Wing M1880A.
4457. Mervyn, Audley. A speech made . . . in the upper house of parliament in Ireland, . . . March the
. 1640. At the impeachment of sir Richard Bolton [et al.]. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 27.
Wood 507(2). Wing M1888A.
4458. Meterby, Sarah*. A sad and lamentable account of one Sarah Meterby, who wickedly sold her self
to the devil. [Followed by] Dreadful examples of Gods . . . judgments. [London]: f. J. Blare, 1692. 8
. Pp.
23, [1].
Wood 836(13). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4459. Methinks. Methinks the poor town has been troubled too long. Or, a collection of all the new songs.
N.p.: n.pub., 1673. 8
. Pp. [8], 40.
Wood 326(4). Wing M1939.
4460. Mew, John. Trotters journey-man on his amble to the gallowes or the confession of John Mew,
before execution. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, feb: 1659[60]; several minor corrections in spelling.
Wood 416(56). Wing T2306B (rare).
4461. [Mews, Peter]. Winchester, bp. of (attrib. to). Exaltatio alae. The ex-ale-tation of ale. Done into
verse [Lat. and Eng.] by T. C. P. [London]: n.pub., 1666. 8
. Pp. 32.
Wood 679(6). Wing M1955.
4462. [Mews, Peter]. Winchester, bp. of (attrib. to). The ex-ale-tation of ale. Written by a learned pen.
London: J. R., 1671. 8
. Pp. 15.
P. 15
, scribbles, 3 letters of the alphabet.
Wood 679(5). Wing M1954.
4463. [Mews, Peter]. Winchester, bp. of. An account of the late visitation at St. Mary Magdal. colledge
in Oxon. by . . . Peter l
bish. of Winton [24 Oct.]. (London): (f. R. Taylor), (1688). Fol. Pp. 4.
AW apparently witnessed some aspects of the visitation and made 6 minor corrections and changes to this
account: e.g., p. 1, at parentheses, This silly parenthesis might have been omitted; at the end, p. 4, This
simple paper containing many mistakes, was published (& I think written) by Nich. Cox Lately manciple
of S. Edm. Hall. Oxon. & rst of all exposed to view at Oxon. 4. Nov. 1688. LT 3.280.
Wood 423(64). Wing M1951.
4464. Mexia, Pedro. Baildon, Joshua, trans. The rarities of the world. Containing, rules . . . touching
the beginning of kingdoms . . . by J. B. gent. London: B. A. (B. Alsop), 1651 (1650). 4
. Pp. [8], 134, [1].
Tp, bsm.
The Library of Anthony Wood 413
Wood 496(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M1956 (O not recorded in Wing).
4465. [Micanzio, Fulgentio], trans. The life of the most learned father Paul [Sarpi]. London: f. H. Moseley
a. R. Marriot, 1651. 8
. Pp. [9], 204. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine. 1st and last yleaves, marbled
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
Wood 233(1). Wing M1959.
4466. [Micanzio, Fulgentio]. The policy of the Jesuits, their insinuation into the courts . . . and . . . noble
families of Europe [tr. from the Instruttione aprencipi della maniera]. London: n.pub., 1658. 12
. A
(last leaf blank). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, purple
Flyleaf, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk.
B1, 6x in margin (or bx?).
Wood 876(1). Wing P2758.
4467. Michaelis, Sebastien. B., W., trans. The admirable historie of the possession and conversion of a
penitent woman. Seduced by a magician . . . Whereunto is annexed a pneumology. London: [F. Kingston] f.
W. Aspley, 1613. 4
. Pp. [54], 418, [10], 154, [34] (disruption after 1st quire,
) (2 tpp). Pasteboard (blue)
with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper; rebacked.
Tp, note, All most reverend Cossoners and similar anti-Catholic comments, A3, B6, pp. 409, 2nd p. 154
(also 2 lines in a 2nd hand), and nal leaf
, none by AW. P. 3, a few words in the 2nd hand, not by AW.
Acquired 16 Oct. 1662, LT 1.458.
[MS.] Wood B. 17. STC 17854a.
4468. Michel, Thomas. The last newes from the armie [20 June]. London: f. J. Neale, 1647, 21 June. 4
Pp. [1-2], 1, [2-6].
Wood 501(32). Wing M1964. Madan 1935.
4469. Middendorpius, Jacobus. Academiarum celebrium universi terrarum orbis libri VIII. Coloniae
Agrippinae: ap. G. Cholinum, 1602. 8
. Pp. [32], 630, 484, [20] (2nd tp at 2nd p.1). Calf with 2 llets;
Wood 174. BL.
4470. Middlesex. A discoverie of six women preachers, in Middlesex, Kent, Cambridgshire, and Salisbury.
[London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 654a(5). Wing D1645.
4471. Middlesex. A relation of the cruelties and barbarous murthers, . . . in the county of Middlesex.
London: n.pub, 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 365(15). Wing R819 (two).
4472. Middlesex. A catalogue of the names of such persons as are, . . . of the Romish religion, (not as
yet convicted) . . . within the county of Middlesex. London: n.pub., 1680. S.sh.
Note on blank verso, pasted down, Cit papists Lond & West (illeg.).
Wood 276a(93) (Wood 376a(93) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing C1390.
4473. Middlesex, Grand Jury. A copy of the presentment and indictment found . . . by the grand-jury
of Middlesex, . . . Against collonel Matthew Alured. London: f. E. Thomas, 1660. S.sh.
AW altered the date of publication to 1659.
Wood 276a(146). Wing C6219.
4474. Middlesex, Grand Jury. The presentment and humble petition of the grand jury for . . . Middlesex
[18 May]. (London): (G. Croom), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 657(49) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing P3280.
4475. Middlesex, Grand Jury. A true list of the names of the good men of . . . Middlesex, summoned
to be of the grand-jury in the quarter sessions, . . . 1681. (London): (f. R. Harbottle), (1681). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 276a(101). Wing T2733.
4476. M[iddleton], T[homas]. The blacke booke. London: T.C[reede] f. J. Chorlton, 1604. 4
. A-F
F3-4 blank).
A1, E65, a shelf-mark in another collection (see Wood 614(9), item 3298, for a similar shelf-mark, E64,
414 The Library of Anthony Wood
by William Chester?). Tp, Josias N and scribble.
Wood 616(4). STC 17875.
4477. Middleton, Tho[mas]. A copy of a letter sent from sir Tho. Middleton, . . . concerning the
. . . siege at Oswestree, July 3. London: f. E. Husbands, 1644, 10 July. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 377(22). Wing M1992.
4478. Midgly, William*. A true narrative of a base and bloody act . . . on the body of one William
Midgly. London: H. R., 1678. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 365(27). Wing T2770 (rare).
4479. Midwives. The mid-wives just petition: or, a complaint . . . Shewing . . . their suerings . . . for
their want of trading [a satire]. London: n.pub., 1643. 4
. A
Wood 654a(8). Wing M2005.
4480. Miege, Guy. The present state of Denmark. London: f. T. Basset, 1683. 8
. Pp. [8], 159.
Wood 666(4). Wing M2024.
4481. Mill, Humphrey. The second part of the nights search. London: f. H. Shepheard, a. W. Ley, 1646.
. Pp. [15] (A
, only). Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper, Hen: Foulis Booke 1652. Feb. 19. Pre: 0. [illeg.]; note, rubbed out. LT 2.179.
Wood 232(1). Wing M2058.
4482. Mill, John. A sermon preached on the feast of the annunciation [on Luke 1.28]. London: in the
Savoy, by T. Newcomb, 1676. 4
. Pp. [4], 31 (p. [1] blank).
P. [1], Antonii a Wood Ex [lined out, and] Ex dono Authoris 7. Apr. 1676.; tp, Mill underscored. See LT
Wood 634(15). Wing M2059.
4483. Milton, John. Areopagitica; a speech . . . for the liberty of unlicencd printing. London: n.pub.,
1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 40.
Pp. 21, 23, 25, marks in margin, in pencil and ink, prob. not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(5). Wing M2092.
4484. [Milton, John]. Of education. To Samuel Hartlib. [London]: [T. Underhill], [1644]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Pp. 3, 6, 8, marks in margin, in pencil, prob. not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(6). Wing M2132.
4485. M[ilton], J[ohn]. Colasterion: a reply to a nameles answer against the doctrine and discipline of
divorce. [London]: n.pub., 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 27.
Tp, after authors initials, Milton, in pencil, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(4). Wing M2099.
4486. Milton, John. The doctrine and discipline of divorce: restord to the good of both sexes, . . . The
author I. M. London: n.pub., 1645. 4
. 2nd time revisd. Pp. [8], 82. Calf with 2 llets and a vertical line
of 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, pr[et] - 4
and signatures or names of Edw. Rigby (2), Alice Rigby (3), and Lucy
Hesketh. 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 8 printed works in this vol., unnumbered, within guidelines made
with red ink, followed by All written by Joh. Milton. (the name in red ink). Tp, after initials of the author,
AW wrote Joh. Milton., in red ink. Signature of a former owner, Ja: Hales. LT 1.319.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(1). Wing M2111.
4487. Milton, John. Tetrachordon: expositions upon the foure chief places in scripture, which treat of
mariage, or nullities in mariage. London: n.pub., 1645. 4
. Pp. [8], 98 (misnumbering).
To p. 40, short horizontal pencil lines, not in AWs manner.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(3). Wing M2184.
4488. M[ilton], J[ohn]. Eikonoklasthw in answer to a book [by J. Gauden] intitld Eikvn Basilikh
. . . The author J. M. London: M. Simmons, 1649. 4
. Pp. [12], 242.
Dupl. at Wood 492(3).
[MS.] Wood B. 29(8). Wing M2112.
4489. M[ilton], J[ohn]. Eikonoklasthw in answer to a book [by J. Gauden] intitld Eikvn Basilikh
. . . The author J. M. London: M. Simmons, 1649. 4
. Pp. [12], 242.
The Library of Anthony Wood 415
Tp, bsm. B
, line in margin and 2 corrections. Dupl. at [MS.] Wood B. 29(8).
Wood 492(3). Wing M2112.
4490. M[ilton], J[ohn]. The tenure of kings and magistrates. London: M. Simmons, 1649. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp.
[2], 60.
[MS.] Wood B. 29(7). Wing M2182.
4491. [Milton, John] (? at times attrib. to). The grand case of conscience concerning the engagement
stated & resolved. Or, a strict survey of the solemn league & covenant. London: J. Macock f. F. Tyton,
1650. 4
. Pp. 22.
Wood 609(26). Wing G1486A.
4492. M[ilton], J[ohn]. The readie & easie way to establish a free commonweath, . . . the author J. M.
London: T. N., sold L. Chapman, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 18.
Tp, AW wrote after authors initials (underscored in red ink), Joh. Milton; altered the year to 1659[60]:
eb and in pencil, beg[inning] (of Feb.? Thomason recorded 3 March).
Wood 626(7). Wing M2173.
4493. Milton, John. Literae pseudo-senat us Anglicani, Cromwellii, reliquorumque perduellium nomine
ac jussu conscriptae. N.p.: n.pub., 1676. 12
. Pp. [4], 234. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets and stamp decoration
in corners; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, A. Allam wrote Pret: 2
W[est]: Bibliop: Sextilis [August] decimo octavo 1677. LT
Wood 709. Wing M2129.
4494. Milton, John. M
John Miltons character of the long parliament and assembly of divines. In
MDCXLI. London: f. H. Brome, 1681. 4
. Pp. [4], 11.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 620(36). Wing M2098.
4495. Minis, Mr. Englands ioyalty, [sic] in joyfull expressions, for the city of Londons safety, being a
. . . relation of . . . passages . . . lately divulged by one d. [Humphrey] Peake. London: f. J. Harison, 1641.
. Pp. [2], 5.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(30). Wing M2194A (two). ESTCR 43455 (ESTCR, ioyalty in and safety being).
4496. Misselden, Edward. Free trade. Or, the meanes to make trade orish. London: J. Legatt for S.
Waterson, 1622. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [16], 134, [1].
Backing, lower, title of a work, cropped, not in AWs hand. Answered by G. Malynes, Wood 683(2), item
Wood 683(3). STC 17986.
4497. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? 4
Missing in 1995. Only a small fragment of a leaf remains. No title or description of contents is given in the
Whiteside cat., A volume of pamphlets &c, at [MS.] Wood C. 32.
[MS.] Wood C. 32(4). Not identied.
4498. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? 4
. In a context of brief pamphlets in separate parchment bindings.
Missing in 1717. Vol. removed before the Whiteside cat. was prepared.
[MS.] Wood C. 50. Not identied.
4499. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? 4
Missing. The list of titles prepared by AW is also missing from this vol. The entry in the Whiteside cat. is
A Volume containing 52 pamphlets &c Against B
, Orthodox Clergy, Cheapside cross &c Rich: Culmer
Cath: Ch: of Cant: (f. 86; for the last, see items 2116.). This item was is the context of works
against bishops.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(18). Not identied.
4500. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? Pp.?
Missing since 1881. Apparently 5 items, or single sheets, were removed. See note at Wood 276b(25), item
4415. Items XX-XXI and XXIII-XXV are missing. Item XXII is still here, with its Ashm. Roman numeral,
but it was later renumbered XXV. Items removed from this location would have Roman numerals on the
upper right hand corner.
Wood 276b(20-24). Not identied.
416 The Library of Anthony Wood
4501. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? 8
Missing in 1717. Vol. removed before the Whiteside cat. was prepared.
Wood 449. Not identied.
4502. Missing. ?. ?: ?, ? 12
Missing in 1717. Vol. removed before the Whiteside cat. was prepared.
Wood 692. Not identied.
4503. Missing. Wish[?] in the titl[or tile] [illeg.]. ?: ?, ? Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 70, Amongst my duplicates is digitus Dei - [by Nedham, item 4614f.] &
by an unknowne hand is wish[?] in the titl[? or tile].
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 70. Not identied.
4504. Mitton, Tho[mas]*. Several letters of great consequence intercepted by colonel Milton. London: f.
E. Husband, 1645[6], 17 Feb. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
, corrected Milton to Mitton, and altered the former no., 41.
Wood 378(44). Wing S2778.
4505. Mitton, Thomas. A letter to . . . William Lenthal . . . concerning the surrender of Ruthin-castle.
London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 14 Apr. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(2). Wing M2296.
4506. Modena. A discourse of the dukedom of Modena. London: J. C. f. W. Crook, 1674. 4
. Pp. [2], 30.
Wood 386(12). Wing D1603.
4507. [Molinos, Miguel de]. No-Body, ed. The spiritual guide, which disintangles the soul, . . . With a
short treatise concerning daily communion. [London]: n.pub., 1688. 12
in 6s. Pp. [30], 191, [7], [8], 38, [1]
(2 tpp.).
Tp, AW wrote 1
. in qu[arto]. LT 3.307.
Wood 836(6-7). Wing M2387.
4508. Molyneux, William. Whereas there is an accurate account and description of Ireland designed
to be made publick in the English atlas undertaken by Moses Pitt . . . Quaeries . . . relating to Ireland.
[Dublin]: gratis at the shop of Mr. D. Davis, Dublin; and M. Pitt, London, [1682]. S.sh.
Below, AW wrote July 1682. A prospectus.
[MS.] Ashm. 1820a, f. 221 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M2407 (rare).
4509. Monantholius, Henricus. De puncto primo geometriae principio liber. Lugduni B. [Leiden]: ex
biblio. Commeliniano, [1600]. 4
. Pp. [8], 35 (cropped, and having the t leaf mounted).
Wood 499(10). BN.
4510. Monck, Christopher*. Albemarle, 2nd duke of. To his grace Christopher duke of Albemarle,
&c. . . . A Pindarick poem. Cambridge: J. Hayes, f. F. Hicks, 1682. Fol. Pp. [2], 10.
P. 3, Ashmolean Museum, in a later hand.
Wood 417(104). Wing T1361.
4511. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A declaration of general Monck touching the king of Scots;
and his proclamation, . . . upon his marching . . . for Berwick. London: f. N. Bradley, 1659. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 610(37). Wing A843.
4512. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A declaration of the commander in chief of the forces in
Scotland, also another declaration of the ocers . . . to the churches of Christ . . . together with 3 letters.
Edinburgh: C. Higgins, 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Oct. 20, in pencil.
Wood 610(33). Wing A844A.
4513. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A letter from gen. Monck . . . to the commissioners of
parliament in Ireland. London: f. N. Brook, [1659]. S.sh. Rpt. of Dublin edition.
AW added the date, Decemb: 1659:.
Wood 276a(335). Wing A850 (two). Steele 2.1.606.
4514. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A letter of November the 12th. . . . directed . . . to the
lord mayor, aldermen, and common-council of . . . London. Inciting them, . . . to give their assistance.
The Library of Anthony Wood 417
[London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [1], 3.
Tp, former nos., 44 and 40, in pencil.
Wood 632(36). Wing A860A.
4515. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A letter sent by general Monck to vice admiral Goodson
. . . Novemb. 29. London: J. Johnson, [1659]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(338). Wing A862.
4516. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A letter sent from general Monck. Dated at Caldstreame Dec.
29. 1659. Superscribed to . . . William Lenthall. London: J. Streater a. J. Macock, 1659[60]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, former nos. 79 and 75 in pencil.
Wood 632(61). Wing A863.
4517. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. A narrative of the northern aairs, touching the proceedings
of general Monck, and the lord Lambert. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 503(28). Wing N201.
4518. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. The northern queries from the lord gen: Monck his quarters;
sounding an allarum, to all loyal hearts. [London]: n.pub., [1659?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the year M: DC Lix (and again on p. 8), and, in pencil, the no. in a former bundle, 21.
Wood 613(42). Wing N1297.
4519. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. The pedegree and descent of . . . George Monck. London: f.
W. Godbid, 1659[60]. 4
. Pp. 15.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Feb:.
Wood 535(11). Wing P1048.
4520. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. The speech and declaration of . . . delivered at White-hall
. . . to the members of parliament . . . before the re-admission of the formerly secluded members [21 Feb.].
London: S. Grin f. J. Playford, 1659[60]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 610(21). Wing A867.
4521. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. A letter from . . . Monck, and the ocers under his command,
to the parliament [11 Feb.]. London: J. Macock, 1660. 4
(having sheet A reset). Pp. [2], 15 (i.e., pp. 1-6,
P. 9, AW identied the authors of a bold Petition: of prais god Barebone & his sectaries.
Wood 632(73). Wing A854.
4522. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. The lord general Monck his speech delivered by him in the
parliament on Munday, Feb. 6. 1659. London: J. Macock, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
P. 3, underscoring of Phanatique, and in margin, AW wrote This word phanatique go[es] much in fashi[on]
after this. LT 1.303 (Clark read comes).
Wood 610(63). Wing A869.
4523. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. A speech spoken to his excellency the lord general Monk, by
one representing the genius of England at Drapers-hall [28 March]. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1660.
Wood 398(4). Wing S4870 (3) (O not recorded in Wing).
4524. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. To the reverend and honourable, the vice-chancelour and the
body of the convocation in the university of Oxford [5 Apr.]. [Oxford?]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
At Master of the Rolls, AW wrote, Will Lenthall lately speaker, and below, S
Jeamses Apr: 5 1660.
AW wrote, 1660, in pencil, and L
. Monks Letter for y
election of [S
John, lined out and:] Lenthall to
be one of y
Univers: Burg:. LT 1.312. Dupl. at Wood 515(25).
Wood 423(33). Wing A871A (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2509 (Wing, Vice-Chancellor).
4525. Monck, George. Albemarle, duke of. To the reverend and honourable, the vice-chancelour and the
body of the convocation in the university of Oxford [5 Apr.]. [Oxford?]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote, This letter was read in convocation 7. Ap. 1660 And because the presbyterians & fanaticall
partie were eager for Will. Lenthall, therfore they caused this letter to be printed & dispersed about the
university . LT 1.312. Dupl. at Wood 423(33).
Wood 515(25). Wing A871A (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2509 (Wing, Vice-Chancellor).
4526. Monck, George*. Albemarle, duke of. Georgio Monck duci de Albemarle, . . . epitaphium. N.p.:
418 The Library of Anthony Wood
n.pub., [1669]. S.sh. (mutilated, cropped on side and below).
Wood 429(29) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing G534 or G535.
4527. Monck, George, and Charles 2. A letter from . . . to king Charls . . . Together with king Charls
his answer [30 Dec.]. London: n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1659[60]: Januar: and added ctions.
Wood 632(26). Wing A852A (O not recorded in Wing).
4528. Monck, George, and Thomas Morgan. A true relation of the rowting of Middletons army in
Scotland, . . . in two letters, one from general Monck, and the other from col. Morgan. London: W. Du-Gard
a. H. Hills, 1654. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 503(21). Wing T3039.
4529. Money, Mistresse*. Death & burial of mistresse Money. London: ?, 1658. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. Death & Burial of M
Money Lond. 1658 in Whiteside cat. See Wing D500 (1664) and
D501 (1678).
Wood 64(12). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4530. Money Well Bestowed. Money well bestowd. At the [blank space] in Oxford will be shown divers
rarities, performed upon spits. [London?]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. 4
Inserted in Wood Diaries 25, item 126, between B4-B5. AW wrote, Nov. 15. 1681, in pencil and later, Nov.
16. 1681 in ink. At blank space in line following heading, Chequer Inn, not by AW. LT 2.560 (printed
text quoted in full).
[MS.] Wood Diaries 25b. Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR (not Wing M2414A, though the same topic).
4531. [Monipennie, John]. Certaine matters composed together. The genealogie of all the kings of Scot-
land. Edinburgh: R. Walde-grave, [1594?]. 4
. A4,B-K
. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper
and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, scribble and price [?] and in Scotland, not in AWs hand.
Wood 594(1). STC 18017.
4532. M[onipennie], J[ohn]. The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles. Edinburgh: J.
W[reittoun] f. J. Wood, 1633. 8
. A-R
(R3-4 blank). Corrected. Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, One . . . . Monnipenny wrot a compendium of the Scots history.
Wood 135. STC 18015.
4533. Monro, Robert. A letter of great consequence; . . . to the . . . committee for the Irish aairs in
England, concerning the state of the rebellion there. [London]: f. E. Husbands, 1643, 8 July. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, former no., 34, lined out.
Wood 508(41). Wing M2453.
4534. Montagu, Edward*. Manchester, earl of. Articles of high treason, and other high misdemeanors
against { the lord Kymbolton [Edward Montagu, et al.]. London: R. Barker, by the assignes of J. Bill,
1641[2]. 4
. Pp. [2], 4.
Wood 373(11a). Wing A3847.
4535. Montagu, Edward*. Manchester, earl of. A true relation of the late ght betweene the right
honourable the earle of Manchesters forces and the marquesse of Newcastles. London: R. Cotes, 1643. 4
Pp. [2], 8, [1].
Tp, AW altered a former no.
Wood 376(45). Wing T2982.
4536. Montagu, Edw[ard]. Manchester, earl of. A letter from . . . Ed. lord Montagu . . . With a perfect
narration of all the passages betwixt his majesty and those forces that brought him from Holdenby [10 June].
London: f. J. Wright, 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 612(45). Wing M2467A.
4537. Montagu, Edward*. Manchester, earl of. A letter to the earl of Manchester, concerning the whole
carriage of the house of peeres in generall, . . . during these late distractions. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
Pp. [2], 22.
Tp, AW wrote, To be put among the lett[ers], in pencil, cropped at side. Pp. 3-8, 10-1, 13, 16, 18, 20-2,
mainly reference names (numerous to Manchester), some identications, and some earlier notes and lines
in margins in pencil, (p. 11, at the passage, He is the Mountebank (my Lord) and you but his Zany; or
The Library of Anthony Wood 419
rather, he leads you, and tutors you like an Ape in a chaine, . . . , AW wrote excellent, in pencil, which he
later overwrote with Manchester, in ink); p. 11. AW retained a low opinion of Manchester, AOF 2.283-4.
Wood 632(22). Wing L1733.
4538. Montagu, Edward. Manchester, earl of. The earl of Manchesters speech to his majesty, . . . With
his majesties . . . answer [29 May]. Edinburgh: J. Macock a. F. Tyton, 1660. 4
. Pp. [4], 4, [2], 3 (p. [1]
blank) (2 tpp).
P. [1], AW wrote E. of Manchester (see notes at Wood 608(1a) and 608(17), items 5161, 2726).
Wood 608(19,20). Wing M397.
4539. Montagu, Edward*. Sandwich, earl of. Memoriae sacrum, Edvardi comitis Sandovici, . . . qui
Maii 28 . in ill a fatali Naumachi a sublatus est. Londini: typ. J. Redmayne, 1672. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1672 and Edw. Earl of Sandwich 1672, partially covered by repair slips.
Wood 429(32). Wing M1682A.
4540. Montagu, Henry. Manchester, earl of. Manchester al mondo. Contemplatio mortis, et immortal-
itatis. London: J. Haviland f. F. Constable, 1635. 12
. Pp. [2], 211. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked. Flyleaf,
upper, printers waste paper (cookery).
and p. 211
and yleaf, lower, name, blotted out, school scribbling and signature of Anthony Garret;
none by AW.
Wood 801. STC 18026.5.
4541. Montelion. Don Juan Lamberto: or, a comical history of the late times . . . By Montelion knight
of the oracle [pts. 1. and 2]. London: J. Brudenell (T. Leach) f. H. Marsh, 1661. 4
. 2nd ed.
(2 tpp)
(3pp. and 1p. books sold by Marsh).
P. [1], AW wrote, Reported to be written by Th. Flatman.; [2], in the woodcut, AW identied the Meek
Knight as Rich Cromwell. A1-A2, AW identied characters in this satire as Jo. Lambert, Hen. Vane, and
Will. Lylie (i.e., Lilly); G4, line in margin in the books sold by Marsh; K1
, at the woodcut, The picture
of Will. Lylie the Almanack maker.
[MS.] Wood C. 31(4). Wing M2492.
4542. Moore, Charles, and Henry Tichborne. A certicate from the lord Moor and sir Henry Titch-
borne, shewing the certainty of the cleering of the harbour, and country, twenty miles about Tredagh. London:
f. J. Hunscott, 1642. 4
. A
. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; rebacked.
Flyleaves, upper, 1st-3rd, AW wrote the titles of 52 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with
red ink; all on Ireland, 1642-44. AW did some rearranging of the pamphlets in this vol., and many show
earlier prebound nos. in addition to his nal numbering. Several, e.g. 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 19 also show a 3rd set
of nos. at the bottom, underscored, which may not be by AW.
Wood 508(1). Wing M2534.
4543. Moore, Dr.* Strange and wonderful news from . . . Wicklow in Ireland, or, a . . . relation of what
happened to one d
Moore. London: f. T. R., 1678. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
P. 6, 4 lines description of a night visit by fairies, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(30). Wing S5869A.
4544. Moore, Francis. A gallant victory obtained by the lord Inchiqueen against the rebels; at Capogh-
Queen. London: f. W. S., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, 7 May.
Wood 509(19). Wing M2541 (O not recorded in Wing).
4545. [Moore, Mary]. Wonderfull news from the north. Or, a true relation of the . . . torments, inicted
upon the bodies of three children of mr. George Muschamp, . . . by witch-craft. London: T. H., sold R.
Harper, 1650. 4
. Pp. [4], 28.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(11). Wing M2581.
4546. Moore, Richard. O yhsaurow en ostrakinoiw skeuesin: a pearl in an oyster-shel: . . . two sermons.
[Followed by] Abel redivivus; or the dead speaker. London: A. M. f. T. Parkhurst, 1675 (1674). 8
. Pp. [16],
117, [3] (3 pp. books sold by Parkhurst) (2 tpp.). Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote 7 Feb. 1681[2]. ex dono Edw. Bracey. LT 3.4.
Wood 810. Wing M2583.
4547. Moorhead, William. Lachrimae sive valedictio Scotiae sub discessum. The tears and valediction
of Scotland upon the departing of . . . George Monck. London: H. Brugis, 1660. 4
. Pp. [8], 18 [double pp.,
420 The Library of Anthony Wood
1,1, 2,2, etc.].
, Monkes departure from Scotland, in pencil. Tp, signature of Wm. Peeters ex Dono W.
Smart [? last 4 words lined out]. P. 16, scribble, not in AWs hand.
Wood 383(3). Wing M2613.
4548. [More, Henry]. Observations upon anthroposophia theomagica, and anima magica abscondita [by
T. Vaughan]. By Alazonomastix Philalethes. Parrhesia [London]: sold O. Pullen, 1650. 8
. Pp. [6], 94, [5].
Tp, AW wrote M
Stes, in pencil. AO 3.723. Responds to Wood 859(2), item 6298 (and 6301).
Wood 859(3). Wing M2667.
4549. [More, Henry]. Free-parliament quaeres: proposed to tender consciences; . . . by Alazonomastix
Philalethes. [London]: n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote Aprill:.
Wood 608(8). Wing M2661A.
4550. More, Henry. Elys, Edmund, ed. Letters on several subjects, . . . with several other letters. To
which is added, . . . two letters. London: W. Onely f. J. Everingham, 1694. 8
. Pp. [3], iv, 122, [2] (2 pp.
books sold by Everingham). Parchment; a later binding over AWs original marbled paper.
P. [1], AW wrote, Recepi ab editore 17 Mar. 1694 (Edmund Elys, AO 4.472).
Wood 720. Wing M2664.
4551. More, John. Bownd, Nicholas, ed. A table from the beginning of the world to this day. Cambridge:
J. Legate [sold, A. Kitson], 1593. 8
. Pp. [14], 237, [27]. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine. 1st and last
yleaves, marbled paper; rebound in 1954.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, bsm. Pp. 224-225, entries in tables, and yleaf, lower, extensive notes, in dierent hands, none by
AW. Possibly acquired 19 Apr. 1662, LT 1.436.
Wood 142(1). STC 18074.
4552. More, Sir Thomas. De optimo reip. statu, deque nova insula Utopia, libellus . . . Epigrammata
. . . Thomae Mori, pleraque `e Graecis versa. Epigrammata. Des. Erasmi. Basil: (ap. Jo. Frobenium), (1518,
Dec.). 4
. Pp. [2], 355, [1]. 3 tpp. Parchment, soft.
Pastedowns, ms. with some coloured letters. Pastedown, upper, prices by 3 former owners, e.g. A. Allam,
pret: o
We[st] Bibliop Decembr die sexto 1615, scribbles, 2 names and erasures, LT 3.167. Flyleaf,
upper, numbers, scribbles, and signature of John Jones;
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this
vol. Tp, signatures of 3 former owners, Leonardus Robinsonus, Jn. Augustine Seneschallus, and Joannes
Campion. For pastedown, lower, see Erasmus, Wood 639(2). Pp. 19-20, 27, 34-5, 37, 107, 347, 353 notes
or marks, not in AWs hand; 193. some underscoring; P. 24, arms, coloured; above, Seneschallorum
stemmata, not in AWs hand; at side, in AWs hand, The arms of August. Steward de com. Cantab.;
below, description, not in AWs hand.
Wood 639(1). Adams M1757.
4553. More, Sir Thomas. James, Richard, ed. Epistola Thomae Mori ad academiam Oxon. Cui adjecta
sunt quaedam poemata [by R. James] in mortem Roberti Cottoni & Thomae Alleni. Oxoniae: J. Licheld
imp. T. Huggins, 1633. 4
. Pp. [4], 18, [7]. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Cover, upper, outside, Orationes, may be by AW. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 16 printed
works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, AW wrote, The publisher & author was Rich
James CCC. Soc., in red ink. Pp. 1, 3-4, 6-7, 10-1, brief notes and lines in margin, in pencil, prob. not by
Wood 512(1). STC 18087. Madan 734.
4554. More, Sir Thomas. The common-wealth of Utopia:. . . written by . . . sir Thomas Moore. London:
B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, sold W. Sheares, 1639. 12
. Pp. [4], 288 (imperf.). Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Tp, signature, Robt. (rubbed out); and 12
(may be by AW). A1, Liber Thomae Lloyd ex dono charis-
sime Elisei Wynne de Glyn 1684[7?] (see The Dictionary of Welsh Biography (1959), p. 1096, 1105), and
scribbles. P. 142, David Ll
ex Aula B. M [St. Mary Hall]., 143 Ellis Wynne[,] John Burns[?]. Dupl. at
Wood 438.
Wood 253. STC 18098.
4555. More, Sir Thomas. The common-wealth of Utopia:. . . written by . . . sir Thomas Moore. London:
B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, sold W. Sheares, 1639. 12
. Pp. [4], 305. Calf with 1 gold-stamp llet.
Flyleaf, upper, with pretii, etc. removed (ink blottings on remaining yleaf; the note to Wood 438 in LT
The Library of Anthony Wood 421
1.23 should be to Wood 436 (item 3983)). Dupl. at Wood 253.
Wood 438. STC 18098.
4556. More, Sir Thomas. The historie of . . . Edward the V
. London: f. W. Sheares, 1651. 12
. Pp.
[9], 461. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, AWood. Frontispiece, I. p (?).
Wood 264. Wing M2689.
4557. More, Thomas (died in 1685). The English Catholike Christian, or, the saints utopia, a treatise
consisting of four sections. London: R. Leybourn, 1649. 4
. Pp. [12], 36.
, a correction.
Wood 487(9). Wing D884.
4558. More, Thomas (died in 1685). True old news as it may appeare by severall papers, and certicates
. . . &c. London: E. G., 1649. 4
. Pp. [4], 20 (cropped).
Tp, AW wrote, Other writings of this authour see the short epistle following [i.e., A2
3v]. He also trans.
into Engl (cropped at bottom, i.e., Vita et mors Edwardi II, see AO 4.179f., a translation not made
public). A2
, a correction and an underscoring.
Wood 487(10). Wing D885 (two).
4559. More, William, and Miles Smyth. Very good newes from Ireland. Of three great victories [by W.
More] . . . Also papers concerning the remonstrance of the lord Inchequins ocers [by M. Smyth]. London:
printed for V, V. [sic], 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 20.
Wood 509(24). Wing M2694A (O not recorded in Wing).
4560. Morgan, Edward. Edward Morgan, a priest, his letter to the kings . . . majesty, and . . . parliament
. . . who was drawne, hanged and quartered [26 April]. London: f. T. B., 1642. 4
(cropped). Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 616(25). Wing M2730.
4561. [Morgan, Matthew]. An elegy on the death of the honourable mr. Robert Boyle. Oxford: L. Lich-
eld, 1692. Fol. Pp. [2], 17.
Tp, AW wrote, D
Matth. Morgan, and, over a note in pencil, published in the beginning of March
1691[2]; p. 17
, R. Boyle 1691[2]. LT 3.380.
Wood 429(49). Wing M2732.
4562. Morgan, Sheery*. The life and death of Sheery Morgan, son of Shon ap Morgan. [London]: f.
J. Deacon, n.d. 8
. Imperf. Pp. [2], 14 (A
). The nal quire, B
, pp. 17-24, is from a dierent source, a
version of Conscience, beginning (17) [and a new line:] keepers in the Country gives such a (end of line).
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. 1688. P. 10, a correction.
Wood 259(14). Wing L2009C (two).
4563. Morgan, Silvanus. Heraldry epitomizd: and its reason essayd. London: printed and sold, W.
Bromwich, 1679. S.sh.
Coats and helmets are numbered, may not be by AW.
Wood 276a(64). Wing M2740 (two).
4564. Morgan, Tho[mas]. Col: Morgan governor of Glocesters letter to . . . Lenthal . . . concerning the
total routing . . . at Stowe upon the Wold. London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 24 Mar. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote and later lined out the price, 1
, and altered the former no., 62.
Wood 378(65). Wing M2747.
4565. [Morison, R.] (attributed to). Parker, Matthew, ed. A defence of priestes mariages, stablysshed
by the imperiall lawes of the realme of Englande, agaynst a civilian, namyng him selfe Thomas Martin.
(London): (J. Kingston, f. R. Jugge), [1567?]. 4
. Pp. [1-12], . 1-21, pp. 22-274, [1] (pp. 240-1, repaired)
(ends, Pp4).
Tp, AW wrote, Dr. Matthew Parker Archb. of Canterb. was author of this book printed in the beginning
of Qu. Elizab. raigne, and D
Jo. Poynet the author. 1555 qu[aere], all lined out (Poynet, or Ponet, wrote
on this topic in 1555).
Jesus College 2. Arch. 2. 17(2). STC 17518.
4566. Morley, Thomas. A remonstrance of the barbarous cruelties . . . committed by the Irish rebels
against the protestants in Ireland. London: E. G., 1644, 12 June. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, a name and a sum of money and p. 13
, 4 names, lined out; none by AW.
422 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 508(49). Wing M2800.
4567. Morrice, Thomas. An apology for schoole-masters. London: B. Alsop f. R. Flemming, 1619. 8
,D1-7. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Each 8
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol.,
within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, signature of Will. Selby.
Wood 131(1). STC 18170 (3).
4568. M[orris] R[ichard]. A letter to general Monck, in answer to his of the 23
[sic] of January,
. . . to the gentlemen of . . . Devon. By one of the excluded members of parliament. London: f. R. Lowndes,
1659[60]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, The letter that this Answers is in merc: politicus: Jan: 26 [over 30]: 1659[60]:; and
identied the author, (Rich. Morris). P. 8, Rich: Morris: Devon:.
Wood 632(72). Wing M2809.
4569. Mosely, Edward*. The arraignment and acquittall of s
. Edward Mosely . . . indited . . . for a
rape. London: E. G. f. W. L., 1647[8]. 4
. Pp. [2], 12.
Flyleaf, upper, on waste-paper, note, cropped.
Wood 368(5). Wing A3740.
4570. Mother Bunchs Closet. Mother Bunchs closet newly broke open. London: A. M[ilbourne] f. P.
Brooksby, 1685. 12
Missing in 1837. Mother Bunches Closet Lond. 1685 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 66(16). Wing M2936A (rare). CM.
4571. Mowbray, Laurence. The narrative of Lawrence Mowbray of Leeds, . . . concerning the bloody
popish conspiarcy [sic]. London: f. T. Simmons, a. J. Sampson, 1680. Fol. Pp. 36.
Tp, AW prob. wrote the price, 1
; also an i.
Wood 425(28). Wing M2994 (O not recorded in Wing).
4572. Moyer, Sam[uel]. The humble petition of many inhabitants . . . of London. Presented to the
parliament by Sam. Moyer and others, May 12. 1659. Together with the answer. London: f. T. Brewster a.
L. Chapman, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, no. 9 in former bundle.
Wood 610(48). Wing H3471.
4573. M[udie], A[lexander]. Scotiae indiculum: or the present state of Scotland. London: f. J. Wilkins,
1682. 12
. Pp. [24], 274, [2] (2 pp. books sold by J. Wilkins). Calf with 2 llets plus 2 vertical llets;
Tp, AW wrote, after initials, Moodie. LT 1.351.
Wood 568 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing M3038 (Wing, Scoitae).
4574. Muggleswick, Petition. A most lamentable information of part of the grievances of Mugleswick
lordship in the bishoprick of Durham. [London]: n.pub., [1642]. S.sh.
, former no., 38. See note on slip at item 2629.
Wood 373(49). Wing M2902.
4575. Muggleton, Lodowick*. The heads of the blasphemous libel of Lodowick Muggleton labourer.
Intituled, the neck of the Quakers broken. N.p.: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. Pp. 2.
P. 2, AW wrote the year, 1681. The work referred to in the t is Wing M3048.
Wood 645(24). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4576. Mulcaster, Richard. Positions wherein those primitive circumstances be examined, which are
necessarie for the training up of children. London: T. Vautrollier f. T. Chare [sic] or T. Vautrollier, 1581.
. Pp. [16], 302, [1].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6. STC 18253 and 18253a. Folg and O (author underscored in red chalk), Folg, Yale.
4577. Mulerius, Carolus. Linguae Italicae, compendiosa institutio. Oxonii: imp. J. Crosley, 1667. 8
. Pp.
47 (A
Tp, notes, in pencil, after AWs time. Pp. 15-6, some corrections, not by AW.
Wood 42(3). Wing M3053. Madan 2771.
4578. M[un], T[homas]. A discourse of trade, from England unto the East-Indies. London: N. Okes f. J.
The Library of Anthony Wood 423
Pyper, 1621. 4
. Pp. [6], 58.
[MS.] Wood C. 14(2). STC 18255.
4579. M[unday], A[nthony]. A watch-woord to Englande to beware of traytours and tretcherous practises.
London: [J Charlewood] f. T. Hacket, 1584. 4
. Ff. [5], 47 (wanting sigs. A2,3).
Minor underscoring and note (e.g., f. 40
), not by AW.
Wood 586(2). STC 18282a.
4580. Munday, Anthony. The English Romayne lyfe. London: J. Charlwoode f. N. Ling, 1590. 4
. Pp.
[4], 67, and a foldout.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, Anth. Munday hath written another book - see p. 4. 8; tp, A: Woode: Mert:
Coll: Oxon: 1656:. Bsm. Text, pp. 4, 8, AW made hand pointers; 8, q[uaere]; 2, 7, 8, 55, 60, some lines in
margin in ink or pencil; 30, line in red ink and later he added 1581 in margin, see MS. Wood E. 2(70), p.
7, where he added 1581 printed). P. 67, note on the fold-out woodcut of martyrdom of Rich. Atkins, of
whome you may read the whole story in fox his booke of martyrs:.
[MS.] Wood C. 44(4). STC 18273.
4581. Murders. Three bloodie murders:. . . by Francis Cartwright upon William Storre, . . . The second,
. . . by Elizabeth James. London: [G. Eld?] f. J. Trundle, 1613. 4
. A-C
(C4 blank).
Wood 365(4). STC 18287.
4582. Murford, Peter. Newes from Southampton, or the copie of a letter to captain Thomas Harrison.
London: f. H. Overton, 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 57; and wrote the dates, 1643, in pencil, and after 1644, 3 Feb. AW
prepared an earlier list of pamphlets beginning with this item, see note at [MS.] Wood D. 24(4).
Wood 376(63). Wing M3101 (3).
4583. Muriell, Christopher. An answer unto the Catholiques supplication, . . . for a tolleration of popish
religion in England. London: R. R[ead] f. F. Burton, 1603. 4
(corrected). A-D
(A1-2, D3-4, blank).
Tp, at author, line in margin, bsm?
Wood 611(16-17). STC 18292.3.
4584. Murray, Robert. Corporation-credit, or, a bank of credit made currant [sic], by common consent
in London. London: J. Gain f. the oce, 1682. 4
. Pp. 6.
Tp, AW wrote, By Rob. Moray who invented the peny-post. P. 4, correction, not by AW. LT 3.31. AO
3.726, 1264.
Wood 628(6). Wing M3116.
4585. Muschamp, A. Further intelligence from Ireland, declared in a letter. London: R. Oulton & G.
Dexter f. H Overton, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
AW wrote after the year, 11. Mar. 1641. Below, 26, may not be by AW.
Wood 507(44). Wing M3138.
4586. Myngs, Christopher*. Upon the death of the truly valiant . . . s
Christoph: Minns wounded at
sea. Oxford: f. J. Godwin, 1666. S.sh.
In margin, sprung from Old Guy Warwick, not by AW;
, AW wrote, S
Ch. Minnes 1666.
Wood 429(24). Wing U109aA (rare). Madan 2747 (Wing, Sr and Minus).
4587. N., E. Oces and places of trust not to be boucht [sic] or sold, . . . a letter [20 Sept.]. London: f.
R. Marriot, 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW wrote, Last of the further bundell (2 words illeg.), in pencil.
Wood 526(8). Wing N15.
4588. N., G. A geographicall description of the kingdon of Ireland. As also declaring the right and titles
of the kings of England unto that kingdom. London: I. R. f. G. Emerson, 1642. 4
. Pp. [4], 104.
Wood 505(4) (504(4) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N18.
4589. N., N. Cogan, Henry, trans. The scarlet gown, or the history of . . . cardinals of Rome. London: H.
Moseley, 1653. 8
. Pp. [17], 162, [20] (16 pp. books sold by Moseley). Calf with 2 llets.
Wood 247. Wing N53.
4590. N., N. America: or an exact description of the West-Indies. London: R. Hodgkinsonne f. E. Dod,
1655. 8
. Pp. [14], 484, [2] (1 p. books printed by Dod).
Tp, bsm. Acquired 10 Feb. 1664, LT 2.5. See note at Wood 154(1), item 6173.
424 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 154(2). Wing N26.
4591. N., N. Mutiny maintained: or, sedition made good, a discourse. [London]: n.pub., [1659]. 4
. Pp.
Tp, AW wrote, This came out in the beginning of Decemb: 1659:. Nos. 47 and 4- (cropped at side) in
former bundles.
Wood 610(4b). Wing N46.
4592. N., N. A brief account, and seasonable improvement of the late earthquake in Northampton-shire.
(London): (f. N. Ponder), [1675-1676]. 4
. Pp. 8.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(21). Wing N29 (rare).
4593. N., N. An account of the late proposals [for dissolving the ecclesiastical commission, &c.] of the
archbishop of Canterbury, with some other bishops, to his majesty:. . . in a letter. [London]: n.pub., [1688].
. Pp. 4. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 22 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
chalk. Pp. 1, AW wrote in the year at a date in the text, 28 September, 1688; 4, at end, This paper was
commonly sold in Oxon in the middle of Octob. 1688. LT 3.279.
Wood 529(1). Wing N25.
4594. N., P.; H. Porter, and W. West. The last newes from the prince of Wales: declaring his further
proceedings against the par- parliaments [sic] forces [3 letters, 2 signed P. N., the 3rd H. Porter and W.
West]. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp.[2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Aug. 19.
Wood 502(52). Wing N65.
4595. N., S. Misopappas, Philanax, pseud. Rawleigh redivivus; or the life & death of . . . Anthony late
earl of Shaftsbury. London: f. T. Malthus, 1683. 8
. Pp. [16], 88, 136, [8] (3 pp. books sold by T. Malthus).
Tp, AW wrote, in two parts. Pp. 18-9, line in margin; 2nd p. 46, AW identied Lord Ps, as Peters,
cropped; 2nd p. 48, underscoring.
Wood 433(2). Wing N72 (Wing, redivivus or) (O not recorded in Wing).
4596. [Nalson, John]. The true protestants appeal to the city and countrey. (London): n.pub., (1681).
Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 3, correction of Committee of Safety to Councill of State, not by AW.
Wood 276a(170). Wing N119.
4597. [Nalson, John]. Reections upon coll. Sidneys Arcadia; the old cause, being some observations
upon his last paper. London: f. T. Dring, 1684. Fol. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote, 4
Wood 428(22a). Wing N114.
4598. Nantwich, Cheshire. Magnalia Dei. A relation of some of the . . . passages in Cheshire before the
siege of Namptwich. London: f. R. Bostock, 1644. 4
. Pp. [4], 22.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 55; underscored Tho. Fairfax in the t and wrote the date, Feb. 1643,
in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 612(26).
Wood 376(61). Wing M255.
4599. Nantwich, Cheshire. Magnalia Dei. A relation of some of the . . . passages in Cheshire before the
siege of Namptwich. London: f. R. Bostock, 1644. 4
. Pp. [4], 22.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 376(61).
Wood 612(26). Wing M255.
4600. Nash, Tho[mas]. Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters [G. Harveys Foure letters],
. . . as they were going privilie to victuall the Low Countries. [London]: [J. Danker], 1592. 8
. A-L
(wanting sig. C
Tp, AW wrote above t The apologie of Pierce Penniless. Or (i.e., Wood 721, also by Nash), and below,
London 1593 in 4
. Recto leaves numbered, 1,3,5, etc. to 69, prob. by AW (he took no account of missing
Wood 616(11). STC 18377.
4601. Nash, Thomas. The apologie of Pierce Pennilesse. London: J. Danter, 1593. 4
. A2-4,B-L
Tp, signature of Tho. Kettle. B4 to end, odd p. nos. written in pencil, prob. by AW. AW identied references,
The Library of Anthony Wood 425
D1, R. Green; D4, Th. Lodge qu[aere], and a few lines in margins at publications or at references to the
university: D4 (in pencil), H1
and H2 (in ink), and G3 (marking by a line in red ink Stanyhurst and his
lumbring boystrous wallowing measures; in MS. Wood E. 2(70), pp. 51-2, AW wrote the names of three
authors, Rob. Green, Gabr. Harvey, and R. Stanyhurst, discussed at leaves laid down in this item, e.g., R
Stanyhurst the poet & his poems at a leaf laid downe in the apol. of Peirce Penniless, H4 and I2 (in red
ink). Pastedown, lower
, brief note, 8 yewes & Lambes, not by AW.
Wood 721. STC 18378 (two).
4602. Nash, Tho[mas]. The unfortunate traveller. Or, the life of Jacke Wilton. London: T. Scarlet f. C.
Burby, 1594. 4
. Corrected. A-M
[MS.] Wood C. 31(3). STC 18381.
4603. Nash, Thomas. Pierce Pennilesse his supplication to the diuell. London: (T. C[reede]) f. N. Ling,
1595. 4
. A-I
Wood 614(13). STC 18375.
4604. Nash, Thomas. Have with you to Saron-walden, or Gabriell Harveys hunt is up. [London]: [J.
Danter], [1596]. 4
. A2-3,B-X
(wanting the t leaf and A4) (last leaf blank).
Text, D4 to end, odd-numbered pp. 1-135, in pencil, prob. by AW. I2, I3
, K3, L3
-L4. AW made vertical
lines mainly at biographical details of Harvey, in red ink; M4
, N3
, O4, Q1, V4
, X2
, the same, but
mainly in pencil.
[MS.] Wood B. 30(3). STC 18369.
4605. Nash, Tho[mas]. Nashes Lenten stue, . . . with . . . the praise of the red herring. London: [T.
Judson a. V. Simmes] f. N. L[ing] and C. B[urby], 1599. 4
. Pp. [8], 75.
Wood 487(7). STC 18370.
4606. Naude, Gabriel. News from France. Or, a description of the library of cardinall Mazarini: before
it was utterly ruined. London: f. T. Garthwait, 1652. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Naude described the library of 40,000 volumes as one which without disparagement to the famous libraries
of Rome, Milan, and Oxford, might passe, not only for the most goodly heap of Books that this age can
shew, but likewise for the eighth wonder of the World. (pp. 2, 4).
[MS.] Wood C. 26(16). Wing N248.
4607. Naude, Gabriel. Evelyn, John, ed. Instructions concerning erecting of a library. London: f. G.
Bedle, T. Collins, a. J. Crook, 1661. 8
. Pp. [16], 96.
Tp, 9
Wood 68(3). Wing N247.
4608. Naunton, Robert. Fragmenta regalia, or observations on the late queen Elizabeth, her times and
favorits. [London]: Printed, Anno Dom., 1641. 4
. Pp. 43.
Tp, AW wrote 2 at the bottom (formerly the 2nd item in a bundle). Bsm. P. 32, short line in margin at
vignette of F. Greville. Di. ed. at Wood 258(3).
Wood 486(7). Wing N249.
4609. Naunton, Robert. Fragmenta regalia: or, observations on the late queen Elizabeth. London: T.
Mab a. A. Coles, f. W. Sheares, 1650. 12
. Pp. [2], 89.
Tp, bsm. Acquired 16 Jan. 1658, 6
, LT 1.235. Di. ed. at Wood 486(7).
Wood 258(3). Wing N252.
4610. Nayler, James. The power and glory of the lord, shining out of the north, or the day of the lord
dawning. London: f. G. Calvert, 1656. 4
. [2nd ed.]. Pp. [2], 26.
Wood 645(6). Wing N303.
4611. Nedham, Marchamont. Match me these two: or the conviciton [sic] and arraignment of Britan-
nicus and Lilburne. With an answer to . . . the parliament of ladies. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2],
Responds to Neville, Wood 654a(9), item 4629.
Wood 654a(11). Wing M1077.
4612. [Nedham, Marchamont]. [A plea for the king and kingdome, by way of answer to the late remon-
strance of the army, presented to the house of commons on Novemb. 20.] (Signed Mercurius Pragmaticus).
[London]: n.pub., [1648]. 4
. Pp. [2], 28 (wanting the t-leaf, A1).
Wood 609(17). Wing N402.
426 The Library of Anthony Wood
4613. Nedham, Marchamont. The manifold practises and attempts of the Hamiltons, and particularly of
the present duke of Hamilton . . . to get the crown of Scotland. Discovered in an intercepted letter. London:
n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. 23.
Missing since 1994. Listed in Whiteside cat.
Wood 531(13). Wing N396.
4614. [Nedham, Marchamont]. Digitus Dei: or, Gods justice upon treachery and treason; exemplifyed
in the life and death of . . . James duke of Hamilton. London: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. 31.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl.; By Marchamount Needham., not by AW. Dupl. at Wood 531(12).
Wood 486(12) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N386.
4615. [Nedham, Marchamont]. Digitus Dei: or, Gods justice upon treachery and treason; exemplifyed
in the life and death of . . . James duke of Hamilton. London: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. 31.
Missing since 1994. Listed in Whiteside cat. Dupl. at Wood 486(12).
Wood 531(12) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N386.
4616. [Nedham, Marchamont]. The excellencie of a free-state: or the right constitution of a common-
wealth [repr. from Mercurius politicus]. London: f. T. Brewster, 1656. 8
. Pp. [8], 246, [5] (5 pp. books sold
by Brewster). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine; last upper and lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Tp, bsm. and below, lo or lv.
Wood 564(1). Wing N388.
4617. Nedham, Mar[chamont]. Interest will not lie. Or, a view of Englands true interest:. . . in
refutation of . . . the interest of England stated. London: T. Newcomb, 1659. 4
. Pp. 46.
Tp, former no. in a bundle 65 (in pencil). Responds to J. Fell, Wood 533(13), item 2969.
Wood 533(14). Wing N392.
4618. [Nedham, Marchamont]. The downfall of Mercurius Britannicus, Pragmaticus, Politicus. [Lon-
don]: n.pub., 1660. S.sh.
AW wrote after the year, Aprill:. In margin, after Ainsloe, AW wrote or Onslow, in red ink; and
, Ap.
Wood 622(21). Wing D2087 (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4619. [Nedham, Marchamont]. Newes from Brussels, in a letter from a neer attendant on his majesties
person. N.p.: n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, former no. 4, and AW wrote the initials, M.N. P. 8, AW wrote, This letter as was reported was
writt by S
Hen: Vane, Scot and Maior Salloway, printed by [by lined out] for Chapman a bookseller:
how [how lined out] who upon the discovery of the matter, ed; wherupon a proclamation issued out
against him under the penalty of paying a large summ of Money if he did appear by such a time: [/] It
was writt after the inditement of the said persons by March: Nedham, and conveyed to the printer And
boo[k]seller by prais god Barebone: [/] The Alarum to the ocers and souldiers of the Armie was writt by
the same persons:// (Wood 608(72), item 2504). Responded to by J. Evelyn, item 2861. See J. Raymond,
The Cracking of the Republican Spokes, Prose Studies, 19 (1996): 265; AO 3.1186-7.
Wood 632(42). Wing N398A.
4620. Nedham, Marchamont. The true character of a rigid presbyter:. . . To which is added, a short
history of the English rebellion: compiled in verse. London: by the assignes of J. Calvin, sold Z. Crofton,
1661. 4
. Pp. [6], 93, [1].
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, March. Needham published this meerly to curry favour at the kings restauration,
when he had lost his credit so much, that he was many times in danger of his life-, and later, Here are
two treatises in this booke-.; tp, see the epistle to the reader and below, 1
, and A.Woode: July: V:
MDCLXI. LT 1.405.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(10). Wing N406.
4621. N[edham], M[archamont]. A discourse concerning schools and school-masters, . . . By M. N.
London: f. H. H., 1663. 4
. Pp. [2], 161,A-B
Tp, AW wrote the name of the author and, If Marchimont Needham was the authour then it agrees with
his former profession, for I have been crediblie informed that he had been sometime . . . (cropped at
Wood 131(2). Wing N387.
4622. [Nedham, Marchamont]. Honestys best policy; or, penitence the sum of prudence:. . . in honour
of the . . . earl of Shaftsburys . . . submission for his oences. [London]: n.pub., [1678]. 4
. Pp. 18.
The Library of Anthony Wood 427
Wood 608(51). Wing N390.
4623. Negative Voice. A negative voyce: or, a check for your check: a message (by a black-rod) of non-
concurrence, for the ballancing-house or co-ordinate senate. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 18.
Tp, AW wrote, rst heap 23, in pencil.
Wood 626(17). Wing N414.
4624. Nepos, Corn[elius]. The lives of illustrious men. Oxon: f. H. Cruttenden, sold A. Stephens, 1684.
. Pp. [57], 272. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Traces of upper and lower yleaves, marbled
paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
chalk (really 2; all 4 sections of I. Walton, Wood 229(2), item 6437, are listed), and a note: These four
last lives were given to me by the Author, on S. James day 1670 (i.e., Walton, 25 July). LT 2.197. P. 1,
mark in margin at an Oxford translator, Tullie, of Queens College, in pencil. Flyleaf, lower, in pencil, and
erased, 12 Bks 56 (?). LT 3.86.
Wood 229(1). Wing N428.
4625. Netherlands. Exceeding joyfull newes from Holland. . . . two great battels fought betweene the
governour of Flanders . . . and the Hollanders [20-21 April]. London: f. J. Raymond, 1642. 4
. A
No. 52 in a former bundle.
Wood 614(43). Wing E3746.
4626. Netherlands. Strange news from Holland. Being a true relation of a wonderful vision. London: F.
Neile, 1652. 4
. Pp. 6.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(21). Wing S5892 (rare).
4627. Neville, George*. The title of George Nevil esq; Francis and Henry Nevil, to the . . . estate of the
. of Abergavenny. [London]: n.pub., [1660 ca.]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(80). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4628. [Neville, Henry]. The ladies, a second time, assembled in parliament. A continuation of the par-
liament of ladies. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 12.
P. 11, note, or scribble, not by AW.
Wood 654a(10). Wing N507.
4629. [Neville, Henry]. The parliament of ladies. Or divers remarkable passages of ladies in spring-
garden; in parliament assembled. [London]: Pinted [sic], 1647. 4
. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote, By Hen. Nevill esq. Responded to by M. Nedham, item 4611.
Wood 654a(9). Wing N511.
4630. [Neville, Henry]. Newes from the new exchange, or, the commonwealth of ladies, drawn to the life.
London: n.pub., 1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 21, [1] (misnumbering at end, 16, 3, 71, 21, 20, 2).
Di. ed. at Wood 654a(15).
Wood 609(25). Wing N510. I.e., ESTCR 203016 (O not recorded in ESTCR).
4631. [Neville, Henry]. Newes from the new exchange, or the common-wealth of ladies. London: n.pub.
Printed in the year, of Women without Grace, 1650. 4
. Pp. [2], 14 (A-B
Di. ed. at Wood 609(25).
Wood 654a(15). Wing N510. I.e., ESTCR 232899.
4632. Neville, Henry. Shuing, cutting, and dealing, in a game at pickquet: being acted from the year,
1653. to 1658. by O. P. and others. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the authors name, Harry Nevell, and dupl. Dupl. at 531(29).
Wood 500(9). Wing N517.
4633. Neville, Henry. Shuing, cutting, and dealing, in a game at pickquet: being acted from the year,
1653. to 1658. by O. P. and others. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Missing since 1994. Dupl. at Wood 500(9).
Wood 531(29). Wing N517.
4634. [Neville, Henry]. Van Sloetten, Henry Cornelius, pseud. The Isle of Pines . . . near Terra Australis,
Incognita. London: f. A. Banks a. C. Harper, 1668. 4
. Pp. [3], 31.
Tp, Hen. Nevill the Author and When this was rst published twas lookd upon as a sham. P. 3, a
428 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 386(11). Wing N506.
4635. [Neville, Henry]. Plato redivivus: or, a dialogue concerning government. London: f. S. I., sold, R.
Dew, 1681. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [16], 293.
Flyleaf, lower, 1st
, short titles of contents, not by AW.
Wood 564(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N515.
4636. New Advice. New advice to a painter, &c. painter, once more thy pencil reassume. N.p.: n.pub.,
[1679/80]. Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 4, AW wrote the year, (1680). There is no entry for this item in the upper yleaves, see Wood 417(1).
Wood 417(21b). Wing N533A.
4637. New Anatomy. A new anatomie, or character of a Christian, or round-head. London: f. R. Ley-
bourne, 1645. 8
. Pp. [2], 13.
Wood 868(2). Wing N536.
4638. New England. A true account of the most considerable occurrences that have hapned in the warre
between the English and the Indians in New-England [5 May-4 Aug.]. London: f. B. Billingsley, 1676. Fol.
Pp. [2], 10 (misnumbering).
Wood 559(11). Wing T2385.
4639. New Litany. A new letany for these times, tted to most persons and occasions. London: n.pub.,
[1659]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote, Decemb: 1659.
Wood 483(11a). Wing N656 (rare) (Wing, 1659).
4640. New Market Fair. A tragi-comedy, called New-market-fayre, or a parliament out-cry: of state-
commodities. [London]: printed at you may goe look, 1649. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote To be bound with exchange of Nevile (Wood 609(25) or 654a(15), items 4630f.).
Wood 615(24). Wing T2018A.
4641. New Market Heath. The worlds wonder: being a true relation of the strange and dreadful appari-
tions seen in the air, . . . at New-market-heath. London: f. G. Horton, 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(13). Wing W3591A (two) (O not recorded in Wing) (2 at O).
4642. New Model. A new modell or the conversion of the indell terms of the law, . . . The rst century.
[London]: n.pub., 1652 [i.e., 1659]. 4
. Pp. [6].
Wood 609(30). Wing N677 (O not recorded in Wing).
4643. Newark. Articles concerning the surrender of Newark to the commissioners of both kingdoms.
London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 11 May. 4
. Pp. 7.
Wood 501(9). Wing A3814.
4644. Newark, and John Belasyse. The second summons to Newark sent from the committee of both
kingdoms, together with the governours [J. Belasyses] answer thereunto. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 4
May. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(7). Wing S2335.
4645. Newbery, William, and William Edmunds. A letter to d
. Fowler, . . . In answer to his late
vindicatory preface. London: n.pub., 1685. Fol. Pp. [2], 6.
P. 3, 5, brief notes by Ar. Charlett:, whose signature is on p. 6.
Wood 657(27) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N845.
4646. Newbury. A most certain, strange, and true discovery of a witch, . . . taken by . . . parliament
forces, . . . sayling . . . over the river at Newbury. [London]: J. Hammond, 1643. 4
. Pp. 7.
Missing in 1839; see note by Kirtland at [MS.] Wood B. 18(1), item 1148.
[MS.] Wood B. 18(4). Wing M2870. O.
4647. Newcastle, Siege. A full relation of the Scots besiedging Newcastle. London: B. Alsop, 1644. 4
Missing in 1922. See also note at Wood 376(1).
Wood 376(71). Wing F2369. Yale (cropped at top).
4648. [Newcome, Henry]. Wolseley, Charles, preface by. A faithful narrative of the life and death of
The Library of Anthony Wood 429
. . . John Machin. London: f. N. Simmons, 1671. 8
. Pp. [10], 96.
Flyleaf, upper,
, AW wrote, One Joh. Machen a Yorksh. man borne became a student in Magd. Hall,
Oxon. an 1590. aged 19 (a later person expanded bec ae to became). Tp, .6 (6
?). P. 95, AW added the
date of death, 1664.
Wood 292(7) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing N896.
NEWSBOOKS (items 4649-4757, and See Index, Newsbooks)
4649. A la Mode. Al-a-mode [sic] of Paris, or, the diurnall in verse. Numb. 1 [29 Dec. 1659]. [London]:
n.pub., 1659. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 416(23). N & S 1A.1 (3).
4650. A la Mode. Al a mode [sic] de Paris: or the diurnall in verse from Holland. Numb. 1 [Jan.].
[London]: n.pub., [1660]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 483(17). N & S 1.1 (O not recorded in N & S).
4651. Army, Fairfax 2. An exact and perfect relation of the proceedings of the army under the command
of sir Thomas Fairfax. Numb. 2. [6-11 July]. London: f. S. Gellibrand, 1645, 14 July. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 8.
Wood 378(10). N & S 565.2.
4652. Army, Fairfax 3. A continuation of the proceedings of the army under the command of sir Thomas
Fairfax. Numb. 3 [11-19 July]. London: f. S. Gellibrand, 1645, 26 July. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 9.
Wood 378(11). N & S 565.3.
4653. [Birkenhead, John], and [Peter Heylyn]. Mercurius aulicus, a diurnall, communicating the
intelligence, and aaires of the court, to the rest of the kingdome. Sunday-Saturday. 1st weeke-52nd weeke.
[1 Jan. 1642[3] to 30 Dec. 1643]. Oxford: H. Hall f. W. Webb, 1642[3]-1643. 4
. Pp. 1-750. Pasteboard
(blue) with parchment spine.
Acquired 27 Jan. 1658, 9
, LT 1.235. Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, AW wrote, Merc. Aul 4
M. 12 Art. BS in bib.
bod 1645, in pencil. P. 1, under t, Or Oxford Diurnall, as in some copies it is printed; at Jan. 1, 1642/3.
AW wrote a very few minor notes, pp. 128, Ld Visc. Camden; 133, lines in margin; 138, a correction,
Cromwel was commanded for Cromwel was demanded; 153, at March 26, the year an. 1643; 184-5, 192,
line in margin, in red ink, at Doctor Homes, Mr. Hampden, and Sir Rob. Pye; 330, a cross-ref. to p. 192
and a correction, etc. to end. There is an longer note at p. 619, Joh. Bond son of Dennis Bond Alderman
of Dorchester, & a Disciple of M
Wood 623. N & S 275.000A, 275.101A-275.152. Madan 2043.
4654. [Birkenhead, John], and [Peter Heylyn]. Mercurius aulicus, communicating the intelligence
and aaires of the court, to the rest of the kingdome. Sunday-Saturday. 1st weeke to 47th weeke, and the
last, unnumbered. [31 Dec. 1643 to 23 Nov. and 29 Dec. 1644 to 5 Jan. 1644[5]]. [Oxford]: [H. Hall f. W.
Webb], 1643-1644[5]. 4
. Pp. 751-1328. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine (only traces of parchment
remain); rebacked with leather spine.
Very little annotation: e.g., pp. 751, 10.11.14 17 (date of rebacking?) at top, in pencil, not in AWs hand;
786, 792, 1022, 1050, 1059 (i.e., following 1056), 1087 (cross-ref. of Capt. Keame to p. 1095), 1091, 1095-6
(on long hair), 1123 (Keame), 1144-6, 1165, 1184, 1209, line in pencil, mainly. Wood mentioned his vol. 3
in this series, but it is not among his current books, see MS. Wood E. 2 (70), p. 75.
Wood 624. N & S 275.201A-247A, 275.301. Madan 2043.
4655. Charles 2. His majesties message to the . . . commons . . . relating to Tangier. And the humble
address of the commons . . . in answer. Numb. 28 [29 Nov.]. London: f. J. Wright a. R. Chiswel, 1680. Fol.
Pp. [2] and 71-86.
P. [1], a summary of the t of this item, not in AWs hand.
Wood 559(15). N & S 647.28.
4656. City Mercury. The City Mercury: from the oce at the Royal Exchange. . . . A weekly adver-
tisement of books. Numbs. 262, 274 [6 Jan. 1680[1], 14 Ap. 1681]. (London): (R. Everingham), 1681. Fol.
Wood 658(818, 819a). N & S 299.262, 274 (rare).
430 The Library of Anthony Wood
4657. Civitas Oxon. Civitas Oxon. A bill of all the burials from . . . the VI
of August to . . . the XIV
[Oxford]: n.pub., (1641). S.sh.
Buried within wall, 10; in suburbs 3.
Wood 507(49). N & S 046.64108 (rare) Wing O853. Madan 2042.
4658. Civitas Oxon. Civitas Oxon. (14) A bill of all that deceased . . . from the 18. of October to the 25.
1644. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld], (1644). 4
. S.sh.
Buried within walls 16; in suburbs, 15 (19 of the 31 of the plague). AW did not include this item on his
list on the upper yleaf.
Wood 514(15b). N & S 046.64414. Madan 2062.
4659. Continuation of the Diurnal. A continuation of the diurnall passages in Ireland, declared in two
letters. The one . . . from the lord Antrim . . . The other was sent to sir R. K. Numb. 2. London: f. F.
Coules a. T. Banks, 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 507(37). N & S 063.2.
4660. Continuation of the True Diurnal. A continuation of the true diurnall of passages in parliament.
Numb. 2 [17-24 Jan. 1641]. [London]: printed . . . and are to bee sold by Stationers, [1641[2]]. 4
. A
Wood 373(18). N & S 069.2.
4661. Continuation of the True Diurnal. A continuation of the true diurnall of passages in parliament
from February 7. to February 14. Numb. 5. Monday 7 February. 1641. [Begins:] Upon a Petition from.
N.p.: n.pub., 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. 33-40 (E
Wood 373(23). Not in N & S (should be at 105.5).
4662. Continuation of the True Diurnal. A continuation of the true diurnall of proceedings in parlia-
ment. Numb. 9 [7-14 Mar.]. [London]: n.pub., (1641[2]). 4
. Pp. 65-72.
On a slip, inserted before tp, Darbysh. petit (inserted at Wood 373(38), item 2231), and in pencil, 14
Mar. 1641[2]. Tp, AW rubbed out the former no., 29; below, a 2nd no. 14.
Wood 373(37). N & S 071.09.
4663. Continuation of the True Diurnal. A continuation of the true diurnall, of all the passages in
parliament. Numb. 10 [14-21 Mar.]. [London]: n.pub., [1642]. 4
. Pp. 73-80.
Tp, AW overwrote a former no. to make 41; below, a no., 19. Also, a former no., 28.
Wood 373(41). N & S 068.10B..
4664. Continuation of True Intelligence. [Ashe, Simeon, and William Goode]. A continuation of the
true intelligence. Numb. 5. [16 June-10 July]. London: f. T. Underhill, 1644. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 377(23). N & S 492.5.
4665. Continuation of True Intelligence. Ashe, Sim[eon]. A continuation of true intelligence from the
armies in the north. Numb. 6 [10-27 July]. London: f. T. Underhill, 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 1-6, 9-16.
Wood 377(25). N & S 492.6.
4666. Diurnal Occurrences in Parliament. The diurnall occurrances in parliament. Numb. 2 [17-24
Jan.]. [London]: f. F. Coules a. T. Banks, 1641. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 373(17). N & S 099.02.
4667. Diurnal Occurrences in Parliament. Diurnall occurrences in parliament [30 May-6 June]. [Lon-
don]: n.pub., (1642). 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW lined out 1 former no., 69, altered 19 to 18, and let 81 stand; note by later librarian, H[ope]
A[dds.] 1127, in pencil. Flyleaf, lower, a note that this item was restored in Jan. 1932.
Wood 374(18). N & S 100.1.
4668. Diurnal Occurrences: Or. The diurnall occurrances: or, the heads of proceedings in parliament
[13-20 Dec.]. [London]: f. T. Bates a. F. Coules, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 507(14). N & S 103.1.
4669. Diurnal Occurrences, Or. Diurnall occurrences, or, the heads of the proceedings in both houses.
Numb. 5 [31 Jan.-7 Feb.]. London: f. J. Thomas, 1641[2]. 4
. A
. To be with item 4673, below.
Wood 373(21). N & S 181.205.
4670. Diurnal Occurrences, Touching. The diurnal occurrances, touching the daily proceedings in
parliament [3-10 Jan.]. London: f. J. Hamond, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
The Library of Anthony Wood 431
Tp, AW marked the date; and 18, in a modern hand. P. 1, AW underscored Mandevile, and wrote in
margin, Kimbolton.
Wood 373(11b). N & S 106.3.
4671. Diurnal, Or. The diurnall: or, the heads of all the proceedings in parliament [6-13 Dec.] . . . Wherein
they voted Oneale guilty of high treason. London: f. J. W. a. T. B, 1641. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Wood 507(13). N & S 109.1.
4672. Diurnal out of the North. July, 19. A diurnall out of the north:. . . at Yorke and Beverley,
. . . until . . . 16. of July. (London): (T. Fawcet f. D. C.), (1642, 18 July). 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 374(28). N & S 110.1.
4673. Diurnall Occurrences. Diurnall occurrences. Numb. 4 [24-31 Jan.]. London: f. J. Thomas, 1641[2].
. A
. To be with item 4669, above.
Wood 373(19). N & S 181.204.
4674. England, Kings and Queens Commissions. The proceedings on the king and queens commis-
sions of the peace, and oyer and terminer [3-5 Sept. 1690]. (London): (f. L. Curtiss), (1690). Fol. Pp. 4
Wood 657(63). N & S 9.69009.
4675. English Guzman. The English Guzman: or, captain Hiltons memoirs, the grand informer. Numb.
1 [n.d.]. (London): (f. R. Oswel), (1683). Fol. Pp. [4].
Wood 422(10). N & S 131.1.
4676. Giord, Bonaventure*, and Obadiah Walker*. A dialogue between father [Bonaventure] Gif-
ford, the late popish president of Maudlin, and Obadiah Walker master of University . . . in Newgate. N.p.:
n.pub., [1689?]. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote, Feb. 22 an. 1688[9] bought at Oxon. LT 3.299.
Wood 276a(565). N & S 091A.1 (two).
4677. Houghton, John, ed. A collection for improvement of husbandry and trade. Vol. 6. Numb. 123 [30
Nov.1694]. [London]: n.pub., 1694. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(43). N & S 049.123.
4678. Intelligencer. LEstrange, Roger, ed. The intelligencer. Monday. Numbs. 1-18 [31 Aug. to 28 Dec.
1663]. London: R. Hodgkinson, 1663. 4
. Pp. 1-144.
The intelligencer (Monday) and The newes (Thursday) (see 521(3)) are interleaved. See notes at Wood
521(1 and 3), items 4708, 4712. On a yleaf inserted after p. 538 of no. 33 of the Mercurius publicus (Wood
521(1)), he wrote, M
Henry Muddiman desisting from writing Merc: Publicus, M
Roger Lstrang [sic] by
order succedes [sic] in writing the Intelligencer and the Newes. AW went through each number and made
very brief annotations, mainly but not always in the form of pencil lines, at domestic matters, e.g. (from
pp. 1-50, and the pattern continues throughout this newspaper), at book advertisements (p. 24); and at
biographical details (pp. 46, at the 29 Sept. Oxford convocation; 48, at Richard Fanshaw being sworn as a
member of the Privy Council).
Wood 521(2). N & S 201.1001-1018.
4679. Intelligencer. [LEstrange, Roger, ed.]. The intelligencer, published for satisfaction and information
of the people. Monday [alternating with] The newes, published for satisfaction and information of the people.
Thursday. Numbs. 1-102 [4 Jan. [1664]-29 Dec. 1664]. London: R. Hodgkinson, 1664. 4
. Pp. 838 (some p.
and numb. sequences are some times erratic).
On a slip (62 x 95mm.), loose, AW wrote, Note that some titles of book [sic] for this yeare I have removed
for 1663. Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, Ant: Woode, Oxon 1664. Text, pencil lines in margins at advertisements
of books newly published, e.g., pp. 28, 54, 67, 71, 76, 84, 92, 100 (J. Pierce [lined out] q[uaere]. Whitby
[added later in red ink], 118, 131, 140, 188, 196, 203, 211, 219, 259, 275 (q[uaere] in pencil and Lond.
1664. vit. in ink), 284, etc., to end (p. 443, identication of E. L., Edw. Lowe); see also lines at material
often relevant to England or Oxford, e.g., pp. 1, at 1663, [-4], pp. 9, 71, 272, 353, etc. to end (p. 584, at
a story of the regicides in Switzerland, I remember this story was afterward contradicted. See p. 589). P.
838. Here endeth the newes of M
Roger Lestrang. for the year 1664. All the pages show that 2 folds were
made at one time, before being bound.
Wood 391. N & S 201.2001-2102.
4680. Intelligencer. [LEstrange, Roger, ed.]. The intelligencer, published for satisfaction and information
432 The Library of Anthony Wood
of the people. Monday. [alternating with] The newes, published for satisfaction and information of the people.
Thursday. Numbs. 1-95 [2 Jan. 1664[5]-23 Nov. 1665] [At 2 Dec. 1665:] Numbs. 1-9, 10, 2-9 [2 Dec. 1665-
29 Jan. 1665[6]. London: R. Hodgkinson, 1665. 4
. Pp. 1178, 2, 72, 72 (some p. and numb. sequences are
Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, Anth: Woode. 1665. Text, pencil lines in margins at advertisements of books newly
published, e.g., pp. 37, 61, 84, 93, 109, 118, 149, 181, 203, 237, 260, 285, 293, 299, 309, 315, 396, 421, (2nd
p.) 415, 437, etc.; see also lines at material often relevant to England or Oxford, e.g., pp. 40, 48, 134, 208
(see pag 235), 657, 1127; 2nd pp. 8, 48, 64. Flyleaf, lower, 1st, Rog. Lestrange desisted from writing the
Newes Becaus the Gazets which came out twice in the week took up all.
Wood 392(1, 3). N & S 201.3001-5009.
4681. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 247-454 [26 March 1668-24 March 1669[70]]. London: T. Newcomb, 1668-1669[70].
Fol. Ff. 247-454. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration
inside and outside corners; rebacked by RH[arvey] 1.12.58. This is AWs 1681 binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Vol. 2 [/] 25. Jan. 1680[1] [/] paid to Rog. Bartlet of Oxon boke-binder for the binding
of this book 2
- 4
being part of the legacie (40
) that M
Pet Nicolls Fellow of Merton College left to me
[/] Ita testor Anton. `a Wood. Oxon. [/] In this volume are contained 301 Gazets, & every Gazette cost me
one penny, (for I had them taken up at London by a freind at the best hand) so that all put togeather,
come to eighteen shillings & 4
besides binding [/] Ita testor Ant. ` a Wood, and the sums in the right
margin. LT 2.413. In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation: no. 269
, line at a Whitehall
dateline, 14 June, at death of Charles Lord Viscount Fitzharding and his successors, Thomas Cliord and
Francis Lord Neuport. For the preceding years, 1665-1668, see the Oxford Gazette, and London Gazette.
Wood 542. N & S 471.0247-0454.
4682. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 455-662 [24 March 1669[70]-25 March 1672]. London: T. Newcomb, 1670-1672. Fol.
Ff. 455-662. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration
inside and outside corners; rebacked by RH[arvey] 1.12.58. This is AWs binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd, vol. 3. In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation, e.g., nos. 479
, at
an event and at a book advertisement; 521
, at at advertisement of a book by J. Glanvill; 537, underscoring
of death of the bishop of Dromore.
Wood 543. N & S 471.0455-0662.
4683. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 663-871 [25 March 1672-26 March 1674]. London: T. Newcomb, 1672-1674. Fol. Ff.
663-871. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside
and outside corners; loose boards. This is AWs binding.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Binding 2
- 6. [/] Rebound 1
- 6. [/] Apr. 3. 1694. In this nearly perfect
collection there is minor annotation, e.g., nos. 681
, line in margin at a book advertisement (Tomkins, T.,
Musica Deo sacra), in pencil; 686, no. on slip used to reinforce inner margin, prob. not in AWs hand; 686
, 691
, 726
, 727
, and 730
, etc., line at book advertisement, in pencil.
Wood 544. N & S 471.0663-0871.
4684. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 872-1080 [26 March 1674-27 March 1676]. London: T. Newcomb, 1674-1676. Fol. Ff.
872-1080. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside
and outside corners; rebacked. This is AWs binding.
Pastedown, upper, blotting of Vol 5, which AW had written on a now removed yleaf; a scribble, and the
no. of issues, not in AWs hand. In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation, e.g., nos. 876
, 889
, 890
, 905
, line in margins at a book advertisement, in pencil; 935
, a correction of a name, in
a list.
Wood 545. N & S 471.0872-1080.
4685. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 1081-1288 [27 March 1676-25 March 1678]. London: T. Newcomb, 1676-1678. Fol.
Ff. 1081-1288. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration
inside and outside corners; loose boards. This is AWs binding.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Vol. 6. In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation, e.g., nos.
, 1089
, line at book advertisement, in ink; 1093
, the same, in pencil; 1119
, the same, in red ink and
pencil; 1145
, the same, in pencil; 1146
, the same, in red ink; 1147
, the same, in pencil; etc. No. 1256,
The Library of Anthony Wood 433
slip to repair inner margin, 2 lines of Greek visible; 1226
, line in margin at book advertisement, in pencil;
, 1271
, line in margin, in pencil over red ink.
Wood 546. N & S 471.1081-1288.
4686. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 1289-1497 [25 March 1678-25 March 1680]. London: T. Newcomb, 1678-1680. Fol.
Ff. 1289-1497. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration
inside and outside corners; rebacked. This is AWs 1688 binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote, Dec. 24. an. 1688 2
- 6. and Vol. 7. In this nearly perfect collection
there is minor annotation, most are lines, in pencil, ink or red ink, at book advertisements: nos. 1289
, at
beginning of 3 book advertisements, AW wrote, An account of the growth of popery, was written by And.
Marvell.; 1293
, 1298
, 1385
(correction), 1393
, 1396
(in red ink), 1424
, 1408
, 1497
(line in margin
at a U. of Cambridge event).
Wood 547. N & S 471.1289-1497.
4687. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 1498-1705 [25 March 1680-23 March 1681[2]]. London: T. Newcomb, 1680-1682. Fol.
Ff. 1498-1705 (one issue has 2 leaves, unnumbered). Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by
roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners; repaired. This is AWs binding.
In this nearly perfect collection there is annotation, all in the form of lines, usually in pencil, at Whitehall
events or announcements: nos. 1501
, 1502
, 1504
, 1507
, 1508
, 1509
(on restrictions for printing of
newsbooks), 1511
, 1515
, 1519, 1522
(imprisonment of Edward Peters), 1526
, 1534
, 1537
, 1541
, etc.
, brief note at a report of a U. of Cambridge presentation of a book, View of the late Troubles in
England, to the King, Dugdale, i.e., William Dugdale (Oxford, 1681).
Wood 548. N & S 471.1498-1705.
4688. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 1706-1914 [23 March 1681[2]-24 March 1683[4]]. London: T. Newcomb, 1682-1684.
Fol. Ff. 1706-1914 (some issues have 2 leaves, unnumbered). Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle
formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners; loose boards. This is AWs
1688 binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote, 2
- 6. Dec. 24. an. 1688, and vol. 9. In this nearly perfect collection there
is minor annotation, all in the form of lines, in pencil or ink, at events or announcements: nos. 1710
, 1726
(an Oxford event), 1731
, 1734
, 1738
(book advertisement), 1741
(cross mark, not by AW), 1750
(Whitehall event), etc.
Wood 549. N & S 471.1706-1914.
4689. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 1915-2123 [24 March 1683[4]-25 March 1686]. London: T. Newcomb, 1684-1686. Fol.
Ff. 1915-2123 (some issues have 2 leaves, unnumbered). Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed
by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners; rebacked. This is AWs binding.
In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation, in the form of a line in the margin, in pencil
and pen, e.g., nos. 1922
, at 2 book advertisements and at a Whitehall swearing in of S. Goldophin; 1924
and 1930
, at book advertisement; 1945
, at a U. of Cambridge appt. to N. Stagins; 1953
, at an
advertisement of an Oxford book; 1959
, at Windsor, appt. of the Earl of Rochester and [S.] Godolphin
(see also 2009 and 2010, 2nd leaves
); 1960
, 1968
, book advertisement, etc.
Wood 550. N & S 471.1915-2123.
4690. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 2124-2332 [25 March 1686-26 March 1688]. London: T. Newcomb, 1686-1688. Fol.
Ff. 2124-2332 (some issues have 2 leaves, unnumbered). Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed
by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners; rebacked. This is AWs binding.
In this nearly perfect collection (with some foxing) there is minor annotation, in the form of a line in the
margin, in pencil and ink, e.g., nos. 2131
, a Whitehall announcement; 2132
, Dublin and Westminster
items; 2133
, Whitehall item concerning John Powell and H. Finch; 2144
, book advertisement; 2148
, at
sale of library of Rich. Weston; 2149
, at Westminster, trial of Sam. Johnson; 2187
, book advertisement,
Tho. Farmer, Consort of music; 2188
, book advertisement, etc.
Wood 551. N & S 471.2124-2332.
4691. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 2333-2542 [26 March 1688-24 March 1689[90]. London: T. Newcomb, ended with
numb. 2365; E. Jones, 1688-1690. Fol. Ff. 2333-2542 (some issues have 2 leaves, unnumbered). Calf, mottled,
434 The Library of Anthony Wood
with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners;
rebacked. This is AWs binding.
In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation, in the form of a line in the margin, in pencil and
ink, e.g., nos. 2349
, book advertisment, 2362
, Whitehall event, appt. of Oxford judges; 2364
, Whitehall
appt. to Privy Council of T. Strickland; 2374
, Windsor, knighthood of Gilbert Gerard Cossine & Samuel
Gerard; 2376
, Whitehall licensing of plays; 2386
, Whitehall investiture with Garter, Ormond; 2390
Whitehall, consecration of T. Hall, Bp. of Oxford; 2394
, Whitehall appointment; 2397, marks and AWs
correction at appointment of an Oxford sheri, William Glyn, He did not stand and 2398
, a similar
comment at sheri, W. Walter, and addition for Oxon of S
Farmeden Peniston was his sherri this year;
, Whitehall event, etc.
Wood 552. N & S 471.2333-2542.
4692. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 2543-2751 [24 March 1689[90]-24 March 1691[2]]. London: E. Jones, 1690-1692. Fol.
Ff. 2543-2751. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration
inside and outside corners; rebacked by RH[arvey] 18.5.50. This is AWs binding.
In this nearly perfect collection (but frequent foxing) there is minor annotation, all in the form of lines, in
pencil or pen, at events or announcements: nos. 2563
, involving Sir John Trever and William Rawlinson;
, at Lords Justices of Ireland; 2610
and 2618
, Whitehall; 2612
and 2647
, book advertisement.
Wood 553. N & S 471.2543-2751.
4693. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 2752-2960 [24 March 1691[2]-26 March 1694]. London: E. Jones, 1692-1694. Fol. Ff.
2752-2960. Calf, mottled, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside
and outside corners; loose boards. This is AWs 1694-5 binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st (loose), Binding & [paper? fading and stained] [/] 3
- 6 in pencil, prob. in AWs
hand. In this nearly perfect collection, there are only a few annotations: nos. 2752, correction of the year
to 1692; 2858
, correction of day of week; 2877
, AW marked with a line in pencil the advertisement for
subscriptions to Monumenta Britannica: By Mr. Tho. [sic] Aubrey. AW, possibly, inserted a blank leaf
before no. 2893, which has printed news item: Oxford, July 31, 1693 and On the 29th Instant Antony
A- [sic] Wood was Condemned in the Chancellors Court of the University of Oxford, for having Written
and Published in the Second Volume of his Book, Entituled, Athenae Oxoniensis divers infamous Libels
against the Right Honourable Edward late Earl of Clarendon, . . . . LT 3.429 and 4.47. AW made no notes
on this page. Landen, Wood 554(2), item 4020, an 8-page pamphlet, was inserted after no. 2893. No. 2907,
corrected to 2908, prob. not by AW.
Wood 554(1). N & S 471.2752-2960.
4694. London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry. ed., et al. The London gazette. Thursday to Monday. Monday
to Thursday. Numbs. 2961-3272 [March 1694-22 March 1696]. London: E. Jones, 1694-1696. Fol. Ff. 2961-
3272. Calf, smooth, with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and
outside corners; loose board.
There is no annotation in this collection of the London Gazette. It contains issues dated after the death of
AW on 29 Nov. 1695. Since AW had the vols. bound in 2-year segments, he would not have had any portion
of this consignment bound. The upper pasteboard, curiously, has the book-plate of Richard Rawlinson, as
do succeeding vols, 556-8, which continue the run of London Gazettes to 1704. The volumes apparently
came to the Museum before 1717 for they are entered in the Whiteside cat. All have binding similar to
that of earlier vols. (Wood 541-554, but the boards are a smooth, not mottled, calf, some of the pp. are
cropped, and some stitching shows). Vol. 557 has a slightly larger format because the pages were uncut
along the margins.
Wood 555. N & S 471.2961-3272.
4695. Loyal Protestant. The loyal protestant, and true domestick intelligence, . . . 9 March, 1681; 15
March, 1681-20 March, 1683. no. 1, 3-247 [Tues., Sat.]. London: N[ath.] Thompson, 1681. S.sh. Fol.
Missing. AW recorded in his diary, 17 and 31 August 1681, that he has this newsbook in my other study
among Oxon papers, bundell 4, LT 2.551, 554; also mentioned, 3.19, 25. First published as Domestic
intelligence (1679) (at the General Sessions, . . . the 31st of August, . . . in the Old Bayly, . . . we the
Grand-Jury . . . do . . . present, That one N. Thompson . . . has . . . printed and published . . . a . . . seditious
paper . . . entituled, The Loyal Protestant and true domestic intelligence, tending to the advancement . . . of
LT 2.551. N & S 245.001..
The Library of Anthony Wood 435
4696. Mercurius Academicus. Mercurius academicus: communicating the intelligence and aairs of
Oxford. No.1 [by Thomas Swadlin, Monday [3 Ap.] in Easter-week to 15 Ap.]. [London]: n.pub., [1648]. 4
Pp. 8.
P. 8, AW wrote, just prior to binding, I could never learne that any other numbers of this Merc. Acad.
were afterwards published. LT 1.143.
Wood 514(41). N & S 261.1 (O not recorded in N & S). Madan 1977.
4697. Mercurius Anti-Britannicus. Mercurius anti-britanicus [by sir J. Birkenhead et al.] [Unnumbered]
[n.d., ca. 4 Aug]. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld], [1645]. 4
. [No. 1]. Pp. 7.
Restored to this location from Hope adds. 1133 in 1932.
Wood 622(9). N & S 267.1. Madan 2064.
4698. Mercurius Anti-Britannicus. Mercurius anti-britanicus; or, the second part of the kings cabinet
vindicated [by sir J. Birkenhead et al.] [Unnumbered] [n.d., ca. 22 Aug]. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld], [1645]. 4
[No. 3.] Pp. 21-32.
Waste paper, upper
, upside down, Latin disputation topic, Et dierentia sit realis (?), not by AW. Tp,
AW wrote the year,1645; and Dupl (not in AWs hand).
Wood 622(10). N & S 267.3. Madan 2064.
4699. Mercurius Civicus. Mercurius civicus, or the cities intelligence. Numb. 1 [19 March 1660] [Tues.].
London: J. Remayne, 1660. 4
Missing. In diary, AW wrote, See Mercurius Civicus among my pamphletts, March 18 (Su.) 1659[60]. LT
LT 1.307. N & S 300.01.
4700. Mercurius Elencticus. Mercurius elencticus communicating the unparallelld proceedings at West-
minster. Numb. 41 [30 Aug. to 6 Sept.]. N.p.: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. 327-331, [332-334].
Tp, AW wrote in margin, Kent.
Wood 502(65). N & S 312.41.
4701. Mercurius Politicus. [Nedham, Marchamont, and J. Canne, eds.]. Mercurius politicus, comprising
the sum of forein [sic] intelligence, . . . of England, Scotland, & Ireland. . . . Thursday. Numbs. 340-2 [11
Dec. 1656-1 Jan. 1656[7]]. London: T. Newcomb, 1656-1657. 4
. Pp. 7439-7486 [3 issues only, on Thursdays,
alternating with the Monday issues of The publick intelligencer, Numbs. 62. (1656f.) (i.e., Wood 389(2)
and continues at Wood 522, q.v]. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
P. 7439, beneath 2 pasted on slips, Decemb: 20: 1656: I made a bargaine with M
Forrest, to give 2
quarter for Newes Bookes taking them of him, the next day they come to Oxford, being every Wednesday
and Saturday: whereof this is the rst:. P. 7455, the 3
(the 2nd is the Monday issue of The publick
intelligencer). See LT 5.45 and refs. there.
Wood 389(1). N & S 361.340-2.
4702. Mercurius Politicus. [Nedham, Marchamont, and J. Canne, eds.]. Mercurius politicus. Thursday.
Numbs. 343-396 [1 Jan. 1656[7] to 31 Dec. 1657]. London: T. Newcomb, 1657. 4
. Pp. 7487-8020, 1583-
1664, 1-208.
Flyleaves, upper (loose) and lower, printers waste paper (upper, 2 sheets, Arthurian prophecies, not iden-
tied; lower, 2 tpp, Bacon, Sylva Sylvarum: . . . Natural, ed. W. Rawley, both cropped at bottom]. Flyleaf,
upper, 2nd, Anthony Woode Oxon. AW obtained these through the bookseller, Mr. Forrest, on Satur-
days, a day after they arrived in Oxford (see note at Wood 389(1), item 4701). AW wrote consecutive odd
nos. on each tp, i.e., the Thurs. issues in this vol., beginning at 7, to 103 (3 Dec., numb. 393). The 1st 3
issues of Mercurius are at Wood 389(1). The issues on which he wrote the even nos., the Monday Publick
intelligencer, are at Wood 389(2), item 4738. He received the latter on Wednesdays and numbered them to
104 (again, the last 2 are unnumbered). AW went through each number and made very brief annotations,
mainly but not always in the form of pencil lines: at domestic matters, e.g. (from pp. 7487-7650, and the
pattern continues throughout this vol.), at book advertisements (pp. 7557, 7061 [i.e. 7601], 7621, 7635-6,
etc.); and at biographical details (7493, at Henry Vane, Mr. Feak, and William Lawrence; 7518, at David
Jenkins). At numb. 374, p. 7957, a loose fol. leaf, with 8 ms. lines, cursive, not in AWs hand: 1657 - July
29. This day the most Noble Lord the Lord Richard Cromwell was installed Chanceler of the most famous
University of Oxon. The manner thus. About 4 aclock afternoon, D
John Owen Vice-Chancelor of the
University, with the Heads of Houses in their Scarlets, the Proctors, and a great number of Masters of Arts,
representing the Body of the University, came hither to the Lodgings.
Wood 522. N & S 361.343-396.
436 The Library of Anthony Wood
4703. Mercurius Politicus. [Nedham, Marchamont, and J. Canne, eds.]. Mercurius politicus. Thurs-
day. Numbs. 398 [sic, i.e., 397]-547 [sic, i.e., 447] [31 Dec. 1657-30 Dec. 1658]. London: T. Newcomb,
1657-1658. 4
. Pp. 209-732 [sic, i.e., 932], 133-164, 1-128 (much misnumbering). Pasteboard (blue) with
parchment spine.
Flyleaves, upper printers waste paper, 2 sheets, running head Europes Calamity, Englands Glory . . . Dis-
covering the Fate of Great Britain; and lower, 2 sheets, on kingship. Upper, 2nd
, Anthony Woode Oxon,
1660. AW went through each number and made very brief annotations, mainly but not always in the form
of pencil lines, at domestic matters, e.g. (from pp. 209-350, and the pattern continues throughout this vol.),
at book advertisements (pp. 266 (3 marked); 283 (4 marked including 1 by Lewis Du Moulin and 1 by W.
Prynne); 347; 522 (Browne, Sepulchral Urns), etc., to end); and at biographical matters (224, at a wild
man blown ashore at St. Andrews; 252, at a ref. to a book called Killing no Murder [eventually acquired,
Wood 631(14), item 6204]; 314, at a proposition by G. Downing).
Wood 523. N & S 361.397-547.
4704. Mercurius Politicus. [Nedham, Marchamont, and J. Canne, eds.]. Mercurius politicus. Thursday.
Numbs. 548-615 [30 Dec. 1658-12 Ap. 1660]. London: T. Newcomb, 1658-1660. 4
. Pp. 129-1254.
Flyleaves, upper (2), and lower (2), printers waste paper. Upper, 2nd
, Anthony Woode, Oxon. 1660.
Lower, 1st, Marchiomont [sic] Needham gives of[f] writing, or rather prohibited about this time. & Merc:
Publicus goes forward, who [sic] began in the beginning of the yeare 1660.; and later See Merc. Publicus
num: 13 p. 193. v. mer. 14. (i.e., 22 March to 29 March 1659[60], and 29 March to 5 April, numb. 14,
p. 209 in Wood 393); and Needham was prohibited v. p. 437 - ubi (i.e., numb. 567, Friday May 13 in
this vol.). AW went through each number and made very brief annotations, mainly but not always in the
form of pencil lines, at domestic matters, e.g. (from pp. 129-272, and the pattern continues throughout this
vol.), at book advertisements (pp. 204-5, AW marked 3 books and also wrote in the p. nos. at top; 237,
at a romance by J. D., and at A treatise of civil power by John Milton, AW wrote Milton in the margin;
252, also a correction, M. Wr to M. Wren; 269); and at biographical matters (pp. 135; 144, at elections of
J. Rushworth and H. Nevil; 159, at election of Matthews and H. Mildmay; 165 (AW wrote in the p. no. at
top), at elections for Portsmouth and Woodstock; 173; 183; 192, at election of Thomas and John Wroth;
198; 215; and 232, at a murder).
Wood 524. N & S 361.548-615.
4705. Mercurius Publicus. [Muddiman, Henry, and G. Dury, eds.]. Mercurius publicus: comprising the
sum of forraign intelligence; with the aairs now . . . in England . . . Thursday. Numbs. 1-54 [29 Dec.
1659-3 Jan. 1661]. London: J. Macock (numbs. 1-15); T. Newcomb (numb. 16); J. Macock, a. T. Newcomb
(numb. 17-53); R. Hodgkinsonne, a. T. Newcomb (numb. 54), 1659-1661. 4
. Pp. 846 (some p. and numb.
sequences are erratic; 697-704 were removed). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, Anth: Woode, 1661. AW went through each number and made very brief annotations,
mainly but not always in the form of pencil lines, at book advertisements and domestic matters, e.g.
(from pp. 1-144, and the pattern continues throughout this vol.), at book advertisements (pp. 88-9); at
biographical matters (pp. 9, at 3 names of person appointed to be a council of state; 19, at a letter from
L. Fairfax; 28; 32, at A. A. Cooper; 48; 140), and corrections (p. 22, of Lyscot to Lydcot). See also book
advertisements marked at pp. 169, 204-5, 221, 265 (lines, in pencil, and v. prox. pag, in ink), 280, 293,
etc. to 839; at material often relevant to England or Oxford, e.g., pp. 272, 325, etc. to p. 810 (p. 810, AW
wrote By privat letters from there also it was certied that the river Dee went back 12 mil: and was also
dry:); or identications, e.g., pp. 342-3, 367, 396, 552. Correction, p. 22. For pp. removed from this vol.,
see note on waste paper at Wood 521(1), item 4708.
Wood 393. N & S 378.101-54.
4706. Mercurius Publicus. [Muddiman, Henry, and G. Dury, eds.]. Mercurius publicus, comprising the
sum of all aairs now in agitation in England. . . . Thursday. Numbs. 1-53 [3 Jan. 1661-2 Jan. 1662].
London: R. Hodgkinsonne, a. T. Newcomb (numb. 1-2); R. Hodgkinson (numb. 3-6, 52); R. Hodgkinsonne,
a. D. Maxwell (numb. 7); D. Maxwell (numb. 8-15); R. Hodgkinson (16); D. Maxwell (numb. 17-46); P.
Lillicrap (numb. 47-51, 53), 1661-1662. 4
. Pp. 824 (some p. and numb. sequences are erratic). Pasteboard
(blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, Anth: Woode. Oxon. Text, mainly pen or pencil (a few in red chalk) marks in margins
at advertisements of books newly published, e.g., pp. 25, 57, 76, 92 (and q[uaere]), 105, 137, etc. to end;
or at material often relevant to England or Oxford, e.g., pp. 17, 51, 64, 67, 70, 77, 80, 128, 137 (at Lues
Venerea: Or, a perfect Cure of the French Pox), etc. to end. Identication or q[uaere], e.g., pp. 156, 218,
337 (misnumbering), 361, 377, 501, 505.
Wood 394. N & S 378.201-53.
The Library of Anthony Wood 437
4707. Mercurius Publicus. Muddiman, Henry, and G. Dury, eds. Mercurius publicus. Thursdays. Numbs.1-
52 [2 Jan. 1661[2] to 1 Jan. 1662[3]. London: P. Lillicrap, or R. Hodgkinson, 1662. 4
. Pp. 854 (much
misnumbering). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaves, upper and lower, printers waste. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Anth. ` a Wood 1670; 2nd
, Anth: Woode
Oxon. 1662. He went through each number and occasionally made very brief annotations, mainly but
not always in the form of pencil lines, e.g. (from pp. 1-116, and the pattern continues throughout this
vol.), at book advertisements (pp. 9, 25, 59, 73, 75, 91-2, 100, 105, 108); at biographical details (23, at a
matter concerning William Strode; 62, at mention of H. Waller, E. Harvey, and R. Lilburn coming before
the House; 102-3, at the consecration of Henry Lord Bishop of Chester); wrote cross-refs. (116); identied
persons referred to by initials (108); and wrote in the year (104). See also p. 201, where he marked 4 book
advertisements and at one by Edward Lake, wrote printed 1662 in qu[arto]; or p. 792, Dr. Dalby corrected
to Dolben. Vol. loaned to Godwyn, 5 Jan 1664, LT 2.2.
Wood 520. N & S 378.301-52.
4708. Mercurius Publicus. Muddiman, Henry, and G. Dury, eds. Mercurius publicus. Thursday. Numbs.
1-33. [1 Jan. 1662[3] to 20 Aug. 1663]. London: R. Hodgkinson, et al., 1663. 4
. Pp. 1-538 (frequent
misnumbering). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaves, upper, 1st 2, and lower (after Wood 521(2), item 4678), last 2, newspaper leaves (from the Merc.
publ., no. 44, Oct. 25, pp. 697-8 and 703-4, and Oct. 11, no. 42, Oct. 1660, pp. 667-670). Flyleaf, upper,
1st, Wood, and, in pencil, After 33. nu[.] R. Lestrange begins (see also note at Wood 521(2) where
he also noted the change that Merc. publ. was succeeded by The intelligencer (Monday) and The news
(Thursday)). The upper yleaves of printers waste were supplied by AW from his stock of rejected sheets,
but he, or his binder, mistakenly took a sheet (pp. 697-8 and conjoint 703-4) which belonged to issues in
his collection of Merc. publ. now at Wood 393. In that vol. pp. 697 to 704 are wanting. He marked 2 book
advertisements on p. 705, just after the absent sheets. On the p. 697, the upper yleaf in Wood 521, he
marked 5 book advertisements and wrote the name of the author, Jo. Tombes, at one entry. The lower
yleaves come from a stack of genuinely rejected waste paper, for the sheet with pp. 667-8 and 669-670 is
present in Wood 393. Flyleaf, upper, 4th
(a loose leaf), Ant: Woode. Oxon. AW went through each number
and made very brief annotations, mainly but not always in the form of pencil lines, at domestic matters,
e.g. (from pp. 1-135, and the pattern continues throughout this newspaper), at book advertisements (pp.
9, 25, 57, 60, 73, 89, 93, 109); at biographical details (14, at E. Calamy sent to Newgate Gaol; 24, at a play
written by W. Clerke; 34, E. Bagshaw sent to the Tower; 37; 72; 81, at death of R. Sanderson; 79-80; see
also 206, 411); and a few times wrote in the year or qu[aere] (89, 135; see also p. 254, where he corrected
the beginning of March last to Mar. 1661/2 rather [/] 1662/3). For the note on the blank yleaf after
the last p., 538, see Intelligencer, Wood 521(2).
Wood 521(1). N & S 378.401-33.
4709. Mock-press. The mock-press: or, the encounter of Harry Lungs, and Jasper Hem, two . . . pam-
phleteers. Numb. 1. (London): (f. C. B.), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 417(52). N & S 412.1. Wing M2299.
4710. Moderate Intelligencer. Manuscript. The Moderate Intelligencer impartially communicating
martial aaires in the kingdome of England. Num. 161. from Thursday 13 to Thursday 20. Aprill. 1648.
Oxford Apr. 17. [/] The earl of Pembroke cancellour of this university came last Tuesday . . . . Oxford:
n.pub., 1648, 17 Apr. 4
. Pp. [4].
This ms. copy of a newsbook, has, on p. [4], AWs note pertaining to the next item concerning university
visitors, Wood 514(46), item 4994.
Wood 514(45). N & S 419.161.
4711. Moderate Intelligencer. Manuscript. The moderate intelligencer impartially communicating
martial aaires, . . . num. 234. From Thursday Sept. 6 to Thurs. Sept. 13. an. 1649 [/] Oxford Sept. 8.
[London]: [R. W[hite]], 1649. 4
. Pp. 3.
Ms. copy of an issue concerning Levellers and Col. Ingoldsby.
Wood 515(7). N & S 419.234.
4712. News. LEstrange, Roger, ed. The newes. Thursday. Numbs. 1-18. [3 Sept. 1663-31 Dec. 1663].
London: R. Hodgkinson, 1663. 4
. Pp. 1-144.
The newes (Thursday), and The intelligencer (Monday) (see Wood 521(2), item 4678) are interleaved. AW
went through each number and made very brief annotations, mainly but not always in the form of pencil
lines, at domestic matters, e.g. (from pp. 1-50, and the pattern continues throughout this newspaper), at
book advertisements (after p. 50, e.g., 68, 92); at biographical details (7, at Gilbert Sheldon, Archbishop
438 The Library of Anthony Wood
of Cant.; 16, the burial of a phanatique; 24, a solemnity at Bow Church). For the yleaves at the end of
this item, see Wood 521(1), item 4708.
Wood 521(3). N & S 450.01-18.
4713. [News from Parnassus]. Advice from Parnassus. . . . from January 26. to February 2. 1680.
Numb. 2. (London): (f. H. L.), (1680[1]). S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote the name of the editor, Roger Lestrange and, in the text, underscored Rugiero.
Wood 417(32). N & S 445.2.
4714. Occurrences. Occurrences from Ireland from the 2. of April, to the 22. Tuesday May 3. 1642.
Numb. 3. [signed R. C. [Robert Cole?]]. London: f. H. Twyford, 1642. 4
. A
Wood 508(18). N & S 464.
4715. Oxford Gazette, and London Gazette. Muddiman, Henry, ed., et al. The Oxford gazette.
Monday-Thursday, Thursday-Monday. Numbs. 1-23 [7 Nov. [1665]-1 Feb. 1665[6]]. [Continued as] The
London gazette. Thursday-Monday, Monday-Thursday. Numbs. 24-246 [1 Feb. 1665[6]-26 March 1668].
Oxford; London: L. Lichfeild; after 25 Jan., T. Newcomb, 1665-1668. Fol. Ff. 1-246. Calf, mottled, with 2
llets; 2nd rectangle formed by roll decoration and stamp decoration inside and outside corners. Extensive
repairs to make margins even, apparently by Bartlett in 1681 or by a binder in 1688.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote, Lord Orrery - Nu. 69 [/] S
Will. Berkley. nu. 70. [/] S
Th. Cliord nu.
74; yleaf, upper, 1st, 25 Jan. 1680[1] [/] Given to Roger Bartlet book-binder, for binding of this booke
- 4
, being part of the Legacie that M
Peter Nicolls Fellow of Merton Coll. lefte to me. Ita testor [/]
Antonius `a Wood. [/] In this volume are contained 246 Gazetts: and Every Gazette, cost me at least 1
ob. so that all put togeather come to two pound 7
& 10
besides binding. [and totals written in right
margin] 2
. 4
and 2
- 7
- 10
[and below:] Taken in peices & new bound again Dec. 21 - 2
- 6. an. 1688.
LT 2.413. In this nearly perfect collection there is minor annotation: no. 1, at top, AW wrote the editor,
Hen: Muddiman; line in margin, usually in pencil, at various news items, e.g., nos. 66
(an audience
before the king), 72 (at a controversy involving Edm. Warcup), 110
(T. Cliord sworn in as member of
Privy Council), 112
(Irish aairs, and death of James Ware), and 191
(royal reception of Lord Hollis and
H. Coventry, returning from Breda). See also LT 2.49-50. Pasted to the lower yleaf is the London reprint
of The Oxford gazette Numb. 3 [20 Nov.-23 Nov. 1665], given by W. Osler in Dec. 1915.
Wood 541. N & S 471.0001A-0021A; 471.0022-0246.
4716. Packet of Letters. [Ashe, Simeon, and William Goode, by]. A particular relation of the severall
removes, of the . . . earle of Manchesters army. Numb. 1 [20 Apr.-6 May]. London: f. T. Underhill, 1644.
. Pp. 8.
Wood 377(8). N & S 492.1.
4717. Packet of Letters. [Ashe, Simeon, and William Goode, by]. A particular relation of the severall
removes, of the . . . earle of Manchesters army. Numb. 1 [20 Apr.-6 May]. London: f. T. Underhill, 1644.
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 377(8).
Wood 612(17). N & S 492.1.
4718. Packet of Letters from Scotland. Packets of letters from Scotland, . . . to members of the
house of commons concerning the transactions of the parliament of Scotland. Num. 5 [17 Ap.]. London: R.
Ibbitson, 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaves, upper, 2nd-5th, AW wrote the titles of 75 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with
red ink. All concern the civil war. Nos. 45 and 46 were not present in Dec. 1840, according to W. Kirtland.
AW himself wrote, at no. 45, see afterwards. and Vide Nu. 63. He had noted his dupl. of Colchester,
(45) at (63) and removed (45) from the vol. and placed it in an unbound bundle which was later bound by
the Ashm. It is now at Wood 609(14), item 1936 (see also the note at Wood 502(46a), item 5777). A new
no. 46 (46b in this cat.) was inserted 15 July 1874 by W. H. Allnutt. Nos. 53 and 69 were absent in 1922
(i.e., they are not in the Milford hand-list). No. 53 was apparently a dupl. of no. 47, and prob. removed for
that reason. From nos. 2-59, there is some overwriting of nos. on the printed items; the earlier nos. reect
an earlier order in an unbound state. The nal order is roughly chronological from April 1648 to October
1648 Tp, AW wrote after the year, Ap. 15.
Wood 502(1). N & S 480.05.
4719. Packet of Letters from Scotland. Packets of letters from Scotland, Lincolne, and Lancashire, to
members of the house of commons concerning the transactions of . . . Scotland. Num. 17 [11 July]. London:
R. Ibbitson, 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
The Library of Anthony Wood 439
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Jun. 29.
Wood 502(33). N & S 480.17.
4720. Packet of Letters from Scotland. Packets of letters from Scotland, . . . to members of the house
of commons concerning the transactions of . . . Scotland. Num. 20 [31 July]. London: R. Ibbitson, 1648.
. Pp. [2], 6.
The new no. 46, i.e., 46b, was inserted 15 July 1874 by W. H. Allnutt (see note at Wood 502(1), item
4718). Scarborough, Wood 502(46a), item 5777, was stolen before 1840.
Wood 502(46b). N & S 480.20.
4721. Packet of Letters from Scotland. Packets of letters from Scotland, . . . to members of the house
of commons concerning the transactions of . . . Scotland. Num. 23 [21 Aug.]. London: R. Ibbitson, 1648.
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Aug. 19.
Wood 502(54). N & S 480.23.
4722. Packet of Letters from Scotland. Packets of letters from Scotland, . . . to members of the house
of commons concerning the transactions of the kingdomes. Numb. 31 [17 Oct.]. London: R. Ibbitson, 1648.
. Pp. [2], 6 (one leaf unopened).
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Oct. 9.
Wood 502(73). N & S 480.31.
4723. Parliament. The humble address of the commons in parliament presented to his majesty, to remove
George earl of Hallifax [pp. (63-4) Numb. 24, 26 Nov.]. (London): (f. J. Wright a. R. Chiswell), (1680).
S.sh. Pp. 63-64.
Wood 276a(172). N & S 647.24.
4724. Parliament, Votes. (Numbs. 59, 60, 60, 62, 61, 6 [really 64]). Votes of the house of commons,
Lunae 21. Die Martii. 1681 [and 23, 24, 25, 26 and 26 March]. Oxford: L. Licheld, f. G. Kunholt, 1681.
S.sh. [6] (r-v).
On these sheets the nos. 9-14, in pencil, indicates their place in a former bundle.
Wood 276a(136-141). N & S 648.1 (Wing E2765).
4725. Perfect Diurnal. A perfect diurnall of the passages in parliament [21-28 Febr.]. [London]: n.pub.,
(1641[2]). 4
. Pp. 8 (E
Tp, below, a former no., 2.
Wood 373(27). N & S 507.05.
4726. Perfect Diurnal. A perfect diurnall of the passages [28 Feb.-7 Mar.]. [London]: n.pub., (1641[2]).
. Pp. 8.
Tp, below, a former no., 8.
Wood 373(30). N & S. 507.06.
4727. Perfect Diurnal. A perfect diurnall of the passages in parliament. Numb. 7 [7-14 Mar.]. (London):
(f. W. Cooke), (1641[2]). 4
. Pp. 7.
On a slip, inserted before tp, Hampsh. petit, and in pencil, Mar. 11 1641[2] (the Hampshire petition is
not identied). Tp, AW altered a former no., 37, to 36; below, a 2nd no., 13.
Wood 373(36). N & S 507.07.
4728. Perfect Diurnal. A perfect diurnall of the passages in parliament. Numb. 11 [21-28 March]. [Lon-
don]: f. W. Cook, [1642]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW rubbed out a former no.
Wood 373(43). N & S 507.11B.
4729. Perfect Diurnal. A perfect diurnall of the passages in parliament. Numb. 12 [28 March-4 Apr.].
[London]: n.pub., 1642. 4
. Pp. 8.
AW altered a former no., 37, to 48. Below, a no., 29.
Wood 373(48). N & S 507.12.
4730. Perfect Narrative 1. A perfect narrative of the whole proceedings . . . in the tryal of the king.
Numb. 1 [20-22 Jan.]. London: f. J. Playford, 1648[9], 23 Jan. 4
. Pp. 16.
Lat. version at Wood 670(3).
Wood 364(10). N & S 518.1.
440 The Library of Anthony Wood
4731. Perfect Narrative 2. A continuation of the narrative . . . of the high court . . . concerning the
trial of the king. Numb. 2 [23 Jan.]. London: f. J. Playford, 1648[9], 25 Jan. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 609(6). Latin version at Wood 670(3), item 6358.
Wood 364(12). N & S 518.2.
4732. Perfect Narrative 2. A continuation of the narrative . . . of the high court . . . concerning the
trial of the king. Numb. 2 [23 Jan.]. London: f. J. Playford, 1648[9], 25 Jan. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 364(12). Latin version at Wood 670(3), item 6358.
Wood 609(6). N & S 518.2.
4733. Perfect Narrative 3. A continuation of the narrative . . . concerning the tryal of the king. Numb.
3 [27 Jan.]. London: f. J. Playford, 1648[9], 29 Jan. 4
. Pp. 15.
Between pp. 6-7, AW inserted 2 sheets and covered 3 pp. with notes: Bulstr[ode] Whit[e]lock in his
Memorials of English Aaires &c. printed 1681, p 368. a. sub an. 1648 (i.e., Wing W1986, published in
1682; see also AO 3.1045), after which he quoted and summarized a description of the trial and some
participants. P. 9, correction. Dupl. at Wood 609(7). Latin version at Wood 670(3), item 6358.
Wood 364(14). N & S 518.3.
4734. Perfect Narrative 3. A continuation of the narrative . . . concerning the tryal of the king. Numb.
3 [27 Jan.]. London: f. J. Playford, 1648[9], 29 Jan. 4
. Pp. 15.
Tp, no. 2 in a former bundle; AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 364(14). Latin version at Wood
670(3), item 6358.
Wood 609(7). N & S 518.3.
4735. Philalethes, Mercurius, pseud. Part. III. Select city quaeries. London: n.pub., 1660 [11 April].
. Pp. [2], 17-21.
Tp, AW wrote, Aprill:.
Wood 608(33). N & S 596A.3.
4736. Publick Advertisements. Publick advertisements: (with privilege.). No.1 [25 Jun.]. London: T.
Newcomb, [1666]. 4
. Pp. [4].
[MS.] Wood D. 22(9). N & S 572.1 (two).
4737. Publick Intelligence. [LEstrange, Roger, ed.]. Publick intelligence. Tuesday. Numb. 1 [28 Nov.].
London: R. Hodgkinson, 1665. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 392(2). N & S 574.1.
4738. Publick Intelligencer. [Nedham, Marchamont, and John Canne, eds.]. The publick intelligencer,
communicating the chief occurrences . . . within the dominions of England, Scotland, and Ireland: Monday.
Numbs. 62-114 [15 Dec. 1656-28 Dec. 1657]. London: T. Newcomb, (1656-1657). 4
. Pp. 1053-1948; 1-206
(some p. and numb. sequences are erratic).
Tp, p. 1053, the 2
:; 1069, the 4
and after that, on tpp, 6, 8, 10 (see note at Wood 389(1)). AW
numbered subsequent newsbooks in this vol. until 104 (p. 145), the 3rd from the last. AW had some 104
issues of The publick intelligencer and 3 of Mercurius politicus bound in this vol. Text, very few marks,
and none in the 1st 100 pp. Later, mainly black ink lines in margins at advertisements of books newly
published, e.g., pp. 1164, 1241 (AW identied unnamed author, Jo. Murcot in red ink), 1324 (in ink, red
and black), 1420, 1451, 1498, 1531, 1894, 1928, 61, 125; and a correction, p. 1580.
Wood 389(2). N & S 575.062-114.
4739. Publick Intelligencer. [Nedham, Marchamont, and John Canne, eds.]. The publick intelligencer,
communicating the chief occurrences and proceedings within the dominions of England, Scotland, and Ire-
land: Monday. Numbs. 115-155 [28 Dec. 1657-21 Dec. 1658]. London: T. Newcomb, 1657-1658. 4
. Pp.
193-927, 128-164, 1-80 (some p. and numb. sequences are erratic; wanting numb. 146 [4 Oct.-11 Oct.]).
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Very few marks; these are pencil lines in margins at advertisements of books newly published, e.g., pp. 250,
267, 283, (2nd p.) 298, 490, 523, (2nd p.) 561, 614, (2nd p.) 635, etc.
Wood 390. N & S 575.115-155.
4740. Remarkable Occurrences. The heads of all the proceedings in both houses of parliament, from the
23. of May. London: f. J. Smith, a. A. Coe, 1642. 4
. A
Tp, AW altered a former no., 61 and let a 2nd stand, 74. A3, at Muyleswick [Muggleswick], he wrote in
the county pal. of Durh.
Wood 374(6). N & S 581.2. Wing H1283.
The Library of Anthony Wood 441
4741. R[eynolds], E[dward]. The divine penitential meditations and vowes of his late sacred majestie in
his solitude at Holmby-house. Numb. 1 . . . By E. R. [18 June]. London: [J. Clowes], 1649. 4
. Pp. [8], 8.
Wood 483(11b). ESTCR 204961. N & S 111A.1. FFMadan 90.
4742. Royal Society. Oldenburg, H., ed. Philosophical transactions, giving some accompt of the present
undertakings, studies and labors of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. London: n.pub.,
1665. 4
. 5 vols. with numbers from 1665 to at least 1670.
Missing. Transactions of Philosophy, nos. 1, 2, acquired 22 Apr. 1665, 8
, LT 2.33. Nos. 18-20, acquired
11 Feb. 1667, 1
, LT 2.98. Some nos. acquired 8 Mar. 1670, 3
, LT 2.189; and 14 June 1670, 1
, LT
2.194. 37 nos. lent to G. Croke, 20 and 30 June 1668, LT 2.139. Sold 5 vols. to R. Plot, 7 Mar. 1686, 1
LT 3.181.
LT 3.181. N & S 539.01000. O.
4743. Royal Society. A general index or alphabetical table to all the Philosophical transactions, from
the beginning to July 1677. London: J. M. f. J. Martyn, 1678. 4
. Pp. [2], 38. Calf with 3 llets, stamp
decoration inside corners (2 leaves and sunower sprouting eur-de-lis), and roll decoration at inner, spine
edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, list of 7 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Many notes in this vol.
were cropped when it was carelessly rebound. P. 37, correction, may not be in AWs hand.
Wood 534(1). N & S 539.12136B. Wing G500.
4744. Scotland, Army. A true relation of the proceedings of the Scottish Army. Numb. 5 [12-25 Mar.].
London: f. R. Bostock a. S. Gellibrand, 1644. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote the year, 1643 and 44, and overwrote the latter with a former no., 69, and still later,
lined out 69.
Wood 376(70). N & S 592A.5.
4745. Some Special Passages. Some speciall passages from, London, Westminster, Yorke. Numb. 2 [17-
24 May]. [London]: n.pub., 1642. 4
. A
(A4 blank).
Tp, AW lined out 1 former no., 60, and let a 2nd stand, 69; and classied the item, Anglia, in pencil.
Blank leaf, lower
, A. Remonst of the State of the Kingdom by the Parliament 6 shetes, prob. not in
AWs hand (AWs copy is at Wood 374(1), item 2624).
Wood 374(5). N & S 606.02.
4746. Some Special Passages. Some speciall passages from London, Westminster, Yorke. Numb. 3 [24-
31 May]. N.p.: n.pub., (1642). 4
. Pp. 17-24.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 67, and left a 2nd stand, 78.
Wood 374(12) (restored from Hope adds. to its Wood shelf-mark in 1932). N & S 606.03A.
4747. Some Special Passages. Some speciall passages from Westminster, London, Yorke. Numb. 7 [5-12
July]. [London]: n.pub., (1642). 4
. G
G1, line in margin.
Wood 374(27). N & S 606.07B.
4748. Some Special Passages. Some speciall passages from Hull, Anlaby, and Yorke. Numb. 10 [1 Aug.].
London: R. O. a. G. D., 1642. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW lined out the former nos., 75, 78.
Wood 374(31). N & S 606.10.
4749. Three Great Overthrowes. Three great overthrowes: one in the Palatinate, . . . The other before
Haggenaw, . . . and the last in Languedock . . . out of two letters. [London]: [B. Alsop], 1622, 4 May. 4
(wanting pp. 1-2). Pp. [3-5], 6-22.
Wood 615(7) (Wood 617(7) in Bodl. CD cat.). STC Newsbooks 44.
4750. True and Brief Relation. [Heylyn, Peter, ed.]. A true and briefe relation of the great victory
obtained by sir Ralph Hopton, . . . January 19. [Oxford]: H. Hall f. W. Webb, 1642[3]. 4
. Pp. 36-42 (F
Tp, AW overwrote a former no. with 30, and added written by D
Pet. Heylyn.
Wood 375(30). N & S 275.103A. Madan 2043.
4751. True Diurnal. A true diurnall of the last weekes passages. Numb. 3 [24-31Jan.]. London: f. J.
Wright, 1641[2]. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 373(20). N & S 624.3 (3).
4752. True Diurnal. A true diurnall of the passages in parliament [7-14 Mar.]. [London]: n.pub., (1641[2]).
442 The Library of Anthony Wood
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW altered a former no. and lined out a former no., 35.
Wood 373(35). N & S 625.1.
4753. True Diurnal Occurrences. The true diurnal occurrances: or, the heads of the proceedings in
parliament [7-14 Feb.]. London: f. J. Hammond, 1642. 4
. A
Wood 373(22). N & S 621.3.
4754. [Tyrrell, James]. Bibliotheca politica: or an enquiry into the ancient constitution of the English
government; . . . in thirteen dialogues. London: f. R. Baldwin, 1694 (14 tpp, 1691/2 to 1694). 4
. Pp. [14],
968, [32] (some pp. unopened) (misnumbering) (14 tpp. and an index). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine; 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
The Dialogues came out over a period of two years, and AW recorded when he received certain ones
(frequent misnumbering): 1st (to 5th), p. [7], Aug. 6 an. 1692; 6th and 7th, pp. 368 and 435, Given by
the author Apr. 7. 1693; 8th (to 11th), p. 539, Given to me by the author May 13 1693; 12th and 13th,
pp. 835 and after 900, ex dono Authoris 12. May 1694 (also after p. 900, Ap[r.] after imprint date); 1st
p. 372, at an advertisement of a book, AW wrote By Jam. Tyrrell. LT 3.397-8.
Wood 625. N & S 24.00-24.14. Wing T3582.
4755. Universal Intelligence. The Universal intelligence. Tuesday. Numb. 1 [11 Dec.] [by John Wallis].
N.p.: n.pub., 1688. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW took issue with some facts in the report of Lovelaces coming to Oxford (5 Dec.) and wrote in margin,
e.g., at printed 300. Horse, not 200; at 2 a Clock, three in the morn.; at 1000. Men in Arms, false;
at above a hundred of the scholars, 200 of the rabble; at Myter Tavern, Miter inne; and below, This
is a most ridiculous & silly thing. LT 3.286-7.
Wood 529(11). N & S 644.01.
4756. Weekly Discovery. The weekly discovery of the mystery of iniquity: in . . . the late unnatural
rebellion in England, anno 1641 [Numb.1]. London: f. B. Tooke, 1681. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 503(32). N & S 681.01.
4757. Weekly Discovery. The weekly discovery of the mystery of iniquity: in . . . the late unnatural
rebellion in England, anno 1641 [Numb. 2., 12 Feb. 1680]. London: f. B. Tooke, 1681. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 503(33). N & S 681.02.
End of NEWSBOOKS (items 4649-4757)
4758. Niccholes, Alexander. A discourse, of marriage and wiving: and of the greatest mystery therein
contained: how to choose a good wife from a bad. London: N.O[kes] f. L. Becket, 1615. 4
. Pp. [8], 55
(mutilated and having the t leaf mounted). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd-3rd, AW wrote the titles of 34 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with
red ink. Kirtland wrote at no. 30, deest 1841 W. K, and Milford wrote in his hand-list that no. 34 was
missing in 1922. AW renumbered items on tpp from no. 4-33, in ink, over former nos. 3-32, in pencil. Ist
item, tp, former no. 3.
Wood 654a(1). STC 18514.
4759. Nichols, John. A declaration of the recantation of. London: C. Barker, 1581. 8
. A-M
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 5: His recantation his pilgrimages wherin are many things of the author.
Ed. not identied. Lent to H. Foules, 17 Oct. 1668, LT 2.145.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 5. STC 18533 and 18533.5. O(imperf.), Folg, Union, and O (imperf.).
4760. Nichols, John. John Niccols pilgrimage, whrein [sic] is displaied the lives of the proude popes.
London: T. Dawson f. T. Butter a. G. Isaac, 1581. 8
. *
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 5: His recantation his pilgrimages wherin are many things of the author.
Lent to H. Foules, 17 Oct. 1668, LT 2.145.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 5. STC 18534. O, BL.
4761. Nicodemus. Warrin, John, ed. Nichodemus his gospel. [Rouen]: J. Cousturier, [1635 ca.]. 8
. Pp.
[6], 73.
Wood 871. STC 18571. ARCR 2.793.
4762. Nicolls, Ferdinando. The life and death of mr. Ignatius Jurdain. London: f. T. Newberry, 1655.
The Library of Anthony Wood 443
. 2nd ed. [34], 86.
Wood 196(3). Wing N1140.
4763. Nineteen Cases. Nineteen cases of conscience. Submissively tendred to mr. Hugh Peters, and
. . . the triars. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, no. 43, in pencil, in a former bundle (cropped at side).
Wood 613(48). Wing N1163.
4764. N[ixon], A[nthony]. A true relation of the travels of m. Bush, . . . who with his owne handes
. . . made a pynace, in which hee past by ayre, land, and water: from Lamborne, . . . to . . . London.
London: T. P[urfoot] f. N. Butter, 1608. 4
. A
, B-D
,E1-3 (wanting all after sig. E3). Pasteboard (blue)
with parchment spine; upper and lower yleaves, traces of marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
Wood 465(1). STC 18325 (two) (O not recorded in STC).
4765. Nixon, Anthony. Londons dove: or a memoriall of the life and death of maister Robert Dove.
London: T. Creede, f. J. Hunt, sold E. Marchant, 1612. 4
. A2-4,B-D
. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine. Rebacked H. C. 24.4.[19]50.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 15 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink; 3rd, is a misplaced leaf from Wood 532(2), item 5147. Tp, bsm. B4, word in margin, not by AW.
Wood 532(1). STC 18588.5.
4766. Norden, John. Speculum Britanniae. The rst parte an historicall, & chorographicall discription
of Middlesex. [London]: [Eliots Court Press], 1593. 4
. Pp. [8], 48, [4] (with 3 maps, including London by
Pieter Vanden Keere). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
, AW wrote John Norden hath also published A chronographical description of Hertfordshire printed
much about the same time with this It is dedicated to S
Edw. Seymoure Earl of Hertford, & containes
but 4 sheets besides the title, pref. & Epist. (STC 18637).
Wood 467(1). STC 18635.
4767. Norden, Jo[hn]. The surveyors dialogue. Divided into ve bookes. London: [S. Staord] f. H. Astley,
1607. 4
. Pp. [14], 244.
Pastedown, upper, 3 brief notes to pp. 58, 116 and 138, not by AW. Flyleaf, upper, signature, Jo: Aubrey,
price, and his note on a 3rd ed. of this book, 1618. LT 2.117. Tp, name of Norden written after initials,
not by AW. Pastedown, lower, signatures, James Whetcombe.
[MS.] Wood C. 20. STC 18639.
4768. Norden, John. Anglus descripsit. A guide for cuntrey men. In the famous cittey of London. [Lon-
don]: sold by P. Stent, 1653. S.sh. 290 x 380 mm (untrimmed).
This prob. belongs with Wood 276b(35), both included in an ed. of Norden, Speculum Britanniae (STC
Wood 276b(34). BL Map.
4769. [Norden, John]. Westminster. [London]: n.pub., [1653?]. S.sh. 190 x 284 mm. (untrimmed).
This prob. belongs with Wood 276b(34), both included in an ed. of Norden, Speculum Britanniae (STC
Wood 276b(35). BL Map.
4770. N[orris], S[ylvester]. An appendix to the antidote. Conteyning a catalogue of the visible and
perpetuall succession of the Catholique professours of the Roman church. [St. Omer]: [English College Press],
1621. 4
. Pp. 107.
[MS.] Wood B. 40(9). STC 18658.5. ARCR 2.572.
4771. Northampton. A true and punctuall relation of the severall skirmishes performed, betweene the
Northamptonshire forces and a party . . . under the command of prince Rupert. London: f. J. Wright, 1643,
28 Oct. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW altered a former no.
Wood 376(48). Wing T2574.
4772. Northampton. The humble address, and hearty desires of the gentlemen, ministers . . . of Northamp-
ton . . . to . . . Monk [24 Jan. 1659[60]]. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
444 The Library of Anthony Wood
Note, Another copy with date 1660, in a modern hand.
Wood 276a(247). Wing H3373 (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4773. Northampton, and Oxfordshire. The petitions of Northampton-shire and Oxford-shire. London:
R. Olton a. G. Dexter f. B. Allen a. J. Bull, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 5, [1].
Tp, AW overwrote former nos., 15 and 18 (in pencil and in ink), with 24; below, Feb 10. 1641[2], in
Wood 373(24). Wing P1865.
4774. Norton, John. Abel being dead yet speaketh; or, the life & death of . . . m
John Cotton. London:
T. Newcomb f. L. Lloyd, 1658. 4
. Pp. 51, [5] (5 pp. books printed a. sold by L. Lloyd).
Wood 532(5). Wing N1313.
4775. Norton, Ralph. A letter concerning the storming . . . of the castle of the Devises. London: f. E.
Husband, 1645, 25 Sept. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 24.
Wood 378(27). Wing N1326.
4776. Norton, Thomas. All such treatises as have been lately published by Thomas Norton. London: J.
Daye, [1570]. 8
in 4s. 1,A-C
; A-O
; A-B
; A-B
; A-B
(5 pts., wanting pt. 6). Calf with 3 llets
and stamp centrepiece; yleaf, upper and lower, printers waste paper.
Flyleaf, upper, scribble, not by AW. Tp, AW wrote This rst treatise was printed an. 1569. The rest soon
, in list of parts, after last, AW wrote not here. A1, AW underscored the name of the author in
red ink. Text, some scribbles, frequent marks in margin and underscoring and a few notes, not by AW.
Wood 821. STC 18677.
4777. Norwood, Robert. The case and trial of capt. Robert Norwood . . . truely and impartially stated,
. . . Together with some observations upon the law and its professors. [London]: n.pub., [1652]. 4
. Pp. 24.
Tp, AW wrote Fanaticisms, in pencil. Below, Lond 1652, not in AWs hand. P. 3, AW wrote in margin,
Tho. Andrews was L. mayor.
Wood 647(16). Wing N1380A.
4778. Nottingham. A petition presented to the parliament from . . . Nottingham. Complaining of grievances
under the ecclesiasticall government. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. [4], 28.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(10). Wing P1849.
4779. Nottingham. To the kings most excellent majesty. A petition presented . . . at York, the rst of
April by the inhabitants of . . . Nottingham. London: f. J. Hunscott, 1642, 13 April. S.sh.
, AW lined out a former no, 36.
Wood 373(47). Wing T1496bA (Wing, 1642[3]).
4780. Nottingham. The declaration of the county of Nottingham . . . by way of address to . . . lord
general Monck [23 Feb. 1659[60]]. London: I. B., 1660. S.sh.
AW altered the year to 1659.
Wood 276a(215) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D661B (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
4781. Nottingham. The case of the burgesses of Nottingham, in reference to the surrendring of their
charters. (London): (f. B. Aylmer), (1682). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 276b(91). Wing C1023E.
4782. Nowell, Alexander. [Whitaker, William, trans.]. Xristianismou stoixeivsiw . . . Christianae
pietatis prima institutio [Greek and Latin]. Londini: ap. J. Dayum, 1578. 8
. A-Q
. Calf with 3 llets and
stamp centrepiece; rebacked.
Pastedown, upper, pasted down side, notes, not by AW. Tp, signature of Edward Wood, lined out; scribbles,
in Greek; A. W.; and a signature of an earlier owner, Thomas Astell (?). Tp backed with a leave with
scribbles on the pasted down side. Text, passim, schoolboy scribbles, and signatures by Anthony Wood
(several, some lined out; for date, see L4, Liber Anthonius Wood / amen 1645 /), Edward Wood (L2),
Christopher Wood, and Robert Holman. I4, Anthony Wood his Booke witness Walter Condery [?] and
Adrian Barry [?] and Robert Holman and John Holman and Christopher Wod anen [i.e., amen]. 1648 (see
also Q2
and Q8).
Wood 780. STC 18728.
4783. [Numan, Philips]. Chambers, Robert, trans. Miracles lately wrought by the intercession of the
glorious Virgin Marie, at Mont-Aigu, . . . in Brabant. Antwarp: A. Conings, 1606. 8
. Pp. [86], 296, [2].
The Library of Anthony Wood 445
Flyleaf, upper, 2 notes by Ashm. readers or librarians, followed by this is not Ant: a Wood wryte [sic].
Tp, AW wrote AW MDClx. 1
. P. 3, lines mutilating text.
Wood 825. STC 18746.
4784. [Nye, John]. M
Sadler re-examined, or, his disguise discovered. London: f. N. Webb a. W.
Grantham, 1654. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW wrote, Said to be written by Philip Nye, or, else with his help, by one of his creatures. Below,
Ent. in cat., in a later hand. AO 3.965.
Wood 476(13). Wing N1480.
4785. O., J. Bradshaws ultimum vale, . . . a sermon preachd at his interrment. By J. O. d.d. [purporting
to be John Owen]. Oxon [really London]: n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. 15.
Tp, authors initials underscored in red ink. In a later hand, Entered. [?].
Wood 608(38). Wing O3. Madan 2512.
4786. Oates, Titus. The kings evidence justid: or doctor Oatess vindication of himself, and the reality
of the plot, against a traiterous libel, called the compendium [by R. Palmer, earl of Castlemain]. London: f.
J. Edwin, 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 53.
Tp, AW wrote 1
.6 and Octob. P. 43, at Odeschalchi and Princess of Rossana, lines in margin.
Wood 422(16). Wing O46.
4787. Oates, Titus*. A poem upon mr. Tytus Oates, the rst discoverer of the late popish plot. London:
f. H. Brome a. R. Chiswell, 1679. S.sh. with engraving.
Tp, AW wrote the month, June. LT 2.457.
Wood 425(20). Wing P2712A (O not recorded in Wing).
4788. Oates, Titus. A true narrative of the horrid plot and conspiracy of the popish party against the life
of his sacred majesty. London: f. T. Parkhurst, a. T. Cockerill, 1679. Fol. Pp. [13], 68.
P. [1], beneath the engraving of Oates, AW wrote, Anigr[am] Testis ovat. P. [2], notes from, A modest
vindication of Tit. Oates the Salamanca Doctor from perjury: Or an essay to demonstrate him only for-
sworne in severall instances by Adam Elliot M. A & priest of the church of England somtimes of Caius
coll. Cambr. Lond. 1682 fol. [Wing E543] [/] p. 27. Tit. Oates borne at Okeham in Rutlandsh. p. 1. entred
into Caius Coll. with the plague 1665 remarkable for a canting fanatical way conveyed to him with his
anabaptistical Education; & in our academical exercises, when others declaimed, Oates alwaies preached
p. 2 he staied not above an yeare in Cajus, but removed to S
Johns Coll. Ib p. 2 Oates afterwards a
school-boy & no Jesuit at S
Omers. turned away thence for a blockhead p. 20. [blank] p. 32. Oates
vicar of Bobbing in Kent. before he went to the ch. of Rome Out of the said book might be extracted
Oates his life q[uaere]. P. 3, AW underscored the name, Earl of Clarendon, in red crayon; below, Titus
Oates, son of Sam. Oates weever: which Sam. having been a preacher, Anabaptist & notorious sectarie,
is mentioned in Tho. Edwards his Gangrena part. 2. p 17. 121. One Oates a carpenter see there also p
72 (i.e., Wood 655(3), item 2403). (AW collected much information on Oates, see, e.g., LT 2.417-8; 3.36).
Tp, AW underscored D.D. after Oatess name, and wrote the price, 2
-6. P. (8), at printed Milton was
a knowne frequenter of a Popish Club, AW wrote, qu[aere]. P. 20, line in margin, in pencil, at story of
Father Warren reconciling Lord Chancellor Hyde to the Church of Rome on his deathbed.
Wood 424(13). Wing O59.
4789. Oates, Titus. Articles of high misdemeanor . . . against sir William Scroggs. (London): (R.
Janeway), (1680). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 276a(281). Wing O31A.
4790. [Oates, Titus*]. An exact and faithful narrative of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas Knox, William
Osborn, and John Lane, to invalidate the testimonies of dr. Titus Oates, and mr. William Bedlow. London:
f. T. Parkhurst, T. Cockerill, a. B. Alsop, 1680. Fol. Pp. [7], 36. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, AW wrote, S
Will. Dolben K
nu 30 (i.e., Wood 426(30), item 6197). 4th
, AW wrote
the titles of 35 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink; above, Third Volume Of
tryals, narratives, dying speeches[,] depositions, inform. &c concerning the popish plot.; below, All placd
according to time/. All 35 items are present in this vol. AW had diculty in arranging the items and
nally did so according to time. Numerous items have 3 nos. on tpp or yleaves. On a few (e.g., 18, 28,
29), the nal nos. are not in his hand. The binder may have written these, following AWs order on the
upper yleaf.
Wood 426(1). Wing O41.
446 The Library of Anthony Wood
4791. Oates, Titus*. The character of an ignoramus doctor [T. Oates]. (London): (M. T. ), (1681). S.sh.
, AW wrote the month, Oct. or Decemb.
Wood 417(72). Wing C2009.
4792. Oates, Titus*. A dialogue between two porters, upon d
Oss removing from White-hall into that
city. Robin and Nick. (London): (f. A. Banks), (1681). S.sh. Pp. 2.
Dupl. at Wood 417(68).
Wood 276b(120) (old no., (98), in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing D1344.
4793. Oates, Titus*. A dialogue between two porters, upon d
Oss removing from White-hall into that
city. Robin and Nick. (London): (f. A. Banks), (1681). S.sh. Pp. 2.
AW identied Oates and
, added the month, Sept. Dupl. at Wood 276b(120).
Wood 417(68). Wing D1344.
4794. Oates, Titus*. A dialogue betwixt the devil and the ignoramus doctor [T. Oates]. [London]: n.pub.,
[1681?]. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote 1681 in Decemb.
Wood 417(71). Wing D1355 (Wing, 1679?).
4795. Oates, Titus*. A hue and cry after dr. T. O. London: f. Alex. Banks, 1681. S.sh.
AW added the month, Sept.
Wood 417(69). Wing H3274.
4796. Oates, Titus*. A dialogue between a Yorkshire-alderman and Salamanca-doctor . . . about swearing.
(London): (f. J. Smith), (1683). S.sh (r-v).
Wood 276a(566). Wing D1300.
4797. Oates, Titus*. The tragick-comedy of Titus Oates, who sometime went under the notion of the
Salamanca doctor. London: Printed by J. M., publ. by R. Taylor, 1685. S.sh.
AW wrote, published before he stood in the pillory as tis said. LT 3.143.
Wood 421(3). Wing T2014.
4798. Oates, Titus*. The tryals, convictions & sentence of Titus Otes, upon two indictments. [Part 2]
Die Sabbato 9
Maii, anno Domini, 1685. in Banco regis. Dominus rex versus Oats. London: f. R. Sare, sold
R. Taylor, 1685. Fol. Pp. [3], 94, [2], 60. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 17 printed works in this vol. (really 14, AW twice included parts
of items as separate items), within guidelines made with red ink. On several items, AW recorded a no. in
pencil (e.g., 42, 45, 48, 49, 50) which reects an earlier order (not recorded at entries of items in this vol.).
Tp, in t, at Jereys, baron of Wem, AW wrote, He was made Baron of Wem about 3 dayes before.; below,
Rob. Sawyer Attorney Gen. [/] Heneage Finch Sollicit. Gen. published at least a month after the triall.
Part 2, pp. 24, 41, 50, 52, 60, some notes on the trial, and/or lines in margins, e.g., 41, AW underlined
Oatess address to a female witness, Sweet-heart, and at absence of witnesses, noted, Oats his witnesses
shrink from him.; 50, identication of a peer, Earl of Shaftsbury; 52, at an attack on lying Presbyterians,
hand pointer in margin; 60, at judgments to be carried out, This was done [/] and this also [/] and this
also [and twice more]. LT 3.143.
Wood 421(1-2). Wing T2249.
4799. Oates, Titus. Otess letter. For . . . sir Leoline Jenkins . . . Feb. 28. 1683 [and] Otess petition, to
the kings . . . majestie. [London]: n.pub., [1683/4]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(159-160). Wing O48A.
4800. OBrien, Murrough. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. A manifestation directed to the . . . houses of parliament
. . . from the lord Inchequin [et al.] containing the reasons of their now opposing the cessation with the
. . . Irish rebels. London: f. J. Wright, 1644, 10 Aug. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, former no., 44, lined out.
Wood 508(51). Wing M424.
4801. OBrien, Murrough*. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. Articles exhibited to the . . . house of commons
. . . against the lord Inchiquine . . . Together with a full answer their [sic] unto. London: f. H. Tuckey,
1647. 4
. Pp. [4], 10 (i.e, 16, misnumbering) (p. unopened).
P. 7, 14 words lined out.
Wood 509(28). Wing A3824 (O not recorded in Wing).
The Library of Anthony Wood 447
4802. OBrien, Murrough. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. More victoryes obtained in Ireland by . . . lord
Inchquine, . . . The relations in a letter. London: f. R. Bostock, 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 19.
Wood 509(23). Wing I134A (O not recorded in Wing).
4803. OBrien, Murrough. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. Two letters sent from . . . unto the speaker of the
. . . commons, concerning two great victories . . . in Ireland. London: f. J. Wright, 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, former no., lined out.
Wood 509(20). Wing I137.
4804. OBrien, Murrough. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. A letter to the honorable William Lenthal . . . . con-
cerning the . . . proceedings of the lord Inchiquine in . . . Ireland [12 Sept.]. London: f. E. Husband, 1647,
28 Sept. 4
. Pp. 8.
Missing in 1841, see Wood 509(1), item 2361. AW wrote the t on the upper yleaf.
Wood 509(26). Wing I132. O, Folg.
4805. OBrien, Murrough*. Inchiquin, 1st earl of. The declaration and ingagement of the protestant
army in . . . Mounster. Under . . . baron of Inchiquin. London: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Rpt. of Cork edition. Pp.
[2], 6.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 40.
Wood 509(30). Wing D530.
4806. Ockland, Christopher, and Alexander Neville. Anglorum praelia ab anno Domini. 1327. . . . us-
que ad annum Domini 1558. Hiis Alexandri Nevilli Kettum. Londini: R. Nuberie, ex asignat. H. Bynneman,
1582. A
(Kettus is numbered 1-97). Parchment.
Pastedown and upper yleaves, notes in hands of former owners, Edmund Speccott (and Speccatus, and
), Johannes Culme (1597), Nicolaus Culme (1600), and Johannes Palimoquo. Margins of Kettus, some
notes on persons mentioned in text, e.g., pp. 6-8, 11, 15, 21, 25-27 (some word play Wyndhamiae in
text (p. 6) and note: They were not so wise or honest as in time to Wynde home./; Hethersetum in text
(p. 8) and note: hither set a sett of knaves.), not in hand of AW.
Wood 100. STC 18773.
4807. Oce of General Remembrance. The oce of generall remembrance. Of matters of record,
created by his majesties letters pattents for ease of his subjects in their searches. London: G. Eld f. the
Remembrancers Generall, [sold] R. Wilson, 1617. 4
. A-G
(last leaf a foldout).
[MS.] Wood B. 39(9). STC 18788.
4808. Ogilby, John. The relation of his majesties entertainment passing through the city of London, to
his coronation. London: T. Roycroft, f. R. Marriott, 1661. Fol. Pp. [5], 38.
Wood 398(18). Wing O181.
4809. O[gilby], J[ohn]. The Holland nightingale, or the sweet singers of Amsterdam; being a paraphrase
upon the fable of frogs. [London]: f. R. Clavill, 1672. S.sh.
Wood 416(121). Wing O172D.
4810. [Oldham, John]. Garnets ghost[,] addressing to the Jesuits, . . . after the murther of sir Edmund-
Bury Godfrey. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4 (mutilated at top).
Wood 417(2). Wing O235.
4811. [Oldham, John]. The clarret [sic] drinkers song: or the good fellows design. (London): n.pub.,
(1680). S.sh. (r-v). See Plate VIII.
At top, AW wrote 1680;
, at the date, This was printed in John Oldhams poems, publish [sic] an . .
Wood 417(28). Wing O233.
4812. Oldisworth, Giles. In eruditissimos sacrorum bibliorum polyglottorum compilatores: poema. N.p.:
n.pub., [1670 ca.]. S.sh.
Wood 416(79). Wing O253A (rare).
4813. [Oldisworth, Michael]. The speech (without an oath) of Philip Herbert . . . at his admittance
. . . into the . . . house of commons, . . . April the 6th, 1649. [London]: n.pub., [1680]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Missing since 1994.
Wood 531(19). Wing O257A.
4814. Olivier, Jacques. [Bancke, Richard, trans.]. A discourse of women, shewing their imperfections
448 The Library of Anthony Wood
alphabetically. . . . out of the French. London: f. R. T., 1673. 12
. Pp. [4], 185. Calf with 2 llets.
Tp, by M
Richard Bancke, not in AWs hand, though AW underscored Bancke in red ink.
Wood 738. Wing O284c (olim D1612).
4815. One Argument. One argument more against the cavaliers; taken from their violation of churches.
[London]: n.pub., [1643]. 4
. Pp. 20.
Tp, AW wrote the year, 1643; p. 6, at printed Do. Laur., Tho. Laurence.
Wood 476(17). Wing O333.
4816. ONeale, Daniel*. Treason discovered: or the impeachment of Daniel Oneale, . . . one of the
commanders . . . against Scotland, . . . and his answer. London: f. J. Greensmith, 1641. 4
. Pp. A
Tp, AW wrote Scotla[nd] (cropped at top and side), in pencil, and 1640.
Wood 614(23). Wing T2075.
4817. ONeill, Phelim, et al. The rebells letter to the pope. Wherein they present unto him their late
purchases by the sword in Ireland. London: n.pub., 1642, 20 Jan. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the t, 20 Dec. 1641.
Wood 507(18). Wing R602.
4818. Onslow, Denzil*. The memorable case of Denzil Onslow . . . tryed at the assizes . . . touching his
election at Haselmere in Surrey. (London): (f. R. Baldwyn), (1681). Fol. Pp. 8.
Wood 657(54). Wing M1676.
4819. Oprecht Verhaal. Oprecht verhael van de justitie gedaen over drie misdadigers . . . gejusticeert
. . . 28 January, 1669. [In verse, and p. [3] begins:] Verhael vaude [sic] verscheyde tydingen uyt West-phelen
wegens den Bisschop van Munster. Amsterdam: J. Koster, [1669?]. 4
. Pp. [4].
Wood 615(19). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC.
4820. Opsopoeus, Vincentius, and Matthaeus Delius. De arte bibendi . . . quibus adjunximus de
arte jocandi. Francoforti ad Moenum: (ex o. haered. C. Egenolphi, imp. A. Loniceri, J. Cnipii Andronici
secundi, P. Steinmeyeri), 1582. 8
. A-O
. Parchment with 2 clasps, leather.
Flyleaf, upper
, bsm. and scribble, haste; tp, bsm. A very few marks in margin and underscorings, e.g.,
K7, K8, prob. not by AW.
Wood 92(1). Adams O 211.
4821. Oraeus, Henricus. Nomenclator praecipuorum . . . ecclesiae doctorum, . . . metropolitarum . . . Cui
accesserunt . . . series Romanorum ponticum atque imperatorum. Hanoviae: sumpt. D. a. D. Aubriorum
& C. Schleichii, 1619. 12
. Pp. 177, [2]. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote Guido Bonatus lived 1220 q[uaere]. Pp. 152-161, marks in pencil, may not
be by AW. Flyleaf, lower
, notes, not by AW.
Wood 892. BL.
4822. Orleans, Jesuit College. Deo opt. max. quod felix, faustum, fortunatumque sit rei literariae univer-
sae; adversus morosam antiquariorum nationem, qui ut veterum exaggerent, nostrorum hominum elevant
industriam, artes omnes nulla unquam vehementi` us, quam hac aetate viguisse demonstrabit eloquentiae
professor in regio aurelian. Collegio Societatis Jesu ad solennem scholarum instaurationem . . . Dies vobis
dicitur XVIII. Octobris qui D. Lucae sacer est. [1659, 18 Oct.]. N.p.: n.pub., [1659]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(27) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN.
4823. Ortelius, Abraham. Tusciae antiquae typus. Ex conatibus geographicis Ab. Ortellii. N.p.: Cum
privilegio imperiali et Belgico ad decennium, 1584. S.sh. 436 x 555 (untrimmed) (repaired with a piece of
a parchment ms.).
Wood 276b(7). BL Map.
4824. Ortelius, Abrah[am]. Alexandri magni Macedonis expeditio. Ingenio, iudicio, et eruditione praes-
tanti, domino Henrico Schotto, . . . dedicab. Abrah. Ortelius. [Antwerp]: cum privilegio imp. et ordinum
Belgicor. ad decennium, 1595. S.sh. (no text on
). 436 x 557 mm (untrimmed).
Wood 276b(12). BL Map.
4825. Orthography. Orthography. N.p.: N.d., n.pub. S.sh.
Missing in 1939 (a delete sign before the entry in the 1717 list). Possibly Wing R314 (rare, BL T) which
has the t, Orthography. 1 of consonants, or the alphabet (London 1648).
Wood 276a(22). Not identied.
The Library of Anthony Wood 449
4826. [Osborne, Francis]. A perswasive to a mutuall compliance under the present government. Together
with a plea for a free state compared with monarchy. Oxford: [L. Licheld], 1652. 4
. Pp. [6], 41.
Each small 4
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. Tp, AW wrote This book was writt by ranc: Osbourne y
Author of y
Advice to a son: (Wing O508, 1656). LT 2.5. AO 1.706.
Wood 626(2). Wing O517. Madan 2201.
4827. [Osborne, Francis]. Historical memoires on the reigns of queen Elizabeth, and king James. London:
J. Grismond, sold T. Robinson in Oxon., 1658. 12
. Pp. [22], 108, [20], 148 (3 tpp). Calf with 3 llets and
stamp decoration in corners (ower and point) (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd, list of 5 printed works in this vol. (really 4, 2 entries for item (1)), by an Ashm.
librarian (same hand in Wood 276a). Lines in margin and note at 2nd pp. 72-7, at Philip Herbert, earl
of Montgomery (later chancellor of Oxford University), Parsons the Jesuit, and Philip Sidney. P. 88, Fox
and pox entered in blanks in a poem. Pp. 100, 124, line in margin. Acquired 22 Apr. 1658, 7
, LT 1.242.
Wood 251(1). Wing O515. Madan 2401.
4828. Osborne, Francis. A miscellany of sundry essayes. London: J. Grismond [f. R. Royston], 1659.
Missing. Acquired 10 Feb. 1664, LT 2.5. AO 1.705-7.
LT 2.5. Wing O516, 516A.
4829. Osborne, Richard. A true coppy of two severall letters sent by master Richard Osborne . . . touching
a designe to poyson his majesty. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
P. 2, at Captain Rolfe, AW wrote Edm. Rolfe.
Wood 632(18). Wing O529A (two).
4830. Osborne, Richard. Two letters sent by . . . With an answer. London: f. A. H., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2],
Wood 632(19). Wing O530.
4831. Osborne, Thomas*. Leeds, duke of. Articles of impeachment of high treason against Thomas, earl
of Danby. [London]: n.pub., [1678]. 4
. Pp. 9.
Missing. Lent to W. Fulman, 1 Jan. 1679, LT 2.432.
LT 2.432. Wing A3858.
4832. Osborne, Thomas*. Leeds, duke of. The sentiments. A poem to the earl of Danby in the Tower.
London: f. J. Vade, 1679. Fol. Pp. 11.
Tp, AW wrote, received from Lond. 24. Aug. 1679, and 3
. Purchased from Vade in July or August
1679, see his record of purchase in MS. Wood F. 50, f. 11.
Wood 417(16). Wing S2558.
4833. Osorio da Fonseca, Jeronimo. Shacklock, Richard, trans. An epistle of Hieronimus Osorius . . . in
Portugale, to . . . princesse Elizabeth . . . quene. Antwerp: J. Latius, 1565. 8
. Ff. 78, [1] (wanting the errata
leaf). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, I have another copie of this - (perhaps he was referring to W. Haddon, Wood 800(2), item 3366),
and H1 (shelf-mark?). Some underscoring and section numbers in margins, not in AWs manner.
Wood 800(1). STC 18888. ARCR 2.700.
4834. Osorio da Fonseca, Jeronimo. [Matalius, J., ed.]. Hieronymi Osorii Lusitani, . . . de regis
institutione et disciplina; libri VIII. Coloniae Agrippinae: ap. haer. A. Birckmanni, 1574. Ff. [8], 318, [11].
Calf with 3 llets and blind-stamp centrepiece (Ker, VII, no. xv), 2 clasp holes; spine, 4 bands, repaired
(Oxford binding).
Flyleaf, upper, waste paper, notes, and yleaf, and waste paper, lower, notes and scribbles, not in AWs
hand. Text, to f. 17, some marks in margin, in ink and pencil.
Wood 458. BL.
4835. Otway, [Thomas]. The epilogue. Written by mr. Otway to . . . Venice preservd, . . . upon . . . the
duke of Yorks coming to the theatre, . . . April 21. [London]: (f. J. Hindmarsh), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(562). Wing O547.
4836. [Otway, Thomas]. Prologue to a new play, called Venice preserved; or the plot discovered [and]
Epilogue to the same. (London): (f. A. Banks), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 276a(563-4). Wing O559.
450 The Library of Anthony Wood
4837. Otway, Tho[mas]. The prologue to the City heiress, or, sir Timothy Treatall [by A. Behn]. (London):
(f. J. Tonson), (1682). S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 417(92). Wing O561.
4838. Overbury, Thomas*. The just downefall of ambition,. [sic] adultery. Murder, . . . Westons, and
mistris Turners last teares, shed for the murder of sir Thomas Overbury. London: f. R. H[iggenbotham],
[1615]. 4
. A2-4,B-D
Wood 365(5). STC 18919.7 (two).
4839. Overbury, Thomas*. Sir Thomas Overburie his wife. With additions of new characters. London:
[J. Legat] f. R. Allot, 1628. 8
. 13th impr. A-V
. Parchment.
Passim, a few brief notes and hand pointers, to F7
, not by AW.
Wood 740. STC 18916.
4840. Overbury, Tho[mas], copied by. The arraignment and conviction of s
Walter Rawleigh, . . . 17. of
November 1603. London: W. Wilson, f. A. Roper, 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 38. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
spine; yleaves, upper and lower, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 28 printed works in this vol. (really 29, AW omitted item 25),
within guidelines made with red ink. P. 37, note in pencil, prob. not by AW.
Wood 368(1). Wing A3744.
4841. Overbury, Thomas. Observations upon the Provinces United and on the state of France. London:
T. Maxey f. R. Marriot, 1651. 8
. Pp. [3], 80.
Flyleaf, upper, year and t of this item, not in AWs hand. Tp, Overbury underscored in red ink.
Wood 666(2). Wing O609.
4842. Overbury, Thomas*. A true and historical relation of the poysoning of sir Thomas Overbury
. . . . Also, . . . passages . . . and . . . large speeches. London: T. M. & A. C. f. J. Benson a. J. Playford,
1651. 8
. Pp. [2], 127 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote, Septem: 11. 1660. See LT 1.331-2. Pp. 26, underscoring, in red ink; 27, at at Newmarket,
AW wrote, at Whitehall say others; 35, a pointer in margin to a date in the text; 103, a line in margin,
in pencil.
Wood 289(7). Wing T2487.
4843. Overbury, Tho[mas]. A true and perfect account of the examination . . . and execution of Joan
Perry, . . . for the . . . murder of William Harrison. London: f. R. Reynolds, 1676. 4
. Pp. 4, 23.
Flyleaf, upper, In Posterum, (R. Sheldons autograph book motto), and price, 0-6. Tp, AW identied T.
O and T. S. in t as Th. Overbury and Th. Shirley and wrote, S
Tho. Overbury of Bourton on the hill in
Glouc. the authour, all in red ink; pp. 11-12, identied C. T. as S
Christopher Turner, and R. H. as S
Robert Hyde; 13, (27 lines in all), John Perry hung in chaines on the same gallowes [/] Richard & Joane
Perry were after execution taken downe & buried under the gallowes: Three dayes after a gentlewoman
pretending to understand witches hired a man to dig up the grave that shee might search Joans body
shee being on horse back, drew up to the grave when twas opened, but the horse startling at the sight of
the body in grave [sic], ran away under the gallowes & her head hitting against Johns feet struck her o
from the horse into the grave [/] After Harrisons return John was taken downe & buried And Harrisons
wife soon after (being a snotty covetuous [sic] Presbyterian) hung her self in her owne house why, the
reader is to judge. [/] Upon Harrisons return to London, S
R[obert] Hyde was at Glocester in his circuit,
& one that had seen Harrison there brought the news to Glouc. which comming to the Hearings of Hyde he
became somwhat passionate, [Hyde] commanding his servant to call the messenger, chid him for bringing
false news & commanded the jailer to commit him to prison . LT 1.452; 3.104.
Wood 365(25). Wing O614.
4844. Overton, R[ichard]. Articles of high treason exhibited against Cheap-side crosse [in verse]. London:
f. R. Overton, 1642. 4
. Newly printed. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(42). Wing O623.
4845. Overton, Richard. New Lambeth fayre newly consecrated and presented by the pope himselfe.
London: R. O. a. G. D., 1642. 4
. A-B
Wood 483(19). Wing O631A.
4846. [Overton, Richard]. A remonstrance of many thousand citizens, . . . to their own house of com-
mons. [London]: n.pub., 1646. 4
. Pp. 20.
Wood 368(8). Wing O632B.
The Library of Anthony Wood 451
4847. [Overton, Richard]. The paper called the agreement of the people taken into consideration . . . by
the ministers of Christ in . . . Lancaster. London: f. L. Fawne, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 36.
Pp. 4, 6, 7-10, 12-14, pencil lines in margins; 8, 14-6, notes in ink, not by AW (cropped at side); 34-6, some
lines in margins at names of testifying ministers.
Wood 609(18). Wing P279.
4848. Overton, Richard. The baiting of the great bull of Bashan unfolded. London: n.pub., 1649 [2 July].
. A
, pencil line in margin at a purple passage on the link between melancholy and covetousness.
Wood 368(10). Wing O624.
4849. Ovid. P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseos libri moralizati . . . cum commentarius [R. Regius] ac
cum Lactantii Firmiani argumentis: et tropologica ennarratione per P. Lavinium adjecta. (Lugduni): (imp.
J. Huguetan in edibus J. Myt), (1516, 22 June). 4
in 8s. Ff. [5], 194, [6] (wanting t. leaf); f. [1], a2,
mutilated. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Notes of former owners, f. [1], Oxoniae imprimatur impensis William Smith [1632]; lower . [4-6]
, signa-
tures of William Daudre, e.g., William Daudre His Boocke amen anno domino 1637, Ex libris Guelielmi
Napper [Napier] 1629, and Lambert Thomas (see also 1st f. [5], illeg.) Text, some notes in various hands,
none in AWs hand. LT 2.128 (on 3.188 the citation to Wood 404 is incorrect).
Wood 404. Bibl. Lyon. 11.291.
4850. Ovid. Peend, Thomas de la, trans. The pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis. (London):
(T. Colwell), 1565. 8
. A-C
. Bound with 87(1) before Wood acquired this volume.
Tp, scribble [?], 89. and Wood 87, not by AW. Ms. pagination and dating continue from the preceding
item, 87(1).
Wood 87(2). STC 18971.
4851. Ovid. Underdowne, Thomas, trans. Ovid his invective against Ibis. London: T. East and H. Mid-
dleton, 1569. 8
. A1-7,B-M
(wanting A8). Parchment.
Tp, ABosco. In text, p. nos. added, numerous lines and underscorings, and hand pointers and dates of
events mentioned in text written in margins, which continue through next 2 items; not by AW. B1, signa-
ture of Richard Dier.
Wood 87(1). STC 18949.
4852. Owen, John (1560?-1622). Vicars, John, trans. Epigrams of that most wittie and worthie epigram-
matist. London: W. S[tansby] f. J. Smethwicke, 1619. 8
. A-G
Missing in 1837. Owens Epigrams translated by John Vicars Lond. 1619 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 74. STC 18993 (3). O, Hunt, Harv.
4853. Owen, John (1560?-1622). Epigrammatum . . . Libri decem. Londini: ex o. A. Math[ewes,] sumpt.
S. Waterson, 1633. 12
. Pp. [4], 254 (2 tpp).
Missing. Listed as dupl. in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 55, Epigrammatum 1647. 1633. dupl. Joh. Owen.
The 1647 ed., Wood 76(1), has been missing since 1922. The 1633 ed. is listed in MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 55. STC 18991. O, Folg, Hunt.
4854. Owen, John (1560?-1622). Epigrammatum. Amsterodami: Elzevir, 1647. 24
. Pp. [3], 212.
Missing since 1922. Oweni Epigrammata Amster. 1647 in Whiteside cat. In MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 55,
Epigrammatum 1647. 1633. dupl. Joh. Owen. The dupl. of 1633 ed. is listed in MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44.
Wood 76(1). O, BL.
4855. Owen, John (1616-1683). Of schisme the true nature of it discovered and considered. Oxford: L. L.
f. T. Robinson, 1657. 12
. Pp. [4], 280, [2].
Missing. 19 Oct. 1657, I exchanged these following bookes in sheets with Mr. Forrest, for . . . [sic]: . . . Owen
of scishme [sic] 8
. . . All amounting to a crowne, LT 1.230.
LT 1.230. Wing O780. Madan 2348.
4856. O[wen], J[ohn] (1616-1683). Unto the questions sent me last night, I pray accept of the ensuing
answer, . . . concerning the power of the supream magistrate about religion. (London): (f. F.Tyton), (1659).
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, at top, 58, and at bottom, 2
heap 55, in pencil. P. 8, after printed J. O., Jo. Owen.,
in red ink.
Wood 370(9). Wing O820.
452 The Library of Anthony Wood
4857. Owen, John* (1616-1683). An elegy on the death of . . . John Owen [24 August]. London: f. R.
Janeway, 1683. S.sh.
LT 3.66-7.
Wood 276a(536). Wing E390.
4858. Owen, Lewis. The running register: recording a true relation of the state of the English colledges,
seminaries . . . in all forraine parts. London: [F. Kingston] f. R. Milbourne, 1626. 4
. Pp. [8], 118.
Tp, AW wrote, The Engl. Coll. at Lisbon is here omitted. Pp. 11, 2 corrections, the 2nd by AW; 19, note,
Smith at printed Doctor Smith; 20, 46, 48, 51, 67, 78, etc., to 109, short line in margins; 57, Lew.
Owen at Valladolid 1605. See note on Owen at Wood 419, item 2365.
[MS.] Wood D. 24(5). STC 18996.
4859. Owen, Lewis. The unmasking of all popish monks, friers, and Jesuits. London: J. H[aviland] f. G.
Gibs, 1628. 4
. Pp. [8], 164.
Tp, former no., 5. Bsm. Acquired 2 Sept. 1657, 10
, LT 1.226.
[MS.] Wood D. 24(6). STC 18998.
4860. Owen, William. The last true intelligence from Ireland. Being a letter sent from Chester [2 Ap.].
[London]: T. Paine f. J. Sweeting, 1642. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 508(6). Wing O833.
4861. Oxenham, James*. A true relation of an apparition in the likenesse of a bird . . . that appeared
. . . over the death-beds . . . of the children of mr. James Oxenham. London: I. O. f. R. Clutterbuck, 1641.
. A-C
Tp, AW wrote, I remember I have read this storie in Ja. Howells familiar letters. (i.e., item 3702).
[MS.] Wood B. 35(6). Wing O842.
4862. Oxford, City. Manuscript. Drawings of cities, buildings, and notes. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. Fol. Pp.
Item 114: not in AWs hand, a 14-line statement in Latin, cropped at side, and
, a drawing of Queens
Lane and adjacent area, Edm. Hall to Black hall Herts Hall. The other mss. are in AWs hand. Fol.
115: a fragment, notes on the site preparation for the Sheldonian Theatre in 1663-4, and
, This is the
ichnography of Merton Coll choire, before the pavement & gravestones were pulled up & stalls pulled downe
1671 (reproduced, LT 1.450-1; and, A. Bott, The Monuments in Merton College Chapel (1964): after p.
12). Fol. 116: drawing and The draught of the old building which stood in the middle of University Coll.
quadrangle . . . all pulled doune 1668 and details (reproduced, LT 2.148, plate II; and W. Carr, University
College (London, 1902): 66. Fol. 117: drawing and Ousney prospect of the north side of the ruins of Osney
church 1574, and, This tower should be higher.
Wood 276b(114-117).
4863. Oxford, City. A true confutation of a false and lying pamphlet entituled, a divelish designe by the
papists [7 Feb.]. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1641]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(307). Wing T2608 (rare). Madan 976.
4864. Oxford, City. A true relation of a divelish designe by the papists: to blow up the city of Oxford [13
Jan. 1641[2]]. London: f. I. W., 1641[2]. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote beside the t, All false, and below, AW, and Jan: 13. 1641[2]. LT 1.77.
Wood 514(7). Wing T2875. Madan 975.
4865. Oxford, City. A true and most sad relation of the hard usage . . . used on captain Wingate, captaine
Vivers . . . with others of the parliament souldiers, &c. prisoner [sic] at Oxford, under the custody of one
Smith. London: f. G. Hutton, 1642[3], 13 Feb. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, m written over printed w in name of Edward Chillendon.
Wood 514(12). Wing T2512. Madan 1233.
4866. Oxford, City. Map. Oxforde as it now lyeth fortied by his ma
forces. N.p.: n.pub., [1644]. S.sh.
303x 396 mm. (untrimmed).
AW added the date, an. 1644 and below, wrote This map is made very false (north and south reversed).
LT 1.112.
Wood 276b(30). Madan 1653.
4867. Oxford, City. Glemham, Thomas, governor. By the governour. I desire that present notice may be
given [12 Jan. 1645]. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1645. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 453
AW wrote 1645 in pencil.
Wood 276a(342). Wing G850 (rare). Madan 1834. Steele 2640.
4868. Oxford, City. An oath to be administered unto all ocers and souldiers . . . within the garrison
of Oxford. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1645. S.sh.
Wood 276a(308). Wing O79. Madan 1764.
4869. Oxford, City. Oxford, this 19
of August, 1645. Whereas by a former order . . . fortications.
Oxford: L. Li[cheld], [1645]. S.sh. (mutilated).
Wood 276a(341). Wing E930C (rare). Madan 1807. Steele 2626.
4870. Oxford, City. Articles concerning the surrender of Oxford [20 June]. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1646.
. Pp. [2], 10.
Pp. 6-8, wavy lines in margin, not in AWs usual manner. Dupl. at Wood 501(16) and Wood 612(44).
Wood 514(19a). Wing A3815. Madan 1877.
4871. Oxford, City. Articles concerning the surrender of Oxford [20 June]. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1646.
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, AW wrote Dup in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 514(19a) and Wood 612(44).
Wood 501(16). Wing A3815. Madan 1877.
4872. Oxford, City. Articles concerning the surrender of Oxford [20 June]. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1646.
. Pp. [2], 10.
Dupl. at Wood Wood 501(16) and Wood 514(19a).
Wood 612(44). Wing A3815. Madan 1877.
4873. Oxford, City. Articles to be propounded and treated upon, touching the rendring of the garrison of
Oxford [drawn up by members of the privy council and the governor] [19, 22 May]. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld],
[1646]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 514(18). Wing A3887 (rare) (Wing, Madan 1863). Madan 1868.
4874. Oxford, City. Civitas Oxon. ss. The oath of every free-man of . . . Oxford. Oxford: L. Licheld,
1646. S.sh.
, AW wrote, 1646 Copy of the freemans Oath of Oxon. Dupl. at Wood 423(22).
Wood 276a(309). Wing O854 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 1886.
4875. Oxford, City. Civitas Oxon. ss. The oath of every free-man of . . . Oxford. Oxford: L. Licheld,
1646. S.sh.
In a blank, the name of Charles is written in, not in AWs hand.
, 1645 is visible through the protective
sheet. Dupl. at 276a(309).
Wood 423(22). Wing O854 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 1886.
4876. Oxford, City. Orders and instructions . . . for the commissioners appointed to treat for the surrender
of . . . Oxford to the parliament. London: f. M. Walbancke, 1646, 23 May. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(13). Wing E2914. Madan 1867.
4877. Oxford, City. A full and true relation of the several actions and particulars of what was . . . done
in Oxford [28 June]. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 1 July. 4
. Pp. 7.
Dupl. at Wood 514(20).
Wood 501(17). Wing F2330. Madan 1892.
4878. Oxford, City. A full and true relation of the several actions and particulars of what was . . . done
in Oxford [28 June]. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 1 July. 4
. Pp. 7.
Dupl. at Wood 501(17).
Wood 514(20). Wing F2330. Madan 1892.
4879. Oxford, City. The humble petition of the major, aldermen . . . of Oxon . . . to the . . . commons
. . . With their grievances. London: f. G. Calvert, 1649. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 609(19). LT 1.152.
Wood 515(4). Wing H3558. Madan 2011.
4880. Oxford, City. The humble petition of the major, aldermen . . . of Oxon . . . to the . . . commons
. . . With their grievances. London: f. G. Calvert, 1649. 4
. Pp. 8.
454 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp, AW wrote Dup, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 515(4). LT 1.152.
Wood 609(19). Wing H3558. Madan 2011.
4881. Oxford, City. Civitas Oxon. } ss. The oath of every free-man of the city of Oxford. Oxon.: W.
Hall, 1665. S.sh.
Wood 515(32). Not in Wing (should be at O853A). Not in N & S. Not in ESTCR. Madan 2712.
4882. Oxford, City. The case of the city of Oxford: shewing how far the said city is concerned to oppose
the conrmation of charters, . . . of the university by parliament. N.p.: n.pub., [1690]. Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 1, 2 corrections. P. 4, AW wrote, Some few copies of this were printed in the beginning of January
1689[90], and, in another hand, To be heard at the Barr of the house on Wednesday the 15
. of January
1689[90]. Oxford., to which AW added, Deferd thence till the 20. LT 3.322.
Wood 423(65). Wing C1034 (Wing, [1691?]).
OXFORD. UNIVERSITY (items 4883-5088)
4883. Oxford, All Souls. William Powell alias Hinson . . . plaintie; the warden and fellows of All-Soules
colledge in Oxford defendants. In the chancellors court of the university of Oxford [10 Nov.]. [London?]:
n.pub., [1656]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 515(16). Wing P3098A (rare). Madan 2291.
4884. Oxford, Christ Church. The case truly stated betwixt the dean and chapter of Christs Church in
Oxford, and William Adkins butcher, concerning Frideswides medow near Oxford. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1667?].
AW wrote 1661, in pencil, and below, another person wrote over an earlier pencil note (by AW?), circa
1667 tried at Gildhall at an assise;
, 1661 2, in pencil. LT 2.55.
Wood 423(37). Wing C1207 (two). Madan 2777.
4885. Oxford, Magdalen. Priest. [/] The just shall be had in everlasting remembrance. [/] [prayer . . . ]
by the hands of our Founder William Wainett and all other our Benefactors:. . . [last line:] Mag. coll.
Oxon. [overleaf ] Commemorationes solenniores. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1660?]. S.sh. (r-v).
Madan (2519) listed a variant printed on only one side of a s.sh.: English black-letter leaded. An
English form of commemoration, consisting of two Versicles and Responses, and one Prayer mentioning
our Founder William Wainet and all other our Benefactors. This is followed by Mag. Coll. Oxon. in
large type, and Proper Psalms, 145, 146, 147. Lesson Ecclesiaticus, chap. 44. AWs copy is not English
black-letter leaded, and ends at Mag. Coll. Oxon. The device above, described by Madan as Royal Arms
crowned (with C. R.), and two supporters (Lion and Unicorn) . . . , is similar, but AWs copy does not
have C. R. Wing lists the 2 sides as separate printed items. Wing O992Q Form of commemoration of the
founder [1660]) and O992R Form of prayer for commemoration of founder [1693]. Wing O992Q = Madan
2519. For the item printed on the verso side, see Oxford, Magdalen (1693?), Wood 276a(514).
Wood 276a(513). Wing O992Q (rare). See Madan 2519.
4886. Oxford, Magdalen. Priest. The just shall be had in everlasting remembrance. Answer. Neither
shall they fear any evil report. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1660?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, The forme of commemoration to be used at certaine times in the yeare by the societie of Magd
Coll. for their Founder. Dupl. at Wood 515(24).
Wood 423(36). Wing O992Q (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, [1660]). Madan 2519.
4887. Oxford, Magdalen. Priest. The just shall be had in everlasting remembrance. Answer. Neither
shall they fear any evil report. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1660?]. S.sh. (ornament, CR, and 25 lines).
AW wrote, The forme of commemoration to be used at certaine times in the yeare by the societie of Magd.
Coll. Oxon. for their Founder. Dupl. at Wood 423(36).
Wood 515(24). Wing O992Q (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, [1660]). Madan 2519.
4888. Oxford, Magdalen. Commemorationes solenniores [/] d
fundatoris & benefactorum [/] habendae
in coll. Magd. Oxon. [/] 1. Obitus Johannis Claymond, Johannis Higden, [/] & Robert Morwent primo die
lunae in Quadragesima. . . . [12. names; overleaf ] Priest. The just shall be had. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1693?].
S.sh. (r-v).
On sheet with another item. See note at Oxford, Magadalen (1660?), Wood 276a(513).
Wood 276a(514). Wing O992R (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 455
4889. Oxford, Merton College. Merton colledge case. [London?]: n.pub., [1625]. S.sh. Obl.
Note in margin, not in AWs hand.
Wood 423(12). STC 19049. Madan 513.
4890. Oxford, New College. [The draught or view, with the ichnography, of the new buildings beyond &
on the east side of New College great quadrangle]. N.p.: n.pub., [1682]. S.sh.
The t is that written by AW on the sheet. LT 3.5.
Wood 423(55) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
4891. Oxford, Trinity College. Kettle, R., praesidens. Decretum de gratiis collegio rependendis [12 Dec.
1602]. [London?]: n.pub., [1602]. S.sh. (43 lines; above, woodcut).
Dupl. or di. ed. at Wood 423(13) (which may have been removed to here; there is a second no. 13 at
Wood 276b). STC 19051, Post 1640, but with 47 lines of print. Madan 213, 43 lines of print and year,
1602. A similar item at G.A. Oxon. C.287(1), ca. 1700, has 52 lines).
Wood 276b(13). Wing O992T (rare). STC 19051. Madan 213.
4892. Oxford, Trinity College. Decretum de gratiis collegio s. s. Trin. rependendis. [London]: n.pub.,
[1602?]. S.sh.
Missing in 1922. T from upper yleaf. Dupl. or di. ed. at Wood 276b(13).
Wood 423(13). Wing O992T (rare). Madan 213.
4893. Oxford, University. Copendium queston u de luce et lumine. [Oxford]: (in celiberima universitate
Oxoniensi per me J. Scolar), (1518, 5 June). A-B
LT 3.344.
Jesus College 1. Arch. 2. 25(3). STC 5607. Madan 30.
4894. Oxford, University. Academiae Oxoniensis pietas . . . Jacobum Angliae Scotiae Franciae & Hi-
berniae regem. Oxoniae: Jos. Barnesius, 1603. 4
in 8s. Pp. [4], 176 (wanting all after sig. L
). Calf with
3 llets, stamp decoration inside corners, and roll decoration at the inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding);
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, E Libris Musei Ashmoleani.; 2nd
, list of 11 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm.
librarian. 1st item, pp. 96, 101, 115, 119, 120, 175, some underscoring or vertical lines at authors names,
some in AWs manner. Some pen and pencil marks and notes in text not in AWs hand, e.g., pp. 92-3, and
109, at Vive Jacobe diu., in margin: Carole vive diu.; 176, signature of Robert Scaife.
Wood 484(1). STC 19019. Madan 230.
4895. Oxford, University. The answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors . . . to the humble petition
. . . desiring reformation of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the church. Oxford: J. Barnes, sold by S.
Waterson [London], 1603. 4
. Pp. [16], 32.
Tp, scribbles. Di. ed. (1604; dedicated to King James) at Wood 516(1).
Wood 614(3). STC 19011. Madan 233.
4896. Oxford, University. The answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors . . . to the humble petition
. . . desiring reformation of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the church. Oxford: J. Barnes, sold S.
Waterson [London], 1604. 4
. A-E
. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine; rebound.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, a recent note, Found on stub opposite 1966 referring to a slip, now pasted in, on which
AW wrote, To be sewed on bords. [/] not glewed [/] parchment on the back side (the binder followed these
instructions); 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 12 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Some numbering in the vol. was later altered: item no. 7 to 6*, and item no. 12 to 10*. The vol. still
holds 12 printed works in AWs original order. 1st item, di. ed. at Wood 614(3).
Wood 516(1). STC 19013. Madan 248.
4897. Oxford, University. Britanniae natalis. Oxoniae: J. Licheld, 1630. 4
. Pp. [4], 78.
Pp. 63, 72, at Fr. Goldsmith and at A. Annesley, line in margin, in red ink; a few underscorings, e.g., pp.
64, 70.
Wood 484(3). STC 19032. Madan 651.
4898. Oxford, University. Potter, Christopher, issued by. To all Christian people to whom these presents
shall come to be read: Christopher Potter . . . sendeth greeting. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1640]. S.sh.
Template sheet with blanks for insertion of names. Below, date in a modern hand.
Wood 276a(343). STC 19014.5 (rare). Madan 949.
4899. Oxford, University. An answer to the petition sent from the universitie of Oxford to . . . parliament
456 The Library of Anthony Wood
[on behalf of episcopacy and cathedrals]. London: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. 12.
LT 1.51.
Wood 514(4). Wing A3430. Madan 985.
4900. Oxford, University. Proteleia Anglo-Batava pari plusqu` am virgineo Guiliellmo Aravsii, & Mariae
Britanniarum, academia Oxoniensi procurante. Oxoniae: L. Licheld, 1641. 4
Flyleaf, lower, 1st, Liber Musaei Ashm: Oxon, not in AWs hand.
Wood 320(9). Wing O942. Madan 964*.
4901. Oxford, University. To the high and honorable court of parliament, the humble petition of the
university of Oxford, in behalfe of episcopacy and cathedralls. [London]: n.pub., [1641]. S.sh.
A 2-word corrective addition, Easterne and westerne Churches, prob. not by AW.
, a 25-line ms. summary
of the answer by his majesty to the vice-chancellor, and signed, Testor Ego C. P. by the vice-chancellor
Christopher Potter. Below, AW wrote his m
1640/1, cropped, and, 1641. LT 1.51.
Wood 514(3). Wing O986B (two). Madan 983.
4902. Oxford, University. To the high court of parliament, the humble petition of all colledges and halls.
[Oxford]: n.pub., [1641]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Delivered to his maj. by the vicech
. ult Apr. 1641.
Wood 423(18). Wing O987 (two). Madan 977.
4903. Oxford, University. To the high . . . court of parliament, the humble petition of the university of
Oxford, in behalfe of episcopacy and cathedralls. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 514(2). Wing O985. Madan 981.
4904. Oxford, University. A true relation of the late conference held at Oxford between the Presbyterians
and the Independents. [London]: n.pub., 1646. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, 3. 1. 2-(?), lined out; an early shelf-mark(?) 2.46 [or Q.46]. P. 5
, 2.46 or Q.46.
Wood 514(21). Wing T2978. Madan 1907.
4905. Oxford, University. The remonstrance of the kingdome of England to the universities of Oxford
and Cambridge. With a review of the covenant. [Oxford?]: f. the publique good, 1647. 4
. A
Wood 612(69). Wing O1005 (two). Madan 1966.
4906. Oxford, University. The case of the university of Oxford: or, the sad dilemma that all the members
thereof are put to, . . . In a letter . . . to mr Selden. [London]: [f. R. Royston], 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Dupl. at Wood 614(4) and Wood 631(1).
Wood 514(40). Wing C1173. Madan 1992.
4907. Oxford, University. The case of the university of Oxford: or, the sad dilemma that all the members
thereof are put to, . . . In a letter . . . to mr Selden. [London]: [f. R. Royston], 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Dupl. at Wood 514(40) and Wood 631(1).
Wood 614(4). Wing C1173. Madan 1992.
4908. Oxford, University. The case of the university of Oxford: or, the sad dilemma that all the members
thereof are put to, . . . In a letter . . . to mr Selden. [London]: [f. R. Royston], 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6. Calf with
3 llets, stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves, sunower sprouting eur-de-lis), and roll decoration at
inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding). Most items were cropped in the binding.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 20 printed works (actually 19, nos. 8-9 are 1 item) in this vol., by an Ashm.
librarian (same hand in Wood 276a). Numbering of works on tpp is in Roman numerals (nos. 1-4 also have
Arabic numbers, though prob. not by AW). Tp, AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 514(40) and
Wood 614(4).
Wood 631(1). Wing C1173. Madan 1992.
4909. Oxford, University. Oxonii lachrymae, Rachell weeping for her children, or, a . . . relation of the
present grievances . . . a letter [signed Philanax Anonomus]. London: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. 8.
Pp. 4-8, AW wrote some notes, corrections, underscored and made marks in margin, e.g., p. 6 at loyalists
expelled, Those crossed thus either kept their places or got into other colleges. (p. 6, below, 3-word note,
not in AWs hand); 8, at a reference to a catalogue which the author will send, That I desire much to see.
Flyleaf, lower, on a slip pasted on, AW wrote, Turnd out from Q. Coll and six names, Joh. Pierson, F.
Gibson, J. Grigge, R. Fletcher, Tho. Tarne, and E. Wilkinson. LT 1.142.
Wood 514(54). Wing O998. Madan 2012.
4910. Oxford, University. To our reverend brethren the ministers of the gospel in England and Wales.
The Library of Anthony Wood 457
[London]: n.pub., (1649, 22 Oct.). S.sh (r-v).
Wood 423(29). Wing T1383A (two). Madan 2018.
4911. Oxford, University. Musarum Oxoniensium Elaioforia . . . Sive, ob faedera, auspiciis Oliveri
. . . protectoris. Oxoniae: L. Licheld, 1654. 4
. Pp. [4], 1-68, 89-104; A-L
Pp. [1], [3], 1, 104, scribbling, not by AW. Pp. 11, 25, 45, 49, 51, 58-9, and 67, identications of authors or
their oces, by AW. See item 995, and for a satire, Wood 515(13), item 3799, and Madan 2246.
Wood 484(4). Wing O902. Madan 2243.
4912. Oxford, University. Sundry things from severall hands concerning the university of Oxford: viz.
I. A petition from some well-aected therein. London: T. Creake, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, AW wrote, Reported to be written by Joh. Wagsta of Oriel Coll. but false. P. 8, at the John Wallis
case, line in margin. Dupl. at Wood 610(45). LT. 1.295; AO 3.1114; AOF 2.220.
Wood 515(22). Wing S6181. Madan 2430.
4913. Oxford, University. Sundry things from severall hands concerning the university of Oxford: viz.
I. A petition from some well-aected therein. London: T. Creake, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, no. in a former bundle, 31, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 515(22). LT. 1.295; AO 3.1114; AOF 2.220.
Wood 610(45). Wing S6181. Madan 2430.
4914. Oxford, University. Sheldonian. To the right worshipful the heads of the respective colleges . . . a
convocation in the theatre, for the universitys being invested in the possession of it [John Fell, vice-
chancellor]. Oxoford [sic]: H. Hall, 1669. S.sh.
Date entered, July 9, 1669, in a modern hand.
Wood 276a(384). Wing O987L (rare). Madan 2836.
4915. Oxford, University. A certicat in order to the collecting and reporting [by C. Wase] the state of
the present English free-schools [16 Aug.]. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1673]. S.sh. 4
LT 2.268.
Wood 658(798). Wing O865 (rare) (Wing, 1673). Madan 2984.
4916. Oxford, University. Sheldonian. A discription of the painting of the theater in Oxford. Oxford: L.
Licheld, 1673. S.sh.
AW wrote, published at the Act time. At the same time also in 1674 (the latter is Wing D1165A). LT
423(50). Wing D1165 (rare). Madan 2956.
4917. Oxford, University. A pandarique [sic] ode on the vice-chancelors [J. Lloyd] return to Oxon.
[London]: (f. C. Corbet), (1683). S.sh. Pp. 2.
AW wrote 1683, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 417(116).
Wood 423(57). Wing P2254A (Wing, Chancellors).
4918. Oxford, University. A pandarique [sic] ode on the vice-chancelors [J. Lloyd] return to Oxon.
[London]: (f. C. Corbet), (1683). S.sh. Pp. 2.
P. 2, AW wrote the month, May. Dupl. at Wood 423(57).
Wood 417(116) (517(116) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing P2254A (Wing, Chancellors).
4919. Oxford, University. The humble address and recognition of the university of Oxford presented to
. . . James II. Oxford: at the theater, 1685. Fol. Pp. [4].
AW noted the year to be 4 that is, in his o.s., 1684, beside the year of the act of convocation, and This
was set before the book of verses, on the Kings inauguration.
Wood 423(60). Wing O887.
4920. Oxford, University Carrier. Orders concerning the rates, and demands of carriers, . . . betwixt
. . . Oxford, and . . . London [1 Sept.]. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], [1666]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1666, in pencil.
Wood 276a(352). Wing O903E (rare). Madan 2751.
4921. Oxford, University Carrier. Thomas Mores paper of a ying coach. N.p.: n.pub., [1669 or
later]. S.sh.
Missing. T is from the 1717 list. See Wood 276a(355a-b, 359, 369). LT 2.153, 219f., 223, 245. This item
may be a duplicate or a copy not listed in Madan (2835, 2894, 2898, 2935).
Wood 276a(366). Not identied.
458 The Library of Anthony Wood
4922. Oxford, University Carrier. Whereas the appointment, ordering, . . . of all carriers . . . trading
[5 Apr.]. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld?], [1669]. S.sh.
See LT 2.153.
Wood 276a(355a). Wing O992F (rare) (Wing, 1660). Madan 2835.
4923. Oxford, University Carrier. Whereas Edward Bartlet hath without licence from me, presumed to
set up a ying coach . . . July 20. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
LT 2.196.
Wood 276a(358). Wing O992C (rare). Madan 2857.
4924. Oxford, University Carrier. By order from mr vice-chancellour. These are to give notice that
whereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset hath without license from mee [P. Mews, 27 Apr.]. [Oxford]: n.pub.,
[1671]. S.sh.
LT 2.221.
Wood 276a(365). Wing O863D (rare). Madan 2897.
4925. Oxford, University Carrier. Oxford one day stage-coach . . . begins Munday next, being the 17th
instant April. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. 4
AW wrote at top, 1671, in pencil, and added, at bottom, over a 2nd pencilled 1671, in ink, This coach
was silenced by the Vicechanc: Order stuck up on every corner in Oxon Apr: 15. 1671. because it was set
up without his leave. LT 2.221.
Wood 276a(363) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S5740 (rare). Madan 2910.
4926. Oxford, University Carrier. To London every day. . . . The stage begins . . . 15. of May. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1671]. S.sh. obl. 16
AW wrote 1671, in pencil. LT 2.223.
Wood 276a(355b). Wing T1379C (rare). Madan 2898.
4927. Oxford, University Carrier. Whereas the appointment, ordering, . . . of all carriers . . . trading
. . . April 1. 1670. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
AW altered the date to 167 1 and wrote 1671. LT 2.219-20.
Wood 276a(359). Wing O992G (rare). Madan 2894.
4928. Oxford, University Carrier. By order from mr. vice-chancellor. These are to give notice, that
whereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset, have without license from me . . . 22 Feb. 1671. [Oxford]: [at the
Sheldonian], [1672]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(362). Wing O863F (rare). Madan 2934.
4929. Oxford, University Carrier. By order from mr vice-chancellor. Whereas Thomas Dye and John
Fosset, have without licence from mee [P. Mews, 22 Apr.]. [Oxford]: [at the Sheldonian], [1672]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(370). Wing O863H (rare). Madan 2936.
4930. Oxford, University Carrier. Whereas the appointment, ordering . . . of all carriers . . . doth of
right belong . . . to the chancellor, . . . Thomas Moore, and Edward Bartlet jun. licensed carriers of the
said university [P. Mews, 19 Apr.]. [Oxford]: [at the Sheldonian], [1672]. S.sh. obl.
For more, see LT 2.245.
Wood 276a(369). Wing O992H (rare) (Wing, no location recorded). Madan 2935.
4931. Oxford, University Carrier. Whereas the carriers between the university of Oxford,and the city
of London, . . . exacted what rates they pleased . . . It is therefore now ordered [4 Dec.]. [Oxford]: n.pub.,
[1674]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(318). Wing O992I (rare). Madan 3019.
4932. Oxford, University Encomia. Kingsmill, William, ed. Encomion Rodolphi Warcopi [Aug. 1605].
Oxoniae: J. Barnesium, 1605. 4
. A-E
(E4 blank).
A3, C1, at names of authors of poems, W. Kingesmillus and Jo. Reinoldes, line in margin.
Wood 460(7). STC 19049.5. Madan 263.
4933. Oxford, University Encomia. Magdalen. Beatae Mariae Magdalenae lachrymae, in obitum . . . Gul-
ielmi Grey. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1606. 4
. Pp. [4], 42.
P. 14, correction, at 1606, 1605-6; 36, at Gualt. Rauleigh, line in margin.
Wood 460(8). STC 19046. Madan 277.
4934. Oxford, University Encomia. [Martin, James, ed.]. Eidyllia in obitum fulgentissimi Henrici
The Library of Anthony Wood 459
Walliae principis duodecimi. Oxoniae: Jos. Barnesius, 1612. 4
. A-D
Wood 484(2). STC 19020. Madan 342.
4935. Oxford, University Encomia. Merton. Bodleiomnema. (Memoriae sacrum. Viro clarissimo,
. . . Thomae Bodleio. . . . Oratio funebris . . . ` a Johanne Halesio). Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1613. 4
[4], 84, [18]. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, list of 9 printed works in this vol., not in AWs hand; 2nd, George: Sadleir, and, AW
wrote, He hath severall copies of verses here in ms. (LT 1.426; see also 2.129, possibly acquired 3 Mar.
1668). After last p., blank sheet
, a 46-line MS. poem, in English, unsigned, but by George Sadleir, with
heading, An extemporall compassion on some passages in the Funebria Sacra. Sadleir owned this vol. and
wrote other poems on yleaves; see Wood 460(3 and 9).
Wood 460(1). STC 19048. Madan 374.
4936. Oxford, University Encomia. Exeter. Threni Exoniensium in obitum . . . Johannis Petrei, baronis
de Writtle. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1613. 4
. Pp. [4], 48.
P. 5, a correction. Pp. 18, 22, and 41, at Jo. Balcanquall, Joh. Bayly, and Nic. Hunt, lines in margin, in
red ink.
Wood 460(2). STC 19044. Madan 372.
4937. Oxford, University Encomia. Camdeni insignia. Oxoniae: J. Licheld a. J. Short, 1624. 4
(wanting ,2
, at Samuel Fell, AW wrote, ch.ch. in Ox.; B4
, correction; E2, at Joh. Donne, lines in margin; E3 line
in margin, in red ink. After 1st yleaf, upper, bibliog. note on contents of this item by a later librarian.
Wood 484(7). STC 19028. Madan 517.
4938. Oxford, University Encomia. Schola moralis philosophiae Oxon. In funere [Thomae] Whiti pul-
lata. Oxoniae: J. Licheld a. J. Short, 1624. 4
. Pp. [2], 6 (wanting Oratio funebris, per G. Price).
There are 2 entries for this single work. The other part, the last 4 leaves, is at Wood 512(8), item 4939.
Slip added, with bibliog. information by a later librarian.
Wood 484(6). STC 19029. Madan 518.
4939. Oxford, University Encomia. Price, William, academic. Schola moralis philosophiae Oxon. In
funere [Thomae] Whiti pullata [Heading:] Oratio funebris habita Oxoniae, . . . per G. Price [22 Apr. 1624].
[Oxoniae]: [J. Licheld a. J. Short], [1624]. 4
. A
, only.
There are 2 entries for this single work. The other part, pp. [2], 6, is at Wood 484(6), item 4938.
Wood 512(8). STC 19029. Madan 518.
4940. Oxford, University Encomia. Verses on the death of . . . Bevill Grenvill. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld],
1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
P. 3, correction in a poem.
Wood 319(3). Wing 0990. Madan 1436.
4941. Oxford, University Press. A proposal tending to the advancement of learning by . . . encourage-
ment of the press. [Oxford]: [at the Sheldonian], [1675]. S.sh. (r-v).
Year, not in AWs hand;
, AW wrote the year, 1675. Also, proposalls to encourage the presse att Oxford,
not in AWs hand. Later ed. at Wood 423(54). LT 2.333.
Wood 423(51). Wing P3710 (two). Madan 3069.
4942. Oxford, University Press. A proposal tending to the advancement of learning by . . . encourage-
ment of the press. [London]: [at the Sheldonian], [1681]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote the year, 1681, in pencil; below, year, not in AWs hand. Earlier ed. at Wood 423(51).
Wood 423(54). Wing P3711 (rare). See Madan 3069.
4943. Oxford, University Press. Friendly advice to the correctour of the English press at Oxford con-
cerning the English orthographie. London: f. R. Clavell, 1682. Fol. Pp. [2], 10.
AW wrote, AW, in pencil, and published about 10. Apr. 1682. Pp. 1, initials of the public orator, D. S.,
altered to D
. South; 6, underscoring; 7, William Slater, underscored, and line in margin at controversy
over the city name, Ousford vs. Oxford. A few later pencil lines in margins. LT 3.12; 2.170.
Wood 423(56). Wing F2215.
4944. Oxford, University Statutes. Decretum . . . damnans propositiones neotericorum [D. Paraeus et
al.] infra-scriptas, sive Jesuitarum, sive Puritanorum, sive aliorum cujuscunq; generis scriptorum. Oxonii:
J. Licheld & J. Short, 1622. 4
. A
(A1 blank).
460 The Library of Anthony Wood
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, See in H. Grotius, a reference to a work outside of this vol. B1, pencil line
around a paragraph (quoted in Hist. and Antiq., 2.346-7; AO 1.3).
Wood 516(4). STC 19014 (STC, Oxoniae). Madan 499.
4945. Oxford, University Statutes. [Turner, P[eter] (younger), engraver]. Carolus R. Ordo sive series
electionis procuratorum in singulis coll. academiae Oxoniensis [a chart. With] Statuta. Oxoniae: J. Licheld,
imp. G. Davis, 1629. S.sh. Obl. [2] (Statuta is cut in 2 and pasted at sides of the Ordo; all corners of Statuta
are supported by slips).
, AW wrote the year, 1629. Acquired 8 Oct. 1658, 6
, LT 1.260. Dupl. of Statuta at Wood 276a(310).
Wood 423(14). STC 19009 and 19008 (issued together). Madan 628-9.
4946. Oxford, University Statutes. Statuta. I Schedula sive repertorium seriei & circuitus praedicti.
Oxoniae: J. Licheld, imp. G. Davis, 1629. S.sh.
Dupl. with Wood 423(14).
Wood 276a(410). STC 19008. Madan 629.
4947. Oxford, University Statutes. A proclamation, for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of
Oxford. (Oxford): (J. Licheld), (1634). Fol. Pp. [3].
P. 1-2, slight marks or horizontal lines in margin. P. 3
, on pasted down side, a heading for this document,
not in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(310). STC 19004. Madan 769.
4948. Oxford, University Statutes. [Croseld, T., ed?]. Synopsis seu epitome statutorum, eorum prae-
sertim, quae juventuti academ. Oxon: maxime expedit pro doctrin a & moribus habere cognita. Oxonii: G.
Turner, imp. G. Webb, 1635. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1635, in pencil.
Wood 423(15). STC 19006. Madan 797.
4949. Oxford, University Statutes. [Croseld, T., compiler]. [Statuta selecta `e corpore statutorum
universitatus Oxon.] Speculum academicum: quadratura circuli, sive cyclus praelectorum in schema redactus.
[Oxford]: [typ. G. Turner pro G. Webb], [1638]. 8
. S.sh. (one p. only, pag. 20).
LT 1.131.
Wood 423(16). STC 19007. Madan 876.
4950. Oxford, University Statutes. 5. Elizabeth. The oath of supremacy to be taken by everyone that is
matriculated being sixteen years of age or more. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1640?]. S.sh. 4
. Pasteboard (blue) with
parchment spine; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Binding - 5
Feb. 8. an. 1689[90]; 3rd-4th, AW wrote Oxoniensia Vol. - - - (i.e., vol.
4, for it is so cross-referenced at Wood 645(1), item 3078), in pencil, and the titles of 34 printed works
in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. AW listed 2 items, 30 and 31, as a single item. There
are two items at 28. At AWs no. 33, now catalogued as item no. 33b, there is a later note (1922) in the
margin, Not in the vol., hence 35 items remain in the vol. The Ashm. Roman numerals replace, at times
obliterate, AWs numbering on the tpp in this vol.
Wood 515(1). Not in STC. Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR 181146. Madan 948.
4951. Oxford, University Statutes. S., W., ed. Oxon: studia. Quadratura circuli, Anglor: Athenae.
Studiorum & exercitii academici, pridem editi. Londini: ap. O. Pullein, & T. Slater, 1643. S.sh.
Wood 423(19). Wing O997A (rare). Madan 1577.
4952. Oxford, University Statutes. Jan. 9. 1651. By the vicechancellour and heads of houses of the
university of Oxford. Whereas. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1651[2]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(319). Wing O863A (rare). Madan 2155.
4953. Oxford, University Statutes. March 22. 1651. By the vice-chancellour and heads of houses.
Whereas by the rude carriage. Oxford: L. Licheld, [1652]. S.sh.
Issued by vice-chancellor Daniel Greenwood, concerning coursing, LT 1.297.
Wood 276a(344) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing O863B (rare). Madan 2156.
4954. Oxford, University Statutes. Oxon. July 5
. 1652. The vice-chancellour and heads of houses.
Oxford: L. Licheld, 1652. S.sh.
Wood 276a(345). Wing O903B (rare) (Wing, 1653). Madan 2187.
4955. Oxford, University Statutes. Mart. 20. 1660. Quandoquidem compertum est intra academiae
limites, factiosos nonnullos & turbones oberrare. Oxon: typ. acad. Licheldianis, [1660]. S.sh.
The Library of Anthony Wood 461
Wood 276a(346). Wing O961 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2426.
4956. Oxford, University Statutes. Paul Hood, doctor of divinity, . . . Whereas the statues certaine
require . . . scholasticall, and decent habits [8 Oct.]. [Oxford]: [A. Licheld], [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1660, in pencil.
Wood 276a(347). Wing O934A (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2516.
4957. Oxford, University Statutes. Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his majesties
reception. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1663, Sept.]. S.sh.
At top, AW added, Dup 1663, in pencil (for statutes with the same title, 1687 and 1695, see items 4984,
4990). An editorial addition, That none of the Masters of Arts that have . . . not in AWs hand, lined out.
Below, AW wrote this paper came out in Oxon Sept: 22: 1663. Later, he added Registred in convocation
book. p. 170-171. LT 1.489, 491.
Wood 276a(326). Wing O859. Madan 2644.
4958. Oxford, University Statutes. Walter Blandford, doctor in divinity, . . . Whereas all undergrad-
uates, . . . are strictly accomptable [26 Jan. 1663]. [Oxford]: [A. or L. Licheld], [1664]. S.sh.
AW wrote 1663[4] Dup, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 276a(349).
Wood 276a(348). Wing O992B (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, 1669). Madan 2665.
4959. Oxford, University Statutes. Walter Blandford, doctor in divinity, . . . Whereas all undergrad-
uates, . . . are strictly accomptable [26 Jan. 1663]. [Oxford]: [A. or L. Licheld], [1664]. S.sh.
AW wrote, 1663[4], in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 276a(348).
Wood 276a(349). Wing O992B (rare, 2 at O) (Wing, 1669). Madan 2665.
4960. Oxford, University Statutes. Rules and orders made by the vice-chancellor of the university of
Oxford . . . for the good [against the plague]. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1665]. S.sh.
AW added after the year, Aug: 25. LT 2.44.
Wood 276a(313). Wing O962 (rare). Madan 2713.
4961. Oxford, University Statutes. Cum de vestitu & habitu scholastico . . . Aug. An: Dom. 1666 [27
Aug.]. Oxon: H. Hall, [1666]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Regestred in the convocation book which begins 1659. p. 220. LT 2.84-5.
Wood 276a(320). Wing O871A (rare). Madan 2750.
4962. Oxford, University Statutes. Robert Say, doctor of divinity, . . . Whereas the statutes . . . require
certain scholastical, and decent habits [13 Feb.]. [Oxford]: [A. or L. Licheld], [1666]. S.sh.
AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. AW may have been referring to a similar document issued in 1660 now at
Wood 276a(347), item 4956.
Wood 276a(350). Wing O961B (rare). Madan 2749.
4963. Oxford, University Statutes. Octob: 21. 1667. Prizes of wines set. [Oxford]: [W. Hall], [1667].
LT 2.120.
Wood 276a(354). Wing O939A (rare). Madan 2776.
4964. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders for the reception of . . . the prince of Orange. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1670]. S.sh.
AW wrote, A copy of this paper was stuck up in the Common Refectory of every Coll. and Hall Dec. 8. in
the morn. 1670, in expectation of the said prince in the evening, but he came not - Registered in convoc.
book p. 304. LT 2.206-7.
Wood 276a(329) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing O903G (rare). Madan 2858..
4965. Oxford, University Statutes. By order from mr vice-chancellor, and mr major. April 26. 1671.
These are to give notice . . . Pet. Mews vice-chancel. Roger Grin deputy major. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671].
AW wrote Oxon, twice. LT 2.222.
Wood 276a(364). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR. Madan 2896.
4966. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders agreed upon by the heads of houses for the preventing and
quenching of re . . . Octob. 23. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
LT 2.222.
Wood 276a(316). Wing O903D (rare). Madan 2901.
462 The Library of Anthony Wood
4967. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders and directions agreed upon by . . . justices of the peace of
. . . Oxford. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
Added above regnal year, (Apr. 27) and below, 1671, in blue crayon, not by AW. Dupl. at Wood
276a(315). LT 2.222.
Wood 276a(314). Wing O392 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2899.
4968. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders and directions agreed upon by . . . justices of the peace of
. . . Oxford. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
1671 in the margin, may be by AW; below, AW wrote, These orders were stuck up on every corner, &
every Inn dore June 9, 1671. Dupl. at Wood 276a(314). LT 2.222.
Wood 276a(315). Wing O392 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 2899.
4969. Oxford, University Statutes. Whereas formerly the practical musick . . . hath been much disturbd
. . . P. Mews vice-cancel. [6 July]. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
LT 2.225.
Wood 276a(367) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing O992D (rare). Madan 2900.
4970. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders and directions for the cleansing of the ways, streets and
passages in and about the university and city of Oxford. [Oxford]: [at the Sheldonian], [1672]. S.sh.
At bottom, AW wrote, printed Apr. 28. an. 1672.
Wood 276a(317). Not in Wing. Madan 2937. Not in ESTCR.
4971. Oxford, University Statutes. Whereas Tuesday next, . . . is . . . appointed to be observed as a
day of fasting . . . that the guilt of the . . . blood of Charles the rst . . . Jan. 27. 1671. [Oxford]: [at the
Sheldonian], [1672]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Memorandum that this programma was printed under the same forme Jan 27. a
1670 & stuck
up on all common places in the University. Some there were also that were printed without the Vice-chanc.
name; to the end that the Maior of the City might put his hand to them: which he did & they were stuck
up on all common places of the City. LT 2.215.
Wood 276a(360). Wing O992J (rare). Madan 2932.
4972. Oxford, University Statutes. Cum statutum universitatis exigat . . . Novemb. 24. [Oxford]:
n.pub., [1674]. S.sh.
See LT 2.298.
Wood 276a(322). Wing O871C (rare). Madan 3018.
4973. Oxford, University Statutes. Prizes of wines set and appointed by the vice-chancellor [Ra.
Bathurst, 19 Feb. 1673]. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1674]. S.sh.
Above, AW wrote 1673, outlined the university seal, and wrote The University Armes inside; at the
price of Canary wines (2 shillings the quart), he wrote, Before for severall yeares at 2
. to the great
resentment of all: who to make even money would either spend more or give the Drawer the rest. This
price was raised upon pretence of carriage. After the price of French wines (1 shilling the quart), Before
for severall years 1
. See LT 2.281-2.
Wood 276a(372). Wing O939B (rare). Madan 3017.
4974. Oxford, University Statutes. April 18. 1676. Whereas on Friday last, April 14
, at midnight,
several outrages were committed [Ra. Bathurst vice-chancellor]. [Oxford]: n.p, [1676]. S.sh.
Below, AW wrote, Stuck up in all publick places in Oxford. LT 2.343-4.
Wood 276a(374). Wing O992E (rare). Madan 3115.
4975. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders for the reception of . . . James, duke of Ormond. [Oxford]:
[at the Sheldonian], [1677]. S.sh. Proof copy, uncorrected, 35 lines and no signature.
, note, apparently to AW, 2 a clock If you come within this hour, you will nd T[homas] Tully, &
N[athaniel] Ellison either at the Bacchelours Garden at CCC or else at my chamber N. E. (prob. N.
Ellison). Di. ed. at Wood 276a(325). LT 2.387.
Wood 276a(324). Wing O903F (rare). Madan 3150.
4976. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders for the reception of . . . James, duke of Ormond. [Oxford]:
[at the Sheldonian], [1677]. S.sh. 39 lines and printed signature of Hen: Clerke, vice-chancellor.
AW wrote, Stuck up in all Refectories of College & halls 4. Aug. in the morn. 1677. Di. ed. at Wood
276a(324). LT 2.387.
Wood 276a(325). Wing O903F (rare, 3 at O). Madan 3150.
The Library of Anthony Wood 463
4977. Oxford, University Statutes. John Nicholas, doctor in divinity, and vice-chancellour . . . Whereas
all undergraduates . . . are strictly accomptable in all their matters of bargaine . . . [template, no month or
day]. [Oxford]: n.pub, [1678]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(376). Wing O889A (rare). Madan 3190.
4978. Oxford, University Statutes. Orders to be observed while his majestie . . . continue in Oxford.
[Oxford]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh.
AW wrote, These orders were printed 7. March (Munday) 1680[1]. & forthwith sent to the Colleges &
Halls, to be posted up. LT 2.517.
Wood 276a(328). Wing O903H (rare).
4979. Oxford, University Statutes. Univers. Oxon. The prices of provision, appointed by the reverend
Timothy Halton . . . vice-chancellor . . . his majesties clerk of this market. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh.
AW wrote, Stuck up in all public places 13. March 1680[1]. After each item, a line and the price, entered
in hand, may not be by AW. LT 2.520.
Wood 276a(377). Wing O939 (rare). ESTCR 232112.
4980. Oxford, University Statutes. The judgment and decree of the university of Oxford past in their
convocation July 21. 1683, against certain pernicious books. [Oxford]: at the theater, 1683. Fol. Pp. [2], 9.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 3
, and pp. 3-6, some 25 notes in dark ink and reference letters and underscoring
in red ink, identifying authors of works to be burned, e.g., p. 3, at Lex Rex, (a) written by Sam. Rutherford;
p. 4, at Jenkins Petition, (b) Will. Jenkyns M. A Cambr. his petition to save himself having assisted K.
Ch. 2. with moneys when he came out of Scotland into Engl.; and p. 6, at Protestant Reconciler, Prot.
Reconciler, the 1st part, written by Dan. Whitby. LT 3.62-4 and notes 4, 5; 3.96.
Wood 423(58). Wing O891.
4981. Oxford, University Statutes. Comitia habita in universitate Oxoniensi Ap. 23. . . . Die inaugu-
rationis . . . principis Jacobi II. et . . . reginae Mariae. [Oxford]: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1685. S.sh.
AW made made notes, in ink, one over a previous, briefer, note in pencil. See the orders that came out the
day before; at rst carmines, very well; at second, U. Corbet, T. Sprot. and R. Barber, These three took
from each other as in Carm. Amoebeo [in a responsive song] over an earlier note in pencil; at Jerv. Eyre,
immediately following, Eyre shut up their discourse; and after this set of carmines, Vocal & instrumental
musick, from the musick Gallery. LT 3.141.
Wood 276a(408). Wing O866 (rare).
4982. Oxford, University Statutes. The heads of the respective colleges and halls . . . April 23. the day
of his majesties coronation. [Oxford]: n.pub., 1685. S.sh.
Below, AW wrote, stuck up in all public refectories 22. Apr. LT 3.140. Date entered in Roman numerals,
not by AW. Di. ed. at Wood 276a(378).
Wood 276a(373). Wing O988 (rare) (Wing, di. ed. not recorded).
4983. Oxford, University Statutes. To the right worshipfull the heads of the respective colleges and
halls . . . on Thursday April 23. the day of his majesties coronation. [Oxford]: n.pub., 1685. S.sh.
Date entered in Roman numerals, not by AW. Di. ed. at Wood 276a(373).
Wood 276a(378). Wing O988 (rare) (Wing, di. ed. not recorded).
4984. Oxford, University Statutes. Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his majesties
reception. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1687]. S.sh.
AW wrote, This paper was stuck up in all refectories in the University about a week before the K. came
to Oxon. and in pencil 1687. In a later hand, (Sept. 1687). LT 3.224.
Wood 276a(327). Wing O 860 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
4985. Oxford, University Statutes. Doctors in all facultys appointed to meet the king [26 Aug. ].
[Oxford]: n.pub., [1687]. S.sh.
Lines at 4 names of academics in the 1st group, and the count 24; after the 2nd group, AW wrote, M
i giorni
The Library of Anthony Wood 521
delle feste. Roma: per R. Alberto Tani, 1668. 12
. Pp. 96 (pp. 49-53 unopened). Parchment.
Tp, Ant. ` a Wood ex dono Radulphi Sheldon de Beoly, Arm. 25 Mar. 1676.-. LT 2.341.
Wood 771. Not in BL.
5601. Romes Wickedness. Romes wickednes. Or, wicked Rome, with her seven deadly sins [signed
Anonymus]. London: A. M[athewes] f. J. Wright, the younger, 1637. 8
. Pp. [4], 39.
Tp, AW wrote An edition of this in 8
came out in 1624 (STC 21302a; and 1623, STC 21302). Bsm.
Wood 876(3). STC 21303 (two).
5602. Roos, John Manners. Rutland, 8th duke of. A true and perfect copy of the lord Roos his answer
to the marquesse of Dorchesters letter [25 Feb. 1659]. [London]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh.
To Roos, AW added John Lord;
, Rooss name.
Wood 276a(251). Wing R2400.
5603. Rosamond*. The life and death of Rosamond, king Henry the seconds concubine. [London]: f. W.
Thackeray, a. T. Passenger, [1686-88]. 8
. A
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. 1688.
Wood 254(3). Wing L2009B (rare).
5604. Rosamond of Scotland*. The lovers quarrel: or Cupids triumph: being the . . . history of fair
Rosamond of Scotland. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, a. J. Clarke, 1677. 8
. A
. Pasteboard
(grey) with parchment spine; rebound.
Flyleaves, upper, 1st
and 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 15 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made
with red ink (1-15 in Arabic numbers; the items in vol. are numbered in Roman numerals (prob. not by
AW)). 11 of these are known to exist only in the Bodl. and 4 are known to exist in the Bodl. and at one
other location. See Plate III. Tp, 4 (? a scribble).
Wood 259(1). Wing L3257B (rare).
5605. Rosewell, Walter. The serpents subtilty discovered, or a true relation of what passed in the cathe-
drall church of Rochester between divers ministers and Richard Coppin. London: A. M. f. J. Cranford, 1656.
. Pp. [12], 16.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 647(22). Wing R1943.
5606. Ross, Alexander. Som animadversions . . . upon s
Walter Raleighs historie. London: W. Du-gard
f. R. Royston, [1650]. 12
. Pp. [10], 72.
P. 1, correction.
Wood 225(2). Wing R1981.
5607. Ross, John. Tangers rescue; or a relation of the late memorable passages at Tanger. London: f. H.
Hills, 1681. 4
. Pp. [4], 36.
Wood 386(16). Wing R1988.
5608. Rosseter, Edward*. An impartiall and true relation of the great victory obtained . . . by the
conjoyned forces of Lincolne, Nottingham, Lecester, Derby, and Rutland, under . . . col. Edw. Rosseter.
London: E. Grin, 1648, 12 July. 4
. [A]
Tp, AW wrote after the date, Jul. 5.
Wood 502(36). Wing I80A.
5609. Rossington, James. To the right honourable the house of commons assembled in parliament, the
humble petition. [London]: n.pub., [1675]. S.sh.
AW wrote, This I found in D
Lowers privy house 24. May 1675 in Bow Street, Lond. AW was in London,
19-28 May, see LT 2.314.
Wood 276a(173). Wing R1995A (rare).
5610. [Rosso, G. Raviglio]. [Contile, Luca, ed.]. Historia delle cose occorse nel regno dInghilterra, in
materia del duca di Notomberlan dopo la morte di Odoardo VI. Venetia: nell Academia Venetiana, 1558.
. Pp. 68.
Wood 84(3). BL.
5611. Rother, M. E. Memoriam vesperiarum et comitiorum in theatro Oxoniensi . . . 6, 7, & 9. Jul:
amico suo dn. Paulo Brand . . . 12. Aug. Oxonii: n.pub., [1677]. S.sh.
AW wrote the year, 1677 in pencil. See Madan and LT 2.378.
Wood 276a(407). Wing R1998 (rare). Madan 3160.
522 The Library of Anthony Wood
5612. Rous, Francis. A speech made before the lords in the upper house . . . [16 March] Against dr.
Cossens, . . . upon the complaint of mr. Peter Smart. London: f. J. Wright junior, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW underscored the name of the author, in red ink. Bsm.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(26). Wing R2028.
5613. Rouse, Francis. Archaeologiae Atticae libri tres. ?: ?, 1637-1685. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48, Archeologiae atticae. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48. STC 21350 and Wing R2032-2041.
5614. Rouse, J[ohn]. Rouse his case, . . . written with his own hand in Newgate. London: J. Grantham,
by the order of the Widdow Rouse, 1683. Fol. Pp. [2], 16.
On blank sheet before tp, inter 2 & 3, in pencil; placed nally between items 4 and 6. Tp, AW wrote,
; p. 13, AW identied Mrs. Rouses good Father, Hen. Cornish sometime Canon of ch. ch. now a
Nonconformist minister.
Wood 428(5). Wing R2047.
5615. Row, William. The fatal blow given to the earle of Newcastles armie, by the Scots. [London]: A.
Coe, 1644. 4
. Pp. [8].
Pp. 4-5, nonsense scribbles, not by AW.
Wood 377(5). Wing R2061 (two).
5616. Rowe, Matthew. An exact and full relation of the great victory . . . at Dungons-hill in Ireland,
. . . by . . . Michael Jones [8 Aug.]. London: f. E. Husband, 1647, 19 Aug. 4
. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 18, and below, wrote, If [?] Dup. . Dupl. at Wood 612(49).
Wood 509(22). Wing R2068.
5617. Rowe, Matthew. An exact and full relation of the great victory . . . at Dungons-hill in Ireland,
. . . by . . . Michael Jones [8 Aug.]. London: f. E. Husband, 1647, 19 Aug. 4
. Pp. 16.
Tp, no. 3 in a former bundle. AW wrote Dupl, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 509(22).
Wood 612(49). Wing R2068.
5618. Rowland, David, trans. A comfortable ayde for schollers, full of variety of sentences [from Grifoni,
Giovanni Andrea, Specchio]. London: T. Marshe, 1578. 8
. Pp. [8], 143, [16].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16, Lond. 1578 8
. parch. cover. BL copy is cropped at top.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16. STC 21357 (rare, BL).
5619. Rowlands, Richard. [Verstegan, Richard, alternate name]. [The post of the world. Wherein is
contayned the antiquities and original of the most famous cities in Europe]. (The post for diuers partes
of the world). London: published by R. Rowlands. Imprinted T. East, 1576. 4
. Pp. [8], 112 (wanting the
almanack at the beginning).
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, One Rich. Rowland was a poore scholar under M
Tho. Bernard canon of ch.
ch. in Oxon, an. 1564. P. 112, details of death and burial after printed entry of Queen Elizabeth, not by
AW: died the 24 of March 1602[3] buried at Westminster the 28 of Aprill 1603 being the thursday in Easter
Wood 142(4). STC 21360.
5620. Rowlands, Richard. [Verstegan, Richard, alternate name]. A restitution of decayed intelligence:
in antiquities. Concerning the . . . English nation, . . . by R. V. Antwerp: R. Bruney, sold J. Norton a. J.
Bill, London, 1605. 4
. Pp. [24], 338, [13] (wanting sig. Y
, pp. 169-176). Parchment with clasp holes.
Parchment, upper, inside, Henry Foulis booke: July 16: 1651 Praetium M [?] o
pasted over with AWs
book-plate, which itself is badly mutilated (7 x 9 cm.; most of fringe decoration, acorns and stems, survives,
along with a portion of the bottom line, Book. 16.; see Index, Wood, A., bookplate). Pastedown, upper,
torn out. Tp, AW wrote, Another Edit. of this at Lond. 1653. in a Larg oct[avo] but not well corrected.
, note by Foulis, Henricus si addis Foulis sit possessor honestus / Hujus codiculi: nam mihi Bursa
dedit. with date and price; below, signature of E J LeOgle (?). In intro. AW numbered pp. 1, 3 and 5.
Text, sporadic annotation: brief note (p. 23, not by AW), underscoring and lines and marks (p. 81, hand)
in margins. 2nd p. 13
, AW wrote, Harlots a sect in K. Hen. III. time. vid. Fox. Acts. Mon. tom. 1. pag.
435. Pastedown, lower, inside, 18 lines of verse, badly mutilated, not in AWs hand. LT 2.180.
Wood 598. STC 21361.
5621. R[owlands], Samuel. The letting of humours blood in the head-vaine. London: W. White f. W.
F[erbrand], 1600. 8
. A-E
P. nos., 1-85, written in pencil, not by AW.
The Library of Anthony Wood 523
Wood 84(11). STC 21393.
5622. Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy earle of Warwick. London: J. Bell f. T. Vere, 1649.
. A-Q
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote, One Joh. Lane wrot an heroick poem called Guy of Warwick.
Wood 321(3). Wing R2084 (rare).
5623. R[owlands], S[amuel]. Doctor Merry-man: or nothing but mirth. London: E. Crowch, f. F. Coles,
T. Vere, a. J. Wright, 1671. 4
. A-C
. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, simple division and multiplication gures, prob. not by AW;
, AW wrote the titles of 8
printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink, and concluding with: Memorandum that I
have two volumes in fol. endorsed, Poems, Songs, Elegies, several things in prose &c. The rst vol. contains
132 several things, & the second 183, among which also are Ballads [i.e., Wood 416-7]. But those being
all printed in folio sheets & papers, cannot be bound with these following [i.e., Wood 382] Nor a thick
octavo book endorsed Songs, Drollerie, containing 7 seve[r]all octavo books bound together [i.e., Wood
326] (LT 1.18). 1st item, each 8
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. B3
, in margin, Stolen from Chaucer
[and signed] Wms., in red chalk, possibly by AW.
Wood 382(1). Wing R2082 (rare).
5624. Rowney, Thomas. The case of Thomas Rowney gent. executor of Edward Twyford. [London?]:
n.pub., [1680]. S.sh.
, note, cropped, Mr Ro Case, not in AWs hand.
Wood 276b(69). Wing C1188A (two).
5625. Roy, William, and William Barlow. O., N., ed. Rede me and be nott wrothe for I saye no thynge
but trothe [a satire in verse on T. Wolsey]. [Strassburg]: [J. Schott], [1528]. 8
. A-I
. Calf with 4 llets;
backing, upper, printers waste paper (Psalms in Eng.).
Pastedown, upper,1st, shelf-mark, C: l: Lib: 7; 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works (really 8,
including the fragment, Stoughton (1604), at 774(3b), item 6058) in this vol., Libri in hoc volumine. Tp,
signature of an earlier owner, Hum Dy[son], cropped. Text, scribbles, a note, a drawing and signatures,
e.g., Thomas , most are cropped and none are by AW.
Wood 774(1). STC 1462.7.
5626. Royal College of Physicians. Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague as
for preventing the infection. Oxford: W. Hall f. R. Davis, 1665. 4
. Rpt. Pp. [8], 24.
Wood 498(9). Wing C1709. Madan 2714.
5627. Royal College of Physicians. An exact account of all who are the present members of the kings
college of physicians. Londgn [sic]: f. H. Brome, 1673. S.sh.
AW made 2 corrections of names and 6 marks in margins beside names and added 2 pieces of information.
Wood 276a(301). Wing E3560 (rare).
5628. Royal College of Physicians. An exact account of all who are the present members of the kings
college of physicians. London: n.pub., 1676. S.sh.
Wood 276a(302). Wing E3561 (two).
5629. Royal College of Physicians. The names of the fellows of the kings college of physicians. London:
n.pub., 1683. S.sh.
Lines in margins at 19 names; an underscoring. Dupl. at Wood 276b(42).
Wood 276a(303). Wing N132 (two).
5630. Royal College of Physicians. The names of the fellows of the kings college of physicians. London:
n.pub., 1683. S.sh.
Dupl. at Wood 276a(303).
Wood 276b(42). Wing N132 (two).
5631. Royal College of Physicians. The case of the college of physicians, London [concerning a proposed
new charter]. [London]: n.pub., [1688?]. Fol. Pp. 2 (2 leaves).
Wood 657(69). Wing C1042A.
5632. Royal College of Physicians. An historical account of proceedings betwixt the college of physicians
and surgeons, since their incorporation. [London?]: n.pub., [1690?]. Fol. Pp. 8.
Wood 657(72). Wing H2095.
524 The Library of Anthony Wood
5633. Royal College of Physicians. The physicians reply to the surgeons answer. [London?]: n.pub.,
[1690]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 657(71). Wing P2147aA (O not recorded in Wing).
5634. Royal College of Physicians. The oath taken by the censors, who are the examiners of the college,
. . . upon . . . their admission [Followed by] The statute concerning the admission. [London]: n.pub., [1695].
This should be dated 1695 or earlier, since it was in AWs possession.
Wood 657(68). Wing O75D (two) (Wing, [1700]).
5635. Royal College of Physicians, and Charles Goodall. The royal college of chysicians of London
founded and established by law; as appears by letters patents, acts of parliament, . . . and an historical
account of the colleges proceedings against empiricks. London: M. Flesher f. W. Kettilby, 1684. 4
. Pp. [11],
1-288, [52], 305-472, [11]. 2 tpp. Calf with 2 llets, stamp decoration inside corners (tulip).
Tp, bsms.
Wood 495. Wing G1091.
5636. Royal Game. The royal game of ombre. London: f. T. Palmer, 1665. 8
. Pp. [1], 13, [1].
Missing in 1837; in Whiteside cat., Ombre, London 1665.
Wood 440(2). Wing R2130B (rare). BL.
5637. Royal Martyrs. Royal martyrs: or, a list of the lords, knights, . . . that were slain in the late wars,
. . . As also of those executed. London: T. Newcomb, 1660. S.sh.
Some X marks after names; in margin below, the names of 2 additional martyrs, not in AWs hand.
Wood 503(34). Wing R2134.
5638. Royal Society. A moneo for John Aubray [illeg.] present at the election of ocers for the Royal
Society. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh.
Missing in 1939. T is from the 1717 list.
Wood 276a(298). Not identied.
5639. Royal Society. A list of the fellows of the Royal Society, . . . ten are to be chosen . . . November
1663. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(293). Wing L2423.
5640. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty king Charles II. Founder . . . ten
are to be chosen . . . November 30
1667. London: f. J. Martyn, 1667. S.sh.
Wood 276a(294). Wing L2425 (two).
5641. Royal Society. A brief vindication of the Royal Society: from the late invectives and mis- repre-
sentations of mr. Henry Stubbe. London: f. J. Martin, 1670. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
LT 1.354.
Wood 640(4). Wing B4656A.
5642. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty king Charles II. Founder . . . ten
are to be chosen . . . November 30
1674. London: f. J. Martyn, 1674. S.sh.
Jonas Moore K
was admitted Decemb: . . . . 1674, not by AW.
Wood 276a(295). Wing L2427 (two).
5643. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society. . . . ten are to be chosen . . . the rst of December,
1690. London: T. James, 1691. S.sh.
Wood 276a(296). Wing L2439.
5644. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society . . . ten are to be chosen . . . the rst of December,
1691. [London]: n.pub., 1692. S.sh.
Missing in 1939. T is from 1717 list.
Wood 276a(297). Wing L2439A (rare). BL (not located).
5645. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society. . . . Ten are to be chosen . . . . the thirtieth of November,
1693. London: T. James, 1694. S.sh.
AW wrote 2 q[uaere] notes and underscored M. D. after Robert Hook and Robert Pitt.
, For M
Wood. To be delivered to the Reverend D
Charlet. LT 1.354.
Wood 276a(299). Wing L2440 (rare).
The Library of Anthony Wood 525
5646. Royal Society. A list of the Royal Society. . . . Ten are to be chosen . . . . the thirtieth of November,
1694. London: T. James, 1695. S.sh.
Wood 276a(300) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing L2440A (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
5647. Royal Story. A royall story, for loyall readers. [London]: n.pub., 1651. 8
. Pp.
(last leaf
blank). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st and last yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 6 printed works in this vol. (really 5, AW included 2 sections
of Wood 235(2)), within guidelines made with red ink. The entries are followed by, Among these books,
Boscobel is rst to be preferd, as to K. Ch. 2. his escape from Worcester battle. (i.e., Wood 235(2), by T.
Blount, item 1015, over Wood 235(3), item 1794). Tp, 4
. LT 1.327.
Wood 235(1). Wing R2153 (rare) (Wing, punct. diers).
5648. Rules of Civility. Rules of civility or, the art of good-breeding. [London]: f. J. Blare, at the Sign
of the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, [1683 or later?]. 8
. A
. Pasteboard with calf spine, modern,
by H[arvey], 5 May 1951.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote the titles of 10 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink.
The 11th, Rules, is not by AW and is an error. B4
, last 2 lines of printed text blurred, entered by AW.
Wood 69(1). Wing 2259aA.5. ESTCR 188738.
5649. Rumsey, Walter. Organon salutis. An instrument to cleanse the stomach, as also divers new
experiments of the virtue of tobacco and coee [signed Will. Rumsey]. London: R. Hodgkinsonne f. D.
Pakeman, 1657. 8
. Pp. [24], 56.
Each small 8
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. A3, AW blotted out last 3 letters in printed forename Will.
Rumsey and inserted Walter; A4, similar lining out; p. 2, he added at top, chapt. before 1.
Wood 679(4). Wing R2280.
5650. Rupert, Prince*. Rhine, count palatine of the. His highnesse prince Ruperts late beating up the
rebels quarters at Post-comb & Chinner in Oxford-shire. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 17.
A slip before tp, with AWs notes, torn out. Tp, AW altered a former no. P. 1, vertical line in margin; on
p. 7
, wrote the date, 18. Jun.
Wood 376(14). Wing H2076B. Madan 1400.
5651. Rupert, Prince*. Rhine, count palatine of the. Prince Ruperts burning love to England: discovered
in Birminghams ames. London: f. T. Underhill, 1643. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the month, Apr. P. 3., date at On Easter Monday, 3 Ap. 1643. P. 5, underscoring and
note, Vncle Peake/ at the story of the robbing of Thomas Peake, prob. not be in AWs hand. P. 8, note,
not in AWs hand, M
Roberts minister ecclesiae prope portum Sancti Augustini London/.
Wood 376(3). Wing P3489.
5652. Rupert, Prince*. Rhine, count palatine of the. His highnesse prince Ruperts raising of the siege
at Newarke upon Trent, March the 21, 1643. Written by an eye witnesse. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1644]. 4
. Pp.
1-8 (includes 2 leaves of A2).
P. 1, AW altered the former no., 62.
Wood 376(69). Wing H2077 (O not recorded in Wing). Madan 1587.
5653. Rupert, Prince*. Rhine, count palatine of the. A dogs elegy, or Ruperts tears. London: f. G. B.,
1644, 27 July. 4
Missing in 1839; see note at Wood 377(1), item 1225.
Wood 377(26). Wing D1830 (3).
5654. Rupert, Prince. Rhine, count palatine of the. A declaration of his highnesse prince Rupert. With
a narrative of . . . Bristoll. London: E. Grin, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 34.
Tp, AW wrote the month, Sept., in pencil; and overwrote the former no., 20.
Wood 378(23). Wing R2294.
5655. Rupert, Prince*. Rhine, count palatine of the. Historical memoires of the life and death of . . . Ru-
pert, prince palatine of the Rhine, duke of Cumberland. London: f. T. Malthus, 1683. 8
. Pp. [17], 80.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
. LT 2.495.
Wood 245(4). Wing H2104.
5656. R[ushworth], J[ohn], (probable author). A full and exact relation of the storming and taking of
Dartmouth. London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 23 Jan. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
, and lined out the former no., 39.
526 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 378(42). Wing F2279.
5657. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. A true relation of the ght at Bovy-Tracy, between the parliaments forces
under the command of sir Tho: Fairfax. London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 15 Jan. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 38.
Wood 378(41). Wing R2336.
5658. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. A true relation concerning the late ght at Torrington. London: f. E. Hus-
band, 1645[6], 20 Feb. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW overwrote the price, 1
with the former no., 46, and altered that no.
Wood 378(49). Wing R2334A.
5659. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. A more full and exact relation (being the third letter . . . ) of the several
treaties between sir Tho. Fairfax and sir Ralph Hopton. London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 18 Mar. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote and later lined out the price, 1
, and lined out the former no., 58.
Wood 378(61). Wing R2327.
5660. Rushworth, Jo[hn]. Sir Thomas Fairfaxs proceedings in the west . . . since he advanced to Bodman.
London: f. E. Husband, 1645[6], 7 Mar. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote and later lined out the price, 1
, and altered the former no., 54.
Wood 378(57). Wing R2330A (Wing, 1645).
5661. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. A true relation of the storming Bristoll, . . . by sir Thomas Fairfax army
. . . 11. of this instant Septemb. London: f. E. Husband, 1645, 13 Sept. 4
. Pp. 24.
Tp, AW altered the former no., 21; trace of a price (?), cropped.
Wood 378(24). Wing R2336A.
5662. [Rushworth, John]. The taking of Tiverton, . . . by sir Thomas Fairfax, . . . Octob. 19. London:
f. R. A., 1645, 23 Oct. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW overwrote the former no., 34.
Wood 378(37). Wing R2332.
5663. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. Sir Ralph Hoptons and all his forces comming in to the parliament. London:
f. E. Husband, 1646, 16 Mar. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote and later lined out the price, 1
, and altered the former no., 56; and wrote after the date
of publication, 1645, in pencil.
Wood 378(59). Wing R2330.
5664. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. The severall ghts neere Colchester in Essex. Also major generall Lamberts
victories in the north. London: f. R. Smithurst, 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 502(27). Wing R2329.
5665. Rushworth, John. A true relation of the surrendring of Colchester to . . . Fairfax. A letter [28
Aug.]. London: R. W. f. J. Partridge, 1648. S.sh.
Wood 502(62). Wing R2337.
5666. R[ushworth], J[ohn]. 15 Junii, 1648. The particulars of the ght at Colchester. London: f. E.
Husband, 1648, 17 June. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Jun. 15.
Wood 502(24). Wing R2328.
5667. Rushworth, William. White, Thomas, ed. Rushworths dialogues. . . . Corrected and enlargd by
Thomas White. Paris: chez J. Billaine, 1654. 12
. Last ed. Pp. [38], 280. Calf with 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, T. B. and below, AW wrote May 4. Ant. Wood. ex dono Th. Blount Interioris Templi
Maii 4. 1670.; 3rd
, Will. Rushworth (somtimes called Charls Rosse) was author of the 3 Dialogues
contained in this vol. & Thomas White or de Albiis was author of the fourth. [/] Will. Richworth [sic]
vide Cat. Bod. Tp, under printed White, AW wrote Or de Albiis // He writ the 4
dialogue . LT
Wood 820. Wing R2338B.
5668. Russell, William. Bedford, earl of. A letter written from the right honorable the earle of Bedford,
to a lord of the house of peeres, . . . about Sherborn castle. London: f. H. Perry, 1642, 15 Sept. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote the date, Sept 12.
Wood 375(10). Wing B1672.
The Library of Anthony Wood 527
5669. Russell, William, lord, et al. The last speech & behaviour of William late lord Russel, upon the
scaold . . . July 21. . . . Also the last speeches, . . . of capt. Thomas Walcot, John Rouse gent. & William
Hone joyner [20 July]. London: J. C. a. F. C. f. T. Fox, 1683. Fol. Pp. [2], 14.
Tp, AW wrote, 6
Wood 428(7). Wing L504 (Wing, Russell).
5670. Russell, William*, lord, et al. The proceedings against the lord Russel, upon his tryal [13 July]
. . . As also the tryals of William Hone, the joyner, John Rouse, and William Blake. [London]: (f. L.
Curtis), (1683). S.sh. Pp. 1-2.
Wood 428(3). Wing P3553 (O not recorded in Wing).
5671. Russell, William*, lord. A satyr on the pretended ghost of the late lord Russel. (London): (f. E.
Golding), [1683]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote the year, 1683, in pencil.
Wood 417(124). Wing S718B.
5672. Russell, William, lord. The speech of the late lord Russel, to the sheris [21 July]. (London): (J.
Darby, by direction of the Lady Russel), (1683). Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote, 2
; and p. 4, This speech was published within few houres after the Lord Russells death, &
two dayes after D
Jo. Tillotson & D
Gilb. Burnet were summoned before the councell, to give an account
whether it was the same speech that he delivered in writing on the stage, & whether D
Burnet had not a
hand in it. LT 3.118; and P. Hinds, Roger LEstrange, The Library, 7th ser., 3 (2002): 5.
Wood 428(11). Wing R2356.
5673. Russell, William*, lord. A vindication of the lord Russells speech and innocence, in a dialogue
betwixt a whig & tory. [London]: N. Thompson, 1683. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
P. 4, a correction.
Wood 428(16). Wing V515 (O not recorded in Wing).
5674. Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua redivivus, or m
Rutherfoords letters. [Rotterdam]: n.pub., 1664. 8
Pp. [48], 576. Parchment over boards.
Pastedown, upper, Pret: 5
. 1684 and a reference, none in AWs hand. Passim, underscoring, marks in
margin and, at end, an index of recipients of letters, not in AW manner and hand. Numbers in 1st section,
1-45, may be in AWs hand.
Wood 717. Wing R2381.
5675. Ruthven, John*. Gowrie, earl of. The earle of Gowries conspiracie against the kings majestie of
Scotland [5 Aug.]. London: V. Simmes, 1600. 4
. Pp. A-D
Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247.
Wood 586(11). STC 21466.3.
5676. Ruthven, Patrick, Forth, earl of; and Charles 1. The copy of . . . the earle of Forths letter to
the earle of Essex: and the copy of his majesties letter to . . . parliament [3 March]. Oxford: L. Licheld,
1643[4], 7 March. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, former no., 27.
Wood 632(7). Wing F1614. Madan 1554.
5677. [Rycaut, Paul]. A narrative of the success of the voyage of . . . Heneage Finch . . . from Smyrna
to Constantinople. London: J. R., 1661. 4
. Pp. [2], 11.
Wood 387(9). Wing N227 (O not recorded in Wing).
5678. Ry, Petrus. Quaestiones geometricae, in Euclidis et P. Rami Stoixheivsin, . . . quibus geodae-
siam, adjecimus. Francofurti: in o. Wecheliana, ap. D. & D. Aubrios, & C. Schleichium, 1621. 4
. Pp. 135,
Wood 481(2). BL.
5679. [Ryves, Bruno]. Micro-chronicon: or, a briefe chronology of the time and place of the battels.
[London]: n.pub., 1647. 8
. A1-3,B-G
(A3 blank; H5, an extra leaf).
Passim, AW made underscorings, wrote brief notes and cross-references, in dark ink, in red ink, and in
pencil, e.g., F1, See 5 pages following and F3, see 4 pages backward. H3, at death of Col. Meldrum at
Alresford, he wrote, see in the former p., where, H2
, Sir John Meldrum died at the siege of Scarborough
Castle. Between E6 and E7, a loose slip of paper, on which AW wrote information about a person mentioned
in the text at E7, Williams, the Apostate-Archbishop of Yorke (marked by a vertical line in the margin):
528 The Library of Anthony Wood
This he did like a poore spirited man when he saw the kings cause decline Archb. Williams.
Wood 207(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing R2451.
5680. [Ryves, Bruno]. [Frontispiece] Mercurius rusticus, the countrys complaint recounting the sad events
of this unparraleld warr. [Tp] Mercurius rusticus: or, the countries complaint of the murthers. [2nd tp]
Mercurius rusticus: or, the countries complaint, of the sacriledges. (Oxford): n.pub., 1648 (1646). 8
. Pp.
[14], 1-202, [8], 203-262 (wanting A
) (2 tpp).
Wood 207(2). Wing R2446. Madan 1890 A + B (on p. 432).
5681. S., E. A letter of advice, from a secluded member of the house of commons, to . . . Thomas lord
Fairfax. [London]: n.pub., 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 5. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 37 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, Lib. T[homas] B[arlow] `e Coll. Reg. Oxon and p. 3, brief note, in Barlows hand. LT 1.189.
Wood 364(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S18.
5682. S., E. The witty rogue arraigned, condemned, & executed. Or, the history of . . . Richard Hainam.
London: f. E. S., 1656. 4
. Pp. [8], 47 (H
, following A
, belong to Fidge, Wood 372(2)).
Tp., faintly printed letters made legible with ink. P. [5], at the speech of Hainam immediately before his
fatal leap from o the Ladder, AW wrote, This must be at the latter end (catchwords suggest that this
leaf is correctly placed). Flyleaf, lower
, AW wrote 63 lines of a history of Richard Hainam. It begins, Jul.
3 Tuesday 1655 in the night, the French Embassadors house in Westm. was broken open . . . . AW took
some of the following details (lines 35.) from Mercurius Politicus. from Thursday June 12 to Thursday
June 19 an. 1656 thus. June 17 This day was executed the famous Theif called Hannam, . . . . AW
concluded the story of his capture on a second yleaf, now inserted at the beginning of this item: Hainam
with a dagger- knife stabd M
Langhorne in the back, and twice thro the Arme, intending to have killed
him, & againe made his escape thorow and over the Houses, till he came into Serjeant Probies yard, who
most valiantly encountred him, & rst wounded him in the thigh; afterwards was stabd in the belly by
Hannam, yet at last, help comminge in, he was taken & carried prisoner to Newgate; from whence June 17
Tuesday, he was conveyed in a cart to the Rounds [sic] in Smitheld & there hanged; as a just reward of
all his villanies. He confest not any thing material, only seemed to excuse the Box-maker where he lay, &
acknowledged he went there under the name of Richardson, a working Gold-smith.
Wood 372(3). Wing S20 (O not recorded in Wing).
5683. S., G. A true relation of the sad passages, between the two armies in the west. London: Publ. by G.
S. Printed f. L. C., 1644, 2 Oct. 4
. Pp. 12.
Wood 377(33). Wing S28.
5684. S., G. A letter out of Flanders. . . . to a noble-man in England: wherein divers observations of his
majesties personal deportments, . . . are declared. London: f. M. Thatcher, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW added to the year, March:.
Wood 632(43). Wing S27.
5685. [S., I.]. Elegies on the death of . . . John Hampden. London: L. Norton, f. I. T., 1643, Oct. 16. 4
Tp, AW wrote, A grand rebell of Bucks.; by. J. S., may not be by AW.
Wood 319(2). Wing E339 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
5686. S., I. A brief and perfect journal of the late proceedings . . . of the English army in the West-Indies
[to 24 June]. London: n.pub., 1655. 4
. Pp. 27.
Flyleaf, lower, waste paper with a Latin disputation topic, not by AW. Dupl. at Wood 559(6), missing.
Wood 503(22). Wing S35.
5687. S., I. A brief and perfect journal of the late proceedings . . . of the English army in the West-Indies
[to 24 June]. London: n.pub., 1655. 4
. Pp. 27.
Missing in 1922. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, Journall of the late proceedings & success of the English Army in
the West Indies - 1655. Dupl. at 503(22).
Wood 559(6). Wing S35.
5688. [S., J.]. [The famous history of the valiant London-prentice]. [London]: [f. J. Back], [1692]. 12
Fragments of 3 pp. survive.
Found to be thus fragmentary 1882. T is on list at Wood 254(1), item 3188.
Wood 254(7). Wing S60 (one).
The Library of Anthony Wood 529
5689. S., L. A letter to a noble peer of the realm [Arthur Capel], about his late speech and petition to his
majesty. [London]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh. Pp. 2.
Wood 276a(151). Wing S109A.
5690. S., M. A discourse concerning the rebellion in Ireland. London: f. R. Lownes, 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 26.
Tp, top left, C 29 (or C 24).
Wood 508(37). Wing S113.
5691. S., N. A new and further narrative of the state of New-England, being a continued account of the
bloudy Indian-war [March-Aug.]. London: J. [B. f. D. Newman], 1676. Fol. Pp. [2], 14 (t leaf mutilated).
Tp, initials, R. S. P. 13, scribbles, prob. not by AW.
Wood 559(10). Wing S120.
5692. S., R. Very sad and bloody newes from Ireland, of the losse of Bunratty . . . and Roscomon. London:
J. Coe, 1646. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote 20 24 } Jul, in pencil; price, 1
, lined out, may not be by AW.
Wood 509(7). Wing S140 (O not recorded in Wing).
5693. S., R. Avona; or a transient view of the benet of making rivers of this kingdom navigable . . . By
R. C. London: T. R. & N. T. f. J. Courtney in Sarum, 1675. 8
. Pp. [2], 33.
Text, corrections, not by AW. Flyleaf, lower
, AW wrote Mart. Marprelate, on a sheet once used to identify
a bundle (see [MS.] Wood D. 31(3) and (53), items 2253 and 4376).
Wood 730(6). Wing S125.
5694. S., T. The declaration of the citizens of Edenborough, concerning the maintaining of a warre for
the king, . . . Likewise, the proceedings of the northern army. London: f. I. C., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote after the year, Jun.17.
Wood 502(28). Wing S155.
5695. S., T. A letter to his excellency the lord general Monck. London: n.pub., 1659[60]. S.sh.
AW added to year, Feb:. Text, one word, Fanatiques, underscored.
Wood 276a(240). Wing S170 (O not recorded in Wing).
5696. [S., T.]. An account of the proceedings aganst [sic] the rebels, at Dorchester . . . at an assize [4-5
September]. (London): (E. Mallet), (1685). S.sh. (r-v).
Former no. 37 in pencil; after Rebels in t, AW wrote, Lately under James Duke of Monmouth. LT
Wood 660c(10). Wing S151A.
5697. S., T. An account of the proceedings against the rebels at an assize holden at Exeter [14 Sept.].
(London): (E. Mallet), (1685). S.sh. (r-v).
Former no. 39 in pencil, and no. 10 in ink.
Wood 660c(12a). Wing S151.
5698. Sa, Pantaleao. A narration of the late accident in the New-exchange [21-22 Nov.]. London: n.pub,
1653. 4
. Pp. 14.
Flyleaves, upper, AW wrote a 4-page ms. description of the event, not derived from this pamphlet, and
beginning, Nov. 21 Munday 1653 three of the Portugal embassadors family, . . . , and ending at an entry
of 5 July and 10 July 1654, concluding: A verie observeable hand of providence, that the said two persons,
who began the aforesaid quarrel in the Exchange, in prosecution whereof murther was committed, should
meet thus to die at the same time & place, for dierent crimes. Tp, dupl. Dupl. at Wood 609(35).
Wood 365(12). Wing S210.
5699. Sa, Pantaleao. A narration of the late accident in the New-exchange [21-22 Nov.]. London: n.pub.,
1653. 4
. Pp. 14.
After this item a pamplet of 8 leaves was torn out. This theft occurred before the list of contents, 48 items,
was written on the upper yleaf of this vol. by an Ashm. librarian in about 1717 (see Wood 609(1), item
6530). The Whiteside cat. has only, for this vol.: Pamphlets &c 48. Dupl. at Wood 365(12a).
Wood 609(35) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S210.
5700. Sacchettus, Joannes Baptista. Privilegia prothonotariorum apostolicorum. Romae: ex typ. R.
Cam. Apost., 1651. 8
. Pp. 30.
Pastedown, upper, Sum J. Aubrey R[egiae] S[ocietatis] S[ocius]. Flyleaf, upper, former owner, Robertus
Pugus de Penrin creatus Protonotarius Apostolicus S
. D
Nci Innocentii Papa X Brevi dato 20
. Decemb
530 The Library of Anthony Wood
anno 1653./, not by AW (see LT 2.435 and AO 3.697, 829-30).
Wood 860. BL.
5701. [Sacheverell, George]. [Hudibras] on [Edmund] Calamys imprisonment, and [Robert] Wilds po-
etry. [London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh. (mutilated).
Dupl. at Wood 416(97). 1 of 2 copies acquired 3 Feb. 1663, LT 1.468.
Wood 276a(532). Wing H3256.
5702. [Sacheverell, George]. Hudibras on [Edmund] Calamys imprisonment, and [Robert] Wilds poetry.
[London]: n.pub., [1663]. S.sh.
, AW wrote the year, 1662[3]. 1 of 2 copies acquired 3 Feb. 1663, LT 1.468. Dupl. at Wood 276a(532).
Wood 416(97). Wing H3256.
5703. Sacro-Bosco, Johannes de. Burgersdicius, F. ed. Sphaera. Lugduni Batavorum: ex o. Bonaven-
turae & A. Elzevir, 1639. 8
. Pp. 117, [2]. Parchment.
Tp, AW wrote the price, pretium -1
. Bsm. An intrusion of 3 vols., at Wood 11a, 11b, and 11c is not
included in this cat. (New baronage of England, (1769), gift of J. Peshall).
Wood 11. NUC.
5704. Sadler, Anthony*. Inquisitio Anglicana: or the disguise discovered. Shewing the proceedings of
the commissioners at White-hall, . . . in the examinations of Anthony Sadler. London: J. Grismond, f. R.
Royston, 1654. 4
. Pp. [6], 17.
Tp, AW wrote, 1653, Anth. Sadler of Oxon. see p. 14. Below, Ent. in cat, by a later librarian.
Wood 476(12). Wing S265 (Wing, or, the).
5705. Sadler, Anthony*. Strange news indeed: from Mitcham in Surry. Of the treacherous and barbarous
proceedings, of master Robert Cranmer . . . against Anthonie Sadler. London: f. the authour, 1664. 4
. Pp.
AO 3.1267-9.
Wood 476(14). Wing S272 (two).
5706. Sadler, Anthony. Schema sacrum in ordine ad ordinem ecclesiae Anglicanae ceremoniarum. Lon-
don: f. H. Twyford, 1683. S.sh. (mutilated).
Wood 276a(287). Wing S271 (two).
5707. Sadler, Thomas. Sadlers memoirs: or, the history of the life and death of . . . Thomas Sadler.
[London]: f. P. Brooksby, 1677. 4
. Pp. [2], 17, [1].
Tp, AW changed the date to 1676/7. LT 2.366.
Wood 372(15). Wing S282 (two) (O not recorded in Wing) (Wing, [1677]).
5708. Sadler, Thomas Vincent. The childes catechism. Paris [really London]: n.pub., 1678. 8
. Pp. [6],
49. Paper, marbled (prob. by AW).
Tp, AW wrote written by T. Vincent alias Vincent Sadler, a Benedictin monk.; after the city of publication,
alias London.; and Antonii `a Wood ex dono Rad. Sheldon de Beolie Arm. 2
Oct. 1679. LT 2.464; LT
Wood 813. Wing C3875 (rare).
5709. Saint Evremond, Charles Marguetel de Saint Denis, seigneur de. Mixt essays upon tragedies,
comedies, Italian comedies, English comedies and operas [sic]. London: f. T. Goodwin, 1685. 4
. Pp. [8],
Wood 615(18). Wing S307.
5710. Saint John, Oliver. M
-Johns speech to the lords . . . Concerning ship-money [7 Jan. 1640].
[London]: [T. Harper], 1640[1]. 4
. Pp. [2], 45.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 527(3). STC 21589.7. Wing S331.
5711. Saint Jure, Jean Baptiste. S[heldon], E[dward], trans. The holy life of mon
. de Renty . . . coun-
cellor to king Lewis the 13
. London: f. J. Crook, 1658. 8
. Pp. [15], 358. Calf with 2 gold-stamp llets and
gold-stamp decoration in corners (ower, 2 pedals, cp. Wood 241, item 6222, also from Sheldon).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd Ja (a Sheldon mark?). Tp, signature of Marie Sheldon. LT 2.510.
Wood 301. Wing S334.
5712. Saint Leger, William. A true copy of a letter from sir W. Saintliger . . . to the lord lieutenant of
The Library of Anthony Wood 531
Ireland [25 Ap.]. London: E. G. f. J. Franke, 1642. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote, Ap. 2. Below, 50.
Wood 508(3). Wing S338A.
5713. Salesbury, William. A playne and a familiar introduction, teaching how to pronounce the letters
in the Brytishe tongue . . . Welshe. London: H. Denham f. H. Toy, 1567, 17 May. 4
. A-G
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 6. STC 21615. Folg, Hunt, Harv (no tp).
5714. Saligniaco, Bartholomaeus de. Itinerarii Terre Sancte. Lugd.: Gilbert de Villiers, (1525, 28
August). Ff. 70, [9]. Parchment over sheets.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, In Bib B[odleian], lined out. Tp, date of publication entered, 1525. Text, some
marks in margins, not in AWs manner. K7
, scribbles. Flyleaf, lower, 2nd
, Novemb 7 - 1654 Lent Rich.
Carr A Compleat Gentleman by Mr. [Henry] Peacham, in pencil, not by AW. Wood owned a 1661 edition
of Peacham, Wood 605(1)). 3rd
, torn out sheet with traces of notes, not in AWs hand.
Wood 160. BL.
5715. [Salkeld, John]. A treatise of paradise. And the principall contents thereof. London: E. Grin f.
N. Butter, 1617. 8
. Pp. [16], 359.
Missing. Listed as dupl. in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 61. Dupl. at Wood 858.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 61. STC 21622. O, Folg, Hunt, NYPL.
5716. [Salkeld, John]. A treatise of paradise. And the principall contents thereof. London: E. Grin f.
N. Butter, 1617. 8
. Pp. [16], 359. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, 23. Tp, former no. 44 over 43. Listed as dupl. in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 61.
Wood 858. STC 21622.
5717. Sallust. Crosse, William, trans. The workes of Caius Crispus Salustius. London: [Eliz. Allde,] sold
T. Walkley, 1629. 12
. Pp. [12], 692.
Missing in 1837. Salust Translated 1629 in Whiteside cat. Listed in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10. Bliss, in
his copy, Bliss A231, wrote, The translator was not known to Anthony Wood. This is not true.
Wood 192. STC 21624. O.
5718. Salmon, James . Bloudy newes from Ireland, or the barbarous crueltie by the papists. London: f.
M. Rookes, 1641. 4
. A
Wood 507(8). Wing S412 (Wing, creueltie).
5719. Salmon, Thomas. An essay to the advancement of musick. London: J. Macock, sold J. Car, 1672.
. Pp. [17], 92, [1] (1 p. books sold by Carr [sic]).
Missing in 1837. An Essay to the advancement of Musick Lond. 1672 in Whiteside cat. Listed in MS.
Wood E. 2(70), p. 62.
Wood 120(2). Wing S417. O (two), Hunt, Clark, Folg.
5720. Salter, James. Caliopes cabinet opened. Wherein gentlemen may be informed how to adorn them-
selves. London: G. M. f. W. Crooke, 1665. 8
. Pp. [4], 66, [2].
P. 51, at virtuous stones, fabulous, prob. by AW. Flyleaf, lower
, 1664. 6
, may be by AW. Acquired 28
Feb. 1665, LT 2.30.
Wood 442(2). Wing S465.
5721. Salter, Robert. Wonderfull prophecies from the beginning of the monarchy of this land. London:
W. Jones, 1627. 4
. Pp. [8], 48.
Tp, outline of a crude horoscope(?).
Wood 646(3). STC 21631.
5722. Saltonstall, Wye. Clavis ad portam, or a key tted. Oxford: W. Turner, 1634. 8
. A1,A4-8,B-F
(wanting A2-3. F8 blank). Calf with 3 llets; spine, 4 bands.
On slip, pasted to upper board, AW wrote vide 8
.G.117.Art. (the Bodl. shelf-mark of a copy of the 2nd
work in this vol., Wood 35(2), item 3985). On opposite side of this slip and on board, beneath, scribbles.
Wood 35(1). STC 21641. Madan 790.
5723. Saltonstall, Wye. Picturae loquentes, or pictures drawne forth in characters. London: T. Coles,
sold W. Hope, 1635. 12
. A-G
Missing in 1837. Listed in MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 26, Wye Saltonstall picture & characters 1635, and in
the Whiteside cat., Picturae Loquentes - Lond: 1635.
532 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 734. STC 21646 (4). O, BL, Hunt.
5724. Salway, [Richard]. To the right worshipful the master, . . . of the company of grocers. The . . . pe-
tition of major Salloway. [London]: f. H. James, [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote Rich before Salloway, in pencil, and, at end, Jan: 1659[60].
Wood 276a(195). Wing T1722B (3).
5725. Salyus, Amedeus. Breviarii Christianae chronologiae. Lugdun.: Franciscus La Bottiere, bibliop.
Lugdun., [1623 or later]. S.sh.
, AW wrote, Salyus his breviarii Christian Chronolo [cropped].
Wood 276a(50). Not in BL, NUC, BN.
5726. Sam. Datchet, ferryman of. A dialogue betwixt Sam. The ferriman of Dochet, Will. A waterman of
London, and Tom. A bargeman of Oxford, upon the kings calling a parliament to meet at Oxford. London:
n.pub., 1681. 4
. Pp. 31.
Missing. Tp, AW wrote Oxon Dupl, in pencil, at Wood 608(61). No dupl. in the AW collection.
Not located. Wing D1353.
5727. Sam. Datchet, ferryman of. A dialogue betwixt Sam. The ferriman of Dochet, Will. A waterman of
London, and Tom. A bargeman of Oxford, upon the kings calling a parliament to meet at Oxford. London:
n.pub., 1681. 4
. Pp. 31.
Tp, AW wrote Oxon Dupl, in pencil. No dupl. in the AW collection.
Wood 608(61). Wing D1353.
5728. Sambucus, Joannes. Emblemata, et aliquot nummi antiqui operis. Antverpiae: ex o. C. Plantini,
1576. 4th ed. 16
. Pp. 362. Calf with 3 llets. Binding has cut o some notes.
Tp, pp. 21, 65, 352, notes, scribbles, presumably by the former owner Jhon Smithe, some cropped. Some
emblems are marked, 18, 21, 44, 46, etc.
Wood 73. NUC.
5729. Sampson, Thomas. A warning to take heede of Fowlers psalter. London: T. Vautrollier f. G.
Bishoppe, 1578. 8
. Pp. 111.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9. STC 21685 (4). BL, Folg.
5730. Samson, Tho[mas]. A narrative of the late popish plot in Ireland, . . . with the . . . tryal of the
earl of Tyrone, and others. London: f. S. Lee a. D. Major, 1680. Fol. Pp. [7], 32.
1st blank p., AW wrote oct. 1680, and tp, Octob. and came out in Oct.
Wood 422(18). Wing S542.
5731. Samuel, Marochitanus. Hominis, A[lphonsus] Boni, trans. Tractatus rabby Samuelis errore judeor u
indic as. [Paris]: venundantur a P. Gaudoul, [c.1520]. 8
. A-C
, D
(last leaf blank).
Tp, AW wrote AWoode: Oxon: MDclix. P. nos. 1-16, some underscoring and a few brief notes, e.g., D2-3,
underscoring and date, 1239, not by AW.
Wood 795(6). BL.
5732. Samwaies, P[eter]. The wise and faithful steward. Or, a narration of the . . . death of mr. Beniamin
Rhodes. London: W. Godbid, 1657. 8
. Pp. [30], 88.
Wood 289(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S546A.
5733. Sancroft, William*. Canterbury, abp. of. The proceedings and tryal in the case of . . . William
lord archbishop of Canterbury, and . . . William lord bishop of St. Asaph [and 5 others]. London: f. T.
Basset, a. T. Fox, 1689. Fol. Pp. [7], 140.
Tp, AW wrote Jan. 18. 1688[9] 4
-0; pp. 1-2, notes on the Att. Gen and Sol. Gen.: S
Tho. Powis was
made Attorney Gen. in the place of S. Rob. Sawyer, xi. Dec. 1687 and Wil. Williams Esq. made Sol. Gen.
xi. Dec. 1687. afterwards K
[on 12 Dec.]; pp. 17, 19, 25, 31-2, lines in margins. LT 3.267.
Wood 421(10). Wing P3555A.
5734. Sancroft, William. Canterbury, abp. of. A vindication of the arch-bishop and several other bishops,
from the imputations . . . by the author of the modest enquiry. [London]: n.pub., 1690. S.sh. (r-v).
, AW wrote, about 18 Jul. LT 3.336.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(24). Wing V496A (rare).
5735. Sanctorius, Sanctorius. Ars . . . De statica medicina et de responsione ad staticomasticem.
The Library of Anthony Wood 533
Lugduni Batavorum: ap. D. Lopes de Haro, 1642. 12
. Pp. [20], 135. Calf with 2 llets; yleaf, lower,
printers waste paper.
Pastedown, upper, John Lydall Trin: Coll: Oxon. and a reference. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Jo: Aubrey. p
. 1653., and a signature of Lydall, after which Aubrey wrote my dearly honoured friend. (Lydall, ca.
1626-1657, was Aubreys contemporary at Trinity College). Tp, a price 0-3. Text, marks in margins, some
underscoring and a few notes and references in ink and pencil, by Lydall; yleaf, lower, 2nd and pastedown,
lower, notes by Lydall (some quoted in LT 1.229-30).
Wood 850. Not in BL.
5736. Sanders, Nicholas. Rishtonus, Edwardus, ed. Vera et sincera historia schismatis Anglicani, . . . aucta
per E. Rishtonum. Nunc postrem` um . . . castigatius edita. Coloniae Agrippinae: ap. P. Henningium, 1628.
. Pp. [16], 348, [22], 142. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; rebound.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. 1st item, tp, bsm.
Acquired 20 Apr. 1661, 10
, LT 1.389.
Wood 890(1). BL.
5737. Sanderson, John. Institutionum dialecticarum libri quatuor. Oxoniae: Jos. Barnesius, 1602. 8
ed. Pp. [4], 228.
Tp, Many are the aictions and scribbles, apparently by a former owner, Robert Knight. P. 228, more
scribbles by the same person: Finis, etc.
Wood 42(6). STC 21698. Madan 225.
5738. Sanderson, Robert. Lincoln, bp. of. Reasons of the present judgement of the university of Oxford,
concerning the solemne league and covenant, the negative oath, . . . approved by . . . convocation [1 June].
[London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [8], 35.
Tp, AW wrote, Reprinted in 1660 when the Kings commissioners sate at Oxon. to reforme the universitie.;
below, translated into several languages, in pencil. LT 2.50. Dupl. at Wood 614(19) (imperf.).
Wood 514(31). Wing S623. Madan 1926.
5739. Sanderson, Robert. Lincoln, bp. of. [Reasons of the present judgement of the university of Oxford,
concerning the solemne league and covenant, the negative oath]. [London]: n.pub., [1647]. 4
. Pp. 35 (wanting
all before sig. B1).
Tp, AW wrote Dup, in pencil. An Ashm. librarian wrote see Wood 514.29. Dupl. at Wood 514(31).
Wood 614(19). Wing S623. Madan 1926.
5740. [Sanderson, William]. Aulicus coquinariae: or a vindication in answer to . . . the court and
character of king James. London: f. H. Seile, 1650[1]. 8
. Pp. [8], 205. Calf with 2 llets and also 2 vertical
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote, written by Godf[rey] Goodman Bishop of Gloc. (i.e., the author of the
work responded to, AO 2.867). A2
-A3, A4, some vertical lines in margin. Acquired 25 Oct. 1666, 1
, LT
Wood 263. Wing S645.
5741. Sanderson, William. A compleat history of the lives and reigns of Mary queen of Scotland, and
of her son and successor, James the sixth. London: f. H. Moseley, R. Tomlins, a. G. Sawbridge, 1656. Fol.
Pp. [20], 1-262, [14], 265-599, [3] (wanting the plates; 2 tpp). See note at item 716.
Wood 660e(2). Wing S647.
5742. Sanderson, William. Post-haste: a reply to Peter (Doctor Heylins) appendix. [2nd tp] Peter
pursued, or dr. Heylin overtaken, arrested [3rd tp] The arraignment of dr. Peter Heylins advertisement on
the three histories. London: f. the author (T. Leach), 1658. 4
. Pp. [4], 1-24, [4], 25-56. 3 tpp. (A
1st tp, AW wrote, This is concerning Hist. of K. Ch. 1. written by Wil Sanderson. D
Prideaux mentioned
here & Hist of S. George (cropped at bottom); p. 13, Of the Historie of S. George and short line in
margin; 2nd tp (after p. 24), in pencil, Here be some sheets wanting; p. 29, This is in D
Heylyn[s] Diarie
(cropped at side).
Wood 486(14-16). Wing S650 (and S649; see ESTCR 5219 and 5263).
5743. Sandys, Edwin. Europae speculum or, a view or survey of the state of religion in the westerne
parts of the world. London: T. Cotes f. M. Sparke, sold G. Hutton, 1637. 4
. Rpt. Pp. [8], 248 (some pp.
unopened). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
534 The Library of Anthony Wood
ink. He wrote Arabic nos. on tpp. 1st tp, AW underscored t and year, in red ink. Bsms. P. [3], name of
printer of earlier ed., for one Simon Waterson, 1605, lined out.
Wood 627(1). STC 21721.
5744. Sandys, Edwin. A vindication of colonell Sandys his honour and loyalty. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld?],
1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
P. 1, AW underscored the surname of John Rushworth and wrote, qu[aere].
Wood 375(13). Wing S671. Madan 1049.
5745. [Sandys, Edwin], and Robert Tailour. Sacred hymns. Consisting of fti select Psalms of David
. . . turned into English verse. And by Robert Tailour, set to be sung in ve parts. London: T. Snodham,
1615. 4
. Pp. [4], 136, [2]. Parchment.
Spine, Psalms with curious music, may in AWs hand. Flyleaf, upper, Liber Henrici Sandys. Ex dono
Patris, and M
Henry Tozer (AO 3.273), both lined out. Cover, upper, outside, and pp. [3], 4-6, 103, an
addition, with heaven, 2 notes, and some marks; the script is not by AW. On the translator, Sandys, see
AO 2.474. Acquired 25 July 1662, 6
, LT 1.444.
Wood 381. STC 21723.
5746. Sandys, George. Sandys travailes. London: R. Cotes, sold J. Sweeting, 1652-1680. Fol. 5th to 7th
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 45, Traviells [sic] by George Sandys. Ed. not identied. 27 Aug. 1664,
AW paid to Ned Forest for borrowyng of Sands Travells, 6
(LT 2.19). AW either kept the borrowed
book or acquired a copy.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 45. Wing S677-680.
5747. Sanford, John. A grammer or introduction to the Italian tongue. Oxford: J. Barnes, sold S. Wa-
terson [London], 1605. 4
. Pp. [8], 40 (imperf., wanting all after p. 40). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 10 printed works (really 9, 2 sections of (4) are entered as
separate items) in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk.
Wood 310(1). STC 21735. Madan 273.
5748. Sanford, John. Propulaion, or an entrance to the Spanish tongue. London: T. Haveland, f. N.
Butter, 1611. 4
. Pp. [8], 64.
Wood 310(3). STC 21738.
5749. S[ansbury], J[ohn]. Ilium in Italiam. Oxonia ad protectionem regis. Oxoniae: J. Barnesius, 1608.
. A-C
Missing. Lent to Gore, recorded in a letter, 17 Jan. 1670., MS. Wood F. 42, f. 79. See also AO 2.58.
MS. Wood F. 42, f. 79. STC 21743. Madan 301. O, BL.
5750. Sarcerius, Erasmus. Taverner, Richard, trans. Comon places of scripture ordrely . . . set forth.
London: T. East, 1577. 8
. Ff. 2-192 (wanting the t leaf). Calf, speckled and 2 gold-stamp llets with small
gold-stamp decoration in corners.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote the bibliog. data for the tp, 15 lines, and below, dup. (no dupl. in Woods
current collection). Ff. 2 and192
, brief note and price, x
, by a former owner.
Wood 803. STC 21756.
5751. Sares, John. The chiefe heads of mr. John Sares speech, . . . at the time of his execution at West-
Chester; . . . 20
day of October 1651. [London]: n.pub., [1652]. S.sh.
Wood 367(13). Wing S690.
5752. Sarpi, Paolo. Gentilis, R., trans. The history of the inquisition, composed by . . . Paul Servita.
London: f. H. Moseley, 1655. 8
. Pp. [5], 147.
Marbled paper, lower, overlap, Inqui and Servita (to note the contents). Acquired 21 Dec. 1663, 1
, LT
Wood 233(2). Wing S697.
5753. Sarpi, Paolo. Denton, William, trans. A treatise of matters beneciary. London: T. Hodgkin, sold
W. Crook a. R. Bently, 1680. Fol. Pp. [8], 84. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Pasteboard, upper, inside, a former shelf-mark, W. 559. This was a number assigned before 1717; the
Whiteside cat. established the permanent shelf-marks in 1717 (Wood 559 now holds 23 pamphlets). Flyleaf,
, AW wrote the titles of 4 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Below,
The Library of Anthony Wood 535
AW wrote, 1690 Some of the works of D
Will. Denton, put into my hands by . . . . [Richard?] Parker B.A.
of Merton Coll. by order from the Author-. AO 4.307f. (see LT 3.361).
Wood 660f(1). Wing S701.
5754. Sartorius, Joannes. Johannes Sartorius. Amsterodamus. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. Fol. (small), B7 (only)
1 leaf only.
Wood 276b(26). Not identied.
5755. Saul, Arthur. Barbier, J[ean], ed. The famous game of chesse-play. London: B. Alsop f. R. Jackson,
1618. 8
. A
Missing in 1837. The game of chess play in Whiteside cat. In Wood 36, at sig. E1, there is a slip, used to
support the backing, with AWs note, game at chesse play per Barbier.
Wood 440(1). STC 21773. O (cropped on all sides).
5756. [Sault, Richard]. A conference betwixt a modern atheist, and his friend: by the methodizer of the
second Spira. London: f. J. Dunton, 1693. 12
. Pp. [12], 56, [4] (4 pp. books printed for Dunton).
Wood 879(3). Wing S732.
5757. [Sault, Richard]. The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized
from the Christian religion, and died in despair, by J. S. [ed., or rather written, by R. Sault]. London: f. J.
Dunton, 1693. 12
. 6th ed. Pp. [14], 56, [2] (3 pp. books printed for Dunton).
Wood 879(2). Wing S733C.
5758. S[aunders], Ed[mund]. Summus Angliae seneschallus: or, a survey of the lord high-steward of
England, his oce, . . . In a letter. London: n.pub., 1680. 4
. Pp. 36.
Tp, Dup in pencil (cropped). Dupl. at Wood 629(4).
Wood 632(55). Wing S745.
5759. S[aunders], Ed[mund]. Summus Angliae seneschallus: or, a survey of the lord high-steward of
England, his oce, . . . In a letter. London: n.pub., 1680. 4
. Pp. 36.
Dupl. at Wood 632(55).
Wood 629(4). Wing S745.
5760. Saunders, Edmund*. An elegy on the death of sir Edmond Saunders, late lord chief justice [19
June 1683]. London: f. J. Norris, 1683. S.sh.
AW wrote, Buried in Temple Church, in red ink;
, S
Edm. Saunders 1683. LT 3.59, and item 1115.
Wood 429(38). Wing E380.
5761. [Saunders, Jonathan]. A narrative of a strange and sudden apparition of an arch-angel at the
Old-Bayly, on Monday March the seventh, 1680. [London]: n.pub., 1680/1. Fol. Pp. [2], 2.
Wood 276a(574). Wing S746B (Wing, printed in Truro).
5762. Saunders, Richard, and Dr. Coelson. Two groatsworth of wit for a penny. Or the English
fortune-teller. [London]: f. J. Conyers, [1680?]. 8
. Pp. 16.
Wood 69(3). Wing T3452A (O not recorded in Wing).
5763. Savage, Henry. Balliofergus, or a commentary upon the foundation, founders and aaires, of
Balliol colledge. Oxford: A. & L. Licheld, 1668. 4
. Pp. [8], 129, [7].
Tp, Antonii Woode, ex dono Authoris, Maii xxi. MDCLXIIX (LT 2.136 and LT 1.315). AW wrote several
notes, most cropped at side, e.g., pp. 10 and 11, q[uaere]; 25 (note badly cropped); 28 at the printed
which my Friend, . . . supposing it not to be so, AW wrote M
Anthony Woode [/] He doth not [one]ly
suppose it [He] knowes it to [be] true by record.; 28-9, at a similar printed statement, AW wrote, I can
pr[ove] by many [cropped] that is is s[o]; 29, 2 apparently similar notes (both cropped); 33, 2 identications;
etc., 51-2 to end, e.g., 69, Nothing at all to the purpose and 2nd p. [3] (or 132), at which I owe to the
Town Archives, AW wrote, tis false, you had them of M
Ant: Woode. AW inserted between pp. 114-5,
at a section on Hen: Bright, a blank leaf, now bound, with his recording of Brights epitaph, Worcester
Cathedrall on a brass plate against a pillar there. [and 19 more lines; he added later:] See Fullers Worthies
in Worcestrensis p. 177 where he hath this epit[aph] [/] He was preb. of Worcester.
Wood 534(5). Wing S759. Madan 2794.
5764. Savage, Thomas*. The wicked life and penitent death of Tho. Savage. [London]: f. J. Back, [1680?].
. Pp. [4], 20 (2 tpp) (2 pp. books printed for Back).
Wood 284(5). Wing W2078 (two).
536 The Library of Anthony Wood
5765. Savage, Thomas*. The murtherer turned true penitent; . . . Tho. Savage. [London]: f. P. Brooksby,
[1688]. 8
. Pp. 24.
Tp, AW wrote, executed 28 Oct. 1668 and a 2nd note, cropped at bottom.
Wood 284(6). Wing M3096 (rare).
5766. Savile, George. Halifax, marq. of. Observations upon a late libel, called a letter from a person of
quality to his friend, concerning the kings declaration. [London]: (f. C. Mason), (1681). Fol. Pp. 8.
Wood 657(22). Wing H317 (O not recorded in Wing).
5767. [Savile, George]. Halifax, marq. of. A seasonable address to . . . parliament concerning the suc-
cession; the fears of popery, and arbitrary government. London: n.pub., 1681. 4
. Pp. [2], 20.
Pp. 3, 7-9, 12-14, 17-9, AW identied, mainly, initialed references (most cropped at outer edge); and some
underscoring. Di. ed. at Wood 608(59).
Wood 608(56). Wing H320 (Wing, records a variant only at Yale).
5768. [Savile, George]. Halifax, marq. of. A seasonable address to . . . parliament concerning the suc-
cession; the fears of popery, and arbitrary government. London: n.pub., 1681. 4
. Reset ed. Pp. [2], 20.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl., in pencil. Di. ed. at Wood 608(56).
Wood 608(59) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing H320 (Wing, records a variant only at Yale).
5769. Savile, Henry. Oratio, coram reginae Elizabetha Oxoniae habita; aliaeque doctiss: virorum opellae
posthumae. Oxoniae: typ. Licheldianis, 1658. 4
. Pp. [8], 34 (p. [8] blank).
Tp, AW wrote the price, 4
; below, published by D
Barlow, in pencil; and bsm. P. 7, AW wrote in the
margin at a Greek t, in passionem X
carmina Graeca. P. 19, at Langbain, mark in margin, in pencil (a
section, Mensa lubrica, was published separately, see T. Masters, Wood 416(5) and Wood 440(3), items
4408-9). Di. ed. is at T. Master, Wood 113(2) and 512(14), items 4406, 4404. Acquired 29 Aug. 1662, LT
1.454 (see also LT 2.239).
Wood 512(4). Wing S774. Madan 2369.
5770. [Savile, Henry]. Advice to a painter, &c. [London]: n.pub., [1679?]. Fol. Pp. 4.
AW wrote the date, (1679). A name underscored and written in the margin, Darby, prob. not by AW.
Wood 417(11). Wing S774A.
5771. Sawyer, Thomas. Antigamus or a satyr against marriage. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1681]. 4
. Pp. 6.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Sayer of Magd. Coll in pencil, and in ink, Tho. Sawyer of Magd. Coll was the
author of Antigamus following see Ahenae [sic] et Fasti Oxon vol. 2. p. 884, i.e., AOF 2.1680, where AW
gave a publ. date of 1681.
Wood 654a(32). Wing S786 (rare) (Wing, Antigamus; or, and [1691]).
5772. Saxon. The picture of a Saxon taken from Trajans pillar in Rome. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh. (engr.).
Missing in 1939 (a delete sign before the entry in the 1717 list).
Wood 276a(4). Not identied.
5773. Saxton, Christopher. The kingdome of England Described by Christopher Saxton, augmented by
John Speed. Abraham Goos . . . sculpsit Anno 1632 [or 1630]. [London]: solde by G. Humble, n.d. S.sh.
441 x 566 mm (untrimmed; mutilated and repaired).
Reprinted in Speed, Theatre.
Wood 276b(6). See STC 23041..
5774. Sayer, John. The case of the widdow and children of John Sayer esq; deceased, and William
Lightfoot. [London?]: n.pub., [1690]. S.sh.
Wood 276b(95). Wing C1178A (two).
5775. Sayer, Joseph. A sermon [on Rom. xiii. 5] preached at Reading, Feb. 25. 1672, at the assizes.
London: f. H. Brome, 1673. 4
. Pp. 40.
Tp, AW underscored Sayer, in red ink. Text, some horizontal lines in margins, prob. not by AW.
Wood 633(14). Wing S797.
5776. Scap. Lexicon. Lugd.: ?, 1602. 4
Missing. In a list of Mr. Woods Duplicats, MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44, item 3.
MS. Wood F. 51(3). Not identied.
5777. Scarborough. A great and bloudy ght at Scarborough-castle. London: f. G. W., 1648, [July?]. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
The Library of Anthony Wood 537
Missing since 1840. See Wood 502(1), item 4718. AW wrote the t on the upper yleaf as: Bloody ght
at Scarborough in Yorksh. It was replaced in 1874 by the present no. 46 (Packet of Letters, numb. 20
(Newsbooks), i.e., 46b, item 4720 in this cat.). No. 45 (Colchester) is also recorded by Kirtland as missing,
both on the upper yleaf and on a blank leaf inserted before the present item 46 (i.e., 46b). But on the
upper yleaf, AW added after the entry, see afterwards, and in the margin drew a hand pointer and wrote,
Vide Nu. 63 (item 1935) which is a dupl. of no. 45 (Colchester). AW himself removed the former no. 45
and placed it in an unbound bundle, later bound by the Ashm. and now at Wood 609(14), item 1936. The
former number, 45, is still on the tp.
Wood 502(46a). Wing G1638 (two). BL, Clark.
5778. Scargill, Daniel. The recantation of Daniel Scargill, publickly made before the university of Cam-
bridge. [Cambridge]: by the printers, 1669. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, For being an Hobbist & Atheist: see in Hobs life published in Lat. 1680 - and the price,
. AO 3.1213.
Wood 608(45). Wing S823A.
5779. [Schoppe, Caspar]. Alphonsi de Vargas Toletani [pseud.] relatio ad reges & principes christianos
de stratagematis . . . societatis Jesu. [Padua?]: n.pub., 1636. 4
. Pp. 111. 4 pts.
Wood 619(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). BL.
5780. Schouten, Willem Cornelis. P[hilip], W., trans. The relation of a wonderfull voiage . . . south
from the straights of Magelan, in Terra Del-fuogo. London: T. D[awson] f. N. Newbery, 1619. 4
. Pp. [8],
Flyleaf, waste paper, a disputation topic, An oppositio contradictoria sit omnium maxima. and 43, not
by AW. Tp, AW wrote, 4
; and a scribble, not in AWs hand. Acquired 16 Apr. 1667, LT 2.131.
Wood 387(4). STC 21828.
5781. Schurman, Anna Maria van. B[arksdale], C[lement], trans. The learned maid; or, whether a maid
may be a scholar?. London: J. Redmayne, 1659. 8
. Pp. [7], 55. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine; 1st
upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Tp,
AW wrote, 3
and Translated, & published by Clem. Barksdale of Winchcombe.
Wood 130(1). Wing S902.
5782. S[cobell], H[enry]. The power of the lords and commons in parliament in point of judicature briey
discoursd. London: n.pub., 1680. 4
. Pp. 11.
Tp, AW altered the date to 1679. P. 3, at the French king (Louis 14) being the most potent monarch in
Europe, AW wrote, how does that appeare.
Wood 518(8). Wing S927.
5783. Scot, Patrick. Vox vera: or, observations from Amsterdam. Examining the late insolencies of some
pseudo-Puritans, separatists. London: B. Alsop, 1625. 4
. Pp. [6], 62 (imperf., A2
, A3
Wood 647(2). STC 21863.
5784. Scot, Philip. A treatise of the schism of England. Wherein particularly mr. Hales and mr. Hobbs
are modestly accosted. [London] Amsterdam: n.pub., 1650. 12
. Pp. [8], 273, [1]. Calf, mottled; 3 llets.
Wood 772. Wing S942.
5785. Scot, Reginald. A perte platforme of a hoppe garden, and necessarie instructions for the making
. . . thereof . . . by Reynolde Scot. London: H. Denham, 1576. 4
. Newly corrected (wanting sig. A1, blank).
Pp. [12], 63, [1].
Tp, AW wrote Septemb: xxij: A: D: MDCLx:. LT 1.332.
Wood 618(2). STC 21866.
5786. Scot, Thomas, pseud. The last will and testament of Carolus Gustavus king of Sweden, &c. trans-
lated out of the Swedish. [London?]: f. W. Leadsom, 1660. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW altered the year to 1659: March.
Wood 610(14). Wing L515 (O not recorded in Wing).
5787. Scotch Presbyterian. The Scotch presbyterian weather-cock pearchd upon our English steeples:
. . . presbyterian government in Scotland [in verse]. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(7). Wing S960.
5788. Scotchman. A true relation of a Scotchman, who comming into the church of St. Olaves . . . in
538 The Library of Anthony Wood
London, . . . did much disturb them [5 Sept.]. London: T. Harper, 1641. 4
. A
Tp, bsm.
Wood 647(4). Wing T2891 (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
5789. Scotland. Respublica, sive status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Diversorum autorum. Lugd. Bat.: ex
o. Elzeviriana, 1627. 16
. Pp. 280, [1].
Wood 196(2). BL (A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels, 1880), no. 287).
5790. Scotland. The charge of the Scottish commissioners against Canterburie [William Laud] and the
lievetenant of Ireland [Thomas Wentworth]. London: f. N. Butter, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 53.
See note at Wood 366(1), item 6505.
Wood 366(19). Wing C4201L.
5791. Scotland. Letters and papers from the committe [sic] of estates, and commissioners of Scotland,
concerning the king . . . giving his consent to the surrender of Newarke to the parliament. 6th [really 5th]
and 8th May 1646. London: f. L. Chapman, 1646. 4
. Pp. 8 (pp. unopened).
Wood 501(10). Wing S1290.
5792. Scotland. The answer of the commissioners . . . of Scotland, to both houses of parliament, upon
the new propositions of peace, and the foure bills [17 Dec.]. London: f. R. Bostoch, 1647. 4
. Pp. 32.
Tp, AW wrote Dec. 17; Four dethroning Bills may be in AWs hand.
Wood 612(56b). Wing S1180.
5793. Scotland. A letter from the parliament of Scotland, to . . . William Lenthall . . . Edenburgh, 26
Junii 1649. [London]: n.pub., [1649]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(253). Wing S1284.
5794. Scotland. A letter sent from the commissioners of Scotland, to . . . Monck, in the behalf of themselves
and the whole nation [3 Mar. 1660]. London: f. D. White, 1660. 4
. Pp. 6.
AW altered the year, twice, to, 1659.
Wood 632(77). Wing S999B.
5795. Scotland. A true relation of the inhuman cruelties lately acted by the rebels in Scotland. London:
A. M. a. R. R, 1679. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 365(31). Wing T2971.
5796. Scotland. A breviate of the state of Scotland in its government. London: f. R. Chiswell, 1689. Fol.
Pp. [2], 16.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 6
Wood 559(23). Wing B4415.
5797. Scotland, Army. A true relation of the late proceedings of the Scottish army, sent from his excel-
lency the lord generall Lesleys quarters [8 Feb.]. London: f. R. Bostock, a. S. Gellibrand, 1643[4]. 4
. Pp.
[2], 13.
Tp, AW lined out the former no., 58.
Wood 376(64). Wing T2990.
5798. Scotland, Army. A true relation of the proceeings [sic] of the Scotch army . . . until 30. July.
London: M. B. f. R. Bostock, 1645, 4 Aug. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Tp, AW altered the former no., 16.
Wood 378(18). Wing T3025.
5799. Scotland, Army. Truths discovery of a black cloud in the north: shewing some . . . proceedings of
the Scotch army against the well-aected in the north of England. [London]: n.pub., [1646]. 4
. Pp. 12.
Tp, above, B.
Wood 501(19). Wing T3168.
5800. Scotland, Army. A declaration of the Scottish army, concerning their present designe . . . to
preserve and defend the kings majestie, and to gain his libertie from the Isle of Wight. London: J. C. f. I.
I., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 502(2). Wing D764A (O not recorded in Wing).
5801. Scotland, Church of. The ordoure and doctrine of the generall fast, appointed be the generall
assemblie . . . [25 Dec. 1565, followed by] Certaine chapters and partes of the scriptures used . . . in the
The Library of Anthony Wood 539
tyme of Godes visitati o be the pest. Edinburgh: R. Lekprevik, 1574. 8
. A-D
Tp, signature of Hum: Dyson, and scribbles in 2 hands;
, scribbles. Text, some scribbles, none by AW.
Wood 774(2). STC 22043.
5802. Scotland, Church of. The confession of the true & Christian fayth, according to Gods word, and
actes of parliament, holden at Edenburghe [28 Jan. 1581]. London: R. Waldegrave, [1581]. 8
in 4s. A-F
Tp, signature of Hum: Dyson.
Wood 774(5). STC 22022.
5803. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. For the right noble and potent prince James duke of Bucclengh
[sic] and Monmouth, . . . The humble supplication of the non-conformists . . . now in arms . . . [signed]
R. Hamilton. N.p.: n.pub., [1679?]. S.sh.
Correction in t to Buccleugh.
Wood 660c(8). Wing F1438A (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
5804. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. A relation of the birth, as well as of several remarkable passages
during the minority of the . . . duke of Monmouth, . . . with . . . his . . . victories. [Edinburgh?]: n.pub.,
[1679]. Fol. Pp. 8.
P. 7, AW wrote, at 79, 1679.
Wood 660c(2). Wing R816.
5805. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. A true account of the great victory obtained over the rebels in
Scotland, . . . under the command of . . . the duke of Monmouth. In a letter [22 June]. [London]: n.pub.,
[1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 660c(3). Wing T2370.
5806. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. A true narrative of the duke of Monmouths late journey into
the West, in a letter. (London): (printed, sold R. Janeway), (1680). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 660c(4a). Wing T2786.
5807. Scott, James. Monmouth, duke of. [Begin] Whereas Nat. Thompson hath lately [A statement, dated
2 Nov. 1681 and signed Monmouth, F. Grey, Herbert, occasioned by imputations in the Public intelligence
of 25 Oct.]. [London]: n.pub., [1681]. S.sh.
Wood 660c(26). Wing W1628.
5808. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. The duke of Monmouths case, with all the very strange crimes,
and great misdemeanors alledged against his grace. (London): (f. J. C.), [1682]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 660c(4b). Wing D2509.
5809. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. A true and impartial account of the duke of Monmouths being
taken into custody [25 September]. (London): (f. A. Johnson), (1682). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 660c(5). Wing T2491.
5810. Scott, James*. Monmouth, duke of. An account of what passed at the execution of the late duke
of Monmouth [15 July]. (London): (f. R. Horne, J. Baker, a. B. Tooke), (1685). Fol. Pp. 4.
Pp. 1, former no 36, in pencil; 4, AW wrote below imprint, published about 25 Jul. 85. LT 3.154.
Wood 660c(9). Wing A433.
5811. [Scott, Thomas]. Vox populi. Or newes from Spayne, translated according to the Spanish coppie.
[London?]: n.pub., 1620. 4
. A-C
Tp, AW wrote in pencil, 2 part with Gondamares picture (i.e., the Spanish ambassador, marq. de Gon-
domar; the picture has been removed from part 2, Wood 511(9), item 5817); below, Dp [or Op]. 201 (?).
Wood 511(8). STC 22100.
5812. [Scott, Thomas]. The Belgicke pismire: stinging the slothfull sleeper, and awaking the diligent to
fast, watch. London [really Holland]: n.pub., 1622. 4
. Pp. [12], 99, [1].
Tp, bsm.
Wood 617(21). STC 22069a.
5813. [Scott, Thomas], trans. Newes from Pernassus. The politicall touchstone, . . . whereon the govern-
ments of the greatest monarchies of the world are touched [selections from T. Boccalini, Pietra del paragone
politico]. Helicon [i.e. Holland]: n.pub., 1622. 4
. Pp. [3-4], 5-92, [3] (wanting pp. [1-2]).
Tp, bsm.
Wood 615(9a). STC 22080.
540 The Library of Anthony Wood
5814. [Scott, Thomas]. [Hexham, H., by?]. An experimentall discoverie of Spanish practises. Or the
counsell of a well-wishing souldier. [London]: n.pub., 1623. 4
. Pp. [2], 54.
Di. ed. at Wood 615(5).
Wood 511(10). STC 22077.5.
5815. [Scott, Thomas]. [Hexham, H., by?]. An experimentall discoverie of Spanish practises or the coun-
sell of a well-wishing souldier. [London]: n.pub., 1623. 4
. Pp. [2], 54.
Di. ed. at Wood 511(10).
Wood 615(5). STC 22077.3.
5816. [Scott, Thomas]. Certaine reasons and arguments of policie, why the king of England should
. . . enter into warre with the Spaniard. [London]: n.pub., 1624. 4
. A-B
Wood 511(11). STC 22073.6.
5817. S[cott], T[homas]. [The second part of vox populi, or Gondomar appearing in the likeness of
Matchiavell in a Spanish parliament. Tr. out of the Span. coppie, or rather written by a well-willer to
England and Holland [signing himself T. S. of U. Issued as part of the workes of Thomas Scot, 1624]].
[Goricom, [Gorinchem], i.e., London]: [A. Janss, i.e., W. Jones], [1624]. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. [4], 1-52, 55-60
(wanting the t leaf and sig. H1).
Leaves were removed after AW wrote the note in Scott, Wood 511(8), item 5811.
Wood 511(9). STC 22104.
5818. [Scott, Thomas]. Robert earle of Essex his ghost, sent from Elizian: to the nobility, gentry, and
communaltie of England. [Followed by] A post-script. Paradise [i.e., London]: [J. Beale?], 1624 [with a
misdated tp]. 4
. Pp. [2], 18, [2], 11 (2 tpp).
Tp, title written (cropped at side) and S T, not by AW. Below, note cropped at bottom, not by AW.
Prob. acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247.
Wood 586(10b). STC 22084a.
5819. Scott, William. An essay of drapery: or, the compleate citizen. Trading justly. London: E. All-de
f. S. Pemell, 1635. 12
. Pp. [12], 169, [2].
Wood 739(2). STC 22109.
5820. Scotus, Romoaldus. Summarium rationum, quibus cancellarius Angliae et prolocutor Puckeringius
Elizabethae . . . persuaserunt occidendam esse . . . Mariam Stuartam Scotiae reginam:. . . His additum est
supplicium et mors reginae Scotiae. Coloniae: sumpt. P. Henningii, 1627. 8
. Pp. [2], 109, [7].
Wood 890(2) (listed with R. Turner, Wood 890(3), item 6254, in Bodl. CD cat.). BL.
5821. [Scroggs, William*]. Good deeds ill requited: or, an answer to innocence unveild. Being a poem
in vindication of dr. Oates and mr. Bedloe. [London]: n.pub., [1679?]. S.sh. (r-v).
Wood 417(30). Wing G1042.
5822. Scroggs, William. The answer of sir Willam [sic] Scroggs, k
lord chief justice . . . to the articles
of dr. Titus Oates, and mr. William Bedlow [21 Jan. 1679]. N.p.: n.pub., [1680]. S.sh. Pp. 3-4.
Wood 276a(282). Wing O31A (part of).
5823. Scroggs, William*. Innocence unveild: or, a poem on the acquittal of the lord chief justice Scroggs.
[London]: n.pub., [1680]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote the year, (1680), in pencil (AO 4.115.).
Wood 417(29). Wing I194.
5824. Scroggs, William*. Philo-dicaios, signed by. The triumphs of justice over unjust judges:. . . humbly
dedicated to the lord chief Scroggs. London: f. B. Harris, 1681. Fol. Pp. [4], 36.
Wood 426(34). Wing T2297.
5825. Scudamore, Barnabas. A letter sent to the right honourable the lord Digby, from sir Barnabas
Scudamore . . . concerning the late siedge of . . . Hereford. Oxford: L. Licheld, 1645. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Tp, AW wrote the date, Aug. 29., and altered the former no.
Wood 378(21). Wing S2130. Madan 1815.
5826. Scudery, Madeleine de, of Almahide. The history of Philoxypes and Polycrite, as it was told by
Leontides to the great Cyrus. Englished out of French, by an honourable anti-Socordist. London: H. Moseley,
1652. 8
. Pp. [2], 187.
Missing. In a list of Mr. Woods Duplicats, MS. Wood F. 51, f. 44, item 16.
The Library of Anthony Wood 541
MS. Wood F. 51(16). Wing S2159A. O.
5827. Seagar, Francis, and Robert Crowley. The schoole of vertue, and booke of good nurture,
. . . Newly perused. Also certaine prayers and graces by R. C. London: M. Flesher f. R. Bird, [1635
ca.]. 8
. A2-8,B-C
. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, gures, a subtraction; 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works in this vol., within
guidelines made with red ink. Tp, AW wrote Rob. Crowley the author - see the rst vol. of Ath. et Fasti
Oxon p. [blank] (AO 1.542.). B
, an early signature, Anthony Wood; C7
, Mary Wood.
Wood 792(1). STC 22138.5 (rare).
5828. Seasonable Advertisement. A seasonable advertisement to the honourable city of London. Gen-
tlemen, after so many no less unlawfull. N.p.: n.pub., [1660 ca.]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(276). Wing S2205A.
5829. Sedgwick, Joseph. A sermon [on 1 Cor. 14.1] preached at S
. Maries in the university of Cam-
bridge May 1
, 1653. Or, an essay to the discovery of the spirit . . . that disturbs . . . the universities:
Together with an appendix, wherein m
. Dels stumblingstone is briey replid unto. London: R. D. f. E.
Story, in Cambridge, 1653. 4
. Pp. [6], 57 (2 tpp).
Flyleaf, upper, 1st
, astrological symbols and numbers. Tp, AW underscored the name of the author, in
red ink.
[MS.] Wood B. 24(4). Wing S2362. Madan 2214.
5830. Selby, James*. The unhappy citizen. A faithful narrative of the life and death of James Selby.
London: f. E. Brand, [1691]. 4
. Pp. 12.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon 14. May 1691 (Selby was executed on 2 May 1691).
Wood 173(5). Wing U66A. ESTCR 188778.
5831. [Selby, Richard]. Rubeus [Reed/Read], Joannes, ed. Tabula votiva appensa tholo s. Scholasticae
. . . A p. Joanne Rubeo. Romae: ex typog. J. Dragondelli, 1659. 4
. Pp. [18], 172, [4].
Tp, after Rubeo, AW wrote, ie Read, de com. Ebor.; below, Antonii ` a Wood. Oxon. ex dono Sereni
Cressey, per manus D. Rad. Sheldon de Beoly, 21. July 1671. LT 2.227 (AWs rst gift from Sheldon).
Wood 644(3). Not in BL.
5832. Selden, John. Marmora Arundelliana; sive saxa Graec`e incisa . . . Publicavit . . . Joannes Seldenus.
Londini: G. Stanesbeii, 1628. 4
. Pp. [18], 182, [2].
LT 2.119.
Wood 318(4). STC 823. Madan 600.
5833. Selden, John. The priviledges of the baronage of England, when they sit in parliament. London: T.
Badger f. M. Wallbanck, 1642. 8
. Pp. [6], 167.
Tp, ABosco, in red ink, and an illeg. note. Pp. 8-9, correction, and at a reference to bishop of Bristol (J.
Thornborough) and a book he wrote, line in margin; 83, correction.
Wood 457(2). Wing S2434.
5834. Selden, John. Yeanyrvpow: or, God made man. A tract proving the nativity . . . to be on the 25.
of December. London: J. G. f. N. Brooks [sic], 1661. 8
. Pp. [8], 91, [20] (20 pp. books sold by Brook [sic])
(wanting the frontisportrait).
Tp, AW wrote December: 1660. 1st p. [7] at the Epitaphium for Selden, AW wrote This epitaph is in the
Inner Temple church, & I have printed it in his life, in Hert hall, in the Hist. & antiquities of the Univers.
of Oxon. (i.e., Historia et antiquitates; see also AO 3.378-9). Pp. [1-20], AW wrote in odd p. nos. (3-19); in
the 20 pp. of books sold by Brook he marked 28 items in some way (lines, underscoring, authors name,
identication). Acquired 9 Jan. 1661, 1
, LT 1.380.
Wood 883(2). Wing S2439.
5835. Selden, John. Milward, Richard, ed. Table-talk: the discourses of John Selden. London: f. E. Smith,
1689. 4
. Pp. [4], 60.
Tp, AW wrote, Jan. 23.1688[9] 1
0., LT 3.296.
Wood 533(19). Wing S2437.
5836. [Seller, Abednego]. A plain answer to a popish priest questioning the orders of the Church of
England. London: f. J. Howell in Oxford, 1688. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote, Abednego Sellers the author Ex dono Arth. Charlet e coll. Trin. Maii . . . (cropped at
542 The Library of Anthony Wood
side and bottom).
[MS.] Wood B. 40(12). Wing S2458.
5837. Seller, John. A new systeme: of geography, . . . accommodated with new mapps. [London]: sold at
his shop, [1685]. 8
. Pp. [4], 112, plus coloured maps. Calf, speckled, with 2 llets.
Pastedown, upper, numbers, not by AW; yleaf, lower, last, a subtraction.
Wood 665. Wing S2477.
5838. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Heywood, Jasper, trans. The seconde tragedie of Seneca entituled
Thyestes. London: in the hous late T. Berthelettes, 1560, 26 March. 8
. *-**
, A-D
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 53, The 2d Tragedie of Seneca 1560 Jasp. Heywood.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 53. STC 22226. O, Folg, Hunt.
5839. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Golding, Arthur, trans. The woorke of . . . Lucius Annaeus Seneca
concerning benefyting. London: [J. Kingston f.] J. Day, 1578. 4
. Tp is a cancel. Ff. [4], 120. Parchment.
Tp, John Knighte hys boke, by the guyfte of M
Arthure Robyns. Text, some underscoring and marks
in margin, not in AWs manner. Flyleaves, lower, two 8-line poems, one in English and one in Latin, in 2
hands, neither in AWs.
[MS.] Wood B. 28(b). STC 22215.
5840. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Newton, Thomas, trans. Seneca his tenne tragedies. London: T. Marsh,
1581. 4
. Ff. [3], 217.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 51, Seneca in English 1581 Tho Newton he hath put out Leylands
epigrams - q[uaere; i.e., STC 15447] . . . In this booke are 3. playes of Jasper Heywood . . . four playes by
Joh. Studley [i.e. translated by] This booke must be perused & the epistles before every play. See AO
2.10, 1.664.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 51. STC 22221. Folg (4 copies), Hunt, NYPL.
5841. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Farnaby, Thomas, ed. L. & M. Annaei Senecae tragoediae. London: F.
Kyngston, imp. P. Stephani & C. Meredith, 1634. 8
. 3rd ed. Pp. [8], 391, [9].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10, Tho. Farnabie his edit. & revise of Senecaes [sic] tragedies 1634.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10. STC 22220. Hunt, Yale.
5842. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Sherburne, Edward, trans. Troades: or the royal captives, a tragedy.
London: A. Godbid a. J. Playford f. S. Carr, 1679. 8
. Pp. [6], 118, [10].
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60. Wing S2528. O, Hunt, Harv.
5843. [Sergeant, John]. The method to arrive at satisfaction in religion [signed N. N.]. [London]: n.pub.,
[1671]. 12
. Pp. [8], 37.
Each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
template. Tp, AW wrote John Sarjeant [and above, Sargeant], the author.
Wood 869(3). Wing S2578.
5844. Sergeant, John, and David Maurice. The informations of John Sergeant, and David Maurice,
} gentlemen; relating to the popish-plot. London: f. G. Kunholt, 1681. Fol. Pp. [3], 7.
1st blank, AW wrote the price, 4
Wood 427(15). Wing S2572.
5845. Sergier, Richard, trans. The present state of Spaine. Translated out of French. London: P. S[hort]
f. R. Serger, 1594. 4
. 1,*,A2-4,B-E
C3, underscoring and line in margin, not by AW.
Wood 511(5a). STC 22997.
5846. Serres, Jean de. Golding, Arthur, trans. The lyfe of . . . capteine . . . Jasper Colignie Shatilion.
London: T. Vautrollier, 1576. 8
. A-G
Tp, bsm.
Wood 292(4). STC 22248.
5847. Serres, Jean de, and Pierre de La Place. Timme, Thomas, trans. The three partes of com-
mentaries, . . . the civill warres of Fraunce, under the raignes of Henry the second . . . Charles the ninth
. . . with an addition of the cruell murther of the admirall Chastilion. London: F. Coldocke (H. Middleton
f.), 1574. 4
. Pp. [16], 271, [24], 267, [5], 494 [i.e. 309], . 38 (misnumbering; 3 tpp). Calf with 3 llets,
The Library of Anthony Wood 543
3 inner rectangles and stamp decoration with IOHA, MAR, ERAS and PHIL and heads in margins;
metal clasp ttings.
Flyleaf, upper
, m over a, bsm? F. 38
(last leaf), practice in the Hebrew alphabet, prob. not by AW.
Wood 340. STC 22241.5.
5848. [Settle, Elkanah]. The prologue to pastor Fido. . . . The epilogue. [London]: n.pub., [1677]. S.sh.
AW wrote, written by Elkanah Settle 1677.
Wood 416(132). Wing S2713 (rare).
5849. [Settle, Elkanah]. The life and death of major Clancie, the grandest cheat of this age. London: D.
Mallet, 1680. 4
. Pp. [8], 150.
Tp, bsms. AW inserted a blank leaf after quires A and B on which he added details about the colourful but
sharking Major, whom he knew very well, for he was a lodger with Mary Wood, at AWs own residence,
during the plague year, 1665. At the same time the King and Queen kept their courts in Oxford. The
44-line passage is quoted in full at LT 2.48-9. Flyleaf, lower, 1st, a classication of all the printed works in
this bundle before it was bound: Murders Robberies , prob. not by AW; last, a drawing and below it,
Major Clancie, prob. not by AW.
Wood 173(6). Wing S2696A.
5850. Settle, Elkanah*. A character of the true blue protestant poet: or, the pretended author of the
character of a popish successor. (London): (f. A. Banks), (1682). Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, at poet, AW wrote, Elkanah Settle; p. 4, after year, Aprill. LT 3.141.
Wood 657(12). Wing C2028.
5851. [Settle, Elkanah]. Animadversions on the last speech and confession of the late William lord Russel.
(London): (f. T. Graves), (1683). Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote, 3
. P. 4, Said to be written by Elkanah Settle the poet/.
Wood 428(13). Wing S2656.
5852. [Settle, Elkanah]. Animadversions upon a paper, entituled, the speech of the late lord Russel.
(London): (for T. Dring), (1683). Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote, 2
Wood 428(12). Wing S2658.
5853. [Settle, Elkanah]. Remarks on Algernoon [sic] Sidneys paper delivered to the sherris. (London):
(f. W. C., sold W. Davis), (1683). Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 4, after printed date, AW wrote, in the latter end of Dec., and, Elk. Settle the author. LT 3.82.
Wood 428(21). Wing S2715.
5854. [Settle, Elkanah]. The notorious impostor, or the history of the life of William Morrell, alias
Bowyer. London: f. A. Roper, 1692. 4
. Pp. [4], 36.
Tp, AW wrote, Bought of H[arry] Cl[ement] in the beg[.] of Mar. 1691[2]. It was also printed in 8
, an.
1694 for a pocket book. LT 3.384.
Wood 372(17). Wing S2703 (O not recorded in Wing).
5855. [Settle, Elkanah]. The second part of The notorious imposter, . . . William Morrell, alias Bowyer.
London: f. A. Roper, 1692. 4
. Pp. [4], 36.
Tp, AW wrote, of H[arry] Cl[ement] in the beg[.] of Mar. 1691, in red ink.
Wood 372(18). Wing S2717aA (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
5856. Seven Arguments. Seven arguments plainly proving that papists are trayterous subjects. [London]:
n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. 15. Calf with 3 llets, a vertical line of 3 llets, and edge hatching; spine, 4 bands
and hatching (Oxford binding; similar to S. Gibson, Early Oxford Bindings (OBS, 1903), plate xxx, no. 5,
bound about 1645).
Tp, AW wrote, Ant: Woode: Coll: Merto: and later, Oxon 1656: (with, later still, 1666 written over
1656). AW acquired this vol. of 4 items in 1656. Bsm. LT 1.211.
[MS.] Wood C. 44(1). Wing S2735.
5857. [Severn, Thomas], and Charles Potter. Puyagoraw metemcuxow. Sive theses quadragesimales
in scholis Oxonii publicis Mart: V. & XXVI. pro forma discussae. A.D. M.DC.XL.IX./L . . . Respondente
Carolo Potter. Oxonii: H. H[all] impen. R. Davis, 1651. 12
. Pp. [6], 137, [17]. Calf with 2 llets; yleaves,
upper and lower, printers waste paper. Rebacked.
544 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp and A3, note, or letters of the alphabet, cropped at bottom. AO 3.648-9 and LT 1.243.
Wood 689. Wing S2817. Madan 2177.
5858. Severus, Sulpicius. Sleidanus, Johannes ed. Sacra historia continuata ex Johannis Sleydani libro
de quatuor summis imperiis. Lugduni Batavorum: ex o. B. & A. Elzevir, 1626. 8
. Pp. 271. Calf, mottled,
with 3 llets and edge hatching; spine, 4 bands and hatching (Oxford binding).
Tp, at top, former no., 23 (?). Bsm.
Wood 847. BL. BL, Historia sacra.
5859. S[hadwell], T[homas]. On the most noble James [Murray], earl of Annandale. [London]: n.pub.,
[1659]. S.sh.
AW wrote, He died before the restauration of K. Ch. 2;
, Jam. E. of Annandale; below, 3 references to
Latin works, partially covered by binding, not by AW.
Wood 429(10). Wing S2864 (two).
5860. Shakespeare, William. Venus and Adonis. London: J. H[aviland], sold F. Coules, 1630. 8
. A-
(D4 blank).
Sig. A1, AW wrote, Written by Will. Shakspeare.
Wood 79(9) (now Arch. G. f. 2(9)). STC 22364 (rare).
5861. Shakespeare, William. [Poems]. [London]: [T. Cotes, sold J. Benson], [1640]. 8
. A2-8,B-L
, M1-2
(wanting 1,A1,*
,M3-4). Calf, two llets on upper and lower boards; rebacked.
Sigs. L8 to end, signatures, e.g., Elizebeth, Frances, and Susnna [sic] Aylie, Aylie, Aylife.
Wood 80. STC 22344.
5862. Shakespeare, William. The tragoedy of Othello. London: W. Leak, 1655. 4
. 4th ed. Pp. [2], 92
(imperf., ends at p. 92).
, the Dramatis Personae, men (9) and women (3), of a performance, not by AW.
Wood 320(7). Wing S2939.
5863. Sharp, James*. St. Andrews, abp. of. A true account of the horrid murther committed upon his
grace, the late lord archbishop of Saint Andrews. London: T. N. f. A. Forrester, 1679. Fol. Pp. 7.
Wood 422(4). Wing T2375 (Wing, John Sharp).
5864. Sharp, James*. St. Andrews, abp. of. A true relation of what is discovered concerning the murther
of the archb
of St. Andrews. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote, 1679: v. Gazet., in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 657(14).
Wood 422(5). Wing T3080.
5865. Sharp, James*. St. Andrews, abp. of. A true relation of what is discovered concerning the murther
of the archb
of St. Andrews. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote Dupl in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 422(5).
Wood 657(14). Wing T3080.
5866. Sharpe, Leonell. Oratio funebris in honorem Henrici . . . Walliae principis propriam atque intimam
ejus egiem praeferens. Londini: G. Hall, 1612. 4
. Pp. [6], 16.
Tp, after the author, AW wrote Cantab.
Wood 616(13). STC 22375.
5867. Shaw, Hester. A plaine relation of my suerings, by that . . . combustion, which happened in
Tower-street . . . 4. of January 1650. London: n.pub., 1653. 4
. Pp. [4], 15.
Tp, (Hester Shaw), prob. not by AW.
[MS.] Wood D. 28(12). Wing S3019.
5868. S[heafe], T[homas]. Gouge, William, ed. Vindiciae senectutis, or, a plea for old-age. London: G.
Miller, 1639. 8
(tp a cancel). Pp. [25], 210, [10].
AW added the name of the author at the list of contents on the upper yleaf.
Wood 747(2). STC 22391.8.
5869. Sheeps Skin. The sheeps skin pulld o from the wolfs back: or the uncasing of the knight. [London]:
n.pub., [1680]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote the year, 1683, in pencil.
Wood 417(119). Wing S3056 (Wing, wolfs).
The Library of Anthony Wood 545
5870. [Sheeres, Henry]. A discourse touching Tanger. London: A. Godbid, 1680. 8
. Pp. 53.
Di. ed. at Wood 386(14).
Wood 158(4). Wing S3058A.
5871. [Sheeres, Henry]. A discourse touching Tanger. London: n.pub., 1680. 4
. Pp. 40 (1-2 blank).
Tp, bsm. Di. ed. at Wood 158(4).
Wood 386(14). Wing S3057.
5872. Sheeld, John. Buckingham, duke of. An essay upon poetry. London: f. J. Hindmarsh, 1682. 4
Pp. [2], 21.
Tp, By the Earl of Mulgrave, not in AWs hand, but by the same person who wrote the note in the
preceding item, Boileau-Despreaux, Wood 320(4), item 1032.
Wood 320(5). Wing B5339.
5873. Sheldon, Gilbert, Canterbury, abp of. Gilbertus Sheldon archiepiscopius Cantuariensis. N.p.:
n.pub., n.d. S.sh. (engr.).
There is no item at Wood 276a(7).
Wood 276a(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Engraved Portraits, 4.80.
5874. [Sheldon, Ralph]. [Book-plate]. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh. 8
Ralph Sheldons book-plate, a sheldrake, alone. See LT 3.104 and facing Plate I.
Wood 276b(40). BL Cat. of Br. and Amer. Book Plates (A. W. Franks Collection, ed. E. R. J. Gambier
Howe, 1904), cp. nos. 26649, 26651.
5875. [Sheldon, Ralph]. [Coat of Arms]. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh. 4
Ralph Sheldons coat of arms, 3 sheldrakes. See LT 3.104 and facing Plate I.
Wood 276b(41).
5876. Shepery, John. Hyppolitus Ovidianae Phaedrae respondens. [Oxford]: excud. Jos. Barnesius, [1586].
. *
. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine; 1st yleaf, trace of blue leaf; last yleaf, blue leaf (Ashm.
Backing, upper, trace, Museo Ashm; yleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol.,
within guidelines made with red chalk. Tp, AW wrote, An. 1584. Bsm. Text, pencil lines in margins.
Wood 113(1). STC 22405. Madan 84.
5877. Shepery, John. Summa et synopsis Novi Testamenti distichis ducentis sexaginta, . . . compre-
hensa:. . . `a Laurentio Humfredo recognita. Oxoniae: ex o. typ. J. Barnesii, 1586. 8
. A-C
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 1. AO 1.135. Acquired 21 Sept. 1668, LT 2.143.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 1. STC 22406. Madan 85. O, Folg.
5878. Sheppard, S[amuel]. The yeare of jubile: or, Englands releasment, . . . under the command of
. . . sir Thomas Fairfax. London: f. R. L., 1646. 4
. Pp. [4], 64.
Wood 501(20). Wing S3172 (Wing, or Englands).
5879. Sheppard, S[amuel]. The committee-man curried, a comedy. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2],
Wood 615(22a). Wing S3160.
5880. S[heppard], S[amuel]. The second part of the committee-man curried. [London]: n.pub., 1647. 4
Pp. [2], 12.
Wood 615(22b). Wing S3168.
5881. S[heppard], S[amuel]. The secretaries studie: containing new familiar epistles. London: T. H. f.
J. Harrison, 1652. 8
. Pp. [14], 279. Calf, speckled, with 3 llets.
Flyleaves, upper, 1st-2nd, a draft of a letter, not by AW. Flyleaf, lower, 1st
, name of AW, in pencil, lined
out; 2nd
, Anthony Wood his booke 1656 and scribbled clauses in Latin and English.
Wood 711. Wing S3169.
5882. S[heppard], S[amuel]. Fortunes tennis-ball: or, the . . . history of Dorastus and Fawnia. [London]:
A. M. f. J. Deacon, 1688. 8
. A
Wood 259(10). Wing S3165 (rare).
5883. Sheppard, W[illiam]. The parsons guide: or the law of tythes. London: f. W. Lee, H. Twyford, T.
Collins, J. Place, a. T. Basset, 1670. 12
. 2nd ed. Pp. [16], 99. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine;
546 The Library of Anthony Wood
upper and lower yleaves, marbled paper. Rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 10 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, + in bottom left corner.
Wood 370(1). Wing S3206.
5884. Sheringham, Robert. De Anglorum gentis origine disceptatio. Cantabrigiae: J. Hayes, imp. E.
Story, 1670. 8
. Pp. [32], 488, [21].
Tp, AW wrote the price, 4
in q. (quires?) Text, several long notes in Latin, all are cropped, prob.
by AW: pp. 10, 11 (2 sources for textual references to Pitseus: sic Th. James in Ecloga, 17, 38-40, 43
(extensive notes on Bede, Isle of Wight and early settlements of Germanic tribes, some in Old English
and Greek), 51 (Greek source for name, Cimmerii, with a quotation in Greek), 153, 183 (origin of Getas,
Gothas), 331 (comment on origin of the word, Eostrem, i.e., Easter), 363-4, 367-8, 373, and 381 (notes on
ancient origins, relating to Berossus, and biblical passages, especially in Genesis 8), 397, 433 (extensive
note on Tarsus), 436 (on the chronology of Abraham and Noah). Clark, LT 2.398, cited this item but wrote
nothing of the annotation.
Wood 206(3). Wing S3236.
5885. Sherley, Thomas. The case of Thomas Sherley esq; one of his majesties physitians in ordinary.
[London]: n.pub., [1678]. S.sh. (r-v).
AW wrote, 1678;
, This to be taken out of the letter When I have don, in red ink (AO 2.498 and 4.77).
Also, a ms. copy of printed genealogy, not in AWs hand.
Wood 276b(83). Wing C1190 (rare).
5886. Sherlock, Ric[hard]. Mercurius Christianus. The practical Christian, a treatise explaining the duty
of self-examination. London: R. Norton f. R. Royston, 1673. 12
. Pp. [15], 287, [1] (1 p. books printed f.
Royston). Calf with one llet.
Front edge, later signature, W. Stott 1766. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Liber nescio cujus, by a later writer; 2nd
AW wrote Ant. `a Wood. ex dono Authoris j Junii 1673. LT 2.264.
Wood 831. Wing S3242.
5887. Sherlock, R[ichard]. The second part of the practical Christian consisting of meditations, and
Psalms illustrated with notes, or paraphrased. London: R. N. f. R. Royston, 1675. 12
. Pp. [23], 347, [1].
Calf with 2 llets; marbled edges.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote Antonii `a Wood ex dono authoris 3
[or 30] Junii 1675. LT 2.316.
Wood 849. Wing S3255A (rare).
5888. [Shirley, John]. The life of the valiant & learned sir Walter Raleigh, knight. With his tryal at
Winchester. London: J. D. f. B. Shirley, a. R. Tonson, 1677. 8
. Pp. 243, [1] (1 p. books sold by R. Tonson).
Calf with 3 llets and oral decoration (2 leaves, 4 pedalled owers) in corners (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 4th
, titles of 4 books in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Arabic nos., prob. by AW (some
cropped), on the individual books in the vol. indicate that they were together before being bound by the
Ashm. Tp, AW wrote written by Jo. Shirley A.m.
Wood 433(1). Wing S3495.
5889. Shore, Jane*. The history of mrs. Jane Shore. Concubine to k. Edward the fourth. London: f. J.
Clarke, W. Thackeray, & T. Passinger, [1688]. 8
. A
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. 1688.
Wood 254(6). Wing H2125 (rare).
5890. Short Discourse. A short discourse upon the desires of a friend: wherein . . . the perfect settlement
of this nation. London: f. H. H., 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Tp, AW altered the year to 59: eb:.
Wood 610(5). Wing S3590.
5891. Short, Richard. Peri cuxroposiaw, of drinking water. . . . Whereunto is added, yermoposiaw, of
warm drink. London: f. J. Crook, 1656. 8
. Pp. [30], 173 (wanting the t leaf) (105-112 unopened).
AW copied information from a t-leaf to a blank leaf and inserted it here. A3, at printed Gregorie Oxoniensis,
the late librarie keeper in Oxford, AW wrote, no such person was libr. keeper unless of ch. ch. who was
Joh. Gregory of that house.
Wood 679(8). Wing S3528.
5892. Short Table, Italian and Spanish. A short table, contayning the most usuall and hard wordes in
the Italian tongue [and] in he [sic] Spanish tongue. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. Fol. Pp. [8].
The Library of Anthony Wood 547
Some underscoring and entries in word lists, in two hands, in ink and pencil, neither in AWs hand.
Wood 276a(25-6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
5893. [Shower, Bartholomew]. An antidote against poison: composed . . . upon the paper printed by the
direction of the lady Russel. (London): (f. C. Mearne), (1683). Fol. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW wrote, 3
and Lady Rachell [Wriothesley] dau. & coheire of Thom. E. of S[out]hampt.; p. 7,
Said to be written by Heneage Finch Sollicitor Generall .
Wood 428(14). Wing S3648.
5894. Shrewsbury. A letter from Shrewsbury, setting forth the design which the Anabaptists and Quakers
had to secure the castle. London: f. T. H., [1660]. S.sh.
AW altered 1660 to 1659.
Wood 503(31). Wing L1506 (two).
5895. Shropshire. Shropshires misery and mercie. Manifested in the defeat given to the lord Capels
ravenous . . . army. London: f. T. Und[erhil], [1643], 8 Nov. 4
. Pp. [2], 6 (tp mutilated).
Tp, AW altered a former no.; below 1643 and in pencil, 1647 - q[uaere]. Tp
, for M
Robert Warner,
these deliver in Warwick, not in AWs hand.
Wood 376(46). Wing S3699.
5896. Shropshire, Declaration. A declaration of the gentry of the county of Salop. London: f. D. Pake-
man, 1660. S.sh.
AW added to the year, Aprill:.
Wood 276a(222). Wing D680A (two) (O not recorded in Wing).
5897. [Sibbald, James]. The manner of the beheading of duke Hambleton, the earle of Holland, and the
lord Capell [9 March 1648]. London: f. R. Ibbitson, [1649]. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 366(33). Wing S3719.
5898. Sibscota, George. The deaf and dumb mans discourse. London: H. Bruges f. W. Crook, 1670. 8
Pp. [2], 89, [5] (5 pp. books printed for W. Crook).
Tp, price, 1.
Wood 37(3). Wing S3748B.
5899. Sictor, Joh[n]. Epitaphium honorabilis & consultissimi viri, domini Nathanaelis Brent [died, 6 Nov.
1652; buried, 17 Nov. 1652]. N.p.: n.pub., [1652?]. S.sh.
AW wrote, The gures for 1652. are contained I think in the two rst verses; a later writer lined out
verses, and added, lines (reading of upper case letters in the 2 verses);
, S
Nath Brent 1651-2; also,
several sets of numbers or accounts which may not be by AW: 71 - 2 - 0, 76 - 4 - 6, 1569.3, and 3 1
10. LT 1.162; LT 2.368.
Wood 429(7). Wing S3754A (rare).
5900. Sidney, Algernon. The very copy of a paper delivered to the sheris, upon the scaold . . . Decemb.
7. 1683 by Algernoon Sidney. (London): (f. R. H., J. B., a. J. R., sold W. Davis), (1683). Fol. Pp. 3.
P. 3, AW wrote, After this speech was delivered by the authour to the said Sheris, they delivered it to
his majestie to be read, whereupon, as the report went, a proclamation issued out to prohibit the printing
thereof: but afterwards it came out by authority, otherwise it would have been printed beyond the seas.
LT 3.82.
Wood 428(20). Wing S3766.
5901. Sidney, Algernon*. The arraignment, tryal & condemnation of Algernon Sidney, esq; for high-
treason. London: f. B. Tooke, 1684. Fol. Pp. [3], 65.
On a slip pasted to p. [1
], AW wrote notes on the life of Algernon Sydney [/] A yonger son of Rob.
Sydney Earl of Leycester - & yonger brother to Philip Visc. Lisle [/] Sided with the parl. 1641 [/] Had a
commission granted him to be a Colonel [/] Went into Irel. to do service there against the Rebells - was
rewarded for so doing with Major Tho. Harrison [/] Nominated one of the Kings Judges [trial of Charles 1]
but did not sit, and 6 more lines, including 2 sources: Whitlock p. 681 (i.e., B. Whitelocke (1682), Wing
W1986) and list of parliament men, 1648. LT 3.82.
Wood 428(19). Wing A3754.
5902. Sidney, Philip. An apologie for poetrie. London: [J. Roberts] f. H. Olney, 1595. 4
. A1,3-4,B-K
3 (wanting A2). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper
(bound after 1691).
548 The Library of Anthony Wood
Flyleaf, 2nd, E Libris Antonii A Wood, not by AW;
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this
vol., within guidelines made with red ink, and Note that S
Joh. Harrington of Kelston neare Bathe, hath
written An apologie for poetry, in 3. sh. in fol. or thereabouts, set before his Orlando furioso; B1, B2,
Latin tags; passim, a few underscorings, marks in margin and corrections, none in AWs hand. See [MS.]
Wood B. 23, item 4070, for proof sheets of the Apologie used as waste paper in binding.
Wood 116(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 22534.
5903. Sidney, Philip. An apologie for poetrie. London: [J. Roberts] f. H. Olney or f. W. Ponsonby, 1595.
. A-L
Missing in 1837. Dupl. or di. ed. at Wood 116(1). Ed. not identied. See [MS.] Wood B. 23 (item 4070)
for proof sheets of the Apologie used as waste paper in binding.
Wood 887b(1). STC 22534 and 22534.5. Folg, Hunt, NYPL, and Hunt.
5904. Sidney, Philip. Leicester, earl of. An armie for Ireland, conducted by the lord Lithe, . . . Being
a vote of both houses in parliament for the sending of speedy ayd into Ireland. London: f. J. Greensmith,
1642. 4
. A
Tp, at Lithe, AW wrote Lisle (i.e., P. Sidney, 1619-98).
Wood 507(41). Wing L965.
5905. Sidney, Philip; Edmund Spenser; Robert Southwell, and Michael Drayton. Works &
remaines. ?: ?, 1594, 1595. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 50, Ph. Sidney [/] Edm. Spenser [/] Rob. Southwell [/] Mich. Drayton
Works & remaines 1594. 95.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 50. Not identied.
5906. Sidney, Robert*, Leicester, earl of. A list of the old and new regiments of horse and foot, under
. . . Robert Sidney, earle of Leicester. London: f. T. Walkley, [1642] 15 Jun. 4
. A
Tp, AW wrote the year, 42 q[uaere], and a brief note, illeg., in pencil.
Wood 508(17). Wing L2480 (O not recorded in Wing).
5907. Simlerus, Josias, and Joannes Guilielmus Stuckius. Narratio de ortu, vita, et obitu . . . d.
Henrici Bullingeri. Item oratio funebris, auctore d. Joanne Guilielmo Stukio. Tiguri: Froschoverus, 1575.
Ff. 84, 24 (2nd tp at 2nd f. 1). Parchment with clasp holes.
Flyleaf, upper, signatures, e.g., Christopher Colson his booke and scribbles. Tp, AW wrote the date of
acquisition, Sept: XIV: MDclx; also a shelf-mark, G1 (?), prob. written by Colson. Ff. 31
, 32, 66
, minor
annotation, not by AW. Flyleaf, lower, 2nd
, scribbles, not by AW, lined out.
Wood 349. BL.
5908. Simpson, Christopher. The division-violist: or an introduction to the playing upon a ground.
London: W. Godbid, sold J. Playford, 1659. Fol. Pp. [10], 67 (wanting the portrait). Calf with 3 llets,
stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves and sunower sprouting eur-de-lis), and roll decoration at inner,
spine edge (Ashm. binding); rebacked; some cropping, passim.
Pastedown, upper, an Ashm. librarian wrote the shelf-mark twice and below, 1701 (prob. shortly after
binding). Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, list of 62 printed works in this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian (same
hand in Wood 276a). The Whiteside cat. has 657 A Volume of Pamphlets &c 62 and 73 added later
in pencil. After the list on the yleaf Milford added LXXIII Eleven more pamphlets 73 RTM 1922.
Apparently a loose bundle of AW pamphlets was later incorporated into this vol. Item nos. are mainly in
Roman numerals. 1st item, p. [8], correction, may not be by AW.
Wood 657(1a). Wing S3813.
5909. Simpson, Margaret*. Dreadful news from Southwark: or, . . . how one Margaret Simpson . . . with
Elizabeth Grin, . . . were . . . struck dead with a thunder-bolt. [London?]: n.pub., [1680?]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Tp, AW wrote, 168 [sic].
[MS.] Wood D. 28(29). Wing D2153.
5910. Simpson, Sydrach. The anatomist anatomisd. Or, a short answer to some things in the book [by
A. Forbes] intituled, An anatomy of Independencie. London: f. P. Cole, 1644. 4
. Pp. 12.
Wood 617(12). Wing S3821.
5911. Skinner, Robert. Oxford, bp. of. Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiasti-
call:. . . in the rst episcopal visitation of Robert, bishop of Oxon. Oxford: W. Hall, 1662. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Wood 516(10). Wing C4073. Madan 2612.
The Library of Anthony Wood 549
5912. Skippon, Philip. To the honourable citie of London. The humble petition of Philip Skippon. London:
f. W. Waterson, [1660]. S.sh.
AW wrote Jan: 1659[60].
Wood 276a(198). Wing T1408A.
5913. Skory, Edmund. An extract out of the historie of the last French king Henry the fourth. London:
R. Barker [sold J. Budge], 1610. 4
. A2-4,B-C
,D1-3. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Traces of
upper and lower yleaves in marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, repaired before AWs binding, with support covering a note or scribble, not by AW. A 2nd repair,
before initial binding, is a support slip pasted to the nal leaf.
Wood 337(1). STC 22629.
5914. Slatyer, G., exornavit. L., J. V., fecit. The type of trew nobilitye Or y
armes of a Ch[ris]tian
emblazoned. N.p.: n.pub., n.d. S.sh. May be a frontispiece (engr.).
Possibly from William Slatyer, The compleat Christian (1643), see Wing S3983. A comment on removed
items (37-8): xxxvii-xxxviii not here [1881].
Wood 276b(39). Not identied.
5915. Sleidanus, Johannes. The key of historie. Or, a most methodicall abridgement of the foure chiefe
monarchies, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. London: M. Flesher, f. W. Sheeres, 1627. 12
. Pp. [30],
377 (2 tpp). Parchment.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 187. STC 19850.
5916. Sleidanus, Johannes. De quatuor summis imperiis libri tres: postrema ed. Amstelodami: ap. D.
Elzevirium, 1667. 16
. Pp. 237, [25]. Calf with 2 llets.
Wood 895. BL.
5917. Slingsby, Henry*, et al. The several tryals of sir Henry Slingsby k
. John Hewet d. d. and John
Mordant esq. London: n.pub., 1658. 4
. Pp. 30.
P. 29, an identication, D
Barwick afterwards Dean of S
Pauls, prob. not by AW.
Wood 367(15). Wing S2814.
5918. [Smalridge, George]. Bristol, bp. of. Auctio Davisiana Oxonii habita. Londini: prostant venales
ap. J. Tonson, 1689. 4
. Pp. [4], 15.
Tp, AW wrote, George Smalridge A. bac. et Alumnus d. ch. Author and Bought at Oxon. 4. May 1689.
being then newly come from London. Pp. [4], 1, AW identied and gave the names of the fathers of the
6 characters, K, B, S, D, C, W, in the verse dialogue: Arth. Kay, Walt. Bacon, Edw. Stradling, George
Dixon, Christop. Codrington, and Will. Woodward, all of Christ Church. LT 3.302; AO 4.667.
Wood 517(4). Wing S4010B.
5919. Smet, Heinrich. Prosodia . . . promptissima, quae syllabarum positione & diphthongis carentium,
quantitates sola veterum poetarum auctoritate, adductis exemplis demonstrat. London: excusum impens.
Soc. Stationar., 1648. 8
. 16th ed. Pp. [32], 655. Calf with 2 llets and a vertical line of 2 llets.
Pastedown, upper, signature John Wheare His Booke 1671 and scribbles; yleaf, upper
, signatures
Robert Clarke, Christopher Young owes [sic] this 1649, and scribbles. Tp, J.A. - (6 or E?). Text, a few
scribbles (names, pp. 170, 242, 318), not by AW. P. 654 to pastedown, lower, some notes and scribblings,
prob. none by AW; 654, Henry Playford; yleaf, lower
, Christopher Young.
Wood 886. Wing S4016.
5920. Smet, Heinrich. Henrici Smetii Alostani prosodia in novam formam digesta. Genevae: sump. J.
Stoer, 1664. 8
. Ed. postrema emendatior. Pp. [16], 526. Calf with 2 llets, stamp initials G M; rebacked.
Tp, scribbles;
, scribbles, W and cartoons. In the intro. some scribbles and the letter W; text, a few
Wood 662. Not in BL.
5921. [Smith, Francis]. Tickle-foot, Tom, pseud. Some observations upon the late tryals of sir George
Wakeman. London: f. A. Brewster [i.e., F. Smith], 1679. Fol. Pp. 9 [really pp. 11].
Tp, AW wrote the price, 3
. P. 4, All this is very silly stue, & scarce becomes a schoolboy to write it,
and a note on a pun at Chapmen: The apothecaries name is Chapman. P. 7 [really p. 9], a brief note on
a reference to the judge: Lord Cheif justice Scroggs, was the son of a Butcher. LT 2.457. Responded to
by M. Mason, Wood 425(9b), item 4396.
550 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 425(9a). Wing S4540.
5922. Smith, Francis*. An account of the injurious proceedings of sir George Jereys k
late recorder
of London, against Francis Smith, bookseller [16 Sept. 1680]. London: f. F. Smith, [1681]. Fol. Pp. [4], 20.
Tp, AW wrote the year, 1688-89.
Wood 421(17). Wing S4024.
5923. Smith, John, clock maker. Equation of time demonstrated to the meanest capacity. [London]: n.pub.,
[1678]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(40). Wing S4104 (two) (Wing, S. Crouch, publ.).
5924. Smith, John, of Walworth. The narrative of mr. John Smith of Walworth . . . of the . . . popish
plot. London: R. Boulter, 1679. Fol. Pp. [7], 35.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
Wood 425(22) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S4127.
5925. Smith, John, of Walworth. No faith or credit to be given to papists. . . . on the perjury of Will.
[Howard] viscount Staord, . . . in relation to mr. Stephen Dugdale, and mr. Edward Turbervill. London:
f. T. Cockerill, 1681. Fol. Pp. [4], 32.
Wood 427(8). Wing S4128.
5926. Smith, John*, and Edward Jackson*. A true relation of the execution of John Smith, alias
Ashburnham, (for murder) . . . and of Edward Jackson, executed the same day [26 May]. (London): (G.
Croom), (1684). Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 422(11) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T2947.
5927. Smith, R. A wonder of wonders: or, a metamorphosis of fair faces voluntarily transformed into
foul visages. . . . By . . . Miso-spilus. London: J. G. f. R. Royston, 1662. 4
. Pp. [8], 31.
Wood 653(5). Wing S4149.
5928. Smith, Richard. A defence of the sacrice of the masse. (London): (J. Herforde), 1546. 8
. Ff. [3],
190, [1]. Parchment.
Some marginal notes, and 2nd f. [1
], and yleaf, lower
, notes and scribbles, e.g., To my mishappe alas I
ynde . . . , not by AW.
Wood 829. STC 22820a.
5929. Smith, Samuel. Aditus ad logicam. ?: ?, 1613. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11. STC 22825-33. Wing S4194-6. Madan 2027.
5930. Smith, Thomas (1513-1577). [Laet, Joannes de, ed.]. De republica Anglorum libri tres. Quibus
accesserunt chorographcia illius descriptio. Lug. Batavorum: ex o. Elzeviriana, 1630. 8
. Pp. [12], 404,
[12]. Calf with 3 llets.
, a brief vita of Thomas Smith by a former owner, Ni: Overb[ury] (AO 2.133).
Wood 448. BL.
5931. Smith, Thomas (1513-1577). The common-wealth of England. And the manner of governement
thereof. . . . With new additions of the chiefe courts. London: W. Stansby f. J. Smethwicke, 1633. 12
Newly corrected. Pp. [14], 285, [2]. Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Wood 578. STC 22865.
5932. Smith, Thomas (1513-1577), and James 1. An old mould to cast new lawes by; . . . Reprinted out
of the common-wealth of England, . . . Together, with king James his declaration . . . of the kings power in
. . . Scotland. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld, 1643]. 4
. Pp. [2], 10.
Former t on tp, underscored. Below, X.
Wood 630(2). Wing S4218 (Wing, listed under Smith, Susannah). Madan 1579.
5933. Smith, Thomas (1558-1625), gaoler. Sir Thomas Smithes voiage and entertainment in Rushia.
London: [J. Roberts a. W. Jaggard] f. N. Butter, 1605. 4
. A-B
,M1-3 (G1, wanting).
Tp, pretium vj
not in AWs hand. A2, B1, scribbles; AW supplied a sheet at the place of the missing
G1 and transcribed the text, r-v.
Wood 387(2). STC 22869.
5934. Smith, Thomas (1638-1710). Septem Asiae ecclesiarum notitia. Londini: excud. T. R., 1676. 4
The Library of Anthony Wood 551
Pp. [4], 44.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60, Th. Smith Magd. Coll. Septem Asiae ecclesiarum notitita. Edit. 1
1672 3
Edit. 1676 [and, added later] preb. of Haylesbury [Heyghtbury] in Wilts by the favor of D
Pierce . . . Apr. 1683 [1687?] (AO 4.598-9). The t in his ms. suggests that he owned the 1676 ed.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 60. Wing S4247. O, Hunt, Folg.
5935. Smith, Tho[mas] (1638-1710). A sermon about frequent communion [17 Aug. 1679]. London: f. S.
Smith, 1685. 4
. Pp. [4], 34.
Pp. 26-8, 30, 33, some marks, in pencil, may not be by AW.
Wood 633(16). Wing S4248.
5936. Smith, William, vice-admiral. Severall letters of great importance, and good successe. Lately ob-
tained against the fellowship of Bristow. London: f. L. Blaiklock, 1643. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Tp, AW wrote the date, Aug 1643, in pencil, and lined out a former no., 28. Dupl. at Wood 632(12).
Wood 376(31). Wing S2779.
5937. Smith, William, vice-admiral. Severall letters of great importance, and good successe. Lately ob-
tained against the fellowship of Bristow. London: f. L. Blaiklock, 1643. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Tp, AW wrote in pencil, Duplic Auct. Dupl. at Wood 376(31).
Wood 632(12). Wing S2779.
5938. Smith, William, of Bath. Of the celebration of the kings coronation-day, in . . . Bathe. . . . in a
letter. London: n.pub., 1661, 29 Apr. 4
. Pp. 6, [1].
Tp, AW wrote A. `a W. Ex dono J. . . . Pearce civ. Bathoni // 7. Jun. 1678, LT 2.407.
Wood 537(17). Wing S4275 (two).
5939. Smith, William. Clare College, Cambridge. Johanni Poloniae regi, . . . carmen panegyricum.
Londini: J. Gellibrand, 1679. 8
. Pp. 40.
Some marks and scribbles in margins. Flyleaf, lower
, an addition, not by AW.
Wood 113(7). Wing S4276.
5940. [Smith, William], of Islington. Contrivances of the fanatical conspirators, . . . of the popish-plot
. . . with depositions . . . this present horrid rebellion hath been designd by the republicans many years.
London: f. the author, sold by booksellers of London and Westminster, 1685. Fol. Pp. 34.
, AW wrote notes from Medulla Historiae Anglicanae, being a comprehensive History of the Lives
& reignes of the monarchs of England Lond. 1687. in oct. 3
edit. (by W. Howell, Wood 601, item 3705),
and p. 447. Will. Smith somtimes a school m
in Islington & a principal evidence that swore Tit. Oates to
be in London when a cloud of witnesses & persons of quality too, asserted him to have been at S. Omer at
that time the consults, (at which he said he was present in London) were held, did afterwards retract all
& published a Narrative, giving Account of the manner how he was drawne in to do so ill a thing, as to
beare fals witness against his Neighbour. Tp, at the horrid rebellion, Monmouths rebellion in the west
see (Wood 660c(4a), item 5806); at the unnamed author, Will. Smith; and published in Nov. 1685.
. Text, pp. 3-4, 5-6, 11, 22, 29, 31-2, 34, some underscoring and notes in margins, e.g., p. 6, at John
Philips, brother of Edw. Philips I thinke & both the Nephews of Jo. Milton; 11, at Gadbury and Fisher,
Jo. Gadbury the Almanack maker & Maj. Payne Fisher, a poor poet. (nancially poor); 31, underscored
Aaron Smith and Raree Show, the ballad Smith claimed to have made (Wood 417(45), item 413); 32, at
printed the King was drunk, The Parl. was dissolved between 10 & 11 in the morn. And tis very strange,
that the K. being alwaies accounted a sober man, should be drunk in a morning. LT 3.170.
Wood 421(4). Wing S4268A.
5941. Smitheld Jockey. The Smitheld jockey: or, the character and original of a horse-courser [with
an additional t leaf reading A whip for a jockey, printed for R. H.]. London: f. W. D., 1677. 8
. Pp. [4], 29
(t leaf mutilated).
Wood 868(7). Wing S4353 (two).
5942. Smithson, Samuel. The famous history of Guy earl of Warwick. London: f. F. Coles, T. Vere, J.
Wright, a. J. Clark, [1674-79]. 8
. A
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd-3rd, AW wrote the history of Guy of Warwick: Of Guy Earl of Warwick from the [blank]
vol. of Joh. Lelands Itineraries, ms. in bib. Bod[leian] There is a right goodly chappal of S. Mary Magd.
upon Avon river ripa dextra somu-[?] a mile above Warwick This place of some is called Gibclie, of some
Guyclie, & old fame remaineth with the people there, that Guido Earl of Warwick in K. Ethelstans (or
Athelstans) dayes had a great devotion to this place & made an oratorie there. . . . (and 52 more lines).
552 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp, he wrote, Bought at Oxon. 1687.
Wood 254(2). Wing F375 (rare).
5943. Smithurst, Benjamin. Britains glory, and Englands bravery. Wherein is shewed the degrees of
honour . . . To which is added a continuation of the historians guide. London: f. W. Crook, 1689. 12
. Pp.
[13], 172, 17, [2].
1st p. 13, corrections, not in AWs hand. Gift from E. Ashmole, 30 Nov. 1689, LT 3.295.
Wood 442(3). Wing S4356.
5944. Smythe, John. Instructions, observations, and orders mylitarie [p. 1: Certen Instructions, observa-
tions and orders military, by sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591]. London: [J. Danater a. P. Short f.] R. Johnes,
1595. 4
(wanting all before sig. B1; bibliog. data is from STC 22885). Pp. 220, followed by The Table,
, and a 2nd The Table, A
Wood 635(2). STC 22885.
5945. Sober and Seasonable Queries. Sober and seasonable queries humbly oered to all good protes-
tants. [London]: n.pub., [1679?]. Fol. Pp. 4.
In [MS.] Wood E. 27(2) (item 1599; see Plate VIII) AW wrote of the 2nd ed., The 2d Edition with con-
siderable additions by another authour printed in Aug. 1679. 4
beyond sea as it seemes.
Wood 276a(274). Wing S4402.
5946. Solemn League and Covenant. [The anti-covenant, or, a sad complaint concerning the new oath
or covenant, . . . a letter, . . . by a . . . lover of the parliament]. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], [1643]. 4
. Pp. 1-50
(wanting the t leaf).
Wood 612(72). Wing S3490. Madan 1410.
5947. Solemn League and Covenant. [The anti-confederacy, or a discovery of the iniquity and hypocrisie
of the solemne league and covenant]. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], [1644]. 4
(wanting [6] pp. before p. 1). Pp. 1-70.
Wood 612(71). Wing A3487. Madan 1694.
5948. Solemn Mock Procession. [Th]e solemn mock procession of the pope, cardinalls, Jesuits, fryers,
&c: through y
. city of London, November y
. 17
. London: sold at the Kings-Arms, a. at the Feathers,
[1679]. S.sh. (mutilated).
AW wrote the year, 1679.
, 14 really no. 19, in a modern hand (see note at Wood 417(1).
Wood 417(14a). Wing S4451C.
5949. Solemn Mock Procession. The solemn mock-procession: or the tryal & execution of the pope and
his ministers [17 Nov.]. London: f. N. Ponder, L. Curtis, J. Wilkins, a. S. Lee, 1680. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
LT 2.500: 17 Nov. is the anniversary of Q. Elizabeths accession.
[MS.] Wood B. 40(14). Wing S4452D.
5950. Somerset. Certain and true news from Somerset-shire; with the besieging of sr Ralph Hoptons
house. Likewise the manner of taking of sir Edward Rodney [et al.]. London: f. J. Underwood, 1642, 15
Oct. 4
Missing in 1839; see note at Wood 375(1), item 1720. Ed. not identied.
Wood 375(15). Wing C1685 (three) or C1685A (one). Harv.
5951. Somerset. A true relation of the great and glorious victory . . . obtained by sir William Waller, sir
Arthur Haslerig . . . against the marquesse Hartford. [London]: f. E. Husbands, 1643, 14 July. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 377(24) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T2958A.
5952. Somerset. A declaration of the gentry of Somerset-shire. London: f. R. Royston, 1660. S.sh.
AW added to the year, Aprill.
Wood 276a(220). Wing D678aA (3) (O not recorded in Wing).
5953. Somerset. To the kings most excellent majesty. Most gracious soveraign, the glorious lord of heaven
[signed by J. Paulet (earl of Winchester), et al., 9 June]. London: f. R. Royston, 1660. S.sh.
Wood 276a(207). Not in Wing (should be at T1497B). ESTCR 212415 (one) (O not recorded in ESTCR).
5954. Somerset, Henry. Worcester, marq. of. A letter from the marquesse of Worcester to the committee
of parliament . . . concerning his sons landing with Irish forces. London: f. E. Husband, 1646, 9 June. 4
Pp. 7.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(15). Wing W3536.
The Library of Anthony Wood 553
5955. Somner, William. The antiquities of Canterbury. London: J. L[egat] f. R. Thrale, 1640. 4
. Pp.
[16], 516, [12].
Waste paper, upper, a few notes on the Seckworth family, not in AWs hand. Acquired 20 Nov. 1660, for
an exchange of some books and giving 10
to boot, LT 1.338 (see also 19 Oct. 1661, LT 1.416).
Wood 388. STC 22918.
5956. Somner, William. Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum. Oxonii: ex. G. Hall per authorem pro
D. White Londinensi, 1659. 4
. Pp. [366], 80, [6].
Missing. Acquired 18 May 1661, 9
, LT 1.400.
LT 1.400. Wing S4663. Madan 2458.
5957. Somner, William. A treatise of gavelkind, . . . Shewing the true etymologie . . . of the one, the
nature, antiquity. London: R. a. W. Leybourn f. the authour, sold J. Crooke a. D. White, 1660. 4
. Pp.
[14], 216. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st and 2nd, printers waste paper from Mercurius publicus. Flyleaf, lower, 1st and 2nd,
printers waste paper, from Mercurius publicus, numb. 14 [29 March-5 April 1660], pp. 217-220, 2E
copy, Wood 393).
Wood 585(1). Wing S4668.
5958. Somner, William, and White Kennett. Brome, James ed. A treatise of the Roman ports and
forts in Kent . . . to which is prext the life of mr. Somner. Oxford: at the theatre, [sold G. West, J.
Crosley, a. H. Clements] (cropped), 1693. 8
. Pp. [11], 118, [2], 117, [15].
, AW added /92 to Febr. 18 1693. P. 118, AW added, 1692/3, below Feb 15. 1693.
Wood 218(2). Wing S4669A.
5959. Sondes, George. Feversham, earl of. Sir George Sondes his plaine narrative to the world, . . . upon
the death of his two sonnes. London: n.pub., 1655. Fol. Pp. [3], 38.
Tp, AW wrote, S
George Sondes was bred in Cambridge under D
Preston see p. 20, and 6
. Acquired
10 Jan. 1662, LT 1.428.
Wood 422(3a). Wing F832B (O not recorded in Wing).
5960. Sorbi`ere, [Samuel de]. Relation dun voyage en Angleterre. Paris: chez T. Iolly, 1664. 8
. Pp. [2],
8, [8], 232. Parchment.
Flyleaf, upper, Hen. Foulis. e Coll. Linc. LT 2.179 (and 291; prob. not the purchase made 7 Apr. 1665,
LT 2.33).
Wood 166. BN.
5961. South, Robert. Musica incantans, sive poema exprimens musicae vires, juvenem in insaniam
adigentis, et musici inde periculum. Oxonii: typ. W. H[all], imp. G. West, 1667. 4
. [2nd. ed.] Pp. [2], 19.
Calf with 3 llets, stamp decoration inside corners (2 leaves, sunower sprouting a eur-de-lis), and roll
decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, E Libris Musei Ashmoleani, and Will
Questions (scribble?); 3rd, Miscellaneous
Printed Paper[s], cropped, not in AWs hand;
, list of 24 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian;
and note at top, cropped, out 1655. Tp, AW wrote, The 1st [cropped] edit. came out 1655 and 6
. AO
Wood 483(1). Wing S4736. Madan 2786.
5962. Southaick, Cyprian. Londons welcome to his most illustrious highness, William Henry, prince of
Orange. [London]: f. M. T., 1688. S.sh.
Wood 398(22). Wing S4751 (rare).
5963. Southampton. To the right honorable the house of peers, . . . The humble petition of the county of
Southampton. London: f. J. Hunscott, 1641[2], 11 March. S.sh.
, AW lined out the former no., 25.
Wood 373(34). Wing T1629.
5964. Southouse, Tho[mas]. Monasticon Favershamiense in agro Cantiano: or a surveigh of the monas-
try of Faversham in . . . Kent. London: f. T. Passenger, 1671. 8
. Pp. [18], 167 (2nd tp at p. 17).
Tp, AW wrote, 1
, and 2nd tp, 1
-3. Flyleaf, lower
, upside down, AW wrote, 1671. 1
. stitcht
(the cost of a stitched vol.). The title is also on the portion of this leaf which extends beneath the marbled
paper cover.
Wood 216(3). Wing S4772.
554 The Library of Anthony Wood
5965. Southworth, John. The last speech and confession of mr. John Southworth a popish priest, at his
execution at Tyburn June 28. 1654. London: f. H. Brome, 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 2.
Wood 422(2). Wing S4775.
5966. [Spagnuoli, Baptista]*, Mantuanus. An answer to the Mantuan, . . . lately wrote against wom-
ankind. London: n.pub., 1679. S.sh.
Wood 417(9). Wing A3424.
5967. Spagnuoli, Baptista, Mantuanus. Mantuan Englishd . . . or, the character of a bad woman.
[London?]: n.pub., [1680?]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Missing in 1841; see note by Kirtland at Wood 654a(1), item 4758. Traces of 2 leaves remain.
Wood 654a(30). Wing S4792. O, Folg, Yale.
5968. Spain. Archdeacon, Daniel, trans. A true discourse of the armie which the king of Spaine . . . as-
sembled in . . . Lisbon . . . against England. London: J. Wolfe, 1588. 8
. Pp. 70 (without Distichon
Coloniensium). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; traces of marbled paper, upper and lower y-
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, notes by F. Madan, 1917, on the mutilated state of item no. 9, and another note on
the author of item no. 1; 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 17 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made
with red ink. Flyleaf, upper, The Spanish forces for 88
., not by AW.
Wood 511(1). STC 22999.
5969. Spain. P[hilip?], W., trans. The edict and decree of Phillip king of Spaine:. . . touching the ex-
chaungings and levyings of monyes . . . translated out of Spanish, and now out of French . . . by W. P. [20
Nov. 1596]. London: [f.] J. Wolfe, 1597. 4
. A2-4,B
Tp, top left hand corner, H1 (a shelf-mark?).
Wood 511(6). STC 22992.3 (two) (STC, Phillip, king and exchanging).
5970. Spain. Clamor sanguinis martyrum, or the bloody inquisition of Spain. London: A. M. f. F. Tyton,
1656. 12
. Pp. [52], 223. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine. Traces of upper and lower yleaves, marbled
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, brief note by an Ashm. librarian, dated 1790; 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed
works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, AW wrote 1
:. Bsm. (?), lined out.
Wood 219(1). Wing C4403.
5971. Spain. The character of Spain: or, an epitome of their virtues and vices. London: f. N. Brooke,
1660. 12
. Pp. [11], 93, [3] (3 pp. books sold by N. Brook).
Tp, bsm.
Wood 582(7). Wing C2024.
5972. [Spang, William]. Philalethes, Irenaeus, pseud. Rerum nuper in regno Scotiae gestarum historia,
. . . per Irinaeum Philalethen Eleutherium. Dantisci [i.e., Amsterdam]: n.pub., 1641. 8
. Pp. [8], 576, [14].
Flyleaf, upper, a reference to the printed autokatakrisiw, Laudensium Authore Roberto Baily. pag. 502,
not in AWs hand. Tp, bsm.
Wood 181. BL.
5973. Spanish Pilgrim. The Spanish pilgrime: or, an admirable discovery of a Romish Catholicke. Lon-
don: B. A[lsop], sold T. Archer, 1625. 4
. Pp. [12], 136 (without dedic.).
Tp, Bought of M
[John?] Huggins. P
, prob. not by AW (for Huggins, see LT 1.202). Bsm.
Wood 511(13). STC 19838.5.
5974. S[parke], M[ichael]. The crums of comfort with godly prayers. [Followed by] Thankfull remem-
brances of Gods wonderfull deliverances of this land. London: [T. Cotes] f. M. Spark, 1629 (1630). 24
12s. 10th ed. A-P
. Parchment with rectangle llets.
P. 12, scribbles, including Dorothe, may not be by AW.
Wood 760. STC 23017 (rare) (STC, imperf.).
5975. [Sparke, Michael]. Scintilla, or a light broken into darke warehouses. With observations upon the
monopolist of seaven several patents. London: not for prot, no where to be sold, 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6. Calf
with 3 llets, stamp decoration (ower) inside corners; roll decoration at spine edge (Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, the titles of 18 printed works (really 16) in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian (same hand
in Wood 276a). This volume is made up of works on theology. The binders cropped a number of notes at
The Library of Anthony Wood 555
the margins. 1st item, tp, This (as Will: Turner the printer told me) was rst sett on foot & published by
Michael Sparks of S
Dunstans London., not by AW. P. 6, correction in same hand.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S4818B.
5976. [Sparke, Michael]. Scintilla, M., pseud. The narrative history of king James, for the rst fourteen
years. . . . II. The proceedings touching the divorce betwixt the lady Frances Howard and Robert earl of
Essex, . . . III. A declaration of his majesties revenue . . . IV. The commissions and warrants for the
burning of two hereticks. London: f. M. Sparke [and] R. Cotes, sold M. Sparke, 1651. 4
. Pp. [11], 192, [4],
72, [2], 18, [8] (3 tpp). Calf with 2 llets and 2 vertical llets.
Flyleaf, upper, AW wrote, Gresham a conjurer p. 43. 20. Passim, vertical lines in margins, identications
(e.g., a2
, at Scintilla, he wrote Spark), underscoring, corrections, dates, and additional information,
sometimes in ink over pencil (e.g., p. 54, a correction concerning Thomas Overbury: he was educated in
Queens Coll in Oxon over a pencilled note). Much from here is in AO 2.133-8.
Wood 347. Wing S4818.
5977. Sparrow, Henry. Cupids sports and pastimes. [London]: I. M. f. W. Thackeray, [1684]. 8
. A
Tp, AW wrote dates, 1677 & 1684.
Wood 69(5). Wing S4835 (rare).
5978. Speculum. Speculum politiae. Or Englands mirrour: being a looking-glasse for the body politick of
this nation. London: f. S. B., 1660. 12
. Pp. [6], 68, [2].
Each 12
leaf is pasted on an 8
Wood 739(5). Wing S4852.
5979. Speech of a Warden. The speech of a warden to the fellowes of his company: touching the great
aaires of the kingdome. . . . by Antibrownistus Puritanomastix. [London]: f. N. V., 1642. 4
. A
Wood 614(55). Wing S4862.
5980. [Speed, John], graven by. The kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland. London: solde by J. Sudbury
a. G. Humble, 1610. S.sh. 432 x 564 mm (untrimmed).
, former no., 13. Signature, Anthony Wood. Reprinted in Speed, Theatre.
Wood 276b(14). See STC 23041..
5981. Speed, John. The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of the Romans, Saxon, Danes,
and Normans. London: (W. Hall a. J. Beale,) solde J. Sudbury & G. Humble, 1611. Fol. Pp. [21], 1237,
Missing. Acquired 16 Jan. 1666, 14
, LT 2.70. Ed. not identied.
LT 2.70. STC 23045. (variant, 23048, Hunt).
5982. S[peed], J[ohn]. Goos, Abraham Amstelodamensis, sculpsit. America with those known parts in
that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings. Discribed and inlarged by J. S. Ano [sic]. 1626.
[London]: sold by G. Humble, 1626. S.sh. 426 x 546 mm (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 9-10.
Wood 276b(9). See STC 23039g.7.
5983. S[peed], J[ohn]. Goos, Abrahamum, sculptum apud. Asia with the islands adjoyning described,
. . . newly augmented by J. S. [London]: sold by G. Humble, 1626. S.sh. 408 x 532 mm (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 3-4.
Wood 276b(3). See STC 23039g.7.
5984. Speed, Jo[hn]. Goos, Abrahamum, sculptum apud. Europ, and the cheife cities conta
ned [sic]
therin. [London]: soul[d by G. Humble], 1626. S.sh. (some mutilation). 395 x 512 mm. (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 7-8.
Wood 276b(4). See STC 23039g.7.
5985. Speed, John. Ellaw Greece revised by John Speed. [London]: sold by G. Humble, 1626. S.sh. 429
x 560 mm (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 11-12.
Wood 276b(10). See STC 23039g.7.
5986. Speed, J[ohn]. Italia newly augmented by J: Speede. [London]: sold by G. Humble, 1626. S.sh. 437
x 562 mm (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 25-6.
Wood 276b(8). See STC 23039g.7.
556 The Library of Anthony Wood
5987. [Speed, John]. A new and accurat map of the world drawne according to y
truest descriptions
latest discoveries & best observations y
have beene made by English or strangers. [London]: sold by G.
Humble, 1626. S.sh. 432 x 550 mm. (untrimmed).
Repaired with a portion of a parchment ms. Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 1-2.
Wood 276b(2). R.W. Shirley, The Mapping of the World (1993), item 317.
5988. S[peed], J[ohn]. Goos, Abraham, sculpsit. Africae, described, the manners of their habits, . . . newly
done into English by J. S. [London]: publ. at the charges of G. Humble Ano [sic] 1626, [1631]. S.sh. 427 x
542 mm. (untrimmed).
Repaired with portion of a parchment ms. Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 5-6.
Wood 276b(5). See STC 23039g.7.
5989. [Speed, John]. A new mape of y
XVII provinces of Low Germanie, mended a new in manie places.
Anno 1626. [London]: sould by G. Humble, [1631]. S.sh. 439 x 553 mm (untrimmed).
Reprinted in Speed, Prospect, between pp. 21-2;
, scribble, illegible.
Wood 276b(11). See STC 23039g.7.
5990. S[peed], R[obert]. The counter scue. Whereunto is added the counter-ratt. . . . by R. S. London:
R. B., sold A. Crook, 1658. 4
. A-F
Tp, AW wrote, The counter-scue in Woodstreet Counter -.
Wood 500(5). Wing S4892.
5991. Speede, William. Epigrammata juvenilia. Londini: J. Redmayne ap. G. Kettilby, 1669. 8
. Pp. [6],
64, [1].
Tp, AW wrote, in part 4. Bsm.
Wood 113(3). Wing S4908.
5992. [Speke, Hugh]. By his highness William Henry, prince of Orange. A third declaration. [London]:
n.pub., 1688. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, sold in Oxon in the beg. of Dec. [/] said to be written by Sam. Johnson author of Julian,
without the knowledge of the P. of O (see Johnson, Wood 835(7), item 3891, and also note at [MS.] Wood
D. 29(1), item 2445). Pp. 5, line in margin at the printed no injury to the Person even of a Papist; 6,
identication in margin, K. Jam. 2. of Eng. LT 3.292.
Wood 529(5). Wing S4914C.
5993. [Spelman, Clement?] (see below). The mystery of the good old cause briey unfolded in a catalogue
of such members of the late long parliament. London: n.pub., 1660. 8
. Pp. [6], 56, [1]. Pasteboard (brown)
with calf spine. Upper yleaf, 1st, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, 4th
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol. (really 2; 2 entries for Wood 209(2)),
within guidelines made with red ink. Also, 2 hands pointing to his 2 lengthy notes: Note that I have
The Traytors Perspective glass &c. [Wood 369(9), item 6113]. In my vol. of pamphlets entit. Tryalls, & Ex-
ecutions of regicides &c as also a little book in 12
entit. The lives, actions & Execution of the prime actors
of the horrid murder of K. Ch. 1. &c. by George Bate [Wood 304(2), item 895] and Note that there is
extant The Oglio of Traytors, including the illegal tryal of his Majestie with a Catalogue of his pretended
judges &c. printed at Lond. in 8
[Wing W188] - but this I have not. 1st item, tp, AW wrote, Of the
author see at the end of the epistle to the Reader, all lined out, and July: 14: 1660 A. ` a Wood - 8
book was cheiy composed from a pamphlet intit. A Narrative of the Late Parliament so called &c. printed
1657. Especially from the 2
narrative (for there were two) printed 1658. I have them both. [Wood 620(14-
5, items 2705, 6532]. P. [5] (end of epistle to the reader; AW, apparently, covered the following note with
a slip which was later removed, mutilating the note): Clement Spellman (son of S
Henry Spelman) now
Cursitor Baron was author of this book. so M
Dugd. 1676 (repeated in AO 4.8). In pencil, red ink, and
dark ink, frequent marks in margins, hand-pointers, cross-references (v[ide] infra v. p. 19), identications,
corrections, and comments, some sharp, e.g., p. 3, at Edward Bishe, Gartel [sic] Herald, . . . an honest
man., AW corrected and wrote: Garter. A knave to my knowledge; p. 11, at Mr. Squib Clarenceux Hereld
[sic], AW wrote: A pityfull Herald god wot.; at p. 27, at Edmund Prideaux, Fasti 1625 (AOF, 1.424); p.
28, at printed, Sir Benjamin Rudyard had given him [Francis Rous, provost of Eton] 5000 l., AW wrote:
He received 6000
in recompence for the loss of the surveyourship of the Court of Wards; p. 30, at a
statement that Sir Walter Strickland refused 5000 pounds from John Selden, AW wrote: How doth that
appeare[?]; p. 50, at Thomas Kelsey, A Button maker, as I have heard and Governour of Oxon. LT
Wood 209(1). Wing M3191 (O not recorded in Wing).
The Library of Anthony Wood 557
5994. Spelman, Henry. De sepultura. London: R. Young, sold M. Walbancke a. W. Coke, 1641. 4
. Pp.
[2], 38.
P. 34-5, lines in margin, in pencil, may not be by AW. All 3 items in this vol. seem have been bound
together when Wood acquired the 1st and 2nd in Jan. 1660, see LT 1.301 (prob. not Sepulchra veterum,
acquired 23 Nov. 1663, 2
, LT 1.503).
[MS.] Wood B. 32(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S4924.
5995. Spelman, Henry. De non temerandis ecclesiis, churches not to be violated . . . with a new epistle.
Oxford: H. Hall, 1646. 4
. 3rd ed. Pp. [32], 40.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote, This book, was published at Lond. the 2
time 1616. 8
(STC 23067.6),
and tp, Ant: Woode: A: D: M:DC:Lix:. LT 1.301.
[MS.] Wood B. 32(2). Wing S4921. Madan 1858.
5996. Spelman, Henry. Stephens, Jeremiah, ed. Tithes too hot to be touched. Certain treatises, wherein
is shewen that tithes are due. . . . Written by s
Henry Spelman, . . . and others. [2nd pt. entitled] An
apology of the treatise de non temerandis ecclesiis. London: (J. L.) f. P. Stephens, (1646). 4
. Pp. [52], 189,
[37], 27 (2 tpp) (t leaf of pt. 1 is mutilated). Parchment over pasteboard.
Pastedown, upper, AW wrote, Ant: Woode: Jan: 21: A: D: 1659[60]:. Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the
titles of 3 printed works in this vol., with the heading, Libri in hoc volumine compacti., perhaps at the
time he acquired the vol. After 1st item (in 3 parts), AW added, published againe with additions by Jer.
Stephens B. D. Lond 1647 (Wing S4928; ESTCR 21992). Tp, AW added the year, 1647. a1 (1st p. [17]),
AW wrote, This epistle to the Reader was written by Jerem. Stephens S. T. bac. of Br[asenose] Coll.
Oxon. LT 1.301.
[MS.] Wood B. 32(1). Wing S4931.
5997. Spelman, Henry. Villare Anglicum: or a view of the townes of England. London: R. Hodgkinsonne,
1656. 4
. a
(a1, 2B4 blank). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, A witty & pleasant preface is prefaced by the printer, not in AWs hand. Tp, Ant: Woode:
Merton Coll: Oxon: 1669 [over 1659]. Passim, entries are marked in margins, in pencil; correction or
cross-reference, G6
, M7, in ink.
Wood 385. Wing S4932.
5998. Spelman, Henry. Of the law-terms: a discourse. London: f. M. Gillyower, 1684. 8
. Pp. [4], 88.
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk.
P. [1], AW wrote 9
Jan. 10. 1683[4].
Wood 677(1). Wing S4929.
5999. [Spelman, John]. [lfredi magni Anglorum regis . . . vita]. [Oxonii]: [e theatro Sheldoniano], 1678.
Fol. Plates 1-3, 5-7, only.
LT 2.449. AO 3.62-3, 4.443-4.
Wood 423(6-11). Wing S4934. Madan 3197.
6000. Spencer, John. The schism of the Church of England &c. demonstrated in four arguments . . . by
two Catholic disputants [extr. from Scisme unmaskt, by J. Spencer]. Oxon: H. Cruttenden, 1688. 4
. Pp.
[2], 10.
Tp, AW wrote, printed in the printing house belonging to M
Obad. Walker in Univ. Coll. Ox [/] mihi
dedit H Cruttenden May 12. an 1687. LT 3.470.
[MS.] Wood D. 26(15). Wing S4957A.
6001. Spencer, Tho[mas]. Englands warning-peece: or the history of the gun-powder treason. London:
T. N. f. T. Pierrepont, 1659. 8
. Pp. 80, [6].
Tp, AW wrote, Taken for the most part from Jo. Speeds chronicle. q[uaere].
Wood 453(3). Wing S4961.
6002. [Spenser, Edmund]. The shepheardes calender, conteining twelve aeglogues [signed Immerit]. Lon-
don: J. Wolfe [a.] (T. East) f. J. Harrison, 1586. 4
. Ff. [4], 52. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper; E.E.W. Reb
. 24-1.[19]44.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with orange
chalk. Tp, AW wrote, Anthony Woode Mert Coll. (early hand) and The rst edit. of this was printed at
Lond. 1579. 4
, This book is set downe in Bodlies catalogue under the letters E. K, but Edm. Spen[s]er
was the authour as tis generally knoune. F. 12
, scribble.
558 The Library of Anthony Wood
[MS.] Wood C. 17(1) (in Bodl. CD cat., imprint date, 1568). STC 23091.
6003. [Spinoza, Benedict]. Blount, Charles, trans. Miracles, no violations of the laws of nature [a tr.
of chap. 6 of Spinozas Tractatus theologica-politicus, with extr. from Hobbes and Burnet]. London: f. R.
Sollers, 1683. 4
. Pp. [6], 31.
Tp, AW wrote, Written, as tis said by Cha. Blount.
Wood 643(11). Wing B3310.
6004. Spittlehouse, John. An answer to one part of the lord protectors speech: or, a vindication of the
Fifth Monarchy-men. London: f. L. Chapman, 1654. 4
. Pp. [4], 24.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 609(38). Wing S5003.
6005. Spragge, Edward. A true and perfect relation of the happy successe . . . against the Turks of
Argiers at Bugia, by his majesties eet. [London]: T. Newcomb, 1671. Fol. Pp. 8 (plus 1 sheet, copper cut
of Bugia).
Wood 559(7). Wing S5027.
6006. Sprat, Thomas. Rochester, bp. of. The history of the Royal-Society. [London]: T. R. f. J. Martyn,
a. J. Allestry, 1667. 4
. Pp. [16], 438, [1].
Missing. MS. Wood 2(70), p. 14, with a dozen p. references and notes. Also listed in MS. Wood F. 51, f.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 14. Wing S5032. O.
6007. Sprat, Thomas. Rochester, bp. of. Observations on monsieur de Sorbiers voyage into England.
[London] in the Savoy: f. J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1668. 12
. Pp. [2], 256. Calf with 2 llets and stamp
decoration, sunower sprouting a eur-de-lis, in corners (Ashm. binding); rebacked.
Tp, in pencil, v. p. 154, not by AW, and bsm. P. 154, passage, true Sovereign Power amongst us resides
in the People . . . , marked, prob. not by AW.
Wood 163. Wing S5036.
6008. [Sprat, Thomas]. Rochester, bp. of. Copies of the informations and original papers relating to the
proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king [by J. Keeling, J. Romzey, et al.]. [London] in the Savoy:
T. Newcomb, 1685. Fol. Pp. [2], 141.
LT 3.58.
Wood 428(33) (listed with Wood 428(32) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S5029A.
6009. [Sprat, Thomas]. Rochester, bp. of. A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against
the late king. [London] in the Savoy: T. Newcomb, sold S. Lowndes, 1685. Fol. Pp. [5], 167.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 7
, the name of the author, By Tho. Sprat B. of Ro. [sic, i.e., Rochester], and
This was published about a fortnight before the D. of Monmouth with his Rebells landed at Lyme He
landed xi. June 1685. LT 3.58.
Wood 428(32). Wing S5066.
6010. Sprat, Thomas. Rochester, bp. of. A letter . . . to . . . the earl of Dorset and Middlesex . . . con-
cerning his sitting in the late ecclesiastical commission. [London], in the Savoy: E. Jones, 1688[9]. 4
. Pp.
Tp, AW wrote Tho. Sprat. P. 4, line in margin.
Wood 611(3). Wing S5033.
6011. Sprat, Thomas*. Rochester, bp. of. An answer to the bishop of Rochesters rst letter to the earl
of Dorset . . . concerning the late ecclesiastical commission. London: f. W. Haight in Bloomsberry, 1689.
. Pp. [4], 30.
, said to be written by M
. Charlton. not in AWs hand. P. 11, at Curate of Mark-Lane, the Curate
of Timothy, AW wrote Tim. Hall. AO 4.730.
Wood 611(4). Wing A3388.
6012. Sprat, Thomas. Rochester, bp. of. The bishop of Rochesters second letter to . . . the earl of Dorset
and Middlesex. [London], in the Savoy: E. Jones, 1689. 4
. Pp. [2], 64.
, Imprimatur March. 27. 1689 Willia Cant: This was in other printed Copies., not in AWs hand. P.
11, lines in margin, in pencil.
Wood 611(5). Wing S5049.
6013. Sprigge, Joshua. Certain weighty considerations humbly tendered . . . to . . . the high court of
The Library of Anthony Wood 559
justice for the tryal of the king. London: n.pub., 1648[9]. 4
. Pp. 13.
Tp, AW underscored the name of Josuah Sprigge, in red ink.
Wood 364(6). Wing S5071.
6014. [Sprigge, William]. Philosophicall essayes with brief advisos. London: J. S. f. R. Blaggrave [sic]
at Oxon, 1657. 12
. Pp. [10], 105.
Tp, AW wrote 6
and Will. Sprigge the authour;
, Will. Sprigg M. A. Fellow of Lync. Coll. Oxon. was
the author of this booke/.
Wood 739(4). Wing S5080. Madan 2353.
6015. [Sprigge, William]. A modest plea for an equal common-wealth against monarchy. London: f. G.
Calvert, 1659. 4
. Pp. [14], 102, [1].
Tp, AW wrote, rst published in Aug. 1659, There came out another edition in 8
about X
mas 1659,
and below, pasted a slip over his own note, Liber Ant. Woode ex dono Guil. Sprigge Coll Lincol: Oxon
socii et authoris: Decemb: x: A
D. m DC lix. On the visible side of the slip he wrote, Will Sprigge M.A.
the Author. P. 45-6, at an attack on universities, AW made a correction and, at a derogatory reference to
domineering wives, Q. R. &c., wrote in the margin, Queen Regent is the wife of a Head of a College;
49 (i.e., 48), underscoring of Galli, explained in the printed text as priests of Mars who used to geld
themselves. LT 1.288, 295.
Wood 626(14). Wing S5078.
6016. Sprigge, William*. A modest reply, in answer to the modest plea [of W. Sprigge], for an equal
common-wealth: against monarchy. In three letters. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
P. 7, on a repair slip, 5 words in pencil, illeg. Acquired 10 Dec. 1659, 4
, LT 1.288, 295.
Wood 626(15). Wing M2371.
6017. [Sprigge, William]. The royal and happy poverty: or, a meditation. London: f. G. Calvert, 1660.
. Pp.[10], 96, [9] (7 pp. books sold by G. Calvert). Calf with 2 llets, with 1 vertical line of 2 llets.
Flyleaf, upper
, Anth: Woode. Tp, AW wrote Aug. 29. 1660. Donum Will: Sprigge Authoris et Socii Coll
Lync. Oxon: (LT 1.331).
Wood 122. Wing S5081 (two).
6018. Squire, Edward*. Bacon, Francis, by (?). A letter written out of England to an English gentleman
remaining at Padua, containing a true report of a . . . conspiracie, contrived betweene Edward Squire,
. . . and Richard Wallpoole. London: deputies of C. Barker, 1599. 4
. Pp. [2], 13.
Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247.
Wood 586(9). STC 10017.
6019. Staord, Anthony*. Staords heavenly dogge: or the life, and death of Diogenes. London: G.
Purslowe f. J. Budge, 1615. 12
. Pp. [20], 112. Parchment.
Pastedown, upper and lower, notes on pasted down sides, illeg.; yleaf, upper, AW wrote, Anthony Wood
and the heavenly dogge; scribbles, not in AWs normal manner. Some pencil marks, not in AWs normal
manner (e.g., p. 50-1). Flyleaf, lower, last
, scribbles.
Wood 280. STC 23128.
6020. Staord, Anthony*. Honour and vertue, triumphing over the grave. Exemplied in a . . . life,
. . . of Henry lord Staord. London: J. Okes, sold R. Lownds, 1640. 4
. Pp. [20], 92, [42].
Tp, A. woode. [sic] Aug: 16 A: 1660: 9
. Bsm. P. [3], signatures Ambrose Mountfort, Robertus Coke,
and scribbles. Q4
, emendation, Walwyn; T1, correction; V1
, signature of George Prinne. LT 1.327.
Wood 535(7). STC 23126.
6021. Staord, Robert. A geographicall and anthologicall description of all the empires. London: N.
Okes, f. S. Waterson, 1634. 4
. Pp. [6], 55, [3]. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Antonii A Wood; 2nd
, the titles of 20 printed works in this vol., within guidelines
made with red ink. The numbers in this cat. follow the order of pamphlets in the vol. (AW missed item
3, and the Bodl. CD cat. numbers pamphlets in an irregular order and omits no. 17). Tp, AW wrote,
This booke was for the most part made by Jo: Prideux Rector of Exon Coll. & since B. of Worcester
but afterwards published by his scholler Rob. Staord under his owne name, and printed at Lond. 1618.
qu[aere]. LT 1.425-6.
Wood 386(1). STC 23137.
6022. Staord, William, ed. (?). Smith, Thomas, attrib. to. A compendious or brief examination of
certayne ordinary complaints, . . . By W. S. London: T. Marsh, 1581. 4
. Ff. [4], 55.
560 The Library of Anthony Wood
Tp, AW wrote below W. S., The author Will. Staord.
Wood 618(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 23134.
6023. Staley, William*. A true relation of the execution of mr. William Staley. At Tyburn . . . for high
treason [21 Nov.]. London: f. D. M., 1678. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 586(18). Wing T2949 (O not recorded in Wing).
6024. Stalham, John. The summe of a conference at Terling . . . held betweene 3. ministers [J. Stalham
et al.] . . . pleading for, and 2. catabaptists . . . denying infants baptisme. London: I. L. f. C. Meredith,
1644. 4
. Pp. [8], 36.
Tp, 14 over former no., 15. Bsm.
Wood 647(14). Wing S6166.
6025. Stanbridge, John. Stanbrigii embryon relimatum, seu vocabularium metricum olim a Iohanne
Stanbrigio digestum, dein ` a Thoma Newtono aliquantulum repurgatum . . . industri a Joh: Brinslaei. Lon-
dini: typ. T. Cotes, & venales prostant a T. Alchorne, 1636. 4
. A-H
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16, Joh. Stanbridge Embryon relimatum - 1636. 4
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 16. STC 23193.2. O, BL.
6026. Stanbridge, John, and Richard Whitington. Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recog-
nita & castigate lima Roberti Whitintoni. ?: ?, 1515. Pp.?
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 74, Rob Whitington or Joh. Stanbridge { Grammar with his picture
before it. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 74. STC 23147.2..
6027. Standish, John. A lytle treatyse composed . . . against the protestacion of R. Barnes. London: (in
aed. R. Redmani) or (ex aed. E. Pykerynge viduae R. Redmani), (1540, 3 non. oct.) or (1540, 13 cal. dec).
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9. Ed. not identied.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 9. STC 23209 and 23210.
6028. Stanley, James*. Derby, earl of. Good newes out of Cheshire. Being a certaine relation of the late
passages of that great malignant, James earle of Darby. London: f. J. Davis, [1642]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote the year, 1642, and earlier, 1644 qu[aere], in pencil. P. 3, at decease of the Earl of Derbys
father, he wrote Will. [Stanley] his father died 29 Sept. 1642; pp. 3-4, some underscoring.
Wood 375(23b). Wing G1074.
6029. Stanley, James. Derby, earl of. The true speech of James earl of Derby upon the scaold at Bolton
in Lancashire . . . 15. day of October 1651. N.p.: n.pub., [1651?]. 4
. Pp. 8.
P. 8, AW wrote, Given to me by S
Will. Dugdale Garter K. of Arms at what time I was with him at Blith
Hall (AW rst visited Blythe Hall, in Warwickshire, 12-17 March 1677, LT 2.371; again, 31 Aug. 1680, LT
Wood 367(7). Not in Wing (should be at D1094A). Not in ESTCR.
6030. Stanyhurst, Richard. De rebus in Hibernia gestis, libri quattuor, . . . Accessit . . . appendix, ex
Silvestro Giraldo Cambrensi . . . collecta. Antverpiae: ap. C. Plantinum, 1584. 4
. Pp. 264, [8].
Pp. 4 to 232, some notes, marks in margins, and underscoring, not in AWs hand.
Wood 534(6) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). BL.
6031. Stanyhurst, Richard. Hebdomada Mariana, ex orthodoxis Catholic e Roman e ecclesiae patribus
collecta. Antverpiae: ap. J. Moretum, 1609. 8
. Pp. 208, [48]. Parchment.
Tp, pretium - 18
. and Q8, Henrici Jacksoni Oxon. Collegi Christi. MDC. Passim, underscoring and
marks in margin by Jackson. Flyleaf, lower, brief homily by Jackson. LT 1.459-60 (and 1.331).
Wood 781. BL.
6032. Stanyhurst, Richard. Brevis praemunitio pro futur a concertatione cum Jacobo Usserio . . . qui
in su a historic a conatur probare, ponticem Romanum . . . esse antichristum. Duaci: ex typog. B. Belleri,
1615. 8
. Pp. 38, [1]. Calf with 3 llets and also 3 vertical llets, stamp decoration (dragon) in corners
(Ashm. binding).
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, list of 5 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Passim, brief notes (some
cropped), underscoring, and vertical lines in margins, not by AW.
Wood 183(1). BL.
6033. Staplehill, John. Severall informations and examinations taken concerning lieutenant colonell John
The Library of Anthony Wood 561
Lilburn, shewing his apostasy. London: H. Hills, f. G. Calvert a. T. Brewster, 1653. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 368(13). Wing S5255 (O not recorded in Wing).
6034. S[tarling], S[amuel]. An answer to the seditious and scandalous pamphlet, entituled, the tryal of
W. Penn and W. Mead [written by the former]. London: W. G., 1671. 4
. Pp. [2], 38.
Pp. 2, 10, 2 corrections made from errata, prob. not by AW. Responds to Wood 645(18), item 5166.
Wood 645(19). Wing S5296.
6035. State Martyrology. The state martyrologie. Or, innocent blood speaking its mournful tragedy.
London: T. Creake, sold E. Thomas, 1660. S.sh.
Missing in 1922. No. 18, by AWs count, or no. 19, by the 1st Ashm. count, was removed after 1840. The
title State Martyrology, appears on the yleaf without a comment by Kirtland and in the Whiteside
cat., but does not appear in the Milford hand-list.
Wood 367(19). Wing S5300 (one) (BL Thomason, 23 May).
6036. Stayley, William*. An account of the digging up of the quarters of William Stayley, lately executed.
London: f. R. Pawlet, 1678. S.sh.
AW wrote the price, 2
Wood 424(2). Wing A276.
6037. Stayley, William*. The tryal of William Stayley, goldsmith; for speaking treasonable words . . . and
received sentence . . . November the 21
. London: f. R. Pawlet, 1678. Fol. Pp. 10 (misnumbering, 1-8, 7-10).
Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; rebacked and repaired.
AWs table of contents for this vol. was prob. lost when the vol. was repaired., The Whiteside cat. gives a
summary of the contents and 31. Pamphlets. The Milford hand-list records that nos. 3, 15, and 16 were
missing in 1922. There is no way to nd out the names of the authors or the titles of the lost items. To
form this vol., AW brought together items from dierent bundles, all concerning the Popish Plot (1678-80).
This is indicated by former numbers on several items (these former nos. are not recorded in the individual
entries for this vol.). Tp, AW wrote the price 1
Wood 424(1). Wing T2237.
6038. Stella, Cherubino di. Poste per diverse parti del mondo. & il viaggio di s. Iacomo di Galitia.
Lyon: par B. Rigaud, 1572. 16
. Ff. 94, [4]. Parchment wrapper.
Wood 151. Bibl. Lyon. 3.284.
6039. Stent, Peter. Stipendium peccati mors hodie mihi cras tibi. N.p.: printed and sould by P. Stent,
sould by J. Hind, 1643-67. S.sh. (engr.).
Wood 276b(28). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
6040. Stephens, Anthony, ed. Miscellany poems and translations by Oxford hands. London: f. A.
Stephens, 1685. 8
. Pp. [8], 205, [2] (1 p. books sold by A. Stephens).
P. 196, pencil line at Senecas Agamemnon.
Wood 112(5). Wing M2232.
6041. [Stephens, Edward]. Observations upon a treatise intituled, Of humane reason [by M. Cliord].
London: f. J. Leigh, 1675. 12
. Pp. [2], 73.
Tp, AW wrote 6
, published Decemb. 1674., and Written by Edw. Stephens of Cherrington in Gloces-
tersh. Wood 841(2-4) all respond to M. Cliord, Wood 841(1), item 1920.
Wood 841(2). Wing S5340.
6042. [Stephens, Edward]. Reections upon the occurrences of the last year [5 Nov. 1688 - 5 Nov. 1689].
London: n.pub., 1689. 4
. Pp. 36.
Tp, AW wrote, Edw. Stephens an Attorney in com. Glouc. (related to S
Mathew Hale) was the author of
this. So Ja. Harryngton of ch.ch. who gave it to me 15 Mar. 1689[90]. LT 3.328.
Wood 533(18). Wing S5437 (Wing, occurences).
6043. S[tephens], J[ohn]. An historical discourse, briey setting forth the nature of procurations. London:
R. Hodgkinson, 1661. 4
. Pp. [11], 146, [1].
Tp, AW wrote after printed J. S., Jo. Stephens; and below, 1
Wood 370(5). Wing S5448.
6044. [Stephens, Philemon]. A true relation of the ceremonies at the creating of the knights . . . of the
Bath, the 18, & 19. April 1661. London: f. P. Stephens, [1661]. 4
. Pp. 12.
Wood 536(6). Wing S5453 (Wing, to the ceremonies).
562 The Library of Anthony Wood
6045. Stevenson, M[atthew]. The twelve moneths, or, a pleasant . . . discourse of every action, . . . proper
to each particular moneth. London: M. S. f. T. Jenner, 1661. 4
. Pp. [4], 59.
Tp, AW wrote, One Jo. Lane wrot a poem called The twelve months., in red ink, and 10
. Bsm.
[MS.] Wood C. 17(4). Wing S5510.
6046. Stewart, Charles*. The horrible and bloody conspiracy undertaken by many desperate persons
. . . to cry up and introduce the interest of Charles Stewart. London: f. T. Vere, a. W. Gilbertson, 1658.
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 367(14). Wing H2855 (two).
6047. Stewart, William, capt. A full relation of the late victory obtained . . . by the forces under the
command of generall Lesley, the lord Fairfax, and the earl of Manchester. London: J. F. f. L. Blaiklock,
1644, 11 July. 4
. Pp. 16.
Dupl. at Wood 612(21).
Wood 377(19) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing S5530.
6048. Stewart, William, capt. A full relation of the late victory obtained . . . by the forces under the
command of generall Lesley, the lord Fairfax, and the earl of Manchester. London: J. F. f. L. Blaiklock,
1644, 11 July. 4
. Pp. 16.
Tp, AW wrote Du, in pencil (cropped at side). Dupl. at Wood 377(19).
Wood 612(21). Wing S5530.
6049. Stillingeet, Edward. Worcester, bp. of. The grand question, concerning the bishops right to vote
in parlament [sic] in cases capital. London: f. M. P., sold R. Rumball, 1680. 8
. T leaf is a cancel. Pp. [4],
Tp, Bodl. shelf-mark, and 8
F. 23. Jur., not in AWs hand, lined out (a copy is no longer at this shelf-
mark) and above, Tanner, in a later hand (a copy is at Tanner 913).
Wood 574(2). Wing S5594.
6050. Stirling, James. Naphtali, or the wrestlings of the church of Scotland for the kingdom of Christ.
[Holland?]: n.pub., 1667. 8
. Pp. [80], 306. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, Pret: 5
. not by AW;
, AW wrote This book was printed in Lat. at Lond. 1672 in
qu[arto] under this tit. Naphtali: seu colluctationes Theologicae - sub nomine Jac. Calvert. (Wing C319).
Introduction, AW numbered pp. 1-78.
Wood 783. Wing S5683.
6051. Stirrup, Thomas. The articers plain scale: or, the carpenters new-rule. London: R. & W. Ley-
bourne f. T. Pirrepont [sic], 1651. 8
. Pp. [15], 119.
Wood 704(9). Wing S5686.
6052. Stirrup, Thomas, and William Leybourn. Horometria: or, the compleat diallist. . . . Whereunto
is added an appendix, shewing how the parallels of declination; . . . may be easily inscribed. London: R. &
W. Leybourn, f. T. Pirrepont, 1659. 4
. 2nd ed. Pp. [7], 181, [3] (4 pp. books sold by Pirrepont).
Tp, AW wrote, 2
. Feb: 4. 68[9]. Bsm. LT 2.151.
Wood 481(3). Wing S5689.
6053. Stockwood, John. Disputatiuncularum grammaticalium libellus. Londini: T. Judson pro J. Harri-
son, 1598. Ff. [13], 114, [31]. A-V
. Parchment with 2 clasp holes.
Wood 30. STC 23278.
6054. Stoppa, Giovanni Battista, ed. A collection or narative [sic] . . . concerning . . . massacres
. . . on . . . protestants . . . in the vallies of Piedmont. [London]: f. H. Robinson, 1655. 4
. Pp. [16], 43.
Dupl. at Wood 609(39).
Wood 365(13). Wing S5746B.
6055. Stoppa, Giovanni Battista, ed. A collection or narative [sic] . . . concerning . . . massacres
. . . on . . . protestants . . . in the vallies of Piedmont. [London]: f. H. Robinson, 1655. 4
. Pp. [16], 43.
Below imprint, AW wrote Dup. Dupl. at Wood 365(13).
Wood 609(39). Wing S5746B.
6056. Storer, Thomas. The life and death of Thomas Wolsey cardinall. London: [V. Simmes f.] T.
Dawson, 1599. 4
. A-K
(K4 blank).
Tp, signature of former owner, John Lee of Merton Colledge in Oxford (LT 1.313). Tp
, AW quotes:
Atque o utinam &c quod Wolsaeo, aedicatori magnicentissimi collegii Christi, praestitum ab ingenioso
The Library of Anthony Wood 563
poeta est, &c, sic D
Alber. Gentilis in Lib. cui tit. est. Laudes Academiae Perusinae et Oxoniensis, edit.
Hanouiae 1605. p. 41 (AW could have used the Bodl. copy, 8
G 14(3) Jur.). Text, some marks in margin
and corrections, e.g., A3-A3
, K3
. Note at G1, not in AWs hand. Possibly lent to John Beby, 4 Mar. 1663,
LT 1.470.
Wood 345(12). STC 23294.
6057. Story, John*. A copie of a letter lately sent by a gentleman, student in the lawes of the realme, to
a frende of his concernyng. D. Story [4 June 1571]. [London]: [J. Day?], [1571]. 8
. A-B
. Pasteboard
(grey) with parchment spine; 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote the titles of 22 printed works in this vol. (really 23, he omitted item no. 10b),
within guidelines made with red ink. W. K[irtland] entered Deest at item 20. Arabic nos. on tpp, after
item 2, are in red ink. The 8 items, 3-10a, formed a group for the pp. were numbered by hand, 1-412. This
was done prob. before AW acquired them. Apparently all 8 were from G. Langbaines library. AW recorded
in his diary the acquisition from Langbaine of Treasons of Campion, Throckmorton, Parry, Lopez, Squire
and Wolpole, Essex, and Gowry, LT 1.247. 1st item, each 8
leaf is pasted on a 4
template. Tp, AW
wrote, Of D
Joh. Storie, see what I have said in Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 40. a. (Hist. and
Antiq., 2.856). Signature of a former owner, Phyllyp Meteyeard; top left, H1 (a shelf-mark?).
, drawing
of a dog. Text, a few notes by a former owner, prob. Meteyeard. LT 1.247.
Wood 586(1). STC 23296.
6058. Stoughton, William. An assertion for true and Christian church-policie. [Middelburg]: [R. Schilders],
[1604]. 8
. Pp. 16 (dedication only).
P. 1, signature of Hum: Dyson, lined out. P. 16, printed name of author, lined out.
Wood 774(3b). STC 23318.
6059. Stow, John. The annales of England. Untill 1605. London: f. G. Bishop a. T. Adams, [1605]. 4
Pp. [26], 1-1439, 1311-1318.
Missing in 1837. Stows Chronicle Lond. 1604 in Whiteside cat. (presumably the 1605 edition). Acquired
from Davis on 23 Feb. 1670, 8
, LT 2.187. (STC lists no ed. with imprint date of 1604).
Wood 132. STC 23337. Folg, Hunt (Oxford binding).
6060. Stow, John. [Munday, Anthony, ed.]. The survay of London. London: G. Purslowe, 1618. 4
in 8s.
Pp. [12], 980, [4]. Calf with 3 llets; spine, 4 bands and hatching.
Flyleaf, upper, 1st, Anthony: Woode 1661:, and 3
; 4th
, Grey Fryers, p 588 (house and church in
London), 1. Edit. Lond. 1603. 4
. 2. 1618. 3. 1633. fol. fol. [sic], and, Anthony Munday Citizen & Draper
of London, continued this Survey of Lond. from Jo. Stowes death an. 1605 to 1618. & thence againe to
his owne death, 10. Aug. 1633. t. 80. buried in S. Stevens Church Colemanstreet. P. 368, S. Michaels
church., in margin. At p. 672-3, AW pasted in a small slip with, one Godwinus with his wife Turgunda
gave the Abby of Malmsbury (Warinus then Abbat) the church of S
Nicholas in London AD. 1084 soe in
the book of Malmsbury f
. 55.1. which I have [/] A. Woode. Oxon [/] see Stow p. 672. P. 690, at sepultus
G. Lloyd, red line in margin.
Wood 472. STC 23344.
6061. Stow, John*. A recital of Stows collection concerning the rise, protableness, and continuance of
the court of requests. [London]: n.pub., [1640?]. S.sh.
Torn down the middle and some text is missing. AW, prob., wrote in 3 missing words.
Wood 630(24). STC 23346.
6062. Stradling, John . Epigrammatum libri quatuor. Londini: [Eliots Court Press] imp. G. Bishop &
J. Norton, 1607. 8
. Pp. [2], 176, [5].
Tp, AW wrote AW Oxon and 6
. R in upper right corner. Acquired 8 Mar. 1662, LT 1.433; see also
Wood 82(2). STC 23354.
6063. S[trange], R[ichard]. The life and gests of s. Thomas Cantilupe, bishop of Hereford. Gant: Robert
Walker, 1674. 8
. Pp. [32], 333, [2]. Calf with 2 llets; 2nd rectangle with 3 llets and stamp decoration
around rectangle and on spine.
Pastedown, upper, signature of (?) Mertonensis, lined out. Flyleaf, upper, rst: 7. Aug. 1681. Given to
me by Will. Bernard M.A. fellow of Mert. coll. [/] Ant. `a Bosco [/] Rich. Strange borne in the countie of
Northumberland, who entred into the societie of Jesus at Watten neare S. Omers an. 1631. aet. 21. was
the authour of this booke. [/] Anton. `a Bosco. LT 2.550.
Wood 67. Wing S5810.
564 The Library of Anthony Wood
6064. Strangwayes, George*. The unhappy marksman. Or a . . . discovery of . . . murther committed
by mr. George Strangwayes. London: T. N. f. R. Clavell, 1659. 4
. Pp. 32.
Tp, AW wrote, 1658[9]. and, p. 27, corrected Warmsley to Warmstrey.
Wood 365(16). Wing U68.
6065. Straparola, Giovanni Francesco. Louveau, Jean, trans. Les facecieuses nuictz . . . traduitte
dItalien en Fran cois. Lyon: par G. Rouille, 1560. 8
. Pp. 367. Calf with 1 gold-stamped llet and oval
centrepiece; rebacked.
Acquired from his brother, Robert Wood. Tp, 1647, Monseiur Du Four, and scribbles by more than one
owner. P. 4, de Lyon ce premier Jour de May 1647; 112, Je confess de Domo [?] a monsieur Dufour Robert
Wood; 225, le vingt troisieme jour de Mars 1647; 365, Arise frome sinne thou wicked mane etc., not
in AWs hand; 367, a note in French; 367
and pastedown, lower, sketches of heads, scribbles, including
Wood, Halley, Du Four, Halleus me possidet, and Henricus Jacobius coll mert. LT 1.52.
Wood 70. Bibl. Lyon. 9.271.
6066. S[treater], J[ohn]. The continuation of this session of parliament, justied; and the action of the
army . . . defended. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 16.
Tp, above, AW wrote Bund. 1, in pencil; the authors name after initials Streater qu[aere], in pencil;
below, This was written upon the Armys inviting the members of the Long parliam. to resit in the H. of
Commons, after they had been dissolved in Apr. 1653 in May 1659.
Wood 620(18). Wing S5946 (O not recorded in Wing).
6067. Streater, J[ohn]. A shield against the Parthian dart, or, a word to the purpose, shot into Wallingford-
house. [London]: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 23.
Tp, AW wrote Bund 1, in pencil; bsm.
Wood 620(22). Wing S5950 (O not recorded in Wing).
6068. Strype, John. A sermon [on 1 Sam. xii. 7] preached at the assizes at Hertford [8 July]. London: f.
R. Chiswell, 1689. 4
. Pp. [4], 32.
Tp, AW wrote, Nov. 6. an. 1690 dedit mihi Rich. Chiswell. LT 3.206, 251.
Wood 633(13). Wing S6025.
6069. Stubbe, Henry. Illustrissimo, summaeque spei juveni Henrico Vane . . . Henricus Stubbe. [Oxford]:
[L. Licheld], [1656]. 8
. S.sh.
AO 3.1072; LT 1.303.
Wood 383(7). Wing S6048 (two). Madan 2313.
6070. Stubbe, Henry. The Savilian professours case stated . . . by Henry Stubbe. [London]: J. T. f. A.
Crook [f. R. Davis in Oxon], [1658]. 4
. Pp. [4], 22 (imprint mutilated).
Tp, AW added beneath the line that was excised, & are to be sold at Ric: Davis his shop in Ox on. 1658
(AO 3.1073-6). Pp. 3, 21-2, lines in margins, in ink and pencil. Acquired 23 Apr. 1658, LT 1.242. Responds
to Wallis, Wood 515(20), item 6424.
Wood 515(21). Wing S6065 (Wing, Stubbs). Madan 2371.
6071. S[tubbe], H[enry]. The common-wealth of Israel, or a brief account of mr. Prynnes anatomy of
the good old cause. London: T. Brewster, 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 6 (misnumbering).
Tp, AW wrote the no. in a former bundle, 14, in pencil, and the authors name after initials, H. Stubbe
of x
ch: and AWood. donum Authoris. LT 1.303.
Wood 613(19). Wing S6035.
6072. S[tubbe], H[enry]. A letter to an ocer of the army concerning a select senate mentioned by them
in their proposals to the late parliament. London: printed, sold by T. B., 1659. 4
. Pp. [2], 76 (i.e., 68,
Tp, no. 13, in pencil, in a former bundle. P. 61, correction to Deut. 23.
Wood 626(6). Wing S6054aA.
6073. [Stubbe, Henry]. A light shining out of darknes: or occasional queries submitted to the judgment.
London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. [8], 37.
Acquired 11 Nov. 1659, 18
, LT 1.287, 295; AO 3.1076f.
Wood 617(2). Wing S6056. Madan 2428.
6074. Stubbe, Henry. The miraculous conformist: or an account of severall marvailous cures performed
by the stroaking of the hands of m
Valentine Greatarick. Oxford: H. Hall f. R. Davis, 1666. 4
. Pp. [6], 44.
The Library of Anthony Wood 565
Tp, AW wrote, Miracles. Former no., 1. Prob. acquired 9 March 1666, 6
, LT 2.73; AO 3.1077f.
Wood 643(8). Wing S6062. Madan 2758.
6075. Stubbe, Henry. Campanella revived, or an enquiry into the history of the Royal Society, whether
the virtuosi there do not pursue the projects of Campanella for the reducing England unto popery. . . . With
a postscript concerning the quarrel depending betwixt H. S. and dr. [Chr.] Merrett. London: f. the author,
1670. 4
. Pp. [6], 22.
Tp, AW wrote at year, June 14. (taken from the text, p. 22). P. [5], lines in margin; p. 21, at C. Merrett
and J. Goddard, lines in margin, in red ink. LT 1.354.
Wood 640(8). Wing S6030.
6076. Stubbe, Henry. A censure upon certaine passages contained in the history of the Royal Society [of
T. Sprat], as being destructive to the established religion. Oxford: [W. Hall] f. R. Davis, 1670. 4
. Pp. [4],
Tp, AW wrote, Feb and Feb. 16 1669. P. 8 the name Mr. Sprat blocked out and our Author in margin,
not in AWs hand. LT 1.354.
Wood 640(2). Wing S6033. Madan 2866.
6077. Stubbe, Henry. Legends no histories: or, a specimen of some animadversions upon the history
of the Royal Society [of T. Sprat]. . . . Together with the plus ultra of mr. Joseph Glanvill reduced to a
non-plus. London: sold by the Book-sellers there, 1670. 4
. Pp. [28], 127 (p. [1] blank) (2 pts.). Pasteboard
(grey) with parchment spine; traces of upper and lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 (really 7; a modern corrector assumed 2 items for the single
item, 5-6) printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. 1st item, p. [1], AW wrote Oct.
1669. Tp, AW wrote, This came out in Oct. 1669. (a modern writer, in a brief note, argues that it was
written then but did not appear until after Stubbes The Plus Ultra Reduced; in support, he cites Stubbes
words at b2r (but the publication details of the items 1, 5 and 6 in this vol. are complex in that they were
issued separately and together; see ESTCR 21316, 204833, and 24632)). 2, vertical double line in margin;
3, line in margin and AW wrote the p. no., 13 and commented on the Bishop of Winchester: while he
sate at Worcester- (George Morley). LT 1.354.
Wood 640(1). Wing S6053.
6078. Stubbe, Henry. The plus ultra reduced to a non plus: or, a specimen of some animadversions upon
the plus ultra of m
. Glanvill. London: f. the Author, 1670. 4
. Pp. [16], 179 (misnumbering; 2 sets of 115-6
and 178-9) (2 tpp).
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, M
Glanvills Plus Ultra in [sic, i.e., is] printed in 8
, which I have, i.e., Wood
681, item 3228, which he purchased in 1681. After the 2nd tp, pp. 2-3, the corrections entered from errata
on p. [13]. P. 178, at a ref. to Dr. Lower, AW added vertical lines. LT 1.354, 2.30.
Wood 640(5-6). Wing S6063 [and S6067).
6079. Stubbe, Henry. A reply unto the letter written [by J. Arderne] to m
. Henry Stubbe in defense of
the history of the Royal Society. Whereunto is added a preface against Ecebolius Glanvill; and an answer
to the letter of d
Henry More. Oxford: [L. Licheld] f. R. Davis, 1671. 4
. Pp. 79, [1] (2 tpp.) (also issued
as pt. 2 of Wing S6034).
P.16, AW wrote in margin, D
Mer. Casaubon, and at p. 31, D
Th. Sprat, both in red ink. P. 32, a
bishop lined out, not by AW. Pp. 34-5, 43, 63: AW identied in margins, Ch M. as Christopher Merret,
B. as Baxter, a virtuoso as v. Hobs, and a family as Lord Conway. LT 1.354.
Wood 640(7). Wing S6063A. See Madan 2911 (2 pts.).
6080. [Stubbe, Henry]. The Paris gazette. Paris, anno Dom. 1490. The emperour Maximilian having
courted Anne sole daughter and heir to the duke of Britain. [London?]: n.pub., [1673?]. S.sh. (r-v) (and a
preliminary sheet).
On the preliminary sheet
, AW wrote Matters relating to the Duke of York do follow-;
, a portrait of
Prince James, 4
, pasted on to the fol. p., under which AW wrote 1660.
of the s.sh., lines in margin at
a reference to an Oxford, 1600, discourse; below, AW wrote, written by Hen. Stubb M.A, when the Duke
of York was about to marry the Princess of Modena-.
Wood 660c(14). Wing P359B.
6081. Stubbes, Philip. The anatomie of abuses. Containing a description of such notable vices and
enormities . . . especiallie in this realme of England. London: [J. Danter f.] R. Johnes, 1595. 4
. 4th ed.
Pp. [8], 144. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper yleaf, marbled paper; rebacked.
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 7 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
566 The Library of Anthony Wood
ink. Tp, AW wrote, The author of this book hath written another see p. 97. P. 1, 2 signatures, Wredeth
Wood 653(1). STC 23379.
6082. Stubbes, Philip. A christal glasse for Christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse, of
the godly life, and . . . death of . . . Katherine Stubbes. London: [J. Haviland] f. J. Wright, 1626. 4
. A-C
Wood 532(12). STC 23390 (two).
6083. Stukeley, Thomas*. The famous history of stout Stukley. London: R. I. f. F. Grove, [1650 ca.]. 8
Wood 254(13). Wing F378A (rare).
6084. Sturtevant, Simon. Metallica. Or the treatise of metallica. London: G. Eld, 1612, May 22. 4
. Pp.
[16], 112.
Fore-edge, name of author and title. Tp, AW wrote a former no., 10, lined out; and 8
. P. 96, line in
margin, in pencil.
Wood 316(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 23411.
6085. Stuteville, Thomas*, and Phelim ONeill*. A true relation of every remarkable circumstance
in relieving of Tredagh, by captaine Thomas Steutevile. Also the copy of sir Phelome Oneals commission.
[London]: J. R. f. C. M., 1642. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, Jan. 24, in pencil.
Wood 507(29). Wing T2904 (O not recorded in Wing).
6086. [Styward, Thomas], and Luis Gutierrez de la Vega. Licheld, Nicolas, trans. The pathwaie
to martiall discipline. [Followed by] A compendious treatise entituled, de re militari. London: T.E[ast, J.
Kingston, W. How, J. Charlewood] imp. M. Jenyngs (T. East), 1582, (1 Jan.). 4
. Pp. [4], 166; . [2], 20
and 3 foldouts (wanting the t leaf to the 1st work; tp and dedic. to 2nd work placed (dedic. leaf pinned)
at beginning). Parchment.
[MS.] Wood C. 21 (2 items in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 23414 (O not recorded in STC ).
6087. Suckling, John*, pseud. A letter sent by sir John Suckling from France. London: n.pub., 1641. 4
Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote, A feignd ridiculous thing, and 26. Jun. 1641.
Wood 373(3). Wing L1591.
6088. Suckling, John*. Newes from sir John Sucklin [sic] being a relation of his conversion from a papist
to a protestant. [London]: f. M. Rookes, 1641. 4
. A
[MS.] Wood B. 40(13). Wing N1002 (O not recorded in Wing) (Wing, London).
6089. Surius, Laurentius. Commentarius brevis rerum in orbe gestarum. Coloniae: ap. haer. J. Quentel
& G. Calentium, 1566. 8
. Pp. [14], 641, [22] (misnumbering). Parchment.
Tp, 2
and note against Surium, convitiatorem egregium [an egregious railer] (Surius was a Carthu-
sian), neither by AW. Bsm. Text, a few marks in margins and underscorings, not by AW.
Wood 177. NUC.
6090. Susenbrotus, Joannes. Sun de yeoi makarew. Epitome troporum ac schematum. Londini: J. Kyn-
gstonus, 1576. 8
. Pp. [2], 105, [5]. Parchment.
Cover, upper, inside, notes in early hands; lower, inside, Eyre 3
. P. 82, Edward Wood his booke.
Wood 55. STC 23439 (two).
6091. [Sutclie, Matthew]. The subversion of Robert Parsons his . . . A treatise of three conversions of
England. London: [R. Field] f. J. Norton, 1606. 4
. Pp. [16], 144, [2]. Parchment.
Responds to R. Persons, Wood 223, item 5194.
Wood 322. STC 23469.
6092. Sutclie, Matt[hew]. A threefold answer unto the third part of a . . . treatise . . . by Rob. Parsons.
London: [R. Field] f. J. Norton, 1606. 4
in 8s. Pp. [9], 316, [4].
Flyleaf, upper
, n (?). Pp. 103, brief note, and 175-185, long vertical lines in margins, in pencil, not in
AWs usual manner. Responds to R. Persons, Wood 856 and 872, items 5197-8.
[MS.] Wood B. 33 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 23470.
6093. Sutton, Edward. The serpent anatomized. A morall discourse wherein that . . . vice of base attery
is . . . discovered. London: [M. Flesher] f. J. Marriot, 1626. 4
. Pp. [2], 43.
The Library of Anthony Wood 567
Tp, scribbles, not in AWs hand.
Wood 499(6). STC 23497.
6094. S[wadlin], T[homas]. Divinity no enemy to astrology. London: J. G. f. N. Brooke, 1653. 4
. Pp.
[4], 28.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39, Divinity no enemy to astrology 1643 (1643 prob. refers to the year
in which the sermon was delivered, AO 3.888).
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 39. Wing S6215. O, Harv, Folg, Yale.
6095. Swan, John. Calumus mensurans. The measuring reed. Or, the standard of time . . . The second
part. London: f. J. Williams, 1653. 4
. Pp. [8], 77, [1].
Wood 473(3). Wing S6235 (Wing, mensurans: the).
6096. Swan, John. The standard of time. Or the measuring-reed. Containing an exact chronological
computation of the years of the world. London: A. Rice, 1656. 4
. Pp. [8], 249, [6] (t leaf is a cancel (torn
and later repaired); part 1 of Wood 473(3)).
Tp, AW wrote the price, 2
. Bsm. Acquired 27 Feb. 1662, LT 1.431.
Wood 473(2). Wing S6240B (rare).
6097. Swearing-master. The swearing-master: or, a conference between two country-fellows. (London):
(f. N. T.), (1681). Fol. Pp. 4.
AW added to the date, Oct. or Nov. Dupl. at Wood 417(77).
Wood 276a(568) (now placed after 576). Wing S6244.
6098. Swearing-master. The swearing-master: or, a conference between two country-fellows. (London):
(f. N. T.), (1681). Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 4, AW wrote Oct. or Nov. Dupl. at 276a(568).
Wood 417(77). Wing S6244.
6099. [Swedish Intelligencer]. The continuation of the German history. The fth part [of the Swedish
intelligencer]. London: [T. Harper] f. N. Butter, a. N. Bourne, 1633. 4
. Pp. [14], 163.
Wood 485(2). STC 23525.4.
6100. Swetnam, Joseph. The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant women: or, the vanitie
of them; chuse you whether. London: A.M[athewes] f. T. Archer, 1628. 4
. Pp. [8], 64.
Tp, R:G. - (prob. not in AWs hand; cropped at side). Di. ed. at Wood 499(7) and Wood 654a(3).
Wood 499(5). STC 23539.
6101. Swetnam, Joseph. The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant women: or, the vanity
of them, chuse you whether. London: T. C[otes] f. F. Gro[ve], 1637. 4
. Pp. [8], 63.
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, A pamphlet called Constantia Munda written against Joseph Swetnam 4
L. 78. Arts in bib. Bodl. (still at this location; STC 18257); tp, Jos. Swetnam the Author. and below,
An edition of this booke came out in 1645 at Lond. but not so true as this and Another edit. in 1621.
Di. ed. at Wood 499(5) and Wood 499(7).
Wood 654a(3) (645a(3) in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 23542 (two).
6102. Swetnam, Joseph. The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant women: or, the vanity
of them, chuse you whether. London: R. Cotes, 1645. 4
. Pp. [8], 63 (t leaf is mutilated).
Tp, Duplicate. Di. ed. at Wood 499(5) and Wood 654a(3).
Wood 499(7). Wing S6251 (two).
6103. Sykes, Thomas. A sermon [on 1 Kings 8.18] preached at the consecration of Trinity-college chappel
in Oxford April 12. 1694. Oxford: at the theater, 1694. 4
. Pp. [7], 32.
See LT 3.449 and Wood 276a(11), item 1184.
[MS.] Wood D. 23(6). Wing S6324.
6104. Syms, Christopher. The swords apology, and necessity in the act of reformation. . . . with a
more lucide exposition of the rst prophecy of mother Shipton. London: f. T. Warren, 1644. 4
. Pp. [5], [18]
(misnumbering after p. 11).
Wood 646(8). Wing S6364.
6105. Synesius of Cyrene. Fleming, Abraham, trans. A paradoxe, proving by reason and example, that
baldnesse is much better than bushie haire . . . Hereunto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the
heremite, . . . Newly recognized. [London]: H. Denham, 1579. 8
. A-D
(imperf.). Calf with 2 llets and a
568 The Library of Anthony Wood
vertical line. Most of the 10 items in this vol. were cropped. Prob. an Ashm. binding.
If there was a list of contents, it is now lost. Tp, Ant. Woode Mert Coll Oxon: 1656, lined out.
Wood 736(1). STC 23603.
6106. [Synge, Edward]. Tuam, abp. of. A gentlemans religion: with the grounds and reasons of it. . . . By
a private gentleman [E. Synge. Pt. 1.]. London: f. A. a. J. Churchil, 1693. 12
. Pp. [2], 136, [5] (5 pp. books
sold by Churchil).
Tp, AW wrote 9
and bought at Oxon 7. Jan. 1692[3].
Wood 773(2). Wing S6378.
6107. Szilagyi, Georgius. Acrostichon hoc laudi & honori universitatis Oxoniensis . . . die Julii 5.
[London?]: n.pub., [1671]. S.sh.
Wood 276a(521). Wing S6391 (rare). Madan 2876.
6108. T., B. Policy, no policy: or, the devil himself confuted. Being an answer to a clause of a letter [28
March]. [London]: n.pub., 1660. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Former no. in a bundle, 4.
Wood 608(1b). Wing T1.
6109. T., D. Hieragonisticon: or, Corahs doom, being an answer to two letters of enquiry [by J. Eachard]
into the grounds . . . of the contempt of the clergy and religion. London: T. Milbourn f. D. Newman, 1672.
. Pp. [2], 198, [1].
Tp, bsm., 1.2. See note at Eachard, Wood 843(5), item 2390.
Wood 884(6). Wing T4.
6110. T., F. The case is altered. How? Aske Dalio, and Millo. London: J. Norton f. R. Bird, 1630. 4
Wood 614(11). STC 21616 (two).
6111. T., G. The method of a synod. London: printed, sold W. Larnar, 1642. 4
. Pp. 6 (unopened).
[MS.] Wood D. 31(38) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T9.
6112. T., G. A list of abhorrors: or, the names of such persons as were lately under custody . . . for
abhorring. [London?]: I do appoint Mr. Benjamin Harris to Print this, that it may appear to all true
English Protestants, that he once Printed Truth. G. T. (Harris, a Whig, did not publish this for the Tory,
G. T.), [1681]. S.sh.
After t, AW wrote, the petitioning for parliaments; after entry of Henry Aulnet, or Alnot of Ibston com.
Oxon, and, at G. T., 1680 in red ink.
Wood 276a(98). Wing L2376.
6113. T., I. The traytors perspective-glass. Or, sundry examples of Gods just judgments . . . upon . . . regi-
cides, . . . Whereunto is added three perfect characters. London: H. B. f. P. Stephens the younger, 1662.
. Pp. [3], 43, [1] (1 p. books printed by Stephens).
P. 33, AW wrote in margin, This is false. See notes at items 869 and 5993.
Wood 369(9). Wing T15A.
6114. T., N. Very sad newes from Ireland, two strong garrisons taken from [really by] the rebels: Maribor-
ough fort, and the castle of Athlone. . . . A remonstrance of the protestant clergy [25 Oct. 1646]. London:
f. N. S., 1646. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, in t, by above the printed from, may be by AW.
Wood 509(11). Wing T41 (O not recorded in Wing).
6115. T., N. The passage of the treatie for the surrender of Oxford to sir Thomas Fairfax. London: E.
Purslow, 1646, 20 May. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, 1
, prob. not by AW.
Wood 501(12). Wing T36. Madan 1866.
6116. T., N. The resolver continued, . . . about the putting of the late king to death. London: J. Clowes,
f. H. Allen, 1649. 4
. Pp. [2], 22.
Tp, AW wrote N. T. Some scribbles, numbers, and a note lined out; a 2nd note, Thomas Wharton
botanist anatomist Her[?], not in AWs hand (see AO 3.1000).
Wood 364(22). Wing T39 (O not recorded in Wing).
6117. T., R. De templis, a treatise of temples: wherein is discovered the ancient manner of building,
The Library of Anthony Wood 569
consecrating, and adorning of churches. London: R. Bishop f. T. Alchorn, 1638. 12
. Pp. [16], 237. Calf
with 3 llets.
Wood 766. STC 23625.
6118. T., R. The opinion of witchcraft vindicated. In an answer to . . . The question of witchcraft debated.
London: E. O[kes] f. F. Haley, 1670. 8
. Pp. [2], 63.
Responds to J. Wagstae, Wood 705 and 708(1), items 6375f.
Wood 708(2). Wing T50.
6119. T., S. An historical account of the heroick life . . . of . . . James duke of Monmouth. London: f. T.
Malthus, 1683. 8
. Pp. [6], 142.
Flyleaf, upper, heading, Duke of Monmouth, may not be by AW.
Wood 245(3). Wing T53.
6120. Table. [A table] shewing the most protable order and m[ethod for r]eading of history. [London]:
n.pub., [1620 ca.]. S.sh. (cropped at edges).
Wood 276a(46) (Wood 376a(46) in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 13528.5 (rare).
6121. Tabula Chronologica. Tabula chronologica . . . ad annum 4000 [and] Tabula chronologica . . . ad
annum MDCLXXXV . . . partim ex Dionysii Petavii Chronologi` a. (Cantabrigiae): (J. Hayes, impen. G.
Graves), (1685). Fol. Pp. IV.
Wood 276a(47-49). Wing T94 (two).
6122. Talbot, Richard*. Tyrconnel, earl of. The popish champion: or, a compleat history . . . of Richard
earl of Tyrconnel [and] the life . . . of father Petre, &c. London: f. J. Dunton, 1689. 4
. Pp. [4], 58, [2] (2
pp. books printed f. J. Dunton).
Tp, AW wrote, Bought at Oxon. Nov. 1689 (LT 3.315). Tp
, Rich. Talbot Earl of Tyrconnell died in
Lymerick while it was besieged by the forces of K. Will. 3, on the 14 of Aug. 1691[.] the ill condition
of the then Irish aaires having broke his heart. [/] He was buried in Lymerick on the 16 of the said
month, at which time was a commission produced from K Jam. 2 which M
Plowden (formerly one of the
commissioners of the revenew in Ireland) brought lately from France, appointing S
Alex Fitton, S
Neagle & the said M
Plowden, Justices of Ireland . P. [60], line in margin at a book advertisement.
Wood 535(12). Wing P2944.
6123. Tale of the Tubs. A tale of the tubbs or Romes master peice defeated. [London]: f. the Loyal
Protestant, 1679, 11 Nov. S.sh. Obl.
Missing in 1922. See note at item Wood 417(1), item 781.
Wood 417(14b). Wing T128. O, Hunt, Harv.
6124. Tangier. A description of Tangier, . . . with an account of . . . Gayland, the present usurper of the
kingdome of Fez. London: f. S. Speed, 1664. 4
. Pp. [7], 84.
Acquired 15 Nov. 1664, LT 2.23.
Wood 386(9). Wing D1151.
6125. Tangier. The present interest of Tangier. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 559(16). Wing P3248.
6126. Tangier. An exact journal of the siege of Tangier:. . . In three letters, written by three eye-witnesses
[25 March - 19 May]. London: f. J. Hindmarsh, 1680. Fol. Pp. [2], 13 (A-D
Tp, the letter c. The 2nd part, Wood 559(13), A letter from Tangier-Bay (17 May), pp. 7-13, is separated
from the 1st by a blank leaf.
Wood 559(12-13). Wing E3649.
6127. Tangier. A particular narrative of a great engagement between the garison [sic] of Tangier, and the
Moors. [London]: T. Newcombe, 1680. Fol. Pp. 8.
Wood 559(14). Wing P593.
6128. Tanner, Tho[mas]. New College. The entrance of Mazzarini. Or; some memorials of the state of
France, between the death of . . . Richelieu and the beginning of the late regency. Oxford: H. H[ill] f. T.
Robinson, 1657. 12
. Pp. [10], 114 (unopened). Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine.
Tp, AW wrote, by Tho. Tanner; p. [7], underscored Tanners reference to his age, ve lustres, and wrote,
The authour then 25 yeares of age. AW traded a copy of this to Forrest in Oct. 1657, LT 1.230. AO 4.60.
Wood 565(1). Wing T140. Madan 2354.
570 The Library of Anthony Wood
6129. [Tanner, Thomas]. New College. The entrance of Mazzarini, continued through the rst years
regency, of Anna Maria of Austria. Oxford: A. Licheld, 1658. 12
. Pp. [6], 141, [3] (unopened).
On authorship, see AO 4.60.
Wood 565(2). Wing T141. Madan 2415.
6130. Tanner, Thomas. New College. Euphuia, or the acts, and characters of a good nature. London: f.
J. Crook, 1665. 8
. Pp. [6], 111.
Tp, AW underscored Tanner, in red ink, and wrote 8
. Acquired 24 Dec. 1667, LT 2.122.
Wood 752(3). Wing T142 (two) (Wing, Euphuia: or,).
6131. Tanner, Thomas. St. Asaph, bp. of. Notitia monastica or a short history of the religious houses.
Oxford: at the theatre, sold, A. a. J. Churchill, London, 1695. 8
. Pp. [94], 288, [40].
Missing in 1837. Tanners Notitia Monastica Oxon. 1695, in Whiteside cat. LT 3.452-3.
Wood 201. Wing T148B. O, Hunt, Folg.
6132. Tany, [Thomas]. I proclaime from the lord of hosts the returne of the Jewes . . . Aprill 25. 1650.
London: C. Sumptner f. G. Calvart, 1650. S.sh.
Wood 276a(263). Wing T154 (O not recorded in Wing).
6133. Tasborough, John*, and Ann Price*. The tryal and conviction of John Tasborough and Ann
Price for subornation of perjury, in endeavouring to perswade m
. Stephen Dugdale to retract. London: f.
R. Pawlett, 1679/80. Fol. Pp. [3], 59, [1] (last p. books lately printed by Pawlett).
Wood 426(3). Wing T2161.
6134. Tatham, John. Aqua triumphalis; being a true relation of the honourable the city of Londons
entertaining their sacred majesties. London: f. the author, by T. Childe a. L. Parry, 1662. Fol. Pp. [6], 12,
Wood 398(20). Wing T218.
6135. Tatham, John. Londons triumphs celebrated the 29th of October, 1664. In honour to . . . sir John
Lawrence . . . lord maior of . . . London: and performed at the costs . . . of haberdashers. London: W. G.
f. H. Brome, 1664. 4
. Pp. [4], 16 (wanting sigs. D1-2; pp. 17-20).
Wood 537(19). Wing T227 (Wing, Londons).
6136. Taunton, Siege. A letter sent to the right honourable William Lenthall, . . . concerning the raising
of the siege of Taunton. London: E. Husbands, 1645, 10 July. 4
. Pp. 7.
Tp, AW overwrote a former no., 10.
Wood 378(12). Wing L1625.
6137. Taylor, Jeremy. Down and Connor, bp. of. The measures and oces of friendship: with rules of
conducting it. To which are added, two letters. London: J. G. f. R. Royston, 1657. 12
. 2nd ed. Pp. 203, [8]
(5 pp. books advertised).
Wood 818(2). Wing T317.
6138. Taylor, Jeremy, and Christopher Hatton, eds. The Psalter of David with titles and collects
according to the matter of each psalme. [Followed by] Devotions for the helpe and assistance of all Christian
people. [The collects and devotions by J. Taylor, the whole work compiled by lord Hatton.]. Oxford: L.
Licheld, 1644. 8
. Pp. [22], 392, 63. Calf with 2 gold-stamp llets, and gold-stamp decoration inside the
corners; gold fore-edges.
Backing, upper, scribbles and name, not signature, of lord Hatton. Flyleaf, upper, 1st, signatures, Mary
Wood, Thomas Wood, and Anthony Wood; 2nd, For my noble & much honored frend S
John Culpeper
[Colepeper] K
Master of the Roles [sic] from your aectionate & obliged servant Chr: Hatton [name of
Hatton lined out]: 7
Maii 1644, and signature, Edward Wood, and below, AW wrote S
Joh. Culpeper
then lodging in my mothers house against Merton Coll. Christop. Lord Hatton then in Oxon sent him
this book, which after Culpepers departure, came into the hands of my brother Edw. Wood;
, AW wrote
These Psalmes with the devotions at the end, were collected & published by Christopher Lord Hatton
and at a later time, But written by D
Jer. Taylor of Alls. Coll. Tp, by the Lord Hatton not by AW. LT
1.69. Di. ed. at Wood 848.
Wood 811. Wing B2402. Madan 1626.
6139. Taylor, Jeremy, and Christopher Hatton, eds. The psalter of David: with titles and collects
according to the matter of each psalme. [Followed by] Devotions. London: J. F. f. R. Royston, 1655. 12
5th ed. Pp. [55], 283. Calf with 2 llets; rebacked.
The Library of Anthony Wood 571
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote The 1. edit. of this book came out at Oxon. an. 1644. collected, written &
published by Christopher Lord Hatton/, i.e., Wood 811.
Wood 848. Wing B2461. Madan 1626..
6140. Taylor, John. Taylor on Thame Isis: or the description of the two famous rivers. London: J.
Haviland, 1632. 8
. A2-8,B
(B8 blank). Pasteboard with parchment spine. Travell & Rambles written on
spine (bound in or after 1691).
Flyleaf, upper, 3rd
, list of 6 printed works in this vol., written within guidelines made with red ink. Tp,
Musaeum Ashmoleanum.
Wood 155(1). STC 23803 (3).
6141. Taylor, John. The old, old, very old man: or, the age and long life of Thomas Par. London: [A.
Mathewes] f. H. Gosson, 1635. 4
. A2-4,B-D
D3, D4, scribbles, not by AW.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(4). STC 23782.5.
6142. Taylor, John. The carriers cosmographie. Or a briefe relation, of the innes, ordinaries, . . . in,
and neere London. London: A. G[rin], 1637. 4
. A-C
Wood 465(7). STC 23740.
6143. Taylor, John. A sad and deplorable loving elegy consecrated to the living memory of . . . Richard
Wyan [16 Aug. 1638]. [London]: [J. Okes], [1638]. S.sh.
, AW wrote, Rich. Wyan 1638.
Wood 429(3). STC 23790 (rare).
6144. Taylor, John. Part of this summers travels, or news from Hell, Hull, and Hallifax. [London]: J.
O[kes], [1639]. 8
. Pp. [iv], 48.
Tp, AW wrote Water poet, 1639. P. 42, note, in pencil, 3 qu-bus [?] and 500 queans. P. 48, correction,
Noster for ncster.
Wood 155(2). STC 23783.
6145. Taylor, John. Englands comfort, and Londons joy: expressed in the . . . entertainment of . . . king
Charles, at his . . . returne from Scotland. London: f. F. Coules, 1641. 4
. Pp. 8.
Wood 537(15). Wing T456.
6146. [Taylor, John], attrib. to. The Irish footmans poetry. Or George [Richardson] the runner, against
Henry the Walker in defence of John the swimmer [John Taylor] . . . The author George Richardson.
[London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 9.
Tp, AW wrote, Hen. Walker Ironmonger.
Wood 483(11). Wing T471.
6147. Taylor, John. New preachers, new. Greene the feltmaker, Spencer the horse-rubber, . . . Whereunto
is added . . . the disorderly preachment of mr. Barebones the leather-seller [19 Dec.]. [London]: f. G. T.,
1641. 4
. A
(t leaf is cropped at bottom).
Tp, AW added the year, 1641.
Wood 647(7). Wing T486 (Wing, for C. J.).
6148. Taylor, John. A reply as true as steele. [London]: n.pub., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6 (misnumbering).
Missing in 1841. See yleaf, upper 2nd
and continuing to tp of item no. 1: deest W. K[irkland] 1841. On
the last leaf of (38), item 6398, blotting of Ashm. no. XXXIX written on the removed tp.
Wood 614(39). Wing T506. Hunt, Harv, Yale.
6149. Taylor, John. The anatomy of the separatists, alias, Brownists, the factious brethren in these times.
London: n.pub., 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 647(12). Wing A3060B.
6150. Taylor, John. The whole life and progresse of Henry Walker the ironmonger. London: n.pub., 1642.
. A
Missing since 1994.
Wood 531(2). Wing T530.
6151. Taylor, John. An apology for private preaching. In which those formes are warranted . . . (Viz.) {
preaching in a tub . . . Or . . . any place, according to inspiration. [London]: f. R. Wood, T. Wilson, a. E.
Christopher, [1642], 28 June. 4
. A
572 The Library of Anthony Wood
Wood 647(9). Wing T429.
6152. [Taylor, John]. A letter sent to London from a spie at Oxford, to his . . . friends m. Pym, m.
Martin, &c. . . . which letter was intercepted . . . and committed to the presse by the aforesaid Thorny
Ailo. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], 1643. 4
. Pp. [2], 14.
Wood 632(11). Wing T474. Madan 1447.
6153. [Taylor, John]. Mercurius aquaticus; or, the water-poets answer to all that hath or shall be writ
by Mercurius Britanicus. [The text, with a parody, of ] Pag. 121, and number 16. of Mercurius Britanicus.
[Oxford]: [L. Licheld] Printed in the Waine of the Moone, 1643[4]. 4
. A-C
(C4 blank) Pp. [4], 121-126,
[12]. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine; rebacked. 1st and last yleaves, marbled paper.
Board, upper, inside, AW wrote Writers of Mercuries & Almanacks. Flyleaf, 3rd, AW wrote the titles of
25 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Nos. 2-3 are one work; no. 4 was torn
out before 1922; and no. 9 was removed to Hope adds. 1133 and restored in Jan. 1932. AW wrote Arabic
nos. on tpp. P. 121, at marginalia of the satire, AW wrote see 4 leaves after, i.e., 2nd pp. [1]. (a parodic
answer to the satire).
Wood 622(1). Wing T481. Madan 1510.
6154. T[aylor], J[ohn]. A preter-pluperfect, spick and span new nocturnall, or Mercuries weekly night-
newes; wherein . . . the banquet of Oxford mice described. [Oxford]: [H. Hall] (for those that will reade,
. . . to be bought where they are sold), [1643]. 4
. Pp. 20.
P. 10, at T. Gol. Iacke of all Trades, AW wrote Golledge (? see note, LT 1.56-7).
Wood 613(10a). Wing T498. Madan 1434.
6155. Taylor, John. Truths triumph: or, old miracles newly revived in the . . . preservation of . . . the
king. [Oxford]: [H. Hall], 1643. 4
. Pp. [1], 8.
Wood 483(12). Wing T523 (rare). Madan 1580.
6156. Taylor, John. No Mercurius aulicus; but some merry ashes of intelligence, with the pretended
parliaments forces besiedging of Oxford. [Oxford]: [L. Licheld], 1644. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, This came forth about the beginning of June.
Wood 622(5). Madan 1652. Wing T489.
6157. Ta[ylor], Jo[hn]. Oxford besiedged, surprised, taken, . . . on Munday the second of June last.
[Oxford]: [L. Licheld], 1645. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Tp, at Io -Ta., AW wrote, Joh Taylor. Dupl. at Wood 514(15a).
Wood 378(3). Wing T494 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 1786..
6158. Ta[ylor], Jo[hn]. Oxford besiedged, surprised, taken, . . . on Munday the second of June last.
[Oxford]: [L. Licheld], 1645. 4
. Pp. [1], 7.
Tp, below Io-Ta in the t, AW wrote, John Taylor the water-poet. P. 4, AW wrote 31. May 1644 in the
margin. Dupl. at Wood 378(3).
Wood 514(15a). Wing T494 (rare, 2 at O). Madan 1786.
6159. Taylor, John. Rebells anathematized, and anatomized: or, a satyricall salutation to the rabble of
seditious, pestiferous pulpit-praters. Oxford: [H. Hall], 1645. 4
. Pp. 8.
Waste paper, upper, upside down, a Latin disputation topic, not in AWs hand.
Wood 622(11). Wing T501. Madan 1778.
6160. Taylor, John. Ipp-ayrvpow or, an ironicall expostulation with death and fate for the losse of the
lord mayor of London [sir J. Warner] who on October 27. 1648. expired . . . Also a . . . discourse between
col. Rainsborough and Charon. [London]: n.pub., 1648. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Missing since 1994. In Whiteside cat.
Wood 531(11). Wing H2069.
6161. Taylor, John. John Taylors wandering, to see the wonders of the west. [London]: n.pub., 1649. 4
Pp. [2], 21 (some pp. cropped at top).
Each small 4
leaf is pasted on a 4
Wood 465(2). Wing T528.
6162. T[aylor], J[ohn]. The number and names of all the kings of England & Scotland. London: T. H. sold
F. Coles, 1650. 8
. Pp. 16. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. Traces of upper and lower yleaves,
marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 5 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
The Library of Anthony Wood 573
ink. Tp, AW entered the authors name after initials.
Wood 240(1). Wing T493.
6163. Taylor, John. The names of all the dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, & barons. London: n.pub.,
1653. 8
. Pp. 23 (1-2 blank).
P. 1 (blank), the t, not in AWs hand.
Wood 445(4). Wing T485.
6164. Taylor, Silas. The history of gavel-kind, with the etymology . . . To which is added a short history
of William the conquerour. London: f. J. Starkey (G. Wilson pro J. Starkey), 1663. 4
. Pp. [24], 211, [10]
(2nd tp, p. 181) (2nd pp. [1-2] books printed and sold, J. Starkey).
Tp, AW wrote the price, 2
. Acquired 11 Nov. 1663, LT 1.503.
Wood 585(2). Wing T553.
6165. [Teixeira, Jose]. M[unday], Anthony, trans. The strangest adventure that ever happened:. . . con-
taining a discourse . . . of the king of Portugall dom Sebastian, from the time of his voyage into Aricke
[1578 to 6 Jan. 1601]. London: [R. Field] f. F. Henson, 1601. 4
. Pp. 90.
Wood 511(7). STC 23864.
6166. Tell-Truth, Robert, pseud. Advice to the nobility, gentry, & commonalty of this nation in the
qualications and election. [London]: n.pub., [1679]. Fol. Pp. 4.
Wood 276a(273). Wing A660.
6167. Temple, John. The copie of a letter from Dublin in Ireland, . . . relating the . . . taking the castle
of Carrick-Maine [29 Mar.]. London: f. L. B., 1642. 4
. Pp. [2], 5.
Wood 508(2). Wing T626.
6168. Temple, John. The Irish rebellion: or, an history of the beginnings and rst progresse of the generall
rebellion raised within . . . Ireland . . . October, . . . 1641. London: R. White f. S. Gellibrand, 1646. 4
Pp. [16], 136; 55 (2 pts.). Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine.
Board, upper, beneath pastedown, AW wrote, 6
for binding to . . . Chambers 8. Nov. 1692. Flyleaf,
, AW gave himself, within guidelines made with red ink, a specic reminder: Note that with this
book of the Irish rebellion is bound another entituled A collection of certaine horrid murthers in several
counties in Ireland, an. 1641 (Wood 506(2), item 3796). Tp, price, I
., may be in AWs hand; bsm. 1st
p. 52, identication of S
Joh. Temple; 1st pp. 24-5, 44, 67, lines in margin, in pencil.
Wood 506(1). Wing T627.
6169. [Temple, William]. Memoirs of what past in Christendom, from the war begun 1672. to the peace
concluded 1679. London: R. R. f. R. Chiswell, 1692. 8
. 2nd ed. Pp. [8], 392. Calf, speckled, with 2 llets
and stamp decoration in corners; spine, 4 bands and some blind stamp decoration at top and bottom.
Flyleaf, upper, frag., Edd Lhwd (Edward Lhwyd, Keeper of the Ashm. Museum, 1690-1709); 2nd
, Second
Memoires [by?] of S
Will Temple See Roger Cokes Detection 2nd part or vol. p 214, in pencil, prob.
by AW.
Wood 171. Wing T643.
6170. Tennulius, Samuel. Honori illustris viri, nobilissimi jurisconsulti, . . . Nicolai Witsenii, . . . libens
meritoque posuit Samuel Tennulius. N.p.: n.pub., [1679]. S.sh. (2 cols., 46 and 45 lines).
AW wrote, mihi dedit J[ohn] L[amphire] MD: 1679, in red ink. LT 3.262.
Wood 276a(535). Not in BL, NUC, BN.
6171. Terence. Bernard, Richard, trans. Terence in English. Londini: Ex o. J. Legatt, 1614. 4
. Pp. [6],
428. 4th ed. Calf, 4 llets, inner rectangle of 4 llets with stamp decoration inside inner corners; repaired
and rebacked.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 10. Probable copy found. Folger Library copy 3: pastedown, upper, book-plate of
Thomas Jeerson McKee. Tp, AW, prob. by Anthony Wood, and James Crouch, thrice. Text, passim
some underscoring; to p. 17 some annotation (+ and x marks), prob. not by AW.
Folger Library, copy 3. STC 23892. Folg (copy 3).
6172. Terence. Webbe, [Joseph, [sic in STC]], trans. The rst comedy of Pub. Terentius, called Andria,
or the woman of Andros, English and Latine [or] The second comedie of Pub. Terentius called Eunuchus.
London: ?, 1629. 4
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11, Dr George Webbe part of Terence Englished. George Webbe in AO
3.30. Ed. not identied.
574 The Library of Anthony Wood
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 11. STC 23896 and STC 23898 and STC 23898a. Folg and Folg.
6173. Terry, Edward. A voyage to East-India. London: T. W. f. J. Martin a. J. Allestrye, 1655. 8
. Pp.
[24], 545, [2]. Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st and last yleaves, marbled paper.
Covers, outside, scribbles, 1-8, and Musaeum Ashmoleanum. Spine, title, prob. in AWs hand. Flyleaf,
upper, 2nd
, With this book entit A Voyage . . . is bound America . . . (by N. N., Wood 154(2), item
4590), written within guidelines made with red ink. Tp, bsm. Board, lower, outside, scribble in Ashm.
Museum. Acquired 10 Feb. 1664, LT 2.5.
Wood 154(1). Wing T782 (Wing, Allstrye).
6174. Thauler, John*. The history of the life of . . . dr. Joh. Thauler. London: S. Dover, f. L. Lloyd,
1660. 8
. Pp. [8], 158.
Tp, AW wrote, 10
. Bsm.
Wood 292(5). Wing H2168bA (O not recorded in Wing).
6175. Theatre of Compliments. The theater of compliments. London: ?, 1654. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. Theatre of Compliments Lond. 1654 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 63(2). Not in Wing. See Wing T844A (1689). Not in ESTCR.
6176. Themut, James. By his majesties permission. In the name of our saviour Jesus Christ. Know that
there is come hither a High-Dutch physitian. N.p.: n.pub., [1661]. S.sh. (r-v). 4
Inserted in Wood Diaries 5 after f. 5.
, AW wrote, The vulgar apt to admire strangers - They ocked to
this man & left the universitie phisitians, and eb: 1660[1]: within a mounth after this mans comming,
he rann away & cozenned his patients of grat [sic] quantity of money: that he had taken of them before
hand; and a brief note in another hand. LT 1.377.
[MS.] Wood Diaries 5b (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
6177. Theyer, John. Aerio-mastix, or, a vindication of the apostolicall . . . government of the church
. . . against the schismaticall Aerians. Oxford: [H. Hall] f. W. Webb, 1643. 4
. Pp. [14], 161, [5].
LT 2.268. AO 3.997.
[MS.] Wood D. 25(9). Wing T889. Madan 1416.
6178. Third Advice to a Painter. [Fragment]. Sig. B: The third advice to a painter, on our last summers
success, with French and Dutch. 1666. Written by the same hand as the former was. N.p.: n.pub., [1667?].
. Pp.(17) to (33). B
(neither signatures nor p. nos. follow from Wood 84(6), item 3156).
Wood 84(7). Not identied (see Wing T898, London 1679).
6179. Thomas, William (died 1554). The historie of Italie. London: T. Marshe, (1561). 4
. Ff. [3], 216,
[4], plus a table.
Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48, AW wrote Will. Thomas esq. Hist. of Italie 1561. note of him before
the booke.
MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 48. STC 24019. Folg, Hunt.
6180. Thomas, William, M. P. Master William Thomas esquire his speech in parliament, June 1641.
Concerning deanes, and their oce. London: T. Harper, 1641. 4
. A-B
(1st leaf blank).
Tp, Former no., 16. Bsm.
[MS.] Wood D. 31(27). Wing T983.
6181. Thomas, William, capt. Good newes from sea, being a true relations of the late sea-ght. London:
f. L. Blaiklock, 1643, 26 June. 4
. Pp. [2], 7 (really, 5).
Tp, AW altered the former no., 14; and on p. 7
, wrote the date, 20. Jun.
Wood 376(15). Wing T993.
6182. [Thompson, Nathaniel]. A letter written from Oxford by m
Stephen Colledge to his friends in
London, . . . writen [sic] by himself. (London): (N. T[hompson]), (1681). S.sh. (r-v).
In t, at himself, AW wrote, another. For spurious author, see DNB, S. College.
Wood 427(29). Wing C5225.
6183. Thompson, Nathaniel*; William Pain*, and John Farwell*. The tryal of Nathaniel Thomp-
son, William Pain, and John Farwell. . . . To which is added by way of appendix, several other adavits.
London: f. T. Simmons, 1682. Fol. Pp. [3], 53 (2nd tp at p. 37).
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1. 6.
Wood 427(45-6). Wing T2207.
The Library of Anthony Wood 575
6184. Thompson, Richard*. The visor pluckt o from Richard Thompson of Bristol. [London]: n.pub,
[1681]. Fol. Pp. 4.
In t, visor underlined in red ink. P. 4, AW wrote, published in Januar. 1680. AOF 2.297.
Wood 276a(186). Wing V661.
6185. Thompson, Robert. Sponsa nondum uxor: or the marriage between the lady Katharine Fitz-Gerald
and Edward Villiers esq; asserted . . . an answer to a treatise, . . . of Dudley Loftus. London: f. B. Tooke,
1677. 4
. Pp. [6], 35.
Tp, AW underlined the names of authors in red ink. Bsm.
Wood 644(4). Wing T1007A.
6186. Thompson, William, Leveller. Englands freedome, souldiers rights: vindicated against all arbitrary
unjust invaders of them , . . . Or, the just declaration, . . . of William Thompson. [London]: n.pub., [1647].
. Pp. 10.
P. 10, after a list, AW wrote, All Levellers.
Wood 632(58). Wing T1016.
6187. Thompson, William, Leveller. Englands standard advanced. Or a declaration from m. Will.
Thompson and the oppressed people of this nation, . . . in Oxfordshire [6 May]. [London]: n.pub., [1649].
. Pp. 3.
Tp, AW wrote, A Levelling pamphlet. AW pasted over the nal p., 3
, which has the heading, FOR A
New Parliament BY THE AGREEMENT OF THE PEOPLE with a sheet of waste paper. He did this
after 1684, for he had written on the pasted down side of the waste paper the date of a dierent item,
Published about a fortnight after the Kings death 5 [or 6?] Feb. 1684/5. The printed heading on p. 3
refers to a tract by John Lilburne, An agreement of the free people of England, included in a di. ed. of the
Thompson pamphlet; see Wing T1018 and L2079.
Wood 503(2). Wing T1017.
6188. [Thornborough, John]. Bristol, bp. of. The joiefull and blessed reuniting the two mighty & famous
kingdomes, England & Scotland . . . By John Bristoll. Oxford: J. Barnes, sold S. Waterson [London], [1605].
. Pp. [6], 80.
Tp, AW wrote after Bristoll, John Thornborough Bishop of Bristoll. AO 3.5. Di. ed. at Wood 258(5).
Wood 594(3). STC 23036. Madan 274.
6189. Thornborough, John. Bristol, bp. of. The great happinesse of England and Scotland [and 2nd t:]
A discourse, shewing the great happinesse, . . . to . . . England and Scotland, by re-uniting them. By John
Bristol. London: R. Hearne (f. C. Duncomb), 1641. 12
. 2 pts. Pp. [44], 286 (pp. unopened).
Di. ed. at Wood 594(3).
Wood 258(5) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T1042A (O not recorded in Wing).
6190. Thorowgood, Thomas. Jewes in America, or, probabilities that the Americans are of that race.
London: W. J. f. T. Slater, 1650. 4
. Pp. [41], 136, [137-8] (i.e., T1, unnumbered) (wanting sig. T2).
Pasteboard (grey) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, AW wrote, Tything table q[uaere], in pencil (see Wood 370(4), item 1260); 3
, AW
wrote the titles of 4 printed works (no. 4-5, by Prynne in two parts, were prob. issued together; here, 2
entries) in this vol., within guidelines made with red chalk. Tp, note by NT (?), pret 1
and NT June
10th 1650.
Wood 637(1). Wing T1067.
6191. [Thou, Jacques Auguste de]. B[arksdale], C[lement], comp. Doctorum virorum elogia Thuanea.
Londini: ap. S. Hickman, 1671. 8
. Pp. [15], 130, [6]. Stab marks indicate that this item was once bound in
another bundle.
P. 34, scribble, not by AW.
Wood 299(2). Wing T1073.
6192. Three Merry Wives. The three merry wives of Green Goose fair. London: ?, 1686. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. The Three merry wives of Green Goose Fair Lond. 1686 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 61(7). Not in Wing. See Wing T1104A (1694). Not in ESTCR.
6193. Throckmorton, Francis. A discoverie of the treasons practised and attempted against the queenes
majestie and the realme. [London]: [C. Barker], 1584. 4
Flyleaf, upper, waste paper, Latin disputation topic(?), Intellectus 4. Tp, scribble, illeg. Text, some un-
derscoring, B4
-C1, prob. not by AW. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaines study, LT 1.247. Di.
576 The Library of Anthony Wood
ed. at Wood 616(12).
Wood 586(6). STC 24051.
6194. Throckmorton, Francis. A discoverie of the treasons practised and attempted against the queenes
majestie and the realme. [London]: [C. Barker], 1584. 4
Tp, AW wrote Ant Woode: 1658 (lined out); and dupl, twice in pencil. Di. ed. at Wood 586(6). See LT
1.247, note 4.
Wood 616(12). STC 24050.5.
6195. Throgmorton, Robert*, et al. The lives, apprehension, araignment & execution of Robert Throg-
morton. William Porter. John Bishop. London: [E. Allde] f. H. Gosson, 1608. 4
. A-C
(C4 blank).
Wood 371(11). STC 24053.5 (rare).
6196. Thurman, Hen[ry]. A defence of humane learning in the ministry. Oxford: A. Licheld f. R. Davis,
1660. 8
. Pp. [6], 50, [6] (6 pp. books sold by R. Davis).
Flyleaf, upper
, AW wrote, Henr. Thurman of Ch. ch. in Oxon was the author of the following book. [/]
An apologie of the use of the fathers & secular learning - By geon Askew - 1605. See in the rst vol. of
Athenae et Fasti Oxon. p. 282 (AO 1.756). Tp, AWood. 4 items marked at Daviss advertisement at the
end. Acquired 2 Jan. 1664, 6
, LT 2.2.
Wood 130(2). Wing T1139. Madan 2531.
6197. Thwing, Thomas. The last speech of Thomas Thwing priest; executed at York [23 Oct.]. N.p.:
n.pub., [1680]. S.sh.
See ref. to nu 30 at Wood 426(1), item 4790.
Wood 426(30). Wing L505dA (rare).
6198. Tichborne, Robert*, and John Ireton*. The apology of . . . a vindication of themselves and
the good old cause. London: for every body but . . . , [1660]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, March: 1659.
Wood 613(27). Wing A3557aA.
6199. Tichborne, Robert*, and John Ireton*. Brethren in iniquity: or a beardless pair: held forth in
a dialogue betwixt Titchburn and Ireton. [London]: f. D. Webb, 1660. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote Aprill:.
Wood 610(57). Wing B4381A.
6200. Tillotson, J[ohn]. Canterbury, abp. of. A letter written to my lord Russel in Newgate [20 July].
(London): (f. R. Baldwin), (1683). S.sh. Pp. 2.
Wood 428(10). Wing T1201.
6201. Tillotson, John*. Canterbury, abp. of. Some select queries humbly oered to the consideration of
the d- of C-t-b-y. [London]: f. H. Jones, [1683]. S.sh.
AW wrote, D
Tillotson Deane of Canterbury; an emendation, vicar over the printed D of Bray; and
after the pub., 1683.
Wood 631(13). Wing S4611A (one) (O not recorded in Wing).
6202. Tilnay, Edmund. A briefe and pleasant discourse of duties in mariage, called the ower of friend-
ship. London: H. Denham, 1577. 8
. A-D
,E1-7 (wanting the nal leaf).
Tp, Ant Woode Merton: Col .. Oxon 1656, lined out.
Wood 736(3). STC 24077a.
6203. Tirrell, Henry. A great and glorious victory obtained by the lord Inchequin . . . over the Irish rebels
[6 Sept.]. [London]: f. V. V., 1647. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW lined out a former no., 24.
Wood 509(25). Wing G1653.
6204. [Titus, Silas]. Killing, no murder: with some additions briey discourst in three questions, . . . By
William Allen [pseud.]. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 13.
Tp, AW wrote, written as tis said by one Capt. Silas Titus formerly of Ch. church Oxon. (Christian name,
Silas, added later by AW); and, at a later date, The 2
edition / the rst came out in A
1657. MS.
Wood E. 2(70), p. 32, answered by Mich. Hawk. of the Middle Temple (i.e., Wood 631(15), item 3470).
Wood 631(14). Wing T1311.
6205. Tolmach, Thomas*. An elegy in commemoration of the honourable lieutenant-general Talmash
The Library of Anthony Wood 577
[12 June 1694]. London: J. Wilkins, 1694. S.sh.
AW wrote in the margin, Tho. Talmarsh. LT 3.381, 455, 459.
Wood 429(51) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing E349A (rare).
6206. Tom, Black*. The unlucky citizen; or, a pleasant history of the life of black Tom. London: J. M. f.
J. Blare, 1686. 12
. A
Wood 254(14). Wing U85 (two).
6207. Tom Thumb*. Tom Thumb his life and death. [London]: f. F. Coles. J. Wright. T. Vere. a. W.
Gilbertson, [1655-58]. 12
. A
Wood 259(5). Wing T1789A (rare).
6208. Tom Tram*. Tom Tram of the west, son-in-law to mother Winter. [London]: f. W. T[hackeray],
sold J. Gilbertson, [1688-89]. 12
. A
Flyleaf, upper, The most stupid stu that ever was penned, in a later hand.
Wood 259(8). Wing T1790D (rare).
6209. [Tomkis, Thomas]. Lingua: or, the combate of the tongue, and the ve sences. London: A. Math-
ewes, f. S. Waterson, 1632. 4
. A-K
(imperf., wanting quire L).
Wants the last leaves and in the following item, S. Harding, Wood 330(7), item 3402, the 1st leaves.
Wood 330(6). STC 24108.
6210. Tomlin, Richard, cursitor baron. Baron Tomlinsons [sic] learned speech to the sheris of London
and Middlesex. London: n.pub., 1659. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, AW wrote, Ridiculous, in pencil. No. 55 in a former bundle.
Wood 610(18). Wing B900.
6211. Tompkins, Nathaniel. The whole confession and speech of . . . made . . . at the time of his
execution [5 July]. London: f. P. Cole, [1643]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Tp, 4, indicating its place in an earlier bundle or pile. Dupl. at Wood 612(2).
Wood 366(15). Wing T1865.
6212. Tompkins, Nathaniel. The whole confession and speech of . . . made . . . at the time of his
execution [5 July]. London: f. P. Cole, [1643]. 4
. Pp. 8.
Dupl. at Wood 366(15).
Wood 612(2). Wing T1865.
6213. Tonge, Ezerel. The new design of the papists detected: or, an answer to the last speeches of the
ve Jesuites lately executed, viz. Tho. White [et al.]. London: f. R. Boulter, J. Hancock, R. Smith, a. B.
Harris, 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 6.
Tp, AW wrote the price, 1
. Purchased from Vade in July or August 1679, see his record of purchase in
MS. Wood F. 50, f. 11. LT 2.506.
Wood 424(24) (Wood 428(24) in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing T1878.
6214. [Tonge, Ezerel]. The popish damnable plot against our religion . . . letters and papers of intelligence.
London: f. R. Janeway, 1680. Fol. Pp. [2], 31.
Dupl. at Wood 426(18).
Wood 425(24). Wing T1879A.
6215. [Tonge, Ezerel]. The popish damnable plot against our religion . . . letters and papers of intelligence.
London: f. R. Janeway, 1680. Fol. Pp. [2], 31.
1st blank, Dupl., and a former no., 19. Dupl. at Wood 425(24).
Wood 426(18). Wing T1879A.
6216. [Torrentinus, Hermannus]. [Elucidarius poeticus continens historias, poeticas, fabulas]. [Viennae
Allobrogum, cited in dedication, A2]: [Johannes Poyet? cited in dedication, A2], [1623? (not 1535)]. 16
Pp. 2-182. A2-8,B-L
,M2-3 (wanting A1,M1 and M4) (A2, line 1: NOBILIBUS ET). Calf, 4 blind-stamp
llets, and 1, gold stamp; blind-stamp R.P. on boards; spine, hatching.
Pastedown, upper, Richard: Phillipps his booke (twice).
Wood 27 (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not identied.
6217. Torriano, Gio[vanni]. Select Italian proverbs. Cambridge: R. Daniel, 1642. 12
. Pp. [8], 100.
Tp, bsm.
Wood 60(2). Wing T1931.
578 The Library of Anthony Wood
6218. Torriano, Gio[vanni]. New and easy directions for the attaining of the Thuscan Italian tongue.
Cambridge: R. Daniel, [1645?]. 4
. Pp. [8], 16 (from p. 1 on, unopened).
Wood 310(2). Wing T1926.
6219. Tory, Timothy, pseud. Sejanus: or the popular favourite, . . . Written for the consolation of e.
S. [earl of Shaftesbury] the famous Bromigen protestant. (London): (f. Smith, Curtiss, Janeway, Baldwin),
[1681]. Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 1, AW wrote the year, 1683, in pencil.
Wood 417(120). Wing S2419.
6220. Tory, and Tantivy. The phanatick in his colours: being a full and nal character of a Whig; in a
dialogue between Tory and Tantivy. (London): (f. N. Thompson), (1681). Fol. Pp. 4.
P. 4, AW wrote in Sept. or Octob.
Wood 417(70). Wing F394.
6221. Tory; Towzer, and Tantivee. The time-servers: or, a touch of the times. Being a dialogue between
Tory, Towzer, and Tantivee. London: f. W. H., sold R. Janeway, 1681. S.sh.
At Towzer, AW wrote, i.e. LEstrange.
Wood 417(49). Wing T1278.
6222. [Touchet, George]. Historical collections, out of several grave protestant historians. London: n.pub.,
1674. 8
. Pp. [6], 558, [2]. Calf with 2 llets and stamp decoration in corners (ower, see similar binding at
Wood 301, item 5711).
Flyleaf, upper, Duplicat. (a Sheldon duplicate), lined out; 2nd, Sheldons price, 4
, In Posterum
(Ralph Sheldons motto, see LT 3.104-5) in dark heavy ink, in the hand of Sheldon.
Wood 241. Wing T1954.
6223. Touchet, James. Castlehaven, earl of (1617-1684). The memoires of James Lord Audley . . . in
the wars of Ireland . . . With an appendix. London: f. J. Brome, 1681. 8
. Pp. [8], 3-136, [7], 79. A1, torn
out. Pasteboard (brown) with calf spine. 1st upper and last lower yleaves, marbled paper.
Flyleaf, upper, 2nd
, AW wrote the titles of 3 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red
ink. Tp, AW wrote, 1
. 3
and This book came out in Sept. 1680 or rather in June or July-.
Wood 202(1). Wing C1235.
6224. Touchet, Mervin*. Castlehaven, earl of (1585-1631) (see also at Touchet, item 297). The trial of
the lord Audley, earl of Castlehaven, for inhumanely causing his own wife to be ravished and for buggery.
London: n.pub., 1679. Fol. Pp. [2], 13. Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine; 1st and late yleaves,
marbled paper; some repairing.
Flyleaf, 3rd
, AW wrote the titles of 18 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink
(really 20, he made 2 entries for item 6, and omitted 3b, 13b and 19). Tp, AW wrote the year, 1631 (date
of Touchets execution).
Wood 422(1). Wing T2227 (O not recorded in Wing).
6225. Toulouse. A relation of the two pretended apostles, that came invisibly into . . . Tholouse. London:
f. R. Janeway, 1680. S.sh.
[MS.] Wood B. 35(31). Wing R883 (two).
6226. Townley, Zouch, and Degory Wheare, eds. Oratio in memoriam clarissimi viri Guilielmi Cam-
deni . . . prolata per Zoucheum Townley [and] Parentatio historia . . . per Degoreum Whear. [Oxoniae]: [J.
Licheld & J. Short], [1624]. 4
. -2
(wanting A-F
Wood 512(6-7). STC 19028. Madan 517.
6227. Treatise. A notable treatyse wherin is shewed, that by the word of God we may at al times eat such
meates as God hath created. London: R. Stoughton, [1550?]. 8
. Pp. [18].
Wood 736(6). STC 24229 (two).
6228. Treby, George, ed. A collection of letters and other writings, relating to the horrid popish plot.
London: f. S. Heyrick, T. Dring, a. J. Wickins, 1681. Fol. Pp. [5], 127, [1].
Wood 426(31). Wing T2102.
6229. Treby, George, ed. The second part of the collection of letters . . . relating to the horrid popish
plot. London: f. S. Heyrick, T. Dring, a. J. Wickins, 1681. Fol. Pp. [3], 34.
1st blank, AW wrote the price, 1
Wood 426(32). Wing T2104.
The Library of Anthony Wood 579
6230. Trencheld, Caleb. Christian chymistrie, extracting the honey of instruction from variety of ob-
jects. London: M. S. f. H. Crips, 1662. 12
. Pp. [4], 203.
Tp, bsm. Pp. 10-198, some pp. have horizontal lines at anecdotes, prob. not by AW.
Wood 864(3). Wing T2121.
6231. Trent, Council of. Parker, Matthew (?), trans. [Flacius Illyricus, Matthias, by]. A godly and
necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the counsel of Trent. London: J. Day, 1564. 4
. Pp.
[12], 125.
Tp, a ref., cropped at top; signature of Wylliam Palmer. Some marks in margins, not in AWs manner.
[MS.] Wood B. 36(13). STC 24265.
6232. Trewman, John. The Irish martyr. Or, a true relation of the lamentable suerings of . . . who
. . . was hangd, drawn and quarterd in Carickfargus. London: f. F. C. & T. V., 1641. 4
. Pp. [2], 6.
Wood 507(3). Wing I1040 (O not recorded in Wing).
6233. Trial of Wit. Tryal of wit. London: ?, 1674. Pp.?
Missing in 1837. Tryal of Wit Lond. 1674 in Whiteside cat.
Wood 64(8). Not in Wing. Not in ESTCR.
6234. Tritonius, Ruggerius. Titi, Roberto ed. Vita Vincentii Laurei s. r. e. cardinalis Montis Regalis.
Bononiae: ap. haer. J. Rossii, 1599. 4
. Pp. [8], 86.
Tp, pretium. xviii
., not by AW. Passim, notes, not by AW. P. 86, Jackson lined out the errata and wrote,
emendata.; below, Liber Henr. Jacksoni Oxon. Coll. Corp. X