Chapter - I 1.1 Outline of The Project

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A STUDY ON Employee Satsfacto! At Bharti Axa Life Insurance
Among the four factors of production, namel men, resources, machiner
and mone the !iggest "uestion confronting organi#ations toda is the people
"uestion$ The success of an organi#ation depends upon ho% !est the people at
%or& are in'ol'ed and moti'ated ho% the perform at a le'el higher than normal
percent of their phsical and mental capacities and also maintain satisfaction$
Organi#ations main asset lies in the form of their emploees$ The
emploees %or& to%ards achie'ing the goals of their organi#ation$ The
emploees expect a good pa for the %or& the do to%ards the organi#ation$ The
main success of the organi#ation lies ho% effecti'el their emploees perform
their tas&$
(You can !u a man)s time, ou can !u his phsical presence at a gi'en
place, and ou can e'en !u a measured num!er of his s&illed muscular motions
per hour$ *o%e'er ou can)t !u enthusiasm$ You can)t !u loalt$ You can)t !u
the de'otion of hearts, minds or souls$ You must earn these+
,mploee satisfaction plas an important role in the organi#ation$ It
maintains the emploee)s loalt to%ards the organi#ation$ The emploee can !e
made satisfied ! pro'iding him %ith good pac&ages, 'arious monetar and non-
monetar incenti'es$
1.1.1 Nee" of t#e st$"y
.onitoring emploee satisfaction le'el is essential for the ac"uisition and
retention of a "ualit %or&force$ Trac&ing the attitudes and opinions of emploees
can identif pro!lems areas and solutions related to management and
leadership, corporate polic, recruitment, !enefits, di'ersit, training and
professional de'elopment$
,mploees %ho feel positi'el a!out their occupation are more apt in
depicting their fa'ora!le sentiment a!out the organi#ation to the communit at
large$ It fosters a per'asi'e residue of pu!lic good%ill to%ards the organi#ation$
The findings of the emploee satisfaction sur'e %ill tell ou exactl ho%
much more important one issue is o'er another so that ou can focus our
performance impro'ement initiati'es appropriatel$ In anal#ing the data, %e can
define and refine issues that need addressed, such as o'erall /o! satisfaction,
professional fulfillment, emploee moti'ation and commitment, li&elihood to sta
%ith the organi#ation, pa le'el, corporate goals and o!/ecti'es$
A happ and satisfied emploee can find it eas to li'e inside the
organi#ation and outside as %ell$

1.1.% Scope fo& t#e st$"y
,mploee satisfaction research gi'es emploees 0a 'oice) and also allo%s
the pinpointing of pro!lematic areas leading to the raising of staff satisfaction
le'els, de'eloping and re'ie%ing of staff management and optimi#ing corporate
Issues %e %ill co'er include the current %or&place situation, management
stles1attitudes, internal communications, %or&place atmosphere, corporate
culture1'ision and image$
So, ta&ing into account %ith the 'ie% of the importance of emploee
satisfaction in an organi#ation, the present stud is !eing conducted at Bharti axa
life insurance a profita!l running compan$
P&ma&y o+,ect-e
To find the o'erall satisfaction of the emploees in Bharti axa life insurance
Seco!"a&y o+,ect-e
To ran& the factor that lead to the emploee satisfaction in the organi#ation$
To rate the 'arious !enefits pro'ided ! the organi#ation$
To find out the satisfaction of emploees %ith their super'isor$
To find out the satisfaction of emploees %ith their %or&place and tpe of
To stud the factors in'ol'ed in the emploee satisfaction$
To anal#e the emploee satisfaction of emploees through se'eral
The stud is conducted Bharti axa life insurance compan, 2hennai onl$
Because of limited cost and time factor research is conducted %ith 344 samples
of emploees$
The data collected from the emploees are "ualitati'e in nature that is 'ie%s,
opinions, perception etc, these factors ma change from time to time$
/ea!!2 of Resea&c# met#o"olo2y
5esearch methodolog is the !lueprint of the proposed stud$ It presents
the o'erall scheme of the stud$ 5esearch methodolog is the description,
explanation and /ustification of 'arious methods of conducting research$ (A
research methodolog is a logical and sstematic planning and it helps directing
a piece of research+$
Fel" of st$"y
The researcher conducted the stud at Bharti axa life insurance 2ompan
at 2hennai$
Resea&c# "es2!
A research design or model indicates a plan of action to !e carried out in
connection %ith a proposed research %or&$ It pro'ides onl a guideline for the
researcher to ena!le him to &eep trac& of his actions and to &no% that he is
mo'ing in the right direction in order to achie'e his goal$
5esearch design is the plan, structure and strateg of in'estigation concei'ed
so as to o!tain ans%er to research "uestions and to control 'ariance$ The plan is
the o'erall scheme of program of research$
The research design constitutes the !lueprint for the collection, measurement
and analsis of data$
Plot st$"y
6ilot stud is a preliminar stud conducted on limited scale !efore the
original studies are carried out in order to gain some primar information, on the
!asis of %hich the main pro/ect %ould !e planned and formulated$
The method of selecting for stud a portion of the uni'erse %ith a 'ie% to
dra% conclusion a!out the uni'erse is &no%n as sampling$
A fe% fa'ora!le units of population under stud are considered for analsis is
called sampling method$ The result of the sample stud, in general, should !e
application to all items of the uni'erse$
S3e of Sample
Sample si#e means ho% man items are selected from the uni'erse to
constitute a sample$ The si#e of the sample should !e optimum$ The sample
should ield the desired information %ith the re"uired relia!ilit at the minimum
The sample si#e is 344 emploees in the Bharti axa life insurance 2ompan$
It is determined ! the researcher ! considering the time factor and cost of data
So$&ces of Data
6rimar data7 5efer to those that are collected ! researcher through the
stud$ It is also named as first hand information$ Since the purpose of the stud is
to collect first hand information regarding satisfaction of emploees, much
significance has !een gi'en to primar data and its techni"ues$ *ere the
schedule is used for collecting primar data$
Secondar data7 5efers to those that are collected from the organi#ation,
!oo&s, internet, pu!lications, /ournals and maga#ines$
*ere the researcher uses !oth primar and secondar data$
Types of Resea&c#
The researcher has undergone the descripti'e research %hich determines
factors influencing /o! satisfaction of emploees$
Descripti'e research is essentiall a fact finding approach related largel
to the present, and a!stracting generali#ations ! the cross sectional stud of the
current situation$
Sampl!2 /et#o"
The methods of sampling techni"ues are t%o tpes7 pro!a!ilit sampling
methods and Non-pro!a!ilit sampling methods$
*ere the researcher uses stratified 5andom sampling under the pro!a!ilit
sampling methods$
In the process of Stratified 5andom Sampling the entire uni'erse or
population is di'ided or su!di'ided into homogenous groups or tpes or classes
called Strata and a sample is dra%n from each stratum at random$
6re- testing or preliminar testing is the process of an ad'ance testing of the
stud design after the schedule or "uestionnaire has !een prepared$
The schedule formulated ! the researcher %as pre-tested %ith 34 samples$ It
%as found that complete information could not !e collected ! the researcher, so
fe% more "uestions %ere added and fe% %ere deleted$
/et#o"s of A!alyss
To anal#e the data, percentage analsis %as used ! the researcher$
Statstcal tool $se"
*ere the researcher used the 5AN8 T,ST 9 2*I-S:UA5, test as
statistical tool$
Resea&c# #ypot#ess
There is relation !et%een the personal pro!lem of the respondent and
marital status and these lead to emploee satisfaction$
There is relation !et%een experience of respondent and their le'el of
Tools Use" fo& Data Collecto!
6ersonall administered schedule is used for data collection$ Because the
sur'e is contained to the near! area, it facilitates the researcher to collect
completed responses %ith in hard period$ The dou!t of respondents, might ha'e
on an "uestions, can !e clarified on the spot and moti'ates correspondents to
other their trac& ans%er$
A research is prepared as pre-formulated %ritten set of "uestions$ The
schedule on /o! satisfaction considers the follo%ing dimensions$
6ersonal details
Nature of /o!
;or&ing conditions
Super'ision and %or& group
;elfare measures
Salar and incenti'es
6romotion opportunities
P&ocess!2 of Data
The collection of data ma !e significant part of personal research$ The rele'ant
data deri'ed from the mass of the data$ The data collected are in ra% from unless
the ha'e !een processed and anal#ed$ A set of procedures is esta!lished to
maintain accurate and relia!le information$
Ta!ulation is a part of the technical process of statistical analsis that consists of
counting the num!er of cases that fall in the 'arious categories$ The results are
summari#ed in the acti'ities of sorting 2*A5TS$
The research stud has !een di'ided into three chapters$
The first chapter deals %ith introductor aspects of the stud in %hich outline of the
pro/ect, scope of the pro/ect, need of the pro/ect, o!/ecti'es, limitations, research
methodolog and chapterisation are dealt and re'ie% of literature in %hich profile of the
organi#ation, of (HARTI A5A LIFE INSURANCE, 2hennai$
The second chapter deals %ith data analsis and interpretation$ The 'arious factors
that affect E/PLO*EE SATISFICATION and also their satisfaction le'el of the (HARTI
A5A LIFE INSURANCE ha'e !een anal#ed$
The third chapter deals %ith summar and conclusion in %hich main findings and
suggestions of the researcher are dra%n$
Employee Satsfacto!
The term 0,mploee Satisfaction) refers to an emploee)s general attitude
to%ard his /o! and %or&ing conditions emploee satisfaction is one of the
important factors %hich ha'e dra%n attention of managers in organi#ation as %ell
as academicians$
,mploee satisfaction is the mental felling of fa'ora!leness %hich an
indi'idual has a!out his /o!$
Def!to!s of Employee Satsfacto!
Dur!ins has defined emploee satisfaction as, (,mploee Satisfaction is
the amount of pleasure or contentment associated %ith a /o!$ If ou li&e our /o!
intensel, ou %ill experience high /o! satisfaction$ If ou disli&e our /o!
intensel, ou %ill experience /o! dissatisfaction+
,$A$Loc&e defines emploee satisfaction as a, (6leasura!le or positi'e
emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one)s /o! or /o! experiences+$
Dete&m!a!ts of Employee Satsfacto!
There are 'arious factors determining the degree of /o! satisfaction as
I!"-"$al Facto&s
Indi'idual ha'e certain expectations from their /o!s$ If these expectations
are met from the /o!s, the feel satisfied$
3$ Le'el of education
Le'el of education of an indi'idual is a factor %hich determines the
degree of /o! satisfaction, <or example, se'eral studies ha'e found
negati'e correlation !et%een the le'el of education, particularl higher
le'el of education and emploee satisfaction$
=$ Age
Indi'iduals experience different degree of /o! satisfaction at
different stages of their life$ ,mploee satisfaction is high at the initial
stage, gets graduall reduced, starts rising up to certain stage, and finall
dips to a lo% degree$
>$ Other factors
Besides the a!o'e t%o factors, there are other indi'idual factors
such as, sex %hich affect emploee satisfaction$ If an indi'idual does not
ha'e fa'ora!le social and famil life, he ma not feel happ at the
?$ Occupational le'el
*igher le'el /o!s pro'ide more satisfaction as compared to lo%er
le'els$ This happens !ecause high le'el /o!s carr prestige and status in
the societ %hich itself !ecomes sources of satisfaction for the holders$
St$ato!al Facto&s
Situational 'aria!les related to /o! satisfaction lie in organi#ational context
formal and informal$
3$ ;or&ing conditions
;or&ing conditions, particularl phsical %or& en'ironment, li&e
conditions of %or&place and associated facilities for performing the /o!
determine /o! satisfaction$
=$ Super'ision
The tpe of super'ision affects /o! satisfaction as in each tpe of
super'ision the degree of importance attached to indi'iduals 'aries$ The
emploee-oriented super'ision pro'ides more satisfaction than /o!-
oriented super'ision$
>$ ,"ui chart re%ards
The tpe of lin&age that is pro'ided !et%een /o! performance and
re%ards determines the degree of /o! satisfaction, if the re%ard
determines the degree of /o! satisfaction, if the re%ard is !ased on the
performance, it offers higher satisfaction$
?$ Opportunit for the promotion
It is true that indi'iduals see& satisfaction in their /o!s in the context
of /o! nature and %or& en'ironment !ut the also attach importance to the
opportunities for promotion that these /o!s offer$
Employee Satsfacto! S$&-ey
An emploee satisfaction sur'e is a procedure ! %hich emploees
report their feelings to%ard their /o!s and %or& en'ironment$ Indi'idual responses
are then com!ined and anal#ed$
Benefits of emploee satisfaction studies
If emploee satisfaction studies are properl planned and administered,
the %ill usuall produce a num!er of important !enefits, !oth general and
.onitoring attitudes
Sur'es indicate the specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction @such
as emploee ser'icesA and the particular groups of emploees @such as the
mar&eting department or those emploees %ho are approaching retirementA$
In other %or&s, a sur'e tells ho% emploees fell a!out their /o!s, %hat parts
of their feelings are focused on, %hich departments are particularl affected,
and %hose feeling are in'ol'ed$ The sur'e is a po%erful diagnostic
instrument for assessing !road emploee pro!lems$

Co&po&ate P&ofle7
B*A5TI ABA LI<, INSU5AN2, is a /oint 'enture !et%een Bharti, one of India)s leading
!usiness and retail, and ABA, %ord leader in financial protection and %ealth
management$ The /oint 'enture compan has a C?D sta&e from Bharti and =ED sta&e
of ABA$
The compan launched national operations in Decem!er =44E$ Toda, %e ha'e o'er
>444 emploees across o'er 3= states in the countr$ Our !usiness philosoph is !uilt
around the promise of ma&ing people (Life 2onfident+$
As %e expand our presence across the countr to cater to our insurance and %ealth
management needs %ith our product and ser'ice offerings, %e continue to !ring 0life
confidence) to customers spread across India$ ;hate'er our plans in life, ou can !e
confident that Bharti axa Life %ill offer right financial solutions to help ou achie'e them$
(#a&t E!te&p&ses7
Bharti ,nterprises is one of India)s leading !usiness groups %ith interests in telecom,
agri !usiness, insurance and retail$
Bharti ,nterprises is one of India)s leading !usiness groups %ith interests in telecom,
agri !usiness, insurance and retail$
Bharti ,nterprises is one of india)s leading !usiness groups %ith interests in telecom,
agri !usiness, insurance and retail$
Bharti ,nterprises has successfull focused its strateg on telecom %hile straddling
di'erse fields of !usiness$ <rom the creation of 0Airtel), one of India)s finest !rands, to
!ecoming the largest manufacturer and exporter of %orld class telecom terminals under
its 0Beetel) !rand, Bharti has created a significant position for itself in the glo!al
telecommunications sector$ Bharti Airtel limited is toda ac&no%ledged as one of india)s
finest companies, and its flagship !rand 0Airtel), has o'er F4 million customers across
the length and !readth of India$
;hile a /oint 'enture %ith Tele Tech Inc$, USA mar&ed Bharti)s successful fora into the
2ustomer .anagement Ser'ices !usiness, Bharti ,nterprises) dnamic di'ersification
has continued %ith the compan 'enturing into telecom soft%are 5othschild group
o%ned ,L5O *oldings Indian Ltd$, to export fresh Agri products exclusi'el to mar&ets
in ,urope and USA$ Bharti has a /oint 'enture-Bharti ABA Life Insurance 2ompan Ltd$-
%ith ABA I. and ABA A6*$ Bharti has recentl foraed into retail !usiness under a
compan G Bharti ABA In'estment .anager 6ri'ate Ltd$- %ith ABA I. and ABA A6*$
Bharti has recentl foraed into retail !usiness under a compan called Bharti 5etail
6't$ Ltd$ It also has a /oint 'enture G Bharti ;al G .art 6ri'ate Ltd$- %ith ; for
%holesale cash-and-carr and !ac&-end suppl chain management operations in India$
ABA Hroup is a ;orld%ide leader in <inancial 6rotection$ ABA)s operations are di'erse
geographicall, %ith ma/or operations in %estern ,urope, North America
And the Asia16acific area$ ABA had ,uro 3,>3F !illion in assets under management as
of Decem!er >3, =44E$ <or full ear =44E, I<5S re'enues amounted to ,uro CI !illion,
I<5S underling earnings amounted to ,uro ?,434 million and I<5S ad/usted earnings
to ,uro F,3?4 million$
The ABA Ordinar share is listed and trades under the sm!ol ABA on the 6aris
Stoc& ,xchange$ The ABA American Depositor share is also listed on the NYS, under
the tic&er sm!ol ABA$

P&o"$ct p&ofle
The follo%ing products are a'aila!le in the (#a&t A8a Lfe I!s$&a!ce Compa!y
1. F$t$&e pla!7
This is the product %hich is speciall designed for short term
!enefits %ith ris& co'erageJ this plan duration is a!out ten ears$
Age limit to this product 3K to E4 ears
%. Co!f"e!t pla!7
This plan pro'ides long term !enefits %ith the ULI6
B,N,<IT$ Age limit to this plan 4 to >F ears, there is no maturit
period for this plan$
'. 6ealt# co!f"e!t7
The special feature of this plan G it gi'es !enefit of !oth
feature and confident plan
To attract the people and to increase the mar&et share, no% the
compan planned to introduce 'arious products %ith the !enefit of ulip$
1.%.' O&2a!sato!C#a&t
*r .anager
Asst hr
l loan
*r .anager
Asst hr
l loan
TA(LE %.1.1
A2e 2&o$p No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!ts
Belo% =F =4 =4
>F-?F => =>
A!o'e ?F 3 3
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
CHART %.1.1 - A2e 2&o$p of &espo!"e!t
<rom this 2*A5T it can !e inferred that FED of the respondents !elongs from
the age !et%een of =F to >F, =>D of the respondents are >F to ?F age group, =4D of
the respondents are from the age !elo% =F$ The remaining 3D of the respondent is
a!o'e ?F$
TA(LE %.1.%
1e!"e& No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!ts
.ale KC KC
<emale 3> 3>
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
CHART %.1.1 - 1e!"e& of t#e &espo!"e!t
Out of the total respondents sur'eed KCD are male and remaining 3>D are
TA(LE %.1.'
I!come No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of Respo!"e!ts
Belo% F444 >3 >3
F444-34444 >4 >4
34444-3F444 == ==
A!o'e 3F444 3C 3C
Total 344 344
Source7 <orm primar data
CHART %.1.1 - T#e !come le-el of t#e &espo!"e!t
Based on this sur'e %e found that >3D of them earning !elo% F444, 3CD of
them earning a!o'e 3F,444 per month$
TA(LE %.1..
*ea&s of e8pe&e!ce No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!ts
Less than 3 ear >C >C
3-= ears >3 >3
=-> ears => =>
.ore than > ears I I
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the experience of the respondent
5egarding the ears of experience of the respondents, 2*A5T re'eals that >CD
of them ha'ing less than 3 ear of experience, %hereas =>D of them are ha'ing =->
ears of experience$
TA(LE %.1.0
Cate2o&y No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Sales manager =4 =4
<inancial ad'isor FI FI
Tele caller 3C 3C
6antr staffs ? ?
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the distri!ution of emploees ! categor
Based on this sur'e =4D of them are sales managers, FID of them are
financial ad'isors, 3CD of them are telecallers, and ?D of them are pantr staffs !ased
on their categor$
TA(LE %.1.4
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!ts
Satisfied FC FC
6artiall >= >=
Dissatisfied 33 33
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the satisfaction of the respondents %ith their super'isor
Based on this sur'e %e found that FCD of the respondents are satisfied %ith
their super'isor, >=D of the respondents are partiall satisfied %ith their super'isor, and
33D of the respondents are dissatisfied %ith their super'isor$
TA(LE %.1.:
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!ts
Satisfied F> F>
6artiall >C >C
Dissatisfied 34 34
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the distri!ution of the respondents) opinion a!out incenti'es pro'ided
Based on this sur'e, F>D of the respondents are satisfied, >CD of the
respondents are partiall satisfied regarding their opinion a!out incenti'es pro'ided !
the compan$
TA(LE %.1.;
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied E? E?
Dissatisfied >E >E
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the distri!ution of respondent)s satisfaction regarding grie'ance sol'ing
Based on this sur'e %e found that E?D of the respondents are satisfied, >ED of
the respondents are dissatisfied regarding their opinion a!out grie'ance handling
TA+le %.1.<
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied KF KF
6artiall 3= 3=
Dissatisfied > >
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - respondent)s satisfaction regarding 'entilation, temperature and lighting
Based on this sur'e KFD of them satisfied, 3=D of them partiall satisfied, and
>D of them dissatisfied regarding 'entilation, lighting and temperature$
TA(LE %.1.1=
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied C? C?
6artiall == ==
Dissatisfied ? ?
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the training recei'ed ! the respondent
Based on this sur'e %e found that C?D of the respondents are satisfied,
%hereas ==D of the respondents are partiall, ?D of the respondents are dissatisfied
regarding the training recei'ed ! the emploee$
TA(LE %.1.11
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied C> C>
6artiall =F =F
Dissatisfied = =
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - distri!ution of respondents regarding comfor2*A5T and safe %or&place
Based on this sur'e C>D of the respondents are satisfied, =FD of the
respondents are partiall, =D of the respondents are dissatisfied regarding their
%or&place and en'ironment$
TA(LE %.1.1%
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!t 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied I= I=
6artiall satisfied C C
Dissatisfied 3 3
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the relation %ith other emploees
Based on this sur'e I=D of them satisfied, CD of them partiall satisfied, and
3D of them dissatisfied regarding relation %ith other emploees$
TA(LE %.1.1'
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied E> E>
6artiall =? =?
Dissatisfied 3> 3>
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the chances of promotion to the respondents
Based on this sur'e E>D of the respondents are satisfied, =?D of the
respondents are partiall, 3>D of the respondents are dissatisfied regarding the
chances of promotion to them in the organi#ation$
TA(LE %.1.1.
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied EI EI
6artiall =K =K
Dissatisfied > >
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - distri!ution of respondents treated %ith respect ! management and
other emploees
Based on this sur'e EID of the respondents are satisfied, =KD of the
respondents are partiall satisfied regarding the management and other emploees
treated them$
TA(LE %.1.10
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied C3 C3
6artiall satisfied =? =?
Dissatisfied F F
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the satisfaction of the respondent %ith super'isor)s feed!ac&
Based on this sur'e C3D of the respondents are satisfied, =?D of the
respondents are partiall satisfied, and FD of the respondents are dissatisfied %ith the
super'isor)s feed!ac&$
TA(LE %.1.14
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied C> C>
6artiall => =>
Dissatisfied ? ?
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - distri!ution of emploees has 'oice in ma/or decision regarding changes
in the %or& en'ironment
Based on this sur'e C>D of the respondents are satisfied, =>D of the
respondents are partiall, ?D of them dissatisfied regarding the decision in changes in
the %or& en'ironment$
TA(LE %.1.1:
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied F? F?
6artiall >K >K
Dissatisfied K K
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the distri!ution of emploee)s personal life understood ! management
Based on this sur'e F?D of the respondents are satisfied, >KD of them partiall
satisfied, regarding management understand the respondent)s personal life$
CHART %.1.1;
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied EF EF
6artiall =K =K
Dissatisfied C C
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - the distri!ution of emploees stress on their /o!
Based on this sur'e EFD of them are satisfied, =KD of them partiall satisfied,
%hereas CD of them dissatisfied regarding respondent)s stress on their /o!$
CHART %.1.1<
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied EK EK
6artiall =K =K
Dissatisfied ? ?
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - emploees are encouraged to de'elop ne% and more efficient %as to
do their %or&
Based on this sur'e EKD of them are satisfied, =KD of them partiall satisfied,
regarding encouragement of emploees to de'elop ne% and more efficient %as to do
their /o!$
TA(LE %.1.%=
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied C= C=
6artiall =? =?
Dissatisfied ? ?
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - respondents recommend others to %or& for this compan
Based on this sur'e C?D of them are satisfied, =?D of them partiall satisfied,
%hereas ?D of them dissatisfied regarding the emploee recommend others to %or& for
this compan$
TA(LE %.1.%1
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied ?? ??
6artiall >? >?
Dissatisfied == ==
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - at %hat extent emploee satisfied to %or& for the compan
Based on this sur'e ??D of them are satisfied, %hereas >?D of them are
partiall satisfied and ==D are dissatisfied regarding the respondents o'erall
TA(LE %.1.%%
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied ?I ?I
6artiall >? >?
Dissatisfied 3C 3C
Total 344 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - emploees recei'ing appropriate recognition for their contri!ution
Based on this sur'e ?ID of them are satisfied >?D of them are partiall
satisfied and 3CD of them are dissatisfied regarding recognition for their contri!ution$
TA(LE %.1.%'
Desc&pto! No of &espo!"e!ts 9 of &espo!"e!t
Satisfied F? KF$C3
6artiall C 33$33
Dissatisfied = >$3K
Total E> 344
Source7 <rom primar data
2*A5T =$3$3 - o'erall /o! satisfaction of the emploees compared to ear ago
Based on this sur'e KF$C3D of them are satisfied, 33$33D of them are partiall
satisfied and >$3KD of them are dissatisfied o'erall /o! satisfaction compared to ear ag
Satisfaction of the emploees in Bharti axa life insurance 2ompan to%ards
income and o'erall satisfaction$
The o!/ecti'e of using chi-s"uare test is to find out the satisfaction of the
emploees in Bharti axa life insurance 2ompan is uniform or not uniform among
different income of emploees$
*o7 There is no significant relationship !et%een income and o'erall satisfaction of
the emploee$
*37 There is significant relationship !et%een income and o'erall satisfaction of
the emploee$
Satisfied 6artiall Dissatisfied Total
Belo% F444 =4 F E >3
F444-34444 K 3C F >4
34444-3F444 33 E F ==
.ore than 3F444 F E E 3C
Total ?? >? == 344
O , O-, @O-,AL= @@O-,AL=A1,
3>$E? E$>E ?4$?F =$IC
34$F? -F$F? >4$EI =$I3
E$K= -4$K= 4$EC 4$3
3>$= -F$= =C$4? =$4F
34$= E$K ?E$=? ?$F>
E$E -3$E =$FE 4$>I
I$EK 3$>= 3$C? 4$3K
C$?K -3$?K =$3I 4$=I
?$K? 4$3E 4$4> 4$43
C$?K -=$?K E$3F 4$K=
F$CK 4$== 4$4F 4$43
>$C? =$=E F$33 3$>C
Total 3F$E>
O M O!ser'ed fre"uenc
, M ,xpected fre"uenc
Degrees of freedom M @2-3A N @5-3A
M @>-3A N @?-3A
Le'el of significance M FD
2*A5T 'alue M 3=$FI
2*A5T 'alue O 2alculated 'alue
Since 2*A5T 'alue O 2alculated 'alue, therefore %e re/ect *o$ There is significant
relationship !et%een income and o'erall satisfaction of the emploee$
%.%.%. Ra!?!2 /et#o"
<act Salar Decision 2omfor2*A5T ,mploee ,mploee .oti'ation
pac&ages ma&ing %or&
recognition training
to do /o!
3 3E E ? 4 =E ?K
= ? ? 3= K E= 34
> E? 3? K K = ?
? K ? C= = E K
F ? 3? ? EK ? E
E ? FK 4 3? 4 =?
Total 344 344 344 344 344 344
To find out emploees ratings among the gi'en factors
;eightage E F ? > = 3
3 = > ? F E Total ;td$,
3E ? E? K ? ? 344 ?4K >
E ? 3? ? 3? FK 344 =34 E
2ome for chart
? 3= K C= ? 4 344 >?4 ?
4 K K = EK 3? 344 ==K F
,mploee =E E= = E ? 4 344 F44 3
.oti'ation to
do /o!
?K 34 ? K E =? 344 ?3? =
Total 344 344 344 344 344 344
<actors 5an&
Salar pac&ages >
Decision ma&ing E
2ome for chart %or&
,mploee recognition F
,mploee training program 3
.oti'ation to do /o! =
The emploee training program has got the ran& first and the emploee
recognition has got the sixth ran&$
Out of the total respondents sur'eed KCD are male and remaining 3>D are
it can !e inferred that FED of the respondents !elongs from the age !et%een =F
to >F, =>D of the respondents are >F to ?F age group, =4D of the respondents
are from the age !elo% =F$ The remaining 3D of the respondent is a!o'e ?F$
Based on this sur'e %e found that >3D of them earning !elo% F444, 3CD of
them earning a!o'e 3F,444 per month$
5egarding the ears of experience of the respondents, 2*A5T re'eals that >CD
of them ha'ing less than 3 ear of experience, %hereas =>D of them are ha'ing
=-> ears of experience$
Based on this sur'e =4D of them are sales managers, FID of them are
financial ad'isors, 3CD of them are telecallers, and ?D of them are pantr staffs
!ased on their categor
Based on this sur'e %e found that FCD of the respondents are satisfied %ith
their super'isor, >=D of the respondents are partiall satisfied %ith their
super'isor, and 33D of the respondents are dissatisfied %ith their super'isor$
Based on this sur'e %e found that E?D of the respondents are satisfied, >ED of
the respondents are dissatisfied regarding their opinion a!out grie'ance handling
Trough this sur'e KFD of them satisfied, 3=D of them partiall satisfied, and >D
of them dissatisfied regarding 'entilation, lighting and temperature$
Based on this sur'e %e found that C?D of the respondents are satisfied,
%hereas ==D of the respondents are partiall, ?D of the respondents are
dissatisfied regarding the training recei'ed ! the emploee$
Based on this sur'e EID of the respondents are satisfied, =KD of the
respondents are partiall satisfied regarding the management and other
emploees treated them
Based on this sur'e F?D of the respondents are satisfied, >KD of them partiall
satisfied, regarding management understand the respondent)s personal life$
Based on this sur'e EFD of them are satisfied, =KD of them partiall satisfied,
%hereas CD of them dissatisfied regarding respondent)s stress on their /o!$
Based on this sur'e EKD of them are satisfied, =KD of them partiall satisfied,
regarding encouragement of emploees to de'elop ne% and more efficient %as
to do their /o!$
Based on this sur'e C?D of them are satisfied, =?D of them partiall satisfied,
%hereas ?D of them dissatisfied regarding the emploee recommend others to
%or& for this compan$
Based on this sur'e ??D of them are satisfied, %hereas >?D of them are
partiall satisfied and ==D are dissatisfied regarding the respondents o'erall
Based on this sur'e ?ID of them are satisfied >?D of them are partiall
satisfied and 3CD of them are dissatisfied regarding recognition for their
Based on this sur'e KF$C3D of them are satisfied, 33$33D of them are partiall
satisfied and >$3KD of them are dissatisfied o'erall /o! satisfaction compared to
ear ago$
.an of the emploees are dissatisfied %ith their salar and so the compan
can tr to increase their salar le'els$
,mploees should !e gi'en proper encouragement and moti'ates them to do
their %or& and appreciation of their %or& helps in increasing the le'el of /o!
Impro'e the communication channel %hich increases the interaction %ith
The super'isors should re'ie% the emploees) performance periodicall$
The compan encourages the %or&er participation in the management that
%ill moti'ate the emploees that the are also the part of the organi#ation and
%or& for the de'elopment of the organi#ation$
As incenti'es is the one %a to increase the /o! satisfaction the compan ta&e
steps to pro'ide ade"uate incenti'es %hich %ill moti'ate the emploees to do
their %or& %ith in'ol'ement$
The compan ta&es steps to impro'e the chances for career gro%th of the
emploees that %ill impro'e !oth the le'el of an indi'idual emploee and an
organi#ational le'el$
6romotional opportunities of the emploees should !e increased ! the
compan !ecause promotion is a ma/or determinant of emploee satisfaction$
<rom the stud, it is inferred that emploees in the Bharti axa life insurance
2ompan are satisfied$ The need impro'ement in training regarding their /o!,
incenti'es, promotional opportunities and chance for career gro%th$ So, the compan
ma consider these points in order to impro'e the satisfaction of the emploees
!ecause the /o! satisfaction influences performance of their %or&$ The compan ma
also pro'ide counseling ser'ice in order to reduce the mental stress of the emploees,
so that the %or& %ith more in'ol'ement$
,mploees should !e properl recogni#ed and importance should !e gi'en to
them %hich are essential for increasing the le'el of emploee satisfaction$
Thus the stud on emploee satisfaction is helpful in &no%ing the impact of it in
the functioning of the organi#ation and &no%ing the 'ie%s of emploees a!out different


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