Oscillator Basics

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Principles of Oscillator operation

Every oscillator has at least one active device (smarties don't complicate matters for me - just read on) be it a transistor or even the old valve. This active device and, for this tutorial we'll stick to the humble transistor, acts as an amplifier. There is nothing flash about that. For this first part of the discussion we will confine ourselves to LC Oscillators or oscillator basics and I'll keep the maths to an absolute minimum. At turn on, when power is first applied, random noise is generated within our active device and then amplified. This noise is fed back positively through frequency selective circuits to the input where it is amplified again and so on, a bit like my childhood project. Ultimately a state of equilibrium is reached where the losses in the circuit are made good by consuming power from the power supply and the frequency of oscillation is determined by the external components, be they inductors and capacitors (L.C.) or a crystal. The amount of positive feedback to sustain oscillation is also determined by external components.

Hartley Oscillator
I decided to use the Hartley Oscillator for the simple reason it's my favourite. Recently it was discussed that your favourite oscillator was likely the one which worked best for you and I think that is quite true. So here it is in it's most simplified form.

Figure 1 - schematic of a hartley oscillator

Colpitts Oscillator
The basic Colpitts oscillator circuit look like this and you will see some similarities.

Figure 2 - schematic of a collpitts oscillator If you consider positive feedback is applied to compensate for the losses in the tuned circuit, the amplifier and feedback circuit create a negative resistor. When Z1 and Z2 are capacitive, the impedance across the capacitors can be estimated from a formula I won't lay on you here because it includesbeta, hie, as well as XC1 and XC2. Suffice to sayit can be shown that the input impedance is a negative resistor in series with C1 and C2. And the frequency is in accordance with:

Figure 3 - formula - colpitts oscillator

Frequency or Phase Stability of an Oscillator

Frequency or phase stability of an oscillator is customarily considered in the long term stability case where frequency changes are measured over minutes, hours, days even years. Of interest here are the effects of the components changes, with ambient conditions, on the frequency of oscillation. These might be caused by changes in the input voltage, variations in temperature, humidity and ageing of our components. Never underestimate the effects of these variations on the frequency of operation. I've gone nuts working on so called precision designs, with precision components, where the frequency wandered at random over several kilohertz over several minutes. Needless to say I'd "messed up". Short term stability is also of great interest and, again I could lay some real heavy maths on you but I won't. I'll simply say it can be mathematically proven that the higher the circuit Q, the higher this stability factor becomes. The higher the circuit Q, the better the ability the tuned circuit can filter out undesired harmonics AND noise.

Reducing Phase Noise in Oscillators

1. Maximize the Qu of the resonator. 2. Maximize reactive energy by means of a high RF voltage across the resonator. Use a low LC ratio. 3. Avoid device saturation and try to use anti parallel (back to back) tuning diodes. 4. Choose your active device with the lowest NF (noise figure). 5. Choose a device with low flicker noise, this can be reduced by RF feedback. A bipolar transistor with an unby-passed emitter resistor of 10 to 30 ohms can improve flicker noise by as much as 40 dB. - see emitter degeneration 6. The output circuits should be isolated from the oscillator circuit and take as little power as possible.

Effects of ambient changes on stability in oscillators


A frequency change of a few tens of hertz back and forth over a couple of minutes would mean nothing to an entertainment receiver designed for the FM Radio band. Such a drift in an otherwise contest grade receiver designed to receive CW (morse code) would be intolerable. It's a question of relativity.

Minimizing Frequency drift in oscillators

These are random and not in any particular order. 1. Isolate the oscillator from succeeding stages with a well designed buffer stage followed by a stage of amplification. Large signals can often then be reduced by a 3 or 6 dB attenuator which also has the benefit of presenting a well defined load impedance to the amplifier. If the stage is feeding a mixer, as is most often the case, then another benefit is the mixer (you are using double balanced mixers?), also see a source impedance of 50 ohms. 2. Ensure the mechanical stability of your oscillator is such that mechanical vibration can have no effect on components, especially those frequency determining components. 3. Supply the oscillator with a clean well regulated supply. If using varactor tuning, doubly ensure the tuning DC voltage is as clean as possible, a few hundred micro volts of noise can be imposed on the oscillator signal. Use back to back diodes for the variable element. Air variables are hard to come by although they offer far superior Q figures. DC tuning tends to be more versatile. 4. Minimize circuit changes from ambient variations by using NPO capacitors, polystyrene are dearer but excellent, silvered mica in my opinion are not what many people believe and are highly over rated. 5. The inductor should be air wound on a coil form with a configuration to maximize Qu. If you must use a toroid, where possible try to use the 6 type as it offers the best Q. Sometimes, for other reasons you might have to use a slug tuned form. 6. Parallel a number of smaller value NPO capacitors rather than using one large one in frequency determining components. For trimmers try and use an air variable. Keep an eye out for small value N750, N1500 capacitors, < 15 pF, when available and are found to be dirt cheap. These are sometimes useful in taming drift in an oscillator. 7. Bipolar or FETS for active device seems to be a matter of personal preference and I've seen some ferocious arguments over that one. Consensus seems to come down in favour of FETS. Me, I'm a bipolar man because FETS hate me pure and simple.

What are Hartley oscillators?
Hartley oscillator are inductively coupled, variable frequency oscillators where the oscillator may be series or shunt fed. Hartley oscillators have the advantage of having one centre tapped inductor and one tuning capacitor. This arrangement simplifies the construction of a Hartley oscillator circuit. First off let's look at a schematic of a hartley oscillator.

Figure 1 - outline schematic of a hartley oscillator

Designing a Hartley Oscillator

Here I'll present the schematic for my old favourite, together with a buffer stage and an amplifier stage which should deliver about 5V P/P into a 50 ohm load. We'll discuss each relevant stage and produce some rule-of-thumb design info. Because the consensus comes down in favour of FETS and I'm big enough to lay aside my prejudices in the noble cause of advanced education we'll use a FET oscillator. Nothing to do with a few friends who might belt me up!

Figure 2 - schematic of a hartley oscillator For this design I'm going to say we will be constructing a general purpose VFO to operate at 5000 5100 Khz no particular reason, pick anything you like. Now I chose a 2N4416A FET purely because I bought a big bag of them years ago and have them on hand. You could use any general purpose JFET you can readily obtain. Note the 2N4416A is a metal can and the case is grounded. 4

The frequency determining components are L1, Ct (a nominal 10 pf trimmer), C1a, C1b, C2, C3, Cv and C4. Note: I have been asked a number of times the function of C4 in this circuit. Capacitor C4 is to reduce the loading on the tuned circuit components. It may be as small as possible consistent with being able to provide sufficient drive to the succeeding buffer amplifier stage. Often the home constructor will often make C4 a trimmer. The other components are bog standard. The two resistors, silicon diode and zener diode need never change, capacitor C5 is about right for this frequency. C6 can be selected to give higher / lower output to the buffer amplifier. Smaller C6 values give lower output and conversely higher values give larger output. The silicon diode I'll explain later, the zener diode is to give a regulated 6.2 volt supply. Now there is NOTHING sacred about my frequency determining capacitor combination O.K.? Too many people look at these kind of circuits and think they must duplicate everything literally, not so. This is just a typical representation. C1 to C3 plus Cv and Ct are just a combination of parallel and some series capacitors all designed to give us a bit of flexibility with the tuning range. Cv could easily be replaced by two back to back tuning diodes. What you need to do to get the circuit to work is to have an inductive reactance for L1 of around about 180 ohms. At 5 Mhz this works out at about 5.7 uH and, if you don't know how I arrived at that figure I seriously recommend you spend some time on my other tutorials such as Basics and LC Filters. The important aspect is that the feedback point from the source of the JFET connects to about 25% of the windings of L1 from the ground end. Now I've depicted an air cored inductor. It could be, just as one example among a great many, 18 - 19 turns of #20 gauge wire on a 25.4 mm (1") diameter form spread evenly over a length of about 25.4 mm (1"). The tap would be at about 4 1/2 turns. Check that out with the formula's I taught you elsewhere. Alternatively, with degraded performance, you could use a T50-6 toroid and wind say 37 turns of #24 wire (5.48 uH) tapping at 9 turns. The AL factor for a T50-6 is 40. Again do the other tutorials if necessary, I'm not going to repeat old work and it's going to be even harder from here on. I'll thoroughly explain new concepts, not the old. So if we are to have our oscillator working at about 5 Mhz, we know the LC is 1013 and if L is say 5.7 uH then total C for resonance (just like LC Filters eh!) is about 177 pF. We want to be able to tune from 5000 to 5100 Khz a tuning ratio of 1.02 which means a capacitance ratio of 1.04 (min to max). Let's fiddle with some numbers! I have a Jackson Bros. air variable capacitor (very Rolls-Royce) which swings from 10.5 pF to 105 pF, a typical 10:1 ratio in air variables. This I will use for Cv. If the total swing is 1.04 (actually 1.0404:1) and Cmax is 177 pF it follows Cmin is 170 pF. A variation of only 7 pF (roughly). Now we're treading on unsafe ground here with such a large variable capacitor. We could: A) rip plates off it to reduce capacitance (don't even think about it) B) go to varactor diodes with a small swing. That's O.K. but performance becomes degraded. C) obtain a smaller air variable with Cmax of say 25 pF.

Just to prove I'm a glutton for punishment and if you're still here so are you, we will purely for the mathematical exercise, persevere with the 105 pF variable. What if we eliminate C3 and make C2 = 15 pF NPO then the series combination of C2 and Cv swing 6.176 pF to 13.125 pF, a variation of over 6.9 pF - are you lost? Go back to the other tutorials on capacitance. If our Cmax was 177 pF then 177 - 13.125 = 163.875 and the 177 pF was approximate anyway. I'd make Ct a 10 pF air trimmer (if available, if not, a ceramic or whatever the supplier offers but 10 pF max.). That leaves about 154 pF to make up. How about making C1a and C1b into 3 NPO capacitors of say 2 X 47 pF and 1 X 56 pF all NPO types. In total that comes to less than 177 pF max. but don't forget there are stray capacitance's in the circuit. In the final wash-up you could simply use 3 X 47 pF. Here's what we finish up with

Figure 3 - final schematic of a hartley oscillator

Advantages of Hartley Oscillators

The frequency is simply varied by the net value of C in the tank circuit. The output amplitude remains constant when tuned over the frequency range. The feedback ratio of L1 to L2 (figure 1) remains constant.

Disadvantages of Hartley Oscillators

The output is rich in harmonic content and therefore not suitable where a pure sine wave is required.

What are colpitts oscillators?
Colpitts oscillators are somewhat similar to the shunt fed Hartley circuit except the Colpitts oscillator, instead of having a tapped inductor, utilises two series capacitors in its LC circuit. With the Colpitts oscillator the connection between these two capacitors is used as the centre tap for the circuit. The basic Colpitts oscillator circuit look like this and you will see some similarities with the Hartley Oscillator..

Figure 1 - schematic of a collpitts oscillator Perhaps the simplest Colpitts oscillator to construct and get running is the "series tuned" version, more often referred to as the "Clapp Oscillator". Because there is no load on the inductor a high "Q" circuit results with a high L/C ratio and of course much less circulating current. This aids drift reduction. Because larger inductances are required, stray inductances do not have as much impact as perhaps in other circuits.

Figure 2 - schematic of a series tuned colpitts or "clapp" oscillator Rather than present designs for specific frequencies for the Colpitts Oscillator we have submitted a schematic which may be "impedance" scaled to any frequency. Simply convert the suggested reactances back to the required inductor and capacitances at your band of interest. 7

Component selection for the Colpitts oscillator

The Colpitts oscillator inductor should be around 250 - 300 ohms and the "NET" capacitive reactance should total around the same. Feedback capacitors Cfb, both "a" and "b" are each in the region of 45 ohms leading to very large values which is very helpful in swamping out the capacitive effects of the transistor used. The total capacitive reactance of the parallel combination of capacitors depicted as series tuning below the inductor in a series tuned Colpitts oscillator or "Clapp oscillator" should have a total reactance of around 200 ohms. Not all capacitors may be required in your particular application. Pay particular attention to our comments in Oscillator Basics.

Tuning the Colpitts oscillator

Perhaps the best approach to values used for tuning a Colpitts oscillator might be to give a practical example. Consider constructing an oscillator which tunes part of the 40M amateur radio band, 7.0 - 7.2 Mhz. Now that is a frquency ratio of 1.02857 requiring a modest net capacitance variation of 1.058. If that is not understandable go back to our basics. Using an inductor of 300 ohms at 7 Mhz for our Colpitts or Clapp oscillator yields a value of about 6.8 uH. Each Cfb at 45 ohms works out at 500 pF so we will try 470 pF. Using an inductor of 6.8 uH requires a total capacitance of 76 pf to resonate at 7.0 Mhz. At 7.2 Mhz this value has dropped down to 71.86 pF a small variation. Effectively all the capacitors are in series in a Colpitts oscillator. That is Cfb-a and Cfb-b are each in series with the total parallel combination below the inductor. Given Cfb are each 470 pF what values are the parallel combination to achieve outcomes of net 76 pF and 71.86 pF? Had you done basics and in particular capacitance you would know the answer. We're not being smart here just pointing out there is no such thing as a "free" lunch, you have to know "the basics". Having done these lectures on the internet for several years, yes I'm Ian Purdie VK2TIP, I don't appreciate email questions from lazy students expecting me to complete or provide their assignments for them. Do some work for yourself!. Back to our Colpitts oscillator, I'll give you a "FREE" clue to the answer with these colourful formulas for the answer in figure 3. I know a shorter method. See this example in capacitance.

Figure 3 - calculations for a series tuned colpitts or "clapp" oscillator Here in our Colpitts oscillator Ctotal-max is the maximum of the parallel combination including the variable capacitor Cv, set at maximum while Ctotal-min is the same combination with Cv set at minimum. Clear on that?

Note that the other series capacitor depicted in line with Cv in figure 2 may or may not be required in your particular application. Anyhoo! your calculations should have yielded a Cmax of 112.3 and Cmin of 103.51. Now that is a pretty tiny swing, so you can see the possible need for a series capacitor with Cv if all you have available is a fairly high value Cv. Let's assume Cv is 5 - 25 pf (a variation of 20 pF) and Ct is a 10 pF trimmer. Where do we stand now with our Colpitts oscillator calculations? Allowing for taking strays into account we will take the full value of Ct of 10 pF, therefore the balance of the parallel combination accounts for Cmax of 102.3 and Cmin of 93.51. The net variation of C still remains 102.3 - 93.51 = 8.79 pF so Cv needs to be seriously reduced. How is largely determined by the same method below (suck and see approach) but I come up with a "starting point" of about 12 pF in series with Cv. Therefore nearing completion of calculations for our Colpitts oscillator, we find this new series combination with Cv produces a net Cv-max 8.1 pF and Cv-min 3.53 pF. This is obviously far too much reduction using the 12 pF capacitor, so try using some higher values like 27 pF! Using 27 pF in our selection gives Cv-max 12.98 pF and Cv-min 4.22 pF and a net variation of 8.76 pF. Kicked a goal! New Cv is (at max) 13 pF and Ct assumed at 10 pF a total of 23 pf from a required maximum of 112.3 leaving about 89 pf to be made up of fixed capacitors. I'd use at least three fixed capacitors, say 33 pF plus 2 X 27 pF.

Screening your Colpitts oscillator components

Ideally your frequency determining components L1 and the parallel capacitors should be sceened in an earthed shield.

The reality of your labourious Colpitts oscillator calculations

All those sums you did above are just the starting point for your Colpitts oscillator. Lifes realities are that all things "won't go according to plan". Stray inductance and stray capacitance will play havoc with your calculations, but you're right in the "ball park" and you should understand what needs to be done to adjust frequency. Remember no inductor you wind is going to be a perfect 6.8 uH inductor for L1 in figure 2 above.

Taking output from the Colpitts oscillator

The output from the Colpitts oscillator is through output capacitor Co, this should be the smallest of values possible, consistent with continued reliable operation into the next buffer amplifier stage. That statement is true for all oscillators. Typical values for Co in a Colpitts oscillator might be 47 pF.

What are crystal oscillators?
Crystal oscillators are oscillators where the primary frequency determining element is a quartz crystal. Because of the inherent characteristics of the quartz crystal the crystal oscillator may be held to extreme accuracy of frequency stability. Temperature compensation may be applied to crystal oscillators to improve thermal stability of the crystal oscillator. Crystal oscillators are usually, fixed frequency oscillators where stability and accuracy are the primary considerations. For example it is almost impossible to design a stable and accurate LC oscillator for the upper HF and higher frequencies without resorting to some sort of crystal control. Hence the reason for crystal oscillators. The frequency of older FT-243 crystals can be moved upward by crystal grinding. I won't be discussing frequency sythesisers and direct digital synthesis (DDS) here. They are particularly interesting topics to be covered later.

A practical example of a Crystal Oscillator

This is a typical example of the type of crystal oscillators which may be used for say converters. Some points of interest on crystal oscillators in relation to figure 1.

Figure 1 - schematic of a crystal oscillator The transistor could be a general purpose type with an Ft of at least 150 Mhz for HF use. A typical example would be a 2N2222A. The turns ratio on the tuned circuit depicts an anticipated nominal load of 50 ohms. This allows a theoretical 2K5 ohms on the collector. If it is followed by a buffer amplifier (highly recommended) I would simply maintain the typical 7:1 turns ratio. I have included a formula for determining L and C in the tuned circuits of crystal oscillators in case you have forgotten earlier tutorials. Personally I would make L a reactance of around 250 ohms. In this case I'd make C a smaller trimmer in parallel with a standard fixed value.


You can use an overtone crystal for the crystal and set L * C for the odd particular multiple of overtone wanted in your crystal oscillators.


What is oscillator drift?
Oscillator drift can be related directly to frequency stability. Drift is the unwanted and unwarrented change in frequency measured over seconds, minutes or hours. Just how stable should an oscillator be? My own belief is the answer to this is a similar answer to many questions related to electronics, your oscillator or any electronic project should be as state-of-the-art as is possible, consistent with your design goals. While it is possible, given enough resources, financial and otherwise, to construct a state-of-the-art oscillator accurate to within one part in ten to the 14th power for as one example, an amateur radio transceiver, you generally couldn't justify those extreme lengths. On the other hand a similar CW (morse code) transceiver operating at 7 Mhz which drifted around 100 Hz or more every few seconds would be consider very poor and unacceptable. A cheap portable AM radio receiver which drifted plus and minus 50 Hz over seconds would not necessarily be noticeable. On the other hand if such a receiver kept drifting over time to the point it required constant retuning then it also would be totally unacceptable (reminds me, I must look into my entertainment FM receiver).

Sources of oscillator drift

Assuming quality components are used throughout the oscillator the principal cause would most likely be thermal considerations. Voltage regulation is another consideration along with mechanical stability. Before considering other possibilities of oscillator drift let's look at the causes listed here.

Thermal instability causing oscillator drift

As I said thermal considerations play a major part in oscillator drift. Consider just one example in close detail using nominal yet highly accurate figures, an oscillator designed for operation at precisely 7 Mhz. Of necessity I must use figures to ludicrous decimal places (and within the limits of my scientific calculator) to illustrate these points so please bear with me. We will assume a colpitts oscillator where both reactances, Xc and XL = 250 ohms. At precisely 7 Mhz (7,000,000 Hz) Xc = 250 ohms = 90.94568177 pF At precisely 7 Mhz (7,000,000 Hz) XL = 250 ohms = 5.68410511 uH We will assume that the capacitor is made up of a fixed 82 pF NPO capacitor with the balance (90.94568177 pF - 82 pF = 8.94568177 pF) made up by a quality air variable trimmer. For this part we will assume neither the trimmer nor the inductor vary in value. Also there are no other influences on stability and our room temperature is 25 degrees C (77 deg F). Re-read all that if necessary, it's a mouthful. 12

For our illustation we are saying the only influence on stability is our 82 pF fixed NPO capacitor when our temperature varies around 25 degrees. O.K. what's a 82 pF NPO capacitor. It's a capacitor where it's value theoretically should NOT change with varying temperature. NPO means Negative, Positive temperature co-efficient = 0 (zero). Assume in this example it is slightly defective and in fact exhibits a positive drift of 100 ppm (parts-per-million) per degree temperature variation. Now the temperature after power turn on of our oscillator rises to 28 deg C inside our enclosure. It follows with a temperature rise of 3 degrees our capacitor is going to vary positive 3 X 100 ppm. Applied to a 82 pF capacitor this results in a net variation of +0.0246 pF. This leads to a new value of 82.0246 pF added to our trimmer value we get a new overall capacitance of 90.97028177 pF which when multiplied by our fixed inductor value above leads to a new LC value of 517.0846435 and a new resonance of 6.999053473 Mhz (6999053.473 Hz). Here our frequency has already varied down by 7,000,000 Hz - 6999053.473 Hz = 946.527 Hz! Wow, 946.527 Hz! That's almost a full kilohertz. You've just gone across several CW stations and an AM receiver probably needs retuning. O.K. it's a bit extreme but certainly highlights my point. I deliberately picked the NPO capacitor for good reason. Here I quote from my Philips Capacitor data book, BC06 - 1999 Page 166 "Precision Capacitors NP0" - the temperature co-efficient is zero per degrees kelvin. HOWEVER the tolerance on that temperature co-efficient is plus / minus 30 ppm. Simply put, the tolerance alone is about 30% of the example I used above. And, remember this is stateof-the-art and high quality manufacturing. Why did I pick on the NPO precision capacitor? Because it is the one capacitor LEAST likely to cause you problems. Why did the temperature rise a modest 3 degrees? Simple, after turning the oscillator power on, current flows through all parts of the circuit, power is consumed, POWER = HEAT. A small piece of wire has finite resistance, even a small current flow must by ohms law produce heat losses.

Thermal instability of inductors

If you thought the NPO Capacitor could give problems with temperature change what about the weak link in the chain? If you use a toroid inductor, say a popular T50-2 type, what's it's temperature co-efficient? According to the Amidon Data Book the 2 type material has a temperature co-efficient of 95 ppm. Gee isn't that awfully close to the defective NPO example I gave above? What a coincidence? How about NO toroid? Go for an air wound inductor instead? Yes an improvement! BUT copper wire expands and contracts with temperature variations. Fix it to a former, say a piece of plexiglass or similar so chances of mechanical variation by temperature affects are minimised. More improvement!

Other causes of oscillator drift


Another leading cause is poor power supply regulation and often using too high a voltage can cause problems. Similarly trying to take power from the ocillator will contribute to oscillator drift. Use the best regulated (locally) and well bypassed power supply at the lowest voltage which will ensure reliable operation is a must. Mechanical stability is another consideration. Use rigid larger diameter wires for interconnections where necessary between components.

Is all lost with oscillator drift?

Certainly not! Over the years I have seen some remarkable designs for overcoming oscillator drift, then again I have spent days trying to cure the problem also. Nothing is more frustrating when working on an oscillator connected to an accurate frequency counter, and near an open window on a fine day, watching the frequency gently go up and down in perfect harmony with the prevailing breeze as the curtains wave about like synchronised swimmers to the beat of the frequency display. At times like that, great white shark wrestling, training crocodiles or playing with the local brown snakes probably seem less demanding hobbies. What do you do to cope with the problem? Follow this check list to minimise oscillator drift. Note I said "minimise" - you will never eliminate it entirely.

Suggested cures for oscillator drift

Use quality components for the application With capacitors never use one larger value. Try and use a mix of values. Here VK2TIP is going to give you a good "tip". From time to time you will probably encounter opportunities to buy surplus "quality" capacitors. Note I said "quality", avoid sales of below spec merchandise. Among those quality capacitors and, here I'm talking modern ceramic types, you will find different colour codings. Among the miniature Philips ceramic plate capacitors, as one example only, you will find the following colour code. P100 = red-violet, NP0 = black, N075 = red, N150 = orange, N220 = yellow, N330 = green When and if the opportunity arises, purchase a mix of various values of these types. Values 47 pF and below. Why? Because with time and experience, you will learn how to substitute different temperature co-efficient capacitors to compensate for oscillator drift. Capacitors to avoid are of course low tolerance ceramics (fine for coupling and bypassing though), mica and silvered mica types which are over rated by many people. Use the best inductor possible 14

An air wound inductor of larger diameter wire, firmly fixed to an inert former is probably the best. However the main problem here is that usually such an inductor assumes a large physical size which may create other problems. This was the reason for the introduction of iron powder and ferrite cores and toroids - minimise size. If size is a big consideration then use a toroid of the lowest possible temperature co-efficient consistent with the frequency range of interest. Fix the coil turns with quality "Q" dope or similar. Use the best regulated power supply at the lowest voltage possible Here I would review the various tutorials on power supplies. To minimise oscillator drift I would go for an on board regulator capable of adjustment. You don't need a high powered job, we're only talking milliamps here so something like the TO-92 version of an LM317 would do the trick. The power supply feeding this should ideally, also be well regulated, probably 12V. The trouble is these TO-92 regulators are often hard to come by so you may have to go to a fixed regulator like a 5V or, 8V type. It all depends on what is available to you. At worst you go to a zener diode. In any event experiment BUT regulate. Make sure your oscillator is "well buffered" to minimise oscillator drift Good buffering is absolutely essential to any oscillator to minimise drift. Taking power directly from an oscillator is a sure recipe for problems in many cases. The components in a buffer are relatively cheap. Mechanical stability has an effect on oscillator drift Rigid construction is of course best. Components and wiring capable of mechanical vibration are a source of problems in oscillator drift. Also a source of "microphonics". Just how rigid? Well like all things here, aim for the best but live with what you can achieve in the real world. I know amateur radio operators who regularly drop projects from a height of 300 mm (12") over a table as a "mechanical drift" test. The project usually passes! Shielding and heat sinking I've seen oscillators constructed on a base of heavy sheet brass. Why? Mechanical reasons and to conduct heat away as much as possible. Depending on your circumstances that's probably over the top but you get the idea. I would most certainly shield the "frequency determining components" with something like scrap PCB, thin copper or brass sheet. I've even then insulated it by gluing pieces of styrofoam to it. O.K. sometimes I'm too obsessive. Other solutions to oscillator drift In precision applications I've solved oscillator drift by accepting temperature variation as a fact of life and met it head on! 15

Simple, what's the highest temperature you expect to encounter? Add 10 degrees and insert a stable heater inside your shield set to that temperature. I built, in this case, a precision crystal oscillator operating at 10 Mhz which was the time base for a precision frequency counter. The precision 10 Mhz crystal and associated capacitors were inserted inside an insulated can in which I had placed an "electronic thermometer" along with a current controlled 5 watt power resistor which served as the heater element. This is called a "crystal oven". I used two LM3911 temperature controllers which I think are now obsolete. From memory the temperature was about 45 deg C (113F) but I wouldn't swear to that. Anyway it was in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation as to the "turning point" for that particular crystal and to that particular specification. The whole point is that you can solve problems, if you can seriously justify the effort, by raising and constantly maintaining the frequency determining components at a constant temperature somewhat higher than you expect to encounter. Warm up from a "cold" start can be anything from 30 minutes to several days. YES! Several days! This gives rise to another important point. Usually any oscillator will take a few minutes to temperature stabilise after turn on. If you have just been soldering components then allow at least 15 - 30 minutes before taking oscillator drift measurements. Remember to write your results down in a book after each adjustment. Marvellous what you will learn from this. Especially when swapping low value capacitors of different temperature co-efficients. Record the results comprehensively.

Summary of oscillator drift

Aim for the best you can sensibly achieve in the "real world". Don't "penny pinch" on quality components. Use multiple NPO capacitors in frequency determining areas and if necessary substitute low value capacitors of different temperature co-efficients to compensate for oscillator drift caused by temperature variations. Use an onboard regulator of no more than 9V. Aim for the best practical inductor. Temperature shield the inductor and capacitors BUT not the transistor, regulator and other heat generating devices. Try for good mechanical stability. Always use a good buffer after the oscillator. Give the oscillator time to "temperature stabilise" before taking oscillator drift measurements.



What are voltage controlled oscillators?
A voltage controlled oscillator or as more commonly known, a vco, is an oscillator where the principal variable or tuning element is a varactor diode. The voltage controlled oscillator is tuned across its band by a "clean" dc voltage applied to the varactor diode to vary the net capacitance applied to the tuned circuit.

A practical example of voltage controlled oscillators

Here I'm going to use a very practical example where one of my readers has a requirement for a voltage controlled oscillator operating at 1.8 - 2.0 Mhz (amateur radio band 160M). This is to be part of a frequency synthesiser, although a vco isn't always associated with a frequency synthesiser. The very high costs and difficulties encountered when buying quality variable capacitors today often make vco's an extremely attractive alternative. As an alternative all you need is an extremely stable BUT very clean source of dc power, a varactor diode and a high quality potentiometer - usually a 10 turn type. Please note that circuit Q tends to be somewhat degraded by using varactor diodes instead of variable capacitors. For people who are confused at this point allow me to explain. Diodes when they have a reverse voltage applied exhibit the characteristics of a capacitor. Altering the voltage alters the capacitance. Common diodes such as 1N914 and 1N4004 can be used but more commonly we use varactor diodes specifically manufactured for vco use e.g. Motorola's MVAM115, Philips BB112 and BB212. They are also sometimes called tuner diodes. The design requirements asked for were:(a) frequency coverage 1.8 - 2.0 Mhz (b) voltage controlled by a frequency synthesiser with an output level sufficient to drive the input of a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) (c) a further buffered output for a digital frequency readout. (d) another buffered out put to drive succeeding amplifier stages. Because in this example the ultimate frequency stability is determined by the reference crystal in the frequency synthesiser there can be some relaxation of stability standards. The buffered outputs will be covered under buffer amplifiers.


Figure 1 - schematic of a hartley oscillator

Varactor Diode Tuning

Here Cv the variable capacitor, could be replaced by a suitable varactor diode as a tuning diode and in actual fact our reader has on hand a Motorola MVAM115 varactor. This I think is nearly similar to my Philips BB112 diode. So we will rehash the above figure 1 to accomodate varactor diode tuning instead of using a conventional variable capacitor.

Figure 2 - schematic of a varactor tuned hartley oscillator Now I've left Ct and C1 a/b all in the circuit. In this application of a frequency synthesiser they are unlikely to be necessary. To tune from 1.8 to 2.0 Mhz which is a frequency swing of 2 / 1.8 = 1.111 which when squared means we need a capacitance ratio of 1.234 to 1 That means the ratio of minimum combined capacitance in the circuit to maximum combined capacitance in the circuit must change by 1.234 to 1. Looking back at the tutorial on oscillators I said the inductor should have a reactance of about 180 ohms. So around the frequency of interest I expect an inductor of about 15 uH to be used for L1 in Fig 2. You should be used to calculating LC numbers by now but L X C at 1.8 Mhz = 7818 and at 2 Mhz it works out about 6332. Dividing both by our 15 uH inductor we get a Cmin of 422 pF and Cmax of 520 pf. Which incidentally if you check 520 / 422 = 1.232:1 So the variation of C is 520 - 422 = 98pF swing.


For synthesisers or any voltage tuning you should have the largest voltage swing possible. This minimises the effects of noise voltage on the tuning voltage. My BB112 diode can be operated ideally from 1V to 8V. That means we can tune the 200 Khz (2.0 - 1.8) with a variation of 8 - 1 = 7 volts. It follows 7v / 200 Khz = 35 uV/Hz. If our noise level is below this then the tuning can't be varied or fm'ed by noise. At 8V my diode exhibits a capacitance of around 28 pF while at 1V the capacitance is about 500 pF.

Diodes Back-To-Back
You will note I have two diodes back-to-back in series in Fig 2. Although this in effect divides total varactor diode capacitance by two it eliminates the nasty effect of the rf present in the tank circuit driving a single diode into conduction on peaks which will increase the bias voltage, this also gives rise to harmonics. It follows that my varactor diode capacitance now swings a net approximate 14 pF up to 250 pF when the bias voltage is varied from 8 volts down to 1 volt. You can of course go below 1V for higher capacitance but I tend to be conservative and generally do not go below 1V very much. Now we have a net swing of 250 - 14 or 236 pF. You will recall above I said "the variation of C is 520 422 = 98pF swing" so how do I reduce a 236 pF swing down to a 98 pF swing? Look at capacitor C2 which is in series with both varactor diodes, does this not reduce the net capacitance?

Calculating Net Capacitance

This is a simple mathematical problem (Oh God - not again <G>). In this case we can use the formula C2 = [(Ca * Cb) / (Ca - Cb)] where Ca = existing C or in this case 236 pF and Cb = desired C or 98 pF. Now this isn't terribly accurate but you finish up in the ball park. Plugging those numbers into our sums we get C2 = [(235 * 98) / (236 - 98)] or 23030 / 137 = 168 pF. Bearing in mind with a vco and the voltage swings involved, you can get a fair bit of leeway and that each varactor diode varies greatly from predicted data of capacitance versus voltage. That means a lot of this is guesswork or suck-and-see. Technically it means it's all determined "empirically". All of that just says we will use a 180 pF capacitor for C2. Using a 180 pF capacitor for C2 and putting it in series with D1 and D2 we get at 1 volt D1 = 500 pF, D2 = 500 pF and C2 = 180 pF. Net result = 1 / [(1 / 500) + (1 / 500) + (1 / 180)] which is about 105 pf. Similarly at 8 volts we get D1 = 28 pF, D2 = 28 pF and C2 = 180 pF. Net result = 1 /[(1 / 28) + (1 / 28) + (1 / 180)] which is about 13 pf. It follows the swing now becomes 13 pf to 105 pF or a net 92 pF which is near enough for this exercise. I had said very much earlier "by using our 15 uH inductor we get a Cmin of 422 pF and Cmax of 520 pf. Which incidentally if you check 520 / 422 = 1.232:1 So the variation of C is 520 - 422 = 98pF swing". How do we get near this requirement? If we need Cmax of 520 pF and our series connection gives us 105 pF we need an extra 520 - 105 = 415 pF. On the other hand Cmin required is 422 pF and the series connection provides 13 pf we need 422 13 = 409 pF. It can be seen if we allow a trimmer of say 25 pF for Ct, which is the suggested trimmer in 19

figure 2 - (that is Ct can varied from say 5 to 25 pF) - and we allow the combination C1 a/b to be a total of around 390 pF we have obviously achieved our goal. Is this not cool? For our inductor L1 I would use a toroid although if you have access to a variable inductor you could use it. An air cored inductor most likely would be too large to consider. Suitable toroids of the Amidon / Micrometals type would at 2 Mhz be the T50-2 type which would require about 55 turns of #26 wire or even the T68-2 type requiring about 51 turns of #24 wire. Both gauges mentioned are those which will conveniently fit around the core. No matter your frequency range of interest the basic principles outlined above will more or less still apply.

Tuning Diode Voltage

For a frequency synthesiser the tuning voltage is derived from the low pass filter of the PLL and you don't need to worry about it. On the other hand when you have an application of replacing a variable capacitor and manually tuning with say a ten turn potentiometer you need to be very careful about the "quality" of the voltage. It MUST be clean! Below in Figure 3 is a suggested schematic for deriving suitable tuning voltages.

Figure 3 - schematic of deriving varactor diode tuning voltage The 10K pot is your 5 or 10 turn "quality" potentiometer for tuning, the upper and lower trim pots (set and forget) allow you to adjust the voltage range of your choice that your tuning potentiometer will see. Again use "quality" trimpots. The 100K resistor and the two 0.1 uF capacitors are further filtering. Obviously there is considerable interaction between the trimpots and potentiometer so expect a lot of juggling back and forth. If you wished, in some applications, both trimpots could be replaced by fixed resistors. It is simply a matter of using ohms law.


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