Intro Assignment - Your Globalized Identity
Intro Assignment - Your Globalized Identity
Intro Assignment - Your Globalized Identity
This assignment is designed to help me get to know who YOU are, and to help get you in the mindset of the way one
thing affects another. You can use this activity to begin to think about the ways that you yourself have already been
shaped and affected by globalization.
These answers should share an IDEA AND AN EXPLANATION. One word answers are NOT enough! I need more
1. Think about what makes you YOU (Your Identity)
a. What traditions does your family follow? (Example: Holidays celebrations, watching The Walking Dead together
every Sunday night, etc.)
b. What role models have you grown up with? (Batman, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Ronald McDonald, etc.)
c. What languages do you speak? What languages have been spoken around you in your life? (Malay, Klingon, Patwa,
Chinese, Sign Language, etc.)
d. What kind of spiritual or religious beliefs do you have? (Hinduism, Bahai, Christian, etc.)
e. What kinds of art or artistic expressions have you seen or experienced? (Line dancing, sculpture, painting, papier
mache, etc.)
f. What kinds of clothing have you worn? Seen other people wear? (Saris, Jeans, Head dresses, etc.)
g. What kinds of experiences have you had connected to land? (Farming, hunting, gathering, mining, etc.)
h. What kinds of political beliefs do you have/ have you experienced? (Political views, personal mottos, etc.)
2. From the list above, choose TWO of the most important aspects of your life. Explain WHY they are important.
Explain HOW these things have made you who you are (created your identity).
This should be done in 3-4 sentences for EACH of the aspects.
Aspect 1: _______________________________
Aspect 2:_________________________________
3. Think about the ideas that have you written about already. Answer the questions below, and consider the other
areas of your life that define your identity (what makes you YOU).
How are you defined by others? How do you define yourself?
How are you defined by
your gender?
(Ex. People say I run like
a girl)
How are you defined by
your age?
(Ex. People think Im
much younger than I am,
that makes me feel)
How are you defined by
your familys customs
and traditions?
(Ex. When I tell people I
celebrate Hanukah or go
to church I feel like)
How are you defined by
your heroes? Who are
(Ex. One of my heroes is
C.S. Lewis, the writer of
The Chronicles of Narnia,
because I like the way
How do you think your
identity would change if
you moved?
To another province?
To another country?
(Ex. If I moved to
Saskatchewan, I might
If I moved to Costa Rica, I
might change)
4. Create a visual representation of who YOU are on a separate sheet of paper. You should include at least:
____ 3 symbols
____ 3 drawings (you dont have to be an artist!)
____ some describing words
____ the 3 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS others should know about you (only share things that you WANT others to know!)