Treatment New
Treatment New
Treatment New
With nods to Penelope and Frank Hoarse shows the struggles of ftting in,
in a new place with new people and the hardships of making friends.
Character Biographies
Jake Lanley Is your aerage !" year old. Howeer he looks a #it di$erent.
Jake Lanley has had to moe from his friends and start at an entirely
di$erent school in a whole new town far away where he is no longer
accepted. %lthough he is aware he stands out from the crowd he always
maintains a positie attitude towards life and always try to look on the
#right side of life. Howeer this outlook on life has made him more
suscepti#le to attacks and #ullying as he does not hae the confdence to
fght #ack. He does not allow his di$erences to e$ect his life and does not
let anyone stand in the way of his dreams. He en&oys playing ideo games
listening to music and riding his #ike as he uses it to get away from his
pro#lems Howeer his mask is not real it's only in his mind as he thinks he
is so di$erent and does not #eliee he can eer ft in and so hides himself
inside a #u##le not allowing himself to get close to anyone. He lies in a
loing family who are welcoming and happy although they do worry a#out
their son and his #ehaiour and they worry that he hides things from them
which is true as he hides the fact that he is #ullied. Jake feels that when
he is #ullied he has done something wrong and that it is all his fault.
% group of ( friends at school who are known as the chas. )hey are ery
aggressie in their nature and #ully many of the students in the school,
including Jake Lanley the main character. )wo of the *chas', Jayden and
+hantelle, are #rother and sister and hae grown up in a ery unsta#le
enironment. ,ai lies with his older #rother )yler who is a well-known
drug dealer on the estate. .acken/ie isn't a cha at home and only acts in
that manner to hae friends. +orey is the sheep of the group and &ust
decides to follow the rest of the group. )hey are all incredi#ly loud and
confdent, which comes across as e0tremely cocky. )his gets them noticed
#ut not in a good way.
Jayden and +hantelle1
)hey hae grown up in a ery unsta#le home, haing a single mother as
their father has neer #een around. )his resulted in their mother turning
to the drink and has parties in their home eery weekend. For this reason
their mum was ery lenient towards her children's #ehaiour and led to
Jayden and +hantelle #reaking the rules at home and in school and no
punishment following their actions, leading them to #eliee its socially
accepta#le. )hey also hae #een drinking since the age of !2 as there has
always #een alcohol around the house at weekends.
,ai is the leader of the group and is the one who does most of the
threating and a#usie #ehaiour. )his is due to his older #rother )yler
#eing ery well known as a drug dealer therefore he feels he has authority
oer eeryone which gets him into a lot of trou#le. ,ai's #rother was
kicked out of the family home when ,ai was !2 and went with him as he
looked up to his #rother as an authority fgure. )his led to a decline in his
#ehaiour and education resulting in him #eing e0cluded from his preious
school and now #eing in a #ehaioural unit in his current school leaing
him completely isolated from the rest of the school.
.acken/ie is from a normal middle class family who has neer really had
any trou#le. Howeer, she is a middle child so has neer really had any
attention from the family, so has had to get attention in another form, #y
#eing in the group of 3chas4 and getting into the wrong crowd. When
.acken/ie is at home howeer she doesn't act like a cha, she goes
around #eing unnoticed and not wanting to cause any trou#le.
+orey is the 5uieter one of the group, howeer is loud when he's with his
friends. 6imilar to .acken/ie he knows he has got into the wrong crowd
yet he feels this is the only option for him. He has 2 younger sisters, he
acts as a father fgure towards them as his father died 7 years ago so he is
the man of the house. His mother knows a#out his anti-social #ehaior
howeer he neer lets his sisters see that side of him as he doesn't want
to set a #ad e0ample and wants to #e a good role model to look up to. He
works dou#le shifts at su#way to help proide for the family as his mother
is una#le to work due to a serious illness she has which his social group
hae no idea a#out as they &udge people who work.
)he story follows Jake Lanley starting his new school after preiously
leaing all his friends at his old school, he realises how di$erent this new
school is, he tries to make new friends #ut unfortunately doesn't go to
plan. Jake gets #eat up, picked on and treated like he's nothing, and yet
he doesn't want to say anything to the teachers, it seems to neer end.
Howeer he later learns to oercome his pro#lems and slowly starts to
make new friends.
Statement of intent
We #eliee we are the #est people to make this flm #ecause, it is our own
idea, and the characters we hae chosen are from our own ideas and not
copied from any other story line. 8ur production will work #ecause it is
partly linked to what actually happens in some schools.