Homebrewer Newsletter Issue #1
Homebrewer Newsletter Issue #1
Homebrewer Newsletter Issue #1
Summer 2003
Our Cover ...
John Cawthorne, KE3S is renowned on the east coast for his
expert homebrewing craftsmanship. He often displays his cus-
tomized kits at club meetings and QRP weekends. Our cover
this month spotlights the dazzling array of familiar homebrew
projects from the KE3S workbench (in order from back left):
PSK31 Warbler, Stinger Singer, NJQRP Islander Amp, Pixie,
NorCal Epiphyte3, FDIM Power Meter, NorCal BLT Tuner,
NJQRP Squirt Tuner, NJQRP Noise Source, KnightSmite,
NJQRP Fireball 40, NJQRP SOP Receiver, NJQRP Rainbow
Tuner, Marker Generator, FET Voltmeter, NorCal SMK-1,
Kitchen Regen Receiver, K8IQY 4017 Transverter, Tuna Tin
2, Twinplex FET Regen Receiver, NJQRP PSK31 Beacon.
American QRP Club
Doug Hendricks, KI6DS
CEO, Sales, Kitting
email: ki6ds@amqrp.org
George Heron, N2APB
Secy, HB Editor, Webmaster
email: n2apb@amqrp.org
Carl Hyde, W2CSH
Assistant HB Editor
email: cshyde@yahoo.com
Joe Everhart, N2CX
Technical Manager
email: n2cx@amqrp.org
Jim Cates, WA6GER
Kitting, Mentor
email: wa6ger@amqrp.org
Paul Maciel, AK1P
Treasurer, Order Processing
email: ak1p@amqrp.org
Odds n Ends
4 RF Sniffer a la Pittsburg Style....................... Joe Porter, W0MQY
7 Homebrew Circuit Board Holder .................. Steve Sellmeyer, WB0QQT
9 SSB Mods for Minboots CW Amp ............... Wayne McFee, NB6M
13 RF Power Meter Cookbook .......................... Joe Everhart, N2CX
20 Manhattan Style Homebrewing Techniques .. Chuck Adams, K7QO
24 Electromagnetic Radiation Probes ................ David Forsman, WA7JHZ
26 Software Defined Radio ............................... M.Klaper, HB9ARK and J.Piri, WD6CSV
32 NJQRP DDS Daughtercard........................... George Heron, N2APB
36 Building the NorCal Keyer ........................... Jim Kortge, K8IQY
41 AZ ScQRPions Class-E Transmitter .............. Jerry Haigwood, W5JH
45 TTAM: Test Topics And More ....................... Joe Everhart, N2CX
49 Operator News ............................................... Richard Fisher, KI6SN
51 Radio To Go .................................................. James Bennett, KA5DVS/6
54 QRP in the Great Outdoors ............................. Ron Polityka, WB3AAL
56 Tuning Up ...................................................... Richard Arland, K7SZ
59 QRP Contesting.............................................. Ken Newman, N2CQ
2 From the Editor .............................................. George Heron, N2APB
2 Introducing the American QRP Club .............. AmQRP Leadership Team
47 A Message to NJQRP and NorCal .................. N2APB and KI6DS
48 Introducing ... The Az ScQRPions .................. John Stevens, K5JS
58 Introducing ... The Four State QRP Group ...... Dave Bixler, W0CH
61 QRPacificon QRP Forum ............................... Doug Hendricks, KI6DS
63 Kits from the NJQRP, NorCal and 4SQRP
64 Subscribing to HOMEBREWER
Elecraft .......................................................... Rear Cover
SuperAntennas ............................................... Inside Rear Cover
Red Hot Radio ............................................... Inside Front Cover
KangaUS........................................................ Page 55
FAR Circuits .................................................. Page 55
Pacific Antenna .............................................. Page 62
... page 4
PCB Holder
... page 7
... page 20
... page 27
Tuning Up
... page 56
HOMEBREWER 2 Summer 2003
Introducing ... The American QRP Club
Dear Fellow QRPers,
This is a note from Doug KI6DS, George
N2APB, Jim WA6GER, Joe N2CX and Paul AK1P
announcing a major new organization specifically
designed to enrich our hobby, increase the enjoy-
ment we all get from QRP, and position us well for
massive growth envisioned in the years ahead.
On June 4, 2003, we announced the merger of the NorCal
QRP Club and the New Jersey QRP Club to form the Ameri-
can QRP Club.
Throughout the last decade NorCal has provided many tan-
gible benefits to the entire QRP community. Over fifty novel and
original projects have been designed, kitted and produced for
QRPers around the world. NorCal defined and honed the concept
of QRP weekends filled with informative and entertaining presen-
tations during the days and fun-filled evening social sessions with
the attendees (Pacificon). Further, theyve published a quarterly
magazine (QRPp) that provides many of us with project ideas, con-
struction techniques and operating guidelines that have pulled new-
comers into QRP and have allowed us all to grow over the years.
In many ways the NJQRP has been a sister club to NorCal,
having adopted the same operational model during its eight-year
existence. This guidance has enabled the NJQRP to grow and be-
come the major east coast QRP presence, pro-
viding over thirty new designs and kits, a QRP
forum weekend of their own (Atlanticon), a quar-
terly journal with a predominant homebrewing
theme (QRP Homebrewer), and a dynamic and
content-rich website that is unrivaled in QRP
Even considering the close association NorCal and NJQRP have
enjoyed over the years, much duplication and redundancy has natu-
rally evolved, providing each of the leadership teams with added
work, and replicated expenses. Those in our QRP community also
pay for these duplication of efforts; for example with subscriptions
to multiple QRP journals, overlapping feature material at the QRP
forums, and kit designs that are needlessly overlapping and unco-
The formation and charter of the American QRP Club addresses
each of these situations and provides an economy of scale that ben-
efits everyone in QRP today.
COMBINED JOURNAL. We are producing a single journal
on a quarterly basis called HOMEBREWER that is intended for
builders, experimenters, ham radio operators and low power en-
thusiasts, just as stated in the journals subtitle. HOMEBREWER
is a larger-format, increased content version of either QRPp or QHB
From the Editor
Welcome to the premier issue of HOMEBREWER. This ex-
citing new publication, is the journal of the American QRP Club
and was formed by the merger of QRP Homebrewer and QRPp
magazines. We have some wonderful contributing authors with great
material that we know youll enjoy.
HOMEBREWER is intended to reach homebrewers and QRP
enthusiasts alike. Our prime emphasis is naturally on home con-
struction and electronics experimentation, but we also have gener-
ous doses of operator news and views, contests and field ops guid-
ance from masters in each area.
In This Issue
We have a great line up of articles, ranging from the simple
and fun-to-build, all the way to the advanced projects. K8IQY de-
tails construction of the NorCal Keyer project, and K7QO takes us
through a primer on Manhattan Style construction techniques. We
learn how to build a Class-E amp from W5JH, and how to modify
the NB6M Miniboots amp for use with SSB. Theres a fabulous
discussion of Software Defined Radio and a corresponding techni-
cal review of the SDR-1000 transceiver. N2CX initiates his regular
Test Topics column, and also provides a solid grounding in the
basics of RF power measurement. Our regular columnists start off
with a bang with operator news, contests and field operations. Over-
all, this is a stellar issue!
Our Format
We have several surprises for readers of HOMEBREWER
magazine. As touted all along, we will be including a CD-ROM in
every 4th issue of the magazine, starting with HB #5, containing
electronic versions of the previous issues. In this way subscribers
will have all issues conveniently at their fingertips.
We are maintaining an online version of the graphics and pho-
tos for all the articles. Each photo and graphic in the articles is
presented online in full color and full resolution at www.amqrp.org/
homebrewer/extra. What a great way to see additional detail and
even new material related to an article you have interest in!
In the Next Issue
Unfortunately theres only so much room available in each
issue. Despite the terrific material weve presented here in HB #1,
we have just as many contributions that could not be squeezed into
the pages this time. As a result our next issue, slated for mailing in
November, is already nearly full. We have the second installments
for the N2CX Power Meter Cookbook and the K7QO Manhat-
tan Style Primer. We have the entire PIC-based APRS Weather
Station project from Dave Ek, NK0E, and the entire Digital QRP
Homebrewing series from N2APB, including the major addition
of the DSP Daughtercard on the Digital Breadboard project.
WB7AEI brings us an ATU design, and WA5BDU brings us a
piece on Hacking the K8IQY PVXO. Our buddy from up in
Maine, W1REX, has a wonderful piece on converting roadside
junk into QRP enclosures. WA2DJN presents a simple universal
power supply, while W4WIS illustrates his successes with an NVIS
antenna. There is so much to look forward to!
It will take a few issues for our style and format to settle down.
Please let us know how were doing! We hope you enjoy HB #1.
~73, George Heron, N2APB, n2apb@amqrp.org
Summer 2003 3 HOMEBREWER
magazine. It is at least a 60+ page magazine containing content-
rich homebrewing and construction material, with additional sec-
tions dealing with operating, contesting and local club happenings
throughout the country. On an annual basis we will issue a CD-
ROM collection of the previous four issues, including bonus mate-
rial: software, tools and reference material . The quality of journal
is intended to be first class in every respect, including technical
content, editing integrity and journalistic standards. We know the
combined subscriber bases of QRPp and QHB will enjoy this pub-
lication aspect of the American QRP Club. Members of both clubs
today will still receive all issues due e.g., if one has two issues
remaining in a QRPp subscription, and four issues remaining from
a QHB subscription, six issues of HOMEBREWER magazine will
be entered in the database for the individual. New annual subscrip-
tions to HOMEBREWER cost $20 for US and Canada, and US$30
for DX subscribers. We have not seen price increases in our QRP
magazines for many years and this new rate accommodates in-
creased printing and mailing costs today, as well as covering for
additional content. Payment should be made out to American QRP
Club and sent to: American QRP Club, c/o Paul Maciel AK1P,
1749 Hudson Drive, San Jose, CA 95124. Be sure to indicate
whether this order is for a new subscription or a renewal, as it will
better enable us to record the transaction.
KITTING. The leadership of the American QRP Club has
already started combining kitting operations to bring about the
economies of scale. What this means is that were capitalizing on
Doug Hendrickss expertise in promotion and parts procurement.
We are using and expanding the already-strong NJQRP kitting en-
gine. We are relying on Joe Everhart for technical focus and direc-
tion. We are counting on George Heron for editorial strength, kit
documentation and website communication from the club. Paul
Maciel is the focus for funds and membership management. Jim
Cates is providing us the time-proven QRP wisdom and guidance
of the ages. We are creating a developer network that will focus
and funnel new designs into the kitting operation to provide all
QRPers with innovative and well-coordinated projects. Further
along these lines, were strengthening our alliances with our val-
ued QRP vendors and working with them to identify product op-
portunities for us that fill in the gaps in their product lines and en-
able QRPers everywhere to best use their products and services.
QRP FORUMS. The American QRP Club will sponsor the
highly-acclaimed and premier quality QRP weekends happening
on an annual basis: Atlanticon and Pacificon. Each local group,
NJQRP and NorCal, will continue to be responsible for planning
and execution of their respective forums; however the American
QRP Club will fund the activities based on the kitting and journal
operations. Substantial guidance and administrative support will
be available to each local club to help coordinate and synchronize
activities, and to provide similar services and benefits where appli-
cable e.g., the forum kit concept that is so well-received at
Atlanticon and Lobstercon will be next used at Pacificon. Arrange-
ments and travel accommodations for guest speakers will be pro-
vided, as will be other unique event surprises we have up our sleeves.
Going forward, other clubs will be encouraged to align with AmQRP
for similar benefit. In fact, the first club to join up with NJQRP and
NorCal under the AmQRP umbrella is the Four State QRP Group
(4SQRP). They will be hosting OzarkCon next spring with the as-
sistance from AmQRP. A national convention is currently being
negotiated and planned. This coordination of these QRP weekends
throughout the country is sure to reduce the individual costs of con-
ducting them and will increase the value and benefit for the entire
QRP community.
WEBSITE. Communication among all QRPers continues to
be of paramount importance. Of course this statement is true by
our very nature as RF-oriented hams, but also through our use of
email technology and Internet services available to nearly every-
one today. The American QRP Club will continue to use the QRP-
L email reflector as its primary tool for information exchange and
topic discussion. A website has been constructed to reflect the ser-
vices, goods and technical/operational needs of all QRPers. You
can visit our new home at www.amqrp.org. Each local club will of
course continue to have their own website presence, as desired, to
directly serve needs of that local club, and the AmQRP will be
extending its roots here to offer services, kits, QRP forums and
special programs to address the youth of America discover the joys
of electronic experimentation and ham radio.
LOCAL CLUBS. Both NorCal and NJQRP will continue to
exist as local clubs, serving the needs of the local members who
gather for meetings, operate as a unit during field operations, have
holiday parties together, and so on. The American QRP Club is
structured as an overarching umbrella organization to these local
clubs with the purposes of: reducing the redundancies of each con-
stituent group, fostering a means for each to better achieve their
localized goals of QRP awareness among the ham population, and
introducing the youth of America to the joys of home construction
and radio sport. This local QRP club scene is incredibly vibrant
and is where its all happening. We will be encouraging and
facilitating other local clubs to join the network of services and
values offered by the American QRP Club.
AMERICAN QRP CLUB. We purposely selected the name
of the organization as such because we are predominantly an Ameri-
can club, sharing the goals, dreams and passions of our great coun-
try. We also have many Canadian members in our club, and the
name of our organization can also be extended to represent our
valued North American neighbors. We want to be sure that they
know that they are valued and welcomed members. The focus of
the American QRP Club is on US and Canada, but we will always
welcome members from DX countries, just as the G-QRP club
welcomes members from the US and Canada to join their organi-
There is so much more that the American QRP Club will be
offering over time this summary merely scratches the surface.
Our leadership team has the motivation, the track record, the en-
thusiasm and the vision to help evolve the QRP community as a
whole and create something bigger than any of us have ever imag-
ined. The youth of our population and the public as a whole are all
fertile ground for the introduction to the benefits and value of low
power ham radio. Education, service, value and enjoyment of ra-
dio are our goals. We hope that youll join us in helping to create
this enabling environment in the American QRP Club.
Sincerely yours,
The Leadership Team of the AmQRP
Doug Hendricks, KI6DS email: ki6ds@amqrp.org
George Heron, N2APB, email: n2apb@amqrp.org
Jim Cates, WA6GER, email: wa6ger@amqrp.org
Joe Everhart, N2CX, email: n2cx@amqrp.org
Paul Maciel, AK1P, email ak1p@amqrp.org
HOMEBREWER 4 Summer 2003
RF Sniffer a la Pittsburg Style!
One of the most common elements bind-
ing us to this wonderful hobby is the con-
struction of handy and useful ham shack
projects. I have been licensed about fifty
years so I have been through various meth-
ods of building electronic projects. The
good ole tube days required metal work-
ing tools of a different nature. Looking back
at the old chassis punch and comparing the
punched aluminum chassis with todays
Manhattan Style approach, you will see
quite a difference between the two methods
of producing a project. The main thrust of
this article is to introduce you to a variation
of the now very famous Manhattan Style of
construction and to entice you to heat up the
soldering iron and build something. The
method we will use for this project was
dubbed Pittsburg Style by my good friend
Doug Hendricks, KI6DS and that term
seems to have stuck. This method does re-
quire a little extra effort if you choose to
make the board yourself but it will pay off
in construction time and reduction of wir-
ing errors. The American QRP Club has
encouraged me to share this method and
project with you.
Before You Begin
If you are new to building electronic
projects, then I would recommend you pur-
chase a few simple tools for the job. I pre-
fer a small low wattage pencil type solder-
ing iron in the 15 to 25 watt range, needle
nose pliers, side cuts, small screw drivers,
and a small roll of rosin core solder. You
will of course need to purchase the kit of
parts from NJQRP and download the assem-
bly manual from the American QRP web
site. A completed model is pictured on the
front page of the manual giving you the
chance to see the finished product. This clas-
sic and very effective way of building can
be simplified a bit by using the Pittsburg
Style of construction. You will notice from
the photographs that the Pittsburg Style
board requires no drilling or gluing of
punched solder lands to the copper foil on
the board. I want to say at this point that the
Manhattan Style of building is more flex-
ible for design changes because the solder
lands can be removed with heat and reposi-
tioned. The Pittsburg Style board is a per-
manently etched design and not easily modi-
fied. I believe the Pittsburg Style board will
be easier for the beginner who wants to get
his or her feet wet and create a useful tool
for the shack with their own two hands. It
certainly is a button popper when some-
one looks at your project and says, WOW,
you built that !
Now for Some Fun
One of the urges that will rise in you is
to hurry through the project and get it done
so you can turn it on and see it work. I want
to warn you up front that haste does make
waste and if this is your first build it your-
self project, then plan to work slowly and
carefully. When I begin a project, I always
open the bag, lay out the parts and check
them against the parts listed in the manual.
I also take the manual to a copy machine
and make a working copy of the parts list
and the lay out of the circuit board. (More
on this later.) Once a part is located, I take
the highlighter and line through it on the
working copy in the parts list so that I know
that I have located it and what it looks like.
This is not only a good method to prevent
Joe Porter, W0MQY
Heres a variation of the now-classic Manhattan style homebrewing
technique dubbed Pittsburg Style - - a blend of working with etched
pc boards, yet retaining the free-form nature of mounting components.
The champion of this technique demonstrates how it is used in this
simple and useful project for the beginning QRP builder.
Figure 1 -- Inside view of the NJQRP Sniffer Field Strength Meter showing Pittsburg Style
board with components mounted to the board.
Summer 2003 5 HOMEBREWER
mistakes but it gives you the chance to get
familiar with what the parts look like and
how they are marked. I also highlight the
part on the working copy of the circuit
board layout when I solder the part in place
on the circuit board. This may seem redun-
dant, but believe me, it will save you many
mistakes because it forces you to look at the
board, identify the part, and check its orien-
tation if it is polarized ( has positive and
negative leads ). This highlighting method
I use also has the advantage of marking your
spot when the phone rings or when dinner
is ready. It is very easy to come back and
pick up where you left off because you can
quickly see which parts are highlighted and
which are not. I cant emphasize enough to
work slowly and check your work. It is such
a joy to flip the switch and, in the case of
this kit, watch the meter move indicating
something is happening.
Soldering Technique
One thing worth mentioning is that cop-
per is pretty when it is shinny and clean but
very ugly when oxidized. One method used
by a member of our builders group, Jay
K0ETC, is to clean and polish the copper
circuit paths with fine steel wool and then
spray the board with a clear coat of some
acrylic product. Now I can just imagine
what some of you purists are saying, Oh
my gosh, if you do that it will cause poor
solder connections. Well, I tried it, and as
Jay said to me you can heat the land and
solder right through the coating. This is
only a suggestion to keep your project board
pretty and shinny for months ahead and you
certainly do not have to do this step it you
do not want to. Also, some builders like to
go over the entire board and tin all of the
points that will have components soldered
to them prior to actually soldering the com-
ponents on the board. I tin and solder as I
place the parts on the board but that is up to
you and your style of building. I encourage
you to experiment and see what works best
for you. The main objective of course is to
produce solder connections that look wet
and that the solder flows freely indicating
temperature is hot enough and that the con-
nection was clean. Poor solder joints will
more likely than not be your source of
trouble when your project does not work
properly. One advantage of the Pittsburg
Style board for the beginner is that the land
is not nearly as likely to come loose from
excessive heat as with the Manhattan Style
of gluing the pads on to the substrate sur-
face. I want to emphasize that you should
try both methods of kit building decide for
yourself which method best suits your style
of creating those cool projects.
Finished NJQRP RF Sniffer
I have included a couple of photos here
in this article, as well as on the project
website (see Notes) to give you some ideas
on how to construct your project. The hous-
ing for this project was purchased from a
local electronic store and is nothing more
than a simple plastic box measuring 3 wide
by 6 long by 2-1/8 deep. The labels were
made with a simple discount house label
machine and while they are not professional
looking; they do serve the purpose of iden-
tifying the operational aspect of the Sniffer.
There are many labels available in office
supply houses that you can print on with a
laser printer in color with fancy fonts and
the like if you are so inclined. There are
many graphic programs that will do a re-
spectable job of creating a front panel label
that looks quite nice and allows you to bring
our your artistic ability. The antenna is a
random length of hookup wire from the junk
box and seems to work quite well with only
6 inches of wire. More antenna would ob-
viously make the instrument more sensitive
but it does not seem to need it.
There are numerous ways to package
your finished project and I chose this one
which allows the unit to be opened for ser-
Figure 2 Basic Tools to Construct the NJQRP RF Sniffer Kit
Figure 3 -- The Pittsburg Style RF Sniffer Circuit Board
HOMEBREWER 6 Summer 2003
vice or modification. You will undoubtedly
want to create your own design to fit your
mode of operation. The enclosure you
choose whether it be a commercial one of
your own design, will certainly mark the fin-
ished project as being your design. Many
of you will probably purchase a commer-
cial enclosure but for me there is a great deal
of pleasure in creating an enclosure that is
totally unique and one of a kind. Software
available today makes the job of making
smart and professional looking front panels
a relatively easy job. I encourage you to
give it a try.
You may want to vary your design from
mine as the as the visual indicating LED
does not show through the front panel. Also
the adjusting pot (yellow knob) could be
placed off the board and panel mounted so
it would be accessible from the front panel.
Needless to say, the design is limited only
by your imagination and how you use this
handy little tool.
Putting the RF Sniffer to Work
The RF Sniffer you see on the
AmQRP webpage is used in my shack to
monitor the output of my PSK31 rig. The
little meter sits proudly on my operating
table and jumps to life when the transmitter
comes on. In the tune position of the PSK31
software, the Sniffer will respond by indi-
cating a continuous tone is being sent to the
mike jack of the transceiver. This steady
tone allows you to peak the transmitter, ad-
just the antenna tuning and make sure your
station is ready to go on the air. A bonus
with this little RF Sniffer I like is that it gives
you a visual indication of the tones chang-
ing phase by oscillating back and forth in
addition to a signal strength reading. I can
adjust how much audio drive to put into the
transceiver by how much the needle oscil-
lates. This is a very crude method of setting
audio levels but on the air tests have proven
that when the needle just oscillates slightly
from its peak position, I will receive an IMD
report in the 23 to 29 range. (Somewhere
I heard that is supposed to be good.)
Additional tests have been made with
the RF Sniffer by one of our builders group
members, Bill WB0LXZ. Walking around
the yard with the RF Sniffer in hand under
my trap dipole being fed with 5 watts, Bill
reported that the varying degrees of field
strength indicated by the Sniffer could be
used for antenna pattern measurements.
Building something of your own is a
very rewarding experience. Frustration will
haunt you, mistakes will be made, and you
will have projects that wont work right out
of the box, but that is the way we learn and
expand our knowledge of electronics in this
great section of our hobby called QRP. If
you have never built anything before and
want to try your hand at it, the NJQRP RF
Sniffer is an excellent kit to get started with.
You can develop your building skills with
it because it has a minimum number of com-
ponents, its inexpensive, and it only re-
quires a few hours of your time to complete.
The end result is that you end up with new
skills, knowledge, and a handy little tool for
the shack. Hope you enjoy building this fine
little kit and put it to good use in your shack.
A big thank you goes out to Joe N2CX,
George N2APB, and Doug KI6DS for pro-
moting and developing this project. I also
want to thank the NJQRP club for the fine
kits they produce. I appreciate the support
of the American QRP Club in this endeavor.
Our motto at 4 State QRP is Little Ra-
dios, Big Fun. Hope you have as much
fun building your Sniffer as did I!
1. You may contact the author by email at
w0mqy@mobil1.net or by postal mail at:
306 East Hudson, Pittsburg, KS 66762.
2. At the time of this writing, Pittsburg Style
circuit boards for the RF Sniffer are avail-
able from the author for $5. Its best to
check availability by email before submit-
ting orders.
3. Information on the NJQRP Sniffer can be
found on the Internet at www.njqrp.org/
4. Further information on the RF Sniffer,
including the W0MQY Pittsburg Style
Manual, may be seen on the Internet at
www. nj qr p. or g/ s ni f f er / pi t t s bur g-
Figure 4: Layout for the Pittsburg Style circuit board used in the RF Sniffer
Summer 2003 7 HOMEBREWER
Homebrew Circuit
Board Holder
Have you ever tried holding a pc board while tring to solder on some
loose components? Or perhaps prop the pcb up on a screwdriver to
get just the right light while looking through a magnifying glass? Heres
a custom solution from the Four State QRP Group thats as much fun
to make as it is to use.
Steve Sellmeyer, WB0QQT
I often run out of hands when trying to sol-
der components to circuit boards on the
bench. I usually need one to hold the pc
board at a certain angle to keep the part
alignged, another to hang onto the solder-
ing iron, and yet another to feed the solder
into the heated joint! It sometimes takes
several shots at this procedure until I get
the job done to satisfaction. So I figured
theres got to be a better way!
Sure, I could get one of those 5-way
mini-vises from Radio Shack, but I though
I could build a better one that was custom-
ized to my needs.
I used common pine for my Circuit
Board Holder. Refering to the sketches on
the next page, the -inch diameter dowels
are of hardwood and a 36-inch dowel costs
49 cents. I bought a bundle of contractors
stakes for $5.97 at Menards; I only need one
but I plan to use the rest for other projects.
They measure 24 inches long by inch
thick by inch wide. Try to find one with
as few knots as possible.
Cut five pieces of the dowel, each mea-
suring 4 inches long by 1-1/2 inches wide.
The piece that will contains the two grooves
is cut lengthwise in half AFTER the grooves
have been cut.
Drill all sliding/pivot point holes with
a -inch diameter bit. The holes in the end
of the dowels have a 1/16-inch diameter.
When drilling the -inch diameter holes,
try to be as accurate as you can to keep the
holes in alignment and to ensure a smooth
sliding operation. I found this not easy to
do even when using a drill press. Not to
worry though, as a little extra reaming with
a hand drill opens up the holes quite nicely.
I found that sanding the wooden dowels nice
and smooth helps out a lot too. Any wobble
or looseness is negligible once the rubber
band is put in place.
You can vary the wooden dowel to
whatever length you choose. I cut mine to
10 inches long and found that when the sides
are fully extended (i.e., when the dowel ends
are flush with the outer edges of the base) I
have enough room to hold a circuit board
up to 6 inches wide.
The main idea was to build something
cheap (I know we QRPers are!), functional
and simple to build with common tools. The
final parts cost was under a buck and it
wasnt too hard to make.
I used scrap pieces of wire through the
holes in the end of the dowel. Use what-
ever you have handy.
After building three different variations
of this Circuit Board Holder, Ive come to
realize that a person could modify the de-
sign in many ways to suit personal prefer-
Give it a try and Id love to see what
youve come up with.
1. You may contact the author by email at
ssellmeyer@inebraska.com or by postal
mail at: 5230 Colby St., Lincoln, NE 68504-
HOMEBREWER 8 Summer 2003
Front or Back View
Drill 1/16 dia.
Used to insert
wire, pin, cotter
key to hold arm
in place
(See Detail A)
10 long 1/4
wooden dowel
3/16 dia hole for
wire pin, etc.
Front or Back View
Drill 1/16 dia.
Used to insert
wire, pin, cotter
key to hold arm
in place
(See Detail A)
10 long 1/4
wooden dowel
3/16 dia hole for
wire pin, etc.
Use wood glue
and 1-1/2
wood or drywall
1/4 dia.
(All holes)
Side View
Use wood glue
and 1-1/2
wood or drywall
1/4 dia.
(All holes)
Side View
Top View Top View
Detail A
Cut block in half after
grooves have been cut,
not before!
Detail A
Cut block in half after
grooves have been cut,
not before!
4SQRP Group Circuit Board Holder
Steve Sellmeyer, WB0QQT
Summer 2003 9 HOMEBREWER
Modifying the Miniboots CW
Amplifier for SSB Operation
On the face of it, turning a class C power amplifier intended for CW
operation into a linear amplifier suitable for SSB mode requires
nothing more than a biasing circuit that will allow the amplifier to be
biased for class AB operation. But is it as simple as that? What are
the practical considerations of making the change?
Wayne McFee, NB6M
This article shows you how to modify my
original Miniboots Amplifier design to be
able to operate linear modes such as SSB
and PSK31. NorCal kitted my design -- see
Note 5 at the end of the article for technical
details and information on how to obtain the
As with any solid state circuit heat is
the enemy, even though the transistor used
in this case is the fairly rugged IRF510. For-
ward biasing the amplifier in order to place
it in class AB operation necessarily raises
the quiescent current through the device. In
this case, the minimum current required to
produce reliably linear amplification is 100
. Will that change alone require
a commensurate increase in size of the heat
sink for the transistor?
In some published amplifier circuits
the biasing circuit is activated only during
transmit, so that there is no current running
through the amplifier during receive peri-
ods. Will that be necessary in this case, in
order to reduce heating?
Will temperature compensation be re-
quired for the biasing circuit in order to pre-
vent thermal runaway and destruction of the
In order to reliably amplify an SSB sig-
nal, the amp needs to remain linear so that
there is no discernable distortion of the sig-
nal. This means that both the quiescent cur-
rent through the transistor and the tempera-
ture of the transistor need to be kept within
practical limits.
In this case, the Mosfet used, the
IRF510, is fairly rugged and is relatively
immune to thermal runaway
. Temperature
control of the device, and therefore quies-
cent current stabilization, is accomplished
to a practical level by simply providing suf-
ficient heat sinking. This means both pro-
viding a heat sink of sufficient size and pay-
ing close attention to details such as provid-
ing heat sink compound, ensuring that the
transistor bolts tightly to the heat sink, and
ensuring that there is full contact between
the transistor, the TO-220 insulator and the
heat sink in order to maximize heat trans-
Simply bolting the transistor to an alu-
minum case, utilizing the insulator provided,
is not going to be enough, especially if you
want to operate the Miniboots amp in a
100% duty cycle mode such as PSK-31.
For initial testing, a simple biasing cir-
cuit, consisting of S1, R12, D5, RV3, and
C20, was added to the Miniboots amp, as
shown next in Figure 2.
In order to add the biasing circuit, the
normally grounded end of R7 was lifted
from the corresponding hole in the circuit
Figure 1: Miniboots SSB/CW Version, PSK-31 Ready
HOMEBREWER 10 Summer 2003
board and a short length of hookup wire was
connected between the lifted end of R7 and
the junction of C20 and RV3, as shown in
below in Figure 3.
The additional components needed for
the biasing circuit and T/R switching could
be added to the Miniboots amp in a variety
of ways, including making use of a small
daughter board, which could be attached
to the inside of the case. I chose to use the
Ugly method, as will be shown later.
A Milliammeter was connected in se-
ries with the DC supply line, and the quies-
cent current set at 100 milliamps.
In tests conducted both off and on the
air, while monitoring both quiescent current
through the amplifier and heating of the
Mosfet, it was found that, with just one TO-
220 type aluminum heat sink bolted directly
to the transistor, in the open air, the quies-
cent current remained below 150 milliamps
during reasonable length transmit periods,
and returned to the 100 milliamp level dur-
ing receive periods. This indicated that a
larger heat sink might well keep device heat-
ing, and, therefore quiescent current, well
under control.
Monitored audio quality of off the air
tests indicated no distortion. All stations
contacted in on-the-air testing were asked
to make a critical report on audio quality,
and all responded with favorable reports.
Once initial testing was done, Q3 and
R13 were added to the circuit in order to
have the bias circuit switched on and off for
transmit and receive periods, respectively.
By doing this, not only is current drain mini-
mized, but cooling of the Mosfet is en-
hanced, by virtue of its not carrying 100
milliamps of quiescent current during re-
ceive periods, as shown in Figure 4.
Following the Ugly method of con-
struction, the grounded ends of D1 and R4
were used as attachment points for the
grounded end of RV3 and the grounded ends
of C20 and D5. See Figure 5 on the next
page for clarification.
Because of the low current require-
ments of the Mosfet biasing circuit, all re-
sistors used are watt units, and RV3 is a
subminiature trimpot.
As seen in the initial picture of the SSB/
CW modified Miniboots, a relatively large
heat sink was bolted directly to the metal
tab of the IRF510. This was done to test the
feasibility of operating the amplifier in PSK-
31 mode.
This heat sink has a body that is .125
thick, is 1.75 high, over 4.0 wide, includ-
ing its attachment wings, and with ten ribs
which stand out .375 from the main body
of the heat sink. This is a little bit of over-
kill, but what it did prove was that by using
a large enough heat sink, the Miniboots Amp
with the SSB Mod could be used as a linear
for PSK-31 operation. The Mosfet only got
detectably warm during long transmission
periods in that 100% duty cycle mode.
The entire SSB Modified Miniboots
circuit is shown in Figure 6.
As always, testing and modification will
continue. If you choose to add this simple
biasing circuit to your Miniboots Amplifier,
I recommend first adjusting the output level
for no more than 5 Watts. You should also
perform enough testing to be sure that the
heat sink you are using is up to the task of
keeping the Mosfet at a reasonable operat-
ing temperature. This will help ensure that
your signal remains undistorted and the tran-
sistor is protected from destruction.
I am pleased with the experimental re-
sults so far! It shows that the Miniboots can
be a very useful addition to the QRP SSB
voice and digital modes of operation as well
as for CW. I hope your results will be as
good as mine.
Figure 2: Simple biasing circuit is added to the Miniboots design
Figure 3: One end of R7 is lifted and connected by hookup wire to C20/RV3
Summer 2003 11 HOMEBREWER
Figure 4: Q13, R3 and S1 added to allow switching bias circuit on/off during
Tx/Rx periods
Figure 5: Ugly construction techniques shown here for D1, R4 and RV3.
Also shown here is Q3 mounted by its emitter to the back of S1, with R12
connecting its collector to the junction of D5 and RV3, and with one lead of
R13 shown connected to its base.
Figure 6: The cathode and anode of D3 were used as
attachment points for the 12 Volt and T/R lines run-
ning to S1 and the base of Q3. This photo also gives
another view of the attachment points of C20, the 0.1
cap in lower right, RV3, the 10 K trimpot, and D5, the
silver diode below RV3. Also shown are R13, the 33K
resistor connected from the anode of D3 to the base
of Q3, and R12, which goes between the collector of
Q3 and the junction of D5 and RV3.
1. Hayward, Wes, W7ZOI, Experimental Methods in RF
2. Hayward, Wes, W7ZOI, Lewallen, Roy, W7EL, DeMaw,
Doug, W1FB, various publications
3. DeMaw, Doug, W1FBs Design Notebook
4. You may contact the author by email at NB6M@aol.com,
or by postal mail at: 2379 Saint George Drive, Concord,
CA 94520.
5. The original Miniboots Amp Kit provides a full QRP
gallon (5-Watt output) from a 750mW-to-1W input CW
drive signal. It comes with BNC connectors, all board
mounted parts and a high quality silk screened, solder
masked, plated through hole pc board. All you have to add
is the power connector of your choice and a case. See full
kit details and ordering information on the AmQRP web
site at http://www.amqrp.org/kits/miniboots/index.html.
HOMEBREWER 12 Summer 2003
Summer 2003 13 HOMEBREWER
RF Power Meter Cookbook
Part 1: Measurement Techniques
Transmitted power is surprisingly tricky to measure -- especially so
at QRP levels. N2CX starts us on a two-part exploration of this
popular subject by overviewing basic techniques and nuances of
low power measurement, with a generous dose of reference mate-
rial for further study. Part 2 will present a unique working design.
The Oak Hills Research WM-2 was designed specifically for the QRP
operator. The unit operates from 300 KHz to 54 MHz. It will measure
forward and reflected power at QRP levels down to 5mW. (See
Joe Everhart, N2CX
P = I x E
This Cookbook is a two-part article that discusses a number
of methods for RF power measurement. Part I outlines techniques
that can be used and attempts to give a feel for which ones are
practical when using different kinds of RF wattmeters. In a fol-
low-on issue, Part 2 will present complete working circuitry with
enough detail to duplicate the designs. The digital platform used
for the design examples will be the Parallax BASIC Stamp 2 as
employed in the NJQRP QuickieLab
. This is done to establish a
baseline that is simple to understand. Sufficient detail of the un-
derlying principles and software routines is given so that those
familiar with simple microprocessors should be able to integrate
the measurement circuitry with their microcontroller of choice.
Part 2 will also describe calibration methods that can be em-
ployed to assure functional circuits and to gauge their performance.
The emphasis overall will be to provide descriptions and theory in
enough detail that the average homebrewer can understand under-
lying principles. References will also be provided for those who
want to dig deeper into the nitty-gritty details.
Back in the early days of radio, measurement of RF signal
characteristics was difficult to do with accuracy and precision. Ob-
taining measurements was a complicated process that required spe-
cial equipment and skills. Two important characteristics that fell
in this category were operating frequency and power level. Digital
and IC technology advances have now made short work of fre-
quency measurements. In fact QRPers are familiar with single chip
AFAs (Audible Frequency Annunciators) that combine frequency
measurement with an audible Morse output.
Some of the same advances can also be used for RF power
meters. In the pre-WW2 days hams often estimated transmitter
output by feeding them to light bulbs and gauging filament bright-
ness. No one knew or cared about SWR. Matching of a transmitter
to a skywire was determined by measuring RF current in the an-
tenna, or by using a costly hot-wire ammeter, or by observing the
glow of a neon bulb held next to the antenna wire. In fact RF power
measurement was so uncommon that FCC regulations specified
DC power into transmitter final amplifiers rather than the RF power
Lets look at definitions so that we can get started. More defi-
nitions will be given later as necessary. Well hop right in and be-
gin though things will be a little circular until the process is fin-
ished. Many of the terms are discussed in great detail in the ARRL
Radio Amateur Handbook and Antenna Handbook, so if you want
a complete understanding please refer to those references.
RF power will be assumed to be the usually sinusoidal output
of a transmitter. A steady carrier or CW signal is easiest to measure
although later on we will also look at methods of measuring the
PEP, or Peak Envelope Power of SSB and AM transmitters. Though
we will limit the discussion to QRP power levels of 10 watts or
less, the same techniques can be scaled to higher powers.
We will be looking at two basic classes of RF power meters.
The first is a terminating wattmeter. It contains circuitry to mea-
sure power and display results, in addition to having a resistive
termination that takes the place of an antenna. This resistive termi-
nation is a power resistor or combination of resistors called a dummy
load. For our purposes it will have a resistance of 50 ohms and a
high enough power dissipation rating that it can handle the full
power for which the meter is rated. Terminating wattmeters are
HOMEBREWER 14 Summer 2003
commonly used to check power output when tuning up or trouble-
shooting a transmitter. Using a dummy load assures the proper ter-
mination for the transmitter and gives the ability to check output
power without actually putting a signal on the air.
Terminating wattmeters are not common in commercial prod-
ucts due to their limited usage, the high cost of the dummy load,
and the large amount of heat generated. Often the load is separate
from the power meter as shown in Figure 1. Accurate power mea-
surements depend on a known load impedance. It is quite practical
and useful at QRP levels to combine them in one device.
Figure 1 - Termination Wattmeter usage
The second type of wattmeter is called an in-line or direc-
tional wattmeter. In addition to measuring RF power, it also al-
lows measurement of reflected power from imperfect loads to de-
termine the degree of impedance matching. It can also be built as
an SWR meter to give a numeric indication of the match or mis-
match. In-line wattmeters are connected between the transmitter
and load as shown in Figure 2. The load can be a dummy load, an
antenna or some matching device connected to an antenna. The in-
line wattmeter is generally used directly at the transmitter output to
determine the quality of the match presented to the transmitter.
Figure 2 - In-Line Wattmeter usage
Impedance is the characteristic that relates voltage and cur-
rent in a feedline or load. You can think of it as RF resistance,
though things are a tad more complex (I know, bad pun). We
will concern ourselves with resistive 50-ohm loads and simply note
that any deviation from this resistance or presence of any uncom-
pensated inductance or capacitance in the load impedance will re-
sult in a mismatch.
SWR or Standing Wave Ratio is a measure of impedance
matching. RF power sent up a transmission line from a transmitter
is called forward power or incident power. If the feedline goes to
a load whose impedance is matched to the feedline, thats the end
of the story. However if the load is not an exact match, a fraction of
the power is sent back down toward the transmitter. This is termed
reflected power and the amount reflected is proportional to the
degree of mismatch.
What happens is that the forward and reflected power add along
the transmission line to form a stable standing wave of energy.
Where the voltage of the forward and reflected power components
are the same polarity, they add up to form a net voltage greater than
the forward power alone could produce. At points were they can-
cel, the net voltage is lower. The ratio of the two voltages is called
the reflection coefficient and given the Greek symbol p (rho). As
we shall see later, the reflection coefficient is used to calculate the
SWR. As an engineer, I have to say that this discussion is about
voltage standing waves and strictly speaking we should talk about
Voltage Standing Wave Radio. For simplicity we simply use the
term SWR.
A perfectly matched load results in a 1:1 SWR, while increas-
ing mismatch results a larger second number. A complete mismatch
gives reading of 1:infinity, a not too useful situation since no power
is transferred to the load!
RF Power Detectors
One of the most important elements of any RF power meter is
the RF detector. One has a variety of choices here. Lab grade RF
meters often use thermal and thermoelectric techniques that are very
attractive for precision measurements. This is because their char-
acteristics are based directly on physical principles and calibration
is assured using techniques common in that environment. Examples
of these conceptually-simple-but-sophisticated devices can be found
in Reference 1.
Figure 3 - Thermistor RF Power Detector
A short description will be provided here for the curious, how-
ever much more detail can be found in Reference 1. The first method
uses matched thermistors in a bridge configuration. Thermistors
are small resistive devices whose resistance changes with tempera-
ture; see Figure 3 for a conceptual sketch. One arm of the bridge
(RT1) is fed both the RF to be detected and a DC bias. The other
leg (RT2) is fed a DC bias only. The RF current and DC bias cause
self-heating in the RF leg while the heating in the other leg is due
only to the DC bias. The self-heating changes the thermistor resis-
tance and the bias to RT2 is adjusted by meter circuitry so that the
two resistance are equal, balancing the bridge. The DC power can
be determined very accurately and if the bridge is constructed prop-
erly, the DC power in RT2 is exactly equal to the power in RT1.
Calibration is done without the need for RF power sources since a
known DC power can be fed to RT1 in place of the RF. Yet another
advantage of this method is that since the RF is converted to power
Adj. Bias set to null
bridge, then DC
power in RT2 equal
to RF power in RT1
Many details
omitted for
Summer 2003 15 HOMEBREWER
by the thermistor, the measurement is the average power applied to
the sensor with no need to take into account signal modulation.
The downside is that these sensors operate only at milliwatt levels
due to their fragility and construction of thermistor bridges is diffi-
cult for the homebrewer.
The second method described in the reference is also based on
simple physical principles. It passes the RF signal to be measured
through a physically small resistor that is in close thermal contact
with a specially constructed thermocouple. Actually a pair of resis-
tors and thermocouples is used (See Figure 4). Each thermocouple
consists of a junction where two dissimilar metals are in contact.
The metals are chosen to generate a small DC potential directly
proportional to the temperature of their junction. The voltage pro-
duced is very closely known and proportional to the power dissi-
pated in the RF-powered resistors. The net DC voltage is taken
from the RF decoupling capacitor. As with the thermistor method,
the DC output level is directly proportional to the RF input power.
Calibration is similarly quite exact in principle. Unfortunately the
thermocouples are even more difficult to make without sophisti-
cated manufacturing techniques. Even if they were available, the
DC voltages produced are so low that exotic materials (gold con-
ductors!) and very precise low drift amplifiers are required.
Figure 4 - Thermocouple RF Power Detector
A much more practical approach to RF detection is to use a
semiconductor diode. Diodes have the characteristic that they con-
duct current easily when a positive voltage is applied to the anode
and they do not conduct when the voltage is negative. Figure 5
shows the circuit and Figure 6 shows a plot of the forward current
vs. applied voltage. If diodes were perfect, they would conduct
exactly at the point where the voltage went positive and shut off
with negative voltage. Unfortunately the perfect diode has yet to be
Figure 5 - Basic Diode Test Circuit
You can see in Figure 6 that there is a knee in the positive
voltage part of the curve and a small leakage current flows with
negative applied voltage. Germanium point contact diodes (e.g.,
1N34) have a knee at about 0.2 volt and a reverse-bias leakage
measured in microamps. Silicon junction diodes (e.g., 1N4148)
exhibit a knee voltage of about 0.6 volt but their leakage is usually
much better, measuring only in the nanoampere or picoampere re-
gion. Schottky diodes (e.g., 1N5711) are also constructed of sili-
con but their construction gives a knee that is intermediate between
germanium and ordinary silicon junction diodes. Reference 1 also
lists some specially-prepared Schottky diodes with even better con-
duction characteristics though they are much less common than the
usual small signal Schottky devices.
Figure 6 - Diode Current vs voltage
Even the conduction knee is less than perfect. At very low
forward voltages the diode current increases exponentially as shown
in Figure 7. This is a fancy way of saying that the current increases
proportional to the square of the forward voltage. This is used to
benefit in some metering circuits since this square law action means
that the current increases proportionately to the power of the ap-
plied voltage.
Figure 7 - Current vs voltage in square law region
As the diode voltage is increased, the forward voltage drop
becomes a smaller fraction of the applied voltage. If we apply a
voltage to the diode and look at the current using a load resistor
(Figure 8), we see that the output voltage of this circuit follows the
nonlinear square law characteristic at low levels. As the input volt-
age increases, the diode gradually changes from being nonlinear to
operating almost linearly with several volts input. It is equal to the
input voltage minus the several tenths of a volt diode drop. Most of
the time we want to operate diodes in this region if possible since
we usually think in terms of linear voltage changes rather than ex-
ponential. However the most interesting measurements are usually
Simplified Sketch
Rs & TCs thermally coupled
Rs and TCs in parallel for RF
In series for DC - sum of TC
DC out at Gnd potential
HOMEBREWER 16 Summer 2003
down in the range where diodes are nonlinear!
Figure 8 - Diode tester with load resistor
Although the circuit is shown with a DC input, it behaves the
similarly as with RF inputs. Figure 9a shows a so-called half-wave
detector. Since the diode conducts only on the positive portion of
the sine wave, the output is the top half of the sine wave. Adding a
capacitor across the load resistor (Figure 9b) smoothes out the wave-
form to give a DC output equal to the positive peak voltage of the
input sine wave. Thus it can also be described as a peak detector.
Figure 9b - Half-wave diode detector with filter capacitor
A clever way to linearize simple diode detectors at low input
voltages was described by John Grebenkemper
and further ex-
plained by Roy Lewallen
. The scheme uses a simple diode detec-
tor as shown in Figure 10 and adds a compensation circuit consist-
ing of an operational amplifier with linearizing feedback provided
by a second diode and a resistor.
Figure 10 - Compensated diode detector
The whole process is described in detail in the references. The
main idea is that by using a diode and properly choosing load resis-
tor R1 and feedback resistor R2, diode nonlinearity is approximately
cancelled over an AC voltage input range down into the tens of
millivolts rather than something over a volt. This approximation
holds for AC or RF signals only but this is what we want! It is
interesting to note that this detector compensation was employed
by both authors for directional power meters!
Integrated circuit development spurred by the personal com-
munications industry recently resulted in some much-improved RF
detectors. Several good examples are manufactured by Analog
Devices Inc.
Figure 11 shows the AD8307, a precision log detec-
tor. Housed in a small 8-pin package it produces a DC output pro-
portional to its input over a range of greater than 75 dBm to more
than +10 dBm (31.6 nW to 10 mW) at frequencies up to 500 MHz.
A homebrew analog RF power meter using this device was de-
scribed recently by Wes Hayward
. The author of this article (RF
Power Meter Cookbook) also designed a small automatic hidden
transmitter sensor using this device as a field strength meter.
Figure 11 - IC Precision Log detector circuit
Yet another very clever device is the AD8361. It covers only
power levels of 13 dBm to +5 dBm (50 uW to 3 mW) but its
capable up to 2.5 GHz! Internal circuitry accurately calculates RMS
power for a wide variety of waveshapes. Most other types of detec-
tors, including the AD8307, are accurate only with CW signals.
On the subject of determining the power of other waveforms,
lets finish the discussion of detectors with a description of a PEP
detection scheme. The simple diode detectors cited above are only
accurate for single-frequency CW signals. Waveform distortion or
modulation will result in inaccurate readings. This is adequate for
CW rigs or others such as FM rigs that produce a continuous out-
put. However SSB and PSK-31 rigs, and others, have a modulated
output. The solution is to use a wattmeter that will measure the PEP
(Peak Envelope Power) of a signal.
Figure 12 - Envelope of SSB and continuous carrier
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Figure 9a - Half-wave diode detector
Time Time
carrier (CW)
Summer 2003 17 HOMEBREWER
Figure 12 shows the envelope of a steady carrier and an SSB
two-tone signal. Since it is unchanging, the PEP of a steady carrier
is equivalent to the average power. The SSB signal shown is a test
case to show ideal characteristics. Generally, voice-modulated en-
velopes will not produce smooth patterns so the detected power
will dramatically fluctuate.
If we use a circuit that captures the peak of the modulated
waveform, this measurement provides the Peak Envelope Power.
This is relatively easy to do by adding an RC circuit to the compen-
sated detector as illustrated in Figure 13. The extra capacitor sim-
ply holds the highest voltage of the RF envelope and slowly dis-
charges after the peak is over. Since it slows meter operation, the
modification should be switched out when not making PEP mea-
surements. Reference 7 describes this circuit addition to the OHR
WM-1 and WM-2 wattmeters. This web reference is a reprint of a
QRP Quarterly article by Larry East, W1HUE.
Figure 13 - Compensated diode detector with PEP modification
Terminating Power Meters
A terminating wattmeter simply combines in a single package
some sort of RF detector with a terminating load. For QRP use, the
termination or dummy load can be made by simply using resistors
as shown in Figure 14. While QRP operation is normally confined
to 5 watts of power or less, it is prudent to provide a higher dissipa-
tion load. Commercial low inductance resistors made especially
for RF terminations are available but are probably overkill for
homebrew use. A series-parallel combination of leaded carbon re-
sistors is more commonly used.
Figure 14 - Termination Wattmeter Block Diagram
l l
Table I shows some possible combinations of resistors used to
make a 50-ohm termination with adequate power rating. There are
two important considerations. First, accuracy of the RF power meter
is directly related to the accuracy of the 50-ohm load resistance. In
the second part of this article, methods will be presented to make
an accurate load resistance. The second consideration is that any
physical resistor has associated stray inductance and capacitance
that affects the net impedance at high frequencies. Layouts will be
shown that will give accurate results up to at least 30 MHz.
A properly calibrated simple half-wave diode detector can give
accurate readings at power levels of several watts. The simplest
way to get improved accuracy is by using the compensated detec-
tors previously described. Accuracy can be maintained down to at
least the tens of milliwatts level. If lower levels are to be measured,
the integrated circuit solution described in Reference 5 will work
down into the microwatt region.
Operating power levels of the terminating wattmeter can be
extended upward in several ways. A straightforward method is to
use a high-power dummy load and a simple detector. Simple diode
detectors are limited in the amount of power they can handle by the
limited breakdown voltage of the detector diode. When the power
levels are more than 10-15 watts the voltage applied to the detector
needs to be reduced. A simple resistive attenuator network can be
used to drop the voltage as shown in Figure 15. However this needs
to be carefully evaluated if the attenuation becomes too large, since
stray capacitance across the series resistor will affect accuracy. The
amount of attenuation needs to be carefully controlled to preserve
accuracy. Attenuation will also lessen measurement accuracy at
low power levels.
Figure 15 - High PowerTermination Wattmeter Block Diagram
RATING = 10w
HOMEBREWER 18 Summer 2003
Yet another method to extend to higher powers is to use a power
attenuator to feed the terminating wattmeter. A 10 dB resistive pad
can be made using multiple low power resistors to extend the power
measurement range by a factor of 10. The resistors in the pad must
be sized appropriately to dissipate 90% of the power fed to it by the
transmitter; attenuation and impedance must be carefully controlled
to preserve accuracy.
Directional Wattmeters
Most readers are probably familiar with one kind of directional
wattmeter: the SWR meter. Up until the last 10 years or so the most
common SWR bridge used closely coupled transmission lines to
sample forward and reverse power. Pre-1990 ARRL Radio Ama-
teur Handbooks all had examples of this type of SWR bridge. Ref-
erence 8 has a short discussion on it as well. This reflectometer has
the advantage of being simply and inexpensively constructed. Its
strong frequency sensitivity, however, limited usefulness to only
SWR measuring. There are some commercial exceptions, includ-
ing the popular Bird wattmeters
which employ compensated plug-
ins covering various frequency ranges and power levels. Duplica-
tion by homebrewers is not practical.
The advent of inexpensive ferrite cores and wideband trans-
formers has now resulted in easily duplicated directional wattme-
ters that operate accurately over wide frequency ranges and power
levels. One such device was described in QST in 1959 by Warren
. Shown in Figure 16, it has both a forward and reverse
sample port with independent DC outputs. While half-wave diode
detectors are shown, accuracy at power levels can be extended by
using the compensation described above. PEP modification can be
added as well. Sensitivity and frequency response are set by adjust-
ment of the variable capacitors on the input and output sides of the
circuit. This circuit is still quite popular since it easily covers the
HF range up to 30 MHz, it has a low parts count, and it is very
reproducible. Examples are described in References 11 and 12.
Figure 16 - Bruene RF Power Meter
Yet another broadband directional wattmeter is commonly
called the Stockton Wattmeter in deference to a description in
by David Stockton
. The circuit is quite simple, as shown
in Figure 17. Two ferrite core transformers are used to sample trans-
mission line voltage and current and to sum them in two resistors.
The forward sample appears across resistor RF and the reverse on
resistor RR. As with the Bruene bridge, half-wave diode detectors
can be used to detect the RF signals. Compensated detectors can
provide enhanced accuracy at low power levels as described in Ref-
erences 2 and 4. The wattmeter described in Reference 4 is avail-
able commercially as the Oak Hills Research WM-2
Figure 17 - Stockton RF Power Meter
The final type of directional wattmeter is an old favorite of
mine. Though strictly speaking not a directional wattmeter, the re-
sistive bridge can be utilized to give accurate forward and reverse
samples that can be used for SWR measurements. It is really a fa-
miliar Wheatstone bridge (Figure 18) and has been described in a
variety of references (8,11,12,14,15,16,17).
Figure 18 - Resistive Bridge Circuit
RF power is applied to the top of the circuit. Three of the legs
are composed of 50-ohm non-inductive resistors while the fourth
leg is the antenna or load impedance being measured. When the
load resistance is exactly 50 ohms resistive, the bridge is balanced
and the voltage across its center is zero. Deviating from this condi-
tion results in a voltage across the center whose magnitude and
phase are proportional to the amount of mismatch. A good descrip-
tion of the process is provided in references 8 and 15. As with the
other bridges simple half-wave detectors suffice for many purposes.
Further, low-level operation is practical by employing compensated
When used with a transmitter, the resistors must be sized ap-
propriately to dissipate the transmitted power. For a 5-watt trans-
mitter, 2-watt resistors are adequate. High frequency operation is
mainly limited by proper layout of the bridge to maintain symme-
try. It can be used well into UHF region with stripline techniques
and chip components.
Wrapping Up Part 1
Ive presented a quick run-through of the basics. Please look
into the references for more details of the underlying principles.
Space in an article is limited and the topic of power meters could
easily occupy a textbook or two! Next time, the concluding part of
the article will present several working designs that can be built
and calibrated by the average homebrewer.
1. AN 1449-2 Power Sensors and Instrumentation Agilent Tech-
nologies, Inc. Available on their web site at www.agilent.com
2. Jan 1987 QST p. 18, The Tandem MatchAn Accurate Direc-
l l
l l
Summer 2003 19 HOMEBREWER
tional Wattmeter, John Grebenkemper, KA3BLO
3. Aug 1990 QEX p. 3, Calibrating Diode Detectors, John
Grebenkemper, KI6WX
4. Feb 1990 QST p. 19, A Simple and Accurate QRP Directional
Wattmeter, Roy Lewallen, W7EL
5. Jun 2001 QST p. 38, Simple RF-Power Measurement, Wes Hay-
ward, W7ZOI
6. www.analog.com use their search function with part numbers
for technical data.
7. www.qrparci.org/east/MODS_WM1.html PEP wattmeter modi-
8. Introduction to Radio Frequency Design, ARRL 1994, Wes Hay-
ward, W7ZOI
9. Apr 1959 QST, p. 24 Inside Picture of Directional Wattmeters,
Warren B. Bruene, W0TTK
10. www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek/in-prac/0209.pdf
11. Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur ARRL, 1977, Wes
Hayward, W7ZOI and Doug Demaw W1FB
12. Jul 1986 QST p. 34, The SWR TwinsQRP and QRO, Doug
DeMaw, W1FB
13. SPRAT, the journal of the G-QRP Club, www.gqrp.com
14. ARRL Radio Amateur Handbook
15. ARRL Antenna Book
16. The Rainbow Bridge and Tuner, www.njqrp.org/Rainbow/
17. Antenna Analyzer II, www.njqrp.org/antanal
18. Feb 1995 QEX P. 3, A UHF+ VSWR Bridge, Paul Wade,
19. The NJQRP QuickieLab, www.njqrp.org/quickielab
20. Bird wattmeters - www.bird-electronic.com
21. Oak Hills Reseach is at www.mtechnologies.com/kits.htm
22. The author may be contacted by email at n2cx@amqrp.org, or
by US mail by writing to Joe Everhart, 214 New Jersey Road,
Brooklawn, NJ 08030. If youd like a response, please include an
New aluminum enclosures available!
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862 Frank Ave.
Dos Palos, CA 93620
HOMEBREWER 20 Summer 2003
Building Techniques
What do you do when you dont have a circuit board and you dont
want to build your project ugly? You do it Manhattan Style of
course! Just glue down some pads and solder the components using
the schematic as your guide. K7QO is one of the masters of this tech-
nique and he describes his tricks and techniques here in Part 1. Later
in Part 2 hell present some working circuits.
Chuck Adams, K7QO
This article is intended to give you an
overview of construction techniques for
homebrewing and then give significant de-
tail on what is called the Manhattan Style of
construction. At the beginning of each sec-
tion is a brief paragraph outlining the cur-
rent topic.
I recommend that you read through this
article several times before building and ex-
perimenting just to make sure that you have
everything on hand before you get started.
If you are like me, you hate to start on some-
thing, be interrupted and then have to find
something that you are missing or have over-
looked. Plan ahead and you will save a lot
of valuable time. All the suggestions within
this article are just that suggestions. So
feel free to add or take away where you have
something that you have learned or want to
use in place of my ideas or tools.
Introduction to Construction
This section gives a description and
pointers on different construction tech-
niques. In the reference materials youll find
some excellent ideas with figures and pho-
tographs to further your education and add
to my discussion.
In the past few years there has been an
increased interest in basic construction tech-
niques and the Manhattan Style of con-
struction in particular. It is my hope that this
article will bring to light some basic under-
standing of just what is involved in build-
ing with this technique. To make this article
of interest for all ages and building experi-
ences, I ask or your patience while I start
from the basics and work
up to the more complex
If you have a copy of
the ARRL Handbook
(www.arrl.org) for 1995
or later, please read the
first part of chapter 25 on
construction techniques.
You will note that
Figures 25.10 through
25.22 illustrate the most
popular techniques for
building circuits. You can
use these techniques for
experimentation or for fi-
nal components of a rig or
for a complete receiver,
transmitter, or trans-
ceiver. These techniques
consist of:
Ugly Construction
Wired-Traces Construction
Terminal-and-Wire Construction
Perforated Board Construction or Perf
Board for short
Solderless Prototyping Board
Perf Board and Wire-Wrap Construc-
Etched Printed Circuit Board
Glued Copper Traces on Printed Cir-
cuit Board, which we will call Manhat-
tan Style Construction.
Each technique is excellent for the con-
struction of test circuits, etc. Dont let any-
one whine and tell you that one is any better
than the others or that they have never got-
ten one of the techniques to work and you
wont either. I have used all of the above
techniques and each works. Some techiques,
however, do require more care in compo-
nent placement and routing of critical sig-
nals and voltages.
I will cover the basics of the Manhat-
tan Style of construction here. I would like
to follow up this article with another using
the Dave Bensons NN1G Mark II trans-
ceiver as a discussion for building a more
complex design using Manhattan style con-
struction and also as a tutorial for just how a
transceiver works. Something that I have
wanted to do for some time in an advanced
Summer 2003 21 HOMEBREWER
construction and design article.
In the ARRL publication QRP Clas-
sics there are two articles that you should
read at this time if you have a copy. This
book is out of print and you should look for
a copy at swapmeets and hope that you run
across it. It is a collectors item. If you do
not have a copy, then reference the original
article in QST either in hardcopy or on the
The first is from the September 1979
issue of QST, page 30, written by Doug
DeMaw, W1FB. The title of the article is
Quick-and-Easy Circuit Boards for the
Beginner detailing construction using what
is referred to as dead bug or ugly construc-
tion. To support various component leads
and connections that are not directly con-
nected to ground he uses high resistor val-
ues on the order of several million ohms.
The support resistors are soldered in a ver-
tical position with one end to the printed cir-
cuit board and the upper lead is used to hold
several connecting leads. This resistor pro-
vides good isolation from the ground point
through a relatively high resistance. This
upper resistor lead also provides a mechani-
cal and electrical connection that gives ex-
cellent mechanical stability for the final cir-
cuit configuration. The problems with this
technique are that I find is that you must
have a supply of high valued resistors (on
the order of 1 megohm or greater) and thus
an additional cost to the completed circuit
or project.
I find that the extra work to bind the
leads together and solder them is time con-
suming and just too tedious to get a good
and a nice looking connection. For my
projects I figure that if I am going to spend
the time and money in constructing some-
thing then I might as well do a good job and
wind up with something that looks as nice
as it works. It is much much faster and easier
for me to make a nicer looking project us-
ing the Manhattan Style of construction.
In the same article by Doug DeMaw,
Figure 3 shows the use of printed circuit
board squares glued to the main printed cir-
cuit board. The squares are used to solder
component leads to for common electrical
and mechanical connections. This technique
is attributed to Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, and
Wes suggested using hot glue as a fixitive
to hold the pads in place. Comments are
made about the extra care needed as the hot
glue softens each time a component is sol-
dered to the pad(s).
I have yet to find a technique that re-
peatedly results in equal amounts of hot glue
for each pad. I am not a fan of this tech-
nique for that reason and my favorite glue
is Super Glue (cyanoacrylate glue) found at
hobby shops and at many other stores for
holding pads down. And because of my
fondness for uniformity and order I prefer
circular pads over rectangular or square
The other article in QRP Classics is
one also by Doug DeMaw from the Septem-
ber 1981 issue of QST page 11. The article
Experimenting for the Beginner has some
excellent circuits including the W7ZOI QRP
transmitter that can easily be built using the
Manhattan Style construction technique de-
scribed in this article. In fact, if you have
been collecting schematic diagrams and ar-
ticles over the years or decades (and I know
you have), then now is the time to start in
building them and experimenting as you
have hoped to do all this time. There are two
main reasons why I suggest you do this now.
Youll collect, if you havent already, more
projects than you will ever have time to build
in one lifetime. Also, the parts are much
easier to find now. At a later time the sup-
ply of some parts will disappear due to the
nature of the electronics business and where
it is going. And it naturally follows that the
pricing will go up as the vendor must re-
serve valuable space for storing items and
they must pass the added expense for this
on to you. This increased cost of some items
will increase your cost of doing a project.
Enter Manhattan Style
Now for some of the history as I know
it for the term Manhattan Style Construc-
At Dayton in May of 1998 there was a
building contest sponsored by the NorCal
QRP Club that consisted of building a com-
plete transceiver using only 2N2222 tran-
sistors. The idea came from Wayne Burdick,
N6KR. I was one of the judges for that con-
test at Dayton that year. The first place win-
ner was Jim Kortge, K8IQY, with a 40 meter
transceiver completely made up of only
2N2222 transistors with no IC chips to be
found anywhere in the design. He built the
rig using the Manhattan Style technique and
he used the phrase which his son used in
college in an engineering program where
they built this way. Since the contest at least
16 of the K8IQY rigs have been built using
the same construction technique and used
on the air to make contacts and the number
is growing. You can see Jims work at
www.qsl.net/k8iqy if you have Internet ca-
pabilities. It is worth the time and effort to
visit the site. Jim is currently working on a
several versions of the same rig with modi-
fications and enhancements for other bands.
Jim Kortge is showing all his work
online during the development and construc-
tion phases thus giving you insight into how
he does rig design and testing.
Printed Circuit Board Material
In this section I will talk about printed
circuit board material and tools for working
with it to cut pieces to size for use in build-
ing circuits.
One thing that you are going to need
first off is a supply of printed circuit board
material. In some cities this is readily avail-
able from electronic surplus stores such as
Tanner Electronics in Dallas, TX. Since
leaving Dallas I have grown to appreciate
such places that I no longer have readily
access to here in Prescott, but life is a series
of tradeoffs. Radio Shack stores have
printed circuit board material but you will
find it more expensive than if you can find
it at swap meets or ask around for sources
locally. And then there is always the search
over the Internet for parts places. An excel-
lent source of PC board material that I use
is from The Electronic Golmine
(www.goldmine-elec.com). Look through
their catalog for PC board material and pick
what you think is best for your planned
It does not matter whether you use
single sided or double sided material. Get
that which is cheapest for you to obtain. I
found some double sided board at Tanner
Electronics in Dallas that is about 30cm by
60cm in size at a good price. It has a paper
type dielectric and the copper coating is only
0.5 oz per square foot. But you dont care
about the depth of the material for these
projects. Printed circuit board material is
rated by the density of the copper plating
by 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 oz per square foot. I use
the 0.5 oz per square foot because it was
relatively cheap and was the only thing that
was in stock. The insulating substrate may
be made of several different kinds of mate-
rial. You do want something that you can
use a nibbler or punch on rather easily.
Some of the epoxy or fiberglass based
material may require a significant force on
the punch to make the holes and pads. I use
the term pads to refer to the circular mate-
HOMEBREWER 22 Summer 2003
rial that comes out of the hole made by the
punch. Any other time you would just throw
the hole material away. Dont do that here.
We want to keep all the hole material. Id
recommend that you experiment here to find
the material and board thickness that works
best for you to make pads. It doesnt even
have to be the same printed circuit board
material you are using for the substrate or
area on which to build. There are no hard
and fast rules here.
Once you get the board material the first
thing that you want to do is to be able to cut
it to the size required for each of your
projects. This will require some planning on
your part dependent upon what tools you
have. Some builders use a hacksaw. Oth-
ers use paper cutters (which will get dull
rather rapidly on most printed circuit board
material), metal cutting scissor-like tools, or
a metal shear. Again I have done all three
and my favorite is the metal shear. Harbor
Freight Tools (www.harborfreight.com) had
a combination 12" shear, brake, and slip roll
which sold for $199.95 and has a part num-
ber of 35969-1VGA. You might check with
them to see if a replacement has appeared,
otherwise go to www.grizzly.com to look
at their shears. I have not tried them and
you may find other places in a search online.
I know that this is an expensive item, but it
has more than paid for itself in enjoyment
and in doing some nice work on printed cir-
cuit board material that I could not do oth-
erwise. I have also used it for making the
final cases on a number of projects using
aluminum sheets. Ill write a section at the
end of this article on just how to make the
case(s) from aluminum sheets or printed cir-
cuit board material for your projects.
I have also used a metal cutter made by
Wiss with part number M-300 for cutting
printed circuit board material. Be careful in
buying this item as there are three cutters
they manufacture and this particular one has
orange handles and it will cut straight lines.
The other two models are made to cut either
right or left-handed curves and that is not
what you want here. I bought my cutter at
Home Depot, and it was priced at just under
\$15. I do not like using it for serious work
as it leaves a small seratted edge on one side
of the double-sided board, a minor nit if you
want to save a lot of money on tools or start
out slow before making the big leap and
spend a lot of money on the higher quality
tools used for homebrewing.
IMPORTANT NOTE. No matter what
technique you choose to cut the board ma-
terial be sure the first thing that you do after
cutting a board is to run a sanding block with
medium to fine grained sandpaper along all
the edges of the board to remove sharp metal
edges and other sharp points from the di-
electric material. The formed edges of the
copper can make razor sharp edges and you
want to take all the safety precautions that
you can in working with this stuff. Please
do not skip or forget about this step. It is
very important. And please dont do some-
thing stupid like run your finger along the
edge to see if it is sharp. You should be old
enough to know better than to ever do this.
I bring it up because you need to be think-
ing at all times when working with tools and
materials. I use an extruded aluminum sand-
ing block that I bought at a hobby shop. I
use spray contact cement to apply sandpa-
per and by using the contact cement on one
surface I can peel the used sandpaper away
fairly easily.
OK, you cut up the board to some rect-
angular size that you are going to build a
circuit on. I recommend that you also make
up several 5 cm x 5 cm boards for some ex-
periments listed below just to get an idea of
how to work with the construction tech-
niques described here.
Cleaning the Printed Circuit
Board Surface
In this section we come to the business
of cleaning the copper plating on the printed
circuit board.
Depending upon your source of printed
circuit board material you may find it either
new or old. The copper plating will tarnish
and oxidize over a period of time and this
will require that you clean it. I even go
through the process of cleaning newly pur-
chased board material just to remove the thin
layer of oxidized copper. The best buy I
have gotten on blank printed circuit boards
was at Ft Tuthill a few years ago. The boards
had some areas where it looked like they
had been heated to a high temperature and
were badly oxidized. This was most likely
the reason why they were surplused out or
rejected by someone. The cleaning tech-
nique discussed here does work and cleaned
them up nicely.
Here is what I have found to be the best
cleaning technique for printed circuit board
material. I ran a number of experiments with
the cleaning products listed below. I went
to several grocery stores and looked in the
cleaning supplies section and visited hard-
ware stores and even antique stores looking
for copper and brass cleaners.
My reasoning was that I needed some
cleaning materials that were tested by a large
population, certified over a period of time
to be safe by both lawyers and the consum-
ers, and would not harm me or the printed
circuit board material for my projects. Im
sure if something would do damage it would
have by now been pulled from the shelves.
I wound up testing the following products:
Goddards Brass and Copper Polish
Gillespie Old Brass
The product that worked the best and
the one that also was the least expensive was
Tarn-X. You should be able to find it in any
large grocery store chain in the household
cleaning materials section. Read the label
carefully and completely and follow the in-
structions. I use a cotton ball and clean both
sides of the board with the Tarn-X. I get the
cotton ball wet with Tarn-X and wipe all the
copper material until it is clean. Then I im-
mediately rinse with plain tap water in the
sink and then dry with a paper towel, all the
while holding the board by the edges and
not touching the copper surface. Do not al-
low the board to air dry with water spots as
they will leave obvious markings on the sur-
face of the board.
You did sand the board edges, didnt
you? You will always be handling the board
by the edges. You will wind up with a shiny
surface after cleaning the boards. I find that
it doesnt seem to tarnish too rapidly. Just
avoid touching the surfaces of the copper
plating with your fingers, etc. I have a tech-
nique also for avoiding contact with the
board during construction and that is de-
scribed in the building steps paragraphs. You
might also consider using 1" masking tape
folded over the edges of the board to pro-
tect you and the board while handling it.
You can remove the masking tape after you
have completed building.
I prefer the Tarn-X as a cleaner as it is
non-abrasive and works almost instantly
upon contact. It doesnt require a lot of el-
bow grease, i.e. hard work or exercise, to
get a clean surface without additional
scratching. We are not trying for an opti-
cally flat surface but I dont like scratches
produced by the abrasive compounds or steel
wool. (Changed attitude in Dec 2002. See
below.) I would show a before and after
Summer 2003 23 HOMEBREWER
photograph of the cleaning results, but the
results do not photograph well. Ill let you
experiment on your own and determine for
yourself just how well the process works.
In December of 2002 I happened to pick
up some Scotch-Brite (TM) material at the
hardware store. It comes in various types
and the one that you want is brown colored
for the removal of rust and tarnish from
metals. It is not expensive and it seems to
last a long time for copper. I use it to clean
the board material and then use Tarn-X to
add a final cleaning. Then I put a very very
THIN coat of clear spray over the entire
board. I can not emphasize how thin you
need to get it. You are not painting this thing
for show and tell.
I found that the layer protects the board
and gives it a nice look. And with my 25W
iron I am still able to solder the ground con-
nections without a problem. With a bare
board there was an area of discolorization
around the ground solder points. But with
the thin film of clear paint there is no such
areas. A plus in my book. Tell them you
heard it here first.
Wrapping up Part1
Thats all the room we have in this is-
sue, so well wrap up Part 1 for now. Next
time well tackle the key to making good
Manhattan Style projects - making pads, at-
taching them and mounting various compo-
nents to them. Then, well build up some
circuits using the techniques Ive outlined.
Ive provided a couple of previews of
the projects well be working trhough next
time. Hope youll be following along with
us on these.
Also, Ive provided the full set of ref-
erences so that you can get a head start on
some of the reading material, even for the
second installment.
So until the next time we meet, may all
your projects work the first time and
73 es dit dit.
1. The American Radio Relay League, Inc.,
The ARRL Handbook. Connecticut, The
ARRL. 1995 and later.
2. The American Radio Relay League, Inc.,
QRP Classics. Connecticut, The ARRL.
3. Doug DeMaw, W1FB, Quick-and-Easy
Circuit Boards for the Beginner. Connecti-
cut, The ARRL. QST September 1979,
page 30.
4. Doug DeMaw, W1FB, Experimenting
for the Beginner. Connecticut, The ARRL.
QST September 1981, page 11.
5. Wayne Burdick, N6KR, 2N2222 De-
sign Contest. Announcement on QRP-L
in early 1998 before Dayton.
6. Jim Kortge, K8IQY, http://www.qsl.net/
k8iqy. Web page with information on the
K8IQY rigs.
7. Dans Small Parts web page. http://
8. Harbor Freight Tools Inc. web page, http:/
9. Almost All Electronics web page, http://
10. QRP Amateur Radio Club Interna-
tional, http://www.qrparci.org/
11. QRPp Winter 1998, NorCal QRP
12. The author can be reached at
k7qo@commspeed.net. His website is
I use this critter quite fre-
quently for testing unmarked
crystals and crystals in kits
to match them more closely.
You will find it quite handy.
Because it comes out so
small (and you dont have to
make yours look just like
mine) I have to take care in
putting it up somewhere so
that it doesnt get lost in the
clutter on the workbench.
Pads, pads and more pads!
MRX receiver from NorCal
contest that was built Manhat-
tan Style on same board with
K7QO final PA Cheby filter
and W7ZOI keying circuit.
Also note homebrew K7QO
case with 040 Al and use of
Harbor Freight shear.
HOMEBREWER 24 Summer 2003
Near-Field Electromagnetic
Radiation Probes for
Amateur Radio
David S. Forsman, WA7JHZ, and Michael D. Tarola, KB7CP
The DVM and probes are connected through
special cables composed of twenty (each)
100 K ohm resistors spaced at 10 cm inter-
vals, insulated with plastic tubing, and
placed inside one-meter (1m) lengths of 1/2
inch PVC water pipe (see drawing below).
These cables resistively isolate the probes
from the DVM at radio frequencies, while
also reducing their own parasitic antenna
Pay careful attention to the use of the
1N34A germanium diode for the magnetic
(H) probe and the 1N914 silicon switching
diode for the electric (E) probe. The 1N34A
diode gives excellent low-voltage sensitiv-
ity to the H probe while allowing it to mea-
sure in excess of 1.63 A/m, and the 1N914
provides low junction capacitance and high-
voltage capability to the E probe, thus al-
lowing it to measure a maximum (peak)
level of 350 V/m. Avoid using substitute
diode types, since they can severely alter the
overall performance.
These probes measure both the mag-
netic (H) and electric (E) components of
your antennas near-field radiation in units
of amps-per-meter (A/m) magnetic, or volts-
per-meter (V/m) electric. The following for-
mulas are used to convert your DVMs volt-
age reading (or Vdc) to initial H and E val-
ues: H (A/m) = 4(Vdc + 0.05)/f (f in MHz),
and E (V/m) = 10(Vdc + 0.3). For example,
if your magnetic (H) probe produced a Vdc
reading of 1.5 volts on
your DVM at 3.8 MHz,
then your initial H field
value would be 1.63 A/m
(4 x (1.5 V + 0.05)/
3.8mhz = 1.63 A/m). For
the E probe, you would
use the second formula
the E probe, within the
amateur bands from 1.8 to
29.7 MHz, is not fre-
quency dependent. We
will cover the formula
derivations in later para-
Like a dipole an-
tenna, these probes are
polarized, in that they pro-
duce maximum Vdc read-
ings when their axes are
in the same polarity as that
of the near-field. But most practical anten-
nas exhibit a complex near-field. Because
of this, a probes Vdc value might have more
than one maximum as its axis is aligned
within a given field (the H probes axis is
an imaginary line passing directly through,
and at right angles to, the imaginary plane
of its open center, while the E probes axis
is an imaginary line passing directly through
the centers of its two aluminum disks).
For quick-method measurements,
while transmitting a continuous-wave (CW)
If the FCC comes calling with a claim of excessive radiation levels
in the neighbors back yard from your 100 watt HF station, good
luck! Build these simple 1.8 to 29.7 MHz electromagnetic probes to
determine your FCC OET-65B near-field radiation compliance using
a common multimeter. You can measure and demonstrate near-
field RFR levels instead of simply predicting it with NEC antenna
modeling programs or ARRL worksheets.
signal (not Morse code), orient a probe at
the measurement point to maximize Vdc on
your DVM. This will require experimentally
rotating the probes axis through several
different vertical and horizontal angles un-
til you find Vdc max. Then, after calculat-
ing the conversion value from Vdc (and
possibly f), multiply it by 1.732the square
root of 3. For single-element vertical anten-
nas, it is easy to find the Vdc maximum
The authors H-probe (left) and E-probe.
Summer 2003 25 HOMEBREWER
but the quick-method often overestimates
simple near-field values.
For a second approach, imagine a three-
dimensional Cartesian coordinate set (x, y,
z) with its origin centered at the measure-
ment point (see drawing below); position
and read a probe with its axis aligned once
with each of the imaginary x, y, and z axes
at the measurement point; calculate the ini-
tial conversion values (three total); and ap-
ply them to the root-sum-squared (RSS) for-
mula, sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2). This process
adds the three vector magnitudes of the
mutually orthogonal initial probe values.
The result should fall between 57% and
100% of the quick-method value. This pro-
cedure, unlike the quick-method, should
minimize the errors associated with complex
fields, but it does require more work.
Since these probes are best at indicat-
ing the average value of the H or E level, it
is necessary to make measurements with a
CW (steady carrier) signal, and then apply
peak value multipliers to the value(s)
based on the desired modulation method
AM, FM, SSB, etc. For instance, if you ar-
rive at a final E value of 100 V/m from a
CW signal that represents the zero-modula-
tion carrier level of an AM signal, you would
multiply the 100 V/m E value by two (x 2).
This would represent the AM peak E value
at 100% modulation (2 x 100 V/m = 200 V/
m @ 100% modulation). However, if the
same CW level represents the peak value of
an equivalent SSB signal, then no multiplier
is necessarythe peak SSB E level would
also be 100 V/m.
On the lower-frequency amateur bands
(160-75 m), where higher E values are al-
lowed, the 350 V/m limit of the E probe can
be compensated for by doing the following:
lower the CW power output of the test trans-
mitter until the E value is either equal to, or
less than, 350 V/m; square the value of the
ratio of the maximum allowable E field and
the actual E field; and multiply this quan-
tity by the new power level to determine the
maximum power level at the maximum al-
lowable E level (((Emax/Eactual)^2) x
Watts = Watts max).
For example, suppose we have to re-
duce our transmitter output to 100 Watts to
get 300 V/m at 1.9 MHz (160 m). Since we
are allowed a controlled level of 614 V/m
on this band, we square the ratio of 614 V/
m and 300 V/m, and multiply this by 100
Watts to get 418 Watts (((614/300)^2) x 100
= 418 Watts). As long as we dont exceed
418 Watts peak output on 1.9 MHz, our E
value wont exceed 614 V/m. Remember,
also, that the uncontrolled E level at 1.9
MHz is only 433 V/m. This would repre-
sent a maximum peak power level of 208
Watts (((433/300)^2) x 100 = 208 Watts).
Regardless of calculation, 1500 Watts is the
maximum allowable peak power level, and
some bands are even less. But, you may still
be asking, What makes them work?
The H probes characteristics are de-
fined by Vo = wBs (from Faradays Law),
where Vo is induced loop voltage; w = 2pf
(f in Hz); B is magnetic field strength in
Weber/m units; and s is loop area in square
meters (Marshall 294). Since we prefer H,
or magnetic field intensity in A/m units in-
stead of B, we will use the definition B =
mH, where m = 4p x 10^-7 henry/m (Units
3-12, 3-14). This then gives us Vo = wmHs
= 2pf (4p x 10^-7 henry/m)Hs. We can ap-
proximate this relationship as Vo =
7.896fHs, with f in MHz.
Solving for H, we get H = Vo/(7.896fs).
For our 17.8 cm square probe, we get H =
4Vo/f. The resulting rectified DC voltage
from the 1N34A is approximately 1.4 times
the induced RMS Vo voltage, but the 4 M
ohms of probe and lead resistance combined
with the 10 M ohm DVM resistance give a
voltage division of 1.4, so that Vdc could
represent Vo, or Vdc = 1.4Vo/1.4. By sub-
stituting Vdc for Vo, we get H = 4Vdc/f. To
compensate for low-signal 1N34A diode
cutoff voltage error, we add 0.05 V to the
Vdc value. This finally gives us H = 4(Vdc
+ 0.05)/f. Note, also, the importance of the
H probes 0.01 mF capacitor that attenuates
unwanted E field response.
The E probes characteristics are de-
fined by Vdif = Ed, where Vdif is the volt-
age differential between plates and d is plate
spacing in meters (m). In an E field, this
probe is a capacitive voltage divider, where
the capacitance of its plates (1.8 pF) is de-
signed greater than the junction capacitance
of the 1N914 diode (less than 1 pF). In an E
field, where electric field intensity is given
in volt-per-meter (V/m) units, you would
find a voltage differential, Vdif, equal to the
value of E between any two points spaced
HOMEBREWER 26 Summer 2003
one-meter (1m) apart within the length of
the field. Our probe is spaced at 10 cm (d =
0.1 m), so it intercepts one-tenth of the dif-
ferential (Vdif = E x 0.1 m).
Solving for E, we get E = Vdif/d. For
our 10 cm spacing (d = 0.1 m), E = Vdif/0.1
= 10Vdif. The resulting rectified DC volt-
age is approximately 1.4 times the RMS
Vdif voltage, but, again, the 4 M ohms of
probe and lead resistance combined with the
10 M ohm DVM resistance give us a volt-
age division of 1.4 so that Vdc can also rep-
resent Vdif, or Vdc = 1.4Vdif/1.4. By sub-
stituting Vdc for Vdif, we get E = 10Vdc.
To adjust for the 1N914 cutoff voltage er-
ror, we add 0.3 V to the Vdc value, or E =
10(Vdc + 0.3).
The diode cutoff voltage error values
for the 1N34A and 1N914 were made with
empirical AC to DC voltage conversion
measurements at 60 Hz. Using both a low-
distortion audio oscillator and an adjustable
autotransformer line voltage source, both
diodes were individually fed with differing
levels of 60 Hz voltage; their correspond-
ing DC output voltages were then filtered
by a 1 mF capacitor with the output coupled
to a 10 M ohm Fluke model 75 DVM
through a 4 M ohm resistor. This circuit
models the dynamic conditions that the di-
odes would normally be subjected to in the
probes, but at 60 Hz. Finally, the AC and
DC voltage readings were compared to de-
termine their voltage differences. The 0.05
V of the 1N34A and the 0.3 V of the 1N914
represent worse case error values that
affect the accuracyespecially when mea-
suring at low field intensity levels.
By giving our H probe only one turn,
and using a 0.01 mF capacitor across its
output, we avoid the need to electrically
shield it from E fields. Though it does lack
the sensitivity of multi-turn H probes, it is
difficult to predict the characteristics of
shielded multiple-turn H probes at higher
frequencies because of the effects of distrib-
uted capacitance. By keeping it simple, our
H probe (within limits) should better main-
tain the characteristics of its basic definition.
For the E probe, its simple fundamen-
tal design helps to overcome the detector
diodes internal junction capacitance. An
ideal E probe detector diode (or any diode)
would have zero junction capacitance and
cutoff voltage, plus infinite reverse voltage
breakdownbut this is not yet possible.
Some types of Schottky diodes have lower
junction capacitances than the 1N914, but
many have lower breakdown voltages. It
should also be noted that neither probe can
detect zero field intensity levels.
In conclusion, compare the measure-
ments from your probes with probes of
known accuracythey are not replacements
for certified laboratory grade models. At 950
KHz, with generally good results, these
probes have been tested in H levels up to
1.55 A/m and E levels up to 742 V/m. Al-
ways follow good engineering and safety
practices when constructing, and using,
these devices. These probes are another
valuable tool to help assure FCC OET-65B
Cited Works
Marshall, Stanley V., and Gabriel G. Skitek.
Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications.
2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,
Units, Constants, and Conversion Factors.
Reference Data For Radio Engineers. 5th ed.
Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co., 1973.
Without exclusive rights, any amateur ra-
dio group or individual may post (publish)
my schematic, diagram, text, and/or image
files that I make available for such pur-
Sketch of the authors probes, shown in photo at beginning of article.
Summer 2003 27 HOMEBREWER
Gerald Youngblood, AC5OG
is push-
ing the state-of-the-art of homebrewing ham
radio equipment to new heights by produc-
ing leading-edge technology within the
reach of average hams. This article sheds
light on the main features and architecture
of his dc-65 MHz SDR-1000: a fully fea-
tured continuous receive, ham band trans-
mit, all mode transceiver for experimenta-
tion and general use.
The SDR-1000 transceiver is an excit-
ing radio to add to the ham shack. It brings
state-of-the-art DSP capabilities to the ham
and SWL user. The transceiver requires a
600 MHz PC (or faster) to run its large se-
lection of powerful tools for receiving and
transmitting. With 1 Hertz tuning steps from
its DDS-VCO, the transceiver covers 12 kHz
to 65 MHz in an ever-increasing number of
The SDR-1000 is not an average com-
puter controlled-transceiver. A minimal
amount of hardware provides a DDS-VCO
with a bi-directional I and Q mixer and a 2-
watt PEP output amplifier. The PC does the
rest. That includes sideband generation &
demodulation as well as an array of AM &
FM modes, soon to include PSK & RTTY.
The PC also provides spectrum display and
an array of filters and noise suppression op-
tions. By providing a high dynamic range
input into the PC sound card, the computer
can get to work and provide razor sharp DSP
filtering to the signal that makes commer-
cial hardware filters seem antique.
A complete description of the design
can be found in a four part series in QEX
Together with its numerous references, this
series is a great tutorial on Software Defined
Radio (SDR).
Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio is a radio ar-
chitecture wherein nearly all signal process-
ing is accomplished in software. This con-
trasts to other mainstream radios available
today that use a microprocessor primarily
for the user interface and perhaps some au-
dio filtering. SDR radios also typically digi-
tize and filter the last IF stage, e.g. at 40 kHz.
In a basic sense, the A/D converter can be
considered connected directly to the an-
tenna. In this novel configuration the front
end performs the sample and hold function
on the signal to produce a continuous stream
of time discrete values. The second step is
accomplished by a sound card in the PC that
uses a high-performance A/D converter to
produce a true digital representation of the
sampled signal. Everything after that is done
by calculations in software.
Figure 1 shows a simplified system
level block diagram. The left side of the dia-
gram represents the SDR-1000 hardware
Software Defined Radio
with the SDR-1000 Transceiver
Martin Klaper, HB9ARK, and John Piri, WD6CSV
Over the last year, AC5OG published a 4-part series in QEX
concerning Software Defined Radio - a radio architecture in which
signal processing is accomplished with software. The series con-
cluded with the presentation of the SDR-1000 transceiver, which is
of great interest to homebrewers and advanced experimenters.
sample and
hold circuit
LC - filter
Direct Digital
Antenna 50
Tx I&Q
Fast FourierTransform
Inverse Fast
Automatic digital gain
control AGC,
time domain
time domain
Figure 1: System block diagram of the SDR-1000
HOMEBREWER 28 Summer 2003
front end, while the right side shows the sig-
nal flow through the DSP software running
in PC.
The SDR-1000 hardware front end con-
sists of three boards. The heart of the sys-
tem is on the first board which provides a
novel direct conversion scheme using state-
of-the-art Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
and a high quality crystal master oscillator.
The second printed circuit board con-
tains the 1-watt power amplifier and con-
ventional L/C filtering. Output filters using
L/C components are the best solution for
price, simplicity and quality.
The third board contains the power sup-
ply regulators for +/- 15 volts and 5 volts.
This board also contains the digital I/O
latches that control the DDS frequency gen-
eration, and the relays that switch the filter
banks and perform the Rx/Tx switching.
All in all, this stackable 3-board set is a
neat little package measuring about 9cm x
7cm x10 cm (3.6'' x 2.8'' x 4'').
What else do you need to become
QRV? Well, an integral component in this
SDR radio is a computer - either a desktop
PC or a laptop. I use a Dell 8000 with an
internal ESS Maestro 3 soundcard, which
works well enough for me. Best results are
achieved, however, when using a high qual-
ity soundcard like. the Turtle Beech Santa
Cruz card. I still have to try this.
The boards require a 2 amp 12 volt
power supply, as well as a 25 pin D printer
interface connector and 1/8 phone jacks for
computer left/right sound input and output.
A BNC connector is provided for the an-
tenna or external power amplifier.
User Interface
When I first saw the SDR-1000 User
Interface, I felt very comfortable. It is im-
mediately clear that it is a transceiver and
not some esoteric piece of computer con-
trolled equipment where one needs to study
a 200+ page manual first and then practice
regularly. Anyone who uses a conventional
transceiver will be able to immediately op-
erate the SDR-1000.
Most controls perform a single function.
Some might say: I am accustomed to us-
ing a tuning knob, but theres no tuning knob
on my PC! The SDR-1000 actually uses a
unique mousewheel tuning control. It is
amazing how many features Gerald has
packed into the SDR-1000. Ten different
bandwidth settings can be selected with a
click of a button. The widest is 6 kHz and
the smallest 25 Hz. Other selectable values
are 4, 2.6, 2.1, and 1 kHz, and 500, 250,
100, 50, 25 Hertz. All filter bandwidths are
available in the basic unit; there is no need
to buy expensive crystal filters - it's all in
the software. If you need a very special
bandwidth setting, you can change the soft-
ware for any bandwidth between, say, 10
Hz and 40 kHz. It is Open Software, you
can make custom changes in the code using
theVisual Basic source code provided with
the SDR-1000.
The currently available operating
modes include AM, which is nice to use for
listening to medium or shortwave broadcasts
and experimenting with different band-
widths. Single Side Band (SSB) is also avail-
able with selectable bandwidth on upper or
lower sideband. Of course there is CW with
selectable upper or lower sideband - i.e., true
sideband selection. One of my favorite
modes is CW with one of the narrow filters
and the squelch usually set to a value of
about 280. Then I get complete silence of
the rx during pauses, and get just the de-
sired CW signal when the other station trans-
mits. This set up sounds like a code practice
oscillator! Double sideband is another avail-
able mode; I suppose this is for binaural re-
ception as described in the ARRL Hand-
. There is an experimental narrowband
FM mode, although the only use of FM be-
low 65 MHz is with the 10 Meter relays.
This could prove useful in the future for a
2-meter undersampling receiver. But that
goes beyond this general review. The last
mode switches the SDR-1000 into a Digital
Radio Mondial DRM
front end.
Of course there is a dual VFO with pos-
sibility of copying frequencies and work-
ing split mode in a pileup.
Tuning is accomplished in one of sev-
eral ways. As an old fashioned ham I mostly
use the mouse wheel "tuning knob" control
to tune up and down the band. For a sked or
when listening to a known broadcast fre-
quency, I use the direct frequency entry
method; I just type the number and hit re-
turn. A third tuning method is based on the
spectrum analyzer display. Upon right-click-
ing the mouse, a fine crosshair appears and
can be moved over the spectrum display.
Then, with a click of the mouse, the trans-
ceiver is set to the actual signal
with the
correct offset for the selected mode.
The audio frequency gain, intermedi-
ate frequency gain, microphone gain, trans-
mission power and squelch controls are
rather conventional. They are set either by
numeric entry or by clicking on an up / down
button. The same holds true for the receiver
and transmitter incremental tuning (RIT,
The S-Meter displays the received sig-
nal strength in numerical and graphical form.
It is possible to display the actual gain, a
smoothed average of signal strength and the
individual strength of the in-phase and
quadrature signal of the so-called "analyti-
cal signal", which is the basis of digital sig-
nal processing.
The automatic gain control is accom-
plished in a fully digital manner and can be
set in four steps: long, fast, medium and
slow. This digital gain control eliminates a
Figure 2: XTAL, DDS and downconversion Figure 3: Power supply and control
Figure 4: Octavefilters and 1 W PA
Summer 2003 29 HOMEBREWER
potential problem, which could easily arise
in conventional receivers using a DSP
only after the last IF and then controlling
the RF amplifier in the front end. All DSP
stages introduce some delay on the signal
and there is a tendency toward instability.
The design of SDR-1000 avoids this.
We have not yet talked about the de-
bug interface that appears when the main
window of the SDR-1000 application is
maximized. Using this dialog window, you
can check the state of the I/O pins and the
processing burden of the PC's CPU, which
is about 21% (on an 800 MHz Pentium III
processor) while listening to a CW station
on 14.060 MHz. This is a quite useful fea-
ture for the software developer.
Operating features, impressions
When I got my SDR-1000 a few weeks
ago I was eager to immediately use it even
without a housing, which is possible thanks
to the stacked circuit board design. It looks
like a cube, standing on four feet with all
cables protruding on one side.
A comprehensive companion manual,
excellent support by the manufacturer, and
a growing number of hams push the devel-
opment of the software foreward. A web fo-
rum exists for owners of the SDR-1000 to
discuss use and further development of "our"
SDR. The Internet is used for discussion,
support and distribution of software and
W5SXD is the contributor of a key-
board to CW interface - a useful addition to
the user interface.
Things to improve
The basic functionality is available now,
but the development process is still going
on. Many more modes are yet to come. New
high tech noise reduction techniques are
available in an experimental state. There is
huge potential for further development.
At the moment only preliminary per-
formance figures are available. The trans-
mit signal seems to be clean. The selectiv-
ity of the receiver is excellent. The sensitiv-
ity is okay, but does not yet reach the fig-
ures of the top class receivers - a preselector
and preamplifier may help.
The classic way to characterize an ana-
log receiver's behaviour may not be appro-
priate for all aspects of SDR. New measure-
ment practices still have yet to evolve.
Memories and scanning
Is it necessary to adjust bandwidth and
mode after each change of frequency? Not
at all! On each band, the last four settings
are stored on a stack and with a simple click
one can return to the last setting, which is
very convenient. In addition to this context
saving store, there is a practically unlimited
database for storage and retrieval of fre-
quency, modes and call signs. These can be
retrieved by memory number or by a preset
hotkey, such as the F2 function key. Data-
base entries can be structured in different
Among other things, a scanning mode
is planned for the future. All the coming en-
hancements and new modes are purely soft-
ware. You can either wait until someone
implements your feature or you can try it
yourself. All the source code is open, allow-
ing users of the SDR-1000 to compile the
Figure 6: The SDR-1000 graphical user interface.
Fig.ure 7 - CW controls, a feature contributed
by W5SXD.
HOMEBREWER 30 Summer 2003
PC application program to create special-
ized user interfaces and custom modem pro-
A Homebrew Enclosure
The three-board transceiver can be tem-
porarily operated without a case. However
when its time, a Jameco
#208910CD makes a good case for the SDR-
1000 board set and provides extra room for
a cooling fan and power amplifier! The
boards should be mounted with the voltage
regulator and heatsink facing up. A 12 volt
computer fan (Jameco part #212804CD) is
attached to the vent holes close by the heat
sync to keep the hardware cool. The 5-V
voltage regulator generates a lot of heat and
could cause the VCO reference oscillator to
drift a lot if heat is allowed to build up in
the box. A template is available for drilling
the front panel.
In the WD6CSV installation a 20 watt
Communications Concepts power amplifier
was mounted in the back of the box for ex-
tra power. See Figure 13.
A 4 amp power supply is required to
power the SDR-1000 together with the 20
watt power amp. The ADT 1.5 1 output
transformer of the SDR-1000 1-watt ampli-
fier needs a 200-ohm -watt carbon resis-
tor added across its output winding . This is
to provide a constant load to the SDR-1000
1-watt amplifier when switching between
bands. The AN779L 20-watt power ampli-
fier was inserted between the output trans-
former of the SDR-1000 1-watt amplifier
and the final relay to the BNC jack. This
provided 20 watts of output power without
additional relays for switching in and out of
receive and transmit modes. When oper-
ated with a power amplifier additional fil-
tering will be required to keep harmonics to
acceptable levels.
An external 20 meter filter is used to
keep harmonics at -80 dBc when using the
20 watt power amplifier on 20 meters. A
relay and band filter board is under construc-
tion, which will provide harmonic filtering
for all transmit bands used with the 20 watt
power amplifier. The SDR-1000 provides a
connector to switch the relays needed for
changing the filters for the added power am-
The SDR-1000 has already provided
many out-of-state contacts on 20 meters at
the 1-watt QRP level. It provides for inter-
esting conversations on the Ham bands as
operators try to understand the unusual ca-
pabilities and benefits of a PC-generated side
band transceiver. With a 20-watt power am-
plifier the contacts have been very easy to
come by. The razor sharp filters supplied
by the PC software are most impressive.
This rig has been an exciting adventure in
homebrew and shows the added benefits of
open source software on a community
homebrew project! With software updates
coming almost weekly it is mind boggling
what a powerful transceiver this will be in
another year!
Miscelleneous features
A real time clock display shows UTC and
local time, and date. The time is taken from
the PC clock. If the PC clock is synchro-
nized to an atomic clock, exact timing for
weak signal modes is possible.
The loop buffer in CW control permits
automatically sending a beacon text.
The display font can be selected between
a standard Windows font and an LCD-like
software already has provision
for controlling up to two transverters. The
hardware I/O is present for controlling the
Connections for an external power am-
plifier are available.
Figure 9: Fast convolution filter curve - 2100 kHz. A broadband noise generator
is connected
directly to the SDR-1000s BNC antenna connector. The SDR-1000 is set to the desired band-
width and the filter curve is immediately visible.
Figure 11: WD6CSVs SDR-1000 mounted in Jameco enclosure with transceiver
connectors accessible on the rear panel. Others have used an empty K2 chassis.
Summer 2003 31 HOMEBREWER
More bells and whistles
Some of the leatest features added are
a Synchronous AM detector (SAM) and a
new forward Speech processor, a contribu-
tion by N4HY.
An elaborate spur reduction technique
has been designed and implemented by
If somebody really needs a physical tun-
ing knob, Griffin Technologies has a great
PowerMate control knob. There are many
more valuable inputs from the SDR-1000
community -- too many to state them all ex-
plicitly, so check out the Flex-Radio BBS
where all the users group messages are avail-
The SDR-1000 gives the average ham
access to leading-edge technology, allow-
ing one to homebrew high performance ham
radio equipment. The transceiver demon-
strates modern digital signal processing at
an understandable level of complexity.
While it is a challenge to understand SDR,
it is also a joy to be able to experiment with
signal processing using this transceiver.
The SDR-1000 is fast on its way be-
coming a full-featured, multi-mode HF
transceiver for experimentation and gen-
eral everyday use. It demonstrates contem-
porary homebrewing at its best. Major
thanks to AC5OG for bringing this project
to us all!
1) The authors can be reached as follows:
Martin Klaper, HB9ARK
email: HB9ARK@arrl.net
John Piri, WD6CSV
email: j.piri@mchsi.com
2) Complete information on the SDR-1000
may be found on the Internet at FlexRadio
Systems (http://www.flex-radio.com). The
3-board transceiver, including the open soft-
ware, may be purchased online at FlexRadio
Figure 12: Board set and fan are mounted in the enclosure.
Figure 13: A Communications Concept linear amplifier board is
mounted to the inside-rear of the enclosure.
3) QEX is a regular publication of the
ARRL. (http://www.arrl.org/qex/).
4) FlexRadio Systems is located at 8900
Marybank Drive, Austin, TX 78750
5) A binaural I-Q-receiver in the Receiver,
Transmitter, Transceiver and Projects chap-
ter of the 2002 edition of the ARRL Hand-
book, p. 17.109
6) DRM is Digital Radio Mondial, a new
broadcast modulation scheme producing
near FM quality on shortwave channels. For
further information see www.drm.org and
7) Similar to the PSK31 channel selection.
8) DSP means either "Digital Signal Pro-
cessor" or "Digital Signal Processing"
9) Parts from Jameco may be ordered at
SIDEBAR ... from Gerald Youngblood, AC5OG
What a pleasure it has been to receive feedback from customers that
the SDR-1000 has revived their excitement about experimentation in ama-
teur radio. Their comments mirror my enjoyment as I worked on the Soft-
ware Defined Radio (SDR) transceiver over the last four years. By opening
the hardware and software design, customers are free to modify and con-
tribute to product enhancements. It is fun to see that people much smarter
than I are contributing code enhancements on a regular basis. Since intro-
ducing the SDR-1000 in April of 2003, a major enhancement has been
made to the software almost every two weeks.
Just added recently by customer contribution were a CW keyboard
keyer, DRM filtering, forward speech processing, AM modulation, synchro-
nous AM detection, and PLL FM detection/modulation. A number of soft-
ware enhancements are in the works, including an enhanced memory CW
keyer, software noise blanking, and popular digital modes such as PSK31
and RTTY. It is truly exciting to have a radio that can be whatever you want
it to be. I like to say, just dream it and code it. The cycle time from idea to
reality with software enhancements can be minutes or hours, instead of
days or months as it is with hardware.
Some customers have also ported the Linux based GNURadio to the
SDR-1000. Others are using SM5BSZs excellent Linrad software. One cus-
tomer has even written his own version of the SDRConsole under .NET.
I am learning a lot about supporting the myriad of PC and sound card
configurations that exist. It is essential to have a high quality sound card for
use with the SDR-1000. Not all sound cards are created equal; in fact, most
sound cards are of poor quality at best. The dynamic range and distortion
products of the sound card will directly affect the quality of the SDR-1000 as
a system. I recommend the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz as one of the best
price/performance bargains on the market. Other excellent sound systems
are the Creative Labs Audigy (PCI) and Extigy (USB). A reasonable perfor-
mance PC is also required. I recommend a CPU speed of at least 600 MHz
to run the latest software.
~Gerald, AC5OG email: gerald@flex-radio.com
[Editors Note: AC5OG recently received the ARRL 2002 Technical
Excellence Award for his work with the SDR-1000. Congratulations!]
HOMEBREWER 32 Summer 2003
NJQRP DDS Daughtercard
... a modular way to add stable
signal generation to your next
transceiver or VFO project
How many ways can you use a self-contained, high-precision dc-30
MHz signal source contained on a 1 x 2 plug-in circuit board? How
about as a stand-alone VFO, a signal generator for your bench, a
replacement LO for your Sierra or NC40 transceiver, or perhaps as
the heart of an antenna analyzer! Control it with your favorite
microcontroller, or even hang it off the parallel port of your PC. Any
way you do it, youll be generating quality signals for under $20.
George Heron, N2APB
Figure 1: Close-up shot of DDS Daughtercard. Note use of SMT components to help in keep-
ing size down.
Any homebrewer worth his/her salt
can tell you that the Direct Digital Synthe-
sis (DDS) chip captures the imagination and
excitement like no other technology these
days. Signal precision, accuracy, stability,
programmability and RF output quality are
all easily and inexpensively within ones
grasp. But two quite formidable problems
still remain.
The first problem is that these surface
mount DDS chips are so tiny, with lead
pitches as fine a 0.65 mm, that its nearly
impossible to homebrew with them using
conventional techniques. Have you ever
tried tack-soldering a fine wire onto one of
these small SOIC package leads? Even sol-
dering the chip onto a blank pc board that
fans out the leads is going to take some pre-
cision soldering and a magnifying lens on
your workbench lamp, and youll end up
with two layers of boards with this approach.
The second problem is that these DDS
chips must be interfaced to a microcontroller
that provides that frequency programmabil-
ity. There are many projects around that con-
trol a DDS chip with a PIC, an Atmel con-
troller, a BASIC Stamp, an SX chip, etc. I
dont know about you, but the VFO I will
ultimately need is likely to use a controller
that I dont technically know and cannot
program. This makes it tough to use the con-
troller for anything but the DDS, thus rais-
ing the cost of the entire project, increasing
the amount of board real estate needed, and
raising the power needs for the entire project.
The NJQRP has created a small pc
board containing just the bare DDS essen-
tials an Analog Devices AD9850 DDS
chip, a 100MHz clock oscillator, a 5
elliptic filter and a MMIC RF amplifier to
boost the raw 0.4-Vpp DDS signal to a more
usable 4-volt level. Additionally, a 5-V regu-
Summer 2003 33 HOMEBREWER
100 uH
0.1 uF
0.1 uF
100 MHz
R1 3.92K
DACBL n.c.
l l ll l l
Out B
P1-5 P1-4 3
1.0 uF
0.1 uF
1.0 uF
l l l
P1-6 O
Out A
l l
0.1 uF
0.1 uF
+ +
100 uH
0.1 uF
0.1 uF
100 MHz
R1 3.92K
DACBL n.c.
l l ll l l
Out B
P1-5 P1-4 3
1.0 uF
0.1 uF
1.0 uF
l l l
P1-6 O
Out A
l l
0.1 uF
0.1 uF
+ +
Figure2: Schematic for the DDS Daughtercard.
lator is provided so you only need provide a
single 12-V battery or power supply. The
three digital control lines, the power sup-
ply, and the output signal are all available
on a pin header at the board edge. The simple
schematic is shown in Figure 2.
The 8-position pin header at the board
edge serves to allow DDS Daughtercard to
be plugged into whatever project you might
have on your bench, regardless of which
microcontroller is being used. Thus you are
not locked into using an Atmel device if your
preferred controller is a PIC. Just provide a
single strip socket (e.g., a 16-pin IC socket
split lengthwise) on the project board and
plug in the DDS pc board. Heck, you dont
even need a microcontroller with this ap-
proach just wire the pin header signals over
to a cable on the parallel printer port of your
PC and use public domain PC software to
control the DDS board! See the sidebar sec-
tion for a custom solution provided by
NJQRP member Doug Quagliano,
Once the 40-bit control word is serially
loaded into the DDS, the raw waveform is
presented to an elliptic filter that removes
unwanted high-end frequency components,
resulting in signal of sufficient quality to
serve as a local oscillator for a transceiver.
Refer to the AD9850 data sheets for signal
purity specifications. This peak-to-peak sig-
nal is typically only about 400 millivolts, so
we use a small 22 dB MAR-1 amplifier to
boost that signal to about 7-Vpp, which is
quite usable in a variety of applications. The
amplified signal is then presented to P1-6
on the pin header when jumper E-F is in
The pc board was designed to present
an interesting option for the homebrewer.
The AD9850 DDS chip offers a complemen-
tary output at IoutB (U1 pin 20), which is
sometimes uses to feed the low pass filter
along with the primary output signal IoutA
to produce an output signal of even greater
spectral purity. (Refer to the AD9850 data
sheets for these details.) However, this sec-
ondary signal is 90-degrees out of phase
from the primary and may also be used as a
poor mans quadrature signal with the
primary. The chip is not officially specified
to produce quadrature signals, as is done in
the more expensive AD9854 DDS chip, but
one could experiment and possibly find use-
ful applications for it using this capability.
If this IoutB signal is to be used, a low pass
filter must also be used to clean up its out-
put and thats where the DDS
Daughtercards design options come into
If you wish to use the quadrature IoutB
signal, you can populate a second
Daughtercard pc board with only the LPF
and MAR-1 amplifier components and
mount it over the main card. You can elec-
trically interconnect these stacked cards by
jumpering pads of each at locations A, B,
C, D and G. That is, solder a short stiff wire
from pad A of the lower board to pad A of
the upper board, and so on. The A and B
jumpers bring the IoutB signal and ground
up from the primary card so it can be in-
jected to the LPF and amp on the secondary
card. On the top (secondary) card, connect
point A to the LPF input, and connect jumper
E-G to bring the signal down to pin P1-7 on
the pin header. Thus, one is able to get two
filtered and amplified complementary sig-
nals at the same connector from the same
DDS chip!
Building the Daughtercard
Although many of the components are
surface mount devices, assembly of the pc
board is still simple and straightforward. The
board layout is fairly open and the compo-
nents are all very accessible. You will need
a fine-tipped soldering iron and some thin
solder to best attach the components. Youll
also likely need a magnifying lamp in order
to see the small leads of the surface mount
A trick to soldering surface mount de-
vices to pc boards is to (a) pre-solder on of
the pads on the board where the component
will ultimately go; (b) hold the component
in place with needle nose pliers or tweezers
on the tinned pad; (c) re-heat the tinned pad
and component to reflow the solder onto the
component lead, thus holding the compo-
nent in place; and lastly (d) solder the other
end of the component to its pad.
1) Attach DDS U1 Following the tech-
nique described above, pre-solder pad for
U1 pin 1, then carefully position the leads
HOMEBREWER 34 Summer 2003
of U2 over the set of pads for this integrated
circuit on the pc board and re-heat the sol-
der of pad 1 to reflow the solder onto U1
pin 1. This should leave the IC attached by
pin 1 and properly aligned over the rest of
the pins. Solder each of the other pins to their
respective pads, being careful not to bridge
across any adjacent pads. If this does hap-
pen, grab some solder wick or a solder
sucker and use it to draw off the excess sol-
der, which should be fairly easy and clean
because of the solder mask on the circuit
board. (See Note 3 describing a resource
that can be used if you need help attaching
this IC to the pc board.)
2) Attach oscillator can X1 Insert the
metal oscillator can on the backside of the
circuit board, carefully noting location of pin
1. Solder the leads in place and snip of the
excess lead length.
3) Attach the surface mount capacitors
(C1-C10), resistors (R1-R3) and inductors
(L1 and L2) Use the technique described
at the start and you shouldnt have any prob-
lems. NOTE: Capacitor C13 on the back
side of the board is not used.
4) Attach the VR1 voltage regulator to
the pads on the back side of the board
Orient the flat side of the package against
the board.
5) Attach the surface mount electrolytic
capacitors (C11 and C12) Align the nega-
tive side of the device (i.e., with the black
mark) as shown in the photo.
6) Attach the axial lead components R4
and L3 Bend each of the leads 90-degrees
and insert into their respective locations as
noted on the board silkscreen. Solder each
lead to the pads and snip off excess lead
7) Attach the MAR-1 amplifier U2
Drop the body of the device into the small
hole provided for it, carefully orienting the
dot on the package (denoting pin 1) closest
to the dot on the silkscreen. Solder lead 1 to
the pre-tinned pad, ensuring that the other
three package leads are aligned over their
respective pads. Solder those remaining
three leads to the pads.
8) Attach pin header P1 Insert the pin
header as shown in the photo and solder all
eight pins to the pads.
9) Insert jumper E-F Using a piece of
excess lead snipped off of a previously-in-
serted axial lead component, make a small
U with the wire and insert it through pads
marked E and F. Solder the pads and snip
off excess length.
Powering up the Daughtercard
Apply 12-volts to P1 pin 8, and ground
to P1 pin 5. The daughtercard will not gen-
erate any signal on its output until an exter-
nal controller delivers a control word to the
DDS, as described in the next section. How-
ever at this point you can ensure that proper
voltages are present and that excessive cur-
rent is not being drawn
Check to see that you have 5 volts on
the output of VR1.
The board should be drawing about
100-ma. The voltage regulator, DDS, MAR-
1 amplifier and its bias resistor R1 should
all be warm to the touch, but not unbear-
ably hot.
If you have an oscilloscope, you should
see a 100 MHz signal being delivered from
pin 8 of the oscillator can X1.
NOTE: If you intend on using the DDS
Daughtercard with the NJQRP QuickieLab,
you must cut the trace on the QuickieLab
board that supplies 5 volts to the DDS
Daughtercard socket. This is because the
productyion version of the DDS
Daughtercard produces its own internal 5-
V supply and doesnt require that the
QuickieLab supply it.
Controlling the DDS
The DDS chip needs to be sent a con-
trol word by an external controller before
the Daughtercard is capable of generating a
signal. No matter what controller you use,
be it a PIC, a BASIC Stamp, a, HC908
Daughtercard or a PC, its software needs to
serially send a 40-bit control word to the
DDS Daughtercard on the DATA line (P1
pin 3). The controller clocks each bit into
the DDS by the toggling the CLK control
line (P1 pin 1). At the end of the sequence,
the controller must load the accumulated
control word into the DDS register by tog-
gling the LOAD line (P1 pin 2), thus in-
structing the DDS chip to generate the fre-
quency just loaded then bingo, the new
frequency appears on the output of the DDS
board at P1 pin 8.
The AD9850 data sheet on the Analog
Devices web site provides all the details on
how to construct the control word with your
microcontroller-of-choice. This information
is also located on the NJQRP website, along
with software programs for the HC908 and
BASIC Stamp that control the DDS chip to
serve as a basic VFO. These are great ex-
amples to adopt if you plan on using either
of these processors in your own DDS
Daughtercard project. They are also great
examples on which you can model a soft-
ware program using a different
The programming sequence is easily ac-
complished. Joe Everhart, N2CX, uses the
following three lines to instruct a BASIC
Stamp to produce a 7.040 MHz signal with
the DDS Daughtercard plugged into the
shiftout 7,8,0,[$02,$BC,$05,$12,$00]
out9 = 1
out9 = 0
The first instruction line shifts out the 40-
bit value on port P7, using P8 as the clock.
The second and third instruction lines toggle
the LOAD pin going to the DDS.
Figure 3: Back side of the Daughtercard showing the 5-V voltage regulator VR1 and its filter
capacitors, and oscillator X1.
Summer 2003 35 HOMEBREWER
Many Uses
There are many ways for you to use the
DDS Daughtercard. The project is ready-
made for plugging into the QuickieLab
experimenters platform provided by the
NJQRP Club, with software that provides
basic VFO functions. The daughtercard may
also be used with the Antenna Analyzer II,
coming in kit form later this year from the
NJQRP. You may also plug the
daughtercard into the HC908 Excerciser
board described in the Digital QRP Bread-
board project and use the software provided
with that project to have it serve as a pro-
grammable VFO.
As described in the Sidebar, you can
control the DDS Daughtercard from your
PC. Just wire the daughtercard to the printer
port cable and run some public domain soft-
ware, or a custom program proivided by
KA2UPW to have the PC serve as VFO con-
Of course you can also design the DDS
Daugtercard into your own custom project,
using your favorite microcontroller chip as
the brains, be it a PIC, Atmel, Ubicom, or
8051-derivative processor. The possibilities
are limitless!
This simple DDS Daughtercard project
solves both of the problems described at the
beginning of this article. It enables the
homebrewer to easily take advantage of the
positive attributes of the DDS chip to pro-
duce a high quality homebrew variable-fre-
quency signal source. Let us know how you
end up using your DDS card!
1) The DDS Daughtercard Kit may be pur-
chased for $18 from the NJQRP Club. The
kit includes a silkscreened/soldermasked pc
board and all components, except for the
DDS chip (see Note 2 below). Make check
or M.O. payable to George Heron,
N2APB and send to: George Heron, 2419
Feather Mae Ct., Forest Hill, MD 21050.
You may also order through PayPal by send-
ing $18 to njkits@amqrp.org. Visit the
NJQRPs DDS Kit website at
www.njqrp.org/dds for further technical
details, software programs and application
2) The AD9850BRS DDS chip is not pro-
vided because homebrewers can obtain two
free samples from the Analog Devices
website at http://products.analog.com/prod-
ucts/info.asp?product=AD9850. Just go to
this Internet location, register with Analog
Devices (i.e., give them your mailing ad-
dress), and within a week or so you will re-
ceive two free samples of the DDS chip by
3) The NJQRP has lined up a great resource
to assist in soldering the DDS chip onto the
printed circuit board. Once youve acquired
your free AD9850BRS DDS chip from Ana-
log Device, send the chip and your DDS
Daughtercard circuit board, to Mike,
WA6OUW, at KitBuilders. For $6 he will
attach this surface mount chip to the pc board
and return it promptly by mail. Its not tested
because at that point its only the DDS chip
on a bare pc board, but Mike does excellent
work. (The NJQRP uses KitBuilders for as-
sembly of the HC908 Daughtercard prod-
uct, so we know the quality is there!) Just
place your DDS chip, pc board and a $6
check or M.O. payable to KitBuilders into
a padded envelope and send to: KitBuilders,
1630 San Miguel Canyon Road,
Watsonville, CA 95076. You can contact
Mike by email at wa6ouw@aol.com if you
have further questions.
4) Details of the NJQRP QuickieLab project
can be found at www.njqrp.org/quickielab.
5) Details of the HC908 Daughtercard
project can be found at www.njqrp.org/
6) George Heron, N2APB may be contacted
by email at n2apb@amqrp.org, or by mail
at 2419 Feather Mae Ct, Forest Hill, MD
Heres a software program call SetFreq that Ive been develop-
ing for my PC to control the DDS Daughtercard when connected to
its parallel printer port. Using this set up, Im able to use my PC to
set specific frequencies with the daughtercard.
Set Frequency (Version 0.99) for Windows 95/98
1. Set TTL Clock Freq to your TTL oscillator frequency in Hertz.
2. Set Output Freq to the desired output frequency in Hertz from
the DDS Daughtercard.
3. Click on Set Freq to send the control bits to the DDS. The
program automatically writes data to DATA0 (zero or one), writes
CLOCK to DATA1 (zero or one), and raises FQ_UD as DATA2.
Cable RF
Heres what the program does:
- Sets all pins low
- Computes and outputs the 32 tuning bits. Tthe program writes
01,03,01 for a one and writes 00,02,00 for a zero, then toggles
the CLK line
- Outputs eight zeros for the control byte.
- Toggles LOAD (the program writes 04,00 momentarily rais-
ing this bit).
[SetFreq software is available on the Daughtercard web page.]
SIDEBAR ... Control the DDS Daughtercard from your PC
by Doug Quagliano, KA2UPW, email: dquagliana@aol.com
HOMEBREWER 36 Summer 2003
Building the NorCal Keyer Kit
... a construction guide
for the beginning builder
The NorCal Keyer is wonderful training project for beginning
homebrewers. Its a programmable iambic memory keyer with bea-
con, straight key and bug modes, and variable speed control. Vet-
eran elmer K8IQY takes us through construction of this useful kit.
Jim Kortge, K8IQY
This article covers the construction and
packaging of the recently released NorCal
Keyer Kit. It approaches these tasks as a
learning exercise for new builders, so that
they can develop proficiency and self-con-
fidence. The kit itself is quite simple. It in-
cludes a printed circuit (PC) board, 7 capaci-
tors, 4 resistors, 3 semiconductors, a small
speaker, and a push button switch. One of
the semiconductors is a PIC microproces-
sor, which provides most of the keyers
A few user-supplied components are re-
quired too, including a small 100K potenti-
ometer, jacks for input and output connec-
tions, a battery connector or box, and a case.
The kit is designed for packaging in the ever-
popular Altoids mint tin.
Basic Tools
To build this kit requires a few basic
electronic hand tools. The first is a suitable
soldering iron.
This iron is an inexpensive, adjustable 25-40
watt unit, and quite suitable for constructing
this type of kit.
Anything between 25 and 40 watts is us-
able, with at least a 1/16-inch wide chisel
tip. However, tips that are closer to 1/8-inch
will provide better heating of the joint be-
ing soldered. While a temperature controlled
soldering station is very nice, one can get
by nicely with a much more modest solder
iron setup.
If you have never soldered any elec-
tronic parts, a little practice before starting
on your kit might be in order. Go to your
local Radio Shack, or other parts store, and
buy a few small resistors and capacitors. If
they have any sort of perforated PC board
material available, get some of that too. You
can practice putting the parts through the
holes, bending the leads slightly, and sol-
dering them in. Do not clip off the leads;
the parts can be unsoldered and reused for
more practice. If you cant find any perfo-
rated PC board material, buy a piece of blank
PC board material, and drill several holes in
it spaced the lead width of the parts you have
available, and use that for practice. Another
approach might be to take apart an old wire-
less telephone and remove the existing parts
by heating the PC board with a small torch
and rapping it on a solid surface to knock
them out. Wear eye protection when using
this method for parts removal!
Soldering a part requires placing the tip
of the soldering iron against the component
lead and the PC board surface, heating it for
a few seconds, and then adding a little bit of
solder. If the joint is hot, the solder will flow
quickly. Once the solder has flowed, remove
the soldering iron and the solder, and let the
joint cool. If the job was done correctly, the
solder will have flowed smoothly, and the
Summer 2003 37 HOMEBREWER
joint will look shiny. Later in this article are
many examples of correctly soldered joints.
Solder plays a key role in electronics
construction. The right kind will work well,
and is easy to use. The wrong kind can be
hellish! A suitable solder for electronics
work will contain approximately 37% tin,
and 63% lead. Anything around those two
values, with a rosin flux core is suitable. Do
not use no lead solders intended for
plumbing; they will not work well. Nor will
solders with acid flux cores. Also, stay away
from solders with water-soluble (organic)
fluxes. While they seem to work well while
building, failure to remove all of the flux
later will lead to corrosion where the flux
remains. This is also true of any acid flux
core solders.
The best solders also contain about 2%
silver. This improves conductivity of the
joint, and keeps it bright looking.
This photo shows a small roll of solder con-
taining 2% silver, and readily available from
Radio Shack. Kester also makes a similar prod-
uct that is available from Mouser and DigiKey.
The other basic tool that one needs, es-
pecially when soldering a PC board, is a pair
of side cutters. These are used to clip off
the excess lead length of parts soldered into
the PC board.
My favorite side cutters. These are made by
Xcelite, and are available from Mouser,
DigiKey, and others supply sources.
Another tool that is very handy to have,
but not a necessity, is a third hand appa-
ratus of some kind.
A commercial third hand. One of these will
hold the PC board while parts are being sol-
dered, or hold parts while leads are being at-
tached. One could make the equivalent of this
unit with a pair of pincher clothespins, a
small block of wood, and a bit of fabricating.
Getting Started
Since the version of the NorCal Keyer
kit I was asked to build included the user
supplied parts, my kit came in a box in-
stead of an envelope. On the very top of the
stack were the instruction sheets. With the
box (or envelope) opened, most builders are
chomping at the bit to get building, and
want to toss the documentation aside.
For a new builder, this information is
important. It contains an overview of the kit,
important construction information, parts
lists, a schematic diagram, and a parts lay-
out template for the PC board. My advice is
to read it completely, at least once before
beginning construction, and the General
Notes About Building, Construction
Notes, and Parts List a second time be-
fore going further. When you start unpack-
ing your kit, you will have a good bit of sense
regarding how the kit functions, and what
parts were supplied.
Once the documentation has been read,
it is time to unpack the rest of the goodies.
Inside the Altoids tin were the normally sup-
plied kit parts, all sealed in plastic.
With the parts packet is opened, one
should check its contents against the parts
list contained in the documentation to make
sure all of the parts are there. If any parts
are missing, replacements can be obtained
from the AmQRP Club.
Keyer Parts Identification
When you have built several kits, know-
ing what a resistor is, and determining its
value is almost taken for granted. When it
is your first kit, however, recognizing resis-
tors, capacitors, transistors, regulators, and
PICs can be a bit daunting. Since this article
is for beginning kit builders, a number of
pictures were taken to help with this task.
Using the parts list in the supplied documen-
tation as a guide, all of the parts in this kit
will be previewed, and their external fea-
tures described.
Capacitors C1, C2, C3, and C5 These
four capacitors have a value of 0.01 uF, are
blue in color, and marked as 103.
The 103 designator translates into 10,000 pico
Farad, which is the same as 0.01 micro Farad.
Capacitor C4 This capacitor also has a value
of 0.01 uF, is brown in color, but has a differ-
ent internal construction, making it stable with
temperature changes.
Capacitors C6 and C7 These capaci-
tors are much like the set with C1, only 10
times larger in value. They have a capaci-
tance of 0.1 uF, are also blue in color, and
marked as 104. The 104 designator trans-
lates into 100,000 pico Farad, equivalent to
0.1 micro Farad.
This kit contains four resistors. The first,
designated R1 has a value of 4.7 kilo Ohm
(4700 Ohm), and is marked with colored
bands of yellow, violet, and red. The first
two colored bands provide the first two dig-
its of the numeric value, the third band the
multiplier, and the last band the tolerance.
HOMEBREWER 38 Summer 2003
This photo shows a typical resistor.
Resistor R2 is a 1 kilo Ohm (1000 Ohm)
unit, with bands of brown, black, and red.
Resistor R3 is ten times greater in value
than R2. It is a 10 kilo Ohm (10,000 Ohm)
unit with bands of brown, black, and orange.
The last resistor is R4, whose value is
ten time greater than R3. It is a 100 kilo Ohm
(100,000 Ohm) unit with bands of brown,
black, and yellow.
By now, you have probably figured out
most of the resistor color code. Here it is in
its entirety.
Color Value
Black 0
Brown 1
Red 2
Orange 3
Yellow 4
Green 5
Blue 6
Violet 7
Grey 8
White 9
If you are curious about the tolerance
bands, you might try researching that infor-
mation on the Internet.
There are three active components in
this keyer.
The first active componnt is a PN2222A tran-
sistor, designated as Q1.
The next active component is desig-
nated as U1, and is the heart of the keyer.
U1 is the PIC microprocessor, which comes
with the software (actually firmware) al-
ready stored in the chips memory area. This
part provides all of the functionality pro-
vided by the keyer.
Notice that this 8-pin DIP chip is supplied with
its leads pressed into conductive foam. This
chip is sensitive to static charge, and keeping
it plugged into conductive foam shorts all of
its leads together so that it is not damaged by
shipping or handling.
A five-volt regulator, designated U2, is
the last active part supplied with the keyer.
It is the same size and shape as the transis-
tor. However, the printing on it, which is
difficult to read, identifies it as a 78L05.
Two non-PC board mounted parts are
also included. One is a small piezoelectric
speaker, called out as SP1.
This is the same kind of speaker used in mo-
dem cards.
The other kit supplied off board part is
a small push button switch, designated as
SW1 on the schematic diagram.
Not mentioned in the Keyer Parts List
is the supplied printed circuit board. This is
a high quality, double sided board, with
plated through holes, solder mask, and silk
screened parts labels.
The component side of the PC board is shown
Four user supplied electronic parts are
also needed to complete the keyer, along
with a suitable case for packaging the unit.
The first of these parts is a 100 kilo Ohm
(100,000 Ohm) linear potentiometer, which
controls keying speed.
The potentiometer used for this article. It is a
17-mm diameter pot with a -inch shaft, and
can be obtained from Mouser Electronics, their
part number 31CN501. Other smaller, but more
expensive pots are also available from this
The next part needed is a 1/8-inch, ste-
reo jack for connecting the paddles to the
This stereo jack is also available from Mouser
as part number 161-3501. It might also be avail-
able from your local Radio Shack or electron-
ics parts store.
A 1/8-inch mono jack is also required.
This jack connects the keyer output to your
transceiver, if the keyer is being used on
the air, instead of as a code practice oscil-
lator. This jack is Mouser part number
16PJ137, and may also be available at a lo-
cal electronic parts store.
As designed, the keyer is powered from
a 9 volt battery, and so a battery connector
is needed
Mouser carries this battery connector as part
number 123-6004. Radio Shack also carries
this type of connector.
The last part needed is a suitable case.
This one is easy! The keyer was designed to
fit into an Altoids tin. Most grocery stores
and pharmacies carry these mints, in a vari-
ety of flavors. Buy the flavor(s) that you like,
eat them, and you have the case.
(P7190007) The Wintergreen flavored Altoids
case makes a fine enclosure for this project
Keyer PC Board Construction
Enough of the basics; it is time to build!
We will begin by soldering the parts (also
called stuffing) into the printed circuit
Summer 2003 39 HOMEBREWER
board. Generally, it is best to start with pas-
sive parts, the resistors and capacitors, and
follow those with the active parts. This ap-
proach ensures that circuitry exists around
the leads of static sensitive components,
which protects them when they are soldered.
Another good general rule to follow is to
solder in the smallest parts first. This pre-
vents a larger part from obscuring a smaller
neighbor, which would make stuffing and
soldering more difficult. As the parts are
added to the PC board, the parts list can be
used as a checkoff sheet to assure noth-
ing is missed.
Following this approach, the first part
to be mounted is C1, one of the 0.01 uF,
blue colored capacitors. This parts leads are
placed through the appropriate holes in the
PC board, and bent slightly outward on the
bottom side of the board to hold the part in
place. The leads are soldered, one at a time,
and the excess lead length clipped off with
the side cutters,
After soldering in C1 the bottom of the board
looking like this.
In like manner, capacitors C2, C3,
and C5 can be soldered in place, resulting in a
PC board which looks like that shown here.
With these parts soldered in place,
check them off on the parts list.
Resistors R1 through R4 are next sol-
dered in order.
Starting with R1, bend the leads close to the
body, so that it looks like this.
Fingers work well for this task, as do a
small pair of long nose pliers. Slip the part
into the PC board so that the body of the
resistor lays on the surface.
Bend the leads outward. Solder the
leads to the pads and clip off the excess lead
When the remaining three resistors (R2
through R4) have been mounted using the
same steps as before, the board will look like
Check these parts off on the parts list
Following the smaller part, larger parts
approach, C4, the brown 0.01 uF capacitor
is now soldered in place. This part can now
be checked off on the parts list. In like man-
ner, solder in C6 and C7, the blue 0.1 uF
capacitors. Check off these two capacitors
on the parts list.
Now that all of the PC board mounted
parts are in place, the active components can
be placed. Start with Q1, the PN2222A tran-
sistor. Make sure the leads are straight, and
spaced apart to match the mounting holes.
Follow this part with the installation of U2,
the 5-volt regulator.
With Q1 and U2 installed, the board will look
as shown here.
Finally, solder in the PIC chip, or pref-
erably, an 8 pin socket for the chip. Using a
socket allows one to easily remove this de-
vice should it fail, or replace it if an updated
version becomes available. Make sure the
device or socket is oriented properly before
soldering, and only solder two opposite pins
initially. Recheck the orientation again be-
fore soldering the remaining pins. It is much
easier to remove the chip or socket with only
two pins soldered, than with all eight. Check
off these three active parts on the parts list.
Finally, if you have opted to use a
socket for U1, bend the leads to fit, and plug
in the chip.
The completed board.
With the PC board finished, one more
optional operation can be performed. Using
some isopropyl alcohol and an old tooth
brush, clean the flux off the solder side of
the PC board. While this step is not neces-
sary, since the rosin flux is nonconductive,
cleaning the board makes it look much nicer.
Keyer External Parts Construc-
Before the PC board can be initially
tested, two of the external parts must be at-
tached. First, the piezoelectric speaker, SP1
must be wired in, followed by the battery
connector. Solder a pair of small gauge in-
sulated wires (#26 is a good choice) about 4
inches long to the speaker leads. A good
choice for wire are small sections of multi-
conductor cable available from electronic
supply houses. Solder the other end of this
pair to the appropriate holes in the PC board.
Solder in the leads from the battery connec-
tor also.
With these connections made, attach the
battery. The keyer should send FB (short
for Fine Business) in Morse code at 16
words per minute (WPM).
The keyer set up to perform the initial tests.
If it does not send FB, follow the
trouble shooting steps in the provided docu-
mentation. Assuming that FB is heard, dis-
connect the battery so that the remaining ex-
ternal parts can be connected.
Prepare a set of 4-inch leads for the potenti-
ometer, VR1, as shown on the next page.
Solder these to the potentiometer ter-
minals. Prepare another set of leads and sol-
der these to switch, SW1. Solder the leads
HOMEBREWER 40 Summer 2003
for these parts into their respective holes in
the PC board.
Repeat these steps for preparing leads
for the two jacks, using three leads for the
stereo jack, and two leads for the mono jack.
Solder the leads to each jack. Solder the re-
spective ends to the correct holes in the PC
The PC board and external components will
look like this.
The keyer is complete now, and ready
to be fully tested, and then mounted into an
appropriate case. Those steps are next.
Keyer Functional Checkout
Beginning on page two of the supplied
documentation is an Operation discussion.
Follow what is written there to check out all
of the full functionality and capability of the
This photo shows the keyer, with paddles at-
tached, during this testing.
Once satisfied that everything is work-
ing correctly, disconnect the battery, and
move on the packaging phase of this project.
Packaging the Keyer
This section assumes an Altoids tin will
be used to house the keyer. All controls are
mounted on the front and back surfaces of
the tin, to preserve the graphics on the lid
and bottom. If another type of case is used,
follow the general approach that is de-
scribed, with appropriate changes to accom-
modate what you have selected. Here are
the steps that can be used.
1) Apply paper, using clear tape, over
the areas where holes will be created.
2) Mark the affixed paper where the
centers of the holes are needed, and note the
required hole sizes on a sheet of paper.
This photo shows the front of an Altoids tin,
at this stage in the process.
3) Punch or drill holes of the appropri-
ate size at the required locations. Punching
holes works better than drilling if the tools
are available, as the very thin metal in an
Altoids tin tends to tear while drilling. If
drilling is the only option available, clamp
a piece of wood beneath the area to be
drilled, for support.
4) Mount all of the external controls in
their respective holes. The output jack was
mounted on the rear panel of the tin, just
below the hinge location.
5) Attach to PC board to the case floor
with two small strips of 1/8-inch thick
double sided foam tape. Super glue can be
used to affix the speaker to the case top,
making sure that its leads will pass by the
right edge of the PC board when the case
lid is closed.
Attach the 9 volt battery to the floor of
the case using a small strip of Velcro (hook
and loop) tape, so that it can be easily re-
moved and replaced when dead. This ar-
rangement will also allow the battery to be
removed, if the power connector cannot be
snapped off when the battery is installed.
Note that no power switch is used; discon-
necting the battery fulfills that function.
With the battery installed, the keyer looks like
As a final packaging touch, small rub-
ber feet were placed on the bottom surface
at each corner to elevate the keyer approxi-
mately 3/16-inch above its resting surface.
This provides easier access to the controls
and jacks.
This photo shows the completed keyer from
the front. No control labeling was applied due
to time constraints. Rub on or P-Touch type
labels could be applied to the blue areas on
the front and rear surfaces of the lid, above
the controls, if desired.
Final Comments
It took about two days to build this
keyer, including all of the photography that
accompanies this article. For a beginner, that
same time frame would make sense, or per-
haps a day longer. The key is to proceed
slowly and carefully, to minimize making
mistakes. Those take an inordinate amount
of time to undo, and are very frustrating for
beginning builders. Remember to read the
documentation before you unpack all of the
parts, and reread the critical sections before
you start building.
This keyer is an excellent beginning
builders project. It is logical to assemble,
well documented, and modestly priced. In
addition, it works wonderfully well, both for
sending CW on the air or in use as a code
practice oscillator setup. Either way, it is
another winner from NorCal!
Hopefully, you find the information
presented informative and useful. If you
have comments or questions, please let me
72 and happy building!
1) The author can be contacted at:
PO Box 108
Fenton, MI 49430-0108
2) An expanded version of this article, in-
cluding color photos, will soon appear on
the NorCal Keyer project website
3) The NorCal Keyer Kit is available from
the NorCal QRP Club. Write $15 check or
M.O. payable to Doug Hendricks and send
to Doug Hendricks, 862 Frank Ave, Dos
Palos, CA 93620.
Summer 2003 41 HOMEBREWER
The AZ ScQRPions
AZSX-303E Transmitter
Build this easily constructed, stable-frequency and low-cost 3-5 watt
Class-E transmitter for use on 40-30-20 meters. With efficiencies
greater than 95%, what more could you want!
Jerry Haigwood, W5JH
QRP transmitters have not progressed
much in the last 10 years. Most QRP trans-
mitters for CW use are classic Class-C de-
signs achieving 50-65% efficiency with most
around the 50% mark (some below 50%).
Recently, several designers have been ex-
perimenting with Class-E transmitters. Paul
Harden, NA5N, discussed Class-E transmit-
ters at the 2002 Pacificon gathering as well
as writing several articles on the same sub-
ject. Steve Weber, KD1JV, has designed
several Class-E transmitters and documented
them on his web page <www.qsl.net/kd1jv>.
Nathan Sokal, WA1HQC, wrote an excel-
lent article titled Class-E RF Power Am-
plifiers, which appeared in the Jan/Feb 2001
issue of QEX magazine. All of these authors/
designers have reported similar results. Us-
ing Class-E designs, efficiencies as high as
95% have been reported. High efficiency
means lower current for a fixed output power
just what we want for to-the-field battery
What is Fort Tuthill?
Every year during the last weekend in
July, the Arizona ScQRPions radio club
sponsors a QRP gathering at the ARRL Ari-
zona State Convention held at Fort Tuthill
near Flag Staff, Arizona. This gathering is
commonly referred to as simply Fort
Tuthill. At this QRP gathering, there is usu-
ally a building event. In the past we have
built different kits, and had a couple of years
of junk box wars. This year, I suggested
we design and build a Class-E transmitter.
Since I suggested the transmitter, I was asked
(volunteered!) to design the kit. Dan Tayloe,
N7VE, volunteered to help with the design
and act as a consultant. Dan and I set out to
design a simple, universal, 3-5 watt Class-E
Some of the design goals included:
Class-E final using MOSFETs
Universal design able to operate on
40, 30, 20 meters
Stable frequency control
Easy to build/duplicate
Low cost
Steve Webers work on Class-E trans-
mitters was the inspiration for much of our
design. Refer to the schematic for the AZ
ScQRPion AZSX-303E transmitter.
The Circuit
For discussion purposes, the transmit-
ter can be broken down into four sections.
These are:
Voltage regulator
Final Amplifier.
The Voltage Regulator
The transmitter was designed to use
battery voltage (12.5 V). It is capable of
operating down to 9 V with some reduction
in output power. With this transmitter, you
will not have to QRT when your battery
voltage drops to below 12 V. In order to sta-
bilize the VXO and to use 74AC logic, the
battery is regulated down to 6 V. That is the
job of U1, an L78L06ACZ voltage regula-
tor. This part requires a margin of approxi-
mately 1.8 V. So, operation down to 7.8 V
is possible although the efficiency may suf-
fer since the output tank circuit is designed
for 12.5 V operation.
The VXO is a Colpits design using a
2N4401. C6 and C7 provide the feedback
to start the oscillation. RFC1, C5, and diode
D1 along with R1-R3, and C4 are used to
pull the frequency of the crystal X1. The
HOMEBREWER 42 Summer 2003
range of pull is approximately 3.5-4 kHz.
The frequency of X1was chosen to be near
the QRP watering holes (7.040, 10.116, and
14.060 MHz). Norcal crystals are used. The
oscillator is keyed by applying 6 V to the
anode of D2. The output of the oscillator is
buffered and amplified by another 2N4401
to approximately 3 Vpp.
The Keyer/Squarer/Mute Circuit
A 74AC02 quad 2 input nor gate was
selected as the keyer/squarer circuit. Only 2
gates of the 4 available are used. The key
connects directly to the inputs of both gates
(U2A and U2B). A debounce circuit con-
sisting of R10 and C11 helps reduce any key
contact bounce. Upon key down, the output
of gate 1 (U2A) provides 6 V. This keyed 6
V is used to turn on the mute switch Q3,
bias on the oscillator, set a 3V bias on the
gates of the final transistors and key the
transmitter on through Q6. Key down also
allows the oscillator to pass through U2B
causing the oscillator to be squared up into
a 0-6 Vp-p square wave. This 0-6 Vp-p sig-
nal is applied to the final transistors to switch
them on/off.
The Final Amplifier
The final amplifier is a Class-E design
using a pair of TO92 style plastic MOSFETs.
No heat sink is required for normal use. The
efficiency is high enough that at 4 watts
output, the MOSFETs are operating well
within their normal ratings. The final
MOSFETs are biased at 3 V at key down.
Also, as explained above, a 6-Vpp signal is
applied to the finals. Since the MOSFETs
start to conduct at 1.8 V, the 6 V will alter-
nately drive the MOSFETs into saturation
and then off. Current will only flow for the
short time that the MOSFETs are turned on.
Capacitors C19-C21, along with the inter-
nal capacitance of the final transistors and
inductors L2 and L3, form a classic Class-E
tank circuit. Much has been written in the
past few years about the Class-E tank cir-
cuit. However, Nathan Sokals article titled
Class-E RF Power Amplifiers, which ap-
peared in the Jan/Feb 2001 edition of QEX
magazine, provides more information than
any other single article I have seen. It is defi-
nitely recommended reading. The values for
the Class-E tank circuit were calculated us-
ing the formulas developed by Mr. Sokal.
Dan Tayloe developed an excellent Excel
spreadsheet of Mr. Sokals equations mak-
ing the calculation of Class-E tank circuits
a breeze. C22, L4, and C23 form a PI match-
ing circuit/low pass filter to match the 15-
to-18-ohm output impedance of the Class-
E tank circuit to a 50-ohm load. C19, D6-
D9, and RFC2 provide a QSK switch for
the receiver.
Building the Transmitter
The Arizona ScQRPions QRP club is
offering this transmitter as a kit. All board
mounted parts and R1 (potentiometer) are
included along with an etched Manhattan
style PCB.You will need to provide a box,
connectors, knob, and switch. The kit sells
for $20 postpaid. Contact Bob Hightower,
NK7M, <nk7m@extremezone.com>, for
more details.
If you prefer to roll your own, most
all of the parts are available from Mouser
Electronics <www.mouser.com>. The crys-
tal can be obtained from Norcal
<www.amqrp.org>. Before building the
transmitter, you must decide which band the
transmitter will be built for. The parts list
shows both universal parts and band spe-
cific parts. Be sure you select the correct
band specific parts for the band of your
choice. The transmitter can be built
manhattan style using a board size of ap-
proximately 2.5 x 4 inches. The board can
be divided into four sections. The upper left
section can hold the regulator and mute cir-
cuit. The lower left section can hold the
VXO and buffer. The upper right section can
hold the final amplifier.The lower right sec-
tion can hold the keyer/squarer. The build
and test method of construction is the best
method I have used. I build a small section
(e.g., the regulator/mute circuit) and then test
it before moving on to do another section.
Using this method, problems can be found
and fixed before moving on.
Tune up/Operation
Very little tune up of this transmitter is
required. You will need to connect the trans-
mitter to a dummy load and provide some
method of monitoring the output power. I
use a scope connected across the dummy
load for this purpose. You will also need to
monitor power supply current. Connect the
dummy load, power supply or battery, and
key to the transmitter. Key the transmitter
and measure the power output and power
supply current. The efficiency of the trans-
mitter is the output power divided by input
power. If it is putting out 3.5-4 watts at an
efficiency of 80% or more, you dont need
to do anything. If the efficiency is down or
power output too high or low, squeeze or
spread the windings on inductors L3 and L4
one at a time. Re-measure the output and
efficiency. You are shooting for 3.5-4 watts
output at 80% efficiency or greater. I have
measured this as high as 90%. The 20 meter
version may have a slightly lower efficiency
but it still should be 75% or better. This
transmitter is capable of putting out 6-8
watts; however the final transistors wont
last very long at that level and the efficiency
may suffer. This transmitter was designed
for 3.5-4 watts using a 12.5V power supply
and that is where it should be operated.
Operation of this transmitter is no dif-
ferent from any other transmitter. Just hook
up the receiver, mute line, antenna, key and
power. You should exercise caution while
adjusting any antenna or transmatch. Use of
the Dan Tayloe SWR indicator is highly rec-
ommended, as it will keep the SWR seen
by the transmitter to a maximum of 2:1 while
adjusting the transmatch.
This Class-E transmitter met the design
goals. This transmitter is a great platform
for experimenting with Class-E amplifiers.
Some things that could be done include:
R1-R3, C4-C5, and D1 could be replaced
with a 10-100 pF variable capacitor. The
variable would probably increase the fre-
quency range of the VXO. One of the plas-
tic polyvaricon type capacitor would prob-
ably work well.
The final transistors (Q4, Q5) could be re-
placed with different MOSFETs. Maybe
you can find a pair that will exceed 90%
efficiency. Try to find a MOSFET with
low input and output capacitance and a low
A VFO could be added to provide greater
frequency coverage.
A companion receiver could be added.
Add a sidetone oscillator. A twin-T oscil-
lator turned on by the 6V would work well.
You could replace the voltage regulator
with a low drop out type, redesign the tank
circuit and PI network and operate the
transmitter on 7.5V (5 or 6 AAA batter-
The opportunity for experimentation is
plentiful. It is my hope that this simple trans-
mitter will spur new high efficiency Class-
E designs in future QRP radios.
Jerry Haigwood, W5JH
email: w5jh@arrl.net
Summer 2003 43 HOMEBREWER
HOMEBREWER 44 Summer 2003
AZSX-303E Transmitter Parts List
40 Meter Specific Parts
Designator Value Notes Designator Value Notes
C1 47uF/16V Electrolytic C6 470pF/50V Ceramic Disc
C2 .1/50v Axial Ceramic C7 470pF/50V Ceramic Disc
C3 .1/50v Axial Ceramic C19 47pF/100V Ceramic Disc
C4 .1/50v Axial Ceramic C20 220pF/500V Ceramic Disc
C5 .01/50v Ceramic Disc C21 330pF/100V Ceramic Disc
C8 .1/50v Axial Ceramic C22 1000pF/500V Ceramic Disc
C9 150pF/50V Ceramic Disc C23A 680pF/500V Ceramic Disc
C10 .1/50v Axial Ceramic C23B 180pF/50V Ceramic Disc
C11 .01/50v Ceramic Disc L2 50 uH 13 turns #26 on FT37-43 core
C12 .1/50v Axial Ceramic L3 1.7 uH 21 turns #26 on T37-2 core
C13 .1/50v Axial Ceramic L4 .623 uH 12 turns #26 on T37-2 core
C14 .1/50v Axial Ceramic RFC1 22 uH Molded choke
C15 .1/50v Axial Ceramic RFC2 10 uH Molded choke
C16 .1/50v Axial Ceramic X1 7.040 MHz Norcal Crystal
C17 47uF/16V Electrolytic
C18 .1/50v Axial Ceramic 30 Meter Specific Parts
D1 1N4007 Diode (Black) C6 330pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D2 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C7 330pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D3 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C19 30pF/50V Ceramic Disc
D4 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C20 120pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D5 1N5263B 56V-.5W Zener Diode (Glass) C21 270pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D6 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C22 680pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D7 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C23A 470pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D8 1N4148 Diode (Glass) C23B 120pF/500V Ceramic Disc
D9 1N4148 Diode (Glass) L2 35 uH 11 turns #26 on FT37-43 core
L1 200uH 26 turns #28 on FT37-43 core L3 1.2 uH 17 turns #26 on T37-2 core
Q1 2N4401 NPN L4 .433 uH 10 turns #26 on T37-2 core
Q2 2N4401 NPN RFC1 10 uH Molded choke
Q3 2N7000 MOSFET RFC2 8.2 uH Molded choke
Q4 BS170 MOSFET X1 10.116 MHz Norcal Crystal
Q6 IRF520 MOSFET 20 Meter Specific Parts
R1 50K Potentiometer C6 220pF/50V Ceramic Disc
R2 4.7K-1/8W Resistor C7 220pF/50V Ceramic Disc
R3 100K-1/8W Resistor C19 27pF/50V Ceramic Disc
R4 82K-1/8W Resistor C20 68pF/100V Ceramic Disc
R5 390-1/8W Resistor C21 180pF/500V Ceramic Disc
R6 1K-1/8W Resistor C22 470pF/500V Ceramic Disc
R7 220-1/8W Resistor C23A 330pF/500V Ceramic Disc
R8 100K-1/8W Resistor C23B 100pF/500V Ceramic Disc
R9 100K-1/8W Resistor L2 26 uH 9 turns #26 on FT37-43 core
R10 10K-1/8W Resistor L3 .86 uH 15 turns #26 on T37-2 core
R11 33K-1/8W Resistor L4 .311 uH 9 turns #26 on T37-2 core
R12 47K-1/8W Resistor RFC1 8.2 uH Molded choke
R13 47K-1/8W Resistor RFC2 4.7 uH Molded choke
R14 47K-1/8W Resistor X1 14.060 MHz Norcal Crystal
U1 L78L06ACZ Voltage Regulator
U2 74AC02 Quad 2 input NOR gate Optional Items
misc Box
misc Connectors various types
misc knob
SW1 DPDT Switch
Summer 2003 45 HOMEBREWER
Joe Everhart, N2CX
To those who have followed this col-
umn regularly in the QRP Quarterly, wel-
come to the new home of TTAM. Its been
a fun four years in QQ and the column has
been well received. Now its time to swing
over to the AmQRP Homebrewer journal.
Welcome too to those who have not read
TTAM before. Lets start off by a descrip-
tion of what its all about.
As the title indicates the main subject
is mainly measurement techniques and cir-
cuits related to Ham radio and homebrewing.
Of course those who know me are familiar
with my overwhelming curiosity. In keep-
ing with that trait I will occasionally stray
from strict test-related topics if I find some-
thing else interesting to write about.
Ill try not to be too droll and serious -
maybe even include a story or an outrageous
pun to get a point across. In the And More
category sometimes the projects described
will be something just for the fun of it! So
you dont get too tired of me, a guest author
will be featured who has a different slant or
some special expertise on a particular topic.
Generally the coverage will concentrate
on useful, good quality and above all prac-
tical ways to perform common measure-
ments. Projects will be described that can
be duplicated and calibrated by the average
homebrewer with minimal access to expen-
sive or hard-to-find laboratory test gear or
components. All projects will definitely be
designed to work as advertised.
Emphasis will be made to carefully de-
fine the accuracy and performance that can
be expected of projects described in this
column. In line with this goal, the theory of
operation will be presented as applicable.
Further, every attempt will be made to pro-
vide references for those who want more
detail or background information.
An important resource as a supplement
to the column is the TTAM Online web
page on the AmQRP web site located at
www.amqrp.org/ttam. The TTAM Online
pages will provide material such as addi-
tional figures, drawings and computer pro-
grams listing that cannot be included in the
printed TTAM printed column due to the
space limitations. Errata notes will first ap-
pear there so readers wont have to wait sev-
eral months for them to appear in the printed
Three Sections in Each Issue
TTAM is based on three sections, al-
though this may vary as space permits. The
sections are:
Coming To Terms This section de-
fines a test-related term. Most often the term
will be something that has to do with a
theme for the column.
Designed For Test This section con-
tains the meat of the column. It describes
either a test technique or a particular circuit
design. In the past Ive usually presented a
complete working project.
Stimulus and Response This wrap-
up section answers specific questions or
provides clarifications requested by the read-
ers. It is my punful way of driving home the
fact that most test activities involve apply-
ing some sort of signal - a stimulus - to a
given circuit and measuring the result - a
response - to the input. To paraphrase a fa-
miliar vendors motto: Youve got stimu-
lus, Ive got response!
Okay, so much for background. Lets
get on to some meat now!
Coming to Terms
Those of us greybeards who have been
in electronics since transistors wore short
pants (thanks to Glen, VE3DNL for that!)
are familiar with the term ringing out a cir-
cuit. However its origins are shrouded in
the mists of time. The reason for the term is
quite simple. In days past, before printed
circuit board and multifunction integrated
circuits, constructing electronics projects re-
quired lots and lots of wiring. Quite often
the wiring harnesses became so complex that
it was necessary to check the wiring for con-
tinuity. Of course we are familiar with us-
ing an ohmmeter to do this. But when a large
multiconductor cable is being checked for
continuity (and shorts between adjacent con-
ductors) its much easier to use a test method
that doesnt make you have to take your eyes
off what you are doing. The answer was
quite simple the continuity tester was a
bell or buzzer connected in series with a
battery and test leads. Continuity between a
lead being checked and the test leads com-
pleted the circuit making the bell or buzzer
sound. Though it seems almost trivial, this
simple tester made for very fast cable test-
ing. But dont even think about using an
electromechanical sounder with modern
semiconductor circuits. The inductive
kick it produces will fry semiconductor
junctions faster than you can say Oops!
Designed For Test
There are several modern counterparts
to the simple buzzer for continuity check-
ing. The first is a direct replacement, a piezo
buzzer as shown in Figure 1. A 9-volt
battery supplies the power and leads with
suitable clips, either alligator or ball grip
are used to connect to the conductors being
checked. Be sure to use a piezo device that
includes an internal oscillator such as the
Radio Shack device shown or you will
get no sound! In addition to continuity the
tester can be used to check diodes. It will
sound when the (+) lead is on a diode anode
and (-) on the cathode. Be careful with mi-
crowave semiconductors, though since the
full 10 ma operating current for the buzzer
flows through the test leads.
Figure 1: Piezo buzzer and battery serve as
continuity tester
9 V
RS 273-059
HOMEBREWER 46 Summer 2003
My friend Tony, WA3CAO uses a
tester that is a tad more complex but is much
more versatile. Figure 2 shows the circuit.
Ive described the circuit several years back
in Joes Quickies for several different ap-
plications so you can see that its one of my
favorites! As you can see in the schematic
diagram, the test leads are in series between
the 10k base bias resistor and ground. The
circuit draws no current until there is conti-
nuity so no on-off switch is needed. When
a connection is made, the oscillator is bi-
ased on, sounding a tone.
Diodes can also be checked with the
tone oscillator continuity tester. This cir-
cuit is gentler, though, passing no more than
1 ma through the test leads. Furthermore it
can be used to check electrolytic capacitors.
The oscillator pitch will start high and de-
crease rapidly as it charges the capacitor,
going silent once charging is complete. But
if the capacitor is leaky it will still pass cur-
rent and the tone will not stop. And finally,
the tone pitch will vary if there is resistance
present in the connections or leads being
tested so you can judge whether or not a
good connection is being made.
Stimulus and Response
Ive received several queries from folks
wondering why recent TTAM columns have
presented test circuits based on the NJQRP
QuickieLab (see www.njqrp.org/quickielab
for Quickielab details and projects).
The answer is really quite simple ... the
QuickieLab is a very versatile and
reprogrammable board that lends itself to
simple-but-powerful projects. The several
designs described recently provide basic
building blocks for a whole family of mea-
surement instruments that can be built and
made to work by any homebrewer. Those
who may have seen my presentation on the
QuickieLab at the Atlanticon QRP Forum
this spring know that I have a whole cadre
of other QuickieLab projects lined up for
So the bottom line is that until this list
is whittled down a bit, many of the test de-
vices Ill present in this column will use the
QuickieLab. On the other hand, not all of
the will be as simple as the continuity tester
in this issue.
Please feel free to ask questions about
anything in this column or other test and
measurement topics. If you send me e-mail,
I will answer directly. However if you send
me snail mail please include an SASE for
any reply. And with your permission, Ill
also reproduce some of the pertinent que-
ries and responses in future columns to share
the info will all.
Joe Everhart, N2CX
214 New Jersey Rd
Brooklawn, NJ 08030
E-mail: n2cx@amqrp.org
1. The Quickie Tone Oscillator Joes
Quickie #30, in the Idea Exchange column
in QRP Quarterly for July, 1999.
2. Quickie Bargraph Meter Joes Quickie
#46, Idea Exchange in QRP Quarterly for
Summer 2003.
3. Full details about the QuickieLab can be
found on the NJQRP website at
www.njqrp.org/quickielab. A partial kit of
parts is also available for purchase from the
NJQRP (pc board, LCD, IOX controller
1K C.T.
to 8
1.5 to 9 V
2N4403, 2n3906, etc.
1K C.T.
to 8
1.5 to 9 V
2N4403, 2n3906, etc.
Figure 2- Tone Oscillator Continuity Tester
Figure 3: The NJQRP QuickieLab is a powerful and flexible test platform that well build onto
here in future issues of the TTAM column. We cant go wrong with its built-in capabilities for RF
generation, frequency measurement, A/D input, tone generation, LCD display, keypad data
entry, and an experimenters plugboard to allow any extra circuits we might want to try out!
Further, software programs that I provide can be downloaded from the TTAM Online web
pages to the QuickieLabs BASIC Stamp microcontroller, allowing your test platform to serve
many purposes over time.
Summer 2003 47 HOMEBREWER
New J ersey New J ersey
A Message To NJQRP and NORCAL
George Heron, N2APB email: n2apb@amqrp.org
Doug hendricks, KI6DS email: ki6ds@amqrp.org
Many in the QRP world took notice of the email and web page announcements over
the summer: On 4 June 2003, theNorCal QRP Club and the New Jersey QRP
Clubmerged to form The American QRP Club. But what does this mean to the mem-
bership of these two local clubs? Whats changed since the merger of the two clubs?
Read on to understand the vision from N2APB and KI6DS.
N2APB addresses members of the NJQRP
Heres a sincere Thank You to the New Jersey QRP mem-
bership for the hearty and positive support voiced during the for-
mation of the American QRP Club this summer. There are so many
exciting things already in progress -- its going to be a wonderful
time ahead for everyone.
Its important for the NJQRP members to understand a funda-
mental concept... the club isnt going anywhere at all. Were stay-
ing font-and-center with the same email listserv, with our web page,
with our monthly meetings, with our club-sponsored QRP outings
like Field Day, and QRP To The Field, and with projects that we
work on together as a local group. This holds especially true for
our continuing to be responsible for the annual Atlanticon QRP
Forum weekend each spring. Nothing changes in these regards.
What does improve is our ability to do our various wide-reach-
ing national projects ... like the printed journal, the kitting opera-
tions and the relationships with all our friendly QRP designers and
vendors. Well be working with an increased staff, so to speak,
with our parent organization: the American QRP Club. Well be
contributing kitting operations for the benefit of QRPers everywhere,
and extending those operations to soon include unique projects de-
veloped under the AmQRP umbrella. In return well be getting
some financial support and guidance back from AmQRP so can put
on even better Atlanticons, better-coordinated showings at local
hamfests, and even more interesting mini-projects that we tend to
do at our local meetings in Princeton, NJ.
Well also have a chance to further a very important initiative
that we see crucial for the hobby ... the introduction of Americas
youth to ham radio, electronics homebrewing and experimentation.
As a team, weve really honed these technical areas over the years
and its now time to start taking the initiative to extend them to the
public. Thats really why were all here. Sure its fun to play radio
and build kits, but were all here on this earth to help others in the
variety of ways we can ... and this is our groups way. It will be a
blast, I assure you!
Vince WA2ECP, the original founding father of the NJQRP
Club, is working to maintain all the NJ-specific website material
club meeting recaps, member directories, local projects, meet-
ing notices, field operations, local announcements, et al and be
the webmaster for the NJQRP website. It will have the same look-
and-feel, and Vince is committed to be as responsive as I have been
over the years in evolving it. Of course Ill be right here to help
him, and everyone else involved, be successful in this.
I have already taken the national aspects of our NJQRP
website, along with those of the NorCal website, and formed the
official website of the American QRP Club (www.amqrp.org). It
has a different face on it from either the NJ or NorCal web pages,
and well be dealing with the national issues, projects, opera-
tions, weekend forums, and more. This too should be fun, and it
will be closely linked with the NJQRP website.
Another major change is that publication of our QRP
Homebrewer magazine has merged with NorCals QRPp maga-
zine to form HOMEBREWER. Its been a great ride over that past
three years of publishing QHB and we broke some new ground
with our efforts. QHB Extra! online graphics has been a great suc-
cess due to the quality contributions of many in the club. Because
the merger of the clubs and pooling of the resources working on
the many activities has freed up some of my time on other matters,
Ill be able to extend my focus on the printed journal to evolve both
QHB and QRPp even beyond the successes achieved thus far.
So stay tuned NJQRPers, and hang on for the ride of your life!
KI6DS addresses the NorCal membership
Ten years ago, Jim Cates and I took a trip to Dayton to find
out what the rest of the world was doing in QRP. Boy did we have
our eyes opened. We had a fabulous time, and as you all know, we
decided on the plane ride home to form a QRP club in California.
Jim came up with the name and the meeting place, both of which
we still have today. Our goal when we started was to encourage
HOMEBREWER 48 Summer 2003
QRP operation by any and all means available to us. We did that,
and recently we celebrated our 10
anniversary with a very nice
party at the California Burger. The club has been successful be-
yond our wildest dreams, yet we knew that something was missing.
George Heron and I met many years ago, and I have taken
great pleasure in watching him and the NJQRP Club grow. NorCal
assisted NJQRP in getting started, and our efforts have been re-
warded with the emergence of NJQRP into a national power among
QRP clubs. We remained close friends through the years, and I
always sought Georges counsel when there were problems or dif-
ficult decisions to make for NorCal. His advice and friendship has
been invaluable to both Jim and me, and to NorCal. Last March, I
had the opportunity to spend a few days with George at his home in
Maryland after Atlanticon. We spent most of the time talking about
QRP, as QRPers often do. George told me of his dream to have a
truly national QRP organization, where NorCal and NJQRP would
merge together to form one big club, yet each club would keep its
own identity and events -- the combined club would make the sum
bigger than its parts. George pointed out that there was a tremen-
dous amount of duplication involved in the operation of the two
clubs and that if we were to merge, we could share the work and
both clubs would benefit. I told him I was interested but wanted
some time to think about it and discuss it with Jim.
As you all know, the merger of the two clubs came about on
June 4
, of this year. The Amercian QRP Club came about due to
the combining of the two clubs. What does this mean to you, the
average NorCal member?
Will NorCal go away? No, we will still have all of the local
activities that we have always had, monthly meetings at the Cali-
fornia Burger, local get togethers for pizza when famous and not so
famous qrpers come to town, Pacificon, QRPTTF, all will remain
the same.
What will change? QRPp and QHB have ceased publication.
They are now replaced by a much better journal, HOMEBREWER,
which is a full sized, 8.5 x 11 publication with 60+ pages, and a
full color cover! The cost of subscribing has gone up. It will now
cost $20 per year to get the journal. We tried to hold the line, but
postage and publishing costs are out of sight, and our subscription
base for QRPp had dropped dangerously low, below 700. You
really need at least 1000 subscribers to get a decent break on the
publishing costs, and we were going to have to raise costs with or
without the merger.
QRPacificon. Due to an agreement reached during the merger,
we decided that we would charge a fee for the QRPacificon forum
this year. NJQRP has done this for the past few years, but they
certainly give value for the money! This year your $10 registration
fee for QRPacificon will entitle you to attendance at all the events,
plus you will receive a special name badge, the QRPacificon kit
(which will be mailed to all in advance so that it can be built and
brought to QRPacificon to use in the operating event Saturday night),
and a compendium of all of the speaker presentations.
NorCal has always encouraged and helped local and regional
QRP clubs. We have not advertised that because we do not want
the credit nor do we want to cause any problems for anyone or any
event. We will continue to do that. But it will be a little more vis-
ible, due to the fact that we are now a national organization and
have goals to reach. Down the road, I can see the American QRP
Club helping to host QRP Forums like Pacificon and Atlanticon in
all regions of the country. In fact, we have already started down
that road, having just recently announced that we will be affiliated
with the Four State QRP Club, who will be putting on Ozarkcon
next spring with our help in Joplin, MO.
Our Duties. George Heron will be the Editor and publisher of
the club journal, HOMEBREWER. Joe Everhart will be in charge
of the technical activities of the club. Paul Maciel will be the trea-
surer and all orders for kits and subscriptions will be going to him
eventually. Doug Hendricks will be the project manager for the
club kits. Jim Cates will be helping to mail NorCal kits, and will act
as our mentor and club advisor.
We feel that exciting times are ahead for QRP and for the Ameri-
can QRP Club. Please judge us by what we do. Let our actions
speak for us. I want to thank you for all of your support the past 10
years, and I want each and every one of you to know that NorCal
needs your continued support and participation to remain a viable
entity. As the leadership team of American QRP Club, George,
Joe, Paul, Jim and Doug look forward to serving you and promot-
ing QRP in the future. Thank you.
The Az ScQRPions had its genesis back in early December of
1994.An escaped Texan by the name of Dave Little, AF5U, stirred
the local QRP crew to organize in a similar fashion to the NorCal
QRP club. Dave was a long-time associate of Chuck Adams, K7QO,
then also of Dallas, so you can see something was bound to hap-
pen. In true Texan fashion, however, Dave started something he
couldnt finish and he hightailed it back to Dallas leaving behind a
very active QRP group.
The ScQRPions, like many other QRP groups, has activities
including sponsorship of operating events such as FYBO and
BUBBA and participation in other QRP operating
activities.Camping or other outdoor activities are often organized
around these operating events weather and fire conditions per-
mitting, that is! Kits provide the financial support for the group,
with the latest being a Class E transmitter kit, described in an ar-
ticle in this issue. The success of our kits has allowed the ScQRPions
to sponsor top quality QRP programs since 1995 at the Arizona
State ARRL Convention at Ft. Tuthill (in Flagstaff, AZ) at the end
of each. These kits are also made available at no cost to other QRP
groups as prizes for QRP programs and conventions.
Meetings are held at 10:45 am on the first Saturday of the month
at the Fuddruckers Hamburger restaurant just off I-17 North at the
Dunlap Exit in Phoenix.Show and Tell sessions to show off our
latest projects are a highlight. Members drive from as far as Tuc-
son, Prescott and Kingman to attend. No officers, no dues just
show up and youre a member. Let us know when you are coming
to town and we might have a meeting just for you!
Introducing ... The Az ScQRPions
John Stevens, K5JS email: john.stevens@honeywell.com
Summer 2003 49 HOMEBREWER
QRP Operating
Richard Fisher, KI6SN
Monty Northrup, N5ESE, reports from Austin, TX, that re-
cently he had a couple very pleasant 40-meter surprises while play-
ing portable radio from my brother-in-laws place on Lake Travis
in the Central Texas hill country.
We got there after dark and I slung an 87-foot wire up over a
30-foot oak tree to a cedar about the same height up the hill a bit.
Then laid down the usual 4 X 32 foot and 2 X 16 foot radials and
attached both to the (Elecraft) K1 sitting on the front seat of the car
and running on internal AA batteries.
After a couple of short contacts on 20, I switched to 30 meters
and happened upon ol Wilford Doc Lindsey, KEVZ, who
was portable in Albuquerque, operating from a hotel.
Now, it was amazing enough that his (Elecraft) K2 was load-
ing up the 17 foot downspout next to his hotel window, but what
was even more astounding was that his signals were bouncing be-
tween S-9 and 10 over.
We chewed the fat for about a half hour until the path began
to deteriorate, and I jokingly vowed to go to Home Depot and buy
some rain gutter.
Then, (the next) morning, still portable, we had a number of
QSOs on 40, some with a lot of difficulty because the QRG around
7.040 MHz was crowded and getting more crowded by the mo-
Suddenly, I lost Henry Cox, AG4OG, of Decherd, TN, and
all the QRM disappeared, too. I called Henry for a few minutes but
got no answer, then tuned down frequency where I heard ZL6FF
(the FISTS CW Club Downunder club station) calling CQ.
I dont generally call DX, but his signal was 57 / 99, and
nobody else called him, so I signed N5ESE / QRP. Imagine my
surprise when Nigel whom Ive never worked before comes
OTAKI. On 40 meters? Too cool!
We exchanged FISTS numbers, and he wanted to know all
about my portable setup and extracted the promise of a QSL .
In 35+ years, Ive never actually completed a QRP QSO with
a ZL, so this was exciting. But believe me, all the credit goes to the
receiving operator on that one.
Part of this goes back to the 85-foot end fed mine is more
like 87. I think these anecdotes will vouch for it. Incidentally,
worked as an Inverted L against makeshift radials, the K1s ATU
readily tuned to 1:1 on all four bands (40/30/20/15).
* * * * * * * * * *
N5ESEs operating experience fit well into the context of a
recent discussion on the Internet mail group QRP-L. Operators from
all over the country were chiming in with suggestions, comments
and questions about the merits of using an 80+ foot end-fed wire as
a multi-band antenna with various combinations of radials or
For many QRPers, including me, the conversation had a ring
of familiarity. Back in the 1930s, H.J. Siegel, W3EDP, came up
with an end-fed design employing an 84-foot radiator and a 17-
foot counterpoise. It has been kicking around for years. And as
N5ESEs experience illustrates, EDPs fundamental design has
gone through lots of tinkering and modification over the last 60+
With the Adventure Radio Societys Flight of the Bumblebees
contest looming last July, I decided to honor W3EDPs work by
reproducing his original design as faithfully as I could. And what
better forum than a nationwide contest to try it out?
Much has been written about the theory of the W3EDP, so we
wont delve into that very deeply here. The Cliffs Notes story on
the KI6SN version, though, is this: The 17-foot counterpoise ac-
tually serves as a parallel feedline with 6-inch spacing and an im-
pedance of 500-800 ohms thus the need for a tuner. Doing the
arithmetic, 17 subtracted from 84 is 67 feet for the flat-top, non-
feedline portion of the antenna.
An end-fed Zepp from which the W3EDP is derived will
work on its fundamental frequency and on harmonic frequencies
odd or even.. In this case, the antenna has been used successfully
on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.
In root form as shown in the accompanying diagram, its an
84-foot-long wire with a 17-foot wire hanging under it.
Its simplicity of design, and needing only one support at the
end of the flat-top radiating portion of the antenna, make it ideal
for portable operation.
That prompted the urge at KI6SN to give the W3EDP a try
during this years Flight of the Bumblebees.
Preliminary tests of the antenna strung about 5 feet off the
ground on trees and bushes in the back yard, proved that even a
low W3EDP will tune easily on 40- and 20 meters using a NorCal
BLT antenna tuning unit, available from AmQRP in kit form. For
details about this Z-match tuner, visit the clubs web site:
The PVC spreaders, BLT tuner and 84- and 17-foot wires can be rolled
up into a tidy, lightweight antenna package for carrying into the field.
HOMEBREWER 50 Summer 2003
I used seven spreaders to create the 17-foot portion of the
antennas feedline. They were designed by Charles Lofgren,
W6JJZ, one of todays leading authorities on antenna matching
and design.
Made from styled pieces of 1-inch-diameter PVC, they took
about a half hour to cut, slot and de-burr. The only other pieces of
the antenna are two single wires: one 17-feet long and the other 84.
Just about any light-gauge insulated stranded hook-up wire can be
used right off the shelf at Radio Shack, if youd like. The portion
of 84-foot radiator nearest your tuner and rig is threaded through
slots on one side of the spreaders; the 17-foot parallel wire that
creates the feedline on the other.
For details on the antennas theory and more specifics on mak-
ing the spreaders, as described by W6JJZ, visit the Adventure Ra-
dio Societys web site: www.ARSqrp.com
Enter The ARS Sojourner, click on ARS Archives, click on
Cumulative Index, click Antenna Techniques and search the list for
W6JJZs excellent article The FFD Antenna: A Field-Friendly
Doublet, with Notes on Related Designs.
During Julys Flight of the Bumblebees, the W3EDP end-fed
antenna with 17-foot feeder comported itself admirably at KI6SN
/ BB.
Using the NorCal BLT tuner, a gel-cell powered NorCal-20
transceiver on 14 MHz running 2 watts, a NorCal-40A transceiver
running 1 watt on 40 meters, and the classic W3EDP antenna, just
about every station that was heard was worked.
Operating on the edge of the California desert between Los
Angeles and Palm Springs, the W3EDP was hung on low brush
and trees. At its droopiest, the wire was about three feet above
By the end of the four-hour sprint, six U.S. states had been
worked between operation on 40 and 20 CW. Reports ranged from
589 to 339 in band conditions that from this location were at best
If youre interested in trying an easy-to make and use antenna
system that can work well both at home and in the field, Id highly
recommend the W3EDP.
And if youve had experience with the antenna Id like to hear
about it.
The author may be contacted at:
1940 Wetherly Way
Riverside, CA 92506
Two transceivers and the NorCal BLT tuner, which was literally hang-
ing from the end of the W3EDP end-feds parallel feedline, were used
for initial testing of the antenna at KI6SN.
Summer 2003 51 HOMEBREWER
Radio To Go
James Bennett, KA5DVS/6
This column is titled "Radio to Go" and will cover aspects of
portable ham radio operation. Portable being defined as any opera-
tion away from a fixed station. Most of us travel at one time or
another whether for vacation, to visit family and friends or for busi-
ness. Taking a radio along for portable operation can be a great
way to relax and pass some time. Some of us even strap on a back-
pack containing a radio, battery, and antenna and walk around
making HF contacts an activity that has come to be known as "pe-
destrian portable". To learn more about this fun group of folks, see
the HFPack website: www.hfpack.com. It contains a wealth of
information about the fun and challenges of portable operation.
Operating portable is a great way to combine radio with visiting
beautiful locations.
Photo 1: Operating on the beach.
I have been a ham for approximately 25 years. I am interested
in VHF weak signal, QRP, portable operation and designing and
building antennas. Over the past few years, I have developed an
interest in developing lightweight and efficient antennas for por-
table operation. The PAC-12 vertical/dipole design is a result of
this interest.
My job requires frequent business trips often of extended du-
ration. Having my amateur radio equipment along on the trip helps
to pass the time in less than exotic destinations. My radio of choice
is the Yaesu FT-817. I also own and use an Elecraft K2 as well as
a Yaesu FT-301S several 10M and mono-band QRP rigs. How-
ever, as a testament to its compactness and versatility, the 817 is
now the radio that follows me on most trips. I do not however
intend to create an impression that the FT-817 is the only game in
town. Recent offerings such as the Elecraft K1, SGC 2020, and the
new Icom 703 have capabilities we could only dream about a few
years ago. As the saying goes " These are amazing times in which
we live".
If you are reading this column, you are already interested in
the challenges of low power operating and I encourage you to add
the further challenge of putting together a portable station. Whether
for travel, fun or emergency preparedness, having a portable sta-
tion "in a bag" is good goal. Portable antennas are a favorite sub-
ject and will frequently show up. Other topics may include how to
find a good location when traveling or, what to say to curious by-
standers and or legal officials who may question what you are do-
ing with all that suspicious equipment. Along the way, we will
build some projects, and hopefully learn a few things.
Traveling with Ham Radio
With increased security since 9/11, traveling with radio equip-
ment on an airplane is not as simple as it once was but is not too bad
if one is properly prepared. For example, I pack all of the antenna
hardware and bits in a small bag that goes into my checked bag-
gage. The FT-817 fits nicely into a spare pocket in my laptop bag.
I usually take the 817 out for x-ray along with my laptop and find
no problems with security. On occasion, I have had to explain that
it is a "radio". I do not volunteer information that it is an amateur
radio, there is no need and the security personnel probably do not
care in most cases. I do recommend carrying a copy of your FCC
license and the radio manual just in case you need to answer ques-
Traveling by car or other land based modes of transportation
do not have the same level of restriction for obvious reasons. De-
pending on the mode of travel, a small QRP rig can also be packed
in its own bag. There are commercial options but there are also
good choices in the surplus market. I ran across a surplus Iomega
Jazz drive bag that fits my 817, battery pack and accessories quite
Photo 2: FT-817 in bag
HOMEBREWER 52 Summer 2003
This bag is padded and has compartments to separate the radio
and components. It even has a mesh pocket perfect for a notepad
and the radio manual.
Power to go
When at home, an ac power supply for the radio is probably
easily accessible and battery packs can be easily recharged when
needed. However, when away from home, a bit of planning is
required. Unless you have access to reliable solar, wind, water, or
nuclear power, some form of storage battery is needed. The FT-
817 has the option of internal batteries either AA alkaline or re-
chargeable packs. I use the Maha internal NiMH pack in mine and
tend to use it as a UPS with an external battery pack or supply. In
this case, the internal pack is used only when the external batteries
are exhausted or when I do not want to connect them. While the
pack is perfectly capable of providing power for limited operation,
I prefer the flexibility and extended operation time of external bat-
tery power.
For travel, both AC and battery power capabilities are nice to
have. This means a power supply in conjunction with a battery
pack or packs.
One option when ac power is available is a switching supply
such as Radio Shack 22-503 or similar. This supply is not too
bulky and supplies sufficient current to run the 817 or other QRP
rig. It has a lighter socket and push terminals for connection. This
supply can also be used in a hotel or other location to charge gel
cell or other batteries.
Photo 3: Radio Shack power supply
This works well but I am always looking for a smaller option.
I ran across the Radio Shack 22-505 which is a very small switch-
ing supply about the size of a small dc wall wart type supply. It is
capable of up to 1A of current at 12V
While this is not sufficient current to run a typical 5W qrp rig,
it is perfect as a supply for receiving and for recharging batteries
when AC power is available.
For a battery pack there are several options. I use a gel cell
camcorder battery of approximately 2.5 AH capacity along with a
lighter socket adapter that also serves as a charging cord. These
were sold in the days of larger VHS camcorders and can often be
found on the surplus market.
Photo 4: Small Radio Shack power supply
Photo 5: Camcorder battery and cord.
This system does work well and has the advantage of recharge
capability from any 12 lighter socket. I use the Radio Shack 22-
505 1A switching supply to recharge this battery when traveling.
Airlines in some cases may not allow gel cell batteries. I have
heard of cases of them being removed from checked baggage for
security but I have not yet experienced it personally.
One of the best ideas I read recently on the QRP-L email re-
flector. The idea is to buy a 8- D-cell holder and fabricate a connec-
tor for your radio. Be sure to include a fuse somewhere in the wir-
ing. The holder is light and packs easily with the rest of the radio
gear. Once at the destination, purchase an 8 pack of D cell batter-
ies. This will give a 12V pack with somewhere around 15 amp
hour capacity, plenty to run for a few days of intermittent use. Once
the trip is complete, the used cells may be properly disposed leav-
ing only the battery holder to transport home.
Another option is to use AA cell batteries. A 12V battery pack
can be fabricated from a holder or holders and 8AA batteries. To
ensure safety, be sure to add a fuse in the circuit to protect your
radio. Batteries can either be transported or purchased at the desti-
nation. An alternate is to use rechargeable NiCd or preferably NiMH
Summer 2003 53 HOMEBREWER
cells. With capacities in the NiMH now up to 2.3+ AH, this is a
nice way to go. For 12V, 10 cells will be required. I managed to
find some 10-cell holders, which include a 9V-type battery snap
connection, imported by Philmore. See http://www.philmore-
datak.com for a list of distributors in your area.
Photo 6: D cell pack
AA batteries can be recharged with a quick charger such as the
Maha MH-C204F. This charger can be purchased with a car cord
and along with the RS 22-505 mini switching supply makes a great
way to charge AA cells.
In addition to commercial packs, a wide range of battery packs
can be homebrewed for portable operation. Here is an example of
a homebuilt battery pack that can be built from radio shack or sur-
plus components
Photo 7: Batterypack
For more details on this homebrew pack, see the following
website: http://www.qsl.net/kf6whk/projects.htm#BatteryPack.
Solar power is in many cases a viable power source for por-
table operation. Some of the new generation flexible solar panels
are easy to transport and can provide enough power for some QRP
rigs. With the addition of a small battery pack, the panel can pro-
vide continuous charging while the battery supplies the higher cur-
rent needed when transmitting.
Don't forget about one of the best sources that while not ex-
actly portable is mobile. This is of course the car you are driving.
The car battery is a great source of dc power, just make sure to
leave sufficient power to start the car for your return trip.
Next Time
In the next issue, I will look at choices for antennas when op-
erating portable. Also, if you have an idea for anything related to
portable operation, please drop me an email, including a descrip-
tion and digital photos if possible, and I will try to include it in
future columns.
Thanks for reading my column and I hope to hear you on the
air from wherever you roam.
James Bennett
Email: ka5dvs@arrl.net
HOMEBREWER 54 Summer 2003
QRP in the Great Outdoors
Ron Polityka, WB3AAL
A few days after the creation of The American QRP Club, the
AmQRP guys asked me if I would like to write a column about
operating in the outdoors. Well if you know anything about me,
you can guess that I could not say no. So let me introduce myself to
everyone and tell you what I have planned for the column.
* * * * * * * * * *
I was attending a Vocational School studying Electronics back
in the late 1970s. After my first year in the electronics class, I joined
a study group at a local church to learn Morse code. Since that time
I have been hooked and I still like operating CW. I would like to
say thank you my elmer, K3BFA - Charlie did a great job teaching
us the code. I was first licensed back in the summer of 1975 as
WN3AAL. I made several QSOs the first month running 75 watts
until I became bored with running high power. That is when the
QRP bug hit me and I have been hooked ever since.
I was a ham for only two months before I made my first trip
out to the Appalachian Trail. I toted an HW-7 and a car battery to
the top of the Pinnacle near Hamburg, PA. This location is the highest
spot in Berks County. I had a blast and I will never forget my first
QSO from the Appalachian Trail. I worked a station on 15-meters
running 3-watts into a 200-foot long wire. Now twenty-eight years
later, I am still hiking on the Appalachian Trail with my radios. I
have been out on the trail once a month with my K1 since March
2000. I often will take a short day trip or hike in a few hundred
yards from the road. I go out in all kinds of weather - even in the
winter with 10
F temperatures.
Lately, I have been running special event stations on board the
USS Torsk, USS Coast Guard Cutter Taney and the Lightship Chesa-
peake in Baltimore, MD. If you thought setting up an antenna in the
woods is hard, try hanging one on a steel ship! It is a real challenge
trying to stay clear of the steel mast and guide wire lines while not
compromising the performance of the antenna.
* * * * * * * * * *
In this column, I plan on reporting on those who play with
radios outside their normal operating environment. So if you like to
hike, camp, canoe or take a drive and operate from the field, please
drop me an e-mail at wb3aal@verizon.net. Send me information
about your upcoming trip or where you have been. Send me infor-
mation about when you operated one of the many QRP contests or
sprints that have an outdoor theme. If you have taken any pictures,
you can send them along in the e-mail. When submitting an out-
door report, please send all the details about how you got to the
location, what equipment you used (rig, key, power supply, an-
tenna / transmission line, etc.), and the number of QSOs made while
outdoors. Please let us know which QSO was special for you, and
mention the critters you encounter while out there.
* * * * * * * * * *
The EPA QRP Club is proud to be the Association Manager
designate forthe SOTA program for PA, DE and MD. The area is
better known as the W3 Land Call Area. We are in the process of
verifying the summits in Pennsylvania and Maryland. The EPA
QRP Club will make an announcement when the program is up and
running in those states.
The program is very popular across the pond as well. Visit
www.n3epa.org and click on SOTA-PA-DE-MD to see more in-
formation and the link to the SOTA in Europe.
* * * * * * * * * *
Ed, WA3WSJ and I have for some time been hiking across
Pennsylvania on the Appalachian Trail. The weather is usually an
important factor in our plans when going out for an overnight trip.
Unfortunately, the rain stopped us from making any trips in the
spring this year. We are still hoping to make a few day trips or
possibly some overnight trips this year. It would be great to make
the half waypoint in PA. The Appalachian Trail in PA runs on a
NE-toSW route for a total of 220 miles. Much of the hike is on
ridge tops and through state game lands. The main obstacle hiking
the AT in PA is the rocky landscape. Millions of years ago the
retreating ice glaciers deposited tons of rock on our mountains.
They can range anywhere from the size of a baseball to something
as large as a ranch home.
At the end of the outbound hike on the AT you will set up your
tent and station. It is very enjoyableto have someone come back to
your CQ while you are looking across a valley. This is the greatest
reward after a long days hike!
Summer 2003 55 HOMEBREWER
At the moment, I am using a 66-foot dipole with 450-ohm lad-
der line through the K1s antenna tuner. This does work, but Ed
uses a very portable / light weight vertical. He can set it up and be
on the air in five minutes. Ed is working on a four-band version of
this antenna. When he perfects this vertical, I will be in QRP heaven
and I might just take the K1s antenna tuner out of the rig. After a
long hike the last thing you want to do is struggle with trying to
hang a 66-foot dipole in the air.
Always be prepared when outdoors. If you plan on a day hike,
you need to take some water and food. You should have a first aid
kit and some duct tape. Dont laugh - duct tape was invented for the
military back in 1942 for the wartime activities. I always have
some wrapped around an old medicine bottle with other supplies.
You just never know when you will have to become McGiver
when out on a trip.
When out on the AT, please be aware of what is going on around
you. Listen to the sounds. There have been many bear and rattle-
snake sightings on the AT in the northern part of PA. The last thing
you want to do is stumble on a rattlesnake and meet up with a mother
bear and her cubs. Watch the sky, it is just a good idea since the
weather changes happen on a minute by minute basis.
Please do not leave any trace that you were there. I collect any
trash I personally generate and bring it back with me to the car at
the end of the hike. If I see any other trash along the way, I will try
to pick it up and dispose of it properly.
Always remember to be safe and use your head. This way you
can go out another day to enjoy QRP in the great outdoors!
73, Ron WB3AAL
email: wb3aal@verizon.net
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HOMEBREWER 56 Summer 2003
Tuning Up
Rich Arland, K7SZ
Welcome to my first column in the inaugural issue of the
HOMEBREWER. I was truly honored when editor George Heron,
N2APB, contacted me and asked if I could do a regular column in
this new quarterly QRP magazine. Upon hearing the news that the
two most active QRP clubs in the U.S. merged to form American
QRP Club, I was surprised. Then I realized that this was a golden
opportunity for QRPers, since it would produce an outstanding or-
ganization based upon two very active clubs whose overall empha-
sis was building and enjoying the low power aspects of the radio
hobby. At this time Id like to thank George and Doug Hendricks,
KI6DS, for the opportunity to actively participate in a truly new
and unique QRP experience.
Resurrecting a QRP Classic
Without a doubt, finding a classic QRP rig like a Ten-Tec PM
Series or Heathkit HW-7 or HW-8 at a flea market can be a very
fulfilling experience. However, many of these classic QRP rigs have
been chopped and channeled (to borrow an old hot rodder phrase)
by previous owners and either barely work or dont work at all. It is
a shame, since many of these flea market treasures are relegated to
the dumpster after being lugged around to several ham fests with-
out anyone showing any interest in buying them.
The HW-7
Over the years I have lost count of the Ten-Tec PM rigs and
HW-8s I have owned. However, the two HW-7s I remember viv-
idly! My first HW-7 was bought in 1973 while stationed at Lajes
Field, the Azores. Using this rig was a lot of fun, especially with
my CT2BH callsign. At that time there was only a handful of li-
censed radio amateurs in the entire Azores archipelago, so we were
considered rare DX, especially on CW. Although the HW-7 had a
dreadful receiver, I really didnt notice it much except on 40-meters
at night or when CUW-20, the base MARS station, fired up on any
frequency near 14 MHz! A lot of QRP contacts were made with my
first HW-7 and, despite its flaws, I had a lot of fun with that old
My current HW-7 came to me by way of Canada, and John
Grow, VE2EQL. This rig was the topic of a QRP Power column in
QST several years ago. This rig was in outstanding shape and only
had one modification: an AF filter board had been added on the
inside of the case. I cleaned it up, aligned the rig and added a
NoGAPIG voltage protection circuit (available form the North
Georgia QRP Club: www.noga.org) to ensure that I would never
suffer a reverse polarization of the power leads to the radio. Over
the last several years, I have fired the HW-7 up and made some
contacts, but there is a 1 kilowatt AM radio station about two miles
away that really paralyzes the receiver.
The HW-8
My newly-procured HW-8 came to me by way of Dave Hol-
lander, N7RK, in Arizona. Dave advertised the rig for $125 on the
Glowbugs list (glowbugs@piobaire.mines.uidaho.edu). I just
couldnt resist buying it, especially after seeing a series of external
and internal photos that Dave was kind enough to send. This was a
classic HW-8 with excellent cosmetics and was also in unmodified
condition! Now, that is a find!
This rig had apparently escaped the normal cutting, boring and
sloppy solder modifications associated with its heritage. Upon re-
ceiving the rig there were a couple of small things that needed at-
tention. First, the transmitter motorboated during key down on all
four bands. Thankfully, Mike Bryce, WB8VGE,
(prosolar@sssnet.com) had just completely rewritten and published
his second edition of HW-8 Handbook, which is the source book
for everything you ever wanted to know about the HW-7, HW-8
and HW-9 series of Heathkit QRP rigs. If you own any of the Heath
QRP rigs, you need this book. There are two fixes outlined for this
problem. One requires adding a battery bias to the switching di-
odes D1-D4 on the main PC board. This is rather cumbersome to
do, so I declined. The other solution basically does the same thing
but there are only two parts to add. In order to improve isolation, a
reverse bias of 3.6-V is placed on all the non-selected bandswitching
diodes (D1-D4) by lifting the low end of RFC1 and placing a par-
allel RC circuit (formed by a 390 resister in parallel with a .01 F
ceramic disc cap) in series with the RFC and ground. This effec-
tively reverse biases all non-selected switching diodes and elimi-
nates the motorboating. Problem solved.
Audio selectivity is a lot better on the HW-8 than on the HW-
7. Both rigs use a direct conversion (DC) receiver. If you have
never used one of these, you are in for a bit of a learning curve.
First of all, there is no intermediate frequency (IF) strip as in the
classic superhet receiver. Instead there is a direct conversion from
RF to audio (AF) done in one mixing stage. In other words, the RF
signal comes into one port of the mixer (in this case an MC-1496G,
which, of course, is no longer manufactured) and is mixed with the
output of the VFO/HFO. The output is audio - neat and simple. All
the selectivity of the receiver now depends upon audio filtering. In
the case of the HW-7 a combination of the mixer (an RCA 40673
dual gate MOSFET) coupled with passive audio filtering made for
more than a few problems. AM detection from nearby broadcast
transmitters, susceptibility to AC hum and severe microphonics all
My newly acquired HW-8 with the Radio Shack DSP unit on top. This is
a great way to enhance the audio selectivity without resorting to
excessiverewiring inside the rig. Basically any outboard AF filter will
work, including the SCAF by OHR or a CWF-3 in a separate box.
Summer 2003 57 HOMEBREWER
caused particularly sizable headaches.
The Heath design team remedied these problems on the HW-8
by using a MC-1496G IC as a product detector, and running the
VFO at 8 MHz. The VFO was mixed with a bandswitched hetero-
dyne frequency oscillator (HFO) and that output was applied to the
MC-1496G, yielding a DC receiver that was vastly superior in AM
rejection, hum and microphonics. Audio selectivity was accom-
plished by using a dual bandwidth active audio filter that was swit-
chable from the front panel.
As good as it was, the HW-8s AF selectivity definitely needed
improvement. The wide position is much too wide for a CW re-
ceiver and the narrow position is not narrow enough for most
operators. The traditional cure was to add a multi-stage active au-
dio filter like the MFJ CWF-3 in place of the stock filter. This re-
quires some rewiring; although I had a CWF-3, I decided to in-
crease my audio selectivity using an old Radio Shack DSP filter
unit I had lying around. The additional bonus of using the DSP
filter was the inclusion of an audio amplifier and speaker. Besides,
I didnt want to bore any extra holes and do a massive rewiring of
this HW-8.
I had made up my mind that should I desire to do any mods on
my new HW-8 they would be no-holes mods and they would be
fully reversible in order to preserve the pristine condition of this
rig. Therefore, the RS DSP unit nicely filled the bill for added se-
lectivity and an external amplified speaker. Problem solved.
Arland Makes Shame
It was bound to happen. It had been many, many years since
previously done, but I managed to do it once again. While prepar-
ing to align the rig, I reversed-polarized the power cable and turned
on the radio! No smoke, no audio, no nothing. Dang, I had made
shame and I was in total shock! I had just managed to turn a cherry
HW-8 into a non-operational hunk of junk! Woe is me! (Back-
ground sounds of beating of breasts and rending clothing!)
I started looking over the rigs schematic trying to find the
logical active devices that would need replacement. First, of course,
was the no-longer-manufactured MC-1496G. Then there was the
LM3900N along with the PA transistor and, naturally the overvolt-
age SWR protection diode from the PA collector to ground. The
more I started wandering around the schematic, the more things I
found that connected directly to the Vcc supply line that I had re-
verse-polarized. Man, this was definitely not a good day! I was
I was mad and tired. Driving home from work I was in a daze.
I stopped by the church to talk with Father DeXtra, our family priest.
He was holding confessions so I took my place in line and waited.
Upon entering the confessional, I started my spiel: Forgive me
Father for I have sinned. It has been 2 years since my last confes-
Go ahead my son, replied Fr. DeXtra.
I started down the list of my sins. You know, things like claim-
ing only 900 mW during a QRP contest when I was really running
999 mW. When I got to the part about reverse polarizing the HW-
8 he screamed Enough! Wait here, and I heard him leave the
He returned after what seemed an eternity, and said, For this
last transgression I have had to contact Rome. It is their opinion, as
well as mine, that in order for you to atone for this most grievous
sin, you will be exiled to the 12
level of Purgatory upon your
death. Mark my words, you have a long way to go to reach
Woooffff! Dang, Herbie, quit that! Herbie, my Maine Coon
Cat, had launched himself from his permanent perch atop the GPS-
90 receiver in my shack and landed directly on my chest, awaken-
ing me with a start. Apparently, after driving home I had fallen
asleep in the shack chair and had a very bad dream! While I wasnt
in the 12
level of Purgatory, I still had a very dead HW-8 on my
The Resurrection
I called Mike Bryce and explained the situation. He stopped
laughing after about five minutes (on my dime, of course) and asked
me what I had done in the way of troubleshooting. First I outlined
that the power supply was going into overload protection, indicat-
ing that something inside the HW-8 had shorted and was still shorted,
pulling the power supply down. I listed my observations: severely
overloaded power supply when turning the rig on, no audio and no
smoke (thank God). I had pulled the Vcc line from point D on
the circuit board and the short still existed.
Mike suggested the first place to look was ZD
and Q
, since
these two devices were directly connected to the Vcc line they were
the most likely candidates to short and load down the supply line.
He also encouraged me saying that if I was lucky, really lucky, the
zener diode had shorted first, taking out the PA transistor, and the
rest of the rig had not suffered a similar fate.
I removed ZD
and checked it: dead short. One down, one to
go. After removing the 2N4427 PA transistor, I checked it and it
was shorted between collector and base. OK, two for two. I pow-
ered up the HW-8 without these two devices and was rewarded
with audio and an active receiver! WHEW! I had dodged that bul-
let! The MC-1496G was fine, as was the LM3099N. After replac-
ing the zener diode and the PA transistor with a NTE 488, I tried
the transmitter and found that everything worked! I was beginning
to feel better.
After briefly checking out the HW-8s receiver with an an-
tenna connected, I found that it was cooking along with no prob-
This is a close up of the RFC/parallel RC mod that will reverse bias
any non-selected bandswitching diodes (D1-4). This mod is easily re-
versed. It definitely tames the motorboating on the transmitted signal.
HOMEBREWER 58 Summer 2003
lems. A transmitter alignment followed, since the NTE replace-
ment transistor was a higher-powered device. The rig now put out
just under 3-watts on 80, 4.25-watts on 40 and 20 and 2.75-watts
on 15-meters. Not bad for a 30 year old radio.
The Care and Feeding of an HW-8
This entire fiasco with reverse-polarizing the HW-8 power
connector got me thinking about replacement devices in older gear.
The product detector is no longer manufactured, which means if
you blow one up, you must find some new old stock (NOS) parts
somewhere or buy another HW-8 as a parts rig. Thankfully, my
local electronic parts supplier, Moyer Electronics in Hazelton, PA,
happened to have about eight RCA SK3233 devices ($4 each) which
are a direct replacement for the MC-1496G. I bought two spares.
Likewise, I found the NTE-488 PA transistor ($13) along with the
ECG-222 dual-gate MOSFET used in the HW-8 as a mixer ampli-
fier (Q
, Heath part number: 417-240). Dual-gate MOSFETs are
getting harder to find, so I picked up two at $11/each. As long as I
was on a fishing expedition, I figured that Id pick up an NTE 133
(use for the RF amp, Q
, and the VFO, Q
, Heath part number: 417-
169 at $1 each) and a NTE 159 (keying transistor Q
, Heath part
number 41-116, and the relay driver, Q
Heath part number 417-
201 also about $1 each). The rest of the active devices in the HW-
8 are run of the mill small signal NPN transistors that will sub with
a NTE-123AP, 2N2222, or 2N3904.
Finally, I had placed a 1N4001 silicon diode in reverse bias
across the power leads coming in to the power connector for re-
verse polarization protection. In typical locking the barn door af-
ter the horses got out fashion, I accomplished this immediately
after I had reversed the power leads. Well, at least I did it, so I
wouldnt reverse polarize the HW-8 again.
Until Next Time ...
I hope you have enjoyed the column this time. Well do some-
thing like this again in the next issue. In the mean time, have fun
with QRP and I hope to work you on the bands.
Rich Arland, K7SZ
email: richard.arland@verizon.net
The audio derived S-Meter is built on a terminal strip that is attached
to the left side of the meter on the inside of the case. Run a wire to the
top side of the volume control and the output of this circuit solders
onto the positive side of the relative output meter to provide a nice S-
Meter for the HW-8. Again, this mod can be easily removed to render
the rig back to stock condition.
The Four State QRP Group is one of the newest QRP clubs,
having started just last year. The idea of forming the group germi-
nated over cokes at ArkieCon where a few of us from the four state
area noticed how much fun there was at Ft. Smith. We wondered if
we too could get together around home to talk QRP. A posting to
QRP-L and a few direct e-mails were sent out in April inviting the
guys to have a Saturday lunch at a local eatery in the small town of
Seneca, Missouri. Who in their right mind would want to drive to
Seneca, population 2100, and talk QRP? I thought maybe two or
three of us would have lunch and that would be it. Well, at the
initial meeting 13 hams showed up! We have been growing ever
Where is the Four State area? If you refer to a map, you will
observe that the four states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and
Missouri meet within a few miles of each other. Originally, we
thought that we were just a local club, but we quickly discovered
that QRPers from all over the midwest were interested in partici-
pating. Some dedicated hams drive hundreds of miles to attend our
Modeled after the successful NorCal club, we dont have any
officers, no rules, no membership dues or boring business meet-
ings. Our monthly get-togethers are very casual, with a good lunch
being a very important priority. Usually there are several home-
built projects, QRP magazines or QSL cards for show and tell to
pass around. Occasionally we have a share the wealth raffle
drawing where components or other choice items find new homes.
After lunch, we usually adjourn to the Seneca city park where
antennas are launched into the trees and we put several stations on
the air. New rigs get demonstrated here or new antennas get field
Three times a year we have an outdoor camp-out, cook-out
and field operation at Twin Bridges State Park near Wyandotte,
Oklahoma. Our Spring Fling in April is the weekend of the NorCal
QRP to the Field contest. In June, we operate the ARRL Field Day
and in September, the Four State Ham-Out is the weekend of the
New England club QRP Afield contest. Its lots of fun and fellow-
ship, plus our members are getting practical experience in operat-
ing QRP portable stations from the field.
Homebrew is big in the Four States group. Our members have
been building all kinds of projects -- and weve discovered that
Manhattan style construction is easy to do and that beginners can
build very nice projects. Several of the Four State guys are very
talented builders and have helped instruct and inspire the others.
Ill have more highlights of some of our projects in future issues of
the Homebrewer.
The most exciting news has been saved for last. The Four State
group, in cooperation with the American QRP Club, will be host-
ing OzarkCon 2004 next April. This will be the major QRP con-
vention for mid-America. Scheduled for April 9 & 10
, OzarkCon
will be held in Joplin, Missouri. Funded in part by sales of the
KD1JV Tenna Dipper kit, this should be a fun weekend. Stay
tuned for more details on this exciting event!
More information about the Four State QRP Group is avail-
able on the web at: http://4sqrp.com Better yet, drop in for lunch
Introducing ... the Four State QRP Group
Dave Bixler, W0CH email: qrp@netins.net
Summer 2003 59 HOMEBREWER
N2CQ QRP Contesting Calendar
Ken Newman, N2CQ
Ten-Ten SSB Contest
Aug 2,0000z to Aug 3, 2400z - www.ten-ten.org
TARA "Grid Dip" PSK/RTTY Contest
Aug 2,0000z to 2400z - www.n2ty.org
North American CW QP
Aug 2, 1800z to Aug 3, 0600z - www.ncjweb.com
Aug 4, 0000z to 0200z - http://fpqrp.com/
ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)
Aug 5, 0100z to 0300z - www.arsqrp.com
Maryland/DC QSO Party
Aug 09, 1600z to Aug 10, 0400z &Aug 10, 1600z to 2359z
North American SSB QP
Aug 16, 1800z to Aug 17, 0600z - www.ncjweb.com
Hawaii QSO Party
Aug 23, 0700z to Aug 24, 2200z - www.karc.us
Ohio QSO Party
Aug 23, 1600z to Aug 24, 0400z - www.mrrc.net
BUBBA Sprint
Aug 23, 1600z to 2200z - www.extremezone.com/~nk7m/
CQC Summer QSO Party
Aug 24, 1800z to 2359z - www.cqc.org/contests/
Labor Day Sprint
Sep 01,2300z to Sep 02,0300z - www.qsl.net/miqrpclub
ARS Spartan Sprint
Sep 02, 0100z to 0300z - www.arsqrp.com
AGCW Straight Key Party
Sep 06, 1300z to 1600z - www.agcw.de
NA CW Sprint
Sep 07, 0000z to 0400z - Www.ncjweb.com
End of Summer PSK-31 Sprint
Sep 07, 2000z to 2400z - www.qrparci.org
2nd Class Opr Club Marathon
Sep 13, 1800z to 2400z - www.qsl.net/soc
NA SSB Sprint
Sep 14, 0000z to 0400z - www.ncjweb.com
Tenn. QSO Party
Sep 14,1800z to Sep 15,0100z - www.k4ro.net/tcg.html
Scandinavian CW Activity Contest
Sep 20, 1200z to Sep 21, 1200z - www.sk3bg.se/contest/sacsc.htm
QRP Afield
Sep 20, 1500z to Sep 21, 0300z - www.qsl.net/wq1rp/
Washington State Salmon Run
Sep 20, 1600z to Sep 21, 0700z & Sep 21, 1600z to 2400z
NJ Homebrewer Sprint
Sep 22, 0000z to 0400z - www.njqrp.org
Frequencies: QRP CW and PSK31 frequencies on 80 - 10 meters,
CW and PSK31 are considered separate bands.
Exchange: RST + SPC + Output Power.
QSO Points: Commercial Equipment--2 pts, Homebrew Xmtr or
Rcvr--3pts, Homebrew Xmtr and Rcvr (or Xcvr)--4 pts, Homebrew
PSK31 station--5 pts. Kits ok as homebrew.
Power Multiplier: 0-250 mW = x 15, 250 mW>1W = x10, 1>5W =
x7, >5W = x1
Score: QSO Points x SPC (counted once per band) x power multi-
plier. For more information: www.njqrp.org/data/
qrphomebrewersprint.html . Logs due 30 days from the contest to
n2cq@arrl.net (text format) or Ken Newman, N2CQ, 81 Holly
Drive, Woodbury, NJ 08096.
Tesla Cup
Sep 27, 0000z to 2400z (SSB) & Sep 28, 0000z to 2400z (CW)
Scandinavian SSB Activity Contest
Sep 27, 1200z to Sep 28, 1200z
Texas QSO Party
Sep 27, 1400z to Sep 28, 0200z &
Sep 28, 1400z to 2000z - www.k5vuu.com/tqp/?
Louisiana QSO Party
Sep 27, 1400z to Sep 28, 0200z &
Sep 28, 1400z to 2000z - www.tchams.org
Alabama QP
Sept 27, 1800z to 2400z - http://web.dbtech.net/~dxcc
German Telegraphy Contest
Oct 3,0700z to 1000z - www.agcw.de/
HOMEBREWER 60 Summer 2003
TARA PSK31 Rumble
Oct 4, 0000z to 2400z - www.qsl.net/wm2u/
California QSO Party
OCT 4, 1600z to Oct 5, 2200z - www.cqp.org/
RSGB 21/28 MHz SSB Contest
Oct 5,0700z to 1900z - www.rsgbhfcc.org/
ARS Spartan Sprint
Oct 7, 0100z to 0300z - www.arsqrp.com
Ten-Ten Day Sprint
Oct 10, 0000z to 2400z - www.ten-ten.org
Pennsylvania QSO Party
Oct 11 - 1600z to Oct 12 - 0500z &
Oct 12 - 1300z to Oct 12 - 2200z - www.nittany-arc.org/
FISTS Fall Sprint
Oct 11, 1700z to 2100z - Www.fists.org
North American RTTY Sprint
Oct 12, 0000Z to 0400Z - www.ncjweb.com
Oct 18, 1200z to Oct 19, 2400z - www.qrparci.org
Worked All Germany Contest
Oct 18, 1500z to Oct 19, 1459z
RSGB 21/28 MHz CW Contest
Oct 19, 0700z to 1900z - www.rsgbhfcc.org/
Illinois QP
Oct 19, 1800z to Oct 20, 0200z
Zombie Shuffle
Oct 24, Local Sundown to Midnight (Any 4 hour period)
CQ WW PH DX Contest
Oct 25, 0000z to Oct 26, 2400z - http://cqww.com/
Ten-Ten QP
Oct 25, 0001z to Oct 26, 2400z - www.ten-ten.org/
070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint
Oct 26, 2000z to Oct 27, 0200z
Fox Hunt
Oct 31, 0200z to 0400z - www.cqc.org
Truffle Hunt - 30 min before Fox Hunt - http://fpqrp.com
HA-QRP Contest
Nov 1, 0000z to Nov 7, 2400z -
Ukrainian DX Contest
Nov 1, 1200z to Nov 2, 1200z - www.qsl.net/ucc/
ARRL CW Sweepstakes
Nov 1, 2100z to Nov 3, 0300z - www.arrl.org
Running of the QRP Bulls
Nov 1,2100z to Nov 3,0300z - www.qrparci.org
High Speed Club Contest
Nov 2, 0900z to 1100z and 1500z to 1700z
ARS Spartan Sprint
Nov 4, 0200z to 0400z - www.arsqrp.com
Fox Hunt
Nov 7, 0200z to 0400z - www.cqc.org
Truffle Hunt - 30 min before Fox Hunt - http://fpqrp.com
OK/OM CW DX Contest
Nov 08, 1200z to Nov 09, 1200z -
Fox Hunt
Nov 14, 0200z to 0400z - www.cqc.org
Truffle Hunt - 30 min before Fox Hunt - http://fpqrp.com
ARRL Phone Sweepstakes
Nov 15, 2100z to Nov 17, 0300z - www.arrl.org
HOT CW Party
Nov 16, 1300z to 1500z (40m) & 1500z to 1700z (80 m)
Fox Hunt
Nov 21, 0200z to 0400z - www.cqc.org
Truffle Hunt - 30 min before Fox Hunt - http://fpqrp.com
Fox Hunt
Nov 28, 0200z to 0400z - www.cqc.org
Truffle Hunt - 30 min before Fox Hunt - http://fpqrp.com
CQ WW CW DX Contest
Nov 29, 0000z to Nov 30, 2400z - www.cqww.com/
Also see www.amqrp.org/contesting for monthly listings and
active links.
Ken Newman, N2CQ
email: n2cq@comcast.net
Summer 2003 61 HOMEBREWER
October 17, 18 & 19 2003
QRP presentations all day Saturday
About 300 QRPers usually show up for Pacificon and on Saturday
get treated to QRP semi nar topi cs presented
byacknowledgedleaders and experts in our hobby.These are hour-
long audio/visual presentations made by knowledgeable hams in
fields of transmitter design, antenna analysis, homebrew construc-
tion, electronic simulation, operating from the field, microcontroller
hardwrae & software design, and more. Each attending QRPer
gets a bound copy of the QRP presentations in the form of the
Pacificon Proceedings. These Saturday QRP seminars are one of
the great highlights of the weekend.
QRPacificon Speakers for 2003
Joe Everhart, N2CX, Wayne McFee, NB6M, Randy Foltz, K7TQ,
George Heron, N2APB & Steve Melt Solder Weber, KD1JV.
The QRPacificon Kit
We are starting a new custom for Pacificon, a special QRPacificon
Kit for all those who pre-register for the QRP Forum at Pacificon.
This is a small, but very useful project that youll be able to use in
the shack for years to come. But even more important, it serves as
the basis for the Friday evening fun & games we have planned.
Well tell more about the kit on the AmQRP and NorCal web pages
as we get closer to Pacificon.
Pacificon is held the third week in October this year its the week-
end of October 17, 18 & 19. It is sponsored by the Mt. Diablo
Amateur Radio Club, and this year were moving to a bigger and
better venue in San Ramon, California. It is the regular site of the
ARRL Pacific Division Convention, and NorCal has sponsored the
QRP Forums for the past 9 years. This years forum is sponsored
by the American QRP Club, and hosted by the NorCal QRP Club.
The Pacificon hotel is the San Ramon Marriott , which is offering
convention attendees and exhibitors a special PACIFICON room
rate of only $79 for each night (single/double). To get this rate,
reservations must be made before October 3, 2003. Call the Marriott
at 1-800-228-9290 and ask for the PACIFICON 2003 rate.
Friday Evening
Pacificon starts at 6:30 on Friday night with a social evening where
we meet up with old friends and make new ones. We start the
evening by going out en masse to a local restaurant where we have
a no host dinner. We then return to the host hotel where vendors
and QRPers alike often show their projects at tables around the
large banquet room in which we meet, right up until 11pm.
This is the main event, wherein the illustrious QRP speaking staff
delivers the presentations on Saturdy. We break for individual
dinnertime cuisine at local restaurants and reconvene at 7:30 for
an evening of wild QRP fun - a homebrew building contest and a
special Pacificon Event are the usual activities for Saturday evening.
We normally go until 11pm and then many of us then carry on in the
hotel bar, quenching the insatiable QRP thirsts.
Sunday morning finds most QRPers hustling over to the hamfest
for a morning of looking for that gem of a deal during the last hours
of the fest.
You can register for the American QRP Clubs QRPacificon Forum
to be held in San Ramon, California at the Marriott Hotel by writing
a check or money order for $10 payable to the American QRP
Club and sending it to:
American QRP Club
c/o Paul Maciel AK1P
1749 Hudson Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
You may instead register through PayPal by sending the funds elec-
tronically to amkits@amqrp.org. (Visit www.paypal.com.) You will
receive your QRPacificon Kit in the mail prior to the event so you
can prebuild it. All attendees will receive a compendium of the
speaker presentations at the registration table plus a personalized
name badge.
Over 300 QRPers normally attend these Pacificon weekends ...
sure hope you too can join us for our very special QRP ex-
travaganza this year in October. Mark your calendars and make
your travel reservations early to get the good rates and well
see you there!
72/73, Doug, KI6DS and J im, WA6GER
The Pacificon QRP Forum is a weekend of
QRP fun, presentations and social gather-
ing sponsored by the American QRP Club
each year in the fall. QRPers from all over
the US, and internationally, show up for this
annual event held in San Ramon, Califor-
nia, and hosted by the NorCal QRP Club.
www.amqrp.org www.pacificon.org
HOMEBREWER 62 Summer 2003
Introducing a kit version of the popular PAC-12 antenna
as featured on the NJQRP website:
n Machined parts
n All necessary wire and hardware
n Radial kit included
n Universal coil form for the HF band
of your choice (60M and higher)
n Spike for ground mounting
n Mounts on any base with 1/4 x 20
n Extends to 8.5 including 6
telescoping whip
n Converts to a dipole by adding a
second element
n Lightweight
n Breaks down to ~12 sections
n Great for travel and portable
n Kit price starts at $65
Pacific Antenna
1196 Phillips Court
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Summer 2003 63 HOMEBREWER
Shipping is free to US & Canada. DX orders: add extra as indicated.
Write check or MOpayable to "George Heron, N2APB"and send to:
George Heron, N2APB
2419 Feather Mae Ct
Forest Hill, MD 21050
SOP Receiver Kit -- www.njqrp.org/sop
Direct Conversion receiver for 80m/40m. Easy assembly, easy to mod. Good manuals.
Basic SOP Receiver kit ... $38 (DX + $8)
Audio Frequency Dial ... $10 (available only with Basic kit)
Controls & Jacks Option ... $10 (available only with Basic kit)
HC908 Daughtercard -- www.njqrp.org/hc908
Self-contained, in-circuit programmable microcontroller for QRP Digital Breadboard, Antenna Analyzer II, HC908 Commander, etc ... $35
(DX + $8)
Sniffer Field Strength Meter Kit -- www.njqrp.org/sniffer
Self-contained, in-circuit programmable microcontroller for QRP Digital Breadboard, Rainbow Antenna Analyzer, HC908 Commander,
etc ... $25 ($35 after Jan 1st) (DX + $8)
Badger SmartBadge Kit -- www.njqrp.org/badger
Morse-sounding ID badge with customized faceplate ...$20 (DX + $5)
Islander Pad Cutter -- www.njqrp.org/islanderpadcutter
Diamond-tipped end mill cuts 5mm isolated pads in copper pcb..... $9 (DX + $3)
N2CAU Tip Tapper Iambic Paddle -- www.njqrp.org/tiptapper/index.html
Credit card-sized, tactile contacts, waterproof, customized faceplate ... $29 (DX +$5)
PSK31 Audio Beacon Kit -- www.njqrp.org/psk31beacon/psk31beacon.html
Board generates PSK31 audio tones from programmed character string, suitable as input to transmitter or decode with DigiPan PSK31
PC software ..... $25 (DX + $5)
N2CX Halfer Antenna -- www.njqrp.org/n2cxantennas/halfer/halfer.html
End-fed half-wave & counterpoise wires for 40m. Includes insulators & detailed application notes. .... $9 (DX + $3)
NK0E Serial Sender Kit -- www.njqrp.org/palmserialsender
Electronic keyer and interface between Palm PDA running GOlog contest logger and rig, keys rig with contest info, software for plug-in
paddles, includes enclosure ... $34 (DX + 5)
Atlanticon Proceedings -- www.njqrp.org/atlanticon/proceedings.html
Bound sets of QRP articles and technical material on homebrew projects and operating practices, with fold-out schematics and block
diagrams from past Atlanticon QRP Forums.
Atlanticon 2002 ....... $15 (DX + $3)
Atlanticon 2003 ....... $10 (DX + $3)
NJQRP Website-on-CDROM, Volume 1 -- www.njqrp.org/cdrom
CD-ROM contains all projects, kit info, articles, meeting recaps &
photos ever published on the NJQRP website over its 5 year history.
Great for quick n easy reference. ... $10 (DX+3)
NorCal Keyer www.amqrp.org/kits/NCKeyer
Memory keyer, with 3 programmable 40-character memories, iambic A & B mode, straight key and bug mode, 2 beacon modes,
and variable speed control by either a 100K pot or the paddles themselves .... $15
Order by sending check/MO to Doug Hendricks, 862 Frank Ave, Dos Palos, CA 93620.
MiniBoots Amp -- www.amqrp.org/kits/miniboots
A full QRP gallon (5-Watt output) from a 750mW-to-1W input CW drive signal. Comes with BNC connectors, all board mounted
parts and a high quality silk screened, solder masked, plated through hole pc board. All you have to add is the power connector
of your choice and a case ... $34 for US & Canada (DX add $2)
Order by sending check/MO to Jim Cates, 3241 Eastwood Rd., Sacramento, CA 95821
Resistor Kit -- www.amqrp.org/kits/resistor
A resistor kit of 2000 1/4-watt carbon film resistors with 25 of each of the common values ... $25 for US & Canada (DX add $4)
Order by sending check/MO to Jim Cates, 3241 Eastwood Rd., Sacramento, CA 95821
BLT Tuner -- www.amqrp.org/kits/blt
A simple Z-Match antenna tuner for QRP use on 10m-40m. Includes new aluminum case! ... $39 for US & Canada (DX add $6)
Order by sending check/MO to Doug Hendricks, 862 Frank Ave, Dos Palos, CA 93620.
NorCal Crystals -- www.amqrp.org/kits/crystals
Crystals for QRP calling freqs on 20, 30, 40 and 80 meters ... $3 each for 7.040, 10.116 and 14.060, and $.25 each for 3.579
Order by sending check/MO to Doug Hendricks, 862 Frank Ave, Dos Palos, CA 93620.
KD1JV Tenna Dipper -- http://4sqrp.com
A low power antenna analyzer and ATU tuning
aid ... $25 for US (DX add $4)
Order from: Gene Sailsbury, 603 North Free
Kings Hwy, Pittsburg, KS 66762
HOMEBREWER 64 Summer 2003
About ... HOMEBREWER Magazine
HOMEBREWER Magazine is a full-size, 60+ page quarterly
publication of the American QRP Club. It is intended for builders,
experimenters, ham radio operators and low power enthusiasts all
around the world.
Each issue, HOMEBREWER features many of homebrew
projects for beginners all the way up to the advanced digital and RF
HOMEBREWER also has regular columns and contributions
on membership happenings, field operations, commercial equip-
ment reviews and contesting.
HOMEBREWER is a larger-format, increased content version
of either QRPp or QHB magazine. It is at least 60 pages containing
content-rich homebrewing and construction material, with additional
sections dealing with operating, contesting and local club happen-
ings throughout the country.
On an annual basis, included in every 4th issue starting with
HB #5, we include in the envelope a CD-ROM containing PDF ver-
sions of each of the previous four issues, including bonus material:
software, tools and reference material.
HB Extra!
A very nice extra feature for subscribers of HOMEBREWER
can be found online at www.amqrp.org/homebrewer/extra ... "re-
prints" of all graphics published in past issues of the magazine, and
most of these reprints are in full color and increased resolution!
Each black & white issue of HOMEBREWER is brought to life
in even greater detail for HB readers at this website through the
presentation of graphics in their original vivid color.To make it even
better yet, we're able to present additional graphics that many times
don't make it to the printed journal due to size limitations.
HB Extra! is not a full online version of each issue.
HOMEBREWER will remain a printed journal of QRP operating and
homebrewing adventures. However, with HB Extra! the staff of
HOMEBREWER and each individual author wish to augment the
reader's overall experience by providing Extra material to help in
understanding and enjoyment of the article topics.
The quality of journal is intended to be first class in every re-
spect, including technical content, editing integrity and journalistic
standards. We know the combined subscriber bases of QRPp and
QHB will enjoy this publication aspect of the American QRP Club.
Those with residual QRPp and QHB subscriptions will receive
HOMEBREWER in fulfillment of prior subscriptions. For example, if
you had two issues remaining in your QRPp subscription, and four
issues remaining in your QHB subscription, you will receive six is-
sues of HOMEBREWER magazine. After that, or even before, you
can renew your HOMEBREWER subscription at the regular price.
Annual subscriptions to HOMEBREWER cost $20 for US and
Canadian addresses, or US$30 for DX addresses. One-year or two-
year subscriptions will be accepted.
Subscriptions are accepted electronically via PayPal. Send
funds to homebrewer@amqrp.org.
Subscriptions are also accepted by postal mail. Write a check
or M.O. payable in US funds to The American QRP Club and send
American QRP Club
c/o Paul Maciel, AK1P
1749 Hudson Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
Subscription status may be checked online by visiting
www.amqrp.org/homebrewer/substatus.html. Enter any unique part
of a name, callsign or address and immediately see the subscriber
record. Issues Remaining indicates the number of issues left in
the subscription. If you have questions or wish to update the sub-
scription information, please contact Paul Maciel, AK1P at
All material in HOMEBREWER is copyright 2003 and may not
be reprinted in any form without express written permission from
AmQRP and the individual author. Articles have not been tested
and no guarantee of success is implied. If you build circuits from
HOMEBREWER Magazine you should use safe practices and real-
ize that you are assuming all risks.
Name: ________________________
Callsign: ________________________
Address: ________________________
E-mail: ________________________
Write check or M.O. payable in US funds to The American
QRP Club and send to:
The American QRP Club
c/o Paul Maciel, AK1P
1749 Hudson Drive
San Jose, CA 95124
1-year = $20 (US & Can) or $30 (DX)
2-year = $40 (US & Can) or $60 (DX)