The candidate has over 3 years of experience as a QA Engineer at Spicer India Ltd, an auto component manufacturing company. Some of his key responsibilities include handling customer complaints, conducting process and product audits, ensuring quality through inspection and testing, and improving overall production quality. He has knowledge of various measurement instruments and manufacturing processes. He holds a Diploma in Automobile Engineering and is looking for a challenging position to further improve his skills.
The candidate has over 3 years of experience as a QA Engineer at Spicer India Ltd, an auto component manufacturing company. Some of his key responsibilities include handling customer complaints, conducting process and product audits, ensuring quality through inspection and testing, and improving overall production quality. He has knowledge of various measurement instruments and manufacturing processes. He holds a Diploma in Automobile Engineering and is looking for a challenging position to further improve his skills.
The candidate has over 3 years of experience as a QA Engineer at Spicer India Ltd, an auto component manufacturing company. Some of his key responsibilities include handling customer complaints, conducting process and product audits, ensuring quality through inspection and testing, and improving overall production quality. He has knowledge of various measurement instruments and manufacturing processes. He holds a Diploma in Automobile Engineering and is looking for a challenging position to further improve his skills.
The candidate has over 3 years of experience as a QA Engineer at Spicer India Ltd, an auto component manufacturing company. Some of his key responsibilities include handling customer complaints, conducting process and product audits, ensuring quality through inspection and testing, and improving overall production quality. He has knowledge of various measurement instruments and manufacturing processes. He holds a Diploma in Automobile Engineering and is looking for a challenging position to further improve his skills.
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Production knowledge ,service station knowledge& gauges knowledge Objectives:- Seeking the challenging position in an organization, which give me a chance to improve my knowledge, enhance my skill and be a part of the team that ecels in the work towards the growth of the organization and gives me a vital eperience. BHARAMARADDI.BASAVANNEPPA RADDER Email Id:- !obile "o# $ %&'()*+*,--.%-(%*&%'(+( Present .dd: - C/o. Appa datu, Krantiurya !agar, "ighi #oad Bhori, $une. "ate o% Birth:-&C'&BE#.().(*)) +arital ,tatu: - ,ingle.
-anguage Kno.n: - Englih, /indi, and Kannada. /obbie: #eading, +uic, $laying. +%g. $roce 0no.n- (12elding, 31"rilling, 41 5rinding. /ducational 0uali1cation:- (. "iploma in Automobile Engineering .ith67.738 in %irt attempt 3. I'I 9C&E1Automobile .ith 65.748 4. ,,C: - :;.)7 8. ;.B-'ech +echanical appear PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Spicer India Ltd (Axle plant Pune) Spicer !g o% Auto Component. It< a ', (:*;* = I,& (;77(certi%ied company. It< +%g o% A>le = upply to ?ariou cutomer li0e 'A'A motor +ahindra +ahindra Aho0 layland 5+ etc. Peri"d#$ar %&'% t" till Date
SKILL #$ ,peci%ic meauring intrument on .hich I ha?e independently .or0ed: - 'rimo . 5auge inpection $roblem ol?ing. -ead inpection #un out meauring " 0no.ledge Auality intrument .0no.ledgeB Cutomer upport ,ur%ace %inih chec0ing Air plug gauge. ,pecial electronic gauge. $roduct audit C++ 0no.ledge. "e?elopment Cob inpection @inal inpection @ind poor Duality in product !"HER E#PERIEN$E%& (1: +onth .or0 e>perience in EI$HER Bu =truc0 company a a er?ice ad?ior
(1Complaint handling 31Cutomer need %ul%ill 41.arranty part ?eri%ication ;1.or0 handling a per cutomer urgency THOUGHT FOR IMPROVE MY LIFE 49Success is not a permanent failure is not a 1nal so never stop working after success &never stop working after failure +9:ou cannot change your future but you can change your habit depenetly are sourly habit will change your future ;eclaration# $ I declare that all abo?e gi?en in%ormation gi?en by me i true to the bet o% my 0no.ledge. 9#adder. B.B.1 $lace:- $une. "ate:-(6.74.(;