Curriculum Vitae: "Aim Is Not To Be Biggest But To Be Acknowledged As The Best"

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Curriculum Vitae

Aim is not to be biggest but to be acknowledged as the best

Name : Jabbar Singh Shekhawat
Qualification : B.E(Electronics Instrumentation &Control
!esignation : Control & Instrumentation Engineer
Com"an# : $artsila In%ia &.t.%
C.'.C : (.) &acks *+ear
Job E,". : -.. +ears in 'hermal /ower /lant 0nl#
Notice /erio% : (1 %a#s
Email i% :
4o No : 1.56-77(71-

Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with
committed & dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself and realize my
Quest to work in the most challenging position with an organization that provides
ample opportunities to learn and to contribute for exploring my potential and
Career Abstracts
Control & Instrument engineer with 5.6 year of experience in el! of "hermal
#ower #lant automation.
$%#&O'$( "I%$ I)"$(*A& +,(A"IO) "hermal #ower #lant
!"#$I%! I&'I! %td. ()&*-+,-. + /0&#1$ 2, / 3.4 50I%*"
/!6*- 51*%
#1*"/!7 I&'I! %td. $*3 +,---()&*-+,-. +.8 9*!"$ -2 / !.4.5.:. 50I%*"
/!:!5*" 5**6!9 3vt. %td. 0:# +,-, ;$*3 +,-- -- /0&#1$ !$1 1!&'%I&< $9$9#*/
=I$1!% *&<I&**"$ (!& +,,8-!)< +,-, -.8 9*!"$ +>+? / :45:
#rofessional synopsis
:urrently orking in artsila India %td. !s :ontrol & Instrumentation *ngineer
for thermal power plant of ->2, / @ 3.4 5oilerA.
1ere two '.:.$ used for control system one of -oney well @:-?,,
:ontroller & *36$ "-?--.+A & other is %etso @/!7 '&! A for boiler &
turbine respectively. /y basic work is to monitor ':$ & 3%: from
$erver room, if problem occurs then troubleshoot ,also modiBcation
are done when reCuired by process or any other department.
5ack-up are taken at regular intervals.
)pdating the ID0 list & )pdated wiring diagram if done for 3anel
3I' tuning, %oop testing, logics for drives & integrating of hardware of
orked at #hermal power plant of ?>-2 / !.4.5.: with '.:.$ of 1oney well
@:-?,, ,*36$ " ?--.+& " ?-,A
1ere I worked for + years follows the 3reventive maintenance
scheduled & completed at time also the calibration of 3ressure
<auges, #ransmitters etc.
Involved in over E, :old start up @%ight-)pA from 5urner Bring to
#rouble shouted critical cases in online & oFine condition 5oiler &
turbine like replacement of <land steam positioner in %ive turbine at
-E / load. "eplacement of ID3 for 4' fan inlet damper. :alibration
of :*3 0D% := positioner.
I0 list assignment its up-dating according to Beld tags, #esting of
logic, %ine up of boiler with
$oftware installation over $erver, %!& integration, for communication
between :ontroller & 1/I, 3rofy bus for !I,!0,#:,"','I,'0 :ards for
#ermination of Beld instrument , 'rives, :.=, with correct ferruling
from Beld to (5 or to ID0 3anel & /arshaling for 'rives.
*arthing for $ignal ground ,3anel ground.
$!ucation +etails
$. &o QualiBcation 9ear :ollege D Institution
5oard D
5.* @*.I.:A *lectronics
Instrumentation &
!rya :ollege 0f *ngineering &
I.#. (aipur @"!(A
+. -+th $cience &/athJs +,,.
!ditya 5irla public school, 6hor
:.5.$.*. E2I
?. -,th +,,+ 5.=.=./, 6hor @/.3A :5.$.*. H+I
3ractice on tools of '.:.$ of 1oneywell & !55
. yrs. *xperience on 1oney well '.:.$ having *36$ "--.+ ,:-?,, controller
@3rimary & secondary for redundancyA 4irewall 8,:isco $witch @two
redundant :I$:0 switchesA 2&odes #wo servers 0ne primary & one backup
H 4lex $tation@out of which two at remote for .#.3 & :.1.3A & -:onsole
station .
3./.I.0.@process manager input & outputA cards,@!ID!0,'ID'0A with 4#!
termination ,3/I0 communication to controller is through redundant ID0 %ink
cable & redundant power supply.
4.#.* :ommunication link is through 4.#.* using #:3-I3 protocols 5D $tation &
controller =ia $witch & 4irewall. :ommunication 5D :ontroller & 3/I0,
4#!,ID0J$ through I0 %I&6 !,5 with redundant cable.
!ssist with development of proGect designs
ork with customers to understand process & design needs
!ssisting in commissioning proGects
'evelop programs for :losed %oop & 0pen %oop :ontrols
'evelop ID0 !ssignment
3anel *ngineering @$ystem, /arshaling & "elay 3anelsA
"ead out $ystem architecture drawings as per proGect
Instrumentation standards, 3&I d "eading.
!lso $hares technical knowledge with proGect team, supervisor, own
discipline and other engineering disciplines.
3ro-actively identiBes potential Cuality and eKciency improvements within
assigned work.
5./.$ 5urner management system.
:alibration of pressure switch ,3ressure <auge, temperature switch,
temperature gauge, #ransmitters for @3ressure, %evel, LowA , 5elt weigher
,$troke adGustment of :ontrol =alve @/.I.% ,4ishers, $iemensA.0& / of
$olenoid =alve, cylinders, pneumatic damper positioner, pull chord, Mero
speed switch, %imit& level $witchJs. =ibration switch.
Implement logics for 3rocess reCuirement.
I hereby !eclare that above0mentione! !etails are true an! best on behalf
of my /nowle!ge. +ate 100
.ignature2 3
4A55A( .I)6-

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