This document outlines an editing schedule for Khrystlyn Wilson and Clare O'Mara of Attack Promo company. It details the tasks to be completed such as logging footage, importing footage, paper editing, rough editing, draft editing for client check, and final editing. For each task it lists the date to be completed by, equipment required, crew assigned, date completed, and any notes. The overall goal is to produce a high quality music video that appeals to their target audience.
This document outlines an editing schedule for Khrystlyn Wilson and Clare O'Mara of Attack Promo company. It details the tasks to be completed such as logging footage, importing footage, paper editing, rough editing, draft editing for client check, and final editing. For each task it lists the date to be completed by, equipment required, crew assigned, date completed, and any notes. The overall goal is to produce a high quality music video that appeals to their target audience.
Original Description:
This is what we hope to achieve in the music video
This document outlines an editing schedule for Khrystlyn Wilson and Clare O'Mara of Attack Promo company. It details the tasks to be completed such as logging footage, importing footage, paper editing, rough editing, draft editing for client check, and final editing. For each task it lists the date to be completed by, equipment required, crew assigned, date completed, and any notes. The overall goal is to produce a high quality music video that appeals to their target audience.
This document outlines an editing schedule for Khrystlyn Wilson and Clare O'Mara of Attack Promo company. It details the tasks to be completed such as logging footage, importing footage, paper editing, rough editing, draft editing for client check, and final editing. For each task it lists the date to be completed by, equipment required, crew assigned, date completed, and any notes. The overall goal is to produce a high quality music video that appeals to their target audience.
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Khrystlyn Wilson and Fox Diamond
Clare OMara Company : Attack Promo
Editing Schedule Company and Crew names Task To be completed by (date) Equipment Crew required Complete and checked (date) Notes Log footage 6 th ctober !"#$% #& th ctober !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara #& th ctober !"#$' )e ha,e to ensure that the music ,ideo footage appeals to our target audience and has all the con,entions in order to appeal to them' -n order to do this we must make sure it looks professional' -mport footage !#st ctober !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara !#st ctober !"#$' -n order to not to lose any work that has been done we would ha,e to ensure that we sa,e our .les e,ery so often so that we not only lose our work/ we don*t lose a lot of any recent work' 0aper Edit !1 rd ctober !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara !1 rd ctober !"#$' This has to .nished a ,ery high and good quality standard Khrystlyn Wilson and Fox Diamond Clare OMara Company : Attack Promo Editing Schedule Company and Crew names 2ough Edit !& th ctober !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara !& th ctober !"#$' The music ,ideo shows the themes and message we want it to' 3raft edit for client check 1" th ctober !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara 1" th ctober !"#$' )e would ha,e to ensure that the music ,ideo is .nished at a successful quality for the audience to en4oy it' 5inal Edit 6 th No,ember !"#$' Tripod and Camera (hrystlyn )ilson and Clare *+ara $ th No,ember !"#$' )e would ha,e to ensure that music ,ideo appeals to the right audience we want (#1 6 !&)' -n order to do this the ,ideo would ha,e to look professional and ha,e all the con,entions they would en4oy in a music ,ideo'