This weekly newsletter from Mrs. Yasmine and Ms. Reem provides an overview of the lessons and activities for the week. The classroom will be focusing on transportation systems through reading books and exploring different forms of transportation. Show and tell on Thursday should feature items related to transportation or starting with the letter T. The unit of inquiry will look at how systems help people live and learn together, focusing on being thinkers and communicators. Library day is scheduled for Thursday and students should return any books before then.
This weekly newsletter from Mrs. Yasmine and Ms. Reem provides an overview of the lessons and activities for the week. The classroom will be focusing on transportation systems through reading books and exploring different forms of transportation. Show and tell on Thursday should feature items related to transportation or starting with the letter T. The unit of inquiry will look at how systems help people live and learn together, focusing on being thinkers and communicators. Library day is scheduled for Thursday and students should return any books before then.
This weekly newsletter from Mrs. Yasmine and Ms. Reem provides an overview of the lessons and activities for the week. The classroom will be focusing on transportation systems through reading books and exploring different forms of transportation. Show and tell on Thursday should feature items related to transportation or starting with the letter T. The unit of inquiry will look at how systems help people live and learn together, focusing on being thinkers and communicators. Library day is scheduled for Thursday and students should return any books before then.
This weekly newsletter from Mrs. Yasmine and Ms. Reem provides an overview of the lessons and activities for the week. The classroom will be focusing on transportation systems through reading books and exploring different forms of transportation. Show and tell on Thursday should feature items related to transportation or starting with the letter T. The unit of inquiry will look at how systems help people live and learn together, focusing on being thinkers and communicators. Library day is scheduled for Thursday and students should return any books before then.
Home Connection: : Please read daily with your child .
. Help your child practice writing his/her name in Capital
letters. Take pictures around the house that show a system and send with your child to share in class ( book- shelf, toy box, kitchen table, etc) Be creative! Thank you for all your support and hard work with the children :) Please visit the School Blog for up- dates :
W eekly N ew sletter October 12, 2014 Mrs.Yasmine & Ms. Reem Literacy Inquiry: - We are reading some great books: How will it get there?, Transportation in many cultures, My first highlight book of transportation and On the Go. - We are relating stories to his/her (our childrens) own life experience. - Activities include: discovering different forms of transportation, exploring with the formation of the letter T, name games, and many more fun activities. Dear Parents, Hope everyone had a wonderful and restful EID vacation filled with exciting experiences. I cannot wait to hear from our little ones about their fun experiences during their week off. Below are some of the things we will be doing this week. Lets have fun learning :) Unit of Inquiry: -Learner Profile: Thinker, Communicator How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Systems help us live and learn together. -Activities include : reading books about being Thinkers and Communicators and introducing Kelsos nine choices for appropriate behavior. Show and Tell: Thursday please bring a form of transportation and/or things starting with letter T for sharing. STAR OF THE WEEK Jad El-Sabbagh This week we will be learning about Transportation Systems. Library is Day 2 October 16th Please make sure to return the Library books before that day! :) Math Inquiry: -We will continue reviewing an understanding of patterns. -We will continue practicing independent counting and one to one correspondence. -Activities include: sorting and re-sorting collections, creating and extending patterns with varied ma- terials and many more fun activities.